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Prof Ed

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1. The Department of Education gives greater emphasis on the development of basic skills.
What is the philosophical basis for this?
a. Existentialism
b. Pragmatism
c. Essentialism
d. Perennialism
2. In order to make Roman education truly utilitarian, how should the day-to-day lessons be
a. Taught in the student’s native dialect
b. Taught interestingly through the play way method
c. Practiced at home under the guidance of their respective parents
d. Related and linked to the events happening in everyday life
3. Scouting and Citizen’s Army Training (CAT) give training in character-building,
citizenship training, etc. which leads to the creation of a new social order and a new
society eventually. What philosophy supports this?
a. Existentialism
b. Perennialism
c. Progressivism
d. Social reconstructionism
4. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that
experience study should follow learning in her teaching. Which of the following des she
do to support her belief?
a. Encouraging learners to memorize factual knowledge
b. Equipping learners with the basic abilities and skills
c. Providing learners opportunities to apply theories and principles
d. Requiring learners full master of the lesson
5. What concept can best describes Rose Ann’s ability to walk without a support at age of
12 months because of the “internal ripening” that occurred in his muscles, bones and
nervous system development?
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation
6. Mr. Gales was very much worried about the thumb sucking of his son. A friend of him
says that certain behavior among infants. Who presented that notion that certain behavior
like thumb-sucking is normal behavior?
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Erick Ericson
c. John Bowlly
d. Uri Bronfenbenner
7. Mary Joy develops an integral and coherent sense of self. She seeks answer to the
question: “Who am I”? Which of the following is Mary Joy likely to develop
a. Initiative
b. Identity and Role Confusion
c. Intimacy
d. Autonomy
8. Ms. Autor uses images and language to represent and understand her various lessons to
preschool learners. What stage in the cognitive theory of development explains this?
a. Sensorimotor
b. Concrete operation
c. Preoperational
d. Formal operation
9. What is the correct sequence of prenatal stages of development?
a. Embryo, germinal, fetus
b. Germinal, fetus, embryo
c. Germinal, embryo, fetus
d. Embryo, fetus, germinal
10. To remember the six digits, 8, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, the Math teacher grouped the numbers in
two’s 84, 39, 45 or in threes 843, 945. What control process of retaining information is
referred to?
a. Chunking
b. Interfering
c. Rehearsing
d. Remembering
11. Ms. Mante would always give the chapter test on a Friday. What schedule of
reinforcement is used by Ms. Mante?
a. Variable interval
b. Fixed ration
c. Fixed interval
d. Variable ratio
12. Angileca excels in dancing and in certain sports. According to gArdner what intelligence
is dominant in Angelica?
a. Bodily kinesthetic
b. Intrapersonal
c. Musical
d. Spatial
13. According to Bronfenbrenner, what system contains structures that has direct contact
with the child?
a. Chronosystem
b. Exosystem
c. Mesosystem
d. Microsystem
14. Charmaine is bilingual. She speaks both English and Filipino fluently. She begins to
study Spanish and immediately recognizes many similarities between the Spanish and
Filipino languages and uses this information to acquire the new language faster. What
kind of transfer was Grace able to use?
a. Lateral transfer
b. General transfer
c. Specific transfer
d. Vertical transfer
15. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Gales gave a short quiz to find out how well
students have understood the lesson. What type of assessment was done?
a. Summative Assessment
b. Formative Assessment
c. Diagnostic Assessment
d. Placement Assessment
16. Who among the teachers below performed a diagnostic assessment?
a. Ms. Temblor who asked questions when the discussion was going on to know
who among her students understood what she was trying to emphasize.
b. Mr. Uy who gave a short quiz after discussing thoroughly the lesson to determine
the programs of learning.
c. Ms. Orevillo who gave a 10-item test to find out the specific lessons which the
students failed to understand.
d. Ms. Gales who administered a readinesss test to the incoming grade one pupils.
17. You are assessing for learning. Which of these will you likely do?
a. Giving grades to students
b. Reporting to parents the performance of their child
c. Recommending a new policies in grading students
d. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of students.
18. On which type of assessment are grades based?
a. Diagnostic assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Summative assessment
d. Formative and summative assessment
19. Assessment should be on real-world application and not out-of-context drills. To apply
this principle, what should Teacher Thonie do?
a. Gives a 20-point quiz asking students to determine whether or not the sound of
“a” is long or short.
b. Gives a 10-item quiz on adding dissimilar fractions which is the weakness of
c. Assesses students’ English oral communication skills in a graduation
program simulation where each student has speaking assignment.
d. Gives students a matching type of test on vocabulary.
20. Teacher Rose rated her students in terms of appropriate and effective use of some
laboratory equipment and measurement tools and the students ability to follow the
specified procedures. What mode of assessment should Teacher Rose use?
a. Portfolio Assessment
b. Journal Assessment
c. Traditional Assessment
d. Performance-based Assessment
21. Which type of test measures student’s thinking, organizing and written communication
a. Extemporaneous speech
b. Essay
c. Completion type
d. Short answer
22. A school personnel can avail of free legal service under certain circumstances. Principal
Edcel was accused of maligning his neighbor. Is Principal Edcel entitled to the said
a. Yes, he should defend herself.
b. No, if funds are not available.
c. No, it might bring some disagreements in school.
d. No, the case is not related to her professional duties.
23. For what response is continuing professional education or CPE installed for every
professional teacher?
a. Past ideas and practices
b. Monitoring of educational programs
c. New trends and reforms
d. Review of academic achievement
24. Mary Joy was walking by the road to buy vinegar. suddenly, a black snake bit his right
foot and left him very terrified for the rest of the day. since that incident, he has held
immense fear towards all snakes. what concept is best illustrated in this scenario?
a. Stimulating stimulus
b. Stimulus discrimination
c. Stimulus generalization
d. Associative learning
25. Which of the following is one of the best practices in using learning resources for
indigenous learners?
a. Highlighted English language in primary years
b. Observed cultural sensitivity and protocols
c. Violated indigenous community property rights.
d. Dismissed indigenous artifacts and other cultural resources
26. “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.” This means that
pupils learn best when they _____.
a. Learn independently
b. Watch television
c. Work with groups
d. Take active part in the learning process
27. When working inside a computer laboratory, all of the choices except one is allowed.
Which one is allowed?
a. Foods and drinks should be handy on the computer table.
b. One external electrical outlet should have 5 computers connected.
c. Fire extinguishers should be made available.
d. Computer desk should be near each other to allow sharing information.
28. Who of the following persons below cannot be considered as an action researcher?
a. Mrs. Orevillo, who wants to understand more about teaching and learning.
b. Mrs. Mante, who desires to develop teaching skills and knowledge.
c. Mr. Gales who aspires to take action to improve student learning.
d. Ms. Temblor who aims to rediscover a theory to support and validate his
research findings.
29. Which Philippine Law recognizes the need for inclusiveness of education, and stipulates
the implementation of programs aiming to address the needs of all learners?
a. Kindergarten Education Act
b. 4Ps
c. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education
d. Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013
30. Sir Edcel provided opportunities to his pupils to work collaboratively, group them to
complete a particular task. What is this strategy called?
a. Jigsawing
b. Vocabulary Building
c. Scaffolding
d. Discrimination Activities

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