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Wood Magazine No 68

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Incredible New

Power Tool
Hand Sanding
,. ThiS is me laking a break and read-
Ing a recent issue of WOOD magazine.
Some wood carvings, don't you thJnk?

With the NEW Fein 'Triangle"

Sander. dme consuming, sore
finger, bloody knuckle sandM
Ing Is a thing of the past.
Imagine using a power tool to
sand all those areas where before, you
had to fold up a piece of paper and
"finger sand."
You know all those difficult
to sand areas; inside & outside edges,
• WOOD magazine reader Jeff Ward closed comers, coves, spots, glue
gives us the thumbs-up sign as he marks, seams, moldings, inbicate pro-
stands beside his trophy halibut In
Homer, Alaska.
files and so on. With the Fein
''Triangle" Sander you can sand
here I sat this past June, Rhode Island. Like us, he had trav- right up to. into, and along edges

T between two life-sized

wood carvings on the
boardwalk in Homer, Alaska, read-
eled to Homer to fish for some
jumbo halibut.
On the day Jeff and I met, he had
& comers without dulling the
edge or altering the profile.
Unlike ordinary. sanders, the
ing a recent issue of WOOD maga- just returned from a charter-boat FEIN "Triangle" Sander doesn't ro-
zine. You can imagine my surprise trip during which he caught a tate, rather it "oscillates" (a side to
when a young guy with a green Ill-pounder. That's Jeff and his side movement) at a blurring 20,000
stocking cap and a yellow rain tasty trophy above left. times a minute. This unique action
jacket approached from a distance When he's not fishing, Jeff does combined with the distinct biangular
and said, "You've got to be from restoration carpentry around
WOOD magazine! This looks like Narragansett. He also told me that sanding pad, keeps the sander from
something you guys would do." he and his wife Monica had just running away from, or bouncing off of
What he was referring to was me finished building a new house. the edge line.
posing for the photo above right. So what's the moral of this fish The sanding pad can be ro-
J could hardly believe it. Here I story? No matter where a WOOD tated, bent, formed, or cut down to
was 2,500 miles from home on a magaZine team member wanders any size you want for sanding mold-
fishing trip with Kenn Spahr (my off to, he'd better be on his best ings and channels.
best buddy) and Bill Krier, WOOD behaVior. You just never know It's easy to get more informa-
magazine's Tools/Techniques when you'll mn across one of our tion on our complete line of high
Editor. Just think of the odds 650,000 readers.• performance sanders, simply call:
against meeting one of our read-
ers in this remote spot.
The guy turned out to be Jeff 1-800-441·9878
Ward, a reader from Narragansett,
Fein Power Tools Inc.
Photographs: Bill Krier
PIttsburgh, PA
WOOD MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1994 Fax (412)331-3599
Improve the
Looks and
value of your
home with:
• Kitchen cabinet
Inserts FEBRUARY 1994 ISSUE NO. 68
• Tlff,lny
Waste-wood wonders .
You'll never again throwaway your wood
Make Your Own Custom Stained Glass... scraps once )'OU see what Massachusetts
The pertect way to get started in stained
woodturner AI Fr.lncendese does with his.
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basics: SCoring, breaking, foiling, and sol-
dering. Filled with clear and simple instruc-
tions, hints, close-ups, and examples to
help you craft your own stained glass win·
dows, lamps, and more. VHS only.
#6149VW...$10.95 + $3.00 shippinglhand.
A $10'OS ...... Is 8Pplled to your
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Here's how to make accurate
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BOopIg. color CItIIog. Learn the lried-and-tme ways to mark, drill, glue, and clamp work-
To Order - Call Toll Free: 1·800-248-2048 pieces using this popular method of joinery.
2116 E. Michtllln Awe.
ullllng, MI 48912 Masterpiece in pine
Looking for a handsome country entertainment center? Or, how
about a wardrobe for your bedroom? This stylish cabinet lets you
go in either direction, depending on your needs.

THE Harvesting hardwoods 38

WOODTURNERS south of the border"......."""
Don't miss this first-hand account from
wood importer Mitch Talcove of how
CATALOG Mexico manages its supply of exotic
hardwoods through sustained yield.
Craft Supplies
USA offers
woodtumers the
finest selection
of woodtuming
Run rings around plain bowls ..
lools and acces- Add excitement to your next turned bowl with an eye-catching
sories anywhere.
inlaid ring. We'll show you how.

Simple strategies to save your shop from fire........
• HENRY TAYLOR TOOLS Keep your shop from going up in smoke with the inexpensive,
• RICHARD RAFFAN TOOLS common-sense advice found here.
Finishing center .
PENCIL, FOUNTAIN AND Improve your shop (and the way you finish wood
We offer the best quality,
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Send $2.00 for our 52 page color eatalog. small items and hanging them out to dry.
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11)ls Issue's coller wood gr-alll: Bln:h

Cupid's mystery valentine .
Amaze your carving buddies with this intriguing arrow-pierced
heart. How did the arrow get through there? Find out inside.

Wetlands visitors
Scrollsaw and paint a beautiful wildlife
52 Sand pieces
as wide as 44',
scene using inexpensive resawn pine. OUf as short as 2 1/4"
and as thick as 4".
story includes aU of the full-sized paltems. Clean-up glued panels.
Surface rough-sawn lumber.
Dimension highly-figured stock.
Finish sand the thinnest veneers.
~~r:~:i~F.~:.~.~~~.~~.~.~~~~~~ 58 A PAO·MAX iii Will Exceed Your
Create some special effects with today's new, colorful, pickling gels. Expectations. See a demonstration at
Our step-by-step instmctions show you how. the dealer nearest you. Call for brochures
on our complete line of drum sanders.
Transferring patterns .
60 1·800·334·4910 or (612) 895·9922
or wnte PI fa URJ\IA>'I'ROl)(J( IS WD02
Apply woodworking patterns quickly and easily to project parts 12211 Woodlake Dr. Burnsville MN 55337
using these helpful hims.

Animals with altitude .
Have fun with your bandsaw by cutting ou( this delightful long-
legged trio of giraffe figures.

Aspen.leaf treasure chest 64

Store watches, rings, tie tacks, and other jewelry items in our capti-
vating camel-backed box. [t looks great on a dresser.
$300 to $700 tablesaws .
Check out the latest in mid-priced table- This charming Bessy is a big h~ with cow fanders
saws as we review eight models and com- whether she's guarding the Iront door or keeping an
eye on things under the Christmas tree. If nudged,
pare their features and performance. Yes, the 'moo' alarm will sound! Panems include a
we do have a winner. removable Santa hat (not shown). All patterns
drawn FULL SIZE. Easy to make from 314 and 1-
112 inch slock. Measures 16·1/2' high x 19·1ong.
1W1216 "Watch Dog» Bessy Plan......$7.99/SET

"Watch Dog" Bessy Hardware Parts

This hardware package conlains awMe porn porn,
rope, tum buUons, cow·mooer, black nostrils. Bessy
SHORT-SUBJECT FEATURES eyes, 1·112" wood lellers, and screws. Project plan,
painl and remaining wood are not Included.
Editor's Angle 1 Products That Perform 76
'1305 Bessy Hardware Parts $6.99/PKG
Talking Back 6 Finish Line 80
Tips From Your Shop l0 Picky About Plne 82 HOW TO ORDER: List quan1lty,part
number, Item, price & 101al 01 order. Include
Wood Anecdote 20 Ask WOOD 88 $3.50 delivery charges per order. MN residents
Great Ideas For Your Shop..74 Finishing Touches .: 96 acid 6.5% sales tax. Mail check or money order.
Credit card customers call
TOLL FAEE 1-800-441·9870.
Better Homes and GardenS&
february 1994 • Vol. 11, NO.2' Issue No. liB
fdlloriaVAri Stall
Managing Ed~or JIM HARROLD
Ar1 Direc10r C. L. GATZKE
Design Editor JAMES R. DOWNING
senior EditorlFeatures PETER J. STEPHANO
senior EditorlHow·To MARLfM KEMMer
Assisla!11 Managing E(lijor/l'roou<:ts BilL KRIER
Spel;ial·lnlereSt Editor LARRY JOHNSTON
• Increase your working area General·lnteresl Editor TOM JACKSON
Associate Art Director PERRY A. McFARLIN
• Store machines when not in use Graphic Oesigner CHERYL A. Cl8ULA
• Hundreds of models available Project BuliderlDesign Editor JAMES E. BOELLING
Productlon!Oflice Manager DARLENE REYNOLDS
• Precision welded steel construction AdminlstraUve Assistant MARGARET CLQSNER
• Three 2·' /2" wheels for stability COffespondente Wrrter DON MOSTROM
Art Business Qtlice Secretary NATALIE DeVORE
• Duol wheel locks provide
Technicallllustrator KIM DOWNING. Product Testing
positive positioning GEORGE GRAItSrnt, 808 MtFARLlN, OAVE HENOERSON.
• lifetime warranty ~ CaW1g IWUfYREFSAL PrcjedsCHUCKHEDLUNO.
Coli for .. I,.. ,01010S ..~ Publisher WILLIAM R. REED

FREE COLOR CATALOGVE HTC Products, Inc. SalesIMarketing Represenlafive JON BOOK

.dda-d)f.,J~~ 120 E. Hudson' P.O.Box 839 Direct Response Marketing GRACE CHUNG·MUI, BRENDEN
Royal Oak, Michigon .:18068·0839 OEtANEY, VICTORIA PELCYGER
974 FOREST DRIVE· DEPT. M·2S Marketing/AdvertiSing serviCeS Manager SIGRID ANDERSON
n:I.J1.PIlONE 615·587·29<12 PAX 61S-S86-2188 18001 624·2027 Promotion Supervisor RICK PALLlSTER
Marketing/AdvertiSing Services Supervisor PAT HENDERSHOTT
Administrati'le Assistant KATHY GARLAND
senior ProdllCt Marl39l!r MARJORIE L. WILLIAMS
50309. Phone 5151284·3785
Come to the source ..• COUNTRY ACCENTS0
BlISiness Manager JANET NELSON
as featured in many national magazines. Circulation Mana~r ALAN 8RUSH
Quol~y har.dcrafted andNosonably priced panels available In 16 dilfemll melll!5 Includ- Production andTechoology OirectOf ROBERT C. FURSTENAU
ing <:opper and brass. 100$ d dflignl rudy to inSl..n in a "'Ide vartery 01 $1m
""'nels haw a varltty 01 uses: Cllairman of Executive Committee E. T. MEREDITH iii
• C.binets • Jellll copboaJds • HoosIers
• Hutclles • Pie or food U1fes • Ic. boxI's President and Chief Executive Officer JACK O. REHM
• and MORE! MalJ3zine Group President WILLIAM T. KERR
Custom ,Ie 4nd f1~Jign G'p«lok~. V.P., Publishing Director CHRISTOPHER M. LEHMAN
V.P.. Circulation IlAL ORINGER
Our a1tr1SIUf II"" 0/ Do-lt·YouTK/!.uppllfS 1rn;luk ~ 20 tfPtS oj puneh.s Gnd Beller lfome$ aud Gardeus(!) WOOD(!I (lSSN.
mtlGl ehi8N. !IIonk _tGl .too;k "nd pdlt~"'" }o1lh homt crofttr. 0743·894X) Is published nine times a year in
January. Febnoary, April, June, At<gust, September.
Send IQ(\.)y for 70 + P<'!lil C<1~ plus WI 01 mtt.ll So)mple Sl'la1Ches . $15.95 OR C<1IolIog Octoll-cr. No'·ember. and Decemll-cr b)' Meredith
on~· $5.00, For ~hlrlg In p1trced melal.. Sinct 1979. Corporation, 1716 Locust St., Des Moines. II. 50309-
3023. Second-class postage paid at D<:s Molncs,
COUNTRY ACCENTS,- P.O. Bo~ 437, Dtpt. WD-94/2,MonloursviUe, PA 17754 Iowa, and at additional nulling Offices. Better
(717)4784JZ1 M·f 9-4 ET· MaslerCanfll5.4l1«£fJ1ed Homes and Gardens trademarl< registered in canada
and Australia. Marca Registrada en M~xico. ONE·
sessions $22; Canada. $34; other countries, 43.
POSTMASTI!R: Send address changes to WOOD
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change of address It IS best for you to directly oon·
tact your local Postmaster who thell will notify us.
Clleny _ ..,.
HldIoiy·POCM ..,. Sol&ct 1.80 J:.:::.::: _ $59.oo For any other service on your subscription. please
Band Saw write WOOD CuStomer Service, P.O. Box ~~O~O,
Mlllagany(Gar.ui ) ....,.
Maple (Soh) _
I -' ~pecial Sale Boulder. CO 80322·~O~O (endose a recent label
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Wl/nul _
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$1399 AL MAlUNG ADDRESS, WOOD Magazine. 1912
WhIle Oak ..,. SeIecI 2.20 $ 67.00 Grand Ave., Des Moines. lA 50309-3379.
Cedlll'{AromatIcRed) ...,. le.Ill,. 1.55 $Sol.oo Reg. $1590 PRINTED IN U.S.A.
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A Few Reasons Why
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Wood"magazine rates the RBI Hawk Precision Scroll
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Patented Quick Change Blade
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fastest and easiest Saws, you'll create the woodworking Saw Technology.
positioning of saw projects you've always dreamed RBI Hawks are
blades !.here is. of building. designed and
Patented Rear Cam-Over - Edges Cut So Smooth They manufactured in the
quick and casy Require No Sanding. United States for the
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An RBI exclu- Imagine creating and demanding hobbyist. After all,
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Patented Hold Down Foot- painting cutouts as the tools you use.
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What Size Saw Is Best For You?
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make inside cuts
quick and easy.
Extra Large Cast Aluminum
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We make three sizes of variable
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Call 1-800-487-2623 To Order
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Flex Bellows - keeps work area
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Precision Crafted Steel Base & JG.Day Mooq 8al:k Guanmteot The American Tool Manufacturer
Legs - for smooth, vibralion free 3-Ym-Wan'llllly t801 Vine St.· PO Box 369
operation. Harrisonville, MO 64701 0103
we welcome conunents, criticisms, sugges· Norway lives!
tions, and even compliments. Send your We want to make a correction to the
correspondence· to: Talking Back, Better map we printed in "Pinishing
Homes and Gardens!!> WOOD!!> Magazine, Touches in the October 1993

1912 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA 50309·3379 issue. Norway still exists as an
independent country, and has
Contrast gives character to table not been rejoined with Sweden
I assembled my tabletop for the as our map erroneously indicat-
uElegant-Oak Dining Table" (see ed. We apologize to all our read-
photo) from the February 1993 ers, espeCially those of you of
issue from boards randomly Norwegian descent, and say "lkke saar (not soO
selected for grain and width.
This gives the finished piece a Stretch that desk!
lot of contrast in the top, and I am planning to build the "Down-To-Business Oak
allows me to use the occasional Desk" from the August 1993 issue. However, l want
Ucharacter board." to add a second set of drawers to the right side of
-Nites L. Perro"e, Plymordb, Wis. the desk. Can I expand this design without adding
bracing to support the extra length?
You're right, Niles. The random assembly of wood -Dcm Glib, SUII Gllbriel, Calif.
in the tabletop wat display more contrast in figure
than will matching the grain at the glue joint. Expanding the desk by the width of another set of
However, glUing together different types of grain drawers, Don, will not require additionai bracing if
increases the chance for glue-joint failure. Be the width of the leg opening is not changed. The
aware oj this potential when you choose to edge- framework of the second drawer unit wat support
join panelsfor grain contrast. the addttionallength of the desk.
Continued on page 8

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Columbus BumsvUle (Minnesota) 2'80' Im,trial Blvd.
Denver Soo DIogo Rogers, MN 55374


JNe've put together a great pack~ for you: Duttop-ol-tbe -line 10' 1fiI>p/1IfI· Th. ProcJ6e Lllt211· Yoo h... lo Iry il. Thisblade, !Iui@ll •
industrial lipping, crosscutting and Qaneral pufPC$e bIaQ(I6 at a great Freud blades, is laser cut lor astiffer plale andwhiSper-quiel operation.
price, These three blades will handle 811 01 yOU( workshop.needs. In The rigid blade body aOOrazor ¢arp nat lop carbide teeth will give you
addition, you will receive aFREE Freud T·shirt. (Made 1ft~e USA, 100% acut wttti glue line accuracy -even on the thickest materials. The blade
cotton). Plus, you get a free COPY 01 OUt new sawbIade catalog, packed E precision balanced and features our AJrti.kickback Design -lh9 salest
with new prodUCIS and technical information, This package is a in the industry.
woodworker's dream. It makes a gteat gift, tool Gett",
Purpose· The Versstllt LU8411- If the job calls for different
What.bout thfIbIsdu? cuts on avariety of materials, the Freud general purpose blade is the way
Crosscut·1IHIFl&ulousLU85II·Reoomm.ndodbyWood'Magazine. to gel the job done. It'll tip 414 oak and crosscut 3/4" plywood, no sweat.
Cutswood sosmooth, yoowon1 even think about This blade is aclever balance between the large gullet and Rat Top tooth
sanding the endgrain. And there's aTeflon coal· ® needed for ripping, with the AlB tooth for cross-
ing on the blade body to prevent binding. The cutting. You're sure toappreciate the extradeep
teeth? Justwhatyou'dexpect. They're ground to gullellorchip removal andour own special Anti-
an aggressive Alternate Top Bevel and then each kickback Design thai Nmils the tooth's Me 10
carbide tooth is polished to a mirTOf finish. pleven1 overfeeding. II's the ideal blade lor the
radial arm saw because it dramaticaJly reduces
Pr8cheIY wIud JIIlI ...... Ihe chance of dim~ng.
Ask your nearest partic:ipatingdealer Ior'freud's
High Point, NC 27264 New Blade Pack", Once you try these Freud
IlIatie pad\aglI nl.ISl be fUChased from par1IC:lpatIng
~ belween ~ 1,1993800 Mard'131, 1994. 910·434·317' • 800·472·7307 blades,You wi" accept no substitutes.
Conlfnuedfrom page 6
Unubear"able measurements A cooper's sun plane
When fact checking the dimensions for the The ·Yesterday's Tools· article about barrelmaking
"Teddy Bear Chair- for the December 1993 issue, planes in the October 1993 issue neglected to men·
we accidentally and erronously raised the location tion that a sun plane was needed to level the tops
and dimensions for the seat and armrests. This of the assembled staves
resulted in several wrong dimensions on different prior to using the howel
drawings. If you plan on building the chair, please and the croze. The sun
write us first at The Teddy Bear Chair, WOOD '--Barrel plane was a curved plane
Magazine, 1912 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, lA (Top View) with a flat blade set slightly
50309-3379. (Foreign readers please include an askew, and was used with
international reply coupon.) We'll send you a copy or without a fence.
of the revised drawings. We sincerely apologize ---Cary W. Heal, Bar Hills, Maine
for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Plan needs a board stretcher

In the Great Ideas For Your Shop "Fold-Out Work
Supports" from the September 1993 issue, the legs
of the work support will overlap when folded
with the measurements shown. If my math is cor-
rect, the back piece should be 75" long or the side
pieces 35~" long to allow the legs to fold in flat.
- WaY"e C. MuW,., Lilfayette, Ind.
Blade is angled to
Yes, Wayne, your math ;s correct. We suggest you shear off end grain
cut the side pieces 35 v..- long.

The Artisan Line machines incorp- a versatile fence with positive stops
orate exclusive features that set them at::!: 4S and 90 degrees on the jointer;
apart - industrial ball bearing blade and a cast iron tilting table with built-in
guides on the band saw; a heavy duty dust collection hookup on the oscillating
heavy duty Vega rip fence with micro- sander. Powennatic provides many
adjust on the table saw; noor sweeping superior features and they are yours
capability for the powerful dust collector; at very affordable pricesl

Call 1-800-248-0144 for your local authorized Powermatic distributor.

=~ Ecan-Abrasives

Clearance plate poses safety concerns Standard Abrasive Sheets ABRASIVE BELTS
Shopn submission on 5O/pk 1OO/pk lX30 3X24 $ .84ea
the zero clearance 600 $15.00 $27.OOC 1X42 7 .87ea
plate for a portable 800 14.00 2S.OOC 1X44 4 .96ea
100 thru 150C 13.00 23.OOC 2112 .9gea
saw in the September
1993 issue poses a 80A $1000 $1700c 3X21 3.14ea
safety hazard. This 100thru 280A 9:00 1S:00c 3X233/4 21/4X80 2.94ea
plate prevents the
guard from covering
100 thru 400A $11.00 $19.00C HEAVY DLITY SPRI~G CLAM~
the blade. Like" many
other woodworkers, I
am used to setting my
• ,
C = 100 SHEETS
Velcr~ Vacuum Discs
lamps come w/PVC tIpS and gnps.
Si:I:e Price
4' $1.75 ea
circular saw down 8 Hole altern for Bosch sanders 6' 2.25
after completing a cut Dia. Grit prIce. 8' 3.50
with the expectation 5' 60 $ .480e ;\ JUMBO ROUTER PAO(?4' x 36'1
that the guard will Zero clearance 5' 80
.46 :.',,>0
, '.',-
automatically move
lor saw blade al
5' 100 thru 320 .45 "-jto slip out underrouterorsanding
applications. ROUTER PAD
back into place. The
clearance plate as illustrated in the shop tip pre- *Wide Belts*Rolls*Flap Wheelsr~:::c:::-=::-::~O~N~L~Y':-$8~.95e~='.=:1
vents this, creating a dangerous situation to anyone *PumpSleeves*PSA Discs IUMBOBELTCLEANtNGSTICK
*Router & Wood Bits*Wood Glue ONLY $8.80
using the saw.
I modified the hardboard insen plate I put on my *MastarCard, VISA, C.O.D. or Cheek
saw by cutting an opening that would allow the *CALL FOR FREE CATALOG p. O. Box 6865021
guard to return to the closed position. The front of • TX & NV add appropriate sales tax =~ Plano. TX 75086
the saw does the cutting, so this rear notch does • Continental U. S. shipping add $5.50 _ -, (214)377.9779
not affect the the performance of the clearance
plate. The guard works beautifully and I'm more
comfortable with my saw.
- Harold Schret'ler, Averf/t Purk, N.Y.

Negative can be good

I recently received your September 1993 issue and
have a comment about the Talking Back letter head-
lined ~Fumace Fan Helps Bad Air." I installed a similar 7·pc Forslner Bil Sel
system in my house, but I did it differently. My work- Used for flat bonom holes. boring
shop was not a sealed room, and dust used to get out through knots. making pockSI holes
and partial arcs. Seven most used
under the door and through cracks in the ceiling.
Part No. C3187 sizes: Y,". *',I'l". '1\'. ¥.', ,,,', and 1".
I installed a fan in the outside wall of my work-
ONLy S2495 All shanks are W. Preclsion ground for
shop, with the filter on the inlet side of the fan. REG. '29" smooth. vibralion·fre<l operation,
The exhaust blows the air out of the workshop. 1
did this to create a slightly negative pressure in the
room rather than a positive one as in the article.
This allows clean air 16.pc Forslner Bil Sel
FiRered air
to enter the room This quality set includes 16 bits:
through the cracks yo', ~", 'h', %", Yo', '.4",1',1';1',
instead of pushing 1Y.', Hil', 1'h", 1%", 10/,", 1'Ji1',
Air filter
dusty air out into 2', and 2';1". Approximately 3'h'
Dusty air the house. long. You can drill pocket, par·
from shop
-Danlet Gilbert, tial arc, and tlat bottom holes. Part No. C3188
Rossmoor, Catif. Drill through wood at virtually ONLY $7995
any angle. All shanks are "Ii'. REG. '89"
Thanks, Dan. We
Airlrom ~ received letters from
several of our read-
the shop FREE
ers making the ON ORDERS
same suggestion.. Oval 1100"


1-8GO-23S.Q272 OXT.'.
FAX 1-800-392-5077

This knife sheath

EARN CASH, sticks to the job --
When you're not carving with
them, you should cover your
knife blades to protect against
Do you have a great snop tip (or
two) you'd like to share with
other WOODlP magazine readers?
nicks and damage-both to the
blades and to your hands. You
can't always find a sheath that
will stay on the blade, though.
For each published submission,
you will get at least $40 from TIP: Build a scrapwood blade
WOOD magazine (as much as cover with a magnet to keep it in For his lip, Leonard receives a set of
six Swiss woodcarving 100)S, shown
$200 if we devote a page or more place. Trace around the blade on abol'e, from Woodcraft Supply,
of space elsewhere in the maga· one piece of scrapwood about ~" Parkersburg, W. Va.
zinc to your idea). You also may thick. Carve out the marked area
earn a woodworking tool if we to accommodate the blade. Draw
select your idea as the Top Shop another line parallel to the blade Magnet holds the cover ~
Tip for the issue. outline, and about %" from it. on the knife blade "
We try not to usc shop tips that
have appeared in other maga-
Stack the marked piece onn ~t~o~P:-JJ-=,,",,::J=1"'"
of another piece of <:' ••
zines, so please send yOllrs to
only one. We do not return shop stock, and
the line. scrOJlsaw
Drill along
a hole in the uncar- Cut recess to
tips. Mail your tip(s), address, and ved piece where shown, and lit blade-- -- '/.~
daytime phone number to: insert an appropriate magnel.
Top Shop Tip Glue the magnet in place with Carving knife

WOOD Magazine epoxy or cyanoacrylate adhesive. Glue sides

1912 Grand Ave.
Then, glue the two halves of the together Magnet set into side,
sheath together, sand, and finish. flush with surface
Des Moines, IA 50309-3379 -Leonard Wovna, Bayonne, NJ.

Fine sandpaper cures • TIP: Cut a piece of fine sandpaper

_ :;:.,;~e;'
troublesome shifting (maybe 220 or 320 grit) to fit the
Many dovetail jigs (and other side of the fixture that contacts
types offixtures) rely on plastic
or metal guides that clamp to
the workpiece. Apply adhesive,
such as 3M's 77 Spray Adhesive,
your workpiece. Despite your best ::<"....
d. <C'·'·

0;---" on the back of the sandpaper, and
efforts to Ughten the clamps, • • Sandpaper secured to attach it to the fixture. The sand-
that slick guide may not stay "'-\;;>R; 'emplate with spray paper provides high friction
precisely in place on the adhesive against the workpiece, reducing
smooth wood surface, espe- the chance that your fixture guide
Underside of template for
ciaUy when you're pushing a tool dovetail jig will creep out of position.
against it. -T} Powe, San Dimas, udif.

Stair-tread safety material makes better tire treads

The wooden toy wheels that you When yOIl turn the wheels, form Safety stair tread cuI
turn on your lathe skid on a groove to fit the tread, about lin· into 'h' stripS
smooth surfaces, mar some deep around the circumference
floors, and wear outfast. of each. Cut a strip of tread long
enough to fit into the groove. For In' wide
groove ,~.
TIP: Buy a roll of self-adhesive a permanent installation, apply deep, primed
non-skid, rubber-the thin, gray contact cement inside the groove with contact
safety tread with a surface that and allow it to dry before laying ',,,,-,eill cement
looks something like a sponge. the tread in place. Trim the tread
Cut the 2"-wide roll into Yz"-wide ends for a neat joint. With rubber
sections (or any other width treads, your wheels will skid less,
appropriate to the size of the scar less, and last longer. (Groove cut on lathe)
wheels you're making). -JohmlY Janssen, Anuhelm Hfffs, Calif.
Conlfnuedonpage 12



Continuedfrompage 10
Keep handscrews handy with overhead storage
Handscrew clamps, your helpers lx2 strip, on edge, to the topside 3" between the rack and the wall,
for so many shop tasks, can leave of the rack at the back edge. you can hook large C-elamps over
you feeling belpless when it Mount the shelf high, using the back for storage.
comes time to put them away. appropriate brackets. By leaving -D.B. GolIZale%Jr. PtmsacQla, Fin.
They sure fill up a lot of storage
space, fast.
Wall sluds 'x2
TIP: For out-of-the-way, yet easy- reinforcement
to-reach storage, hang those hand-
screws high on a wall with this leave enough
notched storage rack. Make it out space between
of 314" plywood 12" wide, of a shen and wall
length to suit your situation. lor C-<:lamp
Allow 112" spacing between storage
clamps when you layout the 11.2"-
wide slots. To determine slot
depth, measure from the front
side of the threaded rod nearest
the clamp tip to the back of the
clamp and add 1'2". For each slot, 'l.7'..;,r
drill a 112" hole the proper dis·
tance from the front edge of the
rack, and then cut to it with a
portable jigsaw. Screw and glue a
Cont/tllled 011 page 14

.---------l1OO !L~~f--------,
-Limited Time Offer-

- S !lsflLc1J9.ll GJlJI.rllfltlledl':;;:= 1
1'":';1/4':"~shan~k~'O~u":rlow Prices/"elude postage &Handlingl_U.'.)
• 3/8" ~~~.
• • 1W .1202
SbaighlBiIS 3/8' 11204 $ 495 2ODH0 10- SUPER Hl!AVY DUTY T",8I.E s.-.W,3HP $895
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While in.the Philadelphia Area Visit Our Showroom S8500 1.' a...N0 SAW, WfP U30
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RomanOgeeBls 5/32" 11210 $13.95 HPSOO :pIP SHAl'6l, l' ~. Yo·SPlHDLES *,,5
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To order by MuterCIrdt VISA or DlICOver, can Toll Free 717 OUSTCOLLECTOA, 1I5OCFM. 1HP 11"

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MLCS Ltd. P.O.Box 4053DW, Rydal, PA 19048 ~




The Delta 12" Portable Planar.
Features 8 stationary, stainless steel tabla
for smooth feeding, and extension tables
for ample work support. A ro~mounted
control handle raises and lowers cutter·
head for easy, precision adjustment.

Two-knife cutterhaad makes

16,000 cuts/minute to assure
a perfectly smooth finish.
Surleces stock from 'AI' to
6" thick, up to 12" wide,
with absolute accuracy.

Cutterhead and feed assembly

effortlessly ride up and down
on four preclslon.ground steel
columns. This adds stability
and eliminates motor vibration.
Feed rate automatically adjusts
lise". Stationary table means
infeed and outfeed
levels stay put.

Move it to wherever
you're working.
Or mCNe it into
storage when It's
not In use.
Features bum-In
handles and
removable table

• On Tradition
•• CELTA A Pentair Company
for prices you could only
dream about
Continued/rom /Jage 12
Thin-stock hanging slot l' hole '1,0' deep
drilled instead of routed !fl' hole i.
A keyho.le hanging slot routed 3/32.' deep '1\
into the back oj a wall·mount File pilot hO'-'-IO--'ll" ."-rt-~ , ,
P1"OJec t sure rna k es l'f:,
t. e easy-both r'---rr--,---,
form key hole '1,0' thick woods'
was herma de
in building the item and hanging \" Ih" hal with circle
it up. But, if you're working with '-==T~j:.1'~ 3/32.' cutter
thin stock, you're out oj luck. 1- \ deep ,
PACKAGES INCLUDE ST1:EL, fRAMES, TIP; Try this procedure to make a
keyhole hanging slot in stock as Wooden
X thin as ¥J6". AU you need are tWO
Value $7,751 Value $12,145 Forstner bit..; and a circle cutler. Section View
NOW$J,975 NOW$6,220 First, using the cicele cutter, cut a
I" -diameter disc from material glue the disc into the I" counter-
about Yi6" thick. Then, elongate bore, pointing the elongated por·
Value $17,250 Value $25,143 one side of the pilot-bit hole with tion of the center hole up.
a file, forming a keyhole shape. After the glue dries, you're
NOW$8,846 OW$12,894 Next, bore into the back of the ready to hang the item over an
project with a I" Forstner bit to a appropriate screw or nail. The
Other Sizes Available depth equal to the thickness of void left by drilling with the Y2"
~MI~· the disc you just made. In the bit will allow room for the fasten-
center of that hole, bore YL6-¥.iz" er head behind the hanging slol.
1-800-843-8275 deep with a Y2" Forstner bit. Now, -James Upham, Midland, Tex.
FAX 612-544-1835
Made In Amerlu WM
Designated drop box collects shop strays
A screwdriver ends up in the din- TIP: Build a simple tray or box
ing room after a home-repair job. (or use an existing one), and
A tool catalog and a couple oj place it near a door that leads to
pamphlets lie on the coffee table your workshop-the basement
In the living room. And the sand- door or the one out to the garage,
ing belts you bought at the wood- for instance. Now, whoever en-
working show last weekend still counters something anyv.rhere in

"f CURVED or occupy that corner oj the kitchen

counter by the Otuk door. Not eu-
eryone in your household ap-
the house that belongs in the
workshop can drop it into the
box. Whenever you head for the
STRAIGHT plauds this whole-house workshop
concept, or knows exactly where
shop, grab the stuff out of the box
to take with you.

Both are yours with a W&H
to put these things away.
-Dennis Drechsler, Victoria, B.C.

Molder/Planer Door to
Thousands of professionals and shop
serious woodworkers use our American~
made cast iron molder/planers to
produce smooth moldings, raised
panels, crowns, curved, circular and
elliptical molding. /,
In the shop or al the job site. W&.H " , :($)
meets your needs every day with quick
knife changeover and ultimate
versatility with all kinds of wood.
Over 40 years of experience
supports our products with a 5 year
warranty! Call or write today for our
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800·258-1380 (USA) 603-654-6828 .-
FAX 603-654·5446 • "
Williams & Hussey
Machine Co., Inc. COTllimted on page 16
Dept. 234BM
P.O. Box 1149 Wilton, NH 03086
ServIng Fine Clock
Builders Since 1947
Our new 32 page SAVE 300/0
catalog Is packed wlth CATALOG on any mix of 6 bits
Clock KIts. Mechan1cal
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° HA WK Precision Scroll Saws
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1'0 order a Fm catWog; 04 i" I Woodplaners 114
° Accessories 2 FLUTE, 718' CUT lENGTH List $12.40
Call Toll-Free A.dd IS Shl In & Handll 10 each ordar
° Books and much, much more,
1-800-542-9115 Fe< catalOg '" to or-tlar
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POlk>x 1666,
I....kcrsburg. WV 26102·1686
The American Tool Manufacturer WOODWORKERS s.-
1801 Vine Street Harrisonville, MQ 64701


_ NOR. tor
Plus $3.00
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Woodworker II."
Install and leave it for plys &

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woods to 1'/2", W. Krier. • Solid brass head - raised letlers ·Arizona ·Milwaukee ·St. Louis
• 1st Line: HAND CRAFTED BY - as above ·Atlanta ·New Jersey oTampa
Outperformed 36 other • 2nd Line: Your choice - 20 charaCI!nlS(laC~S max.
• Electric iron available lor $49.00 t $3,00
oSulfalo ·No. CaJifornia oTwin Cities
PREMIUM blades in WOOD oChicago
0llOE.R TOll ~REE ..• oPortland oVirginia
Mag. test P. 45, Sept. 93.
SAVE $15 1·800·826·7606
olndianapolis -Seattle oWashington, D,C,
oKansas City -So, CalWomla -plusoIhelSl
Gel 3· $S sharpening discount cwpons on '2$» FitIillon Rd. Dept ll$<I
FORREST or other make carbide blades or P.o. Box 2lI3tl.1Jf>coIn. NE ~29

dildos if ordering before Feb. 28, 1994.
Mention WOOD for another EXTRA BONUS. !ill
Tti""" you ul!lclllllor:
I'lis ..... and CIOSSCUl ALL PURPOSE blade gim scralCh Iree POl·
dtJ'''''-r. WlfltisOHEAUPlJRPOSE~(4j)Teefl) I$IlED""",on"",,\f11811s RlP",CROSSCUT 1ll1:l2'.
~7r. lWcanS/IXITHRlP&CROSSOJT"·, • AI 60T Ind 3'32'" THlNkoo13(1' ATB Ind S' taoo _ on 11)' cia
)_.. ~ ROCKHAADS in! SOfTWOCOS lIiIh and ..... ,2' rod Wlre20' ATe ,18' K.
SII'lOOIMs-sarldtd surIact. PI.y. 'OOUBlE HARDER and 40"10 STllONGER C3ftNd1.

aonOM Sf\.INTEfl. SlvII,f3 _Iou on ua. ..... 'lliol OIl1b11. FIId$ ea01 "'*'
uMd lot n'IOdlwaIo"" and CIOSSCUl on lablo saw. REdutu •JUMP
'M!:dytl8kM tS",ATBinl20'lace (No gNl!y lot betler 'PUll CONTROl.'. I'raclJcaIy t1im1"'~1
l'lXt (e2:S)'1eedl. boltom IpllntI< on RAO!Al.(;A(lSS ClIT,
o ToIaIy Ilop5 All bolIDm IIId lOp opWner on ply _ _ in IlJS/'KU
·lXX.6l.E HARDER;nI 010'10 STrKlNGER rrode on AADlAl..
• EllIs blade dIlngi!9lm ~c:ont»lIIl (Jf)S$QJJ. _ only lot bosI """".
• Ends stille'" uwcuI$ (II:r ~ resI d l'Nlile). Mollo and oeMood in USA kII 'fCU bolnelL
•EIIls MtOllIlIltp firishing !iri'9 Ql sm,g). Us! SALE

· ¥Id"""
•ErOs euttng 1116' O'ItIsIzt III lor RESURFACING.
ONE tiade rtslead d 3(241 1\). SOT C«rtii1ali::n, 1m
•SItrnIT~ ocr .OOlllilllllr9' stiI!ener~ agai\sI (U
siledlilllde lor ~ OOETEST CUTS b'f tis inI at¥ftblilde,
•use ~n ~ rrosIy '! .'! hilrdlloods. New8-'/('x60Tx5.'ll"3'32'"K 150 109
•SiilIfdJtJleIllld .001 • otJen; .0000.oIOiso:mron! RAISE \:;lr THICK RY08I RA200 T5awl SOlIS IlWTA SOOB HeA
woods, l.C1lYEfI \:;lrT\lfllj\)(llj$afld p&1«tClJ ~AI!'>'Il' he&, HlTAClIPSM8 I'OfITEACAIII.E3M-l

lrim~rQOO, HEWllADOIlIlODlUIU_W.... 'OU''''·2WJ2 .... _ _

,. ".""
NOSPl<JffiNl .... I D _ " Hog. F_ . . ."" N ! " - _
QfII_ ".111 OJNE/lOAOO k1$..mll%ll. Ott " 'BooI ~.....

" :::::;::::
,.'" ."". B<>mi"lllo,·'J(' SALEllO%OFF NEWWCNpwlll~
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PHONE TOLL FREE/1 (BOO) 733-11 "
(IN HJ; 201-4n-52U) FAX; 201-4n-3333

Continued/rom page 14
Flat-sand easily with a couple of clipboards
Because small parts are difficult around. Place two clipboards
to hold flat against a moving together as shown, and clamp a
abrasive, it's all too easy to round sheet of sandpaper under the
their edges or grind them to clips. Firmly held at both ends,
wedges when power-sa11ding. the sandpaper stays smooth as ." .
you move the pan back and forth :: .: ",-:: , , '", ~
TIP: Move the part over the sand- to sand it flat. :, :"
paper instead of the other way -I'rank Toronel', GlenmOQre, Penn.

Proportional scale makes changing dimensions easy

Changing the size of a project will be shown right next to the
leads to cumbersome math at corresponding original. You can
times, especially when you want set the wheel to a known percent-
to maintain proportion. For age of enlargement or reduction,
example, you're enlarging a piece too, to determine new measure-
that's 3/8" wide and 6" long to 8" ments. And, it shows you the
long. How wide should it be? answers in fractions of an inch,
not decimals. (Ours covers a
TIP: A graphic artist's proportion- range from W' to 90".) You can
al scale makes such calculations buy one at an an-supply store for
simple. Vou just set the original less than $5. By the way, you' need
Propor1ion wheel
dimension on che rotating circular to make that piece in our example
scale next to the new measure- W'wide.
ment. Then, each new dimension --BfIf KuhlmaNn, Colorado Springs, Colo.
ConUnuM on page 18

In every shop dust is a

big problem. If you sand,
saw, drill, plane, or just
sweep you have a dust
problem. Even if you own
a dust collector,
Remember how when you work in the basement, you
have dust upstairs on the furniture. Or when you hook up
a shop vac to your sander, you still have that fine floating
dust-the same dust that you're breathing while you work!
TOTAL SHOP has the Answer - The
ClesnAlrSystem. This unique system has
a large 465 CFM fan that circulates your
room air through a series of 3 filters. These
filters catch up to 95% of the super fine
dust and circulates the same fresh air back
into the room. The CleanAlr'sconvenient
size (25' x 13" x 40"), works most effectively on shops as
large as 24 ft x 40 ft. Heavy Duty
CleanAir #90175 CleanAir #90177
SALE $269.00 SALE $309.00
ShIpping $20 Shipping $20

Order Now
PO Box 25429 Greenville Be 29616


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CMT's new S·piece
Rabbet-Master Kit
ere's a super price on lhe most versatile
Replace "Old-Fashioned

H Rabbeting Kit all the marlc:et You'll get

an 1-31S"-diameter Rabbeting Bit, 6 lop-
qualily bea~l'lQs and an allen key to cut 6 ot the
PIn 'I'orlur."
CQntfl1uedjrompage 16
Reinforced stock keeps
most useful rabbets.
Shank __- - - - - - - -__
scrollsaw cutouts tQgether
When scrollsawing silhouettes
from thin solid stock, small pieces
break off all too easily. Even a
zero-clearance table insert can't
prevent all of the breakage.

shell paper

Back of workpiece (Va' stock)

h PIling and Handing 4.00

, TIP: Before you start cutting,
5425 Beaumont C&n,... Blvd.,
T&mpa, F133634
cover the back of your stock with
Callioll-fl'ft :t4-houn & day: self-adhesive shelf paper or plastic
1-800·531·5559 RogJe Rftofl", 0097537 packaging tape. The backing will
813-886-1819 YAX:813-8ll8-6614 (&131582-0541 help prevent breakage while saw-
DaIrr &: exp;>r1lnquirles wdc:ome F61(&I315824138
In c.rIllda call l-lIW-J87-7005 ing and damage later when you
put the delicate cutout on display.
-Sw,an Evarts, Meriden, Com,.


Introducing The Most WOODWORKING PROS
·We embellished a handy box
Versatile, Affordable with the decorative stenciling
Planer You'll Ever Buy. shown on pages 58-59. The
technique also works great for
adding colorful accents to
stools, chairs, tables, or other
casual furniture.
• When edge-joining narrow
stock to make a wide panel,
keep the surface flush by rout-
It's 64 Exciting New ing slots and installing splines.
Pages of Clockmaklng {
, see page 33 for details.
and Wood Pr~iects • To cut thin strips of stock
for All Skill Levels. Here's What The RBI 812 Can Do. safely, build the pushstick ref·
No Olher planer gives • CrraJuflbilltl1 (Uf(/Junritu,!
Clock Kits & Plans, American·made . .. • Cu.Slomiu honu W()()dworlcjng ered to in the lath art article
Quartz Movements, Mechanicals, yoo litis much versauhty • Fl'nish and dimenWn rtoek
at such an affordable price. • Tum rough lumber inUI
and shown on page 74.
Dials, Hands and Numerals.
Plus, Quartz Clock Inserts, The 812 is a heavy-duty, • brm4liful mofdinK in mmuJrs • Don't need the complete
Wood Turned Parts, Hardware, · I .. wood Produce uniform surfaces paint center cabinet shown on
3-l!\- prectslOll - .PiIlne kI]2" wide m~
Posters, Watches and Morel ~ng system \.'O!11plete • CreaJt hundnds oj page 46? Consider building just
Send lor your FREE catalog todayl mJUS! one compact tool. omamenlalltWlding! (Jf' the turntable-it sure makes
Name _
The Model 812 will piellU"eframe;on IumJrw finishing small projects a
ro/l woods with staIIdard or
plane, mold, or sand cusltJmiw/ kniva breeze. For added storage
Address _ at II feet per minute all • E/imiJuJU ~ ClJ,1$fd space, just build the cabinet
City day long. bJltdious htlnd $finding without the fold-down table.•
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P.O. Bo~ 542
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Lake Geneva.
Mooey Batk Guarantee
Call 1-800-556-2548. WI 53147 J,Year WBrnlnty 18 WOOD MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1994
MODEL 804551

When we designed our new finishing sander all of our thinking went
into the detaIls. like the hook and loop sanding base so the reusable paper
goes on fast and stays in place. And a dust bag that's standard equipment.
The sander attaches to an optional dust collector hose and Makita vacuum
for cleaner operation. And it features a 1.6 amp motor for a super fine
finish at 14,000 OPM.
Ask for Model B04551. You won't have
rll.!,L .. !
a second thought about bUying a Makita IrsAILTHE FbI'lERYouNEFD."
MUiu U.s.A., Inc.
14930 Northam Strttt. La Mirada, CA 90638
(714) 522-8088
In Australia's Blue Mountains and pie-the wood enjoys an even
the coastal districts of New South longer life.
Wales, there grows a tree so diffi- Oddly enough, only a drying
cult to cut that lumbermen practi- kiln can extract a toll from turpen-
cally limit its processing to sawing tine wood. For some strange rea-
it down (and that takes consider- son, turpentine's cellular stnlcture
able effort). With a hardness said reacts horribly to kiln heat,
to be 100 times greater than red Without a prolonged session of
oak, the tree's wood unmercifully air-drying, turpentine wood actu-
dulls saw blades and other cutting ally collapses in the kiln. And
edges that encounter it. even air-drying it doesn't guaran-
Luckily for those with the job of tee success because flat-sawn tur-
sawing this timber, the wood of pentine wood badly checks dur-
turpentine CSyncarpia glomlifera) ing the process.
lasts nearly indefinitely. It defies It's no wonder then that
attack by beetles, termites, and Australian wood processers throw
the fungi that causes decay. Under up their hands in disgust when it
water, turpentine fights off comes to the turpentine tree,
marine borers, too. In fact, if the They declare, ULess is better, ~ and
Although durable, IUrpentlne's wood timbers are used with the bark left leave the recalcitrant wood alone
proves nearly impossible to work, on-as in dock pilings, for exam- for use in heavy constnlction.•
Illustration: Jim Stevenson


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Jordon l. Bow T\u'nin~
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Fine Woodworking Index S12 Makin8 Lillielloxes (Bennett) srr ShllpCf Handbook]Cli c) Sl6 Bnd Will I. ROIlier SceretI
~l Of Fine WoodwortingSericl Sh HIII>dlx>ok Slevcnson) SItS 2. Frame Uld Panel Seems $30 ea
$lot rich or III .. ror $52-
l. Joir>eryTcll~ 2. Small Wood Shop
Makinll with II llanduwjCrabb) SII
Makin Small Woodctl8oxel ( aeobson) SI2 ~! Molt oot YOW"~h (Roe_Ul S9
Tilble Iw TcdmiQ_ (Cliffe SItS
Byrne l. TIllna COIlnlenl:lPl 2. wanl
3.f1aon S28ea Alf3ro.-$IO
3.l.Ilhci &Thmio, 4. ROIIlI:I'T~ Radial AnnSno"1cch C1iffe~16 Ro&er C1lrte faecplalC CabillClmaldnl
Saics of , !BPCI S30 ea All 5 ror SUS
4. 3. More Frame 0pIl')'
Tools ~(cltOiIlOIOro)SI7
AO&" Clltfe Tible Saw or Radial s.w
TcdllOiquea S29 CI. IloCIo for $5'
t:.~~~IS'tS PowetTool
tJndertllll I. OIairmatinK 2. Lot. a.ndler
BIdnI. 3. MM:iJw. _Sliavill:l HOne SlI fa
IliIaoiI oi_HancIJoot 14 ~ . SaicsOf8 Vadiloi on R _
o..t CoIkctioa BaIiCI S7 '~S24" AU.r.... SlotS
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Mdlkr_ TlIbIc S32
TMd • SIW FIwrt S30
(()fMclIoIl) 17 '-.-'" G..-· Roof ~ 8asiCI $1'
,\~TIOUE TOOL BOOt<S G..-· Roof~AdY-..d$1S
Schullnfl' - Baic Scairbllildilll $28
... ~ IAClCo/lectiblc SIan\ey Tools: A
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COUNT HY PROJECTS Collecljnlll~· Tools (KcaII, Pollak) W Law"NlIIlillll S28
PriccGuidclO . IICToolslKeM,Pol~SI4 Law .lnJWlin
American Country Fbnlil1lfe(Smitll) S28 Pltc~ted Tramitiona and Metlllic PIancs in c..mml... M
CounlJy E1c~: Projccls forWoodwlM"kcn Cummlnl,SI\\I\
(Baldwin) SI4 e:rrn~~oi1~~(Smilh) Stubbs· Bowl
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"Iff .
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A~J1iiiiii& AlU(ritaJ\ MathiniM'1 Toola: lllustrllled
Dinaary of Palenu SJO
I'1l:XMr· l. Refinishinll 2. RC'pairinl
FIlmiwre S28 COl
Mstial &. MOOifyi"ll WchotrkqToob SI4 HkbI.... ow.. caninl S30
kleDtif' Wond(H~.fl6 KrtnOy.Wooden Planci.CIblnet ~ SJ8
Wond( U S ForesIry) SI9
ec.-.- a. Seaso.iii.i1:'ofils.-)
1b£ AnI(onrr ofWond
Wood c:ar-lSI$
WIllI Wood"isTlw: .) m
Good Wood HI\ldIoot Uotbool) Sl6

1b£ MIrqUeU)' M...w tUllCOtIl) S19.

MarqucUjo and IIlIa)o (1lridjewMcr) SI'.
li3B W Math SehIrff) S14
3~ ShnlITIJIIl'Yood M.,.) SIO
NFW WOODTURNING CIockmakin :18An· WoodWOltcr'iEuenhal Shop A,ds
Dcai CNd-)S18
Bau<: WoodN,n,ng TedlJI!lIueI (Ile.......) S14 How to BUi~ 3' G::reClocklro...lele) Sl4 Uld Jill (Wc.ina) Sl2
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Wood,,,,,,I., Wizardry (S~ngell) $19. Makin Wooclen Clock Cnses (Asllb) $13 MellUre Twice.. CuI Onec (Tolpln) SI8 Mlkinl_Kl1d..n Clbineu(Levinel S 9
WdtrnnJ, SOOree Book of ShaPes (11""...)$16 Vi<lco·Kltcllcn Cabinets (Levine) 528
Ene~lopedil of Wood Joints (Gnubner) $11 Both Book &. Vl<lco 8y L<:vll>C onlyS45
Tumln. &; M"l'hanical Manlpl!lallon Woodjooner's Handbook (Alle~) S14
Volume II (Hol~ffel! m Buchler'l B/lCkrllrd Boalbulldl~1l $14 Buildi~. Kitchen Cabinctl (Cary) S14
ShcIVCl, Closets &. Cabinets (Jones) Sl6
OmamentlIThmi~~,Evans m. Build I ClIney (Brown. Pickett) SI3 CARVING BY 10M WOLI-'E
Woodlllmef', w CJoc Cuu(A>loliol')$14 Hm<.Irn*H~(Condcr) SI9
european Cablnlr)' (ChriIl) Sl8
Multk:alIefWoodwming(Hopper) $14.
Woodll.m;!'I' """D<blion CooiI'1C1Rowlor" 8uildi.. the
Nn< hUlIIII BoIu (hylOll)SI9
More Bkinl CIaWc SIMII CraCI ro--l S24
Qn:atWallS rnl$9
Tumia, Millllllllfa in Wood (5a1lSbowv SIS
The CriftsmIn WoodnnIcr(OUId) Sr~ ca:=(~ ~'Ithe 8Bdyard 1b£ Woodfinishina Booli: (DIuIhr) S23
Raff..: TDmi~ Wood
Ratr~J):e.=rS38, .Boch for 56
Boot S19. Video,"\3s~ for S49
BoOkSl7, v.aa: with Thonm Hl1l
Bolb bStS2
Vl<lco • $32; Bolb Booli: 4 Vi<lco lOlly S4t
Wood fillUhl.l.with Gc<ne FrW SI4
AdYentura io Wood AlIiIfii... lfrMkl'"
VIDEO ~ FnaIr . . w'L-1aWlia& S38
1ined Bowl Dcsip $19 GreMAU·~Toylloot{...-J)Sl2 Woodl....bher I HaB<IIoot(Al:'J.~
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~Woodlumm' 119 ~)SI2 .
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AI J for $4l. Mb« McdlMic:aI M...m 1.Wood Le'7I Sl4
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NcwBootofl'llulcl(51oaunl SI9
Matin, ToyTninsi. Wood (!..1111l) SIO
Bink of Prey (Sebold S5.5
8alic: OIip c.m"l (t':irt:stIh) SI2
Eat)' Work of GUSUY Stic:l:!q (Ony) S'2O MakialClWic Can in Wood{Hicb) SIO Scu,,*,," ia Wood ( ~) ttl
MiNion Fraire olt.ld.G. Slickley (Otay) no Makin& VintllC Airaaft in Wood (Hicb) S10 FIuflwmr Fish CIrvi~.I (AlC!"l S38
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Collcicted Wotb: GuSlav Stickley (fuy) S'2O MbllBoard. PeA &. Dice GIlmCI (I.ood«) SI7 Csrvi.... Cuousel Anil\\l\ll (Marlo....) Sl9
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The Kaleldo:llcopc Dook(BoIwcll) $19

MlIld~8 Shal«:r Furniture (JlICbon) SI4 ChlpCarvinlSIO
Gifts from Gn><Xlpa'l Worbhop (Freoch) SI4 Chip CsrvinlPallenu SIO
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How to Bulld Shaker Furniture Sl4 ScrOll SIIw (Spielman) SI4 c.rv;.... Wood (8uU) SI7
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GuiwmllkillJ.-Tradilioa.t.TcdtDoIou »8 IOr~ for WooctworUn SI4
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V>OiUl Jo!I!iDI Ju W...... o-...-Moo) $32 ~'=-~j=rf:'rlb~~SI9
Vol. I a. 2 tull
~., Musieall_ (nfltr)SJO $72 elL
Wdwrb& Pre;o:a for tile IOcc:tICIl ~ $14
\\OIking tools designed to aligning, quick-set rip fence
make L . . -_ _ makes short work of sizing
any raw stock..
project :::::::~~ Afterward, smooth off
a plea- cuts and round comers with
In woodworking, every sure. the 3370 combination 4" belt!
project is an adventure.You
explore the wood, studying
its grain,
hidden within. Your goal is
to emerge,
weeks later,
with a proud
souvenir. A
planter. A
Or perhaps
a rustic chest
of drawers.
the ease of any woodland
journey depends largely on
a decision you make before
choice of
Every step of the wa~y...,.. ....... 6" disc benchtop sander.
this end, Enter the Aquick-release belt adjust-
amovem woods with a ment (another Skil exclusive)
the right confident first lets you effortlessly switch
direction is Skil Woodshop cut on the 3400 between vertical and horizon-
Tools:" 10" benchtop oIpjioW"loI+I~ tal bed positions.
Skil WoodshopTools are tablesaw. Its Ifyour plans call for intri-
a full powerful 13.0 cate cuts, use the 3330 16"
line of amp motor and benchtop scroll saw. It
wood- the exclusive Accu-Lign'" self- accepts either plain or pin-
end blades and comes with ofvari-orbi~ auto scroll and The 2X hp motor carves
a built-in straight-line cutting modes, signs, cuts joints and trims
blade length it offers more options than
gauge for any other jigsaw. ~E=:;
quick setting. And for accurate, repet-
Plus, to keep itive drilling, the 3380 bench:-'to"'p-
decorative edges with power
to spare.
When it's time for assem-
bly, try the innovative HD
1605 plate joiner. Simplycut
matching slots, pop in a
wooden biscui~ glue and you
have yourself a quick,
durable joint.
Once it's
all together,
give your
project a once
over with the
palm grip
sander. The
7576 performs an exacting
V,{orbit 13,000 times a minute
for a fast finish.
Next time you explore the
woods, \Jring along the perfect
WoodshopTools.You'll find
=====:.......... thoseshownhereand
your cutting path dean,
S~/l. otherWoodshop
it has a what you need. ~ tools in stores
high-veloc- The depth measure- everywhere. Just
itydust ment and sturdy, a d j u s t - l o o k for this label.
blower. able table guarantee consist- It's a sure sign you're on the
Tonavi- ency from first hole to last. road towoodworking success.
gate tricky Of course, you could
interior cuts, just let your imagina-
there's the tion run wild with the
4395 jigsaw. With a choice HD 1875 plunge router.
proIessiofl" production quality biI makes I quicl< and easy 10 produce matching "'~ and stiles - S/lape< eon... set: "
the ~ raising biI with ball bearing guid,rmakes the f3ised ~ perfect """'Y time. ',m 11303 .
SAlE PRICf $6995 Regular value SET ALSOAVAll.ABl..E IN If'!' :~~·~Panelf'.--
over $15O.00!
114" SHANK SET • nEIIll3Dl (1IC:l.des IDh biIs sII:Jwn) @)
SHANK. $?V IS -nEIl '1302
~ PIlNB.. 8fT
" . . - . .......
..... ""r.. Jtr .....
",,,,. " CAA8IOE TV'PEO-
501-"" ...~ ~ 1"lMogo___ TWOFlllTE'

--~-- .(-';~~.~
fWIlH (IN[ IWl. RaoIO\I'£ot


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'1'" CLASSICAL· 1/4' Aad'-ts - 3{4' Cutting Length .1338 FLUSHTRIM·l('l'Diameler-l' CUlli~LengIh 1/4" $ 8,00
',XlII CLAss.tAL· 16"Radius- feul!' 11339 FLUSHTRIM·l D1ame181-1· 6".CiA. th 1 $ 8,00
'1 XlII 4S" CH.\MFER . 3iB" Cutlrlg lengdl 11340 PATTE~ / FLUSH mlM •112'" lliame\ef 1/." $15.00
'1310 45"Ctw.lFER.5/B"Cvnnglengdllll11ll .1341 PATTERN/fLUSHmIM· ~."Diame1111 1/." $17.00
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11315 fKU«) CNER . :fill" RadiIs 11346 ~ETAlL·1/2"Diatne'M-W IJi11Il ~ $ 6.00
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11322 WLlTfORWWOWlt«J·2"CaItIiIe hi .1353 OOEE RAlSEDPAHEL· 2" l.Irge CMmeteI 1/4" S28.OO
11323 SLOT curnR . :¥8" Deep .1354 OOEERAISEDPAHEL·2" tinetef 1 "'-',
11324 RAB8ETIHG ·1/4' Deep 11355 EOOE lEADING· ~16" DiamelefdCllde 1/." $15.00
11325 FV.BBETlNG· 3(8' Deep 11356 EOOEIEAllIHG· IffDiame!efdCirde 1." $15.50
11326 RABBETING· .\357 SPIRAL UPCUT ·1/8" Oiatne\e( (soIdeatWe} 1/." $ 9.00
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TONGUE &GRJOVE· Sltaight ~ :~: ::;C,L 9'00",.00 Pl.ANES
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OF YOUR ROUTER ~ For Perfect Hoi••
RESULTS WITH THE WOOO '?9 ,. Forstner bits are designed to drill
flat bottom Of through holes cleanly ..- ~
ANOBrrVOUAREUSINGI @~;r in end grain, thin stock, veneers and ~ I':U
FEATURES: regular stock. Comes wilI1 its own _......... ~ .......
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decided to return to his
true love-woodworking.
Luckily, his wife, Linda,
backed his decision. Now,
after only a few years of
turning, his creative eye
and craftsmanship are
paying dividends. Many
thanks, AI, for letting us
share In your work.

own at the Dover town

D dump, AJ Francendese is as
welJ-known as he once was
around the life-sciences division at
the Los Alamos National
Laboratory in New Mexico. Now
sporting a field cap, outdoors-
man's shirt, and baggy sweat
pants instead of the white lab coat
of a professional scientist that was
once his uniform, he regularly
digs through the discards in
search of materials.
From an old side chair he might
reclaim a board foot of beech.
The cabinet of a tossed-out TV
means several slabs of lauan ply-
wood. He might even find a
usable washing machine motor to
drive one thing or another in the
shop. But jf there's nothjng worth
hauling that particular day, AI will
drop by a constnlction site on his
way home.
New homes going up guarantee
an abundance of stock: oak, ash,
and yellow poplar from pallets; fll"
and pine cutoffs; partial, even full,
sheets of plywood and cedar sid-
ing. Of course, AI always asks the
contractor if it's okay to
scrounge-some have even
offered to save scrap for him,
after they've seen his bowls.
"Every day or so, the accumulat-
ed scrap gets hauled to the landftll


anyway, so actually I'm helping "But I wanted to tum. From class-
the environment by recycling it es that I'd taken in pottery, I
into my work," Al says, leaning knew that I could come up with
against his lathe, dark eyes flash- shapes if only I could learn wood-
ing his intensity. turning." And learn he did, all by
his lonesome.
An effective teacher called "I deliberately didn't read any-
"trial and error" thing about woodturning, or go to
At age 46, AI looks back to a long a demonstration, because I'm the
association with wood. In the kind of person who learns best by
New York City apartment where making my own mistakes. And I
he grew up, his father was always made them all," he laughs.
tinkering with woodworking, "lance had a IQ-pound chunk of
despite limited space. oak go flying off the lathe. I acci-
"My dad worked for the post dentally whacked off about an
office. Because our work space inch of a beautiful Marple's skew.
was limited-actually a broom I've made 'bowls that have warped
closet-he would bring home and bowls that have cracked. I've
mostly little things to tinker with, messed around with all types of
like clocks or accessories," AI finishes, and studied how to put
recalls. "I used to watch him, and things together and how not to
sometimes help." put them together. I've even
Despite other occasional pur- made my own turning tools from
suits-including a spell as a hand screwdrivers and wrecking bars.
on a commercial fishing boat-AI Now, though," he sighs, "I think
always found place for the wood- I'm finally ready to take a wood-
working knack inherited from his turning symposium!'
father. In fact, while attending col-
lege at New York's Colgate Big dividends from odds
University on an academic schol- and ends of scrapwood
arship, he established a local repu- For most woodturning nOVices,
tation for custom carpentry. "I figuring out the cutting angles and
supported myself through school assembly of segmented bowls
by building and installing custom requires countless hours. AI's
bookcases," he says. "I even toyed problem-solving talent, though,
with the idea of starting a smaU helped him speed up his learning
furnituremaking business, but period. Of course, his shrinking
went for higher education bank account kept him motivated
instead." Indeed. Al eventually as well.
held academic positions at Emory "Segmented bowls appealed to
University in Atlanta, and me for two reasons," AI explains.
Vassar College in New York. "One was my budget limit. I'd set
Then, he m9ved on to $3,000 as the most I could spend
research at Los Alamos, the first year, and that had to
and finally to an army include the lathe! So, if you go out
research installation in and buy a good chunk of exotic
Natick, Massachusetts. wood, it's going to cost a pretty
But at home, he never penny. I couldn't see spending
gave up woodworking. that kind of money at a point in
"When I decided a few my career when I considered
years ago that I'd had it myself a novice.
with science and research, I "Secondly, the construction
returned .to wood," AI says. agreed with my sense of conserva·

tion-you don't end lip with 95

percent of the wood on the floor
in shavings. Too," he adds, ~seg·
memed work matched the limita-
tions of my first lathe-the shaft
couldn't take a 2S·pound hunk of
wood. But with segmented and
stave construction, you start with
an already lightened structure. Of
course, the cutting and assembly
prior to turning are (ime-consum-
ing, but I could trade time for
money because that's what [ had
the most of."
AI's attraction to scrap wood
came naturally enough. That's
what his first few practice bowls
were made of. Then, he began to
wonder about expanding on that
source, and started hunting
around seriously.
"At our local home center I found
stacks and stacks of old pallets,"
AI remembers. ~Some were even
made out of walnut-obvious-
ly not good enough for fur-
niture, with knots and all,
but perfectly adequate
for the small amounts I
needed. Soon, I was able
to see that there was
beauty in the mundane,
if the material was used
just right."
Al delights in pOinting out
the origins of the wood in
his bowls. MThat wood is
spalted cherry that a trucker
used for wheel chocks," he says
as he excitedly picks up and [:Ilks
about each. MThe pieces in this
band are scraps of cedar siding. In
this bowl over here, I featured the
end grain of Douglas fir 2x4s. 1bis
stripe with its great irridesence is
.it .. ~ ..'


Philippine mahogany er to the bearings. This smoothes
stripped off a dam- out the forces during turning and
aged interior hollow- reduces chatter and stalling."
core door, and it's
become somewhat of Beautiful bowls, built up
a trademark." one ring at a time
Of course, AI mixes in AI's segmented bowls of course
some dark or colorful consist of many individual pieces.
exotic woods, too. But Yet, they're also made up of rings,
not very much. "I'll use zir- or layers, of those pieces, as
cote, or tulipwood, or werige shown on page 27.
the way Chinese use meat in "Each has what I call a central-
cooking, just to flavor the whole," theme ring," says the turner.
he comments. "That's where the viewer's eyes
focus. Then there's a base, and a
Classroom math equals top. Vessels that aren't open on
woodturning results top have an additional ring, the
Reading about how to hIm didn't neck. A· delineator band of con-
fit AI's exploring nature. But he trasting wood separates them."
admits to pulling out an old high- AI joins the pieces in each band
school geometry textbook to fig- with waterproof glue, then
ure the cutting angles for the clamps them. When dry, he sands
pieces in his bowls. "I looked up it flat top and bottom for joining.
all the old equations that use pi "If they're really rough, I sand
to help me calculate cutting them against the stationary disk
angles and segment dimensions in sander," he notes. "But for true
relation to bowl diameter and cir- flatness I use the bench top. I buy
cumference," AI says, at the same sheets of 8().grit production sand-
time opening a log book filled paper and paste them down, then
with neatly lettered words and grind the band against it ."
numbers. "I made this chart for Finishing bowls has required
the size pieces needed for bowls experimentation, too. "I liked the
of different diameters. If you use idea of a water-base lacquer, but it
360 degrees divided by 2N, and N hasn't held up," says AI. "And oil
is the number of segments, you looks good, but allows moisture
get the number of degrees to movement so tiny gaps develop
which you saw each segment." between segments. Right now I'm
With a few years experience going with a penetrating marine
behind him now, AI rarely uses epoxy undercoating and either an
the chart. But he retains his log oil or a polyurethane top coat."
book. In it, he records the You can bet the finish that AI
thoughts, processes, woods, and finally selects won't make his ves-
designs for each bowl. His years sels look like fine porcelain.
of laboratory work show through "There's a strength and boldness
when he advises, "Plan everything to contruction-site stock," he says.
and write it down. If you make a "I want my bowls to impress peo-
mistake, you can refer back." ple the way Chicago did poet Carl
Today, AI's experiments involve Sandburg when he called it the
wood species, designs, bowl City of Big Shoulders.".
shapes, finishing, toolmaking, and
even machinery fabrication. "The Captivated by
half-horsepower lathe I built AI's Conversions?
would be considered underpow- For where to see AI's turnings,
ered for its 22" throw, but I added write him at: 27 Brookfield Rd.,
a flywheel at the headstock to Dover, MA 02030.
move the center of the mass c1os-
Wriuen by PeICJ'). Stephano Photographs: John Kane
Here's how to make
accurate and long-lasting
Woodworkers have long Note in the example below left To drill a hole centered on
favored dowel joinery for of a rabbeted frame that you must the thickness of the stock,
several good reasons. It's be careful to exclude the width of you need to adjust the jig's
simple, requires a minimal the rabbet when measuring the slide (the part that holds the drill-
space available for the dowels. bit guides) according to the thick-
investment in tools and sup- Keep this point in mind when ness of yOUf workpiece and the
plies, and works in a wide dealing with molded frames such size of the dowel hole. For exam-
variety of applications. as lipped cabinet doors. ple, to drill a W' hole in a 1"-thick
However, a dowel joint can workpiece, adjust the slide so the
quickly turn into a disaster No.8 mark on it aligns with the

Dry-clamp your work- W' mark on the body of the jig as
if you don't follow basic pieces face side up, and shown below.
procedures. Here's how we check the corners for fit How did we arrive at those fig-
ensure success when using and square. With a sharp pencil ures? Simple. The No.8 (an auger·
dowel joinery in the WOOD- and a square, mark the center- bit designation) corresponds to
magazine shop. lines of the dowels. Each joint W' drill bits, No.7 corresponds to
should have at least two dowels. "M6" bits, No.6 corresponds to }S"
First, choose dowels of a Space the dowels no more than bits, and so on. We arrived at ~"
diameter that's one-half to 3" apart (workpieces wider than by dividing 1" in half.
one-third the thickness of 4" require three or more dowels).
your workpieces. For example,
with ¥'j"·thick stock, use W'· to ~"­
diameter dowels. Generally, it
makes sense to use the largest
possible dowel (W' in our exam-
ple), unless you're working with
narrow stock. Why this excep-
tion? We like to space dowels at
least Wi" from the ends of a joint,
and at least W' apart. So, with %"
dowels, a workpiece should mea-
sure at least 1 Y-l" wide.

~" tOllil" dis. hole Unclamp your workpieces

Note: In this article we'll demotv and place one of them
strate the use of the widely avail- with its mating surface up,
able Stanley 04-059 doweling jig. into a bencll vise. Slip the appro-
If you already own another jig, priate drill-bit guide into the jig,
you'll find that many of the dow- with the beveled end of the guide
, .."'.' eling principles presented here facing away from the workpiece.
apply to your jig as welL This jig Position the jig's fence against the

o works on stock up to 23/4" thick

and at least 11/4" wide. It accom-
modates drill bits in diameters
from 3/16" to 1/2 " in 1/16" incre-
face of the workpiece as shown.
Precisely align the index mark on
the jig with the marked dowel
centerline. Clamp the jig securely
ments. We like this jig because of to the workpiece, and allow the
its simplicity and accuracy. guide to contact the mating sur-


face. Tighten the thumbscrew After drilling the holes, Apply glue to the insides
that holds the guide in place. chamfer them to a depth of the holes, the dowels,
of M6" with a countersink and all mating surfaces.
bit. This helps you slide the dow- Use a small brush, thin wooden
els easily into the holes, and rod, or pipe cleaner.
ensures a tight joint by providing Tap the dowels into the holes of
space for wood debris around the one mating piece, align the adjoin-
hole rim. ing workpiece, and use the slow,
steady screwing action of your
clamps to bring the joint together
as shown below. Allow any
trapped air or glue to escape.
Check for square, and make any
necessary damping adjustments.
After the glue dries, sand the joint
level and smooth.•

Determine the depth of
the holes by dividing the
length of your dowels in
half and adding M6". The extra Vt6"
provides clearance between the
end of the dowels and the bot-
toms of the holes.
Now, place the drill bit into the
guide so it contacts the work- You either can buy com-
piece. Measure from the end of
the guide, and wrap masking tape
around the bit at the proper hole
?l mercially made dowels, or
cut your own to length
from dowel rod. If you make your
depth as shown below. own, yOll mllst cut two \116"-deep
grooves along the length of the
dowel, on opposite sides, to pro-
vide escape channels for air and
glue (see illustration). Then, use a
belt or disc sander to form a M6"
chamfer on the dowel ends.

Buying Guide
Stanley 04·059 Doweling
Jig, $48.95 postage paid from
Tools On Sale. Call 800/328·
0457. For more information,
write to: Stanley Tools,
Customer Service Dept., 600
Myrtle St., New Britain, CT
lIlUSIl'lltlons; JIm Stevenson



It's time to assemble
the carcase Length of spline SPLINE DETAIL
I Rip and CroSSClIl the ballam equals spline slol
front rail (D) and top fronl rail (E)
length minus '1,"
to size from ~M-thick pine stock.
2 CUI the cleats (F, G, 1-1) to size.
Drill and countersink Ihe mount-
ing holes through the cleats.
Adjustable shelves make Ibis hand-
1 Position and square the side some projecl venatik eoough to ful-
cleats (F) on the cabinet sides nu a number of storage oeeds.
(1'\) where located on the Carcasc
A~sembl}' drawing. Screw the
cleats in place. Posilion and
screw the 101' cleats (G) in place. I/~· round-overs
4 Dry-elamp the bottom and 101'

;;~4~"':.;~~~:~N;O'00""""'" 00 bad<""
panels (B, C) to the side panels.
The back edge of both panels are
nush with the back edge of the © Ends Oftop©t%>""""
n""t sides A 3"
4· ~
sides. The top panel overhangs '/," rabbet '/." deep
both side panels by y. Check for routed after assembly 7f6A" shank hole
square and screw (no glue) the 5/32." hole. countersunk ..... ~16 x 'f~" F.H.
panels together.
5 Dry-clamp the rails (0, E) in
; w~scr~J
place, drill countersunk screw
hoks, and glue and screw Illese 4·
pieces to the carcasc.
6 Rout a .){j~ rabbet \4" deep along
the back inside c\lge of the assem-
bled cabinet. Chisel the round- #8 x l1f~.
wood screws'
~~l~~~-U ,
routed corners square.
7 Measure the r.lbbcted opening, 48 7/,"
and cut (he back (I) to size from CD ,
\4" hardboard. If you plan ro use
the cabinet for electronic compo-
¢ ....34'f"

nents, bore ventilation and wire () <¢)

access holes. Sec the Carcase
Assembly dmwing for reference.

Next, add the decorative

pine molding
I Cut the bollom trim pieces
O,K,L,M) to size pillS I" in length. ® 21'f," Bore I 'h" holes
2 ROllt a W cove along the top in back lor
ventilation and
front edge of the inner trim wire access
pieces a, K). Sec the Lower where required
Molding detail accompanying the '/," rabbet
Exploded View dmwing for refer- '/." deep routed
ence. Miter-cut the pieces and after assembly
screw them (no glue) to the cabi- CARCASE ASSEMBLY Note: Parts@.@and@are
net bottom. edge·joined WIth Splines
3 Rout a W' bead along the top
front edge of molding pieces (L,
M). Miter-cut these pieces and

3/4 X 11 1/4
X 96" Pine (2 pieces) E o
3/4 X
11 1/4 X 96" Pine (1 piece)
glue them to the cabinet.
4 Cut the top trim pieces (N, 0) , "Plane or resaw to thickness
stated in Bill of Materials
to size, and screw (no glue) them
to the top of the cabinet.
S Cut dentil mold pieces 0>, Q) to
, I ~l? ,"2) $
3/4 X 5 1/2 X 96" Pine (1 piece)
size plus 2" in length. Construct 11 1/4 X 96" Pine (1 piece)
the jig shown be/ow right. The
3/. X

I3/. X71/4© I © o IB @l
center of the 111" kerf in the miter X 96" Pine (2 pieces) 2112 x 96" Crown Molding (1 piece)
extension should be W' from the
center of the indexing pin. Bill of Materials
6 Make one kerfing cut across the
Finished Size' Finished Size'
end of one of the dentil mold P,rt !--;T"","'W:;;.-'r-:-L--1 ~ ~ Part ,.il 5
. ,,..
strips. Next, position this kerf on T W L
the indexing pin, and make the CABINET CARCASE DOORS
second cut. Repe:lt the process as A' sides ... 211/1' 54¥" EP , T stiles ,' 4'"'" P 4
shown in the photo below to
... 34"
21'11' U top rails ,," P ,
make all the evenly spaced kerfs. B' bottom 14'
Repeat for each piece. C'top ... 24W 42' V btm. rails ,,' ".. P
1 14'

o btm. rail ... "'" p W' panels ,,' 131,4' 391;'0 EP

... '" P SHELVES
,," " '"
E top rail 4'
F deats , ,," 18" EP ,
G deals ... " , 21Yi1'
X' shelves
Y' fronts ... ,.' "'"'"" p ,
H deals ... " , 33' P 'Inilially cuI pans mar1l.ed wilh an ' oversized.
I back Vi 35W 48W H Then, trim each 10 finished size according to the
how-to inslructions.
J' btm. skies ... ",.. 5V: p , Materials Key: EP-edge-joined pine,
P-pine, H-hardboard.
K' btm. front ¥,' 5V: 37Y.!' p

L' blm. sides ... "'" ",.. p ,

Suppllas: .6x'h' flathead wood screws, H5X¥'
M' btm. fronl ... "'" 39' p flathead wood screws, H8x11f.'Uathead wood
screws, 8' pine crown molding, cabinellop and
... "'.. "..-
N top sides ",,' p , bollom piVOf hinges (Stanley catalog no. 331),
Use a wooden miler-gauge eXCcnslon
cabinef middle piV<lt hinges (Stanrey catalog no.
wilh a guide for CUlling the denUI mold.

7 Miter-cut the dentil mold pieces

(P, Q), and glue them to the cabi-
o top front
P' dentil mold
Q' dentil mold
... ,"," """or 37W P

335), pulls (Amerock BP7627f·R1), roller calches
(Amerack BP9745·3), 4-%" brown or walnut fin·
ished shelf standards, wood conditioner, slain,
dear finish.
net where shown on the
Exploded View drawing. R' crown mold 1W 2W 24W p ,
8 To add the pine crown molding S' crown~d PAl' 2W 41Y.. p
(R, S), we purchased an 8' piece
at a local homecentef. Select a
straight, flat 2x4, and glue it to Wooden miter·gauge extension CUTTING THE
the back face of the crown mold- DENTllMQlD
12" from cenler 01 kerf to
ing where shown on Step 1 of center 01 index pin
Ripping the Crown Molding draw-
ing. Now, rip the edges of the l/e x l/e x 11/4" index pin
lamination where shown in Steps
inlo 1/ " saw kerf
I and 2 of the drawing.
9 Measure and miter-cut the front Miter gauge
piece (5) to length and glue it to
the top front of the cabinet.
Repeat fOf the side pieces (R). .::-
- \
Saw blade path
I aj §j;
3/~X11/.x96·Pine(1piece) ~
Shell standard
13::;;> (SIDE VIEW) H
3/. X 5'/2 X96" Pine (3 pieces)

x Pini'i3"'PieceSi""
3/. 9'/. )[ 96"
Roller catch strike pIale
Roller catch

'I. x 48 x 00" Hardboard (1 PIece)

Upper pivot hinge


'/e" hole ; ---H----;_¢

~ 1'/." 5/8" brown shelf
standards 46" long

K 19"
-Ill V

_-i--+--.--I-/t6 x '12" F.H.
3" woad screw

Roller catch
strike plate


~~ ..
; /
3/32" pilot hole
'(." deep

#8 x 1'/." F.H. wood screw

'/2" cove set

see Hinge Recess '/2" deep
drawing for sizes
Antique blass pulls '/2" bead sel'/e" deep
Middle pivot hinge
Now, construct a pair of T
doors to close the case TENON DETAIL
I Cut the door stiles (T), top r.lUs
(U), and bouom rails (V) to size.
2 Auach a V.l~ dado blade to your 1/2"':<--1
tablesaw, and r.lise it Y.!" above the ~
surface of the saw table. Cut a W 'I." tenon '/2" lOng
groove, centered from side to
sidc, along onc edge of each part.
(We test-eut the groove in scrap DOOR
stock Ihe same thickness as the
stiles and rails to ensure it was
centered.) See the Door drawing
and accompanying Tenon detail
for reference.
3 To cut the stub lenons on the
ends of the rails, use a miter gauge
with an attached wood eXlension
for support, and cut a W rabbet
W deep on both faces of each end T
of each rail.
4 For stability and natness, edge-
join narrower, straight-grained RAISED-PANEL DETAIL
stock to form the twO door panels (SECTION VIEW)
(W) to the size Iisled in the Bill of
Materials plus 1" in length and
width. Laler, cut Ihe door panels
to finished size.
S To cut Ihe raised panels, tilt
your tablesaw blade 5° from verti-
cal, and elevate the blade 2~ above
the saw table. Position the rip
fence, tCSI-eut scmp stock to cre-
ate the same shape shown on the
Raised-Panel detail, and cut each
edge of each panel. S,lI1d the cut
are"s to remove saw marks.
6 Test-fit the door pieces, and
Irim if necessary. Then, finish-
sand the panels and stain them. RIPPING THE CROWN MOLDING
(For a more even stain "pplication STEP 1 STEP 2
on the pine, we applied Minwax Set lence 10 line uFc with Set fence to line uFc with
Wood Conditioner before apply- Fe~ edge 0' crown mo ding edge of cr(wn mo ding

ing Ihe stain.) Then, glue and
d"mp each door, checking for
square. Rest the clamped assem-
blies on a nat surface.

Add the pivot hinges to

the doors and carcase
I Mark the upper and lower hinge
recesses where shown on the Top
and Bottom Hinge Recess draw-
ings. Then, mark the locations for
Sa'' ' ' ' blOO<~
(glued 10 crown
Wl> I I
the middle notches where shown Saw blade t~ed
40" from vertical
11/2 x 3'/2- (2x4)
stOCk glued 10 back Saw blade set lIertical.J!)
on the Middle Hinge Notch draw- 01 crown molding wilh table (90")
ing. Follow the inSlructions sup-
plied with the pivot hinges to
form the top, bottom, and middle
hinge recesses and notches.
HINGE RECESS HINGE 2 MOllm the hinges to the doors,
NOTCH and fasten the hinges to the cabi-
@ net. Moum the roller catches to
/118" CD the doors and cabinet. Drill the
holes for the pulls. Attach the
pulls and catches.

) CrosscUl the shelf standards,
and install them in the cabinet.
Add the shelves and finish
Back of door Note: The shelves are dimen-
sioned to al/oUJ a little over an
01_ Incb 01 clearance between tbe
CD back edge of (be shelf and the
front edge of the back piece (I).
The gap tI/lows passage for tbe
cords from your electrical compo.
"ellts to tbe ,vlre-access boles.

I Using the same procedure you

Nole: Stock is edge-joined
used -to form the panels for the
using slopped splines at joints side, bottom, and top panels,
edge-join and spline enough pine
34 3/s" stock for the number of shelves
()..') that you'U need.
x 2 Cut the shelves to fit between
the shelf standards.
) Cut the shelf fronts (Y) to size
plus I" in length. Cut a ~" rabbet

\t4" deep along the back edge of
each. See the Shelf Recess detail
for reference. Glue and damp a
SHELF front to each shelf.
y 4 Rout \t4" beads along the front
edge of each shelf front. Trim the
ends of the shelf fronts flush with
\/~" beads on lOP and
bottom edge set 10 Ihe" deep the ends of each shelf.
5 Fit the clips on the shelf stan-
dards. Form dip recesses on the
bottom of each shelf where
SHELF RECESS dimensioned on the Shelf drawing
DETAIL and Shclf Rccess detail.
6 Remove all the hardware from
the cabinet and doors. Remove
Bottom side of the back (I) from the cabinet.
shelf shown Finish-sand all the pieces. Apply
wood conditioner, and then stain
and finish. (We used Minwax
Wood Conditioner, Puritan Pine
stain, and salin polyurethane.)
Layout hole Iocatioo and 7 Reattach the hardware and hang
bore a 3/." hole '/s- deep the doors. Screw the cabinet back
STEP 2 in place.•
Chisel remaining waste Produced b)' Mukn I'trntnet
from notch ProIcct Ocslin'):une'!I R. Dg",-rUng
Phocographl;. Wm. lIopkins
lUt$r:1l1on$: Kim Do.... ning

when Mitch negotiates for trees

MEXICO with a private landowner or with
a community. (Interestingly,
Mexican law requires that any
money received for publicly
Worried about owned timber be used for a local
contributing to civic purpose, like a school or
deforestation by using clinic.) After the timber price has
tropical woods? Read about been established, the agreement
goes to the forestry department
Californian Mitch Talcove's bacote, lignum for a review that determines
experience with how Mexico vitae, primavera, and Q(hers. The whether or not the area has
protects its trees and plans Mexican government also encour- already had toO many trees
for the future by managing ages sustained-yield foresl man- removed. If not, they give prelimi-
for sustained yield. agement-a practice that keeps nary approval for the harvest.
the forest continually producing Next comes an assessment of the
timber. To do this also means the logging's potential environmental
Mitch Ta!cove, 43, owns Tropical cutting of lesser-known species. impact. Among other things, that
Exotic Hardwoods in Carlsbad, Yet harvesting any species includes a tree inventory and a
California, a company he started involves red tape. removal study. After review by
in 1978 after noting the growing "Getting cutting permits is not the forestry department, lhe
interest in exotic woods among like waiting in line to rcnew your assessment moves on to the
American woodworkers. But his driver's license in the U.S.,M Mitch department of agriculture, and
interest in Mexican wood goes comments. "The entire process, finally back to lhe forestry depart-
back to the early 1970s when he from finding a supply until har- ment, which issues the permit
worked in the country as a car- vest, can take up to two years!~ and marks lhe trees for harvest.
penter, an experience thaI famil- That means that Mitch has at least
iarized him with Mexican forestry six permits in process at a time to Logging tree by tree
laws. Mitch now ranks as one of assure a constant supply for his "People have the impression thaI
the nation's longest established small local sawmill. we go in with heavy eqUipment
exporters of south-of-the-border The long permit proccss begins like the loggers in [he Pacific
stock. For him, though, getting it
home has never been harder.

Tough laws protect trees

Most of the wood that Mitch sells
comes from Mexico's west coast.
There, like everywhere else in the
country, logging is strictly con-
trolled and regulated by local and
federal agencies. "Legally, ~ Mitch
says, "you can't cut a tree any-
where in Mexico-even if you
own the property-without a
forestry department permit. ~
According to Mitch, the country's
tough forestry regulations are
designed to limit the removal of At Mitch Talcove's small sawmrn on the west coast of Mexico, logs ate saWll by' local
prized woods, such as cocobolo, workers Into boards for maximum yield, then trucked to the U.S. for dryillg.


Northwest, that we c1earcut an
entire area," Mitch comments, gri-
macing. "This is neither legal in
Mexico nor practical for the few
trees-about 10-15 per square
mile-that we are allowed to cm
in the hilly terrain."
So, how do they do it? With hors-
es or mules and manpower. "My
crew of 10 men climb for hours to
the area of marked trees, then fell
them with a chain saw, leaving
the stump as a source of sec-
ondary growth," says Mitch.
~ A typical cocobolo tree is skinny
-about 16" in diameter and 75'
tall-and contains about 150
board feet of good wood after
milling away the waste," he notes.
"TIle men cm the trees into 3'-7'
No hcavy machincry Is allowed in Mexican forests. logging crews usc horse!:! 01'
logs that can be moved out of the mulc!:! to haul log!:! down the !:!Iopes to the nearest road.
forest by hand or animal. The law
requires us to saw any remaining felled, the time of transport, the off the bark in slabs, then ship-
branches into small pieces that license number of transporting ping the resulting cant. At Mitch's
will decay. vehicles and drivers' names, and mill, all logs are sawn for maxi-
"The draft animals drag the logs the location of the sawmill. And, mum yield, then milled into
down the hills to a I-ton pickup Mitch says, the forestry depart- boards for trucking [0 the U.S, But
tnlck which then transports them ment, agriculture department, even at the mill, as well as
to a semi at the closest highway," local and federal police, as well as enroute home for drying, the
he continues. ~ Although this the army, can and do periodically wood is subject to government
process takes extra days, the sur- check permits. inspection. To Mitch, that's okay.
rounding natural growth is pro- "Any changes or delays must be "As <l buyer, I want to be certain
tected. And to help ensure sus· reported and written extensions that the forest in general is pro-
tained yield, recent laws reqUire issued," notes the importer. "This tected, and that specific species
replacement of removed trees is a problem when one of our are well managed," Mitch
with seedlings, p'lid for and plant- trucks gets stuck in rainy season explains. "But all woodworkers
ed by the permit holder." mud. We simply can't transfer the need to be more aware of the
load to another trllck until we get source and harvesting methods of
Be legal or be jailed our permit changed. To avoid woods they use, and encourage
The penalties for breaking that, we try [0 cut in the dry sea· the management of exotic woods
Mexican forestry laws,-jail and son that runs from early as a sustainable resource,"
confiscation of equipment-guide November to early June."
Mitch and his crews. For from har- Even the mill must follow the let- For a list of imported wood
vest to exporting, the govemment ter of the law. Mexican regula- species Mitch stocks, send a
has enacted safeguards to keep tions require that wood be self-addressed, stamped enve-
tabs on wood. For instance, work- machined on all four sides before lope to: Tropical Exotic
ers must carry permits describing exporting, a means [0 encourage Hardwoods, Dept. G, P.D. Box
the wood they are allowed to cut, local employment. To some J806, Carlsbad, CA 92008..
its location, the date it will be sawyers, that means just sawing Written an<ll'hotograph~-d b)' Gal)' A, 7..cff




Here's a clever way to get
cnt wood-it's perfectly round. He was looking for a way to make
double duty from one bowl And it's solid, not segmented. better use of wood.
blank: Rough out the bowl Wait a second! The accent band -Most of a $75 chunk of cocobo-
by cutting rings out of the doesn't show on the inside of the 10 or whatever you're using ends
waste areas, then use those bowl or the underside of the up as waste when you turn a
rings as decorative inlays in plate, either. How did he do that? bowl,· Lane points out. Rather
Lane achieves the intriguing than letting it all pile up as chips,
other turnings. In this case, effect by inlaying-inserting a he wanted to salvage some of that
your conservation yields a wooden ring into a groove cut wood. So he started cutting rings
conversation piece. into the turned piece. At his Stu· from his blanks as the first step in
dio in the mountains near Spanish roughing out a bowl (see illustra-
Woodtumers often do a double- Fork, Utah, he recently construct- tion, opposite page). To put the
take when they spot a bowl or ed a bowl with an inlaid rim to rings to use, he turned to inlays.
plate turned by Lane Phillips. At demonstrate the process for Now, Lane may cut 20, 30, or
first glance, Uule's two-toned ves- WOOn. magazine readers. even more rings from a blank, as
sels, like those below, appear to shown opposite page before tum·
be laminated work, or perhaps Not just a ing the outside of the bowl. Later,
staved turnings. pretty technique when he remounts the blank, he
But on close inspection, details While the inlaid rings add spice to can cut some more rings from the
start to click: That band of differ- a plain plate or bowl, Lane wasn't inside of the bowl. Thus, the
looking for a decorative techniquc blank yiclds a bowl plus an assort-
when he developed the process. ment of decorative inlay rings.
"That's the main reason to be
excited about this: Lane says. "It
makes your wood go further. ~
While he cuts a lot of cross-grain Inlay ring parted
rings from bowl blanks, Lane also off of blank
takes some end-grain ones from
stock mounted between cen-
ters-when turning an urn, for
instance. "End-grain rings are not
only attractive, ~ Lane says, "they
hold their true round shape better
than cross-grain rings."

First thing, make the rings

Following Lane's procedures and
working carefully. you can embell-
ish practically any turning this Additional
. . . . . . ---------------:.. . . . . . . . .
way. Here's how to fit an inlay
into a bowl rim:
rings to
be cuI 1~;:;:='=~:)
f-JLL-1 /
// . . . . . .....

-- --------
Bowl blank
(section view)
-- ....... ......,


I Oullinaof
I tuture bowl
I/ (cross section of bowl blank)

Cui 2 (taper side)

Cut 3

A bowl blallk awaits turning after yield_

L- m - - - -
Bowl blank _
Ing an aSSOMmCIlI of rings for Inlays.
The process begins with turning
CUi 1 (hold parting tool al
slight angle \0 taper side)
t· // ........... ..-
an assortment of rings. This sim-
plifies fitting the inlay later-form-
ing a groove to accept an existing ! /
/// --
ring is much easier than turning a ! / /
I /
precisely sized ring La fit into an 1/4" 1 1
already-made groove.
Start by selecting the woods for
your inlay and bowl. For photog-
raphy, Lane turned a silver maple
" /1

bowl with a cocobolo inlay. But,
he doesn't always strive for such a RING CUTTING OUT
strong contrast between the bowl (cross-section) THE RINGS
and tlte inlay. "Similar colors like (side view)

\\oon\lV,\ZI'. )1111(1 \)n l'rJ, 11

cocobolo and cherry look terrific
together>" Lane says, as do oppo-
site colors such as yellow (black
locust) and purple CImrpleheart)."
He avoids mixing grains, prefering
burl inlays for burl bowls and
straight-grain inlays for straight-
grain turnings.

Become a ringmaster
Center a faceplate or screw chuck
on top of the bowl blank that will
yield the rings. With a gouge, ;rc~,:=... " ,
round the blank and true the face.
Look for cracks in the blank-

you must repair them before you
try to cut off any rings. Lane fIXes
flaws by dribbling cyanoacrylate
glue into them, as shown right. Lane Phllilps glues hairline cracks with Cut into the face to set the rIug's width.
Gille any voids or other stock cyanoacrylate adhesive before begin_ Then, cut from the side to establish
ning to cut rings from the blank. thickness and release the ring.
characteristics that could cause
the ring to come apart. right and in the drawing. Be pre- Time to turn a bowl
Sometimes, too, you can make pared to catch the ring as it sepa- With the rings ready, yOll now
your ring wide enough or thick rates from the stock. need a bowl to put one in. Using
enough to comain the flaw. You Now, move the tool rest back to your customary method, turn the
may even find a portion of stock the face of the blank to start the oU[side of the bowl to its finished
that simply won't work for a ring. process over again. Continue until diameter. (see WOOD magazine,
Rings about 14" wide work well. you reach the predetermined December 1992, for more on
Lane explains: "Most likely you'U diameter at that level, then start at bowl-turning basics).
cut the rings from partially wet Hollow out the bowl, leaving
wood, and they'll warp. A narrow walls at least !h" thick-a little
ring-one about V<l" wide-will thicker is even better. A thick
dry to an oval, but will be flexible bowl wall at this pOint gives you
enough to fit into a round greater latitude in selecting a ring
groove." And, Lane reminds, don't to fit. Measure the bowl's outside
make rings narrower than your diameter at the rim.
parting tool-you won't be able Select an inlay ring about W'
to cut grooves for them. smaller in diameter than the out-
Place the tool rest parallel to the side diameter of your bowl. (fhis
face of the blank. With your part- allows a \oS" margin around the
ing tool W' or so from the edge of outside of the ring, shown in the
the blank, cut into the face of the illustration right.)
stock, W' deep, shown as Cut 1 in
the Cutting Out The Rings draw- Feelin' groovy
ing. Use your thinnest parting tool Place the toolrest across the end
to reduce waste. "Sometimes, the of the bowl, and true the rim.
parting tool wiU bounce around a Removing rings from a blank helps Then, with the lalhe running,
bit as you make that first cut, II rough out the shape for a bowl without hold a pencil against the rim to
Lane says. uYou may need to make piling up a lot of waste chips.
mark several circles for the out-
a light second cut to true the the edge again to cut the rings side diameter of the ring. Stop the
inner side of the ring.
II from the next level. Don't try to lathe and hold the ring against the
Next, place the tool rest paraUel make those rings identical to the rim [0 find the circle that's closest
to the side of the blank. Taper the ones you've already cut-you to the size of the ring.
outer side of the ring with a light want a variety of ring sizes. Draw more rings to mark the
scraper cut. Then, cut straight You'll end up with a stair-stepped ring's inside diameter. Pick the
into the side with the parting tool bowl blank, like the one shown one that matches the ring best.
to free the ring, as shown above above. Set it and the rings aside. You should now have a pair of

12 \\OO1)\I\hAZI:\1 1II1IU \H~ I')'),

Initially tum a thick·waUcd bowJ..--->h" or thicker. As you cut Tcst-fit the inlay in the groove frequently as you work. The
the groove into the rim, taper the sides to match the ring. ring must fit tightly, but need not be flush with the rim-

concentric circles marking the slanted surface, it leaves lite inside Glue the fitted inlay into place
location of the ring inlay. top edge of the groove slightly with gap-filling cyanoacrylate
With a parting tool, cut straight higher than the outside. Then he (CA) adhesive. First, spray CA
into the rim, staying safely can hook the ring around the accelerator on the sides of the
between the lines, as shown ledge to fit it into the groove. ring (a light mist is all you need).
above. Establish the width of the As you cut the groove to depth, Then, apply the thick CA to the
groove with shallow parting-tool taper the sides to match the taper sides of the groove. Don't worry
cuts. Check the ring's fit in the of the ring. "This way, you can about the bottom of lite groove-
groove frequently, then adjust the tighten a loose-fining ring by cut- your inlay may not reach all the
groove as necessary. Take tiny ting the groove deeper, ~ Lane way to the bottom. Align the
cuts as you make adjustments. explains. Check the fit of the ring ring's grain with the bowl's grain,
For easier fitting of a warped frequently, as shown above rlgbt and carefully install the inlay.
ring, Lane trims the bowl rim on a Ideally, the ring will stand slightly Lane seals the joint lines with
slight slant down to the outside. above the bowl rim with no gaps thin (regular) CA adhesive fol-
When he cuts the groove on the at the inside or outside. lowed by a shot of accelerator.
This works best with the turning
Outside margin and chuck or faceplate dismount-
ed from the lathe.
------~~ Remount the bowl, then true the
Inlay ring MEASURING
groove inlaid rim with a light cut. Finish-
turn the inside of the bowl.
Enlarge the diameter inside or
reduce it on the outside to center
the inlay on the rim, if necessary.
"Though the inlaid rim is W thick
or so, that doesn't mean the
Ring whole bowl needs to be, ~ Lane
says. -I like a rim tllat tapers down
to a wall about \4" thick. ~
Sand as necessary, and apply a
Ring clear finish inside and out. When
Finished outside
diameter dry, pan off the bowl, and sand
(Ring outside and finish the bottom.•
dIameter + 1/.")
'"------,l W"11en by LarT')' ,Johnston with l.ane Phillips
J'bot;08"'ph5, Glory zerr
llJuStnl/om: Kim DownlPg

\\OtH)\\\(,\/i,,\i 11111,1 Ill\ I'''', 1-)

don't have to spend a bundle to be ready
Sure, you can add sophisticated and expensive systems like
heat sensors and sprinklers to your shop for f'tre protection.
But all it really takes to fight f' well as prevent it-is
common sense and some pretty ordinary equipment.
obert Benedetti works out smoke detector at each floor of

R solutions for fire-related

problems in business and
industry every day, as he bas for
the structure." (Bauery-operated
smoke detectors only cost about
$10 each.)
years. That's because he's a senior But what about extinguishing the
engineer for the National Fire fire? Of the several types of fire
Protection Association in Quincy, extinguishers available, Dob
Massachusetts. Bob is also a names two for the home work-
hobby woodworker and a do-it- shop. "A Class A pressurized-
yourselfcr. So when he talks about water extinguisher labour $65 for
home-shop fire protection, he one of 2Y.!-gal. capacityJ works
speaks from experience. well for fighting fires in cloth,
wood, and other ordinary non-liq- shop is
Your first line of defense uid, non-electrical combustibles." located, you
According to Bob, what works in The second of Bob's recommen- could have a
commercial or industrial situa- dations docs it all. "A 10-lb. dry- hose with a
tions in case of fire works at chemical, A-D-C-rated fire extin- nozzle connected
home, too. ~I subscribe to dIe the- guisher [about $50] will put out a to a valve tap on a cold-
ory that jf you have fire, you call paint or a varnish fire, ~ he says, water line,· he adds.
the fire department first. Then, if "and it works on other flammable "Normally, a basement shop
you know what you're doing, you liquids, grease, electrical fires- would be close to a utility room,
try to extinguish the fire. In indus- such as with a motor-and wood, with valve taps readily available.
try, the first line of defense always paper, and cloth as well. And Then, an appropriate length of
is lO sound the alarm. ~ Following remember to always place the fire garden hose to reach your shop
that advice means that you should extinguisher at the entrance to area is all you need. ~
post the number of your fire the room because you don't want
department (or 911), along with La put your life in jeopardy by Add more equipment for
other emergency numbers, close going to a location in the cemer peace of mind
1.0 the telephone, and consider it or the far corner of the shop to Although statistics on the causes
an essential item in your fire-pro- grab it. Never cut yourself off of fire in the home don't pinpoint
tection equipment. from escape." workshops, Bob has a hunch that
Smoke detectors also should be There's still another fire-fighting flammable Liquids, such as acetone
part of your alarm system. "The item, though, and an inexpensive and lacquer thinner, are often the
home woodworker should look one. "Depending on where the culprits. With them, proper stor-
toward multilevel smoke detec- age is the best insurance.
n,· suggests Bob. "That means a "You can buy nonflammable stor-
age units and waste receptacles,
but they're expensive [cabinets
big reductions in your homeown-
er's insurance premium. "Most of Want to learn more
your premium payment goes for about fire protection?
liability," he comments, "not for Write for a free calalog listing
fire coverage. Although haVing educalional material. Send your
fire protection equipment does requesl 10: National Fire
knock something off the COSt, it'S Protection Associarion, P.O.
not a heck of a lot. The payback, Box 9101, 1 Banerymarch Park,
more than anything, is really Quincy, Mass. 02269-9101.
peace of mind."

How to retire a fire with an extinguisher

Knowing how to use a fire er from its mount and check to
extinguisher properly to fight a make sure it is full.
cost $300 fire can mean the difference 2. Stand back 8' from the fire, pull
and up; a six- between saving your shop or the extinguisher's ring, and
gallon capacity watching it go up in smoke. A remove the hose from the holder
waste container, lack of know-how, on the other on the container.
about $50]. But if hand, could lead to personal 3. Aim the hose at the absolute
you normally work injury, while a lack of prepared- base of the blaze, then squeeze
with flammable fin- ness could doom your shop. the handle and lever together to
ishing materials, Equip your shop with an A-B-C- start the chemical stream flowing
they're worth the rated fire extinguisher and keep from the nozzle.
investment. In lieu of them," he it by the door leading into your 4. Sweep the fire with the stream
says, ~always store flammable liq- shop. It's also a good idea to in a side-to·side motion, advanc-
uids in tightly closed, metal con- have a phone and a flashlight ing as the fire diminishes.
tainers. Never keep even dirty sol- installed in the shop, again, by 5. When the flame is out, over-
vent, such as n1rpentine or bnlsh the door. Now, here's what to haul the area ofthe fire, searching
cleaner, in an open container. do when the temperature in for hot spots to put out.
"Some finishing oils, including your shop rises: 6. Stand back from the fire area
linseed oil and tung oil, have the 1. First, call the fire department. and watch the debris carefully
tendency to self·combust under Then, if it looks feasible to fight until you're absolutely positive
the right conditions, if left open," the fire, remove the extinguish- lhat il won't reignite.•
he continues. "So you want to
keep all of your oily cloths in a lid- Wrillc:n by Pl"ter J. Stephano lUU!ltntion: 1lri3n}msen
ded metal container, too. The
alternative is to hang the cloths
outside for several days until they
completely dry."

But, even if you put aU of Bob's
advice inlO practice, don't expect I
Now-you-see-it, now-you-don't
When we designed the
WOOD magazine IDEA SHOP,
floor space was at a premi-
um. That's why we decided
to go with the wall-hung
cabinet shown here. It fea-
tures a fold-down worktable
that rotates on a lazy Susan
bearing, allowing you to
apply an even coat of finish
on all sides of your project
without repositioning it. And, a support arm
attached to the cabinet door lets you do the same
with small projects or parts. Then, when you're
through for the day, just lift up on the worktable,
stash it back in the cabinet, and close the door.
Start with the plywood the spacer (D) and
cabinet assembly knob (E) to shape. See
I From W' maple, cut the cabinet the Parts View draw-
sides (A) and top and bottom (B) ing for the full-sized
to the sizes listed in the Bill of knob pattern. Drill a
Materials on the opposite page. ~2" hole centered in
2 Cut a ~" rabbet }S" deep across the spacer. Drill and
the ends of the cabinet sides (A). countersink the same
3 Switch to a Y.!"-wide dado blade, sized hole in the knob.
and cut a Y.!;" rabbet }H" deep along 7 Mark the hole cen-
the back inside edge of all four terpoints, and drill a
cabinet pieces (A, B). pair of holes for the
4 Dry-clamp the cabinet pieces, round magnetiC catch-
measure the opening, and cut the es and wood screws in
back (C) to size from liz" plywood. the cabinet sides (A)
Remove the clamps. where shown on the
5 Glue and clamp the basic cabi- Exploded View draw-
net (A, B) together, checking for ing. You'll add the catches, knob, table (F). Use two screws to tem-
square. While the glue is stili wet, spacer, and strike plates later. porarily hold the bearing to the
attach the back (C) with 4d finish table top. Next, mark the center-
nails and glue. The plywood back Now, let's add the point, and drill a screw-access
helps hold the unit square until drop-down table hole through the table. The
the glue dries. Remove any glue I Cut the table (F), table support access hole in the table allows
from the inside of the cabinet (G), and turntable (H) to size and you to work from the bottom of
with a damp cloth. For added shape. See the Parts View draw- the table later to screw the lazy
strength, drive a pair of 6d nails at ing for reference when marking Susan bearing to the bottom side
each corner where shown on the the layout for parts F and G. of the turntable (H).
Exploded View drawing. Set the 2 Using the radius centerpoint 3 DriU mounting holes in the bot-
nails and fiU the holes with putty. you laid out for the end of the tom edge of the table support (G)
6 To hold the drop-down table table (F), center a 12"-diameter for the adjustable feet (see the
assembly in the cabinet later, cut lazy-Susan bearing on top of the Exploded View drawing).
COT/firmed on page 48

Miter corners of tnm
around door elll of Materials
'/2" rabbet 3/s" deep in back
Pivot hinge inside edge of ® and ® ',rt
Anlshed Size' ,;
( (Stanley #332) B T W L :II ~

3/4" rabbet 3/a" deep
6d finish nail
A ,"" •. ' J¥<" 4B" M ,
#8' "I." F.H
I~ 1
4 /2"
13/4" 8 'OP &
... "'.. 231'.' M ,
5/a" deep
""'' ' .- 47W 8' ,
#8 flat
7/&4"eilot "'' '
D spacer ...
M ,
J 6"
3/s" deep
E ""'"
•. ' '%'
" 00.
3' M
3/a" round-over
along front __
, ••,,,,,,_,1)
j Mount hinge
lf2" from front
edge of ® -4..]"
F labia

G 0'.
H turntable
" 18'
'" ""..
Pivot hinge . :t~;;;;~!!!;!Oi;;,
edge of door_.______ K
/2 oiS I
3/4" rabbet
3/a" deep I panel ... ".-
Catch strikes
33" to flO/', 1314" J' edging ... ...
46'- 8'
46' M ,
~6d finish nails ,
lazy Susan bearing
. -
~ ~~:"!!!l:[--:"",f
Round magnetic catch
K' edging ... ...
24' M

1" screw hook for paint

gun 10 hang on I l.4 Rout a '/S" round-over l stopblock ... ,.',.- ,." M
on all edgesof®.@
and@ M support arm •. " 4~ M
12"-dia. lazy Susan bearing
centered on ~nterpoint N ,,", •. " Iv.' M
of radius onlD 1112" continuous
hinge 171/2" long
0 finish chairs ,.. "
" " M 4
3/4" screw access hole located #8 X lf2" panhead 'Initially cut parts marked with an ' oversized.
under screw centerpoints on wood screw Then, trim each to finished size ~ng to the
lazy Susan bearing hOw-to instructiOns.
11/2 X 2 1/2" hinge Ma!lNlals Key: M-maple, BP-birch ptywood
G See Parts View for location
SUpplies: 4d finish nails, 6d finish nails, 3 round
magnetic catches and strikes, cabinet pivot
-Mount@341(2" from back edge of hinges (Stanley 1332), 36' length 01 curtain rod,
holes 11/2" deep 'l\-<tc--
5116" ®and centered from side to side paper clips or curtam hooks, 16xlh' flathead
cenlered on bollom ofrG
wood screws, 18xt" flathead wood screws,
,exl v.' flathead wood wew, ISxlY" roundhead
EXPLODED VIEW wood screw and flat washer, ISx1f.l' panhead
wood screws, '8><2' flathead wood screws, 3"
wire pull (handkl), 12'-<!iameter lazy Susan bear-
Adjustable feel).--- iflll' one ~air oIl'hx2W hinges, lW continuous
PJanO) hmge, 1" screw hook, pair 01 adjustable
!eet and Vo" T-nuts, enamel paint, clear finiSh.

3f4 X 5 1f2 x 96" Maple /
..-- -",
D "Plane or resaw I
10 1/4" thick CD ®
'" ./
. .._-\ ( -

© \
t::::: I
) ~ j@,-
3f. X 91f. x 72" Maple 112 x 24 x 48" Birch Plywood 3/4 x 48 x 96 " Birch Plywood

Now a door to keep
the dust out
I Cut the door panel 0) to size.
Cut the door edging (I, K) to size
plus 2" in length. Then, miter-cut
the stiles and rails, and glue and
nail them to the door panel. Drill
the wire pull (handle) mounting
holes through the door.
2 Drill the mounting holes and
add a pair of pivot hinges to the
cabinet and door to check the fit.
See the Mounting The Pivot Hinge
drawing and the hinge manufac-
turer's instructions for reference.
Remove the hinges for now.
Add the support arm and
the finish chairs
I Cut the stopblock (L), support
arm (M), and end pieces (N) to
size and shape. See the Parts View
for help with the end pieces (N).
2 Sand W' round-overs along the
front edges of aU four pieces.
3 Trim a section of curtain rod to
36" long, and secure it to the sup-
port arm (M) where shown on the 5116" holes
11/2" deep
Hanger Assembly drawing.
4 Screw the support/curtain rod
lor adjUstable~ ""
to the door. Do not overtighten feet '\ \
the screw. The support arm must
be free to swing from a vertical to (A=5"
, 4- "
,--,'~ -L-L
a horizontal position.
S Now, attach the stopblock (L) .J\.C:,"
I 1/. I,
8'1," :1
to the door. The stopblock should Mount (G) here A=9"
be positioned so that when the
support arm is horizontal, the end PARTS VIEW
of the support arm can slide
under the stopblock and be held
up to the inside face of the door
where shown on the Exploded Finish it like a pro, and 3 Insert a pair of magnetic catch-
View drawing. assemble the pieces es into the holes in the right-hand
6 Build fOUf finish chairs (0) as I Remove all the hardware from cabinet side (A). Drill and fit a
shown on the Finish Chair draw- the cabinet, table assembly, and catch into the hole in the back
ing. As shown in the opening pho- door. Finish-sand the project. side of the support arm.
tograph, the chairs hold projects 2 Mask the surrounding areas, and 4 Secure the curtain rod to the
above the turntable for ease in apply a clear finish to the door support arm. For hanging projects
applying finishes. Drill mounting edging, table assembly, and sup- later, add paper clips to ule rod.
holes in the right or left-hand side port arm. Later, mask the areas Secure the stopblocks (N) to the
piece (A), and drive four screws that received a clear finish, and end of the rods to keep the cur-
on which to hang the chairs. paint the cabinet and door. tain hooks from sliding out.



9/64" pilot hole 1/2" deeP7~, ~3/.·

3/15" sial 1lIs" long

7/64" pilot hole 1/2" deep
l/s' round-over sanded
on rront edges of

®-..- "J
#8 x '" F.H. wood screw

Curtain rod 36" tong

Round magnetic .------#6 X 1/2" F,H. wood screw

Drill a 11/32" hole
518" deep 1" from end of

round-magnetic catch .
Do nol cut notch for hinge cabinet on the wall 33" from the
floor. (We cut a 2x4 to length,
000< and used it as a temporary leg to
hold the cabinet at a certain
height against the wall. Level the
. cabinet, and drill and countcrsink
mounting holes through the cabi-
net back and into the wall stud(s).

particleboard- reattach 1
Screw the cabinet to the wall.
lOUse the pivot hinges to hang
the door to the cabinet.
I I With the table support at a
right angle to the table and the
FINISH CHAIR adjustable feet of the table sup-
MOUNTING THE PIVOT HINGES port on the shop floor, screw the
continuous hinge to the bottom
5 Mark its mating location and the table support (G) to the bot- cabinet frame member (8). If the
add the strike plate to the inside tom of the table (F) where shown table (F) doesn't sit level, adjust
face of the door. This keeps the on the Exploded View drawing. the feet first; if this doesn't pro-
support arm from swinging back 8 Trim a 17lh"-long section of 1 Vz" vide enough adjustment, raise or
and forth every time the cabinet continuous (piano) hinge. Drill lower the cabinet as needed.
door is opened and closed. the pilot holes and fasten the 12 Raise the table assembly (P, G,
6 Fasten the curtain rod assembly hinge to the back bottom edge of H) into tJle cabinet. Now, drill a
to the door where shown on the the table. pilot hole and attach the spacer
Exploded View drawing. 9 To mount the cabinet to the and knob (0, E) in a position so
7 Drill the pilot holes and use a wall, locatc thc stud(s), and with when rotated, the knob will hold
pair of 1 !l.!x2W' hinges to mount the aid of a helper, position the the assembly in place.•
Prodllc<:d by Marlen Kemme! Projcct Design: Jim Downing Pl\mogrnplts:John HClhcringlon 11IuslraUolls: Kim Downing


Carvers, you'll love
When you get right to the
heart of the matter, this proj-
ect comes down to one ques-
tion: "How do you get that
arrow through there?" The
answer doesn't
involve cutting or
gluing, nor is
there complicat.
ed carving involved.
Curious? Read on.

Start with a J/4x2 1I2x2J/4" block

for the heart and a 3isX·3/4x 7 1/4 "
piece of another species for the
arrow. This proves you didn't
carve the puzzler from a single
block. (We carved a cedar heart
and a basswood arrow.) Select
quartersawn stock for the arrow;
that is, stock with the end grain
rnnning straight across, as shown That arrow really does go right through the heart, it isn't trick photography. There
in the illustration opposite page. is a bit or trick carving involved, though.

If you have trouble finding quar- Tilt your bandsaw table so that tie more than rounding over the
tersawn :Ml"-thick stock for the line I lies parallel to the blade. edges. You can accomplish this in
arrow, make your own, as we did. Bevel-rip the workpiece at lines 1 any number of ways, depending
Start with a piece of basswood (or and 3. Then, set the bandsaw on the tools you have and the
other) that has the end grain run- table to 0° tilt (90 0 to the blade), look yOll want to achieve-
ning almost straight across, like and resaw the stock to ·W' thick, smooth or rough-hewn. We
that shown in the Cutting the removing the wedge-shaped sides. rounded over the edges with a
Arrow Stock drawing. Set the arrow stock aside for now. bench knife, and curved the front
Select stock sufficiently thick and and back with gouges to make the
wide that you can draw one or Come on, have a heart heart #I" thick at the point. Apply
two #lx}'l" rectangles on the end, Trace the Full-Sized Heart Front a clear finish.
long sides perpendicular to the View pattern onto the carving
grain. Stock that's about 1" thick stock for the heart. Handsaw the The secret of the arrow
should work, depending on the blank. Mark the center for the '¥!6" It's time to put the arrow through
angle of the grain. For safety and hole where shown on the right the hole. Figured it out yet? Here's
convenience, start with a work- edge of the blank. how we did it, using a technique
piece at least 12" long. Chuck a }'i6" bit into your drill passed on to us by whittier Roald
Starting at one corner, draw a press. Then, align the diagonal Tweet of Rock Island, Illinois.
line across the end of the stock, centerline on the pattern with the Trace the Full-Sized Arrow pat·
parallel to the grain (line 1, shown drill bit, holding the blank at that tern onto the .}8" stock. Be sllre to
in red on the drawing). Draw line angle with a handscrew clamp. place the arrowhead at the end
2 perpendicular to line 1, :W' long. Cemer the bit on the edge of the that has grain running straight
Then, draw lines 3 and 4 where blank where shown, and drill. across. (We found on some of our
shown. If there's room on the Now, carve the heart. The carv- stock that the grain didn't go
end, layout another rectangle. ing is minimal-it amoums to lit· straight across at both ends.)


this one A
7 1/."

Grain runs straight across SIDE VIEW
(from side to side)




Scrollsaw the blank, cutting on its original size. Depending on the

the red pattern linc. Whittle the wood, the end should be back to
arrow shaft (0 about VI" diameter. original size within an hour or so.
Don't carve the ends just yet, Let it dry. Then, carve the ends of
though. Instead, pl:lcc the rectan- the arrow and finish .•
gular end-the one that will be
the arrowhead-in your vise, pat-
terned face up.
Now, close the vise, crushing the
wood as shown rfgbt. Squeeze the
end of the arrow until it's narrow
enough to slip through the hole in
the heart. Whittle the comers off
the compressed end to make it fit,
as shown/ar rigbt.
The wood won't always cooper-
atc. It may not squeeze down
enough, or it might even crack.
You'll just have 10 start over with
a new blank if things go awry.
Once you've placed the arrow Whittle away the corners of the com-
through the hole, soak the pressed end untU It will Just fit through
crushed end in a glass of water. the hole in the hean.
Compress the arrowhead slowly and
Soon, it will stan to swell back to steadily. reducing the width to nearly 1lIUSl:"'tlons: Kim Downing
the diameter of the arrow shaft.. PhoIognplu: John HetMrtngton



For quite a while now, read· thick by 161'2" long. (We used a of the pieces flush.) Using a flat
ers have been asking us to standard rip blade. The slightly piece of wood, level the paper on
do a lath-art design in the rough surface left by the blade on the wood to remove any air bub-
magazine. Until recently, the strips makes a desirable lex- bles or uneveness.
though, we hadn't been able lUre when finishing the project.) Later, after the glue has dried, use
3 Position 22 of the pieces good a hobby knife to trim the paper
to turn up just the right one. side down on a flat surface, hold- even with the edges of the wood.
Then, as luck would have it, ing rhe pieces tightly together to
we discovered the work by prevent gaps between the strips. Transfer the patterns and
Tom Brahill from Toronto, 4 Cut a piece of heavy brown cut the pieces to shape
Canada. Here's onc of his paper such as Kraft or brown I Make four photocopies of the
wrapping paper to 17" square. full-sized scene pattern.
many crowd-pleasing scenes S Using a 3" paint roller, foam 2 Using a hobby or an X-acto
that you'll want to hang in brush, or playing card, spread a knife, cut along the solid lines of
your home. thin, even coat of yellow wood- the first photocopy lo cut the
worker's glue on the exposed face paper pattern sections to shape.
Start with the thin strips of the resawn strips. Place the 3 Using spray adhesive, adhere
I To cur the thin strips, build the paper against the glued surface, the sections to the pine (opposite
pushbJock shown on page 74. being careful to keep the strips of the paper side) in the configura-
2 From Vi"-thick pine stock, use wood edge-to-edge. (We used a tion shown on the Cutting
the pushblock to rip 27 strips W'· framing square to keep the ends Diagram on the opposite page.


=- =-
~=i i,
• ::>4'

(5) l/e x 3/4 X16W" strips glued to heavy paper d"


........ ."

(22) 1/0 X 3/4 x 16t h" strips glued to heavy paper

.. ":;."'"''
..,; ... "
/ .'
(........ . .- ..,' . <'. 'r," ,

-- ~:·~:··:··,,·:.:~·c .. ......'
...... ", ,71.., ... ,.\ . / , ..
"'...../" }<"
".:' ,

4 Using your scrol1saw and a #8 vidual pieces on rhe full·sized par-

(8 TPI) blade, cut along the solid tern taped lO your workbench.
lines of each pattern section as 7 Using the third full·sized pat-
shown in photo A. tern, transfer the outlines of the
5 Tape the second full-sized pho· nine wiJIows to the five remaining
tocopied paltern to your work- IilXVix16w' pieces of pine. Cur the
bench as shown in Srep I of willows to shape.
Assembling the Pieces drawing.
6 Scrollsaw along the dasbed lines Paint the pieces and
ro cut the individual pieces from assemble the picture
each section. Number the back I Using lacquer thinner to disolve
side (opposite the photocopied the adhesive, remove the paper
pattern) to match those on your p,ltterns from rhe fronts of the
full-sized pattern. Place the indi- scrollsawed pieces.


Willow alignment marks



------- ---
------ ---II




/WilloW alignment marks,\
Join pattern halves here

0 Driftwood
ow DesenWhite

Hippo Gray

AD Antique Oak
Driftwood and
DOW Desert White


'--", "o
; --,
'---,\ ~ ""',
' - - W i l l o w alignment maf1(s----' CotlU'llled


2 Using the opening photo and each piece in place, we used Buying Guide
paint key as a guide, paint the instant glue.) Acrylic paint kit. One 2-oz. bot-
front side of each pattern piece, 6 Using the alignment marks on tle each of Delta driftwood, desen
and immediately wipe off the the full-sized pattern as guides, white, black, hippo gray, and
excess paint for a washed look. glue the willow pieces in place on antique oak. Four full-sized photo-
You want the grain to show top of the goose and water pieces. copies of the goose scene pattern
through so don't apply the paint 7 Trim the lath-art scene to 8x15" included. Kit no. WMGEESE,
too heavily. Place the painted finished size, making sure the $13.95 ppd. Add $3.95 for a W'o
pieces on top of the reference edges are square. wide wash brush and $4.95 for an
photocopy taped to your work- 8-ounce can of spray adhesive.
bench. See the Buying Guide for Finish by adding the frame Cherry Tree Toys, P.O. Box 369,
our source of paints. I Cut one piece of pine stock to Belmont, OH 43718. Or call
3 Paint the front face and edges of 14x%x52" for the inner frame parts 800/8434363 to order.
the willow pieces the same color and one piece to Y.!xUv<56" for the Additional patterns. Catalog of
as the goose body parts. outer frame parts. lath-an patterns and kits, $2 ppd.
4 Cut a piece of W' plywood to 2 Using the Exploded View draw- Tom Bramhill Lath Art, 660
IOxI8". Spray the back side of the ing for reference, miter-cut the Eglington Ave. East, P.O. Box
fourth photocopy with spray the inner f.dmes pieces to length 50101, Toronto, Ontario, M3G
adhesive. Center and adhere the to fit around the scene. Paint the 4G I, Canada. •
pattern to the W' plywood where pieces and glue them to the edges
Produced b)' Marlcn Kcmmet
shown in Step 2 of the of the scene. Project De:lign: Tom Brahill
Assembling the Pieces drawing. 3 Miter-cut the outer frame pieces Photographs: Wm. Hopkins
S Glue the painted pieces to the to length and paint them. Then, lIhISlr:1lions: Kim Downing;
Jamie Downing
pattern adhered to the 14" ply- glue and nail them in place.
wood as shown in Step 3 of the 4 Center and attach a sawtooth
Assembling the Pieces drawing. hanger to the back of the picture
(To keep from having to clamp for hanging.


Miter corners
of frame




pattern to I,. x 10 x
Genter and glue permanent

plywood..... ~~'7.

Paint parts and place
on re181'f1C8 pattern.


> Remove parts in order 'rom reference

pattern and glue on to permanent
pattern on plywood base.



Reference pattern taped

to bench surface

Using a1igrvnenl mar1<s,

locate and glue wiftows on
lop 01 completed scene.

LOCATING THE WILLOWS Completed lath pattern Willows

Scene paltern 1/4" ply.vood base


hen our sister publica-

W tion, Decorative Wood-

craftsTM, last year invited
Peggy Caldwell to demonstrate
the technique of using Delta's
then-new Home Decor Gel Stains,
we watched througJ:l the door.
Peggy, who lives in Huffman,
Texas, works as creative director Prep the leaves and the box
for Delta Technical Coatings of As you can see, above, the design Neutral
Whittier, California, and travels consists of several different sizes gel (2 parts).
the country giving seminars with of aspen leaves and a partial tree Let the box dry.
their products. trunk. Enlarge the half-sized pat- Next, tape the tissue·paper pat-
That day, Peggy showed several tern, right, to fuD size, then trans- tern in place on the dry box lid.
Decorative Woodcrafts' staff memo fer it to tissue paper by tracing With a dark purple disappearing
bers how to brighten up a project with a pencil. Next, using the ink marker, trace over the pattern
with a design and finishing tech- original pattern, lay it under an lines that outline parts numbered
nique using the water-based gel 8Y.!xl1" piece of clear plastic, 1, as shown below left. (The ink
stains. We liked what we saw, and adhesive-backed frisket film (for will only lightly show on the
later asked Des Moines artist all materials, see sources, next wood, so when you remove the
Peggy Johnston to employ the page). Hold the pattern and the tissue pattern, you'll want to
stains in a lid treatment for a box film up to a bright window and enhance the lihes on the box
that appears in this issue of trace the pattern lines onto the with the marker.) Then, cut out
WOOD@ magazine (see the project film with a permanent marker. the leaves numbered 1 from your
on page 59). Here, you'll find out Now, glaze the entire box (inside frisket-film pattern, and apply
how to apply her design, and get and out) with a mixture of Butter them to the box. Firmly press the
familiar with the gel stains. Yellow Ceramcoat (1 part) and film in place with your flOger.

Transfer the pattern 10 the box Ud by Wipe on gel stain with a clean, lInt·free Add details to the masked-off trunk area
tracIng over It with disappearing Ink cloth In the dlreetlon of the grain. by wipIng .'Italn across wllh a Q·llp.

Design: Peggy Johnston Photographs: Jolln Hetherington

I, easy to use,
the grain show
iQ1 unusual flnJsh for a special project? Delta's pickling gels
up color for flashy designs. and they clean up with water.
, .... ~,

Step by step, start pickling and apply the like-numbered the sticky film, as shown in the
Squeeze a small amount of Deha's pieces from the frisket-film pat- last photo below.)
Goldenrod pickling gel onto a . tern onto the wood. Wipe the box To create more contrast between
palette or foam plate. With a with a half-and-half mixture of leaves, you can shade areas with
clean, lint-free cloth, pick up the Dark Brown Antiquing gel and the deeper-colored gels. When
gcl and gently Wipe it over the Neutral gel. Let dry. you're satisfied, let the box thor-
entire box, working with the oughly dry, then coat with Home
grain. Let the first coat dry, then Add a textured trunk Decor Satin Acrylic Varnish.
add another. This glaze coat com- To create the bark-covered trunk
bines with the onc you've just of the aspen tree, mask off both Product Sources
applied for a different hue. sides of it with frisket film, as You can buy Delta's Home
After the last coat of Goldenrod shown in the photo, below left. Decor line and Ceramcoat at
has dried, trace the parts num- Then, apply Desert White gel to craft stores. A 2-ounce bottle
bered 2 from the tissue pattern the tnmk area. sells for $1.99. For a retailer
ooto the lid. Then, cut and add BefOre the white gets completely near you, write: Delta Tech·
the frisket·ftlm parts numbered 2. dry, drag streaks of Dark Drown nical Coatings, Inc., 2250
Now, glaze the box with Sunset Antiquing gel across the trunk Pellissier Place, Whittier, CA
orange gel. Let the box dry. with a Q·tip. Add dots of color as 90601, 800/423·4135. Friske!
Following the trace-and-paste necessary to achieve the desired film is available at art-supply
procedure you used with pattern bark look. stores. A IOXI4" piece sells for
parts 1 and 2, add the ones num- When the gel has dried, remove $2. Disappearing ink marking
bered 3 to the box and press in all film to reveal the different col- pens cost about $2.25 each at
place. Next, wipe on a coat of ored leaves. (We used the sharp craft stores.•
Pumpkin and Neutral gel mixed tip of an X-acto knife to help lift
half and half. Let this coat dry.
Trace the number 4 parts from To enlarge this hall-sized
the pattern onto the lid. Then, cut pattern to lull size on a
3 ," photocopier, set enlarge-
When tbe stain has dried, unveil your
work by UftIng off the pauem pieces.
,, ment at a 200% setting

2 4 5

5 6


onto the stock poses a hindrance.
And sometimes, it's just a lot easi-
er to draw a simple outline direct-
ly onto the wood. In these situa-
tions, tllrn to tracing.
You could trace the partern
directly from the book or maga-
zine page. But holding the stock
"Transfer the pattern to your stock." This simple-sounding between the pages as you trace a
instruction, the first step in so many WOOD® magazine proj- pattern quickly becomes an
ects, bears directly on your success in the workshop. For no urunanageable task. Instead, you'll
usually have better luck working
matter how carefully you saw, drill, and sand, a poor job of from a photocopy. Position the
patterning almost always leads to an ill-fitting part. Your pat- copy on the stock, and fasten it at
tern won't lead you astray, though, if you follow a few sitn· one side with tape tabs.
pie procedures. Slide a piece of transfer paper
under the pattern; use white or
Precise patterns in a flash After machining the part, peel off yellow for dark woods; blue, red,
The most accurate way to tmnsfer the pauern. Clean any traces of or graphite for light ones. While
a full-sized pattern onto the wood adhesive from the wood with lac- common office-supply carbon
from a book or magazine would quer thinner. However,· if a piece paper would work for this, we
be to tear out the page with the of the paper sticks to the surface, prefer transfer paper for the wax·
pattern and glue it right to your pick at it or scrape it off, but don't free lines it leaves. They erase
stock. But most of us like to keep swab it with thinner. Thinner will with :l standard pencil eraser
our woodworking books and mag- soak it off all right, but it also will without staining the wood, and
azines intact for reference. So, do dissolve the toner th,1t makes you can paint right over them.
the next best thing: Photocopy those crisp black lines, staining (You'll find transfer paper at a
the pauern at 100 percent, then the wood as shown below. local art-supply, craft-supply, or
glue the copy to your stock. fabric store.)
It probably will cost you a dime Transfering by tracing Trace the pattern with a sharp
or less per page to copy your pat- In some instances, such as wood- pencil, pressing hard enough to
tern at a copy center, possibly a carving, a paper pattern glued mark a line on the wood but not
little more at a supermarket,
library, or one of the countless
other locations where you find Oops! Lacquer thinner dissolves spray adhesive, but It also smears copier toner
around and ~t:tlns the wood. If a piece of the pallern sticks to the wood, scrape
coin-operated, plain-paper copiers it off. Then lise lacquer thinner to clean the adhesive from Ihe wood.
these days. Make several copies of
your pattern at once; the spares
insure against mishaps.
Compare your copy with the pub-
lished pattern to ensure that the
machine hasn't cropped off a cru-
cial portion. Highlight color-coded
lines or tinted areas with colored
pencils or markers.
Back in your workshop, trim the
copy to fit the stock. Then spray
repositionable mounting adhesive
on the back of the copy to adhere
it co the stock, shown opposite
page. (We use 3M 77 spray adhe-
sive, available from art-supply or
craft-supply dealers. With this, or
any similar product, follow the
instructions on the container for
temporary bonding.) Rubber
cement works well, too.


hard enough to indent it. (A col- accurately, as shown below rigbl. Then, position the tissue on your
ored pencil helps yOll keep track To trace simple olltlines straight stock. Trace over the pencil line
of the lines you've traced.) from the printed page, try a disap- with the disappearing-ink marker.
For best results, don't try to pearing-ink fabric marker (fabric which will impart a line through
trace freehand-the woodgrain stores sell these). Lay tissue paper the tissue onto the wood, as
will grab the pencil point and (the gift-wrapping variety) over shown below left.
make it veer off the line. A the printed pattern. Inexpensive 111is method makes thick lines, so
straightedge, a French curve or a tissue seems to be more porous it's best where precision doesn't
flexible curve, and a compass or and works better. Trace the pat- count. The marker's lines fade
circle guide will help you trace tem line with a pencil. away within 24 hours.•

Left: Spray an even coat of adhesive on

the back of the pallern. Lay the pattern
on newspaper so you can spray aU the
way to the edges.

Be/ow: Drafting toois such as this French

curve help you trace pallerns accurately.
Smooth curves and ruler-straight lilies
will be easier to follow with the scroll·

Left: This disappearing fabric marker

works great 011 light-colored woods. The
ink soaks through the ilisue to mark the
wood beneath. The lInC!S fade away with-
in a day.

Wriuen by l.:lr." Johnston

l'hOlogr:tphs:}ohn Helherington


' ..


Cutti ng two ti mes gives

.these gl raffes personal ity

Th'ese whimsical giraffes

stand head and shoulders
above ordina ...y animal
cu~outs-ahd in' this case,
tfiat's no small distance ..
':rh~r're also great fun toP
make. Go .ahead apd give
'ell) a try. • •

For eacl\ set of three girqffes, Clit. '"
a 611", 914", and.12" lengtllfrom
1 V-fx2Yi" oak, ash, qf other hard-

wood. 'Phen, make three .photo-

c;,opics Of the full-sized patterns.
Cur twO of tflc copies aparr at .
lines A and D. Arrange the sec-
J , tions of one. of the Side View pat-
terns on the IGngesr pi~ce of
~=:( .. stock as shown in the I)~l.trern
] ..... Placement illustration. Place the
feet flush with end of the
srock. At line A, space.tI;e pattern
pieces 2~" apart; at line B, 2%".
!'tow, centCt; the Back View paf.
tern on the :itock, alignfng Ithe
sections with the -Side View' pat;
tern. Affix th<U>ilttern part~ to the,
stock with sprtl.y' adhesive or mb- •
ber cement. Fill i,n the missing
neck and leg lines with a pencil
fine-point marker.
.. .
) ,.'
62 •• . ,

23/." for
tall giraffe

-iJ,m g,,,H,
1 1/." for



t __++-t-r_ide view pattern

Back view pattern

2Sfs" for
tall giraffe
2" for
medium giraffe

B ~

Repeat for the medium-sized those are tight turns, even for a

a #5 blade, .038x.OI6" with 12,5 .. ,
giraffe, spaCing the pattern seg- W' bandsaw blade. TPO through the bl~de staft' nole,
ments 114" apart at line A, 2" at Bandsaw the Back View pattern, · and make the curved eye cut. •
line B. For the short~st giraffe, use starting with. the waste between· Next, with the scroUsaw or band·
the uncut p:tt~ern. the legs. Saw from the bottom of saw, remove the waste between
You can make giraffes of different the blank to the drilled hole, the legs. Then, cut around the
outside pattern line to complete '.
heights, [00. Simply adjust the baGk out, and cut along the other
separation Lines A and . line. Then, cut away the section the sawing. "
B (0 your preference. Try varying , at the top of the head between Sand as necessary, and apply a
the length of the neck and legs in the ears. Next, make a continu- clear finish. To complete ~ach
relation to the overall height for ous cut along each pattern line to giraffe, drill a hole at the end of
humorous effects. remove lhe side pieces intact. the bump 0l14he back of the body •
Drill a \-8" blade start hole for the I~eassemble_ the cutout and the ana insert a piece '1>( twine about
eye cutout. For the nostrils, wob- twO side pieces yOll just cut of(. I" long for a taii..
ble the drill slightly [0 make an Bind them with tape.
elongated W' hole. Drill .t'i6" holes To saw the Side View pattern, Pro)eCt 1)('~lgn' C Max "foo<J. Gk'n ~cCuUough
lJlll';ll1lllon,;: Kim r>oWn!OIl
where shown for easier sawing- thread a scrollsaw blade (we lIsed • .. 1>hmOgr~l'h'Juh"1I~''lf~

WOOD l'otAGAZINE FEllRUARY 199'1 • 03


storage for
special stuff
Life's little treasures often
look like so much clutter on
a desktop or dresser. But
with this scaled-down
strongbox, you can put those
things away I yet keep them
" near at hand. We'll show you
how to build it here. Then,
elsewhere in this issue we'll
show you how to apply the
stunning aspen-leaf stencils.

Cut parts A, B, and C to the sizes

shown in the bill of materials. \We
edge-joined two #lx3l!.lxlO" pieces
to make stock for part A.)
Temporarily laminate both parts B
together with double-faced tape.
Trace the lid curvature from the
full-sized half pattern below lefl
onto the stacked end pieces.
Bandsaw or scrollsaw slightly on
the waste side of the line. Sand to
the line, and separate the pieces.
, On the inside face of each part B,
r-centerline rout a #I" rabbet 14" deep along
both ends and the curved side.
With the tablesaw, groove parts B
3/S" rabbet
1/4" deep
and C to receive the bottom. See
the Box Assembly drawing.
Bill of Materials Mount a dado blade on the table-
Finished Size' LID saw, and cut a \4xW' rabbet
._uu ______ . Po. T W L i € around the bottom paneL Dry
assemble parts A, B, and C. Glue
A bottom W Sf,,' ",,' P
the corner joints (but not the bot-
B ~' 5' P 2 5"
C 5'" ~' 4'A'
IW,' P 2
tom), square the box, and clamp.
Tilt your tablesaw blade 50 from
0' middle slats W 1¥o' IW,' P 3
® vertical, and bevel-rip one edge of
a %x n4x36" piece of pine. Re-
E' outer slats W l'A' IW,' P 2 BOX adjust the fence for a 1\4" cutting
F' box end trim V,' W ,W P 2 width, and bevel-rip the other
edge to make stock for parts D.
G' box side tri W W 'W P 2 Bevel-rip one edge of another
H' lid end trim V,' ¥,' ,.' P 2
piece of stock at 5°, then tilt the
blade to 30 0 to bevc:;1 the other
I' lid side trim V,' ¥,' 'W P 2 FULL-SIZED
END PATTERN edge to make stock for parts I.
J' hinge blocks V,' y,' lv.' P 2 Measure the top opening before
'Please read the how·to instructions before cui· 3/13" trimming the parts.
ting these parts 10 finished size. Mask inside the box to catch glue
M8terlal Key: P-pine '/13" ~roove I squeeze-out. Fit parts D and I,
3/16 deep ---l.. applying ~lue sparingly. Place
=========r========~=====~ lIs"
waxed paper over the arched top,


and clamp with rubber bands.
When dry, contour-sand the top.
(We held the box lengthwise
against a belt sander and rolled it BOX ASSEMBLY
from side to side.)
Before separating the lid, draw a
pencil line from top to bottom on t-- 1W----j
one end to serve as an index i® Vl.- •
mark. Set the tablesaw cutting
depth to Y,z". Refer to the drawing
'4f. /0.
3/8' rabbets 11." deep L---''---_--'''------'

30° bevel on top'
below, then saw the box apart on edges of sides © Cut 11.' rabbet 11." deep
both sides and both ends. along all bottom edges
of bottom
® --::1

../'" © it 41/4"

-..J lIs" grooves 3116" deep--...... ll./-_ ~ I

11." from bottom edge • 8 3/••....----

After assembly, cut box and

lid apart along this line

Now, make the trim for the box HINGE DETAIL

and lid. Form a 111" chamfer on one LID
edge of a Y.fx~x36" strip and a
!I.lxU!x36" strip. (We used a chiot-
fer bit and table-mounted router). EXPLODED VIEW
Measure and miter-cut parts F and
Sand top of lid (@&@lto
G from the 'Ul"-wide material. same shape as ends@
Refer to the Box Trim Leg Detail
drawing, and layout the legs.
Scrollsaw or bandsaw them.
Measure and miter-cut the lid trim
pieces Hand L Glue on the trim
where shown in the Exploded
View drawing. H T;,." ••
When the glue dries, fit the lid to lIs' chamfer
the box. Mark the box at the bot-
~~B~O"'X~T=R""IM.,-1..L, •
lxl" brass
tom of the lid trim. Remove the
lid, and lightly sand the area LEG DETAIL
above the mark to allow the top
to open and close easily.

........ ........-
B- ..
Cut the hinge blocks 0) to size, ..... lIs" chamfer
and glue on where shown. Sand
the box. Attach IxI n brass hinges
where shown, then sand the
inside of the front lid trim as nec-
essary for smooth opening. 5/s"
We finished our box with a sten- Bottom of b:2.x and notched portion
died aspen-leaf design using of molding (@)are flush
acrylic gcl stains. To see how,
turn to page 58.• Projcct IXslgn:Jamcs R. Downln.g IIIUStr.llions: Kim Downing PhOiograph:John IlclhcringlOrl


Hil That's me, Tom Jackson,
WOODillI magazine's new gen-
eral-interest editor in the photo. As my
first assignment, I landed this article on affordable
tablesaws-a subject near and dear to the hearts of
most woodworkers. To uncover the good and bad
points about these saws, I teamed up with our tool con·
sultant Bob McFarlin. During the testing, we pored over
the instruction manuals, cut stacks of lumber, and assem-
bled and disassembled these machines until we could just ............
about saw in our sleep. Read 011 and we'll tell you what to ~
look for when buying a tablesaw, and which of these mod-
els turned out to be the best value for the money.


The fence: A smooth ty of the cursors-the line or
mover eliminates hassles pointer that shows the blade-to-
A good tablesaw fence glides easi- fence distance on the front rail.
ly along its guide rails and Jocks You shouldn't rely on it as a final
parallel with the blade every time. measurement, but an easy-to-read
You can work wood with a cursor does give you a depend-
mediocre fence, but you'll find it able reference point for sening up
a time-consuming nuisance. repetitive cuts.
In our tests, the tubular and We also Like to see micro·adjust-
extruded-aluminum guide rails ment knobs that allow you to
gave the best results. The heftier move the fence a fraction of an
the guide rail, the better. To accu- inch at a turn. BUl keep in mind
rately align angle-iron and two- that a fence that locks down inac-
piece gUide rails, we often had to curately cancels any of the preci-
fidget with the fence bar. sion you gain by using the micro-
AJthough it's a small point, we adjustment knob. The angle-Iron ralls on the Sears saws
found a big difference in the quali- COlltil/lle,1 required regular nne.tuning.



Tbe extruded aluminum raU on the Jet

saw, left, and the tubular raU on the The cursor partially covers up the scale
Delta Contractor's Saw, above, prOVide on this Delta XL-IO saw, abOile. On the
!wlld platforms for smooth and accu- Powcnnatic saw, you can read the cur-
rate fcnl;;c operation. sor accurately from any angle.


The arbor flange: a small part with a big impact The carriage: making the
A sturdy metal disk that sits flush nmout," in yOUT blade. blade easier to move
with the face of the blade, the Excessive ftlllOtll overloads the Most belt-drive saws use C<lst-iron
arbor flange rides on the arbor motor and may rough up yOUT cut trunnions to till the blade, as
shaft. Any imprecision in the edges with swirl marks. See our shown at left. The trunnions
machining of this flange results chart 011 page 70 for comparisons swing on a pair of brackets boit-
in a slight wobble, or "arbor of this important measurement. ed to the underside of the table.
For changing the blade elevation,
the arbor bracket hinges on the
TRUNNION·STYLE front trunnion. When }'ou cmnk
CARRIAGE the hand wheels, a worm gear
threads its wa}' across the curved
rack gears that elevate the arbor
TrunnIon brackets bmcket or tilt the trunnions.
(I>olt tQ bottom Direct-drive saws secure the
motor and the blade with a box-
like formed-steel carriage that
swings on a long pivot rod. See
illustration at left. A threaded rod
moving in and out of a grooved
nut moves the carriage.
The Ryobi's cast aluminum car-
riage employs a single handwheel
and a lever to engage both tilt and
elev<ltiol1. A rack-and-pinion-style
gear controls the tilt and two
bevel gears gUide the elevation.
Trul1nion-style carriages operate
with fewer cranks of the hand-
wheels than formed-steel-car-
riages. The one downside to a
trunnion-style system is thai the
gears loosen over time. If you
can't <ldjust the play, the blade
may wander during bevel cuts
Pivot rod and mounting l:>racket& between the fIXed stops of 0" and
45". Of the belt drive saws we
tested, the Delta Contractor's
Saw, Jet, and Powermatic offered
Threaded rod with r--.<' this adjustment.
filwd nute

Belt vs. direct drive: belts

absorb motor vibration
On a belt-drive saw, a belt like
the fan belt in a car connects the
motor to the arbor shaft, as
shown in the illustration at rigbt.
The arbor shaft on direct-drive
saws, also shown at right, con-
nects directly with the motor.
51YLE CARRIAGE On belt-driven saws, the belt
absorbs and reduces most of the
vibration that the motor passes
along to the blade. Belts also
reduce some the stress and
shock sent back to the motor


Table and extensions: flat tops show quality control
The flatness of the saw table tells of the tables we measured. because they don't flex and they
you a lot about the manufacturer's Table extensions on these eight prevent sawdust from building up
quality comrol, but won't usually saws come in formed steel or a on the surface. Others say that the
affect your woodworking. Most of webbed pattern of cast iron. See webs can occasionally pinch fin-
the wood you cut will have more photos below. Some woodwork- gers. The choice is mostly a mat-
warp and twist than the the worst ers prefer cast-iron extensions ter of personal preference.

Motors: not all power rat~

ings are the same
Motors are usually rated by
horsepower, but Sears and
Ryobi list "peak" horsepower
rather than the ~continuOllS"
horsepower the others use.
Peak horsepower equals the
amount of power a saw gener-
ates under a heavy load-typi-
Gr17.dy's cast-iron extensions won't flex Formed-steel eXlenslons on Delta's cally just before it burns out. To
or catch sawdust. saws won't pinch fingertips. make the comparisons fair in
our chart we've assigned contin-
The throat plate: often uous horsepower figures to all
ignored, always important the saws. In your own shop-
When a saw's throat plate sits ping, compare amps rather than
flush with the tabletop and does horsepower to avoid confusion.
not flex under pressure, your More amps equals more power.
cuts turn out cleaner and with The enclosures for these
fewer splinters. A throat plate motors include "open drip-
that's W' or thicker resists flex- proof" (001') and the more
ing and enables you to build expensive ~totally-enclosed fan-
zero-clearance inserts out of ply- cooled" (TEFC) housings. If you
wood, as shown at left. can see the wire windings
Setscrews in the top of a throat inside the motor housing,
plate allow you to raise or lower you've got an OOP-£)'pe motor.
it flush with the table. Another TEFC motors, capped on one
You'll need a factory throat plate at plus is a wide throat opening end with an external fan, offer
least 'AI"·thick 10 make your own ply. that makes it easier to change the advantage of scaling out
wood 7.ero-c1earance inserts. blades, especially big dado sets. dirty air and sawdust.

when the blade hits a knot or sec-

tion of reverse grain. All the
heavy-chi£)' (1.5 hp) saws we test-
ed used belt-driven mechanisms.
The medium-du£), (I hp) saws we
looked at all had direct-drive
mechanisms with the exception
of the Ryobi. It relied on two ~1361t
short belts. We didn't experience
any vibration problems on the
direct-drive saws we tested, but DELT DIi:IVE
over the years the bearings that
hold the arbor shaft on these saws
will wear, resulting in some blade
wobble or Vibration.




Our machine-by-machine comparison e

For comparison's sake we divided limits of a medium-duty saw. The ~~
these eight saws into two cate· heavy-duty saws we tested, how- i~
gories: heavy duty and medium ever, will perform these chores
duty. The heavy-duty saws use safely and without straining.
"'" I'll 13/6.5
• 0'"

belt-driven, 1.5-hp motors with 11,5/·· 0

trunnion-style carriages. The medi-
If you onJy need a saw for occa-
sional small projects, such as toys DELTA CONTRACTOR
34444 1'1/ 14.217.1 ,
llln-duty saws, in general, offer and birdhouses, or for cutting ply- OELTAXL·l0 "'W 101 .. 0 0'"
direct-drive, I-hI' motors and wood and softwoods, a medium-
,., ,
formed-steel carriages.
Consider your power needs
carefully. Mediwn-duty, 1 hI' saws
duty saw will serve your needs
well If you want to build big fur-
niture pieces or regularly rip


, ,


will bog down when you try to through thick hardwoods, you're
rip hardwoods like oak that are better off buying a heavy-duty RVOBI 131-·
thicker than I". Even crosscuning saw. With that in mind, here's
'" "
AblIr~tkHIs. 10 a1phabetlcal order:
thick hardwoods may strain the what we found.
"I Allaledrive
(0 Befi
(CICasl (ron
I,on ITB Tolally
(T~fC Tubularenclosed. fao-cooled
ITN Thread alld nul ow
HEAVY-DUTY SAWS (0 OIlllel dllv8
EA Extrudedalumlnum
TR TrunnlOfl
(U UoltedStates
FS Foolled steel (~N Uoiversal motor
Delta Contractor's Saw, Model 34~444 S
{ 0 Open. d~p.-proo1
(T) Ta/waJ1
(WG Worm ~r
insens, and the wide throat
opening eases blade changes.
In our wood·cutting tests, the
motor ran smoothly with power Jet, JTS-I OJF
to spare. The minimal arbor
runout translated into clean
edges on all the boards we cut.
Delta's Jet Lock fence system
Cut after cut this saw gave us doesn't glide as effortlessly as
smooth results and hassIe-free Powermatic's Vega fence, or
operation. With a few minor other aftermarket fences, but
exceptions, it exceeds all of our it's rugged, plenty accurate, and
requirements. easy to use. In running down our checklist of
A visual inspection revealed We only found two drawbackS important components, the JET
excellent casting and finish on this saw. The cursor on the got a star by every one. We found
work-no burrs or rough edges fence doesn't read well from the a few minor flaws, butjet put the
anywhere. The instruction man- side, and the blade guard precision where it matters
L1al reads easily, and assembly doesn't hold itself up when you most-in the arbor and fence.
and adjustment proceeded With- change blades-minor quibbles Our tests of arbor runout mea-
out a hitch. The throat plate when compared to the saw's sured less than .00 J" at the blade,
adapts well to zero-clearance overall performance. the best of all the saws. The hefty

Powermatic, Model 63
saw in the bunch, we were to the miter slot was .009" our of
expecting better Quality control. p<lrallel. In this price range, the
With its big 2" lUbular front rail, alignment should have measured
the Vega fence system on this no more than .003" out. We
saw worked perfectly. The fence checked another saw of the same
bar floated on the guide rails and model and got better results, but
locked with deadly accuracy. The the inconsistency concerned us.
cursor, a poor afterthought on Powerrnatic says their warranty
most saws, remained readable will cover such defects. Our tests
At first glance the flawless fence, from any angle. also showed the table much less
rugged construction, and power- Our tests of manufacturing quali- flat than the rest, .030" across the
ful motor on this saw, impressed ty proved to be less encouraging. diagonal as compared with .010"
us. But being the most expenSive The best we could align tile blade maximum for the others.



,,~ "


2(1 ~ 27 44>27
" " 15'/.
" 31"· 2'1, m "
m 7
" ". "'"
" " " " '"
~.~ 40~ 20 10'1, 2'h·:W.. ;S 330 330
" wo
20 ~ 27 40~ 21
" 'S 131/.
" m ~ 9
," '"
3'1,·2'1, ,~ .~
383/1 ~ 22'"
" 'S 1/1/.
" m m 7 .00
22'lu 2O'h
, '"
2'1"'1"1" ;S

m WO 8
~.V 40'h ~27

, '" '"
25 3'11' 2'11 ffi
" 'S m
'" ~ 9
, soo '"
2(1 ~ W 3'1,·2'1, WG ~, 330
39'h ~27 11'/.

27 6
2(1 ~ 40x 27

" " 13'" 25 3'1,·2'1, lR WO 'E' ~

8 ,..,
~9 '00
" " 16(3) W 3'/.. ·2'1,
" '" '" ~
" " '25

1. Dual Bell
2, • Wrthslklino mit~r table. total
depth eldends from 22'12 to 46'
3. Includes sliding miter lallle
4. Dual system uses worm Ollar
and gear alld trilCk
G .003 to .006
abovB .01<1
.r"'~ G .004 to .006
.lJlJ1 to .010
abovB .010
,. Table flatness re"ec1s the sum of Ihree
d,ffarent measurements: skle·to·sid&,
Iroot·lll-tlack, and diaOOMI.
• .002 to .010 • .1l21tO.roo
1ID.011 10.020 • &bo'Ie.roo


Sears Craftsman, Model

extruded-aluminum fence guide
rail provided smooth, solid sup-
port for the fence bar, and the
locking mechanism aligned the
bar perfectly.
A slight bulge in the fence bar
where it bolts to the locking This saw offers most of the heavy-
mechanism gave us our only duty saw features and tries to save
major cause for concern. Jet says you some money by omitting a
this was an intermittent problem few of the less critical compo-
and that they have retooled to nents. The result: a sturdy,
correct it. We also ran across a dependable saw that reqUires a lit-
few paint nibs on one extension tle bit of your time and patience.
wing that could scratch a board. On the plus side, the blade is
To correct the problem we had pushed by a strong, belt-driven
to sand the nibs down and apply motor underneath a flat table and
some touch-up paint. sturdy extension Wings.

Grizzly, Model G I022 bles up wood with the best of vibration than any we tested.
This saw copies many of the Delta them, but the fence didn't always Our main grumble concerned the
Contractor's saw features and perform up to par. fence. The feel of sliding the
offers a competitive price. It gob- On the positive side, the mea- fence along the guide rail was tol·
surements for table flatness and erable, but not as smooth as most
arbor runout came in amazingly other tubular rails. And after sev-
close to perfect. The thick throat eral hours of use, we found that
plate and wide throat opening the fence came out of alignment
meet all our expectations, and the with the miter slot. Correcting the
TEFC motor draws a powerful problem required a partial disas-
17.2 amps. In opcmtion, the belt sembly and realignment of the
drive on this saw produced less fence bar.


Sears Craftsman, For small projects and occasional This saw's weakest feature, the
Model 22688 woodworking, this direct-drive stamped-steel arbor flange,
saw delivers perfectly adequate demonstrated more funout than
power and performance. This is any we tested. Most of the other
the least expensive S<lW in OUf shortcomings deal with conve-
test, making it a good value for nience. Assembly and adjust-
the money. The small size of the ment proved tricky. Tilting and
table may require olllfeed lables elevating the blade demanded
or rollers to handle plywood plenty of elbow grease. And the
sheets, but for a small shop the narrow throat opening made
size helps to conserve space. blade changing difficult.

Delta XL·I 0, Model 36·380 tubular fence rail. It lacks the

In this price category, the overall rigidity of a one-piece rail, and
machining and finishing quality of we had to bend one of the
the XL·! 0 impressed us. A thread- formed-steel extension wings
and-nut system controls the tilt down to get it to bolt to the
and elevation but unlike the other fence rail. Delta says reversing
direct-drive saws, this one the assembly procedure on the
employs a cast-iron trunnion car- rails and extensions may help to
riage. The difference: a smooth alleviate this problem.
cut with minimum vibration. We were also concerned about tern. Ours broke during shipping,
The main drawback to this saw the durability of the plastic nut and we'd like the saw better if the
turned out to be the two-piece used in the thread-and-nut sys- nut were metal.

Ryobi, Model BTJOOO on air, and the tilt-and-elevation ed under the accessory table and
mechanism cranks with ease. used with the fence.
For basement woodworkers, the Alas, all is not perfect. The
extensive use of rust-proof alu- throat p!;lte flexes and doesn't
minum parts bodes well and sit level wilh the table. (Ryobi
makes this saw very portable. has recently introduced a set of
The design employs two accessory throat-plate inserts
grooved cast-aluminum tables that help). Changing belts (we
that travel right or left on the burned one) requires a trip to
With this innovative design, top of the fence guide rails. The the dealer, but Ryobi says their
Ryobi reinvented the tablesaw. sliding miter table also moves two-year warranty will cover the
Qut of the box, (his saw was up from front to tear, giving yOli a cost. And the 13-:lInp universal
and cutting within a half-hour. full 16" crosscut C<lp'lCity. At motor we tested lacked muscle,
Tolerances measured as good or 90°, the depth of cut is sufficient a problem Ryobi has recently
better than the rest of the saws to slice through a nominal 4x4. addressed by upgrading the
we tested, the fence glides as if A router or jigsaw can be mount- motor to 15 amps.

Heavy~duty saws but we gave the edge to Delta and a sturdier carriage. If yOli have
The Delta Contractor'S saw took for its excellent casting and fin- yet another $ 100 to spend, howev-
the top spot in this category. If ish work. er, consider the Ryobi 13T 3000. Its
you want a rock-solid saw that will price falls within the heavy-duty
last a long time and give yOli pre- Medium~duty saws saw range, but keep in mind that
cise results, you won't regret buy- Let the price be yOllr guide in the Ryobi fence is as good as most
ing this saw. The Jet JTS-I OJF came this category. If you're on a light $200 aftermarket fences. And as <I
in a close second. It offers an budget, the Cr;lftsman direct- bonus you get precise cutting
attractive price and all the features drive saw delivers acceptable right out of the box, an accessory
that make sawing wood accurate results. For another $100 or so, table, portability, a high-quality
and hassle-free. The specs on the Delta XL-IO gives yOll less carbide-tipped blade, and dozens
these two saws ran neck-and-neck, arbor runout, a better fence, of unique features .•
Wnllcn hy Tom)ackson 'f"cllnical con,uham: noll ,\1l'PMlln lllu.trntiol1s: Kim Downing l'hoIOl:lraphs:johll lIcthCrillllloll
P......- 3/4 X, 2' plywood
3/4 x 7 112 x 12" Handle Side ~ cut to width of fence

1/4 ' round-overs , 7/114" pHo! hole

1/2" deep

afely rip thin strips between

5/32" hole
S your tablesaw blade and rip
fence with this fence-support-
ed pushblock. The replaceable end
counters~nk block allows you to push the thin
piece being cut completely
through the cutting area eliminat-
iog the chance of kickback.
Use a hand plane handle for a full-
sized pattern to mark the outline
'IH '--""AII screws are #8 x 11/4" for the pushblock handle. We've
3/8" , /f~4' ~ F.H. brass wood screws located the handle up and out of
the way so your fingers remain
3/4 X 3/4 X 4'
\ CuI Ie lit width of EXPLODED VIEW
replaceable End Block tablesaw fence
safely away from the blade during
tbe cutting operation.•
ProjeCI Desigll: Jim Boelling lliustrallon: Kim Downing Photograph: Wm. Hopkins

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OVER 75 SPECIES build this cllls-
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cle about Pace Products and how with What makes Pact" such a good buslJ1ess making money from your very first day.
{heir exclusive Seamless Spray process is that it costs a fortune for schools. You get your big commissions up front
you could actually bypass high priced hospitals, plants and other commerCIJI Paid in advance, weekly!
contractors. I st"nt for their literature, saw buildings to have rooling companies
how easy it was to sell. and [ wound up repair or re-do their roofs, Pace bypasses FREE Delills-No Obligation!
doing the roofrnyself using Pace products the roofer-lets the building owner apply Would you like 10 eam big money?
and know how. Pace Seamless Spray right over tht" olel Would you like the freedom and inde·
"Well, word got around about how roof. and the smallest Seamless pendence of your own business? Let
much money I had saved and that opened Spray order earns you over $1,850 us mail you ,he facts. Simply fill in
a whole new world ofopportunity. Ever in commissions. the coupon and we'll rush you all the
since then I've been like a cat on a hot tin Pace ships the Seamless Spray eqUlp- details. There's no obligation. No sales-
roof! The first yen I did 15 roof jobs. ment on Free Loan. Your customer pays man will call.
Almost double that the second year, only for the roofing produC1s. HIS own
and had a hu~e backlog. Most of,hese mt"n apply it (or ifyou want to make evt"n
were big jobs Tike the county home, 'he more money, you can hand It" tht" apphca·
Chevy-Buick garage. bank buildings. city tion. too).II·s assimple as that.

Pace Produc~.1lnc.,Dept WH-294

hall. Big labs mean big money! No Investment! Quality Plata.. II TIS W. I12th 51-
"The business I used to be in had You, 100, can enjoy the same succt'SS. Best P.O. Box t092S Overland Park. KS 66210
been preuygood to me. bUll really had to of all, you don't have 'a Invest a penny. I
WrmOlTTOBLIGATION seod free paeket I
work both nights and da~, With Pace, You don'l need any special background I
ofinfonnatiollihatlelbbow I caJl have my I
business just seems to fall into your or experience. Ofcourse. ifyou have sell- OWl! Pace bu.tillCSS. No sale.lllll.ll wiD cdl
lap. I don't really do any promoting or ing, conSlruction or application expen- I I
'selling' ... most of my sales come from enee, you'll benefil even more so. NIlDI
referrals, and my phone's ringing allihe Pace is a proven winner. That's why il I
u....... I
lime. is used bv such well-known firms as .......-
"Whal I like to tell people is that Pace General Motors, American Airline'S, I I
Lorrersa fine income-'.:...._
_' -You can Holiday -'_ Inns
__ and
____ _ _ _ _ CilY_
more. L SllU-----Zip :J
- .. ' . '

Sears looks to the past with new radial-arm saws

Sears recenlly [Ook a
big leap forward by tak-
ing a small step back-
ward. In early 1993 the
reuiler replaced its
"New Century" line of
Also IntrodtlCing radial-arm saws with
models thal closely
For broch~re contact resemble machines
Lignamat USA, Ltd. PO Box 30145
5031257·8957 800f227·2105 Porllar.d. OR 97230
offered by the merchan-
diser years ago. Why?
The New Century saws
proved less accurate,
less reliable, and harder
to adjust than the saws
they replaced. I speak
from experience be-
cause my father owns a
Sears radial-arm saw
built in the 1970s. This
saw has proved far
superior to the New
Century version I pur-
chased in 1988.
I recently had the
opportunity to test the
new model 19632-a middle-of- workpiece, you must manually
the-line version that sells for $600 squeeze a lever built into the han-
regularly ($550 on sale). Sears dle. This lifts the guard over the
sells similar models with different- fence. You release the lever once
ly sized motors for $550 ($500 on the guard goes over the fence.
sale), and $650 ($600 on sale). Even if you place your hand
Like the older saws, the new line behind the blade, the guard wHi
from Sears has sturdy steel rods push it out of the way. Removing
See whol everyo!le has been Iolking obo~t! instead of a stamped-steel track and reinstalHng the guard during
Engruve ~n: Wood, Gllr.Os, Met~l, Slone, (en'ldes, Eggshtll for supporting the blade carriage. blade changes requires some
-Pledse [)elai -400,000 RPM The carriage rides along these effort, but I consider this small
-IW Yhotion -No hoot Il!tiJp rods on four bearings that I found hassle worth it.
-Yw doo't !KrI-e 10 be Q~ artist wilen 'fOJ use OIll easy to adjust. Gone from the new Unfortunately, the saw comes
Utw..e stmilng system. saws are the digital controls I with a 28-tooth blade that I found
1-800-lSS{l261 or 414-2SH1981 found little use for. totally inadequate. To get decent
SCJi(~IIl"iH· WI6ll11llIW_ ......k-.,1'II i30n The new saws have automatic cuts you will have to buy a high-
bevel indexing at 00,45", and 90". quality sawblade with at least 40
The saw has automatic miter carbide teeth.
indexing at 0" and 45" left and As with most Sears stationary
right. Like most settings on the tools, you can figure on devoting
saw, I found these eaS)' to adjust, at least a day to assembly and
Over 4000 products to and they stayed in alignment adjustments. Once set up, I think
BUILD, REPAIR, throughout my trials. you'll be pleased with the perfor-
. RESTORE, REFINISH Even though this saw closely mance and safety of these new
~ anything made of wood! resembles older models, it is not radial-arm saws.
["::1 $1 R's the catalOg woodworkers rely an exact clone. Sears added a sig- -Teste(t by Bob McFm·UIl
011 00-120 pages jam-packed with floe nificant improvement by includ-
woods, veneers, tools, finishing supPlies, ar.d ing a guard that's safer than any Sears models 19622, J9632, and
much ITlOI"&--8I top quality, all reasonably priced, all
with our 6O-day no-questions-asked guarantee. I've seen on a radial-arm saw. It 19642 radial-arm saws. Available
For yoor 2-year subscripllon send $1.00 to: works like this: To crosscut a at Sears stores nationwide.
S«Wlg W~ \01182 years

2050 Eastchester Ad., Opt. 35402. &oruc NY 10461 76 WOOD MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1994
otic: hardwood.
ber" marine
Ipedetln Ilock·
Give your fingers a break rvices to your
with this scraper holder ns with little or
Some woodworkers avoid scrap- etitive prices!
ers because using them for long •
periods of time can wear out your
thumbs and fingers. Veritas devel-
oped this scraper holder to solve
that problem.
Made from glass-fiUed nylon, the
holder accepts any 6" or 150 mm
scraper, and gives you two cylin-
drical grips for your fingers and a
pair of concave surfaces in the
middle for your thumbs. A brass Build a Historic

knob bows out the middle of the
scraper as much as :}i6" to give the
cutting surface more bite. • Patterns
• ParIS
I used the scraper holder to _Wheels
.. .
clean up a large tabletop glued up P."~r".",
from several boards. Despite the Choo... from. The largest selection of authentic
• E>ceculiVl! loys wooden ship models- museum quality
project's large size, I scraped the replicas you build yourself. Models up
entire surface with little finger SENOSI.OO
to 4 feet long with pre-cut wooden
fatigue. I especially like how the parts, metal and brass fillings. Even
NEWCATALOO first time builders can create a mag-
grips allow you to bear down hard nificent keepsake. Send $1.00 for a
with plenty of control, and scrape 92 page color catalog.
on a push or pull stroke. This is a Model Expo, Inc. Dept. WD24
well made tool and it will increase P.O. Box 1000, Mt. Pocono, PA 18344
the pleasuce and productivity you
get from scraping wood.
-Tested by Bob McFarUII
exposes glue
before stain
es it for you!
or yellow wood glue.
es lhe glue visible
orescenl U-V light


81f2 Portable Table Saw
Powo~"'. UgM..oiph' Rog. Lilt $~. SIIpOIsu. $288
62110WE 12V IioTO'''.... CO'dle.o ono ~~
../FREE eouory $168
62010WE g 8V Iio rO''' MAKPAX Cofd....

Veritas Scraper Holder, $24.95.

Verltas Tools, Inc., 12 East River
0.;0 ""'" Fr•• Ex".

LSIOJO'0""'"0< &
6095DWE g.8V CotdlOo.o.. K. ""'" C....
, Duol e.g
5007NeK 1"" Cl<o S Kl1 ""'''CT Bf8<l0
St., Ogdensburg, NY 13669, or a. FREE C... S, 'II
call 800/667-2986 Compl.t. Lin. of Makit. & D.W.1t

1'800-262=S482 .
COIl//lll/ed all page 78
• Cilll
•• • . IGI
77 WOOD MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1994 449 \WfTE'WATER ST.. \WfTE'WAl!R, I'ol ~190 c.o.o.
CoIlUnued/rompage 77
Bucket topper gives you a portable workshop
When you're not woodwork· wrenches. With some 80 slots for
ing, chances arc that a lot of tools, I would have preferred a
you get caUed into sec· few more places for
vice as the resident chisels or drywall
£lx-it person. The Tool trowels. Some people
Keeper fits over the may want to have
top of most 5-gallol1 space for wrenches,
buckets and helps you but I don't usually use
organize the many my mechanic's cools
small tools it takes to and home repair tools
get these jobs done. on the same job.
After I loaded up the The Tool Keeper
WOODCARVING Tool Keeper, I discovered that makes a lot of sense for anybody
the inside of the bucket remained who gets called on for a lot of
free for bulkier items such as repairs around the home. For the
portable electric drills and cxten- price, you get an arm-load of con-
! sion cords. With all the necessary venience, and if you've ever
Want to corw decoyo. slaWu or 8'Jn uodul tools easy to see and reach, I dashed back to the shop to get a
Irs easy when)'Oll u... tile Oolpll.<::aNe, Serle' """'<l completed my fix-up chores with tool that you didn't have room to
carving m""hlneo. A patenle<! rovoe axi. eaIVlns: ""lion
lO1Iows the... machi"". 10 complele dimcull unode",,,.. maximum efficiency and mini- carry in your hands, the Tool
and eonlourf ... n<> <>Ib<!, machine can, Complete
machlne. avallable SIaIII"ll as low as SJ95.00.
mum frustration. I was also Keeper can end that hassle.
pleased that the bucket remained -Tested by Dave HellderSQ"
&Nll 5),\10 FOR (lUll FlUl..M: IlROCtIUREI>NI) PRICF: lIST
AND START Pl.ANNING YCIUll FULl. OR PART-lIME BU$INE$$. stable and resisted tipping over
MARLIN DIVISION even when fully loaded. Tool Keeper, $11.99, ppd.
_ I.....CO IMorpor.ted The only shortcoming I found Ramparts, Inc., 53 Belcher Road,
~ m'........ "-W,W.2·w._n.sosm' was that the design designates Blairstown, N] 07825. Call
~lae:'·_' F.. f605)M:!·0771
too many tool slots for box-end 800/342-7267.

DINOSAUR A new twist on holdfasts

improves clamping control
ROCKER I'm always intrigued when a man-
Easy to build ufacturer attempts to improve on
Pattern an old-fashioned woodworking
$10.00 tool. In this case Verhas took a tra-
ditional holdfast, put a knob on
the top, and renamed it the
Veritas Hold Down.
On the old holdfasts you simply
drop the post into a hole in your
27h x 40w x 12"d T. Rf.X bench and tap the top with a
easy to build full size pattern hammer to clamp the workpiece quick, one-handed clamp for
SlO,oo, California Residents add 8.25% sales tax.
under the front arm. The Veritas benchtop work. It takes just sec-
McMillan Co. P.O. Box 3713
Rancho, Cucamonga, CA 91729 Hold Down replaces the hammer onds to drop the post in a hole
tap with pressure from the screw and twist the top. The price may
Heavy Duty action of the knob, and also uses seem steep, but the Hold Down's
Plate Joiner Kit grooves, similar to those on a ring- sturdy construction-a zinc-alu-
shank nail, help the post to get a minum arm and a machined steel
w/Biscuils bettcr grip on the holc. post-makes it the type of tool
$225. DEWALt I used the I'fold Down to secure
a piece of pine, and while I sand-
you can pass along to future gen-
erations of woodworkers.
DW70512" compound saw willi dust bag $349. ed and chiseled the board stayed -Tested by Chuck Hetlflllld
OW625 NEW3 hp vs plunge router 269. put. I particularly like how the
DW945K·2 12V drill wi'/. batteries 169. knob allowed me to fine tune the Veritas Hold Down, $55.45 ppd.
DW615 NEW1-1!4hpvsplungerouter 159. downward clamping pressure. Veritas Tools, Inc., P.O. Box 1720,
DW364 7-1f4'sawwlthbrake 148. This tool will earn its keep, espe- Ogdensburg, NY J 3669. Call
DW254 0-2500 deck scrugun 89.
cially for those of you who need a 800/667-2986.
",,,.m~ 1l(f)(f)[J." ff.[1la~
Grind f<lrkS. NO 53206

[,."..1-800-358-3096 78 WOOD MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1994

You get a great grip with
these new spring clamps
When you nccd a third hand
around the shop, nothing beats a
spring damp. But sometimes you
need two hands to wield these
otherwise handy helpers. The
new Quick Grip Spring Clamps
solve that and other problems
with a completely new design.


Door Harps, Dollhouses, Music
Boxes, and Dozens more fun Catalog of O¥et"
bulId your own tools,
to •

Wooden Toys from our plans, $1.00, ,efundable

parts, kits & supplies. Bulk

Price available. Catalog $1.00. A.....,. variety of plans from compleie machines &
MlIlChmenlS to ~ Iof home. school & com·
CHERRY TREE TOYS nwciIl shops.. Featured a1llo are acc::essories Iof
wood and metal CUlling Ialhe:s, driIs, lllIW$, sandin
Box 369-335, etc.. plus hngs 10 make of wood and metal.
1-800-848-4363, ext. 335-0 PEORIA, IWNOIS 61604

In a hand-to-hand comparison, I Full-Size Professional Plan One-Man Sawmill Turns

found the narrower grip on these Timber Into
glass-filled nylon clamps easier to
squeeze open than their steel M._llhi. clllslc MiliCi. Cash!
dlill" 0., 'Jiclil
counterparts. The rounded, 'l,tlM ••, ~I
Illd••• Of 111ltll
ribbed handles also give your ~,"Ii., ""dry
hands a surface that's easier to ••,••••• , ••IIIbI.
11,01' lOCI!
hold on to. 11"'. I. ,••" 3O-0AY FREE T IALI
10,10"'/111' •••
What I liked even better was that III '"' pin .0.1
Sawmill goes ,ight to the tree5.. ,luIl1S 001
smoot. lme-cul lumbe, • even beginnet'$ get
these hold the workpiece tighter Pin 1710 ...•.••.. SlS.OO exeellenl resull.l. JuSI one man (no crew needed)
than any spring clamps I've used. CATALOG 200 ~·w
prolnsio"I' lu,"iMe
(CI"log 11M willi ~,)
eln C4sily cut enough on weeketlds 10 saYe
hundreds of dollars over high lumberyard prices.
The springs arc plenty strong, and ~ns-SUQ iooIIIIIIiIolo: FaclOl)'·Oiroct selling keeps price low...elsy
the yenow padded tips really grip FURNITURE DESIGNS, INC., Dept. U·24 ICrrns.••madc in USA.
the workpiece. TIle end rcsult-I 1827 Elmdale M., Glen,lew, 1160025 PHONE TOll FREE 1·800·&42.4406 Ex!. TW15
(7111 551-1525 TIMBERKING, INC. DEPT TW15
got true one-handed operation 1431 N. TOPPING, KANSAS CITY, MO 64120
and slip-free clamping. These
clamps enable me to work faster DRY YOUR OWN LUMBER...
and eliminate a lot of the hassles YOU DESERVE QUALITY

of sening up jigs or temporary HARDWOODS
damps in .the shop. Order an advantage pack today!
-T~st~d bJ' TomjQckso"
_.W1lh an EBAC Wood Drying S,-:am
2S Board 11., 30'--60" long, 4"·10"wide,
surfaoed 2 $ides to 13f16-, clear one face
Quick Grip Spring Clamps, in I ~ Cheny $11 Poplar $55
-3 MODELS UNDER $3000 Red Oak $76 Hard Maple $12
2~ and 3~ jaw sizes lor about $2,
-RUNNING COSTS ABOUT 3&·5& PER BF ThIn Stock Paeb A150 Ayailable
$3, and $7 respectively. American II you thought you couldn't aHOfd We pay UPS shippWig 10 nmt destinations
Tool Companies, Inc., 301 Soutb your own dry kiln - NOW YOU CAN! in the Eastern lime zone, other 1IIlI8S
13th St., Suite 600, Lincoln, NE CALL TODAY 1-800-433-9011
alghtly~. Discover, VisaIMC
Accepted. Free catalog wi order.
68508, or caU 402/435-3300.•

EBAC LUMBER DRYERS Bristol V ..Uey Hardwoods
106~JeI'"'- Rd.SOllletm 4300 RI '" ,e.u._d<li&u" NY14f24
WI1llamIbwJ. VA. 2311S
1·SOlHD-901I' FAX (80<1) 129·J311
WOOD MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1994 79 in un.oda: (90S) 965--21U' FAX (90S) 9as.J108
For supplies, be sure to have
TRY YOUR HAND AT these items on hand:
• UQuid measuring cup

• Measuring spoons
• Small mixing bowls
• Variety of applicators such as
brushes, sponges, wadded paper
or plastic wrap, nylon scrub pads,
modeling clay, etc.
Now, put the stuff together to
make some paint. Begin by com-
bining the first three ingredients
to make the base solution. Then,
using a separate mixing bowl for
each color, stir together four
tablespoons of powdered poster
paint ,md enough base solution to
make a paste. Stir in additional
base solution until the mixture
matches the consistency of cream.

Are we having fun yet?

Vinegar paints are designed to be
translucent topcoats, letting an
undercoat fmish show through. In
other words, don't try to finish
raw wood with them.
Working on one area of your
project at a time, brush on a top-
coat of vinegar paint, being sure
to let the undercoat show
Anything goes when you flnlsh with non· through. You'll have about 15
lo",k, homemade vinegar paints.
minutes to ·pattern- the topcoat
If you liked dabbling with fin- a dizzying array of colorful pat- before the paint dries.
ger paints in grade school, terns that add pizzazz to many Experiment (Q see the variety of
you're going to love this fin- projects, especially ones for kids. effects you can get with different
ishing technique. And it's just See above for just a few of the applicators. (Don't forget to try
about as easy, too. playful designs we were able to using your fingers!) You can
achieve in our shop. always wipe off mistakes with a
Naturally noteworthy vinegar-dampened cloth and start
Decorating wooden items such as Our recipe for success over. When you achieve the effect
furniture, boxes, and picture Sand new wood surfaces, if neces- you want, let the topcoat dry for
frames with vinegar paint first sary, and apply a sanding sealer or at least 24 hours, and then spray
took hold during me 19th centu- high-quality primer. Then finish on a coat of varnish to protect
ry. The paint was an inexpensive, with one or two coats of semi- your artistry.•
colorful, easy-to-apply finish that gloss enamel (we used beige), and
people could make themselves. let it dry completely. Buying Guide
Later, interest in vinegar paint Here's what you need to batch Powdered Paint (fempera), 16
waned. Now the old paint has up your own vinegar paints: oz. container (one primary
found new popularity. That's • Vol cup white vinegar color), 57.45 ppd.; four 16-0z.
because of Lhe decorative effects • I teaspoon white sugar containers (four primary col-
you can achieve with it, and • Few drops of liquid dishwash- ors), $22 ppd. Order from TIle
because it's so environmentally ing detergent Art Store, 600 Martin Luther
friendly. You'll find most of the • Powdered poster paints (tem- King Parkway, Des Moines, lA
ingredients right in your kitchen. pera paints available at an-supply 50312. Or call 800/652-2225.
Depending on the applicators stores or through our Buying
and colors you use, you can create Guide source.) PhOlognph: Wm. Ilopkins


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uying pine for your projects

B may seem simple, but watch

out. Ordinary lumberyard
pine can warp, twist, or split if
crafted into tightly joined indoor
furniture projects.
MoiShlrc is the viUain. The pine
in most home centers and lum- >~~;i
beryards contains up to 15 per- I
cent moisture. In winter in a heat-
MAKE MONEYI ed home, the moisture content
Kiln Dry lor others. drops as low as 6 to 8 percent,
As lhe nation's largest manufacturer of dehumidifi· and the wood shrinks. Anything
cation Dry Kilns, we can supply you with the same joined with dovetails, mortises,
type equipment used by many of the major firms. dowels, or biscuits may go to
pieces. Here's our advice on how
• •
1-S0D-T77-NYLE 207-989·4335
Nyl. Standard Dryers, Inc.
P.O. Box 1107. Bangor. Maine 04402
to avoid this problem, and how to
get the most for your money with
this versatile and popular wood.

For indoor furniture projects, our colonial forebears preferred-
Sora Combo
Futon Bunk! buy pine with a moisture con- and give it a light amber stain.
$13.95 tent of 6 to 8 percent-the stan- Eastcrn white pine offers a fine
dard for furniture-grade hard- grain with a low contrast between
Top blink is Iwin .ize woods. You can usually buy this early and late wood, and it finish-
and oouom ,. FUlD.
.of. or full.iu bed by low-moisture pine at lumber es well. Idaho white pine makes a
simply Jl"lIing 2 pins, stores that handle furniture-grade good second choice.
no e>:lrlllooJwan: woods such as oak and maple. For any project, allow lumber-
needed fa' Ihis prIljetl.
Gfelt for oons. dorms If you buy a lot of stock, yard pine to season. Store the
or If! van. bMruom. invest in a moisture meter. For lumber in your shop or house for
$ 100 to $1 50 these devices tell at least two weeks. A month to six
Spedatity Furniture Designs you exactly how much moishlre weeks is preferable, especially
797 w. R...... RdlDopL W-21 • M1. P1ca!1f11. 1>11 4SSS8 your wood contains. during humid weather. Use stick-
1-800-892-4026 For construction or outdoor ers, or stack the wood on edge so
projects, lumberyard pine that air circulates freely around it.
works fine. Just avoid glued-up Don't get hung up on the com·
panels and snug-fitting joinery. plicated grade classifications
Plan projects around the knots and terminology of pine. Pick
to save money. The knots in your boards by hand and let your
common-grade pine are spaced eyes be the judge.
12" to 15" apart. YOli can cut out Seal pine, especially the end
the clear sections between the grain, before you finish it to
knots and pay for the morc prevent uneven absorption of
expensive clear grades only when stain or finish. Use a wash coat of
you need a longer span. shellac or a sanding sealer. Make
To duplicate the mcllow patina sure any sealer you use is compati·
of antique pine furniture, use ble with your final top coat.•
BurfactoryOired, 16K31 • 25k'47 Eastern white pine-the wood lllu5lralion: Jim Slcvenwn

li'Or8aS 4606 ~ o

Helpi"ll America C"""r !he lmporlont l'hi"ll" .. 82 WOOD MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1994
Indoor-ouldoor wOlklighl hn
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LlIlIllme lubrication fII'ld Ihlelded
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l="actory·relurblBhed to rlllealel quickly wilhoul
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~"'" BOTTOM VIEW ~~~~-#B x 11f~' F.H.
',- OF BOOKCASE ..: wood screw
#8 x 11/4' R.H.
Whether your woodworker's license wood screw, molding
reads "Beginner," "Intermediate," or { #8 ~t washer .
"Advanced," you're bound to have a few
questions about your favorite hobby. We
can help by consulting our staff and out-
'" )
side experts. Send questions to: Ask
WOOD, Better Homes and Gardensl!I
WOODI!I Magazine, 1912 Grand Ave., Des 3/4~
Moines, IA 50309-3379
::16 x 1/2"
screw slol
Miler an)glUe fronl
2" of side mOlding only
Solid wood case sides 7/64 ' pilot hole 1/2' deep
The joint is open
I made two bookcases from the February 1992 and pry off the side moldings, cleaning the mating
issue, using solid oak. The trim at the bottom was m'eas for re-attachment. Drill small slots through
glued and screwed to the sides. In spite of this, the the bottom ends of the solid-wood sides where
miter joints at the corners opened up. Could this shown in the draWing. Next, apply glue to the
be prevented by using biscuits in the miters? inside 2" of the mitered end of one of the side mold-
-L. Sweetley, KIIlgsIQI/, Ol/t. ings. Clamp the molding in position on the book-
case side, making sure the miter joint is tight, and
Due to high humidity, the solid-oak sides on your fasten the mite,'ed end with a flat head screw.
cabinet expanded, causing your miters to open Secu1'e the rear of the molding to the case side using
up. (We built our bookcase using plywood sides to round head screws driven through the slots and
avoid this problem.) Would biscuit joints be the into the molding. To compensate for expansion,
solution? Probably not. the slots should allow Ih" of movement for each
Now, since your joints have opened up, here's foot of width of the side, and be slightly wider than
how to correct the problem. Remove the screws the shank of the screw used to fasten the molding.
Col/tlnued 011 page 90



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COllUmit'd/rom page 88
A gathering of trees Return of the glue spot!
Is it possible to obtain a compilation of all the arti- When I glue lip boards, I usc yellow glue. I am very
cles you published on trees? I'm sure many have careful with the glue and wipe all excess off with a
asked this question before. damp sponge or cloth. I sand the wood before
-GeOloge B. en'ie,', TQrotl/o staining, but for whatever reason, areas that have
been exposed to glue stain differently. What am 1
We have indeed received doing wrong? Please help!
many requests for a collec- -Geurge M. Cltll"k, Stflrkville, Miss.
tion of the "Wood Profile"
articles from our maga- To prevent this Irom hajJpening, allow the glue to
zine, and we have good dry, then use a paint scraper to remove the residue.
news for you, George. This removes the glue, and also removes a very
You'll find a collection of thin layer 01 the wood, leaving a Iresh area of
over 40 of these articles woodlor the stain to jJenetrate.
on wood species, as well Remember that the best technique lor dealing
as other information of with excess glue is to not use too much in the first
value to the woodwork- place. The strength of the joint depends more on
er, in the Belter Homes how tight it fits together than on the amount of
and Gardensap WOOD® glue used. Infact, excess glue can result in a weak-
book Classic Wood- er joint and make the glue-up process messier and
working Woods and more difficult.
How to Use Them. So what's the right amount of glue? As a guide-
This book should be line, apply a thin, even layer 01glue to each joint
locally available in Waldenbooks and face. Clamping should produce small (1/16" or
B. Dalton bookstores. smatter) beads 01glue at the joint line.


Here's the one thing FOR ALL TH WORTH!
Belgians don't waftle on. Nothing's more frustrating than
searching through previous
issues to locate that perfect
project or timely tip. Now
find these tast with the
index, covering issues
1through 60.



The RobIand X31 is as wekomed in European workshops as a home run
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Plane cleaning
I have just acquired a very old Stanley jack plane,
that has a thin coat of rust over most of it. What is
the best way to clean this plane?

-- I ("' II .-

) ,)

- Afltm L. Harper, Westfleld, N.Y.

We found a recommendation in The Antique Tool "401

Collectors' Guide to Value, by Ronald S. Barlow
(Windmill Publishing, 1985). The author recom- WOODWORKING PATTERNS
mends that you disassemble the tool prior to clean-
ing, and soak the parts in kerosene overnight. Use FOR ONLY 2¢ EACH?"
steel wool to remove the loosened surface rust. Do IF YOU LIKE TO CUT PATIERNS OUT OF WOOD, THIS IS
not use sandpaper or a coarse wire brush, as these OF IDEAS INSIDE. 401 BEAUTIFUL WOODWORKING
will destroy the patina on the tool. PATIERN$ AND DESIGNS.
We suggest you also look at the article we pub- (By Frank K. Wood)
lished on rust removal by electrolysis in our FC&A, a Peachtree City, Georgia, publisher,
September 1993 issue. This an nounced Coday thai it is praclically "givingaway"
procedure involves a sim- an all·newselof"401 Woodworking Po/terns."
ple, homemade apparatus to • Curvy curios, charming • Circusanimals
remove rust from old tools. country cats. and barnyard
• Sturdy shelves, shadow crincrs.
Jim Price, our source for this boxes, showy plaques. • Christmas
technique, recommends • Victorian ladies and candy cane
rinsing the tool with water, stylish gents. mouse and candy
and then buffing with jewel- • Rack up your cane border
er's rouge to remove rust spices. spice -.;; for your house
stains. Rub on a coat of light up your den. \j).\ • Comic cartoons.
machine oil to finish and • Folk art. Shaker" • Summer garden helpers.
an, modcman, \00. lawn deeo an.
protect the patina. • Hanging heans, • Preny jewelry ideas for girls
huggable bears. of all ages.
For a fresher finish ... • Welcome signs, hOllsc name • Picture-perfeci frames.
J use polyurethane finish on many projects, and no and number sign, proudly country carousel on a stand.
matter what small container I put it in after using, it displayed. • Bunnies for Easter, rabbits
thickens up so I can't spread it. The finish left in • Whizzing whirligigs, ... 10 hang on the wall.
models of planes. _ Angels of love,
the gallon can forms a skin on top. What can I do
• Binhday surprises, deoo- Christmas and song.
to keep this finish usable? rations for major events. • And much,
- H.M.Hoff, McPberSOfl, Kall. • Dancing bear, much more.
prancing pony.
For an answer we contacted Jonathan Kemp of H. soaring eagle.
Behlen & Bro., a manufacturer offinishing prod,.
ucts. He said the unused polyurethane finish reacts
with oxygen in the can, and the thickening and
skin fanning are a part of the drying process.
To remedy this situation, Jonathan recommends
purchasing your polyurethane finish in containers
just large enough to do tbe job at hand. He also
said that you should not move any finish from its Build all these wooden favorites. JIluSlfated plans include full-
original container, unless you transfer the original size pallerns and complete instructions. To order a set, just return
label with instructions and safety information to this notice with your name and address and a check for $7.99 plus
$2.00 shipping and handling, and we will send you "401
the new container. Woodworking Patterns" right away. Or. foronly$9.99 plus$2.00
Purchasing polyurethane finishes in smaller con- shipping and handling, you can get both the basic set and an extra
tainers may seem more expensive than buying it 100 large patlems.
in a gallon can, until you consider the amount Send your check along with your name and address to: FC&A,
lost due to oxidation while being stored. If you use Depl. OWZ-2, 103 Clover Green, PeaehtreeCity. GA 30269.
a lot offinish, contact your local supplier about a You gel a nO-lime-limit guarantee of satisfaction or your
volume discount on buying a case oj smaller con- money back.
You must cui oul and return this notice with your order.
tainers. Purchasing polyurethane in smaller cans Copies will not be accepted!
allows you to use fresh finish on every project.. IMPORTANT - FREEGIFT OFFER
All orders mailed by February 28,1994, will receive SO
special, seasonal, woodworking patterns as a free gift,
WOOD MAGAZINE FIillRUARY 1994 91 guaranteed, Order right away! CI-"C&A 19'JI.I
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mation by mail. Use the coupon in this sec- CORP. Free. CircJe No. 49. Changeable date also available. NOVA TOOL CO. $1.00.
Circle No. 160.
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sealed oil-balh cam and quick change drums are all mos1 popoIar brands 01 power tools avaiable anywhere, aD dren's turnlture, rocking horse, splnnll'l{l wheels, and
standard. Several models to choose from. Catalog. at discOlmted prices. IIlCIuded are saws, planers, sanders. more. Bill of malerlals exploded drawings asslsl lhe
CLAYTON MACHINE. Free. Circ18 No. 18. routers, drills and more from maflulaclUlers such as woodworker. FURNITURE DESIGNS. INC. $3.00,
MilwalAule, Makita, Porter Cable, Slack & 0edIer. 0l:IwaII, Circle No. 345.
OUR HOLIDAY SEASON PROMOTION-stans Freud. Bosch, Della, and many rt'lOl'e. Now in1roducirog a
December 1st, '93 and ends February 151h, '94. OOO'l full range of Werner brand ladders, Tools on Sale,"M divi- PROJECT PLANS-Full·slze pallerns for over SOO
miss if. We have the best deal for yOlJr woodworking sion of SEVEN CORNERS ACE HARDWARE, INC. easy-to·build woodworklflg pfojects. NatiOfl's leading
machinery and supplies In today's markel, find OIJI your· $1.00. Circle No. 92. source for scroll saw paMmS. row prO/eelS, toy plans,
sell. We offer a large selection of fine woodworking yard ornameflls, wood fumifure. etc. Over 3000 hard·IO-
mact1inery, tools and accessories for your home and WILLIAMS & HUSSEY-Thousands of protesslonals fiOO specialty Items. Send for your big new 6O-page cat-
business workshop. LeI's have a greal holiday season use our American·made molderfplaners to produce alog. MEISEL HARDWARE SPECIAL TIES. $2.00.
folks. ENLON IMPORT CORP. Free. Clrcte No. 35. curved or Slralght moldings, Over oW years of experi- Circle No. 40/.
ence w~h a 5·year warranty. Ifl the shop or at the job
site, W & H moots your needs every day Vtilh quick knije
--No more bloody knuckle, SO(e finger sanding. Unlque scroll saw pallems and projects more compl>caled than
changeovef and ultimate versatility with all kInds 01
sander, sands along edges and Into corners. without most available today anYwhere. Advanced projects
wood. Send for calalog, WILLIAMS & HUSSEY. $1.00.
bouncing off or running away. The secrel is the distinct such as these are a challenge, fufl to do alld give a lot
Cird9 No. 93.
triangular sanding pad, comblned Vtilh a high speed oscil· of satisfaction 10 make. Par1ial IIS1 Includes wall afld cor·
lation. German made. Brochure shows sander in actiofl. PORTABLE SAWMILLS-Convert logs InlO valuable ner shelves, mirrors, toys and clocks. NELSON
FEIN POWER TOOLS, INC. $1.00. Cird9 No. 37. lumber-Wood·Mlzer0 Products manulactufes a line 01 DESIGNS. $1.00. Circle No. 410.
portable bandsaw mills that allows the novice as well as NEW DESIGNS, LAWN FURNITURE, GARDEN
HOME LUMBER-For the largest selection of Makita al the experienced sawyer to safely convert starldirog logs STRUCTURES, NEW COLOR CATALOG-Just com·
the right price. We also provkSa great pricing on Amana Into lumber. TIler1, with the use 01 our SoIaryDry'" Kiln pleted rose arbor lI/dIWay with sealS and planlers, mystic
Carbides. DeWalt power tools, Bostltch Air Nailers & or Vacu_Kilfl™ to dry your lumber, you could iocrease wishing well with running watel, ufllque planters afld
David WMe IflSlruments. same day shipping, free freight. the valUil of every board YOlJ produce. We manolacture bencl1 combo and a beautil~ gardefr bridge. WaD( through
We accept Visa, MaSlercard, Discover, COO. Send for some 01 the most progressive woodworking equipment octagon & he~agon picnic tables, patio mairs, rockers,
Information. HOME LUMBER. $1.00. ClrdeNo. 48. on the mar1Ietloday. Product videos available. Send for swings, adirondack fumiture, jUfIQle gym and other real
our 31-page catalog. WOOD·MIZER PRODUCTS. fun projects. Easy to follow plans, malerlals list, Slap by
$2.00. Cllele No. 94. step Instructions. Excellefll buslflllss opportunity. SPE·
LOG-features the bestlools & accessories al the
absolute lowest prices aflywherel Whether you are a CIAlTY FURNITURE DESIGNS. $2.00. CIrde No. 445,
home woodWorker or an Ifldustrlal user, yOlJ wfll find afl HAND TOOLS WOOD TOY PATIERNS--Pallems for all ages irdudlng
locredible seleelion featuring Porter Cable, Bosch, Skll, chik:iran's patterns and exacutive loys. New ca1alog has
Freud. Delta, Milwaukee, Hitachi, and maflY, many PERSONAL BRANDING IRONS-8rochure describes many new palterns to choose 110m IncludlfIQ parts and
more. We offer same day shipplflg, lhe moSl knowl· brandirog Irons that eoable you to put your
f1llfTll:I on your wheels. Send for new ca1alog today. TOYS AND JOYS.
edgable sales stall afld free shippiflg Ofl most UPS work quickly and easily. Made especially lor branding $1.00. Circ/B No. 465.


THE COMPLIMENTS NEVER ENOl_hen you show from 15 - 50%1 Plus your satisfactioo is guaranteed 100%
off your C(lmpleted projeclS made /fom our lull size pal- GENERAL WOODWORKING on fJ'/&rY book you buy. See our full page ad in this issue
lems. Over 1800 unique. easy to make designs Inch.!Oe or send'Qf FREE inlormation. WOODWORKER'S BOOK
popular lolkarl, wind action whirligigs, old world SanlaS,
CATALOGS CLUB. Free. CiICIe No. I 175.
country furniture, shelves and shadow bo~es. aClion
10YS. 3D layered animals. country crillers. yald orna-
ments, Christmas yard decoralions and morel No
LOG-ls packed with woods. veneers, lools and sup- SHOP ACCESSORIES
plies. Choose veneers in more than 81 varieties ...
enlarging IElqulrad-just lrace our patterns onto wood inlays, overlays. haldwoods. moldings. trims. caning
and cut out Fast service. satislaction gualanleed. Send WOOD MOISTURE METER losure the quality of
supplies. finishes. hardwale. and tOOls. tools. toolsl every ploject by using a wood moisture meter.
for our latll'St calalog. THE WINFIELD COLLECTION. ()ve( 4000 products. lIIuslrated In fuK color and guaran· Delmhorst Model J-88 Is ideal lor a woodWorking shop
$ t .00. CircJ6 No, 480, teed to please or your money back. 2 year subsaiptlon. or lhe serious craflsman. Easy 10 read LED display indio
WOOD-MET SERVICES CATALOG LISTS SOME 700 CONSTANTINE'S. $1.00. Circle No. 820. cales 10 ranges of molstule content between 6% &
PLANS-IO build a wide variety of tools and ae<:es· THE WooDTURNERS CATAL0G-48 color pages 01 20%. Seod fOI catalog on our complate line ot wood
sories 10 equip your wor1Ishop. They vary from C(lmplete Ihe finest woodturnlng tools. machinery and supplies moisture meters. DELMHORST INSTRUMENT CO.
machines to hand tools. pholo accessories to shop available. Featuring Henry Taylor. Sorby. Richard Raffan Free. Circle No. 1217.
methods. Included are some 80 attachm&l11S fOI your and Dale Nish workshops. Catalog price refunded with LUMBER DRYING SYSTEMs-Ebac Lumber Dryers
lalhes. drill presses & routers. over 60 hand lools. plus order. CRAFT SUPPLIES USA $2.00. Circle No. BJO. offers a wide varlely of sizes from 50 B.F. to over
sander. welder, shaper, table saw accessories. elc. GRlZZLY IMPORTS.INC.-l993 is our 10th year 0' pro. 10,000 B.F. Three models are priced under $3000. You
Others Include a portable bafld salld&f. melal spinning vlding woodworkers wilh ao Incredible selection of gel the highest quality fumoer dried down 10 6% - 8%
tools. air compressor. 10" spindle wood shapero wood machines, tools and accessories at pr\oos you can afford. moislure conlent. Our controllers make them easy to
lalh& & chisels & a lNn. thiCkness plaflllf. Send fOi cal- Send lor your free 1993 catalog loday afld celebrate with operale and energy eUlcient. Kiln conSlruction guide
alog. order plans. build lhe equipmenl for your shop and tremendous savings on all your woodworldng needs. Included 10 build your chamber. EBAC LUMBER ORY-
save. WooD·MET. $1.00. Circle No. 496. GRIZZLY IMPORTS INC. Free. Circle No.8S0. ERS. Flee. CircJ6 No. 1228.
MANNY'S WOODWORKER'S PLACE CATALOG-is ECON·ABRASlVEs-manutacMes abrasive belts I4l to
LUMBER devoted to woodworkJng books and videos with over 52" wide in any grit We carTY hundreds of woodworking
1,000 titles COV&Iing woodIuming, carving, cablnetmak· related accessories Including: Velcfd& bad<.ad discs. bar
QUALITY EXOTIC LUMBERITURNING WOODS-We ing, tools. boat building. workshops end other relaled clamps, wood glue, drawer slides. chisels, hingll'S and
offer a comprehensive selection of fine quallly exotk:: topics, all at discount prices. MANNY'S WOODWORK· hundreds 01 sanding accessories. Send lor our 1992 cat·
woods. Also available are mechanisms 101 making ER'S PLACE. $2.00. Circle No. 910. alog. ECON-ABRASIVES. Free. CircJe No. 1229.
wooden barrel pens/pencils/roller balls/ fountain pens. WOODWORKING CATALOG-48-page ful~color cata· EASY DOES IT-with HTC'S poWllf tool accessories.
Ebony. Kingwood. Tullpwood. Snake wood. African log of lop quality woodwooong machines and supplies. Discover many unique ~ems. designed only wilh you.
Blackwood. Cocobolo. Bloodwood. Figured Maple. See the American made toolsl Total Shop is bringing pr0- the dedicated woodworker. In mind. Make your machln·
Spaulted Maple, Padauk. elc. Unique and unusual turn· duction home. Many tools now made In the U.S.A. Dust ery safer. increase the worklng area of your shop and
Ing woods and burls are also available. Send for cata· coIledors. table saws, lathes, drills, you name it we have accomplish nearly impossible tasks eaSily, quickly,
log. BEREA HARDWOODS. $1.00. Circle No. 510. it. Catalog treel TOTAL SHOP. Free. Cin:JeNo. 94C. accurately. Full·line catalog and price list. HTC PROD·
ONE STOP WOOD SHQP-Domestlc and exotic hard· THE WOODWORKERS' STORE CATALOG-Newl UCTS, INC. Free. Circle No. 1245.
wood plywood and lumber. marine plywood, over 30 The Woodworkers' Store 1993t94 catalog with over 200 WOOD MOISTURE METER-Avoid molSlure delects
species in stock-all under one IOOf. Custom cutting ser- O&N f1ems features 104 full color pages 01 domeslic and suelt as cracking, warping. splitting, delaminalion. The
vices 10 your exacl specifications with little Qf no waste al exotic hardwoods. veneers, wood parts, specially hard- pln·type moisture meter "Minl·Ligno" can read surlace or
co~litive pricesl We specialize in bundling and ship- ware, kitchen accessories, Iinishing supplies, tools. core moisture in any thickness of lumber, from veneer
ping. Send lor catalog. BOULTER PLYWOOD CORP. books, and plans ... Many eXclusive ~ems and hard to through heavy limbers. A flat surface is not necassarily
Free. Cin:Je No. 512. find specialties. Orders shipped In 24 to 48 hours. ()ve( required, thus the Mini works on rough sawn lumber and
39 years in businessl Satisfaction guaranteed. Catalog. curved or roond pieces. A mOSl versalile instrument.
THE WOODWORKERS' STORE. $2.00. Cird8 No. 965. Many hobbyists and professkloals use the Mlnl·Ugno C
Valley Hardwoods is Ihe hardwood slore you've been
looking for. Domeslic & exotic lumber. thin slock, hafd. or EIC with attachments to monrtor lumber during air or
wood plywood & IIe:dble veneers, dowels and 25 Sq. FI. KITS kiln drying or use external electrode fQf depth readings.
advantage packages. Calalog. BRiSTOL VALLEY Calalogue describes complele line 0' moisture melers.
HARDWOODS. $1.00. Circ16 No. SIJ. INDUSTRIAL PANEL SAW/ROUTER KIT-Increclible L1GNOMAT USA. LTD. Free. Circle No. 1250.
accuracy. V&fsatility and savings. Uses same seK clean- ROIJTER SPEED CONTROL--Reduces speed eIeclrooI·
MORE THAN 4000 WooDS,---veneers. inlays, carvings,
legs. pegs, tools, mouldings. finishes. decorative hard- Ing roller bearing system as commercial par.el saws and catj without reducing torque. Route al the speed that gives
ware, plus books. ~ and ~ i n g lor people
super strong ste&l nickel chromed guide lubeS. lostantly best resuks with !he wood and bit you are using. Speed
who work with woodl Constantine's 181 years 01 wood· attach your saw or rouler. Build 10 suit your needs. Great act;Jstable from lui speed to 0 RPM. Less tear ~
wor1<.ing experiellCll make it the catalog woocMtorkers rely fQf sllop or job site. Send 'or info. AARDVARK TOOL burrW1g-less wear on bits----easy 10 use. Send today tor
on: lheir 6O-day money·bad<. guarantee is your assur· CO. $1.00. CircIfJ No. 97S. Information. MLCS LTO. Free. CitdeNo. 1251.
ance ot 100% satisfaction. 2 year subscriptiun. CON· OUR QUEEN ANNE FURNITURE KITS-are ready 10 LUMBER DRYING-Dry your own lumbel using our
STANTINE·S. $1.00. CiFd6 No. SIS. assemble and linish. They include dining loom lable, eqtriprnenl and your Insulated charrber. Dehumidi!ica-tion
chairs. hutch. sideboard, a variety of occasional tables, systems trom 300 BF 10 45.000 BF. Easy to operate
STEVE H. WALL LUMBER CO-Ouallty hardwoods
and a pofSOOal desll. All ere made In solid cherry, oak, equipment otfElfS high quality kiIn-dried lUmber for peonies
and woodworking machinery !of lhe craltsman and edu·
walnut, and mahogany. We also Slock individual Queen per '001. These long·lasting made·in·\he·USA units can
cational inStitutions. 16·page catelog lists 11 species of
Anoe legs lor every project. Complete inlormalion in our pay for thernseIves in one monthl Send for /fee catalog.
popular hardwoods at wholesale prices. Also dealers for
brochure packel. ADAMS WOOD PRODUCTS. Free. NYLE STANDARD DRYERS, INC. Free. Cin:JeNo. 1260.
MiniMax, Frelld and ProCut woodworking machines.
Circle No. 1002.
SHIP MODELING CATALOG--Hisloric Ship Models- uses advanced electromagnetic wave technology to
Museum quality replicas you buikl yoursell. Pfe-cut w0od- accu181ety measure wood moisture coot&f1t from 6% 10
WOOD5-Over 15 species 01 lumbel, bowl blanks, en parIS, metal and brass fittings. cloth sails. plans and 30% to a depth oIl(". No pins 10 "abuse" wood and leave
turning SQUares and veneer. Samples (K"x 3"x 6' ideal Instructions. Send 'or 80 page colol calalog. MODEL
'or craltsmen, 'um~ule and cabinet makers. an::h~ects,
ugty holes. Check OUI boards from top 10 bonom in JUSI
EXPO, INC. $1.00. Cirde No. 1075. seconds before you buy and avoid the headaCheS of
and designers available. Catalog provides common and
BUCKBOARD BENCH KIT-Kit includes, steel springs splitting, walpage, delaminating and failed glue joinlS.
botanical name, source, and description of each wood.
that give a lillle. metal arms and back ralls. hardware, The Wagner L606's convenient pocket size, easy·to·
Send tor catalog. WOODWORKERS SOURCE. $1.00.
CJICI9 No. 598. and complete Instrucllons. Also available kit with oak read analog meter, and low price make ~ a must for IlI'lY'"
palls cut to size. Send for Information. THE ROUDE· one working with wood. Literature. WAGNER
BUSH CO. SOC. Circle No. 1085. ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS, INC. Free. C/rcle No. 1285.
LAGUNA TOOLS VlDEQ......Learn why most European
workshops are using a central machine center rather than ASK FOR CMT'S CATALOG AND WE'LL GIVE YOU
THE FINE TOOL JOURNAL-Ptoblished querterly. The
separate machines. 90 min. video presentalklo ot "The
magazine for c:raflsmen and coIlec1ors who buy and use $5i-CMT Tools will send you our free. lull·C(llor router
Inte~igent One Man Shop. The Robland X 31". Send for
hand IOOls; anlique. obsolete and modern. We have spe- bit catalog and we'l give you a $5.00 discount on your
video. LAGUNA TOOLS. $6.00. Cird8 No. 615. cialized In this area slnce 1970. Besides ar1lcles dealing first orderl CMT bits feature anli·klckback design. Tellon
with all aspecls of hand looIs, abseotee tool auctiOfJs are coatings and mic<ograin carbide cutting edges. Our cat·
EPOXIES/GLUES a regular lealule. as are book reviews, modem tool eva~ aIog is packed with accessories. project Ideas and safe·
uations. and much more. tRON HORSE ANTIQUES. ty tips-irs one catalog you'll want to keep! CMT
DETECT UNWANTED GLUE EASILY--belore ruining INC. Free. Circle No. 1130. TOOLS, INC. Free. Circle No. 1310.
your WOfk! Add SPOTLIGHT 10 your glue, then view \he FREE WOOOWQflKlt«i BOOKSII-Gel a FREE w0od- CASCADE TOOLS-The 1993 Cascade Tools catalog Is
worll under \he available U-V Ilght. The savlogs pay 'or working book wilh the money·saving joining offer from the finest ever. h's janvned with great buys on SY brand
SPOTLIGHT with the lirst otherwise missed spot. Woodworker's Book Club. After you join. you have NO Industrial-gracte rout(\( bits, shaper cutt&r$ and an excel·
SPOTLIGHTs only effect is to make glue highly visible OBLIGATION to buy any more books. As a member, lent assortment of hard-to-flnd accessories. You'll have 10
under UN light. Send for Informalion. SPOTLIGHT. you'll get rllViEIws 01 more than 100 01 the oewest and best see ~ to believe~. CASCADE TOOLS. INC. Free. CiIde
$1.00. Circle No. 710. woodWOrking books each month-evely one discounted No.IJ1S.


ENLON IMPORT CORPORATlON--Fellow woodwork- Flee WOI1Ishop taaches you latest In furni1ure resloration. from a ske1Ch. pattern, templale. or free· hand 10 any
ers, prot8$Sional builders 8I1d rernodeler$. We oller a oMde You haw 10 see ~ to belleYe ~! Business preoJIew 'Jideo wood surface. It mak&S c:leBtl crisp tracings whleh can
selectiOn with over 100 varielies of protessional qo.aaty $19.95. Send lor catalog. MINUTEMAN. $2,00. Circle be erased like perocil or painted over. Irs reusable,
C8ItIiclB lipped I'OU1ef bits & sNper ~ with irreslsIibIe No. 166f. Avaitable irl 5 colors: ~. wRIe, red, yellow, blue.
prices, lind 0U11or yoursell. Catalog. ENLON IMPORT Send lor Sample Package (0llEt 8lf' Jt 12- sheet each
COAf'ClRATION. Free. Cirdt1No. '3'B.
MISCELLANEOUS ooIorl. SARAl PAPER CO. INC. $5.25. en.No. 2000.
FREUD-Premier 6ne 01 carbidMipped sawbladh, STEElMASTER BUllDING5--afe available In almost
roucer bits, shaper Cl.Ill8n 8I1d OCher ~ IoOIs. MECHANISMS FOR MAKING WOODEN BARREL iiWl'f size lor »nost wrt use. From 10'b l00'wide 8I1d
Freud oIfers 8 fuI.ine on Btlli-kicttback cartJic».1ipped iiWl'f Iangth imagir1abIe. Wt1eIher you ~ a back ylWd
PENS--PencisIRoIer Ball PeosIFountain ?«d. High
rOUler I),IS. Send for 8 free new rOUler bit catalog. shop an inclIstrial shop... ~ slorage bui1d-
FREUD. Free. Cird9No. 1321. quality. low prices. WhoIesalIIRetai. Pkl$ other r.....•
eel items. BEREA HAROWOOOS CO. $1.00. Circle Ing whatever your requlremenlS, you'll lind II
SUPER-SMOOTH, EXTRA-DURABLE, CARBIDE- No. 1900. Stlllllmaster thaf's Just !he right size lor lhe job. Our
TIPPED CIRCULAR SAW BLADEs-Get a smooth- buildings are so easy 10 lXlI'lst1Ud, most owners opt b
as·sanded sur/ace with our all·purpose 40·toolh LOOKING FOR PIERCED TIN? COME TO THE oons1nIc:t theW buildings IhernseIws which adds up 10
WOOdwol'ker Blade. You wi be able to ~ and Cl'OSS-QIl SOURCEI-1O+ page color highlighted calalog intro· ~ bigger S8Wigs, Send lor nformation. STEELMA$·
1 - 2 irl. rod< hards and soft woods wilh Btl unbelievably duces you 10 a treasury 01 pierced metal panels alford- TER. $1.00. CitcJ6 No. 2030.
smooth fiIlish. You will also be abI8 to crossoQJl oak and ably priced and ready 10 inslall in your woodwor1l!ng
birch ply-veneers with no bottom splinters. Send today proJects. Available In a wIcIe variety of sizes, 16 dillerool
TlOUEs-this 212·pege catalog padled w~h unusual,
lor our Inlormalion pack. FORREST MFG. CO .• INC. types 01 metal (copper & brass, IOOQ & oyer 300 designS.
Custom size & deslgn a specially. OR all lt1e matarials
ha!d·to-find items Is just lor you. Induded are hUlldreds 01
$1.00. Circl6No. 1322. essential ~ems lor antique restoration including lOP qu~
and loois needed to creata ~ yoursalt. Catalog Includes
PRODUCTION OUAUTY CARBIDE TIPPED ROUTER Iy brass reproduetlon hardware, oil lampll and acces-
fumilure plans you can order, lantern kits, specialized
BITS-MLCS ltd. has a new 32-page catalog featuring sories, numenlUS wood component repair parts and kits,
melal piercing tools and MORE. COUNTRY ACCENTS.
hundreds of high quality carbide tipped router blIS, carling and basketry StJpplles, everything needed fOf
$5.00. C'deNo. 1910-
sI1apef cutters, !he Router Speed Control, the "Merle wood relinlshing, rllated tools, books, and a complete
Mjuslable Corner Clamp: plus other Professional DElPHI STAINED GLASS-80-page color eataIog of Ine 01 uphoIsIery ~ and ~ M 1l.1Ot1ole-
Woodrworking Prock.octs. Prk:es SO% 10 10% Iorier lhan stained glass and retaled supplies. Beveled glass, ha'd- sale prices. Send lor this informative catllog. VAN
eIsewMte. Value, quality and prompt Set'iice gtIIIl"an- to-Iind lOOIs, hUndreds 01 unique pattems, kits. boob, DYKE'S RESTOAERS. $1.00. Ci'cl9 No. 2077.
leedl "'-CS LTD. Free. Cirdt1No. 1350. videos, and loIS more. For 18 years, we've supplied
LEGAL IVORY-Virtually iderltical to animal Ivory.
boIh hobbyists 8I1d prolessior\aIs will quaity pn:O.d$,
MAGNATE--1JfOYides a fuline 01 affordable carbide
Irietdy aMee. 8I1d tast 2'·11ou' shipping. M proO.Jels
pam Utle. Ideal lor jew-
T8tJJil is the I'lJIIrom a tropical
tipped fOlAer bits 8I1d shapIw lUIBrs. Send lor FREE new Ilry, krlobs, smaU lurnlngs, Inlay, Of scrimshaw.
1992·93casa1og. MAGNATE. Free. ~No. 1355. guaranteed IClCI%. OElPHl STAINED GlASS. SUO.
Available in 3 sizes. Send lor infOfmation. wOOD-
Cifr;leNo. 1920.
WORKERS SOURCE. Free. Cifde No.. 2090.
HARDWARElWOOD PARTS COYer InslanIIy roIs out to keep conlElnls li'y and sean.
TOOlS AND SUPPUE5--Hundreds 01 procb;ls lor the
When not required ~ roll Oto its smal9'J" SlOraga eMs- WOClltooorl<er demonstrated and sokI at discount prices at
CHERRY TREE TOYS CATAL0G-68 pages 01 plans,
tar tor ~ tal loads, The lui length harde can be
parts, kiiS and supplies fOI Afl Skill Levels. Clocll.s.
whlf1lgigs, dollhouses. door harps, banks, and many
easily operated wilh 0116 hand from eill1ef side
tr'\.ICk. Send lor brochure. PACE·EDWARDS CO. $1.00.
fNf!Jty "WoodwoIl<SIg Show". Io-<lepth serrW1ars and Iree
Vo'OflIshcps on II variafy 01 ~ toplc:s. Shows ate
more 8l1raClive Ilems-plus wooden dowels, pegs. scheduled In 21 CilIeS. Send lor free brochure, 'THE
CircJe No. f985. WOOO'NORKING SHOWS'. Free. Citd9 No. 2095.
wheels. knobs, & more. Tools, paint supplies, steocils,
stamps and much morel Bulk prices available. Catalog. HI-TECH ENGRAVING-You dOll't have 10 be an MIsI
CHERRY TREE TOYS. $1.00. Cirde No. 1420. wllh the System Ofle High Speed Engraver (400,OOO
RPM). The increditJIe high speed alfTlbined with SCM's
exdusiYe stenciling system aIows you 10 proc1.lee protes.
INCOME OPPORTUNITIES $lOnal results. You can engrave on wood, ljass. 1TlIIaI,
make aI types 01 wood C8f'o'ing easy, lun and protitabIe.
slone. eerame. egg sheI. It's as easy as ""'*'ll will a The mact'*les do lha 'NClf!t Whether lor sign ClWW1g. flat
pen. Send lor WIlormalion. SCM ENTERPRISES. $1.00.
MINUTEMAN WAY--Eam $200-$1000 per day strip-
Cirdt1No. 1990.
3-0. daeoys, panals.lPJfl $lOd(s Of lumture, we have the
ping. repairing, refiniShing, mirror resitvering, andfor proper rnaeme lor the job. ProIessionaI 'MlOdearving lor
veneemg, at home Of n shop, spare line Of lui line. SARAL. TRANSFER PAPER--is wall free lransler/ the hobbyist and superior quality lor the proI8$$iOnaI.
We pmylde COflllIete~: no expeliellCe necessary. grapNIe paper which aIows you 10 II'lInSfer 'fO'JIl 0esIgn Begin 'fO'JIl hobby Of U Of pM""" busnIss by on*'
ing our eataIog and price list. MARUN INDUSTRIES.
,~~~ ..L m . . . . .h"A. JAW Ben"'iom...n d G _ CLAMPS
"JJ~ (NV"""""--7 ~v... WOOD Magazine, Februa'Y 1994
q;((J] :=:>-
P.O~ 80, 2713
Boulder, Colorado 80329-2713
easy to use. It forces your wOtk Inlo square. Fully
adjustablllitom 2'1(,' K ~. to 69' K 69" In, Perfect lor
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ntlllCltKW H(W 1I6V ~!WKo wJ2
0.01 loo..... ""' ..... n61&lIIlKW3O$ 164
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2_,I_<fIOrlIOr.l _ _ 35I In
UtiODEOK NEW 12001001W _ _
_ -".15_ ct.,. 1 ... 351 It,
Getting the bugs out of Siberian wood Tap the
USDA Forest Service scientists say that raw larch logs, tanker tree,
should they be imported from Siberia or elsewhere in the
former USSR, present a great thre"t to North American then stand back!
forests. Writing in the Western Journal ofApplied Foresty, One of the longest-lived
Donald Goheen and Borys Tkacz describe six insects and trees in the world, the
diseases (out of 179) that they found on larch trees during baobab of East Africa,
an assessment trip to that region. has a trunk that fre-
Citing the U. S. experience with the gypsy moth, Dutch elm quently attains a circum-
disease, and chesmur blight (all originating in Europe) as exam- ference of 100'. Often,
ples of potential ecological impact, the authors insist that imported the trunk becomes hol-
larch logs from that area of the world must be rigorously treated to kill low and people tap it
pests. Although no larch logs are now entering the U.S., notes Colleen, for as much as 250 gal-
there has been high interest among importers, sparked by incre;lsing lons of water!
consumer demand for softwoods.


. ~ Q
SLJoseph's Guild
cf~~ Age: 70-plus years
~ ~/ Home: Wheaton, 111.
Occupation: FJe(.lron.ic
engineer, insur.tnce execu-
tive, printer, publishing exeCLl-
tive, and an architect, all retired.
Sl. joscph's Guild Illembcrs,/rom left, Roberl Taylor, I'aul Gllr01h, Ted Kehoe,
It's no secret that most churches Dwlglu Early, and john Legg meel al Ihelr WhcalOn, Illinois, church every
continually face repairs that never Wednc:<;day evening to ply their woodworking skills 10 bcncfit Ihe congregation.
seem to be adequately funded in
their budgets. Trinity Episcopal project caught the aHenlion of To date, St. Joseph's Guild (see
Church, in Wheaton, Illinois, isn't three other retirees with wood- photo above) has expertly com-
an exception. But the work gets working talent. Thus was born the pleted jobs such as repairing furtli-
done, thanks to the woodworking group who decided to call them- ture, rehanging doors, construct-
skills of St. Joseph's Guild. selves St. Joseph's Guild,~ ing teaching aids, and buiJding the
According to Robert Taylor, who explained Robert. rector's cherry desk and credenza.
wrote 10 WOOD magazine about Since then, every Wednesday Their greatest accomplishments
the volullleer group, il aU started evening finds the guild members so far, though, were recreating
four years ago when two recently at the church, tool boxes in hand, period doors for the church's 110-
retired men stepped forward to working on a varied of repairs year-old chapel, and the reglazing
help out with home repairs and and projects. The jobs th:1t can't and setting of 23 leaded-glass
construction projects to benefit be done with tools and equipmem church windows. That projeci
the congregation's elderly. ~One available at the church end up as alone saved the congregation
such project was a home ramp for projects in one 01' more of their 58,000. St. Joseph's Guild, take a
a wheelchair-bound member. The home shops. well-deserved bow! •

lIluslratlon:jlm Stcvenson


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