Desert Magazine 1937 November
Desert Magazine 1937 November
Desert Magazine 1937 November
GIVE... Development
A Year of Pleasure... Nature
to your desert-loving friends Mining
at Christmas time.
. . . with a year's subscrip-
tion to the Homes
We are more than gratified at the enthusiastic and en- . . . and many
couraging response which you and your neighbors
expressed when the Desert Magazine was placed on other features
sale for the first time last month. We are convinced that each month.
you are proud of the magazine and that you like to
show it to your friends.
You can find no better gift expressing the spirit of the desert you love than a
subscription to this magazine—sent to your friend at Christmas time.
On receipt of your subscription remittance we will send an acknowledge-
ment to you and we will prepare a gift card which will arrive at your friend's
address at Christmas time.
Just print or typewrite the names on a sheet of paper, together with your
name as donor and send it with your check to the DESERT MAGAZINE,
El Centre Calif.
m z i nE
for November
N o v e m b e r , 1937
God s Garden of Peace
God gave to mankind the beauties of earth,
Of mountains, and lowlands and sea,
Rivers and lakes, forests and glades,
These wondrous gifts gave He.
But He kept for His own a Garden
Rugged, forbidding, austere,
Surrounded by peaks uplifted—
Snow-capped throughout the year.
And He draped it with marvelous colors
At dawn and at set of sun,
And hung high in the sky the wonderful stars
To light it when day is done.
And He walks in His Garden at twilight
And all who would have surcease
From life's toil and struggle, may find it
In the Desert, God's Garden of Peace.
Palm Springs.
November, 1937
Creosote bush, or greasewood as it is
commonly known, is the hardiest and
most common of all desert shrubs. This
story of the Creosote is written by Don
Admiral to give desert folks a more inti-
mate acquaintance with one of their
neighbors of the plant world. Other desert
shrubs will be described by Mr. Admiral
in future issues of the Desert Magazine.
Desert scientist of Palm Springs
A/o. I -@dventu.tet
ES MA'AM! We used to have ert Steve' of Desert Center. Nearly There were many days when not a sin-
lots of rattlesnakes here. The every one who has traveled Highway gle car was to be met along this route.
country was alive with them. 60 across the Chuckawalla desert in Six automobiles in 24 hours was heavy
They crawled around in armies and ate Southern California has heard of De- traffic.
everything in their path. Few people sert Steve. But Mrs. Ragsdale was willing, and
ever got out of the desert alive in those He has a story for every occasion. the four children were too young to
days. This is the one he told in the early vote on the question—so they loaded
"But they are all gone now. Haven't days when timid folks from Eastern cen- up the furniture and went out to re-
seen one for years. ters of tenderfoot culture would stop build the little cabin which Old Man
"What became of them? at the Ragsdale service station to in- Gruendyke had left when he proved up
"Well, Henry Ford is responsible. quire about the danger of Indians, on his homestead.
When he got to making all those little outlaws and rattlesnakes. That was in 1921. During the next
cars a few years ago this road across The California link in Highway 60 four years they stuck to the job through
the Chuckawalla valley became so is paved now and thousands of motor- summer heat and sandstorms. A little
crooked that a cow pony couldn't follow ists roll along its smooth surface every work had been done on the road, and
it. Nothing but Fords ever tried to cross week without thought of the hazards travel was increasing. The Ragsdales
this way. They zig-zagged along through which once beset the desert traveler. had begun to feel that perhaps their
the sand and when the rattlers would Broke on 6-Cent Cotton pioneering would be rewarded.
start chasing them the blankety snakes Steve Ragsdale is one of the pioneers Highway Route Is Changed
would break their backs making the along this highway. He was doing very Then the state took over the highway
turns. They're all gone now." well as a cotton rancher in the Palo and engineers decided that the Chuck-
This is Steve Ragsdale's yarn—'Des- Verde valley until the post-war slump awalla road should be rerouted to avoid
hit the cotton market. He couldn't feed the heavy sand. Gruendyke's Well was
his wife and four children with six-cent to be a mile and a quarter from the
Steve and Mrs. Ragsdale at their cotton, and so he turned the ranch new highway.
Santa Rosa mountain cabin. over to the tax collector and announced This was heart-breaking news to the
that he was going to open up a service Ragsdales, but they took it like true
station at Gruendyke's Well, midway pioneers. Instead of crying about the
between Blythe and Mecca on the old injustice of the government and clamor-
Chuckawalla road. ing for damages, Steve went out and
Folks laughed at Steve, and felt sorry helped the engineers locate the new
for his family. The road across the road.
Chuckawalla in those days consisted Then he began preparations to move
of two rather uncertain ruts across 90 his service station. The main problem
miles of blow sand and cross-washes. was water. It is a scarce commodity
It required nine hours of hard driving in the Chuckawalla valley. With a hand
to cover the 90 miles. Only the hardiest windlass and the help of his family
of motorists would attempt the trip. Turn to Page 26
November, 1937
Gold l-moty
. . . that's what they called him at military
academy. But to the world he is known as
Lt. W. H. Emory, diarist and mapmaker
soldiers, offered barrels of wine and San Diego as seen by Emory in dragoons met Kit Carson and party,
flocks of young bullocks. 1846, at a point where Oldtown enroute east with dispalches telling of
Kearney concluded his short gover- stands now. Reproduced from Em- the subjugation of the Californians.
norship by dividing his army into sev- ory's Reconnaissance report. Commodore Stockton was reporting that
eral columns, leaving a garrison at the empire had surrendered without loss
Santa Fe, ordering Capt. Cooke's Mor- of blood and "the American flag floated
mon Battalion to follow westward as ing the light of day was entitled, by in every port." Stockton's extravagant
quickly as possible, and assuming the virtue of his long military dictator- optimism caused Kearney to send 200 of
lead of Maj. Sumner's 300 dragoons ship on the western frontier, to his his dragoons back to Santa Fe, a third
toward ihe conquest of California. rages. Kearney was essentially a strict of his original force continuing west-
Here Lt. Emory's real work began. disciplinarian but his letters to his ward.
He looked forward to the march with wife revealed he had another, gentler
Much against Carson's will, General
eagerness. Thus far he had made obser- nature.
Kearney pursuaded the famous scout
vations in territory much of which Let modern historians debate on the to turn back and guide the party to
had already been described by path- quarrel between Kearney and Stockton, California, a happy accident which ex-
finding parties. Now he had much new let them speculate on the guilt or in- tended Kearney's life another two years
work to do. He was official astronomer, nocence of Fremont, let them argue and saved Emory's reminiscences for
draughtsman, geologist, meteorologist, about the relative merits of the Califor- the world. Kit Carson's spectacular
botanist, diarist, and reporter of the nia lance in the hands of expert horse- feat—with Lt. Beale—in bringing res-
expedition. His maps would give the men and the musket in the hands of cue to the butchered Americans at San
government at Washington its first au- weary and half-drunken dragoons. Not Pasqual is an epic of California history.
thentic information of the deserts and one of the recorders of history will ques-
mountains of the great southwest. His tion the trustworthy contribution which Emory's keen powers of observation
sketches and specimens would give obscure Lt. Emory made to the lore of are evident in his report to the govern-
scientists their first knowledge of the the southwest. In fact, few even mention ment, a book now difficult to find in
Indians, animals, plants, and minerals Emory except to quote a sentence or two print, which was published in Washing-
of this vast unexplored region. He pre- of his colorful language. For who is ton in 1848. The title of the narrative
pared himself thoroughly, determined interested in the quiet plodding of a is "Notes of a Military Reconnaissance
to do a good job, without prejudice scientific man when there is a battle from Fort Leavenworth in Missouri to
or error. of tycoons in the offing? San Diego in California." No diary ever
Insubordination was not in Emory's Two weeks out of Santa Fe, near sparkled more with humorous incident
character; he was a good army man. the village of Socorro, the company of Turn to Page 26
No hint of his private thoughts about
his chief crept into his reports. Con-
troversial reports of Kearney at San
Pasqual and of the Kearney-Stockton-
Fremont incident were never given bias
by the engineer. His work was with the
immutable laws of Nature, the undispu-
table position of the stars in relation to
his westward journey, and the thrilling
discovery of new botanical classifica-
Let the General get red in the face
all he wished. After all, a man who had
served in the War of 1812 about the
. time the young engineer was first see-
November, 1937 11
JLookina"&ownfitomA/evada 5
12,000- foot O&5I5
. . A hiker's story of the . . From the top, in all
trail to rugged Charles- directions — a pastel col-
ton peak . . ored desert. .
November, 1937 13
NAVAJO SHEPHERDESS Photo by Win. M. Pennington
O NE WORD expresses the "feeling"
of this Pennington masterpiece. To
the desert-wise that one word tells
more sheep than their reservation lands
could support. Overgrazing destroyed
the grass roots when animals became too
the story. numerous . . . sheep and goats, without
The helpless sheep, frightened by ap- grass and water, either faced or met star-
proaching s t o r m , instinctively depend vation . . . Navajo Indians—without sheep,
upon the shepherdess for protection from goats, water, or grass — faced starvation
threatening danger . . . The shepherdess and the extinction of their race. Moisture
and her family depend upon the sheep from the threatening clouds then became
for the necessities of life . . . Both shep- a land-destroying menace.
herdess and sheep depend u p o n the That is the lesson which Government
desert grass and water holes . . . Shep- engineers are pointing out to the Navajo
herdess, sheep, grass and water holes Indians. Millions of Federal dollars are
depend upon moisture from the clouds being spent in the effort to restore, in real
above. life, numberless reproductions of the scene
photographed years ago by William M.
Dependence implies confidence. Con- Pennington . . . Competent critics have
fidence must be mutual. The desert is declared it his best desert photograph.
harsh toward those who abuse it. "Just a lucky shot," asserts Bill Penning-
Twentieth-century Navajos d e s i r e d ton.
H IGH UP on the Walpi mesa a as you will love the rare artistry of his
ring of wide-eyed Hopi young- photographs.
sters gathered around us in the In 1908, Bill Pennington—young in
darkness as we tinkered and coaxed in years, following the then adolescent art
a fruitless effort to bring life to our of photography—unpacked his equip-
dead motor. ment and opened a studio in Durango,
There was plenty of gas in the tank. Colorado. He was a slender young
The wiring all appeared to be in order. Kentuckian who had come west by way
But the pooled mechanical skill of the of Texas where he had received pains-
four of us had brought forth nothing taking instruction in the finest methods
more enlivening than a dying gasp from of his profession from an English pho-
the starter. Even the lights would not tographer.
glow. Sixty air-line miles from the city of
Our audience—the little brown chil- Durango is the one spot in the United
dren of stone-age parents, did not States where four states corner in a
laugh at our steel-age predicament. single point. Locally the adjacent area
They were the sons and daughters of is known as the Four Corners. An
a proud line of primitive Americans imaginary circle, drawn from the cor-
whose training would not permit them WM. M. PENNINGTON
ners as a center, would include an equal Art photographer
to jeer at another's misfortune. quadrant each of Colorado, Utah, Ari-
With courtesy which is characteristic This picture was taken in the nat-
zona, and New Mexico.
of their parents, they offered to push ural cavity at the base of Window
our stranded automobile. That was the Rock in northeastern Arizona.
Land of Ancient Tribes
only way they knew how to help us If the radius of the mythical circle
along the trail. were extended to 100 miles, it would censed traders in whom they placed 1
Eventually we discovered the cause include some of the most picturesque confidence, and by employing as inter-
of our trouble. A mechanic had for- and historically fascinating desert preter a young Indian boy who had I
gotten to put water in the battery. scenery in all of North America. The been to school.
This merely was one of the incidents deserted ruins of Mesa Verde, Pueblo •'The natural poses were achieved by
in a week of adventure in Hopi-land, Bonito, Chaco Canyon, Aztec national observing the postures and habits of
high up on the mesas of northeastern monument, and Ruin Canyon national the Indians at times when they did not
Arizona. We had come out here for monument, all made accessible by state suspect that I was watching them.
diverse reasons. Will Evans, for many and federal governments, are but the They are very self-conscious people and
years a trader on the Navajo reserva- most spectacular examples among the have to be handled very much as chil-
tion in northwestern New Mexico, had innumerable ancient ruins which dot the dren. When you once get their confi-
never crossed the blue mountain range mesa and line the canyons of the Four dence they are congenial and co-opera-
which hid Canyon de Chelley and the Corners region. tive. But don't try to take pictures
land of the Hopis. He wanted to visit But ancient ruins are not the only against their will. One act of that kind
these places. My object was the gath- picturesque subjects to be found. These I will turn the whole tribe against you.
ering of material for the writer's mark- tribes af modern Indians are quartered \ /
ets. My brother accompanied us, just on Government reservations within the Here is His Secret
for a vacation. wide circle: Piutes in southeastern Utah, After all. it simmers down to a lan-
Southern Utes in southwestern Colo- guage which requires no interpreter—
Seeks Rare Photographs rado, Navajos in northwestern New / and of which Bill Pennington is master:
Overshadowing the interests of the Mexico and northeastern Arizona. patient understanding. The eyes and
rest of us, was the desire of the artist- Kentuckian Bill Pennington under- voice and manner of the man reveal that
photographer William M. Pennington stood neither customs nor the speech of quality to all who chance to meet him.
to obtain some rare camera studies of the desert Indians. But he quickly rec- The subtle feel in desert photo-portraits,
a tribe of Arizona desert Indians who ognized the artistic values displayed in which were made by the artist, is ex-
held a superstitious dread of the white their handicraft and in their primitive perienced by those who appreciate visi-
man's box-with-the-evil-eye. If there had living conditions. Still alive when the ble artistic expression and those who
been no other reward for the other artist first came into the desert were know and understand the desert.
three of us the trip would still have individual Indians whose exploits had In recent years Pennington has made
been worth many times the hardships, contributed to Southwestern history. his home in Alhambra, California.
for the companionship of so genuine a Some day the portraits of such would Rights to many of his cherished
man as Bill Pennington. be of value to accurate historians. But desert views have been secured for the
And that brings us to the purpose of how was a timid white "tenderfoot" to Desert Magazine. Short sketches ex-
this story—to present to the readers of gain the confidence of recently-mur- plaining each of the series are to be
Desert Magazine the unusual character derous savages who exhibited supersti- written by John Stewart MacClary, in-
of a man whose exquisite photography tious terror of the camera's lens? timate friend of Pennington and his
will occupy an important place in fu- Mr. Pennington explains the answer companion on many photographic ex-
ture issues of this publication. If you casually: peditions. The first of the Pennington
know this man vou would love him—• "I reached the Indians through li- series appears on the opposite page.
r Mountain
Shodnq location
of lke>
Sore go l
>strict of Ike
Borep Desert.
(Jrees areihree
rom and Dunes.
N o v e m b e r , 1937
Nicholson had bought a string of
modern ore trucks and a flock of rich
claims in the Cargo Muchacho moun-
tains of eastern Imperial county. They
hauled ore a few miles south to U. S.
Highway 80, where they built a modern IN THE SCENIC IMPERIAL VALLEY
reduction plant near the site of the Land of Barbara Worth—and winter sunshine
all-American canal.
Huge tubs were placed on a hillside.
New machinery was placed on them CENTER
and connected in a maze of pipe and
platforms known technically as the OF THE
"flow plan." To the layman it looks LARGEST
like a pile of junk kept in constant IRRIGATION
turmoil by some mysterious power. ENTERPRISE
But to Holmes and Nicholson and the 35
men who work for them, the plant
represents the most modern, most scien- AMERICA
tific, and most economical method of
taking pure gold from quartz rock.
A massive maw with a digestive ca- "AMERICA'S
pacity of 40 tons an hour crushes the WINTER
ore into small pieces. It is permitted GARDEN"
only a light breakfast, however, for it
prepares in a half hour enough fodder
to keep the plant operating the rest PICTURESQUE PAINTED GORGE
of the day. While the plant now takes
care of about 25 tons a day, a few sim- Visit El Centro, center of a rich valley which produces thousands
ple changes would step up the capacity of carloads of table produce in seasons when eastern sections are
to 100 tons a day. under snow . . . . indeed sufficient evidence of El Centro's delightful
winter climate.
Since the Desert Magazine is not des-
tined to competition with the imminent Within short motoring distance from El Centro's comfortable
Mining Journal, it is not essential that hotels and auto courts are the scenic wonders of the Colorado
this reporter disclose, even if he could, Desert—scores of geological and historical points of interest. See
the technical construction and operation the Imperial Dam and All-American Canal under construction. Visit
of the Holmes-Nicholson plant. But to Salton Sea, the ancient beachline, prehistoric oyster beds.
you and me the personalities and ach- El Centro merchants and hotel keepers extend every effort to
ievements of these men are far more assure the comfort and convenience of tourists and motorists.
Amazing Careers
They are not ready yet to write their
memoirs; meteoric as has been their
rise in the mining world, they are still TRAVEL
looking for new placers to work, new ALLURING
quartz to blast, new records to break.
And perhaps, even before your eye DESERT
meets this print, you will have heard TRAILS
about some amazing new strike which
the Holmes brothers and their asso- OUT OF
ciates have made.
There should be a moral in the story
of the Holmes's which could be used VALLEY
with satisfaction by every school tea-
cher in the land. For these boys have
more than luck: they first studied all
available science on mining and then FAMOUS MUDPOTS AT MULLET ISLAND
went out to apply their knowledge in the
search for gold. That understanding, For further information write the secretary of the
coupled with my secret belief that they
habitually carry rabbit's feet and good EL CENTRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
luck pennies, is probably the reason EL CENTRO. CALIF.
for their amazing success.
November, 1937 19
T HERE has been a lull in homesteac
lands have become scarce, and ir| tl
withdrawn from entry until waterU\
however, the stage is being set for a |BT;
In the great basin of the Colorado rive
Washington, and on other projects, work:
of acres of virgin soil to new settlement,
river the all-American canal nears comp!
half million acres of land which have m
panying article, the Desert Magazine pre
this new project.
^ g activities in recent years. Good canal, however, will be governed by
he desert area large tracts have been reclamation law under which the Secre-
\ras available for cultivation. Today, tary may determine the size of the farm
rival of opportunity for homesteaders, unit to be allotted to one person.
ir, and in the Grand Coulee area in
is in progress which will open millions Turn to Page 32
. jln the basin of the Lower Colorado
letion. It will carry water to nearly a
ever known the plow. In the accom- SUMMARY OF VETERANS'
ssents some interesting facts regarding
Circular 1264, General Land Of-
fice, explains the preference rights
Insofar as prospective homesteaders of war veterans in the following
are concerned, the land in the Imperial paragraph:
Irrigation district is out. Most of it was "On the opening of public or
Indian lands to entry or restora-
homesteaded many years ago. Also, a tion to entry of public lands here-
very large portion of the Coachella tofore withdrawn from entry, offic-
Valley acreage is now patented or sub- ers, soldiers, sailors, or marines
who have served in the Army or
ject to prior claims which will make it Navy of the United States in war,
unavailable for new entry. military occupation or military ex-
Of the remaining area, the greater C. A. Colon, ail-American canal pedition, and have been honorably
separated or discharged therefrom
part of it is still in the public domain. construction foreman, inspects a or placed in the Regular Army or
Sections 16 and 36 in each township relic of the days when a trip from Naval Reserve are accorded a pre-
were deeded to the State as school lands, El Centro to Yuma was a night- ferred right of entry under the
and have largely passed into private mare—and this was the only 'water- homestead laws, if qualified there-
under, except as against prior ex-
hands through sale. The federally hole' on the route. isting valid settlement rights and
owned public lands within this project preference rights conferred by ex-
were all withdrawn from entry by order isting laws or equitable claims sub-
can be watered from the new canal ject to allowance and confirmation,
of the Secretary of Interior, acting for for a period of 90 days before the
the President, in April 1909. There are only through pump lifts. There are general opening of such lands to
a few entries made previous to that date sand dunes and barrancas in some sec- disposal."
which may be revived as valid priority tions which would make the cost of re- Veterans with not less than 90
claims when the land is again restored clamation almost prohibitive. Making days' service may deduct all or part
for public settlement. For the most a liberal discount for these areas it may of their enlistment period from the
part, however, the 400,000 acres which be estimated that there will be between 3-year residence requirement neces-
sary to prove up on a homestead.
remain ofter the Imperial Irrigation 300,000 and 350,000 acres of fertile and Rules governing these deductions
district and deeded land in Coachella tillable land available for new settlers are set forth in General Land Of-
valley are subtracted, are still in the —8,000 forty-acre farms, perhaps. fice Circular 302, and are sum-
public domain and subject to entry marized as follows:
So much for the location and pres- An ex-serviceman with 19 months
when the Secretary of Interior lets down
ent status of the land. And now we or more military service must re-
the bars. side on the land 7 months during
come to a phase of the question which
Not all of it is good land. Some of it is largely speculative: When and how the first entry year.
With more than 12 and less than
will these lands be made available for 19 months, he must reside on the
settlement ? land 7 months of the first year and
MERICAN CANAL SYSTEM such part of the second as, added
OWING PUBLIC LANDS The Secretary of Interior will deter- to his excess over 12 months' serv-
mine the date, acting under the autho- ice, will equal 7 months, and must
=IVED FROM COLORADO RIVER rity of the President. One point is quite cultivate one-sixteenth of the area
certain—there will be no land opening the second year.
With 7 and not more than 12
until water is available for settlers. months' service, he must reside on
According to present estimates water the land not less than 7 months
will be flowing in the All-American during each of the first and second
canal some time during 1939. years, and cultivate one-sixteenth
of the area the second year.
It is also quite certain that when the With 90 days and less than 7
water supply has been assured there months' service he must reside on
A\l, I F Q R the land 7 months during each of
will be a tremendous pressure on the the first and second years, and such
Secretary to hasten the opening date. part of the third year as added to
This pressure will come not only from his service will make seven months.
war veterans and others who are eligible He must cultivate one-sixteenth of
his area the second year and one-
to file on the land, but from agencies eighth the third year.
interested in the profits which will ac- The 90-day service requirement
crue through widespread commercial does not apply to veterans dis-
channels from a colonization project charged for disability incurred in
line of duty, and the entire enlist-
which will create many thousands of ment period of such veterans may
new farms in Southern California. be deducted from residence re-
Under the general land laws a home- The above also applies to Red
stead is 160 acres, or in special in- Cross workers who were identified
stances 320 or 640 acres. The public with the military and naval forces.
lands to be served by the All-American
B ROWN desert sandstone, tons and tons of large flat slabs, were
brought from the nearby ancient beachline of vanished Lake Cahuilla
to build the unique desert home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Montgomery
at Niland, California.
Comfortable, spacious, and solid, the home demonstrates what can be
done with native materials, plus much labor and planning. Set in a
backdrop of desert vegetation, the rough exterior walls harmonize with
the surroundings. The wide front porch identifies the house as early
California style with modifications planned by the owners to make it
an ideal desert home.
Although the house is built to accommodate a small family, a separate
guest house provides sufficient additional sleeping quarters and empha-
sizes the effect of spaciousness.
Foundations of concrete are deep and huge reinforced blocks support
it on bed clay. Walls are uniformly 18 inchef, thick. A huge eucalyptus
log supports rustic rafters on the front porch. The same wood is used
for the rustic pergola terrace at the rear. An outdoor fireplace adds
charm to the terrace. The same sandstone which went into the walls is
used on floors of terrace and porch.
The roof is finished with hand-split cedar shakes. Heavy redwood
railway ties were used for lintels, then antiqued. The beautiful interior
fireplace is topped with a polished ironwood mantelpiece. Windows are
large, providing complete air circulation.
November, 1937
ti ed, treacherous Salton Sink turned into
BOLD EMORY" verdant Imperial Valley—he would
have been amazed and gratified.
Continued from Page 11 The thousands who are now reclam-
ing the desert areas he first mapped
and quick grasp of essentials. Tables finally reached the edge of the Pacific should place the name of Emory high
and the end of their journey. Kearney
of astronomical figures, of little interest among the men who "found" the south-
to the average reader, are safely tucked reported the death of 18 men and the west.
away in the appendix, leaving the nar- wounding of 13 more in a battle within
rative free for lucid description and a day's walk of the port. And he had
crowning incident. traveled more than eight months for
this inglorious humiliation!
First Reporter of the Desert
After a little delay, Commodore Steve Ragsdale—
A review of Emory's notes would be Stockton accompanied General Kearney Continued from Page 9
an exhaustive commentary on the man- with reinforcements of Navy men for
ners, morals, and foibles of the people an overland attack on the pueblo of Ragsdale dug nine holes—all of them
he met, a vivid description of his com- Los Angeles. Emory joined the move- dry. Then he brought in a well drilling
pany and the land through which he ment to make observations of the sou- outfit and found water at 423 feet. It
passed. He told a coherent story of a thern California terrain, reporting the cost $12,000 to develop the new well.
historic march without apparent at- two minor encounters with General His difficulties in raising the twelve
tempt to draw biased conclusions. He Flores' Californians. thousand make a story more thrilling
was a reporter, not a critic. His re- Fremont signed a peace treaty with than fiction.
ports of the battles fought in the "sec- Pico on January 13, to the discomfiture
ond conquest" of California are ac- of Stockton and Kearney. Before the A new location called for a new
cepted as authentic. name—and so Desert Center was born.
three-cornered fireworks had sputtered Today an average of 500 cars a day
Emory was one of the busiest men in toward the explosion point, Emory had
the company during the ten weeks' jour- completed his preliminary plans for a pass through the little settlement on
ney from Santa Fe to Warner's Ranch. fort in Los Angeles and had hurried the Chuckawalla desert. It is a one-
The greater part of the trip was made back to San Diego, where he took a man town. Desert Steve not only owns
in deserts which had never been map- ship bound for the Isthmus, with his all the real estate, but he is also the law.
ped. The motorist who now travels the notes, sketches, and observations. For many years he has been a deputy
same distance in two days will find sheriff not only in Riverside county,
Five days after Emory embarked, the but also in San Bernardino and Im-
it difficult to understand the rigors of
ragged, exhausted Mormon Battalion, perial counties.
desert travel in 1846. Learning that
the company of 500 men under Capt. F.
Emory had time to observe an oak No Cocktail Parties Here
St. George Cooke, arrived in San Diego.
tree which now bears the name Quercus
Traveling on foot from Fort Leaven- At one time he thought of subdivid-
emoryii and that he took voluminous
worth as a part of the Army of the ing his 700-acre homestead and selling
notes on other desert plants, the modern
West, the Mormons had been left far part of it. But he wanted the deeds to
will increase his appreciation of
behind and did not sight the land they carry restrictions against liquor, gamb-
Emory's talents.
had come to conquer until two weeks ling and wild women. He wanted them
The weary company finally passed after the ink was dry on the peace drawn so that a man could not even take
through the California sierras and ar- treaty. a drink of his own beer on a lot bought
rived at Warner's, sensing that its jour- from Steve Ragsdale. The lawyers said
ney was near an end. Emory joined the Emory Given Promotion
Lt. Emory's reconnaissance report that was going too far. It couldn't be
festivities and welcomed the entertain- done. So the elegant plans which the
ment and hospitality of Sailor Bill. ended at San Diego but his achieve- engineers and architects had prepared
He woke long before dawn on the fate- ments in the southwest did not. The were shoved into a pigeonhole—and
ful morning of December 6, 1846, to year his report was printed he was ap- are still there.
ride with General Kearney at the head pointed by the President as chief as-
of a battered column of fighters into tronomer of the boundary survey. In Steve isn't a pink tea reformer. There
the camps of Andres Pico's California 1854 he received full power to establish are notches on his gun, put there under
lancers. Surviving the two-day slaughter the international line under the Gadsen justifiable circumstances. But he re-
which marked the Golden State's only Purchase. In three years he had com- gards liquor, gambling and prostitution
disastrous military battle, he helped pleted the survey of the 46,000 square as unnecessary vices, and they will
nurse the wounded and bury the dead. miles of desert in southern Arizona never be tolerated on his domain. When
He carefully found time to take night- which marked the extension of United thousands of men came out to work on
ly observations of latitude and longti- States territory. the Colorado River aqueduct which is
tude for his precious reports. The engineer climbed in rank rapidly routed near Desert Center, Ragsdale
after that, receiving in succession com- was offered $5,000 for a beer garden
When Kearney was severely wounded concession.
in the first encounter, it was Emory missions as major, lieutenant colonel,
who led the charge on "Starvation Hill" brigadier general, and major general. "I turned it down," he explained,
in San Pasqual valley, the strongest He retired from the army in 1876 after "because no person could afford to
position held by the Americans during a service of 45 years. pay so high a price for the privilege
the battle. No doubt as an old man of 75 years, of selling beer at Desert Center. I knew
W. H. Emory often reviewed the dra- how they intended to get their money
Aid from San Diego matic and adventurous days with the back if they obtained the lease. I will
Carson and Beale slipped through the Army of the West. If he could have not have any honky-tonks at Desert
Californian's picket lines and brought lived to see the agricultural wealth on Center—not at any price."
back aid from San Diego. The shat- the upper Gil a, canals, highways, and Ragsdale's antipathy toward commer-
tered remnants of the Army of the West railroads traversing the deserts he cross- cialized vice is natural. It is a carry-
November, 1937 27
Continued from Page 8
York Botanical garden, were appointed half dozen Tucsonians before they se-
to make an investigation of sites for a cure correct directions for the two-
study of vegetation in arid lands. In mile drive. Obviously, casual visitors
1903 they recommended Tucson be- on Tumamoc hill are not encouraged.
cause of the richly diversified character The scientists prefer comparative iso-
of desert vegetation in the vicinity and lation in order to preserve the fine
because of its accessibility to other balance of plant and animal life with-
desert areas. in the 800-acre tract.
Dr. MacDougal was named director It may be pertinent at this point to
of the Desert Laboratory but during the inquire why the layman, the average
three years required for him to finish American citizen, should be interested
his work at New York, Dr. W. A. Can- in the work of the Desert Laboratory.
non was made resident investigator at Dr. Shreve admits frankly he does not
Tucson. Other scientists who have made believe his work of any interest to
valuable contributions to the world's the layman. "But to the super-layman
knowledge have spent some time at the and interested student," he added, "we
laboratory, but Dr. MacDougal was have a unique institution, designed and
for twenty years the driving force, in- intended for investigation of desert
spiring projects of scholarly brilliance. plants and conditions which surround
Retired from the laboratory ten years Dr. Forrest Shreve reading an in- them. There may be no immediate prac-
ago, Dr. MacDougal is now a resident strument which records changes in tical utility in the work we are doing
of Carmel, California, where he is con- circumference of cacti trunks to but we are laying the groundwork for a
tinuing his work with the Division of which it is attached. Daily and sea- new science, a mass of knowledge con-
Plant Biology. Short of stature, solidly sonal variations are due to changes cerning a large portion of the earth's
built, Dr. MacDougal has the brusque in water-balance. surface about which we have hitherto
forcefulness of his Scotch ancestors. known very little.
scholastic degree but uses the scientific
Yet he inspired unflinching loyalty and vernacular like a veteran. And a veteran "This laboratory is unique in that
respect from the men who worked with he really is, because he has been study- there is no other like it in the world,"
him on the desert. ing at the laboratory for seven years. the director said. "Although there are
29 Years at Laboratory Starting as a laborer on a concrete more than 200 marine laboratories in
gang nearby, this young fellow who the world, created for the study of
Dr. Shreve came to the Desert Labor- looks like a college sophomore read oceanic life, there are only three desert
atory in 1908, two years after Mac- his own paper on desert climate to a laboratories. One established and main-
Dougal took charge, and was placed in distinguished session of the American tained by the Russian government at
charge when MacDougal retired. Yet Association for the Advancement of Repetek, Turkestan, has for its principal
Dr. Shreve is not a commandant; he is Science at Denver this summer. And purpose the study of sandy soils from
rather a fellow student and colleague just to fill in time while he worked "on the standpoint of agricultural use. Ano-
to the men who work under him. the hill" these past seven years, Turnage ther, maintained by the French govern-
Asked abruptly about the ranking completed his university course and ment at Beni Unif, Algeria, is interested
of the four men now working at the crammed in a few graduate courses. He only in date culture. This Carnegie In-
laboratory, Dr. Shreve said, "We don't can squint at a cloud, tell you how stitution Laboratory, then, is the only
want a man here who doesn't know high it is, where it came from, whether place where desert vegetation is studied
what he is doing. Each man has his it will bring rain and any other data in its native state from a purely scien-
own interest and he can usually keep you may request. I concluded he would tific standpoint."
busy without specific direction from be a good man to have around on a sum- Yet, while Dr. Shreve minimized the
me." mer camping trip in Arizona. contribution of the laboratory's work
There is earnest-eyed young Dr. T.
There have been as many as four or to the improvement of the desert dwell-
D. Mallery, who at 36 has the highest
five men—and occasionally a woman er's way of living, a perusal of the
scholastic degree as a result of his
scientist—working at the laboratory at titles of the many papers prepared by
studies on the osmotic movement of sap
one time. But for several years Dr. the staff is evidence enough that there
in Larrea (creosote bush). The factors
Shreve "held the fort" alone. Special is great practical value there. For in-
he has formulated have a bearing on
investigators, men whose work is sup- stance, Dr. Shreve wrote for the Head-
all desert plant life. With a physical
ported by a scientific foundation or waters Engineering Conference at Wash-
build along the lines of a varsity half-
great university, sometimes spend from ington last year a paper describing the
back, this youthful scholar is human
a few days to a few years at the labora- conditions and patient labor necessary
and practical in his attitude toward life
tory. They each work independent of the to improve grazing on desert lands.
in general and his work in particular.
other, yet each is aware of the other's His knowledge of the keen balance of
Twice a year "Tee Dee" takes a trek life, of soil moisture, rainfall and run-
of several hundred miles over the de- off, climate and wind movement all con-
sert to inspect his "string" of rain gau- Casual Visitors Not Encouraged tribute to a basic understanding of soil
ges. These gauges, located in isolated Of the thousands of winter visitors erosion. Indirectly, many of the other
places, hold the secret of important who come to Tucson annually there may studies pursued at the laboratory will
data on rainfall and climate. be a dozen or so who will inquire eventually aid agriculture and stock-
Then there is another young fellow, about the way to the Desert Laboratory. raising and improve living conditions on
W. V. "Bill" Turnage, who has no Chances are they will have to ask a the desert.
November, 1937 29
which attracted visitors from all over the
state was held here September 25 as a formal
inauguration of the new power service. Pub- ELY, NEVADA—
lisher E. L. Nores issued a special edition of At the annual meeting of International
the Pioche Record in honor of the occasion. Four States Highway association (Montana,
Idaho, Nevada and California) here Septem-
ber 18, II. E. Wells of Whitefish, Montana,
PHOENIX, ARIZONA— was reelected president and Robert Hays of
Horse Thief basin park, recreational area El Centro, California, secretary.
in the Bradshaw mountains, maintained by
the City of Phoenix, drew more than 5,000
visitors during the past season, according to EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA—
the report of Manager Ray Patton. Bringing promise of a new industry for
Imperial and Coachella valleys, the Holly
Sugar company of Santa Ana has contracted
CALEXICO, CALIFORNIA— for the growing of more than 6,000 acres of
sugar beets in these desert areas during the
According to the report of Mexican engi-
winter season.
neers, 70 miles of the new railroad which is
to connect Calexico and Mexicali with a new
port on the Sonora shore of the Gulf of Cali- PHOENIX, ARIZONA—
fornia, has been completed. Completion of
this line will give American sportsmen a new Arizona's copper and black auto license
short route to the famous deep-sea fishing plates which have been in use since 1932
waters of the gulf. will give way next year to a combination of
yellow and black, according to recent an-
nouncement of the motor vehicle department.
AJO, ARIZONA— Arizona law stipulates that drivers must apply
"RED SEAL" Clarifying the Wheeler-Howard act insofar
as it applies to the Papago Indian reserva-
for new plales before January 1.
N o v e m b e r , 1937 8.1
For This "Army" - 8000 Grubbing Hoes
Continued from Page 21
N o v e m b e r , 1937 33
Great brother of the sky!
When early-streaming shafts of eager
Strike your far, frosted brow; when
morning winds
Come from the stars to kiss your rosy
When your wild brooks turn silver in
their flight;
When all your soaring crags leap into
As standing there you look across the
With the shadow of you reaching to the
Then do we taste of awe. then do we
With wonder and o'erwhelming mystery.
| |
The four camps which will be hunt-
ers' headquarter are: Moquitch, man-
aged by Jack Butler; Pine Flat, man-
* *
side will be South Canyon camp, man-
aged by Bob Vaughn. To prevent over-
crowding and accidents the number of
hunters at each camp will be limited.
It will not be necessary to make reser-
vations, however.
• Hunting will be done under Arizona
under the federal regulations of the For-
est service. Deputy Game Wardens and
Forest Rangers are to be stationed at
each camp.
Every publication has a first sub- In these days when nearly every Saddle and pack horses will be avail-
scriber, but not all of them can business executive is literally be- able for hire at each camp. Saddle
claim as canny a Scotsman as Jas- sieged by advertising salesmen horses will be $3.00 a day and pack
per Travers of El Centro, Cali- from all kinds of good, bad and animals the same rate. Guides will be
fornia, as its No. 1 patron. Jasper indifferent media, it is refreshing available at $5.00 a day, a guide party
heard rumors about the Desert to have a prospective advertiser being from two to four persons.
Magazine several months before it send in his contract unsolicited.
Meals will be available at all camps.
was officially announced. He liked And yet this is the manner in
the idea, and his offer to pay a Hunters should bring their own bed-
which the Desert Magazine ac- rolls. However, a few beds will be
year's subscription came unso- quired its Number 1 advertiser.
licited at a time when the pub- available at all except South Canyon
John Burke, manager of that pic-
lishers themselves were not just turesque border hostelry at Calex- camp.
sure about the date of the first is- ico—the Hotel de Anza—learned Complete information together with
sue. However, they took his about the proposed new publica- supplies will be available at Jacob Inn,
money. That was December 14, tion early last January, and wrote Buck Lowrey's lodge and the V. T.
1936. for an advertising rate card. Ranch.
Travers is a pioneer building Rates had not yet been estab- Only guns using a bullet weighing 87
contractor who inherited enough lished, and no cards were available. grains or heavier will be permitted.
industry and thrift from his high- But the publishers did not keep Shotguns, revolvers and bows and ar-
land ancestors to acquire a com- Burke waiting for long, and on rows are not allowed. Automatic rifles
fortable nestegg during the 30 February 25, three days before are permissible but are not favored.
years he has resided in the Imperial the Desert Magazine was officially There will be no shooting within a
valley. The publishers of the new launched, the signed contract of quarter mile of the camps, or from au-
magazine regard it as a good omen the De Anza for 12 monthly inser- tomobiles along the roads. Automo-
to have a hard-headed Scotsman tions was received. biles must be left in camp when passen-
at the head of the subscription list. "You are pioneering in a new gers are hunting.
magazine field," wrote Burke, "and An airplane landing field is available
A few days after Travers paid I believe your project will have
for his subscription, Paul Cook, surprising success. Desert people for hunters at Fredonia.
Jr., of the Capital Fuel and Feed will welcome such a magazine, but Metal tags will be attached to each
company of Phoenix, Arizona, sent I believe your biggest circulation deer killed.
in his check. Number 3 on the list eventually will come from distant Arizona hunting licenses cost $2.50
was another name that has a Scotch places among people to whom the for residents and $25 for non-residents.
twang to it—Mr. and Mrs. Argyle desert is still an unexplained mys- The Forest service agreement will cost
M«Lachlan of Calexico, California. tery." $1.25 additional.
N o v e m b e r , 1937 37
ou am//7e
5^^r^ z>
Lead in Sales
on the Desert
This is the final test of approval for out-
standing leadership. For four successive years
NORGE has outsold all refrigerators in Yurna,
Arizona, and Imperial, California, counties.
Such an unmatched sales record has been
won by giving better refrigeration where it
is most needed—where summer temperatures
reach I 12 to 123 degrees F. This desert test-
ing has proven NORGE the leader in pro-
• Surplus Cold
• Lower Operating Cost
• Freedom From Service
Has This Smooth A n d a warranty of ten years
Quiet Rollator on the Rollator cold-making compressor
unit insures these thousands of NORGE
Only three slowly moving
parts rolling in a bath of owners lasting, economical refrigeration.
oil. Provide more cold than
the hottest desert weather
will ever require. Before you buy any refrigerator get the
details about NORGE. Learn about our
easy budget plan. Visit any one of the
Choose from 12 Models stores of this pioneer desert firm.
Priced at
One of California's Great Store Organizations
Let's Qet Acquainted...
\ \ l E ARE proud of Caterpillar products and of the serv-
ice organization we offer in the Imperial and Yuma
valleys. Our products have proven themselves in this desert
country for durability and economy of operation. Cater-
pillars may be seen in action in all parts of these valleys. And
a Ben Hulse service store is within an hour's drive from any
section of this vast area.
There is an interesting and dramatic story behind Caterpillar and the or-
ganization which represents it in the desert. The story begins in a great fac-
tory at Peoria, Illinois, and reaches its climax in the local farmer's fattened bank
H u n d r e d s of patrons
and friends have seen the
Ben Hulse T r a c t o r and
Equipment C o . grow from
a small agency to one of
the largest and most stable
sales and service organiza-
tions in the southwest. To
them and to other hun-
dreds we should like to tell
our story.