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Exploring The Electric Field

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Exploring the electric field around a loop of static charge: Rectangles, stadiums, ellipses, and knots

Max Lipton,* Alex Townsend,† and Steven H. Strogatz ‡

Mathematics Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA

(Received 22 April 2022; accepted 20 September 2022; published 30 September 2022)

We study the electric field around a continuous one-dimensional loop of static charge, under the assumption
that the charge is distributed uniformly along the loop. For rectangular or stadium-shaped loops in the plane, we
find that the electric field can undergo a symmetry-breaking pitchfork bifurcation as the loop is elongated; the
field can have either one or three zeros, depending on the loop’s aspect ratio. For knotted charge distributions
in three-dimensional space, we compute the electric field numerically and compare our results to previously
published theoretical bounds on the number of equilibrium points around charged knots. Our computations
reveal that the previous bounds are far from sharp. The numerics also suggest conjectures for the actual minimum
number of equilibrium points for all charged knots with five or fewer crossings. In addition, we provide the first
images of the equipotential surfaces around charged knots and visualize their topological transitions as the level
of the potential is varied.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.033249

I. INTRODUCTION Next we allow our charged loops to move out of the plane
and into three dimensions. In particular, we consider charged
In a first course on electricity and magnetism, students
trefoil knots, figure-eight knots, and other charged loops that
are often asked to solve problems in electrostatics [1]. For
have knots tied in them. Charged knots may sound at first like
example, calculating the electric field around an infinite line
a contrived thing to study, but they actually arise quite com-
of uniformly distributed static charge provides good practice
monly in nature; they are found in long closed polymers and
in working with Coulomb’s law or Gauss’s law. Another clas-
specifically in long loops of DNA [2–5]. Many new questions
sic exercise is to calculate the electric field at all points on
about equilibrium points and equipotential surfaces arise in
the symmetry axis above the center of a uniformly charged
the context of charged knots that we hope will appeal to the
circular ring.
general physics community.
Here we explore the electrostatics of one-dimensional
Before we proceed with the analysis, let us clarify how
charge distributions that are less standard than lines and cir-
our work differs from that recently presented elsewhere by
cles. First, working with charged loops confined to a plane,
the first author [6,7]. The articles [6,7] are aimed at spe-
we show that charged rectangles and stadiums can give rise to
cialists in topology, geometry, and knot theory, whereas the
symmetry-breaking bifurcations in their surrounding electric
present treatment is intended for physicists. We are also more
fields. Specifically, imagine stretching a rectangular charge
concerned here with giving physical, visual, and numerical
distribution along its major axis. When the charged rectangle
results and examples, whereas the earlier articles concentrated
becomes sufficiently elongated, the electric field it generates
on the precise statements and proofs of certain theorems we
can have three equilibria: one at the center of the rectangle,
cite below. For example, it was proven in Ref. [7] that the
and another two located on the major axis, symmetrically
electric field around any uniformly charged knot must have
placed on opposite sides of the center. These two additional
at least 2t + 1 equilibrium points, where t is a topological
equilibria emerge from a supercritical pitchfork bifurcation
invariant known as the knot’s tunnel number. We now show
at a critical aspect ratio that can be calculated explicitly.
numerically that this lower bound is not sharp, and we offer
Surprisingly, nothing like this happens for a charged ellipse;
conjectures for the actual minimum number of equilibrium
at all aspect ratios its surrounding electric field has only one
points for each type of knot with five or fewer crossings.
equilibrium point at its center.
Using computer graphics, we also visualize the equipotential
surfaces of charged knots, and we now discuss our results
regarding charged rectangles, stadiums, and ellipses.
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the
A. Rectangle
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further
distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) As a first example, consider a one-dimensional loop of
and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. static charge in the xy plane, uniformly and continuously

2643-1564/2022/4(3)/033249(8) 033249-1 Published by the American Physical Society


(u, v) 1

(x, y)
−a a

FIG. 2. Contour map of the electrostatic potential inside a uni-
form rectangular charge distribution. (a) Aspect ratio a = 1.1. The
FIG. 1. A uniform charge distribution in the shape of a rectangle. only critical point (also known as a zero or an equilibrium point of
Static charge is confined to this one-dimensional loop, and we seek the electric field) occurs at the center of the rectangle. (b) Aspect
to understand the electric field that surrounds it in three dimensions ratio a = 2.5. There are now three zeros.

distributed in the shape of a rectangle with aspect ratio a  1. obtain the potential everywhere inside the rectangle in the xy
As shown in Fig. 1, the rectangle consists of two horizontal plane. (We do not show the final result because it is unpleasant
line segments extending from x = −a to a, lying one unit to look at, but it is a sum of four terms like that above.)
above and below the x axis, capped off by vertical lines at Figure 2 shows a contour map of the potential φ(x, y, z)
both ends. restricted to the plane z = 0 for two values of the aspect ratio
One of the main topics of interest to us is the location of a. When a is close to 1 and the rectangle is almost square, the
the zeros of the electric field in the three-dimensional space only zero is at the origin [Fig. 2(a)]. However, if we increase a
around the rectangle. These zeros correspond to equilibrium to 2.5, the rectangle becomes more elongated and we now find
points where a test charge could remain at rest (though not three zeros: one at the origin, and a symmetric pair on either
stably, as a well-known theorem forbids the existence of stable side of the origin [Fig. 2(b)].
equilibria in an electrostatic field [1]). By symmetry, there To find the threshold value of a at which the bifurcation
must be a zero at the center of the rectangle. But can there occurs, we examine how the potential varies along the x axis.
be any other zeros? Fig. 3 shows that the potential on the x axis changes from
Clearly there cannot be any zeros above or below the xy having a minimum to a maximum at x = 0 as a increases.
plane, because all the charges in the rectangle would attract At the bifurcation value of a, the second derivative of the
or repel a test charge in the same direction relative to the z potential at the origin vanishes as the graph of the potential
axis. So it suffices to look for zeros in the xy plane. These cor- changes from concave up to concave down. By calculating
respond to critical points of the potential where the gradient this second derivative analytically, we find that the threshold
vanishes. To find such zeros, if they exist, let us calculate the value of a satisfies
potential on the xy plane generated by the rectangular charge 4 + 8a2 − 4a3 = 0,
Consider the contribution to the electric potential from the whose unique positive root is a ≈ 2.205 57.
top side of the rectangle. Assume a linear charge density of
unit strength, for simplicity. As shown in Fig. 1, the distance B. Stadium
between a typical line element dx at  (u, v) on the top and Our second example takes the form of a planar curve
a point (x, y) inside the rectangle is (u − x)2 + (1 − y)2 , shaped like a stadium (Fig. 4). This curve consists of two
since v = 1 on the top of the rectangle. For the inverse- equal parallel line segments that run from x = −a to x = a,
square electrical force corresponding to Coulomb’s law in with y values given by y = ±1. These line segments are
three dimensions, the contribution to the potential is inversely capped off by semicircles of unit radius at either end. The
proportional to this distance. Hence, by integrating over all resulting stadium curve is well known in studies of chaotic
the line elements on the top of the rectangle, we obtain a
contribution to the potential of
−a (u − x) + (1 − y)2

This integral evaluates to

1 a − x + (x − a)2 + (y − 1)2
2 a − x − (x − a)2 + (y − 1)2
1 a + x + (x − a)2 + (y − 1)2 FIG. 3. The potential of charged rectangles along the x axis.
+ log  . (1)
2 a + x − (x − a)2 + (y − 1)2 (a) Aspect ratio a = 1.1. The only critical point lies at the origin.
(b) Aspect ratio a = 2.5. The three critical points where the slope
The contributions to the potential from the other three sides of vanishes correspond to electrostatic equilibrium points, i.e., zeros of
the rectangle can be evaluated similarly. In this way one can the electric field.


−(a + 1) −a a a+1


FIG. 6. (a) Potential along x axis for stadium with a = 1. (b) Po-
FIG. 4. A stadium-shaped charge distribution. The stadium’s as- tential along x axis for stadium with a = 2. The three critical points
pect ratio is defined as a + 1, where a denotes the half-length of the where the slope vanishes correspond to electrostatic equilibrium
straight portion of the stadium. points, i.e., zeros of the electric field.

billiards in classical mechanics [8] and in experimental studies

one hand and elongated ellipses on the other. The key is that
of quantum chaos [9].
there is enough charge on the short side of a rectangle (or the
We now show that the electrostatic field around a uniformly
small semicircle of a stadium) to counterbalance the forces
charged stadium curve can have either one or three zeros, de-
exerted by the rest of the shape, as long as a test charge is
pending on the value of the stadium’s aspect ratio. As before,
situated sufficiently close to the short side (or the small semi-
imagine distributing static charge uniformly and continuously
circle). For example, consider a highly elongated rectangle.
along this curve in the xy plane. Zeros of the electric field
It seems plausible that there should be an equilibrium point
around it must lie in the xy plane, by the reasoning given
very close to either of the short sides of the rectangle; all the
earlier for the rectangle. Indeed, the zeros are all confined to
charge on that side can exert enough electrical force to coun-
the x axis, for all values of a > 0.
terbalance the weaker forces exerted by the much more distant
Figures 5 and 6 show the behavior of the potential for two
charges located on the rest of the rectangle. The same effect
values of a. For a = 1, there is only one zero, whereas for
holds for a stadium. But with an ellipse, there is apparently
a = 2 there are three zeros.
not enough charge on the narrow end of the ellipse to offset
To find the threshold value of a at which the bifurcation
the force coming from the rest of the shape.
occurs, we follow the same procedure as for the rectangle.
The integrals arising in the expression for the potential along
the x axis can again be found analytically, yielding a formula III. CHARGED KNOTS
in terms of elliptic functions and inverse sinh functions (we
omit the details). By solving for the value of a at which the In the rest of this article we move out of the plane and con-
second derivative of the potential along the x axis vanishes at sider a continuous charge distribution in the shape of a knotted
the origin, we find the bifurcation occurs at a ≈ 1.1313. The loop in three-dimensional space. Generalizing our work in the
corresponding aspect ratio of a + 1 ≈ 2.13 is not too different previous section, we ask the following questions: How many
from the value of 2.2 found earlier for the rectangle. equilibrium points must exist, and where are they located in
relation to the knot? What do the equipotential surfaces look
like, and how does their topology change as we vary the level
C. Ellipse
of the potential?
Curiously, when we redo the calculations above for an
ellipse, we always find only a single zero (the trivial equi-
librium point at the center expected by symmetry), no matter
what aspect ratio we choose. We have not proven this, but
we find numerically that the second derivative of the potential
(restricted to the x axis) is strictly positive for all aspect ratios
and hence all possible elliptical shapes (Fig. 7).
An intuitive explanation of this result relies on the shape
difference between elongated rectangles and stadiums on the

FIG. 7. The second derivative in x of φ at the origin for a charged

ellipse with aspect ratio a. Here a is defined as the length of the
FIG. 5. (a) Contour map of the electrostatic potential for a ellipse’s major axis, measured in units of its minor axis. Numerically,
charged stadium with a = 1. The only critical point lies at the center. it appears that the second derivative of the potential is strictly positive
(b) Contour map for a = 2. Now there are three critical points: one at the origin. This observation provides numerical evidence that the
at the center, and a pair on either side. electric field associated with any charged ellipse has exactly one zero.


approach spheres, because a circular loop of charge looks like

a point source in the far field.
Remarkably, a similar line of reasoning works even if the
charged loop has knots tied in it. Although it becomes im-
possible to calculate the location of the equilibrium points
analytically in these cases, we can still prove that equilibria
FIG. 8. Topologically different equipotential surfaces for a
must exist in the surrounding electric field.
charged trefoil. Only “regular” values of the potential are shown, at
which the equipotential surfaces are smooth manifolds. Bifurcations
To do so, picture the equipotential surfaces. Figures 8 and
(not shown) lie in between these examples. In the leftmost panel, 9 show what they look like for a trefoil knot and a figure-eight
the potential is very large and positive close to the knot, and the knot, but the same idea works for any sufficiently smooth
corresponding equipotential surface resembles a thin tube around the knot. One expects that close to the knot, the equipotential
knot. As we lower the potential (corresponding to moving from left to surfaces must be tubular versions of the knot itself—in other
right in the figure), the surface inflates and swells up. At bifurcation words, they must be knotted tori—whereas far from the knot,
values, it self-intersects and creates new zeros in the electric field, they must resemble spheres (because a charged knot, like any
corresponding to new equilibrium points. The equipotential surfaces other compact charge distribution, appears pointlike in the far
shown here have genus values of 1, 4, 3, and 0, moving from left to field). So if we imagine continuously varying the potential
right. from high levels near the knot to low levels at infinity, the
equipotential surfaces must continuously deform from knotted
tori into spheres. To make this transition, the knotted tori swell
A. Background up, collide with distant parts of themselves, and reconnect in
ways that alter their topology. At such collisions, two patches
The mathematical theory of knots and links grew out of two of a single equipotential surface intersect tangentially. Be-
problems in classical physics [10]. In 1833, while studying cause the electric field vector lies along the normal to each of
electromagnetism and mutual inductance, Gauss discovered a the colliding patches, and because those normal vectors point
formula for the linking number of two closed curves in three- in opposite directions at the point of collision, the electric field
dimensional space [11]. A few decades later, Lord Kelvin must vanish there.
proposed his vortex model of the atom in which different This argument suggests that there must be one or more
elements were imagined to arise from different patterns of zeros in the electric field around any charged knot. Each zero
knotted and linked vortex rings in the ether [12]. Since then, represents an equilibrium point where a test charge could
knots and links have been studied in many other parts of remain motionless. As is well known, there are no stable
physics [13–16], including quantum field theory [17,18], liq- equilibria in an electrostatic field, so all these equilibrium
uid crystals [19], plasmas [20,21], Bose-Einstein condensates points must be unstable [1]. Indeed, they are all saddle points
[22,23], fluids [24,25], superfluids [26], the biophysics of with either one- or two-dimensional unstable manifolds.
DNA and other polymers [2,4], the mechanics of ropes and These intuitive ideas have recently been sharpened and
elastic rods [27–31], classical field theory [32], knotted scroll made rigorous with the help of Morse theory, algebraic topol-
waves in excitable media [33,34], n-body choreographies ogy, and geometric topology [6,7]. In particular, one theorem
in celestial mechanics [35], and electromagnetic waves and [7] provides a lower bound on the number of equilibrium
fields [36–43]. points around any charged knot. It states that the electric
field must have at least 2t + 1 zeros, where t is a topological
invariant known as the tunnel number of the knot [44–46].
B. Physical intuition about equipotential surfaces and But as we show below, this 2t + 1 lower bound turns out to
equilibrium points be rather loose. For example, the tunnel number for a trefoil
To get an intuitive feel for knotted charge distributions, let knot is known to be 1 (indeed, the tunnel number is 1 for
us start with the “trivial knot” (also known as the “unknot”), all prime knots with seven or fewer crossings [45,46]), so the
and for simplicity, consider its most symmetrical realization: 2t + 1 bound implies that a charged trefoil must always have
a perfectly circular and uniform loop of static charge. By at least three zeros in its surrounding electric field. Yet we
symmetry, or by using Coulomb’s law one can prove there have never seen fewer than seven zeros in our computations,
is an equilibrium point at the center of the circle. Moreover, no matter how the trefoil is bent, twisted, or otherwise de-
the symmetry of the situation suggests that the equipotential formed. So is seven the absolute minimum? Or could there be
surfaces enclosing the circle should be nested tori, at least some needle-in-a-haystack conformation of a charged trefoil
sufficiently close to the circle. Far from the circle, they must that has three, four, five, or six zeros? The problem is currently

FIG. 9. A selection of the topologically different equipotential surfaces for a charged figure-eight knot.


unsolved and is just one of the many open problems about We use the same trapezoidal approximation for the electric
charged knots. field E (x). (There are more efficient approaches for evaluating
In what follows we propose conjectures for the minimum φ(x) and E (x) when N is very large; these are based on
number of zeros for all prime knots with up to five crossings, multipole expansions such as those used in the fast multipole
based on our numerical experiments. But proving (or disprov- method [47].)
ing) these conjectures—and extending them to a much wider As mentioned above, we are interested in finding the zeros
range of knots—remains a challenge. of the electric field. These are defined as points x ∗ ∈ R3 such
One may reasonably ask why we are so concerned with that E (x ∗ ) = 0. To find them, we start with initial guesses and
these zeros, given that they represent unstable equilibria and then refine the guesses iteratively using a multivariable New-
are therefore of questionable physical significance. Although ton method. To obtain reasonable initial guesses, we use an
it remains to be seen whether they are physically important, algorithm known as “3D marching cubes,” a computer graph-
from a mathematical standpoint they are definitely interest- ics algorithm for finding level sets of a scalar function [48].
ing for the following reason. The minimum number of zeros Here, we use marching cubes on each of the three components
for the electric field produced by a charged knot of a given of E (x) to find their zero level sets. The algorithm partitions
knot type provides a new knot invariant, and one based in a large cuboid containing the knot into small cubes; then, on
elementary physics. It may be a difficult invariant to calculate each cube, it uses a bilinear approximation of that component.
at this early stage. But we are intrigued by the possibility If the bilinear approximations of all three components of E
that subsequent research will find connections between it and pass through zero in the same cube, then we take the center
other, better established knot invariants. of that cube as an initial guess for our multivariable Newton
Our simulations also allow us to investigate how the method. Some initial guesses to Newton end up diverging or
equipotential surfaces change their topology as we vary the converging to a far away critical point, and we throw these
level of the potential. This sequence of topological transitions away. In contrast, the successful initial guesses quickly con-
can be characterized with a set of integers we call the Morse verge to the approximate locations of the zeros of E (x).
code for the knot [6]. We compute these transitions numeri- Along with the zeros, we are also interested in the equipo-
cally for some convenient embeddings of the simplest knots tential surfaces. These are given by φ −1 (v), where 0 < v < ∞
and illustrate them with computer graphics (Figs. 8 and 9). is some given voltage level. The relevant values of v range
from small positive values far from the knot, to large positive
values close to the knot. Let v ∗ = φ(x ∗ ) denote the potential
C. Numerical methods
at an equilibrium point. Recall that equipotential surfaces
To describe our computations, we introduce some notation undergo self-collisions at x ∗ and lose smoothness there. So
and terminology. Let the knot K be parametrized by a vector- to get a smooth surface, we perturb v ∗ to a nearby regular
valued function r(t ), where 0  t  2π . Because the knot value v at which the Hessian matrix of second derivatives
forms a closed loop, we also require that r(0) = r(2π ). Then, of φ (equivalent to the Jacobian of E ) has full rank. By the
from Coulomb’s law, the electric potential φ at a point x ∈ R3 implicit function theorem, this full rank condition ensures
away from the knot is given in dimensionless form by that φ −1 (v) is a smooth, orientable, compact surface without
  2π  boundary. We then use the marching cubes algorithm to render
|dr| |r (t )|dt the surface. By repeating this process for a range of v values,
φ(x) = = , (2)
r∈K |x − r| 0 |x − r(t )| we can explore how the equipotential surfaces change as we
vary the level of the potential.
where | · | denotes the magnitude of a vector quantity. (We
have written the potential in dimensionless form for conve-
nience; one could include physical parameters like the vacuum D. Results and conjectures for charged knots
permittivity 0 or the uniform charge density ρ along the knot, To illustrate the results obtained with this approach, con-
but we have chosen not to do so, as they play no role in sider the following parametrization of a trefoil knot:
our analysis.) The electric field associated with the potential
is given by E (x) = −∇φ(x). The zeros (i.e., the equilibrium r(t ) = (sin t + 2 sin 2t, cos t − 2 cos 2t, − sin 3t ). (4)
points) of the electric field are equivalent to the critical points
In our numerical simulations, we sampled a cubic domain
of the electric potential φ; as such, we will continue to use
of 30 × 30 × 30 initial guesses in a mesh surrounding the
the terms zeros, equilibrium points, and critical points inter-
knot and ran the multivariable Newton method to test for
changeably, as we did earlier in Sec. II.
convergence to a zero. We rejected iterations that grew too
For most knots, the potential φ(x) and its critical points
large, or were within a small distance threshold from another
cannot be calculated analytically. We must rely on numeri-
computed zero, indicating a duplicate.
cal integration and root-finding techniques. To perform these
Figure 10 shows that the electric field has seven zeros
computations, we replace the continuous knot by N + 1
for this particular embedding of a trefoil. By calculating the
unit point charges located at r(t0 ), . . . , r(tN ), where tk =
eigenvalues at these zeros, we can confirm that they are all
2π k/(N + 1), and use the following trapezoidal approxima-
saddle points and classify them by their indices (the dimen-
tion of (2):
sions of their stable manifolds).
Then, to obtain representatives of the equipotential sur-
2π  |r  (t j )|
φ(x) ≈ . (3) faces around the trefoil, we compute the critical values v ∗
N + 1 j=0 |x − r(t j )| at the zeros, perturb them to nearby values v, and take their


TABLE I. Conjectured minimum number of zeros Z for knots

with five or fewer crossings. In each case, our conjectured
value of Z lies between the proven lower bound 2t + 1 and the
conjectured upper bound 2c + 1. Our conjectures are based on
numerical experiments that used the following knot parametriza-
tions: (1) Unknot: x(t ) = cos t, y(t ) = sin t, z(t ) = 0. Trefoil:
x(t ) = sin t + 2 sin 2t, y(t ) = cos t − 2 sin 2t, z(t ) = −γ sin 3t. Fig-
ure eight: x(t ) = (2 + cos 2t )(cos 3t ), y(t ) = (2 + cos 2t )(sin 3t ),
z(t ) = γ sin 4t. Cinquefoil: x(t ) = (cos 2t )(3 + cos 5t )/2, y(t ) =
FIG. 10. A top-down view of the locations of the zeros (red dots) (sin 2t )(2 + cos 5t )/2, z(t ) = (γ sin 5t )/2. Three twist: x(t ) =
in the electric field around a uniformly charged trefoil knot. 2 cos(2t + 0.2), y(t ) = 2 cos(3t + 0.7), z(t ) = γ cos 7t. The stan-
dard parametrization has height γ = 1. To find a plausible conjecture
for the minimum number of zeros, we flatten the knot by slowly
inverse images φ −1 (v). For the parametrization (4), we find decreasing γ to 0, and watch the zeros coalesce.
the outer triplet of zeros in Fig. 10 has v ∗ ≈ 12.79 and
indices of 1; the inner triplet has v ∗ ≈ 15.82 and indices of Knot 2t + 1 Conjectured Z 2c + 1
2; and the origin has v ∗ ≈ 15.42 and index 1. To see what the
Unknot 1 1 1
equipotential surfaces look like in between these critical cases, Trefoil 3 7 7
we compute the level sets φ −1 (v) for the perturbed values v = Figure eight 3 5 9
12.7, 15, 15.5, and 16. Figure 8 shows the resulting surfaces. Cinquefoil 3 11 11
Topologically, they are knotted tori with various numbers of Three twist 3 11 11
In the example above, we assumed a highly symmetrical
parametrization of a trefoil. What happens if we break the
Figure 11 shows that by flattening a figure-eight knot we
symmetry or, more generally, if we deform a knot continu-
can reduce its number of zeros from nineteen to five; then,
ously without allowing it to pass through itself? How does
unexpectedly, the number goes back up to nine. It is intriguing
that affect the number of zeros in the electric field around the
that the number of zeros can either increase or decrease as one
knot? Ideally, we would like to find deformations that cause
flattens the knot. The staircase structure of the graph reveals
as many zeros as possible to coalesce, thus bringing us closer
that zeros can appear or disappear in pairs (which is what
to the absolute minimum number of zeros, whatever that may
one expects generically [6]) or in two simultaneous pairs (due
be, and perhaps allowing us to improve on the tunnel number
to nongeneric symmetries in the particular parametrization
of the knot). We suspect that five is the smallest number of
One strategy is to deform the knot so as to reduce its
zeros possible for any parametrization of a figure-eight knot,
complexity in some way, as quantified by an energy functional
symmetrical or otherwise.
or a more general Lyapunov function. Two energy functionals
Let Z denote the minimum number of zeros around a
in the literature on physical knot theory are the Möbius energy
charged knot K, where the minimum is taken over all smooth
[49] and the Buck-Orloff energy [50], whose locally minimal
embeddings of K. Although we have not found a formula for
configurations enjoy nice regularization properties. But we
Z (K ), we conjecture that it can be bounded from above and
have found a simpler strategy to be useful: we slowly squash
below by two standard topological invariants of K:
the knot from the top down and watch what happens to its
zeros. 2t + 1  Z  2c + 1. (5)
We have already met the 2t + 1 lower bound, which uses the
knot’s tunnel number t. This lower bound has been proven [7].
By contrast, the 2c + 1 upper bound is conjectural. It involves
the knot’s crossing number c, defined as the minimum number
of crossings possible in a planar projection of the knot. We
have numerical evidence and a plausibility argument but not
a proof, for reasons we will explain momentarily. Table I lists
these bounds along with our conjectured values of Z for some
simple knots.
Our plausibility argument for 2c + 1 as an upper bound
on Z is based on the following observation: For any knot K,
we can always construct an embedding of K that has at least
2c + 1 zeros in its electric field. Unfortunately, that statement
is weaker than what we need. To prove that 2c + 1 is an
upper bound on Z, we would need to construct an embedding
FIG. 11. The number of zeros in the electric field around a figure- with exactly 2c + 1 zeros. We suspect that this stronger con-
eight knot as it is flattened. Here, the knot is parametrized as x(t ) = struction is always possible too, but we have not proven that
(2 + cos 2t ) cos 3t, y(t ) = (2 + cos 2t ) sin 3t, z(t ) = γ sin 4t and we yet. For now, we outline the main ideas behind our weaker
vary the height γ . construction [6], which proceeds in three steps.


First, we flatten K into a plane curve. The resulting curve are performed, altogether we get c additional zeros of index 2.
crosses itself and bounds a number of planar regions that Counting the c + 1 (or more) zeros of index 1 and the c zeros
we call holes (more properly, “holes” are bounded connected of index 2, we conclude the electric field around a squashed
components in the planar complement of the flattened knot). but not strictly planar version of K has at least 2c + 1 zeros.
The electric field in R3 produced by a charged planar curve The weakness of the “at least” part of the conclusion can
has a special property: at all points in the plane away from be traced back to the Poincaré–Hopf index theorem; that is
the curve, the electric field vector E lies within the same where the first “at least” qualifier popped up. If we could
plane. Moreover, at points very close to the charged curve, ensure exactly one zero in each hole, we would then be able to
the direction of E is nearly perpendicular to the curve (be- claim what we want: Z  2c + 1. We suspect the uniqueness
cause it receives its dominant contribution from the portion of the zero in each hole would follow if the holes were round
of the charged curve nearby). Thus the winding number of enough (neither too elongated nor too nonconvex), but this is
the electric field around the boundary of each hole is 1. The what remains to be properly formulated and proven in future
Poincaré–Hopf index theorem then implies that each hole con- work.
tains at least one source or sink zero of the planar vector field.
These planar zeros extend to zeros of the full electric field in
R3 , because the out-of-plane component of E is also zero, as IV. DISCUSSION
discussed above. In Ref. [6] it is proven that these zeros are
As we have tried to show in this article, the study of
all saddle points of index 1 in R3 . A counting argument then
knotted charge distributions opens up many new directions
shows that a planar curve with c crossings has c + 1 holes, and
for exploration. The questions are mainly motivated by their
since we just showed that each hole must contain at least one
conceptual simplicity and theoretical appeal, but they could
zero, we arrive at our first conclusion: the electric field around
have real-world implications. For instance, given that the ze-
a flattened knot has at least c + 1 zeros.
ros of electric and magnetic fields are relevant to problems of
But we are not done yet. A flattened knot is not an admis-
plasma confinement in nuclear fusion and to trapping of cold
sible knot because it has self-crossings. So the second step
atoms, related questions may be of experimental interest in
is to perturb the flattened knot by lifting one of its strands
those settings [53–55]. Charged knots also arise in molecular
up out of the plane, ever so slightly, at each crossing to
biology and polymer physics, where researchers study the
restore the topology of the original knot. By performing these
knottedness of charged DNA molecules and their interactions
lifting operations in tiny neighborhoods of the crossings that
with electric fields [2–5].
are sufficiently far away from the aforementioned zeros, we
are sure to preserve the existence and topological types of
the c + 1 (or more) zeros deduced in the first step, thanks
to the structural stability of gradient vector fields [51].
Now comes the third and final step. By applying the Morse We thank Greg Buck for helpful discussions. M.L. was
inequalities [52], one can show [6] that each lifting performed supported in part by NSF RTG Grant No. DMS-1645643. A.T.
in the second step gives rise to a new zero at the associated was supported by National Science Foundation Grants No.
crossing, and this zero is of index 2. Since a total of c liftings DMS-1818757, No. DMS-1952757, and No. DMS-2045646.

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