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Theory of Slots in Rectangular Waveguides J.appl. PH 1948

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Theory of Slots in Rectangular Wave-

Cite as: Journal of Applied Physics 19, 24 (1948);
Submitted: 03 March 1947 • Published Online: 28 April 2004

A. F. Stevenson


Traveling Wave Slot Antennas

Journal of Applied Physics 24, 1358 (1953);

Physical Limitations of Omni-Directional Antennas

Journal of Applied Physics 19, 1163 (1948);

An aperture coupled microstrip antenna array for high power microwave

Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 094704 (2019); https://

Journal of Applied Physics 19, 24 (1948); 19, 24

© 1948 American Institute of Physics.

Theory of Slots in Rectangular Wave-Guides*
Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
(Received March 3, 1947)

A basic theory of slots in rectangular wave-guides is given. The analogy with a transmission
line is developed and established, and detailed formulae for the reflection and transmission
mefficients and for t he "voltage amplit ude" in t he slot generated by a given incident wave
are given. While the complete expressions for these quantities are quite complicated and
involve the summation of inlinite series, certain parts of the expressions are comparatively
simple. I II particular, the "resistance" or "conductance" of slots which are equivalent to
series or shunt elements in a transmission line are given by fairly simple closed expressions.
Guide-to-guide coupling by slots and slot arrays are also considered. A more detailed summary
of the main results of the paper is given in Section 1.

1. INTRODUCTION. FUNDAMENTAL ASSUMPTIONS cates that, in some cases, the penetration of the
AND SUMMARY OF MAIN RESULTS field behind the face is by no means negligible.
In the case of an array of slots, however, the
T HE use of slots in wave-guides has proved a
promising means of launching high fre- assumption is probably a good one. The fourth
assumption is not in any way essential to the
quency radiation. The subject has been exten-
sively investigated by Watson. I In this paper, a development of the theory, but is made because
fundamental theory of slots in wave-guides, it is probably satisfied in cases of practical im-
based on the field equations, is attempted. portance. Much of the work is independent of
Attention is confined, for the most part, to this assumption.
rectangular guides, but the principle of the In Section 2, as a preliminary, the problem of
method is general, and other shapes of guide determining the field generated in a guide of ar-
could be considered if necessary. bitrary section by an assigned tangential electric
The fundamental assumptions on which the field in the wall of the guide is solved. In Sec-
theory is based are the following: tion 3, some general considerations relating to
the slot problem are given, and the analogy of a
(1) The walls of the guide are perfectly conducting and
of negligible thickness.
slot to an antenna is pointed out. The contents
(2) The slot is narrow; to be more precise, we assume of this section are probably not essentially new,
that but are given here for subsequent convenience.
2 log (length of slot/width of slot)>> 1. In Section 4 the problem of a slot in a rectan-
(3) In considering the field outside the guide, the gular guide which transmits only the HOI-wave
penetration of the field into the region behind the face is considered. A quantity called the "voltage"
containing the slot is neglected. In other words, we treat at any point in the slot is introduced, which is
the problem as if the guide-face containing the slot had an the analog of the current in an antenna. This
infinite perfectly conducting flange on it.
(4) The guide transmits only the HOI-wave, and the voltage varies approximately sinusoidally along
length of the slot is near that of the first "resonance" the slot, as does the current in a half-wave
(i.e., near X/2). antenna. Expressions for the amplitudes of the
HOI-waves scattered in either direction, in terms
Of these assumptions, the third is probably the
one most seriously at fault.Ia Experiment indi- of the voltage amplitude, are given, with par-
ticular cases, in Eqs. (25-31). It is then shown
* This paper is based on Radio Reports Nos. 12 and 13 that, in a certain sense, the slot is equivalent to
of the Special Committee on Applied Mathematics of the
National Research Council of Canada. a network in a transmission line and can be
1 W. H. Watson, The Physical Principles of Wave Guide characterized by the reflection and transmission
Transmission (Oxford University Press, London, 1947).
The writer's work is there referred to, but the notation is
different. of the walls might lead to large errors. A rough calculation
Ia The referee has suggested that the finite conductivity made in the appendix indicates that this is not so, however.


FIG. 2.
FIG. 1.

However, some of the formulae of Section 5 agree

coefficients for waves incident from: either direc- fairly well with experiment according to Watson
tion. These coefficients satisfy two identical (Chapter 6 of reference 1). Detailed calculations
relations (Eq. (34)), one of which is required for for a slot in the broad face of the guide have
the transmission line analogy to be complete been in progress for some time, and it is hoped
and the other of which imposes a restriction on that these will be published soon.
the type of network to which the slot is I am greatly indebted to Professor W. H.
equivalent. Watson for many interesting and helpful dis-
In Section 5 it is shown that the transmission cussions of the problems involved. I also wish
coefficients can in part be calculated quite simply to thank Mr. J. R. Pounder for assistance in the
from energy considerations, and that this fact preparation of this paper.
suffices to give expressions for the "conductance"
or "resistance" of a slot when it is equivalent to
a series or shunt element in a transmission line. TANGENTIAL ELECTRIC FIELD IN
Detailed formulae for the various relevant cases THE WALL OF THE GUIDE
are given in Eqs. (45--48).
As a preliminary, we consider the problem of
In Section 6, the complete solution of the
finding the field generated in an infinite wave-
problem of determining the voltage amplitude in
guide by any assigned tangential electric field
a slot in terms of the amplitude of the incident
in the wall of the guide. In this section, we shall
wave is given (Eqs. (63-68)). This completes
suppose that the cross section of the guide is
the discussion of the problem of a single slot in arbitrary, since there is here no point in special-
an infinite guide coupled to free space. izing for a rectangular guide. This problem has
In Section 7, the question of guide-to-guide been solved by Bethe2 by quite a different
coupling is considered briefly, and it is shown method. The method used here, however, offers
that this is easily solved when once the solutions certain advantages for the slot problem.
for each Ruide treated separately have been Take a system of right-handed axes with the
found. z axis along the guide (Fig. 1); and let A denote
In Section 8, an array of slots is considered, the cross section of the guide and C the boundary
and a set of linear equations is developed for of A (Fig. 2). Also let v denote the outward
the determination of the voltage amplitudes in normal to C and s the direction of the tangent,
the various slots (Eqs. (71-73)). The coefficients a rotation from v to s being in the same sense as
in these equations are not hard to calculate when a rotation from x to y. A suffix v or s will be
once the calculations for a single slot have been used to denote the components of a vector in
made. In Section 9, the case of a terminated these directions.
guide is briefly considered. The field within the guide can be expressed in
Not much comparison of the theory with terms of two functions 1/;, \]i, by means of the
experiment seems to be possible at the present
time and in the present state of the calculations. 2 H. A. Bethe (not yet published).

VOLUME 19, JANUARY, 1948 25

formulae: estimated and P'(x', y', z') a point in the domain
a2if; a\}l of integration S. The Green's function GIt for
E:t=--+ik-, any two points P, P' within S, may be defined
azax ay
as follows:
a2if; a\}l (1) G I , regarded as a function of P, satisfies
Eu=---ik-, the wave equation (V2+k2)G] =0 everywhere
az(}y ax
inside S except at P'.
a2if; (2) G]=O when P is on S.
E,=-+k 2if;, (3) As P~P', G 1 becomes infinite like 1/41rr
J Z2
(1) where r denotes the distance from P to P'.
aif; a2\}1 Further, from the Maxwell equations, we
IIx= -ik-+-, easily find that, on S,
ay (}zax
aif; a2\}1
H II =ik-+--,
ax azay
a2\}1 Hence, similarly to (3),
Flz =-+k 2\}1,
az 2

where, in the usual notation, k=w/c=2'1I-j}"

(},.=vacuum wave-length), and 1/t, \}I satisfy the
wave equations a
---E.(P') ] dS', (4)

We may conveniently refer to 1/1, 'l', as the where the Green's function G2 satisfies conditions
generating functions for E- and H-waves, re- which are the same as for GIt except that condi-
spectively. tion (2) is replaced by aG2/ a" = 0 on S, and that,
It is assumed that all complex field quantities in condition (3), 1/41rr is to be replaced by
vary with the time according to the factor e- iwt , -1/41rr.
this factor being omitted, and that the actual By repeated integration by parts with respect
physical field quantities are the real parts of to z' or s', and by using the conditions that E" Es
the corresponding complex expressions. vanish at z= ± CIJ, we can replace (4) by
Let S denote the surface of the guide. Then . a
we regard E z , E. as being assigned functions of
position on S, it being assumed in the first
H.(P) =~
k s
f [(-+k

2)G2(P, P') ·Es(P')

place that these functions are continuous and

possess continuous derivatives. We also assume
a2G2(p, P') ]
- E.(P') dS'. (5)
that E., E. tend .to zero sufficiently rapidly as ilz'as'
z~± CIJ. The boundary conditions of the problem
are then that E z , E. are assigned on S, and that Equations (3) and (5) now give the field com-
at z = ± CIJ only outgoing and damped waves are ponents E .. Hz everywhere in the guide if G1 , G2
present. can be found. Further, the rates of change of
Now, inside the guide, E. satisfies a wave E., E. on S can now be made as large as desired,
equation similar to (2). Hence, by a well-known and (3) and (5) will also apply to the case of an
formula in the theory of Green's functions aperture in a perfectly conducting guide, when
there will, in general, be discontinuities in E., E.
aGl(p, P') at the edge of the aperture.
Ez(P) =
s ap '
We shall now outline a method for finding the
Green's function G 1 , as follows: consider the
where P(x, y, z) denotes the point at which E. is problem of finding a function f(x, y, z) which


satisfies the equation

with the boundary conditions that /=0 on S, 1

and that / gives outgoing or damped waves at
= L - - ' l ' " (x, y)'l' " (x', y')eiUnIZ-z'l, (13)
n 2iU"
z = ± 00. It can then be seen without difficulty
that by making where, analogously to (9), (11), we define
'l'", AI n , U", the corresponding quantities for
cp(X, y, z)-+- o(x-x')o(y-y')o(z-z'), (7)
H-waves, by:
where 0 denotes Dirac's "delta-function," we (J2'l'n (J2'l'"
obtain the required function G1• --+--+Mn 2'l'n=0 in A,
We suppose / expanded in terms of the func- (JX2 iJy2
tions for E-waves, (J'l'n
-=Oon C, (14)
/= L a,,(Z)l/;n(X, y), (8) (Jv

where 1/;", J.l.n (n = 1, 2, ... ) are the normalized

eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the problem:
i 'l' n 2dxdy= 1,

U n =(k 2 -Mn 2 )l, ( 15)

iFI/;" iF,p"
--- + __ +J.I.,,2,p,,=O ill A'f the same convention as to the sign of the square
ilx 2iI y2
root ill (15) being used as in (11).
1/;,,=0011 C, (9) Substituting (12), (13), in (3), (5), we have

i I/; n 2dxdy = 1. j
E z, lIz at any point in the guide. If we now use
(2), and the third and sixth of (1), we obtain
(no additive functions evidently being neces-
sary) :
Substituting (8) in (6), using (9) and the ortho-
gonality relations of the ,pn, we find 1
,pCP) = - L --,pn(X, y)
(d 2a n /dz 2 ) +u n 2a n n 2iu n !J.n 2

= i cp(x, y, Z),pn(X, y)dxdy, (10)

xl s
a,pn(X', y')
eiunlz-z'IE.(P')dS', (16)

where 1
(11) 'l'(P) = L --'l'n(X, y)
n 2kU"
the positive square root being taken in (11) if Un
is real and the positive-imaginary root if Un is
pure imaginary. We now solve (10) by the
x f s
'l' ,,(x', y')eiUnlz-z'IE8(P')dS'

method of variation of constants, using the

boundary conditions that an(z) "'e iunz as z-++ 00
and an (z) "" e- iUn z as z-+ - 00 to determine the
arbitrary constants. Applying (7), we then finally
(J'i'n(X', y')
8 as'

1 the + or - sign being taken ill (17) according

=- L -I/;,,(x, Y)I/;,,(x', y')e'lI n1 z-z'l. (12) as z>z' or z<z'.
n 2iu" 3 We omit a term in G z which is proportional to eiklz-z'l,
since it is evident from (5) that this does not contribute to
The function G 2 is found in a similar manner the field.

VOLUME 19, JANUARY, 1948 27

Equations (16), (17) are our final results and the slot, which corresponds to the current in
give the generating functions for E- and H-waves the antenna problem, is approximately sinusoidal
in ~rms of the assigned values of E z , E. on the with the free-space wave-length, vanishing at the
wall of the guide and the functions defiping ends of the slot. The complex amplitude of the
the free propagation of E- and H-waves in the voltage will depend on the exact length and
guide. In the case of a perfectly conducting guide width of the slot and the data for the incident
with an aperture, the integrations need, of wave. Off resonance, the voltage is comparatively
course, only be extended over the aperture. small.
A consideration of the way in which this
3. THE SLOT PROBLEM IN GENERAL AND THE result is obtained will now show that it will still
hold approximately for a slot in a wave-guide
To solve the slot problem, it is necessary to coupled to free space, or for a slot in guide-to-
find fields inside and outside the guide such that guide coupling: near resonance the voltage is
the tangential components of E and H are con- approximately sinusoidal and vanishes at the
tinuous as we cross the slot, there being a given ends of the slot, the only exceptions being in
incident wave in the guide. the immediate neighborhood of a sharp bend,
Consider for a minute thecase where, instead as when a slot extends around an edge in a
of the wave-guide, we have an infinite perfectly rectangular guide. In accordance with the fourth
conducting plape with a narrow slot in. it and a of our fundamental assumptions (Section 1), we
wave incident on it from one side. From the shall consider only the case where we are near
symmetry (or near-symmetry) of Maxwell's the first resonance (length of slot ",}"/2).
equations in E and H, it is evident that this It follows from what has been said above and
problem is essentially the same as that of an from the third of our fundamental assumptions
antenna in the form of a narrow strip of metal that the radiation pattern outside the guide in
scattering an incident wave, only with the E- and front of the face containing the slot should be
H-vectors interchanged. 4 Using this analogy, we the same as for a half-wave dipole, with the E-
can see that in the slot problem the only tan- and H-vectors interchanged. Experiments of
gential components of E and H in the slot which Watson and collaborators! indicate that this
are of importance are the component of H along conclusion is not well satisfied in some cases.
the slot and the component of E across the slot. The explanation is that the third assumption
Further, near resonance (length of slot approxi-
referred to above is at fault.
mately equal to an odd number of half-wave-
lengths), the "voltage," or integral of E across 4. A SLOT IN A RECTANGULAR GUIDE AND THE
x Vve shall now consider the special case of a
rectangular guide which transmits only the H ol-
wave, one of whose faces contains a slot of length
2l and width 21: (Fig. 3). We 'shall now specify
our axes of Section 2 more precisely by taking
either direction along one of the edges of the
guide lying in the face containing the slot as
the z axis, with the x axis through the center of
the slot and the y axis along the normal to the
guide-face drawn into the guide, so that Fig. 3
views the guide-face containing the slot from the
FIG. 3.
outside. We shall then specify the position of
the slot by Xl, the distance of its center from the
4 See Babinet's Principle as formulated by H. G. Booker
z axis, and the angle () which the direction of
(not yet published) and E. T. Copson, Proc. Roy. Soc.
A186, 100 (1946). the slot makes with the z axis, 0 being positive


if measured in the same sense as a rotation from
Oz to Ox (Fig. 3).
We also take axes (~, 71) through the center of
the slot as shown, the ~ axis being along the slot,
and a rotation from the ~ axis to the 71 axis being
in the same sense as a rotation from Oz to Ox. ~<--(l;--~)
We then define the "voltage" as
FIG. 4.

(18) wiII be verified in detail in Section 6), the voltage

in the slot, defined by (18), will be approximately
taken across the slot. sinusoidal, and vanishing at the ends of the slot,
Let a, b(a > b) be the dimensions of the guide for the case under consideration. Suppose, then,
(Fig. 4). Suppose now that we have an incident that for an incident HOI-wave of amplitude A
HOI-wave traveling in the positive z-direction in traveling in the positive direction the voltage isS
an infinite guide. If the slot is in the broad face
v=p cosk~, (24)
of the guide, then, with the axes of Fig. 3, the
generating function for the incident wave is where the constant P may Qe termed the voltage
amplitude. Similarly, let the voltage amplitude
'l'(0) =A cOS(7rx/a)e iUz , (19)
where be P' when an incident wave of amplitude A' is
U=(k2_7r2/a2)~=27r/Agllide, (20) traveling in the negative z-direction.
Formula (17) now gives the amplitudes B, C.
and A is an arbitrary constant, which we shall of the scattered waves, as defined by (21), which
term the amplitude oj the wave (at the center of are generated by the voltage (24) in the slot
the slot). The slot will scatter HOI-waves (as (or the corresponding amplitudes B', C' when the
well as damped waves) backwards (z<O) and voltage amplitude is P'). Only a single term of
forwards (z>O). Let these waves have amplitudes the infinite series in (17) is, of course, needed
B, C, respectively, at the center of the slot, so for this, the other terms giving damped waves.
that they are given by generating functions In making the calculation we can neglect the
'l'(-) =B cos(7rx/a)e- iUz , width of the slot when once the voltage has been
(21) introduced by (18). Using the eigenfunction and
'l'(+) = C cos (7rx/a)e iUz • eigenvalue for the HOI-wave, and making use
of (1), it is found that the amplitudes of the
We shall then define the reflection and trans-
scattered waves are, in all cases, given by:
mission coefficients a, f3 by
BjP= C' /P' = 5' /7r 2kUb,
a=B/A, f3=1+C/A. (22) (25)
C/P=B' /P'= 5'* /7r2kUb,
Similarly, if we have an incident HOI-wave of
where the star denotes the conjugate complex,
amplitude A' traveling in the negative z-direction,
and t is a dimensionless quantity given by
and waves scattered backwards (z>O) and for-
wards (z <0) of amplitudes B', C', respectively,
we define the reflection and transmission coeffi- t= J JW cosk~d~,

cients a', f3' by
where J(~)/a denotes the component of H along
a'=B'/A', f3'=1+C'/A'. (23) the slot at the point ~ in an Horwave of unit
If the slot is in the narrow face of the guide, amplitude traveling in the positive z-direction. 6
and we keep the axes of Fig. 2, we must write y • This voltage does not vanish at the ends unless the
in place of x in (19) and (21); otherwise the same length of the slot is exactly "/2. It is permissible to suppose
this, however, as far as this part of the calculation is con-
definitions (22), (23) hold for the reflection and cerned (see Section 6).
6 That r must be expressible in this manner becomes
transmission coefficients.
clear when the problem is treated by Bethe's method
According to the previous section (and as (reference 2).

VOLUME 19, JANUARY, 1948 29

With this interpretation of 1W the results (25), Formula (25) thus gives the amplitudes of the
(26) hold whether the slot is in the broad or the scattered waves in terms of the voltage ampli-
narrow face of the guide. Explicitly, we have, for tudes P or P'. To find the reflection and trans-
the slot in the broad face, mission coefficients (22), (23), we must find the
voltage amplitude in terms of the amplitude of
11'2 11'
1m = eiUE [ a coso cos-(x!
oooe - + ~ sinO) the incident wave, i.e., we must find P /A, P' /A'.
This is a complicated problem which will be
taken up in Section 6. We shall, however,
anticipate the results of that section by quoting
the formulae for the voltage amplitudes:

and for the slot in the narrow face, PIA =r/Ka, P'/A'=s*/Ka, (32)
where r denotes the same quantity as defined in
(26) above, and K is another (complex) dimen-
We thus find, for the slot in the broad face: sionless constant whose complete expression is
given in Section 6. These formulae hold whether
r = -11'2 cosO[1I'Xl
cos-I (0) -
i sin-J (0) the slot is in the broad or the narrow face.
ka a . a From Eqs. (22), (23), (25), and (32), we now
have for the reflection and transmission cocfn-
1I'U [1I'XI 1I'Xl] cients:
+--- sin8 cos-J(8) -i sin-I(8) , (27)
k a a ex=yrz/K, ex'='Yr*2/K,
{j=/3'=1+'Y!r!2/K, (33)
cos(p1l' /2) cos(q1l' /2) (33')
1(8) =
+ l-q2
\Ve thus see that the four coefficients ex, {j, a', fJ'
cos(p1l' /2) cos(q1l' /2) are not independent. They are subject to the two
J(O)=-- relations:
I-p2 l-q2
/3={3', aex'=(1-fJ)2. (34)
P = (U/k) cos8- (1I'/ka) sin8,
The first of the relations (34) shows that, as
q= (U/k) cosO+(1I'/ka) sin8. far as HOI-waves are concerned, the slot is com-
pletely analogous to a network connecting two
As particular cases of this,7 we have for the
portions of an infinite transmission line, if we
centered inclined slot (Xl =a/2):
define the reflection and transmission coefficients
r = (i1l' /k)[ U sin8I(8) + (11' fa) cos8J(8) J; (28) by means (say) of the voltage waves. The
equality of the transmission coefficients for waves
for the longitudinal slot (0==0):
incident from either direction in a transmission
r=2ka cos(1I'U/2k) cos(1I'xI/a); (29) line is, in fact, easily shown to hold under all
circumstances by means of ordinary line theory. 8
and for the transverse slot (8=11'/2):
The second of the relations (34) shows, however,
S = - (211'ik/ U) cos(1I'2/2ka) sin(1I'xI/a). (30) that the equivalent network for a slot is not of
the most general type: there is an iden tical
For the slot in the narrow face we find relation connecting the three quantities which
211' 2k characterize the network.
i:= -- cos8cos(UlcosO), (31) It is now dear that thl' two coefficients ex, jj
a(k 2 - U2 cos 20)
8 This was pointed out to the writer by J. R. Pounder.
the result being in this case independent of Xl. That some identical relation must exist between the four
coefficients a, a', {J, f3' for a transmission line folIows from
7 The terminology here used is that of Watson (refer- the fact that a network can be characterized by only three
ence 1). independent constants.


(and the associated coefficients a', fJ' deduced using (25),
from them by (34» characterize the slot com-
pletely as far as standing-wave-ratio measure- 1 ) 73a jP j ~
ill ( j3-1 = -1- 601l"3kUb C .
ments are concerned; and that such quantities
as the impedance presented by a slot with a Hence, from (33), (33'), and (25),
given termination (the terminal impedance being
defined by means of a reflection coefficient at m(K) = - (73/6011") -1'1 (/2, (38)

!HC~ ~ J= -1 - 601l":~ r~'

the termination), or the equivalent network of it
slot, can be worked out in terms of these two (3Q)
coefficieIlts by llsing ordinary transmission line
theory. Thp only proviso is that the place at The results (38), (39) hold, of course, whether the
which the measurements are made, and the slot is in the broad or the narrow face.
termination, must be at a sufficient distance H the equivalent network of the slot can be
from the slot for the damped waves to be replaced by simple series or shunt elements, the
negligible. result (39) suffices to calculate the resistance or
conductance of these elements. In terms of the
5. CALCULATION OF THE REAL PART OF K. RESIST- reflection and transmission coefficients, the con-
ANCE OR CONDUCTANCE OF SERIES AND ditions for the network to be equivalent to a
series element are, from ordinary transmission
Although the complete calculation of the con- line theory,
stant K in (32) is a complicated matter, which a=a'= I-j3, (40)
will be considered in the next section, the real
and the admittance of the series element is then
part of K can be calculated quite simply from
energy considerations, as follows. 9 Using the Y=(1/2a)-t. (41)
notation of the previous section, and considering
The conditions for the network to be equivalent
the case where the incident wave is traveling
to a shunt element are
in the positive z-direction, the mean flow of
energy down the guide (in the z-direction) at a=a'=j3-1, (42)
z= - 00 is easily calculated to be (in Gaussian
and the impedance of the shunt element is then
Z= -(1/2a)-t. (43)
(1I"wbU/16a)(/A /2_/B/2). (35)
Reference to (33) then shows that the slot is
Similarly, the mean flow of energy down the
equivalent to a series element in a transmission
guide at Z= 00 is found to be
line if t is a pure imaginary, and to a shunt
element if t is real. From (27) and (31) we then
see that the transverse slot and the centered
where <R means "real part oL" The difference inclined slot in the broad face are equivalent to
between (35) and (36) must be equal to the mean series elements, while the longitudinal slot in the
flow of energy out of the slot. Using our third broad face and the slot in any position in the
fundamental assumption (Section 1), this can narrow face are equivalent to shunt elements.
be calculated in the same way as the flux of From (39)-(43) we now have for the "con-
energy from a half-wave dipole: 4 it is equal to ductance" of the "series" slot or the "resistance"
(37) of the "shunt" slot the same expression, namely,

Equating (37) to the difference between (35) and G. eries = Rshunt = 73/12011"1' / r 12. (44)
(36), and dividing by / C/ 2 , we obtain, on From (28)-(31), we therefore have:
Transverse slot in broad face (series):
9 We could, of course, obtain the real part from the
complete expression for K to be given in Section 6; but 1 48011"3 1'k2 11"2 1I"XI
the present method is much simpler and forms a useful -=-_·-·cos 2-·sin 2- . (45)
check on the work. G 73 U2 2ka a

VOLUME 19, JANUARY, 1948 31

Centered inclined slot in broad face (series):

1 12011"3 'Y cos 20 Mn 2

-=--·-[Ua sinOI(O) +11" cosOJ(0)]2. (46) =--L:-'I'n
2k n Un
G 73 k 2a 2

Longitudinal slot in broad face (shunt):

'T- cose sine L: '1'"
2k 11

Slot in narrow face (shunt):

~= 48011"5 .~.[COSO cos(Ul COSO)]2. (48)

R 73 k 2a 2 1- eU11)2 cos 8
2 k 1 aVtn
+-sin 2 0 L: ---.-
2 2
" UnJl.n ay
In the Eqs. (45)-(48), the half-length of the
slot, I, can be put exactly equal to }./4, but they
should hold approximately for any length of slot
xI eiunlz-z'l_-E~'dedrl'
aVt ,,'

close to A/2, since the real part of K does not vary

i a'l' n
rapidly with t. If we define "resonance" by the ± - coso sinO L -
condition: reactance=O, i.e., imaginary part of 2k " ax
K = 0, then actually at resonance (i.e., length of
slot so that reactance =0), we can of course put
R= l/C. Off resonance, however, we cannot do
x i eiUnlz-z'I'¥,,'E/ded71'

this, since the imaginary part of K, and hence the sin 20 Un a'l'"
reactance or susceptance, varies rapidly with t. + - L : 2- -
2k n Mn ax
We proceed now to the more difficult problem
xfs eiU"lz-z" _a'¥ax_n', E/ded 71', (50)
of calculating the voltage amplitude when the
incident Horwave is given. where S now denotes the area of the slot. In (SO)
Referring to Fig. 3, our problem is, in ac- we have written for brevity
cordance with what was said in Section 3, to find
1/In=1/In(X, y), 'l'n = 'l'n(X, y), Vtn'=1/In(X', y'),
the field component E~ in the slot (or the voltage
V) in order that H t may be continuous as we go '¥n' ='I'nex', y'), E/ =E~(e, 11'),
from inside to outside the slot. We also impose the
conditions10 and we are to put, after differentiation, y=y' =0.
The functions Vtn, '1'" and constants Jl.n, M n are
the normalized eigenfunctions and eigenvalues
~=±l'} (49) for the E- and H-waves in the rectangular guide,
Vw=O when ~=±l. as defined by (9) and (14). All these are, of
course, damped waves except the HOi-wave.
From 0), (16), (17), we have for the com- Now we have (Fig. 3),
ponent H~ in the slot of the field generated inside
a a a
the guide by the field E~: - = cose-+ sin 0-,
a~ az ax
10These are special cases of the condition that in an
aperture in a perfectly conducting screen the component a2 a 2
of E parallel to the edge of the aperture tends to zero as - = cos 6--+sin 26--+ 2 cosO sin 0--,

we tend to the edge from inside the aperture. ae az 2 ax 2 iJziJx


so that we call rewrite ($0) as follows: where

H~(~, 71) =;::~( i)2 +k2)

k iJP

X JG2(~'
1}; ~/, 'f/)Ev'd~/dr/

+-k sin 0 L: 2 f (- - -at/tn __

1 ot/tn' ei1lnlo-Z'1
aw,,' a'l' ") eiU.lz-z'l.
xL: ( W,,--+'l',,'-
ax' ax
2 11 S U n Jl.,,2 ay iJy' n

-~'I' ,,'I' "'eiU"IZ-Z,!)g/d~/df{

and in (53) we are to put, after differentiation,
U tt x=xl+~sin8, z=~cos8, x' =Xl+( sinO,
1( 0'1' ,,' a'l'
'I'n--+'I',,'-- n) Zl=~/COSO, y=y'=O.
We now consider the field generated outside the
2k n s ax' ax
guide. With our third fundamental assumption
XeiUnlz-z'IE/dfd.,t', (51) (Section 1), this is simply the field due to E~
across the slot regarded as being in an infinite
where Gz is the Green's function given by (13). In conducting plane. This problem can be solved by
(51) we are to put y=y' =0 after differentiation, introducing the "associate Hertz vector," or it
and G2 a, '11; ~', 'T}') means that we are to do the can be inferred by analogy with the corresponding
same with G2. problem of a thin antenna in the form of a flat
The integral occurring in the first term in (51) strip having a given current distribution. 4 We
tends to infinity as E->O on account of the omit the details and give only the final result:
singularity in the Green's function G2, but the
• i)z
H~(E, 'f/)=-"'-(-+k2)
remaining three terms remain finite as f'"'"-+O.ll
Making t'"'"-+O in the last three terms of (51),
therefore, and introducing the voltage VW
21rk ae
defined by (18), we can, with an error of the order
of Ell, replace (51) by

Equations (52) ancl (55) now give the com-

ponent 1I~ in the slot of the fields generated
x f G2(e, 71; e, 'T}')Eva', 'T}')ded'T}' inside and outside the guide, respectively, by E~.
s According to the continuity condition mentioned

+ f -I
F(~, ~/) V(nd~', (52)
at the beginning of this section, the difference
between (55) and (52) must be equal to the com-
ponent ll~ of the incident field. We denote this
latter component by Af(l;)/a, where A is the
11 Each of the three tenns actually consists of the sum
of two parts, the infinities of which cancel. The considera- amplitude of the incident wave at the center of
tions of Section 3 show that the only singularity which the slot, so thatfW is identical with the function
should occur in H~ as t-O is correctly given by the first
term of (51), introduced in (26). The continuity condition then

VOLUME 19, JANUARY, 1948 33

glves of (57) as

=- III

F(i;, i;') F(i;')de -AiW/a. (56)

The contribution to the first integral in (58) from
a strip of width dr/ paraIJel to the 7] axis and at it
We have written an ordinary, instead of a
distance 7]' from it is
partial, derivative on the left-hand side of (56),
since the right-hand side is a function of i; only,
and the same must therefore be true of the left- (59)
hand side. (This is consistent with the assumption
-see Section 3-that we can neglect the com- Now from the definition of G2 it follows that,
ponent of H across the slot.) allowing for the "image effect" when the point
Regarding (56) as a differential equation for (x, y, z) is near a wall of the guide, G 2 ", -1/271'r
the left-hand side, and solving by the method of when r is small. Hence, since the major contribu-
variation of constants, the general solution can tion to the integral in (59) comes from points
be written where r is small, the value of the integral is ap-

- (1/471') JI

de Jr.

This latter integral has, with an error of order E/l,

the value 2 log(21/ I7] - 7]' I) except when i; is near
±l. But since E~ vanishes when i;= ±l, this ex-
ception is unimportant. We may, therefore, with
an error of order 41, replace the first integral in
A ~ (58) by
+- coski;f sinki;f(i;)di;
ka _I
- sinki; J~ coski;f(i;)di;
ka_l The second integral in (58), on the other hand,
+C l coski;+C 2 sinki;, (57) remains finite as E--+O, and may (with an error 0f
order E/l) be replaced by
where C l , C2 are arbitrary constants. Equation
1 eikl~-~'I]
I [
(57) is now an integral equation for the determi- G2(i;, i;')-- [V(i;')- VW]de,
nation of E~, or V(i;), the constants C l , C2 being -I 271' Ii;-i;'!
determined by the boundary conditions (49). We
shall adopt a method of solution analogous to one where G2(i;, n means that we are to make E--+O in
used by Hallen12 in connection with a similar a, e,
G2 11; 7]').

integral equation occurring in an antenna prob- We now see that (with our approximations) the
lem. We rewrite the integral on the left-hand side integral in (60) must be independent of 11, which
shows that E~ must vary across the slot in the
12 E. Hallen, Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Upsaliensis 11, No.4
same way that the electrostatic charge density
(1938). varies across an infinite conducting strip of the


same width. We can therefore write mation is the major term. Confining ourselves to
this approximation, the solution is as follows:
(61) VW=Pcosk~,
where the constant ~, defined by (61), can be PjA=tjKa, (63)
calculated from the known solution of the
electrostatic problem of the infinite conducting
s being given by (26), and where
strip. Obviously E is of the order of E and it really i 41
makes no difference, to the order to which we are K =- - log- coskl
7r E
working, whether we take ~= E or use the correct
value. As however, the calculation is easily made,
we shall use the correct value; it proves to be J

[G 2 (1, n+G 2 ( -I, t')J cosk~'de
E= E/2. Collecting our results, we now see that the
integral equation (57) can be replaced by
i 41 A J~

-I l - f
--log- VW = - cosk~ sinkU(~)d~
27rk E k -I I

--- sil1k~
It coskUWd~
-JJF(~, n cosk~ l'oskfd~d~'. (64)
k -I

(62) In all terms in K except the tirst, ~e are to put

where 1=>../4, kl=7r/2.
If the incident wave is traveling in the nega-
tive z-direction, and is of amplitude A I, we find
similarly that the corresponding voltage ampli-


27rk.- l
f --[I eikl t-n

Vee) - VW]de
tude pI is given by
PljA'=s*/Ka. (65)
i t The results (63) and (65) are those which have
+- cosk~J
k -1-1
dt j I

de sink~F(~, e) V(e) already been used in Section 4.

If we write
i ~ I

-- sinktj dtJ de cos k tF(t, n Vet')· K=K I +iK2 ,

k -1-1
then KI is a comparatively simple expression
We can now solve (62) by successive approxi- which has already been given in (38). For K2 we
mations, regarding log4l j E as being large, in ac- can write, to the order to which we are working,
cordance with our second fundamental assump-
K 2 = (oL/A) log(2)..jw)+K 2', (66)
tion. For a first approximation, we neglect A(~) in
(62) ; for a second approximation, we substitute where w = 2 E is the width of the slot, oL = 21- 'A/2
the first approximation for VW in A(~), and so is the excess of the length of the slot over a half-
on. We then find Va) as a series in the small wave-length, and K 2' denotes the imaginary part
quantity (log41j E)-I-or more accurately in of the expression for K in (64) omitting the first
(210g4Ije)-I. The arbitrary constants CI , Cz are term, so that K Z' does not depend (to our order
then determined by using the boundary condi- of approximation) on the length or width of the
tions (49). We are here only concerned with the sloL From (13) and (53), it will be seen that K 2 '
case l~7I.j4, i.e. kl~7rj2. We then find that we is given by quite a complicated expression in the
must proceed to at least the second approximation form of a doubly-infinite series.
to find the constant CI , but that having found it If the slot is in the broad face of the guide, we
the term proportional to CI in the first approxi- have explicitly from (13) and (53), on using the

VOLUME 19, JANUARY, 1948 35

eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for the rectangular relative to the standard axes for guide 2 will be
guide :13 given by an exactly similar figure (with, of course,
different parameters Xl, 0 in general). The only
2 Onm n1rX difference is that, if we keep the direction of the
G2(~,n=- L -cos-
iab n,m U nm a ~ axis the same in both guides and preserve the
relative orientations of the (~, 1) axes, then the
n1rX' 1) axes are in opposite directions for the two
Xcos--eillnmH-E'1 cos9, (67)
a guides, so that the voltage is the negative of that
defined by (18) when considered from the point
2sin 0
Fa, n=--
LOn", -
a n,m
of view of guide 2. This is because the normal to
the guide-face drawn into the guide has opposite
directions for the two guides.
Unm n1rX n1rX'
X [ - - sin-- sin-- \Ve can then carry through an exactly similar
~nm2 a a analysis to that used in Section 6, the only differ-
ence being that instead of the solution outside the
1 n1rX n1rX'J
+- cos-- cos-- eiutHnlE-el cos9 guide there used, we must use the solution in
Un". a a guide 2. Obviously the voltage is still approxi-
mately sinusoidal and we find for the amplitude
P, if the incident wave is of amplitude A and trav-
eling in the positive z-direction,

(68) (69)

where the subscripts 1 in t, a refer to guide 1, and

where where
X=X1+~ sinO, x' =Xl+( sinO, i 41
K 12 = --log- coskl
~nm2 = (mr/a)2+ (m1r/b)2, Unm = (k 2- ~nm2)t, 1r E


unlesR n or m=O,
if n or m=O.
-i II
[G 2(l)(l, n+G 2 (l)( -I, nJcosk(de

The summations in (67) and (68) are taken with

respect to nand m from 0 to 00 with the exception -i I

[G 2 (2)(l, n+G 2 (2)( -I, ()Jcosk~'d(

of the values n=m=O. The positive, or positive-
imaginary, square root for U nm is to be taken. I
If the slot is in the narrow face of the guide, we
need merely interchange a and b in (67) and (68), -f I F(l)(~, n cosk~cosked~d(
and, of course, use the appropriate expression for -I

t (i.e., (31) instead of (27». I

-f I F(2)(~, () cosk~cosk~'d~d(, (70)
Consider now the case where the slot couples
two infinite guides-guide 1, where we have an the superscripts 1, 2 in the functions G 2 , Fin (70)
incident (exciting) wave, and guide 2, where referring to guides 1, 2, respectively. If the inci-
waves are generated, Suppose that Fig. 3 gives dent wave is traveling in the negative z-direction,
the orientation of the slot relative to the standard we must write tl* in place of in (69). rl
axes for guide 1. Then the orientation of the slot Energy considerations similar to those used ill
13 The term proportional to cose sine in (53) has been
Section 5 show that
omitted from F(~, ~'), since it can be seen that this vanishes
on integration.


where 1'1> 1'2 are the constants l' defined by (33) center of the .Jth slot, and where
for the two guides.
Knowing the voltage amplitude, the reflection
and transmission coefficients for guide 1 and the
field generated in guide 2 are, of course, easily P jj' = f
[Fj/out)(~) - Fjj'(in) (~)] cosk~d~,
calculated. It will be seen that if the calculations jrfj'. (73)
have been made for the slot in each guide
separately, the calculations for the guide-to-guide In (71), (72), t j, K j mean the constants t, K,
coupling are readily pcrformed. In fact, reference already defined, calculated for the jth slot, while
to (64) and (70) shows that most of the terms in in (73), Fjj'(out)(~) denotes the component of H
K12 are simply the sum of the corresponding along the jth slot due to a sinusoidal voltage of
terms for the K's of the two guides. It will also be unit amplitude in the fth slot, calculated for
observed that our third fundamental assumption outside the guide, and Fjj'(in)(~) has a similar
(Section 1) is not used in this case, so that the meaning when calculated for inside the guidc.
results should be more accurate. Fj/in) can be found from formulae already
given; it would probably be sufficient to confine
8. SLOT ARRAYS ourselves to the contribution from the Horwave
generated by the jth slot, so that Fjj,(inlW
We now consider the casc of an array of N slots
would be quite a simple expression. Fjj'(out) can
numbered 1, 2, ... , N in the same face of an
be found by the method outlined in Section 6 for
infinite guide, and coupled to empty space. It is
finding the field outside the guide, and again
eviden t that if the lengths of all the slots are ap-
yields a simple closed expression.
proximately A/2 the voltage in each slot is still
There is thus no particular difficulty about
approximately sinusoidal and the problem is to
calculating the coefficients Pjj'(jrfj'), while the
calculate the amplitudes PI, P 2 , ••• , P.~· in terms
coefficients p jj are given by the calculations for a
of the amplitudt· of the incident wave. Having
single slot. The coefficients Pjj'(jrf j') express, of
clone this, we can find the radiation pattern
course, the interaction between the slots. For
au tsicle the guide, and the reflection and trans-
distant slots, Fjj'(outl decreases as (Zj-zj')-l,
mission coefficients, etc., inside the guide.
while F jj/in) remains constant. \Vhile the calcu-
Considering, say, the jth slot, we proceed as
la tion of all the coefficients p jj' and the sol u tion
before, but now in finding the component of H
of the set of equations (71) would in general
along the slot we must include, in addition, the
present a formidable task, it would appear that
contributions from the voltages in all the other
in the arrays of practical importance considerable
slots, when reckoning the field either inside or
simplifications are possible. The K j might be
outside the guide. We must also allow for the fact
determined experimen tall y.
that the incident wave has a different phase at
If the incident wave is traveling in the nega-
the center of each slot. The calculations go very
tive z-direction we need merely write t /e-m'i in
much the same as before, finding a first approxi-
place of reirT'i in (71).
mation, and then a second approximation, to the
voltage in each slot. We omit the details and 9. THE CASE OF A TERMINATED GUIDE
quote the final result: the voltage amplitudes are
determined by the set of linear equations: So far we have dealt entirely with i~finite
guides. In practice, however, the guide may have
N an unmatched termination, so that we must take
L: pjj'Pj' = (A/a)tieiUZi, j' = 1, ... , N, (71) account of the termination (a guide with a
matched termination can, of course, be treated as
where it has been assumed that the incident wave an infinite guide). We shall indicate briefly here
is traveling in the positive z-direction and has how a termination of arbitrary impedance can be
amplitude A at some arbitrary point in the guide, dealt with, and it will appear that this case can be
Z j being the distance down the guide from this deduced very simply from that of the infinite
point, measured in the positive z-direction, of the guide already dealt with.

VOLUME 19, JANUARY, 1948 3i

Supposp WI" take the z axis pointing towards The chief losses caused by the imperfect conductivity of
the termination, and that we have available the walIs will occur near the slot, where the fields are
large. In this region we can estimate the tangential com-
solutions for the infinite guide for incident waves ponents of the magnetic field by analogy with the problem
traveling in either direction. Assuming that all of the half-wave antenna (see Section 3). We thus find
slots are at a sufficient distance from the termi- that, near the slot, the major component of H is that
nation (and in the negative z-direction from it) perpendicular to the length of the slot, and is of amount
for all waves but the HOI-wave to be damped out ikr2 ikTl
H=- P [ (l-~)--(l+~)-
e e ] ,
at the termination, the infinite-guide-solution for 2'"1 r2 rt
a wave incident in the positive z-direction will, in where (~, '1) are the coordinates of a point in the guide face
the neighborhood of the termination, be an containing the slot relative to the axes of Fig. 3, r., r, are
HOI-wave whose generating function is, say, XI(+). the distances of the point from the ends of the slot, and the
notation is otherwise that used before,14 Except near the
Similarly, the infinite-guide-solution for a wave ends of the slot, this can be replaced approximately, if 'I is
incident in the negative z-direction will, in the small, by
neighborhood of the termination, be a superposi- (:\\)
tion of IIo1-waves traveling in both directions, so
that its generating function will be of the form If, as we may assume, the depth of penetration is small
X2c-l+aX2(+l, where a is a constant of the nature compared with the thickness of the wall, we have approxi-
of a reflection coefficient (the superscripts +, mately for the tangential electric field when imperfect
conductivity is allowed for,"
- refer to waves traveling in the positive and
negative z-directions, respectively).
We now consider the field given by
E = (l-i J (LY (HXn), (A2)

where n is a unit vector drawn into the guide wall, f is the'

XI C+l +).[X2 H +aX2 c+)], frequency, and <T the conductivity of the guide wall.
Using (AI), (A2), we thus have for the mean flux of
where A is an arbitrary constant. By proper energy into the guide wall, per unit area,
choice of A we can now make the ratio of the
amplitudes of the incident to the reflected waves ~ffi(EXH*).n =~(L); I H! 2
8~ 8~ 4<T
at the termination anything we please, and hence
can give the termination an arbitrary "imped- = 1~~3(fS I~t (1-cos2k~).
ance." Thus a linear combination of the two The total mean flux of energy into the guide walls is thus
solutions for the infinite guide, for incident waves of the order
traveling in opposite directions, gives the solu-
2.- - C(/)1
C (f)1 IPI'·l' f.d'l-~- l'
- IPI"-, (A3)
tion for the semi-infinite guide with an arbitrary 16~3 4<T ''12 8~3 4<T E

termination. In particular, the voltage amplitude where l' is a length of the order of the length of the slot,
in any slot will be and 2E is, as before, the width of the slot.
Comparing (A3) with the expression (37) for the mean
flux of energy out of the slot, we see that the error involved
in assuming perfect conductivity of the waIls is of the
where PI, P 2 , are the voltage amplitudes for the order
two solutions for the infinite guide.
~ 4<T E

APPENDIX For Copper and a wave-length of the order of 1 em., j:4<1

On the Correction Due to Imperfect Conductivity is of the order 10-6• A reasonable value of 1'/. would be
about 30. The above error is then about 10-2 or one percent.
of the Guide Wails
14 See, jor instance, Stratton, Electromagnetic Theory
To take account completely of the finite conductivity of (McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1941),
the walls of the guide would be quite possible, but would p. 457, formula 76, on interchanging E and H and allowing
lead to elaborate computations. The following very rough for the difference in units. Note that Stratton's Io corre-
calculation, in which we consider the problem of Section 5, sponds to (c/2~)P in the present case. We have disregarded
an unimportant phase factor.
indicates, however, that the error caused by the assumption 1. See, for instance, reference 14, p. 534, formula 47,
of perfect conductivity is not likely to be great. alIowing for the difference in units.


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