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Who Changed the Sabbath?-Extra No.


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Vol. 93 Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. No. 12

Who Changed the Sabbath? In fact, the first day of the week, in the
very nature of the case, could not be the rest
3:31), and that the righteousness of the law
is fulfilled in those who walk after the Spirit,
day of God, for the Creator never rested on while the carnal mind is not subject to the law
Generally Admitted Facts "I have not spoken of myself; but the that day. of God (Rom. 8:4-7). in harmony with all
Father which sent me, he gave me a com- Christ further declares that whosoever this, the apostle James bears the following
THAT the seventh day of the weekly cycle, mandment, what I should say, and what I breaks even so much as one of the least of
the day on which the Creator rested, was set testimony to the obligation, the oneness, and
should speak." John 12:49. the precepts of that law of which the Sab- the perpetuity of the law of ten command-
apart at the creation of the world as the 2. As the prophet declared, he magnified
Sabbath of Jehovah; bath is a part, shall be called the least, or, ments: -
God's holy law, and thus showed the honor as translated in the "Living Oracles," by " If ye fulfil the royal law according to the
That it was enjoined in the decalogue, and which belonged to it. "Hear ye him:"-
kept by patriarch, prophet, and the faith- Campbell, MacKnight, and Doddridge, "of scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as
"Think not that I am come to destroy the no esteem," in the kingdom of heaven; but thyself, ye do well: but if ye have respect to
fully obedient, for the first four thousand law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy,
years of earth's history; the teacher and doer of them shall be great persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of
but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, in that kingdom. He then shows how tar- the law as transgressors. For whosoever
That it has been kept by some Christians Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one reaching is that law. Its righteousness ex-
from the first advent of Christ to the pres- shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in
tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till tends not alone to the outward act, but to one point, he is guilty of all. For he that
ent time, as can be clearly proved by history; all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall
That, notwithstanding this, the great ma- the very heart motives which prompt the said r that law which said," margin). Do
break one of these least commandments, and act, so that cherished hatred is a transgres- not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill.
jority of professed Christians are observing shall teach men so, he shall be called the sion of the sixth commandment, and cherished
with more or less devotion and strictness the Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou
least in the kingdom of heaven: but whoso- lust, of the seventh. Matt. 5:20-22, 27, 28. kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
first day of the week, commonly called Sun- ever shall do and teach them, the same shall Truly, he magnified the law, and made it
day; So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be
be called great in the ldngdom of heaven." honorable. judged by the law of liberty." James 2: 8-12.
That it is not a settled question, but is the Matt. 5: 17-19.
most widely agitated religious question in 3. He came to do God's will; God's law The psalmist says: "0 how love I thy law!
the world at the present time, not only in it is my meditation all the day. Thou
religious circles, but in municipal councils, through thy commandments hast made me
in courts of law, and in State and national wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever
legislatures; with me." Ps. 119: 97, 98. And the same
That these facts, and others which might voice of love is echoed by the beloved disci-
he mentioned, have led many thousands of ple: "For this is the love of God, that we
earnest-minded men and women to examine keep his commandments: and his command-
ments are not grievous." I' John 5: 3.
anew the evidences on which Sabbath observ-
ance and Sunday observance are based. From the preceding (and much more tes-
timony might be given), it is clearly evident
Anxious Questioning that neither Christ nor his apostles abro-
gated, repealed, or changed God's law, or
Out of this agitation the following ques- any part of it. They taught its absolute
tions have arisen in many anxious hearts: - integrity and perpetuity. Christ, our great
"Who changed the Sabbath?" and only Example, kept it; and we are com-
"Was it not changed by Christ at his cru- manded to follow him (John 21: 22), to walk
cifixion or resurrection?" as be walked (1 John 2:6).
"Did not the apostles change the Sab-
bath?" By Whom Was the Change Wrought?
"By what power was it changed?" The Sabbath has never been changed by
These questions we hope to answer in this divine authority. It remains forever the
article, and the sources from which we wish -same. Who; then, did make the change
to draw our evidence concerning this change from the seventh to the first day of the week?
are the Bible and reliable historical testi- Do the Scriptures reveal this? - Yes, most.
mony in harmony therewith. clearly. As far as five centuries before
W'hat the Scriptures reveal, every sincere Christ, the prophet points out the power
Christian Protestant will accept. A coun- that should think to lay its hand upon the
terfeit coin is no nearer genuine because of law of Jehovah, should wrench thence the
having been so considered by honest men commandment which expressly points out
for many years; and he would be a foe to the jurisdiction and power of the great Law-
the government and law who would continue giver, and should substitute in its place a
its circulation after he knew it to be spurious. law that would turn men from the worship
Neither is error any less error because of of the true God; and we also have the con-
having been considered truth by the good fession of the power itself that it has done
of past generations. What does the Bible this deed. Note the evidence:-
Let us inquire what the prophets said The Prophetic Prediction
Christ's attitude would be toward that law 1. The apostle Paul said to the church of
of which the Sabbath is a part; and how Christ: -
these prophecies were fulfilled by Christ in For I know this, that after my departing
his teaching and example. shall grievous wolves enter in among you,
not sparing the flock. Also of your own
What Did the Prophets Say? selves shall men arise, speaking perverse
1. Through Moses it is declared that Christ things, to draw away disciples after them."
would not come as a lawgiver, but as a Acts 20: 29, 30.
teacher of God; not of a new doctrine of his "Let no man deceive you by any means:
own, but the words which God would give for that day shall not come, except there come
him. Thus saith the Lord through the a falling away first, and that man of sin be
revealed, the son of perdition; who opposelh
prophet: -
"I will raise them up a Prophet from and exalteth himself above all that is culled God.
among their brethren, like unto thee, and or that is worshiped; so that lie as God sit-
tech in the temple (or church - see I Cur.
will put my words in his mouth; and he shall
speak unto them all that I shall command
"THE SON OF MAW IS LORD ALSO OF THE SABBATH DAY" 3: 16; Eph. 2:20-22) of God, showing him-
self that be is God." 2 Thess. 2: 3, 4.
him. And it shall come to pass, that whoso- It is difficult to see how language could he was in his heart. Did he keep the law? The great head of the church is the Lord
ever will not hearken unto my words which stronger. The Son of God came not to de- Hear him: - Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:22, 23), and the law of
he shall speak in my name, I will require it stroy the law, but to fulfil. To fulfil a law "I have kept my Father's commandments, the church is the word of God, which came
of him." Deut. 18: 18, 19. is to do it. See Gal, 6:2. He goes even and abide in his love." John 15: 10. through Christ. Now the only way for a
2. The Lord tells us through Isaiah that further than this: he declares, in the clearest "And he came to Nazareth, where he had power to oppose God is to enact laws contrary
when Christ, the manifestation of Jehovah's possible language, that he did not come to been brought up: and, as his custom was, he to God's law, and to demand obedience
righteousness, came, he would not degrade or change it, even to the extent of a jot (or yod), went into the synagogue on the Sabbath thereto. The only way in which it could
repeal God's law, but would please God by the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet, or day, and stood up for to read." Luke 4: 16. exalt itself above God is to demand that its
magnifying it. and making it honorable. to a tittle, a little point which serves to dis- When reproved by the Pharisees for break- laws shall be obeyed in preference to God's,
"The Lord {Jehovah] is well pleased for tinguish one letter from another. ing the Sabbath in healing the sick, be de- law. The same law promulgated by two
his [Christ's] righteousness' sake; he [Christ] Certainly the fourth commandment, which fended himself by an appeal to their own prac- rival powers in the same territory would be
will magnify the law, and make it honorable." declares that "the seventh day is the Sab- tice, and concluded by saying, "Wherefore an impossibility, and would show no distinc-
Isa. 42:21. bath of the Lord thy God," and gives the rea- it is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days." tion between the adherents of the two powers.
That this refers to Christ, see verse 19 of son therefor, could not be changed to read, "Law-ful" means according to law. His There must be a difference in the laws, and
the same chapter. "The first day is the Sabbath," with the work was therefore according to the law of therefore this power must seek to change
3. The Spirit of Christ spoke through the requisite reason, without changing many the Sabbath, the fourth commandment, and God's law, and this change or difference be-
prophets. 1 Peter 1:10, 11. Christ, speak- jots and tittles. is a positive proof that he observed it accord- tween the law of God and the law: of this
ing by that Spirit through David, his great Christ further declares that-"till heaven ing to that law. usurping power must be the very mark of
ancestor, said of himself at his first advent: - and earth pass" no such change should take Christ died to save men from sin. Matt. opposition to God and exaltation above him.
"Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it place. In Luke 16: 17 he thus states the 1:21; Titus 2:14. But "sin is the trans- 2. The work of this power is thus pre-
is written of me. I delight to do thy will, 0 impossibility of changing that law: "It is gression of the law." 1 John 3:4. Christ, dieted by Inspiration: -
my God: yea, thy law is within my heart." easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one therefore, died to save men from transgress- "And he shall speak words against the
Ps. 40:7, 8. Compare with Heb. 10: 5-10, tittle of the law to fail." Why? - Because ing his law. The law was so holy as to de- Most High, and shall wear. out the saints of
where this scripture is applied to Christ. heaven and earth might pass, and God could mand the death of the Son of God in order the Most High: and he shall think to change.
Christ's Teaching and Example create another heaven and earth in their to release man from its claims. The law the times and the law; and they shall be
place without affecting his deity; but if his was honored before heaven and earth in the given into his hand until a time and times
1. Christ by his own mouth declares again law should fail, or be shown to be imperfect, death on the cross of the spotless Lamb of and half a time." Dan. 7:25, R. V.
and again that he came, not to give a new his government would be impeached, and God. Here are given three specifications of
law, but to teach God's will, or law. Note the very integrity of his character would be Of the followers of Christ it is said that crime: (1) He shall epealc -words against the
the following among many:- shattered. For his commandments are an they "rested the Sabbath day according to Most High; (2) he shall wear out the saints
"I do nothing of myself; but as my Father expression of his righteous character (Ps. the commandment." Luke 23: 56. The of the Most High; (3) he shall think to change
hath taught me, I speak these things." John 119: 172), and his "righteousness shall not apostle Paul declares that faith establishes the times and the law, evidently of the Most
8:28. he abolished" (Isa. 51: 6). the law in the heart of the believer (Rom. High. We have space to treat of only the
third specification here. The "law" does Such witnesses as the preceding could be "Unquestionably the first law, either ec- day for the seventh, is absolutely without any
not refer to human laws, which every human greatly multiplied. clesiastical or civil, by which the Sabbatical authority in the New Testament."
power has a right to change within proper These statements and claims of representa- observance of that day is known to have The Protestant Episcopal Church says; —
limits, but to a law which this power could tive men of the Roman Catholic Church are been ordained, is the edict of Constantine, "The day is now changed from the seventh
not really change, but only think to change, really of great value to the jury of public A. D. 321, of which the following is a transla-
to the first day, . . but as we meet with
This must be God's law. The Douay Bible opinion, and are entitled to great weight in tion: 'Let all judges, inhabitants of the cit- no Scriptural direction
reads, "He shall think himself able" to do determining the guilt of the accused, espe- ies, and artificers, rest on the venerable Sun- conclude it was for the change, we may
this; the Revised Version, "lie shall think to cially so as her confession is free and volun- day. But in the country, husbandmen may church."— done by the authority of the
change the times and the law." Wintle and tary, given without any pressure whatever. freely and lawfully apply to the business of Explanation of Catechism.
Spurrell read, "Shall presume to change the Yet we are not dependent upon the confession agriculture; since it often happens that the 8, 1885,Christian at Work, in its issue of Jan.
says: —
appointed times and the law." of the criminal in proving that the Church sowing of corn and planting of vines cannot "The selection of Sunday, thus changing
The very first "time" appointed of God of Rome sought to change the law of God in be so advantageously performed on any other
was the day. See Genesis 1. It began at respect to the day to be observed as the Sab- day; lest, by neglecting the opportunity, the particular day designated in the fourth
commandment, was brought about by the
evening and closed at evening. See Lev. bath, for the testimony of history proves they should lose the benefits which the divine gradual
concurrence of the early Christian
23: 32; Mark 1:32. The other "time" ap- that this change was effected through the bounty bestows on us.' . . • church, and on this basis, and none other,
pointed of God in the beginning was the week, influence and power of that church, as fore- "But it was not till the year 538 that absti- does the Christian sabbath, the first day of
marked by the Sabbath. A change in the told by the prophecy. This testimony will nence from agricultural labor on Sunday was the week, rightly rest."
beginning of the day, and a change in the prove that the change in the day observed recommended, rather than enjoined, by an The Methodist Episcopal "Theological
day of the Sabbath, is certainly a change of was made later than the first century, and ecclesiastical authority (the Third Council Compendium" (page 103) says: —
the appointed "times," which would change will serve to confirm and establish the posi- of Orleans), and this expressly that the ' peo- "It is trite there is no positive command
God's law in its most vital part; namely, the tion already clearly proved by the Scrip- ple might have more leisure to go to church, for infant baptism, . . . nor is there any
fourth commandment, the only command- tures, that Jesus did not change the Sabbath and say their prayers;' nor was it till about for keeping holy the first day of the
ment in the law which pertains to time, and in his day nor at any other time, week."
the end of the ninth century that the em- Bishop Seymour Protestant Episcopal),
which requires the sanctifica- peror Leo, 'the philosopher' , quoted in "Why We Keep Sunday," de-
tion of the seventh day. repealed the exemption which clares: —
We have now noticed a part it enjoyed under the edict of We have made the change from the sev-
of the divine predictions of the Constantine. And now, the enth day to the first day, from Saturday to
character and work of the Lard's Day th,roughly Sunday, on the authority of the one holy
criminal. He opposes and ex-
alts himself above God in pre- THE LAW OF GOD established by law as a sab- catholic and apostolic church of Christ."
bath, t le fourth commandment
suming to change that very woull more than ever be em- Summary
law which Christ or God in ployed by the clergy as a More evidence from the Scriptures and
the very nature of the ease Thou shalt have no other gods before me. means of persuading ta its ob- from history might be given, but this is
cannot change, and he thinks servance."—A rticle "S thbath." ample in establishing the positions taken.
to change it in that very part fI Dr. Peter Heylin speaks of Let us briefly sum up the argument: —
which refers to times divinely this state of things as fol- 1. The Scriptures foretell the work of
appointed. This shows that Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any like-
ness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth lows: — Christ and his relation to the divine law, in
the criminal's work must have " In this difference it stood a both his teaching and his practice. He
reference to the fourth com- beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not
bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy long time together. CH in the would maanify the law and make it honor-
mandment, the only one of the cad the Roman Cliurch ob- able, delight in it, and have it in his heart.
ten which relates to time. God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon
the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that tained the cause, and Saturday 2. This was fulfilled in his life and teaching,
Were these predictions ful- basmne a fast almost through as proved by the New Testament writers.
filled? hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love
me, and keep my commandments. all parts of the Western world. He taught its perpetuity and unchangeable
The Confession I say the Western world, mid nature, that "it is easier for heaven and earth
The Roman Catholic Church, III of that alone, the E as tern to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail,"
or the Papacy, declares that she churches being so far from and instead of making or authoidzing
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; altering their ancient custom change in the Sabbath day commanded in
has done the very thing which for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name
the prophecy predicted. Note that in the Sixth Council of that law, he taught how it should be ob-
in vain. C)nstantinople, a. D. 692, they served, and set an example of what it was
the evidence: —
IV did admonish those of Rome to "lawful" to do on that day.
1. Eusebius, one of the most forbear fasting on that day, 3. The Scriptures foretell the work of the
eminent "fathers " of the Cath- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt upon pain of censure."—" His- Papacy and its relation to the law of God.
olic Church, the contemporary, thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sab- tory of the Sabbath," by J. N. It would, in addition to other offenses. think
the apologist, and the deifies of bath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, Andrews, page 282. to change the times and the law, and hence
the corrupt Constantine, says: nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maid- It was by casting gloom and it is designated by Paul as the man of sin,
"All things whatsoever that it servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: reproach upon the Sabbath that who opposes and exalts himself above God.
was duty to do on the Sabbath, for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all this work was successfully car- 4. This has been fulfilled by the Papacy, as
these we have transferred to that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord ried on. abundantly proved by the confessions of the
the Lord's Day [Sunday]." The blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. Heylin says of the use of the accused and the concurrent testimony of the
"we" to whom he refers are term "Sabbath," by the writers e:ninent historians and writers herein quoted.
Constantine, Pope Sylvester, V of the ancient church: — Shall we charge Christ or his apostles with
and such bishops as himself. "The Saturday is called the crime which the Word of God and the
2. The "Doctrinal C a t e- Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long
upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. amongst them by no other testimony of history lay at the door of the
chism," pages 101, 174, 352- name than that which formerly apostate church, and which that church
355, offers proof that Protes- it had, the Sabbath. Ss that acknowledges to be her own?
tante are not guided by VI
whenever, for a thousand years This important fact should bo noted,—
Scripture. We present two of Thou shalt not kill. and upwards, we meet with that we do not base our faith, or our argu-
the questions and answers: — Saliba( ion in any writer of what ment on this question, upon the testimony
"Question.— Have you any VII name soever, it must be under- of history, but upon the inspired Word of
other way of proving that the Thou shalt not commit adultery. stood of no day but Saturday." God, and its fulfilment as proved by the
church has power to institute — Id., page 379. testimony of accredited historians. It is
festivals of precept? VIII He also states, as quoted on proper to go to history to show the fulfilment
"Answer.—Had she not such page 373 of the same work, of God's Word, but it is quite a different
power, she could not have done Thou shalt not steal. that Petrus Alfonsus, in the thing to go there to learn our duty to God,
that in which all modern reli- twelfth century, was the first or to find something which will justify us in
gionists agree with her,— she IX
one who called Sunday the doing that for which there is no warrant in
could not have substituted the Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Christian Sabbath. the Scriptures. The latter is to abandon
observance of Sunday, the first Neander says: — the Protestant doctrine, the Bible and the
day of the week, for the observ- X "Opposition to Judaism in- Bible alone as our rule of faith and practice,
ance of Saturday, the seventh Thou shalt net covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not troduced the particular festival and adopt the Romish doctrine of tradition
day, a change for which there covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maid- of Sunday very early, indeed, instead of the Bible. This is really to re-
is no Scriptural authority." servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy into the place of the Sabbath. ject the Bible and its Author, and accept
"Ques.— When Protestants neighbor's. . . . The festival Sunday, like Rome and her traditions, which make void
do profane work upon Satur- all other festivals, was always the word of God.
day, or the seventh day of the only a human ordinance; and
week, do they follow the Scrip- Conclusion
it was far from the intention of
ture as their only rule of faith? the apostles to establish a di- In conclusion we would call attention to
— do they fin] this permission clearly laid A Gradual Change vine command in this respect,—far from two important points: —
down in the Sacred Volume? This change was brought about by a very them, and from the early apostolic church, 1. The origin of Sunday observance. Let
"Ans.—On the contrary, they have only gradual process, through influences which to transfer the laws of the Sabbath to Sun- it be remembered that Sunday as a subject
the authority of tradition for this practice. prevailed in the church at an early date, and day."—"Church History," Rose's translation of prophecy is Sunday as related to Chris-
In profaning Saturday, they violate one of it was consummated by the power indicated (London, 1831), Vol. I, page 335. tianity. The question, then, is, What power
God's commandments, which he has never by the prophecy of Daniel already quoted. or influence established this observance in
clearly abrogated,—' Remember thou keep The Apostate Church Did Change the Christian church? It was brought in by
That the observance of the Sabbath was the Sabbath
holy the Sabbath day."' continued after the apostolic era, may he the working of that influence which finally
3. In another Catholic work, called the proved by unimpeachable testimony. After William Prynne, a celebrated English di- resulted in the establishment of the Papacy.
"Abridgment of Christian Doctrine," the the introduction of Sunday observance, the vine, thus quotes and comments on the The Papacy existed in embryo long before
Catholic Church asserts its power to change two institutions stood side by side in the twenty-ninth canon of the Council of Laodi- Constantine's time. The mystery of iniq-
the law, in the following manner: — Christian church — the usurper, warmed and cea, A. D. 364: — uity worked even in Paul's day (2 Thess.
"Qua.— How prove you that the church nourished by a spirit of worldly wisdom, Because Christians ought not to Judaize, 2:7), waiting only till the restraining power
hath power to command feasts and holy days? coupled with a pretended veneration fur and to rest on the Sabbath, but to work in of God's Spirit was removed from a back-
"Am.— By the very act of changing the Christ, while the honored Sabbath was grad- that day (which many did at that time refuse sliding church, when the Papacy in its full
Sabbath into Sunday, which Protestants allow ually suffered to fall into disrepute, until it to do). But preferring in honor the Lord's strength would be revealed. The root of
of; and therefore they fondly contradict was finally placed under the ban of papal Day (there being then a great controversy this monstrous system of evil runs back far
themselves by keeping Sunday strictly, and anathema. among Christians which of these two days into the centuries before its open develop-
breaking most other feasts commanded by should have precedency), if they desired to ment, like the tree that sends its taproot far
the same church." Protestant Testimony rest, they should do this as Christians. Be- down into the earth beyond the sight of the
4. We give one more testimony from Ro- The testimony of the Protestant writers cause if they shall be found to Judaize, let observer. Through that root the Sunday has
man Catholic sources; namely, a letter from which follows, it should be noted, is not from them be accursed by Christ. The seventh- found its way into the professed church of
Cardinal Gibbons to Mr. John R. Ashley, of observers or friends of the seventh-day Sab- day Sabbath was solemnized by Christ, the Christ; and on that tree it appears as one
Rock Hall, Md.: — bath, but of the Sunday. In the language apostles, and primitive Christians, till the of the most characteristic fruits. As an
"CARDINAL'S RESIDENCE BALTIMORE, Mn., of President Mahan, "Admissions in favor Laodicean Council did in a manner quite institution, Sunday is both pagan and papal;
"February 25, 1892. of truth from the ranks of its enemies, con- abolish the observation of it. . . . The Coun- as a rival of the Sabbath of the Lord, it is
"Joust R. ASHLEY, Eso., stitute the highest kind of evidence." Sir cil of Laodicea, A. D. 364, first settled the ob- wholly papal.
"DEAR Sin: In answer to your first ques- William Domville says: — servance of the Lord's Day, and prohibited 2. The Sabbath of the Lord is unchange-
tion, directed by the cardinal to reply to your "Centuries of the Christian era passed the keeping of the Jewish Sabbath under an able, although this article is entitled "Who
, I will say: — away before the Sunday was observed as a anathema."—"Dissertation on Lord's Day," Changed the Sabbath?" The Sabbath, like
"1. Who changed the Sabbath? sabbath. History does not furnish us with page 32. every other part of the divine law, cannot
"Answer.— The holy Catholic Church. a single proof or indication that it was at The Augsburg Confession, drawn up by be changed, any more than can the nature or
"2. Are Protestants following the Bible or any time so observed previous to the Sab- Melanchthon, says: — the character of its Author. The law, being
the holy Catholic Church in keeping Sunday? batical edict of Constantine, in A. D. 321." "The observance of the Lord's Day [Sun- an expression of the divine mind and will,
"Ares.— The Protestants are following the —"Examination of the Six Texts," page 291. day] is founded not on any command of God, must be as unchangeable as the Lord himself,
custom introduced by the holy Catholic Chambers's Encyclopedia, free from any but on the authority of the church."—"Cox's and he changes not. The Sabbath also in-
Church. bias in favor of the ancient Sabbath, says: — Sabbath Manual," part 2, sec. 10; also "His- volves a historical event, and hence cannot
"3. The Protestants do contradict them- "By none of the Fathers before the fourth tory of the Sabbath," by J. N. Andrews, page bt changed, for the facts of history admit no
selves by keeping Sundayand at the same century is it (the first day of the week] identi- 437. possibility of change. To illustrate: July 4,
time profess to be guided 'by the Bible only. fied with the Sabbath, nor is the duty of ob- Lyman Abbott, editor of the Christian 1776, was our nation's birthday, Independ-
I am, serving it grounded by them either on the Union, says in that paper of Jan. 19, 1882: — ence Day, as it is sometimes called. This is
"Faithfully yours, fourth commandment or on the precept or "The current notion that Christ and his a fact of history. The same is true of a
"C. F. Tilinsas, Chancellor." example of Jesus or his apostles.. . . apostles authoritatively substituted the first person's birthday. Can one's birthday be
changed from the day on which his birth oc- table word, which would be the same thing. N.GTE.-" You may read the Bible from the Sabbath, and spent the day in devotion
curred to some other day, on which it did So when we speak of the change of the Genesis to Revelation, and you will nut find and sermons. And it is not to be doubted
not occur? Can a correct historical date be Sabbath, we refer not to any actual change a single line authorizing the sanctification of that they derived this practice from the
changed and still be correct? - Manifestly in the law itself, but to the change which the Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the reli- apostles themselves."-"Dialogues on the
not. It will forever remain true that the Papacy has thought to make, and the change gious observance of Saturday, a day which Lord's Day," page 189.
Declaration of Independence was signed it has effected in the practice of the people we never sanctify."- Cardinal Gibbons, in Prof. E. Brerewood, of Gresham College,
July 4, 1776, hence no power can change it in regard to the clay of observance. ' "The Faith of Our Fathers," edition 189.2, London (Episcopal), says: "The Sabbath
to some other date. Dear reader, what power shall we obey? page M. was religiously observed in the Eastern
The same is true of the Sabbath. "Sab- What path shall we choose? Whose Sabbath "Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its church three hundred years and more after
bath' means rest. The Sabbath of the shall we keep? Shall we obey the Word of claims to observance can be defended only our Saviour's passion."-"Learned Treatise
Lord is the Lord's rest day. "He rested on God, or hold to the traditions of men'? Shall on Catholic principles.. . From beginning of the Sabbath," page 77.
the seventh day." Gen. 2:2. Can it ever we accept the counterfeit for the genuine? to end of Scripture there is not a single pas-
he true that be rested on the first day, or Lyman Coleman, a careful and candid his-
Shall we observe the Sabbath of the Lord, or sage that warrants the transfer of weekly torian, says: "Down even to the fifth cen-
any other day of the week? - Nay, verily. the rival sabbath of the "man of sin"? Shall public worship from the last day of the week
Therefore when the fourth commandment tury the observance of the Jewish Sabbath
we obey the law of God as it came from the to the first." Catholic Press (Sydney, Aus- was continued in the Christian church. hut
says that "the seventh day is the Sabbath Lawgiver, and observe the Bible Sabbath? tr alia), Aug. 25, 1900.
of the Lord thy God" (Ex. 20: 10), it states with a rigor and solemnity gradually
or shall we obey the law as changed by the 13. Do Protestant writers acknowledge the ishing until it was wholly discontinued."-
nn unchangeable and eternal fact; hence to Papacy, and observe the Roman Sunday? same? "Ancient Christiandy Exempliji.d," clap. 26,
call the first day, or Sunday, the Sabbath, or The Saviour says, "In vain they do worship They do. sec. 2.
rest day, of the Lord, is to state what is not me, teaching for doctrines the command- NOTE.-"Is there no express command-
true, and never can be true, because God's ments of men." Mutt. 15:9. "Blessed are The historian Socrates, who wrote about
ment for observing the first day of the week the middle of the fifth century, says: "Al-
Word declares that the seventh day is the they that do his commandments, that they as Sabbath, instead of the seventh day? -
Sabbath, or rest day, of the Lord. God may have right to the tree of life, and may most all the churches throughout the world
None whatever. Neither Christ nor his celebrate the sacred mysteries on the Sab-
cannot change the day of his rest, or Sabbath, enter in through the gates into the city." apostles nor the first Christians celebrated
for he cannot deny himself, or his own immu- bath of every week, yet the Christians of
Rev. 22: 14. the first day of the week instead of the sev- Alexandria and at Rome, on account of come
enth as the Sabbath."- New York Weekly ancient tradition, refuse to do this."-"Ec-
Tribune, May 24, 1900, clesiastical History," book 5, chap. 22.
"The Scriptures nowhere call the first day Sozomen, another historian of the same
The Change of the Sabbath of the week the Sabbath, . . . There is no
Scriptural authority for so doing, nor of
period, writes: "The people of Constanti-
nople, and of several other cities, assemble
course any Scriptural obligation."- The together on the Sabbath as well as on the
A Bible Study Watchman (Baptist). next day; which custom is never observed at
"The observance of the first instead of the Rome."- Id., book 7, chap. 19.
The Sabbath and the Law special attention to his Creator. This could seventh day rests on the testimony of the All this would have been inconceivable and
be done in no other way so effectually as by church, and the church alone."- Hobart impossible had there been a divine comn and
1. Or what is the Sabbath commandment setting aside God's memorial - the seventh- Church News (Episcopalian), July 2, 18.94. given for the change of the Sabbath. The
a part? day Sabbath. To this work of the Papacy Papal claims and Protestant admissions last two quotations also show that Rome led
The law of God. See Ex. 20:8-11. Daniel had reference when he said, "And show, therefore, who changed the Sabbath. in the apostasy and in the change of the
2. What, according to prophecy, was to be he shall . . . think to
Christ's attitude toward the law? Sabbath.
change times and laws." 16. 'What striking tea-
"The Lord is well pleased for his righteous- Dan. 7: 25, timony is borne by Me-
ness' sake; he will magnify the law, and make 11. Does the Papacy
it honorable." Isa. 42: 21. ander, the noted church

Christ say of the law?

acknowledge that it has
3. In his first recorded discourse, what did changed the Sabbath?
It does.
THE LAW OF GOD historian, regarding the
origin of the Sunday
"Think not that I am come to destroy the NOTE. -"Question.-- As Found in Roman Catholic Catechisms in General Use "Opposition to Juda-
law, or the prophets: I am not come to de- How prove you that the ism introduced the par-
stroy, but to fulfil." Matt. 5: 17. church ha th power to He strati think himself able to change times and laws. Dan, 7121, Douay Bible. ticular festival of Sunday
4. How enduring did he say the law is? command feasts and very early, indeed, into
"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven holy days? PAPAL ASSUMPTIONS PAPAL ADMISSIONS
the place of the Sabbath.
and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in "Answer.- I3y the low may read the . The festival of Sun-
The Pope is. as it were,
no wise pass from the law, till all be ful- very act of changing the day like all other festi-
filled." Verse 18.
God on earth, sole sov-
ereign of tire faithful of
1. I am the Lord Bible from Genesis to
Revelation, and yen will
Sabbath into Sunday, Christ. chief Bing of thy God. Thou shalt not lied a single line au- vals,' was always only a
5. What did he say of those who should which Protestants allow thorizing the sanctifica- human ordinance, and it
break one of the least of God's command- of; and therefore they kings. having plenitude of not have strange gods tion
power, to whom has been of Sunday. The was far from the inten-
ments, and teach men so to do? fondly contradict them- intrusted by Almighty before me. Scriptures enforce the re-
tions of the apostles to
"Whosoever therefore shall break one of selves by keeping Sun- God direction not only ligious observance of Sat-
of the earthly but also urday.- " Faith of 011r establish a divine com-
these least commandments, and shall teach day strictly, and break- of the heavenly kingdom. Fathers," James Cardinal mand in this respect, far
men so, he shall be called the least in the king- ing most other feast The Pope Is of so great 2. Thou shalt not Gibbons, page M. from them, and from the
dom of heaven." Verse 19. authority and power that Qucstions-H a v e ynu
early apostolic church, to
NOTE.- From this it is evident that the days commanded by
the same church."-
he can modify, explain. or take the name of the any other way of proving
It art„Aesrpret even divine Lord thy God in vain. that the church has transfer the laws of the
entire code of ten commandments is binding "Abridgment of Christian power to institute fes- Sabbath to Sunday. Per-
in the Christian dispensation, and that Christ Doctrine," by Rev. Henry The Pope can modify tivals of precept?
divine law, since his Answer.- Had she not haps at the end of the
had no thought of changing any of them. T uberville, D. D., of such power, she could not second century a false
power is not of man but
One of these commands the observance of Doitay College, France cf God. and he acts as 3. Remember thou have done that In which application of this kind
the seventh day as the Sabbath. But the (1649), page 58. vicegerent of God upon all modern religionists
keep holy the Sabbath agree with her she could had begun to take place;
practice of most Christians is different; they earth with most ample
"Ques.-Ilave you r ower of binding and day. not have substituted the for men appear by that
keep the first day of the week instead, many any other way of prov- loosing his sheep.- observance of Sunday, the time to have considered
of them believing that Christ changed the ing that the church has Ferraris's "Ecclesiastical first day of the week. for
the observance of Satur- laboring on Sunday as
Sabbath. But, from his own words, we see power to institute festi- Pic t 'le nary," article 4. Honor thy father day, the seventh day, a
"Papa." a sin.' - Meander's
that he came for no such purpose. The re- vals of precept? The Roman Pontiff and thy mother. change for which there "Church History," Rose's
sponsibility for this change must therefore be Is no Scriptural author-
"Ans.- Had she not Is the vicegerent on
ity.-" A Doctrinal Gate- translation, page 166.
looked for elsewhere. such power, she could
earth, not of mere roan,
Odeon," by Rev. Stephen .
but of the true God.-
liessan, Page 174. The First Sunday Law
"The Man of Sin" not have done that in " The Deerctale of Greg- 5. Thou shalt not The Catholic Church
which all modern reli- ory IX," book 1, title 7, 17. Who first enjoined
eke!, 3. kill. changed the day from
6. What did God, through the prophet gionists agree with her: Christopher 3Iarcellus. Sa turday
u to Sunday. .. . Sunday keeping by law?
Daniel, say the power represented by the she could not have sub- in an oration In the The Christian sabbath is Constantine the Great.
fourth session of the therefore to this day the NOTES. -" h e earli-
"little horn" would think to do? stituted the observance Fifth Lateran Council, acknowledged offspring of
"And he shall speak words against the of Sunday, the first day 6. Thou shalt not the Catholic Church. . . . est recognition of the
said of Pope Julius TI.
Most High, and shall wear out the saints of of the week, for the ob- Thou art another God commit adultery. without a word of remon- observance of Sunday as
on earths"- Labbe end strance from the Prot- a legal duty is a consti-
the Most High: and lie shall think to change servance of Saturday, estant world.- The Cath-
Gossett's "History of the tution of Constantine in
the times and the law." Dan. 7:25. R. V. the seventh day, a colineus," Vol. XIV, col. olic .3iirror, Sept. M. lint
7. What did the apostle Paul say the "man change for which there Queas- Which Is the A. D. 321, enacting that
10p. 7. Thou shalt not Sabbath day?
of sin" would do? is no Scriptural author- The following proposi- Ana.- Saturday Is the
all courts of justice, in-
"For that day shall not come, except there ity."-"A Doctrinal Cat- tions are taken from the steal. Sabbath day. habitants of towns, and
"Dictates of Hildebrand" Quett-Why do we ob- workshops were to be at
come a falling away first, and that man of echism," by Rev. Stephen (Gregory VII) :- serve Sunday instead of rest on Sunday (venera-
BM be revealed, the son of perdition; who Keenan, page 174 . Prop. 1: The Roman Saturday?
opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is "The Catholic Church Church was founded by 8. Thou shalt not Ans.-We observe Sun- bill die Solis), with an
our Lord alone.
called God, or that is worshiped." 2 Thess. of its own infallible au- Prop. 2: The Roman bear false witness day instead of Saturday exception in favor of
because the Catholic those engaged in agricul-
2:3, 4, thority created Sunday Pontiff alone Is justly against thy neighbor. Church, in the Council of
Nom,.- There is only one way by which a holy day to take the styled universal. Leodicee to, D. 3313 tural labor"- Encyclo-
any power could exalt itself above God, and place of the Sabbaths of Prop. 9 All princes ( ?]), transferred the so- pedia Britannica, ninth
should kiss the feet of lemnity from Saturday to edition, article" Sunday."
that is by assuming to change the law of the old law."- Kansas the Pope alone. Sunday.-" The Convert's
God, and to require obedience to its own law City Catholic, Feb. 9, g. Thou shalt not Catechism of Catholic "Constantine the
Prop. 18 : IIls sentence
instead of God's law. 1393. is not to be reviewed by covet thyneighbor's Der/role,' by Rev. Peter Great made a law for
any one, while be alone wife. Gelermann, page se. the whole empire (A. D.
" The Catholic Church, can review the decisions The observance of Sun-
A Papal Claim . . by virtue of her di- of all others. day by Protestants is an 321) that Sunday should
vine mission, changed Prop. 10 He ought to homage they pay, in spite be kept as a day of rest
8. What power has claimed authority to be judged by no one. of themselves, to the in all cities and towns:
change the law of God? the day from Saturday xo. Thou shalt not thority of the (Catholic]
to Sunday." - Catholic
Prop. 22: The Roman
-"Plain Talk but he allowed the coun-
The Papacy. Church has never erred covet thy neighbor's Church. About the Protestantism try people to follow their
9. What part of the law of God especially Mirror, official organ of nor will it. according to
the Scriptures, ever err. goods. of Today," from the work ."-Encyclopedia
has the Papacy thought to change? Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. French of il000tymor Se-
-“Aiiiiats of narnatus:' Americana, article "Sab-
The fourth commandment. 23, 1893. 1070, Vol. .11, col. 500. gur, page f15.
"Ques.-Which is the bath."
Noses.-"They [the Catholics] allege the "Unquestionably the
Sabbath changed into Sunday, the Lord's Sabbath day? first law, either ecclesi-
Day, contrary to the decalogue, as it appears; "Ans.-Saturday is
astical or civil, by which
neither is there any example more boasted the Sabbath day. the Sabbatical observance of that day is
"Ques.- Why do we observe Sunday in- How the Change Came About
of than the changing of the Sabbath day. knoWn to have been-ordained, is the edict of
Great, say they, is the power and authority stead of Saturday? 14. How did this change in observance of Constantine, A. R. 321."- Chambers's Ency-
of the church, since it dispensed with one "Ans.- We observe Sunday instead of days come about, suddenly or gradually?
clopedia, article "Sabbath."
of the ten commandments."- Augsburg Con- Saturday because the Catholic Church, in Gradually. 18. What did Constantine's law require?
fession, Art. 28. the Council of Laodicea (A. D. 336), trans- NOTES.-"Thd Christian church made no "Let all the judges and townspeople, and
"It [the Roman Catholic Church] has re- ferred the solemnity from Saturday to Son- formal, but a gradual and almost uncon- the occupation of all trades rest on the ven-
versed the fourth commandment, doing away day."-"The Convert's Catechism of Catholic scious, transference of the one day to the erable day of the sun; but let those who are
with the Sabbath of God's Word, and insti- Doctrine," by Rev. Peter Gs/smarm, C. SS. R.,
other."-" The Voice From Sinai," by Arch- situated in the country, freely and at full
tuting Sunday as a holy day."- N. Sum- page 50, third edition. 1918, a work which re- deacon F. W. Farrar, page 167. liberty attend to the business of agriculture;
merbell, in "History of the Christians," page ceived the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X, This of itself is evidence that there was no because it often happens that no other day
418. Jan. 25, 1910.
What was done at the Council of Laodicea divine command for the change of the Sab- is so fit for sowing corn and planting vines;
10. Why did God command Israel to hal- lest, the critical moment being let slip, men
low the Sabbath? was but one of the stens by which the change bath.
"And hallow my Sabbaths; and they shall of the Sabbath was effected. The date usu- day 15. For how long a time was the seventh- should lose the commodities granted by
Sabbath observed in the Christian heaven,"- Edict of March 7, A. D. 321, Cor-
be a sign between me and you, that ye may ally given for this council is A. D. 361. church? pus Juris Civilis Cod., lib. 3, tit. 12, 5.
know that I am the Lord your God." Eze. No Bible Authority for Sunday NOTE.- This edict, issued by Constan-
For many centuries. In fact, its observ-
20:20. Sacredness ance has never wholly ceased in the Chris- tine, under whom the Christian church and
NOTE.-As the Sabbath was given that the Roman state were first united, in a man-
man might keep God in mind as Creator, it 12. Do Catholic authorities acknowledge tian church.
can be readily seen that a power endeavoring that there is no command in the Bible for the NOTES.- Mr. Morer, a learned clergyman ner supplied the lack of a divine command
to exalt itself above God would first try to sanctification of Sunday? of the Church of England, says: "The prim- for Sunday observance, and may be con-
cover up or remove that which calls man's They do. itive Christians had a great veneration for sidered the original Sunday law, and the
model after which all Sunday laws since then
have been patterned. It was one of the im- excuse to offer for their treachery to their
portant steps in bringing about and estab- inspired teacher? — None whatsoever.
lishing the change of the Sabbath. "All Protestantism stands this day be-
19, What testimony does Eusebius (270- fore the world convicted of the grossest
treachery toward their teacher, the Bible,
338), a noted bishop of the church, a flatterer
of Constantine, and the reputed father of without the shadow of excuse for their trea-
ecclesiastical history, hem• upon this subject? son. And what is far worse, they have aban-
"All things whatsoever that it was duty doned their divine guide, the Bible, and ac-
to do on the Sabbath, these we have trans- cepted the practice of the Catholic Church,
ferred to the Lord's Day."—"Commentary which they stigmatize as a corrupt organi-
on the Psalms," Cox's "Sabbath Literature, zation, steeped in error, while their own ac-
Vol. 1, page 361. tion in this particular brands them as the
NOTE.— The change of the Sabbath was most illogical, self-convicted organization on
the result of the combined efforts of church
nod state, and centuries passed before it was Before concluding this discourse, I will
take occasion to address my remarks to
fully accomplished.
Dr.— personally
The Church Forbidden to Observe "You cannot help feeling, now that you
the Seventh Day have entered on the recent controversy, al-
SAINT PETER'S THE PAPAL COAT OF ARMS THE VATICAN together unequipped with the qualifications
20. When and by what church council necessary, whether natural or acquired. And
was the observance of the seventh day for-
bidden, and Sunday observance enjoined?
"The seventh-day Sabbath was . . . sol-
A Challenge to Protestants I would at this juncture suggest that, as an
honest man who has the courage of his con-
victions, you have no resource left other than
emnized by Christ, the apostles, and primi- Tire Catholic Mirror, the official organ of influences we should be lost both here and to apprise the good people who look to you
tive Christians, till the Laodicean Council did, Cardinal Gibbons, in its issue of June 12, hereafter, etc.' for guidance, of the fact that a change has
in a manner, quite abolish the observation 1897, reports a discourse by Father O'Keefe, "But this consoling picture happens to come over the spirit of your dream, which I
of it. . . . The Council of Laodicea fn. D. delivered the Sunday before, in which some have a reverse side also; and as Dr. — has will take the liberty to outline for you. . . .
3641 . . . first settled the observation of the very grave charges are made from the Ro- put it so aptly, 'The great purpose of Protes- You may use the following words or their
Lord's Day."— Prynne's "Dissertation on the man Catholic standpoint against Protestants tant ministers must be to uphold the inspira- equivalent in your own language: —
Lord's Day Sabbath," page 183. in general. Mr. O'Keefe gives a concluding tion of the Scriptures,' let us calmly inquire "'Brethren, you are well aware of my re-
21. What did this council, in its twenty- summary, of a series of discourses he has been as to the record of the same Protestant min- cent encounter with a Catholic priest touch-
ninth canon, decree concerning the Sabbath, delivering in answer to some sermons of a isters for more than ten generations, touch- ing the origin of our dearly cherished teacher.
and concerning the Christians who continued Protestant pastor in Baltimore. The pastor ing their respect for, and adherence to, the the Bible. . . . Did you ever suspect that you
to observe it? maintained the Protestant doctrine that "the lessons of their inspired guide. Let me ask had never once kept the Sabbath of the Lord!
"Christians ought not to Judaize, and to Bible is the word of• God, his mouthpiece to what teaching of Protestantism is more im- When I recall the earnest appeals made by
rest in the Sabbath, but to work in that day. us — our guide and our treasure." pressively inculcated by the ministers, 'in me from this and other pulpits to my people
. . Wherefore if they shall be found to Mr. O'Keefe, on the contrary, held, in season and out of season,' than the sanctifi- to sanctify the Sabbath, and my manifold
Judaize, let them be accursed from Christ"— accordance with the established Catholic cation of the Sabbath? There is no lesson severe remonstrances against its desecration,
Id., pages 33, 34. view, that the Bible is not a sufficient rule of better conned in the Sunday school; none I feel mortified beyond expression that all my
NOTES.— Some of the further steps taken Christian faith, but that it must be supple- from the pulpit more energetically impressed eloquence has been misspent and misapplied.
by church and state authorities in bringing mented and supported by the traditions, in- than this, grounded in indelible characters Our Bible teaches absolutely that the Lord's
about this change may be noted as fol- terpretations, and authority of the Catholic on every page of our Bible. And yet a Sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday; and we hare
lows: — Church, greater mockery, delusion, and snare was never kept Saturday. Thus we are stranded
"In 386, under Gratian, Valentinian, and True Protestants believe, as stated by never before sought to be palmed off on the high and dry by our apostasy in abandoning
Theodosius, it was decreed that all litigation Chillingw•orth, that "the Bible only is the unsuspecting masses of Protestantism. our teacher, the Bible, and borrowing Rome's
and business should cease [on Sunday).. . religion of Protestants." And when this "Open the Bible with the book of Gene- day. But what are we to do in the future?
"Among the doctrines laid clown in a letter fundamental principle is assailed in such sis,— when God rested from :reation on the We may as well view the situation squarely.
of Pope Innocent I, written in the last year strong terms as those employed by Mr. seventh day, called thereafter Sabbath, be- "'We can go on as ever, living (Icy n pub-
of his papacy (416), is that Saturday should O'Keefe, it is important that every Protestant cause God rested on that day,— and peruse lic sentiment and sound logical principles,
he observed as a fast day. . . . shall closely examine the foundations of his every page of the Old Testament, and the but where is the truth — where the honesty
"In 420, under Theodosius the Younger, faith and practice, and be assured of the New to the last page of the Revelation, and involved in such a proceeding? This would
abstinence from theatricals and the circus ground on which he is standing. point ins a single passage or word in the be arrant hypocrisy. On the other hand, if
[on Sunday) was enjoined. . The following quotations are extracted Bible that deviates in the slightest point we adhere to its teaching, it is necessary as
"In 533, at a council at Orleans, . . . it from the report of Father O'Keefe's discourse, from the day of rest taken by the Creator, honest men to brave all opposition, and de-
was ordained that everything previously per- omitting such portions as are so personal and in the divine injunction, not only authorized cide on obeying God's command to keep
mitted on Sunday should still be lawful; but local in character as to be wanting in in- but actually kept by the Master and his ith the Jews the Bible Sabbath, and meet
that work at the plow, or in the vineyard, terest to the general reader. Mr. O'Keefe apostles. hereafter each Saturday, instead of Sunday.
and cutting, reaping, threshing, tilling, and says: — "The Hebrew people have undeviatingly Honesty and truth demand this course.
hedging should be abstained from, that people "[Reverend 1 affects to believe it [the handed down this day of rest by keeping it "'Hut there is still another alternative
might more conveniently attend church. . . . Bible) to be the embodiment of God's will every week since the command, 'Remember left. We are indebted to Rome for the Sun-
"About 590, Pope Gregory, in a letter to toward man addressed him under that form, the Sabbath day, to keep it holy,' was pro- day arrangement... . Let us give her a
the Roman people, lenounced as the proph- as expressed within its pages and covers. mulgated, until last Saturday. They have hearing. If her claim can be maintained,
ets of Antichrist those who maintained that He pretends to cherish it beyond every the divine injunction for this obligation in we are no longer without a divine teacher,
work ought not to be done on the seventh earthly treasure; he proposes to look to it their Bible, which they hold to be God's and that teacher secures us the possession
day."—"Law of Sunday," by James T. Ring- for counsel and instruction in all that apper- Word; and it is equally certain that for over of Sunday. "All's well that ends well."'"
gold, pages 285-087. tains to the present and future life. In a sixty years from the origin of Christianity, of Such a challenge as the foregoing, thrown
The last paragraph of the foregoing quota- word, he almost imagines he hears the voice which the Gospels and the Acts of the Apos- into the face of the Protestant world by is
tion indicates that even as late as A. D. 590 of God speaking through its pages. He is tles are, in the estimation of Protestants, di- representative of the Catholic Church, should
there were those in the church who observed merciless against all gainsayers who would vine witnesses. no word or act from the Mas- receive the candid consideration that the im-
and who taught the observance of the Bible disparage or seek to detract its divine origin. ter or the apostles has ever furnished any portance of the subject demands. We should
Sabbath, the seventh day. And yet this Reverend —, with his ecstatic indication of a change of day. . investigate this matter, and on finding that
and almost idolatrous worship of his Bible, if "Just here we are reminded furthermore of the papal claim is true, should return to the
To Whom Is Obedience Due? we take his word for it, has, I boldly assert, the jeremiad of the Reverend Doctor, 'Have Word of God, and reverently observe the
22. What determines whose servants we proved himself a base traitor to his own we no Bible that logic and priests cannot de- seventh day, the Lord's Sabbath, instead of
are? avowed principles; and abandoning that stroy?' I answer emphatically, You have a the first day of the week as substituted by
"Know ye not, that to whom ye yield highly cherished boon and spiritual gift and Bible, whether a divine or human work you the Church of Rome.
yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye treasure, has, with a treachery unparalleled cannot say, which you have been persistently -0- -0--
are to whom ye obey?" Rom. 6: 16. in the annals of human sophistry, delivered antagonizing every week of your life. That
23. When tempted to bow down and wor- PERSONS desirous of making a careful study
ship Satan, what reply did Christ make? of the Sabbath question will find in "The
"Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Change of the Sabbath " a veritable store-
Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and house of information on the subject. Paper
him only shall thou serve." Matt. 4: 10, 11. binding, 25 cents; cloth, 50 cents.
24. What do Cat'wlics say of the observ-
ance of Sunday by Protestants?
"It was the Catholic Church which, by THE BEREAN LIBRARY
the authority of Jesus Christ, has trans-
ferred this rest to the Sunday in remem- ALL who desire to study further the impor-
brance of the resurrection of our Lord. tant Bible subjects presented in this series of
Thus the observance of Sunday by the Protes- Extras should order from this liat of valuable
tants is en homage they pay, in spite of them- books put up in paper covers, postpaid. at the
selves, to the authority of the [Catholic) church." following very low prices: —
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Today," by Monsignor Segur, page 213. Thoughts on Daniel. 345 pages
25. What kind of worship does the Sav- Thoughts on Revelation, 430 pages .35
iour call that which is not according to God's Religious Liberty in America, 448 pages .35
commandments? His Glorious Appearing, rait pages .rs
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for doctrines the commandments of men." The Sabbath in History, 600 pages
Matt. 15:9. .50
Capital and Labor, so8 pages
26. When Israel had apostatized, and were Here and Hereafter, 36o pages
almost universally worshiping Baal, what .30
Bible Footlights, 32o pages •35
appeal did Elijah make to them? Our Paradise Home, 128 pages
"How long halt ye between two opinions?
if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, Order from the publishers, whose
then follow hint." 1 Kings 18: 21. address is given below
NOTE.— In times of ignorance God winks HE SHALL THINE TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS
at that which otherwise would be sin; but
when light comes, he commands men every- himself and his following over to the Catholic guide and teacher of yours, which you hypo-
where to renent. Acts 17: 30. The period Church, as surely as Judas sold his Master critically profess to regard as the word of
during which the saints, times, and the law for thirty pieces of silver -r a church that God, orders you, under severe penalties, to
of God were to he in the hands of the Papacy he never ceases to stigmatize and revile. , . . keep the Sabbath day; that day first kept by
The Advent Review
has expired (Dan. 7: 25); the true light on "With the piercing appeal made with so the Redeemer every week while on earth;
the Sabbath question is now shining; and much agonizing pathos, 'IIave we no Bible the same day kept to this hour by the He-
and Sabbath Herald
God is sending a message to the world, call- that logic and priests cannot destroy?' be- brew people, who in this particular are con- March 6, 1916
ing upon men to fear and worship him, and fore our minds, let us seek a correct apprecia- sistent followers of their and your Bible
to return to the observance of his holy rest tion of its sincerity. Let me here ask this redoubtable champion of ISSUED EACH THURSDAY IVY THE
day, the seventh-day Sabbath. Rev. 14:6- "Before, however, doing this, let us investi- Protestantism whether he and his blinded
12; Isa. 56: 1; 58:1, 12-14, gate the true inwardness of this frantic appeal. followers have once obeyed during their whole Review & Herald Publishing Association
"'The Bible is the word of God, his lives this highly treasured teacher, I can Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
-s- mouthpiece to us — our guide and our treas- answer for him and them most emphatically,
Terms: in Advance
"Tuus saith the Lord, Keep ye judgment, ure. We clasp it to our heart of hearts No! What excuse or subterfuge can be of- V.00 Sims Months $1.00
and do justice: for my salvation is near to daily, as did once — and ever after — the fered by them in palliation of this lifelong One Year
Three Months .... ....$ .50
come, and my righteousness to be revealed. great Luther, when he discovered for the infraction of a commandment which God
Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son first time the chained copy in the library. himself calls a perpetual covenant? — None [Eu[4/.44125 second-class matter, August .4, 1003, at
of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the It is the direct expression of "the way, the whatsoever. And does he not declare that the oost office at Washington, D. C., under the eat of
Sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his truth, and the life," to us and all evangelical the penalty of its infraction is death? — Congress of March 3, [879.]
hand from doing any evil." Isa. 56: 1, 2. Christians. Without it and its soothing All this is undeniable. But have they no

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