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The Third and Final Testament, Part 1

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Part 1: The Truth shall set you free The Third and Final Testament


T h e Th ird
a nd Final
Tes tam en t
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Part 1: The Truth shall set you free The Third and Final Testament

‘God is my duty’
These are the words of the holy one, the true
one who holds the key of David
Revelation 3:7

If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto
him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of this book,
God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of
the holy city, and from the things which are written in this

And if any man impede the dissemination of the content of

this book, I will visit upon him the severest penalties under
the Law.

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To John ‘the Baptist’ Lennon

from whom I took the Eternal Flame
And all the Prophets and Martyrs
whose blood was spilt for teaching
the truth:
All You Need is Love

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Part 1: The Truth shall set you free The Third and Final Testament

Part 1
The truth shall
set you free
The Book of Love
The Book of haShem

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I am the Messiah 1, the Christ

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven
about the space of half an hour.
Revelation 8:1

.....the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy

Revelation 19:10

He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen.

Come, Lord Jesus’.
Revelation 22:20

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government
shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful
Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon
the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it
with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of
the Lord of hosts will perform this.
Isaiah 9:6-7

Relying upon the word of Thy Son Jesus Christ, that we are to lift up our
heads when these things come to pass, and that the remaining days of the
6,000 years of the devil’s rule shall be ‘shortened’, I call upon Thee to make
haste, O God, to redeem the world from sin, sickness, and death, and to
take it under Thy immediate Governance.
The Call for Deliverance, Panacea Society Prayer

You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you
possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you
refuse to come to me to have life.
John 5:39-40

These are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the
Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in
his name
John 20:30-31

Is there no help for the Widow’s son?

Phrase based on the highest oath in freemasonry

1 Or am I a very naughty boy? Both can of course be true.

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The Book
of Love
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‘Did ye never
read in
the scriptures...?’

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Salvation and law

Q. What is the difference between unlawful and illegal?
A. The salvation of man

Common Law: the term is of English origin and is used to describe the
juridical principles and general rules regulating the possession, use and
inheritance of property and the conduct of individuals, the origin of which
is not definitely known2, which have been observed since a remote period
of antiquity, and which are based upon immemorial usages and the
decisions of the law courts as distinct from the lex scripta; the latter
consisting of imperial or kingly edicts or express acts of legislation
From the Catholic Encyclopedia,

Jesus said unto him, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great
commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself’. On these two commandments hang all the Law and
the prophets3.
Matthew 22:34-40

Jesus Christ: ‘Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the prophets:
I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill4’
Matthew 5:17

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have
loved you, that ye also love one another.
John 13:34

It is easier for heaven and earth to come to an end than for one dot or one
stroke of the Law to lose its force.
Luke 16:17, The New English Bible

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no

authority except that which God has established 5. The authorities that
exist have been established by God.
Romans 13:1, NIV

2 It is curious that the Catholic Church should not definitely know that the English Common Law comes from the Bible.
3 The same commandments are laid down in the Book of Mark, 12:28-32
4 The Greek word used also means to ‘complete’.
5 You only owe a duty to the authority of God or an authority following God’s Law

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Love is the Law and the Law is Love

‗Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment. And the
second is like unto it,
‗Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself‘.

God’s Bible makes it clear that the above two commandments

are the key to ‘all of the Law’:

On these two commandments hang all the Law and the prophets.

It therefore follows that man cannot make Law: he can only issue decrees, make rulings or pass
legislation, which do not automatically have the binding force of Law or authority.

Since the Law is mandatory, any man-made system of legislation and constitution – known as civil law --
must expressly include the Law to be properly constituted ‘law’, whether you call it maritime law,
admiralty law, contract law, constitutional law, commercial law, trust law or some other name for a
system of law. If a civil or legal code fails to recognise the Law, it is per se unlawful and cannot prevent
you from insisting on your Common Law right to redress, if your rights are infringed.

When we use ‘law’, we are therefore describing a system founded on God’s laws yet extended to
include legislation and other statutes and rulings. The ‘law’ part is created by God. The rest is created
by man.

Maxims of Law
Man’s ‘law’
The rule of Law Because only God can make Law, it follows that the most honest interpretation of the
word ‘laws’ must refer to the two commandments of God’s Law.
is paramount
and mandatory Where the phrase ‘man’s laws’ exists in the Bible, it must therefore be interpreted
primarily as: ‘the laws man is bound by, the two commandments’ rather than ‘the
Everyone is
laws created by man’ because only God can create law. Obviously, people use the
equal before
word ‘laws’ to describe legislation created by man but this is inaccurate and wrong.
God and the
Law As the word of God -- told through prophets and now the Christ – the Bible is a higher
authority in law than any dictionary when it comes to interpreting the right meaning
of words. The distinction is rehearsed many times in the Bible:

On the other hand those who rely on obedience to the law are under a curse;
for Scripture says: ‗Cursed are all who do not persevere in doing everything that
is written in the Book of the Law.‘ It is evident that no one is ever justified
before God in terms of law; because we read, ‗he shall gain life who is justified
through faith‘. [...]

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Christ brought us freedom from the curse of the law.

Galatians 3:10-12, The New English Bible

To be obedient to the two commandments of Love written in the Book of the Law -- also known as the
Bible -- is an expression of faith, which leads to redemption. To be unquestioningly obedient to
legislation – whether religious, biblical or secular -- is an expression of fear, indicative of the mind-set of
the slave, the man who has given up determining right and wrong for himself, the man who all too easily
allows himself to be manipulated. And there is no one more dangerous than a slave who wrongly
believes he is free. The test of the man will be though how he reacts when he is shown the evidence of
his slavery.

Because of this, a vigorous ‘democracy’ can all too easily turn into ‘mob rule’. It is not those who know
they practise evil who pose the greatest threat. It is men like Tony Blair who commit evil and imagine
they are doing good because they have legislation created by man on their side – but not Law created by

The Bible makes it abundantly clear that law, small ‘l’, is legislation, a temporary measure introduced
until the arrival of the ‘issue’, which from context can only be read in the first instance as ‘Christ’:

Then what of the law? It was added to make wrongdoing a legal offence. It was a
temporary measure pending the arrival of the ‗issue‘ to whom the promise was made.
Galatians 3:19, The New English Bible

Any use of the word ‘law’ -- where there is no method of determining rights under the Law -- is
misrepresentation and fraud.

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Maxim of Law
Love in law Everything is
Under the Law, you are a creation of God, a soul alive and incarnated as a flesh and permitted,
blood man, born free of any duty to any other man or corporation, with free will and which is not
absolute responsibility for his actions before God.
forbidden by
In law, these commandments are expressed as: law

Your duty to God, which comes first – the ‗great commandment‘

Your duty to humanity, which follows

Your duty to your family6 is part of your duty to humanity. Where your duty to humanity and your duty
to your family clash, your duty to humanity prevails. In a global culture, those far away can be affected
by our actions so your ‘neighbour’ could be working in a sweatshop in Asia, especially if he has made the
cheap jeans you are wearing. Your duty to humanity does not take precedence over your duty to God.

Spiritually, you are on a soul journey in which your duty is to be like God: to be as loving, wise and
compassionate as God. Of those three higher qualities, the only one we can hope to emulate in this
world is Love. We cannot have God’s wisdom or compassion but we can love like God: unconditionally.
The Law reflects this. It does not impose a duty on you to be wise or compassionate – those are goals
on the journey. It does though impose a duty we are all capable of: Love, which includes a love of
Justice and Truth, the bedrock on which Justice is founded.

The Second Commandment

If you are observing the sovereign law laid down in Scripture: ‘Love your
neighbour as you love yourself’, that is excellent. [...] For if a man keeps
the whole law apart from one single point, he is guilty of breaking all of it.
James 2:10-11, New English Bible

Although the above passage refers to ‘Love your neighbour...’as the sovereign law, it is clear from
context and reason that this refers to the Old Covenant with Moses 7. The great commandment to ‘Love
God’ comes above the normal commandment of ‘Love your neighbour...’ precisely because it is referred
to as ‘great’ in the Bible itself. In other areas, the Bible, the Oath and insurance contracts make it clear
that God is a higher authority than man so it is axiomatic that your duty to God comes above your duty
to humanity. Additionally, the duty to God includes a duty to humanity as man is a creation of God. In
any case, if you live in love, you will love all aspects of God’s creation because love is unconditional and
not selective.

6Your ‘family’ may of course be your nation, tribe or football team among others.
7This does not mean that your duty to God did not exist under the Mosaic Covenant. It just meant that it was not
determinable at law, unless you had formally sworn your duty under oath as, for example, when giving a witness
statement in court. In that case, you can be charged with perjury for failing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth, as you swore to do before God.

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As the biblical Christ makes clear in the Sermon on the Mount the commandment of ‘Love your
neighbour…’ is not an excuse to hate your enemy. The second commandment is often not quoted in
full. The ‘ you love yourself’ is often left understood. Yet, it is imperative that you learn to love
yourself before you can effectively serve God and humanity.

If more activists and religious people looked into their own hearts rather than constantly seeking to
blame others – usually as a result of their own ideological bigotry -- then we could solve the world’s
problems overnight.

This commandment also provides an apparent get out clause for those inclined to try and cheat God and
karma, when you hate yourself as you hate your neighbour. In other words, you might beat or torture a
man and claim in defence that you would expect the same, if you were his prisoner. However, the
validity of this interpretation is easily refuted. The second commandment as it is rendered in the Book
of John more clearly expresses the Law of Love:

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you,
that ye also love one another.
John 13:34

It is simply a duty to love each other. ‘Hate your neighbour as you hate yourself’ as a philosophy is also
repudiated by the great commandment’s exhortation to ‘Love God’, which by reason also applies to that
which he has created: each individual man.

These perverted and self-serving interpretations of the Bible will in any

case be more quickly dismissed under the New Covenant, as God the
Son will be there to correctly interpret the will of God the Father. The
motivation for misinterpreting God’s Law is usually to avoid taking
responsibility for our actions. To be absolutely clear, you are
responsible for your actions and words8. In its simplest form, divine
justice or Karma means: ‘What you put out, you get back’.

Love and you add to the sum total of love in the world. Hate and you add to the sum total of hatred in
the world. It is that simple.

Fortunately, the karma doesn’t kick in straight away. The universe gives you a period of grace to
consider what you have done. The good news is that the love you bring to the universe is never
destroyed but you can destroy the hatred you’ve created by learning the lesson of heartfelt contrition.
Once you’ve understood you have done wrong, the karmic slate is wiped clean, your sins – self interest
at the expense of the rights of others – can be forgiven in law (but as the Bible makes clear, only by
Christ and a process of contrition).

If you don’t learn the lesson, the universe will beat you with a big stick until you do. The universe does
not therefore punish you for being a torturer. It punishes you for failing to realise: that torture is wrong.

8Karma/God does not judge you for thinking. Only untrusting girlfriends and wives seek to censure their partner’s

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And the chances are – under the philosophy of ‘Do as you would be done by’ – you will be tortured until
you learn the lesson.

Remember: the aim of the spiritual journey is to be like God – loving, kind, wise and compassionate
from which come Unity, Love, Truth, Justice, Freedom and Peace.

If you do not believe in God (or indeed, love) then you have an even greater duty to Truth and Justice
and are still bound by the Golden Rule: ‘Do as you would be done by’, the second commandment in its
alternative biblical form.

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The Law and your rights

Although not expressly stated in God’s Law, rights result from the duties set out in the Law. If you have
a duty to love your neighbour, then you will automatically respect his right to, for example, privacy or
free speech or to hold property. The same argument provides the right to trial by jury or judgment by
your peers.

If you were on trial, who would you trust to get at the truth, your peers or a paid state lackey in the form
of a judge who is paid extra for putting you in prison? If you would choose trial by jury, then why would
you deny it to your neighbour?

Your neighbour though has no right to your love. It is therefore clear that a duty takes precedent over a
right. No one of course has rights over God. Since your rights are part of the Law of God, they are ‘God-
given’. That which is given by God cannot be taken away by the lower authority of man.

The Law is the expression of the spiritual teaching common to just about all creeds and religions to obey
God and carry out His will through unconditional love (although all too often forgotten by so-called
advocates or followers):

And he took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the people: and they
said, All that the LORD hath said will we do, and be obedient.
Exodus 24:7

The staff shall not depart from Yehuda, nor the sceptre from between his feet, until
Shiloh comes, and the obedience of the people be his.
Alternative Jewish translation from Bereshit or Genesis 49:10

Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God

US Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson

Since this commandment is common to decent human beings across the world, it is
Maxim of Law
also known as Common Law -- but should not be confused with judge-led rulings
created in medieval England known as ‘common law’ -- or Natural Law9. He acts
The Common Law is the law of common sense. Who other than a psychopath or
sociopath would: who obeys
 actively set out to harm the rights of a fellow man? commands
 fail to consider how his actions or lack of them might harm the rights of of the Law
 continue his action in the full knowledge that he was infringing the rights of
another man?

9 Some – mainly atheists and anti-Messianic Zionists -- have claimed that the latter is the dog-eat-dog law of the jungle

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Israel, the Jews and the Law

So what about ‘the Law’ as set out in the Torah, the Jewish Bible or the
first five books of the Old Testament and the ‘ten commandments’? The
word ‘Torah’ translates as ‘instructions’, not as ‘Law’. The so-called ‘ten
commandments’ are never referred to as such in the biblical text (although
editors have unhelpfully inserted headings like ‘The Ten Commandments’).
The Torah does refer to God’s statutes, Law and judgments but does not
distinguish between them.

It does though include what are later referred to as commandments in the New Testament:

And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy might.
Deuteronomy 6:5

Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy
people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.
Leviticus 19:18

The ten ‘commandments’ nevertheless remain the cardinal rules for good conduct and spiritual
advancement (see The ‘Ten Commandments’ explained).

The nation of Israel

The nation of Israel famously has no written constitution. However in 2004, Menachem Elon, deputy
president of the Supreme Court of Israel, made it clear where constitutional authority comes from in the
state of Israel. He said:

Everything in the Babylonian Talmud is binding on all Israel. Every town and country
must follow all customs, give effect to the decrees, and carry out the enactments of the
Talmudic sages, because the entire Jewish people accepted everything contained in
The sages who adopted the enactments and decrees, instituted the practices, rendered
the decisions, and derived the laws, constituted all or most of the Sages of Israel.
It is they who received the tradition of the fundamentals of the entire Torah in unbroken
succession going back to Moses, our teacher.

This is an admission that the Talmud – a collection of commentaries -- is based on the Torah and the
teachings of Moses. As we have already seen, the Torah contains the two commandments of the Law –
Love God and Love your neighbour as yourself – even though they are not specifically referred to as
‘commandments’ in the Old Testament. Where the Talmud and the Torah clash, it is axiomatic that the
Torah as part of the Bible – the word of God and his two divine commandments – prevails over the
Talmud – the work of men.

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In the biblical sense, the ‘nation of Israel’ is, primarily, those who are bound by God’s Law. ‘Israel’
means ‘those who struggle with God’.

 The Law is paramount and mandatory.

 The Law treats everyone equally.
 Man cannot create Law or laws.
 The Law of God exists as man cannot take away that which God, a higher authority
recognised in the oath and in insurance contracts, has given.
 An individual man has higher authority than any corporation.

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The Law in practice

If ever the Law of God and man are at variance, the former are to be
obeyed in derogation of the latter.10

That which is against Divine Law is repugnant to society and is void

He who becomes a soldier of Christ has ceased to be a soldier of the

Maxims of Law

Because of the mandatory nature of the Law, any code or constitution drawn up -- or any statute passed
-- has to have as its basis the intention to better protect ‘the rule of Law’ and freedom rather than
undermine it. In the event of this going wrong (because legislation is created by deeply fallible men)
that code has to recognise your right to:

I. claim damages or redress for interference with your rights as they are
expressed implicitly or explicitly under any code; AND
II. your right to reject any piece of legislation or the entire code or constitution
as it does not accord with your duty of conscience to God, enshrined in the
first commandment of the Law.
Maxims of Law
In the past, those who rejected the laws of England and the government of the day
were known as ‘free men’, which included women. (In this testament, the term The government
‘man’ also applies to woman). is to be subject to
the law, for the
Reality check law makes
Acts of Parliament, other statutes, legislative instruments, judicial precedents and government
rulings, by-laws, the US constitution, articles of association, the Lisbon Treaty, even
Legality is not
the membership rules of the local golf club or Green party are codes of rules -- as
opposed to Law -- subject to the Law. reality

You can no more be bound by the laws of the UK than you can be by the rules of The order of
Haslemere Golf Club. You have no more duty to the government of the UK than things is
you do to the Politburo. Imagine if Haslemere Golf Club wrote to you saying you confounded if
had not been paying your subscription even though you weren’t a member. You everyone
would rightly ignore the request on the grounds that you were not a member and preserves not his
therefore could not be bound by the rules of the club. In other words, the club has jurisdiction
no jurisdiction over you.

10 See Acts 5:29, NIV

11 2 Timothy 2:3-4

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If you made that clear to the club and it continued to hassle you for subs insisting it did have authority
over you, you would of course consider this as harassment, fraud and extortion, wouldn’t you?

Consent makes the law. A contract is a law between the parties, which can
acquire force only by consent.

That which seems necessary for the king and the state ought not to be said
to tend to the prejudice of liberty of the ekklesia 12.
Maxims of Law

Now, suppose you were a member of the club and it put the green fees up prohibitively or introduced a
dress code you did not agree with. You would of course have a perfect right to resign and no longer pay
your subscription. Anyone disagree? Again, you would consider it a breach of your rights and an abuse
of perceived power if Haslemere Golf Club then insisted that you continued to be a member and sought
to reprimand you under its rules.

Well, exactly the same principles apply to the society of the UK and its rules. Under the Law, you can no
more be compelled to obey the rules of the UK whether it is parliamentary legislation, executive orders
or ministerial decree -- than you can be compelled to obey the by-laws of Haslemere Golf Club. Even if
you have contracted to join the society of the UK, you can leave whenever you wish.

And there is good reason for this. Think of just some of the unjust laws passed and prosecuted by man:

 The Catholic Church allowed torture under laws relating to the Spanish Inquisition.
 English law allowed for torture and for men to be hanged, drawn and quartered.
 Until the early 19th century, Catholics were discriminated against under English law.
 In Nazi Germany, laws allowed the persecution of the Jews and other minorities the
regime thought unacceptable, laws which were held to be constitutional by the senior
judges of the day.
 Laws have allowed men to keep slaves or to discriminate against black people, women
or homosexuals.
 When the slave trade was abolished in the UK in 1807, it was sneaked through
parliament, in the face of opposition from legislators backed by those profiting from the
slave trade.
 The illegalisation of the hemp plant has caused mass starvation, including 75million
deaths a year through hunger; and the pollution of our air, water and soil and so on.
 The laws of Babylon consistently discriminate against male humans, as for example, with
the retirement age.

In more recent times, the UK and the US have prosecuted unjustified wars in Iraq and Afghanistan --
which have created even greater threats to the security of the people of the world – yet man’s
legislation has failed to bring anyone to justice for the murder of more than two million people.

12 Ekklesia means ‘the congregation [of Christ]’. In this case, it refers to anyone following the Law of God

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Maxims of Law  Any code of government or constitution is a form of contract,

governed by civil and maritime law – the law of the sea as opposed to
The essence of a the Law of the land – which has to include God’s Law to be lawful.
contract being assent,  It therefore follows that without the consent of a man,
there is no contract statutes cannot carry the force of law.
where assent is  No one can be forced to enter into a contract against his will
wanting or be held by the terms of a contract which conflicts with his
It is immaterial  No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent.
whether a man gives  Consent can be implied and understood by silence. Assent
his assent by words cannot. Assent to an offer requires action – be it acts, deeds or
or by acts and deeds words.
 There is an enormous difference between consent and
What is expressed
renders what is
implied silent

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The ‘Ten Commandments’ explained

Although we refer to the ‘Ten Commandments’, the Old
Testament never refers to any such thing. Exodus 20:2-17 and
Deuteronomy 5:6-21 have similar lists of instructions 13, which
come from ‘the Lord, your God’ and begin with the ten rules
we know and love.

You shall have no other gods before me

The One True God is Jesus14, spelt Yod Hey Vav Hey in the
sacred letters, or IHVH. The bit forgotten by many is ‘before
me’. If there is only one God, why doesn’t he make it clear
here by stating: ‘There is no point in worshipping other gods as
they don’t exist’.

Although Jesus is supposedly revered by so-called Christians,

their churches venerate Mary, spelt Alef Hey Yod Hey or AHIH,
the god who gave Moses the Torah or ‘code of laws’, and as
Allah gave Mohammed the Quoran; the god who incarnated as Constantine, the Roman Emperor who
played a role in the formal adoption of a canonical Bible at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, and
Arkhenaten, the pharaoh who tried to introduce monotheism to Ancient Egypt.

In just about every pantheon, there is one god who is revered way above all others15. Although he –
inevitably this god is referred to as male – has been known by many names over the millennia, his name
is Jesus.

While man has acknowledged that other gods exist (as does the Bible in this ‘commandment’) and has
sought their guidance, the vast majority of societies, religions and nations have recognised the authority
of Jesus as the One True God, no matter what they have chosen to call him.

As he is the God of Love – he chooses to love us unconditionally – why would anyone have a problem
respecting his authority by doing his will? Only through love do we find truth. And only by arriving at
the truth can we do justice.

If you are an atheist, you will need to acknowledge the free will of man and the responsibility any man
has for his actions. You will need to understand that God has never picked up a gun and killed anyone.
Only misguided people have done that. You are answerable to your conscience and will need to look at
where man-made legislation has got us.

13 There are in total over 600 of these instructions

14 Not to be confused with Jesus Christ, an inaccurate translation of ‘Yeshua Messiach’, the incarnation of Jesus in this
15 This is known as henotheism -– as opposed to monotheism or polytheism.

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You will also need to ask yourself what problem you have with the principles of unconditional love and
‘Do as you would be done by’.

You shall not bow down to false idols or graven images

The journey to Christ, Messiah or Hero consciousness is one of the heart. The veneration of human
personalities and/or physical objects will not take you on that journey. Fans of celebrity culture: take
note. Under the law of (non) attachment on the soul journey, any attachment to an object; a man or
woman; or certain principles will mean that karma will take it from you to end the attachment. If
perversely, you have an object or a relationship to which you are not attached, God will in most cases
allow you to keep it.

You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain

This is another much misunderstood rule. Saying ‘Jesus Christ’, ‘Christ on a bike’, ‘Jesus H Christ’, ‘Oh,
God’, ‘God Almighty’, ‘God alive’ etc is not taking the Lord’s name in vain. You are in fact calling on
God’s help which he likes. ‘God damn’ is all right so long as it is not an imprecation to damn anyone or

‘Taking the Lord’s name in vain’ more properly refers to not observing the oath to God or using God as a
justification for anything which God would not approve of, for example waging war in the name of God
or carrying out torture in the name of God as the Spanish Inquisition did on behalf of the Pope.

You shall observe the Sabbath Day

In terms of days of the week, the Sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday. As the seventh day of the week, it
represents the seventh day of creation or the seventh age of the universe, also known as the age of the
Messiah or Christ, when God rests after the six ‘days’ of creation. As the universe is around 16 billion
years old, each ‘day’ is on average 2.5125 billion earth years.

This rule is there to remind you that the world is changing. At the end of 2012, we enter the 7th age.
Each soul incarnated here has to prepare for that change.

On the level of the week, it means that Saturday is a day of leisure -- as opposed to work. Due to the
demands of modern society, either vital work or those who provide the leisure for others – for example,
footballers -- inevitably needs to be done on a Saturday. These men and woman can observe the
Sabbath on Sunday.

You shall honour your father and mother

This refers to the Holy Father and Mother or Jesus and Gaia, not to your blood parents. Children are the
creation of God – why do you think a child is ‘conceived’ rather than ‘made’? Blood parents are the
stewards of the child and should never think that a child belongs to them or seek to make the child in
their likeness. Never forget your first duty is to God, not your spouse and children. You best serve them
-- and the wider good of man -- by observing your duty to God.

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By honouring the Holy Father and Mother, you seek to balance the masculine and feminine – neither of
which should be confused with the human male and female -- within yourself. In general, this refers to
the need to balance the active with the passive and the needs of men and women in society. Balance of
the genders is not generally achieved by having an equal number of men and women doing the same

You shall not murder

In some texts, this is translated as ‘You shall not kill’. Any deliberate or foreseeable killing of another
man is unlawful, particularly the death penalty when carried out by men or women and abortion, with
the proviso that the potential mother’s rights are balanced with the foetus’s right to life. This is in effect
what happens now as I have no desire to drive women to backstreet abortionists. Abortion though
should never be a lifestyle choice as it was in the Soviet union.

If a man assents to his own death, by for example assisted suicide, it is his right so long as procedures
are observed.

Some have taken this ‘commandment’ to mean that man cannot lawfully take the life of an animal.
However, the Biblical Jesus Christ makes it clear that he eats meat (as did the Buddha and as does the
current Dalai Lama) so this ‘commandment’ does not make the killing of animals unlawful. Out of
respect for God’s creation, any man has a duty to ensure that animals do not suffer unnecessarily so the
worst aspects of factory farming, fox hunting with dogs, bear-baiting and cock-fighting among others are

You shall not commit adultery

This is perhaps the most misrepresented ‘commandment’ of all time and is often used to justify
sanctions or condemnation of those who have sexual relations outside marriage. If you married in
church and took a vow before God, then you violate that vow by having a sexual relationship outside
that marriage – including cyber sex. Similarly, if you are not married and have a sexual relationship with
a man or woman who has taken a vow before God, you help to violate that solemn binding vow.

Under the New Covenant, any man or woman is free of vows made before God to another man or

As long as you live in unconditional love, there is no sex without love so you are entitled to have sexual
relations with any consenting, physiologically mature man or woman or with anyone who consents of a
similar physiological maturity.

God wants you to have as much giving sexual relations with as many people as you see fit because
having an orgasm is the simplest way of touching God.

Since your first duty is to God, who wants you to be happy by having loving, giving sex then it is
inadvisable to enter into an exclusive long term relationship with another man or woman because the
danger is you will put them before God.

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You shall not steal

It is unlawful to steal from another man. This ‘commandment’ does not refer solely to material objects
and is subject to the principle of responsible use. This means that no man shall steal another man’s time
or freedom or work and will not be held to account if he takes something vital for his own existence that
is not in imminent use or need by another man.

This ‘commandment’ also covers usury as by creating false value through money, which should only be a
token to ease exchange of goods, you inevitably eat into the pie of real value, which means that you
steal real wealth off its creators and those least likely to be able to defend themselves.

As corporations have no souls and have what they have as a result of usury, a breach of the Law, then
no man ever steals off a corporation. In order to bring down the rule of corporations, it is more akin to a
duty than a crime to take from them without payment.

You shall not bear false witness

This is not quite the same as an imperative to tell the truth. God accepts that if we told the absolute
truth all the time, society would barely function. Imagine if your girlfriend asked if she looked good in a
new frock and you thought she looked like a sack of spuds and had by your duty to God to tell her that.
To bear false witness means to lie for reasons of ego or to wrongly implicate another. You also bear
false witness when you lie by omission, even if every fact you have related is true. On another level, it
means to recognise and support a false Messiah, Christ or ‘witness’, as the role is referred to in the Book
of Revelation.

You shall not covet your neighbour’s property

Never be jealous or envious of anyone for any reason. Be grateful for what you have because you have
it by the grace of God.

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The real Sermon on the Mount, Roseberry Topping, Nunthorpe, 1st August 2008
and Sermon on the Mount by Carl Heinrich Bloch. Note the position of Christ’s
fingers, part of a code shared by secret societies

The Sermon on the Mount

‘For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the
Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the
kingdom of heaven’.
Matthew 5:20, NIV

Perhaps the simplest clarification of the Law and best spiritual practice comes in the New Testament’s
Sermon on the Mount16. In the beatitudes at the beginning, Christ makes it absolutely clear:

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil
against you because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they
persecuted the prophets who were before you.
You are the salt of the earth. [...] You are the light of the world.
Matthew 5:6-14, NIV

For the avoidance of doubt, ‘righteousness’ means justice, the correct outcome of any process of law,
arrived at only by first establishing truth. Those who thirst for justice or are persecuted for standing
against injustice -- in the same way as the prophets (or the previous incarnations of the Jesus soul) -- will

16The Gospel of Luke includes a Sermon on the Plain, which contains similar ideas, see Luke Chapter 6 onwards. For the
real Sermon on the Plain, see Messiah at Guildford Cathedral,

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find their way to heaven: the New World, post-2012. In other words, those who stand up for God’s Law,
the Law of Love, will find salvation.

‗Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to
abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear,
not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from
the Law until everything is accomplished.
‗Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches
others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices
and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
‗For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the
teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven‘.
Matthew 5:17-20, NIV

Those who blindly follow ideological17 dogma will not. Similarly, those who

 pray ostentatiously18; or
 conduct spiritual practices like acts of charity or fasting for public display19.

In each case, Christ does not condemn the actual practice but the motivation behind it – to impress
other men when the spiritual journey is a private and individual relationship between you and God. The
biblical Christ also warns of the dangers of the following, which inevitably lead to the violation of God’s

 Anger
 Materialism
 Worry
 Conditional ‘love’20
 Judgementalism
 Hypocrisy

There is no such thing as righteous

anger. Don’t worry. Do something,
even if it is just a prayer!

If you are truly motivated by love, you

feel it in your heart. So you are not
even tempted to ‘sin’21.

But which man finds himself there, all the time?

17 Religion here is a sub-set of ideology. Originally, ‘religion’ meant ‘to bind together (again)’ with God. Since religions
end up insisting on the adherence to rules rather than God and love, ‘religion’ has come to mean ‘binding people together’
with a common code of rules. In this sense, religion is a form of groupthink, like democracy.
18 Matthew 6:5
19 Matthew 6:1, Matthew 6:16
20 ‘Love’ by definition is unconditional. If there are conditions, it ain’t love.
21 Sin = Self-interest, now. The opposite is courage, honour and integrity

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‘We hold these

truths to be self-

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Maxims of Law
When Jesus spoke the Truth to his accusers, he would justify himself by
quoting Law. First, he would quote God's Law, and after quoting God's
Law He would often quote the accuser's law and use that against them as

For example, Jesus would say, ‘Did ye never read in the scriptures..?’ and
then quote God's Law. Then he would turn around and say, ‘Is it not
written in your law..?’ and quote their own law!

His accusers would have no answer, they could not overcome Him. How
could anyone overcome somebody who is obeying both God's Law and
man's law!? If a man made law is just, it will be in harmony with God's
Law. […]

And when you are accused of ‘breaking the law’, you can do what Jesus did,
and use both God's Law and man's law to justify your lawful acts, for this is
the only thing that will excuse you.
Maxims of Law, Richard Anthony,

Maxims in law are like axioms in geometry. They are principles and authorities based on reason and not
arbitrary concepts:

A self-evident truth that requires no proof.

A universally accepted principle or rule.
(Maths.) A proposition that is assumed without proof for the sake of studying the
consequences which follow from it

An established principle or proposition.

A principle of law universally admitted, as being just and consonant with reason.
The alterations of any of the maxims of the common law are
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856

The principles and axioms of law, which are general

propositions flowing from abstracted reason, and not
accommodated to times or men, are wisely deposited in the
breasts of the judges to be applied to such facts as come
properly before them.

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When a principle has been so long practiced and so universally acknowledged as to

become a maxim, it is obligatory as part of the law.
William C. Anderson, A Dictionary of Law, 1893

An established principle of proposition. A principle of law universally admitted as being a

correct statement of the law, or as agreeable to reason. Coke defines a maxim to be ‗a
conclusion of reason‘ Coke on Littleton, 11a. He says in another place, ‗A maxim is a
proposition to be of all men confessed and granted without proof, argument, or
discourse.‘ Coke on Littleton. 67a.
Black's Law Dictionary, 3rd Edition, 1933

Maxims are but attempted general statements of rules of law and are law only to the
extent of application in adjudicated cases.
Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, 1951

There is a clear consensus that maxims are mandatory authorities in law because they are based on
reason and, through long usage, experience – apart from the 4th edition of Black’s Law, which for no
apparent reason simply reverses the authority of a maxim.

Up to the 3rd edition, case law is subject to the force of a maxim, which means it is subject to reason.
After that, the position has reversed: a maxim only carries authority if it is part of
case law.
Maxims of Law
No reason or authority is quoted for this about turn. Crucially, it gives
precedence to a previous ruling whether or not it is just and works in practice – a Nothing against reason
perverted form of case law – over wisdom, reason and experience. is lawful

Law ceases to be a living institution working practically for the common good and A maxim is so called
becomes instead an arbitrary and authoritarian system which not only allows because its dignity is
tyranny to flourish but is also the very heart of the mechanism of repression22. chiefest, and its
authority most certain,
The application of the maxim to the case before the court is generally the only and because
difficulty. The true method of making the application is to ascertain how the universally approved
maxim arose, and to consider whether the case to which it is applied is of the by all
same character, or whether it is an exception to an apparently general rule. A
full list of Maxims of Law follows. They are subject to God’s Law. It has been said, with
much truth, ‘Where
the law ends, tyranny

22 We will find many other examples of the meaning of words being changed in Black’s Law, usually to get around the Law
of God (see Usury below)

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List of Maxims
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable23 Rights
The US Declaration of Independence drafted by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson

Many maxims are based on biblical wisdom. They are all to be interpreted in the light of God’s Law.
Where they conflict with God’s Law, they have no validity. The following Maxims have been approved
for inclusion here by God, although I have made comments, which must be adopted with the maxim
when using it to prevent injustice. The maxims in red carry greater weight. Comments and additions
are in blue.

These maxims are taken from the following24:

 Bouvier's Law Dictionary, by John Bouvier (1856)

 Legal Maxims, by Broom and Bouvier (1856)
 A Dictionary of Law, by William C. Anderson (1893)
 Black's Law Dictionary, by Henry Campell Black (3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Editions, 1933-
 Maxims of Law, by Charles A. Weisman (1990)

23 Although later drafts refer to ‘inalienable’, the original had ‘unalienable’ which is grammatically more correct.
‘Unalienable’ means you cannot take out a ‘lien’ on these rights. ‘Alien’ literally means ‘without lien’.
24 I am indebted to Richard Anthony for his research into maxims

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Accidents and Injury Benefits and Privileges

 An act of God does wrong to no one. In applying the maxims below, you must
allow for the fact that a necessity is not a
 The act of God does no injury; that is,
no one is responsible for inevitable
accidents.  Favours from government often carry
with them an enhanced measure of
 No one is held to answer for the effects
of a superior force, or of an accident,
unless his own fault has contributed.  Anyone may renounce a law introduced
for his own benefit.
 The execution of the Law does no
injury. ‗A law‘ here must be legislation as you
cannot renounce the Law of God. This
The same cannot be said be said of
demonstrates that legislation does not
carry a duty of obedience
 An action is not given to one who is not
 No one is obliged to accept a benefit
against his consent.
 An action is given to him who has been
 He who receives the benefit should also
bear the disadvantage.
Any injured man has the right to damages
 He who derives a benefit from a thing,
in recompense, although he may choose
ought to feel the disadvantages attending
not to pursue them
 He who suffers a damage by his own
 He who enjoys the benefit, ought also
fault, has no right to complain.
to bear the burden.
 Mistakes, neglect, or misconducts are
 He who enjoys the advantage of a right
not to be regarded as accidents.
takes the accompanying disadvantage.
 There may be damage or injury
 A privilege is, as it were, a private law.
inflicted without any act of injustice.
 A privilege is a personal benefit and
 Not every loss produces an injury.
dies with the person.
 Whoever pays by mistake what he does
 One who avails himself of the benefits
not owe, may recover it back; but he who
conferred by statute cannot deny its
pays, knowing he owes nothing; is
presumed to give.
 What I approve I do not reject. I
 No man ought to be burdened in
cannot approve and reject at the same
consequence of another's act.
time. I cannot take the benefit of an
 A personal injury does not receive instrument, and at the same time
satisfaction from a future course of repudiate it.
 He who does any benefit to another for
 Wrong is wiped out by reconciliation. me, and with my consent, is considered
as doing it for me.
 An injury is extinguished by the
forgiveness or reconcilement of the party

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 He who questions well, learns well.

 What ever is done in excess is
 Usury is odious in law. prohibited by law.
 The payment of the price of a thing is One man‘s excess is another man‘s
held as a purchase. moderation. It is not the excess of
 Goods are worth as much as they can something which causes the harm. It is
be sold for. the dark heart of the man who is freed
from restraint by excess of, for example,
This holds as long as neither the seller or alcohol, which causes men to break the
the buyer is involved in usury law.
 Caveat emptor: Let the buyer or  No one is bound to give information
purchaser beware. about things he is ignorant of, but every
one is bound to know that which he gives
 Let the seller or vendor beware. information about.
 The payment of the price stands in the  No man is bound to have
place of a sale. foreknowledge of a Divine or a future
 Mere recommendation of an article event.
does not bind the vendor of it.  No one is bound to arm his adversary
 It is settled that there is to be unless at the command of lawful authority
considered the home of each one of us as, for example, in the disclosure process
where he may have his habitation and at trial.
account-books, and where he has made
an establishment of his business.
 No rule of law protects anyone who Consent and Contracts
wilfully closes his ears to information, or
refuses to make inquiry when  The essence of a contract being assent,
circumstances of grave suspicion there is no contract where assent is
imperatively demand it. wanting.

 Let everyone employ himself in what he Proof of contract requires assent.

knows. Bemused ignorance is not silent
agreement or consent. Any maxim
 He at whose risk a thing is done, containing the word ‘consent’must be
should receive the profits arising from it. interpreted in the light of this. There is a
world of difference between agreement
and non-disagreement. How can you
Common Sense prove silent agreement? And agreement
to what?
 When you doubt, do not act unless  Consent makes the law. A contract is a
there is a pressing, urgent need to act. law between the parties, which can
 It is a fault to meddle with what does acquire force only by consent.
not belong to or does not concern you.  Consent makes the law: the terms of a
 Many men know many things, no one contract, lawful in its purpose, constitute
knows everything. the law as between the parties.
 One is not present if he does not  To him consenting no injury is done.
comprehend.  He who consents cannot receive an
 It avails little to know what ought to be injury.
done, if you do not know how it is to be  Consent removes or obviates a mistake.

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 He who mistakes is not considered as  If anything is due to a corporation, it is

consenting. not due to the individual members of it,
nor do the members individually owe
 Every consent involves a submission;
what the corporation owes.
but a mere submission does not
necessarily involve consent. But:
 A contract founded on a base and A man has no duty to a corporation.
unlawful consideration, or against good
The executive members of a corporation
morals, is null.
are jointly and severally liable for its
 The agreement of the parties makes debts.
the law of the contract.
 One who wills a thing to be or to be
Contract law includes the Law of God done to himself cannot complain of that
thing as an injury.
 The contract makes the law.
 Agreements give the law to the
Court and Pleas
 The agreement of the parties
overcomes or prevails against the law.  There can be no plea of that thing of
which the dissolution is sought.
 Agreement takes the place of the law:
the express understanding of parties  A false plea is the basest of all things.
supercedes such understanding as the law  There can be no plea against an action
would imply. which entirely destroys the plea.
 Manner and agreement overrule the  He who does not deny, admits.
In any action at law, he who does not
 In the agreements of the contracting deny, when given ample opportunity to
parties, the rule is to regard the intention do so, admits.
rather than the words.
 No one is believed in court but upon his
 Advice, unless fraudulent, does not oath.
create an obligation.
 In law none is credited unless he is
 No action at law arises out of an sworn. All the facts must, when
immoral consideration. established by witnesses, be under oath
 No action at law arises on an immoral or affirmation.
contract.  An infamous person is repelled or
 The right of survivorship does not exist prevented from taking an oath.
among merchants for the benefit of Convictions under the Babylonian system
commerce. of criminal and civil ‗law‘ are not enough
 You ought to know with whom you in themselves to make a man ‗infamous‘
deal. or a ‗dead man‘ or an ‗outlaw‘ under the
Law. Any man established to have
 He who contracts, knows, or ought to broken God‘s Law who does not make the
know, the quality of the person with recompense commanded by the Law has
whom he contracts, otherwise he is not the rights of a dead man, that is: none.
excusable. He therefore has no right to swear the
 He who approves cannot reject. oath. He is still bound though by his duty
to God.
 When two or more persons are liable
on a joint obligation, if one makes default  An act of the court shall oppress no
the other(s) must bear the whole. one.

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 The practice of a court is the law of the Crime and Punishment

 A madman is punished by his madness
So long as ‗law‘ includes ‗the Law‘ alone.
 There ought to be an end of law suits.  The instigator of a crime is worse than
 It concerns the commonwealth that he who perpetrates it.
there be an end of law suits.  They who consent to an act, and they
 It is for the public good that there be who do it, shall be visited with equal
an end of litigation. punishment.

 A personal action dies with the person.  Acting and consenting parties are liable
‗This must be understood of an action for to the same punishment.
a tort only.‘ Discuss. These maxims appear to confuse the old
 Equity acts upon the person. meaning of ‗consent‘ – what we would
now call ‗assent‘ -- with the new meaning
 No one can sue in the name of another. of consent – ‗not disagreeing‘. There is a
difference between those who assent –
who actively contribute to an act even if it
Court Appearance is by words only – and those who do not
stop it but do not actively contribute
 A general appearance cures antecedent either. That difference and its effect will
irregularity of process, a defective service, depend upon the facts of each individual
etc. case.
According to Black‘s Law, 9th edition, to  No one is punished for his thoughts.
‗summons‘ means to ‗request‘. Any one
 No one is punished for merely thinking
may turn down a request without
of a crime.
consequence at law. You therefore do
not have to attend court unless lawfully  He who has committed iniquity, shall
commanded. If you do go, make sure the not have equity.
judge knows you are attending
Anyone established to have broken the
Law who does not make good his debt
 Certain legal consequences are has committed iniquity and is a dead man
attached to the voluntary act of a person. under the Law. As a dead man has no
rights, he has no right to equity and no
But a person is a piece of paper. It is a
longer has a person.
legal fiction that a piece of paper can act
or perform a duty. Legal consequences  He who is once bad, is presumed to be
do not follow from the actions of a man. always so in the same degree.
 The presence of the body cures the  He who is once criminal is presumed to
error in the name; the truth of the name be always criminal in the same kind or
cures an error in the description way.
 An error in the name is immaterial if  Whatever is once bad, is presumed to
the body is certain. be so always in the same degree.
 An error in the name is nothing when The three maxims above appear contrary
there is certainty as to the person. to God‘s Law, which is founded on
forgiveness and the salvation of sinners.
 The truth of the demonstration
If we learn one thing from the parable of
removes the error of the name.
the Boy who cried Wolf, it is that previous
behaviour does not necessarily condition
current behaviour. Just because a man

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lied in the past does not necessarily make  Drunkenness inflames and produces
him a liar now. every crime.
 He who does not forbid a crime while  Drunkenness both aggravates and
he may, sanctions it. reveals every crime.
 He who does not blame, approves.  He who sins when drunk shall be
punished when sober.
 He is clear of blame who knows, but
cannot prevent.  Punishment is due if the words of an
oath be false.
 No one is to be punished for the crime
or wrong of another.  A prison is established not for the sake
of punishment, but of detention and
 No guilt attaches to him who is
compelled to obey.
 Those sinning secretly are punished
 Gross negligence is held equivalent to
more severely than those sinning openly.
intentional wrong.
 Punishment ought not to precede a
 Misconduct binds its own authors. It is
a never-failing axiom that everyone is
accountable only for his own offence or  If one falsely accuses another of a
wrong. crime, the punishment due to that crime
should be inflicted upon the perjured
 In offences, the will and not the
consequences are to be looked to BUT the informer25.
intention amounts to nothing unless some
effect follows.
 It is to the intention that all law applies. Customs and Usages
 The intention of the party is the soul of Understanding the spirit of the Law is the
the instrument. best way to expound the Law. While
 Every act is to be estimated by the Custom can be preferred to ‗law‘ in the
intention of the doer. sense of legislation – as legislation does
not create a binding duty -- it cannot be
 An act does not make a man a criminal, preferred to the Law, which is paramount
unless his intention be criminal. and mandatory. Since God is eternal
without beginning and end, rights under
 An act does not make a person guilty,
his Law takes precedence as the more
unless the intention be also guilty. This
ancient law.
maxim applies only to criminal cases; in
civil matters it is otherwise.  Long time and long use, beyond the
memory of man, suffices for right.
 In offences, the intention is regarded,
not the event.  Custom is the best expounder of the
 Take away the will, and every action law.
will be indifferent.  Custom is another law.
 Your motive gives a name to your act.  A prescriptive and legitimate custom
overcomes the law.
 An outlaw is, as it were, put out of the
protection of the law.
An outlaw has the rights of a dead man:
none. 25The judges must make a thorough investigation, and if
the witness proves to be a liar, giving false testimony
 Vainly does he who offends against the against a fellow Israelite, then do to the false witness as
law, seek the help of the law. that witness intended to do to the other party. You must
purge the evil from among you. Deuteronomy 19.18-19

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 Custom leads the willing, law compels  Every interpretation either declares,
or draws the unwilling. extends or restrains.
 Usage is the best interpreter of things.  The best interpretation is made from
things preceding and following; i.e., the
 Custom is the best interpreter of laws.
 What is done contrary to the custom of
 Words are to be interpreted according
our ancestors, neither pleases nor
to the subject-matter.
appears right.
 He who considers merely the letter of
 Where two rights concur, the more
an instrument goes but skin deep into its
ancient shall be preferred.
Expressions and Words  Frequently where the propriety of
words is attended to, the meaning of
 The meaning of words is the spirit of truth is lost.
the law26.
 Words are to be taken most strongly
The spirit of the law is justice. against him who uses them.
 It is immaterial whether a man gives  Multiplicity and indistinctness produce
his assent by words or by acts and deeds. confusion; and questions, the more
simple they are, the more lucid.
 It matters not whether a revocation be
by words or by acts.  When two things repugnant to each
other are found in a will, the least
 What is expressed renders what is repugnant is to be confirmed.
implied silent.
 Bad or false grammar does not vitiate a
 An unequivocal statement prevails over deed or grant.
an implication.
 Many things can be implied from a few
 In ambiguous expressions, the expressions.
intention of the person using them is
chiefly to be regarded.  Language is the exponent of the
 The expression of those things which
are tacitly implied operates nothing.  Words are indicators of the mind or
 The expression of one thing is the
exclusion of another.  Speech is the index of the mind27.
The above two maxims seem too  Laws are imposed, not upon words, but
generally cast. And will depend on the upon things.
facts in each individual case.
 A general expression is to be construed
generally. Fictions
 A general expression implies nothing  A fiction is a rule of law that assumes
certain. something which is or may be false as
 General words are understood in a true.
general sense.  Where truth is, fiction of law does not
 When the words and the mind agree, exist.
there is no place for interpretation.

26Because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who 27Those who consider themselves religious and yet do
gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive
Romans 8:2 themselves, and their religion is worthless. James 1:26

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 There is no fiction without law.  What otherwise is good and just, if it

be sought by force and fraud, becomes
 Fictions arise from the law, and not law
bad and unjust.
from fictions
 He is not deceived who knows himself
 Fiction is against the truth, but it is to
to be deceived.
have truth.
 Let him who wishes to be deceived, be
 In a fiction of law, equity always
 He who does not prevent what he can,
Fictions of law exist only in equity. The
seems to commit the thing.
Law does not recognise fictions of law.
 He who does not prevent what he can
 A fiction of law injures no one.
prevent, is viewed as assenting.
The above is badly expressed and is
 He who does not forbid what he can
superceeded by the maxim directly below.
forbid, seems to assent.
The above maxim should read: ‘A fiction
of law must not injure anyone’ Assent -- as opposed to consent --
requires action. ‗Not preventing‘ and ‗not
 Fiction of law is wrongful if it works loss forbidding‘ do not appear to require
or injury to any one. action. Your duty to God under the first
commandment requires you to do
everything within your ability to prevent
Fraud and Deceit and forbid iniquity. That failure of duty is
punishable in the same way as assenting
 It is safer to be deceived than to to iniquity, only where the facts would
deceive. show that the effect of the two would be
 A deceiver deals in generals.
 He who does not forbid, when he might
 Fraud lies hidden in general
forbid, commands.
This maxim does not stand up to
 A concealed fault is equal to a deceit.
reasoned scrutiny. He who does not
 Out of fraud no action arises. forbid, when he might, consents.
Fraud is actionable under the Law.  He who does not repel a wrong when
he can, induces it.
 A forestaller28 is an oppressor of the
poor, and a public enemy to the whole  Often it is the new road, not the old
community and the country. one, which deceives the traveller.
 It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.  Deceit is an artifice, since it pretends
one thing and does another.
 Gross negligence is equivalent to fraud.
 Once a fraud, always a fraud.
This is prejudice, not a maxim. If a fraud God and Religion
only remains a fraud, if it is proved with
regard to current evidence and analysis.  If ever the law of God and man are at
Under the Law of God,we give a man the variance, the former are to be obeyed in
benefit of the doubt. derogation of the later.
 That which is against Divine Law is
To buy up (goods) in advance in order to increase the repugnant to society and is void.
price when resold or to prevent sales at a fair, market,
etc. by buying up or diverting goods.

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 He who becomes a soldier of Christ has  We can do nothing against truth31.

ceased to be a soldier of the world29.
 Truth is the mother of justice.
 Where the Divinity is insulted the case
 To swear is to call God to witness, and
is unpardonable.
is an act of religion.
Except by the Christ who has the
‗To swear‘ is to call God as witness and
authority to forgive sins.
potential judge. ‗Religion‘ means ‗binding
 Human things never prosper when together (again)‘. In the first instance, it
divine things are neglected. means ‗binding together with God
 No man is presumed to be forgetful of
his eternal welfare, and particularly at the  Earlier in time, is stronger in right. First
point of death. in time, first in right.
 The church does not die.  He who is before in time, is preferred in
 That is the highest law which favours
religion30. This is particularly true when considering
the right to hold land or property.
‗Love God‘ is the highest law. It favours
God and man over forms of groupthink,  What is first is truest; and what comes
like Catholicism, communism or first in time, is best in law.
This applies to God‘s Law.
 The law is from everlasting.
 No man is ignorant of his eternal
God‘s Law is from everlasting. Man‘s welfare.
legislation must have a date from which it
 All men know God32.
takes effect.
You would be hard pressed to find anyone
 He who acts badly, hates the light.
who had not heard of God. Knowing of
 He who does not willingly speak the God, it is up to each man to develop this
truth, is a betrayer of the truth. knowledge.
 He who does not speak the truth, is a  The cause of the Church is a public
traitor to the truth. cause.
Truth comes from God. Reject that which  The Law of God and the law of the land
comes from God and you reject God. are all one, and both favour and preserve
There is no neutrality in the Eternal War the common good of the land.
of Good and Evil.
 No man warring for God should be
 The truth that is not sufficiently troubled by secular business.
defended is frequently overpowered; and
 What is given to the church is given to
he who does not disapprove, approves.
 Suppression of the truth is equivalent
to the expression of what is false.
 Truth, by whomever pronounced, is
from God.
 Truth fears nothing but concealment.
31 For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only
29 Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ for the truth. 2 Corinthians 13:8
Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in 32 No longer will they teach their neighbour, or say to

civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know
commanding officer. 2 Timothy 2:3-4 me, from the least of them to the greatest. Hebrews
30 See the definition of ‘religion’. 8:11.

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 An heir is the same person with his

Governments and Jurisdiction
 That which seems necessary for the Because the ancestor, during his life,
king and the state ought not to be said to bears in his body (of law) all his heirs.
tend to the prejudice of liberty of the
Christ's ekklesia33.  'Heir' is a collective name or noun

 The power which is derived from God So it is not private, and has no private
cannot be greater than that from which it rights.
is derived God34.  Several co-heirs are as one body, by
 The order of things is confounded if reason of the unity of right which they
everyone preserves not his jurisdiction. possess.

 Jurisdiction is a power introduced for  The law favours a man's inheritance.

the public good, on account of the  Heir is a term of law, son one of
necessity of dispensing justice. nature.
 Every jurisdiction has its own bounds.  An heir is another self, and a son is a
 The government cannot confer a favour part of the father.
which occasions injury and loss to others.  The heir succeeds to the restitution not
 A minor ought not to be guardian of a the penalty.
minor, for he is unfit to govern others
who does not know how to govern
himself. Judges and Judgment
 The government is to be subject to the
 Let justice be done, though the
law, for the law makes government.
heavens should fall.
 The law is not to be violated by those
 One who commands lawfully must be
in government.
 Whoever does anything by the
command of a judge is not reckoned to
have done it with an evil intent, because
 God, and not man, make the heir. it is necessary to obey35.

 God alone makes the heir, not man. The test here is the word
‘command’An order is not a command.
 Co-heirs are deemed as one body or A judge who does not respect the oath
person, by reason of the unity of right has no authority.
which they possess.
 Where a person does an act by
 No one can be both owner and heir at command of one exercising judicial
the same time. authority, the law will not suppose that he
 An heir is either by right of property, or acted from any wrongful or improper
right of representation. motive, because it was his bounden duty
to obey.
 A judgment is always taken as truth.
 If you judge, understand.
33 ‘Ekklesia’ means ‘the congregation [of Christ]’. In this
case, it refers to anyone following the Law of God
34 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities,

for there is no authority except that which God has 35For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver,
established. The authorities that exist have been the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us. Isaiah
established by God. Romans 13:1 33:22

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Stand under the authority of God. In the Bible, Jesus the Christ is crucified
Comprehend what you are doing. even though there is no charge against
him and Jesus Bar Abbas36 is spared even
 It is the duty of a good judge to
though he is a convicted criminal.
remove the cause of litigation.
 The judge is condemned when a guilty
 The end of litigation is justice.
person escapes punishment.
 To a judge who exceeds his office or
Man does not have the authority to justly
jurisdiction no obedience is due.
punish other men. The guilty are sent to
 One who exercises jurisdiction out of prison for reasons of rehabilitation and
his territory is not obeyed with impunity. the safety of others. That said, for the
Law to work, similar sanctions must be
 A twisting of language is unworthy of a
made according to similar cases. A judge
should certainly not draw any benefit for
 A good judge decides according to imprisoning a man.
justice and right, and prefers equity to
 What appears not does not exist, and
strict law.
nothing appears judicially before
Justice and right come from the Law, not judgment.
from equity and legality.
 It is improper to pass an opinion on any
 Of the credit and duty of a judge, no part of a sentence, without examining the
question can arise; but it is otherwise whole.
respecting his knowledge, whether he be
 Hasty justice is the step-mother of
mistaken as to the law or fact.
 It is punishment enough for a judge
 Faith is the sister of justice.
that he is responsible to God.
 Justice knows not father not mother;
This will depend on the case. If the judge
justice looks at truth alone.
has wilfully ignored his responsibility to
God, then he deserves to be punished for  A judge is not to act upon his personal
failure to respect the oath, failure to do judgment or from a dictate of private will,
his duty to God and for undermining but to pronounce according to law and
justice, failure to do his duty to man. justice.
 That is the best system of law which  No one should be judge in his own
confides as little as possible to the cause.
discretion of the judge.
 No one can be at once judge and party.
 That law is the best which leaves the
 A judge is to expound, not to make, the
least discretion to the judge; and this is
an advantage which results from
certainty.  It is the duty of a judge to declare the
law, not to enact the law or make it.
 He is the best judge who relies as little
as possible on his own discretion.  Definite, legal conclusions cannot be
arrived at upon hypothetical averments.
 Whenever there is a doubt between
liberty and slavery, the decision must be  A judge is the law speaking.
in favour of liberty.
 He who decides anything, a party being
unheard, though he should decide right, 36‘Bar Abbas’ means Son of the Father. It is the mob
does wrong. who condemn the Biblical Christ to death rather than a
 He who spares the guilty, punishes the convicted criminal. In Greek, ‘demos’ means ‘the mob’.
innocent. From it, we get ‘democracy’ – ‘the rule of the mob’, the
opposite of the rule of Law

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When he follows the two commandments  An argument drawn from authority is

of the Law, a judge is a judge. When he the strongest in law.
sits to decide legislation, he is an
The higher the authority, the greater the
weight of the argument, though still
 A judge should have two salts: the salt subject to right application and reason.
of wisdom, lest he be insipid; and the salt Donoghue v Stevenson established that
of conscience, lest he be devilish. the Bible was a higher authority than any
other found in English case law.
 He who flees judgment confesses his
guilt.  An argument drawn from a similar
case, or analogy, avails in law.
 No man should be condemned
unheard.  That which was originally void, does
not by lapse of time become valid.
 The judge is counsel for the prisoner.
 The law does not seek to compel a man
 Everyone is presumed to be innocent
to do that which he cannot possibly
until his guilt is established beyond a
reasonable doubt.
 The law requires nothing impossible.
 Justice is neither to be denied nor
delayed.  The law compels no one to do anything
which is useless or impossible.
 It is the property of a Judge to
administer justice, not to give it.  No one is bound to do what is
 Justice is an excellent virtue, and
pleasing to the Most High.  Impossibility excuses the law.
 No prescription runs against a person
unable to act.
 The law shall not, through the medium
 A maxim is so called because its dignity of its executive capacity, work a wrong.
is chiefest, and its authority most certain,  The law does wrong to no one.
and because universally approved of all.
 An act of the law wrongs no man.
 All law has either been derived from
the consent of the people, established by  The law never works an injury, or does
necessity, confirmed by custom, or of a man a wrong.
Divine Providence.  The construction of law works not an
 Nothing is so becoming to authority as injury.
to live according to the Law.  An argument drawn from what is
God is the only authority, despite what inconvenient is good in law, because the
certain men might claim. It pleases God law will not permit any inconvenience.
that we live according to his Law.  Nothing inconvenient is lawful.
 He acts prudently who obeys the  Nothing against reason is lawful.
commands of the Law.
 The law which governs corporations is
 Law is the safest helmet; under the the same as that which governs
shield of the law no one is deceived. individuals.
Under the shield of the Law, no one is The Law which governs men is not the
deceived. Under the rules of Babylon same as the legislation which governs
everyone including the judge is deceived, persons, corporations and individuals all
it appears. of which are godless entities.

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 The laws sometimes sleep, but never  In a deed which may be considered
die. good or bad, the law looks more to the
good than to the bad.
 A contemporaneous exposition is the
best and most powerful in the law.  In things favoured what does good is
more regarded than what does harm.
 The law never suffers anything contrary
to truth.  In all affairs, and principally in those
which concern the administration of
 Law is the dictate of reason.
justice, the rules of equity ought to be
 The law does not notice or care for followed.
trifling matters.
The Law comes above equity.
 It is a miserable slavery where the law
 In ambiguous things, such a
is vague or uncertain.
construction is to be made, that what is
 It is a wretched state of things when inconvenient and absurd is to be avoided.
the law is vague and mutable.
 Law is the science of what is good and
 Examples illustrate and do not restrict evil.
the law.
 The law punishes falsehood.
 The disposition of law is firmer and
 Reason and authority are the two
more powerful than the will of man.
brightest lights in the world.
 Law is established for the benefit of
 The reason of the law is the soul of the
God‘s Law is established for the benefit of
 The reason ceasing, the law itself
man. Legislation is the cack-handed
attempt of man to act like God. Although
every statute must have as its basis the  When the reason, which is the soul of a
better protection of liberty, we now have law, ceases to exist, the law itself should
legislation which allows hearsay evidence lose its operative effect.
to be introduced into criminal hearings.
 In default of the law, the maxim rules.
 To be able to know is the same as to
 Human laws are born, live and die.
know. This maxim is applied to the duty
of every one to know the law.  It is a perpetual law that no human or
positive law can be perpetual.
 We may do what is allowed by law.
 If you depart from the law you will
 Ignorance of fact may excuse, but not
wander without a guide and everything
ignorance of law.
will be in a state of uncertainty to every
 Ignorance of facts excuses, ignorance one38.
of law does not excuse.
 Where there is no law there is no
 In a doubtful case, that is the transgression, as it regards the world39.
construction of the law which the words
Legislation must be written down before it
can have any force at all.
 In doubt, the gentler course is to be
 In doubt, the safer course is to be 38 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips;
adopted. meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful
to do everything written in it. Then you will be
prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8
39 Because the law brings wrath. And where there is no
Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for

man, not man for the Sabbath. Mark 2:27 law there is no transgression. Romans 4:15

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 Everything is permitted, which is not  Whose right it is to institute, his right it

forbidden by law. is to abrogate.
 All rules of law are liable to  Laws are abrogated or repealed by the
exceptions40. same authority by which they are made.
There are exceptions to all rules. God‘s  The civil law is what a people
Law does not though consist of rules but establishes for itself.
of commandments. There are no
It is not established by God but must
exceptions to God‘s commandments or
recognise God‘s Law to be lawful
laws. The fact that Jewish priests could
be excused the rule about respecting the  Many things have been introduced into
Sabbath proves that the so-called ‗Ten the common law, with a view to the public
Commandments‘ are rules, not Law. good, which are inconsistent with sound
 An exception to the rule should not
destroy the rule. The law of merchants was merged with
the common law, which is not the
 What is inconvenient or contrary to
Common Law or God‘s Law
reason, is not allowed in law.
 The people is the greatest master of
 The laws serve the vigilant, not those
who sleep upon their rights.
 A man may obey the law and yet be
 Relief is not given to such as sleep on
neither honest nor a good neighbour.
their rights.
Since the second commandment requires
 Nothing unjust is presumed in law.
that you love your neighbour, then ‗the
 Acts required by law to be done, admit law‘ in question cannot be God‘s Law
of no qualification. because if you obeyed that you would be
a good neighbour. Following legislation
 To know the laws, is not to observe
without following God‘s Law that
their mere words, but their force and
underpins it does not make you a good
human being.
 We are all bound to our lawgiver,
 To investigate [inquire into] is the way
regardless of our personal interpretation
to know what things are truly lawful41.
of reality.
 Those who do not preserve the law of
 Legality is not reality
the land, they justly incur the awesome
 The law sustains the watchful. and indelible brand of infamy.
 Those awake, not those asleep, the Another maxim says: ‘The law of the
laws assist. land is the Law of God’
 Legal remedies are for the active and  Laws should bind their own maker.
 Necessity overrules the law.
 What is good and equal, is the law of
laws.  Necessity makes that lawful which
otherwise is not lawful.
Everyone must be treated equally under
the Law. There is no reason for  Things which are tolerated on account
discrimination. of necessity ought not to be drawn into

41Do your best to present yourself to God as one

40Haven’t you read in the Law that the priests on approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed
Sabbath duty in the temple desecrate the Sabbath and and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy
yet are innocent? Matthew 12:5 2:15

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 It has been said, with much truth, responsible for their children up to the
"Where the law ends, tyranny begins." age of 10, when children can be held to
account in law for their acts.

The following maxims only apply to civil
law. A husband or a wife is primarily and  He who has the risk has the dominion
definitively a man or woman. As such, or advantage.
they can, for example, give evidence for
 There is no disputing against a man
or against each other under the Law.
denying principles.
Marriage is not part of the New Covenant.
Without principles, he will not listen to
 The law favours dower; it is the reward
reason so there is no point in arguing with
of chastity; therefore let it be preserved.
him .
 Husband and wife are considered one
 The immediate, and not the remote
person in law.
cause, is to be considered.. A
 A wife is not her own mistress, but is consequence ought not to be drawn from
under the power of her husband. another consequence.
 The union of a man and a woman is of ‗Imminence‘ is a key test in law. There is
the law of nature. a world of difference between a man who
declares ‗Kill the rich‘ at a rally and a man
 Marriages ought to be free.
who says: ‗Kill him!‘ to a man with a
 All things which are of the wife, belong loaded gun.
to the husband.
 He who takes away the means,
 Although the property may be the destroys the end.
wife's, the husband is the keeper of it,
 He who destroys the means, destroys
since he is the head of the wife.
the end.
 Consent, and not cohabitation, makes
 He who seeks a reason for everything,
the marriage.
subverts reason.
There is no such thing as ‘common
 Every exception not watched tends to
law’marriage. assume the place of the principle.
 Insanity prevents marriage from being  Where there is a right, there is a
contracted, because consent is needed. remedy.
 A wife follows the domicile of her  For every legal right the law provides a
husband. remedy.
 Husband and wife cannot be a witness  He who uses the right of another
for, or against, each other, because of the [belonging to Christ] ought to use the
union of person that exists. same right [of Christ].
 The right of blood and kindred cannot In other words, don't use something new,
be destroyed by any civil law. or something outside of Christ‘s
 Children are the blood of their parents, teachings.
but the father and mother are not of the  Liberty is an inestimable good.
blood of the children.
 All shall have liberty to renounce those
Souls come from God. Every man things which have been established in
incarnated has a soul. Children therefore their favour.
belong primarily to God. Parents are

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 Power is not conferred, but for the  Error artfully coloured is in many things
public good. more probable than naked truth; and
frequently error conquers truth and
 Power ought to follow, not to precede
 To know properly is to know the reason Officers
and cause of a thing.
 Ignorance of the Law does not excuse
 The useful by the useless is not misconduct in anyone, least of all a sworn
destroyed. officer of the law.
 Where there is no act, there can be no  Summonses or citations should not be
force. granted before it is expressed under the
 One may not do an act to himself. circumstances whether the summons
ought to be made.
 A thing done cannot be undone.
 A delegated power cannot be again
 No man is bound for the advice he delegated. A deputy cannot appoint a
gives unless he is paid for it or it is given deputy.
in an official capacity.
 An office ought to be injurious to no
 He who commands a thing to be done one.
is held to have done it himself.
 A neglected duty often works as much
 When anything is commanded, against the interests as a duty wrongfully
everything by which it can be performed.
accomplished is also commanded.
 Failure to enforce the law does not
 The principal part of everything is the change it.
 It is contrary to the Law of Nations to
 To refer errors to their origin is to do violence to Ambassadors.
refute them.
 An Ambassador fills the place of the
 The origin of a thing ought to be king by whom he is sent, and is to be
inquired into. honoured as he is whose place he fills.
 Human nature does not change with  The greatest enemies to peace are
time or environment. force and wrong.
 Anger is short insanity.  Force and wrong are greatly contrary to
 It is lawful to repel force by force, peace.
provided it be done with the moderation  Force is inimical to the laws.
of blameless defence, not for the purpose
of taking revenge, but to ward off injury.
 The status of a person is his legal Possession
position or condition.
 A person is a man considered with  No one gives who does not have.
reference to a certain status.  No one can give what he does not own.
 The partner of my partner is not my  One cannot transfer to another a right
partner. which he has not.
 Use is the master of things, experience  He gives nothing who has nothing.
is the mistress of things.
 Two cannot possess one thing each in
 Protection draws to it subjection, entirety.
subjection, protection.

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 A gift is rendered complete by the  Possessor has right against all men but
possession of the receiver. him who has the very right.
 What is mine cannot be taken away No man may take your land off you
without my consent. lawfully except the Christ, the highest
authority in law alive who therefore has
 He that gives never ceases to possess
the ‗very right‘
until he that receives begins to possess.
 Enjoy your own property in such a
 A person in possession is not bound to
manner as not to injure that of another
prove that the possessions belong to him.
 Things taken or captured by pirates and
 He who owns the soil, owns up to the
robbers do not change their ownership.
 Things which are taken from enemies
 The owner of a piece of land owns
immediately become the property of the
everything above and below it to an
indefinite extent.
 It is one thing to possess, it is another
 Of whom is the land, of him is it also to
to be in possession.
the sky and to the deepest depths; he
 Possession of the termer42, possession who owns the land owns all above and all
of the reversioner. below the surface.
 Every person has exclusive dominion
over the soil which he absolutely owns;
Property and Land hence such an owner of land has the
exclusive right of hunting and fishing on
 Land lying unoccupied is given to the his land, and the waters covering it.
first occupant.
 Every man's house is his castle.
 What belongs to no one, naturally
belongs to the first occupant. You have no duty to open the door to any
man unless he has a lawful signed
 Possession is a good title, where no warrant for entry, authorising the use of
better title appears. force.
 Long possession produces the right of  A citizen cannot be taken by force from
possession, and takes away from the true his house to be conducted before a judge
owner his action. or to prison.
 When a man has the possession as well A man must not be taken from his house
as the right of property, he is said to by force without a lawful signed warrant
have jus duplicatum - a double right, of authority.
forming a complete title.  The habitation of each one is an
Under God‘s Law, a right comes above a inviolable asylum for him.
title.  Whatever is affixed to the soil belongs
 Rights of dominion are transferred to it.
without title or delivery, by  Rivers and ports are public, therefore
prescription, to wit, long and quiet the right of fishing there is common to all.
 Land comprehends any ground soil, or
earth whatsoever; as meadows, pastures,
woods, moors, waters, and marshes.
42 A ‘termer’ or ‘termor’ is someone who holds office,
land or other property for an agreed term or period of
time. When the time is up, the property returns to the

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Right and Wrong and you cannot agree with what you do
not comprehend.
 A right cannot arise from a wrong.
 Things silent are sometimes considered
 You are not to do evil that good may as expressed.
come of it.
 To conceal is one thing, to be silent
 It is not lawful to do evil that good may another.
come of it.
 Concealment of the truth is (equivalent
 That interpretation is to be received, to) a statement of what is false.
which will not intend a wrong.
 Suppression of fact, which should be
 It is better to suffer every wrong or ill, disclosed, is the same in effect as wilful
than to consent to it. misrepresentation.
 It is better to recede than to proceed  Evil is not presumed.
 It is safer to err on the side of mercy.
 To lie is to go against the mind.
 The multitude of those who err is no
excuse for error43. Scriptural
 No one is considered as committing
 Unequal things ought not to be joined.
damages, unless he is doing what he has
no right to do.  Things unite with similar things.
 No one shall take advantage of his own  The law is no respecter of persons.
 Time runs against the slothful and
 No man ought to derive any benefit of those who neglect their rights.
his own wrong.
 Debts follow the person of the debtor.
 No one ought to gain by another's loss.
 The most favorable construction is
 No one ought to enrich himself at the made in restitutions44.
expense of others.
 Where damages are given, the losing
 No one can improve his condition by a party should pay the costs of the victor.
 In many counselors there is safety.
 He who uses his legal rights, harms no
 Remove the foundation, the structure
or work will fall45.
He who uses his rights under the Law
 A legacy is confirmed by the death of
harms no one. A legal right often leads to
the testator, in the same manner as a gift
abuse of a God-given right, without
from a living person is by delivery alone.
redress in civil courts of equity.
 An error not resisted is approved.
 He who is silent appears to consent. 44 Exodus 22:5-6
The operative words here are ‘appears
45 They are like a man building a house, who dug down
deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood
to.’How can you know? A man cannot
came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake
consent to what he does not comprehend, it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my
because consent is ‘silent agreement’ words and does not put them into practice is like a man
who built a house on the ground without a foundation.
The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed
43Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you and its destruction was complete. Luke 6:48-49
give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by See also: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become
siding with the crowd. Exodus 23:2 the cornerstone’

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 The will of a testator is ambulatory Any attempt to enslave a man against his will
(alterable, revocable) up to his death. will be met with the severest penalties under the
 Every will is completed at death. A will Law.
speaks from the time of death only.
 Whatever is acquired by the servant, is
 The last will of a testator is to be acquired for the master.
fulfilled according to his real intention.
 A slave is not a person.
 To insult the deity is an unpardonable
offence46. But he is a man with rights under the
 Women are excluded from all civil and
public charges or offices.  A slave, and everything a slave has,
belongs to his master.
This ‘maxim’ is refuted by the right to
equal treatment under the Law. Neither Only if the slave consents.
of the biblical authorities which are cited  He who acts by or through another,
actually support the intention behind this acts for himself.
rule, Timothy 2:12, 1 Corinthians 14:34. No
woman has authority over a man because  He who does anything through another,
no human being has authority over is considered as doing it himself.
another. There must be no  The master is liable for injury done by
discrimination. his servant.
 He who is in the womb, is considered  He is not presumed to consent who
as born, whenever it is for his benefit. obeys the orders of his father or his
 He who first offends, causes the strife. master.

 He who pays tardily, pays less than he

Wisdom and Knowledge
 The beaten path is the safe path; the
old way is the safe way.  If you know not the names of things,
the knowledge of things themselves
You don‘t need to re-invent the wheel. perishes; and of you lose the names, the
distinction of the things is certainly lost.
 Names are mutable, but things
Servants and Slaves immutable.
A man may freely consent to be a servant or a
 Names of things ought to be
slave. But the moment he ceases to give that understood according to common usage,
consent, he is once again free, no matter what not according to the opinions of
he might have agreed to in any contract, and individuals.
has all his rights in tact, as a creation of God.  A name is not sufficient if a thing or
Since no man has the right to keep another subject for it does not exist by law or by
against his will, the rights of a man with regard fact.
to slave-keeping have no basis under the Law or
 Not to believe rashly is the nerve of
any system of law. wisdom.
 Reason is a ray of the Divine Light.
 Abundant caution does no harm unless
there is a pressing threat or need.
46And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be  External acts indicate undisclosed
forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be
forgiven. Matthew 12:31

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 External actions show internal secrets.  One making a voluntary confession, is

to be dealt with more mercifully.
 Outward acts evince the inward
purpose.  He ought not to be heard who
advances a proposition contrary to the
 You will perceive many things more
rules of law.
easily by practice than by rules.
 False in one (particular), false in all.
 Remove the cause and the effect will
cease. Not a good rule. The one below is better:
 Give the things which are yours whilst  Deliberate falsehood in one matter will
they are yours; after death they are not be imputed to related matters but will not
yours. be held to be absolute evidence of further
 He who alleges contradictory things is
Witnesses and Proof not to be listened to.

 A witness is a person who is present at  Proofs are to be weighed not

and observes a transaction. numbered; that is, the more worthy or
credible are to be believed.
 The answer of one witness shall not be
heard. It doesn't matter how many men say
something, because the Word of God is
One witness is not enough to convict superior to all. It does not matter how
anyone accused of any crime or offence. many people believe a lie, it's still a lie.
A matter must be established by the
testimony of two or more witnesses47.  A presumption will stand good until the
contrary is proved.
 The testimony of one witness,
unsupported, may not be enough to  The presumption is always in favour of
convict; for there may then be merely the one who denies.
oath against oath.  All things are presumed to be lawfully
 This is a maxim of the civil law, where done and duly performed until the
everything must be proved by two contrary is proved.
witnesses.  When the plaintiff does not prove his
 In law, none is credited unless he is case, the defendant is absolved.
sworn. All facts must, when established  When opinions are equal, a defendant
by witnesses, be under oath or is acquitted.
 An act done by me against my will is
 A confession made in court is of greater not my act.
effect than any proof.
 What does not appear and what is not
 No man is bound to produce writings is the same; it is not the defect of law,
against himself. but the want of proof.
 No one can be made to testify against  The faculty or right of offering proof is
himself or betray himself. not to be narrowed.
 No one is bound to accuse himself.  The latter decisions are stronger in law.
 No one ought to accuse himself, unless A maxim of civil law, not God‘s Law
before God.
 No one is restrained from using several
47 Deuteronomy 19:15, quoted at Matthew 18:16,
Corinthians 13:1.

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 No one is bound to inform about a  The necessity of proving lies with him
thing he knows not, but he who gives who makes the charge.
information is bound to know what he
 When the law presumes the
affirmative, the negative is to be proved.
 No one is bound to expose himself to
 When the proofs of facts are present,
misfortune and dangers.
what need is there of words.
 Plain truths need not be proved.
 It is vain to prove that which if proved
 What is clearly apparent need not be would not aid the matter in question.
 Facts are more powerful than words.
 One eye witness is better than ten ear
 Negative facts are not proof.
 Witnesses cannot testify to a negative;
 An eye witness outweighs others.
they must testify to an affirmative.
 What appears to the court needs not
 Better is the condition of the
the help of witnesses.
defendant, than that of the plaintiff.
 It is in the nature of things, that he
 What is not proved and what does not
who denies a fact is not bound to prove it.
exist are the same; it is not a defect of
 The burden of proof lies upon him who the law, but of proof.
affirms, not on him who denies.
 Principles prove, they are not proved.
 The claimant is always bound to prove:
 There is no reasoning of principles.
the burden of proof lies on him.
 All things are presumed to have been
 Upon the one alleging, not upon him
done in due and solemn form.
denying, rests the duty of proving.
 Upon the plaintiff rests the proving –
the burden of proof.

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‘Is it not written

in your law..?’

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The Law and Babylon

In her hand, she held a gold cup, full of obscenities and the foulness of her
fornication; and written on her forehead was a name with a secret

Babylon the Great

The mother of whores
and of every obscenity on
The woman I saw was drunk with the blood of God’s prophets, with the
blood of those who had borne their testimony to Jesus.
Revelation 17:4-6, The New English Bible

Apart from the commandments in the Bible, the Law is not

written down because it is obvious to any reasonable man
that you do your duty to God or your conscience, the first
commandment, and you respect the rights of others because
you wish to have your rights respected, the second
commandment. The Law is not therefore set out in a single
constitutional document with articles, amendments and case
law. However, the Law and its precedence can be found in
different facets of civil law also known as the laws of Babylon:

 written constitutions,
 English case law,
 legalese – the legal definitions of words which vary
from their everyday or natural meanings
 the oath
 law books

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In English statute law

That which seems necessary for the king and the state ought
not to be said to tend to the prejudice of liberty of the

Any one may renounce a law introduced for his own benefit

Where there is no law there is no transgression, as it regards

the world

It is a wretched state of things when the law is vague and

Maxims of Law

Legislation and the force of Law

If it is to carry the force of Law in any way, legislation has to be:

 written down and

 clear in its meaning to a reasonable man

It is therefore up to those who believe that UK legislation and case law

Maxims of Law
take precedence over the Law to demonstrate this proposition with
The contract makes reference to written legislation and case law.
the law
However the opposite is true. It is a principle of English law that you
Consent makes the can do as you please so long as it is not against the law, which is clearly
law. A contract is a another way of stating God’s Law or the Common Law:
law between the
Everything is permitted which is not forbidden by
parties, which can
acquire force only by
consent In my research into both the Law and legal codes like constitutions, I
have not found a single example or passage that states that a legal code
The order of things is
can have a higher authority in law than God’s Law.
confounded if
everyone preserves When representing people as a Common Law lawyer, I have drafted
not his jurisdiction letters to official bodies like the Crown Prosecution Service asking them
to provide the authority behind legislation. So far none of them has

48‘Ekklesia’ means ‘the congregation [of Christ]’. In this case, it refers to anyone following the Law of God. It is often
wrongly translated as ‘church’ as in ‘You are Peter, the rock on which I will build my church’. This is more correctly
translated as ‘You are Peter. You are the brick on which I will build my congregation.’ See Matthew 16:18

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come up with a single reference – let alone an authority – which states that constitutions or statutes
take precedence over the Law. Nor have they provided an argument to justify the idea that Acts of
Parliament create a binding duty. These communications have though established beyond any
reasonable doubt that the CPS – and its parent company, UK plc –is an unlawful corporation repugnant
to God and reason. That is my judgement.

In fact, there are good reasons why we should be sceptical about parliamentary legislation. MPs do not
vote according to conscience or reason. They vote in the way the government (or opposition) whips tell
them. If they indicate that they are to vote against the government’s proposed legislation, they do so
under threat from the whips office. Under the New Labour government, an MP was even subjected to
violence for stating his intention to vote against a government-backed Bill. Parliamentary legislation is
therefore not passed freely. It is passed under duress.

Even if legislation were passed freely according to the conscience of MPs, it does not in itself create a
duty. An ‘Act’ of Parliament is just that, an act. Nowhere is an Act of Parliament referred to as ‘law’ or
‘Law’ within its texts. It also comes from a legislature, producing legislation, not ‘Law’. But the UK
parliament barely qualifies as an independent legislature because government ministers sit in the House
as MPs and like other Members are told how to vote by their parties, robbing the house of the vital and
rational debate that is the lifeblood of Truth and Justice.

The historical root meaning of a word can often illuminate its true meaning. The word ‘parliament’
comes from the French ‘parlement’ which means ‘talking shop’, reflecting its ability to only discuss
issues and make contractual offers under legislation rather than make binding Law.

The Sovereign’s Crest

Every piece of UK parliamentary legislation also
bears the Sovereign’s Crest, which displays the

Dieu et Mon Droit

translated as ‘God and My Duty’; ‘God and My Right’

‘God is my duty’ – the Law of God in a nutshell --
above anything agreed by a vote of MPs (whether
under duress or otherwise). Since this is the Law of
God, its mention here serves as a reminder of
precedence and a contrast to the words of
legislation, which are merely a contractual offer
which we can refuse according to our duty to God
The Royal Crest and Motto. The latin version of ‘Dieu et Mon
and humanity or our duty to conscience, making the Droit’ is ‘Deus meumque ius’, which is also the motto of the 33

terms of any statute binding only with our consent. degree of the Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
The 33rd degree is the highest in freemasonry. It is also known as
‘Grand Sovereign Inspector General’

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The other motto on the Sovereign’s Crest is:

Honi soit qui mal y pense

This translated as ‘Shame on he who laughs’ or ‘Dishonour on he who thinks badly of this’. In other
words, there is only dishonour where ‘Dieu et Mon Droit’ or the Law is not observed.

Must, may, shall

Consent makes the law. A contract is a law between the parties, which can
acquire force only by consent49
Maxims of Law

Anyone who doubts this might like to consider the legal definition of ‘must’, which under its normal or
natural definition means ‘to have a duty to’; ‘to have to’; ‘to be compelled or obliged to’. Although the
shyster editors of Black’s Law have removed ‘must’ from the 9th edition, previous editions held it to be
synonymous with ‘may’.

However, the 9th and latest edition still defines ‘may’ -- ‘to be permitted to’ and ‘to be a possibility’ as
synonymous with ‘must’:

Loosely, is required to; shall; must […].

In dozens of cases, courts have held may to be synonymous with shall or must, usually in
an effort to effectuate legislative intent.
Black’s Law, 9 edition

So in the language of legislation, legislators use the word ‘must’ or ‘shall’ but they do not create a duty
because they actually mean ‘to be permitted to’ or ‘to be a possibility’. This means legislation is an offer
we can lawfully refuse.

Next time, you get a parking or speeding ticket, study it closely. It usually says you ‘must pay a fine of
£x’. In legalese, this means that you ‘are permitted to pay a fine’ or ‘it is a possibility that you pay a
fine’. You have no duty to pay that fine. So don’t. Because it all goes to servicing the unlawful national
debt, which in turn creates a form of slavery.

In order to prove this, next time you get what looks like a bill, ignore it. Instead, write to the CEO of the
corporation concerned asking for a lawful bill of settlement. This must (in its true sense) include:

The amount owed and the lawful reason for liability (like a contract etc).
The name of the man claiming on the liability
His signature

49It is therefore axiomatic that a legislative rule or statute requires the consent of an individual to its terms to carry the
force of Law as a statute is a contractual offer.

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At the same time, enclose a fee schedule stating that unless they have a reason under the Law to make
contact or pursue you for money, then you will charge them £x per letter, phone call or other
communication. If they then contact you, they accept your contractual offer, sealing the agreement. If
they don’t pay your lawful bill, then you can wind up the corporation.

Parliamentary legislation also refers to a ‘person’ rather than a

Maxims of Law
‘man’. Since the word ‘person’ comes from the Latin and Old English
for ‘mask’, it is clear that our person is something we can choose to The Law is no respecter of
cast off whereas our status as a man or woman is not. Legalese, a persons
perverted form of English designed to rob law of its clarity and
promoted by the Law Society, has over the years tried to confuse this Equity acts upon the person
Debts follow the person of the
No matter how Black’s Law defines the word ‘person’, it is still clearly debtor
a legal fiction that a corporation can love or perform other duties
whereas it is a truth that a man can. A legal fiction cannot take The status of a person is his
precedence over a truth. legal position or condition

 Parliament may intend that we respect its legislation but it Where there is truth, fiction of
cannot put a duty on us to do so, making the terms of law cannot exist
legislation optional rather than mandatory, a contractual
offer rather than a binding contract.
 Behaviour is unlawful when it violates God’s Law. When it violates statutes like the
1971 Misuse of Drugs Act -- which made hemp illegal in the UK -- an act is illegal. In the
latter case, it requires your consent to give man authority to act upon you. Just as well
really because 200million people are currently starving and 75million die every year as a
result of ‘anti-drugs’ legislation across the planet.

Sovereignty of parliament?
It is clear from the above, that the individual man has higher authority than the corporation which is the
UK parliament. Some constitutional experts claim that under the UK system of government parliament
is sovereign. This clearly does not stand up to independent scrutiny for the following reasons:

 parliamentary legislation cannot have any lawful basis whatsoever without

assent from the Sovereign.
 The Sovereign has the Royal Prerogative, the highest force of law.
 The Sovereign appoints the Prime Minister and all other office holders, including
judges, and can dismiss a parliament.
 Ministers, judges and MPs swear an oath to serve the Sovereign.
 Parliament cannot wage war without the assent of the Sovereign.
 Any British subject or citizen has an oath to God and the Sovereign, not to

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It would also be a violation of the Sovereign’s oath before God to uphold the Law, to allow
parliamentary statutes or constitutional law to take precedence over the Law of God (see Oaths and
Heir of All Things).

This is also supported by a renowned lawyer, Matthew Hale, in his account of the Law published in the
18th century:

The Common Law, and the Judges of the Courts of Common Law, have the Exposition of
such Statutes or Acts of Parliament as concern either the Extent of the Jurisdiction of
those Courts (whether Ecclesiastical, Maritime or Military) or the Matters depending
before them; and therefore, if those Courts either refuse to allow these Acts of
Parliament, or expound them in any other Sense than is truly and properly the Exposition
of them, the King's Great Courts of the Common Law (who next under the King and his
Parliament have the Exposition of those Laws) may prohibit and control them. And
thus much touching those Courts wherein the Civil and Canon Laws are allowed as Rules
and Directions under the Restrictions above-mentioned:

Touching which, the Sum of the Whole is this:

First, That the Jurisdiction exercised in those Courts is derived from the Crown of
England, and that the last Devolution is to the King, by Way of Appeal.
Secondly, That although the Canon or Civil Law be respectively allowed as the Direction
or Rule of their Proceedings, yet that is not as if either of those Laws had any original
Obligation in England, either as they are the Laws of Emperors, Popes, or General
Councils, but only by Virtue of their Admission here, which is evident; for that those
Canons or Imperial Constitutions which have not been receiv'd here do not bind; and
also, for that by several contrary Customs and Stiles used here many of those Civil and
Canon Laws are controlled and derogated.
Third, that although those Laws are admitted in some Cases in those Courts, yet they are
but Leges sub graviori Lege50; and the Common Laws of this Kingdom have ever obtain'd
and retain'd the Superintendency over them
The History of the Common Law of England, Matthew Hale, 1713 edition,

While MPs continue to allow the budget to be spent on the national debt, parliament is breaking the
Law as usury – in this case the payment of interest -- is unlawful.

50 The Latin for ‘laws under the precedence of the Law’

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English case law and precedence of the Law

English law is also based on ‘precedent’. Black’s Law 9th edition defines it
first as: ‘preceding in time or order’. ‘Precedence’ is defined as:
‘Generally the act or state of going before something else according to
some system’.

Coming from the Bible, the Law precedes -- in the first sense of ‘before in
time’ -- any constitutional documents, Acts of Parliament or judicial
rulings created under English Law.

In its second sense of ‘above in order or rank’, the Law also takes
precedence because:

 the Law‘s philosophy comes from a higher authority, God,

and is expressed as two ‗commandments‘ in the Bible,
making it mandatory.
 the duty to God encapsulated in the oath means it carries
higher authority than anything apart from God‘s Law itself.
 in legislation the word ‗must‘ does not confer a duty so parliament does not intend its
legislation to be binding.

The Law therefore creates a duty whereas statutes – said to take precedence when interpreting English
case law under the principle of ‘parliamentary sovereignty’ -- do not.

Black’s second definition of ‘precedent’ refers to judicial rulings -- decisions made by a court -- and
includes guidance from law books on the issue:

A decided case that furnishes a basis for determining later cases involving similar facts or
A precedent […] is a judicial decision which contains in itself a principle. The
underlying principle which thus forms its authoritative element is often termed the
ratio decidendi51. The concrete decision is binding between the parties to it but it
is the abstract ratio decidendi which alone has the force of law as regards the
world at large.
John Salmond, Jurisprudence 191 (Glanville L Williams editor, 10th
edition, 1947)
One may often accord respect to a precedent not by embracing it with a frozen
logic but by drawing from its thought the elements of a new pattern of decision.
Lon L Fuller, Anatomy of the Law 151 (1968)
Black’s Law dictionary, 9th edition

51 Black’s Law: ‘the reason for deciding’

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So it is the reasoning and principle behind a precedent rather than the actual precedent itself that gives
it the force of Law. The ratio decidendi behind the Law is:

 it deals with actual, as opposed to theoretical, harm, loss or injury and then to a man
who as a soul incarnated as flesh and blood can really experience harm, loss or injury.
(Since a corporation is a piece of paper, it cannot. Nor can it be responsible for its
actions). For example, legislation holds that any person travelling over 70 miles per
hour in a car commits an offence based on a notional idea that the perceived threat to
life and limb is actual harm, loss or injury (even though millions of people do this every
day without incident).
 Some will say that if we removed this penalty more would take risks at speed so there
would be more harm to life and limb. Others might say if more people prayed they
would know the protection of God. Legislation suggests that you need to compensate
the state, even where you have caused no actual loss or harm. How mad is that? How
far has that legal fiction stopped good men in their tracks and allowed those who cause
real harm to escape retribution?
 it is mandatory precisely because it deals with real harm. (Who other than a psychopath
or sociopath would wish to harm the rights of a fellow man?).
 it is paramount because it comes from God, a higher authority than man. God’s
authority over man is recognised in the oath of office, applicable to any public office
holder in the UK and particularly to those with involvement in law enforcement like
judges and police officers.

The existence of God is also recognised in commercial or maritime law. Every insurance contract allows
for an ‘Act of God’, an event for which no claims will be paid by the insurance company. Since this
means you are effectively unable to sue God for causing you loss, it also establishes that the authority of
God comes above any right accorded by a contract and is supported by the following maxim:

An Act of God harms no one

The laws of Babylon are therefore subject to the authority of God.

The second commandment of the Law of God, expressed as ‘Love your neighbour...’, is also a precedent
in English case law, cited in a famous House of Lords ruling which continues to be quoted in English
court cases to the present day.

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Donoghue v Stevenson 52, [1932] AC 562

If ever the Law of God and man are at variance, the former are to be
obeyed in derogation of the later53

That which is against Divine Law is repugnant to society and is void

Maxims of Law

Commonly known as the ‘Paisley snail’ or the ‘snail in the bottle’ case, Donoghue v Stevenson
established that the principle of ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’ -- otherwise defined as a
duty of care – took precedence over any contract. Although the case originated under Scots law, the
House of Lords determined that the English law of negligence and the Scots law of delict were identical.

On 26th August 1928, Mary Donoghue drank a bottle of ginger beer, manufactured by Stephenson,
which a friend bought from a retailer and gave to Donoghue. The bottle contained the decomposed
remains of a snail which were not, and could not be, detected until the greater part of the contents of
the bottle had been consumed. She later went into shock and contracted severe gastro-enteritis, which
she claimed was a result of consuming the defective ginger beer.

In English law prior to Donoghue it was held that someone could claim damages from someone else
where the latter owed the former a duty of care and harmed him through their conduct in breach of
that duty. However, it was generally held that a duty of care was only owed in very specific

 where a contract existed between two parties or

 where inherently dangerous products were involved or
 where a fraudulent claim had been made.

In Donoghue v Stevenson, the manufacturer claimed that he was protected by privity of contract as
there was no contractual relationship between Donoghue -- who consumed the contaminated drink
which caused her to fall ill -- and the drinks manufacturer or even the café owner, as Donoghue had not
ordered or paid for the drink herself. (Although there was a contractual relationship between the café
owner and Donoghue's friend, the friend had not been harmed by the drink). Ginger beer is obviously
not inherently dangerous nor was fraud an issue.

On the face of it, English law did not provide a remedy for Donoghue. Lord Atkins though adopted the
commandment to ‘Love your neighbour…’:

The rule that you are to love your neighbour becomes in law you must not injure your
neighbour; and the lawyer's question: Who is my neighbour? receives a restricted reply.
You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably
foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. Who, then, in law, is my neighbour?

52 The case is also referred to as M’Alister v Stevenson

53 , see Acts 5:29-39

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The answer seems to be - persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act
that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am
directing my mind to the acts or omissions that are called in question.
Lord Atkin, Donoghue v Stevenson, leading judgment, 26 May 1932

Although in his dissenting opinion, Lord Buckmaster stated that ‘it is difficult to see how any common
law proposition can be supported to formulate her claim’, he failed to mention or deal with the
Common Law principle of ‘Love your neighbour…’. Upholding Donoghue’s appeal, Lord Macmillan
specifically dealt with this omission quoting Lord Esher in Emmens v Pottle:

Any proposition the result of which would be to show that the common law of England is
wholly unreasonable and unjust, cannot be part of the common law of England54.

This authority in English case law demonstrates that the ‘Love your neighbour…’ principle of the
Common Law takes precedence (although it is here referred to as ‘the common law of England’, we have
already established that the ‘Love your neighbour…’ principle originally comes from the Bible.

In other words where English law clashes with the Common Law, then English law cedes and the
Common Law prevails.

It is therefore enshrined in English case law that the Bible carries higher authority than any contract

 the plaintiff was able to sue without contract on the basis of a Common Law principle
set out in the Bible and
 a contract did not protect the defendant from the ‘Love your neighbour…’ principle,
even though this principle is not written down in English law other than in the Bible.

It therefore follows that our contractual relationship with government -- dictated by statute and
constitution – cannot take precedence over a principle of Common Law.

 English case law therefore has the authority of a judicial precedent which demonstrates
the authority of the Law and the Bible over English law, including any other judicial
precedent in case law, and records in writing that which already exists under the
Common Law: our authority to reject the contractual offer of a constitution or statute at
any time and instead be judged on our duty of care to our fellow man.

54 At one point, this ruling refers to the ‘laws of Babylon’, another term for commercial law going back 6,000 years

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In a court of law
Since judges are bound by English case law, then they are
duty-bound to put its authorities into practice when
considering other cases. Since Donoghue establishes that
the Law of God takes precedence over contract, a judge has
a duty to ensure that the ‘Love your neighbour…’ principle is
adopted over any contract like a statute unless you consent
to his legal authority to judge you under statute, which he
will try and trick you into.

So when a judge asks you:

‘Do you understand the charges?’

know that he does not mean:

‘Do you comprehend…?’

He means:

‘Do you stand under…?’

or accept his authority or jurisdiction under legislation. This violates a maxim of Law:

A twisting of language is unworthy of a judge.

And makes any case against the man in question invalid as according to the authority of another maxim:

One is not present if he does not comprehend.

If you consent, you will then be treated as a ‘person’ who can be brought to court by another person or
corporation, like the Crown Prosecution Service, under the rules of equity or limited liability55.

Duty to God and His Law

As well as appearing on Acts of Parliament, the crest of the Sovereign is displayed in every Court room in
the land, so the words ‘Dieu et Mon Droit’ to remind the judge where his authority to judge comes from:
God and God’s representative, the Sovereign – not from parliament, the government of the UK or any

In other words, when he is under oath a judge has to respect your Common Law rights (see Oaths
below) including a defendant’s right of representation by anyone he chooses (rather than it being

55Although you enter a court of law, you will be judged under the rules of equity rather than the Law unless you insist
your Common Law rights

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limited to a ‘qualified’ barrister or solicitor, whose first duty under the civil code is to the Law Society,
not to his client56).

Under the Common Law, you can sue a judge for failing to respect your Common Law rights. He can also
be brought to justice for perjury, failure to observe the oath.

Matthew Hale, in his account of the Law published in the 18th century, comes to a similar verdict:

As the Laws and Statutes57 of the Realm have prescribed to those Courts their Bounds
and Limits, so the Courts of Common Law have the Superintendency over those Courts,
to keep them within the Limits and Bounds of their several Jurisdictions, and to judge
and determine whether they have exceeded those Bounds, or not; and in Case they do
exceed their Bounds, the Courts at Common Law issue their Prohibitions to restrain them,
directed either to the Judge or Party, or both: And also, in case they exceed their
Jurisdiction, the Officer that executes the Sentence, and in some Cases the Judge that
gives it, are punishable in the Courts at Common Law.
The History of the Common Law of England, Matthew Hale, 1713 edition,

We often hear the phrase ‘hasn’t got a leg to stand on’ to describe someone who has a case entirely
without basis or merit, usually with respect to law. This phrase rather neatly sums up the position of a
corporation when it comes up against a man before a judge under oath: a corporation both literally and
figuratively ‘does not have a leg to stand on’. Since it is a legal fiction that a
Maxims of Law
corporation can have duties and respect rights while a man really can, a judge
has no lawful basis to rule for a corporation over a man. Ignorance of the Law
 Under the Law, a judge only has the jurisdiction to settle a dispute does not excuse
between two men. If you find yourself in court, then insist the judge misconduct in
is under oath (see Oaths below) and that he brings to the court the anyone, least of all a
man claiming injury against you. If he cannot, he has a duty to decide sworn officer of the
in your favour. law.
 So-called court orders -- based on judicial rulings -- are not signed by
An Englishman’s
the judge. As they are not signed, these ‘orders’ cannot carry the
house is his castle
force of Law. This is particularly true of a so-called possession order
for a man’s house and home. The order of things is
 If a judge refuses to follow the Law, you can sue him or have him confounded if
prosecuted for perjury, failure to observe the oath, or for malfeasance everyone preserves
in public office or possibly sedition and treason, depending on not his jurisdiction
To a judge who
exceeds his office or
jurisdiction no
obedience is due
56 This is of course a violation of the oath sworn by solicitors
57 This establishes that there is a difference between ‘laws’ and ‘statutes’.

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English constitutional law

Now the promises were pronounced to Abraham and to his ‘issue’. It does
not say ‘issues’ in the plural, but in the singular, ‘and to your issue’; and the
issue intended is Christ. What I am saying is this: a testament, or covenant,
had already been validated by God; it cannot be invalidated, and its
promises rendered ineffective, by a law made 430 years later.
Galatians 3:16-18, New English Bible

The UK famously has no single written constitutional


In English law therefore, there is no single legal

document which governs the relationship between the
rulers and the ruled or defines the rights of the people
to allow determination of those rights by a court under
a legal system. (The Human Rights Act is an Act of
Parliament, not a constitution, and is therefore simply a
contractual offer any judge or man can decline to use).
In the absence of such a constitutional document, all
rights remain with the individual under the Law58.

In support of this, there are a variety of documents which inform English constitutional law, including
Magna Carta, which actually enshrine our rights under the Law and particularly our right to be judged
according to God’s Law or the Common Law.

I cannot find a single mention in these documents or elsewhere that man’s rules have higher authority
than God’s Law. In fact, a number of maxims demonstrate that God’s Law comes above man.

Alfred’s Dome-book
In the 9th century, King Alfred the Great wrote in his famous ‘Dome-book’ – from the Old English for
‘law’ hence ‘free-dome’ or ‘freedom’ -- a guide to justice published for the general use of the whole

To all who are charged with the administration of public affairs I give the express
command that they show themselves in all things to be just judges precisely as in the
Liber Judicialis it is written; nor shall any of them fear to declare the common Law freely
and courageously.
From the Catholic Encyclopaedia59

58 Although not expressly stated in God’s Law, rights come from the duties set out in the Law. If you have a duty to love
your neighbour, then you will automatically respect his right to, for example, privacy or free speech.

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If we were in any doubt that the Common Law came from the Bible, as part of his exposition of it, King
Alfred draws on the biblical ‘Ten Commandments’ as the starting point of interpretation of the Common
Law and adds the solemn sanction Jesus Christ gave in the Gospel:

Do not think that I am come to destroy the Law, or the prophets; I am not come to
destroy but to fulfill

Alfred also refers to the other biblical expression of the second commandment of the Law in writing:

As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them […] From this one doom, a
man may remember that he judge every one righteously, he need heed no other doom-
From the Catholic Encyclopaedia

This establishes beyond any doubt that the Law exists in England prior to the first constitutional
document, Magna Carta, and that it has higher authority than any legislation passed by man because by
applying its principles anyone can judge anyone else justly without referring to any other ‘doom-book’
or code of laws.

It is therefore clear from this document that the Law takes precedence in England in both senses -- in
time and rank.

Magna Carta

The Law of God and the law of the land are all one, and both favour and
preserve the common good of the land
Maxim of Law

The greatest constitutional document of all times -- the foundation of the

freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authority of the despot
Lord Denning, English Law Lord

[Magna Carta is the] first of a series of instruments that now are

recognised as having a special constitutional status
Lord Woolf, Lord Chief Justice, in 2005

Magna Carta was originally issued in the year 1215 under King John and originally passed into law in
1225. Although there was much dispute over its terms, a version agreed in 1297 still remains on the
statute books of England and Wales. It therefore continues to guarantee the rights, freedoms and
liberties of the Common Law to all freemen of the realm and their heirs ‘for ever’:

1. FIRST, We have granted to God, and by this our present Charter have confirmed, for
Us and our Heirs for ever, that the Church of England shall be free, and shall have all her
whole Rights and Liberties inviolable. We have granted also, and given to all the


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Freemen of our Realm, for Us and our Heirs for ever, these Liberties under-written, to
have and to hold to them and their Heirs, of Us and our Heirs for ever.
9. THE City of London shall have all the old Liberties and Customs which it hath been
used to have. Moreover We will and grant, that all other Cities, Boroughs, Towns, and
the Barons of the Five Ports, as with all other Ports, shall have all their Liberties and free
29. NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or
Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor
will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by
the Law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either
Justice or Right61.

In this case ‘The Law of the Land’ has to mean the Law of God, which can be guaranteed because it is
eternal and unchanging. The phrase was coined to distinguish between the two systems of law in
existence, the Common Law and civil law, which includes admiralty and maritime law, so is also known
as the law of the sea. This interpretation is also supported by the maxim:

The Law of God and the law of the land are all one, and both favour and preserve the
common good of the land

‘The Law of the Land’ cannot be interpreted in its more modern and misused meaning of ‘the collected
body of laws of any given country’, because:

 this would be a misinterpretation of the word ‘laws’ which primarily must be interpreted
as ‘the two commandments of God’s Law’ before being considered in its misused way
where it is falsely held to be synonymous with legislation.
 Legislation is constantly changing. Magna Carta could not insist that anyone be bound
by ‘laws’ or legislation yet to be passed in 1215 or 1297.

Any statute repealing these Articles of Magna Carta would by its own definition be unlawful because
these rights are part of the Law of God, which takes precedence over any constitution and is recognised
as mandatory under the oath.

 The Law pre-exists and is enshrined in Magna Carta.

 Magna Carta did not create the rights of man. It merely codified rights which already
existed and were given to man by God.

The Petition of Right

On 7th June 1628, King Charles gave royal assent to The Petition of Right, which restated the ancient
rights and liberties enshrined in Magna Carta, particularly with regard to habeus corpus, imprisonment
only according to fair trial under the Law of the land. In the heated debate leading to the signing of the
Petition of Right, the King’s opponents drew on ancient rights and customs clearly based on God’s Law.

These are the Article numbers for the revised version of Magna Carta. In the original of 1215, the rights quoted above

were Articles 39 and 40.

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The rule of Law and the duty to God central to the Law in the form of the oath are both preserved in two
further constitutional documents which prevail over English law, the 1688 Bill of Rights and the 1689
Declaration of Rights.

That oath concerns the joint ‘monarchs’ King William III and Queen Mary and swears allegiance to them
and their non-Catholic heirs and descendants.

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Oaths and duties

Punishment is due if the words of an oath be
Maxim of Law

The Oath of Allegiance and the Official Oath are set out
in the Promissory Oaths Act 1868:
The Oath of Allegiance
I, NAME, do swear that I will be faithful and
bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according
to law. So help me God.
The Oath of the Horatii by Jacques-Louis David, 1784. The
The Official Oath
‘oath’ sworn here is not an oath because it honours the
I, NAME, do swear that I will well and truly
Republic of Rome and not God
serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in the office
of [...] So help me God62.

If you swear an oath before God, then it is axiomatic that you are aware that you accept God’s authority
– you are effectively asking him to witness your actions and judge you, should you fail to abide by that
oath and not be brought to justice by man. If he is able to witness all that you do and judge you, it is
clear God has the authority. Once you have recognised God’s authority, it follows that you are bound by
God’s two commandments, on which hang ‘all of the Law’.

No man can force another man to swear the oath but any subject or citizen in the UK consents to the
oath – by not saying: ‘No’ -- and therefore the paramount and mandatory nature of the Law of God. The
Sovereign, judges, law officers, MPs and army officers are among those who actually swear the oath
before God.

Even though God’s Law is not specifically mentioned in a judge’s oath of office, it does include ‘laws’
which in the context of spiritual matters is most fittingly interpreted as ‘the two commandments of
God’s Law’:

Judicial Oath
I, NAME, do swear that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth in
the office of ...., and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of
this realm (colony), without fear or favour, affection or ill will. So help me God

And through his duty to the Sovereign, who in turn has sworn an oath before God at their coronation to
rule according to Law and Justice:

62 For office-holders who swear or affirm the oath see below.

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The Archbishop standing before her shall administer the Coronation Oath, Maxims of Law
first asking the Queen:
Ignorance of the Law
Madam, is your Majesty willing to take the Oath?
does not excuse
And the Queen answering: I am willing.
misconduct in
The Archbishop shall minister these questions; and The Queen, having a
book in her hands, shall answer each question severally as follows: anyone, least of all a
Archbishop: Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the
sworn officer of the
Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, law.
Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan,
and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and the other Territories to any of To a judge who
them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws63 and exceeds his office or
jurisdiction no
Queen: I solemnly promise so to do.
obedience is due
Archbishop: Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to
be executed in all your judgments? Of the credit and duty
Queen: I will. of a judge, no
Archbishop: Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of question can arise;
God and the true profession of the Gospel? […] but it is otherwise
Queen: All this I promise to do. respecting his
Then the Queen arising out of her Chair, supported as before, the Sword of knowledge, whether
State being carried before her, shall go to the Altar, and make her solemn
Oath in the sight of all the people to observe the premises: laying her right he is mistaken as to
hand upon the Holy Gospel in the great Bible (which was before carried in the law or fact
the procession and is now brought from the Altar by the Arch-bishop, and
tendered to her as she kneels upon the steps), and saying these words:
The order of things is
The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. confounded if
So help me God.
everyone preserves
Then the Queen shall kiss the Book and sign the Oath.
not his jurisdiction.
Coronation Oath, Order of Service for the Coronation, 2 June 1953
Punishment is due if
Since the monarch has sworn to ‘maintain the Laws of God and the true
the words of an oath
profession of the Gospel’ then any judge swearing the oath is bound by God’s
be false
two laws or commandments through his duty to the Sovereign. If he fails to do
his sworn duty under these laws, he commits at the very least perjury, for which
the penalties are unlimited, and in certain cases, sedition and treason.

A judge therefore has no duty to parliament and its legislation or the

government and its policies and directives, and a binding duty to the Law and
the Sovereign who is by oath also bound by the Common Law.

The Book of Hebrews in the New Testament makes it absolutely clear that the oath does not take
precedence over the Law.

63We have established that the Law of God takes precedence over ‘laws’. Where the two clash, the Queen would be bound
under her oath to follow the Law of God.

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For the Law appoints as high priests men who have weakness, but the word of the oath,
which came after the Law, appoints the Son who has been perfected forever.
Hebrews 7:28, New English Bible

Even if you have sworn an oath before God to serve the Sovereign, you cannot be made to break the
Law by that Sovereign (see also Heir of All Things).

Clarification of the Oath

Some Christians rightly point out that the biblical Christ warns against the swearing of oaths:

Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear
thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: But I say unto you, Swear not at all;
neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither
by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head,
because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be,
Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
Matthew 5:33-37

The passage does confirm that the oath exists and is binding because the biblical Christ insists that you
will ‘perform unto the Lord thine oaths’. A teaching from the mouth of Christ would -- as a rule of
thumb -- trump all other authority in the Bible. However, this is not the New Testament’s final word on
the matter:

For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater,
He swore by Himself, saying, ‗Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will
multiply you.‘ For men indeed swear by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is for
them an end of all dispute. Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs
of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath.
Hebrews 6:13-17, New International Version

As the Book of Hebrews is part of the New Testament; discusses the New Covenant64; and acknowledges
the arrival of Christ ‘in these last days’, the doctrine presented here cannot be dismissed simply on the
grounds that it is part of the Old Covenant. And it is God the Father who was prepared to swear an oath
on himself, not a mere man. At the same time, God the Son or Christ claims no man should feel the
need to swear to anything even by God. So how do we resolve this apparent contradiction in biblical

The most notable aspect of this debate is that both the Book of Matthew and the Book of Hebrews
agree on the solemn binding nature of the duty enshrined in the Oath, whether sworn or not. After
quoting the old rules, Christ does not say abandon your duty to God, just perform your duty to God
without feeling the need to swear it in the presence of another man.

The advice in the Book of Hebrews defends the oath as a way of confirming the truth of a claim, which
settles a dispute if the other party will not also swear his truth under oath. Like Christ’s teaching above,

64The Bible makes it clear that, once Christ has arrived, God will speak to man through him, the New Covenant as opposed
to the Old Covenant in which God spoke to man through the prophets.

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it reflects the solemn binding nature of the duty to God, in this case to tell the truth and is backed by
two maxims of law:

No one is believed in court but upon his oath

In law none is credited unless he is sworn. All the facts must, when established by
witnesses, be under oath or affirmation

The two books therefore disagree only about whether a man can be compelled to swear that oath in the
presence of another man. There is no disagreement about the duty to God reflected in the oath,
whether sworn or not.

As we have already discussed, a man is bound by the Law of God, and therefore has a duty to God,
without swearing the oath. He also consents to the oath by silence.

From further context, the passage in Matthew constitutes Christ’s advice as to best practice spiritually --
rather than a statement of rights and wrongs under the Law -- as preparation for the New Covenant.
Rather than recourse to the Law, in the future you would do better to choose to ignore your rights in
favour of the best practice under the New Covenant:

Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I
say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek,
turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy
coat, let him have thy cloak also65. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go
with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee
turn not thou away.
Matthew 5:38-42

The policy of ‘Turn the other cheek’ does not take away your right to self-defence under the Law. God
understands that in the heat of the moment you might feel compelled to defend yourself with violence.
But the true devotee of the word will allow himself to be struck again and again -- rather than do
violence -- as the best karmic practice. This is just one of a number of seemingly extreme examples
Christ uses to illustrate just how important it is to get into heaven (aka the promised land or the New
World, post-201266). Another is the stricture to cut off your right hand if it impairs your chances of
redemption67. It is clearly not meant to be taken literally.

From context ‘An eye for an eye...’ cannot be read as Christ supporting retaliation —although many
people will quote this line out of context to justify it: the next line is the famous biblical exhortation to
‘Turn the other cheek’ and be hit again rather than throw a punch in retaliation.

It is instead a statement on the limitation of damages that can be awarded as compensation, once it has
been decided that your rights have been violated because you have suffered loss, harm or injury. An

65 Just because you have rights under the Law doesn’t mean you are obliged to use them. In any case, they remain your
rights -- used or not.
66 Matthew 5:30
67 Some have interpreted this as a prohibition on masturbation! It is amazing what perverted minds some people have.

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injured man can only sue to recover what he has lost due to harm or injury. Man does not have the
authority to award punitive damages or in any way punish another man.

 As the New Covenant takes hold, we should be less and less prepared to swear under
oath. God will not though look on you unfavourably, if for example, you swear to the
truth of your Common Law rights under oath or need to take to the witness stand under
oath. And never ever swear under oath to something you suspect or know to be untrue.
That is a violation of one of the ‘ten commandments’: ‘You shall not take the Lord’s
name in vain’.

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Every one alive has consented to the oath – to love God and man -- by their silence. As international
boundaries are fictions to God, then the Law of God and the oath operate anywhere in the universe. In
the US, office holders and law enforcers from the President downwards have sworn an oath before God.
The same will apply in other countries.

If you want to ensure God’s Law is enforced, then contact an office holder who has sworn the oath. If
he fails to help you uphold the Law, he may be charged with perjury and more.

Officials/title holders
The Queen is bound by the Sovereign’s Oath.

On the day after taking office, the Lord Mayor of the City of London, travels to the Royal Courts of
Justice on the Strand, Westminster to swear allegiance to the Sovereign in the presence of the judges of
the High Court.

The Oath of Allegiance and Official Oath is taken by each of the following office-holders as soon as may
be after they have accepted office:

First Lord of the Treasury (also known as the Prime Minister)

Chancellor of the Exchequer
Lord Chancellor
Lord President of the Council
Lord Privy Seal
Secretaries of State
President of the Board of Trade
Lord Steward
Lord Chamberlain
Earl Marshal
Master of the Horse
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Paymaster General
Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland (the First Minister of Scotland)
Keeper of the Privy Seal of Scotland
Lord Clerk Register
Advocate General for Scotland

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The High Sheriff of each county68

The Lord Lieutenant of each county

Privy Council
The following oath is administered to Privy Counselors as they take office:

You do swear by Almighty God to be a true and faithful Servant unto the Queen's
Majesty, as one of Her Majesty's Privy Council. You will not know or understand of any
manner of thing to be attempted, done, or spoken against Her Majesty's Person, Honour,
Crown, or Dignity Royal, but you will let and withstand the same to the uttermost of your
Power, and either cause it to be revealed to Her Majesty Herself, or to such of Her Privy
Council as shall advertise Her Majesty of the same.
You will, in all things to be moved, treated, and debated in Council, faithfully and truly
declare your Mind and Opinion, according to your Heart and Conscience; and will keep
secret all Matters committed and revealed unto you, or that shall be treated of secretly in
And if any of the said Treaties or Counsels shall touch any of the Counselors, you will not
reveal it unto him, but will keep the same until such time as, by the Consent of Her
Majesty, or of the Council, Publication shall be made thereof.
You will to your uttermost bear Faith and Allegiance unto the Queen's Majesty; and will
assist and defend all Jurisdictions, Pre-eminences, and Authorities, granted to Her
Majesty, and annexed to the Crown by Acts of Parliament, or otherwise, against all
Foreign Princes, Persons, Prelates, States, or Potentates. And generally in all things you
will do as a faithful and true Servant ought to do to Her Majesty. So help you God.

The Judicial Oath (see above) and the Oath of Allegiance are to be taken by each of the following:
Lord Chancellor of Great Britain
Recorder of London
Master of the Court of Protection
Justices of the Peace
Lord Justice General and Lord President of the Court of Session
Lord Justice Clerk
Judges of the Court of Session
Temporary judges of the Court of Session and High Court of Justiciary appointed under section 35(3)
of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions)(Scotland) Act 1990

Sheriffs principal

68Your first port of call as the High Sheriff has a duty to the Law and delegates law enforcement to the Chief Constable of
the County, Lord lieutenants can be found at:

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Members of the House of Commons or of the House of Lords are required to take the Oath of Allegiance
in the House at the beginning of a new Parliament, as well as after a Demise of the Crown.

Section 84 of the Scotland Act 1998 requires members of the Scottish Parliament to take the Oath of
Allegiance at a meeting of the Parliament. Members of the Scottish Executive and junior Scottish
Ministers are additionally required to take the Official Oath.
Section 20 of the Government of Wales Act 1998 requires members of the National Assembly for Wales
to take the oath of allegiance in either English or Welsh.

Military Oath
All recruits to the British Army, Royal Air Force must take an oath of allegiance upon joining these armed
forces, a process known as ‘attestation’. Those who believe in God use the following words:

I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly
and faithfully defend Her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity
against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, her heirs and
successors and of the generals and officers set over me.

Police Oath
I, ... of ... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the
Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality,
upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that
I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all
offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I
will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully
according to law.

As in commercial or constitutional law, ‘law’ (with a small ‘l’) must recognise the Law in order to
conform to the Law. In addition, every officer takes the oath to the Queen, who is in turn bound by her
oath to the Law. The words of the oath were changed to the current form under section 83 of the Police
Reform Act 2002.

Solicitors and barristers are also bound by an oath.

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The Law and the person

The Uniform Commercial Code

Coming out of maritime law, the Uniform Commercial Code governs
contracts, commercial law and the relationships between ‘persons’
(see Legal fiction v reality below) under statute and other
legislation69. Although it is called a ‘code’ and not ‘law’, it still
preserves Common Law rights:

The making of a valid Reservation of Rights preserves

whatever rights the person then possesses, and prevents
the loss of such rights by application of concepts of waiver
or estoppel.
UCC 1-207.7

When a waivable right or claim is involved, the failure to

make a reservation thereof, causes a loss of the right, and
bars its assertion at a later date.
UCC 1-207.9

Anderson UCC Lawyers’ Cooperative Publishing Co, 3rd edition

Under UCC 1-207.4, any expression indicating an intention to reserve rights is sufficient. Just state
‘without prejudice to my Common Law rights’, which means that you are only speaking or acting under
the Common Law and will not be compelled to perform under any notional contract, constitution,
statute or other agreement.

The Code is complementary to the Common Law, which remains in force, except where
displaced by the code. A statute should be construed in harmony with the Common Law,
unless there is a clear legislative intent to abrogate the Common Law.
UCC 1-103.6

Anderson UCC Lawyers’ Cooperative Publishing Co, 3rd edition70

In the guidance notes, the UCC itself makes it clear that the Law takes precedence:

The Code cannot be read to preclude a Common Law section.

Even the UCC, the latest codification of civil or maritime law, recognises the Law of God as Common Law
and its precedence. UCC1-207.9 can only carry the force of Law with regard to an artificial person, not a

70The above material was previously found at but the link
has mysteriously disappeared. More can be found about the UCC at, although this is
not a complete version and rather bafflingly uses a different system of paragraph numbering.
Even here it is clear that the Common Law takes precedence: ‘A party that with explicit reservation of rights performs or
promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby
prejudice the rights reserved. Such words as ‘without prejudice,’ ‘under protest,’ or the like are sufficient’ (1-308, UCC).

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natural person or real man (see immediately below). Under the Law, you can choose to opt for your
Common Law rights at any time.

Legal fiction v reality Maxims of Law

A fiction is a rule of
Parliamentary legislation cannot impose a duty on anyone without their law that assumes
consent. It is nevertheless worth examining the real meaning behind the something which is or
definition of ‘person’, to which legislation refers. may be false as true
In order to include you in the contract law of statute, the government Where truth is, fiction
creates a legal ‘person’ with the same name as you but adding a title like of law does not exist
‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’ or ‘Dr’. (This is usually done by registering the birth with the
authorities in return for a birth certificate). For the purposes of Legality is not reality
determination under English law, this ‘person’ has ostensibly the same
status as a corporation. Since a corporation is usually some form of
document or register incorporating individual men and women into a
society, you as a person also become a piece of paper with notional rights according to maritime,
commercial and contract law as opposed to the Law.

Black’s Law has changed its definition of ‘person’ over the years, which has only served to confuse the
issue (although a lack of clarity to a reasonable man in written law means that it cannot have the force
of the Law). Black’s 3rd edition defined ‘person’ as ‘legal fiction’. The latest edition offers the following

a. ‘human being71 also termed natural person’

b. ‘an entity (such as a corporation) that is recognised by law as having most of the
rights and duties of a human being. In this sense the term includes partnerships
and other associations, whether incorporated or unincorporated’
c. ‘artificial person’, ‘fictitious person’ defined as ‘an entity, such as a corporation,
created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a human being: a
being real or imaginary, who for the purposes of legal reasoning is treated more
or less as a human being,
d. ‘persona ficta72 *Latin ‘false mask’+ Historical. A fictional person such as a
Black’s Law, 9 edition

Despite the best efforts of the shysters who draft Black’s Law dictionary to confuse the issue, it is still
clear that there is a difference between a real man created by God – whether you choose to call that
man a human being or a ‘natural person’ -- and the ‘person’, a title created by a state with the intention

71 Black’s Law does not define ‘human being’

72 The Oxford English Dictionary gives the root of the word person as ‘persona’ from Old English meaning ‘actor’s mask’.

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that a man be judged under the same legislation as a corporation -- which Black’s Law defines as a
fictitious or artificial person, in other words a legal fiction.

The reason a corporation cannot have all the rights and duties of a human being or man – as conceded
by Black’s in the definitions above -- is that a corporation cannot reject legislation in favour of its
Common Law rights whereas a man or a natural person can.

From historical context cited above, it is also quite clear that the person is a role or fiction – a mask -- we
adopt by consent to be judged under English statute and contract law. The person is no more you than
any mask you adopt to play a role. Once you no longer consent to play that role, you cast off the mask
or person in a way that you cannot cast off your status as a real man or woman.

Persons or corporations under the Law

The Law is no respecter of persons73

The status of a person is his legal position or condition

Maxims of Law

The Law of God makes no provision for corporations as they are incapable of love or taking
responsibility for their actions. In fact, they display all the characteristics of a psychopath, working
solely in their own interest. This manifests as working for shareholder value, in the case of a business
corporation, working in the interests of the members in a non-business corporation like a trade union or
working in the interests of the central banks in the case of a country or state.

In the context of ‘legal reasoning’ quoted in the above definition, the ‘law’ referred to is clearly
legislation rather than the Law. As we have already established, a man can refuse to consent to
legislation, which is not binding and is only a contractual offer.

By this reasoning, the person is a contractual offer made

under legislation to which a man can refuse consent,
whether the legalese behind the legislation defines him
as a ‘man’, a ‘human being’ or a ‘natural person’.

When determining legislation the courts operate under

the legal fiction that a piece of paper -- or any informal
agreement to incorporate – is capable of love, can
perform duties or is able to take responsibility for its
actions (requirements for determination under the Law)
when in fact it cannot.

If you insist that you are a real man -- a truth – no one

Some will be surprised to find that police constabularies, MPs,
government departments like the Ministry of Justice and the UK
73 See Acts 10:34 itself are registered as limited companies on Dunn and
Bradstreet’s database of businesses:

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can judge you as a legal fiction. This backed by two maxims of law:

Where truth is, fiction of law does not exist

Fiction of law is wrongful if it causes loss or injury to any one

And if you insist you are not a person, then the judge has a duty to dismiss the case if it has been
brought against your person under civil law because:

Consent makes the law. A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force
only by consent.
Maxim of Law

Consent though is not assent. Remember, consent can be given by not saying ‘No’. This is how a man
comes under the authority of legislation. The government will also use your silent consent to the person
to induce you to pay their taxes, go to prison, have your children taken off you or otherwise abuse your
rights under the Law. (I actually went to prison for telling the truth because I did not know of my
Common Law rights at the time). When you consent to this system or code by paying your income tax,
you fund government commitments to the national debt and war, rather than welfare or infrastructure.

Security and interest

Then saith he unto them, ‘Render therefore unto Caesar the things which
are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's’
Matthew 22:21

While we are on this subject, it is just worth mentioning that the protection of the security of the person
-- mentioned in constitutions and case law -- refers primarily not to your physical safety but to your
ability to pay the national debt through taxation -- or creating wealth that can be taxed. Under this
definition, you act as ‘security’ in the sense of ‘collateral’ -- for loans made to the UK government in the
same way your house acts as ‘security’ or ‘collateral’ for a mortgage or other loan.

The protection of national security is therefore primarily protecting the nation’s ability to service the
national debt, which is unlawful, by collecting taxes. Since MI5 protects ‘national security’ it is a tool of
the tax-collectors – who are despised in the Bible.

Babylon has similarly hijacked the phrases the ‘national interest’ and the ‘public interest’. Under the
Babylonian accounting system – the system we now live under -- the word ‘interest’ refers in the first
instance to the interest building up on the national debt. Under commercial rules, the payment of this
interest is paramount. Under God’s Law, it is unlawful.

The soldier of Christ serves the common good:

The Law of God and the law of the land are all one, and both favour and preserve the
common good of the land.
Maxim of Law

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In law books
We have already dealt with King Alfred’s 9th century ‘Dome-book’ under constitutional recognition of
the Common Law. I now quote and examine other books to demonstrate that as well as being
enshrined in English case law and constitutional law, the Law has prevailed and been known to lawyers
throughout the history of this island.

The Common Law of England

The Law’s existence and supremacy in the 18th century is confirmed in Hale’s The Common Law of

I come now to that other Branch of our Laws, the Common Municipal Law of this
Kingdom, which has the Superintendency of all those other particular Laws used in the
before-mentioned Courts, and is the common rule for the Administration of common
Justice in this great Kingdom. [...]
This Law is that which asserts, maintains, and, with all imaginable Care, provides for the
safety of the King‘s Royal Person, his Crown, his dignity, and all his just Rights,
Revenues, Powers, Prerogatives and Government, as the great Foundation (under God)
of the Peace, Happiness, Honour and Justice, of this Kingdom; and this Law is also that
which declares and asserts the Rights and Liberties, and the Properties of the Subject;
and is the just, known, and common Rule of Justice and Right between Man and Man,
within this Kingdom.
The Common Law of England, Sir Matthew Hale third edition, 1739, pp 30-31

Blackstone’s Commentaries upon the Laws of England

In his Commentaries upon the Laws of England74, published in separate volumes
from 1765 to 1769, lawyer and law-writer, Sir William Blackstone, quotes Roman
author, Aulus Gellius, to show that the Law is of long standing, immemorial tradition
‘expressed in the usage of the people, and accepted by the tacit unwritten consent
of men’.

In his Attic Nights, an account of ancient legal systems, Gellius cites the reign of
Draco75, a wise and respected leader who introduced the death penalty for minor
offences like theft. Gellius observes that Draco’s harsh laws were abolished, not by
order and decree, but by ‘the tacit, unwritten consent’ of the Athenians76. In other
words, those accused by Draco adopted their Common Law rights to avoid the death
penalty rather than reforming Draco’s legal system.

74 Chapter 4 is particularly illuminating

75 Our word ‘draconian’ for a harsh regime or policy comes from Draco.

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Encyclopaedia Britannica

Many things have been introduced into the common law, with a view to
the public good, which are inconsistent with sound reason.

A man may obey the law77 and yet be neither honest nor a good neighbour.
Maxims of Law

While on the subject of the Law’s inclusion in books, we cannot look at this subject without alighting on
the numerous attempts to present a false history of the Common Law, particularly by deliberately
confusing it with the ‘common law’ (note small ‘c’ and small ‘l’) which originated in the Middle Ages.

The origin of the common law

The English common law originated in the early Middle Ages in the King‘s Court (Curia
Regis), a single royal court set up for most of the country at Westminster, near London.
Like many other early legal systems, it did not originally consist of substantive rights but
rather of procedural remedies. The working out of these remedies has, over time,
produced the modern system in which rights are seen as primary over procedure. Until
the late 19th century, English common law continued to be developed primarily by judges
rather than legislators.
The common law of England was largely created in the period after the Norman
Conquest of 1066. The Anglo-Saxons, especially after the accession of Alfred the Great
(871), had developed a body of rules resembling those being used by the Germanic
peoples of northern Europe. Local customs governed most matters, while the church
played a large part in government. Crimes were treated as wrongs for which
compensation was made to the victim.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica78

This definition from the Encyclopaedia Britannica cannot refer to the Law or Common Law (capital ‘C’,
capital ‘L’) as we have already established that the Law exists prior to the Norman Conquest of England
as attested to by:

 the Bible
 King Alfred’s ‘Dome-book’, which is alluded to above without mentioning that Alfred
has held the Common Law to be paramount and mandatory79
 Blackstone’s Laws of England
 The Roman Aulus Gellius describing events in Ancient Greece
 Hale’s the Common Law of England

It also contradicts the Catholic Encyclopaedia’s entry on the Common Law:

77 These maxims establish that law with a small ‘l’ is clearly not the same as the Law (of God)
79 You can prove anything by selecting your evidence to fit your argument. A publication as prestigious as the

Encyclopedia Britannica has proved itself to be as reliable as the tabloid press. Its editors should hang their heads in

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It is a source of profound satisfaction to Catholics that it came into being as a definite

system and was nurtured, and to a great extent administered, during the first ten
centuries of its existence by the clergy of the Catholic Church.
From the Catholic Encyclopaedia

It may not be as clearly drafted as it might be with regard to the first ten centuries of ‘its existence’ but
by context -- and cross reference with the same article in the Catholic Encyclopaedia which states it has
‘been observed since a remote period of antiquity’ -- it must mean the first ten centuries of the
existence of the clergy of the Catholic church and cannot mean the first ten centuries of the existence of
the Law. This interpretation is supported by the authority of a maxim of law:

The law is from everlasting

God‘s Law is from everlasting because God is from everlasting. Man‘s legislation must have a date
from which it takes effect.


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‘I came not to
judge the world,
but to save it’

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The Road to Calvary

No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love
the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot
serve God and mammon81.
Luke 16:13

There are two principal reasons for the massive divisions of poverty and wealth which have led to
exploitation and slavery, and in turn, the conditions which provoke men into war, murder, torture and
other barbarities. Fortunately,
God’s Law deals with the two
greatest causes of poverty and

 The debt system based

on usury
 The myth of title to

The State of Debt

Usury and corruption within

the banking industry have
meant that the UK National
Debt has spiralled out of The introduction
control. The national debt is
conservatively forecast to go to of monetarism or
£1.4 trillion within this
creditism by
This why we are undergoing a
programme of extensive cuts
which will hit the less
fortunate at home and abroad.

The good news: the national

debt is unlawful so it is against
the law to re-pay it.

So don’t.

81‘Mammon’ is generally defined as the love or worship of money and material wealth. The latest translation of the Bible
simply translates it as ‘money’.

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‘And what do you think of usury?’ ‘What do you think of murder?’
Cato, De Re Rustica

Usury is odious in law

A contract founded on a base and unlawful consideration, or against good

morals, is null.
Maxims of Law

In the Bible
If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as
an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.
Exodus 22:25

Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with
thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for
Leviticus 25:36-38

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Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury
of any thing that is lent upon usury: Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury82; but
unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee
in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
Deuteronomy 23:19-20

Then I consulted with myself, and I rebuked the nobles, and the rulers, and said unto
them, Ye exact usury, every one of his brother. And I set a great assembly against them.
Nehemiah 5:7

I likewise, and my brethren, and my servants, might exact of them money and corn: I
pray you, let us leave off this usury.
Nehemiah 5:10

He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He
that doeth these things shall never be moved.
Psalm 15:5

He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that
will pity the poor.
Proverbs 28:8

The Biblical Christ refers to usury in The New Testament parable of the ten gold pieces, in which the
master says to his servant:

‗Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might
have required mine own with usury?‘
Luke 19:23

‗Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my
coming I should have received mine own with usury.‘
Matthew 25:27

In the parable, the nobleman or master has given three servants money for safekeeping. Two of them
profitably invest his money and get a good return. The third puts it under a rock, which gives no return.
When challenged, the third servant accuses his master of taking up what he has not laid down and
reaping what he has not sown -- the offences of stealing and exploitation. Immediately following these
false accusations, the master responds:

‗Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was
an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow.
Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might
have required mine own with usury?‘
Luke 19:22-23

82Although many Jews have taken this as a green light to lend at interest to gentiles, the Torah on numerous occasions
exhorts the Israelites not to discriminate against strangers, expressed in the context of law as the maxim ‘All men and
women must be treated equally under the Law’ (and by the ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself… ‘ commandment).

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‗If you really thought that I was austere and stole from and exploited my fellow man -- as
you accuse me now -- then why didn‘t you go the whole hog and invest my money at

The master is saying he might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb -- or might as well really annoy
God by committing the offence of usury, the easy way of stealing.

The meaning of the story is clear. Investing money at genuine risk is not against the Law of God. But
usury is worse than stealing and exploitation. If we are in any doubt about Christ’s attitude to lending
then it is clarified in the following passage of the Bible:

But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again;
and your reward shall be great.
Luke 6:35

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone
who is rich to enter the kingdom of God
Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25, NIV

In law
It is clear that both the New and Old Testaments forbid usury. So how is ‘usury’ defined in law?

Latin Usura: ‗the amount paid for the use of money‘; interest. 2. Usury
Usury: ‗Historically, the lending of money with interest. 2. Today the charging of an
illegal rate of interest as a condition of lending money. 3. An illegally high rate of
Black’s Law, 9th edition

Black’s Law makes two points clear. First, when the New Testament was written, ‘usury’ meant any
amount paid for the use of money, including any form of interest. Christ famously throws the ‘usurers’
out of the temple because they were charging a commission to convert Roman denarii into shekels for
the payment of temple taxes. As moneychangers, they were not charging interest but drew Christ’s
condemnation for charging for monetary services. Second, the definition of ‘usury’ has been changed so
that it means charging an illegal rate of interest rather than interest per se.

If there is an illegal rate of interest, there must be a ‘legal’ one but I cannot find any Act of Parliament
which makes usury legal or sets a ‘legal’ rate of interest83.

Why usury is unlawful

It is therefore clear that the definition of the word has been deliberately changed in order to get around
the Law. Christ’s intention was to make all making of money from money unlawful. And there is good
reason for this. Charges or interest accrued have to be met from somewhere because money in itself
does not create wealth. Traditionally therefore, the burden falls on the true wealth creators – anybody

83 A search of the database of UK statutes ( for ‘usury’ returns no results.

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who does anything useful or creates something of genuine value

– who become legally obliged to pay a part of that wealth to
bankers who either charge interest or take a fee for their

In the case of the national debt, this has now reached epidemic
proportions with the poorest in the world subsidising the richest
through taxation. In a global economy, this means children
either starving to death or working in sweatshops for a pittance
while bankers invest their ill-gotten gains in manufacturing war
and terrorism. For the sake of sanity, this has to stop.

We have often heard from right wing loonies that trade unions
or governments interfere in the ‘free market’. Strangely these
people never point out that the current market is utterly
controlled by the banks because those who get credit have the
opportunity to prosper and those who do not go out of business Rembrandt’s Christ driving the Usurers from the
and have their assets seized by the banks. This is not even Temple, 1626. This is probably the best known and
most loved story in the world’s best selling book, the
Capitalism, where existing capital is reinvested in new projects. Bible. ‘Throwing the usurers out of the temple’ is
It is Creditism, where money is created out of thin air every time figurative language prophecying Christ bringing usury
a loan is taken out. to an end by removing it from the ‘temple’, or the

While Capitalism carried a genuine risk -- because the new venture might fail and the capital be lost –
there is no risk of loss in Creditism because the sum of money is created when the loan is taken out.
Even if the debtor fails to make a single repayment, the institution offering the loan has not lost a penny
on the transaction.

Under the Law, you have no duty to repay any debt raised at interest or meet any bank charge or
commission for the keeping, handling or exchange of money. This will no doubt be particularly good
news to those repaying a mortgage or other onerous debt. Just ask for a lawful bill of settlement. A
corporation will not be able to supply one.

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The Right to hold Land and Property

A contract founded on a base and unlawful consideration,
or against good morals, is null.
Maxim of Law

The legal fiction of title to land is probably the greatest cause of suffering,
poverty and dependency known to man.

As the trustee of the nation and on behalf of God, the monarch holds
allodial right to land in English law. Black’s Law 9th edition has done its
very best to obscure the distinction between ‘allodial’ and ‘absolute’ title in its definitions:

Allodial. Held in absolute ownership

The term ‗allodial‘ originally […] meant land held in absolute ownership, not in
dependence upon any other body or person in whom the proprietary rights were
supposed to reside […]It would thus properly apply to the land which in the original
settlement had been allotted to individuals, while bookland was primarily applicable to
land the title to which rested on formal grant. Before long however the words appear to
have been used synonymously to express land held in absolute ownership.
Kenelm E Digby, An introduction to the History of the Law of Real Property,
11-12 (5th edition, 1897)
Absolute title. An exclusive title to land; a title that excludes all others not compatible
with it.
Black’s Law 9 edition

However, the difference in meaning can still be discerned. Under allodial right, ownership is absolute (in
the true sense of the word). So-called ‘absolute title’ is ‘exclusive’ of others not ‘compatible with it’.
Where the two clash, it is clear that absolute title is not compatible with an allodial right, which takes
precedence as, in the case of the Queen, it is part of the divine right of kings to rule and act as final
arbitrator of Law. The monarch’s right to land comes from God. Title to land is a creation of man.

Indeed, earlier editions of Black’s Law make the distinction much clearer:

ALLODIAL. Free; not holden of any lord or superior; owned without obligation of
vassalage or fealty; the opposite of feudal.
Absolute title: as applied to title to land, an "absolute" title means an exclusive title, or
at least a title which excludes all others not compatible with it; an absolute title to land
cannot exist at the same time in different persons or in different governments.

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TITLE […] real property law. Title may be defined generally to be the evidence of
right which a person has to the possession of property. The word "title" certainly does
not merely signify the right which a person has to the possession of property; because,
there are many instances in which a person may have the right to the possession of
property, and at the same time have no title to the same. In its ordinary legal
acceptation, however, it generally seems to imply a right of possession also. It therefore
appears, on the whole, to signify the outward evidence of the right, rather than the mere
right itself.
Black’s Law, 2nd edition, 1910

From the above, it is clear that allodial right takes precedence over ‘absolute’ title. We also have to
wonder why Black’s Law 9th edition sees fit to quote a work from 1897:

Before long however the words appear to have been used synonymously to express land
held in absolute ownership.

This gives the impression that somehow ‘allodial’ and ‘absolute’ became synonymous in the 19th century
when in fact Black’s itself continued to distinguish between the two in its 2nd edition, which existed later
than the source quoted, in 1910. To be charitable, it is a curious reference work which ignores its own
authority. To be accurate, this is clear proof that Black’s Law is an attempt to undermine the rule of Law
– which is mandatory – by the underhand method of redefining words. You can kiss my arse and call it
‘chocolate’ but that doesn’t mean it is chocolate. Or it tastes like it.

It is also clear that any man has a greater claim to hold land under the Law than any ‘person’ claiming
‘absolute title’ under civil law as ‘person’ and ‘absolute title’ are both legal fictions. According to the
Bible, God gives man – not individuals or persons -- dominion over the earth.

 Any man is entitled to hold land, subject to the Law

 An English man’s house is his castle. He therefore has the right to use force against
anyone trying to enter his property without consent or lawful authority
 It is unlawful to in any way buy or sell or otherwise trade in land
 All title to land is a legal fiction
 The Sovereign adjudicates in any dispute over the use of land

If any man therefore sets aside the Law’s demands, and teaches others to
do the same, he will have the lowest place in the kingdom of Heaven,
whereas anyone who keeps the Law and teaches others so will stand high
in the kingdom of Heaven. I tell you, unless you show yourselves far better
men than the Pharisees and the doctors84 of the law, you can never enter
the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 5:19-20, The New English Bible

‘Doctor’ is Greek for ‘teacher’. It is only in English that the medical profession has got away with stealing one of the

Messiah’s titles, ‘The Teacher’, and his initials ‘D M’, which they render as ‘M.D.’

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The Book
of haShem
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‘The Heir of all


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Vicarius Deus
Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the
dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.
For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have
life in himself; And hath given him authority to execute judgment also,
because he is the Son of man.
John 5:24-27

On these two commandments hang all the Law and the prophets.
Matthew 22:34-40

Jesus Christ: ‘Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the prophets:
I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.85’
Matthew 5:17

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many
times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his
Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the
Hebrews 1:1-2, NIV

Now the promises were pronounced to Abraham and to his ‘issue’. It does
not say ‘issues’ in the plural, but in the singular, ‘and ‘to your issue’; and
the issue intended is Christ.
Galatians 3:16-17, New English Bible

‘For the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day’.

Matthew 12:8

And He said to them, ‘The Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath’.
Luke 6:5

‘All of the Law’ hangs on the two commandments to love God and man. But why on the ‘prophets’ as

The Prophets of the Bible tell a common story about the arrival of the Chosen One of God referred to as
Jesus Christ in the New Testament -- ‘Yeshua Messiach’ in Hebrew -- and ‘Shiloh’ in the Old Testament.
The concept of a Chosen One is not though limited to the Bible. Buddhism, Islam, Zoroastrianism,
Confucianism and certain ‘pagan’ creeds among others envisage the arrival of God’s Chosen One on
earth in the End Times or ‘End of Days’.

85 The Greek word used also means to ‘complete’.

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List of prophecies about a Chosen One

Given that the world’s religions seem to find it rather difficult to get on – even internally in the case of
the Protestants, Catholics and Dissenters of Christianity – it is remarkable that they agree so much over
the existence and coming of a saviour:

Christian: Second Coming of Jesus the Christ at the end times or ‘end of days’ to defeat the Antichrist and
rule the New World for 1000 years

Jewish: seen by many Jews as the ‘true’ Messiah and messenger of Yahweh, who will restore the Jews to
their status as the Chosen People.

Islamic: Muslims also expect the second coming of Isa or Jesus, their foremost prophet after Mohammed,
who will come as an Imam or teacher.

Islamic, Sunnis: Muntazar, the successor to Mohammed who at the 'end of time' will unite the races of the
world through understanding.

Islamic, Shiite: Muhammad al-Mahdi the twelfth Imam and the ultimate saviour of mankind will reappear
when the world has fallen into chaos and civil war
emerges between the human race for no reason.

British: Arthur, King of the Britons, will return to save

this island in its darkest hour.

Buddhist: Maitreya is a Bodhisattva or Spiritual

Teacher who is to appear on Earth, achieve complete
enlightenment, and teach the pure Dharma or Way.
The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya is found in the
canonical literature of the Buddhist sects Theravāda,
Mahāyāna, Vajrayāna and is accepted by most
Buddhists as a statement about an actual event that
will take place in the distant future. The teacher will
be a very human God-Man whom Buddha predicted
will be a greater Buddha than himself.

Hindu: Kalki is the tenth and final Maha Avatar or great incarnation in human form of Vishnu the Preserver
God, who will come to end the Kali Yuga or the Age of Darkness and Destruction. His final incarnation will
appear from the West.

Zoroastrian: Saoshyant, the future saviour, will spread divine truth and lead humanity in the final battle
against the forces of evil. Some speculate that the Jewish — and later Christian — belief in a Messiah
comes from Zoroastrianism. Later Zoroastrian tradition envisions three future Saoshyants, who will restore
order when the world has fallen into chaos. These will be born of virgins from the miraculously preserved
seed of the prophet Zoroaster himself. The last Saoshyant will bring about the final judgement of humanity
and will secure the harmony of the world.

Baha'i: the Tablets of Baha'u'llah revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas state that Baha'u'llah will realise in his
person the missions of all the redeemers prophesied by the various world religions.

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Indonesian: the twelfth-century Indonesian prophet, Djojobojo,

foresaw the coming of a great Spiritual King from the West to come
after the Dutch and Japanese occupations, and presumably after the
Indonesian dictators, Sukarno and Suharto.

Aztec/Mayan: the return of Quetzalcoatl, an olive-skinned man with

a white beard and followers in red.

Sioux: a man in a red cloak coming from the East.

Hopi: Pahana the 'true white brother' from the East will wear a red
cap and cloak and bring two helpers holding the sacred symbols of
the swastika – which originally stood for the sun and peace --and
the cross. He will restore the Hopi Indian version of the Way or the
natural order.

Japanese: Several sects of Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism

foresee a variant of the Buddhist Maitreya appearing at some point
after 8 August 1988 (8/8/88 -- possibly 08/08/08?)
Computer-generated rendering of the proposed
Maori: Over a dozen Maori chieftains in New Zealand from the 152 metre (500 ft) statue of the Maitreya Buddha,
nineteenth through to the early twentieth century have laid claim to in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India, planned by
the title, demonstrating that the Maoris have a general expectation the Foundation for the Preservation of the
of a Messianic figure who will save them. Mahayana Tradition

Central Asian nomads: the White Burkhan, who will come when the people of the steppes have abandoned
their ancient gods. His arrival will offer the entire human race a chance of spiritual rebirth.

Eskimos: the prophets of the Arctic foresee him to be an olive-skinned man with long beard and white hair
who comes from the East.

Confucian: some Confucian texts speak of a future True Man who will finally bring peace to the world by
perfectly instituting the Way of Confucius.

Panacea Society: the final battle of good and evil, led by the Shiloh Messiah will begin in Bedford, England.

Freemasonry: Freemasons believe that Hiram Abiff, the Master Builder of the Temple who was murdered by
the so-called ‘Juwes’, will return and reveal the secret he died with.

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The Sovereign under the Law

The staff shall not depart from Yehuda [Judah], nor the sceptre from
between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and the obedience of the people be
Alternative Jewish translation from Bereshit or Genesis 49:10

‘Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the prophets: I am not
come to destroy, but to fulfill’
Matthew 5:17

All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments
Matthew 22:40

God, and not man, makes the heir86.

Maxim of Law

Matthew 5:17 and 22:40 quoted above demonstrate a direct relationship between the Law and the
Chosen One or Christ, if any were needed. It is after all axiomatic that your first commandment duty to
God, includes a duty to the One whom God has chosen to represent him on earth. At the same time,
just about every version of the oath is sworn to the sovereign and their ‘heirs’, which the Bible makes
clear must in the first instance mean Jesus Christ as ‘the heir of all things’87 in other words the final heir
who comes as part of the work in progress that is the making of the universe.

The role of the Chosen One in relation to the father and man’s duty to the Chosen One is set out in the
following passage:

For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:
That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth
not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent
me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from
death unto life.
John 5:22-23

Those belonging to the Christian faith believe that Jesus Christ came around 2,000 years ago --
appearing in what was then known as Judea but is now known as the state of Israel -- while other faiths,
including Judaism and Islam, believe the Messiah is yet to come88.

The Bible and other versions of the Prophecy foretell the coming of a Chosen One who will usher in an
age of love, peace and enlightenment. The last two thousand years of history record the exact opposite

86 See Romans 8:16

87 Hebrews 1:2
88 The Book of John makes it clear that ‘Christ’ and ‘Messiah’ are synonymous. They both mean ‘the anointed one’

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of this: they are a testament to man’s inhumanity to his fellow man (all carried out with the free will of
individual men and women. God has never murdered anyone. Nor has the Bible, despite the
accusations of intellectuals and atheists). In recent years, we have experienced man’s darkest hour, an
age characterized by greed, inequality, injustice, exploitation and the rape of Mother Earth, for which
man not God is responsible.

Any reasonable man would be obliged to conclude that the

age of peace – referred to also in the Bible as the Seventh
Day, the Age of the Messiah, when God rests – did not
begin two thousand years ago – and therefore there was no
messiah at that time.

This view is supported by evidence or rather the lack of it89.

We apparently have no contemporaneous accounts of the
mission of the Chosen One. (Scholars agree the Gospels
were written at least decades later).

This is supposed to be the greatest event in the history of

man, yet contemporary historians ignore this supposed
coming. Even if the claimant weren’t the Christ, you would
think that someone somewhere would record the fact that
a claimant had led a rebellion against the Romans and
convinced a number of others to follow his teachings.

It was in fact, the word of the Gospels – largely written by Christ as Sovereign, bearing the crown, sceptre and orb, all
John the Divine90 -- and the setting out of the Law, which symbols of the divine monarchy on earth. These objects are
also used in the English coronation ceremony,
brought down Rome some 400 years after the time demonstrating that once he comes Christ is the Sovereign
Christians claim Christ carried out his mission. under English law.

Even those who persist in believing that the Gospels record history have to acknowledge that the last
book of the Bible, Revelation or the Apocalypse of St John, foretells the ‘return’ of the Christ in the End
Times to usher in the new age.

 Whether Christ is coming for the first time or returning is therefore an

irrelevance. As the Chosen One of God and the ‘heir to all things’, he carries
the highest authority of the Law when he does actually arrive and formally
claim his birthright.

89 The only claim to a contemporary mention of Christ comes in Josephus’s History of the Jewish people. Scholars agree
that the passage in question is a later interpolation.
90 John the Divine aka John the Beloved (Apostle) aka John the Evangelist aka in some aspects John the Baptist. He was

the incarnation of Jesus of the day. There is a clue in his name: John the Divine

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The Queen’s duty to the Sovereign

Then what of the law? It was added to make wrongdoing a legal offence.
It was a temporary measure pending the arrival of the ‘issue’ to whom the
promise was made.
Galatians 3:19, The New English Bible

The Bible makes it abundantly clear that law, small ‘l’, is legislation, a temporary measure introduced
until the arrival of the ‘issue’, which from context can only be read in the first instance as ‘Christ’:

The sovereign prior to the arrival of Christ, the Queen, has already acknowledged Christ’s Sovereignty.
At her coronation she swore fealty to Christ by agreeing to maintain ‘the true profession of the Gospel’:

Archbishop: Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of
the Gospel?
Queen: All this I promise to do.

Although there are four Gospels in the New Testament recounting stories which often differ wildly in
their detail, they are all mainly concerned with the arrival of the Christ, his mission and the Law.

In English law, the monarch acts as a stand-in sovereign until the true heir or the Sovereign Christ arrives
under the principal of the divine right of kings (or in his absence, of a queen). The monarch is inviolate
in law, which means that you cannot take action in law against the divinely appointed sovereign. This
aspect of the monarch’s position within law is recognised by the styling of every criminal action as ‘The
Queen versus ….’.

After recognizing God’s authority, the Oath – be it the Oath of Allegiance, the Oath of Office or the
Judicial Oath among others -- recognises the monarch’s authority who in turn recognizes God’s authority
and the authority of the Christ through her oath to maintain ‘the true profession of the Gospels’. For
the avoidance of doubt, the oath-taker swears his fidelity to the monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, not to the
woman who bears that office, Elizabeth Windsor aka Saxe-Coburg Gotha Battenberg.

 When Christ comes, he is the heir to everything. Under the Law, everyone has
a duty to the Christ.

The Sovereign’s right to Land and Property

In English law the monarch holds the allodial right to land and property and acts as the trustee for
around £17billion of assets, which are therefore automatically inherited by Christ, the ‘heir of all things’.
As we have already seen, allodial right – in this case coming from the God-given right of the heir of all
things, Christ -- takes precedence over ‘absolute’ title, despite the best efforts of the shysters who draft
Black’s Law to cloud the issue.

It is also recorded in Hale’s writings on the Common Law:

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That the Jurisdiction exercised in those Courts is derived from the Crown of England, and
that the last Devolution is to the King, by Way of Appeal.
The Common Laws of this Kingdom have ever obtain'd and retain'd the Superintendency
over them [civil laws and statutes], and those Signa Superioritatis before-mentioned, for
the Honour of the King and the Common Laws of England.
The History of the Common Law of England, Matthew Hale, 1713 edition,

Under English law, the monarch’s sovereignty was never taken away. As we have already seen, the
monarch has the authority over:

 the Royal Prerogative, the highest instrument of law.

 the Prime Minister and all other office holders, including judges, MPs, the
armed forces and parliament, recognised in the oath to serve the Sovereign.
 parliamentary legislation, which cannot have any lawful basis whatsoever
without assent from the Sovereign.
 public policy via the Privy Council.
 The BBC and a variety of other institutions governed by Royal Charter.
As defender of the faith, the monarch also acts as governor of the Church of England until Christ arrives.
The Bible makes it clear that Christ is head of the church so his authority also extends over the Pope and
the Catholic Church.

Failure to observe the oath, once sworn, will lead in the first instance to charges of perjury and possibly
sedition and treason, depending on circumstance. Once convicted under the Law, the penalties depend
on the seriousness of the offence and are not limited as they are under the rules of equity.

 There can be no doubt that Jesus Christ is the Sovereign under the Law.
 And there is no evidence of his coming 2,000 years ago.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre at the end of the Via Dolorosa,
Jerusalem, said to be the place of the crucifixion of Christ around
2,000 years ago.

It in fact marks the spot where Astronges, an incarnation of Jesus, was

crucified in 1 BC, which is our missing year zero. As it was the year
4,000 in the calendar of light, millennial fever was high and many
believed him to be the Messiah.

The Roman authorities put him to death with a crown of thorns and
nails following their interpretation of Isaiah. In an attempt to
demonstrate that Astronges was incapable of a bodily resurrection,
they disembowelled him on death.

The Church itself is the most unholy place on earth.

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Affidavit of Truth and Obligation

David Shayler the Christ
[Address removed for privacy reasons]

Elizabeth Windsor, the former Sovereign under the Law
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA

Notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent

For purposes of this affidavit and attached process, if any, the term “UNITED KINGDOM” means the
corporation, and all agents, employees, subdivisions and representatives thereof, without any implied
submission to the UNITED KINGDOM or such private corporate “statutes.”

All words herein have their natural meanings unless they are defined otherwise by the Affiant.

I, a man commonly known as David Shayler the Christ and Jesus, hereinafter “Affiant” and “I” am
competent to state the following matters that they are true, correct and complete, presented in good
faith, and not intended to mislead.

The Affiant
 The Affiant is a soul incarnated as a living, sentient man with free will who can take
responsibility for his actions.
 The Affiant is not a UNITED KINGDOM “citizen,” “subject,” “vessel” or “person” or any
ens legis artificial entity, procedural phantom, legal fiction or juristic personality within
 The UNITED KINGDOM is a corporation, an artificial entity and a legal fiction that
operates in bankruptcy.
Mr D Shayler are all artificial entities and legal fictions.
 The Affiant did not receive full disclosure from the Respondent, the Respondent’s
predecessors or any agent, officer or employee within the UNITED KINGDOM of the
benefits and liabilities associated with the creation of legal fiction DAVID SHAYLER or
any other legal fiction.
 The Affiant is not liable for DAVID SHAYLER or any artificial derivative thereof at anytime

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 The Affiant is not a co-business partner with the artificial entity and legal fiction DAVID
SHAYLER or any derivative thereof.
 The Affiant is not liable for any public debts/liabilities at any time whatsoever.
 The Affiant is not liable to or for any Government statutes, rules and/or codes, including,
without limitation, UNITED KINGDOM Codes and statutes and/or codes of any of
Respondents’ political subdivisions.
 The Affiant’s use of a notary public, Bank of England Promissory Notes, and/or any other
public facilities, when alternatives are generally unavailable, does not comprise Affiant’s
submission to any political jurisdiction, the creation of an adhesion contract expressly or
tacitly with the UNITED KINGDOM and/or any other party real or imagined, or an
appearance before any body or tribunal, administrative or judicial, real or imagined.
 A legal fiction corporation cannot secure in personam jurisdiction over or against Affiant,
a living man with a soul responsible to God, his Creator, without Affiant’s voluntary
election to submit.
 Any Police Officer and/or Government/corporate officer, agent and/or employee who
attempts to enforce statutes against Affiant would be violating the law and engaging in
Enticement to Slavery.
 It would be unlawful for any Police Officer, Government/corporate agent, official,
employee or the like, to hold, incarcerate, detain, restrain and/or restrict the Affiant
against the Affiant’s will at any time whatsoever.
 Any party that would order, represent or persuade the Affiant to falsely present the
Affiant as a UNITED KINGDOM citizen, vessel or person directly or by deception, device,
misnomer, mistaken identity, warrant or indictment, real or imagined, would be
engaging in Enticement to Slavery.
 It would be both a violation of law and a violation of the Affiant’s God given unalienable
rights if any government/corporative agent, officer or employee attempts to, or does in-
fact, force, coerce, manipulate and/or deceive the Affiant into receiving any form of
medical treatment at anytime whatsoever, including but not limited to vaccinations.
 The Affiant is not a member of any society whatsoever and therefore the Affiant is not
bound by any society’s statutes, rules or codes.
 It would be unlawful for the Respondent and/or any of the Respondent’s agents, officers
or employees, and/or any Government/corporate agent, officer or employee, to remove
the Affiant’s property and/or interests, or restrict Affiant’s use of Affiant’s property
and/or interests against Affiant’s will and without Affiant’s express consent.
 Any party that alleges a liability against the Affiant is obligated to produce an Affidavit of
Liability to demonstrate such liability.

The Law
 The rule of Law is paramount and mandatory.

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 There is no such concept as 'the rule of laws' 91.

 The section of God's Bible known as 'The Torah' means the 'instructions' or 'the code',
not 'the Law'.
 The Torah is said to contain the whole of the Law under the Mosaic Covenant.
 The Torah includes the line: 'Love your neighbour as you love yourself', the whole of the
Law under the Mosaic Covenant.
 The Book of God's Bible, known as the Book of Hebrews in the New Testament, sets out
the Law, making it clear that Jesus Christ is Sovereign or the Most High Authority under
the Law, when he comes.
 God's Bible states: "‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all
your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And a
second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ On these two
commandments hang all the Law and the prophets" (ref: Matthew 22:34-40).
 The New Covenant is the first commandment above, creating an absolute duty to God,
and by extension, his Chosen One.
 In God's Bible, Jesus Christ states: “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the
prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill” (ref: Matthew 5:17).
 Only the Sovereign under the Law can use the Royal Prerogative.
 The current existence of the Royal Prerogative and the Law is confirmed by the use of
the Royal Prerogative to justify the invasion and the current presence of British troops in
God's lands known as Afghanistan and Iraq.
 The current existence of the Royal Prerogative is confirmed by the existence of the
British Army whose power only exists under the Royal Prerogative.
 When crowned, you the Queen agreed under oath sworn before God and witnessed by
the nation to ‘cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements’
and to ‘maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel’.
 The Sovereign, also known as God’s Chosen One, has a duty to God and God’s Law.

The Chosen One of God

 The prophets in God’s Bible predict the coming of the Chosen One of God to save man in
his hour of need.
 The narrative about Jesus Christ published in God’s Bible in the books known as the
Gospels is inconsistent and cannot therefore be history.
 The vast majority of men have heard of a Chosen One of God who will come to offer
man salvation in his hour of need.
 A variety of non-Christian cultures, including but not limited the Jewish and Islamic
faiths, have recorded and disseminated said prophecy across the ages.
 Our age is characterised by usury, violence, subjugation, slavery, debt, exploitation and
injustice, creating humanity’s hour of need for the Chosen One of God.

91 Where ‘laws’ means ‘legislation’

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 God's Bible refers on many occasions to a Chosen One also known as the Christ or the
Messiah, meaning 'anointed one' who will arrive in the end times or at the end of days
to help save each soul incarnated as a man.
 God’s Bible and other texts indicate that the beginning of a general human awakening
led by the Christ will be associated with ‘777’ or '7777'.
 I was anointed by Jesus -- spelt Yod He Vav He in Hebrew -- the One True God, on 29th
June 2007.
 The One True God told me I was proclaimed Chosen One by the ringing of church bells at
St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol on Saturday, the 7th day of the week, 7th July 2007.
 I was born on 24th December, the day the Three ‘Kings’ or stars of the constellation
Orion align with the ‘wandering star’ or Sirus.
 I have sworn on God’s Bible that I am the One True Heir to the Kingdom of God, also
known as the Chosen One of God, God incarnated as Holy Spirit and Man also known as
Messiah also known as Jesus Christ also known as the Lord Jesus Christ also known as
the King of Kings and Priest of Priests also known as Kadosh Kadosh also known as the
Name of Names and other name.,
 On 19th January 2009, I stated as God’s truth that I have the authority of God, and
therefore the Crown, before a judge under oath in a Law Court at the Royal Courts of
Justice without objection or counter-claim.
 I have already issued Orders with lawful authority to the Prime Minister and Gordon
 The failure to follow these orders is unlawful on the part of Gordon Brown and in no
way contradicts the authority of God's Chosen One.
 The Order JC A0001 to the Prime Minister of Israel to maintain a permanent ceasefire
and to prepare charges against Ehud Olmert and others for unlawful activities has been
 Other Orders I have issued have not been lawfully challenged.
 No one has brought just reason to challenge my statement that I am God, incarnated as
Holy Spirit and Man, and therefore sovereign.
 I am the last man to incarnate from the soul of the One True God, Jesus.
 It has been a matter of public record in the Daily Mail archived on the Internet since
August 2007 that I am God -- incarnated as Holy Spirit and Man – and have therefore
claimed the sovereign authority of God.
 The Sun newspaper on the Internet since August 2009 has reported that I have stated
that I am God incarnated in the form of the Messiah.
 A variety of media in the United Kingdom and across the world have reported my
statement that I am the Messiah, including but not limited to ITN news, the US National
Geographic Channel and India Today.
 Wikipedia, the Internet encyclopaedia has previously made mention my truth that I am
God incarnated as Holy Spirit and Man, and continues to mention my statement that I
am the Messiah.

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 Wikipedia, the Internet encyclopaedia, has had an entry listing messiah claimants which
makes mention of my statement that I am the Messiah,
 I have related the teachings of the biblical Jesus Christ on the Internet.
 No one has made formal challenge to my statement that I am the Chosen One of God,
the Christ, the Messiah also known as God, incarnated as Holy Spirit and Man.

The Key to the Law

 The secret central to the history of Man is that certain men and women have incarnated
from the soul of the One True God Jesus and the final incarnation will be the Christ or
Messiah or Chosen One.
 As such, this secret could only be published in code when written down.
 God’s Bible, in particular the section the Jews call the Torah, and texts deriving from it,
when decoded, show that phonetically ‘David M Shayler’ is the Chosen One of God also
known as the Messiah.
 The letters ‘D M O U O S V A V V’ on the monument at Shugborough House,
Staffordshire, England are said to point to the location of the Holy Grail,
 Said letters decode to ‘D M Shyoluaa, 777’ when transcribed into Hebrew and
retranscribed into English using different recognised transcriptions of the Hebrew
 ‘Holy Grail’ is a corruption of the French ‘Saint Real’ or ‘Holy True One’.
 God’s Bible and texts deriving from it show that anagrams of Hebrew letters which
transliterate into English as ‘David M Shayler’, or near variations thereof, can be found
on the Rod of Aaron, with the Hebrew letters ‘Xadek Chet Vav’ which translates as
‘righteous king’ , taken from the initial letters of the Ten Plagues of Egypt made mention
of in God’s Bible; the initial letters of the 12 tribes of Israel made mention of in God’s
Bible; from the 22-letter Name of God based on a phrase made mention of in God’s
Bible; the 33-letter Name of God, the 42-letter Name of God, and the 72 3-letter Names
of God.
 The section of God's Bible known as the Torah records that God's name will be found in
the Chosen One’s Name,
 Whereas 'Yah' is the accepted transliteration of the Hebrew letters Yod He, the name of
 ‘Shayler’ contains ‘Yah’ spelt in the same direction as Hebrew is read, right to left,
rendering ‘S-haY-ler’,
 ‘Yeshua’ can be transliterated as ‘I H U, Sh Yol’, pronounced ‘I ha you, Shayol’,
phonetically near to ‘I are you, Shayle’, or made into an anagram which can be
pronounced, ‘I, you, Shayleh'.
 The Hebrew Book of Commentary on the Torah, the Talmud, contains ‘David’, ‘M’,
‘Shiloh’ and ‘Shila’ in the context of a discussion of the Messiah’s name, in a section of
the Talmud called the Sanhedrin.

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 The role of the ‘Sanhedrin’ is believed by many Jews to be to confirm the identity of the
 I have communicated the teachings of Unconditional Love in public and pursued Truth
and Justice with no concern for my own benefit, the tasks of Jesus Christ predicted by
the prophets in God’s Bible,
 I have challenged the forces of darkness which are motivated by Zionism and have lived.
 I have survived numerous attempts to kill me.
 I talk to the soul and God, Jesus, and am given secrets and insights not shared with
 Other souls incarnated as men have told me that Jesus has told them I am the Chosen
 I can interpret the signs of God.
 A variety of cultures, including but not limited to the Mayans predict that the world and
human consciousness will change in 2012, meaning we are now in the End Times or End
of Days.

Respondent’s duties
I the Affiant have sent the Queen and former Sovereign an affidavit dated 22 nd May 2010, swearing
under oath that I am Jesus Christ and therefore Sovereign, according to the Law. Said affidavit has not
been rebutted.

Respondent’s failure to provide the Affiant with a verified rebuttal to this affidavit point-by-point no
later than ten (10) days from the date of issuance, or request additional time to comply, will comprise
Respondent’s agreement with and confession of all facts herein, in perpetuity, the said confession being
res judicata and stare decisis.

Affidavit Oath and Verification, sworn before God

“I, a man commonly known as David Shayler the Christ (Affiant), on my own unlimited commercial
liability, certify that I have read the above affidavit and do know that the facts contained are true,
correct and complete, not misleading, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

On 24th August 2010, I swore to the truth of the contents of this affidavit under oath and before God and
two witnesses before sending it recorded delivery to the Queen.

On 6th October 2010, having received no reply, I swore before God under oath and before two witnesses
that I had received no reply and sent it to the Queen, alerting her to the fact that the Affidavit remained
unopposed and would become set in law.

On 4th February 2011, still having received no reply I swore before God under oath and before two
witnesses that I had received no reply and sent it to the Queen. I alerted her to the fact that the truth of
my Affidavit had become law as -- when the opportunity was offered -- it had not been rebutted by the
highest authority in law prior to the arrival of the Christ, the monarch.

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‘Only an evil
seeketh a sign’

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Signs of the End Times

Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred
and thirty-five days
Daniel 12:11

1335 days after 117 777=24.2.11 1335 days after 777=4.3.11


1260 re-arranges to either 2016 or 6012 1+3+3+5=12 6012 AL

=2012 AD, the End of Time.

The Beast’s reign or ‘time, times and a half’’ is two and a half terms, not 42
months or 1260 days
The Book of Yah S’rel

He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen.

Come, Lord Jesus’.
Revelation 22:20

There have been many predictions of End Times over the millennia, which have obviously been proven
wrong. However, there is a broad consensus – led by the Mayan Long Count Calendar -- across human
culture that 2012 is the date of change92. Indeed in the esoteric the letters ‘MM’ come up frequently.
Some believe they stand for Mary Magdalene and the divine feminine. However, in Roman numerals,
they stand for 2,000, indicating that the End Times will begin from the outset of the 3rd millennium.

Before we look at other examples consistent with the prophecy of the End Times, it is worth stating that
I have not included some of the weird phenomena that are now occurring on a regular basis like 1,000s
of dead fish and birds being found in January 2011 without any cogent explanation93 and the ever
stranger weather we seem to be experiencing in recent years. To come to a reasonable assessment of
the strangeness of these events, we would have to compare them with the frequency of similar events
across history, for which I have neither the time, resources nor inclination to perform.

No, the following evidence indicating that we are in the End Times is self-explanatory to a reasonable

The re-establishing of the Sanhedrin

In 2004, a group of rabbis claimed to have reconvened the Sanhedrin Council for the first time in 1,600
years. Most famous for its alleged role in condemning Jesus in the Bible, to many, the Sanhedrin’s most
important role is in identifying the Messiah:

92 see Beyond 2012, Geoff Stray, Vital Signs Publishing


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Two remarkable developments took place recently that are extremely relevant to
students of Bible prophecy. For the first time in 1,600 years, the Israeli Sanhedrin was
re-established. These religious authorities believe it was necessary to re-establish the
Sanhedrin because only this properly ordained body of sages can authenticate a Messiah
when he comes. There is a growing expectation of the long-awaited Messiah to appear
among devout Jews. […]
The fact that a re-established Sanhedrin is now considering the rebuilding of the Temple
after 2,000 years is extremely important to students of Bible prophecy. I believe that we
are very near the final climactic events that end with the Second Coming of Christ.
World Net Daily, 17 February 2005

The Sanhedrin convened adjacent to Herod’s Temple from around 200BC to the Temple’s destruction in
70 AD and outside Jerusalem until about 400 AD. Its current incarnation is not recognised by all
denominations of the Jewish faith. The council plans to rebuild Solomon’s Temple on Temple Mount,
another prediction associated with the End Times and the Second Coming, calling on the Jewish people
to help in:

the acquisition of materials for the purpose of rebuilding the Temple – including the
gathering and preparation of prefabricated, disassembled portions to be stored and ready
for rapid assembly, ‗in the manner of King David.‘
World Net Daily, 8 June 2005

It is notable that ‘David’ comes up in connection with the rebuilding of the Temple. For many Jews the
rebuilding of the Temple is a prerequisite of the Second Coming.

A Talmudic tradition states that Elijah94 the Prophet will present himself before a duly-
ordained Sanhedrin when he announces the coming of the Messiah.
Eruvin 43b; Maharatz Chajas ad loc; Rashash to Sanhedrin 13b quoted on blog

The Talmud identifies two classes of rabbinical courts called Sanhedrin, a Great Sanhedrin and a Lesser
Sanhedrin. Each city could have its own lesser Sanhedrin of 23 judges, but there could be only one
Great Sanhedrin of 71, acting as a sort of Supreme Court of Appeal or the only body with the authority
to try the king. In some cases, it was only necessary for a 23-member panel to convene. In general, the
full panel of 71 judges was only convened on matters of national significance like a declaration of war or
in the event that the 23-member panel could not reach a conclusive verdict95.

When combined with one Messiah, we have a council of 24 or 72 (3x24).

The Panacea Society – inspired by the original quote in the Book of Revelation – also concern
themselves with ’24 Elders’, who must be present when Joanna Southcott’s box is opened.

94 The name ‘Elijah’ in Old Hebrew is based on the letters, Yod Lamed Hey Y L H, the Name of God, which phonetically
gives the second half of my surname, ‘-yler’
95 See The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, and the

Sanhedrin’s website

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A group of Jews -- who recognise the biblical Jesus as the Messiah and believe all Jews will come to
accept this -- cite the reconvening of the Sanhedrin as fulfilment of the End Times prophecy.

They also believe the Sanhedrin is the only authority which has the power to reverse the judgment
allegedly made nearly 2,000 years ago to reportedly condemn Jesus to be crucified96.


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Actual events in expectation of the Christ, 07.07.07

In fact, many people across the world prepared themselves for the arrival of the Anointed One on
07.07.07, in line with the ancient prophecies, to begin the Second Coming, which will culminate in
Judgement Day and the ‘ascension’ of the Elect to the New World in 2012.

On 07.07.07, religious groups across the world staged events like the prayer sessions in Moscow’s St
Peters’ Square97 and across America and the Jesusfest in Connecticut in anticipation of the return of

July 7 is the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord

Yet, as terrible a day as September 11, 2001 was; the events of that day will pale in
comparison to the coming DAY of the LORD. Yes, JUDGMENT DAY! The DAY the Bible
has been warning us about for thousands of years. The DAY the Lord Jesus will come in
all His glory to gather together his elect, from the four winds, from one end of heaven to
the other and to judge the wicked for their sins.

On 7-7-07 there will be a sound… A sound from earth crying out to be the heavens for
God to invade our land. There is no other alternative for this region. We must have this
move of God!

These are just a few examples of the expectation and events of that day, involving millions across the

The date was also significant in terms of the

actual sun - widely accepted as a symbol of Jesus
or worshipped by many cultures as the foremost
god in the Pantheon -- as it hit a double low to be

7/7/7: Solar Resurrection Day

What's the deal with '7/7/7'? Well, it's all
about Solar Resurrection... again.
2007 is solar minimum - the quietest
point of the 11-year sunspot cycle. July
7 is aphelion - the farthest point of the
earth from the Sun in 2007. So the Sun
is thus doubly 'dead' on 7/7/07,
signifying a moment of transition from
life to death and back to life98.


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Further Jewish expectation of a Messiah

End Times Prophecy News also reported that Jewish rabbis were preparing themselves for the
appearance of the Messiah in October 2007:

Kaduri gave a message in his synagogue on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, teaching
how to recognize the Messiah. He also mentioned that the Messiah would appear to
Israel after Ariel Sharon‘s death. […] Other rabbis predict the same, including Rabbi
Haim Cohen, kabbalist Nir Ben Artzi and the wife of Rabbi Haim Kneiveskzy.
As one of Israel's most prominent rabbis, shortly before he died, he wrote the name of
the Messiah on a small note which he requested would remain sealed until now. When
the note was opened, it revealed that Yehoshua, or Yeshua (Jesus), is the Messiah, who
will appear at any time.
End Times Prophecy blog, Tuesday, October 30, 2007, Rabbi Revealed Name of Messiah

‘Yeshua’, the name for the Messiah in Hebrew is an anagram of ‘Sheyoluh’.

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777 and the Second Coming

Seven: denotes spiritual perfection. It is the number or hall-mark of the
Holy Spirit’s work. He is the Author of God’s word, and seven is stamped
on it as the watermark is seen in the manufacture of paper.

The number 7 perhaps speaks of perfection or completeness. God's

complete provision in His dealings with men.

The number 777 is used once in the Bible for the age of Lamech, the last
Patriarch of the line of Seth before the Deluge
See Genesis 5:31

The word ‘priest’ is used 777 times in the Bible. The Book of Genesis
contains 777+777-(3x7) or 1553 verses

777 in the Judeo-Christian tradition

According to the Bible, the number seven has deep spiritual significance. It has been held sacred by the
Hebrews and other Semite peoples since the dawn of time. It represents perfection and holiness. It is
used throughout the Scriptures and in this sense is the Almighty's Number. We read of:

Samson's seven locks of consecration.

The seven pillars of wisdom's house.
The sevenfold sign of total commitment and dependence.
The seven lambs to attest the conclusion of a peace treaty.
The seven fold sprinkling of blood before cleansing was complete.
The seven week count to Pentecost, the seven year count to the sabbatical year and the
seven times seven year count to the Jubilee year.
The seven candlesticks, seven churches, seven stars, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven
thunders, and seven plagues etc mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

Although 777 only appears once in the Bible, as a triumvirate of 7s, it is inextricably linked with God,
Jesus, the Messiah, the Second Coming and the spiritual awakening which comes with it. To the
Stewarton Bible School, 777 symbolises:

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Yahweh99, the Father of Yeshua the Messiah. He is the pinnacle of perfection, power and

Evidence from a variety of sources clearly indicates that 777 is specifically associated with the date of
the beginning of the Second Coming, which starts with the Christ or Messiah awakening and ends with
humanity’s awakening:

The key to unlocking the ‗sealed‘ prophecies concerning the mystery of the Second
Coming is the perfect number of completion… 777. The number 777 is as important to
understanding the timing of the Second Coming as 666 is to identifying the False Messiah
who fakes the second coming. The number 777 identifies the true coming, where the
number 666 identifies the fake. It is that simple. 777, the number of completion, it is
the date the Millennial Reign begins.
This date ends all forms of human and satanic government completing God's destined 6
millenniums of human government. And this date is the Jewish New Year, beginning the
7th Millennium of Divine Government under the King of Kings.
And so in the 7th Holy Month of the 7th year of the 7th Millennium… God‘s Plan is
complete… Yahshua the Messiah returns as King of Kings to reign physically for the rest
of eternity.

To us in SBS [Stewarton Bible School] the number 777 numerically expresses the
Almighty's Truth as regards His 7th day Sabbath, His 7 annual Sabbaths, His 7th year
Sabbath and His 7th thousand year Sabbath - the millennium.
Stewarton Bible School,

Although the author of the first example above comes up with 13 September 2007 date by making
certain assumptions, 7th July 2007 is the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh year of the
seventh millennium because:

7th year: the millennium correctly began on Jan 1 2001 because there was no year zero
7th millennium: according to the Freemasons and the correct Jewish calendar, 2007 AD
was 6007 AC, anno lucio or year of light.

July 7th 2007 fell on a Saturday which is the true seventh day and Sabbath or Lord’s day.

The 777 and Christ theme has been repeated on forums, in this example, in a discussion group about the
Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

777: Jesus as the Messiah to return (also used as the number for Jesus in Christian

And in blogs:

99 Yahweh is a rendering of the Hebrew Yod Hey Vav Hey. To those in the know, it is pronounced ‘Jesus’.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Moshiach100 Sighting 777
Something very deep is emerging from concealment […]
Bahir(S 105; M 157):
The Holy one, blessed be he, has one righteous man in his world, and he (Moshiach) is
very precious to Him (God). Because he maintains the whole world and He is its
foundation. […] With the clouds of heaven, one like a son of man will come. Moshiach
has a life, a name, a place of birth and he is a normal human being like anyone.

777 and the ‘Antients’

In esotericism, 777 refers to the number of incarnations the virgin spirits go through on their mission to
get back to the Creator, during 7 revolutions that the wave of life accomplishes around the 7 globes of
the 7 world periods. 777 is therefore symbolic of the ascension of the soul through the physical body.
In The Secret Doctrine, H.-P. Blavatsky, the famous 19th century member of the Theosophist Society, set
out to solve ‘the problem of the 777 incarnations’:

If seven is the number of cycles and of the divine numbers, in it resides also the secret of
the 777 incarnations of the man that should be taken care to not interpret as being the
totality of incarnations of the man on earth, but that it should
rather be reported to what the humanity must one day

In the light of other sources indicating that the Second Coming or the
awakening of humanity began on 07.07.07, 777 here becomes a
prophecy of humanity’s first steps to the state it ‘must one day

According to the tradition of Himalayan masters, 777 is the number of

the celestial man. It symbolizes the transmutation which takes place
at the time when man becomes conscious of his destiny and the
divine plan. This is exactly what happened when the Messiah awoke
around 07.07.07 so he was able to teach about God’s plan for the
changing universe.

In a study on 777, H.-S Green sees in it the triple evolution of Mana,

Buddha and Atman -- spiritual concepts equivalent to the breath of
life or the Holy Spirit -- in the Eastern traditions of Buddhism,
Hinduism and Polynesian culture101. Again in the light of what
happened to me on 07.07.07, this clearly refers to the heightened Paradise Lost: William Blake’s depiction of the fall
of man, when Eve partook of the fruit of the Tree
of Knowledge of Good and Evil, death.
100 Alternative rendering of Jewish word for ‘Messiah’ into English Knowledge does not make you a god. Love does.
101 see The Number 777, The Theosophist, London, No. 9, 1909, p. 326 Satan takes the form of the serpent here but an
older tradition has Jesus as the serpent. The
theme is revisited in the story of Lucifer and the
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Christ consciousness brought to me by the Holy Spirit.

Line 777, Book 5 of Paradise Lost sees Satan ruminating on the anointment of the King who eclipses his

Another now hath to himself engrossed

All power and us eclipsed under the name of
King anointed
Paradise Lost, Book V, verses 775-777,

The note helpfully explains that ‘King’ here refers to the Messiah102.

Gematria and the meaning of 777

Gematria is the study of the numerical value of words. In Hebrew, each letter has a value. The Hebrew
sages have spent many centuries studying the relationship between words of the same numerical value.
If we accept that God’s universe is partly a sequence of intertwining energy patterns, then of course
figures, numbers and values will point the way. In the following examples, the value 777 is associated
with words to do with God or IHVH , Jesus or Yeshua, the Messiah, salvation, resurrection and light,
which all point to the awakening of God incarnate as Holy Spirit and man on 07.07.07, the beginning of
the resurrection of man as part of the Second Coming:

In the first verse of the Bible, it is written: ‗In the beginning God created the heavens
and the earth.‘ (Gen 1:1) This verse consists of 7 Hebrew words and 28 letters (4x7),
and it also counts three names: God, heavens and earth. The sum of the numerical
values of each one gives 777: God = 86, heaven (paradise) = 395 and earth = 296,
where 86+395+296 = 777.
Written in Hebrew, ‗Orthodox Messiah‘, gives 777: Hey, Mem, Shin, Yod, Chet, Daled,
Tav and Yod, giving 5+40+300+10+8+4+400+10 = 777.
Written in Hebrew, ‗YHWH in the YESHUA Messiah‘, gives 777: Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey, Beth,
Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin, Hey, Mem, Shin, Yod and Chet, giving
10+5+6+5+2+10+300+6+70+5+40+300+10+8 = 777.
Written in Hebrew, ‗YESHUA saves‘, gives 777: Yod, Shin, Vav, Ayin, Hey, Vav, Shin, Yod
and Ayin, giving 10+300+6+70+5+6+300+10+70 = 777.
The numerical value of the Hebrew word NMLA IVMM, meaning ‗filled with light‘, gives
The Christ said: ‗I am the resurrection‘. In Greek, resurrection is written ‗h anastasiV‘,
numbering 777 = 8+1+50+1+200+300+1+200+10+6.

Don’t forget that the Hebrew for ‘Yeshua’is an anagram of ‘Sheyoluh’, the phonetic pronunciation of my

page 172, John Milton, Paradise Lost, edited by David Scott Kastan, ISBN 0872207331, Google books

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The significance of 777 on my

All the above could now easily be interpreted as
revelations or predictions of what was to happen on
777 or 7th July 2007: the Higher Powers
acknowledged me as Messiah in order to teach how
humanity can be awakened and our souls saved
through accessing the Holy Spirit or Christ or Jesus

On 2nd July 2007, a psychic channelling the spirit of

the Magdalene also known as Gaia anointed me
with spikenaard, forming a Messianic cross on my
foreheard. Gaia told me the higher powers had a
task for me on 07.07.07. That day, Jesus took me to Some of the response to David’s annunciation to the world that he
is the Messiah
St Mary Redcliffe Church in Bristol, where I meditated
in the original Magdalene or hexagonal chapel. At the precise moment my meditation ended and I
placed my foot on the floor outside the central hexagon, the church bells started ringing. Jesus told me I
had been proclaimed Messiah.

Throughout my life, I had been aware that the 777 or more 7s seemed to call to my attention. For
example, for many years, I had a swimming certificate dated 7.7.77 on my wall. In the year running up
to my awakening, 777 appeared to me all over the place. For example, at a talk I was giving I mentioned
that 777 kept coming up. We then adjourned for lunch only to find a plaque on the wall of the dining
room, commemorating the 777th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta.

The signs don’t end there. The English monarch who signed it was King John, dob 24.12.66 (the year
1166), an incarnate of the Jesus soul: I’m the last incarnate, dob 24.12.65.

The number can be better understood in the context of another number which comes up in the esoteric:
117, the two divine numbers, 7 and 11, combined103. This has led many in secret societies -- like the
reported Priory of Sion -- to believe that 17th January (1/17) would be the birthday of their alleged
Baptist messiah.

Instead it represents the birthday of the Christ – in the sense of his spiritual rebirth. If we put 117 with
777, we get 117777. I was anointed by God on the 29th June 2007, 1 week, 1 day before Saturday, the
7th day of the week, 7th July, the 7th month, 2007.

103They are divine because 7 is the number of chakras on the Flower of Life and 11 is the number of Sephiroth in the
current construction of the universe, on the Tree of Life

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117 could also be read as Sunday 1st July, where Sunday is the 1st day of the week, 1st day of 7th month.
Sunday 1st July 2007 was the beginning of the first full week after the anointment of the Christ. 0117 is
the dialling code for Bristol, the city where I went through my awakening.

 If you understand the esoteric, you can work out the exact day Christ was to be
anointed, 29th June 2007 -- one week, one day before 7777 or Saturday 7th July 2007.
That was the day I was anointed.
 A belief in meaningless ‘coincidence’ is at odds with the divine plan and God’s justice,
revealing an ignorance of the workings of the universe.

‘Do not weep: for the Lion of Judah, the Root of David, has won the right to
open the scroll and break its seven seals.’ [...] And when he had opened the
seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
Revelation 8:1

The Crop Circle, which appeared on or around

28th June 2007 at West Kennet, Wiltshire,
near the Long Barrow and not far from
Salisbury Hill.

The pillars bear a resemblance to those on

Leonardo’s Last Supper, completed in 1498.
The Chessboard in perspective (above left)
also reflects the roof of the mural, shown in
situ in the Refectory of the Convent of Santa
Maria delle Grazie, Milan (above).

Famously, there is no grail on the table,

although there is an empty chair opposite, to
which our attention is drawn by an arrow
‘Is this a dagger I see before me?’ formed from Jesus and Mary/John leaning
away from one another and the pillar in the

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‘The Name of
the Rose’

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The Son of God, Son of Man

These are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the
Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in
his name
John 20:30-31

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in
all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
Luke 24:27

The three great secrets exposed104

They are:

The name of the Christ

The pronunciation (and therefore identity) of Yod Hey Vav Hey, IHVH

The date of the End Times and the Second Coming

The Great Game was a battle for the soul of the Christ. (As the Christ has now awoken to his destiny,
the game’s up). His name was therefore the greatest secret of all time along with the pronunciation of
‘Yod Hey Vav Hey’ or IHVH. Ironically, men have killed, maimed and tortured each other to obtain it for
their own nefarious ends: if you know God’s name, you can use it to curse him and reduce his power, or
so the theory goes. If you knew the name of the Christ, you could find him
and try to stop him from awakening and teaching the Way to man.

Perhaps the most absurd episode in this eternal cycle was the arrest and
crucifixion of Jaques De Molay, the head of the Knights Templar when they
were arrested in 1307 by Philip IV of France in cahoots with the Catholic
Church. De Molay, the incarnation of Jesus of the time, was tortured by the
Spanish inquisition – in the name of Jesus! If you don’t find that to be the
irony of ironies then consider this: the pronunciation of IHVH has been
available in the best-selling book on the planet in plain sight for the last
2,000 years. It is ‘Jesus’.

Jesus the God should not be confused with Jesus the Christ, more accurately
translated as ‘Yeshua the Christ’, although the two come from exactly the Jacques De Molay was tortured by the
Catholic Church for seven years. It is his
same substance, so the two are sometimes known as ‘the Twins’. crucified body which appears on the
Shroud of Turin (although not his head,
which was removed by his captors)
104 There is no secret over the way to eternal life. It is Love. And through Love, you will know God’s Truth, which will set

you free

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IHVH, AHIH and the Law

The following passage has probably provoked more debate than any
other passage discussed in the esoteric:

Then Moses said to God:

Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say

to them:
The God of your fathers has sent me to you

and they say to me:

What is His name?

what shall I say to them?

And God said to Moses:

Moses meets a god on Mount Sinai who gives him
I AM WHO I AM. ‘The Book of the Law’. But is this god the same
god who visited Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

And He said:

Thus you shall say to the children of Israel:

I AM has sent me to you.

Moreover God said to Moses:

Thus you shall say to the children of Israel:

The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,
has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.

Go and gather the elders of Israel together, and say to them:

The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared to me.
Exodus 3:13-16

The above paragraphs follow the punctuation in the King James Bible but the original Torah on which it
is based had no punctuation at all.

If this passage were as clear as some have held, it would be rendered thus:

Moses: What’s your name, God?

Instead, the question is:

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Moses: What shall I tell the children of Israel your name is?

The god: Tell them my name is ‘I AM WHO I AM’.


Moses: What shall I tell the children of Israel your name is?

The god: I am who I am. I’m not telling you or your people. Mind your
own business, mortal

In neither case do we have a definitive answer to the question regarding God’s name, although the
casual reader might think otherwise. The issue is hardly clarified by the next phrase:

The god: Tell them: ‘I AM has sent me to you’

Does this mean nothing as it is non-grammatical and nonsensical? It is though much easier to interpret
this passage when you know that there is a god called ‘I AM’ rendered in Hebrew as ‘Alef Hey Yod Hey’
or AHIH105. The original Hebrew translated as ‘I am what I am’; ‘I am that I am’; or ‘I am therefore I am’
is ‘AHIH AShR AHIH’. The whole scenario then becomes reminiscent of the old music hall joke:

A: What’s his name?

B: Watt.

A: No, what’s his name?

B: Yes, Watt’s his name.

A: I don’t know I’m asking you.

In the light of this, we could interpret the passage in the following ways (among others):

The god wants Moses to tell the children of Israel that a god called ‗I AM‘ has sent Moses
to them because it is the truth
The god wants Moses to tell the children of Israel that a god called ‗I AM‘ has sent Moses
to them because the god speaking wants to hide his identity from them
The god is telling Moses to tell the children of Israel that a god called ‗I AM‘ has sent the
god who speaks here, to Moses because that is true.
The god is telling Moses to tell the children of Israel that a god called ‗I AM‘ has sent the
god who speaks here, to Moses because the god speaking wants to give the impression
that he has been sent to Moses by a god called ‗I AM‘.

In the light of this, the passage becomes:

105 And pronounced ‘Mary’ in Qabalah

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Moses: what is the name you want me to use for you to the children of

The god: I am (called) ‘I AM’ so tell the children of Israel that a god called ‘I
AM’ sent you, Moses, to them.


The god: Mind your own business regarding my name. Just tell the
children of Israel that a god called ‘I AM’ sent you, Moses, to them

The god: Mind your own business regarding my name. Tell the children of
Israel that a god called ‘I AM’ sent me, the god speaking, to you, Moses.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

Moreover God said to Moses:

Thus you shall say to the children of Israel:

The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,
has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.

This can have two basic meanings:

The god tells Moses to tell the children of Israel that the god who speaks here is the
same God who guided Abraham etc, although the god does not make it clear here
whether it is actually the God of Abraham who is speaking.


God tells Moses to tell the children of Israel that the god speaking to Moses has been
sent by the same God who guided Abraham etc. Again, God does not explicitly state
whether this is true or whether he simply wants the Israelites to believe this as true.

The last bit of this exchange is also curious:

Moreover God said to Moses: [...]

Go and gather the elders of Israel together, and say to them:

The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared to me.

Here, the god is telling Moses to tell the elders of Israel:


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the same God who guided Abraham etc appeared to Moses


the same God who guided Abraham etc appeared to the god who is speaking to Moses

This is a subtly different message than the one given to the children of Israel, which involved a god being
‘sent’ rather than ‘appearing’.

This begs the question: ‘Why one statement for the children and another for the elders?’ Don’t make
the mistake of assuming that God only trusts the ‘elders’ with the true message. Learned elders are not
the same as wise men.

I believe that the confusion is caused by the fact that many believe that Judaism and Christianity are
monotheistic religions, when they are clearly anything but. Judaism has its archangels, Christianity its
saints. Both are used to avoid using the word ‘gods’. To me, it is clear that IHVH sends AHIH to Moses
to give him the Torah. In any case, the passage makes it clear that IHVH, the God of Abraham etc is the
‘Lord God’ or the God with the highest authority, not AHIH.

In the esoteric, this means that Moses -- the incarnation of the goddess, Mother Mary 106 -- gives man
the Torah or Jewish Bible of Instructions that are often confused with the Law -- not the incarnation of
the One True God, Jesus. In the time of Moses, the incarnation of Jesus was Aaron, Moses’s brother and
the first High Priest of Israel.

 Jesus – spelt IHVH -- is the One True God, not (Mother) Mary – spelt AHIH -- the goddess
of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, ‘legislation’ and wars.
 Many religions have confused or conflated two goddesses, Mother Mary and Virgin
Mary. The latter is Gaia, spelt Yod Yod Alef Yod or I I A I in Hebrew.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were
made. [...]

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen
his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full
of grace and truth.
The Opening of the Book of John

106Mother Mary is Diana in the Roman pantheon, Artemis in Greek. She should not be confused with the Virgin Mary or
Gaia, the goddess of love and sexuality, Venus to the Romans, Aphrodite. When the latter is placed together with the
messenger god, ‘Hermes’, we get ‘hermaphrodite’, a creature both male and female and a recurring part of the prophecy.

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“Symbols are a language that can help us

understand our past. As the saying goes: ‘A
picture is worth a thousand words.’ But which
words? Understanding our past determines our
ability to understand the present. But how do
we sift truth from belief? How do we write our
own history personally or culturally and thereby
define ourselves? How do we penetrate years –
centuries even – of historical distortion to find
original truth?”
Robert Langdon, hero of The Da Vinci Code

Decoding the Code

These are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the
Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in
his name
John 20:30-31

The following evidence has been decoded in the light of Qabalah -- the ancient oral tradition of the
Semites or Shem-ites, the preservers of the Name – meaning to receive, in the sense of ‘received’
wisdom. A major part of Qabalah is decrypting codes in ancient texts like the Bible. Isaac Newton’s
papers reveal that he was more interested in decoding the Bible than he was in his scientific theories.

At this point, I need to make it clear that I did not go looking for this evidence. I was led to all the
information here by Jesus, generally via the Internet but also via the Panacea Society, a sign in the
London freesheet, Metro and signs given on quests. It was then up to me to make sense of it.

The following is therefore a summary of documentary evidence, not an account of the amazing journey
Jesus and Gaia have taken me on, nor of the miracles I have performed, nor does it lay out the evidence
in the stars or from the Bible or Torah code.

The account of my journey of spiritual redemption must be told face to face and be heard in full to
understand the sublime nature of His Love, Majesty and Justice.

A note on Hebrew-English transliteration

According to Semite tradition, the name of the Messiah was preserved in the unwritten Qabalah or
secret oral tradition before it was given to humanity in the Torah or Jewish Bible. ‘Knowledge’ in this
context refers to the secret knowledge of the re-incarnating Jesus and his final incarnation as the
Messiah. Phrases like ‘in the know’ and ‘You-know-who’ reflect this secret knowledge.

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In the Old Testament, the Messiah is referred to as ‘Shiloh’, spelt in Hebrew Shin Yod Lamed Hey or Sh I
L H or Sh Y L H. In Hebrew, my surname is rendered Shin Yod Yod Lamed Hey or Sh I I L R or Sh Y Y L R.

Shayler in Hebrew

Shiloh in Hebrew

As Hebrew has understood vowels, which are pronounced but not written down as in ‘DVD’ for ‘David’,
‘Shiloh’ could be pronounced ‘Shayleh’ or ‘Shayluh’, how my surname is pronounced.

Although the Panacea Society refers to ‘Shiloh’ in English, they render the Hebrew as Shin Yod Lamed
Vav Hey, Sh I LU H or Sh Y L U H107. Either way, it can still be pronounced ‘Shayluh’.

Shiloh rendered by the Panacea Society

Beyond that, the problems with transliteration and pronunciation are many:

 In the absence of audio recording, no one knows how Old Hebrew was meant to be
 Hebrew is a guttural language and does not therefore share exact vowel sounds with modern
 Hebrew uses a different alphabet with fewer letters so some Hebrew letters stand for more
than one English letter. For example, Vav can be transliterated into English as V, O, U, W or its
numerical value, 6.
 English spelling does not always reflect sound or different sounds are spelt the same -- eg ‘bow’
as in ‘tie’, ‘bow’ as in ‘curtsy’; and ‘bough’ as in branch;
 sounds passed on orally will change over the centuries -- and in this case, the millennia. Only
200 years ago, many English people spoke with an accent similar to Southern Irish now.

Despite this, my name is clearly discernable in a variety of texts – usually based on the Bible – which are
already associated with God, the Holy Spirit or the Holy Grail or the Messiah’s name. And I stress that I
did not go looking for my name in ancient texts. It came to me when the moment was right. So living in
the moment is God’s gift. That’s why we call it the ‘present’.

107 see Channel 4 documentary on the Society, Maidens of the Lost Ark, 2003

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Hebrew-English conversion table

Hebrew English Hebrew Value Meaning Final

letter equivalent name version108
A, E Aleph 1 Ox

B, V Beth 2 House

C, G Gimmel 3 Camel

D Daled 4 Door

H, E Hey 5 Window

V, O, U, W Vav 6 Nail

Z, S Zayin 7 Sword

Ch Chet 8 Fence

T Tet 9 Serpent

I, Y, J, E Yod 10 Hand, sperm

C, K, Kh Kaf 20 Palm of hand

L Lamed 30 Oxgoad

M Mem 40 Water

N Nun 50 Fish

S Samech 60 Support, pillar

A, aa, yol, ol Ayin 70 Eye

P, Ph, F Peh 80 Mouth

X, Tz, Ts, Z Zadek 90 Hook, Righteous one

Q, K, Ck Qof 100 Back of head

R Resh 200 Head

Sh, Ss Shin 300 Tooth, Holy Spirit

Th, T Tav 400 Messianic Cross

108 Five of the 22 Hebrew letters change form when placed at the end of a word.

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The Chosen One’s surname

Shi’loh109 the scepter shall not depart from Ju'dah, nor a lawgiver from
between his feet, until Shi'loh come, and unto him shall the gathering of
the people be.
Genesis 49:10

The staff shall not depart from Yehuda [Judah], nor the sceptre from
between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and the obedience of the people be
Alternative Jewish translation from Bereshit or Genesis 49:10

Based on the benediction given by Jacob to his son Judah, the above verses are the basis for the widely
held Christian belief that ‘Shiloh’ is the Messiah or the child and man predicted in Isaiah who will come
to save humanity110. According to the Jewish commentaries, Onkelos, Midrash Rabbah and Rashi, the
name ‘Shiloh’ is a reference to the future Melekh HaMashiah, the ‘Sovereign Messiah’. This view is
supported by the latter-day prophets of the Panacea Society.

We therefore have ‘Shiloh’ -- which could be equally validly be transcribed into English as ‘Shyluh’,
‘Shayluh’ or ‘Sheluh’ -- very close to my surname, pronounced ‘Shayluh’.

The Talmud, the collection of Semitic holy wisdom and writings, states:

The world was created only on David's account. Samuel said: on Moses account; R
Johanan said: for the sake of the Messiah. What is his [the Messiah's] name? — The
School of R Shila said: His name is Shiloh, for it is written, until Shiloh come.
Talmud, Sanhedrin 98b, lines 24, 25

This gives us ‘David’ ‘M’ and ‘Shiloh’ in the context of a discussion of the Messiah and his name. (Again,
it could be transcribed as ‘Shyluh’ or ‘Sheluh’). David here cannot refer to King David as he has been and
gone and the world is still here. (The same argument applies to Moses). So who is the ‘David’ on whose
account this world was created? The meaning of the statement becomes clear in the context of the next
line referring to the Messiah -- the saviour for whom this universe was created. ‘What’s his name?’
could just as easily be translated as ‘What’s his surname?’ We therefore have ‘David’, ‘M’, ‘Shyluh’ –
using the alternative transliteration -- together in a discussion of the purpose of the universe and the

In discussions about the Messiah in the context of the Book of Revelation, Yashanet records that the
Messiah will be known by a variety of names but only one recognised Christian name, David.
Interestingly, the list gives us ‘David’ and ‘Shiloh’ together:

109 In the Authorised King James version of the Bible, ‘Shiloh’ is rendered as ‘Shi’loh’, as if it records a missing letter. The
English apostrophe looks exactly like the missing Hebrew yod.
110 see Isaiah 9:6

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The wealth of names associated with Messiah indicates the extent of ideas that surround
him. These names include; Messiah ben Joseph, Messiah ben David, Messiah ben
Ephraim, the Leprous Messiah, Head of Days, Son of Man, Tzemah (Shoot), Menachem
(Comforter), Nehora (Light), Shalom (Peace), Tzaddik (Righteous), Adonai (Lord), Yinnon
(Continued), Tzidqenu (Our Justice), Pele (Miracle), Yo'etz (Counselor), El (God), Gibbor
(Hero), Avi 'Ad Shalom (Eternal Father of Peace), Fragrance, David, Shiloh, Elijah.

The likely source of ‘Shiloh’ can be found in the 72 3-letter Names of God.

Encodings of ‘Shayler’ in anagram can be found in the multi-lettered Names of God – to which we are
directed by the Christ of the Book of Revelation -- and phonetically on the Rod of Aaron.

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The Chosen One’s Christian or forenames

The world was created only on David's account. Samuel said: on Moses
account; R. Johanan said: for the sake of the Messiah. What is his [the
Messiah's] name? — The School of R. Shila said: His name is Shiloh, for it is
written, until Shiloh come.
Talmud, Sanhedrin 98b, lines 24, 25

As we have already discussed, the Talmud, the collection of Semitic holy wisdom and writings, gives us
‘David’ ‘M’ ‘Shila’ and ‘Shiloh’ in the context of a discussion of the Messiah’s name in the above passage.
As already discussed Yashanet records that the Messiah will be known by a variety of names but only
one recognised Christian name, David.

The wealth of names associated with Messiah indicates the extent of ideas that surround
him. These names include […] David, Shiloh, Elijah.

In another discussion of the Messiah’s identity, Rabbi Tzadok quotes the great Hebrew teacher, the Baal
Shem Tov, as linking ‘David’ with ‘Messiah’ or ‘Mashiah’, the more correct transliteration.

There is a practical lesson to be learned from knowing the true identity of the Mashiah.
[…]The Ba‘al Shem Tov writes, […] ―As it is known Adam [Aleph, Daled, Mem in Hebrew
or ADM] stands for Adam, David, Mashiah.‖
Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok, Identifying Shiloh, the Secret Soul of the Mashiah, Commentary to Parashat Vayehi

It also gives my initials, ‘D M’. Under the principal of Gematria, the Qabalistic study of numerical
relationships between words, Tzadok points out:

It has already been referred to in the Zohar (1,25B), Ra'aya Mehemna (Pinhas 246B),
and the Tikunim (21,52B) that [the name] Shiloh is numerically equal to [the name
Moses] Moshe, for it is he who is Mashiah Ben David. […] This is the explanation,
Mashiah Ben David will merit the Neshama of the Neshama [the name of names or holy
of holies], that which not even Moshe merited to receive.
Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok, Identifying Shiloh, the Secret Soul of the Mashiah, Commentary to Parashat Vayehi

‘Mashiah Ben David’ means ‘messiah of the line of David’. This obviously alerts us to the name ‘David’ in
the context of the Chosen One. As many believe this is a bloodline, we have to ask why it refers back
constantly to King David and not to any of the other patriarchs who would by extension belong to the
same bloodline. It is clear that references to ‘David’ and the Messiah are designed to create an
association in our minds as to the true first name of the Messiah.

Indeed, the Bible is full of references to a ‘David’ in connection with the Messiah. The following are two
very obvious examples:

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Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of
David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with
justice from henceforth even for ever.
Isaiah 9:6-7

I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root
and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.‘
Revelation 22:16

My initials ‘D’ and ‘M’ can be found at the centre of the table of the 72 3-letter Names of God, with ‘N’
as the remaining letter. ‘N’ In Hebrew stands for ‘fish’, a widely recognised symbol of Jesus Christ.

Encodings of ‘Dave’ in anagram or ‘D M’ can be

found in the multi-lettered Names of God and
‘David’ appears phonetically in the old Hebrew
on the Rod of Aaron see below.

The latter-day prophets of the Panacea Society

also give the name ‘Michael’ to their Messiah,

The initials ‘D M’ (ringed in red right) also

appear on a variety of ancient monuments in
the western world and on the Shepherd’s
Monument at Shugborough House in
Staffordshire, said to point to the location of
the Holy Grail.

If we take the Islamic greeting, ‘Inshallah’ and place it with the letters ‘D M’ found on many ancient
tombs in the West, we get phonetically D M N Shallah close to D M ‘The Christ’ Shayler, when we
understand that ‘N’ or ‘Nun’ in Hebrew means ‘the fish’, a widely understood symbol of Jesus Christ.

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‘The location of the Holy Grail’

On the Shepherd’s Monument at Shugborough House in Staffordshire,
said to point to the location of the Holy Grail, are the letters O U O S V A
V V and below D M. When decoded using Hebrew – as is indicated in
broad daylight by the monument itself – VAV = V -- they become:

D M Sh Yol U Aa 6 1 6 6


D M Shayoluaa, 777

This is not an anagram. The letters did not have to be re arranged yet it
gives us:
The bas-relief on the Shepherd’s
 my initials, D M Monument, Shugborough House,
Staffordshire. It is a mirror image of ‘Et in
 a phonetic rendition of my surname, Shayler Arcadia Ego’ by Nicolas Poussin, which is
 the date of the awakening of the Christ, 777 also prominent in the Rennes-le-Chateau
mystery, where ‘Poussin Tenier hold the

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The Names of God

During my spiritual development, I used to wonder why certain sequences of Hebrew letters were called
‘the Names of God’. I imagined that the Ancients gave the name ‘God’ to any power they did not
understand. My research has now established that the Names of God quite literally spell out or encode
the actual name of God as in each case, ‘David Shayler’ or variations can be found by anyone open to
the Truth.

72 Names of God

The multi-lettered Names of God

The Ineffible Name of God on the Rod of Aaron

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72 Names of God and the Messianic Cross

The 72 3-letter Names of God are derived from permutations on Exodus 14:19-21, which itself is
composed of three verses of 72 letters each. 111

To create the first triad or 3-letter Name, you put together the first letter of verse 14:19, the last letter of
verse 14:20, and then the first letter of 14:21. To create the next triad, you put together the second
letter of 14:19, the second to last of 14:20, and the second letter of 14:21. This continues until all the
letters are used up (see right).

When arranged in the usual fashion they form an 8x9 rectangle (see next page).


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If we place an equal armed or

Messianic Cross as close to the
centre as possible reading from right
to left like Hebrew, the top arm
Sh A H gives Shin Aleph Hey or Sh A H, Sh A
E or Sh E E. The bottom gives: Yod
Lamed Hey or Y L H or Y L E or I L H
or I L E. The two together give:

MND Shaeyle, close to the

exact spelling of my
name, ‘Shayler’

ILH Shehyleh,
pronounced exactly
like my surname.

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It would be easy to see how Sh A H I L H became Sh I L H, especially when we realise that Alef was
originally silent and not pronounced.

The central box to the Messianic cross gives the letters M N D. ‘D’ and ‘M’ are my initials, ‘N’ in Hebrew
stands for ‘fish’. So we have:

D M Shayleh, the fish.

The fish is a widely understood symbol of Jesus the Christ.

From the 72 Names of God

ShAH is the Name of God for ‘soul mate’. In the Bible, Jesus calls himself the ‘bridegroom’, a type of soul
mate, which scholars have interpreted as the bridegroom of humanity.

YLH is the Name of God for judgement. Come Judgement Day, the Messiah will be the elector or judge
who will decide which souls get into the New World aka heaven aka the promised land.

A later Yiddish variation – a German-Jewish dialect -- of my surname gives Shin, Yod, Yod, Lamed, Ayin,
Resh or ShYYLAaR. This is an anagram of two of the 72 triad Names of God, Resh, Yod, Yod: RYY – the
29th name, for removing hatred, and Ayin, Shin, Lamed: AaShL, the 47th name, for global transformation.

It is also an anagram of Sh L Aa or ‘Shayla’. The Mayan Long Count calendar comes to an end on 23 rd
December 2012, spelling the end of this universe and signalling the global transformation into the New
Human and the New World. The next day is my 47th birthday.

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Why this is not ‘Just a coincidence’

Sh A H



The other arms of the Messianic cross give Kaf Vav Qoph Alef Nun Yod or:

C O Ck E N Y

spelt rather how the locals pronounce it. The last incarnate of the Baptist, the twin soul of Jesus, was
born in London and therefore can be called a ‘Cockney’. It is also an exact anagram of his surname
when it is traced through Hebrew to Irish to English:

Conaiq, in Irish

We have therefore established that the five boxes of the Messianic cross in the 72 Names Grid all have
meaning in our quest, giving us not only the name of the Messiah, ‘Shaeyle’ but also his initials, ‘D M’,
his role, ‘N’, the fish or Christ, as well as a virtually exact direction to the birthplace of the Baptist in
London, ‘Cockeny’; and an exact anagram of his surname in the Irish whence it derived, ‘Conaiq’.

Again, this seems to show a deliberate pattern – intelligent design, God-in-everything – rather than
being random or merely ‘coincidence’. Remember, Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientific minds

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of all time, was more interested in decrypting codes from the Hebrew Torah – where the 72 Names
originate -- than he was in the scientific laws he discovered.

With a little re-arrangement, all the 15 letters in the cross give us D Sh E Y L H A N I M A Ch O N and Q or

D Sheylh

Ani Machon

Annie Machon is of course my former partner, who managed to put up with me for thirteen years. She
is also an incarnate of higher consciousness -- Mother Mary or St Peter to my Jesus, an issue I had
worked out before I saw our names in the 72-Name grid.

‘Q’ in the study of esoteric material refers to the hypothetical ‘Lost Gospel’, the postulated common
source of the synoptic Books of Matthew and Luke, that provides material not covered in the other
synoptic gospel, according to Mark. The ‘Q text’ or ‘Logia’ is believed to contain the sayings of ‘Jesus112’.

‘Q’ could be pronounced ‘key’. And ‘Nothing is wanting but the Key’.

Some fun
Jesus communicates in many mysterious ways so it is no surprise that one of my favourite TV
programmes also includes a recurring plotline involving ‘Q’. In the Star Trek universe, the ‘Q’ Continuum

an extradimensional plane of existence inhabited by a race of seemingly omnipotent and

immortal, hyper-intelligent beings known as the Q. […]
The most notable of the Q is played by John de Lancie, a mischievous Q who, having
taken an interest in humans, periodically harasses the crews of the titular starships and
space stations. […] While he is very boastful, condescending and occasionally
threatening, he ultimately seems to have humanity's best interests at heart.

Remember: God is in everything, even Star Trek.


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A brief glimpse of the journey

I stress that I knew Conaiq was the incarnate of the
Baptist before Jesus took me to our names close to
the centre of the 72 Name Grid. The amazing thing
is that I looked at the Names nearly every day for
over two years without realising my name and
initials were there in plain sight. But when I was
called I saw them.

In the Bible, it is the Baptist who baptises Jesus. This

has led to much speculation over the years about
why John the Baptist induces Jesus into the latter’s
own church. However, in Greek ‘to baptise’ merely
means to ‘wash’ or ‘clean’ or ‘immerse in water’.
The Baptist therefore cleanses or washes Jesus so
that the latter is spiritually purified, enabling him to
be reborn as Messiah. In early 2007, the incarnate of
the Baptist performed a treatment or cleansing on
me. It clearly washed away a blockage, which was
the beginning of my awakening and re-birth as
Messiah. Many have wondered why John the Baptist baptises Jesus into
Jesus’s own faith. In Greek, ‘baptise’ means to cleanse, clean or
wash. The Baptist therefore performs a cleansing on Christ so that
Arthur, Jesus, and Percival, Baptist the latter is purified, enabling him to be reborn as Messiah
In early 2007, Conaiq had visited a psychic who told
him that he was a re-incarnation of Percival. (It must be stressed that at this point I had little insight into
my role as Messiah and no idea that I had incarnated from the same soul as Arthur). In the Chretien de
Troyes story, The Fisher King, the Jesus and Baptist equivalents are King Arthur (the Fisher King) and
Percival, one of the Knights of the Round Table. In this version of the Christ or Saviour myth, Percival
finds the Holy Grail – like the Rod of Aaron or the magic cauldron, another symbol of the Jesus incarnate
-- but does not ask a question. As a result, the grail and the kingdom are lost.

In our real version of the story, Conaiq – the reincarnated Percival and the Baptist incarnate -- does ask
the question of the Fisher King or the Jesus incarnate, me. It is: ‘Would you like a treatment (or
cleansing or baptism)?’ We even discussed why this question had never previously been asked, at the
time of the treatment. Interestingly, Conaiq commented afterwards that it was the most difficult
treatment he had ever given, having had to remove a force which resisted this cleansing. It may be that
only the Baptist incarnate had the spiritual power necessary to remove an etheric attachment, possibly
placed there by the dark side, from the Jesus incarnate. In any case, the Grail or the King and by
extension the Kingdom of God on earth was saved as a result.

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In the Fisher King story, the wounded King has a cousin who was beheaded. In real life, my cousin Jill
was murdered by her husband. He took a hammer to the back of her head, pummelling her until she
was dead. This was effectively a beheading of the cousin of the King, demonstrating that this myth is
part prophecy, as is the Bible story, in which the cousin of Jesus is beheaded, in this case John the
Baptist. Her name is encoded in the boxes ringed in blue below.

Neither the Baptist incarnate, nor the incarnate of the Father-Mother consciousness has any desire – or
divine backing – to act as Messiah, which I know will disappoint many freemasons and members of
secret societies.

Go on. Work it out


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Part 1: The Truth shall set you free The Third and Final Testament

The Ineffable Name of God and the Rod of Aaron

A rod which, in the hands of Aaron, the high priest,
was endowed with miraculous power during the
several plagues that preceded the Exodus. […]

King Josiah, who foresaw the impending national

catastrophe, concealed the Ark and its contents
and their whereabouts will remain unknown until,
in the Messianic age, the prophet Elijah shall
reveal them.
The Jewish Encyclopedia
Aaron's Rod, from the Sarajevo Haggadah
The above seems to eerily reflect one of the major concerns of
the Panacea Society, the concealing of vital information in a box to be opened at a time of a national

And the temple of God was opened... and there was seen the Ark (Chest or Box) of his
Testament (or Will)... And around the Throne were four-and-twenty Elders (Bishops)
sitting... And they fall down and cast their crowns (their wisdom) before the Throne --
Rev 9:19; 4:10.
Panacea Society leaflet: Crime and Banditry, Distress and Perplexity will increase in
England until the bishops open this box *of Joanna Southcott’s channelling]

The Rod, God and the Messiah

According to the Bible, the Rod of Aaron was placed inside the Ark of the Covenant, along with the two
tablets of the Law. In the light of our research, it appears much more likely that the two tablets of the
Law are in fact the two commandments of the Law rather than the ‘Ten Commandments’, as popularly

Various sources state that the Rod had the Ineffable Name of God engraved upon it. When we know the
secret of the re-incarnating soul of Jesus as a man, it is clear that as well as being an actual object, the
rod is a symbol of the human being who incarnates from the Jesus soul and, through spiritual
development, gains exceptional power and protection. Attested to by the following passages from the
Bible, which all feature incarnates of the Jesus soul, it is the object:

Jacob crossed the Jordan with

Genesis 32:10

Judah gave to his daughter-in-law, Tamar

Genesis 38:18


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Aaron performed wonders before Pharaoh

Exodus 7:10

David took with him when he slew the giant Goliath

1 Samuel 17: 40

Which provides spiritual comfort for the pilgrim on his journey through the valley of
Psalms 23:4

Referred to by the Prophet Isaiah when he proclaimed: ‗And there shall come forth a rod
out of the stem of Jesse‘
Isaiah 11:1

Created, according to legend, by God on the twilight of the 6th day of Creation, the rod has also been in
the possession of: Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Enoch, Joseph, Joshua, Jethro and Pharez, ancestor of David.
David left it to his descendants, and the Davidic kings used it as a sceptre 114 until the destruction of the
Temple, when it miraculously disappeared and remained hidden until the birth of Jesus. It is clear that
the ‘rod’ is associated with the Messiah:

When the Messiah comes it will be given to him for a scepter in token of his authority
over the heathen.
The Midrash Yelamdenu, quoted in the Jewish Encyclopedia

The letters of the Ineffable Name

Aaron’s Rod bore the inscription to the left: Daled, Zadek, Kaf, Ayin, Daled, Shin, Beth, Aleph, Chet, Beth,
the initials of the Hebrew names of the Ten Plagues of Egypt115. This gives us DXC YolDSh VAChV, which
can be re-arranged as:

Dvd Schyola X Chv


David Schayola, righteous one, king

There are no vowels in ‘David’ in Old Hebrew while ‘Sh’ can be pronounced ‘Shay/Shy’ in the absence of
a vowel (see ShILH as rendering of Shiloh) so we have an anagram indicating that phonetically ‘David
Schayola’ is the ineffable name of the righteous or just king or the Messiah. My surname comes from

114 When crowned, the English monarch holds a sceptre to demonstrate his relationship to the Davidic line
115 Exodus 11:1-12:36,

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the Hebrew through the German and old English, which renders it as ‘Schaeler’ with a ‘c’. I have
seriously lost count of the number of people who have misspelt it over the years in this way.

Giving the last four letters their individual numerical value under Gematria, 2 1 8 2, and applying a bit of
visual licence as there is no zero in Hebrew and a digital computer ‘8’ does resemble a ‘0’, another
rendering might be David Schyolu 2012. (When placed at the end of a word Zadeq or ‘X’ is pronounced
‘u’, somewhere between our ‘u’ and ‘oo’) or David Shayolu, 2012.

The letters are taken from the Ten Plagues of Egypt. Interestingly, death of the firstborn 'Makat
Bechorot'116 is actually two words. If we take the other initial letter, M, we get my middle initial which
stands for ‘Michael’ which like ‘ChV’ is Hebrew for ‘King’.

With this knowledge, the ineffable Name of God becomes:

David M Schayola , the king of righteousness

David M Schayola, righteous chav


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The 12-, 22-, 33-, 42-letter Names of God

In the prophecy of the Book of Revelation, the Christ famously refers to himself as the Alpha and Omega
three times.

‗I am the Alpha and the Omega,‘ says the Lord God, ‗who is, and who was, and who is to
come, the Almighty.‘
Revelation 1:8

He who was seated on the throne said, ‗I am making everything new!‘ Then he said,
‗Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.‘ He said to me: ‗It is done. I
am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.‘
Revelation 21:5-6

‗Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according
to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the
Beginning and the End. […] I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for
the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David117, and the bright Morning Star.‘
Revelation 22:12, 13 and 16

John the Divine -- who wrote the Book of Revelation (and was an incarnate of the Jesus soul) -- was
clearly trying to impress upon the reader the importance of Alpha and Omega – the Greek letters for ‘A’
and ‘Z’ -- by repeating the phrase, not once but twice. This may not therefore simply be symbolic of the
beginning and end but could be seen as a direction to help decipher the actual name of the Christ, who
says these words.

The following Names of God all contain variations of Alpha and Omega – the beginning and end letters
of the Alphabet and my name118:

The 12-letter Name of God

The 22 Letter Name of God

The 33 Letter Name of God

The 42 Letter Name of God

117 Notably, the Christian name, David, comes up again in connection with Jesus

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The 12-letter Name of God

The above is the 12-letter Name of God in Qabalah, derived from the initials of the twelve tribes of Israel
-- referred to by the Panacea Society’s latter-day prophet, George Turner, in the context of the Messiah.
These are recited in the following order according to the breastplate of the Urim and Thumim: Reuven,
Shimeon, Levi, Yehudah, Issachar, Zevulon, Dan, Naftali, Gad, Asher, Yosef, and Benyami, which means
that they read from right to left like Hebrew.

If we transliterate, we get R Sh L I I S D N G A I V (or variations). The first five letters RShLII are in
themselves an anagram of the Hebrew spelling of my surname, ShIILR, and not a particularly
impenetrable one. If we take the whole phrase, we get:

D A V I N Sh I I L R S G or

D A V I N Sh I I L R 7 3

As there are fewer vowels in Ancient Hebrew and no punctuation,

we then get:

Dave N Shayler’s ‘G’ or

Dave ‘the Fish’ Shayler’s ‘G’


Dave N Shayler 777, or

Dave ‘the Fish’ Shayler, 777

In the last examples the figures ‘3 and 7’ taken together are

interpreted as three sevens, ‘777’or 7th July 2007, the date of my
proclamation as Messiah.

The letter G adorns the roof of the Temple in freemasonry and

is symbolic of God. In Hebrew, it is Gimmel, the Hebrew letter
which represents the connection between Tipareth the Son and
Kether the Source on the Tree of Life (circled in white, above). It
hovers above Daath, the dimension not connected to the Tree,
which means ‘Knowledge’.

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The letters could also be transcribed and re-arranged to produce:

D A V Sh I I L R S I G N or

Sign: Dav Shayler.

The Hebrew for ‘sign’ is ‘Zion’. Zion is the flash of creation of matter as essence or Holy Spirit, is the
opposite of Babylon and can refer to the Chosen One.

We are directed to these names by the Christ of the Book of Revelation, who says he is the Alpha and
Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. In the 12-letter Name, which also appears in the
Book of Revelation, the transliterations of the first and last letter of the English alphabet, ‘A’ and ‘Z’
appear, with the ‘Z’ right next to Shayler.


This also provides the solution to the Da Vinci Code:

Shayler’s Da Vinci

And pours light on the codes in Dan Brown’s most recent

novel, The Lost Symbolon120 (see The Bible interactive
‘Nothing is wanting but the Key’

120Symbolon: the word symbol came to the English language by way of Middle English, from Old French, from Latin, from
the Greek meaning ‘together,’ and ‘a throw’, having the literal meaning of ‘to throw together’. It can be translated as ‘co-
incidence’, ‘sign’, ‘ticket’ or ‘contract’. The earliest attestation of the term is in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes where
Hermes on seeing the tortoise exclaims: ‘Symbolon of joy to me!’ before turning it into a lyre. The phrase could be
translated in a number of ways, including: ‘What a joyful co-incidence’ or ‘What a joyful encounter’ or ‘What a joyful
sign/portent’ or ‘What joyful symbolism’.
Both Homer and Hermes are incarnations of the Jesus soul. The tortoise appears in many creation myths because the
shapes on its shell resemble the sacred geometry of the formation of the universe

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The 22 Letter Name of God

The 22 Letter Name of God in Qabalah is derived from Abraham (or Avraham), Isaac (or Yitzhak) and
Jacob (or Yaakov), Sabbath, (or Shabat) and the tribes of Jeshurun (or Yeshurun or the twelve tribes of
Israel). The Panacea Society’s latter day prophet George Turner has indicated the importance of the
twelve tribes in the context of the Shiloh Messiah.

Abraham is the antecedent of Isaac, who is the antecedent of Jacob. The Sabbath is the Jewish and
Christian holy day, meaning literally ‘to cease labour’. There are two reasons why Jews are exhorted to
observe the Sabbath:

According to the Old Testament, it is said to be a taste of what life will be like when the
Messiah comes;
The Tanakh, quoted in Wikipedia

A tradition states that the Jewish Messiah will come if every Jew properly observes two
consecutive Sabbaths.
Talmud, tractate 118, quoted in Wikipedia

As well as being another name for the twelve tribes, ‘Jeshurun’ was featured on the breastplate of the
High Priest of Israel. According to tradition, the Messiah embodies the roles of High Priest and King of
Kings. ‘Jeshurun’ is derived from the word ‘upright’. An upright or pillar is a symbol of the incarnate of
Jesus. Jewish rabbis have also interpreted ‘Jeshurun’ to mean the ‘noblest and best among you’.

A V R H M Y X Ch Ck Y O Ck V Sh V T I I Sh R V N

(There are other transliterations)

Zayin Final Nun
We are directed to these names by the Christ of the Book of Revelation,
who says he is the Alpha and Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. In the 22-letter
Name ‘Alpha and Omega’ is a trompe oeil or visual trick. The ‘A’ is clear. The last letter looks like Zayin
or ‘Z’ but is a final Nun or ‘N (see right). 121Either way, we have another anagram – taken from
sequential letters in the Name -- which approximates to the Hebrew spelling of my surname, with the
Hebrew Vav (V, W, O or U) instead of the Hebrew Lamed (L). In this case, it is ShI-IVR or ShI-IWR or ShI-
INUR with the final ‘N’:

Shaywer, the fish


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The 33 Letter Name of God

This Name is derived from the Torah and is comprised of nine Names of God run together: Adonai, El,
Eloah, Elohim, Shaddai, Tzeva’ot, Ehyeh, Yah, and Yahweh. These transliterate as

Between Alpha, A, and Omega, in this case Tav, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the highlighted
consecutive letters give:

D M Sh I I L H


D M Shayleh

a simple variation on the initials of my first two names and my surname in Hebrew with an ‘H’ instead of
an ‘R’ but phonetically to all intents and purposes the same.

Indeed, if we take a further spread of consecutive letters and re-arrange them, we get:

D A V I B M Sh I I L H X

Davib M Shayleh, the righteous one


D A V E M Sh I I L H B X

Dave M Shayleh, host of righteousness.

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The 42 Letter Name of God

The 42-Letter Name has no known pronunciation, and perhaps was derived from the 2nd-century
prayer, Ana Bekoach. It is mentioned in the Talmud and many Hebrew sages have speculated about its

It transliterates as ABCIThXCkROShTNNCDIKShBTRXThNChPBTNOICLPZCkShCkVXETh (again, with

variations). Once again, between ‘Alpha and Omega’, in this case, Aleph and Tav, the first and last
letters of the Hebrew alphabet we find the letters:

D A V E Sh I I L R

Dave Shayler

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‘By his acts, you

will know him’

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Shiloh and the Panacea Society

Relying upon the word of Thy Son Jesus Christ, that we are to lift up our
heads when these things come to pass, and that the remaining days of the
6,000 years of the devil’s rule shall be ‘shortened’, I call upon Thee to make
haste, O God, to redeem the world from sin, sickness, and death, and to
take it under Thy immediate Governance.
The Call for Deliverance, Panacea Society Prayer

In line with the prophecy common to a variety of different cultures across the planet and the ages, the
Panacea Society is awaiting a Messiah, Christ or Chosen One 122.

The fact that Ruth, one of the four trustees of the Society, was
present at the first public announcement of the Messiah and the
New Era of the Christ clearly indicates that she has been chosen
by God to be part of the divine plan. Otherwise the Messiah
would not have known about the Society and would not have
been directed by its prophets to decrypt the 12- and 22-letter 40 + 70 + 8
Names of God.

It is also notable that this channelling of the Holy Spirit appears

= 118
for the most part on page 118 of The Writings of the Holy Ghost -- The Name of God for Karma
given to me by Ruth -- the numerical value of the Name of God
for Karma or the Law of Attraction: what you put out, the Great
Compassion gives you back. Anyone who finds this fanciful fails to understand the nature of the Higher
Powers and how they communicate.

The Chanelling and its relevance

The Writings of the Holy Spirit muse on the nature of Shiloh. In it, extracts from the Armour of God,
revealed to George Turner, one of the Society’s latter-day prophets, state:

They could not receive my son Shiloh in their hearts, he is not a spirit, but flesh and
Page 141

I have tried their thoughts concerning my son Shiloh, but they have refused to honour
Me in submitting to my wisdom, when I have said he is a child, and they shall deal with
him as a child. Let My children be informed that when he appears, no particular change
will take place…
Page 160

The Armour of Light, quoted in the same publication, predicts:


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And the light and knowledge of My wisdom will be with My son Shiloh, who will be the
Holy One of God, man (not God), to reign over all the earth and they will be tried by the
commands of the Lord. Their anxiety will be so great to take possession they will strive
with the Word of the Lord until it is fulfilled unto them, for all the Jews will not be
convinced at the revelation of My son Shiloh.
Page 6

Clearly, the prophets of the Panacea Society are warning the current members of the Society not to
make the same mistake as the Jews in the Bible 2,000 years ago. With all the love in my heart, I ask
those members to heed the words of their own prophets -- particularly those highlighted next.

And their names (of all the tribes of Israel) must be entered into the book I have
ordered, for the recording of their names; that when My son Shiloh-Michael the Prince
stands up for My people, this book may appear, with their names written in the book,
that my recorded word be fulfilled. (Shiloh and Michael are one as brother and sister are
Page 8

The initials of the Tribes of Israel form the 12-letter Name of God in Qabalah and the phrase the ‘tribes
of Israel’ is included in the 22-letter Name of God. As already disclosed, Michael is my middle name. It
is Hebrew for ‘king’ or ‘ruler’.

Let not My children ask of me when My son Shiloh will be revealed; I will not inform
them; but he shall be revealed by My great power in My appointed time.
Page 22

Other Panacea Society relevance

The front page of the Writings of the Holy Spirit, the document given to me by the Panacea Society, has
a dedication to ‘my beloved’, presumably the beloved of the Holy Spirit, the future Messiah. In Hebrew,
‘DVD’ means ‘David’ and ‘beloved of God’.

The Panacea Society’s own prophet channelling the Holy Spirit has therefore indicated that the words
associated with the Messiah will be -- from the Hebrew for beloved -- ‘David’, ‘Michael’ and ‘Shiloh’,
evidence recorded many decades ago. The prophet George Turner has also channelled the Holy Spirit to
direct the future members of the Society to the 12-letter and 22-letter Names of God through the
‘Tribes of Israel’.

I was also born at 09:13, 24th December 1965, 151 years to the day after Joanna Southcott gave birth to
the ‘phantom’ or etheric Shiloh. Although the Panacea Society’s literature claims that the etheric Shiloh
was born on 25th December 1814 and Joanna Southcott died on 27th December, it is clear from my
channelling of the Jesus soul that Southcott’s contemporaries kept her body for three days after her
death in ‘childbirth’ on the 24th December, in case she resurrected. Either way, there is a closeness in
dates which cannot be ignored.

When placed in conjunction with my birthday of 24th December, 151 years to the day -- or 151 years less
one day -- after Joanna Southcott was due to give birth to the Etheric Messiah, Shiloh, the inescapable

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conclusion is that the latter day prophets of the Panacea Society were right about the time of year the
Chosen One was to be born.

Indeed, why would I even know about the Panacea Society and their ‘Shiloh’, if Jesus hadn’t pointed me
in that direction through the Trustee Ruth being at the first event where I announced I was Messiah, an
event which did not advertise the subject of my talk that night.

My visit to the Panacea Society

All the signs I have been given by the Higher Powers have very firmly and consistently indicated that the
£22.5million given to the Panacea Society – by individuals over the years for safe-keeping until the
Messiah arrived -- is there for the service of the divine plan, there to ensure that the oppressed can
enjoy justice and their suffering be relieved. When we bear in mind that many are being tortured by
Western intelligence agencies, I wonder how the members of the Panacea Society sleep at night: ‘Do as
you would be done by.’

Yet when I met the Society’s accountant, David McLynn, on 12th October 2007, to give him an overview
rather than the details of the evidence and my journey, I was rebuffed without being allowed to present
my case to the other trustees. To not hear evidence is ignorance indicative of an ego-based character
unconcerned with the search for Truth.

I did though encounter a whole host of prominent signs that day. The most interesting was the
following headline in Metro, a London freesheet123, which had been left in the folded table in front of my
seat on the train on the way back after the meeting:

Shiloh’s groove
fit to be King
Now, I don’t know about you but I’ve never seen the word ‘Shiloh’ in a headline anywhere before in my
life. (In this case, the article referred to US rapper, Ras Shiloh). Yet an hour or so after leaving the
Panacea Society, there it was, in black and white. Coincidence again? Since ‘Shiloh’ is a variation of
‘Shayler’; ‘Groove’ is an obvious metaphor for time or destiny; and ‘Fit to be King’ is the destiny of the
Messiah or King of Kings. Jesus was telling me that:

Shayler’s destiny
to be the Messiah
God is in everything. And He doesn’t play dice.

123 Strangely enough, I can’t find any reference to this article in the archives of the Metro or anywhere else. I stand by
what I saw, although obviously people will believe that the article does not exist. Those seeking to debunk my claim will
call on this example. Even if these critics refuted this story – which they can’t because they weren’t there -- they would
still have to refute every other piece of evidence in this book to take away my lawful claim to be the Christ.

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According to the Aims of the Panacea Society, its members should give themselves to:

Devoted service in the work of setting up the Lord‘s visible Kingdom in a centre which will
be a Treasury of Healing and of Spiritual and of material supply in the coming troubles.

Those troubles are here. We live under the reign of the forces of darkness. Given the serious condition
in which the world finds itself, this is a time for all the forces of Light to form a Unity and do the very
best they can to bring the New Kingdom to earth and bring about an end to the suffering of God’s
innocent children. My message to the Trustees of the Panacea Society is this:

Please listen to your Messiah and understand how you might best serve the divine plan.
This is not a time for mistakes.
This is not a time to take the counsel of men and women. It is a time to listen to your
soul, your God and your Christ.
And give the £22million to its intended recipient to help him stop torture and suffering.
Otherwise, you are just stealing off God‘s Chosen One.
And it doesn‘t get much worse than that.

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Christ turns the tables on the


Statement to the media

Today, 19.1.9, at around 10:45 a.m., I walked into
No. 1 lawcourt at the Royal Courts of 'Justice' and
told the presiding judge that I had lawful authority
to halt the proceedings124.

The judge was negligent in that he failed to

establish what my lawful authority was and told me
to sit down. I again informed him that I had lawful
authority. When he again failed to ask about my
lawful authority, I told him I claimed the authority
of 'Dieu et mon Droit' -- 'God and my Duty'. I
added that I was the Lord Jesus Christ, arbiter of
the Law. I ordered the judge to stop this hearing
and all further hearings as the court was
adjudicating on laws created by usury, a sin and a The Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand, London displaying
violation of God's Law. the Sovereign's Crest

I asked the judge again for his lawful authority and in violation of his oath to God, he committed perjury
by refusing to answer and leaving the courtroom in mid-session.

Two court officers then approached me in the No.1 court. I asked for their lawful authority and warned
that if they touched me it would constitute a common law assault. They then threatened me
and twisted my arm behind my back and marched me out of the court. I informed them they had
offended God by assaulting and causing pain to a free man and the Chosen One of God and by
obstructing the will of God.

I warned the court officers that they supported a system of slavery which allowed white phosporous
bombs to be dropped on innocent civilians. I warned them their liberty and property were at risk as a
result of their action which did not stop them. They barred me from re-entering the Royal Courts of

They then let me go. If they do not prosecute me, then it establishes that they have no lawful authority
to proceed against me.

I have made my claim under law and it has gone unchallenged.

124 To hear David talk about this and other experiences, see,

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I now give any free man or woman lawful authority to

disrupt and halt court proceedings wherever laws created
by usury are directly or indirectly involved.

I give notice that mankind has failed to honour its

covenant with God, on two grounds:

 the sin of usury

 failing to keep the Ark of the Covenant:
the agreement that mankind would
honour God's Chosen one, in return for
God's protection until now

I now urge every free man and woman to honour this

covenant with God in their own hearts.

Babylon's burning!

From Wikipedia

Entering through the main gates in the Strand

one passes under two elaborately carved
porches fitted with iron gates. The carving over
the outer porch consists of heads of the most
eminent Judges and Lawyers.

Over the highest point of the upper arch is a

figure of Jesus; to the left and right at a lower
level are figures of Solomon and Alfred the
Great; that of Moses is at the northern front of
the building.


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believing, you
might have life in
his name’

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The Bible interactive

These are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the
Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in
his name
John 20:30-31

Using the methods of decoding cited in this book, make what you
can of the following pictures, words and phrases, all heavily
associated with the prophecy:


Judah and Israel (the United Kingdom)

Jerusalem (or Irushayilim, to give it the

transliteration used by the Israelis).


Via Dolorosa

Shaddai Elohim125


A Sword

Selah (word often used for no apparent reason in

the Book of Psalms)

Mona Lisa (but why “l’oeil droit”?)

Ashal (the name of the philosopher’s stone, the key

to enlightenment or Ashlar, the material it is said to
be made of)

Duits (the Dutch for ‘German’)

V Ch V V T V R Q H R E B D L G V N Z

125‘Elohim’ is the God in the Torah who creates the heaven and earth. Although some have translated ‘Elohim’ in the
plural because in Hebrew an ‘m’ is added to the end of a word in the same way ‘s’ is in English. However, the following
verb takes a feminine singular form. ‘Elohim’ must therefore be Gaia, the divine mother

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‘Poussin Tenier hold the key’ (see the

Rennes-le-Chateau mystery)

The 14-letter Name of God

Har Megiddo (Clue: add the letters

found recently in the right eye of the
Mona Lisa)

Valley or Vale of Siddim (where a

‘shem’ exists, according to the Bible)


Salamander (the resurrecting beast of



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Seven Questions which must be answered

1. Is there a prophecy common to many cultures across the ages – also laid
down in the New and Old Testaments -- which tells of the arrival of a
Chosen One to save humanity in its hour of need?

2. Is there evidence from different cultures to indicate that this Messiah

will bring about an evolution of human consciousness or a Second Coming,
which will begin on 07.07.07, culminating in a New World at the end of

3. Does humanity need a Messiah at the moment?

4. Is there evidence that the Messiah or Chosen One is called David M. or

David Michael Shayler, or phonetic variations on Shayler like Shi’loh, Shy-
iluh, Shy-iler, Schayola, Shahyleh, born 24 December 1965?

5. Is there an individual called David Michael Shayler, born 24 December


6. Has he carried out the actions of a Messiah: standing up for truth and
justice for the less fortunate, spreading the message of unconditional love?

7. Is the Chosen One the elector of souls who will decide who gets into the
New World to enjoy eternal life?

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David Michael Shayler, born 24th December

These are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the
Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in
his name
John 20:30-31

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in
all the scriptures the things concerning himself
Luke 24:27

I am David Michael Shayler, born 24th December 1965. All three of my names come from the Hebrew.
My surname comes through the German ‘schaale’ meaning to walk with a shuffly gait. In Hebrew the
‘Sheol’, spelt Shin Alef Vav Lamed, is the other world, although many have confused it with the
underworld, partly because the Greeks translated it from the Old Testament as Hades126. Together, they
mean ‘beloved’ ‘king’ (who) ‘shuffles through the other world’ or ‘beloved’ ‘king’ (of those who) ‘shuffle
through the other world’. Or ‘beloved king who asks (or is asked)’ or ‘beloved king of those who ask (or
are asked)’.

The names ‘David’, ‘Michael’ (or the initial ‘M’) were the only recognisable Christian names to come up
and ‘Shayler’ -- or phonetic variations thereof -- was the only surname to emerge consistently:

From the Bible: Shiloh, pronounced Shayluh

From the Sanhedrin in the Talmud: David M Shiloh. If we combine ‘Shila’

and ‘Shiloh’ and rearrange using our trick with Hebrew, we get ‘Shaioleh,
Sh,’ or ‘Shayoleh, the Holy Spirit’.

Panacea Society prophet: Michael Shayluh. One of the latter-day prophets

of the Panacea Society adds the name ‘Michael’, my middle name, to
‘Shiloh’ or ‘Shayluh’.

72 Names of God based on the Bible: D M Shaeyle, the Fish, in which

‘Shaeyle’ is formed from the top and bottom arms of a Messianic Cross

126 ‘In the Hebrew Bible, the word "sheol" occurs more than 60 times. It is used most
frequently in the Psalms, wisdom literature and prophetic books. [...] Biblical scholar William Foxwell Albright suggests
that the Hebrew root for SHE'OL is SHA'AL, which means ‘to ask, to interrogate, to question.’ John Tvedtnes, also a
Biblical scholar, connects this with the common theme in near-death experiences of the interrogation of the soul after
crossing the Tunnel. [...The Book of Enoch] purportedly records Enoch's vision of the cosmos. The author describes Sheol
as divided into four sections: one where the faithful saints blissfully await Judgment Day (see Bosom of Abraham), one
where the moderately good await their reward, one where the wicked are punished and await their Judgment at the
resurrection (see Gehenna), and the last where the wicked who do not even warrant resurrection are tormented.

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placed as close to the centre of the table as possible. The fish is a widely
understood symbol of Jesus the Christ127.

The five boxes of the Messianic cross in the 72 Names Grid indicate that
none of this is random as they give us:

 the birthplace of the Baptist, a Londoner, ‘Cockeny’

 an exact anagram of his surname in the Irish, ‘Conaiq’

 an anagram of D Sh E Y L H, A N I M A Ch O N, Q, phonetically ‘D
Shayleh’, ‘Annie Machon’, my ex, and ‘Q’, which phonetically sounds
like ‘Kew’, where I lived from August 2009 to May 2010, or ‘Key’.

From the Rod of Aaron in the Bible: David M Schayola, righteous king
based on an anagram, resolving to ‘Schayola’. Phonetically, it also gives
‘David’, along with the Hebrew for ‘righteous’ and ‘king’.

The 12-letter Name is an anagram which can be re-arranged to produce:

Shayler’s Da Vinci

Gee! Shayler’s the Lord128

Dave ‘The Fish’ Shayler’s ‘G’ where ‘G’ stands for God.

Sign: Dav Shayler or translated Dav Shayler: zion

The 22-letter Name of God contains together, E Y Sh R U, one letter out

from an exact anagram of my surname in Hebrew, giving ‘Shaywer’.

The 33-letter Name of God encodes in an anagram of letters occurring in

sequence the following:

Dave M Shayleh, host of righteousness.

127 According to modern science, there is no such thing as a ‘fish’. We use the term to refer to a variety of creatures living
in the sea, including the seahorse, which actually have very little genetic similarity. The star sign Capricorn is actually half
fish, half goat: the ‘seagoat’ or seahorse. The fish is of course the master of the sea. In law, the fish or Christ is master of
the law of the sea.
128 The letters of the Name can be transliterated as G Sh I I L R S A D O N I, which becomes G! Shayler’s Adonai. As well as

being another name for the twin soul of Jesus, Adonai in Hebrew means ‘the Lord’.

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The 42-letter Name of God includes the letters for ‘D A V E’ and ‘Sh Y Y L R’,
the Hebrew spelling of my surname.

Dave Shayler

A simple re-transliteration of the letters on the Shugborough monument –

said to point to the location of the holy grail -- gives:’D M Shayoluaa’ which
phonetically becomes:

D M Shayolur

We are directed to these Names of God by the Christ in the Book of

Revelation – also written by John the Divine, a Jesus incarnate -- as he
exorts us to remember he is Alpha and Omega, the first and last letters of
the Greek alphabet. In each of the Names of God where anagrams appear,
there are variants of ‘Alpha and Omega’ or the first and last letters of the
alphabet, be it English or Hebrew.

The 47th Name of God, Ayin, Shin, Lamed deals with Global
Transformation. When chanted, it becomes: ‘Aa Shay El A Shay El Aa Shay
El…’ or ‘Shayelaa’. Or it is an anagram of ‘Shala’.

‘Israel’ is a near anagram of ‘Shayler’, if we revert to the Hebrew version of

the word: Yod Shin Resh Alef Lamed or Y Sh R A L: Yshral, which can be re-
arranged to ‘Shaylr’.

‘Yeshua’, the Hebrew name for the Messiah has different spellings in
Hebrew. The letters can be re-arranged and transliterated as ‘Shayoluh’.

The Gospels say the Christ was born under a wandering star followed by
three kings. On my birthday each year, 24th December, the ‘three kings’ of
Orion align with the star of Sirus.

24th December 2012 is the date of the

beginning of the New World, based on
the end of the Mayan long count
calendar. 24th December 2012 is my
47th birthday. The 47th Name of God
stands for Global Transformation.
From this, we can adduce that the
Messiah will be born 47 years before

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2012, giving a date of birth of 24th December 1965.

Evidence from a variety of sources indicates that ‘777’ is associated with

the Second Coming, the Messiah, Jesus and a human spiritual awakening.
When combined with ‘117’, we can divine the date the Christ will be
anointed, 29th June 2007. I was anointed on that date.

Evidence from a wide range of vastly different cultures -- including

religions which normally disagree with each other -- show that humanity
has long expected a Chosen One.

I have spent fourteen years standing up for truth and justice for all. From 2005 to 2007, I taught the
Way of Unconditional Love and Wisdom, from political platforms. That is how I gathered the Light that
made me Messiah. That is how you get into the New World: by confronting the dark side and not just
weathering persecution but continuing to love unconditionally. And believe me I have suffered more
persecution than most in the West. But I’ve learnt from it, by learning to love my tormentors, like Tony

When placed in the context of the wide variety of evidence showing the Messiah will awake or that
humanity will begin a spiritual awakening around 777 or 07.07.07, when I awoke, you will have to
conclude that:

We have a extraordinary series of coincidences across the ages;


Some power is trying to tell you that:

David Michael Shayler, born 24th December 1965, who awoke on 29th June
2007, one week, one day before 7777 or Saturday 7th July 2007 is the
Chosen One of God – as prophesised.

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‘First among

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Don’t follow me — or you’ll end up at my house 129

‘Come again?’
I am not the Second Coming of Christ because this is the first time I’ve come – so to speak. The Second
Coming is the Second Orgasm of the Universe. The first was the flash of Creation or Zion, referred to by
scientists as the Big Bang. Creation is the transition from disincarnation to incarnation as essence or
Holy Spirit or DNA.

To be clear, I am not the re-incarnation of Jesus Christ. The events described in the Gospels are a
prophecy, not an historical record. That is why they are so inconsistent. I am therefore the only Jesus
Christ, although many cultures have called the Chosen One of God by many different names, like the
Final Boddisatva in Buddhism or the Mahdi in Islam or the Messiah in Hebrew.

As Dolores, I’m also the Magdalene, meaning the ‘Tower of the Flock’ in Hebrew, a reference to one of
the Chosen One’s roles, the Shepherd. (The soul of) Jesus has incarnated into every culture throughout
time as a man, woman and as many other weird and wonderful creatures.

As mad as this sounds — and believe me I have trouble with it myself sometimes — I am therefore God,
incarnated as Holy Spirit and man, the begotten of Jesus, the Holy Father, and Gaia, the Holy Mother.
Jesus is the One True God, also called by many different names over the ages. In Hebrew, his name is
spelt Yod Hey Vav Hey or IHVH, sometimes pronounced ‘Yahweh’ or ‘Jehovah’.

We are all equal before God. (I don’t get any special favours, as his Chosen One). But like the British
Prime Minister, I am ‘first among equals’.

And before anyone says this is ego, let me tell you that my anointment by Jesus was the most truly
humbling experience of my life. And believe me, if you had been anointed by God, you would know
love, truth and justice.

The word ‘God’ has four different meanings:

Thanks to Nick Hancock for the title for this piece

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 the Christ or Chosen One of God.

 Jesus, the soul and ‘king’ of the world above us – we are created in his image.
 Gaia or the Holy Spirit sometimes called the ‘Prime Mover’, who lives in the world above
Jesus and is the goddess of love and sex.
 the workings of the Unity or Oneness — the whole universe is an expression of this one

‘Honour your mother and father’ is an exhortation to honour Gaia and Jesus. There are other gods, like
Adonai and Mary — Mother Mary, as opposed to the Virgin Mary or Gaia, two separate goddesses who
become one in Christianity — and Michael, the king of the Archangels, to name a few.

Those New Agers who think they are God are wrong. They are made from the same stuff as God. They
are aspects of God. They are on a journey to be like God. But they are not God because they have free
will and therefore a separate ‘I’. When you follow the Way and do your duty to God, you rejoin the
Unity and God will smile on you but you do not become God. You do not choose your own destiny.
How egotistical! Jesus chooses it for you. Because he chooses to live in unconditional love, he knows
your heart better than you.

The Christ-consciousness which I ascended into in July 2007 was activated by Jesus in conjunction with
my consciousness, itself a product of all my experiences — and the lessons learnt from them. As a result
of overcoming suffering borne of injustice and standing up for difficult truths, I came to know and live in
unconditional love.

‘Ye are gods – if only ye knew it’

My mission therefore is to teach humanity the Way of unconditional love, to activate the Christ
consciousness within each of you, leading to the wisdom, compassion and immortality which come with
it. But I can only save you if you want to be saved. And then only if you follow the Way of the heart and
the teachings of the Christ. So it is your journey of the heart. Don’t follow me or you’ll end up at my
house. Follow the Way.

In 2012, the universe is changing shape. In the run-up to that change, you need to prepare now. Gaia’s
Spirit of Love and Sexuality, the divine feminine, will return130. But don’t confuse the feminine with the

In the text of the Bible, there are two commandments:

 Love God with all your heart, mind and soul.

 Love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Let me add three more:

 Don’t accept a word of this. Check everything out for yourself;

130 Those who are plugged in were treated to a brief insight into the nature of the goddess energy on 09.09.09.

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 never blame anyone or any circumstance;

 never judge others (until you have judged yourself).

As many texts make clear, as Jesus Christ, I am the Law or the ultimate authority in law. Do not accept
the authority of any other man.

But understand the authority of God. Because from that comes love, truth, justice, freedom and an end
to the way of suffering or the ‘via dolorosa’.

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Return of the Goddess

Jesus Christ superstar! Jesus Christ superstar!
Wears frilly knickers and a Playtex bra/Wonderbra*
Playground wisdom of unknown origin

Obviously I’m not living full-time as Dolores131. Transvestism is not the

same as transsexuality and I’m perfectly happy as a bloke. I probably
dress once or twice a week at the moment. And no, I’m not gay. It’s as if
I fancy women so much, I want to be one – but only on a temporary

And no, I haven’t had a breakdown – I’ve been dressing as Dolores – not
Delores — for years. In fact, my ex-girlfriend Annie initially encouraged
my exploration of my feminine side – although only in private. I’ve been
going out dressed in public since I stopped going out with her in late
2006. Since then, I’ve seen very little of her and not at all this year so she
really is in no position to judge my mental state. I have though on many
occasions offered to explain my journey to her but she doesn’t want to

Any spiritual teacher will tell you that the ultimate goal of the journey is
to combine and balance the masculine and feminine. The Bible says both
male and female – as opposed to the masculine and the feminine --will
be found in Christ. The equal-armed, Messianic Cross – the symbol of the
Christ – represents this balance of the masculine and feminine.

Over the years, I have been in enormous conflict with all sorts of
authority, beginning with God and my mother and taking in MI5 and the
British judiciary on the way. That ‘up-and-at-them’ male energy has to be
counter-balanced with a strong feminine energy, which I get from getting
dolled up – and feeling sexy.

As the Christ, I’m the begotten of Jesus the Father and Gaia, the divine
mother and goddess of love and sexuality. She does not incarnate into
this world. I’m therefore the closest you will get to an incarnation of Gaia also known as the Magdalene.

There are three spiritual states we can live in – bliss, euphoria and ecstasy. I don’t know why but a bit of
red lippy, a sexy frock and a pair of killer heels can help in achieving those states. Ironically, it is dressing

*Delete as appropriate according to age

131 I chose the name ‘Dolores’ long before I became spiritual so the choice was made in ignorance. It came from ‘Dolores

Delightful’, a nickname for a glamorous over the top blonde

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as a woman that has helped me stay sane – particularly during high stress periods of my life like the
court case and being on the run.

It’s also given me an insight into a woman’s perspective on life – you can get very cold when you have
no body hair and are wearing skimpy clothing! Even though I’m not gay, I’ve been chatted up by men
so I’ve seen a side of them I wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

People forget that God has a sense of humour – making his

chosen one a tranny must be the biggest joke of all time. There
is though a serious point being made here. If you are offended
by or condemning of a man simply because he wears a frock then
you are not on the journey of love.

Leonardo da Vinci paints a mirror image of himself as the Mona

Lisa. Clearly Mona Lisa is a transvestite, and Leonardo was a
previous incarnation of the Jesus soul. I am the last incarnation
of the Jesus soul. One of the greatest mysteries in art is the
secret of the Mona Lisa’s smile. The answer is simple – Jesus
Christ is a transvestite.

Mona Lisa is not the only example. There are

goddesses like Liberty, Britannia, Semiramis, who are
depicted with muscular shoulders and square jaws.
They are clearly transvestites.

In ancient temples there are depictions of transvestite

priests. The Hebrew term ‘Kadosh-Kadosh’, meaning
‘Holy of Holies’ can also be transliterated into English
as ‘Qadesh-Qadesh’, referring to the tranny priests
who performed sexual rituals in the temple. One of
the greatest mistranslations in the Bible is to translate
‘Qadesh’ as ‘Sodomite’. To this day, priests in a
variety of religions wear robes resembling frocks as a
symbol that they stand in for the Messiah until he From top to bottom: Liberty with the eternal flame; Semiramis, the
Sumerian Queen, with the rod!; and Britannia with the Messianic
arrives. Shield. Although supposedly female, they have male characteristics
like square jaws and shoulders. See also the Whore of Babylon

Dolorous Strokes

Despite hearing the voice, warning the hero not to touch the spear, Balin
seized the lance and ran the weapon through both of Pellam's thighs. It
was this strike that was called the ‘Dolorous Stroke’. A voice was heard
throughout the castle that a great enchantment would fall upon Logres.

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The Dolorous Stroke had not only wounded a king, but set off an
earthquake and laying waste to the land.

Strangely the name Dolores (from the Spanish) meaning ‘sorrow’, ‘suffering’ or ‘pain’ comes up in
religious and esoteric writings about the Prophecy. The Biblical Christ bears his cross up the Via
Dolorosa or the ‘Suffering Way’. There are also three ‘Dolorous Strokes’ in the esoteric:

 The Biblical Christ suffers the first when he is lanced through the side on the cross.
 The Fisher King or King Arthur, another incarnation of the Jesus soul, is wounded in the
leg – or the genitals – as a result of the second. (It is described in the passage above
although the King is referred to as Pellam, not Arthur).
 The third Dolorous Stroke is said to happen when the End Times are to begin.

In my novel, The Organisation132, the heroine is called ‘Dolores Kane’, like my femme name. She wounds
the hero of the novel by stabbing him in the leg, although you think that she’s wounded him in the
genitals. 133

Although my novel has never been published, this passage was published on the Guardian’s website in
July 2000134, just after the beginning of the new millennium (or just before if you are one of those
pedants who believes that the millennium started on 01.01.01 because there is no year zero in the Anno
Domini calendar).

As either the Christ or the Magdalene, my message is the same:

 Love God with all your heart.

 And love your neighbour as yourself.
 That means never judging others.

Da Vinci Code cracked: the many faces of

Leonardo da Vinci: as the Mona Lisa left and
above; as the Salvator Mundi, the Saviour of
the World, right, a self-portrait; and as the
face on the Turin Shroud. Carbon dating
puts the age of the shroud at the time of
Leonardo. Depictions of Christ with long hair
and a beard date from this period


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‘Our time has


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Christ on Armageddon
From John’s Apocalypse:

And I heard dark,

toadying words spill
from the mouths of the
dragon, the beast, and
the false prophet135.

Using the powerful

influence of magic, these
demons rallied earthly
and celestial kings to do
battle on the Sovereign
Lord’s Day of Judgement.
Christ meditating on the altar at Har Megiddo, 17th
And they gathered together in preparation for the final September 2009. The forces of darkness have
battle of good and evil, prophesied to take place at Har braced themselves for a traditional final battle of
good and evil, which they imagined would involve
Megiddo (in Hebrew, Armageddon in Greek). two massive armies slugging it out for control of
the hill fort, Har Megiddo in Northern Israel, and
But they were too late. The Christ had already come for the subjugation of man.
like a thief in the night, when he was least expected. Instead, I was told that there would be no third
‘The final battle is within,’ He declared. ‘woe’ or WWIII. In the final battle, everyone must
look into his own heart and decide whether he is
really serving God and humanity or whether he is
At this point the seventh angel poured the contents of contributing to the enslavement and torture of
his flask into the air. mankind.

‘Tis done,’ boomed a deafening voice from the sanctuary of the heavens,
from the very throne.

Then God made Babylon drink from the cup of karma for all the suffering it
had caused His children, and the once-great empire fell as divine justice
was visited upon it for failing to keep its covenant with the Lord.

In a series of violent earthquakes -- the like of which it had never seen

before – the earth was rent asunder, razing every city to the ground and
dividing the universe in three.
Revelation 16:16, Alternative Interpretation

135The identities of these figures will be revealed in the next part of the Third and Final Testament

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Message to man
By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just,
for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.

John 5: 30

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

For in this way God loved the world: that he gave the unique scion, so that
all the ones trusting in him would not perish, but have eternal life.
Alternative translation

I tell you the truth. Whoever hears my word -- and believes in him who
sent me -- has eternal life and will not be condemned. He has crossed over
from death to life. I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come
when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear
will live. As the Father has life in himself, he has granted the Son to have
life in himself. And he has given him authority to judge because he is the
Son of Man. Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who
are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done
good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be

These are not my words but the words of John the Divine, an incarnate of
Jesus, better known as John the Beloved (Apostle) who wrote them in the
Gospel of John. They were written for me, Shayler the Christ, the last
incarnate of the Jesus soul. They are more true now than ever as the
universe has begun to change shape in the run-up to 2012. To quote John
the Divine again:

For the very work that the Father has given me to finish, and which I
am doing, testifies that the Father has sent me. And the Father who
sent me has himself testified concerning me. You have never heard
his voice nor seen his form, nor does his word dwell in you, for you
do not believe the one he sent.
You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them
you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about
me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.
John 5:36-40

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This is of course particularly relevant to the many Christian churchgoers across the world and their
religious leaders. Over the ages, much has been done in my name. Are those same bodies now going to
ignore Jesus because he won’t play ball with their churches, priests and dogma?

I know that a wide-range of prophecies point to a common truth: in our darkest hour, a Chosen One –
the Christ or Messiah, God incarnated as Spirit, Soul and Human -- will emerge to lead humanity out of
the wilderness and into the New Jerusalem or a land of love, light and peace.

I know in my heart that I am that God-man, incarnated from the Jesus soul. Others have included King
David, King Arthur of the Britons, Pythagoras, Plato, Mark Anthony, Tutankhamen, Leonardo da Vinci
and Che Guevara, to name but a few.

I know that my mission is to teach humanity about the Novo Ordo Seclorum, the New World Order of
the Aeons -- or the New Order of Consciousness and the New Eden we will live in. Under the direction
of God, only the Messiah knows how to outwit the forces of darkness and free His children from the
unjust and authoritarian rule of the anti-Messianic Zionists.

Call to Action

And you say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not
have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ [Oh
Matthew 23:30

For every million people hacking at the branches of the Tree of Evil, there
is one hacking at the roots

Together, we can stop the dark side by cutting off its funding, which thrives on the sin of usury through
the international banking system; and by ending our reliance on its harmful fossil fuels by backing free
energy research and development and growing our own hemp.

We cannot begin to build the New Jerusalem, -- the new temple, your new temple -- without
understanding how the forces of darkness have generally ruled the dark ages, the 6,000 years since the
inception of Babylon. We gain wisdom through knowledge and experience, through evaluating
evidence. Jesus says as much in the Gospels. I now humbly seek to present my truth to those who have
ears to listen, as part of my service to the divine plan in changing the human heart.

With the help of God’s love, please search your heart, to see how you can best do the same through not
judging others before we judge ourselves, through unconditional love, the pursuit of Truth; selfless
charity; and, last but not least, belief in God’s Chosen One and His Justice. This is the Way of the New

If you doubt me, remember what the Biblical Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount:

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Blessed are the poor, in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil
against you because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they
persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Matthew 5:1-12

Whether 2012 is the End of the World, whether I am Christ matters not – in one sense (and only in that
sense): we cannot continue like this, going further into debt, wrecking the planet, exploiting its people.
You have the Law, which sets you free. Now, go out and spread the Word, without expectation of
reward. Defy Babylon and grow hemp. Certain men will hate you. But the Lord God will smile on you.
And I will protect you -- as long as you believe.

For I am the Lord.

But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the
covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new
covenant is established on better promises.
Hebrews 8:6, The New English Bible


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‘The final battle is within’

I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The
sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned
blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree
when shaken by a strong wind. The heavens receded like a scroll being
rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.
Revelation 6:12

If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto
him the plagues that are written in this book:

And if any man shall take away from the words of this book,
God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of
the holy city, and from the things which are written in this

And if any man impede the dissemination of the content of

this book, I will visit upon him the severest penalties under
the Law.

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