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Advent Review and Sabbath Herald - November 8, 1915

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The Sanctuary Extra No.


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Vol. 92 Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. No. 55

The Subject Introduced

By Urish Smith
The Sanctuary Patterns of Things in the Heavens
Further, the tabernacle built by Moses
was. made after a pattern. The Lord di-
Tun sanctuary—what is it? when is it? The Atonement in Type and Antitype rected him, "According to all that I show
where is it? What are its uses, and why? thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and
What its relations, and how extensive? By Mrs. E. G. White the pattern of all the instruments thereof
What part does it act in the great scheme of
human redemption? What prominence is THE apostle Paul, in the epistle to the He- nent structure and upon a larger scale, ob- even so shall ye make it." And again the
charge was given, "Look that thou make
given to it on the inspired pages of the Book brews, says: "Then verily the first covenant served the same proportions, and was simi- them after their pattern, which was showed
of God's revelation to men? What bearing had also ordinances of divine service, and a laxly furnished. In this form the sanctuary
has it upon the interpretation of the prophe- worldly sanctuary. For there was a tither- existed — except while it lay in ruins in Dan- thee in the mount." And Paul says that
the first tabernacle "was a figure for the time
cies? How is its past history calculated to nacle made; the first, wherein was the candle- iel's time — until its destruction by the Es- -' then present, in which were offered both gifts
interest, or how does its present work con- stick, and the table, and the showbread; mans in A. D. 70. d sacrifices;" that its holy places were
cern us? What &du s has it upon our at . which is called the sanctuary. And after This is\ the only sanctuary that ever exe'n omt- herthinga in the heave,nekl',..ithat
tendon? In what way are our dearest in- the second veil, the tabernacle which is called isted on the earth, of which the Bible gives tliOpriests.who offered gifts, siecord)gigIo'llhe
terests connected with it? the holiest of all; which had the golden ten- any information. This was declared by Paul
The traveler who visits those marked ser, and the ark of the covenant overlaid to be the sanctuary of the first covenant Ilvti served - ."unto, the example. and shadow
,... JleVenl . Zthingri;" and that,"Christ is not
spots where nature has displayed her most roundabout with gold, wherein was the golden But has Betaew covenant no sanctuary? entered into-the holy Places made with hands,
marvelous works or her profoundest my , pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that Turninain to the book of Hebrews, we
terries avails himself of the aid of a guide, budded, and the tables of the covenant; and find that the existence of a seeond, „or new . which are the figures of the true, but into
.,, . , • , , . •.-. heaven itself.„0:tow-tcrappeer in the presence
who has explored each perilous path, knows over it the chem. • T. of God for us.' . e; •.,.... • .- . ,
the way to wonders and beauties hidden from bims of gloty shad-
a stranger's eye, and understands what den- owing the mercy A Glorious Type, Of God's Thinning
gem beset the steps of the unwary. We have seat. '-',.. 4 .• ,t011ieea.. " • ' . -'• .i•I •
to some extent explored this remarkable sub- The Tabernacle
jest, and would be glad to point out to him In the Wil-
who has not made it his study some of the • derness ii~ min nise
t ers
san in
* OUr
al7Xh :elf
lea, i
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beauties we have discovered, though we may The sanctuary to of which the sanctiurryArry Moses Was
have been able to explore but a small pro- which Paul here re- III a copy.. God placed.- . Pint- upon= the
portion of the whole. Those who have ac- fere was the tuber- builders of the •
quainted themselves with what the Bible nacre built by mini skill displayed in Its constrtletron-was a
teaches upon this question, will understand Moses at the manifestation of divine wisdom. The walls
the correctness of the following statements. command of God, had the appearance of massive gold, reflect-
To those who have not, we will offer abundant as the earthly ing in every direction the light of the seven
proof of their truthfulness, if they will go dwelling place of lamps of the golden candlestick. The table
with us in this investigation. the Most High. of showbread andthe altar of incense glit-
tered like burnished gold. The gorgeous
"Let them make curtain which forthed the ceiling, inwrought
The Center of the Gospel Plan me a sanctuary,•
that I with figures of angels in blue and purple and
Let us then say, by way of anticipation, may dwell scarlet, added to the beauty of the scene.
that the sanctuary is a great central object among them," was And beyond the second veil was the holy
in the plan of salvation. Next to our Lord the direction given Shekinah, the visible manifestation of God's
himself and his work, it claims our atten- to Moses while in glory, before which none but the high priest
tion, as the place where the wonderful process the mount with could enter and live.
of a world's redemption is carried forward. God. The- Israelre- - The matchless splendor of the earthly 'tab-
There is no one subject which so fully as this ites were journey- ernacle reflected to human vision the glories
unites together all parts of revelation into one ing through the of that heavenly temple where Christ our
harmonious whole. The spokes of a wheel, wilderness, and the forerunner ministers for us before the throne
considered by themselves and apart, may be tabernacle was so of God.. The abiding place of the King of
symmetrical and beautiful; but their uses constructed that it kings, where thousand thousands minister
are-made apparent and their utility demon- could be removed unto him, and ten thousand times ten thou-
strated only when, fixed together by a cen- from place to place; sand stand before him; that temple, filled
tral hub and exterior tellies, they appear as yet it was a strut • with the glory of the eternal throne, where
component parts of a perfect wheel. In the lure of great mag- seraphim, its shining gilardians, veil their
great wheel of truth, the sanctuary occupies nificence. Its walls faces in adoration, could find, in the most
this central position. In it, the great truths consisted of upright rilaWiificent structure ever reared by human
of revelation find their focal point. From boards heavily hands, but a faint reflection of its vastness
it, in every direction, they radiate. It unites plated with gold, and glory. Yet important truths concerning
the two great dispensations, the Mosaic and and set in sockets the heavenly sanctuary and the great work
the Christian, and shows their relation to of silver, while the there carried forward or man's redemption,
each other. It divides with no other sub- roof was formed of were taught by the earthly Sanctuary and its
ject the high honor of explaining the position a series of curtains services.
and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Like o r coverings, th e
a brilliant lamp introduced into a darkened outer of skin.s the John's Vision of the Sanctuary in
room, it illuminates the whole Mosaic econ- innermost of efin Heaven
omy.-- In the light of this subject, the books linen beautifully
of Moses, with their detail of offerings and wrought with fig- The holy places of the sanctuary in heaven
sacrifices, their minutise of rites and cere- ures of cherubim. are represented by the two apartments in
Dapples, usually considered so void of inter- Besides the outer the sanctuary on earth.. As in vision the
esteend use, if not of meaning also, become court, which con- apostle John was granted a view of the tem-
animated with life and radiant with con- tamed the altar of ple of God in-heaven, he beheld there "seven
aketertey and beauty. burnt offering, the lamps of fire burning before the throne."
tabernacle itself He saw an angel "having a golden censer;
„ A Key to Prophecy consisted of two and there was given unto him much incense,
apartments called that he should offer it with the prayers of
It is a key to the interpretation of the most the holy and the all saints upon the golden altar- which was
important prophecies which are having their most holy place, before the throne." Here the prophet was
felfillnient at the present time. We confi- separated by a rich permitted to behold the first apartment of
dently assert that nrWpereon. who .either ig- and beautiful cur- the sanctuary in heaven; and he saw there
nores this subject • -misapprehends it can tain, or veil; a sin- the "seven lamps of fire" and the "golden
rightly interpret the-prophecies for this time. afar veil closed the altar," represented by the. golden candle-
Whilftwith this-subject understood, it is al- entrance to the first THE RIGHT HAND OF 001;" stick and the altar of incense in the sanctuary
oat as•difficultf to 'come, to wrongeonclu- apartment. on earth. Again, "the temple of. God was
ag ,erwise impossible to reach ..`In the holy place was the-candlestick, on covenant, sanctuary was implied in the words opened," and he ..looked 'within the inner
is :.otherwise
t aria* These may seem like bold and the south, with its seven lamps giving light of Paul already quoted: "Then verily the veil;-upon the holy - of holies: Here he be-
-.assertions; but they, are uttered only :to the sanctuary both by day and by night,• first covenant had also ordinances of divine held "the ark of-his testament," represented
the,„firmest conviction that they can on the north stood the table of showbread; and service, and a worldly sanctuary." And the by the sacred chest constructed by Moses
bothjade geed to the mind of every intelli- before the veil separating the holy from the use of the word "also" intimates that Paul to contain the law of God. • •.
geiit'and candid reader.. . . most holy was the golden altar of incense, has before made mention of this sanctuary. Thus from a study of this subject is found
."Wo,therefore call the attention of all to from which the cloud of fragrance, with the Turning back to the beginning of the pre- indisputable proof of the existence of a sanc-
the subject of the sanctuary as One of great prayers of Israel, was daily ascending before vious chapter, we read: "Now of the things tuary in heaven, Moses made the earthly
importance, interest, and profit. God. which we have spoken this is the sum: We sanctuary after a pattern which was shown
It is a subject of great importance on ac- In the most holy place stood the ark, a have such an high priest, who is set on the him. Paul teaches that that pattern was
count of the position it holds in the divine chest of precious wood overlaid with gold, right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the true sanctuary which is in heaven. And
plan. the depository of the two tables of stone upon the heavens; a minister of the sanctuary, and John testifies that he saw it in heaven.
It is one of interest, so intimately is it con- which God had inscribed the law of ten con- of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched,
nected with the work of our redemption. mandments. Above the ark, and forming and not man." God's Righteous. Law the Foundation
Received, it will affect the life, to elevate the cover to the sacred chest, was the mercy of His Throne
and sanctify, and so be found at last to be seat, a magnificent piece of workmanship, The Heavenly Sanctuary
In the temple in heaven, the dwelling place
one of infinite profit. — Introduction to "The surmounted by two cherubim, one at each
end, and all wrought of solid gold. In this Here is revealed the sanctuary of the new of God, his throne is established in righteous-
-4- -4-- -4- apartment the divine presence was mani- covenant. The sanctuary of the first cove- ness and judgment. In the most holy place
fested in the cloud of glory between the cher- nant was pitched by man, built by Moses; is his law, the great rule of right by which all
" Now of the things which we have spoken ,thinr. this is pitched by the Lord, not by man. In mankind are tested. The ark that enshrines
this is the sum: We have such an high priest, that sanctuary the earthly priests performed the tables of the law is covered with the mercy
Solomon's Temple their service; in this, Christ, our great high seat, before which Christ pleads his blood in
who is set on the right hand of the throne of
the Majesty in the heavens' a minister of the After the settlement of the Hebrews in . •priest; ministers at God's right hand. One the sinner's, behalf. Thus is represented the
sanctuary, and of the true 'tabernacle, which Canaan, the tabernacle was replaced by the sanctuary was on earth, the other one is in union ofjustice and mercy in the plan of
the Lord pitched and not man." fieb. It: 1. 2. temple of Solomon, which, though a perrea- heaven. human redemption. This union infinite wis-

dom alone could devise, and infinite power sand and three hundred days; then shall the other lot for the scapegoat." The goat upon runner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an
accomplish; it is a union that fills all heaven sanctuary be cleansed," unquestionably points which fell the lot for the Lord was to be slain high priest forever." "Neither by the blood
with wonder and adoration. The cherubim to the sanctuary in heaven. as a sin offering for the people. And the of goats and calves, but by his own blood he
of the earthly sanctuary, looking reverently priest was to bring his blood within the veil, entered in once into the holy place, having
down upon the mercy seat, represent the What Is the Cleansing of the and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat, and be- obtained eternal redemption for us."
interest with which the heavenly host con- Sanctuary? fore the mercy seat. The blood was also to For eighteen centuries this work of minis-
template the work of redemption. This is But the most important question remains be sprinkled upon the altar of incense, that tration continued in the first apartment of
the mystery of mercy into which the angels to be answered: What is the cleansing of the was before the veil. the sanctuary. The blood of Christ, pleaded
desire to look,— that God can be just while sanctuary? That there was such a service "And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon in behalf of penitent believers, secured their
he justifies the repenting sinner, and renews in connection with the earthly sanctuary, is the head of the live goat, and confess over pardon and acceptance with the Father, yet
his intercourse with the fallen race; that stated in the Old Testament Scriptures. But him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, their sins still remained upon the books of
Christ could stoop to raise unnumbered mul- can there be anything in heaven to be and all their transgressions in all their sins, record. As in the typical service there was
titude, from the abyss of ruin, and clothe cleansed? In Hebrews 9 the cleansing of putting them upon the head of the goat, and a work of atonement at the close of the year,
them with the spotless garments of his own both the earthly and the heavenly sanctuary shall send him away by the hand of a fit man so before Christ's work for the redemption
righteousness, to unite with angels who have is plainly taught. "Almost all things are by into the wilderness: and the goat shall bear of men is completed, there is a work of atone-
never fallen, and to dwell forever in the pres- the law purged with blood; and without shed- upon him all their iniquities unto a land not ment for the removal of sin from the sanc-
ence of God. ding of blood is no remission. It was there- inhabited." The scapegoat came no more tuary. This is the service which began when
Christ Our Intercessor fore necessary that the patterns of things in into the camp of Israel, and the man who led the 2300 days ended. At that time, as fore-
the heavens should be purified with these him away was required to wash himself and told by Daniel the prophet, our High Priest
The work of Christ as man's intercessor is [the blood of animals]; but the heavenly things his clothing with water before returning to The e most holy, to perform the last
presented in that beautiful prophecy of Zech- themselves with better sacrifices than these," the camp. division of his solemn work—to cleanse the
ariah concerning him "whose name is The even the precious blood of Christ. The whole ceremony was designed to im- sanctuary.
press the Israelites with the holiness of God
and his abhorrence of sin; and, further, to The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
show them that they could not come in con- in- Heaven
tact with sin without becoming polluted.
Every man was required to afflict his soul As anciently the sins of the people were by
while this work of atonement was going for- faith placed upon the sin offering, and through
ward. All business was to be laid aside, its blood transferred, in figure, to the earthly
and the whole congregation of Israel were to sanctuary; so in the new covenant the sins
spend the day in solemn humiliation before of the repentant are by faith placed upon
God, with prayer, fasting, and deep search- Christ, and transferred, in fact, to the heav-
ing of heart. enly sanctuary. And as the typical cleans-
ing of the earthly was accomplished by the
The Meaning of This Typical Service removal of the sins by which it had been pol-
Important truths concerning the atone- luted, so the actual cleansing of the heavenly
ment are taught by the typical service. A is to be accomplished by the removal, or
substitute was accepted in the sinner's stead; blotting out, of the sins which are there re-
but the sin was not canceled by the blood of corded. But before this can be accomplished,
the victim. A means was thus provided by there must be an examination of the books of
which it was transferred to the sanctuary. record to determine who, through repentance
By the offering of blood, the sinner acknowl- of sin and faith in Christ, are entitled to the
edged the authority of the law, confessed his benefits of his atonement. The cleansing of
guilt in transgression, and expressed his de- the sanctuary, therefore, involves a work of
sire for pardon through faith in a Redeemer investigation — a work of judgment. This
to come; but he was not yet entirely re- work must be performed prior to the coming
leased from the condemnation of the law. of Christ to redeem his people; for when he
On the day of atonement the high priest, comes, his reward is with him to give to
having taken an offering from the congrega- every rd ng to his works.—"The
tion, went into the most holy place with the re t Cmontrort
an ec rsu,"
oipages 411-421.
blood of this offering, and sprinkled it upon
the mercy seat, directly over the law, to make
satisfaction for its claims. Then, in his char- Christ in Type and Shadow
Branch." Says the prophet: "He shall build Cleansing With Blood acter of mediator, he took the sins upon him-
the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the The cleansing, both in the typical and in self and bore them from the sanctuary. By S. N. Haskell
glory, and shall sit and rule upon his [the the real service, must be accomplished with Placing his hands upon the head of the
Father's] throne; and he shall be a priest ETERNITY can never fathom the depth of
blood: in the former, with the blood of ani- scapegoat, he confessed over him all these
upon his throne: and the animal of peace shall sins, thus in figure transferring them from love revealed in . the cross of Calvary. It
mals; in the latter, with the blood of Christ. was there that the infinite love of Christ and
be between them both." Paul states, as the reason why this cleansing himself to the goat. The goat then bore
"He shall build the temple of the Lord." them away; and they were regarded as for- the unbounded selfishness of Satan stood
By his sacrifice and mediation, Christ is both must be performed with blood, that without face to face. The entire system of Judaism,
the shedding of blood is no remission. Re- ever separated from the people. with its types and symbols, was a shadow
the foundation and the builder of the church mission, or putting away of sin, is the work
of God. The apostle Paul points to him as The Work of Christ Our Great of the cross, extending from Calvary back
to be accomplished. But how could there to the gate of Eden, and contained a com-
"the chief corner stone; in whom all the build- be sin connected with the sanctuary, either MO Priest
ing fitly framed together groweth unto an pacted prophecy of the gospel.
in heaven or upon the earth? This may be Such was the service performed "unto the At the present day the person who comes
holy temple in the Lord: in whom ye also," learned by reference to the symbolic service;
he says, "are builded together for an habi- example and shadow of heavenly things." to the study of the New Testament through
for the priests who officiated on earth, served And what was done in type in the ministra- the interpreting lights of the types and sym-
tation of God through the Spirit." "unto the example and shadow of heavenly
"He shall bear the glory." To Christ be- tion of the earthly sanctuary, is done in re- bola of the Levitical services, finds a depth
things." silty in the ministration of the heavenly sanc- and richness in the study that are found in
longs the glory of redemption for the fallen
race. Through the eternal ages, the song of The Service of the Earthly Sanctuary tuary. After his ascension, our Saviour be- no other way. It is impossible to have ex-
the ransomed ones will be, ' him that gan his work as our high priest. Says Paul, alted views of Christ's atoning work if the
loved us, and washed us from our sins in his The ministration of the earthly. sanctuary "Christ is not entered into the holy places New Testament is studied without a pre-
own blood, . . . to him he glory and do- consisted of two divisions; the priests minis- made with hands, which are the figures of vious knowledge of the deep, blood-stained
minion forever and ever." tered daily in the holy place while once a the true; but into heaven itself, now to ap- foundations in the Old Testament gospels
Ile "shall sit and rule upon his throne; year the high priest performed special work pear in the presence of God for us." of Moses and the prophets.
and he shall be a priest upon his throne." of atonement In the most holy for the cleans- The ministration of the priest throughout "In every sacrifice, Christ's death was
Not now "upon the throne of his glory;" ing of the sanctuary. Day by day the re- the year in the first apartment of the sanc- shown. In every cloud of incense his right-
the kingdom of glory has not yet been ushered pentant sinner brought his offering to the tuary, "within the veil" which formed the eousness ascended. By every jubilee trumpet
in. Not until his work as a mediator shall door of the tabernacle, and placing his hand door and separated the holy place from the his name was sounded. In the awful mys-
be ended, will God "give unto him the throne upon the victim's head, confessed his sins, outer court, represents the work of ministra- tery of the holy of holies his glory dwelt."
of his father David," a kingdom of which thus in figure transferring them from himself tion upon which Christ entered at his ascen- In the light shining from the sanctuary,
"there shall be no end." As a priest, Christ to the innocent sacrifice. The animal was sion. It was the work of the priest in the the books of Moses with their detail of of-
is now set down with the Father in his throne. then slain. "Without shedding of blood," daily ministration to present before God the ferings and sacrifices, their rites and core-
Upon the throne with the eternal, self-exist- says the apostle, there is no remission of sin.
ent One, is he who "bath borne our griefs, "The life of the flesh is in the blood." The
and carried our sorrows," who "was in all broken law of God demanded the life of
points tempted like as we are, yet without the tr"nsgressor. The blood, representing
sin," that he might be "able to succor them the for, ,ited life of the sinner, whose guilt the
that are tempted." "If any man sin, we victim bore, was carried by the priest into
have an advocate with the Father." His the holy place and sprinkled before the veil,
intercession is that of a pierced and broken behind which was the ark containing the law
body, of a spotless life. The wounded hands, that the sinner had transgressed. By this
the pierced side, the marred feet, plead for ceremony the sin was, through the blood,
fallen man, whose redemption was purchased transferred in figure to the sanctuary. In
at such infinite cost: some cases the blood was not taken into the
"And the counsel of peace shall be between holy place; but the flesh was then to be eaten
them both." The love of the Father, no by the priest, as Moses directed the sons of
less than of the Sort, is the fountain of salva- Aaron, saying, "God bath given it you to
tion for the lost race. Said Jesus to his dis- bear the iniquity of the congregation." Both
eiples, before he went away, "I say not unto ceremonies alike symbolized the transfer of
you, that I will pray the Father for you: for the sin from the penitent to the sanctuary.
the Father himself loveth you." GM was The Great Day of Atonement
"in Christ, reconciling the world unto him-
self." And in the ministration in the sanc- Such was the work that went on, day by
tuary above, "the counsel of peace shall be day, throughout the year. The sins of Israel
between them both." "God as loved the were thus transferred to the sanctuary, and
world, that he gave his only begotten Son, a special work became necessary for their
that who.tever believeth in him should not removal. God commanded that an atone-
perish, but have everlasting life." ment be made for each of the sacred apart-
ments. "He shall make an atonement for
What Is the Sanctuary? the holy place, because of the uncleanness of THE DAILY SACRIFICE
The question, What is the sanctuary? is the children of Israel, and because of their
transgressions in all their sins: and so shall he blood of the sin offering, also the incense monies, usually considered' so meaningless
clearly answered in the Scriptures. The and void of interest, become radiant with
term "sanctuary," as used in the Bible, re- do for the tabernacle of the congregation, that which ascended with the prayers of Israel.
fers, first, to the tabernacle built by Moses, remaineth among them in the midst of their So did Christ plead his blood before the Fa- consistency and beauty. There is no other
uncleanness." An atonement was also to be ther in behalf of sinners, and present before subject which so fully unites all parts of the
as a pattern of heavenly things; and, secondly, inspired Word into one harmonious whole,
to the "true tabernacle" in heaven;to which made for the altar, to "cleanse it, and hallow him also, with the precious fragrance of his
it from the uncleanness of the children of own righteousness, the prayers of penitent as the subject of the sanctuary. Every gos-
the earthly sanctuary pointed. At the death pel truth centers in the sanctuary service,
of Christ the typical service ended. The Israel." believers. Such was the work of ministra-
Once a year, on the great day of atonement, tion in the first apartment of the sanctuary and radiates from it like the rays from the
"true tabernacle" in heaven is the sanctuary sun.
of the new covenant. And as the prophecy the priest entered the most holy place for in heaven.
the cleansing of the sanctuary. The work Thither the faith of Christ's disciples fol- Every type used in the entire sacrificial
of Dan. 8: 14 is fulfilled in this dispensation, system was designed by God to bear resem-
the sanctuary to which it refers must be the there performed completed the yearly round lowed him as he ascended from their sight.
of ministration. On the day of atonement Here their hopes centered, "which hope we blance to some spiritual truth. The value
sanctuary of the new covenant. At the ter- of these-types consisted in the fact that -they
mination of the 2300 days, in 1844, there had two kids of the goats were brought to the have," said Paul, "as an anchor of the soul,
been no sanctuary on earth for many cen- door of the tabernacle, and lots. were cast both sure and steadfast, and which entereth were chosen by God, himself to shadow forth
upon them, "one lot for the Lord, and the into that within the veil; whither the fore- the different phases of the complete plan of
turies. Thus the prophecy, "Unto two thou-
redemption, made possible by the death of When the sun of bliss is beaming "And when he hath made an end of recon- tuary was God's service. It had to do with
Christ. The likeness between type and anti- Light and love upon my way, ciling the holy place, and the tabernacle of the sins of the people; nut that the blood of
type is never accidental, but is simply a ful- From the cross the radiance streaming the congregation, and the altar, he shall bring the sacrifices offered there could in itself take
fillment of the great plan of God. Adds new luster to the day. the live goat: and Aaron shall lay both his away their sins, for it ie expressly said that
In the cross of Christ I glory, hands upon the head of the live goat, and con- it could not. Heb..10: 4. It could, how-
Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure, fess over hint all the iniquities of the children ever, show their faith in the efficacy of Chrisies
Towering o'er the wrecks of time; By the cross are sanctified; of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their Weed yet to be spilled, to which the sanctuary
All the light of sacred story Peace is there that knows no measure, gins, putting them upon the head of the goat, work was intended constantly to direct their
Gathers round its head sublime. Joys that through all time abide. and shall send him away by the hand of a fit minds. The work there was a type, or
When the woes of life o'ertake me, In the cross of Christ I glory, neap into the wdelerness." Verses 20, 21. shadow, of Christ's atoning work, and, as
Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Towering o'er the wreck8 of time; NOTE.- The offering of the Lord's goat such, carries with it a significance that can-
Never shall the cross forsake me; All the light of sacred story cleansed the sanctuary. By this offering not be overestimated. Upon a correct un-
Lol it glows with peace and joy. Gathers round its head sublime. the sins of the people, transferred there dur- derstanding of the type depends a correct
ing the year, were, in type, atoned for; but understanding of the antitype. The entire
they were not by this offering finally dis- sanctuary service was an object lesson of
posed of, or destroyed. The scapegoat, sym- most important and vital gospel truth-that
bolizing Satan, the great tempter and orig- of man's salvation and the atonement of sin.
inator of sin, was brought to the sanctuary,
and upon his head were placed all these sins The Service of Christ in Heaven for Us
which Satan had tempted God's people to
commit. 23. What relation does the earthly sanc-
18. What final disposition was made of the tuary sustain to the heavenly?
sins of the people? "Who serve unto the example and shadow
"And the goat shall bear upon him all their of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished
iniquities unto a land not inhabited: and he of God when he was about to make the taber-
shall let go the goat in the wilderness." nacle; for, See, saith he, that thou make all
Verse 22. things according to the pattern showed to
thee in the mount." Heb. 8:5.
This Sanctuary Service a Type of the 24. By what comparison is it shown that
Work of Christ in the Heavenly the heavenly sanctuary will be cleansed?
Sanctuary "It was therefore necessary that the pat-
tern of things in the heavens should be puri-
19. What was this earthly sanctuary and fied with these; but the heavenly things them-
its round of service? selves with better sacrifices than these." Heb.
"Which was a figure for the time then 9: 23.
present." Heb. 9: 9. Compare Heb. 9: 24. 25. When Christ has funehed his priestly
20. Of what sanctuary, or tabernacle, is mediatorial work in the heavenly sanctuary,
Christ the minister? what decree will go forth?
"A minister of the sanctuary, and of the "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still:
SOLOMON'S TEMPLE true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still:
man." Heb. 8: 2. and he that is righteous, let him be righteous
21. Of what was the blood of all the sac- still: and he that is holy, let him he holy
The Sanctuary rifices of the former dispensation only a type?
"Neither by the blood of goats and calves,
still." Rev. 22:11.
26. What event is directly connected with
A Bible Study but by his sum blood he entered in once into the blotting out of sin and the final refresh-
the holy place, having obtained eternal re- ing from God's presence?
The Earthly Sanctuary of bringing a substitute to meet the demande demption for us." Heb. 9:12. See Eph. "Repent ye therefore, and be converted,
of the law, thus obtaining mercy. 5: 2. that your sins may, be blotted out, when the
I. WHAT did God, through Moses, com- 12. What was done with the blood of the NoTe.- Through the sacrifices and offer-
mand Israel to make? times of refreshing ellen come from the pres-
offering? ings brought to the altar of the earthly sane- ence of the Lord; and he shall send Jesus
"And let them make me a sanctuary; that "And the priest shall take of the blood tuarv, the penitent believer was to lay hold
I may dwell among them." Ex. 25:8. Christ, which before was preached unto you:
thereof with his finger, and put it upon the of the merits of Christ, the Saviour to come. whom the heaven must receive until the times
2. What was offered in this sanctuary? horns of the altar of burnt offering, and shall In this way, and in this way only, was there
"In which were offered both gifts and sac- of restitution of all things, which God bath
pour met all the blood thereof at the bottom of any virtue connected with them. spoken by the mouth of all his holy prephets
rifices." Heb. 9:9. the altar." Verse 30.
3. Besides the court, how many parts had The Close of the Earthly Service since the world began." Acts 3: 19-21.
NOTE.- After a person discovered his sin 27, According to the view of the judgment
this sanctuary? by the law which demanded the death of the
And the veil shall divide unto you be- 22. At the death of Christ, what miracu- presented to Daniel, what is to be given to
transgressor, he first brought his offering, lous occurrence signified that the priestly Christ while still before the Father?
tween the holy place and the most holy." then he confessed his sin while laying his
Ex. 26:33. work and services of the earthly sanctuary "I saw . . . and, behold, one like the Son
hands on the head of the victim, thus, in a were finished? of man came . . . to the Ancient of days,
4. What was in the first apartment, or holy figure, transferring his sin to the victim; the
place? "Jesus, when he had cried again with a and they brought him near before him. And
victim was next slain in the court, or outer loud voice, yielded up the ghost. . And, be- there was given him dominion, and glory, and
"For there was a tabernacle made; the part of the sanctuary, and its blood put on
first, wherein was the candlestick, and the hold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain a kingdom, that all people, nations, and lam
the horns of the altar and poured at the foot from the top to the bottom." Matt. 27: 50, 51. guages, should serve him." Dan. 7: 13, 14.
table, and the showbrenel; which is called of the altar. In some cases a portion of the
the sanctuary." Heb. 9: 2. "And he put the Name.- Type had met antitype; the 28. What will occur when the Lord de-
offering was eaten by the priest. In this shadow had reached the substance. Christ, scends frOm heaven?
golden altar in the tent of the congregation way sins were pardoned, and, in the typical
before the veil." Es. 40: 26. See also Ex. the great sacrifice, had been slain, and was "For the Lord himself shall descend from
service, transferred to the sanctuary. •about to enter upon' his final work as our heaven with a shout, with the voice of the
30: 1-6.
5. What was contained in the second apart- The Day of Atonement great high priest in the sanctuary in heaven.. archangel, and with the trump of God: and
ment? 13. After the accumulation of the sins of The priestly work in the earthly sanctuary the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which
"And after the second veil, the tabernacle the year in this way, what service took place was typical of the work of Christ in the heav- are alive and remain shall be caught up to-
which is called the holiest of all; which had on the tenth day of the seventh month of enly sanctuary. In the earthly, the atone- gether with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord
the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant each year? ment was performed on the last day of the in the air: and so shall we ever be with the
overlaid round about with gold, wherein was "And this shall be a statute forever unto ceremonial year. All who did not then have Lord." I Thess. 4: 18, 17.
. . the tables of the covenant." Heb. 9:3, you: that in the seventh month, on the tenth their sins atoned for were "cut off," and the 29. What statement immediately follow-
4. See also Ex. 40: 20, 21. day of the month, ye shall afflict your souls, camp was cleansed from sm. The atone- ing the announcement mentioned in Rev.
6. By what name was the cover of the ark . . . for on that day shall the priest make an ment day was virtually a day of judgment 22; 11, indicates that a judgment work had
known? atonement for you, to cleanse you, that ye may for Israel, and the people whose sins had been been in progress before Christ comes?
"And thou shalt put the mercy seal above be clean from all your sins before the Lord."
upon the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put Lev. 16:29, 30.
the testimony that I shall give thee." Ex. 14. How was the sanctuary itself to be
25: 21. cleansed, and how were the sins of the people
7. Where was God to meet with Israel? to be finally disposed of?
"And there I will meet with thee, and I "And he the high priest) shall take of the
will commune with thee from above the mercy congregation of the children of Israel two
seal, from between the two cherubims which are kids of the goats for a sin offering.. • . And
upon the ark of the testimony." Verse 22. he shall take the two goats, and present them
S. What was in the ark, under the mercy before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle
seat? of the congregation. And Aaron shall cast
"And he wrote on the tables, according to lots upon the two goats; one lot for the Lord,
the first writing, the ten commandments. . . . and the other lot for the scapegoat." Verses
And I turned myself and came down from 5-S.
the mount, and pd the tables in the ark which nem.- The Hebrew word for scapegoat
I had made." Dent, 10:4, 5. is Azaze/. See margin of verse 8. It is used
9. When did the priest minister in the first as a proper name, and according to the opin-
apartment of the sanctuary? ion of some of the mast ancient Hebrews and
"Now these things having been thus pre- Christians, refers to Satan, or the angel who
pared, the priests go in continually into the revolted and persisted in rebellion and sin.-
first tabernacle, accomplishing the services." 15. What seas done with the blood of the
Heb. 9:6, R. V. goat upon which the Lord's lot fell?
10. Who alone went into the second apart- "Then shall he kill the goat of the sin of-
ment? how often? and for what purpose? fering, that is for the people, and bring his
"But into the second went the high priest blood within the veil, . . . and sprinkle it
alone once even,' year, not without blood, which upon the 'mercy seat, and before the mercy
he offered for himself, and for the errors of the seat." Verse 15.
people." Verse 7. 16. Why was it necessary to make this
11. What were sinners desiring pardon in- atonement'?
structed to do? And he shall make an atonement for the
"And if any one of the common people hole place, because of the uncleanness of the
sin through ignorance, while he doeth some- children of Israel, and because of their trans-
what against any of the commandments of gression-3 in all their sins: and so shall he do
the Lord, . . . then he shall bring his offer- for the tabernacle of the congregation, that THE SERVICE IN THE TEMPLE
ing, a kid of the goats, a female without remaineth among them in the midst of their
blemish, for his sin which he hath sinned. uncleanness." Verse 16. atoned for were free from sin, and could enter "And, behold, I come quickly; and my re-
And he shall lay his hand upon the head of Noes.- Sins were conveyed into the sanc- upon the services of the new year clean in ward is with me, to give every Man according as
the sin offering, and slay the sin offering in tuary during the year by the blood of the the sight of God. This work was kept up his work shall be." Rev. 22: 12.
the place of the burnt offering." Lev. 4:27-29. personal sin offerings offered daily at the door year after year. In the antitypical service NOTE.-The typical sanctuary service is
Nom.- According to this, if a man sinned of the tabernacle. Here they remained until the sacrifice is offered but once; and but one fully met in the work of Christ. As the
in Israel, he violated one of the ten command- the day of atonement, when the high priest atonement, or cleansing, of the heavenly atonement day of the former dispensation
ments that were in the ark under the mercy went into the most holy place with the blood sanctuary can be made, which must take was really a day of judgment, so the atone-
seat. These commandments are the foun- of the goat on which the Lord's lot fell; and place at the time assigned of God for it. ment work of Christ will include the inves-
dation of God's government. To violate bearing the accumulated sins of the year in And when the great atonement, or cleansing, tigation of the canes of his people prior to
them is to commit sin, and so become sub- before the mercy seat, he there, in type, of the heavenly sanctuary has been made, his coming to receive them unto himself.
ject to death. 1 John 3: 4; Rom. 6: 23. atoned for them, and so cleansed the sanc- God's people will be forever free from Me 30. Is there a specified time for the cleans-
But there was a mercy seat reared above tuary. and the fate of all will be forever sealed. ing of the heavenly sanctuary?
these holy and just commandments. In the 17. After having made atonement for the See Rev. 22:11. This, as in the type, will "And he said unto me, Unto two thousand
dispensation of his mercy, God grants the people in the mast holy place, what did the be a day of judgment. and three hundred days; then shall the sane-
sinner the privilege of confessing his sins and high priest next do? The round of service in the earthly sane- Mary he cleansed." Dan. 8: 14..
31. How may one know that this does not (years) extends to A. D. 1844, while the di- up of the Papacy, to the Dark Ages, when beings whatsoever, no higher or greater moral
refer to the earthly sanctuary? vinely appointed services of the earthly sanc- the Waldenses and other few faithful wit- law than the law of love can be conceived.
"fie said unto me, Understand, 0 son of tuary ceased at the cross (Dan 9:27; Matt. nesses in obscurity and concealment kept the Universal justice and benevolence are included
man: for at the time of the end shall be the 27: 50, 51), and the sanctuary itself was de- light of God's truth alive in the world? Has in its range, and eternal harmony in its results.
vision." Verse 17. stroyed in A. D. 70, when Titus captured it come down to the great Reformation, to Upon its fulfillment depends the union or unity
Horn.— The prophetic period of 2300 days Jerusalem. the times of Luther? of the Wesleys? We of the moral universe. No sacrifice therefore
know not. We know only that it is passing of this principle can pass unchecked in a universe
down somewhere through these generations, which deserves the name. Order and unity
and rapidly approaching the living, when must prevail, or the system perish. . .
The Subject Concluded our cases will come up for decision, and our "Revelation exhibits the restoration and es-
By UrJoh Smith destiny be decided forever. And here we tablishment of the supremacy of the moral law.
now stand waiting; may we not also say " Herein it crowns the system of nature with
WE are now prepared to take a retrospec- are there because there is our only hope of preparing? perfection and completeness. The law of sub-
tive view of this important subject. The life and salvation. There is to he found the A Glorious Deliverance Prom Sin ordination leads up, step by step, to the suprem-
questions proposed in the beginning of this only means that can cleanse our souls from acy of the moral law. But though in the world
work, are now answered. guilt, and there the only Advocate who can But with considerations of such thrilling system the moral law is supreme by right, it is
To the question, "The sanctuary—what plead our cause. If we accept his mediation interest even as these, our view of this sub- not supreme in fact. Its rule is disregarded and
is it?" the answer has been plainly found. on the free terms offered, our cases will go ject does not end. We go forward a little in overthrown. The Bible unfolds'the:plan, and
It is not the earth, not the land of Palestine, well; if we reject it, all is lost. The court is the future, and behold the sins of all the right- traces the story of the restoration of its suprem-
not the church; but, as revealed to us in now sitting; its session soon will close, and eous loaded upon the head of the antitypical acy. The order followed in seeming this result
the Scriptures, it is, first, the dwelling which its eternal decisions be rendered. scapegoat, to he put away forever. We see includes:-
the Lord provided for himself here among These are the claims it now has upon our Satan hound, and the saints forever free 1. The authoritative republication 'of the
men, in the tabernacle of Moses, and after- attention, the strongest and most urgent that from his power. This is a point of transcend- moral law.
wards in the temple of Jerusalem; and, sec- can ever be brought to bear upon men. ent interest to all the righteous. Then we " 2. The historic demonstration_of 'its inabil-
ondly, we behold it as the temple of God in take our first drafts from the cup of immor- ity to produce the holiness it commands.
A Central Point of Interest "3. The shadowing and predicting of the
heaven, his dwelling place on high. tality. Our sins are borne away. They
To the question, "When is it?" the answer All through its history are epochs of inter- come up to trouble us no more. We cannot mediatorial method by which God 'designed to
has come. In all its most important as- est. It was a point of great interest when recall them; and even God says that he will accomplish the required restoration.
pects, it is now. Beginning with Moses, the tabernacle was first erected in this world forget them. He who instigated them will 4. The perfect fulfillment of the moral law,
fifteen hundred years before Christ, it be- of ours, and an outward symbol of the work of then have received them back again. Here and satisfaction of its righteous claims, by the
comes an object of ever-increasing mterest, salvation was given to men. the serpent's head is effectually bruised by Son of God in human nature., ---
till, as we reach our own generation, and the It was a point of interest when the taber- the seed of the woman. Here the strong "5. The restoration of the supremsoi of the
work connected with it is about to close, the nacle gave place to the larger and more glo- man armed (Satan), who has been shutting moral law in the hearts and lives of his redeemed
issues there to be de- and renovated people, who !walk not after the
cided make it an all- flesh, but after the Spirit.' ..Z.- W.; •
important center of "Tim Bible is the story of a rebetisin ',van-
consideration and quished and subdued. It is the account Of, the
study. victory of the divine goodness. In-.its bithirse
To the question, evil is overcome by good. The cross conquers.
"Where is it?" the Love overcomes. The hand that holds the
answer is equally scepter was pierced on Calvary. The universe
plain. During the worships at the feet once fastened to the shame-
typical dispensation, ful tree. The anthem of its praise is, Worthy
it was here upon the Lamb! Through Jesus Christ all things
are subjected to God. And when that subjec-
earth; in the present
antitypical dispensa- tion is complete, the Son himself shall give up
tion, it is in heaven. the kingdom to the Father, 'that God may be
all in all:
"What are its
uses?" It is the cen- " Thus the natural and the spiritual form one
ter around which all system. One law of subordination reigns
the worship of God throughout.
revolves, and to " 1. Inorganic nature subserves the organized
which every act of " 2. In the vegetable kingdom inferior forms
devotion points. of life subserve superior forms.
"And why?"—Be- "3. The vegetable kingdom subserves the
cause it is the hab- animal.
itation of God, and "4. Lower animal races subserve the inter-
there in the most ests of higher.
holy, he placed the
transcript of his will, " 5. The material world subserves the mental.
the ten command- "6. The physical subserves the moral.
ments; and there on " 7. In the realm of mind all is subordinated
to moral law. •
the mercy seat, the "8. Moral law, though supreme in the world
cover of the ark, is by right, is not supreme in fact.
the focal point in the "9. Revelation exhibits the restoration and
work of redemption, establishment of the supremacy of the moral
where mercy and law.
truth meet together, " 10. Revelation further traces the progressive
and righteousness subjection of 'all things' to Christ, lE whom
arid peace kiss each the moral law is established, and throe Christ
other. There reposes THE FEAST 01, TABERNACLES
to God, for 'he must reign, till he ha put all
the law which shows enemies under his feet.'
transgression; and there is presented the rious structure of the temple, and when in up even the followers of Christ in his prison "The revealed system is thus in strict conti-
blood which satisfies the law, and, so far the dedication of that temple the most im- house, the grave, for six thousand years, will nuity with the natural, and rests on the immov-
as the sinner's record is concerned, blots out posing religious ceremony was performed be bound by a stronger than he (Christ), able rock of man's moral nature, and the in-
the sin. which the world has ever witnessed. and his house be spoiled of its precious treas-
It was a point of still greater interest when ures. Then will the taxes have been bound disputable facts of his history and condition.
"What axe its relations,and how exten- Conscience is indestructible. The moral law
sive?"—It relates to everything in the plan the typical dispensation closed, and a trans- in bundles for the burning, and the wheat
fer was Anode from the sanctuary below to have been gathered into the heavenly gar- written in the human heart abides forever.
4-salvation, and has to do with every The system which restores its supremacy is
Vidual who conies within the range of Christ's the sanctuary on high. lienceforiverd we ner. Then our High Priest will have come self-evidenced as divine."• —"Creation Centered
redeeming work. corns directly to Jesus, the Mediator 'of the forth from the sanctuary to pronounce the in Christ," H. Grattan Guinness, D. D., London,
"What prominence isgiven to it on the new covenant, and- turn our attention to everlasting blessing upon his waiting people. Hodder & Stoughton, 1896, pages 77, 83, 83.
inspired pages of the Book of God's revela- Jerusalem above. •' • Then we shall have come, not by faith merely,
tion to men?"— Great prominence. The A point of still 'deeper interest to he was but in deed and in truth, unto Mt. Zion,
word occurs one hundred and forty-four times, reached when, at the end of the 2300 days and the city of the living God, the heavenly
not merely as casual mentions, but often as in 1844, the time came for the cleansing of Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company THE BEREAN LIBRARY
the theme of the discourse itself. the sanctuary, and the ministration was of angels. Then will the redeemed, placing
"What bearing has it upon the interpre- moved from the holy into the most holy the foot of triumph upon the world, the flesh, ALL who desire to study further the inmor-
tation of the prophecies?"— A bearing the place. Then the temple of God was opened and the devil, raise their glad voices in the tans Bible subjects presented in this series of
most intimate. It shows that no prophetic in heaven. Then was discerned, by faith, song of Moses and the Lamb. Glorious and Eats-as should order from this list of valuable
period reaches to the coming of the Lord, the ark of God's testament there. Then the longed-for day! The Lord hasten it in his books put up in paper covers, postpaid, at the
but only to the short but indefinite work position of the moral law was seen, en- time.— Conclusion of "The Sanctuary." following very low prices:—
called the cleansing of the sanctuary, which throned in the very presence of Jehovah, Steps to Christ, x44 pages $ .25
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just precedes that coming. It thus saves us immutable, eternal. Then was discovered .25
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and explains the mystery of the disappoint- seal of the living God, the sealing work, the Religious Liberty in America, 448 Pages• • •35
ment in the past advent movement. Mis- last message of mercy, and the closing up of
Christ to the Law of God His Glorious Appearing, 124 pages .15
taking the sanctuary to mean the earth, it the great advent movement of the present THE ministry of Christ, our High Priest, in The Sabbath in the Scriptures, .216 pages .25
was supposed that the cleansing of the sanc- generation: Then the foretold judgment the heavenly sanctuary, has special reference The Sabbath in History, 600 pages .50
tuary meant the purifying of the earth by hour began, and the church entered upon to the law of God enshrined within the ark Capital and Labor, 208 pages
;fire; and as the Lord is to be revealed in the great Sabbath reform. With this sub- of the covenant in the most holy place. The Here and Hereafter, 36o pages •25
flaming fire, it was argued that the Lord must ject all portions of the message are connected; purpose of Christ's atoning work and his Bible Footlights, 32o pages .35
then come. Hence the coming of the Lord this is the grand center and citadel of the ministry is to take away sin, and "sin is the Our Paradise Home, 128 pages •x5
was looked for at the end of the 2300 days, present truth. transgression of the law." Not only is sin The Coming King, 325 pages
in 1844. But the prophecy only says, "Then forgiven by virtue of the sacrifice made on
The Close of •Human Probation the cross and pleaded in the heavenly sanc- Order front the publishers, whose
shall the sanctuary be cleansed," which we
now see to be the closing work of our High Then it was seen that the time of proba- tuary, but according to the new covenant address is given below
Priest in the temple above, It explains the tion could last but a little longer; for the final promise, the law of God is to be written in
parable of the wedding garment (Matt. 22: work in the sanctuary must be'hrief. Should the heart, that it may be revealed in the life.
11-13), shows where that preliminary work it be otherwise, it would destroy the type, Thus the final aim of the priestly mediation
of judgment comes in, which must precede and show in the plan and work of God a want of Christ is the restoration of the supremacy
the coming of Christ, and shows how and of consistency and harmony, which we know of the moral law. That the Bible exhibits
The Advent Review
when that sentence which eternally fixes does not exist. And already for many years the restoration of such supremacy is clearly
every man's condition, whether he be filthy this work has been going forward. We un- set forth in the following extract:—
and Sabbath Herald
or righteous, unjust or holy, can go forth be- derstand that, beginning with the human "As central in the moral world, which is it- November 8, 1915
fore the Lord appears. Rev. 22: 11. race at the opening of the world's history, self central in the material, the moral law holds
"How is its past history calculated to in- the examination passes down through suc- the central place in the universal system. It is ISSUED EACH THURSDAY BY THE
terest, or its present work concern, us?" cessive generations, in consecutive order, till the law of laws. Characterized by the unbiased
Its past history interests us because it is the at length the cases of the last generation, the and unswerving uprightness, straightness, or Review & Herald Publishing Association
textbook from which we learn the nature of living, are reached. who come latest into this equity of its dictates, it is known as the law of Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
the work of our great High Priest above and investigative judgment, and the work closes. righteousness. Righteousness. is simply right- Terms: in Advance
the manner of his ministration; and its pres- And what generation has the work now ness. In its ultimate analysis this law of right- One Year $2.05 Six Months Sims
ent work concerns us, because, in connection reached? Has it come down to the age of ness is love, the purest, highest, and most com- Three Months ...... .50
with the declaration of the prophecies con- Noah? of Abraham? of Job? of Moses? of prehensive of all principles. Its exclusions and
cerning it, we learn more definitely than from Daniel? Has it reached the age of the apos- inclusions embrace the entire realm of morality. [Entered as second-class matter, August to, 1903, at
any other source our proximity to the end. tles and the early Christians? Are their Love worketh no ill. Love worketh all good. the post office at Washington, D. C., under the act of
"In what way are our dearest interests cases now in review before the great tribunal No more comprehensive moral principle can Congress of March 3, 91179.l
connected with it?" Our dearest interests above? Has it come down to the setting therefore exist. As applicable to all moral

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