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ESC Manual

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SETTINGS (Words in Bold are default settings)

1. Brake:ON/OFF
2. Battery type:NiMH/LiPo
3.Low Voltage Cutoff Type:Reduce Power/Cut off Power
XP2 Brushless ESC’s User Manual Note: When ESC is in low voltage or over heat, to slowly reduce the motor power state,
DECLARATION no matter what the throttle sticker position is, the power will reduce to a certain value to
Thanks for purchasing our Overlander XP-2 Brushless Electronic Speed Controller (ESC). High power stabilize the system.
systems used in RC models can be very dangerous, so please read this manual carefully. As we have no 4. Cut off Voltage Threshold (Low Voltage Protection Threshold):
control over the use, installation, application, or maintenance of our products, no liability shall be Low /Medium /High
assumed nor accepted for any damages, losses of costs resulting from the use of the product. Any claims 1). For LI-xx packs - :number of cells are automatically calculated. This ESC
arising from the operating, failure or malfunctioning etc. will be denied. We assume no liability for provides 3 setting options for the low voltage protection threshold; Low (2.8V)/Medium
personal injury, property damage or consequential damages resulting from this product. The obligation (3.0V)/High (3.2V).
for compensation is limited to the invoice amount of the product in question. This does not effect your For example:
statutory rights. the voltage cutoff options for a 3 cell Li-Po pack would be 3.0x3=9V(Medium).
FEATURES 2) For Ni-xx/LiFe packs-low / Medium / High cutoff voltages are 0%/60%/65% of the
⚫ All hardware and components are purchased from renowned makers. initial voltage of the battery pack. 0% means no protection. For example: A fully charged
6 cell NiMh pack’s voltage is 1.44Vx 6=8.64V, when “Medium” cutoff voltage is set, the
⚫ Multiple motor timing choices making it compatible with most brushless motors in the
cutoff voltage is:8.64V x 60%=5.18V.
5. Motor Timing:Low/Medium/High
⚫ Compatible with fixed-wing and helicopter.
In most cases, low timing works well for all types of motors. However, the structure for
⚫ If the position of the throttle stick is inadequate when powered on, the motor will not motors are different, please try to use different timing for a better effect. For higher
start and emit “ Beep-beep-“ continuous warnings. speed,
⚫ Multiple protection features: Over-heat protection and throttle signal loss protection, High timing can be set. Some motors require different setups therefore we suggest you
low voltage cut-off protection. to
⚫ Throttle range setting and multiple accelerations start up choices. follow the manufacturer recommended setup.
Note: Run your motor on the ground first after making any changes to your motor timing.
Wires Connection
(Connectors should be soldered carefully to the cables and insulated with heat shrink 6. Soft Acceleration Startup Mode:Very Soft/Soft Acceleration/Start Acceleration

tube to avoid shorting) Start Acceleration mode is suitable for fixed wing, Very Soft and Soft Acceleration
suitable for Helicopter. The initial rpm for Very Soft and Soft Acceleration is relatively low,
even if the throttle stick is moved to the top position instantly, the RPM will increase softly
from closed, to full RPM.
7.Active RPM Fixed Wing/Helicopter
Note: Rpm On:There will be a 8-second delay from start to full rpm.
Attention: After start up, if the throttle cuts off in less than 3 second, then the next
start will be in Rpm off mode, if the throttle cuts off in more than 3 seconds, then the
next start will be in Rpm on mode. Once the governor Mode is enabled, the ESC’s 3. Set item value (Programmable option)

Brake and Low Voltage Cutoff Type settings will automatically be reset to No Brake and You will hear several tones in loop. Set the value matching to a tone by moving throttle stick to the

Reduce Power respectively regardless of what settings they were previously set. top position when you hear the tone, then a special tone emits, means the value is set and saved.

8. Motor Rotation: Forward/Reverse (Keeping the throttle stick at the top position, you will go back to step 2 and you can select other

In most cases motor rotation is usually reversed by swapping two motor wires. item; Disconnect the battery pack will exit the program mode directly).

However, in cases where the motor cables have been directly soldered the ESC “toot- “toot-

cables, motor rotation can be reversed by changing the value of setting on the ESC. toot- toot-
Tones “Toot-” “Toot-toot-"
9. Restore factory setup defaults: Restore – Sets the ESC back to factory default toot-” toot-
settings; toot-”
Throttle range setting: Items 1Short 2 Short 3 Short 4 Short
1. Turn on transmitter, move throttle stick to top position, connect battery pack to ESC Brake Off On
and wait for 2 seconds until you hear a “toot-toot-” sound.
Battery Type NiMH/NiCd Li-ion/NiCd
2. The tone of “toot-toot-” will repeat for 4 times, during these times, move the throttle
stick to bottom position, the motor emits special tones which means the setting of throttle Cutoff Mode Reduce Cut-off
range is completed. After 1 second, the system will enter the battery cells confirmation Cutoff Threshold Low Medium High
program and emit “123” for system OK tones. Motor Timing Low Medium High
Note: In order to make ESC compatible with your transmitter’s throttle range, if
you use this ESC for the first time or if you change to use other transmitter, you Very Soft Soft Acce
must reset the throttle range by following above mentioned steps。
Governor Mode RPM Off RPM On
Program Setting:
Motor Rotation Forward Reverse
Program the ESC with your transmitter 2. Select programmable item:
Default Setting Restore
(4 Steps): After entering program mode, you will hear 9 tones in a loop
1. Enter program mode with the following sequence. If you move the throttle stick to
2. Select programmable item bottom and hear one group of special kind of tones, the item
3. Set item’s value (Programmable will be selected.
option) 1. “toot-” brake (1 short)
4. Exit program mode 2. “toot-toot-” battery type (2 short)
1. Enter Program Mode 3. “toot-toot-toot-” cutoff mode (3 short)
1).Switch on transmitter, move throttle 4. “toot-toot-toot-toot-” cutoff threshold (4 short)
stick to top position 5. “toot---- motor timing (1 long)
2).Connect battery pack to ESC and 6. “toot----toot-” startup (1 long 1short)
wait for 2 seconds 7. “toot---toot-toot- ” governor (1 long 2 short)
3).Motor emit 4 times of “toot- 8. “toot----toot-toot-toot-” rotation (1 long 3 short)
toot-“ tone which means program 9 “toot----toot-toot-toot-toot-” default (1 long 4 short)
mode is entered.
3. Set item value (Programmable option)
You will hear several tones in loop. Set the value matching to a tone by moving throttle stick to the
Trouble Shooting
top position when you hear the tone, then a special tone emits, means the value is set and saved.
(Keeping the throttle stick at the top position, you will go back to step 2 and you can select other Problem Possible Reason Solution
item; Disconnect the battery pack will exit the program mode directly). The connection
After power on, motor Check the power
“beep- “beep- between battery
does not work, no sound connection.
beep- beep- pack and ESC is not
Tones “Beep-” “Beep-beep-" is emitted Replace the connectors.
beep-” beep- correct

beep-” After power on, motor Throttle sticker is not

Check the voltage of
Items 1Short 2 Short 3 Short 4 Short
does not work, such an on bottom position or
battery pack or move the
alert tone emits: input voltage is
Brake Off On throttle sticker to the right
“beep-beep-, abnormal, too high or
Battery Type NiMH/NiCd Li-ion/NiCd
beep-beep-,beep-beep-” too low.
Cutoff Mode Reduce Cut-off Battery's power
Change to use bigger
Cutoff Threshold Low Medium High
doesn't discharge
discharge power battery.
The motor doesn't run well.
Motor Timing Low Medium High
smoothly or stop Motor rotation too Change to use low rotation
Very Soft Soft Acce running while in high. motor.
condition of starting up Start Up accelerate Start up accelerate sets
Governor Mode RPM Off RPM On
sudden acceleration. sets too high. lower.
Motor Rotation Forward Reverse
Changes to bigger motor
Default Setting Restore Motor timing too low.
The connection
Swap any two wire
Program Example The motor runs in the between ESC and
connections between ESC
opposite direction the motor need to be
Setting “Brake” to “Brake ON”, i.e. option #2 of the programmable item #1. and motor.

.Enter program mode: switch on Select Programmable Items Set Item Value(Programmable
transmitter, move throttle stick to top Now you’ll hear 9 tones in a Options) Motor starts to ring, after you
Overlander Batteries
position, connect battery pack to loop. When a short hear “Toot-toot-” move the throttle stick
Unit 1 Jesmond Dene
ESC,then wait till hear “Toot-“ tone emits, move to top position, then a special tone
School Lane
“toot-toot-toot-toot-”emits, which throttle stick to bottom to emits, which means you have set the
Forton, Lancashire
means the program mode is entered. enter the “Start Mode”. “Brake type” to the value of “Brake
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