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Esc YEP 150A

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YGE L-series from 40 to 160A electronic speed controller (ESC)

Technical data:

- The specified current is the maximum continuous full power current with adequate cooling.
- 2 to 6s LiPo, with under voltage protection by power reduction.
- 6 to 18 cells NiMH, with under voltage protection by power reduction.
- disconnectable under voltage detection.
- switching BEC: 5.5V, 3A continuous, 5A peak.
- Speed regulation (Governor mode).
- Soft start.
- Active free-wheel, allowing unlimited part load operation.*
- Automatic or 6 step adjustable timing.
- Continuously adjustable F3A brake.
- 3 steps adjustable regular back EMF brake.
- Switching rate: 8 to 16 kHz
- Speed limit: 240,000 RPM (2-Pole motors)
- Temperature and overload warning.
- Anti sparkling circuit: reduces connection sparkles
- Programming with the ProgCard II

only for pylon

and hotliner

Type 40A 60A 80A 100A 120A 160 FAI

Overall dimensions in mm 62 x 25 x 8 62 x 25 x 8 70 x 25 x 11 70 x 25 x 11 70 x 25 x 12 70 x 25 x 14
Weight in g without/with wires 19 / 35 19 / 35 28/55 29/69 31/71 39/79
Cable diameter Battery/Motor 2.5 ²/2.5 ² 2.5 ²/2.5 ² 4² / 2.5² 4² / 4² 4² / 4² 4² / 2.5²

Initial setup: General Settings:

After connecting the battery (red = plus, black = minus) The speed controller has a fixed throttle curve setting, so
you hear 3 descending tones. Subsequently, follows a that with all usual transmitters the stop and full power points
number of beeps according to the cell number of the are linearly connected. With all programmable transmitters,
connected Lipo battery. In case the transmitter stick is in the throttle range should be set to default (±100%), the
throttle off, you hear now 3 ascending tones. center point set to zero and throttle trim enabled.
You need to connect the motor to hear the beeps, as it is Nevertheless, with some transmitter types the range needs
the motor itself which acts as a speaker. to be adjusted. For that the throttle endpoints have to be set
so that one notch before lowest stick position the motor is
--- The ESC is ready for use. --- stopped and that one notch before full power the motor is
actually at full power. Full power is indicated by the LED that
If the motor turns in the wrong direction, exchange simply is completely turned off.
2 of the 3 motor wires.
On delivery the Timing is adjusted to 18°, brake is set to mid
Use only clean and tight gold connectors for motor and level, and the under voltage recognition adjusted to Lipo
battery. The 3.5 mm PK connectors have proven to be mode 3.1 V.
the best choice from 30 to 80A. Pay attention for the
battery connector to choose a polarity safe system. If during spin up rpm variations (wowing or erratic sound) are
Exchange low-friction or oxidized plugs and sockets. experienced, the timing must be increased. If no
Because only tight sitting contacts will ensure a high improvement can be obtained at 30°, then the motor is
current flow, protect the speed controller against overloaded. Here a smaller propeller, a one cell smaller
dangerous voltage peaks and avoid disturbances. With battery or a stronger motor will help. If after motor stop you
the 120A and 160FAI types please use you 5.5 and/or hear 2 beeps repeating, it means that the battery voltage
6mm PK gold connectors, because the 3.5 and 4mm dropped down below the setting value. Eventually try a cutoff
connectors are only certified up to 80A. Here the motor voltage of 2.9 or 3.0V per cell. If there is still no
wires are usually shortened to the minimum and soldered improvement, then the battery is discharged or too weak, the
directly to the motor. On the other side, with all ESC wires are too long or to small or a connector is out of order.
types, the entire wire length, from the controller to the With an active brake you can hear these warning tones only
battery, may not exceed 20cm. If longer wires are in windmill position. This is the small range on the throttle
necessary, a Low ESR switching capacitor of 330µF/25V stick between brake and motor start. You can reach this
should be soldered between plus and minus wires every position with 2 notches or with a high trim and a short gas
20cm. You might also consider using our capacitor start.
module YGE Cap´s typ 5. Likewise the motor wires can
be extended. Then please twist the 3 lines, in order to If no automatic timing is wished, it can be adjusted according
minimize interference emission. to the following guideline.

Note: Inverting the Battery polarity leads to heavy Inrunner 0 to 12°

damage and to the loss of warranty!!! Outrunner 18 to 30°

If your motor manufacturer indicates a timing

recommendation, it is of course preferable to use it.
Basic rule: the higher the timing the higher the full power
The easiest to make these changes is the ProgCard II. There condition. Because at high temperature the components
is also the possibility to perform the setup with the are strongly stressed, this leads to a decreased life time.
transmitter; however it will not be explained here. You will find
it in the RC-setup manual under in the Download You achieve a better cooling not only through sufficiently
area. dimensioned air intake, but even more efficiently through
Please notice that the complete features set can only be a larger air outtake, in order to avoid a heat accumulation.
reached through the ProgCard II. You achieve smaller currents by using a smaller propeller
In case you get inadvertently in the programming mode or a one cell smaller battery.
during a normal start-up (throttle stick at full power), simply
disconnect the battery, lower the stick to stop, and connect BEC:
the battery again. Thus you won’t modify the adjustments. Additionally to the use of the BEC a 4 cell NiCd/NiMH
receiver buffer battery can be connected through a switch
Helicopter settings cable into a free plug of the receiver or a through Y-cable.
The buffer battery avoids tension drops on hard servo
For helicopters in governor mode, the full throttle range maneuvers, protecting the receiver’s functionality.
(100%) must be calibrated once. For some transmitters,
this range is indicated in the helicopter menu (throttle Make sure that no discharged receiver battery is used,
curve 0-100%). This throttle curve will then correspond to because this would load the BEC additionally by charging
the controller throttle from 0 to 100%. Please refer also to the battery. A half or fully loaded Battery will not be charged
ProgCard or RC-Setup manual. and is only discharged in extreme conditions. The plus (red)
wire of the receiver cable does not need to be disconnected.
When activating one of the governor modes, all relevant Several YGE ESC’s can be connected to a single receiver
heli parameters are set to default. This default will fit without any special precautions (Parallel use of all the
nearly all setups. You don’t need to program further at a BECs). The total maximum available load is the sum of the
first step. individual BECs.
A configuration without BEC and with galvanic separation is
Here a listing of the default settings. also possible. For that please use our opto coupler module.

- Timing = 18° Caution:

- Brake off Fundamentally it is important to make sure that no objects
- Act. Freew. on are within the propeller circle when batteries are connected.
- P-Gain = 0,9 The use of this speed controller is therefore allowed only in
- I-Gain = 0,05 situations where damages and personal injuries are
- Startup Speed = Heli middle impossible. A damaged governor (e.g. broken, damaged by
- PWM-Frequency = 8 kHz ) polarity inversion or humidity) must not be reused under any
- Startup Power = Auto 1-32% (sometimes is better 2 or circumstances. Otherwise it can come to a later malfunctions
4%) or failures.
The ESC may only be powered from batteries, a use from
You should modify the default settings of P-Gain, I-Gain power supplies is not allowed.
and PWM frequency, only if you don’t get the desired
success, and if you are sure of the correct setting of all Trouble shooting:
other components. 1 Beeps/flashes: stick position and / or speed
for Gov.-Store not taught correctly.
Lipo protection / under-voltage protection: 2 Beeps/flashes: Under-voltage identification
3 Beeps/flashes: Temperature rise warning
Because of the tension driven load adjustment it is 5 Beeps/flashes: Receiver signals failed
possible to fly further with low power, since the battery 6 Beeps/flashes: start up failed
recovers with smaller load. However, if the tension
continues to break in, the motor is switched off. The ESC signals any error that happened during flight
acoustically (motor) and optically with a blinking LED code.
Active free-wheel: Errors 2 and 3 are signaled after motor stop, but aren’t
stored as long as the ESC didn’t cut off completely (low
The unlimited partial load capability refers to the maximum voltage / temperature warning). In case the error led to a
full power current of the 40 to 120A ESC types. complete cut off, then it is not cleared by a tension RESET.
* The partial load capability of the 160FAI controller types The deletion can take place only on purpose by connecting
is in line with the requirements for pylon racing and the battery with the stick at full power and/or with 100%
Hotliners. throttle pre-selection (throttle curve), and disconnecting it
again after the interval beep. Please you leave the stick at
Temperature / overload warning: full power, while disconnecting, otherwise you activate the
If the speed controller’s temperature exceeds its limit, Likewise the errors can be cleared by activating the
because of overloading or lack of cooling, after landing ProgCard.
and/or motor stop, a warning signal is issued (3 Beeps in With an activated brake, the error is only signaled after a
the interval). But the motor is not switched off in flight tension reset or in wind milling position.
unless the temperature becomes extremely critical, then
the motor switched off. Warranty:
The partial load operation between half and nearly full We give 6 months warranty on this speed regulator. Any
power is the most difficult area for an ESC. In addition the other requirements are excluded. That applies in particular to
running time becomes longer and longer with the Lipo requirements for damage or injuries compensation due to
technology. If it should come to repeated temperature malfunction or failure. For damages to property or personal
warnings, better cooling should be provided or current injuries and their consequences, which developed from our
should be reduced. These warnings are to be regarded as supply or craftsmanship, we do not take any liability, since
overload warnings and not as normal operating we have no control on handling and use.

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