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`Ohms Law III -- Resistors in Series and Parallel

by Dr. James E. Parks

Department of Physics and Astronomy
401 Nielsen Physics Building
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1200

Copyright August, 2007 by James Edgar Parks*

*All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or
retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

The objectives of this experiment are: (1) to understand and use Ohms Law, (2) to learn,
understand, and use resistors connected in series and parallel, (3) to learn the basic
concepts and relationships of current and voltage measurements in DC circuits containing
resistors wired in series and parallel, (4) to learn the relationships of the total resistance
of resistors connected in series and parallel, and (5) to learn to use ammeters, voltmeters,
ohmmeters, and multimeters to properly measure voltages, currents, and resistances.
Most common household electrical circuits are made of many devices connected in
parallel. Each device is hooked to the power source in parallel with all the other devices,
each connected to the same voltage source and availing itself of the same voltage. Each
device has its own characteristic resistance, and therefore each draws from the source a
different amount of current, depending on its resistive value. While the voltage being
accessed is nearly the same for all devices, the amount of current drawn from the source
increases as each device draws its respective current based on its resistance. As a result
as more and more devices are connected in parallel, the total amount of current drawn
from the source increases. It thus has the effect of causing the resistance to decrease with
each additional resistance added. Additional devices added to a circuit, require
additional current from the source until something is overloaded. More current is
required beyond that which can be supplied by the source or carried by the conductors
without burning up.
Series circuits are not as common, except for old time Christmas tree lights that are a
challenge to fix when one unknown bulb has burned out and all the rest fail to work.

Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

However, all wires that make connections and the connections themselves qualify as
series resistance. Wires have resistance that depend on wire size, length, and type of
material. Wires add series resistance to circuits, just as good and bad connections add
also. In order to fully understand electrical circuits and their behavior, one must first
understand Ohms Law and the principles regarding resistors in series and parallel
Ohms Law
Ohms Law is the relationship between the current I flowing through a resistance R and
the potential drop across it V. The current is directly proportional to the potential
difference across the resistance and is inversely proportional to the resistance,
I= .
As an alternative, Ohms Law may be stated as: The potential difference V across a
resistance is directly proportional to the current I flowing through the resistance and the
resistance R, or


Ohms Law can be rearranged to define the resistance R so that

If the potential difference across the resistance is measured in volts (V) and the current
flowing through the resistance is measured in amperes (A), then the resistance values will
be in units of ohms.

Resistors in Series
Figure 1 shows 3 resistors, R1, R2, and R3, connected in series in a closed circuit powered
by a single battery or Emf source. In this circuit the current supplied by the battery flows
through each resistor, with the current in each resistor being the same. If the current
supplied by the battery is IT, the current in each resistor is I1, I2, and I3, and they are all
one and the same, then
IT = I1 = I 2 = I3 .

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Figure 1. Three resistors R1, R2, and R3 connected in series.

The voltage drop across the battery VT will be the total sum of the individual drops
across each of the 3 resistors, and
VT = V1 + V2 + V3 .


where V1 is the potential difference across R1, V2 is the potential difference across R2,
and V3 is the potential difference across R3. From Equation 2,

VT = IT R T ,


V1 = I1 R1 ,


V2 = I2 R 2 ,


V3 = I3 R 3 .



Substituting these equations into Equation 5 gives

IT R T = I1R 1 + I 2 R 2 + I3 R 3


R T = R1 + R 2 + R 3 .


and since IT = I1 = I2 = I3

Therefore, when resistors are connected in series, the total resistance is just the sum of
the individual resistances. While this has been shown for 3 resistors, the total resistance
of any number N (N2) of resistors connected in series, end to end, can be found using
the same general procedure. Therefore for resistors connected in series

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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

RT = Ri .



Resistors in Parallel
Resistors are connected in parallel when one end of each resistor is connected to a
common point and each of their other ends is connected to another common point as
shown in Figure 2. The current IT that is supplied by the battery is divided into 3 separate
currents, I1, I2, and I3, each flowing through resistors R1, R2, and R3 respectively. After
flowing through the resistors, the 3 currents rejoin into a common current, IT, or that
current flowing back to the battery. The total current flowing in the circuit is the sum of
the separate currents flowing through the resistors,
IT = I1 + I 2 + I3 .





Figure 2. Three resistors R1, R2, and R3 connected in parallel showing

the flow of current.
From Equation 1 the total current is related to the total voltage and total resistance by

IT =



and the current, potential difference, and resistance of each separate resistor is given by

I1 =

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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

I2 =



I3 =




Substituting these equations into Equation 13

= 1 + 2 + 3 .


The voltage drops across the battery and resistors are all equal, and as illustrated in
Figure 3,
VT = V1 = V2 = V3 .



Figure 3. Three resistors R1, R2, and R3 connected in parallel showing the potential
differences all being equal.
Since all the potentials are equal Equation 18 reduces to



which is the equation for the total resistance of 3 resistors connected in parallel. As was
the case for series resistors, the total resistance of any number N (N2) of resistors
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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

connected in parallel can be found using the same general procedure and will result in the



In circuits with combinations of resistors in series and parallel, the total resistance can be
found by breaking the circuit down into its simplest unit consisting of either resistor in
series or parallel and then adding its total resistance back into the next simplest unit and
finding its total resistance, and so on until the entire circuit has been reconstructed.

The apparatus is shown in Figure 4 and consists of: (1) 2 Meterman Model 15XP digital
multimeters, DMMs, (2) a prototype circuit board with banana jacks for wiring the
circuits, (3) a Pasco model PI-9877 power supply, (4) stackable double banana plugs with
resistors or shorting bars (jumper wires) mounted, and (5) assorted leads with banana
plugs. These components have been chosen to minimize problems with improper use,
while at the same time providing good results for analysis and learning the concepts.
The digital meter provides convenience and accuracy of readings consistent with modern
instrumentation. The digital multimeters can read voltages, currents, and resistance, but
have to be properly connected to the correct inputs. There are separate inputs for voltage
and resistance measurements and for current measurements. The center switch can be
adjusted for the specific function that is needed and/or the range of the chosen function.
The power supply can be adjusted to supply voltages of 0 to 18 volts, but the current that
it can supply is limited to 1 ampere. The power supply has extra features not needed in
this experiment and should be disregarded. The digital ammeter is fused with a 2 ampere
fuse and should withstand the maximum current available from the power supply.
The prototype circuit board has an array of banana jacks conveniently laid out in a
manner to wire and to help expedite the construction of the circuits to be studied. The
array is constructed such that a minimum number of jumper plugs are needed. Resistors
are supplied mounted to stackable double banana plugs that can installed at a desired
position on the circuit board. Connections between banana jacks on the circuit board can
be made either by using a stackable double banana plug with a jumper wire across its
terminals or with a lead wire with a banana plug on each end.
Resistors are mounted on red stackable double banana plugs and are numbered 1, 2, and
3. Shorting bars or jumper wires are mounted on black stackable double banana plugs
and can be used to make connections on the prototype circuit board. Additional lead
wires with banana plugs are used to make connections to the meters and power supply.

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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

Resistors are manufactured in many different materials, forms, shapes, values, power
ratings, and tolerances. While some resistor values are labeled with text, common
resistors are color coded with bands to indicate their ohmic values. The color-numeric
key is given in Table 1. The first colored band represents the first digit of the value
followed by a second band for second digit. A third band indicates the number of zeros
following the second digit. The fourth band indicates the tolerance, the maximum
percent difference the actual value may have from the indicated value. For example a
resistor marked with a green band followed by violet, brown, and silver bands, indicates
a value of 570 10% ohms. The code can be remembered as starting with black, no color
or 0, followed by brown, a little color 1. The color brown is then followed by the colors
of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet for the numbers 2 through 7.
Gray and white finish the code for the digits 8 and 9, with white being the extreme
difference and opposite black.


Color Code
Tolerance Code
Table 1

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Figure 4. Apparatus for Ohms Law experiment to study resistors in series and parallel.

Ideally, when ammeters and voltmeters are placed in a circuit, their placement does not
perturb the circuit, so as to change the current and voltage values associated with each
component that existed before their placement. In practice this always occurs, however,
the changes can be minimized with the use of high impedance digital voltmeters and low
impedance current devices. The Meterman15XP Digital Multimeter meets these
conditions rather well, but there will be some slight changes in the values measured and
the values that existed before their placement. It should be noted that the values read by
the meter are the correct values for the measurement being taken. The actual values just
change back to their unperturbed values when the meters are taken out of the circuit.
In this experiment, the effects of introducing an ammeter or voltmeter into a circuit will
be neglected. As a result, values that are measured may not produce results that are in
exact agreement with the theory that is being tested. However, the deviations of the
measured values with the theoretical predictions will be very small. The emphasis of this
experiment is to learn the concepts of DC circuits, Ohms Law, and the addition of
resistors in series and parallel. The effects of the ammeters and voltmeters on the circuit
is studied in the preceding experiment.

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CAUTION! Do not turn on the power supply until you are ready to make
measurements, and when you are finished making measurement, turn the power
supply output voltage to zero and then turn the power off until the next
measurements are made.

The Ohmmeter
1. An Excel data sheet should be constructed as shown in Figure 5 to enter your data
and to plot and analyze your results. Rename the Sheet 1 worksheet, Parallel
Resistors by right clicking on the Sheet 1 tab at the bottom of the workbook and
choosing rename in the pop up menu. Type in the new name in the highlighted

Figure 5. Example of Excel spreadsheet for recording and reporting data.

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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

2. For each of the three resistors supplied, read and record the color coded bands
with the numeric code and their values including the tolerances.
3. The Meterman 15XP digital multimeter can be used as an ohmmeter to directly
measure resistance. Plug each of the 3 resistors provided you into the red V and
black COM input banana jacks. Adjust the function switch on the meter to read
ohms by setting the switch to the position. If necessary push the Range button
to maximize the number of significant digits for your reading.
4. Record your values for your 3 resistors in the Excel data sheet. Save your data
sheet frequently, particularly after a series of measurements have been added.
This will prevent accidental loses of data.
5. Compare the ohmmeter values with the color coded values.
Ohms LawSingle Resistor
1. Wire the power supply, ammeter, voltmeter, and resistor #1 according to the
following schematic diagram using the prototype circuit board and components as
shown in Figures 4 and 6 . The Figure 6 shows the placement of the ammeter, A,
the voltmeter, V, the resistor R1, and the jumper wire J. Figure 4 is a photo of the

Figure 6. Schematic diagram and construction aids for wiring circuit to measure current
and voltage for a single resistor.

2. Plug in the power supply and adjust the voltmeter to read DC volts, . Adjust
the ammeter to read DC milliamps, . Make sure the FUNCTION switch of the
. Turn on
Pasco PI-9877 power supply is in the DC voltage output position,
the power supply with the OFF-ON slide switch located at the right side of the
power supply. The default setup of the power supply allows the voltage to be
changed in 1 volt increments by adjusting the COARSE knob. Smaller increments
may be made with the FINE adjustment control knob.
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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

3. Measure the current flowing through the resistor as a function of the applied
voltage by increasing the voltage in one volt increments from approximately 0 to
18 volts. Record both the voltage and the current in milliamperes (1 ampere =
1000 milliamperes) as measured by the power supply voltmeter and the digital
ammeter. After recording your data in the Excel spreadsheet, return the power
supply output to 0 volts. Use a second column to convert your measurements
from milliamperes to amperes.
4. Make an Excel chart, Chart 1, of voltage versus current for your measurement to
investigate the validity of Ohms Law as given by Equation (2).

From the main menu bar, choose Insert, then Chart . . . from the pull
down menu to produce the chart wizard. Choose XY (Scatter) from the
standard types and points only (the default choice) from Chart sub-types
After clicking on Next, click on the Series tab for the step 2 menu. Click
on Add and type Resistor #1 in the name box. In the x values box, click
on the arrow in the right side of the box and this will produce a menu box
that can be filled in by taking your mouse and selecting the current in
amperes data corresponding to the 0 to 18 volt data.
Once you have selected that data, the range of cells should appear in the
pop-up window. If this range is acceptable, click on the arrow box at the
end of the window and this will return to the step 2 pop up window.
Repeat this for the y values box to select the corresponding voltage values
and choose Next.
The step 3 pop up window allows you customize the graph. In step 3
under the Titles tab, enter Ohms Law in the Chart title box, Current
(milliamperes) for the Value (X) axis box, and Voltage (Volts) for the
Value (Y) axis box.
You can customize the rest of the graph by choosing the other tabs and
selecting the options.
Once step 3 is completed, click on the Next button and the step 4 pop up
window allows you to choose the location.
Choose the As object in: Sheet 1 option and then click on the Finish
button. You can always relocate the graph to a separate sheet by right
clicking on the graph and choosing Location from the pop-up menu.

5. According to Ohms Law the voltage drop across a resistor is directly

proportional to current flowing through it and the constant of proportionality is
the resistance R, or V=RI (or most familiarly, V=IR). Right click on one of the
data points in your graph and select Add Trendline from the pop-up menu. Select
the linear analysis type and under the Options tab select the Display Equation on
chart option and then OK.

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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

6. For pure resistance, the data should be a straight line and the slope is equal to the
value of the resistance. In SI units the resistance is in ohms if the voltage and
current are measured in volts and amperes.
7. Record your value for this resistance as computed from the slope and compare it
to the value measured with the ohmmeter.
8. Replace resistor #1 with #2 and repeat the measurements recording your data in
the spreadsheet.
9. Add this data to your graph by selecting the graph with a right click. Under the
main menu bar, select Chart and then Source Data . . . from the pull down menu.
Choose the Series tab from the pop-up window and click on Add to add a second
set of data. Type Resistor #2 in the name box and select the new x and y values
from your data as you did in Step 4 above.
10. Add a trendline and find the slope of this graph as in Step 5 above.
11. Compute the resistance from the slope and record your value for the resistor #2.
Compare your value with the ohmmeter value.


12. Replace resistor #2 with resistor #3 and repeat steps 8-11.

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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

Figure 7. Schematic and wiring aid for measuring resistance of 3 resistors in parallel
with an ohmmeter.

Resistors in Parallel
1. Connect only the jumpers and resistor #s 1, 2, and 3 in parallel as shown in the
schematic and wiring diagrams of Figure 7. Connect the ohmmeter as shown to
measure the total resistance of the 3 resistors connected in parallel. Record this
value in your spreadsheet. Note the value as compared to the values of the single
resistors and the sum of the 3 resistors.
2. Use your 3 resistor values from your ohmmeter measurements and Equation (20)
to calculate the total resistance of your 3 resistors connected in parallel. Enter
your result in your spreadsheet and compare it with the measured value. Compute
the percent difference between the measured and calculated values.
3. Connect the power supply, ammeter, and voltmeter to the 3 resistors in parallel as
shown in the schematic and wiring diagrams of Figure 8. Notice the position of
the ammeter and the positions of the jumpers.














Figure 8. Wiring aid and schematic for measuring current versus voltage for 3 resistors
in parallel.
4. Measure the current flowing to these three resistors as a function of input voltage
from the power supply. Make the measurements for 0 to 18 volts in 1 volt
increments and record this data in your spreadsheet.
5. Add this data to your graph plotting voltage V versus current I. Label this fourth
series as Resistors in Parallel.
6. Add a trendline and find the slope and total resistance of these 3 resistors in

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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

7. Record the value in your spreadsheet and compare this result with the value
determined with the ohmmeter.
8. Use your 3 resistor values from your 3 slope measurements and Equation (20) to
calculate the total resistance of your 3 resistors connected in parallel. Enter your
result in your spreadsheet and compare it with the measured value of slope.
Compute the percent difference between the measured and calculated values.
9. Make a new chart, Chart 2, of the 4 data sets for the 3 resistors and the parallel
combination, but instead of plotting voltage versus current, plot current versus
voltage. This will test Ohms Law in the form I = R1 V . The current is directly
proportional to the applied voltage and as such should also give linear, straight
line graphs. However, the slopes should give the inverse of resistance, R1 .
10. Add trendlines to the 4 plots of current versus voltage and record your values of
R in your spreadsheet. Compare the sum of the values of R for the 3 resistors
( R1 , R1 , and R1 ) with the value for the combination ( R1 ). Do your results agree
with Equation (20)?
11. Derivation of Equation (20) was based on Equation (13). Verify Equation (13) by
measuring the total current and the currents flowing through each resistor. To do
this, wire the power supply, ammeter, and resistors in parallel as shown in
Figure 8. Set the power supply at 5 volts and measure the total current, IT,
flowing to the 3 resistors. Record your results in your spreadsheet.
12. Interchange the ammeter with Jumper #1, J1, and read and record the current, I1,
flowing in resistor #1.
13. Replace Jumper #1 and repeat this for Jumper #s 2 and 3. Record the currents
flowing in resistor #s 2 and 3, I2 and I3.
14. Repeat steps 11-13 with the power supply adjusted to 10 and 15 volts.
15. In each case compare the sum of the individual currents, I1+I2+I3 , with the total
current IT.
16. What is the percent difference and explain why there is a slight difference.
17. Adjust the power supply to15 volts and place the voltmeter at positions 1, 2, and 3
across resistor #s 1, 2, and 3. Read and record the voltages at these 3 positions,
V1, V2, and V3.
18. Compare these values with the power supply, VT, value and explain any
differences that may be observed.
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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

Resistors in Series
1. To save time and effort, use the copy and paste commands to select and copy all
the active cells in the Parallel Resistors worksheet into Sheet 2. Then use the
Paste Special command to paste the same column widths also. Rename Sheet 2
Resistors in Series. The single resistor data does not change.
Note: An easy way to accomplish this task is to Right Click on the Worksheet tab
at the bottom and to select the Move or Copy . . . option from the pop-up menu.
Then check the Create a copy option box and then click on OK. You can Right
Click on the new worksheet tab to rename it.

2. Replace the Parallel labels with Series.

3. Connect only the jumpers and resistor #s 1, 2, and 3 in series as shown in the
schematic and wiring diagrams of Figure 9. Connect the ohmmeter as shown to
measure the total resistance of the 3 resistors connected in series. Record this
value in your spreadsheet. Note the value as compared to the values of the single
resistors and the sum of the 3 resistors.










Figure 9. Wiring aid diagram and schematic for measuring the resistance of 3 resistors in
series with the ohmmeter.
4. Use your 3 resistor values from your ohmmeter measurements and Equation (11)
to calculate the total resistance of your 3 resistors connected in series. Enter your
result in your spreadsheet and compare it with the measured value. Compute the
percent difference between the measured and calculated values.
5. Connect the power supply, ammeter, and voltmeter to the 3 resistors in series as
shown in the schematic and wiring diagrams of Figure 10. Notice the position of
the ammeter and the positions of the jumpers.
6. Clear the current column under Series Resistors in your spreadsheet and measure
the current flowing to these three resistors as a function of input voltage from the
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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

power supply. Make the measurements for 0 to 18 volts in 1 volt increments and
record this new data in your spreadsheet.
7. Add this data to your Chart 1 graph plotting voltage V versus current I. Label this
fifth series as Resistors in Series.


+A -










Figure 10. Wiring aid and schematic diagrams for measuring the current versus voltage
of 3 resistors in series.
8. Add a trendline and find the slope and total resistance of these 3 resistors in
9. Record the value in your spreadsheet and compare this result with the value
determined with the ohmmeter.
10. Use your 3 resistor values from your 3 slope measurements and Equation (11) to
calculate the total resistance of your 3 resistors connected in series. Enter your
result in your spreadsheet and compare it with the measured value of slope.
Compute the percent difference between the measured and calculated values.
11. Derivation of Equation (11) was based on Equation (5), that the total voltage, VT
across resistors in series is equal to the sum of the individual voltage drops across
each resistor. Verify Equation (5) by measuring the total voltage, VT, and the
voltages across each resistor, V1, V2, and V3. To do this, wire the power supply,
voltmeter, and resistors in series as shown in Figure 11. Begin with the voltmeter
inserted at the VT position. Set the power supply at 5 volts and measure the total
voltage, VT, across the 3 resistors. Record your result after modifying your
Series Resistor worksheet as copied from the Parallel Resistor worksheet to
reflect the measurement of voltages. See Figure 12.

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Ohms Law IIIResistors in Series and Parallel

Power Supply












V2 R2



Figure 11. Wiring aid and schematic diagrams for measuring voltages across resistors in
series and separately.
12. Remove the voltmeter and place it across resistor #1 at position V1. Read and
record the voltage, V1, across resistor #1.

Resistors in Series
Voltage 5 Volts 10 Volts


Resistor #1


Resistor #2


Resistor #3


15 Volts

Sum V1+V2+V3
% Difference Total & Sum

Figure 12. Worksheet modification

13. Transfer the voltmeter to read the voltage drop across resistor #s 2 and 3.
14. Repeat steps 9-11 with the power supply adjusted to 10 and 15 volts. In each case
compare the sum of the individual voltages, V1+V2+V3 , with the total voltage,
15. Is there a difference? If so, how much of a difference and explain.
16. Derivation of Equation (11) was also based on the current flowing through each
resistor being the same. Remove jumper, J1, and replace it with the ammeter.
Read and record the total current, IT. Repeat this step for jumpers J2, J3, and J4 to
measure the currents I1, I2, and I3 flowing in other parts of the circuit.
17. Compare the results to see if there are any differences. Explain any differences
that are observed.

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1. Draw a clear, schematic diagram for the circuit shown in the photo in Figure 12.

Figure 12

2. Draw a clear, schematic diagram for the circuit shown in the photo in Figure 13.
3. Draw a clear, schematic diagram for the circuit shown in the photo in Figure 14.

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