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Trainers Validation and Feedback Report: LAWS6 FRI 2023 Term3 DPM BSBTWK502 Manage Team

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Kood CHMNV <kood.chmnv1996@gmail.


Trainers Validation and Feedback Report: LAWS6 FRI 2023 Term3 DPM BSBTWK502
Manage team effectiveness Task 2.1 Week 3 and 2.3
Trainer Validation Report of participation and responses to an in-class formative assessment handout Fri, 2 Jun at
or Assessment Workshop activity <> 2:46 pm
Reply to: <>
To: <>

Trainers Validation and Feedback Report: LAWS6 FRI 2023 Term3 DPM BSBTWK502 Manage team
effectiveness Task 2.1 Week 3 and 2.3

This Trainers Validation and Feedback Report is Evidence of participation and responses to an in-class
Assessment Workshop handout or Assessment Workshop activity related to the nominated Assessment Task

The following is the prepared report on your participation and includes your responses to the nominated
formative/summative assessment worksheet handout or workshop activity. The trainer has validated your
participation and provides feedback on your performance. This Report forms part of the trainer and assessor's
review or observation of your project work and this report is to be read as part of the feedback provided on
the related Marking Sheet.

TAKE NOTE: This email is a "Trainers Validation and Feedback Report" which you MUST include with your full
Assessment Book submission. This report represents Trainer Validated Observation of the project team/group work
or your individual self-research you have just undertaken and forms part of the trainer and assessor's review or
observation of your project work.

Here is the report and record of your participation validation and feedback from the trainer regarding your
part participation and your responses to an in-class formative assessment handout or assessment workshop
activity being LAWS6 FRI 2023 Term3 DPM BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness Task 2.1 Week 3 and 2.3

Hi Anousit

See attached your Trainers Validation and Feedback Report: and participation results for this part of LAWS6
FRI 2023 Term3 DPM BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness Task 2.1 Week 3 and 2.3.


The following is provided for your reference and may be useful to you in your assessment tasks for this unit.

Participation date: Fri, 2 Jun 2023 14:46:09

Participation Verification ID: Fri, 2 Jun 2023 14:46:09 -- (28 )

Participation Validation Sheet: LAWS6 FRI 2023 Term3 DPM BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness Task 2.1
Week 3 and 2.3

NOTE: This report or any part of the related LAWSheet and activity DOES NOT, AND IS NOT MEANT TO, REPLACE

The below-shaded red is the response answers you submitted for the Project Learning Activity.

Here are your response results:

-->Your responses to LAWS6 FRI 2023 Term3 DPM BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness Task 2.1 Week 3 and

LAWS activity question responses:



Email address

Enter your Greenwich College

Student ID:

Enter your FIRST name: Anousit


6 PROJECT / ASSESSMENT Learning Activity

Attendance: List the Names:

names of your project team Anousit CHOUMMANYVONG
members who are visible Phatsaly Keomanichanh
taking part with you in this Naruemon Plodin
current activity Thanyaporn Moonsiri

1) Dot point your further

We already discussed about action plants and website .
thoughts on the action plan
We decided to have details in our campus there are :
and website (Use these
- create mood board web site
thoughts LATER to populate
- talk to stakeholders
the relevant parts of
- discuss about feedback from stakeholders
Assessment Task 2 Meeting
- development web site
Minutes and other
- make it the best as we can
Assessment templates ).

2) Dot point your

description of the Team
Building Activity you chose to
run in your group for team
building (Use these thoughts We did the Ponchos to make our group better relationships and made them
LATER to populate the to know their good attitude.
relevant parts of Assessment
Task 2 Meeting Minutes and
other Assessment templates

3) Dot point your

learnings or feedback from
the team on the outcome of
the Team Building Activity
you chose to run in your
It was very fun with our team and it made us to understand each other more,
group for team building (Use
also make strong relationships team.
these thoughts LATER to
populate the relevant parts of
Assessment Task 2 Meeting
Minutes and other
Assessment templates ).

4) Dot point your initial

thoughts on processes to
ensure that issues, concerns It might be some problems I reckon:
and problems are identified 1. Someone couldn’t be punctual
(Use these thoughts LATER to 2. Someone might doesn’t understand easily
populate the relevant parts of 3. Someone comes up with different idea
Assessment Task 2 Meeting 4. Someone isn’t mine on job (some time )
Minutes and other
Assessment templates )

----The above are responses for LAWS6 FRI 2023 Term3 DPM BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness Task 2.1
Week 3 and 2.3 by Anousit ------------------------

The below-shaded purple is feedback to you.

Feedback or items to consider:

Well done undertaking this activity - more feedback will be provided in the Assessment Book marking sheet. In
addition, there will be further comments and references to the above questions and what they relate to in further
class sessions.

Make sure to include this Trainer's Validation and Feedback Report with your full Assessment Book submission.
This Trainer's VALIDATED LAWSHEET represents Trainer Observations of the Program/project team/group work or
self-research you have just undertaken.

This Trainers Validation and Feedback Report provides recognition and further evidence of your self-research and
Program/project activity work including some or each of the following:

individual work effort during a session

the Program/project teamwork,
collaborative effort,
simulation participation and/or
trainer observed Program/project work.

This is a part of the BODY OF EVIDENCE you are building this Term through your in-class session activities.

Including this Trainers Validation and Feedback Report with your Assessment submission is supportive of, or
supplements, the main text of your responses in the assessment book. IT DOES NOT AND IS NOT MEANT TO,
element of work as detailed in an Assessment Book, notwithstanding completing this in-class LAWS activity.

Again, good effort with this activity; however, you must be sure to fully actively participate by completing ALL
required activities

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