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Assessment Task 2 - BSBWOR203

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Task 2
Work effectively with

BSBWOR203 - Work effectively with others V2 2020 Page 1

RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not
cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against
me according to the process explained to me
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title
Unit Code

Student name Purichaya Chaitim

Student ID 56092
Student Purichaya Date

Task Number 2

BSBWOR203 - Work effectively with others V2 2020 Page 2

RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
------OFFICE USE ONLY-----
For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Completed successfully Comments


Did the student satisfactorily:
The student has satisfactory completed ☐ ☐ ☐
and submitted the following:

• Observation Checklist
• Summary of outcome of Role-Play Part
A meeting
• Summary of outcome of Role-Play Part
B meeting
• Summary of outcome of Role-Play Part
C meeting

Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐

• Identify own responsibilities and duties in

relation to workgroup members and
undertake activities in a manner that
promotes cooperation and good
• Take time and resource constraints into
account in fulfilling work requirements of
self and others
• Encourage, acknowledge and act on
constructive feedback provided by others in
the workgroup

This is evidenced by:

• Role-Play with the team in Task 2.1 Part A
• Summary of outcome of Role-Play Part
A meeting

Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐

• Provide support to team members to

ensure workgroup goals are met
• Contribute constructively to workgroup
goals and tasks according to organisational
Completed successfully Comments


Did the student satisfactorily:
• Share information relevant to work with
workgroup to ensure designated goals
are met
• Identify and plan
strategies/opportunities for improvement
of workgroup in liaison with workgroup

This is evidenced by:

• Role-Play with the team in Task 2.1 Part B
• Summary of outcome of Role-Play Part
B meeting

Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐

• Respect differences in personal values

and beliefs and their importance in the
development of relationships
• Identify any linguistic and cultural
differences in communication styles
and respond appropriately
• Identify issues, problems and
conflict encountered in the
• Seek assistance from workgroup members
when issues, problems and conflict arise
and suggest possible ways of dealing with
them as appropriate or refer them to the
appropriate person

This is evidenced by:

• Role-Play with the team in Task 2.1 Part C
• Summary of outcome of Role-Play Part
C meeting

Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:

Table of Content

Student Declaration....................................................................................................................2
Task 2 – Work effectively with others..........................................................................6
Task 2.1 Work effectively with others.......................................................................................11
Appendix 1 – Position Descriptions............................................................................15
Appendix 2 – Team Charter.........................................................................................20
Appendix 3 – Scenarios...............................................................................................22
Appendix 4 – Personality Background........................................................................24
Task 2 – Work effectively with others

Task summary and instructions

What is this You just got hired and became part of the Client Service Team at XYZ
assessment task Pty Ltd trading as ISPO Appliances.
The Team Leader asked you to meet with the other two members of
the new team to talk about:
 individual roles & responsibilities
 team goals
 team support
 opportunities for improvement
 communication barriers and individual differences.

To complete this task, please read to Appendix 1,2,3,4 at the end of

this assessment document.

This task comprises of product-based assessment methods, and direct

observation of a Role Play in a simulated work environment.

You are required to:

 Develop effective workplace relationships
 Contribute to workgroup activities
 Deal effectively with issues, problems and conflict

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to:

 Identify own responsibilities and duties in relation to

workgroup members and undertake activities in a manner that
promotes cooperation and good relationships
 Take time and resource constraints into account in fulfilling
work requirements of self and others
 Encourage, acknowledge and act on constructive feedback
provided by others in the workgroup
 Provide support, contribute and share information to team
members to ensure workgroup goals are met
 Identify and plan strategies/opportunities for improvement of
workgroup in liaison with workgroup
 Respect differences in personal values and beliefs and their
importance in the development of relationships
 Identify any linguistic and cultural differences in
communication styles and respond appropriately
 Identify issues, problems and conflict encountered in the
Task summary and instructions

workplace and seek assistance to suggest possible ways of

dealing with them as appropriate or refer them to the
appropriate person

You are required to address the following:

 Task 2.1 PART A:

Role-Play with the team to discuss:
 Your responsibilities and duties about the workgroup
 Present your role to the rest of the team
 Based on the information provided in the Team Charter
(Appendix 2), discuss with the team how time and
resource constraints may impact on fulfilling work
 Encourage, acknowledge and act on constructive
feedback provided by the team
 Summarise the outcome of the meeting

 Task 2.1 PART B:

Role-Play with the team to discuss:
 Support team members to ensure workgroup goals are
 Contribute to workgroup goals and tasks by providing
ideas and strategies for improvement
 Share information with the team
 Summarise the outcome of the discussion

 Task 2.1 PART C:

Role-Play with the team to discuss:
 Manage issues, problems and/or conflict with the rest
of the team
 Demonstrate respect for differences of opinions, values
and beliefs
 Identify any linguistic and cultural differences in
communication styles and respond appropriately
 Involve the team in managing the issues, problems
and/or conflict effectively
 Summarise the outcome of the discussion

What do I need to do  submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,

to complete this task  complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a
satisfactorily? professional manner,
 use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
Task summary and instructions

 meet the word count where required,

 use the scenario provided,
 use the templates provided where required,
 for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this
assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the
assessment criteria,
 if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked
to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory

Specifications You must deliver/participate in:

A Role-Play in weeks 3, 4 and 5 of class to discuss:

 individual roles & responsibilities
 team goals
 team support
 opportunities for improvement
 communication barriers and individual differences.

You must submit to GOALS

 Observation Checklist
 Summary of the outcome of Part A meeting
 Summary of the outcome of Part B meeting
 Summary of the outcome of Part C meeting

Resources and • Computer with Internet access

equipment • Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
• Learning material
• Scenario for assessment document
• Relevant policies and procedures provided in a separate folder
• Use of the templates included in this assessment document
What will the Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your
assessor be looking ability to:
o Identify own responsibilities/duties in relation to workgroup
members and promote cooperation and good relationships
o Encourage, acknowledge and act on constructive feedback within
the workgroup
o Provide support, contribute and share information to team
members to ensure workgroup goals are met
o Identify and plan strategies/opportunities for improvement of
workgroup in liaison with workgroup
Task summary and instructions

o Respect differences in personal values/beliefs and identify

linguistic/cultural differences in communication styles
o Identify issues, problems and conflict encountered in the
workplace and suggest possible ways of dealing with them
Re-submission You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor.
opportunities The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the
requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not
satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide
you written feedback along with guidance on what you must
undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment
attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the
right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that
you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds
for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior
to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task
or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when
attempting any part of the assessment.


ies and procedures (provided in a separate folder) and the following appendices:
ition Descriptions
m Charter
sonality Background at the end of this document

d and became part of the Client Service Team at XYZ Pty Ltd trading as IPSO Appliances.
asked you to meet with the other two members of the new team to talk about:

arriers and individual differences

with the trainer and in week 3,4 and 5 of class. You will Role-Play with two classmates who will play the role of the other two team mem

4.The Team Leader (your trainer and assessor) will ask you questions during the meeting.
This is an assessable task, and the trainer will observe and evaluate your performance
during the meeting.

Duration of each weekly meeting (Role-Play): 30 minutes.

If you are absent from class, liaise with your trainer to make alternative arrangements.

5. The Role-Play comprises of 3 (three) parts:

Before the meeting:

Form a group of 3 (three) students and select one unique role to play from Appendix 1.

It is advisable to keep the same group of students each week.

Use the information in the Appendices to become familiar with your role and your team:
 Appendix 1 – Position Descriptions
 Appendix 2 – Team Charter
 Appendix 3 – Scenarios
 Appendix 4 – Personality Background

Part A
Be ready to discuss details about your role, responsibilities and duties concerning workgroup

Part B and C
Use the scenarios to play your role and address work issues or disputes

During the meeting:

Part A
 Present yourself, your responsibilities and duties, and other details to the team.
 Explain to the team how your responsibilities and duties are related to the team
purpose, and other members’ activities (take into account the Team Charter -
Appendix 2).
 Respond to the questions from your assessor.
 Discuss how time and resource constraints may impact on fulfilling work
 Ask your Team Leader and colleagues for comments and suggestions.
 Acknowledge the feedback and take notes on how you could act upon it.

Part B
 Share your summary of the previous meeting with the team

 Discuss the scenario provided in Appendix 3 (Scenario 1).

 Support team members to ensure workgroup goals are met.
 Contribute to workgroup goals and tasks by providing ideas and strategies for
 Share information with the team

Part C

 Share your summary of the previous meeting with the team

 Review the scenario provided in Appendix 3 (Scenario 2).
 Manage the issues, problems and/or conflict described in the scenario with the team.
 Demonstrate respect for differences of opinions, values and beliefs.
 Identify any linguistic and cultural differences in communication styles and respond
 Involve the team in managing the issues, problems and/or conflict effectively.

After the meeting:

Part A
Document the feedback from the team and provide one piece of evidence of how you acted
upon it.

Part B
Fill out the summary of the discussion with the team.

Part C
Fill out the summary of the discussion with the team.

Complete the following activities:

Task 2.1 Work effectively with others

You just got hired and became part of the new Client Services team at XYZ Pty Ltd trading as IPSO

The company manufactures and distributes a range of kitchen and laundry appliances. It also has a
commercial division supplying kitchen and laundry equipment to businesses.
The Team Leader asked you to meet with the other two members to talk about roles and
responsibilities in the team and its goals.

Meeting with the team is also an opportunity to discuss work-related issues and conflicts.

This task is a Role-Play. Schedule a time with your classmates to meet in week 3, 4 and 5 of class.

The Role-Play comprises of 3 (three) parts:

A) Develop effective work relationships (week 3):

- The first situation, we should make friend in our group by introduce yourself to others and your duty for
letting them know what your position and your topic is. Moreover, we should set topic one by one to make
everyone clear without confusing.

B) Contribute to workgroup activity (week 4):

- However, when we know each other’s and ready to share our different opinions, we should have a
workgroup opinion to make them feel comfortable first and shared the information in the group to be a
workgroup activity. We will feel a part of the team and our opinions will be listened.

C) Deal effectively with issues, problems and conflicts (week 5):

- We have to figure the best solution out for the team by sharing our opinions to see which one should be
selected. Moreover, all team members should understand and accept this solution together without
conflict and help each other to improve our products.

Before the meeting:

 Form a group of 3 (three) students. Together you should check Appendix 1 – Job Descriptions
and everyone must select one unique role to play. It is advisable to keep the same group of
students each week.
 Use the information in the Appendices to become familiar with your role and your team:
o Appendix 1 – Position Descriptions
o Appendix 2 – Team Charter
o Appendix 3 – Scenarios
o Appendix 4 – Personality Background

 Be ready to discuss details about your role, responsibilities and duties concerning workgroup
 Use the scenarios to play your role and address work issues or disputes

During the meeting:


- I am Tony Clark who is a new staff in this team. My duties are developed effective workplace
relationships, contribute to workgroup activities, and deal effectively with issues, problems and conflict.
Based on the information, we have to discuss about the time and resource constraints may impact on
fulfilling work requirements; therefore, we should focus on the time, the customer’s feeling or satisfied,
increasing sales, including to be ambassadors for IPSO. However, I would like you to think about how to fix
these problems on the paper team or laptop’s team and the we will discuss again next time to figure out
the best solution of these problems.


- I see that everyone wrote your opinion on the paper and I have read it. In my opinion, every solution
is an effective way that our company or our team should use to improve and develop our project,
including increasing the sales in every month to grow our products. However, I wrote some plan
strategies for these problems. First, we should check the message or our website all the time to
check that there are messages from customer. Second, we should produce the trustworthy or the
good product for customer to make sure that customer will receive the good quality of products and
services. Third, we should promote our products in other way such as via television, newspaper, and
brochure to make sales increase.


- I think that we will have the best solution of the team that we discussed before. We will use three of
the strategies to improve our product and sales in this month. However, we will be trained again in
every duties (everyone) to make sure that everyone still understands and remember the step-in
working process. In terms of the conflict in the group, I would say that I will talk to each other
individuals to list the main problems and talk with everyone this afternoon. However, I would like
everyone to remember and to realize that we work in the diversity workplace; therefore, we should
respect the difference
After the meeting:


Document the notes you took during the meeting regarding the feedback from the team (40-80
words) and submit one piece of evidence of how you acted upon it. For example, if the group
provided feedback about your lack of time management, you could copy and paste the screenshot of
a Google search on online courses to improve your time management skills.

- Do you ever have that nagging feeling that you've forgotten to do an important piece of work? If so,
you probably don't use a To-Do List to keep on top of things. (Or, if you do, you might not be using it

The trick with using To-do-lists effectively lies in prioritizing the tasks on your list. Many people use
an A – F coding system (A for high priority items, F for very low priorities). Alternatively, you can
simplify this by using A through D, or by using numbers.


Summaries the discussion with the team covering:

- First, develop our employees’ skills by training them in their duties, including providing some
important information to everyone. Second, inspire our team, the leader should set the goal or
successful present to make them have an inspiration in working; moreover, the team members
should listen their peer’s opinion to make them be a part of the group.

By granting your employees with a voice in the business, providing fair job opportunities and
encouraging responsibility, you will be rewarded with greater morale, higher productivity levels, and
a bigger profit margin.

- However, we still have problem in the team between Mark, Sarah and Joanne about
unappropriated manner, rude, and intimidate attitude to them. In the conflict above, first, we
should accept that people are different. Second, other people should not gossip or complain about
the person to others. Third, everyone should try to be reasonable and polite, or at least neutral, to
the other person. Fourth, we should work towards making your workplace a friendlier
environment. Finally, if they still have problems in the same issues, the leader of the team should
talk directly to Joanne about the problem and ask her to understand the situation.

Appendix 1 – Position Descriptions

Customer Service Officer

IPSO Appliances
Position Description
Customer Service Officer

Role summary
The Customer Service officer is the first point of contact for IPSO Appliances.

The primary role of a Customer Service Officer within the team is to respond to a variety of customer
enquiries and requests.

These may include enquires about:

 Types of products available
 Product prices
 Troubleshooting
 Warranty
 Troubleshooting requests

A customer service officer is responsible for the following duties:
 Responding to a range of enquires including:
o Types of products available
o Product prices
o Store locations
o Troubleshooting
o Warranty
 Recording all enquiries and actioning enquiries as required
 Promoting IPSO appliances products
 Updating customer’s details
 Referring customers to appropriate technical support if required.
 Responding to complaints following company policy

Skills and personal attributes

 Advanced written and verbal communication skills
 Professional personal presentation
 Advanced Customer Service skills
 Sales skills
 Reliability and stress tolerance
 Organisational skills
 Interpersonal skills

Professional experience and qualification

 Previous experience in a similar role is highly desirable
 Certificate IV in Business or similar qualifications – Essential
 Knowledge of MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) – Advanced

A Customer service officer must always perform their duties in line with the organisation’s policy and
procedures, service standards and code of practice. They should operate within their level of authority
and responsibilities. Where a customer service officer recognises that or is unsure about whether the
task falls in their scope of authority, they should immediately consult their Team Leader. If the Team
Leader is not available, customer service officers should report to the Client Service Manager.

Front Desk Officer

IPSO Appliances
Position Description
Front Desk Officer

Role summary
The Front Desk Officer is the first point of contact for IPSO Appliances.

The primary role of a Receptionist within the team is to greet clients and provide basic administrative

These may include enquires about:

 Types of products available and where to find them on the website
 Specific enquiries to be forwarded to the Customer Service Officer

The Front Desk Officer role only provides basic information to clients; specific enquiries should be
forwarded to the Customer Service Officer.

A Front Desk Officer is responsible for the following duties:
 Open and close reception area
 Tidy and maintain the reception area
 Meet and greet clients
 Provide excellent customer service
 Fully respond to enquiries: face to face, telephone and email within 24 hours
 Escalate enquiries as needed
 Manage the diary of the Client Service Team Leader
 Coordinate meetings and organise catering for the Client Service Team
 Prepare correspondence and documents
 Data entry as instructed by the Client Service Team Leader
 The operation, maintenance and security of record-keeping systems and software
 Ensure adequate supplies of consumables such as stationery, printer, and kitchen supplies for
the Client Service Team
 Assist with equipment management and maintenance
 Participate in relevant training and development as required
 Other duties consistent with the position as required by the Client Service Team Leader

Skills and personal attributes

 Advanced written and verbal communication skills
 Professional personal presentation
 Information and record management
 Initiative
 Reliability and stress tolerance
 Good organisational skills
 Customer service focus
 Interpersonal skills
 Ability to multitask

Professional experience and qualification

 This is an entry-level position that does not require previous work experience in similar roles
 Certificate II in Business Administration or similar – Essential
 Knowledge of MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) – Advanced

A Front Desk Officer must always perform their duties in line with the organisation’s policy and
procedures, service standards and code of practice. They should operate within their level of authority
and responsibilities. Where they recognise that or is unsure about whether the task falls in their scope
of authority, they should immediately consult their Team Leader. If the Team Leader is not available,
Front Desk Officers should report to the Customer Service Officer.

Content Management Officer

IPSO Appliances
Position Description
Content Management Officer

Role summary
The Content Management Officer is tasked with maintaining a brand identity and online presence
through the creation and dissemination of multimedia content online and updating the online store at
ISPO Appliances. This involves developing content and managing content on Facebook and Instagram,
updating the IPSO Appliances online store and answering queries from customers on social media

A Content Management Officer is responsible for the following duties:
 Writing, editing and proofreading content
 Managing existing content
 Brainstorm with team members to develop new ideas
 Build and maintain following on social media
 Provide editorial, creative and technical support to the Client Services Team
 Track web analytics to ascertain content engagement levels
 Manage content across all platforms, including website and social media
 Respond to customers’ enquiries on social media
 Update the online store

Skills and personal attributes

 Excellent written and verbal communication skills
 Creativity and the ability to develop original content
 Ability to build content that provokes engagement
 Leadership qualities
 Good customer service skills
 Ability to work independently and in teams
 Stay updated on industry trends and adjust the content as needed

Professional experience and qualification

 Diploma in communications or related fields – Essential
 Relevant IT knowledge
 SEO knowledge
 Experience with social media management
 Highly computer literate and advanced knowledge of HTML
 Proficiency with popular content management systems
 3-4 years’ experience in a similar role
 Knowledge of MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) – Advanced

A Content Management Officer must always perform their duties in line with the organisation’s policy
and procedures, service standards and code of practice. They should operate within their level of
authority and responsibilities. Where they recognise that or is unsure about whether the task falls in
their scope of authority, they should immediately consult the Marketing Manager and the Client
Service Team Leader.
Appendix 2 – Team Charter

Team purpose  The purpose of the Client Services team is to provide exceptional
customer service to the IPSO Appliances clients.
 Our vision it to always find innovative ways to serve our customers.
 Our objectives are:
o To respond to enquiries timely, correctly and consistently
o To make our clients feel that IPSO values them
o To be an ambassador for quality customer service for IPSO
o To be brand ambassadors for IPSO
o To contribute to sales increase according to the IPSO
operational plan for the department
o To complete all tasks within set deadlines and according to
company’s standards

Team members Jim Smith – Team Leader

Sarah White – Front Desk Officer
Mark Black – Customer Service Officer
Joanne Brown – Content Manager Officer
Task Chart:

Task/Function Sarah Mark Joanne

Respond to clients’ enquiries X X X

Organise and manage X

reception area

Provide admin support X

Open and close reception area X

Meet and great clients X

Respond social media enquiries X

Respond to customer enquiries X X
(non-social media)

Update online store X

Manage social-media and X

online content

Manage customer complaints X

Information management and X X X

record keeping

Team values Our team values are:

 Accountability
 Integrity
 Customer focus
 Quality first
 Respect for diversity
 Collaboration
 Innovation
 Engagement

Group norms Our group norms (excerpt as an example) are:

 We meet every day for 15 minutes for a stand-up meeting to
discuss the tasks of the day. This is an opportunity to share our
 Lunch breaks are taken in turns and may vary depending on how
busy the reception area is. Lunch breaks must be taken between 11
am and 2 pm.
 Lunch has to be consumed in the kitchen area.
 The reception area should always be covered.
 Team members must complete their daily tasks first and then any
additional tasks assigned to them in order of urgency.
Metrics of success Metrics of success for individual roles are stated in the performance plan
for each member.
The team’s metrics are as follows:
 All enquiries responded to within 24 hours (working day)
 Feedback from clients to average 95% in positive feedback
 All tasks assigned to team members to be completed according to

Resources  Desktop
 Microsoft Office suite
 Access to CRM
 Access to social media platform and website as relevant to roles
 Ergonomic furniture and equipment
 Stationary
 A monthly budget of $500 for professional development

Appendix 3 – Scenarios

Scenario 1

The team at IPSO Appliances has been working together for a few months now.

• According to the Team Leader, the following team’s Metrics of Success have not been achieved
in the last month:

Metrics of Success Last Month Result

All enquiries responded to within 24 hours Enquiries responded within three working days
(working day)
Feedback from clients to average 95% in positive 50% of positive feedback from clients
All tasks assigned to team members to be 75% of the tasks are completed on time
completed according to timelines
• In a previous meeting, the team identified the following factors that are affecting their
o The Front Desk Officer has low organisational and prioritisation skills. This is creating
work-overload for her and a bottleneck of clients’ enquiries.
o The whole team has low-stress tolerance, making the communication with clients
confusing, slow and inconsistent.
o Lack of communication among team members.

• Discuss with the team members the factors that are affecting the Metrics of Success. Together,
identify and plan strategies to achieve the goals, and come up with ideas about how to provide
support to workgroup members (take into account the Resources - Appendix 2)

Scenario 2

In a meeting with the Customer Service Officer (Mark), the Front Desk Officer (Sarah) confides to him
that she has had some issues with the Content Management Officer (Joanne). Sarah finds Joanne
rude and unapproachable, with an intimidating attitude. Also, Sarah doesn’t feel that she has had
enough training to do her job and sometimes is unsure about how to respond when customers call
with issues.

This situation is affecting the work environment and the performance of the team.

• Taking into account the Personality Background – Appendix 4, play the role of your character
(Sarah, Mark or Joanne) while discussing with the others:
o What is the issue to be solved? What are its causes?
o How should the team deal with their differences?
o What are some ideas to solve the problems
Appendix 4 – Personality Background

Team Member Personal Features Communication Style

Sarah White – Front  Age: 23 years old  Circular

Desk Officer  Mother tongue: Mandarin  Indirect
 English skills:  Attached
o Listening – Medium  Submissive
o Speaking – Medium Low
 Introvert, shy, friendly, smart

Mark Black – Customer  Age: 35 years old  Circular

Service Officer  Mother tongue: French  Direct
 English skills:  Attached
o Listening – Advanced  Assertive
o Speaking – Advanced
 Confident,
empathetic, intelligent,
Joanne Brown –  Age: 30 years old  Linear
Content Manager  Mother tongue: English –  Direct
Officer strong Australian accent and use  Detached
of jargon  Aggressive
 Conservative, smart,
dominant, results-oriented

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