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Sai Kiran BSBLDR502 Lead and Manage Effective Learner Workbook Vapril2017

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Lead and manage


Learner Assessment
Diploma of Leadership and

ABN 28 615 702 335

ACN 615 702 335
CRICOS Provider Code: 03647C
RTO Provider Code 45272
Table of Content

Assessment Instructions........................................................................................................................2
Assessment Task Cover Sheet................................................................................................................2
Assessment appeals...............................................................................................................................2
TASK 1: Student Workbook - Short Answer Questions...........................................................................3
Activity 1A...............................................................................................................................................3
Activity 1B...............................................................................................................................................4
Activity 1C...............................................................................................................................................4
Activity 1D...............................................................................................................................................5
Activity 2A...............................................................................................................................................6
Activity 2B...............................................................................................................................................7
Activity 2C...............................................................................................................................................8
Activity 3A...............................................................................................................................................8
Activity 3B...............................................................................................................................................9
Activity 4A.............................................................................................................................................10
Activity 4B.............................................................................................................................................11
Activity 4C.............................................................................................................................................12
Activity 4D.............................................................................................................................................13
Summative Assessments......................................................................................................................15
TASK 2: PROJECT....................................................................................................................................15
TASK 3: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT............................................................................................................20
TASK 4: DEMONSTRATION.....................................................................................................................20
TASK 4: OBSERVATION-THIRD PARTY REPORT.......................................................................................25

Version - April 2020
Assessment Instructions
This Assessor Guide has been developed to provide clear guidance to assessors and ensure
the quality and consistency of competency judgments. The assessment strategy has been
validated to ensure the student will provide evidence to enable the assessor to make a
judgment of competence that meets all the requirements of the Training Package, the principles
of assessment and the rules of evidence.

Assessment for the unit BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
consists of:
Assessment Task 1 Short Answer Questions
Assessment Task 2 Project
Assessment Task 3 Written Assignment
Assessment Task 4 Demonstration/Observation

Refer to for details on the unit BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective
workplace relationships.

How to submit your assessments

When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.
Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.
Make sure you copy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the
documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet.
Please fill this document in each time your submit an Assessment Task making sure you sign
the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task.

Assessment appeals

You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to
us. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

Version - April 2020
TASK 1: Student Workbook - Short Answer Questions
Instructions for the Student
1. This is an open book written assessment activity.
2. Clearly write your answers to the following questions in the space provided (blue or black
ink) only OR if you prefer, word-process your responses.
3. If more space is required, attach additional pages.
4. Any attached pages must be clearly marked with name, student ID, date, unit code and title.
5. An Assessment Cover Sheet must be completed and signed by you and attached.
6. To demonstrate competence you must correctly answer all questions.
7. Ensure you check your work before submitting.
8. Once the assessor has marked your work they will provide you with feedback.

Activity 1A
SESSION 1 Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure strategies and
processes are in place to communicate information associated with
the achievement of work responsibilities to all co-workers.

1. A job description is a strategy that organisations use to communicate the role and
responsibilities of its employees. Complete the job description below with a role that
you currently employed in, or a role with which you are familiar.

Job title: Role:

Senior Software
Developer  SG25
 YoGood knowledge of RPG, CL ,RPGLE; with 2-4 yrs of
 Support troubleshooting client issues with high level
data analysis
 Identify root cause and provide resoultion
 Engage in internal review and client calls.
 Test Automation knowledge

Responsibilities: (minimum 3)
 Understand the requiremenet from thr project manager.
 Provide solution,create Design, do the development and testing
 Support business on UAT implementation.
 Develop automaticon scripts for testing the solution.
 Good team player and helping the teammate completing the tasks.

2. Describe the importance of having a clear job description.

A clear Job description outlines the skill required and expectations.

Version - April 2020
 First, job descriptions provide clarity and outline expectations. They help employees
understand the fundamental framework for their job. Without job descriptions employees
find themselves interpreting the job as they see fit and we receive pleanty of applicants.
 Second, job descriptions are a valuable tool in the recruitment process by specifically
outlining job duties to applicants. They provide a road map in identifying qualified
candidates so that you can hire the best talent.
 Third, job descriptions assist managers during performance reviews to accurately evaluate
an employee’s ability to perform his or her job.

Activity 1B
SESSION 1 Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop and/or implement
consultation processes to ensure that employees have the
opportunity to contribute to issues related to their work role.

1. Describe the meaning of a consultation process.

Consultation could be defined as a wider continuous process of participation of all stakeholders in the
decisions throughout the formulation and execution of a project leading to a sustainable
development. Consultation should have an impact on the project design and implementation.

2. List three (3) consultation methods you can use to ensure that employees have the
opportunity to contribute to the resolution of issues related to their work role

a. Conduct a one – on – one meeting/team meeting with every employee so that they get a
chance to discuss about their issue/challenges.

b. To ensure a two-way communication, I will conduct the feedback sessions to understand

what went wrong? And what went well.

c. I will set up a white board/suggestion box where the team can feel free and drop on
their ideas.

Activity 1C
SESSION 2 Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to facilitate feedback to
employees on outcomes of the consultation processes.

1. List two (2) ways you could give feedback to your team about the outcomes of the
consultation processes.
Version - April 2020
 A summary report / presentation highlighting the positives and negatives.

 A Emails/New letter

 Group Meetings

2. How would you determine the best communication method for the audience?

To determnine the best communication method ,below factors must be considered.

 First ,we need to indentify the type of information being communicated i.e., Confidential /

 Secondly , identify the target audience i.,e senior management /clients/Teammates,

3. Describe the way you would deliver your chosen communication method.

Once the commumication method is choose,

 I will make sura that the information being shared is clear and precise.
 I will use a supporting documentation so that the audience can refer to it.
 During a meeting , I will stop myself in-between to check if the audience have any questions.

Activity 1D
SESSION 2 Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop and/or implement
processes to ensure that issues raised are resolved promptly or
referred to relevant personnel.

1. Describe how you would ensure that issues raised are resloved promptly or referred
to the relevant personnel.

I can use the following steps to find out whom I need to refer them to:-

 Use the organisational website

 Look for a contact within policy or procedure documents.
 Use an organisational chart i.e.,Roles and responsibilities chart or specifications
 Ask colleagues

2. Describe the purpose of Root Cause Analysis and then provide an example by
completing the table below.

The goal of a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is to get down to the true cause of the problem.It useful process
for understanding and solving a problem. It is much more effective to systematically prevent and solve
Version - April 2020
for underlying issues. Proper documentation of the root cause will also prevent making the same
mistake again.

The rubbish bin is always full

A common bin is used for paper waste, Tea cups and plastic
The cleaning staff is not emptying the trash can regularly.
Lack of Cleaning staff.
Employess are using the same bin eventhough separate bins are
maintained for paper waste,tea cups and plastic wast.
Circulate a notice/drop an email to the employees to use
separate bins.
Solution Address the cleaning staff to check and clean the bin regularly.
Recruit a new cleaing staff member
SESSION 3 Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to establish and/or implement
policies to ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical
values are adhered to.

1. In your own words, describe the meaning of a culturally diverse organisation.

Cultural diversity in the workplace is when companies are open to hiring employees from all sorts
of different backgrounds; regardless of race, religion and culture. Diversity and inclusion in
the workplace cause all employees to feel accepted and valued. When employees feel accepted
and valued, they are also happier in their workplace and stay longer with a company. As a result,
companies with greater diversity in the workplace have lower turnover rates.

Version - April 2020
2. Describe the difference between internal and external accountability?

Internal accountability is accountability within the organisation e.g. policies and procedures.External
accountability helps ensure organisations are regulated and abide by standards, codes ofpractice and
best practice guidelines.

3. Organisations should have policies in place to promote best practice and ensure that
they are not biased in any way towards any particular culture. List two (2) policies
and procedures in place at your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with.

Treat every employee as an individual:

Avoid making assumptions about employees from different backgrounds. Instead, look at each employee
as an individual and judge successes and failures on the individual’s merit rather than attributing actions to
their background.

Non- discrimination policy:

The company will not discriminate against any applicant or employee based on age, race, gender, color,
religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, covered veteran status. Harassment and
intimidation are recognized forms of discrimination and, as such, are not tolerated.

Activity 2B
SESSION 3 Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to gain and maintain the trust and
confidence of colleagues and external contacts through professional

1. Describe the purpose of a professional code of conduct.

A code of conduct document outlines clarifies an organization's mission, values and principles, linking
them with standards of professional conduct.

It is helpful to ensure employees are behaving in a manner that is socially acceptable and respectful of
one another. A code encourages discussions of ethics and compliance, empowering employees to
handle ethical dilemmas they encounter in everyday work.

Also helps the employees to understand the action that will be taken when he/she breaks the policy.It
can also serve as a valuable reference, helping employees locate relevant documents, services and
other resources related to ethics within the organization.

Version - April 2020
2. For each of the following behaviours listed in the table below, identify two (2) to three
(3) actions that you can demonstrate to gain and maintain the trust and confidence of
colleagues and external contacts.

Professional behaviour Actions

Respect  Treat every individual equally without any
 Always be patient and try to listen what the other
person is speaking.
 Display appreciation and recognise the efforts of every

 Be consistent in decision making and follow up on promise
 Encourage openness.
 Reware the teammates for good performance

Honesty  Be accountable ;Admit the miscummnication/mistakes

happened because of you
 Never Blame a person.

Conscientious  Setting clear work goals and working towards the.

 Be organise and reliable

Limitation awareness  Identify the sensitivity of information being shared.

 Be it confidential.
 Know your team mates, therir roles and

Avoiding conflict of  Positivelye encourage teammates and collabarate with

interest the team.
 Develop good team relationships with in the team
 Step ahead and predict the conflict.
 Seek advice from others

Responsibility for others

 Showing interests in the person and their technincal needs.
 Support the team ,if necessarly.
 Beforing questioning , always put yourself in their shoes.
 Behave and communicate in a healthy way

 Identify the lack of skills and enroll your teammates in
necessary trainings.
 Always encourage the teamwork
 Resolve team conflicts ASAP

Version - April 2020
Activity 2C
SESSION 3 Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to adjust own interpersonal
communication styles to meet the organisation’s cultural diversity
and ethical environment and guide and support the work team in their
personal adjustment process.

1. The following communication model splits communication into three categories,

passive, assertive and agressive. The table is not complete. Complete the table by
filling in the gaps with the correct information about each communication type.

Passive Assertive Aggressive

Takes ownership Speaking in a loud
Characteristics Compliant
Learn to say ‘No’ and demanding
Refrains from talking voice
Puts themselves down Voice your needs
and desires Blaming or
Praises others confidently. criticizing

He is lacking skills Expresser Boss

and let other decide
what he needs to do
Difficulty in making Intense eye contact
Body language Friendly eye contact
eye contact
Relaxed and open Points fingers
Poor posure Makes appropriate
hand gestures Poor listening,
Go with the flow interrupts
attictude frequentlu

Inability to say No
Leads to
Consequences Builds good Upsets themselves and
relationships with other people and feels
others and is happy to angry
Lack Self –
satisfaction /

2. List three (3) ways you can support team members to identify their own
communication styles and the communication styles of other people around them,
including those of different cultures?

 Ask Questions
 Observe the reactions
 Listen Actively
Version - April 2020
Activity 3A
SESSION 4 Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to use networks to build
workplace relationships providing identifiable outcomes for the team
and the organisation.

1. What is networking?

It involves meeting and getting to know people who you can assist, and who can potentially
help you in return. This means building a robust network of peers and colleagues who can
support your success and the success of your organization. Your network includes everyone
from friends and family to work colleagues, business connections, your social network and
members of groups to which you belong.

2. List three (3) benefits of networking?

A strong and expansive network gives you insight into trends as well as insider information on
job openings and movement within the company

It can help us to solve work problems,complete tasks ,develop yourself and build a work team.

Helps to increas the team collabaration which leads to efficient productivity.

Builds rapo with the people you work and also help to perform your job duties well

3. List three (3) strategies that you can use to help staff members start networking ?

 Ask questions to show interest.

 Encourage the team memners to support each other.
 Interact face-to-face whenever possible.
 Build productive relationships over a period of time
 Acknowledge a person’s expertise by approaching them as an authority

Activity 3B
SESSION 4 Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to conduct ongoing planning to
ensure that effective internal and external workplace relationships are
developed and maintained.

Version - April 2020
1. Ongoing planning can ensure that you are meeting your objectives. How would you
describe the term, ojective?

Objectives are planned and structured goals. Professional objectives can be created for
teamwork situations to set a guideline and goals. The organization's objectives generally lay
out how much of what will be accomplished by when. The team's overall objective needs to
be identified and defined in terms which allow each member to understand the same goal.

2. How should objectives be presented?

 Create a business document stating all the organisational objectives.

 List the goals , business expectations of the project
 The objectives must be measurable.
 The information must be clear and every employess must understand .

3. What are targets?

Targets are similar to business goals and can be considered smaller steps aligned with the
details and deadlines of larger goals. An organization makes progress, and brings ultimate
goals into clearer focus, as individuals and teams within the organization reach their targets.

A target is the value of a KPI and can be used to measure the individual’s performance.

4. List three methods you can use to develop and maintain internal relationships and
list three methods you can use to develop and maintain external relationships.

three methods you can use to develop and maintain internal relationships:

 Recognize and respect the efforts and ideas of others.

 Meet with colleagues and try to collaborate with everyone.
 Listen Actively .
 Always try to help others

three methods you can use to develop and maintain External relationships:

 Build trust and be accountable.

 Look for effective and durable solutions to problems faced by them

 Engage and understand their position. Listen and ask questions
 talk openly about project progress.

Version - April 2020
Activity 4A
SESSION 5 Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop and/or implement
strategies to ensure that difficulties in workplace relationships are
identified and resolved.

1. List three (3) methods that you could use to identify difficulties which could have an
impact on the progression of work.
 Discuss with the teammates on work progress and check if the team is progreessing
as expected.
 Prioritize the workloads.
 When a task is bein assigned, make sure the employee has all the necessary skills
 Assign a mentor for employees who are lacking skills.
 Send the project summary report to senior management on weekly basis and get the
feedback on team expectations.

2. Complete the table below by describing the purpose of the following ongoing
development and training activities.

Ongoing development and training Description


Team building activities

Team builiding activities helps to build the team
collabaration and develop good- working
relationships. It helps the teammates to know about
each other . It also gives a break from their regular
work and relieves the stress.

Action learning sets

Increased effectiveness and profitability of your
Improved problem solving and leadership
greater adaptability and resilience.
individual and organisational learning from
implementing new strategies or culture change.

Version - April 2020
Coaching and mentoring
Mentoring/Coaching helps to build a positive and
concrete change in individuals and to boost the
transfer of knowledge from the coach/mentor to the
individual. coaching and mentoring become
profoundly beneficial for the career growth of their

Activity 4B
SESSION 5 Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to establish processes and
systems to ensure that conflict is identified and managed
constructively in accordance with the organisation’s policies and

1. The table below identifies five different types of conflict. The descriptions in the right
hand column do not match the conflict types listed in the left hand column. Draw
lines to match the description to the correct conflict type.

Version - April 2020
Conflict type Description

Can be a result of other types of conflict

e.g. superiority or personal conflict, or
Superiority could be a result of poor
communication and knowledge transfer
between multiple projects.

Can occur when people’s personalities

clash and can result in negative
Vulnerability emotional response
e.g. shouting/arguing

can occur when a team member or

Tasks conflicts group thinks that they have superior
qualifications, ability or experience

This is where team members are afraid

about their future due to resource
issues, especially if resource
Personal conflicts management includes moving projects
a lot.

Can occur when people have different

knowledge conflicts opinions on issues related to the

2. List the general principles that should be applied for managing conflict.

 Understand the culture and dynamics of the conflict.

 Listen empathetically and responsively.
 Acknowledge and reframe emotions
 Separate what matters from what gets in the way
 Be impartiala nd try to put youe shoes in others.Solve problems
 Collabarate with the team
 Come up with different solutions.
 Discuss with the team and decides which fits in the best.
 Lead and coach for tarnsfor
 mation.

Version - April 2020
Activity 4C
SESSION 6 Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to provide guidance, counselling
and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties.

1. What does the process of counselling involve?

Workplace counseling is therapy offered to employees of a company, often through an

employee assistance program, that provides employees with a safe place to discuss any
issues that they're struggling with. We can discuss with the employee and try to understand
the professaional and personal challanegs he is facing to complete the task.Once this is
achieved, Try to deal with the employee with patience and motivate him to complete the
teaks. Provide him with the require suporrt.This can enable the employee to focus on
feelings, experiences or behaviour, with a goal of facilitating positive change.

2. List three (3) personal issues where counselling can assist team members.

 Employee lacking professaional skils and unable to perform well.

 Employees who are lacking patience, feeling stressful.
 Employees not speaking up openly during the meetings.

3. List three (3) preventative measures an organisation could use to promote healthy
living and work practices.

 Conducting a fitness sessioan in the office on monthly basis.

 Company policies that promote healthy behaviors such as a tobacco-free campus
 mployee health insurance coverage for appropriate preventive screenings
 A healthy work environment created through actions such as making healthy foods
available and accessible through vending machines or cafeterias
 A work environment free of recognized health and safety threats with a means to
identify and address new problems as they aris

4. Explain what is meant by confidentiality and then list three ways to ensure
confidential information is kept safe.

Version - April 2020
confidentiality refers to a duty of an individual to refrain from sharing confidential
information with others.
 Create a work policy stating the which information needs to be share and which should
not be shared. conduct a mandatory training on the same.
 Individual files are locked and secured. support workers do not tell other people what is
in a client's file unless they have permission from the client
 Make sure all information is stored on secure systems.Restricting the access to
confidential conformation.
 Password protect all confidential data, and accounts with access to confidential data.

Activity 4D
SESSION 8 Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop and implement an
action plan to address any identified difficulties.

1. Describe the purpose of an action plan.

Documenting an action plan helps you and others think through all the details of the action
plan and its implications. Make sure all relevant parties understand the proposed solution
and are clear about what their responsibilities are in implementing it. Never assume
everyone already knows how to undertake their tasks; perhaps training, counselling or
further information will be needed. Each party should be aware of their responsibilities and
should agree on how the situation will be monitored.

2. Consider a personal or work objective. Complete the table below, to ensure that your
objective is specific, measureable, attainable, relevant and time based.

Version - April 2020

Objective Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-


What you What? How much? Can you Does it By when?

want to realistically relate to
Why? How many?
achieve. achieve it? what you
When? How often? want to
Where? achieve


Learn Learning Number of Yes , We Yes, We I start

automatio automatio automation have the have all today and
n of test n cuts off scripts company the complete
case the toral written. learning resources the course
execution. time taken site loaded and In a
Take a test
to manual with support month.
on the
run test automatio needed.
cases. n training.
Enroll in a
Seek help
n test
from the
Set 1 hr n tester
aside in the
daily work.

Version - April 2020
Summative Assessments
The summative assessments are the major activities designed to assess the student’s skills,
knowledge and performance to show competency in this unit. These should be completed as
stated under the trainer/assessor instructions.


Instructions for the Student

1. Project work is to be submitted in a an electronic or written format and on a due date
determined by the assessor.
2. The Project is to be completed by you independently and you must complete all tasks in the
Project Brief below.
3. Ensure each page is clearly marked with your name, student ID, date, unit code and title.
4. An Assessment Cover Sheet must be signed by you and attached.
5. Ensure you submit any supporting documentation with this assessment.

BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Task 2-Project - Marking Guide
Student’s name Date
Resources required for this task
Access to IBSA – Simulations link to be provided by the

 COFFEEVILLE – Simulated Workplace (intranet tab)

 AUSTRALIAN HARDWARE- Simulated workplace (intranet tab)

Instructions for the Student – Project Brief

In this project, you will illustrate how you manage ideas and information, establish systems
to develop trust and confidence, and manage difficulties to achieve positive outcomes.
Read the following scenario and respond to the tasks that follow.

Assume that you are a team leader in one of the following simulated workplaces:

 COFFEEVILLE – Simulated Workplace

 AUSTRALIAN HARDWARE- Simulated workplace

You receive an email from your manager or Human Resources department, informing you
that one of your team members has made a complaint. The team member is claiming that
she is experiencing age discrimination from other team members. For exampe, being
excluded from conversations or work activities for being ‘too old’. Your task is to manage
this issue within your team.

Click on the intranet tab on the IBSA – Simulations link to

For the company of choice, you will need to access and read the following documents,
relating to anti-discrimination, equal opportunity, grievances and conflict resolution.

 Coffeeville Policies and Procedures

 Coffeeville Employee Handbook
 Wollongong Employee Handbook
 Wollongong General Operations Manual
Version - April 2020

Students who are currently working may base their Project on their own workplace and topic
of their choice associated with the achievement of work responsibilities, to be negotiated
with the Assessor. You must still submit our Portfolio of Evidence, following steps 1 – 6

Your Portfolio of Evidence must include, as a minimum, the following documentation:

1. A word processed document containing responses to tasks 1-5.
2. A short report outlining a response to task 6.

Note: Ensure you label and submit all completed documentation as supporting evidence for
this assessment.
1. Summarise in dot points the key issues relating to the situation and describe how
they may related to or impact on the affected team member’s work
2. Plan and list the steps you will take to manage the affected team member’s
complaint promptly and describe how this complies with your chosen
organisation’s policy and procedures.
3. Describe how you would ensure the consultation processes would provide
opportunities for the affected team member (as well as other team members) to
contribute to the issue according to policy and procedure.
4. Describe how you would provide feedback to the affected team member and
other staff on the outcomes of the consultation process.
5. Using the organisational policies and procedures to assist, develop an issue
management process (that includes a root cause analysis) to ensure that issues
that have been raised would be resoved promptly and referred to the relevant
personnel. You could use a flow chart to illustrate the process. Ensure you use
the following information as a guide:
a. Symptoms - early warning signs of the issue.
b. Facts - identify the issue by gathering the facts, determining who is
involved, talking to relevant people and establishing causes.
c. Analysis - evaluate the extent of the issue, determine the potential
implication, consider the interests of those affected and ensure
adherence to your organisational equal opportunity policy, grievance or
conflict resolution procedures and legislative requirements.
d. Options for resolution - define and evaluate options for resolution in
consultation with relevant persons and determine the best cause of
e. Action plan - develop a plan of action, implementing the solutions within
your organisation’s processes, and follow up to ensure implementation.
f. Monitor outcomes - describe the process to monitor outcomes of the
action plan, including ongoing support, counselling or guidance to assist
co-workers in resolving their work difficulties.
6. Prepare a short report that describes how you display professional leadership
behaviour through your own conduct. Ensure your report includes the following:
a. Two (2) to three (3) ways you could gain and maintain the trust and
confidence of colleagues and external contacts
b. Two (2) to three (3) methods you could use to adjust your own
interpersonal communication style to meet your organisation’s cultural
diversity and ethical environment.
c. Two (2) to three (3) techniques you could use to guide and support
Version - April 2020
team members in their own personal adjustment process.

Did the student satisfactorily evidence the following? Yes No
1 Summarise in dot points the key issues relating to the situation and
describe how they may related to or impact on the affected team
member’s work responsibilities.  

2 Plan and list the steps you will take to manage the affected team
member’s complaint promptly and describe how this complies with your
chosen organisation’s policy and procedures.  

3 Describe how you would ensure the consultation processes would

provide opportunities for the affected team member (as well as other
team members) to contribute to the issue according to policy and
procedure.  

4 Describe how you would provide feedback to the affected team member
and other staff on the outcomes of the consultation process.
 

 
5 Using the orgaisational policies and procedures to assist, develop an
issue management process (that includes a root cause analysis) to
ensure that issues that have been raised would be resoved promptly and
referred to the relevant personnel using the following information as a

a. Symptoms - early warning signs of the issue.

b. Facts - identify the issue by gathering the facts, determining who is

involved, talking to relevant people and establishing causes

c. Analysis - evaluate the extent of the issue, determine the potential

implication, consider the interests of those affected and ensure
adherence to your organisational equal opportunity policy, grievance
or conflict resolution procedures and legislative requirements.

Version - April 2020
d. Options for resolution - define and evaluate options for resolution in
consultation with relevant persons and determine the best cause of

e. Action plan - develop a plan of action, implementing the solutions

within your organisation’s processes, and follow up to ensure

f. Monitor outcomes - describe the process to monitor outcomes of the

action plan, including ongoing support, counselling or guidance to
assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties.

A word processed document containing responses to tasks 1-5 submitted  

 
or a Flow Chart containing responses to tasks 1 – 5 submitted
 
6 Prepare a short report that describes how you display professional
leadership behaviour through your own conduct. Ensure your report
reflects the following:

Version - April 2020
a. Two (2) to three (3) ways you could gain and maintain the trust and
confidence of colleagues and external contacts

b. Two (2) to three (3) methods you could use to adjust your own
interpersonal communication style to meet your organisation’s
cultural diversity and ethical environment.

c. Two (2) to three (3) techniques you could use to guide and support
team members in their own personal adjustment process.

A short report outlining a response to task 6 submitted.  

Assessor Comments



Assessor name Outcome S NS

Version - April 2020
(Satisfactory) (Not Satisfactory)
Assessor signature


Instructions for the Student
1. The Assignment is to be completed by you independently.
2. Your responses must be word-processed and pages must be clearly marked with name,
student ID, date, unit code and title.
3. An Assessment Cover Sheet must be completed and signed by you and attached.
4. To demonstrate competence you must correctly answer all questions.
5. Ensure you check your work before submitting.
6. Once the assessor has marked your work they will provide you with feedback.

Assignment Tasks

1. List three (3) tips for developing effective working relationships through networking.

 Keep in touch on a regular basis

 Build productive relationships over a period of time
 Realise that every contact has something to offer
 Act on advice and provide feedback
 Return favours whenever possible

2. Then explain how work systems, policies and procedures help you to develop these

Policies such as inclusiona nd diversity , Non- discrimination policy ,Code of conduct will treat
every employee in an acceptable manner and helps to increase relationships.
Policy can help manage employee’s behaviour. Furthermore, the help developing a sense of
culture of relationship buildingwithin the workplace which promotes healthy relationship within
the workplace as well as promotepositive culture of the organisation that is helpful for both
organisation as well as the employeesthemselves

3. List four (4) Australian Acts that relate directly to discrimination in the workplace.
Then describe how this legislation assists organisations to manage effective
workplace relationships.

Age Discrimination Act 2004, : Discrimination on the basis of age – protects both younger and
older Australians. Also includes discrimination on the basis of age-specific characteristics or
characteristics that are generally imputed to a person of a particular ag

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986: protects people from discrimination in
employment because of their religion, political opinion, national extraction, nationality, social
origin, medical record, criminal record or trade union activity.,

Racial Discrimination Act 1975: Discrimination on the basis of race, colour, descent or national or
ethnic origin, and in some circumstances, immigrant status. Racial hatred, defined as a public

Version - April 2020
act/s likely to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate on the basis of race, is also prohibited under
this Act unless a

the Sex Discrimination Act 1984.: Discrimination on the basis of sex, marital or relationship
status, gender identity, and intersex status. Sexual harassment is also prohibited under this

All these laws treats every indiividual equally and help to build culturally diverse team.It
also creates a healthy work place.

BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Task 4: Demonstration - Marking Guide
Student’s name Date
Instructions for the Student

You are required to demonstrate your ability to implement the organisational grievance or
conflict resolution process to lead and manage effective workplace relationships.

This assessment is divided into 2 parts:

 Part A – Demonstration: Use an organisational grievance or conflict resolution
process and reinforce the organisation’s cultural diversity policy.
 Part B – Demonstration: Represent your organisation when networking.

Demonstration-Simulated environment
For classroom students, or those students who are not currently working in a business
supervisory role, you will be assessed in a simulated environment.

A fellow student will act as the affected team member and your Assessor will act as the
accused team member.

Third Party Report and video recording-Real work environment
For students who have access to a real workplace, you will need to video record yourself
implementing the organisational grievance or conflict resolution process to lead and manage
effective workplace relationships with team members; and provide this to your assessor
along with the completed Third Party Report.

You should allow 30-40 minutes for this demonstration

Part A: Demonstration: Use an organisational grievance or conflict resolution

process and reinforce the organisation’s cultural diversity policy.

 In a real or simulated workplace environment, review organisational policies and
procedures for diversity, grievances and complaints.

 You are required to set up a meeting with your team members to demonstrate through a
role play the following scenarios:

 Use an organisational grievance or conflict resolution process to resolve the

grievance of age discrimination identified in the Project - Task 2.
A fellow student will act as the affected team member and the Assessor as the
Version - April 2020
accused team member.
 Reinforce the organisation’s cultural diversity policy by providing team members with
at least three (3) tips on adjusting your own interpersonal communication style to
meet organisational and individual needs.

 Ensure you submit your all relevant documentation (including, policies and procedures)
as supporting evidence for this assessment.


1. In completing this activity you must demonstrate through role play, the

a. Identify the reason for the complaint. (Refer to Project, Task 2)

b. Summarise the key issues relating to the situation and confirm with the affected
team member.
c. Allow the affected team member to tell their side of the story.
d. Allow the accused team member to tell their side of the story.
e. Ask questions to clarify the facts.
f. List the steps you will take to manage the affected team member’s complaint
promptly and describe how this complies with your chosen organisation’s policy
and procedures.
g. Analyse the problem in terms of impact on the affected team member and work
h. Discuss alternative solutions with both parties.
i. Develop an action plan to implement agreed solutions.
j. Track the implementation and progress of these solutions over a two (2) week
period and provide written feedback on how effective these solutions were.
k. Provide feedback to the affected team member and other staff on the outcomes
of this consultation process. (I.e. Does the problem need to be referred to senior
2. Continuing on from this meeting, present and reinforce the organisation’s
cultural diversity policy by providing team members with at least three (3)
tips on adjusting your own interpersonal communication style to meet
organisational and individual needs.
Resources required for this task

Students will need to access the IBSA – Simulations link

 COFFEEVILLE – Simulated Workplace (intranet tab) or

 AUSTRALIAN HARDWARE- Simulated workplace (intranet tab)

to review organisational policies and procedures for diversity, grievances and complaints
located in the following documents.
 Coffeeville Policies and Procedures
 Coffeeville Employee Handbook
 Wollongong Employee Handbook
 Wollongong General Operations Manual


Tick the appropriate assessment method for this student:
 Simulation
 Workplace supported by 3rd Party Report and video
Did the student satisfactorily demonstrate the following? Yes No
a. Identified the reason for the complaint.
 

Version - April 2020
b. Summarised the key issues relating to the situation and confirmed with
the affected team member.  

c. Allowed the affected team member to tell their side of the story.
 

d. Allowed the accused team member/s to tell their side of the story.
 

e. Asked questions to clarify the facts.

 

f. Listed the steps required to manage the affected team member’s

complaint promptly and described how this complies with the chosen
organisation’s policy and procedures.  

g. Analysed the problem in terms of impact on the affected team member

and work productivity.
 

h. Discussed alternative solutions with both parties.

 

i. Developed an action plan to implement agreed solutions.

 

j. Tracked the implementation and progress of these solutions over a two

(2) week period and provided written feedback on how effective these  
solutions were.
k. Provided feedback to the affected team member and other staff on the
outcomes of this consultation process.  

2. Presented and reinforced the organisation’s cultural diversity policy by

providing team members with at least three (3) tips on adjusting your own
interpersonal communication style to meet organisational and individual  

Assessor Comments

Assessor name Outcome

(Satisfatory) (Not Satisfactory)
Assessor signature circle)

Version - April 2020
Instructions for the Student – Project Brief

Part B –Represent your organisation when networking.


For this assessment task you are required to:

 Set up a meeting with your team members to demonstrate through a role play your
leadership and professional behaviour, by providing an example of how to represent
your organisation when networking.

You should allow 10-15 minutes for this demonstration.

Note: Ensure you label and submit all completed documentation as supporting evidence for
this assessment.
1. Demonstrate the types of networking method you have chosen.

2. Demonstrate three (3) methods for initiating and developing working relationships
through networking with internal and external customers.

3. Demonstrate three (3) methods for maintaining networking relationships with internal
and external customers.

Tick the appropriate assessment method for this student:

 Simulation
 Workplace supported by 3rd Party Report and video
Did the student satisfactorily evidence the following? Yes No
1 Demonstrate three (3) types of networking methods.
 

2 Demonstrate three (3) tips for initiating and developing working

relationships through networking with internal and external customers.  

3 Demonstrate three (3) tips for maintaining networking relationships with

internal and external customers.  

Assessor Comments

(Please S NS
Assessor name circle) (Satisfactory) (Not Satisfactory)

Version - April 2020
BSBLDR502 - Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
Observation-3rd Party Report
We are seeking your feedback on our student’s ability to lead and
Introduction manage effective workplace relationships.

You are not required to formally assess the student; however your
feedback is considered by the assessor when they make their judgment
as to whether a student can competently perform the task. Please
monitor the students’ performance and complete the following checklist.
The information you provide will be used by the College only.

Your student will have discussed the purpose of the 3rd Party Report with
you. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact
the RTO and speak with our trainer/assessor.

The unit(s) of competency this 3rd Party Report relate to is BSBLDR502 -

Lead and manage effective workplace relationships.

1. Your student has been given the task to set up a meeting with their
manager and team members to resolve a complaint and effectively
lead and manage the process.
2. Your student may need to demonstrate this in a role play situation if
there are no real work issues to resolve.
3. We would also like you to provide an opportunity for your student to
take part in a networking event (this can be an informal inhouse
gathering) and for you to comment on their professional behaviour
during this event in representing the company.

They are to video record these tasks and provide the video to their
assessor at the College, along with this 3rd Party Report.

Thank you supporting our student.

Student Name Swathi R
(please print)
Job role/title of Software engineer
student (please print)
Has the student explained the purpose of the 3 rd party evidence he /she
Please answer the is collecting?
following  Yes  No
questions Are you willing to be contacted should further verification be required?
 Yes  No

What is your
relationship to the Colleague

How long have 1 Year

you worked with
the student?
What are your
4 year It experience
experience and/or
qualification(s) in
the area being
Version - April 2020

You are being asked to support the student’s performance in the activities set out below.
Please return this document to the student so they can include it in their portfolio of evidence.

When leading and managing effective workplace relationships, the student

Yes No
is able to successfully perform the following:
1. Identify the reason for the complaint.  

2. Summarise the key issues relating to the situation and confirm with the 
affected team member. 

3. Allow the affected team member to tell their side of the story. 

4. Allow the accused team member/s to tell their side of the story. 

5. Ask questions to clarify the facts. 
6. List the steps to manage the affected team member’s complaint promptly 
and describe how this complies with the organisation’s policy and


7. Analyse the problem in terms of impact on the affected team member 

and work productivity. 

8. Discuss alternative solutions with both parties. 

9. Developed and implemented an action plan to implement agreed 
solutions. 

10. Provide feedback to the affected team member and other staff on the 
outcomes of this consultation process. 

11. Present and reinforce the organisation’s cultural diversity policy by 

providing team members with at least three (3) tips on adjusting
interpersonal communication style to meet organisational and individual 

12. Demonstrate leadership and professional behaviour, by providing an 

example of how to represent the organisation when networking. 

Supervisor’s general comments/observations:

Your name Swathi R Phone No

Position Software engineer Email

Signature R.Swathi Date

Version - April 2020

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