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Editorial Analysis - 1 Aug 2023

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AUG. 1.


Agreement to both the Dominion,
EDITORIAL ANALYSIS pending a final decision on State’s
In Article 370 hearing, the original text and accession.
spirit count ● On August 12, 1947, the Prime Minis-
ter of Jammu and Kashmir sent identical
• Prelims: Jammu and Kashmir-Issue, arti- communications to the Government of
cle 370, geographic location etc India and Pakistan.
• Mains GS Paper II: Importance of Jammu ● Pakistan accepted the offer and sent a
and Kashmir, security concerns, delimita- communication to the J&K Prime Minis-
tion Commission etc ter on August 15, 1947.
• India advised the Maharaja to send his
ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS authorized representative to Delhi for
The Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments further discussion on the offer.
in the case concerning Article 370 of the Constitution. ● Pakistan, broke the Standstill Agreement
by sponsoring a tribal militant attack in
Kashmir in October 1947.
● India assured help on condition Hari
Singh should sign the Instrument of Ac-
○ Maharaja Hari Singh signed the
instrument of accession with India
○ It was agreed that once the situa-
tion normalizes, the views of the
people of J&K will be ascertained
about their future.

Article 370:
INSIGHTS ON THE ISSUE ● The Constituent Assembly of Jammu &
Context Kashmir was empowered to recommend
Jammu and Kashmir-Background . which articles of the Indian Constitution
● Jammu and Kashmir, from 1846 until should apply to the state.
1947, remained a princely state ruled by ● The J&K Constituent Assembly was dis-
the Jamwal Rajput Dogra Dynasty. solved after it drafted the state’s consti-
● Like all other princely states in India then, tution.
Kashmir too enjoyed only a partial au- ● Clause 3 of the article 370 gives the Pres-
tonomy, as the real control was with the ident of India the power to amend its
British. provisions and scope.
● Hari Singh tried to negotiate with India
and Pakistan to have an independent sta- Article 35A:
tus for his state. ● It was introduced through a Presidential
○ He offered a proposal of Standstill Order in 1954, on the recommendation
of the J&K Constituent Assembly. Assembly.
● Article 35A empowers the Jammu & ● After 1957, when J&K’s Constitution
Kashmir legislature to define the perma- came into force, its Constituent Assem-
nent residents of the state, and their spe- bly was disbanded and replaced by a Leg-
cial rights and privileges. islative Assembly.
● It appears in Appendix I of the Constitu- ○ Article 370 remained unaltered.
tion. ● Chief drafter Gopalaswami Ayyangar:
He described the State Constituent As-
Removal of Article 370: sembly’s recommendation, as mandated
● It commenced with a presidential order by clause (3) to Article 370, as a “condi-
issued nearly four years ago. tion precedent” to any effort at abrogat-
● Amendments were made to make appli- ing the provision.
cable the entirety of India’s Constitution ○ After the Constituent Assembly
to Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). was disbanded, this clause had
● The State was also sundered into two become nugatory.
Union Territories: J&K and Ladakh.
● It was done when the State was under How was it altered?
President’s Rule with no elected Legisla- ● Part XIX of the Constitution, Article 367
tive Assembly in place. comprises a set of general rules for inter-
preting the Constitution.
How was Article 370 introduced? ○ Through this Article, the Presi-
● The Indian Independence Act, 1947: It dent’s order on August 5, 2019,
allowed the Government of India Act, amended with a view to trans-
1935, to serve as an interim constitution forming the existing status of J&K.
until the country adopted its own. ● It was done by adding a new clause to
● The statute permitted princely States to Article 367: It stipulated that wherever
accede to India by executing an instru- the term “Constituent Assembly of the
ment of accession. State” was used in Article 370, it would
now refer to the “Legislative Assembly
● In the case of J&K, the instrument came
of the State.”
with qualifications that were ultimately
written into Article 370. ● The basic thrust of Article 370 was abro-
gated, without complying with the pre-
● It stipulated that Parliament could leg-
condition that Ayyangar thought obliga-
islate for J&K only over matters concern-
ing external affairs, defense, and com-
● Where Parliament intended to legislate Issues with the process of removal of Article
over areas otherwise provided for in the 370:
instrument of accession, it could do so by ● With J&K under President’s Rule, the
consulting the State government. Governor came to act not only as the
● where it proposed to enact laws beyond State’s Legislative Assembly but also as
the agreed subjects, it required addition- its Constituent Assembly.
al ratification by the State’s Constituent ● The President followed his decision
with a declaration under Article 370(3)
that with effect from August 6, 2019, “all provisions other than Articles 1 or 370
clauses of the said Article 370 shall cease — with modifications or exceptions as
to be operative.” deemed necessary.
● New Article 370 proclaimed that all pro-
visions of the Constitution would apply Government’s stand:
to J&K. ● This is not the first time that different
● The President’s order asserted that it provisions of the Constitution have been
was made with the concurrence of the made applicable to J&K.
“government of the state of Jammu and ○ There have been numerous in-
Kashmir.” stances of presidential orders
○ The State was under President’s made through the erstwhile Arti-
Rule, and assent was made by cle 370(1)(d)
J&K’s Governor. ○ By securing the concurrence of
● The Union government was effectively the State government wherever
assenting to its own decision. necessary.
● Without so much as consulting and se-
curing the concurrence of the State’s
democratically elected representatives. Way Forward
• No doubt, the President’s order on Au-
Petitioners’ argument: gust 5, 2019, only alters the text of Arti-
● Representative democracy is a basic fea- cle 367.
ture of the Constitution.
○ But as a consequence it upsets the
● Any interpretation of the Constitution existing text of Article 370
must strive, they say, towards enhancing
this value. • By amending Article 370 through chang-
es made to Article 367, the petitioners
● Even the framers of Article 370 viewed
claim that the Union has done indirectly
that any overriding of the provision can
what it could not have done directly.
only be done through the procedure con-
templated in clause (3) • India’s Constitution establishes a sys-
tem of governance, where power and
○ That is with the concurrence of
authority are divided between the Union
the State’s Constituent Assembly.
and the States.
○ Once the Assembly stood dis-
banded, this option ceased to ex- ○ Political scientist Louise Tillin: de-
ist. scribed this balance as represent-
ing a form of asymmetric federal-
● Previous presidential orders, including
the order introducing the controversial
 where some States enjoy great-
Article 35A, were made without altering er autonomy over governance
the text of either Article 1 or Article 370 than others
in any manner.  A feature reflected in various
constitutional provisions, espe-
● On a conjoint reading of clauses (c) and cially in Articles 371 to 371J.
(d) of Article 370(1) the President could
• The Supreme Court has routinely de-
make applicable to J&K, “such of the oth-
scribed federalism as representing an es-
er provisions of the Constitution” i.e.,
sential component of the Constitution:
the Court will have to be guided not only
by the text of the provision’s original ver-
sion but also by the spirit that pervades
through the document’s basic structure.
• The Court might want to ensure that fi-
delity is maintained both to these moral
values and to the systems and processes
that make up the administration of the
country’s laws.
• At stake in the case is not only the bare
relationship that the Constitution estab-
lishes between the Union and the States
but also the sanctity attached to the vari-
ous subtleties in this relationship.


Q. The banning of ‘Jamaat-e – islami’ in Jammu
and Kashmir brought into focus the role of over-
ground workers (OGWs) in assisting terrorist or-
ganizations. Examine the role played by OGWs
in assisting terrorist organizations in insurgency
affected areas. Discuss measures to neutralize
influence of OGWs.(UPSC 2019)
(200 WORDS, 10 MARKS)

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