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2019 08 06 Newspaper Hindustan Times - J N K Article 370

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New Delhi/METRO n Vol. XCV No. 186 TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019

Union home minister Amit
Shah sought to make Jammu AFGHANISTAN
and Kashmir, and Ladakh
the newest Union Territories.
Doing this, however, required CHINA
complex legal maneuvering.
A look at how this was

Amit Shah rose to place
four matters before the JAMMU & LADAKH
Rajya Sabha, including a KASHMIR UNION
resolution that effectively UNION TERRITORY
nullified Article 370, which
granted special powers to the
(Legislature) legislature)
state, and a bill that bifurcated it
The state o of Ja
Jammu u aand
Kashmir, which
w became part HIMACHAL
of Union of India on PRADESH
26 October 1947, through PUNJAB
the Instru ument of Accession
(IoA) signed by the then
ruler Hari Singh, TH
had its ow wn BE

and framed Constitution (Application to Jammu &
its own laaws Kashmir) Order, 2019 — issued by Presi-
in all areaas dent of India to supersede the 1954 order
except related to Article 370
external Resolution for Repeal of Article 370 of the
affairs and Constitution of India
communii- Jam
mmu & Kashmir (Reorganisation) Bill, 2019
mmu & Kashmir Reservation (2nd Amend-
ment) Bill, 2019

Introduced in the

Unlike other states, Constitution in 1949, it
it had its own penal expanded the state’s
code, and specific powers: any law passed
laws for transfer of by Parliament could
property, apply as long as they
inheritance, formed part of the IoA, and only
personal laws, benami after consultation with the state
transactions, RTI, etc. government. Over time, this
While several items in article was used to include several
the Union and Concurrent subjects, other than defence,
lists applied to J&K, communications and foreign
Parliament needed the affairs that the Centre could
state to ratify them legislate on
l J&K will not have a flag of its own

“The President may, by public notification, declare that this
article shall cease to be operative or shall be operative only
with such exceptions and modifications and from such date as l It will not have its own Constitut
he may specify: Provided that the recommendation of the
Constituent Assembly of the State referred to in clause (2) shall l Indian Penal Code will replace the
be necessary before the President issues such a notification.”
Ranbir Penal Code
A Constitution order signed by the President could scrap the article,
but it required the state’s constituent assembly to recommend this l All of the state’s laws, including
those that pertain to land, property
and inheritance, will be nullified
l All laws passed by Parliament will

Officially called the Constitution (Application to Jammu &
Kashmir Order) 2019, and signed by President Ram Nath now be applicable, including those
Kovind, the order superseded the Constitution (Applica- that pertain to reservation for
tion to Jammu & Kashmir Order) 1954, and included two
main points:
economically weaker section and
instant triple talaq
It added a clause to Article The order will supersede
367, which clarified that (Application to Jammu & Kashmir l Private investment may now be
references to representative Order) 1954, effectively nullifying
of the President, as well as Article 35A, which empowered possible in the region
the state government could the state to define permanent
l Ladakh will not have a legislatur
be construed as references to residents, giving them special
the J&K governor rights and privileges l J&K will continue to make som
laws. However, certain subjects will
be with the Centre to legislate on,
THEN CAME THE STATUTORY RESOLUTION such as land, law and order — an

Shah moved a resolution for the President to issue a arrangement similar to Delhi
notification that would amend Article 370 — using the
article’s own clause 3 — to state that all provisions of the
Indian Constitution will now apply to Jammu and Kashmir,
irrespective of the state’s own Constitution or “any other
instrument, treaty or agreement...” SO WHAT CHANGES FOR JAMMU

WHY WAS THIS NEEDED? The effective scrapping of Article 370 brings
Jammu and Kashmir completely under Indian

As per clause 3, Article 370 could have only been scrapped law, like any other state or UT. Under the IoA,
after the state’s constituent assembly recommended it. only matters of defence, external affairs and
Currently, governor Satya Pal Malik is in charge of the state, communications were under the Centre. In
after the ruling coalition of Peoples Democratic Party and addition, the 1954 presidential order also
the Bharatiya Janata Party fell in 2018. Hence, the clause created Article 35A, which empowered the state to
added to Article 367 ensured that the governor could be define permanent residents and provide them special
counted as the state, on whose recommendation the new rights and privileges. Now, Article 35A stands nullified
presidential order was passed



p g
htspotlight TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019

The government’s decision to revoke seven decades of autonomy in
Jammu and Kashmir has triggered responses from several quarters

Home minister
ARUN JAITLEY, Senior BJP leader

LK ADVANI, Senior BJP leader


Peoples Democratic Party president

WHEN THE STATE ACCEDED TO IT IN 1947 Leader of Opposition
OMAR ABDULLAH, National Conference leader in Rajya Sabha

Senior Congress leader IN THE STATE
ARVIND KEJRIWAL, Delhi chief minister



KC TYAGI, SOLI SORABJEE, Former attorney general
JD(U) leader





New Delhi/METRO n Vol. XCV No. 186 n Price ₹5.00/with Hindustan ₹ 9.00 (₹ 7.50 in Faridabad)/with Mint ₹ 9.50 n 22 Pages + 6 Pages of HT City. Area specific pages extra. TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019

9am 10.20am 10.30am 11.05am 11.10am 11.20am 6.35pm 6.50pm [Home minister Amit Shah’s
speech] accurately highlighted the
HOW THE DAY Home minister Amit
Shah meets Prime
Cabinet meeting
being held at
Leaders of
opposition parties
Prime Minister
Narendra Modi
Shah begins
speaking about
Uproar in Parliament
as Shah speaks about
Rajya Sabha begins voting on
the Jammu and Kashmir
Bill to bifurcate
J&K into two monumental injustices of the past
UNFOLDED Minister Modi ahead
of a meeting of
Prime Minister
Modi’s residence
meet to discuss
security situation in
Parliament ahead
the situation in
Kashmir in the
the government's
move to effectively
Reorganisation Bill. Shah says
J&K will get full statehood
Union Territories
is passed in
and coherently presented our vision
for the sisters and brothers of J&K
the Cabinet concludes Jammu and Kashmir of Shah’s speech Rajya Sabha scrap Article 370 at appropriate time the Rajya Sabha —Narendra Modi, Prime Minister


NO SPECIAL STATUS Article 35A removed, RAJYA SABHA Reorganisation bill passed HIGH ALERT 8,000 more troops deployed in MIXED REACTIONS Locals in Kashmir,
370 effectively scrapped by Presidential Order to bifurcate state into 2 UTs, J&K and Ladakh Kashmir; security stepped up across country Oppn call it a ‘black day’; Jammu celebrates
HT Correspondent

NEWDELHI: In a move planned with political and legal pre-

Imran’s US visit,
cision, and complete suspense, the central government
led a move in the Rajya Sabha on Monday to end the spe-
cial status of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). By the end of
the day, Article 370 and Article 35A, which have, for
weak Oppn sped
close to seven decades, defined the state’s relationship
with the Union, were effectively rendered null and void.
It also pushed through a bill in the Rajya Sabha to
reorganise the state. J&K has now been bifurcated;
up 370 endgame
JammuandKashmirwillbe a UnionTerritory(UT) with
Shishir Gupta
a legislature; and Ladakh will be a separate UT without
a legislature. The resolutions are to be tabled in Lok n
Sabha on Tuesday, where the ruling National Demo- BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN
cratic Alliance (NDA) has an overwhelming majority.
The move came after a week of intense security
NEW DELHI: Around eight hours
after the historic resolutions
build-up in the state — additional paramilitary troops scrapping special status to ENTIRE PLAN THAT
were deployed, the Amarnath Yatra was cut short, tour- Jammu & Kashmir were intro- STARTED PLAYING OUT
ists and non-Kashmiri students were advised to leave, duced in the Rajya Sabha, they
Kashmiri leaders, including former chief ministers were passed. By then, national AS RECENTLY AS JULY 5,
Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti, were detained, security adviser (NSA) Ajit HT HAS LEARNT
internet and phone connections were suspended, and n (Left) India’s first prime Doval was already in Srinagar,
movement severely curtailed. The actions caused panic minister Jawaharlal Nehru overseeing the transition of the Analysis Wing’s new chief
in the Valley and prompted speculation about whether with Maharaja of Jammu and state into a Union Territory. Samant Goel called on Prime
the government was pre-empting a terror threat from Kashmir Hari Singh. The revoking of Article 370 Minister Narendra Modi at the
across the border, or seeking to bring in drastic legisla- (Inset) PM Narendra Modi and Article 35A that gave special PMO. Inthe courseofthe conver-
tive changes. greets Union home minister status to the state, and special sation,Goel mentionedto the PM
Monday provided the answer. Amit Shah after the passage of privileges to its permanent resi- that India perhaps had a month
The day began with a Cabinet meeting at 9.30am at the Jammu and Kashmir dents, may have been a long- to fully integrate Kashmir with
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s residence in New Reorganisation Bill in Rajya standing objective of the Bharat- itself. After that, the spy agency
Delhi’s Lok Kalyan Marg. Union home minister Amit Sabha on Monday. iya Janata Party (BJP), and chief warned, things could spin
Shah then headed to Parliament, where he began speak- PHOTO DIVISION/PIB; ANI PHOTO before that, its precursor, the out of control: the US would fully
ing in the RajyaSabha at11am.While Opposition leaders Jana Sangh, but the endgame engage with Pakistan to strike a
first sought a response to the unfolding situation in the HTSPOTLIGHT P2-6 that culminated in home minis- deal with the Taliban over
Valley and the detention of Kashmiri leaders, Shah said ter Amit Shah’s historic state- Afghanistan, key to its exit from
he would address all the concerns. ment in Parliament started play- the country. That, Goel warned,
He then moved four motions. The first was the Consti-
COMMISSION ON REVERSE MOVE, CONSTITUTIONAL MILITARY EXPERTS ing out as recently as July 5, HT could result in a deal between the
tution (ApplicationtoJammu and Kashmir) Order, 2019, DELIMITATION SOON SAYS PAKISTAN QUESTIONS REMAIN HAIL DECISION has learnt as it tried to piece US and the Pakistan-supported
which superseded the Constitution (Application to A commission will soon be set up to Pakistan on Monday said that the The government has resorted to The government’s decision on together the timeline from con- Taliban by September 1 follow-
Jammu and Kashmir) Order of 1954. The 1954 order gave undertake the exercise of delimita- Indian government’s “unilateral perhaps one of the boldest steps, J&K was hailed by military experts versations with the few people ing which Washington could
rise to Article 35A, which defined and prioritised perma- tion in J&K. The election commis- step” cannot change Jammu but from a constitutional perspec- as a “bold and logical” move aware of at least some of the choose to reward Islamabad for
nent residents. The order also enabled all provisions of sion will carry out the mandate and Kashmir’s status as an tive, some looming questions towards national integration. They, details. Only a handful are its role with the resumption of
the Indian Constitution to be applied to Kashmir. With once the bill to reorganise the “internationally recognised dis- remain, writes former solicitor however, warned that the decision believed to have been in the military and economic aid. That
this, not only was the supremacy of the Indian Constitu- state is passed in Parliament. ››P3 puted territory”. ››P4 general Mohan Parasaran. ››P5 could result in backlash. ››P6 know of the entire plan. could see an intensification of
CONTINUED ON P 11 On July 5, the Research and CONTINUED ON P 11

Mehbooba, Omar arrested; Govt move on J&K

special status may
Kashmir remains on edge face legal hurdles DIVE INTO
HT Correspondent NEWDELHI: Resolutions and legis-
n lations bifurcating Jammu &
Kashmir into two Union Territo- EVERYDAY Super Luxury Residences
ministers, Peoples Democratic
Party (PDP) chief Mehbooba
ries and scrapping its special sta-
tus may have passed in the Rajya
Sabha but the changes could be
Mufti and National Conference challenged in court, experts said.
leader Omar Abdullah, were That’s because the Centre has
arrested on Monday as Opposi- used a new Presidential Order to
tion parties grappled to put up an scrap a 1954 one that gave rise to
effective protest against the rev- Article 35A, which provides spe-
ocation of special status for cial privileges to J&K’s perma-
Jammu and Kashmir and the nent residents, but some experts
state’s bifurcation into two believe a constitutional provi-
Union Territories. sion cannot be revoked by a Pres-
While Congress leader n Security personnel question motorists on a street in Jammu. AFP idential Order. The constitution
Ghulam Nabi Azad said the deci- order changes Article 367 by a
sion was a “blackspot” onIndia’s tion parties, including AAP and announcement. With internet Presidential Order.
history and TMC’s Derek BSP, were in favour of the move. and mobile services suspended However, noted lawyer Har-
O’BrienquestionedwhytheCen- In Kashmir, people said they in the Valley, Kashmiris outside ish Salve said the Centre is
tre was in a hurry to pass the were apprehensive about a new the state were also worried about within the law as it has super-
reorganisation bill, other opposi- cycle of violence after the their families back home. ››P2,3 seded the 1954 order. ››P2

Hearing impaired Unnao gang rape
minor raped by Banks suggest auto, survivor shifted to
brother, his friends
HT Correspondent
home loans in 1 hour AIIMS on SC order
n Rajeev Jayaswal India’s economy has been fac- old Unnao rape survivor, who
n ing a slowdown for about a year. was critically injured in a road
MEERUT: Four minors were The core sector growth in June accident last week, was flown to
booked for allegedly raping an NEW DELHI: State-run banks may slowed to 0.2%, the lowest All India Institute of Medical Sci-
eight-year-old hearing impaired approve personal loans, vehicle monthly growth since May 2015, ences (AIIMS) Trauma Centre in
girl in Meerut on Sunday, the loansandhomeloansonlinein59 and weak demand forced many Delhi from Lucknow on Monday
police said. One of the accused minutes,accordingtoaproposal automobilecompaniestotempo- night for better treatment.
was the girl’s 12-year-old that they discussed with Union rarily halt production. “We had been informed about
brother. financeministerNirmalaSithar- Among the interventions dis- her arrival. Adequate arrange-
According to AP Misra, aman as one of the measures to cussed on Monday was easing ments have been made in the
inspector, Kanker Khera police create demand and boost the accesstocredit.Thebankerssug- hospital for her as her condition
station, the brother’s friends had economy, officials aware of the gested the in-principle approval is delicate,” a doctor in the hospi- WINNER WINNER
been raping the girl for the last discussionssaid,askingnottobe limit on psbloansin59min- tal said on the condition of ano- Luxury Project of the Year Luxury Project
one month. named. portal, which is meant nymity. The Golden Globe Tigers of the Year - 2019
On Sunday, the girl was play- The discussions were first of a for micro, small and medium Earlier in the day, the Awards 2019, Malaysia Zee Business Awards
Actual image
ing outside her house when the series of meetings that the gov- enterprises(MSMEs)businesses, Supreme Court had ordered
boys lured her with a toffee and ernment has planned over the beraisedfrom₹1croreto₹5crore. immediate airlifting of the
took her to an abandoned house nextweekwithexecutivesofsev- It also suggested opening up woman after her lawyer RK
in the same neighbourhood. This eralindustries,Sitharaman said the portal to retail customers Reddy sought to move her out of Our secret to a healthy, happy lifestyle? Rewarding yourself for a
time, the girl’s brother was also on Monday, promising steps to lookingforhome,carorpersonal King George’s Medical Univer- job well done. A leisurely dive in the pool at King’s Court is best
with them. They raped the minor improvethestateoftheeconomy loans, said one of the officials, sity (KGMU) in Lucknow.
followed by a delicious and healthy spread at the exclusive pool
CONTINUED ON P 11 “fairly quickly”. asking not to be named. ››P15 FULL REPORT ››P10
café, proudly served by chefs who source only the finest gourmet
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W-Block, GK-II, South Delhi
RESCUED IN BAWANA Indian benchmark indices shed more
BSE SENSEX INTRADAY WHITE SUPREMACY Only a few units remain. To view it for yourself,
37200 37,118.22
Police on Sunday evening rescued a than 1% on Monday as local and 37100 previous close
In his first public remarks on the call us on +91 96060 46706
three-year-old who was kidnapped global factors such as scrapping of 37000 36,842.17 recent mass shootings, US President
the same morning allegedly by an the special status of Jammu and 36900 Open 36,699.84 Donald Trump on Monday con-
acquaintance in Bawana. Three Kashmir, weakening of China’s yuan, 36800 Close demned white supremacy and racism,
persons — 18-year-old Dhruv, his sought greater focus on mental Disclaimers: Residential Plot measuring about 0.998 hectares (2.467acres). Name of company to whom the licenses have been granted to M/s.
and escalating global trade tensions 36700
DLF LIMITED. Name of Development “King’s Court”, New Delhi, being developed by DLF LUXURY HOMES LIMITED. Layout Plan approval vide
sister and their mother — have been left investors on edge. BSE’s bench- 36600 health issues, and batted for denying MCD resolution no. 181 dated 05.07.2006. Building plan approval vide No.5752 /B/HQ / 2005 dated 04.09.2009. Revised layout plan vide South
arrested, police said. Dhruv had mark Sensex fell 418.38 points, or 36500 arms to people deemed safety risks. Delhi Municipal Corporation Resolution No. 210 dated 30.07.2013. Revised Building Plan vide file no. 64 /B/HQ / SDMC / 2013 dated 27.11.2013.
kidnapped the boy to get ransom 36400 But he made no mention of gun-con- Last revision of Building Plan vide South Delhi Municipal Corporation file no. 23 /B/ HQ / SDMC /2014 dated 2014. Completion Certificate from
1.13%, to 36,699.84, while the 9:15 3:30
from his father to fund his sister’s National Stock Exchange’s 50-share trol measures that he had suggested South Delhi Municipal Corporation vide serial no. 557/CC/B-1/SZ/16 dated 15.11.2016.
wedding, the police said. ››P7 Nifty index declined 1.23%. ››P15 Fell 418.38pts (1.13%) just hours earlier. ››P14 PRINTED AND DISTRIBUTED BY PRESSREADER +1 604 278 4604


02 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, NEW D ELHI

p g
News trickled in that an additional
J&K governor Satya Pal Malik
A National Conference (NC)
The army said it repelled an

100 companies of the Central asked people not to pay any delegation led by party attempt by a mixed group of
STATUS Armed Police Forces will be
deployed in J&K for counter-in-
heed to rumours of an
impending major decision on the
president Farooq Abdullah met
Prime Minister Narendra Modi in
Pakistani soldiers and terrorists
to attack an army post along the
NO MORE surgency operations and to
maintain law and order
special status of the state. Malik
did not mention a Railway Police
Delhi and apprised him of the
current situation in J&K
Line of Control (LoC), inflicting
heavy casualties. NC leader
Officer’s order on stockpiling Omar Abdullah met governor
The government on JULY 28, SUNDAY rations but presumably referred Malik and urged the central
Monday effectively In a charged political atmosphere, Y
scrapped Article 370, which Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)
to it when he said such orders
were invalid
government to clear the air
about what was going on
grants special status to president Mehbooba Mufti The Amarnath yat
warned the Centre that any JULY 31, WEDNESDAY 14 days ahead of its AUGUST 4, SUNDAY
Jammu and Kashmir, after edu led clos e on August
attempt to tinker with the special Mufti, a former CM, launched an sch Union home minister Amit Shah
days of intense speculation, status of Jammu and Kashmir awareness campaign on the 15 and the counter-in met senior officials in New Delhi.
heightened security gency grid in J&K was AUGUST 5, MONDAY
would blow up in its face state’s special status, travelling to In Kashmir, an all-party meeting
the Amit Shah moves a resolution to abolish Article 370, after
measures and an advisory three districts of south Kashmir strengthened with was held. Hours later, strict
JULY 29, MONDAY ent of the President issues a notification, and introduces a bill to
to prematurely end the — Kulgam, Shopian and additional deploym restrictions were imposed in
An order by the Jammu and forces followi ng the divide the state into two UTs — Jammu and Kashmir, and
Amarnath Yatra. Here’s Pulwama. Separately, BJP general Srinagar, and NC’s Omar
cache of Ladakh. The Rajya Sabha approves both the resolution and
Kashmir Police seeking details on media. The police described the secretary Ram Madhav blamed recovery of a large Abdullah and PDP’s Mufti were
how events unfolded mosques and their management ammunition the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, 2019
Sunday order as a “routine police mainstream political parties for placed under house arrest
over the past few days committees went viral on social activity.” spreading fear in the Valley

letter of the law laid down in Constitution, but
critics argue that doing so at a time when the
Move may be challenged
state’s assembly is suspended violates its spirit on procedure, say experts
Zia Haq ata Party (BJP) is in a minority, HT Correspondent
n had approved everything , with n
the bill passing by a two-thirds
NEW DELHI: The Modi govern- majority. NEWDELHI: The government may
ment’s decision Monday to They are certain the pass the have managed to pass in the
revoke historical provisions Lok Sabha test tomorrow -- the RajyaSabharesolutionsandleg-
enjoyedbyJammuandKashmir BJPisinasignificantmajorityin islations bifurcating Jammu &
(J&K), which fundamentally the House. Kashmirinto two UnionTerrito-
changes the state’s position UnderArticle370,lawsbyPar- ries, and scrapping the special
within India’s federal structure, liament do not automatically status given to the state and its
in the end, required not a long apply to Jammu and Kashmir, permanent residents, but the
shot of the law, but rather a according to conditions under changes, which will bepassed by
straightforward Constitution which it acceded to India, some- the Lok Sabha tomorrow, could
order, a simple statutory resolu- thing governed by the so-called bechallenged in court according
tion, and a bill to reorganise the Instrument of Accession. This to experts.
state. was at the heart of the Constitu- That’s because the govern-
Whilethemovesfollowthelet- tion’s Article 370, enacted on menthasusedanewpresidential n Members of Left parties and their supporters protest against the
ter of the law laid down to bring October 17, 1949. ordertoscrapa1954onethatgave Centre’s move at Jantar Mantar in Delhi. AMAL KS/HT PHOTO
abouttheseradicalchanges,crit- The Instrument of Accession n Security personnel patrol a road in Srinagar on Monday. REUTERS rise to Article 35A that provides
ics argue that doing so at a time with India originally conferred special privileges to the state’s The government is actually tial order can be passed after a
when the state’s assembly powers on the Centre only in the tively removing 35A, tional expert Subhash Kashyap. replaced by the Governor. permanent residents, but some withinthe law argued notedlaw- recommendationbytheconstitu-
remain suspended violates its areas of external affairs, defence The government undertook a Indiaisacaseofasymmetrical “This looks dubious because legalexpertssayaconstitutional yer Harish Salve. All that has entassembly.Sincetheconstitu-
spirit. and communications as far as two-step process to strike down, federalism, meaning some you can very well undertake provisioncannotberevokedbya happened is that a 1954 order has ent assembly for the state of
The Constitution order , effec- Jammu and Kashmir was con- in one fell swoop, the longstand- states have special provisions, modification of the presidential presidential order. been superseded. “There seems JammuandKashmirwaswound
tive immediately, leveraged the cerned. Thecountrythenpassed ing legal status of Jammu and given their historical anteced- order of 1954. But you can’t The constitution order intro- to be some misunderstanding up in 1957, giving effect to this
provisions of Article 370 of the the Constitution (Application to Kashmir. ents, which are not available to undertakemodificationofsome- duced on Monday changes Arti- that article 35 A was a part of the conditionbecomesimpossibility.
Constitution,whichgivesspecial Jammu and Kashmir) Order The new order also made otherstates.Part21oftheConsti- thingthatdoesn’tcurrentlyexist, cle 367 by a presidential order. constitution and that has been A prudent approach is that the
statusandmoreautonomytothe 1954, and tens of amendments to changes to Article 367, whereby tutioncategorisesstatesaseither which is the state Assembly,” SeniorAdvocateandconstitu- done away with, but let me say functions are transferred to the
state,toscrapArticle 35A,which this,toenlargetheareasinwhich thegovernment has addeda new having “temporary,transitional saidPDTAchary,anotherconsti- tional expert Jaideep Gupta that 35A was never a part of the stateassembly.Butquestionscan
givesspecialprivilegestotheper- central laws could apply to the clause (number 4), which repla- or special provisions”. tutional expert. asked: “Prima facie, the legal constitution,“said Harish Salve. always be raised that in the
manent residents of the state. state. ces the expression “constituent Article 370, as it stood prior to Achary said although J&K’s question that arisesis, can a con- Nor, he added, has Article 370 absence of a state assembly, can
The resolution struck off all Informallycalledthepresiden- assembly” of the state of Jammu Monday, defines J&K’s excep- special provisions were never stitutional provision, article 367, been revoked. thegovernorofthestateexercise
but one of the existing clauses of tial order 1954, it also included a and Kashmir with “legislative tionsas“temporary”,asopposed “special”andonly“temporary”, be amended by a presidential If Salve is right -- andit is a fact the extraordinary functions like
Article 370, which gave special controversial Article 35A assembly” of the state and any to a state like, say, Nagaland, in the state legislature, under Arti- order?”. that 370 hasn’t been revoked -- expressing the will ofthepeople?
exceptions for J&K. The only inserted into the Constitution reference to the state Assembly whose case “special provisions” cle 370 itself, had to agree to any The order also introduces a then the argument that the basic Ordinaryfunctionsoftheassem-
clauseretainedwasonethatsaid that defines “permanent status” shallalsobeconstruedtobearef- apply. modification, which is what the new clause that equates the Gov- structureoftheConstitutionhas blycanbeexercisedbythegover-
allprovisionsoftheConstitution of residents of the state. Effec- erencetotheGovernor.Thisena- Interestingly, clause 3 of Arti- term“concurrence”means.This ernor, advised by a council of beenchanged(andthiscannotbe nor, but on a grave issue like 370,
would apply to the state. tively,35Adefinedwhowasaper- bledtheCentretobypassconcur- cle 370 provides powers to the couldbeopentolegalchallenges, ministers to the government of done, even by parliament) will questions can be raised?”
And the bill, an ordinary one manent resident and debarred rence of the state legislature for PresidentofIndiatoeithernullify he said. the state, and the legislative not hold, experts said. Indeed, can a person widely
meaningitdoesnotrequireatwo- non-residents from buying the landmark changes initiated ormakechangestoArticle370.In Otherexperts,too,highlighted assembly to the state’s now The second contentious issue seen as the Centre’s nominee do
thirds majority of Parliament, immovablepropertyinthestates. on Monday. other words, the article contains this issue, as did some members defunct Constituent Assembly. in the constitutional order per- this, askedSupreme Court advo-
proposed the reconstitution of Article 35A is viewed as dis- JammuandKashmir,through within it a “kill button”, so to of the Opposition. The Congress’ This is questionable, Gupta tains to the concurrence of the cate Viplav Sharma.
J&K into two Union Territories, criminatorybecauseitholdsthat Article370, neverenjoyedspecial speak. Any change however s Abhishek Manu Singhvi added. stateofJammuandKashmir.The Adding to the controversy, is
one, J&K with a legislature; and theprogenyofaKashmiriwoman status,asis widely believed, con- requirestheconcurrenceofJ&K pointed outonTwitterthatifnew SupremecourtadvocateSunil new order says it was being also the bill that reorganizes the
the other, Ladakh, without. whomarriedanon-Kashmiriout- stitutional experts say. What it Constituent Assembly, which statesorUnionTerritoriescanbe Fernandes echoed this and said passed by the President with the stateofJammuandKashmirand
The measures represent the sidethestatedoesnothaveinher- enjoyed were certain “tempo- has since been replaced by the created when a state is under “thereisalegalflawinamending concurrence of the state govern- bifurcates it in two separate
mostfar-reachingchangestothe itance rights. rary” provisions. state’slegislature.Currently,the President’s Rule (under Article article 367”. ment . Since the state is under union territories: Ladakh and
how the state, long affected by a The Constitution order -- the “The heading and wording of state is governed by the Centre 356 of the Constitution), then the According to Fernandes, this President’s rule right now, the Jammu and Kashmir. The legal-
separatistmovement,willbegov- Constitution (Application to Article370wasclearonthis.Arti- since it is under the President’s Centre could misuse this provi- couldhavebeendoneonlyunder government’s argument is that ity of doing this without the con-
erned in the future. Jammu & Kashmir) Order, 2019 cle370,asitstood,isdescribedby Rule, and the government’s sion to pretty much bifurcate or Article 368 which allows parlia- this means the governor. currence of an elected state gov-
Bytheendoftheday,theRajya to use its full name -- has now the very Constitution as tempo- understanding seems to be that split any state as long as it has a ment to modify any provision, Gupta isn’t convinced. ernment may also be challenged
Sabha,wheretheBharatiyaJan- replaced the 1954 order, effec- rary provision,” said constitu- the state legislature can be majority in Parliament. even a temporary one. “UnderArticle370,apresiden- in court.


Big changes in law in ‘Disappointed as Political groups in Jammu call

the offing in 2 new UTs our identity was
Zia Haq
it ‘second freedom’ after 1947
HT Correspondent and Kashmir, first got inde-

NEWDELHI: The Centre’s decision

to split the state of Jammu &
attached to 370’ n

JAMMU: Celebrations broke out

in Jammu after a Bill to scrap
pendence in 1947. After 72
years, we have got our second
freedom. Now, Jammu will
move to an era of progress and
Kashmirwillhavewidelegaland Press Trust of India resentment among the masses Article 370, which gave special prosperity. It is also a tight slap
constitutional implications. n rather than bringing peace,” status to Jammu and Kashmir, on the face of the corrupt who
On Monday, the Upper House she said. and a separate Bill to grant had been siphoning off money
passed the Jammu & Kashmir JAMMU: People of Kashmir on For businessman Jaleel Union Territory status to provided by the central govern-
(Reorganisation) Bill, 2019 that Monday expressed apprehen- Ahmad Bhat, the uncertainty Jammu and Kashmir, was ment for the development ofthe
sought to carve the state up into sions about a new cycle of vio- in the Valley meant closure of passed by the Rajya Sabha on region,” said Ashok Gupta,
two union territories (UTs )— lence in the Valley, with many his establishment indefinitely Monday. president of the Dogra Front.
Jammu and Kashmir, and saying that scrapping of Article and loss of livelihood. “We Members of political parties Students in Jammu Univer-
Ladakh — with a majority of 125 370, which gave special status don’t know how the situation were seen dancing, bursting n BJP supporters celebrate in sity waved the tricolour to
votes. to the state, threatens the iden- will develop after the curfew- crackers and distributing Jammu on Monday. AP PHOTO express their support for the
Geographically,thestatecom- tity of Kashmir. like restrictions are with- sweets on Jammu streets, hail- decision.
prisesthreeregions,Hindu-dom- n Shiv Sena workers offer sweets to policemen as they celebrate the “We are shocked by the deci- drawn. We feel we are heading ing the decision by the BJP-led now both Jammu and Kashmir “It is a historic day as
inatedJammu,Muslim-majority effective revoking of Article 370 in Mumbai. KUNAL PATIL/HT PHOTO sion. It has disappointed us towards the worst,” he said. NDA government. getting equal opportunities in Jammu and Kashmir has been
Kashmir and Buddhist-domi- because our sentiments were Bhat expressed disappoint- Members of BJP’s women’s employment and allocation of integrated into the Union of
nated Ladakh. “policy question”, he said. Penal Code to deal with criminal attached with this Article... Its ment over snapping of phone wing led by former minister funds for development,” she India in the true sense. Article
As per the bill, the union terri- For example, the 7th Amend- matters.Therewouldbenosepa- scrapping means that the state and internet connectivity and Priya Sethi distributed sweets said. 370 was a wall a of hatred that
toryofLadakhwillcompriseKar- ment that reorganised states on rate flag for the state of Jammu will lose its character,” said said people in the Valley have and burst crackers.“Article 370 Activists of Dogra Front prevented integration of J&K
gil and Leh districts, and will be thebasisoflanguagewasaconsti- and Kashmir and nor a separate 50-year-old Farooq Ahmad totally been disconnected from had to go someday. It was the danced and hailed Prime Min- with India. Now, development
directlyadministeredbythecen- tutional amendment. Constitution. Shah, a resident of Srinagar the outside world. “My two BJP which had the courage to ister Narendra Modi and Union will take place in Jammu with
tral government through a Lieu- As per Article 3, the Parlia- The Jammu and Kashmir who was visiting Jammu. children are studying outside take this bold step.” home minster Amit Shah for equal opportunities for every-
tenant Governor, who will be mentmayformnewstatesorUTs Assemblywillhaveatermoffive Shah said though the parties the state and there is no contact “The 70-year-old hegemony taking “such a bold decision”. one,” said a student, wishing to
common to both Ladakh as well in any one of the following ways: years and not six as was the case which ruled the state had ren- with them. I know they will be of Kashmiri politicians will end “We, the citizens of Jammu remain anonymous.
as the union territory of Jammu separation of territory; uniting previously. dered the Article “a mere skele- worried about the situation
& Kashmir. two or more states or parts of The Kashmir Assembly, ton” over the last 70 years “in here and I don’t know how they
The latterwill, however, have
a legislature.
Union home minister Amit
a part of any state.
The provision that allows
before the President’s rule was
imposed, had 111 members: 87
elected and 2 nominated. As
collusion with the different
governments at the centre”, its
scrapping will provoke the peo-
are doing,” Bhat, who was in
Jammu, said.
Fatima Bano, a middle-aged
A ‘dream come true’ for Ladakh
Shah moved the Bill under Arti- Jammu&Kashmirtohaveastate before,24seatsinPakistanOccu- ple. entrepreneur, said she has Navneet Dubey security. government for taking such a
cle3oftheConstitution.Together legislature means that jurisdic- pied Kashmir have been left “How long they will keep us beenprayingfor normalcyever n ChiefExecutiveCouncillorof bold step,” he said.
with articles 2 and 4, it dealswith tion will be divided between vacant. under house arrest?” asked since she came to know about the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Rigzin Lundup, councillor
“reorganization of the states” or electedrepresentatives—headed Apart from such structural Arshid Warsi, a man in his 20s the government’s decision to JAMMU: People from Ladakh Development Corporation for Tegar, said the move will
the creation of new states or by a chief minister — and the changes, a spate of new laws, from the Valley who was also revoke Article 370. hailedtheUnion government’s (LAHDC),Leh,GyalPWangyal ensure that Ladakh gets ade-
UnionTerritoriesaswellasread- Governor of the state, quite the which currently apply to rest of visiting the city. Revoking Arti- “Will revoking Article 370 decisiontograntaUnionTerri- said people of Ladakh had been quate funds for development.
justment of boundaries of exist- samewayasitisinDelhi.Incases India, will take force. Examples cle 370 does not mean “we can- end decades-long unrest in torystatustotheregionwiththe demanding separation from “Despite being 70% geographi-
ing states and UTs. of UT with legislatures, certain include the Dowry Prohibition not express our resentment”, Kashmir? I don’t believe in this Rajya Sabha passing the Kashmir for the past 70 years. cal area of the state, Ladakh
“Forming a state doesn’t critical items like land, law and Act, Muslim Women (Protection he said. theory,” she said, asserting JammuandKashmirReorgani- PT Kunzang, president of usedtogetaminusculeshareof
requireatwo-thirdsmajorityand orderandservices,willbeadmin- of Rights on Marriage) Act, the A school teacher, who that Article 370 or Article 35A sationBill on Monday. The Bill Ladakh Buddhist Association the development funds. Also,
neither does a bill to form a new isteredbytheCentrethroughthe Commercial Courts Act, among wished not to be named, was no hinderance for the proposestobifurcatethestateof called it a “long cherished tourism had remained affected
state require a Constitutional office of the Governor. others. blamed the state’s mainstream return of Kashmiri migrant Jammu and Kashmir into two dream” coming true. “The peo- becauseofdisturbanceinKash-
amendment, unless the changes The reorganisation ofJammu Furthermore, the promulga- parties for the “current crisis”. Pandits to their homes as they Union Territories — Jammu ple of Ladakh have been striv- mir. Now, the industry will
are of a very wide and sweeping and Kashmir does not merely tionoftheConstitution(Applica- “Today we feel we have lost have been natives of the Valley and Kashmir and Ladakh. ing to get independent status flourish in Ladakh,” he said.
nature,” constitutional expert mean a territorial change and tion to Jammu and Kashmir) our identity and it is very for centuries. BJP MP from Ladakh Jamy- since 1949. In last 70 years, we Korzok councillor Gurmet
SubhashKashyapsaid.However, entails a spate of legal ramifica- Order 2019 effectively does away unfortunate that the govern- “It was the law and order sit- ang Tsering Namgyal said the staged several agitations to ful- Dorjaysaidthedecisionwillrid
what constitutes “wide and tions, experts said. with Article 35A that prohibited ment has taken a decision uation which is the biggest hur- decision will usher in develop- fil our demand,” Kunzang said. Ladakhofthe“Kashmir-centric
sweeping”dependsonthediscre- Forinstance,theIndianPenal non-Kashmiris from possessing which is going to create more dle in their return,” she added. ment and strengthen border “We are thankful to the BJP rule”.
tion of the government and is a Code will replace the Ranbir immovablepropertyinthestate.



TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019 hindustantimes 03

Theelectoralimpact Security bolstered before move

Sudhi Ranjan Sen


NEWDELHI:Connecting every offi-

cial in Jammu and Kashmir
through a satellite link and put-
ting the military on high alert
along the western and northern
EQUATIONS State polls have reflected polarisation between Jammu and Kashmir regions borders of India were part of a
meticulous plan that New Delhi
Vijdan Mohammad Kawoosa 2019. (See Chart 1) devised before effectively revok-
and Roshan Kishore With Ladakh carved out of ingArticle370,whichgrantsspe-
n what is proposed to be the new
UT of Jammu and Kashmir, the
Can delimitation change cial status to Jammu and Kash-
mir, and proposing the bifurca-
the political math in J&K?
he Rajya Sabha on BJP will have 25 MLAs in a tion of the state into two Union
Monday cleared The house of 83 according to the 2014 Territories on Monday.
Jammu and Kashmir assembly election results. Can The satellite phone link
Reorganisation Bill, redrawing of AC boundaries by CHART 1 BJP’s electoral support is skewed ensured that key officials, down
2019. The bill seeks to delimitation change things? towards Jammu region to the district level, were availa-
reconstitute the state of Jammu HT has pointed in an earlier Number of assembly seats BJP Others ble to receive instructions and
and Kashmir and create two piece that electoral outcomes in passonordersevenaftercommu-
union territories (UTs), Ladakh Jammu and Kashmir have been 2014-AE 25 12 nication network in the Valley n Army personnel stand guard in Jammu on Monday. PTI
and Jammu and Kashmir. While reflecting the religious polarisa- 2019-GE 25 12 was snapped. Communication
Ladakh will not have an elected tion in the state. BJP’s electoral network were taken off the hook outside,” he added. walked into Parliament on Mon- land towards towns or Srinagar
assembly, Jammu and Kashmir success were from Hindu domi- 2014-AE 0 46 on Sunday night, hours before Everyformationalongthebor- day, there were over 50,000 for protests.
will function as a UT with an nated regions in Jammu; 18 out 2019-GE 1 45 the Centre’s big announcement. der is closely watching out for troops, in addition to the troops Separately, the Indian Air
elected assembly, on the lines of of the BJP’s 25 seats in the 2014 Thedecisiontosnapthenetwork “unusualsignals”alongtheLine normally positioned in the Val- Force,especiallytheWesternAir
Delhi and Puducherry. The Bill assembly elections came from 2014-AE 0 4 wastakentopreventpeoplefrom of Control and the International ley. Command,wasonastateofread-
also provides for delimitation of the four districts of Udhampur, 2019-GE 3 3 gathering and “rumours” being Border, another senior military The extra troops rushed to the iness. “The IAF was on highest
parliamentary constituencies Kathua, Samba and Jammu. AE - Assembly Election; GE - General Election spread. officer who did not want to be Valley over the last three weeks possible alert,” a fourth official
(PCs) and assembly constituen- These are also the only districts The Indian Army along the named. helped in thinly policed regions. said. Fighters in different bases
cies (ACs) in the newly created in the state where Hindus are in CHART 2 BJP has consolidated its hold over western border were on put on Adding to the muscle of the “Areas around Dachigam, were ready to take-off on at the
UT of Jammu and Kashmir. a majority. high alert. “We had war-gamed military, the Centre has moved Pattan, Palalan, Gurez and Sop- shortest notice, he said.
Will the proposed bifurcation Of the 20 districts which will
the Jammu region the situation as late as last year,” about30,000personnelfrompara- ore, especially the higher Also, the focus was also on
of the state of Jammu and Kash- comprise the proposed UT of Seat-wise vote share of BJP (%) 2014-AE 2019-GE a senior military officer who did military forces into the Valley reaches,haveathindeployment; ensuring that the Jammu and
mir into UTs of Jammu and Jammu and Kashmir, Hindus 100 not want to be named said. with the help ofheavy transport- extra boots helped in consolidat- Kashmir police was under the
Kashmir and Ladakh impact the have a less than 5% population 84.77 “Things had been worked out to ers of the Indian Air Force (IAF) ing, “ a third official said. Extra operationalcontrolofthecentral
electoral arithmetic of the in 10 districts, all of which are in 80
thelastdetail,takingintoaccount over the past week. In all, when troops also ensured that people forces – a move that was perhaps
region? Looking at the results of the Kashmir region. There are the possible reaction within and UnionhomeministerAmitShah could not move from the hinter- aimed at better coordination.
2014 assembly elections and 2019 six districts in the Jammu
Lok Sabha elections can throw region, where Hindus are not a 60 70.63
some light on the issue.
The Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP) won 25 ACs in Jammu and
Kashmir in the 2014 assembly
majority unlike the four dis-
tricts listed above, but their pop-
ulation share varies from 49%
(Reasi) to 7% (Poonch). The BJP
40 Former CMs Mehbooba, Omar arrested
elections. The total strength of could win or lead in only seven 20 HTC & Agencies pute.”
the Jammu and Kashmir state and four ACs in these districts 2.55 n Abdullah echoed her outrage.
assembly is 87. There are in 2014 assembly and 2019 Lok “Government of India’s unilat-
another 24 ACs reserved for Sabha elections. 0 NEW DELHI: Former Jammu and eralandshockingdecisionstoday
regions in Pakistan occupied If there were to be a calcu- Each point on each of the lines represents one Assembly Constituency of Kashmir chief ministers Meh- are a total betrayal of the trust
Kashmir. In the 2019 Lok Sabha lated delimitation in this region, Jammu region (in descending order of BJP's vote share there) boobaMuftiandOmarAbdullah, thatthepeopleofJammu&Kash-
elections, the BJP had a lead in the BJP stands a chance to Source: ECI; TCPD who were under house arrest mir had reposed in India when
29 ACs in the state. The BJP’s increase its tally. Here’s why. since Sunday night, have been thestateaccededtoitin1947.The
electoral success in Jammu and In 2014, the BJP had a vote Jammu region such that Hindu To be sure, it might be the arrested, news agency Press decisions will have far-reaching
Kashmir has been regionally share of 50% or more in 12 ACs population increases in some of case that the government’s deci- Trust of India quoted unnamed n Mehbooba Mufti n Omar Abdullah and dangerous consequences.
skewed in both 2014 and 2019. In out of the 37 in the Jammu the non-Hindu majority ACs in sions regarding Jammu and officials as saying on Monday. Thisisanaggressionagainstpeo-
both, it won 68% of the ACs in region. This number increased the Jammu region, the BJP Kashmir are driven by its larger JammuandKashmirPeople’s mir, and Ladakh. OnMonday,aftertheCentre’s ple of the State...,” he said.
the Jammu region, which sends to 24 in the 2019 elections. (See could gain in some of the 12 ACs politics rather than the elect- Conference leaders Sajjad Lone National Conference (NC) move to end Jammu and Kash- Inablog,BJPleaderArunJait-
37 out of the 87 members to the Chart 2) which it was not been able to oral arithmetic in the state. andImranAnsarihavealsobeen leader Omar Abdullah and Peo- mir’s special status, Mufti, a ley said the move was a monu-
assembly. However, it drew a The promise of abrogating win in 2014 and 2019. However, the fact that delimita- arrested, the officials said. Some ples Democratic Party (PDP)’s formerallyoftheCentre’sruling mentaldecisiontowardsnational
blank in the Ladakh and Kash- Article 370 is likely to further Another possibility is that the tion has been made a part of the morearrestshavebeenmade,the Mehbooba Mufti were placed Bharatiya Janata Party, said, integration.Assertingthat sepa-
mir regions in 2014, while it led consolidate the Hindu vote in delimitation exercise reduces exercise, suggests that concerns officials said, without sharing under house arrest on Sunday “Today the people of Jammu & rate status led to separatism, he
in three out of four ACs in Jammu in the BJP’s favour. If a the number of seats in the Kash- for tilting the electoral arith- details. night,hoursafterthetwoleaders, Kashmirwho reposed theirfaith saidthatnodynamicnationcould
Ladakh and just one out of 46 delimitation exercise were to mir region, while it increases metic in the BJP’s favour cannot The arrests come hours after along with other leaders, ininstitutionsofIndialikeparlia- allow this situation to continue.
ACs in the Kashmir region in redraw AC boundaries in the those in the Jammu region. be ruled out. the Centre proposed the revoca- attended an all-party meeting ment & Supreme Court feel “A historical wrong has been
tionofArticle370,whichgranted thatresolvedtoseekanaudience defeated&betrayed.Bydismem- undone today. Article 35A came
special status to Jammu and withPresidentRamNathKovind bering the state & fraudulently through the back door without

EC may take up redrawing of J&K Kashmir,andproposedthebifur-

cation of the state into two union
territories — Jammu and Kash-
and Prime Minister Narendra
Modi over the security situation
in the state.
taking away what is rightfully &
legally ours, they have further
complicated the Kashmir dis-
following the procedure under
Article 368 of the Constitution of
India. It had to go,” he said.

constituency boundaries soon

Smriti Kak Ramachandran Local parties such as the National Conference and the

PDP have been opposed to

NEW DELHI: A commission will n At present, the state assembly n Of the 87 seats, 46 are in delimitation till 2026, when it
soon be set up to undertake the has 111 members plus two Kashmir, 37 in Jammu and was next due, and believed that
exercise of delimitation in nominated members. four in Ladakh. this could assign more seats to
Jammu and Kashmir, people n Of the 111 members, 87 are n The Bill proposes carrying out the Jammu region, benefitting
familiar with the matter said on elected, 24 seats that fall the delimitation on the basis of the BJP.
condition of anonymity. On in Kashmir under Pakistan’s the 2011 Census. It has also The exercise of delimitation
Monday, Union home minister occupation have been proposed raising the strength will be carried out in J&K after
Amit Shah introduced the left vacant. of the assembly to 114. over two decades; in 2002, the
Jammu and Kashmir Reorgani- J&K Assembly passed a law put-
sation Bill, 2019 in the Rajya The exercise of delimitation will be carried out in J&K after over ting a freeze on the fresh delimi-
Sabha; the bill gives a mandate two decades; in 2002, the J&K Assembly passed a law putting a tation of seats till 2026.
to the election commission to freeze on the fresh delimitation of seats till 2026. “The delimitation commis-
carry out the task of delimita- sion will have the task of carry-
tion, once the Bill to reorganise had 111 members plus two nomi- mission will go ahead with the ing out the exercise of both the
the state as the union territory nated members. existing constituencies,” said a assembly and Lok Sabha con-
of Jammu and Kashmir is Of this 87 are elected mem- BJP functionary. stituencies in Jammu and Kash-
passed in both houses of Parlia- bers, 24 seats that fall in the part The party has been in favour mir regions of the existing state.
ment. As per the provisions of of Kashmir under Pakistan’s of delimitation, pointing out Ladakh which currently has
the Bill, Ladakh will be a UT Occupation have been left how changes in the demography one LS seat and four assembly
without a legislature. vacant. Of the 87 seats, 46 are in in the state need to be accounted seats, will not have an assembly
Delimitation is the process of
fixing limits or boundaries of
Kashmir, 37 in Jammu and four
in Ladakh. The Bill proposes
“There is no doubt that once
and will be governed by a coun-
cil,” said a second party func- Because your love for your
territorial constituencies in a carrying out the delimitation on delimitation is carried out there tionary aware of the develop-
country or a province with a leg-
islative body.
the basis of the 2011 census.
There is no clarity on
will be rationalization of seats in
the Jammu region. There is also
As per the information on EC
loved ones, is forever...
The Bill , passed with the whether elections in the state the need to look at reserving website, Delimitation Commis-
2/3rd majority in the Rajya will be conducted anytime soon, seats for Gujars and Bakerwals sions have been constituted four
Sabha and will be taken up for though there has been specula- who have been an integral part times – in 1952 under the Delimi-
passage in the Lok Sabha on tion that this could happen in of the population,” the function- tation Commission Act, 1952, in
Tuesday, has also proposed October-November. “We don’t ary added, asking not to be 1963 under Delimitation Com-
raising the strength of the know if the elections will be con- named. Gujars and Bakerwals, mission Act, 1962, in 1973 under
assembly to 114 plus two nomi- ducted after the delimitation is nomadic communities, are des- Delimitation Act, 1972 and in
nated members. carried out, which could take ignated scheduled tribes in the 2002 under Delimitation Act,
At present the state assembly some time or if the election com- state. 2002.



04 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, NEW D ELHI

p g
htspotlight facetoface

ReversemoveonJ&K:Pakistan JITENDRA SINGH, Union minister of state

‘Sentiment to scrap Art 370 always

OBJECTION Minister Qureshi says will take
up matter with US team, global community
Imtiaz Ahmad
there, common man is celebrating’
However, it requires the con-
CLOSELY nion Minister of
State in charge of
that India today is part of a
global world, we can’t sent of the legislative assembly.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Monday
asked the Indian government to
FOLLOWING Prime Minister’s
Office and North
deprive them of global ave-
How can the governor during
President’s Rule be representa-
“halt and reverse” its decision to
revoke the special status of
EVENTS: US East affairs, Jiten-
dra Singh, spoke to Sunetra But why didn’t you take people
tive of the assembly?
Legal representation was
Jammu and Kashmir, contend- WASHINGTON:The United Choudhury about the gov- into confidence - you shut down done and it was found in
ing such a unilateral step cannot States on Monday said it ernment’s decision to effec- internet, cut phones off? order. Right now, Parliament
change the state’s status as an was “closely following” tively scrap Article 370 and No it is not like that. We don’t is performing the role of the
“internationally recognised dis- events in Jammu and some of the Opposition’s criti- shut down our doors. It was state assembly.
puted territory”. Kashmir, had taken cism. Edited excerpts: the Congress that operated
ForeignsecretarySohailMah- “note” that the Indian like this. [Former PM] Indira Isn’t that point legally debata-
mood summoned Indian envoy government has When was this plan made and Gandhi was the one who ble?
AjayBisariatotheforeignminis- described the actions as how did you put it into motion? called a session on a holiday Some people are trying to
try to convey a “strong “strictly an internal mat- It was awaited for several and got the Emergency make a debate out of it. How-
demarche” or formal diplomatic ter” and urged all parties decades. We had to wait for 70 passed by the President Fak- ever, we have subjected it to
representation on actions taken to maintain peace and years... But it took someone hruddin Ali Ahmed in a mid- legal scrutiny. Even if some
by India on Kashmir. stability along the Line of like Narendra Modi to bring night order. We didn’t do body chooses to go to the
“TheForeignSecretarycalled Control. in this legislation. This day of that. When the bill is brought court, they will not get any
uponIndiatohalt andreverse its US state department August 5, 2019, will be known into Parliament, it is open for relief. I can’t go into details of
unlawful and destabilising spokesperson Morgan as the day of redemption and all to bring about opinion, how that was done as it was
actions, ensure full compliance Ortagus, in a statement, n Members of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party take part in an anti-India protest march in Lahore on rejuvenation. positive or negative. When the prerogative of the home
withUNSecurityCouncilresolu- also said the US was Monday in reaction to the move by India to abolish Kashmir's special status. AFP they talk about taking stake- minister.
tions, and refrain from any fur- “concerned about Your critics say the way you holders into confidence, who
theraction that couldentailseri-
ous implications,” the Foreign
Office said in a statement.
A statement issued earlier in
reports of detentions and
urge respect for individ-
ual rights and discussion
with those in affected
Internal matter for security, brought it in is undemocratic.
As far as the Congress is con-
cerned, I am surprised by the
way they opposed it. We car-
are the stakeholders? They
mean only Hurriyat leaders
and local politicians. Are we
all not stakeholders? All of
What is the plan in the Valley?
How long will the leaders
(former CMs Omar Abdullah ,
Mehbooba Mufti) be held?
the day described Kashmir as an
“internationally recognised dis-
lateral step” by India could
communities.” HTC

growth, foreign envoys told ried forward the work of Con-

gress patriarchs like [India’s
first PM] Jawaharlal Nehru.
He would pacify critics of
the people of the country?
Kashmir belongs to all peo-
ple, doesn’t it? Constitution-
ally speaking, the Opposition
That is only because some
people were trying to rake up a few days or
weeks, things will be okay.
change this “disputed status as he said. He added, “Today, India Rezaul H Laskar introduced in Parliament to Pakistan to seek the world com- Article 370 by saying this was has no propriety to oppose
enshrined in” the UN Security has again revived and interna- n revokeArticle370oftheConstitu- munity’s intervention on the temporary- he would say this as Congress government As an MP from the state, do you
Council resolutions. tionalised the Kashmir issue. tion and for the administrative Kashmir issue. Pakistan’s For- ‘ghiste ghiste ghis jayegi’ (It brought in resolution in 1994 think this move will alienate
Pakistanwouldusealloptions This will not solve the problem, NEWDELHI :India on Monday told reorganisationofJ&K,thepeople eign Office rejected the Indian will slowly fade away). Sec- that J&K is an integral part of people?
to “counter the illegal steps”, it rather it will escalate it.” foreign envoys, including repre- cited above said. government’sdecisiontorevoke ondly, if you go through the India. They conveniently for- Article 370 resulted in aliena-
added. Qureshifurthersaidinatweet: sentatives of the P5 powers, the Pakistan was not among the the special status of Jammu and Parliament debate in 1964 get all of these things when tion. It led to a psychological
Mahmood also told the Indian “We intend to firmly highlight government’sdecisiontorevoke countriesinvitedtothebriefings Kashmirandsaidsuchunilateral when Lal Bahadur Shastri they oppose our move. feeling that the people of
envoythatPakistanrejectedand our stance in our meetings with the special status of J&K was and its mission in New Delhi steps cannot change the state’s was the PM, minister Gulzar- Kashmir are different. If Arti-
condemned “these illegal the US delegation visiting Paki- purely an internal matter aimed didn’t seek a briefing, the people statusasan“internationallyrec- ilal Nanda has been quoted as You say you used Article 370- cle 370 was the sole instru-
actions”andcondemned “prece- stan and with the international atensuringtheregion’sdevelop- said. Besides the P5 states, more ognised disputed territory”. saying that the sense of the clause 3- to remove the article. ment for keeping away alien-
dingpre-meditatedsteps”suchas communityatlarge.”TheTrump ment and security, people famil- briefings were arranged after TheForeignOfficespokesman House was to do away with ation, then you should have
thelockdownofKashmir,deploy- administration’spointpersonfor iar with developments said. members of the diplomatic com- said the Pakistan government Article 370. So, this senti- an Article 370 in every state.
ment of additional troops and SouthAsia,AliceWells,wassetto The envoys of the P5 or five munityexpressedinterestinget- wouldusealloptionsto“counter ment...was always present. It It is only a self righteous logic
housearrestofKashmirileaders. begin Pakistan visit on Monday. permanent members of the UN ting the Indian government’s theillegalsteps”andforeignmin- was only in the later years for their self interest. Both
LeadersofallPakistaniparties Sharif called on the Pakistani SecurityCouncil–China,France, take on the developments, the ister Shah Mahmood Qureshi that the Congress and the the separatist lobby and the
also joined hands to oppose leadership to demand an emer- Russia,the USand the UK– were people said. noted that diplomatic efforts to National Conference held on mainstream politicians are
India’s action, describing it as gencysessionoftheUNSCandto briefed on developments related “It was highlighted that the counter the development would to Article 370 for vested inter- exposed before their own peo-
unacceptableandan “actof trea- consult with China, Russia, Tur- to Kashmir by foreign secretary proposals which are currently be stepped up. ests. They became beneficia- ple. Children of poor people
son” against the UN. key, Saudi Arabia and other Vijay Gokhale, while the envoys under consideration of the Par- However, the Indian govern- ries of this. As far as the com- are becoming stone pelters,
Foreign minister Shah Mah- friendlycountriesonthematter. ofothercountrieswerebriefedby liament of India are internal to ment decided not to take the bait mon man is concerned, I can while their own children are
mood Qureshi told a TV channel The army chief, Gen Qamar secretariesoftheexternalaffairs India.Theseareaimedatprovid- and respond to the Pakistan For- say this with great responsi- studying in the best colleges
fromSaudiArabia,whereheison Bajwa, will chair a Corps Com- ministrylookingafterterritorial inggoodgovernance,promoting eign Office’s statement. An offi- bility that this move is in India and abroad. People
a pilgrimage, that Pakistan will manders Conference in Rawal- divisions. social justice and ensuring eco- cial, who spoke on condition of being celebrated have seen through this
step up diplomatic efforts to pre- pindi on Tuesday to discuss the Thebriefings beganlate inthe nomic development in Jammu anonymity,saidthatwouldhave even by everyone bluff. Their ideology
venttheorderfromtakingeffect. situationinKashmirand“Indian afternoon and continued till late andKashmir,”saidapersonwho meant planning into Pakistan’s on streets of wasn’t backed by con-
“India is playing a very danger- aggressionalongtheLineofCon- evening,andthe envoys anddip- didn’t want to be identified. hands and internationalising Kashmir. We viction but by conve-
ous game by changing the status trol”, state-run Radio Pakistan lomats were given a rundown by The briefings were held what thegovernmentsseesasan have to realise nience
ofKashmirthroughillegalacts,” reported. senior officials on proposals againstthebackdropofmovesby internal issue.

Kashmir decision
may complicate HOW ARTICLE 370 CAME TO BE
Union home minister Amit Shah on Monday announced the government has

negotiations in effectively scrapped Article 370 of the Constitution, removing special status given
to the state of Jammu and Kashmir almost 70 years ago.

Afghanistan THE HISTORY

NEW DELHI: India’s decision to OCTOBER 26, 1947: The foundation for
effectivelyrevokethespecialsta- Article 370 stems from the Instrument of
tusofJammuandKashmircould Accession (IOA) signed by the then ruler of
complicate fraught negotiations Jammu and Kashmir, Raja Hari Singh. The
toendtheconflictinAfghanistan document was part of the formal process by
and trigger attacks by Pakistan- which all princely states in the country declared
backedterroristsonIndianinter- their consent to be included in the Union of
ests, people familiar with matter India. In this case, however, J&K negotiated
said on Monday. some conditions as part of its entry into India.
The Afghan government has As per the IOA, the state gave Union of India
been keeping a close watch on the power to legislate only three aspects:
developments in Kashmir external affairs, communications and defence.
against the backdrop of reports OCTOBER 17, 1949: Article 370 is incorporat-
that Pakistan-backed terror ed in the Indian Constitution, exempting the
groups could step up attacks state of Jammu and Kashmir from Constitution
against “pro-India voices” and of India. This cements the terms spelt out in
liberal elements favouring the the IOA.
retention of human rights
enshrinedsincetheousterof Tal-
iban in 2001, the people said.
“The developments in Kash-
mircould impactthe situationin ALLOWED J&K TO
n Have its own Constitution Sevveral Presidential Orders were Article 35A to Constitution,
Afghanistan as Pakistan will try
ued during this period which gave special privileges
to up the ante,” said a member of n To have a say on legislation
folllowing discussions between to permanent residents by
the diplomatic community who covering all issues except thee Constituent Assembly and laying down restrictions on
declined to be named. defence, foreign affairs and Govvernment of India. The first people from outside to
“There are already reports communications — the three onee was a formal announcement purchase property, claim
that pro-India and anti-Taliban aspects that Raja Hari Singh of tthe applicability of Art 370, settlement or employment
elementscouldbetargetedalong consented to being subjected while the one that came into
withIndianinterestsinAfghani- to Indian Constitution NOVEMBER 17, 1956
forcce on May 14, 1954, was seen The Constituent Assembly of
stan,” said the person, referring n This Article was meant to be as tthe most crucial: J&K dissolved, without taking
totherecentattemptbyterrorists “temporary” in nature, to be a decision on whether to scrap
to kill Amrullah Saleh, the ratified by the State’s Itt extended Indian citizenship
too J&K residents Article 370.
former Afghan spy chief and a Constituent Assembly, which n This left a situation in which
running mate of President Asraf would draw up the state’s Itt accorded the fundamental
Article 370 was deemed to
Ghani in the presidential elec- Constitution and finalise the riights to the people of J&K
have retained a more
tions scheduled for September. powers of the state and the It extended the jurisdiction of
permanent place in the
Though no group claimed Union. the Supreme Court to the state
Constitution, where it is
responsibility for the attack, the Itt announced the adding of classified under Part XXI
finger of blame has been pointed
at the Taliban. Saleh, a vocal AT PRESENT
critic of the Taliban, favours
strong security ties with India. n Several court orders have since deemed the Article to be a n At present, the state does not
A senior Indian official, permanent inclusion in Constitution since the Constituent have an assembly since it was
requesting anonymity, did not Assembly did not take a decision on its extension. Legal dissolved on November 22,
rule out the possibility of Paki- experts and opposition leaders have maintained that 2018, months after an alliance
stan using terror groups with Article 370 can be scrapped only with the consent of the between the BJP and the PDP
links to its security establish- State assembly and a Constitutional amendment. collapsed.
ment to step up violence in
Zalmay Khalilzad, the US spe-
cial representative for Afghan AFTER CENTRE’S J&K DECISION
reconciliation who is engaged in
talks with the Taliban in Qatar,
tweeted that he would travel to
Gorkhaland demand grows
further build international con- SILIGURI: The Bharatiya Janata Reorganisation Bill, 2019, aimed tre’sintervention intheGorkha-
sensusinsupportofthe#Afghan- Party-led central government’s at bifurcating the state into two land issue aswell.Darjeelinghas
PeaceProcess”.There have been move to bifurcate Jammu and union territories — Jammu and intermittently witnessed agita-
reportsinrecentweeksthatPaki- Kashmir into two union territo- Kashmir and Ladakh. tions and bloodshed since the
stan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba and rieshaspromptedGorkhaoutfits ThefactionoftheGorkhaJan- 1980s over the Gorkhas’ demand
Jaish-e-Mohammed have sent in WestBengal’s Darjeeling hills muktiMorcha(GJM)ledbyfugi- for a separate state.
cadres to Afghanistan to fight to seek a similar solution to their tive leader Bimal Gurung, and The other faction of the GJM,
alongside the Taliban. These long-standingdemandforasepa- the Gorkha National Liberation led by Binay Tamang has how-
reports have been accompanied rate state they want to call Gor- Front(GNLF),whicharealliesof ever accusedthe Centreofwork-
by intelligence alerts about the khaland. the BJP, have hailed Monday’s ing against the will of people and
two banned groups targeting The Rajya Sabha on Monday development as a “very brave political parties in Jammu and
Indian interests. HTC passed the Jammu and Kashmir decision”anddemandedtheCen- Kashmir. PRAMOD GIRI



TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019 hindustantimes 05
A bold move but
questions remain
BY INVITATION may specify:
Provided that the recommen-
bly of the State referred to in
clause (2) shall be necessary
before the President issues such
MOHAN PARASARAN a notification.”
Even though the Constituent

he Government of Assembly no longer exists, the
India (GoI) has question that may arise is
resorted to perhaps whetherthereisaneedtoconsult
oneofthe boldest steps an elected body in the state on
— since the coming suchimportantissues,orwasthe
into force of the Constitution of President’s decision in accord-
India—withPresidentRamNath ance with the other provisions of
KovindpromulgatingtheConsti- Article 370 inasmuch as he had
tution (Application to Jammu effective consultation with the
andKashmir)Order,2019,which governor, who, in effect, is the
states that provisions of the government when the state is
Indian Constitution are applica- placed under President’s Rule.
ble in the state. This is what the Another issue is that the
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) amendment to Article 367(4), in
had promised to the people, and its application to the State of
the move is in consonance with Jammu and Kashmir, is effected
theideaof“fraternity”envisaged by way of the present Order. The
in the Preamble, and has been issue here is whether such an
donetostrengthenthe“unityand amendment could be made by
integrity of the Nation”. way of a Presidential Order. An
But from a constitutional per- amendment to the Constitution
spective,therearesomelooming may only be done by recourse to
questions due to the decision Article 368 by introducing a Bill,
taken by the GoI. The state of inthatregard,intheParliament,
Jammu and Kashmir is now and being passed in both the
under the President’s Rule, and houses by a majority of 2/3rd of
there’snoelectedgovernmentor itsmemberspresent,andvoting,
a legislative assembly. Clauses and thereafter, the Billreceiving
(1)(d), (2) & (3) of Article 370 read the assent of the President.
as follows: As the amendment to Articles
“(1)(d) such of the other provi- 367 and 370 arethe fulcrum ofthe
sions of this Constitution shall Presidential Order, questions
applyinrelationtothatStatesub- may arise as to whether such
jecttosuchexceptionsandmodi- amendmentscanbemadeinacir-
ficationsasthePresidentmayby cuitous manner without resort-
order specify: Provided that no ing to Article 368, and whether
such order which relates to the such an Order would suffice in
matters specified in the Instru- light of the spirit behind Article
ment of Accession of the State 370.ButtheGoI’sviewappearsto
referredtoinparagraph(i)ofsub- be that no such constitutional
clause(b)shallbeissuedexceptin amendmentisrequiredinlightof
consultation with the Govern- theprovisionsofArticle370(1)(d).
ment of the State: This appears to be the moot
Provided further that no such point.
order which relates to matters Fromapersonalpointofview,
otherthanthosereferredtointhe theGoIneedstobecongratulated
last preceding proviso shall be for uniting the country, as there
issued except with the concur- wasalwaysafeelingthatJammu
rence of that Government. andKashmirwastrulynotpartof
(2) If the concurrence of the India, but part of the nation for
GovernmentoftheStatereferred historical purposes.
to in paragraph (ii) of sub-clause This was exploited by politi-
(b) of clause (1) or in the second cians,andledtocommunalforces
proviso to sub-clause (d) of that gaining control, post-Independ-
clause be given before the Con- ence,andterrorismtakingalead
stituent Assembly for the pur- role.
pose of framing the Constitution Keeping aside the legal issues,
oftheStateisconvened,itshallbe the GoI’s intention has to be
placed before such Assembly for appreciated as one which is to
such decision as it may take bolsterthesovereigntyandinteg-
thereon. rityofthecountry.Buttheconsti-
(3) Notwithstanding anything tutionalissues,fromtheperspec-
intheforegoingprovisionsofthis tive of a constitutional lawyer,
article, the President may, by are rather interesting, and will
public notification, declare that give rise to interesting debates.
this article shall ceaseto be oper-
ative or shall be operative only (Mohan Parasaran is a senior advo-
withsuchexceptionsandmodifi- cate, and former Solicitor General of India.
cations and from such date as he The views expressed are personal.)

n Kashmiri Pandits celebrate the revocation of the state’s special

status in Navi Mumbai on Monday. BACHCHAN KUMAR/HT PHOTO

Kashmiri Pandits
hail ‘brave decision’
Smriti Kak Ramachandran ing bold decisions which will
n havewide-rangingpositiverami-
fications for the entire subconti-
NEWDELHI:The Bharatiya Janata nent,” MK Pajan, general secre-
Party-led central government’s tary of the AIKS said.
move to revoke Article 370 of the The Samaj said the move is
Constitution that gives special unprecedented in scale and will
status to Jammu and Kashmir remove uncertainty about the
has been welcomed by Kashmiri status of the state and of its
Pandit groups, which called it a future.
“decisive decision”. Dr Ajay Chrangoo, chairper-
The Kashmiri Pandits, who sonofthePanunKashmir,afron-
wereforcedtoleavetheValleyin talorganisationoftheinternally-
the 1990s following escalation in displaced Kashmiri Pandits and
terror activities in the region, which has pitched for a separate
havebeensupportiveoftheBJP’s homeland for the community,
move to scrap the special consti- said, “This is the first decisive
tutional provisions for J&K. step towards the dismantling of
The All India Kashmiri Samaj an Islamic state, and this will
(AIKS)saidrevokingArticles370 pave the way for a permanent
and 35A that empowers the state reversal of the genocide.”
assembly to define “permanent The All India Minority Front
residents” for bestowing special hailed the decision and said
rights and privileges on them, everyoneshouldriseabovetheir
was a “bold decision”. interests and political differen-
The move to strip J&K of its ces, and welcome the decision.
special status was cleared by the “We heartily welcome the gov-
Rajya Sabha on Monday, after ernment’s brave decision. This
home minister Amit Shah intro- was necessary for the interest of
ducedaresolutioninthisregard. the country, including Jammu
The Upper House of Parlia- and Kashmir,” said SM Asif,
mentalsopassedtheJammuand national president of the Front.
Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, Sushil Pandit, who is associ-
2019, aimed at bifurcating the
atedwith another Pandit organi-
sation, Roots in Kashmir, said NEWS, VIEWS & ANALYSIS. SINCE 1924
Jammu and Kashmir and India has finally changed gears. Stay updated with the latest news and happenings from around the world with Hindustan Times.
Ladakh. “From initial reports as “India has declared [a] war on
appearing in the media, govern- jihad.Abrogationisadeclaration
mentofIndiahasfinallyactedon of intent. War has to be won, on
Kashmir with unprecedented the ground. It will be a long and
clarity and decisiveness, by tak- arduous one...,” Pandit said.



06 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, NEW D ELHI

p g
htspotlight 947: British rule in India state of Jammu and Kashmir 1952: Discussions culminate Kashmiri Pandits

ends after Partition. Jammu from the Constitution of India. in the 1952 Delhi Agreement, a
GOING and Kashmir ruler Hari Singh
signs the Instrument of
This cements the terms spelt
out in the Instrument of
presidential order that extends
Indian citizenship to residents
1999: India and Pakistan
wage conflict in Kargil on the

BACK Accession of J&K following an

attack by a Pakistani army of
Accession of the state but leaves the
maharaja's privileges for
Line of Control after army
identifies infiltrators

72 YRS IN soldiers and tribesmen that

triggers an armed conflict
residents intact
1957: Constitution of J&K is
2010: About 120 people are
killed after major protests

HISTORY between India and Pakistan

1948: The war ends with a
UN-ordered ceasefire and
adopted and comes into force
1965: India and Pakistan
erupt in parts of Kashmir over
the death of a 17-year-old in
police firing
On a day special resolution seeking a plebiscite fight their second war over
status for Jammu & for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Fighting ends after n Protests in Srinagar in 2016.
Kashmir ended, a Kashmir to decide whether to
951: Elecctions for the
the UN calls for a ceasefire
become part of India or 2015: PDP joins hands with 2018: Jammu and Kashmir
look at the political Pakistan. It calls on Pakistan to constituent assembly of the 1989: With Soviet occupation BJP to form state government put under Governor’s rule
and social develop- withdraw its troops and a state are held. India says a of Afghanistan, weapons make in June after BJP pull out
ceasefire comes into force referendum is not needed. their way into Kashmir and 22016: Death of Hizbul from the coalition with PDP.
ments through the Sheikh Abdullah is appointed Pakistan’s backing leads to the Mujahideen commander Six months later, President’s
past seven decades 1949: Article 370 is Prime Minister of Jammu and rise of militancy in the state. Burhan Wani triggers deadly Rule is imposed and it is
n (From left) Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir Hari Singh with India’s incorporated in the Indian Kashmir but is later dismissed Thousands are killed and n Mehbooba Mufti and PM protests, claiming at least 65 extended till December 2019
home minister Vallabhbhai Patel in April 1948. HT ARCHIVE Constitution, exempting the in 1953 and imprisoned unrest leads to an exodus of Narendra Modi lives and injuring thousands

Art370therootcauseof Caught off guard in RS, Oppn fails

to muster numbers to thwart govt
RESOLUTION Says full statehood to be restored at ‘appropriate time’, when normalcy returns
Saubhadra Chatterji

NEW DELHI: Opposition parties

ple who always wanted to be a
part of India and never went to
Pakistan,” he said.
Still, the party appeared
divided as sidelined Congress
Naidu made it clear that he
supported the Opposition’s
demand for time to study the bill
butthat hewould notadjournthe

and struggled to put up an effec- VOTES AND THE BILL leader Janardan Dwivedi later gobacktoyourrespectiveseats,I
HT Correspondent Nothing will happen... tivefront after Unionhomemin- BY 125 TO 61 IN THE toldthemedia,“Mypoliticalguru willallowthedebatetostartnow. isterAmitShahintroducedinthe Ram Manohar Lohia ji was Theseareveryimportantlegisla-

It (Kashmir) was House a Constitutional order 239-MEMBER HOUSE: A always against this Article (370, tionsandhavetobeclearedtoday
NEW DELHI: The Rajya Sabha on
heaven on earth and (which needed to be passed), a TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY which gives special status to the itself,” Naidu said. He also
Mondaypassedabilltobifurcate statutory resolution, and a bill, state). A mistake of history has extended the time for opposition
the state of Jammu & Kashmir
into two Union Territories and
will remain so... thattogetherrevokedthespecial
status granted to the state of ity on the government’s possible
been corrected today, albeit late.
I welcome this.”
MPs to move amendments.
Simultaneously, two senior
AMIT SHAH, Union home minister
resolutionsscrappingspecialsta- Jammu & Kashmir and its per- move,LeaderofOppositioninthe The Trinamool Congress’s ministers of the BJP tried to
tustothestateanditspermanent manent residents, and also House, the Congress’s Ghulam DerekO’BriencriticisedtheCen- reach out to parties such as the
residents, with home minister constitution and decision-mak- sought to bifurcate the state into Nabi Azad advised everyone to tre’s tearing hurry to introduce CongressandtheTrinamoolCon-
AmitShah saying onthe Floor of ing rights for all matters except two union territories. waitfortheannouncements.The the bill and apprehended that gress for support.
the House that the contentious defence, communications and The order and the resolution shock in the Opposition camp other states too would be turned As the Opposition started a
articles of the Constitution were foreign affairs. were passed by voice votes and wasevidentwhenAzaddescribed into union territories after quick headcount, the Congress,
behindmostoftheillsofthestate Defending the decision to the bill by 125 to 61 in the 239- thegovernment’s moveas“drop- imposing President’s rule. But the Left and the DMK stood firm
— from corruption to lack of scrap Article 370, Shah said the member house, a two-thirds pinganatombomb”whileformer Trinamool’sprotestswereshort- in opposing the bill while other
development to terrorism. provisionsarediscriminatoryon majority. The numbers indicate union minister P Chidambaram lived,though.Itstagedawalk-out Opposition parties turned in the
The scrapping of the special the basis of gender, class, caste disarrayintheOpposition ranks quipped,“Weanticipatedaamis- before the voting, effectively other direction. Even the Aam
status to the state was a poll and place of origin. — the government is in a minor- adventure,butweneverthought helpingthegovernment’agenda. Admi Party, a vocal opponent of
promise of the Bharatiya Janata He said post the repeal of Arti- ity in the Rajya Sabha and the that they would take a cata- Earlier,although manyOppo- the Centre, supported of the bill.
Party. cle 370, doors to private invest- general expectation was that it strophic step.” sition leaders initially rushed to chief minister Arvind Kejriwal
Introducing the resolutions mentinthestatewouldbethrown would start having its way in the Azad slammed the Centre for the well of the House soon after tweeted.Mayawati’sBSPpledged
and the legislations in the Upper open, more jobs will be created Upper House only in late 2020. “chopping off the state’s head, the government’s intentions itssupportevenbeforethedebate
House amid interruptions from and the economy will get aboost. Instead,ithasmanagedtopassall considered as India’s crown”. were clear, they decided not to on the bill began and BJD and
the Opposition, Shah told the For instance, tourism hasn’t thebillsitwantedtointheHouse. Azad warned the government prolong the protests. “Given the TDP too, stood behind the bill.
HousethatArticle370oftheCon- developed in the state simply Indeed, on Monday, many thatintegrationamongdifferent mood of chairman Venkaiah At one point, the Congress
stitution,whichgivesspecialsta- because hospitality firms can’t Oppositionpartiessupportedthe communities doesn’t happen Naidu, the House would have realised that as many as eight to
tus to the state, “is the biggest buy land in the state for a hotel bill or staged a walkout, helping through law but through hearts. anyways continued. We quickly 10ofthepartyMPsweren’tinthe
threat to normalcy”. (suchpurchasesarerestrictedto the government. Senior Opposi- “It is because of the people of gaugedouroptionsanddecidedto House.Franticcallsweremadeto
He responded to fears permanentresidents).Thesitua- tion leaders met on Monday Kashmirthatyouwonallthebat- participate in the debate,” said a the leaders about the situation.
expressed by the Opposition in tion is similar for education and morning to devise a strategy on tlesandcouldfightmilitancy.But senior Opposition leader who But even then, a few Congress
the House that the state would healthcare, he explained. theJ&Kissue,butwithlittleclar- today,youhavebetrayedthepeo- asked not to be named. MPscouldnotcometotheHouse.
see a spike in violence after the Worse,Shahadded,becauseof
changes and said: “Nothing will the state’s special status, central
turn into another battle-torn
welfarelaws werenotapplicable
there: “Why should the Valley
cation?” he asked, pointing out
Military experts term govt Sangh says move
was necessary in
heaven on earth and will remain
so”, he added, paraphrasing
Mughal emperor Jehangir.
n Union home minister Amit Shah with parliamentary affairs minister
Pralhad Joshi outside Parliament in New Delhi on Monday. PTI
that the Right to Education law
isn’t applicable in J&K.
Leader of Opposition in the decision ‘bold and logical’ national interest

MDMK leader Vaiko had, in his state even as the country has said.“…Thiswasmainlybecause Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad
comments, opposed the resolu-
tionsandthe legislation andsaid
moved on over the years and as
of high level of corruption in the
state with three major families
to disintegrate the country.
Rahul Singh
The removal of Article some Kashmiris go to the extent
of saying that ‘hum abhi vapas
HT Correspondent
Kashmir could turn into the state from 1989 to 2018. He controlling it,” he said. “Today, “Home Minister @AmitShah 370 will definitely apne watan ja rahe hain(we are
“Kosovo” or South Sudan. pointed out that, on an average, thisHousewillpassthebill.Then Ji’s speech in the Rajya Sabha NEWDELHI: Thegovernment’sdeci- returning to our country),’” Jas- NAGPUR: The Rashtriya Swayam-
Shahaddedthatfullstatehood ~14,255 per capita is being spent tomorrow,LokSabhawillpassit was extensive and insightful. It sion on Article 370 of the Consti- change the attitude of wal said. sevakSangh(RSS)welcomedthe
would be restored to the state at
on every resident of the state
everyyear asagainst~3681 atthe
and then both 73rd and 74th
Amendment will automatically
mental injustices of the past and
to Jammu and Kashmir and the
some Kashmiri people who The experts said the govern-
ment would have certainly fac-
Narendra Modi government’s
malcy returns to it. national level. But even as the will apply to the state of Jammu coherently presented our vision bifurcation of the border state have always believed that tored in the likely scenarios that describing it as “brave” and
TheUnionhomeministeralso Centre had spent large amounts and Kashmir,” Shah said. for the sisters and brothers of into two Union Territories has could unfold in Kashmir follow- “verynecessary”fortheinterest
claimedthat provisionsofArticle of money for the development of Article 370 gave Jammu and J&K,” PrimeMinisterNarendra beenhailedbymilitaryexpertsas J&K is not a part of India ing the new developments. ofthecountry,includingthebor-
370hadimpededthegrowthofthe thestate,ithasremainedpoor,he Kashmir autonomy and its own Modi said in a tweet. a “bold and logical” move LT GEN BS JASWAL (RETD), Former army vice chief, Lieu- der regions of Jammu and Kash-
towards national integration. former Northern Army commander tenantGeneralASLamba(retd), mir.
Onadaythegovernmentputto said, “When you take a big deci- Ina joint statement on organi-

October 17, 1949: Naidu orders removal rest days of frenzied speculation
about what was in store for J&K,
the experts, however, warned
lation onhow theystand tobene-
sion [on Article 370], it will be a
sation’s Twitter handle, the RSS
is on tour and the general secre-

Special status is born of 2 PDP RS members against the decision resulting in

heightened militant activity
backed by Pakistan and violent
fit from the new move.
prove India has a decisive and
determined and the security for-
ces fully prepared.”
Dubbing it a logical and inevi-
tary Suresh Joshi said, “We con-
bold initiative which was very
Article 370 was incorporated in the Indian Constitution when it was HT Correspondent to bifurcate the state into two protests in Kashmir. nationalistic leadership, said table step, he said the govern- much necessary in national
adopted on January 26, 1950. Its genesis, however, was as Article n union territories Any step that leads to greater former army chief, General JJ menthadextended itssupport to interest including the state of
306 in the draft Constitution. It included the preconditions laid Amidtheruckus,RajyaSabha integrationofJ&Kwiththerestof Singh (retd). stabiliseKashmir’senvironment Jammu & Kashmir. Everyone
down by the then rruler of Jammu and Kashmir, NEW DELHI: Two members of the Chairman Venkaiah Naidu thecountryshouldbewelcomed, OtherexpertsechoedHooda’s that has been vitiated by self- should welcome this notwith-
Maharaja Hari SSingh. PeoplesDemocraticParty(PDP) called for the marshalls to escort saidformerNorthernArmycom- viewsonKashmir slippingintoa styledseparatistsbackedbyPak- standing any personal interests
were removed from the Rajya the two MPs out of the House. mander, Lieutenant General DS fresh cycle of violence. Pakistan istan. There could have been no or political differences.”
Discussions oon the article were initiated by SabhaonMondayfollowingalle- “They are trying to tear the Hooda(retd).“Kashmircouldsee is likely to carry out some sensa- better news for the people of “This was very necessary for
N Gopalasw wami Ayyangar during the Constitu- gationsthattheytoreacopyofthe Indian Constitution. I will never aspikeinprotestsanddisturban- tional attacks in J&K to foment Ladakhand theregionwillbene- the interest of the country,
ent assembbly debate on October 17, 1949 – the Constitution to protest against allow such things to happen in ces.The challengefor the Centre troubleandinfiltrationattempts fit greatly from the development includingJammuandKashmir.”
day Article 306 was adopted. Ayyangar was the the central government’s deci- thisHouse,”hewasheardassay- will be to deal with the situation from across the Line of Control standpoint as a UT, the experts Meanwhile,thechiefminister
chief drafteer of the article and presented during sion to effectively revoke Article ing. in a mature and measured man- are likely to increase in the com- said. “Frankly,Ladakhhasbeen Devendra Fadnavis, who is on a
the debate thhe need for the special status for J&K 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. The two MPs were also ner.Also,Pakistanwilldoitsbest ing days, said former Northern ignoredalotduetotheJ&Kprob- MahajanadeshYatraandtouring
even as at least one member — Maulana Mir Mohammad Fayaz and “named”intheHouse—aprocess to fish in troubled waters, so we Army commander, Lieutenant lem.MakingitaUTwillbringina the tribal district of Gadchiroli
Hassrat Mohani — questioned the move NazirAhmadLawayfirsttrooped to publicly identify any member have to stay prepared,” said General BS Jaswal (retd). new era of development,” Hooda also hailed the decision of Modi
and asked, ‘why this discrimination’?. into the well of the House, along ifheorshewasnotactingaccord- Hooda,whooversawthe2016sur- “The removal of Article 370 said. government. The activists of
with Congress and other opposi- ing to the decorum of the House. gical strikes in Pakistan-occu- willdefinitelychangetheattitude Echoing his views, Jaswal Sangh Parivar, including BJP
tion members, shouting slogans Officialsaddedthatmarshalls pied Kashmir following the Uri of some Kashmiri people who added that development in workers also celebrated it by
EXCERPTS FROM THE BARODA against the Narendra Modi gov- were summoned after a gap of 11 terror attack. havealwaysbelievedthatJ&Kis Ladakhwouldbeacceleratedasa organisingafunctionatlocalRBI
AYYANGAR’S COMPARISON ernment’s move to effectively years.LasttimeanerrantMPhas Hestressedthatitwasimpera- notapartofIndia.Whileentering result of direct funding from the square this evening.
SUBMISSIONS Constituent assembly member nullifyArticle370andbringabill to be escorted out was in 2008. tive for the government to focus thestatefromLakhanpurborder, Centre. (With agency inputs)
“The discrimination is due to the Mohani pressed Ayyangar on
special conditions of Kashmir. why such “concessions” were not
That particular State is not yet
ripe for this kind of integration.
There was a cease-fire agreed to
at the beginning of this year and
given to other state. “…if the
Maharaja of Kashmir gets
further powers and concessions I
will be very glad. But what I
Modi accomplishes what Mookerjee set out to achieve
that ceasefire is still on. But the object to is this: Why do you BY INVITATION with Shah presenting the tell them respectfully that we great insight. “I would assure endra Modi launched his cam- vision. The iconic photograph of
conditions in the State are still make this discrimination about Jammu and Kashmir Reorgani- have had enough of the UNO and you and the House that I do not paign for 2014, he held a massive Modi unfurling the tricolour,
unusual and abnormal… this Ruler?” sation Bill in Parliament that let us now considerand try to set- want Jammu and Kashmir “Lalkar Rally” in Jammu. At along with the then BJP presi-
ended the special status for the tle the matter through our own should be partitioned... But the that gathering, Modi called for a dent, Murli Manohar Joshi, at
“It is therefore necessary that “When you make all these
state. efforts.” responsibility for preventing debate on Article 370, and said: Lal Chowk, has been inspiring
the administration of the State concessions for Kashmir I most
strongly object to your On August 7, 1952, an exten- During that seminal debate, partition will rest on those who “The need of the hour was to generations of workers and
should be geared to these ANIRBAN GANGULY
arbitrary act of compelling the sive debate took place in India’s Mookerjee asked Sheikh Abdul- are today masters of Jammu and have a debate on Article 370; activists of the party.
unusual conditions until normal
Baroda State to be merged in first Lok Sabha on Kashmir. lah three questions: First, Kashmir and are not prepared to whether or not it had helped the When he placed the notifica-
life is restored...

Bombay... It is scandalous that n June, when he was pilot- Mookerjee’s interventions on whether he was “not a party to adopt the Constitution of India. people of the state. Despite huge tion for The Constitution (Appli-
“We are entangled with the you should compel the ing the Jammu and Kash- Kashmir were forceful and unas- this Constitution”; second, What is the crime if today the natural resources, Jammu and cation to Jammu & Kashmir)
United Nations in regard to Maharajaj of Baroda to have his mir Reservation (Amend- sailable. It set the tone and the whether he [Abdullah] was “not people of Jammu claim that they Kashmir are nowhere in devel- Order, 2019, in Parliament on
Jammu and Kashmir and it is not raj meerged in ment) Bill, 2019, which direction for the struggle for a Member of the Constituent should be treated separately, in opment when compared to Guj- Monday, Shah made the same
possible to say now when we Bombaay and replaced an ordinance Kashmir, and for the fight for Assembly” which framed the the sense that they should be arat.” point, amid ruckus created by
shall be free from this himself pensioned issued by the previous govern- preserving the nation’s unity Constitution”; and third, “Did he allowed to join fully with One of the key movers of the members of the parties that had
entanglement. That can take off…” ment, in Lok Sabha, Union home and sovereignty. not agree to accept this Constitu- India...”, he said. famousEktaYatrain1991,which monopolised the Kashmir
place only when the Kashmir minister Amit Shah reminded Speaking on the Kashmir tion in relation to the rest of “Now suppose the people of began from Kanyakumari and debate in the past seven decades.
problem is satisfactorily settled. To thiss, Rajendra the Congress and the Opposition issue being dragged to the United India, including 497 States? If it is Jammu and Ladakh feel that ended in Kashmir with the hoist- Shah said: “Let us all debate, let
Prasad d, replied:
benches that they must remem- Nations, Mookerjee said: “It does good enough for all of them, why either it should be full accession ing of the tricolour in Srinagar’s me tell you how Article 370 has
“…the Government of India have “Maulaana, we are
ber that Article 370 was purely not seem as though we are going should it not be good enough for in relation to the whole of Kash- Lal Chowk amid sniper fire, was actually negatively impacted the
committed themselves to the not concerned with
people of Kashmir in certain the maaharaja of “temporary in nature”. On Mon- to get much or anything at all out him in Kashmir?” mir, or if that is not acceptable to Modi, and his call for a debate on people of the state.”
respects… that an opportunity Barodaa here.” day, after six decades of a strug- oftheUNO.” He arguedthateven If one reads the statement of Sheikh Abdullah, then at least Article 370 demonstrated his will Modi is accomplishing for
would be given to the people of gle for the integration of Jammu if “technically no case could be objects and reasons of the these two provinces, the two sep- to work for a settlement of the India what Mookerjee had set
the State to decide for and Kashmir that began with the withdrawn from the UNO... Jammu and Kashmir Reorgani- arate entities could be justified issue. This was one of the Bhar- out to do.
themselves whether they will The Article Jammu Praja Parishad and Somehow, we should withdraw sation Bill, 2019, one is reminded historically or otherwise, that atiya Janata Party’s and the Anirban Ganguly is director, Dr.
remain with the Republic [of was later Syama Prasad Mookerjee’s mar- ourselves, so far as a considera- of Mookerjee’s words during they should be allowed to join Jana Sangh’s original demands, Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research
India] or wish to go out of it.” adopted. tyrdom in Kashmir, the issue tion of the Kashmir case is con- that aforementioned debate on with India.” and they have been intrinsic to Foundation, New Delhi
finally reached a decisive phase cerned, from the UNO. We can Kashmir when he spoke with In December 2013, when Nar- the prime minister’s political The views
PRINTED expressed
AND areBYpersonal


TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019 hindustantimes 07


> P8

City on alert, to be under Kidnapped boy rescued within 6 hours

security cover till Aug 15
HT Correspondent ware to change his voice to avoid his paying capacity. “Dhruv then hid him under a pile of
n detection, while another helped made the call on the pretext of clothes in a room,” said the DCP.
him hide his phone number while selling a car and was convinced The boy’s parents approached
NEW DELHI: Police said they res- making the calls. “In Dhruv’s when the boy’s father agreed. the police who checked CCTV
cued a three-year-old boy who mobile phone, we found the kid- Dhruv’s sister was to be married footage and found Dhruv’s vehi-
was kidnapped on Sunday in napped boy’s photos and three later this year, but the family did cle near the crime spot. “While
Outer Delhi’s Bawana. They also audio recordings in which he not have funds. He proposed the questioning Dhruv, we checked
ARTICLE 370 FALLOUT Expect long queues at Metro stns, airport,
markets due to extra checks; DMRC on alert, top cop briefs colleagues
Support Centre’s arrested three of a family. The
suspects include 18-year-old
Dhruv, his older sister and their
made a demand for ₹75 lakh,” said
the officer.
The boy lives with his parents
kidnapping plan to his family ear-
lier this year, but they turned it
down,” said the DCP.
his mobile phone to find the boy’s
photos as well as the ransom
demands in the form of recorded

HT Correspondent decisions on J&K: mother. The police did not reveal

the names of the women.
in Bawana. “Dhruv noticed the
boy’s relatives owned iPhones
Dhruv, who had allegedly been
getting friendly with the boy.
audio clips,” said the DCP, adding
that the boy was recovered within

NEW DELHI: In order to maintain

Arvind Kejriwal According to Gaurav Sharma,
deputy commissioner of police
(outer-north), the family alleg-
and expensive cars, so he
assumed the family could afford
the ransom,” said the officer, add-
“Dhruv lured the boy by offering
him soft drink around 10.30 am.
He then stuffed him in his trans-
six hours.
The boy’s father wasn’t even
aware of the ransom demand
law and order in the national Cap- NEW DELHI: Delhi chief minister edly kidnapped the boy to fund ing Dhruv lived in the same port vehicle along with his house- until the police told him. “He had
ital in the wake of scrapping of the Arvind Kejriwal, who has often Dhruv’s sister wedding after her neighbourhood as them. hold goods. The child was taken ignored calls and messages from
Article 370, important installa- sparred with the Centre demand- engagement was called off last Some weeks ago, Dhruv had to Dhruv’s new house where his the kidnapper as the app used by
tions such as the Delhi airport, ing full statehood for Delhi, on month due to lack of money. posed as a factory owner and tele- hands, legs and mouth were them didn’t reveal his number,”
the Delhi Metro and important Monday supported the Centre’s Police said Dhruv used a soft- phoned the boy’s father to know bound using tape. The family said another investigator.
government buildings were put decision to bifurcate Jammu and
under heavy security cover on Kashmir into two union territo-
Monday. Officers said the cover is
likely to remain in force till Inde-
ries. Justifying this, the Aam
Aadmi Party (AAP) said the situ-
Make limiters a must in
pendence Day on August 15.
On Monday, Delhi Police com-
missioner Amulya Patnaik held a
ation of J&K cannot be compared
to that of Delhi or Puducherry.
“We support the Centre on its
‘Cannot suspend life sound systems: NGT
“high-level committee” meeting
with all special commissioners of
police, joint commissioners of
n Police officers deployed at India Gate in central Delhi in the wake of
scrapping of the Article 370 on Monday. BIPLOV BHUYAN/HT PHOTO
decisions on J&K. We hope this
brings peace and development in
the state,” the CM tweeted Mon-
term without hearing’ NEW DELHI: The National Green
Tribunal (NGT) has directed the
issue an appropriate notification,
for mandatory use of sound limit-
police and deputy commissioners day after home minister Amit HT Correspondent the Delhi high court. Delhi Pollution Control Commit- ers in all sound systems,” a bench
of police (DCP). Industrial Security Force (CISF) From Monday, the CISF Shah moved a resolution in Par- n The case relates to the killing tee (DPCC) to make the use of headed by justice Adarsh Kumar
Delhi Police’s additional pub- had stepped up vigil at Indira started double frisking Metro liament to revoke Article 370. The of Sikhs in Delhi Cantonment’s sound limiters mandatory in all Goel, NGT chairperson, said.
lic relation officer Anil Mittal Gandhi International airport. passengers. The practice is usu- AAP has three members in Rajya NEWDELHI: The Supreme Court on Raj Nagar Part I in Southwest sound systems, to reduce noise The NGT was hearing a plea in
said the DCPs were asked to sen- A senior officer, who did not ally seen around Republic Day or Sabha and one in Lok Sabha. Monday declined to suspend the Delhi on November 1-2 in 1984 and pollution in the national capital. which it was cited that despite
sitise station house officers wish to be named, said in the Independence Day. “The addi- Sushil Gupta, AAP’s Rajya life term handed to former Con- burning down of a Gurudwara in The green court cited exam- earlier orders by the NGT, use of
(SHOs) from all police stations to wake of the revoking of Article tional arrangements will now Sabha MP, said, “The AAP will gress leader Sajjan Kumar for his Raj Nagar Part II. ples of Tripura and West Bengal, sound systems during functions
carry out intensive security 370, they have been asked to keep remain in force till August 15,” an bear the wrongs done by the Lt role in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots Senior advocate Dushyant which have drafted policies to was rampant and the noise
checks and anti-sabotage checks a strict watch on possible sus- officer requesting anonymity Gov in Delhi. But, for the coun- case, saying it was not an ordi- Dave, appearing for the com- make the use of sound limiters adversely affected citizens.
at busy market places, shopping pects who could create nuisance said. try’s unity and to end terrorism, nary case. plainant, said Kumar was earlier mandatory. The DPCC has installed five
malls, inter-state bus terminals in crowded areas. Officials of the Delhi Metro we will keep supporting this “We cannot pass orders with- acquitted by the trial court but Sound limiters are devices that real-time automatic noise moni-
and railway stations. “Plainclothed personnel are Rail Corporation (DMRC) said (revoking Article 370),” he said. out hearing the matter. This is not then was convicted by the HC on monitor and limit the sound level toring systems at RK Puram,
“Our anti-terror Parakram deployed inside the airport. Scan- the red alert was put in place from AAP spokesperson Saurabh a simple matter,” a bench of justi- “very cogent reasons”. by equipment. The device con- Punjabi Bagh, Mandir Marg,
vans have also been strategically ning the airport for any possible 9am on Monday until further Bhardwaj said Kashmir’s situa- ces SA Bobde and SR Gavai told Singh argued that Kumar had trols the sound from exceeding Civil Lines and Anand Vihar in
placed across the city, along with threats has been increased mani- orders by the Delhi Police and tion is “180 degrees opposite” to Kumar’s lawyer, senior advocate helped rehabilitate victims after the prescribed level. Some devi- collaboration with CPCB.
the additional deployment,” Mit- fold. Even uniformed personnel security canneries. that of Delhi. “Almost two-thirds Vikas Singh, who argued that his the 1984 riots. Urging the bench to ces simply cut power when the The bench also directed that
tal added. are not exempted from security On Monday evening, long of the original Kashmir is under client had been convicted on the suspend the sentence, Singh said sound exceeds the prescribed Noise Pollution (Regulation and
Pratham Verma, general sec- checks. Our dog squads and bomb queues were witnessed at the occupation. We cannot compare basis of circumstantial evidence his client was ready to be put level. NGT also suggested decibel Control) Rules, 2000, be imple-
retary of confederation of east squad are regularly sweeping the security gates of Metro stations, a disturbed border state with a and that he was never a part of the under any condition. “You may levels be displayed at functions. mented and ‘polluter pays princi-
Delhi retailers (CADR), said the airport,” the officer said. with CISF officials frisking each peaceful one,” he said. attacking mob. Kumar is seeking have some point but we would not “The Delhi government may ple’ be allowed. HTC
SHOs sent out messages to mar- Deputy commissioner of police passenger heavily. Teams of He said AAP has supported suspension of sentence awarded like to interfere like this and sus-
ket association WhatsApp groups (Delhi airport) Sanjay Bhatia said DMRC were also tasked with and opposed the Centre on many to him. pend the sentence,” the bench
seeking cooperation in security they have erected an additional inspecting each coach at the end issues in the past. “Whenever Singh urged the court that the said. Dave submitted that 825 per-
checks. “All vehicles entering bullet-proof metal shield at the stations. “The red alert was there was a national or public plea be heard. But the bench pre- sons were “slaughtered” in the
markets are being thoroughly airport approach road. imposed on orders of security interest issue, we supported it. ferred to hear the main appeal constituency from where Kumar
inspected. We are cooperating “Our officers are deployed in agencies. We had issued an alert When we feel a state policy is anti- during the summer break next was the MP in 1984 and from 1984
with the local police at our best the forecourt and even in parking through our social media handles people we opposed it. We sup- year, which will be in May and to 2006, the police did not take any
and are sharing CCTV footage of areas. The anti-terror squad has to send out a message to commut- ported the Swachh Bharat deferred the matter. Kumar, 73, action. “These are so powerful
the markets with the police in the been alerted and is on standby to ers to keep some time aside for scheme and Yoga day and were who is lodged in jail, had resigned people that original FIR is miss-
evening,” Verma said. tackle any untoward situation,” security checks,” a senior DMRC the first ones to oppose demonen- from the Congress after he was ing. The HC has recorded this in
Apart from this, the Central Bhatia said. official said. tisation,” he said. HTC convicted and given a life term by its judgement,” Dave said.


Panel clears 1st semester syllabus, returns others for revision

Fareeha Iftikhar committee for courses, also said Teachers from these depart- said Maharaj K Pandit, commit- protest. An official in the political demic and non-propagandist.”
n departments have not followed ments criticised the development tee chairperson. science department said, “One
the “required process” of sylla- with around 160 English teachers Another committee member, can have a problem with a topic SEVENTH CUT OFF LIST
NEW DELHI: A Delhi University bus revision. on Monday writing to the VC requesting anonymity, said but cannot ask to remove all the OUT
panel on Monday passed the first The syllabi of the four depart- requesting him to approve and despite demands for removal of writings of an author.” The DU on Monday released its sev-
semester syllabus of four depart- ments have been courting contro- implement the entire syllabus an article by Sundar, the political department has dropped an arti- enth cut-off list for undergradu-
ments — English, History, Politi- versy in DU after members of immediately. science department has added cle by Sundar on “Naxalism” ate admissions. Admissions will
cal Science and Sociology. How- right-wing teachers’ group DU’s academic council as well her book, Sabalterns and Sover- after objections. be carried out from August 6 to 8.
ever, it returned the syllabi for National Democratic Teachers’ as executive council had sent eigns, to the reading list. The Rasal Singh, NDTF member, Unlike the sixth cut-off, admis-
the rest five semester for “com- Front (NDTF) and RSS-affiliated back the syllabus of these four English department has already said, “The syllabi should be sions under seventh cut-off will
prehensive revision” after it Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Pari- departments for “review”. After removed a story on Gujarat riots, cleansed, indianised and be freed be for all students.
found certain topics, such as shad (ABVP) objected to their two rounds of revision, it was sent a paper on the Indian caste sys- from colonial and communist Applicants eligible in fifth cut-
“radical theater” (English[H]) content. The NDTF had on Fri- to oversight committee for a final tem and mention of Hindu scrip- clutches. Participation of much off percentages under unre-
and sociologist Nandini Sundar’s day requested the oversight com- call. “The committee has passed ture from the paper on homosex- more teachers and other stake- served category and in sixth cut-
book (Political Science [H]) “con- mittee to pass the first semester the syllabus of first semester. We uality after opposition. holders including students off percentages under reserved
troversial”. syllabus of these departments will submit the minutes to admin- Similarly, other three depart- should be included in the review categories may be considered on
The panel, DU’s oversight and refer the rest back. istration and it will take a call,” ments have made changes after process and syllabi be made aca- third day of seventh cut-off.


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Executive Engineer, ´FiFø ´F À½FVFFÀFe d¨FdI °ÀFF ¸FWFd½FôF»F¹F ¦½FFd»F¹FS ¸F²¹F´FiQZVF I e ½FZ¶FÀFFBM
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HSIIDC ªFe-14918/19 ´»FFdÀMI ÀFZ d°FSa¦FZ I F d³F¸FFʯF, ´F¹FFʽFS¯F I F ³FbI ÀFF³F

Legal Associate (Contract basis) Notice under section 19(4) of the Recovery of Debts Due to Bank and Financial Institutions
Act. 1993 read with Rule 12 & 13 of the Debts Recovery Tribunal (Procedure Rules) 1993).
In the matter of
Candidates interested in applying for the post of Legal Associate O.A. NO. 431/2015/DRT-III
Applicant Defendants
(Contract basis) may visit our website at for To, D-1 M/s Love Gems and Jewels Pvt. Ltd. Shop No. 2745/23, 3rd Floor, Beadon Pura,
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details regarding the Qualifications/Eligibility, Job Description and 10M, Beadon Pura, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005
D-2 Mr. Vikas Verma Resident of 5909/3, First Floor, Block No. 4, Dev nagar, Karol
Selection Process. Emoluments: Rs. 1 lakh per month. Bagh, New Delhi-110005
D-3 Mr. Suraj Prakash (since deceased) through his heirs and legal representatives:
Applications complete in all respects should reach this office A. Smt. Saroj Devi Wife of Late Sh. Suraj Prakash
B. Miss Kajal Soni Daughter of Late Sh. Suraj Prakash
address by post on or before 1700 hours (IST) on 27.08.2019. C. Miss Purnima Soni Daughter of Late Sh. Suraj Prakash
D. Master Karan Soni Son of Late Sh. Suraj Prakash
All Residents of : 5909, 3rd Floor, Dev Nagar, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005
Haryana State Industrial and D-4 M/s Jesus Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. 3314, Gali No. 2, Christain Colony, Karol Bagh,
New Delhi-110005
Infrastructure Dev.Corpn. Ltd. Whereas the above named applicant has instituted a case against you and whereas it
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ordinary way. Therefore, this notice is given by advertisement directing you to make
Regd. C 13 & 14, Sector-6, Panchkula, Ph.: 0172-2590481-83, appearance in this Tribunal 19.08.2019 at 10.30 A.M.
Take notice that in case of your failure to appear on the above mentioned day before this
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Office Web page:, CIN: U29199HR1967SGC034545 Given under my hand and seal of this Tribunal on this the 16th day of July 2019.
By order of the Tribunal
Assistant Registrar, DRT-III, New Delhi



08 metro hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, NEW D ELHI


Bigger,betterDelhiairportby2022 DDA TO EXTEND


Dedicated cargo
NEW DELHI: The Delhi
DEVELOPMENT Under the plan, airport operator will carry out integration of departure and arrival Development Authority
(DDA) will extend the cut-off
terminals of T1, construction of new T1 apron, a fourth runway as well as a dual elevated taxiway date for participating in land
Faizan Haidar
n corridor, another pooling, which is aimed at
planned development of
urban extensions in Delhi, by
one month. The last date to
NEWDELHI: Delhi’s Indira Gandhi
pleteits expansionworkbyJune
elevated road soon participate in the scheme was
August 4, which will be
extended by a month. HTC

Anvit Srivastava Court orders shifting

to 100 million per annum against n
THE CENTRAL SPINE of students from
70 million currently. ROAD WILL ALSO BE 100-year-old school
has already started, the Delhi
NEWDELHI: Flyers who often have
a hard time tackling congestion
Court on Monday directed the
International Airport Limited on National Highway (NH) 8 to LANES TO 12 TO CATER Army and Delhi government
(DIAL) would carry out integra- reach the Delhi airport on time, TO THE EXPECTED to immediately shift students
from a dilapidated, 100-year-
tion of the departure and arrival might soon get some respite.
terminals of T1, construction of The airport operator Monday INCREASE IN TRAFFIC. A old school in Delhi canton-
new T1 apron, a fourth runway said a dedicated elevated corri- SECTION OF THE ment. “In view of willingness
showed by the respondents
and dual elevated taxiway. dor will be constructed to keep
An additional runway and away vehicles carrying airport
RADISSON ROAD WILL (Army and Delhi govern-
taxiway would help the airport cargo from regular traffic. BE REALIGNED BY ment), we direct them to
immediately accommodate
reduce the runway occupancy
time from60 secondsto 45-50sec-
Apart from that, another sig-
nal-free elevated corridor is
ABOUT ONE KILOMETRE Rajputana Rifles Heroes
Memorial Senior Secondary
onds,andeventuallytaketheper planned to improve connectivity School students to schools of
hourhandlingcapacityto128air- between the domestic and inter- and T3. “The road will connect the respondents,” a bench of
craft movements against 75 national terminals. the Metro station to the Central Chief Justice DN Patel and
currently. The announcements were Spine Road and then will take a Justice C Hari Shankar said on
“Keepinginviewtheunprece- made during the unveiling of the 90-degree turn towards Mehram Monday. HTC
dented growth in the number of n An artist’s impression of the airport’s Terminal-1 when it is completed in three year’s time. master plan that will expand Nagar underpass. This will be
people travelling by air over the Indira Gandhi International Air- signal-free and will reduce travel South corp proposes
Airport has become the need of
the hour to make it future-ready
Expanding the country’s busiest airport port (GIA) to meet future needs.
The airport operator, Delhi
International Airport Ltd
time between the two termi-
nals,” the airport operator said.
Further, the Central Spine
raising duty on sale &
purchase of property
NEW DELHI: The South Delhi
withenhancedpassengerexperi- Once the expansion is complete, the overall capacity of the airport will increase to 100 million per annum against 70 million currently (DIAL), said with the expansion, Road would also be widened Municipal Corporation
ence. The mega expansion of At present After expansion the Delhi airport will be the “first from eight lanes to 12 to cater to (SDMC) has proposed raising
DelhiAirportwouldnotonlyhelp airport” to have a dedicated the expected increase in traffic. the transfer duty on sale and
the existing airlines to enhance T1 APRON AREA T1 TOTAL AREA HIGHLIGHTS cargo road for uninterrupted There would be a realignment of purchase of properties. It has
theirservicesbutalsocreateade- (departure + arrival) TECHNOLOGY: From Face movement of cargo vehicles to a section of the Radisson Road by proposed raising it to a
quateroomfornewairlinestoini- 2,82,000 sqm 6,29,285 sqm recognition cams to self the Delhi airport cargo complex about one kilometre, and also uniform 5% from the present
tiate their services. With this 64,140 sqm 1,92,985 sqm baggage drop facility and via the NH-8. another underpass, DIAL said. 3% for men and 2% for
automatic tray retrieval women. A proposal in this
expansion, Delhi Airport will “This 3km long four-lane dedi- The operator said more lanes
system, passengers and regard will be presented at
onceagainsetanewstandardfor security personnel will save cated elevated road will provide will be added to the terminal
the airport experience,” said I hassle-free, safe and seamless departure ramp, as well as the the corporation’s Standing
time on check-ins and
PrabhakaraRao,DeputyManag- security checks. movement of trucks carrying arrival forecourt, for easy and Committee meeting on
ing Director, GMR Group. REDUCING DEPARTURE cargo to the airport and will not free movement of vehicles com-
CAPACITY TIME: The first of its kind
As part of the expansion plan, disrupt regular traffic. It will ing to drop off or pick up flyers, Jal Board pulled up over
Baggage per hour 3 4 dual elevated cross taxiways
more baggage belts, self baggage also ease the traffic movement DIAL said. slow implementation of
2,880–3,240 5,000–6,000 will be constructed to
drop system, automated tray on the airport’s main approach According to a 2017 study, by septage mgmt rules
improve airfield efficiency
retrieval system and scanners T1 PASSENGER and reduce the taxiing time road — the Central Spine Road, the School of Planning and
will be added at T3, which will be which is currently being used by Architecture on ‘accessibility to NEW DELHI: The NGT ap-
pointed Yamuna pollution
able to handle 45 million passen- TERMINAL TO TERMINAL both passengers as well as cargo airports’, reaching Delhi airport
monitoring committee pulled
gersannually.ThecapacityofT1 22 CONNECTIVITY: A flyover vehicles,” DIAL said. was far difficult in comparison
up the Delhi Jal Board for
will be doubled from 20 million would be constructed at the The dedicated cargo road will with other cities. Of the 60 air-
T1 TERMINAL CAPACITY Aerocity metro station “slow progress” of implemen-
passengers per annum to 40 mil- also provide vehicles a direct ports considered for the study, tation of septage manage-
Passengers per anum junction to reduce travel
lion. A call on T2 will be taken access to the cargo terminals and Delhi was at the bottom when ment rules, 2018, which is
time from T1 to T3.
depending on the traffic growth 20 air cargo logistics centre variation in time taken in reach- leading to pollution of the
and it might make way for a new million SEPARATION: A dedicated (ACLC), including the upcoming ing the airport in different cir- river. The Septic Tank Waste
terminal. corridor for cargo cargo city, it added. cumstances was considered. The Management Regulation
The new air traffic control 40 movement would segregate In addition, another elevated study also pointed out that aver- came into effect on Novem-
million 0 heavy vehicle movement n Construction ongoing at the Indira
(ATC) tower, to open later this road would be constructed at the age speed of car in a 25 km radius ber 12, 2018. As per the
from passenger vehicles Gandhi International Airport. SOURCED
year,andthefourthrunway,tobe Aerocity Metro station junction of the airport was lowest in regulations, Septic tank
launched in 2021, would help it to reduce travel time between T1 Delhi. Waste (septage) shall be

reduceaircongestionandhandle collected, transported and
disposed of only by vendors
more flights, officials said. ier for commuters from these DIAL is focusing more on cal upgrades including Visual (CUSS), and Self Baggage Drop Keeping in view the unprecedented growth in the having a valid licence issued
“T1 of IGI airport handles the localities to access terminal 1. increasingthecapacityofairside Docking Guidance System, Fuel (SBD) kiosks among others.
LowCostCarrier(LCC)domestic Since T1 is operating beyond its (area after the boarding gate, HydrantSystem, GroundPower These would help avoid long number of people travelling by air over the last few by the DJB. The disposal has
to be done only at the
trafficoftheairport.Thesecarri- capacity, the expansion will which includes runway, taxi- Units, Preconditioned Air, etc. queues and ease the flow of pas-
ershaveregisteredaphenomenal begin from there and cover the waysandparking),whichitsaid, Besides, the integrated termi- sengers. years, expansion of Delhi airport has become the need of notified sites. HTC

growthduringthelastfewyears, airside, terminal building and will be able to handle 140 million nal would boast of several pas- The central spine road, which the hour to make it future-ready with enhanced 76-year-old jumps on
callingforanexpansionoftheter- city side,” said a DIAL official. passengers per annum and can- senger-friendly facilities using is the main approach road, will Metro tracks, dies
minal. Delhi Metro under its Departure Terminal 1D and not be expanded further. advanced technologies such as alsobewidenedfromthecurrent passenger experience. The mega expansion would also NEW DELHI: A 76-year-old
Phase 3 programme, is connect- Arrival Terminal 1C, will be T1, apart from having an Facial Recognition, Automated eight lanes to twelve lanes.
ing this terminal to the catch- merged and expanded to accom- increased number of parking Tray Retrieval System (ATRS), T-1 will also have more bag- create adequate room for new airlines to initiate services. man on Monday died after he
I PRABHAKARA RAO, deputy managing director, GMR Group jumped in front of an incom-
ment areas of central and south modate40millionpassengersper stands for aircraft, would be IndividualCarrierSystem(ICS), gage reclaim conveyor beds,
ing Metro train at east Delhi’s
Delhi,makingitquickerandeas- annum. equipped with latest technologi- Common Usage Self Service which will also be longer. Welcome Metro station. Delhi
Metro officials said he was
rushed to the hospital but

HC stops cutting of trees near Sunder Nagar was declared dead on arrival.
Services on the Red Line,
connecting Rithala and New
Bus Adda, were delayed for
nearly 20 minutes till the
Richa Banka body was removed from the
THE COURT WAS It said the petitioners would
have the full opportunity to sat-
were felled after obtaining per-
mission and compensatory plan-
deprivingpedestrians ofwalking
space. He said entry and exit into tracks, officials said. HTC
HEARING A PETITION isfy themselves on the aspect of tation has already been done. We the colony would be affected due
Meghalaya cop injured
NEWDELHI: The Delhi High Court
on Monday restrained the
FILED BY SUNDER NAGAR cutting of trees and said: “The
representative of the petitioner
have completed nearly 50 % of
the project. Very few trees have
to the construction.
The petitioners said the con- in accidental firing
authorities from further felling RESIDENTS, WHO SAID will approach the Executive to be felled in the area (Sunder struction would lower drainage NEW DELHI: A 32-year-old
trees for the construction of an THE CONSTRUCTION OF Engineer concerned, who shall Nagar) now. This will be done in level and overlooks the fact that Meghalaya police constable
suffered a gunshot injury
underground U-turn at Sunder point out which trees on the consultation with residents.” during monsoon, there will be
Nagar and asked them to seek AN UNDERPASS WOULD stretch are required to be felled”. The official added, “The court waterlogging and water from after his service rifle went off
permission from local residents CAUSE SEVERAL The court was hearing a peti- has sought the drainage map and low lying areas will flow directly accidentally at the residence
of a senior Congress leader in
of any such move. tion filed by an association of said trees would be cut only after into the colony.
It also asked the Delhi govern-
PROBLEMS Sunder Nagar residents, who confirmation from residents.” After hearing the arguments, central Delhi’s Chanakyapuri
Monday morning. The
ment’s public works department said the construction of an On Monday, appearing for the the court said, “It is seen that the
policeman was deployed at
(PWD) to give a detailed drainage seen in similar underpasses. underpass or underground petitioners, advocate Pawanjit drainage plan has neither been
the main gate of the politi-
plan to check water logging in “It is directed that the respon- U-turn will cause fourfold prob- Singh Bindra told the court that shared with the petitioners nor cian’s residence. The bullet
underground U-turns. dents are restrained from felling lems of traffic congestion, water the association had suggested an has been produced before this went through his mouth. He
Justice Vibhu Bakhru asked any trees on this stretch, i.e from logging, enormous number of alternative plan to address traf- court. It is directed that a copy of was admitted to Ram Mano-
the officer concerned to appear the underpass near the Delhi trees being cut and non-availa- fic chaos on Mathura Road the drainage plan be given to the har Lohia Hospital. His
in court on the next date of hear- Zoological Park entrance to that bility of footpaths. around Delhi Public School. petitioner as well as the court.” condition is serious, the police
ing to address problems such as of Delhi Public School,” the A PWD official said, “We Bindra said the scheme would The matter will be now heard on said. HTC
waterlogging that have been judge said in the oral order. informed the court that trees make Mathura Road narrow, August 28.

Romila Thapar, Raghu Rai may be CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN

part of city’s oral history initiative Varsity student says she was
Adrija Roychowdhury
drugged and raped by cabbie
HT Correspondent Thecomplaint saidtheman at injury mark was found on the
NEW DELHI: Delhi Veteran writer n the police station offered to drop woman. Apart from the delayed
and journalist RV Smith, histo- her,butshesaidshewasnotcom- reporting, there are some incon-
rianRomilaThapar,dancerUma NEWDELHI: A 21-year-old student fortable with that and wanted sistencies in her version,” the
Sharma, and photographer ofaDelhi-basednationaluniver- womenofficerstodropher,upon police said.
Raghu Rai are a few of the names sity has alleged that she was whichthepolicerefusedtodoso. According to police, the
underconsiderationfortheDelhi drugged, beaten up and sexually Thereis,however,nomention of woman allegedly told them she
government’s oral history assaulted by a cab driver on Fri- the name of the police station. went to Mandir Marg in an auto-
initiative. The programme, n Historian Romila Thapar; (right) photographer Raghu Rai. HT ARCHIVE day night, the police said Mon- The complaint said the next rickshaw on Friday evening,
launchedonMonday,willbecar- day.Thewomanhasalsolevelled morning (on Saturday), the leaving her mobile phone at the
ried out by Delhi Archives in col- ish Sisodia said. out on their memories. For allegationsofnegligenceagainst woman found herself in a park hostel. Police said she told them
laboration with Ambedkar Uni- Speaking about the parame- instance, those who saw the 1942 four police personnel, including andthesecurityguardstheretold (it was mentioned in her written
versity. “All these names are ters through which the intervie- Quit India movement are no two women officers. her she will have to leave the complaintaswell)thatthereturn
renownedintheirfieldsandhave weesarebeingdecidedupon,pro- longer around. Therefore, we According to her complaint, place after sundown. She alleg- cab was booked for her by a
made a significant contribution fessor at Ambedkar University needtotakethisprojectveryseri- the woman had boarded a cab in edly hid herself for the night and stranger. Police, quoting the
to the history of Delhi,” Sanjay Denys Leighton said that “it is ously.” MandirMarg around8pmtogoto on Sunday morning, she walked woman, said the cab driver
Garg, head of the office of the important to select people who Archivist Usha Purie empha- her on-campus hostel. The com- totheIITbusstop,fromwhere“a offered her water to drink and
Delhi Archives, said. “The rest represent all walks of life.” sised upon the need to democra- plaint said the driver harassed man”droppedhertohercampus. thatthewaterwasspikedandshe
will be decided by a high-level The Delhi Archives currently tise the accessibility of the her and she slapped him, after felt dizzy after drinking it.
committee,” he added. possess oral histories of 50 illus- archives. “Once you develop an which he stopped the car. The POLICE’S VERSION Sheallegedlyalso toldofficers
The project, which aims to fill trious personalities, including archive you must also think of woman got out of the vehicle and In a statement issued Monday, that the driver first took her to a
gaps in history by capturing the politician and freedom fighter making it available to anybody he followed her to a bus stop the Delhi Police said the Mandir gated colony in south Delhi,
memories and experiences of Sushila Nayyar, politician Gul- who is interested in Delhi,” she wherehegrabbedherbyherhair Marg police station’s staff parked the vehicle inside, and
Delhi’s citizens from different zarilal Nanda, and feminist said. and pushed her inside the car. received information from the forced himself on her. She man-
walksoflife,willrecord100inter- writer and social scientist Some of the other people who Thecomplaintfurtheralleged Safdarjung hospital on Sunday aged to free herself, ran and
views in a span of two years. Kamala Bhasin. Speaking about are also being considered for that the driver, who was inebri- regarding the sexual assault of reachedabusstop.Whileshewas
“The story of Delhi is not just the importance of oral history as interviewsinthefirstphaseofthe ated, blindfolded her and sexu- the woman. On the basis of her waiting for a bus, the driver
about epic wars and the fall and asourceofhistorywriting,histo- project are musician and head of ally assaulted her. She kicked complaintandmedicalexamina- chasedherandshe keptrunning
rise of kingdoms, it is also about rian S Irfan Habib said that “this DilliGharanaUstadIqbalAhmed him and hit him with a bottle tion,anFIRwasregisteredunder on the streets for a couple of
intimatedetails—thesongs,festi- isunlikeothersourcesofhistory, Khan,artistKishenKhanna,sen- before getting out of the vehicle IPCSection376(rape)againstthe hours, an officer, again quoting
vals, weddings, the recipes, the such as archives, epigraphy, or ior advocate Ram Jethmalani, and running to a police station cab driver, the statement said. the woman, said.
businesses—thatwillcomealive archaeologicalsources.Thishis- theatre personality Vinod Nag- nearby,whereshemetfourpolice “Theallegedincidenthasbeen “We verified some of her alle-
fortheyoungergeneration,”dep- tory depends on the experiences pal,journalistArunShourieand personnel and a man, the com- reported after a gap of two days. gations andfoundgaps,”the offi-
uty chief minister of Delhi Man- of people. When they die, we lose newsreader Salma Sultan. plaint said. Duringmedicalexamination,no cer said.


TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019 hindustantimes metro 09
2 auto-lifters from NOTIFICATION
No. UHSR/Acad./A-III/19/5782 Dated: 1.8.2019
Rajasthan arrested
© Gemini Crosswords 2012 All rights reserved
Applications are re-invited for admission to fellowship programs in
ACROSS PGIDS, Rohtak for academic session 2019. Prospectus and application
form can be downloaded from the University Website
1 Brilliant game (9)
8 Foals are frisky after a tonic, perhaps (3-2)
9 Back the other side (7)
for killing head Application form along with relevant documents and Demand Draft of
Rs. 2,000/- for general category (Rs. 500/- SC/BC category candidates
of Haryana) must reach in the office of the Controller of Examinations,
10 The sun on one is a comfort (6)
11 A space not occupied by any impressions (6)
12 They secure temporary accommodation (4,4)
constable: Police Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Science Rohtak on or before
21.08.2019 up to 05.00 PM. The University will not be responsible for
any delay due to any reason whatsoever. No application will be
entertained after due date and time. The candidate who have already
15 Sent about ten cents as a deposit (8) HT Correspondent
applied for need not to apply again.
18 Communicate devilish skill (6) n
20 Dope put in the soup (6)
21 Pigs can’t fly, but pigs one adapts can (7) NEW DELHI: Months after a Delhi
22 Irene ruined him (5) Police head constable was shot
23 I landed awkwardly on a plant (9) dead outside his house in south
Delhi’s Meethapur, the police
DOWN have arrested two alleged auto-
2 Work-time entertainment (5) lifters in connection with the
3 Freeze that lasts a long time (3,3)
4 Sailor sent to quarters for being a ACROSS DOWN According to Chinmoy Bis-
defaulter (8) 1 Japanese port (9) 2 Habituate (5) wal, deputy commissioner of
5 Company guard (6) 8 Series of exciting events (5) 3 Very trying experience (6)
9 Dilapidated (3-4) 4 Artillery weapon (8)
police (south-east), victim Ram
6 Happy and relaxed after a record rise (7) Avtar Meena, was shot dead for
7 Not a standing invitation (4,1,4) 10 Religious fanatic (6) 5 A part of speech (6)
11 Deviate (6) 6 Kangaroo-like animal (7) wanting to search the two sus-
11 He takes note (9)
12 Country of southern Africa (8) 7 Ancient Athenian temple (9) pects who were carrying a pistol
13 If done it might be reported (8) 15 Whole (8) 11 Blacken (9)
14 Is in contact with Joan and Sid, perhaps (7)
and were out to steal a motorcy-
18 Sikh male headdress (6) 13 To abuse (8)
16 Lost form in the heat (6) 20 Located far away (6) 14 Enduring strength (7) cle from the neighbourhood.
17 Be charming in a way to raise funds (6) 21 Uncommitted (7) 16 Destroyed internally (6) The officer identified the sus-
19 Music for a man to perform (5) 22 Strained (5) 17 Picturesque cave (6) pects as Chinder Pal, 22, and
23 Small fast warship (9) 19 Vigilant (5) Irshad Khan, 19.
They were arrested from
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS (15362) Alwar in Rajasthan on Satur-
day, after months of investiga-
CRYPTIC QUICK tions and unsuccessful raids in
places as far as countries like
Nepal and Bihar.
Police said that the two men
would ride a motorcycle to
Delhi, steal another two-
wheeler and return.
On September 11 last year,
they had allegedly brought a
pistol along. Meena, meanwhile,
had returned from work,
changed into civil clothes and
walked out on the street for
some work.
Police said that Meena came
htsudoku across the two men who were
Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, allegedly trying to steal a motor-
column and each of the 9X9 squares contains all the cycle.
digits from 1 to 9. “Meena found their behav-
iour suspicious and questioned
them. When he didn’t find their
DIFFICULTY LEVEL response satisfactory, he
wanted to search them. Since
Pal was carrying a pistol, he
fired at Meena and killed him,”
SUDOKU>> SCAN THIS SUDOKU said another investigator.
An interview with I&B
htweather minister Prakash Java-
ALMANAC TEMPERATURE dekar published on
Today is
IN FOUR METROS August 5 on P9 incor-
6th August, 2019
rectly interpreted the
l 4-Dhul Hijjah 1440 Delhi
TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY l Shravana, Shukla 33°c I 27°c minister’s reference to
Generally cloudy sky Generally cloudy sky Generally cloudy sky
Paksha, 6 (EF) Schumacher, the
l Samvat 2076 Mumbai
with moderate rain with light rain with light rain or Sunset: Tuesday 28°c I 24°c economist, as a refer-
drizzle at 07:08 p.m. ence to (Michael) Schu-
Sunrise: Wednesday Kolkata
at 05:45 a.m. macher, the Formula 1
33°c I 27°c
33°c I 27°c 34°c I 26°c 34°c I 27°c Moonrise: Wednesday
racer. The error is
at 00:13 p.m.
• • Moonset: Wednesday 36°c I 29°c regretted.
at 11:47 p.m.

(Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India)
Email:, Tel. No. 0129-4156471
4th WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH till October 2019
Venue & Time ESIC Medical College & Hospital, NH-3, NIT, Faridabad at 9.00 AM
1. Super Specialist Full Time (Full Time/Part Time/Empanelment Case To Case Basis at CGHS Rates.
SPECIALITY (Cardiology, Nephrology, Plastic Surgery/Anaesthesia)
2. Faculty: Professor/Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor/Tutors.
3. Resident Doctors: Senior Residents/Junior Residents.
Details of vacancy position for these posts will be uploaded on or before 2nd TUESDAY of the month on website



10 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, N EW D E L H I

UnnaosurvivorairliftedtoAIIMS Hate crime in Rajasthan now
punishable by death penalty
IMPROVEMENT Doctors say she can now open her eyes, follow instructions
HT Correspondent
a person who commits an act of
lynching which causes death of
the victim will face rigorous life

HT Correspondent the woman in 2017. The high

Personnel in charge JAIPUR:The Rajasthan assembly
passed two bills on Monday in
which death penalty has been
imprisonment and a fine up to ₹5
lakh. In case of grievous hurt, the
punishment proposed is jail up
n courtalsotransferredtheinvesti-
gation of the case to the CBI.
of 19-year-old’s proposed for hate crimes against
couples in the name of honour
10 years and a fine up to ₹3 lakh.
Offences under the mob
old Unnao rape survivor, who
was critically injured in a road
Earlier on Monday, an ambu-
security questioned and tradition, and life imprison-
ment for mob lynching.
Rajasthan is the first state in
lynching bill will be tried by a
sessions court and be cognizable,
non-bailable and non-com-
accident last week, was flown to free green corridor” made from HT Correspondent India to have a special law to deal
FINE UP TO ₹5 LAKH. poundable.
AllIndiaInstituteofMedicalSci- KGMU to the Lucknow airport. n with hate crimes against cou- The bill also prescribes a jail
ences(AIIMS)TraumaCentrein “Intensivist Dr Ram Gopal of ples, and second after Madhya Punishment could be death, term of up to five years and pen-
DelhifromLucknowon Monday the KGMU accompanied the LUCKNOW: Fifteen police consta- Pradesh to make a law against imprisonment for life, and/or a alty of ₹1 lakh for obstructing
night for better treatment. patient till New Delhi along with bles deployed for the security of mob lynching. fine which may extend to ₹1 lakh. arrest of the accused, creating
“We had been informed about a medical team in the air ambu- Unnao rape survivor and her The Rajasthan Prohibition of If cases of grievous hurt to a hurdles in legal proceedings or
her arrival. Adequate arrange- lance,” said Dr Sandip Tiwari, family members during last one Interferencewith theFreedomof couple or either of them, the bill threatening the witnesses.
ments have been in the hospital head of the trauma surgery , yearweresummonedtotheCen- Matrimonial Alliances in the prescribes rigorous imprison- “It is proposed to nip the evil
for her as her condition is deli- KGMU. tral Bureau Investigation (CBI) Name of Honour and Tradition ment for 10 years which may be in the bud and to prevent spread-
cate,”adoctorinthehospitalsaid The Delhi Traffic Police pro- headquarters in Delhi for ques- Bill, 2019, and the Rajasthan Pro- extended to life imprisonment ing of hatred or incitement to
on the condition of anonymity. vided a green corridor to the tioning on Monday. tection from Lynching Bill, 2019, and a fine of ₹3 lakh. mob lynching by creating special
Earlier in the day, the ambulance that carried the rape Mostoftheconstablesarefrom were tabled in the assembly on For participating in a gather- offences against such offences,”
Supreme Court had ordered n An ambulance carries the Unnao rape survivor to the AIIMS trauma survivor to AIIMS Trauma Cen- Makhi police station of Unnao July 30 by law minister Shanti ing to condemn a marriage the statement of object and rea-
immediate airlifting of the centre in Delhi for treatment after she was airlifted from a Lucknow tre from the Delhi airport. and at least seven of them are Dhariwal. claiming it has dishonoured the son of the bill said.
woman after her lawyer RK hospital on Monday. PTI In the morning medical bulle- women,saidMPVerma,superin- The bill on hate crimes also caste or community or tradition The state government, in con-
Reddy sought to move her out of tin,KGMUdoctorssaidcondition tendent of police (SP), Unnao. provides punishment for hold- or brought disrepute, or issuing sultation with a chief justice of
King George’s Medical Univer- expelledBharatiyaJanataParty The top court had last week of the rape survivor was critical Accordingto reports,therape ing assemblies to condemn inter- threats to couples, jail-term can the high court, will also set up
sity(KGMU)in Lucknow.Reddy (BJP) legislator Kuldeep Singh transferredthetrialintheUnnao but stable. They said there had survivor and her family mem- caste, inter-community marria- extend from six months to five designated courts to hear mob
mentioned the matter for direc- Sengar of raping her in 2017, was rapecasetoDelhianddirectedto been slight improvement in her bers were provided nine consta- ges in the name offamilyhonour. years, and a fine from ₹1 lakh to lynching cases, the bill said,.
tion after the bench had critically injured when the car complete it within 45-days. condition as she opened her eyes blesfortheirsecurity.Sixofthem The bill said a special law for ₹2 lakh. Civil society activists such as
adjourned the case for further she was travelling in was hit by a AbenchledbyChiefJusticeof and followed instructions from were deployed at her house and such hate crimes will act as a The bill empowers a sub-divi- Aruna Roy of Mazdoor Kisan
hearing to Friday as no one on truck in Rae Bareli on July 28. India Ranjan Gogoi also ordered themedicalstaff.“Shewasableto three others escorted her when- deterrent as it has severe pun- sional magistrate or district Shakti Sangathan and Kavita
behalf of the survivor’s family Herlawyer,whowasaccompany- the payment of Rs 25 lakh as understandinstructions.Also,as ever she visited any other place. ishment for such acts of violence magistrate to prevent such Srivastava (PUCL) came out
appeared to seek her transfer. ing her in the car, too, was interim compensation to the vic- feverthathadtroubledherinthe Theroleofthesecurityperson- and prevent caste and commu- assemblies and take steps to strongly against the manner in
Reddyinformedthecourtthat severely injured while her two tim. The accident case would pasttwodays,wasnomoretroub- nel was questioned when it was nity assemblies that take place to ensure safety of the couple. which the bills were introduced
thewomen’smotherwas keento aunts died in the accident. remain in Lucknow and the CBI ling her, we made attempts to revealed that none of them were condemn such marriages. The bill on mob lynching says without public consultation.
shift her to AIIMS for better care A team of the Central Bureau was directed to complete the bring her out of the ventilator accompanying the survivor
asshewasstillcriticalandsuffer- of Investigation that is probing probe within seven days. support,” said Dr Tiwari. whenshemetwithanaccidenton
ing from pneumonia. While
according the permission, the
the case took Sengar and co-ac-
cused Sashi Singh from Sitapur
Kuldeep Sengar has been
named as an accused in the acci-
The rape survivor’s lawyer is
July 28. The survivor and her
lawyer Mahendra Singh Chau- Drink driving: IAS
bench also made it clear that the
family of the injured lawyer can
also ask for a similar relief.
jail for hearing in Tis Hazari
court, New Delhi on Monday,
after which they were kept in
in jail since last year after the
Allahabad High Court in April
in the same critical care unit of
the KGMU Trauma Centre,
officer suspended; Day-to-day hearings
The woman, who has accused Tihar jail. 2018orderedhisarrestforraping till Monday evening. Earlier, Unnao SP suspended
Sudesh Verma and two consta-
investigation on to start in SC today
Court directs Sengar to be moved to Tihar bles RubySinghand SunitaDevi
— who were expected to escort
the rape survivor when she was
officer Sriram Venkitaraman
was suspended on Monday anda
Press Trust of India
onwaytothecourtonJuly28,but special investigation team
HT Correspondent
SENGAR AND NINE Shashi Singh, who is accused of last week. Her two aunts were did not accompany her. They formed by the government, two NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court KARNATAKA
enticing the victim into going to killed in the accident. The rape were also among the constables days after his arrest for alleged Monday said it would consider
OTHERS WERE ALSO the legislator’s residence, were survivor’s family has alleged summoned by the CBI. drunken driving that caused the on the administrative side as to REPLY ON EWS
NEWDELHI:A Delhi court on Mon-
day directed that expelled Bhar-
BOOKED FOR MURDER produced in the court.
Sengar’s counsel, advocate
foul play.
The Supreme Court had last
Meanwhile, eight inmates
lodged in different jails of Uttar
death of a journalist in the state
whether there would be record-
ing of day-to-day hearing in the Press Trust of India
atiya Janata Party legislator AFTER THE RAPE Bharat Singh, argued that his cli- week directed to hold trial on Pradesh in connection with the The 33-year old officer, now in Ayodhya land dispute case n
Kuldeep Singh Sengar, accused SURVIVOR WAS INJURED ent is not a terrorist. “Sir, this is daily basis and completing it Unnao case will be presented in judicial remand, was under which is scheduled to commence
ofraping aminor girl in Unnao in a media trial and my client is not within 45 days. Besides the main Delhi’sTisHazaricourtonTues- observationattheIntensiveCare before aConstitution bench from NEWDELHI:The Supreme
2017, be shifted to Tihar Jail in IN A CAR ACCIDENT a terrorist but a sitting MLA”. case, the three other matters day. The inmates include Unit of the Government Medical Tuesday. Court Monday asked
the national capital from Sitapur Sengar and nine others were transferred to Delhi are: a first expelled BJP MLA Kuldeep College Hospital here, while A plea, filed by former RSS Tamil Nadu and Karna-
prison in Uttar Pradesh. matter for argument on framing also booked for murder by the information report (FIR) lodged SinghSengarandhisaccomplice police said the result of his blood ideologue KN Govindacharya taka governments to
Earlier, he was produced in of charges in the rape case — one Central Bureau of Investigation against the survivor’s father Shashi Singh, who was lodged in test was negative for alcohol seeking live streaming or reply to a plea seeking
the special court amid tight secu- of the four related cases trans- after the rape survivor and her under the Arms Act, his custo- Sitapur prison. The CBI has trace. recording of the day-to-day hear- that they implement the
rity. Additional sessions judge ferred to Delhi — for August 7. advocate were injured when a dial death and the gang rape of already taken Sengar to Delhi, AbailapplicationfiledbyVen- ing in the Ayodhya case, was 10 per cent quota for eco-
Dharmesh Sharma put up the Both Sengar and his accomplice truck hit their car in Rae Bareli the woman. where he is lodged in Tihar Jail. kitaraman was opposed by the mentioned for urgent hearing nomically weaker sec-
police in a court here which before a bench comprising Justi- tions, in addition to the
adjournedthemattertoTuesday. ces S A Bobde and B R Gavai. existing reservation.
Pragya backs NIA plea for in-camera trial A sub-inspector of police was
suspended for alleged lapses in
initial investigation after an
“We don’t know if we have
equipment for live streaming or
recording of proceedings,” the
A bench of Justices SA
Bobde and B R Gavai
issued notice to both the
inquiry, police said. bench told senior lawyer Vikas states on the plea claim-
ELECTROCUTED IN HT Correspondent accused,” read the reply filed by the hearing. It also implies a ban threats to witnesses from “anti- The government, which has Singh, appearing for Govinda- ing that all the other Thakur in the special court in on any publication of any news national elements” who may try asserted it wouldnot protect any charya. state governments have

Mumbai on Monday. related to the trial without to suppress the truth. “...there is official who violated law, Singh told the bench that if implemented the reser-
JALANDHAR:21 IAF job aspirants MUMBAI:Two key accused in the Six people were killed and obtaining explicit permission a possibility of anti-national ele- appointed the Special Investiga- there was difficulty in live- vation in government
were injured after a boundary 2008 Malegaon blast case — over 100 injured when an explo- from the court. ments becoming active and tionTeam(SIT),headedbyADGP streaming of the proceedings, jobs and educational
wall collapsed at Punjab Armed Bharatiya Janata Party law- sive device strapped to a motor- Purohit claimed that during attending the court which may Sheikh Darvesh Sahib, to probe then recording of the hearing institutions.
Police (PAP) ground here on maker Pragya Thakur and Lt cycle went off near a mosque in the proceedings, he may bring pose a serious security threat the case against the IAS officer. may be done.
Monday morning. A few students Col Prasad Purohit — have Malegaon in north Maharash- on record certain facts and doc- not only to the court but also to The team will include person- The bench, while refusing to
fell unconscious after they were backed the National Investiga- tra on September 29, 2008. uments produced by the defence witnesses and accused,” Puro- nel from the Crime branch and accord urgent hearing on the which is the “best disinfectant”.
electrocuted in the incident. “ A
tion Agency’s (NIA) plea for an The police claimed the motor- ministry which are confidential hit said. the police, a statement issued by plea, observed that it is an issue A five-judge Constitution
few of the job aspirants were
in-camera trial while two oth- bike was registered in Thakur’s in nature. Meanwhile, another suspect, the state police chief said. which is “something institu- bench headed by Chief Justice
electrocuted after a live wire fell
on them followed by the wall ers, Ramesh Upadhyay and name and that led to her arrest “If the trial is not made Ramesh Upadhyay, objected to Venkitaraman was arrested tional”. The apex court said the Ranjan Gogoi had on August 2
collapse. A witness pointed out at Sameer Kulkarni, opposed it. in 2008. She was granted bail by in-camera, even an anti-na- the NIA’s petition. on Aug 3 several hours after the issue would be considered on the said it would hold day-to-day
the carelessness of the authorities “Considering the nature of Bombay high court (HC) in tional person, gangster and He claimed that the applica- luxury car driven by him while administrative side. hearing from August 6 to decide
as they didn’t provide any facility allegations, the sensitivity of 2017. criminal will be entitled to tion was not maintainable as it returningfromaprivatepartyhit On September 26, 2018, the the politically-sensitive Ram
to wait or sit, hence it created religious communities, the If the court allows the NIA attend this court and will be was moved under the provi- 35-year old K Muhammed Bash- apex court had allowed live- Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid
chaos in premises. safety, security and independ- plea, no one other than the entitled to know the contents of sions of Unlawful Activities eer, Thiruvananthapuram streaming of court proceedings land dispute in Ayodhya, as the
ence of the witnesses, the accused, their lawyers, prosecu- the documents,” read the reply (Prevention) Act, which has BureauChiefofMalayalamdaily of cases of constitutional and efforts to arrive at an amicable
Two Chennai workers die present application filed by the tion team and relevant court filed by Purohit. been challenged in the Bombay “Siraj”, killing him on the national importance, saying this settlement through mediation
while cleaning septic tank prosecution is supported by the staff would be allowed to attend He also said he apprehended high court. spot. PTI openness was like “sunlight” have failed.
CHENNAI:Two construction
workers died of asphyxiation
while cleaning a newly-con-
structed septic tank in a building
in Tamil Nadu’s Cuddalore on
Five farmers attempt Girl shot dead after Bihar 17-year-old
grandfather pelts lynched by mob
Monday, the police said. “Both
workers died after inhaling toxic
suicide, probe likely stone at pet dog on theft charges
gas that may have formed inside
the tank,” an officer posted with
the Reddychavadi Police Station, Pradip Kumar Maitra Thefivehadgonetomeetaddi-
said on the condition of anonym- n tionalcollectorNarendraLonkar BHABUA:Aseven-year-oldgirldied Press Trust of India
ity. The police, however, clarified
todemandspeedycompensation when a group of people opened n
that two victims were not manual
NAGPUR:Fivefarmers,includinga for their land. However, when fire after her grandfather alleg-
woman,allegedlyconsumedpoi- they failed to get a positive edly threw a stone on their pet, a GAYA: A 17-year old boy was
Two men held for attempt son at the district collectorate in responsefromtheseniorofficial, Doberman, to save himself from beaten to death by an angry mob
to steal camera for TikTok Maharashtra’sAkolaonMonday they allegedly consumed pesti- its attack, at Paura village in on alleged theft charge in
in protest against, what they cides in presence of several Bihar’s Kaimur district on Sun- Bihar’s Gaya district on late
BHOPAL/SAGAR:Police in Sagar,
called, was the delay in getting employees of the collectorate. day, the police said. Sunday night, a senior police
186 kilometres east of Bhopal,
arrested two 18-year-old men on compensation for their land Meanwhile, the district Shiv Thevictim,AnjuKumari,was officer said on Monday.
Monday who allegedly had made acquired for a highway project. Sena demanded a stern action the only child of Bhim Tiwary, a The deceased has been identi-
an attempt to steal a camera to Allthefivepeoplewererushed againsttherevenueofficialscon- village priest. Six suspects have fied as Arjun Manjhi (17), son of
make their videos and post it on to the district civil hospital. Dis- cerned alleging they offered been booked for the murder on Khatak Manjhi, Senior Superin-
social media video app TikTok, as trict collector Jitendra Papalkar “irrational” compensation to the basis of a complaint regis- tendent of Police- Rajiv Mishra-
per police. “Both of the accused said, “We will inquire the matter farmers for their land acquired tered by the girl’s mother Asha n Parts of Pune, including houses, were submerged due to heavy rain on Monday. Schools and colleges said.
have confessed to have commit- and submit a report to the gov- for the highway project. District Devi, superintendent of police will remain closed on Tuesday as heavy rainfall forced the release of water from dams into rivers in the The incident occurred in Kal-
ted the crime.They told the ernment in this regard,” he said, Sena chief Nitin Deshmukh also Dilnawaz Ahmad said on district, collector Naval Kishore Ram said. SHANKAR NARAYAN/HT PHOTO yanpur locality under Delha
investigating them that they claimingthattheconditionofthe submittedamemorandumtothe Monday. police station of Gaya town, the
needed a good camera to post farmers was stable . district collector in this regard. AshaDevisaid,around5pmon SSP said.
video clippings on Tik Tok App.
But since they didn’t have enough
Sunday,when herfather-in-law,
Pyare Tiwary, was returning Mumbai limps back to life, IMD The deceased was resident of
Bhuitoli locality of the town.
money they booked the camera
on a wrong address and when
delivery boy was looking for the
address they made the attempt
72% voter turnout in homeafterperforming a “pooja”
inanadjacent village, theDober-
man cameout ofthe Singhs’resi- issues red alert in Kerala districts
The fellow citizens of the
locality staged protest this
morning demanding immediate
to the loot the parcel,” a police
official said.

SC asks states to respond

Vellore LS election dence and chased him. Tiwary
how managed to save himself
from its attack.
some for hours, on water-logged
districts are likely to get
extremely heavy rainfall of over
arrest of the culprits besides
payment of adequate compensa-
tion to the boy’s family, sources
to plea on acid attacks MC Rajan stituency with 7,500 personnel When the Tiwarys later com- cesresumedonMonday,railway tracks on Mumbai’s outskirts on 240mmin24hoursandmayexpe- His mother told the police
n and 3,752 EVMs. For security, 20 plained about the dog to its officials said. Sunday. Some of the trains rience landslides,” IMD said. that her son’s three friends had
NEW DELHI:The Supreme Court
companies of paramilitary per- owner, asking the family to keep The Met department has pre- strandedwereDurontoExpress, In Pune, schools and colleges called him on Sunday evening,
Monday granted four weeks to
CHENNAI: Polling to the Vellore sonnel were deployed apart itchained,thelattertookoffence. dicted “better weather” in the PunjabMail,DevgiriExpressand willremainclosedonTuesdayas the SSP said.
states, UTs and others as last
opportunity to file their re- Lok Sabha constituency from a 5,000-strong contingent Soonascuffleensuedbetweenthe coming days after torrential Vidarbha Express. heavy rainfall was forcing the The friends have been
sponses to the PIL relating to the in Tamil Nadu, which was post- of state police headed by an twofamilies,leadingtostonepelt- rains pounded large stretches of “Mumbai, Central Railway’s release of water from dams into absconding since the incident,
suffering of acid attack victims poned due to allegations of brib- Inspector General,” chief elect- ing, the police said, adding they Maharashtrainthelasttwodays. all suburban services are opera- rivers in the district, district col- he said adding the house of one
across India and questioning the ery and financial irregularities oral officer Sahu said. intervenedandbroughtthesitua- Withtheweathermanpredict- tional except Ambernath to Kar- lector Naval Kishore Ram said. Jitendra Kumar, where the inci-
sale of acid in open market. SC, in April, registered a voter turn Elections to Vellore constitu- tion under control. ing heavy showers on Monday jat,”theCentralRailwaytweeted TwoIndian Air Force helicop- dent took place, has been locked
which had issued notices in out of 72 % on Monday, accord- ency was postponed in April fol- However, around 7.30pm, the too, the state government had on Monday morning. tersrescued13villagersstranded and he along with his entire fam-
February 2018, noted that only 13 ing to the state chief electoral lowing charges of large scale Singhs returned with guns and declared holiday for schools in As heavy rains pounded sev- in Mangarol taluka of Surat dis- ily have been escaping.
have replied. The PIL sought steps officer Satyabrata Shau. bribing of voters and seizure of firedindiscriminately.Oneofthe Mumbai,Thane,Palghar,Raigad eral parts of Kerala, the Met trict, as heavy rains lashed the The body has been sent to
taken by states to help victims of “Polling was held at a total of cash to the tune of ₹11 crore bullets hit the girl in her neck, and Nashik districts. department issued a red alert in southernpartofGujaratoverthe Anugrah Narayan Magadh
acid attacks and regulate the sale 1,553 booths across the six from the premises of a DMK resulting in her death. As rains pummelled Mumbai Idukki,MalappuramandKozhik- past few days, officials said. Medical College and Hospital,
of acids in these states. assembly segments in the con- functionary. PRASUN K MISHRA since Friday night, at least 12 ode districts on August 8. “These PTI Gaya for autopsy,
BY PRESSREADER +1 604 278 4604


TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019 hindustantimes nation 11
MP police to probe
Territory of the
₹110-cr deposits in
(BJP) to integrate the state fully India. of this threat, Pakistan premier was – presumably sometime into firing into unruly crowds;
into the nation. Jitendra Singh, The Opposition fractured in Imran Khan’s visit to Washing- within the last fortnight, accord- the fear in New Delhi is that Pak-
Union minister of state in the Prime
Minister’s Office, said, “This will
Parliament. Congress’s own
chief whip in the house, Bhuban-
ton on July 22 came as further
reinforcement of its assessment
ing to people familiar with the
matter – things started moving
istan could instigate them
through supporters in the Val-
tion and its laws reinforced, but
the special provisions which
gave the state a distinct constitu-
be known as the day of redemp-
tion, as the day of rejuvenation.”
But the Opposition was not
eshwar Kalita, resigned from the
party disagreeing with its posi-
tion on Article 370. The Bahujan
that US President Donald Trump
desperately wanted out of
Afghanistan; Trump made an
rapidly. There is a theory that
the Opposition’s capitulation in
the Rajya Sabha , where the BJP
The timing of Monday’s move,
10 days ahead of India’s Inde-
banks after note ban
tional identity, removed. pleased. A furious Ghulam Nabi Samaj Party and the Aam Aadmi offer to mediate between India isn’t in a majority, may have pendence day on August 15 is sig- HT Correspondent value notes, which accounted for
The order also added a clause Azad, leader of the Opposition in Party, in surprise moves, backed and Pakistan, much to the given the latter the confidence to nificant but a BJP functionary n 86% of the currency in circulation
to Article 367 of the Constitution the Rajya Sabha and a former the government — as did the Tel- delight of Khan. push ahead. played it down. at the point in time.
— whereby it said that referen- CM of J&K, led the charge for the angana Rashtriya Samithi, Biju Long before that, even ahead Last week, the home ministry “This was the first session of BHOPAL: The Madhya Pradesh An official of the state’s cooper-
ces to the Government of Jammu Congress: “In my political life, I Janata Dal, YSR Congress Party, of Goel’s meeting, the BJP’s top sent 2,000 satellite phones to the Parliament after the elections police department’s special task ative department said income-
and Kashmir would be con- had never even imagined that and AIADMK, among others. team, including legal experts J&K administration in the event and if not now, then when?” force has begun a probe into tax officials had already inquired
strued as the governor of the the state which is India’s crown, One hundred and twenty-five (former finance minister Arun of phones and internet not func- (With additional inputs by Smriti Kak deposits of about ₹110 crore made into the matter and didn’t find
state (acting on the advice of a one day that head will be MPs voted in favour of the Reor- Jaitley is believed to be one), had tioning. Internet services in the Ramachandran) into savings accounts in the anything amiss.
council of ministers); and the ref- chopped off.” He warned that the ganisation Bill, while only 61 come around to the legal view Valley were cut off on Sunday state’s cooperative banks after Madhya Pradesh State Coop-
erence to the constituent assem-
bly of Jammu and Kashmir of
move would not integrate, but in
fact had laid the foundations for
voted against it.
The move has triggered a
that Article 370 could be done
away with a Presidential order,
night, and mobile and phone ser-
vices soon after.
Hearing demonetisation.
STF additional director gen-
erative (Apex) Bank managing
director Pradeep Nikhra said,
Article 370 would now read legis-
lative assembly of the state.
The move also provoked
debate among constitutional
experts, with many experts ask-
especially if the state adminis-
tration was under the Governor.
Over the past 10 days, as many
as 350 companies of paramilitary
impaired minor eral (ADG) Ashok Awasthi said
investigations have been
“Following the huge transactions
during demonetisation, the IT
The second was a statutory
resolution to recommend to the
howls of outrage from Pakistan,
which has fought four wars with
ing if Article 367 can indeed be
amended through a presidential
According to senior BJP func-
tionaries, preparations for
forces -- 35,000 men -- were
moved to the state, particularly
raped by launched on the basis of com-
plaints that huge quantities of old
department sought details of the
accounts of cooperative banks
President to issue a notification,
using clause 3 of Article 370, to
India and continues to engage in
a shadow war in Kahsmir with
order. Mohan Parasaran, a sen-
ior advocate and a former solici-
scrapping Article 370 began
simultaneously with the draft-
the Valley.
Around the same time, the last
brother, his notes were deposited in coopera-
tive banks from November 10,
but didn’t find anything. Now,
STF has taken up the case. We
declare that all clauses of Article
370 would cease to be operative
the use of terrorists. It asked the
Indian government to “halt and
tor general of India, noted, “An
amendment to the Constitution
ing of the manifesto for the 2019
general elections.
week of July, the National Tech-
nical Research Organisation
friends 2016 to December 30, 2016 by open-
ing new saving accounts, and that
don’t have any problem. We will
provide all documents.”
and that all provisions of the reverse” its decision to revoke may only be done by recourse to The functionaries added that (NTRO)’s high altitude long-en- and fled the spot when her condi- money was transferred to other The ADG said new accounts
Indian Constitution would apply the special status of Jammu and Article 368 by introducing a Bill, the finalisation of the resolu- durance Israeli Heron drones tion deteriorated, inspector banks from these accounts. were opened to deposit money in
to the state of Jammu and Kash- Kashmir, contending such a uni- in that regard, in the Parliament tions and bills that were passed were sent across the Pir Panjal Misra said. The girl somehow “We have started a probe of cooperative banks in violation of
mir. lateral step cannot change the and being passed in both the on Monday sped up after the Lok for crowd control. Military air- managed to reach home and nar- district cooperative banks in the Reserve Bank of India’s Know
Clause 3 empowered the Pres- state’s status as an “internation- houses by a majority of 2/3rd of Sabha results were announced, craft flew dozens of sorties flying rated her ordeal to her parents Bhopal, Gwalior and Sagar as Your Customer (KYC) guidelines.
ident to do so, but only on the rec- ally recognised disputed terri- its members present and voting with the massive mandate it relief supplies including food, through sign language and iden- most of the money was deposited “As the maximum deposit limit in
ommendation of the constituent tory”. and thereafter the Bill receiving received (303 seats in the 543- water and medicines into the tified her brother as one of the in these banks. But it’s just the tip an account was ~2 lakh, accounts
assembly (CA) of Jammu and Foreign secretary Sohail the assent of the President. As member Lok Sabha) giving the Valley. accused. Her parents then took of the iceberg. This could be a were opened in the names of dif-
Kashmir. This was overcome by Mahmood summoned Indian the amendment to Articles 367 party confidence that it could By Friday last week, the buzz her to the police station and very big scam,” he added. ferent members of a family. We
the earlier order, which envoy Ajay Bisaria to the foreign and 370 are the fulcrum of the fulfil one of its poll promises. over the scrapping of 35A (370 lodged an FIR in this connection, On the evening of November 8, will also probe the role of officers
replaced the CA with the state ministry to convey a “strong Presidential Order, question The demand has also consist- was never mentioned) had inten- the inspector said. 2016, the government, in a sur- of cooperative banks in allowing
legislature, and empowered the demarche” or formal diplomatic may arise as to whether such ently been raised by the Rash- sified, especially after the Amar- During interrogation, the prise move invalidated old high- the irregularity,” he said.
governor. representation on actions taken amendments can be made triya Swayamsevak Sangh nath yatra was called off, and brother confessed to the crime
Together, these two moves by India. through a circuitous manner (RSS), the ideological parent of tourists asked to leave the Val- and revealed to the police the
mean that J&K will no longer
have its own flag and own consti-
tution; Indian laws — from the
The response from Kashmir
was strong too. With most of the
state under a blackout, little
without resort to Article 368 and
whether such an Order would
suffice in light of the spirit
the BJP, which perceived these
articles as an impediment in the
integration of Jammu and Kash-
On the evening of August 4,
with speculation peaking, Shah
names of his three friends, Misra
said, adding that the girl, who
cannot hear and speak, identi-
For a smooth ride, rlys
penal code to property and taxa-
tion — will now be applicable. It
also paves the way for citizens
information percolated out. But
former Jammu and Kashmir
chief minister Mehbooba Mufti
behind Article 370.”
But beyond the legal complex-
ities — and there are indeed com-
mir with the rest of India.
Things started gathering
momentum after Shah’s visit to
called up the RAW chief Goel and
IB chief Kumar and told them to
be ready – perhaps the first time
fied her brother and his three
friends as being involved in the
plan massive upgrades
from the rest of the country to be tweeted, “GOI’s intention is plexities which could well end up Srinagar on June 26 along with the national security establish- “We have arrested all the four Faizan Haidar the modification of wheels and
able to exercise rights to move, clear & sinister. They want to seeing a challenge in court — the the director of the Intelligence ment realised that the Modi gov- accused, aged between 12 to 14 n the braking system so that pas-
settle, and purchase property in change demography of the only government’s move on Monday Bureau Arvind Kumar and ernment was going to announce years,” he said. sengers do not feel the impact
J&K. Muslim majority state in India, on Kashmir was fundamentally home secretary Rajiv Gauba. scrapping of article 35A and 370 The accused have been NEW DELHI: Changing the cushion when brakes are applied, he said.
Shah then introduced the disempower Muslims to the political. Over the next few days While there was total agree- in Parliament on Monday. booked under the Protection of of seats in air-conditioned and With the railways targeting to
Jammu and Kashmir (Reorgani- extent where they become sec- and weeks, observers will ment within the national secu- Interestingly, the much- Children from Sexual Offences sleeper coaches, improving the run most of the trains at 130
sation) Bill, 2019. The new ond class citizens in their own closely track developments in rity establishment that these talked about meeting Shah (POCSO) Act, the police said. secondary suspension between kmph, the main problem was of
Ladakh UT will include Leh and state.” Another former CM, Delhi but also more importantly articles should be scrapped, called earlier in the day was to They were produced before a the carbody and bogie to reduce excessive vibration.
Kargil districts; and the remain- Omar Abdullah, said, “Govern- Kashmir, where the response internal security agencies had discuss the situation in the juvenile justice court on Monday vibration, upgrading the braking “Through analytics of passen-
ing districts of the state will con- ment of India (GOI)’s unilateral has remained muted because of flagged concerns over the possi- North-east. and will be sent to a juvenile system are among a slew of meas- ger complaints, we now know
stitute the J&K UT. The final bill and shocking decisions today are the clampdown. Observers bility of violence in the Valley. External affairs minister home on Tuesday. ures that the Indian Railways will that riding comfort is most
was the Jammu and Kashmir a total betrayal of the trust that believe that managing the fallout However, the government Subrahmanyam Jaishankar was The girl has been admitted to a implement to ensure maximum important for passengers. Those
Reservation (Second Amend- the people of Jammu & Kashmir in the Valley will now be the gov- decided to go ahead after factor- also kept in the loop so as to deal hospital for a medical examina- comfort for passengers, said a taking overnight journeys want
ment) Bill 2019, which enabled had reposed in India when the ernment’s next big challenge. ing in inputs from RAW chief with the diplomatic fallout of the tion and treatment, the police member of the Railway Board. the seat cushion as soft as their
reservations for economically state acceded to it in 1947. The Goel’s July 11 visit and NSA move. said. “We are transforming passen- bed. We are now analyzing the
weaker sections to be extended
to the state.
decisions will have far-reaching
and dangerous consequences.
Imran’s US Doval’s July 23 one to the Valley.
Significantly, army chief Gen-
Fearing that Pakistan’s spy
agency Inter Services Intelli-
“The accused had watched
obscene videos before commit-
ger experience through awesome
exteriors, congenial ambience
right type of cushion for the com-
fort of passenger,” Aggarwal
Shah’s proposals caused a
massive stir in the House and
This is an aggression against
people of the State as had been
visit, weak Oppn eral Bipin Rawat visited the Val-
ley in June as well as in July to
gence and jihadists in the Valley
could target local leaders and
ting the rape. One of their friends
had shown them explicit videos
and better amenities/service
through massive upgradation.
For the interiors, Indian Rail-
outside. The treasury benches
erupted with applause and
warned by an all-parties meeting
in Srinagar yesterday.”
sped up 370 keep his army commanders on
their toes. Doval also held a
blame New Delhi for it, a deci-
sion was taken to keep all of the
on his mobile phone which
prompted them to commit the
Not only the production of
coaches has increased, the
ways has already making
changes and started providing a
cheers, and its supporters out-
side lauded Prime Minister Nar-
But the government sought to
allay apprehensions. “Article
endgame meeting with the three military
and the three intelligence chiefs
Valley’s political leaders under
house arrest from midnight Sun-
crime,” the police officer said.
They were from the underprivi-
coaches are now fitted with bio
toilets and LED lights and are
tray table and a charging point
for every seat.
enda Modi and Shah’s courage 370 is the biggest hurdle to nor- Islamabad’s direct and indirect (including NTRO) on July 24 in day. Curfew was imposed, as was leged section of society and had jerk free,” said Rajesh Aggarwal, Photos are being placed inside
for fulfilling a key ideological malcy in the state,” Shah said, sponsorship of terror groups this context. Section 144. Paramilitary forces easy access to obscene videos on member (rolling stock) of railway compartments; taps and mirrors
goal and manifesto promise of promising to make J&K among operating in Kashmir. It isn’t clear when the final were also sensitised to display mobile phone, inspector Misra board. in washrooms are being replaced
the Bharatiya Janata Party the most developed states in For New Delhi, already aware decision was taken, but once it restraint and not be provoked said. One of the key changes will be as well.

Public Notice
The general public at large is informed that hearing of claims
and objections received for the Delhi Cantonment Board’s
Voter List Year 2019 will be held from dt. 08.08.2019 to dt.
17.08.2019, from 10.00 AM in the Office of Delhi Cantonment
Board, Delhi Cantonment by the officer designated by the
President, Delhi Cantonment Board. The hearings will not be
held on August 12, 2019 and August 15, 2019 due to
administrative reasons. The changed date of hearing to be
held on 12 August 2019 has been informed by separate letter.
No. DCB/6/B-11/Electoral/Revised/2019
Office of Delhi Cantonment Board Chief Executive Officer
Delhi Cantonment Delhi Cantonment Board
Dated: 05 August, 2019 (Pushpendra Singh)

Bharat Nirman through Rural Roads

Chief Engineer (Kangra Zone) HPPWD, Dharamshala, H.P. - 176215
e-Procurement Notice
The Government of India has received a loan/credit number “P124639” under PMGSY (Rural Road Project) Rural Roads Financing towards the cost of Rural Roads
Project (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana) and intends to apply a part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the contracts for construction of works and
PMGSY (Regular). Bidding is open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the bidding document.
The Chief Engineer (Kangra Zone) HPPWD Dharamshala-176215 on behalf of Governor Himachal Pradesh invites the item rate bids in electronic tendering system for
construction of roads under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana in the District of Chamba as detailed in the Table below from the eligible contractors registered with
HPPWD/CPWD/P&T, Railways/other state govts/Central Govt agencies. Non-registered bidders may submit bids, however, the successful bidders must get registered
in appropriate class with appropriate authorities before signing the contract.

Division Package Name of the Work Estimated Cost (Rs Lacs) Total Period of Bid
No. Construction Maintenance Cost Completion Security
(Rs Lacs) (Months) (Rs Lacs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Bharmour HP-02-332 Construction of Road from L031 CH 2/400 to Bhatra Km 0/0 to 2/0 172.75 12.04 184.79 12 3.70
Salooni HP-02-370 Construction of 19.75 Meters Sapn RCC T-Beam Bridge over Khared 34.63 - 34.63 9 0.70
Nallah on Sundla Girjindoo Road at Rd 32/615.
Salooni HP-02-351 Construction of Dandi to Bharai Road Km 0/0 to 2/700 181.57 16.26 197.83 12 3.95
Chamba HP-02-338 Construction of Kiri to Banjal Road Km 0/0 to 3/0 192.54 18.07 210.61 12 4.20
Tissa HP-02-335 Construction of link Road to village Junas Km 0/0 to 4/500 285.31 27.10 312.41 12 6.25
Tissa HP-02-333 Construction of Tissa Ganed Nera Road Km 3/0 to 12/930 648.79 59.80 708.59 18 14.20
Tissa HP-02-349 Construction of Kiri to Athlwan Road Km 0/0 to 11/600 1302.36 69.86 1372.22 24 27.45
Killar HP-02-361 Construction of link Road to village Thandol Km 0/0 to 6/285 496.75 37.85 534.60 18 10.70
Killar HP-02-357 Upgradation of Kiri Dharwas to Sural Bhatori Road Km 0/0 to 17/300 1072.85 104.18 1177.03 24 23.25
Killar HP-02-360 Upgradation of link Road from Sach Khas to Towan Km 0/0 to 24/290 1365.06 148.68 1513.74 24 30.30
Chamba HP-02-341 Construction of link Road to village Kureena Km 0/0 to 2/300 256.11 13.85 269.96 12 5.40
Chamba HP-02-340 Construction of Sultanpur to Bari Road Km 0/0 to 2/350 210.07 14.15 224.22 12 4.50
Chamba HP-02-337 Construction of Luddu to Gharmani Road Km 7/0 to 9/500 275.64 15.06 290.70 12 5.80
Chamba HP-02-338 Construction of link Road to village Daroga Km 0/0 to 4/500 435.40 27.10 462.50 18 9.25
Other details can be seen in the bidding document. The Employer shall not be held liable for any delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system
will attempt to notify the bidders of any bid updates, the Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the bidder. It is the bidders’ responsibility to verify
the website for the latest information related to the tender.
Submission of all physical documents will be accepted only up to or before the time and date of submission of bids. No physical documents will be accepted after the
closing date and time of submission of bids.
Last Date/ Time and place for receipt of bids through e-procurement:-
Bids can be submitted online from Date 26 Month 08 Year 2019 to Date 25 Month 09 Year 2019 upto 1700 Hours and will be opened on Date 26 Month 09 Year 2019
at 1130 Hours in the office of Superintending Engineer, 7th Circle, HPPWD, Dalhousie.
For further details please log on to
The undersigned has right to extend or cancel the bids without declaring any reasons there-of.
Chief Engineer
Kangra Zone, H.P.P.W.D
Fax: 011892-223100
1325 Tel: 011892-224948



12 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, NEW D ELHI

e sta b l i s h e d i n 1 9 24
BJP’sKashmir Kashmir: Managing the aftermath
moveisbold, The government’s decision must not be painted as victory or defeat, but as a win-win for everyone
DS tional conflict. The Indian Army’s deploy-

ment along the Line of Control in Jammu
and Kashmir is extremely robust, and will
not allow large-scale infiltration. Notwith-
standing this, a major terror incident in
Kashmir cannot be ruled out, and it will pri-
marily be the responsibility of intelligence

It will help integrate the state. agencies to ensure that there is no repeat of a

he speculation over Jammu and Pulwama-type attack.
Kashmir is over with the It is also essential to not look at tackling
But for this, the Centre must announcement of revocation
of Article 370, and the division
the situation purely through a security
approach. If the government’s action aims

now reach out to Kashmiris of the state into two Union Terri-
tories. To some, it was evident
to find a resolution to the Kashmir conflict,
it has to take the local population into
that the events of the past few days had less confidence. This is perhaps the most difficult

to do with an enhanced security threat, but taskaspastactivitiesofthegovernmenthave
n a historic and bold move, the Union government has were carried out with a political objective only increased suspicion and alienation
redefined the status of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). Home in mind. The discussions over Article 370 among the Kashmiris. As long as this aliena-
has two sides. This subject will now be tionisnotaddressed,long-termsolutionswill
minister Amit Shah announced, in Parliament, on Mon- hotly debated in Parliament, and perhaps, in not be forthcoming.
day, the end of the state’s special status through a Presi- theSupremeCourt.However,theUniongov- Inthemilitary,oneessentialcomponentof
ernment has takena decision, and the imme- a counter-insurgency campaign is winning
dential notification. Article 370 and Article 35A have been diate task is to deal with the challenges that the “battle of the narrative”. It is the success
rendered ineffective. He also introduced a bill to reorganise the this decision will bring. ofourcommunicationstrategythatwillturn
The first, and most obvious result could be the youth away from the path of extremism
state. J&K will now be a Union Territory (UT) with a legislature; a worsening of the law and order situation in towardsthebenefitsofsupportingthegovern-
Ladakh will be a separate Union Terri-
tory without a legislature.
ourtake the Kashmir Valley. An immediate parallel
ment’s policies. This aspect has not received
It must also be understood that narratives
inJuly2016.However,thedifferencewith2016 aremorethanverbalmessages;theyalsoneed
Three distinct strands have dominated the debate on Kash- isthatthegovernmentandsecurityforcesare visible actions to show the sincerity of the
mir. One is the “separatist” strand, which gained currency much better prepared today to deal with any political leadershipin findinga just solution.
disturbance. The scale of the protests in 2016 The decision of the government must not be
through the use of terrorism. This school held that J&K must came as a surprise to the security forces, but n The Centre’s advisory to various states to ensure the safety of the residents of Jammu and painted in terms of victory or defeat, but as a
become independent, or merge with Pakistan. India has been the recent pre-emptive deployment of addi- Kashmir is a step in the right direction. It must now be followed up by a genuine outreach to win-winforeveryone.Theadvisorytovarious
tional forces into Jammu and Kashmir ena- the people of the state VIPIN KUMAR / HINDUSTAN TIMES state governments to ensure the safety and
correct in resoundingly rejecting this view. J&K has, and will, bles the state government to deal appropri- securityoftheresidentsofJammuandKash-
remain an integral part of the country. ately with any situation. by the recent statements of United States to the cause of azadi (freedom) in Kashmir. mirisastepintherightdirection.Itmustnow
If large-scale protests do erupt, how they President Donald Trump on mediation, IfPakistandoesnothing,itcouldlosecredibil- be followed up by a genuine outreach to the
The second view, which can be called the “autonomy” are handled will be extremely important. Pakistan will attempt to internationalise ity not only in Kashmir, but also among people of the state.
Obviously, a breakdown of law and order the issue of Kashmir. I do not see any great terror groups such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba The revocation of Article 370 is undoubt-
approach, sought distinctive treatment. This was based on the
cannot be accepted, but the response of the success in Pakistan’s diplomatic efforts, as andtheJaish-e-Mohammadthatarevirtually edly a momentous step. The strategy that the
special circumstances of J&K’s accession. But this did not really security forces must be measured. Large- the world is mostly tired of Islamabad’s an arm of the Inter-Services Intelligence. government adopts to handle its fall out will
scaledeathsandinjuriestocivilianswillleave duplicity on terrorism, and sees Kashmir However, there are limits to Pakistan’s define the success of this move.
address the increasing alienation in the Valley, or the problem long-term scars, and will make conflict reso- as an internal matter of India. Pakistan response.Hobbledbyinternationalpressure
of cross-border terrorism emanating from Pakistan. It also left lution more difficult. will undoubtedly step up its support to andadirefinancialsituation,Pakistanneeds Lt General (Retd) DS Hooda is the former General
Pakistan can be expected to fish actively terror activities in Kashmir. This is perhaps to keep its actions calibrated to ensure that Officer Commanding-in-chief, Northern Command
all sides dissatisfied. Kashmiri political elite felt that the state did in the troubled waters of Kashmir. Buoyed the last chance it has of showing its backing the situation does not escalate to a conven- The views expressed are personal
not have enough autonomy; many in the rest of the country were
resentful that it had more autonomy than other states. Worse, it
seemed to come in the way of development of the state in all
A redrawn landscape:
aspects — social as well as economic.
The third view, represented by the Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP), was the “integrationist” approach. This strand held that
It’s not a surgical strike. Anticipated impact,
giving autonomy to J&K was the original mistake. Not only
should special constitutional provisions be removed, the Indian
It’s an open-heart surgery, unintended consequences
State must assert its authority in full. The BJP weaved this into
its manifesto, and won the elections.
On Monday, the integrationist approach won. This opens
and there will be bleeding If Kashmiri parties boycott polls, they’ll be marginalised;
up possibilities. Kashmir, for too long, has been behind the devel- The BJP thinks that its radical steps are a magic bullet if they participate, it will mean accepting new realities
opment curve. It has been engulfed by political violence, become for all of Kashmir’s ills. This is an incorrect assessment from the Muslim-majority districts.
SUSHANT The real concern is how the Valley will
a playground for Pakistan’s military and spy agency, and, reli- SAREEN react. That it will not take kindly to what
gious radicalism. Status quo has now been broken — and all ics in Afghanistan, and the resultant United has happened is a no-brainer. There is a
HAPPYMON States-Pakistan rapprochement, could have real possibility of widespread protests and
observers must concede that status quo was not helping. JACOB potentially led to more heat on the Kashmir violence as a reaction to the dismember-
The application of progressive Indian laws in the state; the crea- situation in the months ahead. The recent ment of the state and the dilution (virtual
Kashmir tweets by President Donald Trump death) of Article 370, which many Kash-
tion of mechanisms to implement the Centre’s welfare schemes clearly indicated that. By “integrating J&K miris (rightly or wrongly) saw as a marker

in the state; the ability of Indians from the rest of the country to fully” into the Indian Union, New Delhi now n one fell swoop, the Narendra Modi of their separate identity and of the nomi-
expects to brazen out any such pressure. To government in its Season 2 has altered nal autonomy that the state enjoyed
invest freely and buy property in Kashmir; and the opening up of that extent,this is also a messageto theinter- the political landscape in the state, within the Indian Union.

economic opportunities will all help in cementing Kashmir with ith one stroke of a pen, the Gov- nationalcommunityof how it will regard the sorry Union Territory (UT), of Jammu Worse, Kashmiris fear that not just
ernmentofIndia,ledbytheBhar- former’sopinionsonKashmirfromnowon-- and Kashmir, and Ladakh. For more than their identity and culture, but also
India more substantially. atiya Janata Party (BJP), has with indifference. a week, the air was thick with rumours of their majority will be swamped by outsid-
dramatically and radically The international community has seem- something big was going to happen. Most ers who will stream in to settle in the
At the same time, the Centre’s moves merit criticism on two
alteredtherelationshipbetweentheerstwhile ingly decided to wait and watch, not that the people thought it would be abrogation of state, thereby changing the demography
counts. princelystateofJammuandKashmirandthe New Delhi of today loses sleep over what the Article 35A, some believed that the gov- in the Valley.
IndianUnion,thedynamicsofthehighlycon- opinionmakers of the international commu- ernment was going to undo Article 370, Most of these fears are, of course,
The first is due process. The process of revocation of Article tentious politics in that conflict-ridden state, nity has to say about it. The international and still others were apprehending a tri- unfounded. There will be no large scale
370, which ties the state with India, needed the approval of J&K’s and the contours of India-Pakistan negotia- community, including the United States, the furcation of the state. No one expected all state-sponsored settlement of outsiders in
tions on the Kashmir question. United Kingdom and the European Union, is three to happen in one go. But the govern- Kashmir; nor will millions of people
Constituent Assembly. In the absence of such an assembly, it can While the BJP will politically benefit from likelytoadoptacautiousapproachtothedeci- ment left everyone blindsided by using the stream in to buy properties and settle in
be removed with the concurrence of the state legislative assem- this bold move, one will have to wait and see sionbyNewDelhiwhich,strictlyspeaking,is provisions of Article 370 to completely the Valley. People migrate to places where
whether it will be able to implement its twin a domestic issue. Their concerns might only defang it, thereby obviating the need for a there are economic opportunities, which
bly. But the assembly does not exist at the moment either, and decision to scrap Article 370 and undoing cometotheforeifthisleadstomore violence. complicated procedure for a constitu- can sustain them. Kashmir doesn’t fit the
the notification suggests that it was the Governor’s concurrence Jammu and Kashmir’s statehood without Thebiggerchallenge,however,isnotlegal, tional amendment. And once this was bill, even less so because for the foreseea-
acrimony, bloodshed and further alienation butpolitical.Clearly,it’samajorpoliticalvic- done through the instrumentality of a ble future, things are likely to remain
that was obtained to render the provisions irrelevant. This is within the Kashmir Valley. toryfortheBJP,especiallygivenhowthesev- Presidential Order, it moved for a bifurca- extremely disturbed.
While there was sufficient indication that eralfence-sittingregionalparties—including tion of the erstwhile state, and converted This is so because the resentment and
clearly not sufficient. The process has been pushed through
theBJPmightactonitstraditionalpromiseof the Aam Aadmi Party, which has been an the two new entities into Union territories. alienation against the Indian State could
without consultations with Kashmir’s political leaders, who abrogating Article 370, it’s the manner in in-principle supporter of full statehood — The deed having been done, now every- peak in the Valley. It is possible that the
which it has gone about it is surprising. In went on to support the J&K Reorganisation one is bracing for the fallout of this kind of lockdown that there is in the Valley
have been under detention. Further, the reorganisation of states one sense, by bifurcating the state into Bill. The separatist parties in the Valley will extremely bold, and, perhaps, a risky gam- might keep a lid on things for now. But this
requires the consent of the state assembly concerned. In this twosegmentsandmakingthemUnionTerri- increase their political fight against New bit. The impact of what happened on lockdown can’t be forever. As soon as it is
tories, the BJP has gone way beyond its Delhi. Militancywouldonceagainseearisein August 5 will be felt not just in the erst- lifted, there is likelihood of mass protests
case, J&K has been bifurcated, and statehood diluted to UT sta- own past rhetoric of merely abrogating Arti- theValley,withorwithoutsupportfromPaki- while J&K state, but also on the national and increased terrorist violence. But this
tus, without any deliberations in the assembly. This throws up cle 370 and trifurcating the state. It’s not a stan.Asaresult,Kashmir’sstreetscouldwit- politics. Modi has cemented his constitu- would have been factored in by the Centre
“surgical strike”, it’s an open-heart surgery, ness more violence and anarchy in the days ency, and fulfilled one of the core agenda when it went all in on changing the
an important question — Can the end justify the means? Can the and there will be bleeding. aheadoncethecurfewiflifted,andtheValley items of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s dynamic in Kashmir.
Centre undermine the federal structure? The message from Monday’s decisions is is reconnected to the rest of the world. (BJP) political programme. His stock is For at least six months, maybe even a
loudandclear:NewDelhi,fromnowon,won’t More significantly, by “un-making” the sky high, not just among his core constitu- year, the UT will remain under central
The second concern is the mood on the ground in Kashmir. bekeen ontakingthedifficult butdemocrati- J&K state, New Delhi has made the entire ency, but also among many others on the rule. The authorities will be hoping that
callyprudentpathofpeace-buildinginKash- pro-India political mainstream in the Valley fence. The Opposition will find it difficult, things will cool down by the time the UT is
Like all Indian citizens, Kashmiris seek greater democracy.
mir, nor would it be willing to keep Kashmir politicallyirrelevant, administrativelypow- even politically suicidal, to oppose the ready for elections. The dilemma for the
Elements keen to destabilise India would seek to build a on the negotiating table with Pakistan. So, erless, and worthless from a conflict-resolu- bifurcation of the erstwhile state. This is, mainstream parties is that with their bluff
whentheBJPleadershipsaysthata“historic tion perspective. Consider a moment, the therefore, a done deal. on Article 370 having been called, they are
narrative that Delhi is taking away powers from the local level. wrong”hasbeencorrectedinKashmir,what combined effect of the disillusionment and But the real challenge for the Modi gov- caught between a rock and a hard place. If
It is important that the process of turning the state into a UT does itperhapsmeansisthattheintegrationofJ&K alienation of the Kashmiri youth and the ernment will come in J&K. Ladakh will, of they boycott the elections, they will
into the Indian Union is “now’ complete, not- irrelevanceofthemainstreamKashmiripolit- course, celebrate its UT status, a long- become even more marginalized because
not lead to alienation. withstandingthecountry’sofficialpositionon ical class. It is unlikely to be good news. The standing demand, at least, in Leh. How new people will step in to fill the vacuum,
The government can mitigate these risks by launching a com- the part currently in Pakistan’s possession. Indian State might win the day with sheer Kargil reacts remains to be seen, but the as happened after the local body polls; if
The easy part, of issuing a Presidential force, but what of its legitimacy in a state odds are that it won’t like it. In the newly they participate, then it will be an accept-
prehensive outreach programme to all Kashmiris. While it must Order, and announcing it in the Parliament, whereeveryone,includingthepro-Indiapar- carved out UT of J&K, it will be the worst ance of the new realities.
remain on guard to ensure Pakistan, and radical militants, do whilekeepingatightgriponthesecuritysitu- ties, would be bitter, angry and desperate? of both worlds. The Jammuites will be But all of this is what can be anticipated.
ationintheValley,isover.Nowcomesthedif- The BJP seems to think that its radical happy with the UT status, but will be The worry is about the unintended conse-
not take advantage of the situation, it should simultaneously ficultpartofjustifyingtheconstitutionalityof stepsvis-à-visKashmirissomesortofamagic extremely resentful of remaining lumped quences of the epochal changes that
the decision, and this would most definitely bullet for all of Kashmir’s ills, and that’s with Kashmir. The demand for a separate unfolded on Monday.
engage in dialogue with Kashmiri political actors, civil society,
lead to a long drawn out legal battle. exactlywhereitmayhavefaultedinitsjudge- state or UT in Jammu, which will free These include not just things that might
media, citizens and allay their apprehensions. The Centre must So, what explains the timing of this ment. For one, there are no magic bullets in Jammu from the ‘yoke’ of Kashmir, has happen in the Valley, which haven’t been
radical decision? From a domestic political conflict resolution, and more importantly, been there forever. The new delimitation factored in, but also what happens on the
show to Kashmiris that its intent of removing the special status perspective, the BJP might have correctly minorityrights,inthiscasethoseoftheKash- plan, which is expected to ensure an equal regional and international stage, where
is to create more opportunities, and prosperity. Only then will calculated that doing so before the assembly miris, can’t be divorced from the inherent distribution of seats between Jammu and there is a lot of flux and major realign-
elections in the state would enable it to workings of a mature democracy. Kashmir regions, will also not assuage the ments are taking place.
the gamble by Narendra Modi and Amit Shah pay off. pushthe decisionthrough,while President’s Happymon Jacob is associate professor of sentiments of the hardline Hindu elements Sushant Sareen is senior fellow,
Rule is still in force. disarmament studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University in Jammu. This is because the extra seats Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi
Moreso,theemerginggeopoliticaldynam- The views expressed are personal in Jammu region are most likely to come The views expressed are personal

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TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019 hindustantimes nation 13

Another SP leader
TransgenderrightsbillclearsLS resigns from RS
VOICE VOTE Bill aims to safeguard rights of
community but activists say many provisions
Lok Sabha passes Medical Commission House clears bill to HT Correspondent
Seth’s resignation comes as a
major jolt to the Samajwadi
bill to increase bill gets LS approval ban commercial

Party as he is considered close to

in legislation are vague and may be harmful LUCKNOW :Samajwadi Party (SP) both SP founder Mulayam Singh

judges in top court HT Correspondent

surrogacy leader Sanjay Seth on Monday
resigned from the Rajya Sabha.
Seth is the third Samajwadi
Yadav and SP national president
Akhilesh Yadav.
Seth was the SP’s treasurer.
HT Correspondent Rhythma Kaul
Party MP to have resigned from
the Rajya Sabha in the past one
He was nominated SP’s trea-
surer by Akhilesh Yadav when

NEWDELHI:Lok Sabha on Monday

NEWDELHI:Parliamenton Monday
cleared the National Medical
Earlier, Neeraj Shekhar and
he took over the reins of the
party in January 2017.
passed a bill which seeks to
aims to replace the graft-tainted
FUNDS ACT daypassedtheSurrogacy(Regu-
lation)Bill, 2019thatseekstoban
Surendra Nagar had submitted
their resignations from the
Shortly before this, Akhilesh
had sent him to Rajya Sabha in
Courtjudgesfrom thepresent30 Medical Council of India (MCI). The government on commercialsurrogacybutallows Rajya Sabha. May 2016.
to 33 with a view to reduce pend- The bill was passed by the Lok Monday introduced a altruistic surrogacy. Seth is likely to join the BJP Seth is one of the big builders
ency of cases. Sabha on Monday, four days bill in Lok Sabha to Some amendments moved by along with Nagar, who resigned to have emerged from Lucknow
Law Minister Ravi Shankar after the Rajya Sabha cleared it amend the Chit Funds opposition parties were rejected from the Upper House on Friday. after his real estate company
Prasad used the opportunity to with amendments. Act that seeks to revise by voice vote. It all started with Shekhar, that he had floated in 1985
urge the judiciary against mak- The Indian Medical Associa- the prescribed ceiling of On July 15, Union health min- who quit Rajya Sabha on July 15 evolved into a business conglom-
ing “sweeping commentary” tion (IMA), the country’s apex chit amount to Rs 3 lakh isterHarsh Vardhanintroduced and joined the Bharatiya Janata erate.
while hearing cases. body representing the medical for individuals as well as the bill in the Lok Sabha to regu- Party next day. Unlike Shekhar and Nagar,
“They should have the cour- fraternity, gave a call for strike to bring in various other late commercial surrogacy. With the exit of Seth, the Sam- Seth was actively involved in
age to write it in judgements and on August 8 to protest some pro- changes. The amend- According to the bill, only infer- ajwadi Party is now left with just party activities during the 2019
n Transgender community members during a protest in Delhi. HT FILE give reasons,” he said while visions of the bill. ments have been pro- tile Indian couples (between the 10 members in the Rajya Sabha. Lok Sabha election.
responding to the debate on the The IMA said medical stu- posed to facilitate agesof23and50yearsforwoman
Supreme Court (Number of dents would continue their growth of the chit fund and 26-55 years for man), who
HT Correspondent ACCORDING TO THE 2011 Judges) Amendment Bill, 2019. strike across the country under sector . PTI I have been legally married for at PA R T Y FAC E S S E T B AC K A bill which sought to bar IMA Medical Students Network. least five years can now opt for
RS whip Kalita submits

judges from making “sweeping “The call is for all the modern altruistic surrogacy.
NEW DELHI : The Lok Sabha on MORE THAN 4,80,000 remarks”againstanotherconsti- medicine doctors to leave their It will also be used to screen For altruistic surrogacy, the
Monday passed a bill that pro- tutional authority was brought work place across the sectors at students graduating from for- surrogatemotherhastobeaclose
vides a mechanism for social,
economic and educational
empowerment of the transgen-
by the previous UPA govern-
ment, but lapsed following the
all levels,” the IMA said in a
One of the main contentions
eign countries. Doctors are also
opposing the bill, saying it will
encourage quackery by provid-
relative, who has been married
and has had a child of her own,
and there is no monetary
resignation, stuns Cong
HT Correspondent
der community.
The Transgender Persons war MP and BJP leader Apara-
Responding on concerns
against the bill is that it proposes
a common entrance exam -
ing licence to practice modern
medicine as community health
exchange except for necessary
medical expenses. n
(Protection of Rights) Bill 2019 jita Sarangi said centuries of ces within the Supreme Court National Exit Test (NEXT) - providers for persons other than Expertsinthefieldsayaltruis- AHEAD OF THE CRUCIAL
was passed by a voice vote amid
noisy protests by the opposition
stigma, negativity and bias asso-
ciated with a particular commu-
Judges, Prasad said differences
within the judiciary should not
which could be treated as the
final year exam for the under-
those possessing MBBS degrees.
Besides, the doctors’ body
tic surrogacy was not a feasible
NEWDELHI: Congress’s chief whip
in the Rajya Sabha, Bhubanesh-
over Congress leader Adhir Ran- nity would be removed with the come out in the open and they graduate course as the licentiate called for demonstrations and “Altruistic surrogacy is a war Kalita, on Monday resigned SCRAPPING ARTICLE 370
jan Chowdhury not being passage of the bill. should be settled within and the exam for a career in medicine hunger strikes at its local bran- failedconcept.It’snoteasytofind from the membership of the IN JAMMU & KASHMIR
allowed to speak on his adjourn- Tirnamool Congress MP from governmentshouldnothaveany and also as the entranceexam for ches and urged medical students asurrogateinone’sfamily,”says Upper House of Parliament,
ment notice. Birbhum Satabdi Roy said there role in it. post graduate courses in the to boycott classes and proclaim DrShivaniSachdevGour,Delhi- opposingtheparty’sstandonthe AND A BILL TO
Replying on the bill, minister was a need to economically Responding to a question on country. solidarity with the IMA. based IVF expert. abrogation of Article 370 that BIFURCATE THE STATE
of state for social justice Rattan empower the third gender and the request made by the Chief gavespecialstatustoJammuand
Lal Kataria said it makes provi-
sion for establishing a national
authority for safeguarding
rights of transgender people.
they should be given more
opportunities in job and educa-
Justice of India to increase the
retirement age of High Court
Judges, he said the matter has to
Parl has to be modernised: V-P Kashmir and bifurcation of the
state into two union territories.
andI can’tbe a contributor to it,”
Bharatiya Janta Party MP be looked into its totality as oth- kaih Naidu announced in the he said in a letter.
The minister said according to from Chandigarh Kirron Kher ers including the three service HT Correspondent recalled that when he was the building—consideredbymanyas House that he has accepted Kalita,aRajyaSabhamember
the 2011 census, there are more said the bill was yet another step chiefsandbureaucratscouldalso n urban development minister, he a functioning monument—has Kalita’s resignation. from Assam, had only a few
than 4.80 lakh transgender peo- towards making India a more demand the same. receivedrequestsfrommembers frequently faced maintenance Theresignationcameaheadof monthsleftinhistenureandwas
ple in the country. democratic country, a more AConstitutionalAmendment NEWDELHI: LokSabhaSpeakerand tomodernizethebuildingwithall issues. Once,a hugechunk ofthe the crucial vote on a resolution due to retire on April 9, 2020.
He said the bill has provisions inclusive country. bill brought by the UPA govern- RajyaSabhachairmanurgedthe facilities.BoththeChairspointed ceiling fell in a minister’s room scrapping Article 370 of the Con- Asked about his future plans,
for penalty and punishment in “It is shameful that access to ment to increase the retirement government to expand and mod- out that the Parliament building which was right below the stitutionandabilltobifurcatethe he said he would disclose them
cases of offences and sexual har- basic facilities and basic services ageofHighCourtJudgesfrom62 ernize the colonial-era Parlia- is now 92 years old and needs kitchen. For a long time, the stateintotwounionterritories— after a few days. He did not con-
assment against transgender is not given to them (transgen- to 65 lapsed and it never came up ment building in sync with the urgentrepairs.“So,wehavebeen buildingalsodidn’tgetfiresafety Jammu and Kashmir, and firmifhewasjoiningtheBharat-
people. ders),” she said. for discussion in the 15th Lok PrimeMinister’svisionforanew appealing to the Government to clearance fromDelhi firedepart- Ladakh. iya Janata Party.
A contentious provision that BJP’s Manoj Tiwari said Sabha. With several members India. consider this. Of course, before mentafteritwasfoundthatmany Congress members from the Kalita had been the president
criminalised begging by trans- transgenders were symbol of raising questions over the While Lok Sabha Speaker Om taking a final decision, they will of its escape routes and alleys Upper House said they were sur- of the Assam Pradesh Congress
gender people has been removed happiness. They visit homes of Supreme Court striking down Birla said that it is the aspiration consult us also, Rajya Sabha as have been blocked by unautho- prisedbyhisdecision.Kalitahas, Committee for a decade between
from the bill. The provision was people during the time of cele- the National Judicial Appoint- ofallofusthatParliamentHouse well as Lok Sabha, to make it rized constructions. however,not resignedas a mem- 2004 and 2014.
part of the bill when it was intro- brations and happiness and it mentslaw,hesaidwhilethegov- of the largest Republic and the more comfortable, more func- DuringtheUPAera,therewas ber of the Congress party. Withhisresignation,following
duced by the previous govern- was also important to save their ernment accepts the verdict, he largest democracy of the world tional and more useful for Mem- a proposal to even shift Parlia- “I was asked by the party to that of Sanjay Singh’s, the Con-
ment. The bill had lapsed. culture and heritage, the MP has never agreed on the reason- shouldbecomethemostmagnifi- bers with all the modern facili- menttootherpremisesorabrand issueawhipbutthisisagainstthe gress party’s members in 245-
During the debate, Bhubanes- from Delhi said. ing given in the order. cent and attractive, Naidu ties,”Naidusaid.TheParliament new building. moodofthenation.Thepartyasit member House now stood at 46.


PRESS NIT No. - 20 (2019-20)
S. Name of Work Amount EMD
Tender Date of release Last date/time of
No. put to Amount
Fees of tender in receipt of tender
tender e-procurement through e-procurement
solution solution
1. P/L/J water supply distribution network in R R R 03.08.2019 23.08.2019 up to
JJPY area of A-Block Sonia Vihar under 89,53,593/- 1,80,000/- 1000/- 2.30 P.M.
Karawal Nagar, A.C. - 70 (Re-invite)
Tender ID No. 2019_DJB_177658_1
All the terms and conditions including technical specification and special conditions is available on Delhi Govt. Website
Advt. No. J.S.V. 243/2019-20 EX. ENGINEER (NE)-II


No. — 0135-2532971, E-Mail dpmpiu.bridcul@gmail.corn Website:
latter Ref. No.: 377/PIU(PB)/UDRP -79(I)/2019 Date: 03.08.2019
Project Name: Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project-Additional Financing (UDRP-AF) CREDIT NO. : 89210-IN
The Govt. of India has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Uttarakhand Disaster
Recovery Project-Additional Financing (UDRP-AF) and intends to proceeds for the following package. Hence National
Competitive Bidding are invited for the following package for which details can be seen on the website http:/ukten- Bids must be submitted online on the website http:/ on or before 1100 hrs 06.09.2019.
A complete set of bidding documents in English may be downloaded by interested eligible bidders from the website
http:/ which will be available on the website from 06.08.2019 (1500 hrs.) to 06.09.2019 (1100 hrs.)
Pre bid meeting will be held on 17.08.2019 at 1100 Hrs and online Tender will be opened on 06.09.2019 at 1130 Hrs.
SI. District Contract Name of Package Tender Cost including Earnest Cost of Completion
No. Package No./ 12% GST and 1% Money Document Period (in
Bid ref No labour cess (INR in INR Months)
1 Dehradun AF/02/BC/PIU/ Construction of 6056.23 121.00 5900.00 24
PB/UDRP/2019 Uttarakhand State Disaster (5000+
Management Authority GST 18%)
(USDMA) building at IT Park
Sahastradhara Road,
Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
Note: Corrigendum/Addendum regarding this advertisement as and when required will be uploaded on the web-
site The bidders are therefore requested to check the website from time to time.
Program Manager

Division of Plant Physiology

ICAR-IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012
Tender Notice
On line tender is invited by the Head, Division of Plant physiology,
ICAR-IARI for purchase the following scientific equipments under
NAHEP Project (71-01):
1. Fluorescence Microscope (Tender ID - 2019_DARE_491530_1)
2. Water Purification System (Tender ID - 2019_DARE_491591_1)
3. Real Time qRT PCR (Tender ID - 2019_DARE_491603_1)
4. Table Top Refrigerated Centrifuge (Tender ID - 2019_DARE_
5. Minus 80 Freezer (Tender ID - 2019_DARE_491629_1)
6. Incubator Shaker (Tender ID - 2019_DARE_491649_1)
7. Live Cell Imaging System (Tender ID - 2019_DARE_491694_1)
8. Laminar Flow (Tender ID - 2019_DARE_491768_1)
Bids will be accepted online till 30.08.2019 upto 1.00 P.M. For details
kindly visit our website / and


14 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, NEW D ELHI

> CHRISTOPHER SIDOTI, UN fact-finding mission expert, on findings that
show businesses fund Myanmar army abuses


MOSCOW: President Vladimir
Putin warned on Monday Russia
would be forced to start develop-
‘DANGEROUS SITUATION’ Defiant leader Carrie Lam warns of turmoil, refuses to quit from her post
ing short and intermediate-range
land-based nuclear missiles if the Reuters pockets of activism to most of its
US started doing so after the n main three regions: Hong Kong
demise of a landmark arms
control treaty. The US formally
HONGKONG: Policefiredteargasat ritories. Police stations were
left the Intermediate Nuclear
Forces (INF) treaty with Russia on protesters in multiple parts of besieged and roads occupied.
Friday after determining that Hong Kong on Monday after a In the evening, a group of men
Moscow was violating the treaty general strike hit transport and armed with sticks tried to attack
and had already deployed at least the city’s Beijing-backed leader the black-clad protesters in the
one banned type of missile, an warneditsprosperitywasatrisk. North Point district. Riot police
accusation the Kremlin denies. Theprotestssurpassedearlier used tear gas in districts includ-
Putin on Monday held a meeting shows of dissent in scale and ing Wong Tai Sin, Tin Shui Wai,
with his Security Council after intensity, seemingly stoked by TaiPo,andAdmiraltyclosetothe
which he ordered the defence and HongKongchiefexecutiveCarrie city’sgovernmentheadquarters.
foreign ministries and Russia’s Lam’srefusalonceagain tomeet Speaking to the media for the
SVR foreign intelligence service to any of the protesters’ demands, first time in two weeks, Lam
closely monitor any steps the US while warning of an “extremely remained defiant,rejecting calls
took to develop, produce or dangerous situation”. What to resign, condemning violence
deploy missiles banned under the started several months ago as and saying the government
defunct treaty. “If Russia obtains demonstrations over an extradi- would be resolute. She warned
reliable information that the
tion bill that would have let peo- that the protests were putting
United States has finished
plebesenttomainland Chinafor HongKongonapathofnoreturn
developing these systems and
started to produce them, Russia trial have grown into a much and had hurt its economy.
will have no option other than to broaderbacklashagainstthecity “They claim they want a revo-
engage in a full-scale effort to governmentanditspoliticalmas- lutionand to restore Hong Kong.
develop similar missiles,” Putin ters in Beijing. These actions have far exceeded
said in a statement. REUTERS The protests are the greatest theiroriginalpoliticaldemands,”
politicalthreattotheformerBrit- said a stern-faced Lam, flanked
Oz cancer patient ends life ish colony’s government since it by some, but not all senior mem-
using assisted dying law returnedtoChineseruleandone bers of her administration.
SYDNEY:A 61-year-old cancer ofthebiggestpopularchallenges “These illegal acts that chal-
patient has become the first toChineseleaderXiJinpingsince lengeourcountry’ssovereignty,
person in over two decades to die he came to power in 2012. and jeopardise ‘one country two
under controversial assisted Amidextensivedisruptionsto systems’, will destroy the stabil-
dying laws in Australia. Kerry trains and traffic, tens of thou- ityandprosperityofHongKong,”
Robertson died in July, three sands of demonstrators fanned Lam said, referring to the terri- n (Above) Protesters react after police fired tear gas in Tai Po district during a general strike in Hong Kong
months after the mother-of-two outacrossHongKong,spreading tory’s administrative system. on Monday. (Right) A protester throws back a tear gas canister at police. AGENCIES
ceased treatment for metastatic
breast cancer. The state of

Trump condemns white supremacy

Victoria passed a law in 2017 to
legalise the practice. AFP
20 killed as car
12 dead, 1 missing in flash
flood at scenic China gorge
Yashwant Raj “marrying” it with immigration bomb collides with UK joins US mission
BEIJING:Twelve people died and
one was missing after a flash
flood at a scenic site in China.
Tourists were trapped after heavy

WASHINGTON: In his first public

remarks on the recent mass
reform, which was swiftly
denounced by critics as dead-on-
of the two issues.
vehicles in Egypt
CAIRO: A car packed with explo-
to protect oil tankers
rain triggered the flood Sunday
shootings, US President Donald Trumpsaidinsteadthathehas sives beingdriven to carry out an LONDON :Britain said on Monday threats, and for that reason we
evening at Duobi Gorge in Hubei
province. Sixty-one people have Trump on Monday condemned directedthejusticedepartmentto attack collided with other vehi- it will join forces with the US to have today joined the new mari-
been rescued. AP
white supremacy and racism, proposealegislationprescribing cles and exploded in central protect merchant vessels in the time security mission in the
sought greater focus on mental thedeathpenaltyforhatecrimes Cairo, killing at least 20 people, Gulf amid heightened tensions Gulf,” defence secretary Ben
WW2 Spitfire takes off on health issues, violent video and mass murders. He also the interior ministry said Mon- with Iran, after Tehran taunted Wallace said. The announce-
round-the-world flight games and batted for denying sought greater focus on “grue- day, the deadliest attack in the Washington that its allies were ment from Britain’s defence
CHICHESTER, UK: An original
arms to people deemed safety someandgrislyvideogames”and Egyptian capital in over two too “ashamed” to join the mis- ministry did not detail which, if
Spitfire plane took off from risks.But he madenomentionof “a culture that celebrates vio- years. sion. Britain’s decision to form any, other countries would be
Britain on Monday on an unprece- gun-controlmeasuresthathehad lence” and on mental health The blast went off Sunday the joint maritime task force joining the new naval coalition.
dented attempt to fly the iconic suggested just hours earlier. issues, which have long been night on the busy Corniche bou- with the USmarks a departure in Britain was also at pains to
World War 2 fighter around the “Inonevoice,ournationmust advocated by the gun lobby and levard along the Nile River, set- policy under new Prime Minis- stress that it had not changed its
globe. AFP condemn racism, bigotry and Republicans as alternatives to ting other cars on fire and injur- ter Boris Johnson, after efforts broader policy towards Tehran.
whitesupremacy,”Trumpsaidin toughergunlaws.“Mentalillness ing at least 47. It damaged under his predecessor Theresa “We remain committed to
Sri Lanka police arrest 3 anaddressfromtheWhiteHouse, n People take part in a prayer vigil in El Paso, Texas. AFP and hatred pulls the trigger, not Egypt’s main cancer hospital May to form a European-led working with Iran and our inter-
members of banned group with Vice-President Mike Pence thegun,”hesaid.Trumpalsoreit- nearby, shattering parts of the grouping. national partners to de-escalate
COLOMBO: Sri Lankan police on by his side. “Hatred warps the ninevictimsincludedhisownsis- Trumptooknoresponsibilityfor erated his support for “red flag” facade and some rooms inside, It follows a spate of incidents - the situation and maintain the
Monday arrested three members mind, ravages the heart and ter, Patrick Crusius, the El Paso the apparent connections in the measurestospotpotentialsafety forcing the evacuation of dozens including the seizure of ships - nuclear deal,” foreign secretary
of a banned Islamic organisation devoursthesoul,”hesaidafter30 killer, left an online manifesto in manifesto to racism and xeno- risks and dispossessing them of of patients. Authorities had ini- between Iran and Western pow- Dominic Raab said. The
linked to Easter Sunday suicide people died in back-to-back whichhe railedagainstHispanic phobia expressed by him in the their weapons and confining tially said the explosion was ers, in particular Britain and the announcement came hours after
bomb attacks that killed more shootings in El Paso, Texas and “invasion” and “racial mixing”. past. He skipped altogether uni- themtemporarily. Butthe presi- caused by a multi-vehicle acci- US, centred on the vital Strait of Iranian foreign minister
than 250 people. The suspects Dayton,Ohio.Whilepoliceattrib- Thedeathtoll,whichincludedsix versalbackgroundcheckforgun dent was widely seen to have dent. But on Monday, the inte- Hormuz thoroughfare. “The UK Mohammad Javad Zarif said US
belong to Jamathei Millathu uted no racial motive on the sec- Mexicannationals, wentupto21 purchases, which he had teased fallenshortonceagainofendors- rior ministry acknowledged that is determined to ensure her ship- allies were too “ashamed” to join
Ibrahim, police said. AP ondshooter,ConnorBetts,whose on Monday. In his remarks, inamorningtweetandsuggested ing basic gun safety measures. a car bomb was involved. AP ping is protected from unlawful its forces in the Gulf. AFP

Remembering Magellan 500 yrs after epic trip


Air raid on Libyan

town kills at least 43 LISBON:Ferdinand Magellan set
off from Spain 500 years ago on
an audacious voyage to sail all

n letters@hindustantimes,com
The LNA seized Murzuq at the
start of this year as part of an
the way around the globe for the
first time, a landmark in the his-
tory of exploration.
First voyage around the world
offensive to control the oil-pro- The Portuguese explorer was
TRIPOLI: A drone air strike by east- ducing south. But it later moved killed by islanders in the Philip-
500 years ago, Ferdinand Magellan started the first expedition
ern Libyan forces on the south-
ern Libyan town of Murzuq has
out to concentrate forces north
where it has been trying to take
pines two years into the adven-
ture, leaving Spaniard Juan
around the globe, which was completed by Juan Sebastian Elcano
killed at least 43 people, a local the capital Tripoli in a four- Sebastian Elcano to complete MAGELLAN ELCANO
official said on Monday. month campaign. the three-year trip.
The attack is the second major The LNA said in a statement It is Magellan’s name, Victoria August 10, 1519 Seville September 8, 1522
air strike blamed on the eastern its strike had targeted “Chadian though, that is forever associ- Replica of the DEPARTED: Arrived: PHILIPPINES
Libyan National Army (LNA) opposition fighters”, a phrase ated with the voyage. only ship from the 5 ships Round-the-world
forces loyal to Khalifa Haftar that usually refers to Tebu “Magellan is still an inspira- original fleet that March 1521
and 237 men voyage completed after MactanCebu
after at least 44 migrants were tribesmen opposing them in the tion 500 years on,” said Fabien made it around
the world led by Magellan 14,460 leagues Crew wiped out by
killed in June when a detention area. Cousteau, a French filmmaker
(around 80,340 km) scurvy during their
centre in a suburb of the capital Haftar’s LNA, allied to a paral- and underwater explorer.
Tripoli was hit. lel government based in eastern Magellan’s voyage rewrote in 1,125 days Pacific crossing
The LNA confirmed a strike Libya, has seen its advance on the maps and geography books. Arrived in the
Atlantic April 27, 1521 Philippines
late on Sunday on Murzuq, but Tripoli held up by robust defen- He was the first to discover the Ocean Magellan killed
denied it had targeted any civil- ces on the outskirts of the capital, strait near southern Chile, Pacific
in a fight with the Pacific
ians. The LNA had also denied it and said it would start heavy air which now bears his name Ocean Ocean
had hit the detention centre but strikes after “traditional means” (Strait of Magellan) - linking the chief of a local tribe Borneo
acknowledged increased air of war had been exhausted. Atlantic and Pacific oceans at Indian
strikes on the capital. On Sunday, the UN Libya mis- the tip of South America. Ocean December 21, 1521
The internationally recog- sion (UNSMIL) condemned in a While crossing the strait, the The Victoria was the
nised government based in Tri- statement “the repeated indis- explorer and his crew observed December 13, 1519 only ship in sailing
poli opposing Haftar said dozens criminate shelling” of Tripoli’s two galaxies visible to the naked Rio de la Plata Santa Lucia condition. Elcano
werekilled andwoundedin Mur- only functioning airport after eye from the southern hemi- (now Rio de Janeiro) April 6, 1522
zuq. several strikes in the past days. sphere, now known as the Mag- takes command
Magellan prevents Cape of
Reached by telephone, Mur- Haftar’s attempt to capture ellanic Clouds. Good Hope
zuq municipal council member Tripoli has derailed UN attempts The voyage also contributed a mutiny
Mohamed Omar told Reuters: to broker an end to the chaos that to Europeans’ knowledge of the October-November 1520 Loss of a ship
“The air strike resulted in 43 has prevailed in Libya since the universe and has marked the Arrived at the strait that would be named after him.
killed and 51 wounded. This is NATO-backed overthrow of worlds of space exploration and Start of the crossing of the Pacific Source: AFP
only an initial toll of casualties.” Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. astronomy to this day. AFP


Brazilian gang leader dresses up as his own US, S Korea start

‘200mn Chinese live
19-year-old daughter in a bid to escape prison joint military drills on less than $5 a day’
Sutirtho Patranobis intheUnitedNationsConference
RIODEJANEIRO: A Brazilian western part of Rio de wearing tight jeans and a n on Trade and Development, told
gang leader tried to escape Janeiro dressed as a woman pink shirt with a cartoon SEOUL: Seoul and Washington ter Jeong Kyeong-doo told par- ChinaRadioInternational(CRI).
from prison by dressing up as gave him away. image of donuts. began annual joint military liament that the joint exercise BEIJING: Morethan200millionpeo- “China has 200 million people
his daughter when she His plan was apparently to They also released a video exercises on Monday, defying began on Monday, adding that ple in China live on less than just livingonlessthan$5aday,alarge
visited him behind bars and leave his 19-year-old daugh- in which da Silva can be seen warnings from Pyongyang that Seoul was “clearly maintaining $5 a day (roughly 35 yuan or Rs rural population, and many peo-
walking out of the peniten- ter inside the jail. Police are removing the mask and some the war games will jeopardise its readiness posture against any 350), a top UN official has said, in pleworkingintheinformalecon-
tiary’s main door in her looking into her possible role of the clothes, and saying his nuclear negotiations between military action by North Korea”. an indication that the country’s omy,” Wrightwas quoted as say-
place, authorities said on as an accomplice in Satur- full name. the US and North Korea. A ministry official in Seoul said poverty line marker of $1.90 per ing.China’sdefinitionofthepov-
Sunday. But prison officials day’s failed escape attempt Authorities say da Silva The drills come after Pyong- the exercise will include verify- day doesn’t reveal the actual ertyline is thesame as the World
said the nervousness dis- from Gericino prison. was part of the leadership of yang tested a series of short- ing South Korea’s abilities to numbers. Bank’sdefinitionofextremepov-
played by Clauvino da Silva, Rio’s state secretary of the Red Command, one of the range projectiles in recent days, take operational control in war- Many of those in the 200 mil- erty: an income below the inter-
also known as ‘Shorty’, as he prison administration most powerful criminal calling one of them a “solemn time. Under the US-South Korea lionarepartofChina’svastrural national poverty line of $1.90 per
tried to leave the prison in the released photos showing da groups in Brazil that con- warning” to Seoul against pur- security treaty, an American economyorworkininformalsec- day, whereas lower and upper
Silva in a silicon girl’s mask trolled drug trafficking in a suing the mainly computer-sim- general will take command of tors, Richard Kozul-Wright, middle income poverty lines are
n Clauvino da Silva AP and long dark-haired wig, large part of Rio. AP ulated drills with Washington. their combined forces in the director of the Globalisation and $3.20 and $5.50 a day, the Global
South Korean defence minis- event of armed conflict. AFP DevelopmentStrategiesDivision TimesPRINTED
tabloid said
AND in a report.


TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019 hindustantimes 15

Marketsfall1%onJ&K 59-minuteloan approval
among steps to spur growth
tension,weakeningyuan Rajeev Jayaswal

NEW DELHI: State-run banks may

n Ananth Narayanan. MINT FILE
INVESTOR JITTERS Rupee fell 1.6% to 70.74 per dollar, its steepest fall in 6 yrs approvepersonal,autoandhome
loans online in 59 minutes,
EX-MYNTRA CEO accordingtoaproposalthatthey
NARAYANAN Nasrin Sultana the US Federal Reserve and a discussed with Union finance
and Ravindra Sultana weaker dollar. ministerNirmalaSitharamanas
JOINS MEDLIFE AS n Monday blues China’s decisionto weakenits one of the measures to create
CO-FOUNDER The Sensex fell 418.38 points, or 1.13%, to end
currency amid the escalating demand and boost the economy,
MUMBAI: Indian benchmark indi- trade war will put Asian central officialsawareofthediscussions
BENGALURU: More than six the day at 36,699.84.
ces shed more than 1% on Mon- banks on the defensive as they said, requesting anonymity.
months after his exit from
Walmart-owned Myntra, Ananth day as adverse local and global gauge how much monetary pol- The discussions were first of a
Narayanan is back as a CEO, this factors—includingthescrapping icy easing their economies can series of meetings that the gov-
of the special status of Jammu 37,118.22 withstand. That pulled down ernment has planned over the
time with e-pharmacy platform 37,100
and Kashmir (J&K), weakening (Previous close) Asian currencies from South nextweekwithexecutivesofsev-
Medlife, the company said on
Monday. Narayanan will be of China’s yuan, and escalating 37,000 KoreatoThailandandworsened eralindustries,Sitharamansaid
involved in the company’s globaltradetensions—leftinves- a sell-off in stocks. on Monday, promising steps to
day-to-day operations, besides tors on edge. “First,theFedbecamethesec- improvethestateoftheeconomy n Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman. MINT FILE
handling fundraising and mergers BSE’s benchmark Sensex fell 36,800 ond major central bank (after “fairly quickly”.
and acquisitions. This comes at a 36,667.87
time when Medlife is in talks with
418.38 points, or 1.13%, to
36,699.84, while the National 36,700
European Central Bank last
India’s economy has been fac-
ing a slowdown for about a year.
SITHARAMAN SAID THE Tuesday,automobileonWednes-
multiple financial and strategic Stock Exchange’s 50-share Nifty 36,600 deliveredalessthandovishcutof The core sector growth in June FINANCE MINISTRY WILL and real estate and homebuyers
investors to raise over $150
million. Narayanan had recently
index declined 1.23% to 10,862.60
points. 36,500 36,699.84
slowed to 0.2%, the lowest
monthly growth since May 2015,
Sitharaman also said the
invested an undisclosed amount On Monday, India scrapped round of tariffs on the last and weak demand forced many WITH REPRESENTATIVES financeministrywillholddiscus-
in the company, and has also been 36,400
recognized as a co-founder. “This
Article 370 of the Constitution 9.15am 3.30pm remaining tranche of Chinese automobilecompaniestotempo- OF FOREIGN PORTFOLIO sionswithrepresentativesoffor-
thatgrantsspecialstatustoJ&K, imports. China has already rarily halt production. eign portfolio investors (FPIs)
(Medlife) felt to me like Myntra at
a move that may intensify the
Source: Bloomberg
warnedofretaliationandnowall Among the interventions dis- INVESTORS anddiscusstheirconcernsonthe
very early stages—with a $100
billion market (opportunity) and unrest in the border state. eyes will be on how China recip- cussed on Monday was easing budget decision to impose a sur-
two percent penetration,” said Mounting trade tensions
YUAN FELL PAST 7 PER The Narendra Modi govern-
ment’s scrapping of Article 370
rocates, and everything else will
likely take a backseat for now, in
gested the in-principle approval
ing loans may help revive
demand in sectors such as auto-
charge on the super-rich.
“I am quite open to hear them
Narayana, CEO, Medlife.
to the unease of investors. DOLLAR FOR THE FIRST mayhavefar-reachingrepercus- our view,” said Nomura limit on psbloansin59min- mobiles,”saidaseniorexecutive out what they have to say,” she
Suzuki Motor operating
income dips 46% in Q1
The aggressive sell-off in
Indian stocks started after the
TIME SINCE 2008 AMID sions on the restive state of J&K,
as the abrogation suspends the
Research in a note.
The Reserve Bank of India is portal, which is meant
for micro, small and medium
of a leading government-run
bank, asking not to be named.
TOKYO/NEW DELHI:Suzuki Motor Union budget was presented on SPECULATION THAT clause that allowed all laws to be widely expected to cut interest enterprises(MSMEs)businesses, Monday’s meeting included tary Atanu Chakraborty soon.
Corp. on Monday said its consoli- July5.Sincethen,theSensexhas BEIJING WAS LETTING IT first be ratified by the state rates in its monetary policy beraisedfrom₹1croreto₹5crore. senior finance ministry officials “Thebudget,presentedonJuly5,
slumped 8% as foreign portfolio assembly, which currently review on Wednesday. It also suggested opening up and top executives of banks raisedsurchargefrom15%to25%
dated net sales declined by 80
billion yen (8.1%) to 907.5 billion investors(FPIs)starteddumping WEAKEN TO COUNTER US stands dissolved. AnalystsatAmbitCapitalPvt. the portal to retail customers including State Bank of India on taxable income between ₹2
yen in the April-June quarter as shares after the budget raised a Meanwhile,overseasmarkets Ltd said with growth in wages lookingforhome,carorpersonal (SBI), HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, crore and ₹5 crore, and from 15%
compared to the year-ago period, taxsurchargeonthe“superrich” andno furthercueson exclusion were also under pressure on andcorporateprofitatmulti-year loans, said one of the officials, Axis Bank and Kotak Mahindra to37%forincomeabove ₹5crore.
mainly hit by slip in Indian sales as that also applies to FPIs. of surcharge to FPIs added to the Monday.StocksinJapan,China, lows, consumption is likely to asking not to be named. Bank. “Today’s meeting is the Although,itwasnotintendedfor
well as cut in production in Japan. The Indian rupee on Monday volatility in the market. Selling Hong Kong and Korea fell 1-2.8% stay weak in FY20/21. “Even as Launched on November 2 by first of a series of meetings that FPIs, it applies to those FPIs that
The company said the operating weakenedthemostsinceSeptem- was broad-based, despite late afterUSPresidentDonaldTrump we are yet to articulate our FY21 Prime Minister Narendra Modi, thefinanceministryisconvening operateastrustsorasassociation
income decreased by 53.8 billion ber2013.Therupeeendedat70.74 recovery witnessed in auto and on Thursdayslappeda 10% tariff GDP (gross domestic product) the59-minuteloanportal—which to discuss current economic ofpersons.FPIsoperatingascor-
yen to 62.7 billion yen, down a dollar, down 1.6%, its steepest banks while IT stocks held on to onChina’sremaining$300billion forecast,wehighlightthataneco- lets businesses apply for instant issues with key stakeholders, porates do not attract the sur-
46.2% and net income attributa- fallsinceSeptember3,2013,from the gains due to a weakening of exports to the US. nomic turnaround appears dis- loans without having to visit including some of the industry charge,” she said.
ble to owners of the parent its Friday’s close of 69.60. The rupee,” said Nair. TheChinesecurrencyfellpast tant at this point. In fact, the ris- banks—has led to 1.3 million sectors whose growth has been She clarified that the govern-
declined by 45.4 billion yen (52.8 local currency opened at 70.06 The NSE’s India VIX index, 7perdollarforthefirsttimesince ingcreditstressemanatingfrom loans being sanctioned till July affected in recent months,” the ment has not taken any decision
per cent) to 40.5 billion yen on a
and touched a low of 70.72 a dol- which tracks investors’ percep- 2008 amid speculation that Bei- theretailsegmentisadeeplywor- 17, the finance ministry said in a finance ministry said in a state- abouthowmuchorwhenitplans
year-on-year basis. “Net sales and
lar. So far this year, it is down tions of volatility for at least a jing was letting its currency rying trend that has emerged statement to the Rajya Sabha. ment after the meeting. to issue the proposed sovereign
income of this first quarter
decreased owing to decrease in 1.3%. month ahead, surged 8.92% on weaken to counter US tariffs. over the last fortnight. In view of “It certainly helps borrowers Speakingatapressconference bonds.Sincetheannouncement,
Japan production due to restruc- Multiple issues are weighing Monday to touch 16.54, the high- In a currency war, politicians all these headwinds, we urge cli- as it makes the process easy for after the banking sector review nothing more has been done in
turing of final inspection struc- onIndianstocks,saidVinodNair, estintwo-and-a-halfmonths.The nudge their central banks to cut entstoadoptastronglydefensive them, but banks will not give meeting, financesecretary Rajiv this regard due to the ministry’s
ture, as well as decrease in Indian head of research at Geojit Finan- indexatelevatedlevelsindicates borrowing costs so as to push strategywithrespectto India,”it loanswithoutproperverification Kumarsaidtheministerwillhold preoccupations with key legisla-
automobile sales.” cial Services Ltd. “Concerns of a investors expect a major correc- down the exchange rate. Trump said in a note on August 2. and documentation. Extending similarmeetingswithrepresent- tions including amendments to
COMPILED FROM AGENCIES politicalcrisisdevelopinginJ&K tionat least overthenext month. wantsmoreratereductionsfrom Bloomberg contributed to the story. the same for personal and hous- ativesofothersectors:MSMEson the IBC, she added.

Warburg Pincus pledges IDFC HSBCOUSTS CEO Flipkart starts free streaming service
First Bank stake to raise funds FLINT, PLANS Deepti Chaudhary
FLIPKART’S CONTENT partlyorfullyforsubscriptionsto AccordingtoKrishnamurthy,

Swaraj Singh Dhanjal


BENGALURU: Walmart’s Flipkart

Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hot-
star. “It’s still a small number.
The pricing is too high for a cus-
ers, particularly those in the age
OF JOB CUTS unitissettointroduceafreevideo
streaming service to draw new ASPECTS: IT IS FREE,
tomer base that is accustomed to
free or cheap content,” said
sume a lot of user-generated and
professionally created content.
MUMBAI: Global private equity usersfromsmalltownsandcities CURATED AND Devangshu Dutta, chief execu- “Wewanttoensurethatauser
(PE) major Warburg Pincus has Bloomberg in India and take on rival Ama- tive of retail consultancy Third keeps coming to the platform
pledged its entire 9.86% share- n zon’s Prime Video service. PERSONALIZED Eyesight. “Also, there is a lot of every day. Over time, we will fig-
holding in private lender IDFC Flipkart is eyeing the next 200 fluidity in terms of the platforms ure out how this ties into the
FirstBankLtdtoraisefunds,two LONDON: HSBC Holdings Plc millionconsumerswhoarecom- they may have towards online used. In India, content and pric- e-commerce ecosystem, but
peopleawareofthedevelopment abruptly ousted its chief execu- ingonline.Thecompanybelieves shopping,” Flipkart group chief ingwillbecritical.”Headdedthat today that’s not the objective. Its
said, requesting anonymity. tive officer after just 18 months, that most consumers are intro- executive Kalyan Krishnamur- both Netflix and Amazon Prime just to ensure that the consumer
Warburg holds 471.73 million citingan“increasinglycomplex” duced to the internet through thy said in a statement on Mon- are“Indianizing”theircontentin is hooked to Flipkart,” Krishna-
shares in IDFC First Bank environment, and announced a online videos. Hence, video con- dayatthelaunchofFlipkartVid- a big way. Pricing dynamics are murthy said in an interview.
through an entity called Clover- new round of job cuts. tent and entertainment could eos, a curated range of movies, being worked out as well. Dutta, however, believes that
dell Investment Ltd. Based on TheexitofJohnFlint,51, high- playabigroleingettingconsum- showsandentertainmentseries. Amazon India started its there may be another reason for
Monday’s closing price of ₹41.1 lights tension with chairman ers to come and buy online. Customers, headded, shouldnot PrimevideoserviceinDecember Flipkart’s video streaming ser-
per share, the Warburg stake is Mark Tucker, known to be a “Webelievethatgreatcontent, pay extra for premium content. 2016 and has since developed a vice. “It maybe less expensiveor
worth around ₹1,940 crore. n Based on Monday’s closing price of ₹41.1 per share, Warburg’s hard-charging executive who if made available to a wider base Thecontentofferingisfocused strong fan base with shows like more profitable to service exist-
Warburg pledged the shares investment is worth around ₹1,940 crore. was the first outsider to fill the ofconsumers,especiallytheones on three primary aspects: it’s Made in Heaven and Mirzapur. ing customers by expanding the
with Citigroup, Barclays and post in HSBC’s 154-year history. who are new to e-commerce but free, curated and personalized. The big question is—will peo- share of wallet than to acquire
Standard Chartered to raise Fashion and Retail Ltd. 30 June. Tucker was also increasingly not internet, can bring them on Experts say the content mar- ple watching the particular con- newcustomers.Hence, firmstry
funds, said the first person. Subsequently,inOctoberthat India has been a major invest- atoddswith Flint overtheCEO’s board on an everyday basis and ket is still evolving, considering tenteventually buythe products toaddasmanyproductsorservi-
“The funds mobilized by War- year, it had bought an additional ment destination for Warburg— focus on expanding in China, help take away any anxiety that the number of customers paying on the platform? ces as possible,” he said.
burg through the loans will be 24.43% stake through an open oneoftheearliestglobalPEfirms according to the people. HSBC
used to return capital to limited offer. In May 2017, Warburg sold toinvestinthecountry.Inrecent was in an uncomfortable spot
partners (LPs, investor in a pri-
vate equity fund) of the funds
managed by Warburg. PE firms
a 25% stake in Capital First
tionto severalglobalanddomes-
times, it has made several large
investments across insurance,
microfinance, logistics, educa-
over Washington’s legal and
nology company Huawei Tech- Govt plans user safeguards SBI seeks bids for
generally do this to provide tic investors, including Singa- tion financing and real estate. nologiesCo.,amajorclient ofthe
Videocon’s global
reasons,” he added.
According to the second per-
Pte.Ltd.In December 2018,IDFC
form a combined entity with
announced the acquisition of an
firm Avanse Financial Services
bank. US prosecutors drew on
HSBC’s relationship with Hua-
wei to build its case against an
executive at the telecom com-
for e-commerce platforms oil, gas assets
son, Warburg has mobilized assetsof₹88,000croreunderman- LtdfromWadhawanGlobalCapi- pany, the Financial Times Bloomberg
around $150 million by pledging agement and a distribution net- talgroup.Warburg’sotherrecent reported last month. n Reuters
theentireIDFC Firststake.War- work of 194 branches. investments in India include Tuckerdeniedanypersonality n
burgPincus,Barclays,Standard As on June 30, the bank had leading a $65 million round in clashwith Flintordisagreement BENGALURU: The government is
CharteredandCitideclinedcom- totalassets of₹1.12trillionunder logistics startup Rivigo, a $200 over job cuts. proposing a series of consumer MUMBAI: The State Bank of India
ment to Mint’s queries. management with retail loans million commitment to set up a HSBC plans to axe more than safeguards that forbid e-com- (SBI) has invited bids for
In 2012, Warbug had acquired comprising40%oftheassetbase. shoppingmallplatformwithreal- 4,000posts,chieffinancialofficer merce companies such as Ama- overseas oil and gas assets of
a 42.73% stake in Capital First Thebank’sgrossnon-perform- tor Runwal Group and a plan to Ewen Stevenson said in a call Inc. and Walmart Videocon Industries Ltd, a
(before the merger with IDFC ing assets (NPA) stood at 2.66%, jointly invest ₹3,000 crore with with analysts, warning that sen- Inc.-owned Flipkart Online Ser- newspaper advertisement
Bank), formerly Future Capital whilecapitaladequacyratiowas Lemon Tree Hotels to develop ior executives will be a focus of vices Pvt. from influencing pric- showed on Monday, as India
Holdings Ltd, from Pantaloons at 14%. It had 279 branches as on co-living spaces. the cutbacks. ing, adopting unfair promotion seeks to recover billions of dol-
methods or misrepresenting the lars in loans from the belea-
AIR MOBILITY quality of goods and services. guered private firm.
E-commerce companies must Consumer electronics firm
self-declare compliance and also Videocon Industries is one of

New Japanese flying car hovers for one minute provide a way for customers to
contact them directly, said the
proposed e-Commerce Guide-
n The guidelines require platforms like Amazon and Flipkart to
declare all details about sellers. MINT
the most indebted companies in
India, with outstanding loans
worth around ₹60,000 from its
For the past few years,
Japan has seen the emer-
lines for consumer protection
2019, published on the Depart-
AFTER THE FORMAL sumer rights,” said Sachin
Taparia, chief executive officer
financial and operational cred-
gence of a small, passionate ment of Consumer Affairs web- CONSULTATION IS of LocalCircles India Pvt., a In October, SBI Caps, the
TOKYO: It was caged and only
hovered for about a minute,
flying-car community that
believes Japan has the engi-
site. The department invited par-
ties to provide feedback by Sep-
COMPLETED BY SEPT, social community which helped
gather inputs from consumers
investment banking arm of SBi,
was appointed to start the proc-
but it flew: a new flying car. neering expertise and right tember 16. THE GOVT MAY INCLUDE through polls and surveys. After ess of valuation and monetiza-
Made by NEC Corp., the environment to foster a global Among the key guidelines are THEM IN CONSUMER the formal consultation is com- tion of the firm’s oil and gas
vehicle is essentially a large flying car industry. Venture those that require platforms like pleted by mid September, the assets overseas.
drone with four propellers capitalists in the country set Amazon and Flipkart to declare PROTECTION ACT government is likely to include SBI said it had appointed con-
that’s capable of carrying peo- up a specialized fund, known all details about their sellers the proposals in its Consumer sultant Deloitte to find buyers
ple. The Japanese electronics as the Drone Fund, devoted to including address, website and sites. Groups representing small Protection Act, Taparia said. for Videocon’s exploration
maker demonstrated the investing in autonomous air- email address. The platforms are traders have continued to allege The draft guidelines seek to assets in Brazil and Indonesia.
machine, flying without a craft in general and flying-car also required to display terms of that large platforms prioritize protect personally-identifiable “It is a process where quali-
passenger, at a Tokyo suburb n A prototype of NEC Corp.'s flying car floats in the air during a businesses in particular. contract with the seller relating and sell products of a favoured information of customersand set fied parties from India and over-
on Monday. Powered by a bat- demonstration in Japan. BLOOMBERG Although Monday’s demo to return, refund, exchange, few vendors with whom they a 14-day limit for payments seas will be invited to bid for the
tery, it rose briefly to about 3 is among the first by a major warranty, delivery and mode of have commercial linkages. toward refund requests. Coun- assets,” said a banker involved
meters (10 ft.) above the ments in technology such as flying cars could greatly alle- Japanese corporation, NEC payments. The proposed consumer safe- terfeit products cannot be listed in the process, adding that
ground before settling down electric cars and ride-hailing viate the burden on road traf- isn’t planning to mass-pro- Earlier this year, India tight- guards could come in handy as on e-commerce websites or com- expressions of interest would be
again. services. The country’s tech- fic,” said Kouji Okada, a duce the flying car, according ened rules for e-commerce plat- the country works on a compre- panies could be held liable. received until August 22.
Behind the somewhat nological roadmap calls for leader of the project at NEC. to Okada. Instead project forms after complaints from hensive set of rules for the The department of consumer Videocon did not immedi-
underwhelming, drama-free shipping goods by flying cars “We are positioning our- partner Cartivator will start small shops and domestic sell- world’s fastest growing e-com- affairs proposed that every ately reply to calls seeking com-
demonstration lies a bigger by around 2023 and letting selves as an enabler for air mass producing the transpor- ers. Amazon and Flipkart are merce market. “The larger e-commerce entity publish the ment.
ambition: Japan’s govern- people ride in flying cars in mobility, providing location tation machine in 2026, now banned from striking exclu- e-commerce policy is being name and contact details of its Videocon Industries has oil
ment wants the country to cities by the 2030s. data and building communi- according to the startup’s sive arrangements with sellers, drafted and is expected to take grievance officer, who would and gas assets in India, Brazil
become a leader in flying cars “Japan is a densely popu- cations infrastructure for fly- co-founder, Tomohiro Fuku- offering deep discounts or hold- several months, so the govern- have to address complaints and Indonesia, in addition to its
after missing out on advance- lated country and that means ing cars.” zawa. ing any business interest in ment is taking immediate steps within one month from the date now-defunct consumer elec-
online merchants on their web- to enhance protection of con- of receipt. tronics business
PRINTED in India.



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Prolific Work #9711740073, 79999- from officer Soft Line F-1898,
Opp. B-50, South Ext-1 # I KANIKA Gidwani W/o Lalit kr
RR MEDICAL Centre, Mata Chowk, 9871462502, 011-41070453 I, KARAMVEER Singh S/o Sh Ram Gidwani DOB 7/03/66 was known
REQ NURSERY Trained (NTT) Mahipal Pur, New Delhi -37 Reqd. Sajan Singh R/o B-24, Ashok Vihar, as Manju Sahajwani before my
at Air Force School Prahladpur, Radiologist / ultrasonologist / Lab. Phase-II, Gurgaon have changed the marriage. I hereby declare that
27 ED, Air Force Station, ND-10, Tech. Salary Basis. Morning slots. Ph: LEADING LTD Co. at Green Park rq name of my minor daughter Aanya Manju Sahajwani and Kanika
Age 21-50yrs, Salary 12500 9818371449, 9718624599 p/full time Rtd,Vrs,Ex (Gvt+Pvt+ PSU Singh (DOB 01-07-2013) to Aanyaa Gidwani are my names and both
Last Date: 06 Sep19. # 9811266460 + bnkrs)& H'wife wk fm hm Fix incm/ Singh for all purposes. are one and same person. I declare
PF/ESI 25-75Y 10th ps #9711577684, that I shall now be officially
9318309969, known as Kanika Gidwani.
born on 01.11.2014, residing at Flat
GREAT OPPORTUNITY in no.202/O2 , Oxirich Avenue, Scottish I, RAMNEESH Garg F/o Samiksha
Garden, Ahinsa Kand II, Indrapuram, R/o G-17/9, Sector-15Rohini, Delhi-
Reputed Real Estate Co. 70 + 110089.I hereby declare that my
Projects.No Joining fee, free have changed my name to Transh
Jain vide affidavit dated 18.07.2019 minor daughter Samiksha and
training, Earn in lacs Part/Full time Samiksha Garg both are the names of
Call/SMS: 9312833888,9810105096 at Ghaziabad. Affidavit NO.93AD
370523 one and same person for all future
URG. OPNG in Part /Full Time job, I, JASPAL Singh S/o Tirlok Singh,
Pay-fix+variables+foreign trip, qual. DOB 15-07-1971, R/o C-703,
I, SUSHEEL Kumar and Sushil
12,Grad.,MBA, age 25-65 yrs, House Mahalaxmi Apartments, Sector-2, Kumar Arora S/o Late Atma Ram,
Wife, Retired person prfed, Sec-18, Plot No.-4, Dwarka, New Delhi- R/o RZ15C/258 Jagdamba Vihar,
Noida, 9971040421/9555821901 110075, have changed my name as West Sagarpur, New Delhi D.O.B.
01/03/1959 both name are one and
PROOF READERS & Editors Jaspal Singh Mahun for all purposes.
the same person henceforth I shall
Required for English & Hindi WORK PART time 3 to 4 Hrs at Both the name as Jaspal Singh
and Jaspal Singh Mahun pertains be known as Sushil Kumar Arora.
Medium Books. Timings: 12:30 pm Ghaziabad MNC ,Salary, payouts 4 to
NAV JEEWAN Model Sr. Sec. to 6:00 pm Anupam - 9212692752 10 lacs/ pension and foreign to the one and the same person.
School Nr. Bhajan Pura. Reqd Email : trips..Pref: House wife ,Self EMP.
I, AMIT Prakash S/O, Sh. Jai Prakash
R/o 131 Dda Flat Ashram Sunlight
PGT: Chemistry, Physics, S.St & Add.: 4551, Kucha Bibi Gohar, ,Bankers, Retired Only # 7011851383 I, YOGESH Kumar S/o Dashrath Colony 2, New Delhi 110014. have
Receptionist 9953599905, Charkhewalan, Chawri Bazar Delhi-6 Prasad Himdan R/o 80C, Nyay
(Near Chameli Devi, School) changed my name to Aditya Prakash KMC REQ Consultant Medicine, Khand-II, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad for all purposes.
WANTED BBA/ Qualified LEADING BANK at CP rq Rtd,Vrs, have changed my name to Yogesh
S.R. CAPITAL Pub. School, Q-blk, Sales Executives in Delhi / NCR to Neuro, Lap, Paeds, Eye, GE, Ortho, Ex (Gvt+Pvt+PSU+bnkrs) & H'wife Himdan for all future purposes.
Mohan Park, Navin Shahdara, D-32 ACCOUNTS/FINANCE work with Real Estates Agency Nurse, RMO, EMT, OT/XRay/Dialysis
ADMINISTRATION/ wk fm hm Fix incm/PF/ESI 25-75Y I MAMTA Rani W/o Vijay Kumar
Req. Female Teachers: TGT: Sci. Art Tech, Recept/TPA Manager. # 9810- 10th ps #9318309969, 9711577684 Kakkar R/o 20-21 2nd flr, Pkt 3 Sec.
Office at Charmwood Faridabad, SECRETARIAL I, AJAJ Ahmad S/o Abdur Rauf R/o.
& Craft, Pre Primary & Receptionist. 077777, E-18 Naraina Vihar, N.D-28 0124-4208358, 25 rohini, Delhi-85 have changed my
REQD. ACCOUNT Assistant (Grad.), Contact : 9971484465 H.No. X-13C, DDA Flats, New Ranjeet
E: Name after marriage from Mamta
Min. 4-5 yrs. exp., know Tally, GST, VR MARITIME Services Pvt Ltd. Nagar, New Delhi-08. has been Rani to Mamta Kakkar.
TAGORE PUBLIC School D-Block Excel, Cont. Associated Paints, F-S/4, invites fresh Male Graduate for their EXCLUSIVELY FOR Retd /VRS wrongly written as Md.Ammar in
Naraina Vihar requires following Tagore Garden, ND-27 # 25118293, as Asst. Fleet Executive. Opportunity to restart your 2nd my Son school Record the actual
45536961, Em: Candidate should have command on
trained Lady Staff, Art & Craft career Business opportunity Prog. name of mine is Mohammad Tushar Mehrotra R/o Plot 129, Flat
Nursery and Office Accountant. English/ Hindi & good knowledge of Earn fixed Salary/Allowances/PF/ Ammar.That Mohammad Ammar
Contact personally.
REQD. A qualified Company computer.E: Bonuses. 9818442997, 9810085808 and Md.Ammar is the same person.
no FF1, Shakti Khand 2, Indirapuram
Secretary (fresher or exp.) for GZB-201014 have changed my name
NTT EXPERIENCED Lady Teacher an NBFC based in South Delhi. REQD ADMIN Asst-F (2) k'ldge of to Kanika Gupta Mehrotra for all
English Speaking /Computer skills Candidates may drop in their cv at computer & comm on Eng/hindi. URG REQ: part/full time, eligibility- IT IS for general information that I purposes.
Box 167014, Hindustan Times, Quali. Graduate, Exp 2 yrs. Sai Fire housewife/retired/VRS/self emp, Deepak S/O Chhattar Pal, residing at
Required by NGO in South-East Delhi,
Sarita Vihar. Cont:8076084509. Em: New Delhi-110001. Appliances P. Ltd., B-21, Sec-10, age-25+, graduate/post grad, C-530, Street No.-7, Phase-2, Shiv I, SUVERA Dipika Ben is legal mother Noida, 8527945726 pay- fix + variables, rewards. Vihar, Karawal Nagar, Delhi-110094 of Army No. 6504003Y, Rank (Late)
Mobile : 8586002502. declare that name of mine and my Sep/Ash Name - Suvera Mayur Kumar
WANTED EXPD. Special Educator father has been wrongly written as Shailesh Bhai R/o Village-Nana
& Lady Teachers As PGT( Physics, RECEPTIONIST Deepak Kumar and Chhatar Pal in Kanthariya, Post Office-Lusadiya,
English, Chemistry, Maths , Pol. KUMAR PRIVATE Limited Com- my Caste Certificate No- Tehsil-Bhiloda, District-Arvalli, State-
Science & Economics) , TGT FROST FALCON Distilleries pany Requirements only for male SC/04/42/39718/17/9/2012/942110 Gujrat, Pincode-383251, have changed
(Sanskrit ), PRT & Lady PET for an trained / untrained part time full 5677/22185 dated 22-09-2012. The my name from Suvera Dipika Ben to
Requires for their Jasola Office actual name of mine and my father
Eng. medium sr. sec. public school time Daily. 12000 to. 18000. Earn- Rajuben Nathabhai Kharadi vide
Receptionist Male. Pleasing person- are Deepak and Chhattar Pal affidavit dated 03-Aug-2019 before
at Vasundhra Enclave, D-96 And A ality & Fluent in English must can ing. Call or What's app. 7289958198
Male PET (MPED.) & Computer Op- respectively, which may be Honourable District Court of Jhansi
handle corporate office indepen- amended accordingly.
erator Knowing Tally( Preferably dently Stenographer cum Typist
Male, Timing: 10am to 6 pm) for our Male min. 3-5 year exp. with Good COMPUTER
Sr. Sec. Branch at Vishwas Nagar, REQ . Sales/ Marketing Executive for Typing speed Fluency in English and OPERATOR I HITHERTO known as Ravita W/o
D-32 Applicants from nearby Plastic components Mfg unit in okhla Proficiency in Computer and Short- Munish Kumar residing at House No.
areas of Trans Yamuna will be Min Exp 2yrs, good Comm. Skill own hand must. Mob. No.: 9811616628 165, Village- Khijarpur, PO-Bastar
preferred . Apply within a week & PVT. LTD. Co. in Naraina reqd. Exp. Mau, District-Kasganj, Uttar
Conveyance preferred #9313047658 Email: Computer Operator, well versed with
Send Resume.Email-ID:- Email: ESIC/EPF payroll processing preferbly Pradesh-207242, have changed STENO−TYPIST/ having worked on Sarvagya payroll my name and shall hereafter be
REQUIRED FOR Furniture known as Rebekah Masih.
Showroom Salesman-2, Sales OFFICE ASST software with fair knwldg of MS excel
Send resumes at:
Girl-2. Good Salary+Incentive. I KANSE Priya Satish (old name)
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computer Operator cum office asst. w/o LD Magar Manoj Ramchandra,
Point, Sector-16, Gurgaon. Age30-40 yrs. Salary above 20,000/-. REQS. F / M for export co. , basic 41 Armd Regt change my name to
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MALE /FEMALE Required for uttam nagar east , dwarka metro for all purpose affidavit No 31208
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mobile / whatup 9811075426, dt 23/07/2019
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Start up Those who interested REQ PART time MD Path for reputed tender assistant and personal
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cyto. Whatsapp CV on 9810040372 Address - 904 New Delhi house Bk WANTED A Computer Operator R/o T-67, Indira Colony, Narela
FRESHERS REQD. for Publication Road New Delhi Preferably Resident of south Delhi Delhi-40 Have changed my name
House 12th, Under-Grad., Grad. Can for office in Kailash colony having to Rajan Sharma for all purposes.
Apply Sal. 15000/- PM, M/ F, Age full knowledge of computer. Salary
Below 28Yrs Rajouri Grdn.
REQ. FRESHER/ Exp. Smart
Sales Girls (Married/Unmarried) URGENT REQUIRED: Sr.steward
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Asst. grad./12th- B.Com, 3-5 yrs exp.
More Classifieds
Salary 6000-15000. Abhushan
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/ Captain / Bartender for Pub/Bar
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Broad Minded, below 30,part time job
also good salary.freshers may
good comm., Mktg. skill prefd, sal+
inct. at Badarpur, ND. # 9811094209
Email :
on Page 19


jobs insidestories


Reimagininglearningiskeyforgrowth An inclusive workplace

Ganesh Krishnamurthy
is the need of the hour
KNOWLEDGE As technology has taken over all aspects of the world, learning to master it is our only bet for survival
tion institution would exhibit
one’s talent to take up the job, Priyanka Anand
beingskilledshowstheircommit- n
The 4th Industrial Revolution ment to make it through the
(Industry4.0)ishereandthecur- future. It is often advocated that organi-
rent workforceisalready feeling Newagelearningismoreasyn- zations that invest in creating an
the heat due to the fluid shifts in chronous, social and peer-to- inclusive work environment
the nature of work. With mobile peer. It is about the skills with a commitment to equal
internet and cloud technology required to use ‘knowledge’ to opportunity in employment,
providing capabilitieslike never solve real time problem. It is development, compensation and
before, large corporations are aboutlearningtouse‘knowledge’ all other personnel actions, show
leveraging the infrastructure to totakeintelligentrisksandtocol- greater sustainable business
disruptexistingbusinessmodels. laborate.Itisaboutlearningmul- results. However, if we look at
Theworldisatourfingertips-lit- ti-disciplinaryskills,on-demand. various industries today, the
erally and figuratively. See how The future needs full Stack Pro- ratio of men to women at work-
carswouldsoonbemanufactured fessionals in every role in every place is heavily skewed, espe- n A gender diverse team collaborates better MINT/FILE
bespokeby3Dprinters,powered sector. On those lines, NIIT is cially in leadership roles. This is
by sustainable energy, and be doingagreatjobthoughitsStack- even more visible in engineering that it is our diversity and inclu- ers. This becomes even more
driven by no one? That’s the Routeprogrammebypartnering and technology companies. sion that brings us closer important in industries such as
poweroftechnology.Theadage– with companies like IBM, Wipro Therefore, it is imperative to cre- together, provides the catalyst Telecom,Technology,ICTwhich
nothingisimpossible–hasnever and Boeing to create successful ate an ecosystem that is condu- for innovation and success, and are predominantly viewed as
been truer. In no time from now, Full Stack Developers. cive for a diverse workforce. helps create greater business male dominated sectors. It is
as artificial intelligence and Fortunately,thesedayspeople It is seen that entry level jobs value. important that the sector
machine learning, advanced have more than one way to edu- have a relatively balanced ratio A gender diverse team collab- increases efforts to recruit,
robotics,autonomoustransport, cate themselves. The learning of men and women, however orates better, as it is proven that retain and give women opportu-
3D printing, and biotechnology n The dramatically changing global job market will alter the way we live and work GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOTO industry must leverage this and along the career growth trajec- womenarebetteratreadingnon- nities to women to grow . As
takeover;theworldasweknowit putartificialintelligencetousein tory there are larger drop outs verbal clues, therefore, ulti- industry , we also need to run ini-
will never be the same again. higherdemandbetweennowand demands.Doesn’tmatteratwhat use a blend of formal and order to build a more accessible, among females due to a myriad mately improving efficiency. tiatives and programs that reach
What intrigues me the most is 2026.Interestingly,asurveydone stage of career one is at, it would informal learning as an upskill high-qualityandlearner-centric of reasons. At times the reasons Additionally, this encourages out to young girls in the career
the statistics on emerging and by the WorldEconomicForum’s beimperativetoreviewtheskills, strategy for their existing work- curriculum.Ablendofclassroom could be personal but then there better communications and idea selection stages of their educa-
declining roles. The World Eco- Global Agenda Council on the build on existing competencies, force. The strategy that most training with Virtual Instructor are a host of other challenges flows which can help improve tion so that we can pull in more
nomic Forum’s Future of Jobs Future of Software and Society learn new proficiencies and employers are deploying to Led Training (VILT), self-paced which may be more detrimental profitability. As an HR profes- young talent. At Ericsson, our
Report 2018 states that half of all says that people expect artificial invest in future-proof skills. addressthe skills gap is multi-fa- e-learning and gamification such as unconscious bias, social sional, I strongly feel that Gen- leaders are committed to creat-
surveyedcompaniesexpecttheir intelligence machines will be a According to the 2018 Skills ceted.Itincludesautomatingthe makesanideallearningmethod- norms , attitudes and a tough der parity and Inclusion at work ing an inclusive environment,
workforce to be reduced due to partofcompany’sboardofdirect- Gap Study by Deloitte and the mundane,repetitivetaskssothat ology. Such learning is agile and working environment . Now, should be integral to company’s building and developing tal-
automationby2022.Administra- ors by 2026. And that would be Manufacturing Institute, there ittakesofftheloadfromtheexist- allows updating of content; these need to be addressed and vison, strategy and values. To ented, high-performing teams
tiveandmanufacturingrolesare quite something, right? are five main skills that will be ingstaff.Secondly,retrainingthe improves effectiveness; worked upon to make a work- ensure balance at workplace, that optimize engagement and
likelyto seethe steepest declines As for now, what is certain essentialtosucceedintheFourth existing staff which also helps in enhancestheevaluationprocess place welcoming for a diverse leaders and managers should be drive innovation.
in hiring. On the other hand, though is how the dramatically Industrial Revolution. These retentionoftalent; Insomecases and lowers overall costs - for workforce. Government, busi- equipped with skills to manage I would reiterate that Gender
many industrieswillevolvesub- changing global job market will includetechnologyandcomputer though, employers expect the learning providers and learners nesses, senior leaders and influ- diverse teams and be able to fos- parity is more a necessity than
stantially inthecomingdecades. alter the way we live and work. skills;digitalliteracyandcompe- workers to adapt and learn the equally. encers, all need to collaborate to ter an inclusive work environ- just a feel-good factor today. It’s
The future jobs – in public and And this pace of change will be tency; working knowledge of newskillsindependently.Lastly, Coming to think of it, the create an environment that ment. high time that we encourage
private services - will stem from fast. Very fast. tech-enabled tools and tech- hiringnewstaffwiththerelevant Fourth Industrial Revolution - offers equal opportunities, edu- One way to further build dia- women empowerment, imple-
the new industries creating niques; robot and automation competencies to bring a new like the previous three - will be cation, training and safety to logue on inclusion is by raising ment relevant policies and take
newer roles. So, as people GEARING FOR THE programmingandcriticalthink- wave of talent to the pool. defined by the jobs it creates and women at workplace. awareness of unconscious bias, strong actions to make our work-
progresstotakeonmorecomplex FUTURE: SKILLS YOU ing. the capabilities it enables across Gender parity also has huge as biases influence decision force gender inclusive.
roles, the tedious jobs will evi- NEED Currently though, we’re at an REIMAGINE LEARNING industries.Masteringitmaytake social and economic impact. A making and can affect percep- The author is Head of HR, Ericsson
dently be outsourced to bots. Or, Justasthework,theworker,and inflection point wherein due to Intimeslikethese,maintaininga time,butit isimperativetoknow diverse workplace benefits from tions and behavior towards oth- South East Asia, Oceania and India
if you look at it the other way working gets affected - to thrive rapid technological advance- commitment tolifelong learning thatchangewon’twaitforusand different perspective, and there-
round, when the repetitive roles and keep pace - the current and ment, the workforce is falling –forbothemployersandemploy- soit’sbesttobuckleup,learnand fore, the unique ability to look at
will be automated, people will be future workforce will need to short of the demands of the job ees is the only way to succeed. lead the change. a situation from various angles.
compelled to take on more com- align its skillset with those of the market. According to IT Skills Untilrecently,learningwasonly The author is , Executive Vice President This helps in spurring creativity
plex task. future. Team structures will and Salary Report, 70 percent of about knowledge but then all of & Head - Solutions, Products & Alliances, and innovation. For example, at
The report also states that the becomemoreagileandtechliter- the IT decision-makers globally humanknowledgeisnowavaila- Skills & Careers Group, NIIT Ltd Ericsson, we strongly believe
roles of operations managers, acy will be of prime importance say their teams currently face a bleontheinternetandisonlyone
accountants, auditors, market- across sectors. Also, at least 54 shortageof necessaryskills. The swipeaway.Learninghasacom-
ingspecialists,andmanagement percentofemployeeswillneedto report also states that the best pletely new meaning. While a
analysts are expected to see re-skill or upskill to meet future techprofessionalsintheindustry degree from a reputable educa-


1. Qualifications and Experience:
(i) Persons who have at least 25 years of work
experience in Public Administration including
experience at the level of Secretary or equivalent
in the Government of India; or
(ii) from among persons who have at least 25 years
of work experience in an Indian or International
Public Financial Institution; or
(iii) from among persons of exceptional merit and
track record at the national or international level
in the relevant field(s).
2. Age: Not more than 60 years of age as on 24.7.2019.
3. Salary and Allowances: The post carries the pay
scale of Rs. 2,25,000 (Level 17)
4. Term of Office: The appointment will be for a period
of three years and the person will be eligible for re-
5. Submission of applications: Applications duly
filled in, together with the CV, one passport size
photograph and names and contact details of three
references, should be submitted to:
Sanjay Kumar Mishra
Under Secretary (BO.I)
Department of Financial Services
Ministry of Finance, 3rd floor
Jeevandeep Building, Parliament Street
New Delhi – 110 001
Tel: 011-23748766, Fax: 011-23748766
6. Due by: The last date of submission of applications
is 30.8.2019.
Note: (i) Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial
Services will in no case, be responsible for
non-receipt of applications or any delay in
receipt thereof.
(ii) It may be noted that the Financial Sector
Regulatory Appointments Search Committee
(FSRASC) is free to identify and recommend
any other person also, based on merit, who has
not applied for the post. The committee may
also recommend relaxation in the eligibility
and qualifications / experience criteria, in
respect of outstanding candidates.



18 hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, NEW D ELHI


> KRUNAL PANDYA, India spinner after the T20 series win against West Indies

ASHES TEST After Smith’s heroics with the bat, spinner Lyon bags six wickets on final day to help Australia win by 251 runs
Agence France-Presse
Like Christmas

BIRMINGHAM: Nathan Lyon took

every day: Smith
baston ‘fortress’ to win the first
on dream return
four wickets for 12 runs either Agence France-Presse
side of lunch on the last day as n
they slumped to 97/7. NUMBERS
They were eventually dis- BIRMINGHAM: Australia’s Steve

It was Australia’s first win
missed for 146 in their second Smith insisted he had never lost in an Edgbaston Test since
innings, with off-spinner Lyon faith in his ability as his “dream 2001, also the last time
taking6/49—ahaulthatincluded comeback” to Test cricket con- they won Ashes in England.
his 350th Test wicket— and fast tinued with a second hundred in
Lyon’s match haul of

bowler Pat Cummins 4/32 in the the Ashes opener at Edgbaston.
first match of the new ICC World Smith made 142 in Australia’s 9/161 took his Test tally
Test Championship. second innings 487/7 declared on to 352. He is the fourth
Victory gave Australia their Sunday after the star batsman’s Australian to achieve 350
first win at Edgbaston in any for- 144 bailed them out to 284 follow- scalps—Shane Warne (708),
matsince2001—thelasttimethey ing a collapse to 122/8 in their Glenn McGrath (563) and
Dennis Lillee (355) are ahead.
wonanAshesseriesinEngland— first innings.
and ended England’s run of 11 Former Australia captain

There were 20
successive wins at the Birming- Smith and then deputy David reviews in the Test,
ham ground. Warner were both given and half of the
Australia were in dire straits 12-month bans for their roles in a decisions were overturned.
at 122/8 in their first innings but ball-tamperingscandal last year, Eight were off decisions by
were rescued by Man-of-the- with Cameron Bancroft—who umpire Joel Wilson.
Match Steve Smith’s 144, which actually applied sandpaper to
lifted them to 284. Smith then the ball during a Test against

Points earned by
made142inthesecondinningsof South Africa in Cape Town—hit Australia by
his comeback Test following a with a nine-month suspension winning the first
ban for his role in a ball-tamper- by Cricket Australia. match of the inaugural ICC
ing scandal, with Australia cap- “I’ve never doubted my abil- Test Championship.
tainTimPainedeclaringon487/7 ity,” Smith told reporters after

late on Sunday. stumps. “But, it’s kind of a dream Australia com-
Smith, David Warner and comeback in a way. To be able to pleted their half
Cameron Bancroft were all score two hundreds in a match, century of wins in
returning to Test cricket follow- in the first Ashes match, it’s England, from 167 matches.
ing ball-tampering bans and the something I have never done in
trio were repeatedly jeered by any form of cricket before in my
spectators at Edgbaston. “We
know every Test we play in
n Cameron Bancroft of Australia catches Joe Denly of England off the bowling of Nathan Lyon during the first Ashes Test at Edgbaston in
Birmingham on Monday. Lyon returned figures of 6/49 for his 15th five-wicket haul in Tests. GETTY IMAGES
scorecard life. It’s incredibly special.”
He added: “It feels like Christ-
tistically. And while he’s at the
crease our team has got real con-
England, the crowd will be n Australia 284 & 487/7 decl mas morning every morning get- fidence. Today we were superb
against us. The guys handled Root was twice given out leg England’s 85/4 at lunch soon n England 374 & (o/n 13/0) ting to come and do this.” withtheball but havingsomeone
themselvesreallywellandwe’ve before by Joel Wilson but suc- became 85/5 when Jos Buttler “When I got that first hundred like Steve... definitely helps.”
come out on top,” said Paine. cessfully challenged both ver- (one) was bowled by a Cummins Those who batted on all five days of a Test R Burns c Lyon b Cummins 11 I was just thinking, ‘don’t burst
No England batsman made dicts as the West Indian umpire deliverythatkeptlow.Cummins Player Runs Country Against Venue Year J Roy b Lyon 28 into tears.’ That was as special as PRAISE FOR LYON
J Root c Bancroft b Lyon 28
morethanNo 9ChrisWoakes’s37 equalled an unwanted record then had his 100th Test wicket my first hundred back in 2013. It Paine also praised 31-year-old
ML Jaisimha 20*, 74 Ind Aus Kolkata 1960 J Denly c Bancroft b Lyon 11
in their second innings and cap- with eight overturned decisions when Jonny Bairstow (six) was a relief to get it out of the spinner Nathan Lyon, who made
J Buttler b Cummins 1
tain Joe Root admitted: “It is bit- in a Test. Jason Roy, who hit a glovedarisingballtoBancroftin G Boycott 107, 80* Eng Aus Nottingham 1977
B Stokes c Paine b Lyon 6 way,” he said. the difference with the ball on
terly disappointing. Credit to blistering85ineventualchampi- theslips andBenStokeswasalso Bairstow c Bancroft b Cummins 6 “I copped a bit of stick out the final day, taking 6-49 to give
K Hughes 117, 84 Aus Eng Lord's 1980
Australia. They fought hard to onsEngland’sWorldCupsemi-fi- out for six. M Ali c Warner b Lyon 4 there (over the ball-tampering his side the early advantage in
get back in it. (Smith played) two nalwinoverAustraliaatEdgbas- Moeen Ali fell to Lyon for the A Lamb 23, 110 Eng WI Lord's 1984 C Woakes c Smith b Cummins 37 incident) but I’m not paying the five-match series.
brilliant innings.” ton last month, appeared to still ninth time in 11 Ashes knocks S Broad c Smith b Lyon 0 much attention to that and fortu- “He’s a bit the same as Smith -
Rory Burns, whose first-in- be in one-day mode when he when caught in the slips for four
R Shastri 111, 7* Ind Eng Kolkata 1984
nately we’ve got a good Aussie every Test or series they seem to
J Anderson not out 4
nings 133 was his first century at charged down the pitch and was to leave England 136-8. Lyon had A Griffith 114, 18 WI NZ Hamilton 1999 n Extras (b 4, lb 4, nb 2) 10 contingent here. They’re creat- get better, which is astonishing
this level, became just the 10th bowled by Lyon for 28. Stuart Broad caught in the slips n Total (all out, 52.3 ovs) 146 ing a good atmosphere for us and at their age,” Paine added. “If
cricketertohavebattedonallfive Lyon, whose return was his nextballbeforeJamesAnderson A Flintoff 70, 51 Eng Ind Mohali 2006 n FoW: 1-19, 2-60, 3-80, 4-85, we’re grateful for it.” you come and see them train
days of a Test. But he had added best against England, was dan- survived the hat-trick after not A Petersen 156, 39 SA NZ Wellington 2012 5-85, 6-97, 7-97, 8-136, 9-136. Australia captain Tim Paine you’ll see that while they keep
just four runs to his overnight gerous on the wearing pitch and bowling at all in Australia’s sec- n Bowling: Siddle 12-2-28-0, hailed Smith as the best player in getting better, they’re a great
sevenwhenhewasundonebyan he had Joe Denly (11) caught off ond innings because of a calf C Pujara 52, 22 Ind SL Kolkata 2017 Lyon 20-5-49-6, Pattinson the world. “Steve Smith was example for our group.
excellent seaming and rising bat and pad by Bancroft at short injury. Smith had the last word, 8-1-29-0, Cummins 11.3-3-32-4, unbelievable,” Paine said. “He’s “There’s still four Tests to go.
R Burns 133, 11 Eng Aus Birmingham 2019
Cumminsdeliverythatlobbedoff leg.TheAustraliapaircombined catchingWoakesoffCumminsto Smith 1-1-0-0. the best test player in the world. We’re here to win the Ashes, not
Runs show score in each innings
his gloves to Lyon in the gully. again to dismiss Root for 28. end the match. He’s probably the best ever, sta- just one Test.”

Breaking pots, how Saini stirred a potent pace brew India eye changes,
Windies look to
Aritra Mukherjee
mother refused to play batsman,
joy on his burgeoning pace by
And Sunday morning was spent
receiving congratulatory calls
from ecstatic neighbours, local
all-rounder Sumit Narwal, who
along with his brother Amit
started the Karnal Premier
cricketers for Haryana, used to
train with Saini.
“Navdeep was destined to do
avoid whitewash
NEW DELHI: It’s difficult to play shattering them. MLAs,and eventheChiefMinis- League,alocaltournamentmod- great things. He was hard work- Press Trust of India
cricketinasari.Nearimpossible Ratherthanadmonishhisson, ter of Haryana. elled on IPL. ing and disciplined but took it to n
withutensilsinhand,insteadofa Saini’s father Amarjeet encour- “The maiden he bowled in the It had eight teams, young another level after coming to
cricket bat. But try telling that to aged him by buying more pots. last over was simply outstand- cricketers and an auction to dis- Delhi,” said Kalyan, also Saini’s GUYANA: The series pocketed,
Navdeep Saini. The 26-year-old Andashekeptbreakingpots,the ing...,” Amarjeet said, referring tributeplayers.Aboveall,leather captain in the Dayal Singh Col- India are likely to experiment
bamboozled big West Indies hit- boy’s pace dream was gradually to the first T20. Saini signed off cricket balls were used for the lege cricket team. “Me, Sanjay with their line-up in pursuit of a
ters on his India debut with an beingcemented.Itbecameafixa- withawicketmaideninthegame, floodlitgames,bothanewexperi- and Navdeep used to train whitewashwhen theytakeonan
effort that screamed ‘I’m here to tion,sheerdelighteverytimethe trapping the explosive Kieron ence for Saini. together under Narwal and I embattled West Indies in the
bowl fast’ every delivery. The obstacle in front of him was bro- Pollard leg before with a clever However,hefacednoproblem can’t remember a single day third and final T20 International
impressive start in national col- ken to bits with a cricket ball. slow delivery. “I don’t know making a switch from the tennis when Navdeep skipped training here on Tuesday.
ours in the first T20—with Laud- On Saturday evening, Saini’s much about the technicalities, ball. He rattled batsmen with ordriftedfromhisdailyschedule. Indiaconcludedthetwo-match
erhill in the US an unlikely parentswatched with gleeonTV but I think bowling a maiden in pace and it didn’t take long to “Hewasdisciplined,sopartic- US leg of the series by taking an
venue—wasalsoinasenseculmi- as their son announcedhis entry thelastoverofaT20isveryrare.” attract a good bid, around ular about when to go to sleep, unassailable2-0leadafternotch-
nation of a journey a 12-year-old asaseniorIndiaplayerinthefirst Saini’s progress was rapid. R10,000. Saini knew it was not when to wake up, what to eat. He ing up a 22-run win in the second
beganinamostunlikelyfashion. T20I. The pot-breaking moment, Into his teens, pots made way for enoughtosupporthisfamilyand refused to hang out with us after game on Sunday.
The first batsman Saini tested accompanied by a roar of happi- proper wickets, and his mother pursue his India dream, so often practice as he felt it might affect Theirperformance wasn’tthe
his pace bowling on was his ness,camesoonafterheuprooted could step aside and let batsmen he played in the various tennis- his bowling or fitness,” said Kal- most fluent in the firstmatchbut
mother, who used utensils from ShimronHetmyer’sstumps,after faceupherson’sincreasingpace. balltournamentsacrossKarnal, yan. Former India opener Virat Kohli and his men were
herkitchenasimpromptubatsto forcing Nicholas Pooran to nick However, two things remained earning R500-1,000 per game. Gautam Gambhir, as captain, backtobeingadominantforcein
help her young boy take his first onebehindthe stumpstheprevi- constant—Saini’shardworkand His tennis-ball days ended played a major role in fast-track- the second, though, the outcome
steps in the game. Taraori, or ous delivery. rawpace.Batsmenin his district whenNarwal,impressedwithhis ing Saini into the Delhi Ranji was decided by the Duckworth-
Kasbah, a small farming town “I can’t explain the joy we felt felt it was sensible to wear abdo- performance in the Karnal Pre- squad despite severe opposition Lewis-Stern method after thun-
10-12km from Haryana’s Karnal when he took the first wicket. He men guards even while facing mier League, called him to the by those who saw him as an ‘out- derstorm and consequent rain
city, was hardly a grooming used to say ‘daddy I will always him in tennis-ball cricket. FerozeshahKotlaasanetbowler sider’. Though he bowled in the did not allow the game to con-
ground for a budding cricketer. keep working hard no matter Gradually, Saini’s reputation for the senior Delhi team. high140s,Sainihada forgettable tinue. While the batting line-up
Saini would plead with his what happens’ and now all that spread to every part of Karnal. He troubled even Virender debut season in 2013-14. But he maynotchangemuch,Indiamay
mother,andprodhertostandlike has paid off. He asked how I felt But there was no cricketing Sehwag, Gautam Gambhir and returned fitter, becoming the try a new combination in bowl-
abatsman,providinghimthetar- after his debut. I could only bless structure, and no one knew how Mithun Manhas with raw pace. leaderofDelhi’sfastbowlingunit ing.“...sealingtheseriesgivesthe
get to bowl at. With his father, a him and say ‘son, you won’t to use his asset, and him develop He was erratic, yes, but his pace and gradually forcing his way chance to bring few guys in. Idea
HaryanaRoadwaysdriver,away understand what joy you’ve intoagenuinefastbowler.Hehad could shake up even the best. into the India A sides. is always going to be to win first.
on duty for most of the day and givenus,”anemotionalAmarjeet startedgettingmoneyforplaying Narwal then got Saini to shift to AmarjeethisgladSainihasn’t But winning the first two games
elder brother focused on studies Saini said in a chat. matches, but they were not Delhi, to help hone his skills. let success go to his head. “He’s gives the cushion,” Kohli said.
with dreams of settling abroad, Saini’sparentsandhis97-year- enough even to buy bowling Sainiisn’thisonlyfindfromKar- still the same. He played IPL, It will not be a surprise if KL
Saini had few friends to play old grandfather have been glued shoes. The opportunity was pro- nal. Batsman Mohit Kalyan and India A, but I can proudly say his n India's Navdeep Saini bagged three wickets on his T20 debut Rahul is drafted into the playing
cricket with. Thus when his totheTVsinceSaturdayevening. videdbyformerIndiaAandDelhi pacer Sanjay Behl, both Ranji feet are firmly on the ground.” against West Indies on Saturday. AP XI, replacing the struggling Ris-
manmanaged scoresof4and0in

CoA clears Kapil’s Steyn quits Tests to focus on shorter formats the first two matches. There is a
possibility thatleg-break bowler
Rahul Chahar may make the cut

panel of conflict
in place of young paceman Nav-
Agence France-Presse mat of the game I love so much,” England and Australia in both bowler with more than 200 wick- deep Saini.
n said the 36-year-old Steyn, his 2008and2012,becomingthenum- ets. Steyn took his 400th Test For the hosts, putting up a
country’s leading Test wicket- beronerankedteamintheworld wicket in 2015 but injuries coherentperformanceremainsa
Press Trust of India Edulji,whohasconsistentlybeen JOHANNESBURG: South African takerofalltimeandoneofthetop in 2012. One of his greatest per- blighted the latter part of his challenge. Considered a force in
n at loggerheads with chairman Dale Steyn, one of the great fast 10 in the history of the game. “In formanceswasinthesecondTest career. He equalled Shaun Pol- theshortestformat,theyhavenot
VinodRaiandLtGen(Retd)Ravi bowlers of the modern era, on myopinionTestcricketisthebest against Australia in Melbourne lock’srecordof421wicketsinthe lived up to their reputation. If
NEW DELHI: The Kapil Dev-led Thodge, expressed her dissent, Monday announced his retire- version. It tests you mentally, in 2008. He made his Test best first Test in Sri Lanka last year they can manage to walk away
CricketAdvisoryCommitteewas statingthatCoAhadnoauthority ment fromTestcricketin a bidto physically,emotionally.It’sterri- score of 76 to help South Africa butwentwicketlessinthesecond withawinonTuesday,itwillbea
onMondayclearedofanyconflict to appoint an ad-hoc committee extend his longevity in the ble to consider never playing recover from a shaky position and final Test. He claimed the confidence-booster for the side
of interest by the Committee of and clear it of conflict. “It was a shorter forms of the game. another Test again but what’s andhadmatchfiguresof10for154 South African record when he ahead of the ODIs and Tests.
Administrators (COA), paving 2-1call(againstme).Isaidithasto Steyn, who made his interna- more terrifying is the thought of as South Africa clinched a series dismissedFakharZamanagainst
the way for the panel to appoint goto the EthicsOfficer(DK Jain) tional debut against England in never playing again at all. So I wininAustraliaforthefirsttime. PakistaninCenturioninDecem- SAINI PUNISHED
India’s next men’s coach by mid- to decide on conflict of interest. 2004andlastplayedaTestinFeb- willbefocusingonODIsandT20s ber. He went on to play in all Saini has been handed one
August. Besides Dev, the newly Ad-Hoc committee is not in the ruary against Sri Lanka, is still for the rest of my career to maxi- STRIKE RATE South Africa’s five home Tests demerit point for bad behaviour
appointed CAC comprises Ans- constitution,” Edulji said. contractedinthewhite-ballform misemypotentialandensuremy Lithe, with a whippy action that duringthe2018-19seasonandwas in his debut T20. ICC disciplined
human Gaekwad and former Thecurrentsupportstaffcom- ofthegameforthe2019-20season longevityinthissport...Ilookfor- enabled him to bowl at close to selectedtoplayinthe2019Cricket Sainifortheanimatedsend-offhe
women’scaptainShanthaRanga- prising incumbent head coach and therefore remains available wardtocontinuingtoplayforthe 150kmh, he possessed a lethal World Cup . gave Nicholas Pooran, his
swamy. RaviShastri,bowlingcoachBha- forSouthAfricainODIsandT20s. Proteas in the shorter formats.” outswinger.Hetookfiveormore Buthesufferedarecurrenceof maiden international wicket.
“We have checked. It is fine. rat Arun, batting coach Sanjay Steyn took 439 wickets in 93 Steyn was one of South wickets on 26 occasions, achiev- his shoulder problem during the “Saini breached Article 2.5 of
All clear,” COA chief Vinod Rai BangarandfieldingcoachRSrid- Tests at an average of 22.95. He Africa’sgreatestmatch-winners. ing the feat against every other IPL in April. He was deemed fit the ICC Code of Conduct, which
said when asked if the CAC has harweregivena45-dayextension heldthetopspotintheICC’sTest South Africa won 48 of the Tests Test nation and in every conti- enough to travel to England but relates to using actions or ges-
got the mandate to appoint the following the World Cup, cover- bowler rankings for a record 263 in which he played and he was a nent, including five in Asia. His returnedhomewithoutplayinga tures which could provoke an
nextchiefcoach.However,oneof ing the ongoing West Indies tour weeks between 2008 and 2014. member of South African teams strike rate of a wicket every 42.3 game after another shoulder aggressivereactionfromabatter
the committee members Diana from August 3 to September 3. n Dale Steyn. GETTY “TodayIwalkawayfromafor- that won consecutive series in balls was the best of any fast injury. upon dismissal,” the ICC said.



TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019 hindustantimes sport 19

India-Pak Davis
Two of a kind rock together
DEADLY DUO Shetty and Rankireddy displayed speed, power and craft in abundance to claim the prestigious Thailand Open doubles title
Cup tie still on
HTC & Agencies the squad announced on Mon-
n day, keeping in mind his ability
Avishek Roy to play singles and doubles.
n NEW DELHI: India’s Davis Cup tie There were no surprises in the
against Pakistan, scheduled in five-member squad selected.
NEW DELHI: Not many were con- Islamabad on September 14-15, Prajnesh Gunneswaran and
vinced when India’s former will go ahead despite the political Ramkumar Ramanathan will
coach Tan Kim Her floated the tension between the two coun- lead the singles challenge while
idea of playing Chirag Shetty and tries over Jammu and Kashmir, Rohan Bopanna and Divij
Satwiksairaj Rankireddy as a All India Tennis Association Sharan will team up for doubles
pair. Not even the two players. (AITA) secretary-general Hiron- in the Group I tie to be played on
Both had a similar style. Tall moy Chatterjee said on Monday. grass. Sasi Kumar Mukund is the
and powerful, both revelled in the “There is no development. reserve player.
role of a finisher. And there was The tie will go ahead as sched- With Sumit Nagal making
little in common between them uled. We have even selected the himself unavailable citing an
off the court, as far as bonding team,” said Chatterjee. He said injury, the five-member selec-
was concerned. Rankireddy, son politics will not have any bearing tion committee, led by Rohit Raj-
of a badminton umpire from the on the Davis Cup tie. pal, picked Myneni, the next
quiet Amalapuram in Andhra “We are only concerned about highest-ranked player. Myneni
Pradesh and Shetty, a hotelier’s the players. There is a specific last played in September, 2018,
son from Mumbai, were chalk norm regarding security speci- when India travelled to Serbia
and cheese. One would go search- fied by the International Tennis for the World Group play-off, los-
ing for Indian food during tourna- Federation (ITF) that the host ing the doubles in straight sets
ments abroad. The other would nation has to abide (by). ITF will partnering Bopanna, against
happily dig into his favourite Chi- ensure that,” he said. Nikola Milojevic and Danilo Pet-
nese and Japanese dishes. Ran- This is the first time since 1964 rovic. India have never lost to
kireddy hated leaving his comfort that India will play in Pakistan. Pakistan in six Davis Cup con-
zone and loved to spend time with India had won that tie 4-0 in tests and that is unlikely to
Telugu-speaking friends at the Lahore. Pakistan Tennis Federa- change considering Pakistan
Pullela Gopichand academy tion president Salim Saifullah does not have one singles player
while Shetty loved to embrace Khan, in a recent interview to ranked within the top 1000 in the
new ideas. PTI, said the highest possible ATP list.
Both had already showed good security will be provided to the Squad: Prajnesh Gunneswaran,
results with respective partners visiting Indian team. Ramkumar Ramanathan, Saketh
even at junior international Myneni, Rohan Bopanna and Divij
meets. Shetty shifted to doubles MYNENI RETURNS Sharan. Captain: Mahesh Bhupathi
six years back and had instant Saketh Myneni was selected in Coach: Zeeshan Ali.
success with MR Arjun, winning
domestic titles in the U-15 and
U-17 categories besides Badmin-
ton Asia U-17 title in 2013. Satwik
was happy sharing court and
Real Kashmir not to
hotel room with statemate G
Krishna Prasad. They too won
the Badminton Asia U-17 title in
2015. Both pairings were marked
n Satwiksairaj Rankireddy (left) and Chirag Shetty swapped roles in the Thailand Open final. Shetty was the attacker this time as Rankireddy had a sore shoulder.

“One of us had to change and have that sort of power to finish his volleyball matches, and there of the time. In defence it’s like changes because he was excep-
pull out of Durand
for the future, until Kim Her split become a net player and I was the rallies. Now, he has also brought I was fascinated by the jump 50-50. The idea was not to give any tionally talented,” says Uday Dhiman Sarkar player as well. Scottish winger
them in 2016 and forged a scratch one because Satwik had a very in variety and a lot more guile,” smash. I loved people saying opening to them to attack, so it Pawar, Shetty’s coach and one of n Kallum Higginbotham, 30, too
combination. good smash. I thought a lot (about says U Vimal Kumar, former ‘wow what a smash’. Later, I saw was keeping the shuttle flat. We India’s top doubles expert. has signed for Real Kashmir this
But many didn’t spot what the pairing with Rankireddy) when international player and chief Nandagopal (Kidambi Srikanth’s were confident, did not make any In the final against Li Junhui KOLKATA: Real Kashmir will keep term. The Robertsons, father and
well-known Malaysian doubles we started off. But gradually we coach, now a national selector. brother) hitting the jump smash mistake at crucial times,” he and Liu Yuchen, roles were their commitment to the 129th son, Bazie Armand and Higgin-
expert had. That despite their started playing well and the “People immediately took note and I started learning jump says. Shetty, on the other hand, reversed because Rankireddy Durand Cup, team co-owner San- botham are among the foreigners
game being similar, if paired thought didn’t strike,” says of the pairing because of their raw smash and added variety.” was polishing his touch game at had a sore shoulder that had pre- deep Chattoo said. Some players who checked in on Saturday. Real
together, they had the skill to Shetty. strength and power. Tan rated In terms of power, Shetty and the net. “I had to focus more on vented him from playing for three and members of the support staff Kashmir open their Durand Cup
rock the world’s best. Speed, For the pairing to click, Shetty them highly. They could take the Rankireddy are matching Chi- the net because Satwik has the months. Shetty was the attacker. flew from Srinagar to New Delhi campaign against Chennai City
power and craft, Shetty and Ran- had to curb his natural instinct as physical load, lacking in many of nese, Indonesian and Korean hardest smash and is effective “Generally, it’s me who creates on Monday evening en route FC in Kalyani on Wednesday.
kireddy had these qualities in Indian badminton had not seen our former doubles players. Now pairs. They beat the renowned from the back.” the opening and he finishes. In Kolkata, said Chattoo. “We are
abundance and they showed someone like Rankireddy. The they have also developed good Korean pair of Ko Sung-hyun and For that, Shetty had to over- the final, I waited and finished it very worried about the situation BFC HELD
their class in winning the Thai- brute power with which he soft skills,” adds Kumar. Shin Baek-cheol in the semi-fi- haul his game. Instead of using myself.” at home but as a professional foot- Bengaluru FC needed an 82nd
land Open Super 500 event, one of smashed put him among the elite. With his tall frame and broad nals before downing the Chinese his arms freely, and freely swing- Both are now comfortable ball team, we will keep our com- minute penalty from Suresh
the best doubles results in Indian Shetty says: “He is one of the shoulders, Rankireddy goes for world champions in Thailand. ing his racquet, he now had to use switching their games and that mitment to the Durand Cup,” said Wangjam to hold Army Red 1-1 on
badminton. They beat Chinese hardest hitters I would say in the kill. He practised it in cement Rankireddy says they had to short swings to control the fore- has added to their X-factor. They Chattoo from New Delhi. Monday. Army Red had scored in
world champions, Li Junhui and world badminton currently. Most courts of Amalapuram. His believe in their attack against the court. “His earlier partners will enter the world top-10 this The team’s foreigner players the fourthminute of first-half
Liu Yuchen, in the final. of the times his smashes are hit smashes can cross 400kph, as the former world champions, who would create openings for him at week. The off-court warmth too is and the foreign members of the stoppage time through Liton Shil.
The trick to make the combina- with great power.” speed clock showed during the are very attacking. “The semi-fi- the net. Now he had to do that for obvious—Rankireddy calls coaching staff are in Kalyani, Prabir Das’s 88th minute penalty
tion tick was to change the role of It was an ability that had Premier Badminton League. nal was the toughest. I used to Satwik. Being a six-footer, more Shetty ‘mini-Google’ for keeping near Kolkata, said Chattoo. Scot helped ATK salvage a 1-1 draw in
one of them from finisher to play- brought Rankireddy to the fore in “That’s all I knew in badminton. admire their game when I was than a foot above the net, Chirag tab on what happens even in Dave Robertson is the team’s their opening match against
maker. That responsibility fell on the domestic circuit. I loved smashing,” says Rankir- young. They are strong in attack had to learn to crouch a lot to see Amalapuram. Indian badminton coach and his assistant Jimmy Indian Navy who had taken the
Shetty, two years senior to Ran- “We all thought it was special eddy. and our defence is not good. In the shuttle better and stay close to though will hope they stay hot Lindsay too is British. Robert- lead through Harikrishna AU’s
kireddy. in our badminton. Indians don’t “I used to go with my father for attack, we take points 80 per cent the net. He could make the heading into the Tokyo Olympics. son’s son Mason, 25, is a key 19th minute goal.

Government of Punjab
The Department of Pb. W/S & Sew. Board, Chandigarh, Executive Engineer, Pb. W/S
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Sr. Name of Work Period of Approx. Value

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Pre Bid Meeting for Package-I : 22.08.2019 at 11.00 AM in the

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Executive Engineer
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Design, Manufacturing, Supply and Delivery 13,00,000/- 10,000/- Six Months Plus
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Machines and Desilting Machines for the
2. Important dates of the RFB are as mentioned below:
1. SXFáÑXe¹F À½FFÀ±¹F d¸FVF³F IZY ´FÂF IiY¸FFaIY/E³FE¨FE¸F/E¨F.AFSX./2019/2019/6696, ·Fû´FF»F dQ³FFaIY 25.06.2019
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Grand Savanna, Raj Nagar Sudarshan Park New Delhi-110015 Enclave,Delhi-29,have lost my prop- Kargill Lane Park Jangpura B, ND-14, õXFSXF ¦FªFSXFSXFªFF d¨FdIY°ÀFF ¸FWXFd½FôF»F¹F, ¦½FFd»F¹FSX IZY Aa°F¦FÊ°F ¶FF»F E½Fa dVFVFb SXû¦F (EÀF.E³F.ÀFe.¹Fc.) E½Fa dVFVFb Submission of Bids
Extension, Ghaziabad (UP), have have changed my name to Sagar erty Document (The Perpetual Lease have lost my 10th P. certificate, Roll From To Technical Bid Financial Bid
changed my name from Ajay Kharbanda for all future purposes Deed dtd 16.08.1966) of above said No. 6433400 year 2009 and 12th P. SXû¦F VF»¹FdIiY¹FF BXIYFBÊX (AFSX.¶Fe.EÀF.IZY.) õXFSXF ÀFad½FQF AF²FFSX ´FSX ÀMXFGRY ³FÀFÊ/Aû.MXe. M`X¢³FedVF¹F³F E½Fa A³¹F 06.08.2019 20.08.2019 20.08.2019 21.08.2019 To be Intimated
Agrawal to Ajay Kumar Agrawal for address. Finder Call: 7291981056 certificate, Roll No.9721165 year 1100 hours 1700 hours 1700 hours 1500 hours Later
all future purposes. I HAVE changed my name after 2011. issued by CBSE. Anyone found ÀFa½F¦FÊ IZY ¸FF³F½F ÀFaÀFF²F³F IYe À½FeIÈYd°F ½F¿FÊ 2019-20 dSX¢°F ´FQûÔ IYe ´Fcd°FÊ WZX°Fb À½FeIÈYd°F IZY ´FF»F³F ¸FZÔ dQ³FFaIY
marriage from Deepa Rani to Deepa please Cont . 011-24373737. 10.08.2019 ÀFF¹Fa 05.30 ¶FªFZ °FIY IYe ÀFad½FQF AF²FFSX AF½FZQ³F ´FÂF AF¸FadÂF°F dIYE ªFF°FZ W`ÔXÜ CX´FSXû¢°F d½FÄFF´F³F IYe 3. For additional details and important dates visit website
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future purposes. Marksheet of Senior Secondary
residing at B-28/D, Street No.-2, 6226329 issued by CBSE is Lost.
Examination of year 2014 and Roll ´FSX CX´F»F¶²F W`XÜ ßFZ¯Fe½FFSX ´FQûÔ IYF d½F½FSX¯F d³F¸³FF³FbÀFFSX W`X:- only. Sd/-
Phase-1, Shiv Vihar, Karawal Nagar, I , Sonal Malhotra R/o E-136, Oriental Sumit Sharma BU-177, Pitam Pura
No. 9730542 and also Provisional Chief Executive Officer
Delhi-110094 declare that name of
Homes, Sushant Lok-3, Sec-57, Gur- Delhi 8585916999
Certificate of Senior Secondary
mine has been wrongly written as D-5962 Ludhiana Smart City Limited
gaon, HR-122011, have changed the issued by CBSE has been actually IYF ½F¦FeÊIYSX¯F:-
Manoj in my Caste Certificate No- LOST MY Chain of Title of
name of my minor son Kartik Kumar lost. Simran D/o Jagdish Kumar
SC/04/42/2317/27/6/2006/18451/12 Property Number G-48 Majnu
to Kartik Juneja for all purposes R/o WZ-81, Om Vihar, Phase-2, IiY. ´FQ³FF¸F IbY»F SXûÀMXSX A³FbÀFFSX ½F¦FeÊIYSX¯F
459 dated 20-08-2006. The actual Ka Tilla Civil lines Delhi-110054. Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-59
name of mine is Manoj Kumar which
may be amended accordingly
I, SAMADHAN S/o Namdev Arya
R/o J-1-554A, Gali No. 16, Sangam
Serial Number 323-324 Date :
13.03.1995. NCR is lodge on I, SAURAV Singh S/o Santosh 1. ÀMXFRY ³FÀFÊ
MiOistry of Corporate Affairs
Vihar, Deoli, Delhi-62 have changed 05.08.2019 in Police Station Kumar R/o B-1/1301, SRS Royal
I, HARISH Chander S/o. Sh. Ram
Chander, R/o. 2078, Katra Gokul
my name from Samadhan Arya to
Samadhan for all future purposes.
Crime Branch Delhi vide LR
Number : 1354668/2019.
Hills, Faridabad (HR), have lost
my 3 Receipts of Property DLF
(dQ½¹FFa¦F-01) (·Fc.ÀF`.-01) (dQ½¹FFa¦F-01) (IOdiaO IOstitute of Corporate Affairs)
Shah, Sita Ram Bazar, Delhi-110006 Founder informe at my Pad, Lucknow (UP) Receipt No. 2. AFG´FSmXVF³F d±FEMXSX MZ¢³FedVF¹F³F 04 02 01 01 -
have changed my name to Harish I RISHABH S/o Rajender Kumar, # 8010292006
Kumar. Harish Chander & Harish R/o H.No 38, Type 1,Sec A, President
CLK/CRB/00001/0316, CLK/00014/
0516 & CLK/CRB/0419/00017 ³FûMX:- SXFáÑXe¹F À½FFÀ±¹F d¸FVF³F ¸F²¹F´FiQZVF ·Fû´FF»F ÀFZ A³Fb¸FûQ³F CX´FSXFa°F WXe ÀFad½FQF d³F¹Fbd¢°F AFQZVF ªFFSXe dIYE ªFFEa¦FZÜ Applications are invited for filling up
Kumar names are one & same person Estate, Rashtrapati Bhawan Delhi I, PRIYA Jain w/o late Sh. A.K. Jain, while Travelling. Please inform if
I, RAHUL Mann son of Kuldeep
04 have changed my name to
Rishabh Srivastava for all purposes.
R/O B-1/1493, Vasant Kunj, N.D. 70 found on 8800196024 1. ÀFSX»F IiY¸FFaIY 01 ¸FZÔ ¸F²¹F´FiQZVF VFFÀF³F õXFSXF ªFFSXe AFSXÃF¯F d³F¹F¸FûÔ IYF ´FF»F³F dIY¹FF ªFFE¦FFÜ the following positions on Deputation/
have lost documents relating to the
Singh resident of H.No.1654 near
I , Sonal Malhotra Kumar D/o Sh. Ros- said property. Documents are DDA's MY ORIGINAL Adhar Card, 2. AF½FZQ³F ´FÂF SXdªFÀMXOÊX OXFIY/À´FeOX ´FûÀMX A±F½FF ½¹Fd¢°F¦F°F øY´F ÀFZ IYF¹FFÊ»F¹F Ad²FâXF°FF, ¦FªFSXFSXFªFF d¨FdIY°ÀFF Contract basis-
water tank, Alipur, Delhi-110036, allotment letter of 1990 to DR. Ravi One Cheque Book and One
declare that in all my official han Lal R/o E-136, Oriental Homes,
Gulati, allotment certificate dt. Signature Cheque and also ¸FWXFd½FôF»F¹F ¦½FFd»F¹FSX ¸F²¹F´FiQZVF IYe AF½FIY-ªFF½FIY VFF£FF ¸FZÔ ªF¸FF IYSXFE ªFF ÀFIY°FZ W`ÔXÜ
document like mark sheets, pan Sushant Lok-3, Sec-57, Gurgaon HR-
card, driving licence my father's 122011, have changed my name to
26/3/90, possession certificate dt
1/6/90, Agreement to sell dt 7/1/92,
Some my Property Papers and wills
has been lost . Sunil Kumar Bhalla 3. AF½FZQ³F ´FÂF IZY ÀFF±F A³FFSdÃF°F ½F¦FÊ IZY CX¸¸FeQ½FFSX SXFdVF ÷Y´FE 500/- (´FFa¨F ÀFü ÷Y´FE) E½Fa AFSXdÃF°F ½F¦FÊ SXFdVF ÷Y´FE i. Centre Head - Institutional Partnership
name has been wrongly entered as Sonal Malhotra for all purposes power of attorney dt 9/11/92 in S/o Lt Sh Prem Kumar Bhalla 250/- (Qû ÀFü ´F¨FFÀF ÷Y´FE) IYF dOX¸FFaOX OÑXFµMX ªFû dIY Ad²FâXF°FF, ¦FªFSXFSXFªFF d¨FdIY°ÀFF ¸FWXFd½FôF»F¹F ¦½FFd»F¹FSX
Kuldeep Singh Mann. His correct favour of Smt. Anupam Sinha. A R/o B-87, Anand Vihar, Delhi,
& Corporate Communication
name is Kuldeep Singh forever. police NCR no. 1303122/2019 dt. finder please contact
LOST & FOUND 23/7/19 has been lodged with Delhi 9910859606
I, RUHAANI Kaur D/o Sh. Jaspal police, crime branch. Any person (s)
´FSX CX¸¸FeQ½FFSX A´F³FF ³FF¸F, AF½FZdQ°F ´FQ IYF ³FF¸F, ´F°FF E½Fa ¸Fû¶FFBX»F ³F¸¶FSX ªFøYSX AadIY°F IYSmÔXÜ ii. Chair Professor - Reserve Bank of India
Singh DOB 06-02-2009, R/o IT IS Notified That my Original claiming any right, interest, having
C-703, Mahalaxmi Apartments, Qualification Certificate of Main an objection or found in possession of
Sector-2, Plot No. 4, Dwarka,
New Delhi-110075, have changed
Senior Secondary Examination Year original documents may write/
contact the above name person at
AF½FZdQ°F ´FQ IYF ³FF¸F ........................ AüSX ßFZ¯Fe IYF CX»»FZ£F Ad³F½FF¹FÊ øY´F ÀFZ IYSmÔXÜ dIYÀFe ·Fe dÀ±Fd°F ¸FZÔ d³F²FFÊdSX°F Details containing educational
2006 Roll No. 6228638 issued by
my name as Ruhaani Kaur Mahun
for all purposes.
CBSE is Lost. Neha Sharma BU-177,
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above add/ phone no. 9313283121
within 15 days of release of this Ad. qualifications, experience etc. required for
The person (s) claiming any right, ¸Fb£¹F IYF¹FÊ´FF»F³F Ad²FIYFSXe/Ad²FâXF°FF
I, SUNITA Devi W/o Late Sh. Ajay WE MOHAN Singh Sodhi /Hira Lal interest, objection with respect to ¦FªFSXFSXFªFF d¨FdIY°ÀFF ¸FWXFd½FôF»F¹F, ¦½FFd»F¹FSX aforementioned positions are available
Kumar R/o Vill. Bhurthala, Tehsil Have Lost Original Property Lease this property can personally inform
Kosli, Distt. Rewari (HR) have Deed of H.No.30/187-187A,Vikram or write DY. Director (lab) h or
Director (h)-D block 3rd floor, Vikas
¸F²¹F´FiQZVF on the website of the Institute at https://
changed my daughter's name from Vihar Lajpat Nagar-4, New Delhi- ´»FFdÀMXIY ÀFZ d°FSaa¦FZ IYF d³F¸FFʯF
Ansu Yadav to Anshu Yadav for all
future purposes.
110024. Finder's Cont.No. 9811463112
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20 sport hindustantimes HINDUSTAN TIMES, N EW D ELHI

Foreign athletes
for Inter-State
Kyrgios fights off
athletics meet spasms, takes title
HT Correspondent

LUCKNOW: For the first time,

around 30 foreign athletes will
compete in the National Inter-
27 to 30. The meet will be an
fying norm for the September
World Championships in Doha.
Ten athletes each from Iran,
Afghanistan and Bhutan are
expected after reportedly being
allowed by the Athletics Federa-
tion of India (AFI) to compete.
“Iranhasconfirmedparticipa- n Nick Kyrgios claimed his sixth career title. AFP
from Afghanistan and Bhutan is Agencies first top-30 appearance in 43
awaited as they are still waiting n weeks. “This has been one of the
for visas,” an AFI official said on greatest weeks of my life. I’ve
condition of anonymity on Mon- WASHINGTON: Shaking off back made massive strides,” Kyrgios
day.“Thequalityoftheeventwill spasms to blast 18 aces, Austra- said.
get upgraded with the participa- lia’s Nick Kyrgios kept his com- “This whole week has been
tion of foreign athletes, but their posure and captured the ATP amazing. It’s a week I won’t for-
performances would be counted WashingtonOpentitle,defeating get.”Knownforhisfierytemper-
separately,” he said. Russia’s10th-rankedDaniilMed- ament and inconsistency, Kyr-
It will be an opportunity to vedev 7-6 (8/6), 7-6 (7/4). gioswasresilientallweek,break-
qualify for the Doha meet, to be The 24-year-old Aussie, who ing racquets but holding his
n Luis Suarez volleyed home the winner in the 89th minute to help Barcelona beat Arsenal at Camp Nou on Sunday night. REUTERS PHOTO held from September 27 to Octo- struggled through the opening emotions together — “super
ber6.“Alotofathletesfromthese set,claimedthe$365,390topprize proud” of his composure.

Suarez sinks Arsenal in

three countries couldn’t make andhissixthcareerATPcrownat “In the past six months, it’s
theWorldC’ships(grade)sotheir the US Open tuneup event. crazy to think how much I’ve
federations decided to give them “This is probably my best beenabletoturnitaround,”Kyr-
another opportunity to do so in memoryofafinal,”Kyrgiossaid. gios said.
India,” said the official. So far, “I left it all on the court.” Kyr- “I’mworkinghardtobebetter
morethan15Indianathleteshave gios, 5-1 this year against top-10 as a player and a person.

pre-season friendly clash

qualified for Doha, but there are rivals, won his second title of the “I lost faith that I could still
many, including sprinter Hima season after Acapulco in March have weeks like this and be
Das, who are yet to achieve the andwilljump 25positionsto27th happy.I’vegotto thank(myfam-
qualifying mark. in Monday’s new rankings, his ily) for not losing faith.”

HOME COMFORT Catalan giants lay down the marker in Antoine Griezmann’s Camp Nou debut
Agencies was a privilege to reunite with MESSI OUT OF US TOUR which will keep me out of action MAGUIRE WITH MAN U
Japan raises toast to Shibuno
n our fans,” said Barcelona coach BarcelonaskipperMessiwillnot for a while,” the five-time Ballon MANCHESTER: Manchester United Agence France-Presse viously won a Major: Chako
Ernesto Valverde. traveltotheUnitedStatesforthe d’OrwinnerlaterpostedonInsta- have signed Leicester City’s n Higuchiatthe1977Women’sPGA
BARCELONA: LuisSuarez’slatevol- “I think we did well, but per- club’s pre-season tour after sus- gram. England centre-back Harry Championship.Socialmediawas
ley saw Barcelona to a 2-1 win in haps in the first half we lacked a taining a calf problem on his Barcelona are set to travel to Maguire on a six-year contract, TOKYO: JapanonMondayhaileda abuzz with congratulations for
the Joan Gamper Trophy bit of rhythm.” return to training from a close theUSlateronMonday,withtwo the Manchester club announced fairytale finish for Hinako Shib- the 20-year-old Shibuno, who
friendly in front of a bumper BarcaareaimingforEuropean season break, the La Liga cham- friendly matches scheduled on Monday. uno, the 20-year-old golf sensa- only turned pro last year.
crowdat the CampNou,as Anto- glory this campaign after suffer- pions said on Monday. against Italian Serie A side Financial details of the deal tion known as ‘Smiling Cinder- “A star is born!” tweeted one
ine Griezmann made his home ing Champions League humilia- TheArgentineforwardexperi- Napoli on Aug. 7 (Miami) and 10 were not disclosed but British ella’ who was crowned the sur- Japanese user. “A historic
debut following his big money tionsagainstRomaandLiverpool enced discomfort in his right leg (Michigan). media reported the transfer fee prisewinnerattheBritishOpen. achievement,” another wrote.
move from Atletico Madrid. the last two seasons. during Monday’s training ses- Messi was banned from inter- was in the region of £80 million “Shedidit!”saidTVpresenter On Japanese television,Higu-
Suarez flashed home Sergi Before the match captain sion andtestsconfirmed that the national duty for three months ($97.30million),makingMaguire TomoakiOguraafterShibuno,in chi said Shibuno looked as
Roberto’s lofted pass in the 89th Lionel Messi addressed those 32-year-old had suffered a grade and fined $50,000 after levelling the most expensive defender in her debut tournament overseas, “relaxed”asifshewereplayingin
minute in front of nearly 99,000 defeats—whichsawBarcathrow onecalfstrain,forcinghimoutof accusations of “corruption” at theworld.Thefeeeclipsesthe£75 becameJapan’sfirst Major-win- n Hinako Shibuno. Japan.
people, who packed the stands to away comfortable first-leg leads the tour. South American soccer chiefs million Liverpool paid South- ner in 42 years. “She is a new kind of player,”
seenewsigningsGriezmannand before being dumped out—in a “Messi will remain in Barce- during last month’s Copa Amer- amptonforVirgilvanDijkinJan- “Who expected she could do topping news items. the Daily Sports newspaper
FrenckieDeJong,withhisstrike speech to the crowd. lona... his availability to come ica. He was sent off against Chile uary last year. “Manchester thismuchinherfirstcompetition Thestorybroketoolateforthe quoted Higuchi as saying.
andAinsleyMaitland-Niles’com- HoweverMessididn’ttakethe back to action will be dictated by in the third-place playoff and Unitedisdelightedtoconfirmthe abroad,aMajorchampionship?” front pages of Japan’s newspa- Shibuno hit a gutsy 18-foot
ical own goal cancelling out field and it was left to his long- hisrecovery,”Barcelonasaidina laterallegedthatthetournament signing of Harry Maguire from he said in his morning show on a pers, but was splashed across birdieputtatthefinalholetoseal
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang’s time strike partner rather than statement on their website. had been fixed in favour of hosts Leicester City. Harry signs on a private TV network. their websites. victory at Woburn on Sunday,
fine first half opener. the new boys to see off the Gun- “I wanted to get started and Brazil,whodefeatedArgentinain six-yearcontract,withtheoption Shibuno’s win at her first Despitethehugepopularityof finishing with a 68 and 18-under-
“It was an entertaining game, nersaftera powerful secondhalf unfortunately I had a mishap thesemi-finalon theirwayto the to extend for a further year,” Majordominatedmorningtelevi- golf in Japan, only one Japanese par as she beatAmerican Lizette
the atmosphere was great and it display. during the first training session title. United said in a statement. sion shows in Japan on Monday, player--maleorfemale--hadpre- Salas by a single stroke.



ht pace news ht expressions ht potpouri
→p02 →p05


› My favourite
gadget is my
It has infrared
Milky Way is
warped and
twisted, not
GADGETS THAT sensors. With
this, I can run my flat: Study
remotes. Besides
this, it works as


WASHINGTON: Astronomers

a fitness tracker have created the most precise
map to date of the Milky Way by
Music has been among the best which helps me tracking thousands of big pulsat-

IT'S TRENDING Technology has stress-busters and it is the same for me. in maintaining ing stars spread throughout the
galaxy, demonstrating that its
Songs have always lifted my spirits in all good health.
entered all phases of life at a very fast times but remaining stuck at a single place NEIL KHANDELWAL,
disk of myriad stars is not flat
but dramatically warped and
Class 7 E, Rukmini Devi
pace. Gen Y is well informed, thanks to listen to music was just so annoying Public School, Pitampura
twisted in shape.
The researchers on Thursday
for me! To overcome this, Bluetooth
to the internet and smartphones. Here headphones have been my saviours
unveiled a three-dimensional
map of the Milky Way — home

is what students revealed to Nida Afrin because they empower me to move to more than 100 billion stars
including our sun — providing a

about their favourite gadgets. around freely without getting restricted comprehensive chart of its struc-
ture: a stellar disk comprised of
by wires while enjoying my favourite four major spiral arms and a bar-
songs. Moreover, its noise isolation shaped core region.
"For the first time, our whole
technique transports us to a world galaxy — from edge to edge of
of fantasy without any disturbances the disk — was mapped using
from the real world. real, precise distances," said
University of Warsaw astrono-
CHHAVI RANA, Class 10 A, Delhi Public School, Rohini mer Andrzej Udalski, co-author
of the study published in the
journal Science.

› ›
Until now, the understanding
Gadgets make our life easier of the galaxy's shape had been
and more comfortable. My Amazon's voice assistant called Alexa, that based upon indirect measure-

favourite gadget is the Xbox can listen to you and respond with answers ments of celestial landmarks
within the Milky Way and infer-
which lets me play games and to questions, remind you of many things and ences from structures observed

watch TV directly. This means makes life much easier. Instead of listening with in other galaxies populating the
universe. The map was formu-
I can play a game and cut headphones connected to your phone, ask Alexa lated using measurements of the

straight to television any time I to read to you. And it can pull up any book from distance from the sun to 2,400
stars called Cepheid variables
want, while still receiving Xbox your audible library or read books from your scattered throughout the galaxy.

notifications. Kindle. It can also make calls from your contact "Cepheids are ideal to study
the Milky Way for several
list, set the alarm and play songs. reasons," added University of
Class 9, Tagore International School, Vasant Vihar SHRUTI, Class 10, Rashtriya Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya, Rohini, Sector-21 Warsaw astronomer and study
co-author Dorota Skowron.
"Cepheid variables are bright
supergiant stars and they are

› ›
100 to 10,000 times more lumi-
For comfortable reading The tablet not only plays an nous than the sun, so we can
detect them on the outskirts of
Kindle is the best instrumental role in my life by storing our galaxy. They are relatively
gadget. In today's world of notes, tutorials but alsoo serves as my young so w we can find them near
their biirthplaces."
multitasking and devices window of communicaation to The astronomers
with seemingly endless the world. From e-maills ttracked the Cepheids
uusing the Warsaw
capabilities, Kindle does just to chats and Net to Telescope located in
one thing but performs it games, this small tthe Chilean Andes.
great. It also has access to and travel-friendly the
The map showed that
e galaxy's disk, far
thousands of books. gadget has all. from flat,
f is significantly
TANVI DUA, Class 7, NK Bagrodia Public School, AAKANKSHA,Class 10, Government warped an nd varies in thickness
Rohini, Sector-9 Girls Senior Secondary School, Sirasp
pur from place tto place, with increas-
ing thickne ess measured further
from the ga alactic centre.



02 htpacenews hindustan times

Laughter day
Cookery test


TOP WUSHU TRAINING l Ahlcon Public School,
Mayur Vihar, organised
an inter-house cookery
competition under an
International School
l It was time for merriment for The school corridors echoed Award activity to test
all when The Modern School, with the laughter of children. the culinary skills of
Kundli, recently celebrated The students were told about students. The judges were
Laughter Day. On that occasion, the importance of laughter in Himanshu, interning at
the school conducted a special stress-filled times. The students Hotel Clarks as chef;
assembly on the significance took part in fun-filled activities Gautam Sharma, hotel
of the day. The students were like making smiley cards, smiley management student at
made aware of the fact that balls and smiley wands. They IP University; and Seema
laughter changes moods and had smiles on their faces wher- Soni.
generates positive emotions. ever they went.

Installation ceremony
l Guru Tegh Bahadur 3rd
Centenary Public School,
Mansarover Garden, held an
installation ceremony to hand
over responsibilities to the
new office bearers. The func-
tion was graced by several
eminent Rotarians including
Dr Tejinder Singh, former presi-
dent of the Rotary Club of Delhi
Sakshi Rawat, a Class 9 student of DAV Public School, Jasola Safdargang, president Poonam
Vihar, took part in Wushu training provided by the Chinese Kunyu Juneja, Kuldeep Bajaj, Chanchal
Bhatia, Pusplata Kumar and Janvi, former vice-president of ing trust in her. Thereafter, the
Mountain Traditional Shaolin Martial Arts Academy for students Asha Sharma. The function Interact Club, gave an account installation ceremony started
of 24 countries including Germany and the USA. International began with the national anthem. of the club’s activities and with the exchange of collars,
learning methodologies are opening new avenues for students in It was followed by a welcome achievements. Newly-installed presentation of badges and oath
physical education. Sakshi was trained by the Shaolin 34th genera- speech. Junior school principal president Rasmeet Kaur prom- taking ceremony. Members of
tion martial artist Master Shi Yan Bo in the Yantai Centre of the Manbeen Kaur welcomed the ised to work with zeal. She Interact Club pledged to do their
guests and presented saplings. thanked the teachers for plac- best to serve the club.
Academy for one month. Principal Dr VK Barthwal appreciated
the efforts put in by Sakshi and encouraged students to explore
new opportunities. Boxing c’ship gold
International Yoga Day

Red Cross Day on the need for self-analysis.

Physical education department
Tell-a-tale game
lBalvant Ray Mehta Vidya head Priyadarshan Tripathi l Holy Child Sr Sec School,
Bhawan, Lajpat Nagar, cel- spoke about the obligations Tagore Garden, organised a
ebrated Red Cross Day to of student leaders. tell-a-tale competition on the
inculcate humane values in theme of world festivals. Since
students. The school organised time immemorial, storytell-
a slogan writing competition to Health check-up ing has been a crucial part of
highlight the relevance of the l Abhinav Public School, everyone’s childhood. It gives
day. Students delivered speech- Rohini, organised a health wings to our imagination and
es on the qualities required in check-up camp. A team of takes us to places such as drag- l Students, faculty and other staff of ASN Senior Secondary l It is rightly said, “Work hard
a good human being. In his medical experts and doctors on world, fairy land and the School, Mayur Vihar celebrated the International Yoga Day. now and live the rest of your life
address, principal Mukesh conducted the check-ups which land of unicorns. It is impor- The day began with the chanting of the Gayatri mantra. as a champion.” Exemplifying
Chand urged everyone above covered different aspects of tant to know the stories behind Principal Swarnima Luthra, the yoga teacher and students this saying, Arya Pandit, a grade
18 to donate blood. He appreci- health, particularly dental festivals celebrated across the performed asanas in the lawns of the school. The school 8 student of Manav Rachna
ated the efforts of the students problems. Students were globe. The competition, titled principal shared her personal experiences of practising yoga. International School (MRIS),
and their mentors. issued a health check-up report Shimmery Lights, was part of She said yoga not only leads to a healthy body and mind but Sector 46, Gurugram, won the
card. School manager Subhash a British Council International also brings about the power of concentration. gold medal in the 14th Haryana
Bansal advised students to be School Award activity. State Boxing Championship.
Leadership meet aware of health guidelines. The competition was held
l GLT Saraswati Bal Mandir
School, Nehru Nagar, con- Investiture Reading, speaking workshop at Tau Devi Lal Stadium,
Gurugram recently. Arya took
ducted a Class Leadership POCSO workshop l The Indian Heights School, l Resource person Alka Rai part in the under-14 age group
Workshop for monitors of l International master train- Sector 23, Dwarka, organised conducted a workshop on in the 46-48 kg category.
Classes 6 to 12. In her address er on Protection of Children an investiture ceremony to Phonological Awareness of She won the title by defeating
principal Bela Mishra stressed from Sexual Offences (POCSO) hand over responsibilities to Reading and Speaking Skills Monika from Bhiwani district.
on the need for self- confidence, Mahak Sharma conducted a the student councils of the at Sam International School, She had taken the lead in the
courage, understanding and session for staff at Cambridge primary and senior wings. Dwarka. She used storytelling first bout itself and as they say
intelligence and gave the exam- International DAV Public As school principal Archana as a tool for teaching. the rest is history. She said, “If
ples of Dhirubhai Ambani and School, Pushpanjali Enclave. Narain pinned the badges, the Phonetics is defined as the you work hard in training, the
Bill Gates. Then a few games Sharma discussed amend- student council members stood branch of linguistics that deals fight is easy.”
were organised to develop ments to strengthen the POCSO smartly in their uniforms and with the sounds of speech and She gave credit to her men-
team spirit. Vice-principal Ritu Act and punishments for other their faces brimmed with con- their production, combination, tor Saroj Sharma for her fitness
Sood narrated stories with the crimes against those below 18 fidence. In her address, Narain description and representa- regime and rigorous training.
messages of strength in unity years of age. Principal Rashmi emphasised on the need to be tion by written symbols. In the In the second half, Rai stressed MRIS congratulated the young
and not giving up. She also Raj Biswal said all need to be strong and persistent to chase first half of the workshop, she on techniques like dramatisa- achiever and her mentor.
gave the examples of Swami more observant of the behav- one’s goals and dreams. The explained to teachers the cause tion, voice modulation and The gold medal was the out-
Vivekananda, Prime Minister iour of students in class, notice students of the primary and of mispronunciation like prob- expression which help in mak- come of regular practice put in
Narendra Modi and cricketer gestures, report and discuss senior wings took oaths to able misdirection of tongue and ing story telling effective for by Arya and guidance by her
MS Dhoni. She emphasised with their seniors. . serve the school with dignity, the need to correct it promptly. students in a classroom. mentor.



hindustan times
htpacenews 03

Fancy dress competition

Visit by foreign delegates

lA delegation of eight eminent educators from

abroad and three from India visited Jain Bharati
Mrigavati Vidyalaya, GTK Road to explore aca-
demic partnership opportunities. The team
was impressed by the way in which the school
inculcated the values of non-violence and peace.
Vidyalaya principal Anupma Bhardwaj and
students welcomed the guests with tilak and
garlands. They were also presented paintings
made by students.
The teachers observed the classrooms and
l The students of Arwachin Verma. The students came up smartly was a treat. The judg- encouragement and efforts. infrastructure. The guests had a fruitful interac-
International School, Dilshad dressed on the theme given es applauded the participants The school staff chose the tion with the Vidyalaya faculty, presided over
Garden, took part in a fancy to them: Best Out of Waste. and congratulated the chil- theme Best Out of Waste for by Vidyalaya co-chairman DK Jain.
dress competition with all They introduced themselves dren for their efforts. Principal the competition to make every- It was a wonderful platform for sharing
enthusiasm. and also spoke a few sentences Swapna Nair gave away the one think over ways to combat creative ideas. A PowerPoint presentation
The judges were Natasha about what they represented. prizes. The school thanked pollution caused by plastic and highlighted the best practices at the Vidyalaya.
Sharma, Soma Das and Bhawna Watching the students dressed the parents for their support, other materials. The visiting delegation got an idea of the
strengths of the Vidyalaya and they explored
possibiliites of joint action in the the near

Training Inter-house contest future. Both the teams had rounds of discus-
sions to explore partnerships which they could
forge in future.
l Mother’s Dreamland
Junior High School,
Ghaziabad, hosted a
self-defence training pro-
GK Quiz
gramme conducted by the
UP police department.
The aim of the pro-
gramme was to boost
the self-confidence level
of students and equip
them to fight unexpected
physical attacks, molesta-
tion bids and other such

l The Lawrence Public School, The event included competi- news reading, debate, storytell-
Janakpuri, organised several tions such as calligraphy, con- ing and writing, peer education,
competitions to facilitate the sonants and vowel words, object advertisement presentation,
intellectual, emotional, social, description, our helpers, Spell classical dance, yoga, chess and
moral and aesthetic develop- Bee, declamation, and poem badminton competitions were
ments of students. recitation. In addition, tell a tale, also organised.

l Convent of Jesus and Mary, Bangla Sahib

Grandparents' Day Road, conducted an Inter-House GK Quiz for stu-
dents. As the United Nations has declared 2019
l Grandparents are a family’s as the year of indigenous languages, the theme
greatest treasure, the founders of the quiz was the same. The quiz mistress was
of a loving legacy, the greatest Sonia Bareja, a teacher trainer, parent, student
storytellers, and the keepers of counsellor and story teller. The quiz explored
traditions. DAV Public School India’s heritage of 22 major languages written
NTPC, Faridabad, celebrated the in 13 different scripts, with over 720 dialects.
Aashirwad Diwas to lay emphsis In the middle school round, the students
on the bond between children had to identify the scripts inscribed on
and their grandparents. A India’s famous monuments and temples,
hawan (religious ceremony) was the languages/scripts used to write some
also performed on that occasion. famous books across the country. In the
Students thanked the grand- next round, the students had to identify the
parents for their love and sup- original language of some Bollywood music.
port. The special day was filled In the senior school round, the students
with dance and song perform- were quizzed on the impact Indian lan-
ances by children. After some guages have had on foreign languages.
fun-filled performances, grand- Thereafter, the students were asked questions
parents and children played based on India’s Constitution and languages.
games. Principal Alka Arora The students also had to identify famous region-
praised the performances of al authors based on the language they wrote in.
the children. The success of More questions related to languages were asked
the event was evident from the in the final round for the middle and senior
smiles on the faces of the grand- school. The winners were House Endeavour.



04 htexpressions hindustan times

lStudy makes us polite, es of crisis. We should take study as a
It also gives freedom like Study gives knowledge a lot, fun,
a kite. And it'll be with us like a Because it makes us a lot to
Study makes us smart, knot. learn
It can't be bought from a Study brings a little fear, Teachers have faith on us,

THE NIGHT'S RING shopping mart.

Study gives knowledge a lot,
And it'll be with us like a
If you do hard, it never
brings a tear.
Study makes us much
It not only depends on
people's trust.
Study gives knowledge a lot,
And it'll be with us like
Standing alone in the dark Study gives us a lot of Fame, So, that we can have life a knot
He shines and laughs and cries It is not more than a game. colourful
Reciting his anecdotes to the Study gives a bunch of Study gives knowledge a lot, SHREYAS HARSH, Class
Lovers lost in the night's demise analysis, And it'll be with us like a 8C,Bharti Public School,
It only decreases the chanc- knot. Swasthya Vihar
The city lights too dim
To steal the glamour from him
Yes, the Moon is one
For earth and for us
But, this is the Moon of Delhi
Who has got no stars as his ally?
Just, a few Smokey clouds
Struck on it, like cavities in mouth.
He found his home in couplets
and songs
But something went wrong
The dark sky got jealous of
the Moon
Sent the gales of darkness
To the florescence that
was immune.
But the charm of the Moon,
stood still
Not even his beard twitch
Insolent, the Moon
Shone in the storm
Darkness eloped like a worm
The sky, asked the Moon
To reveal his secrets
The mysteries, the regrets ILLUSTRATION: MOHIT SUNEJA
Smiled the moon, played his flute
Heard by many, listened by some
Secrets too enchanted to Please! Stop Cinderella couldn’t get
be revealed l I am tired of being patient, l Once upon a time Cinderella had left her glass
What more could he Can't bare it anymore, When the world had no mur- shoe behind
Just want to have at least der or crime Cinderella ran home because
have concealed? some peace, There lived a father of a her mom and sisters would
He shone like crystals in the sky Wish I could lay by the shore. sweet girl return anytime
Like a ring on the little black At every single point, The girl was so sweet and kind The prince didn’t want to lose
girl's hands Someone or the other, so delicate likes a pearl her
Worn-out, dark but beautiful hands. Brings back my insecurities, But then the father married So he sent his guards
Why can't they just be like my her everywhere to find her
mother? A woman with two daughters The shoe will only fit her
CHANCHAL BAGLA, Class 12B, I think being short is alright, And the poor father died And the mother and daugh-
Sachdeva Public School, Pitampura I wonder why they do this. The girl all night cried ters had no clue that the
Who gave them the right? She bared to be with her evil beautiful princess was her
To make fun of anyone's stepmother The prince arrived at their
height She adjusted with her two evil home
I feel everyone's pretty, sisters Cinderella finally knew that
Some from inside too, but all They named her Cinderella she was not alone
from out after an awful thing The shoe fit Cinderella
Please don’t tell someone But Cinderella never gave up perfectly
they're ugly, and to cheer her mind she use They bid goodbye and the
ILLUSTRATION: MOHIT SUNEJA You know what, keep telling, to sing prince and princess lived
no one's really goanna doubt. The town was invited to a happily.
Some say am too skinny. fabulous ball
Some say am getting fatter. So that the prince would meet ZAHRA SHIRPURWALA, Class 6,
Why can't you mind your own someone and in love he Tagore International School
business? would fall
What is the matter? Cinderella has chores to do so
Maybe I am sensitive, she couldn’t come A girl child is
I believe it’s ok to be, And the evil stepmother want-
We all have different ed her daughter to marry the God's gift
personalities, prince who was handsome l Girls are treasure to
And mine, looks good to me. Cinderella cried so much one's family,
Stop ranting about my pimples, Wondering when she would be Girls give moral strength to
To me they are fine, loved so much the family.
Please don't tell me I'm annoying, But fairy godmother was here Girls are the future of
Because 'being myself' is not And she wanted her child to every nation
a crime. go there Girls need a little amount
If you don't like me, She gave her glass shoes and of care,
Just don't talk to me, dressed her up A handful of love,
I don't care about you, She told her that by twelve Education to girls,
And you shouldn't about you have to wrap up Will lift the family,
me too. Then Cinderella and the Let the girls also be,
prince met Smiling and happy.
JIGYASA TAKKAR, Class 10 B, But then it soon became
GD Goenka Public School, twelve with the prince RAJ KAMAL, Class 9 F, Kendriya
Paschim Vihar Cinderella enough time Vidyalaya, Tughlakabad



hindustan times
htexpressions 05

Coping with And does the world care?
It doesn't seem to notice.
mental Illness and But you've transformed into a
Here are the best entries of this week
Entries have been judged by
MALAY KARMAKAR, senior art director, HT
depression maverick,
That only thing deeply wor-
l Hope is what you need thy,
when you're stuck in between, Can make your mind flick
Hope is what you need when Yet the euphoria of being,
you are unheard and unseen Is replaced by the fear of
It's dark right now, fading?
But light is just ahead, It fades slowly, the heavenly
You may feel lost for some feeling, leaving wanderlust,
time, fairy dust behind,

1 2
But you aren't mislead Which however forgotten, will
And when you find the light, remain forever alive in your
Let it penetrate your heart, mind,
Don't be afraid That for this experience,
If it's a new start
And if you fail to seek hope,
If you had to die another day,
For you it would clear,
Liesha Pratyush
Then you will find it from Just another thing in its way Gupta Sinha
within You realize, that this was
Because believe it or not, bound to happen, Class 9, Ryan Class 8, Indus
You are stronger than you This was force of life. International Valley Public
think. This feeling was always
within you, School, Rohini School, Noida
SMRITI, Class11 B, Rukmini Devi No matter to end it, how much
Public School, Pitampura you'd thrive.
It has touched your heart,
How magic hits Filled an abyss CONSOLATION PRIZES
And you'll forever reminisce
l It comes slowly, this feeling,
Creeping out of the blue, Of infinite bliss.
Magic, glitter,
A fragment of a glamorous APRAAJITA SHARMA,
hue, Class 8B, Mother's Global
And slowly is force added, School, Preet Vihar
The outside world is faded,
And with a snap does the
world come to life
And as words pluck your EXPRESS YOURSELF!
heartstrings, Do you love drawing ideas,
Time is barely on your side. painting poetry, dreaming
And yet every stop, every up stories, recollecting
motion is yours, incidents and penning
You are the master of pitch them down to express
of sound, yourself? Well then, the
You travel through waste- place for you is here. Send
Arohi Anand Nehal Srivastava Prachi Singhal
lands, you embrace sunrays,
And pick life along the way.
Every part of you,
Grows in tiny numbers,
us your poems, stories,
thoughts, ideas, and crea-
tive expressions. We will
give them due space on
3 Class 5, Adarsh Public
School, Bali Nagar
Class 6A, Lotus Valley
Int'l School, Noida Ext
Class 9C, Amrita
Striving for a fire, this page. Selected entries
Bearing magical embers shall be featured in Inks-
And it has come, the moment, pot. So let your creative
Send in your entries to HT PACE, HT Media Ltd, Basement, B-1, Near
To break out of this world, juices flow and write to Sector-15 Metro Station, Sector-2, Noida, District Gautam Budh Nagar,
turn it round us at HT PACE, HT Media Uttar Pradesh-201301, Contact No. 0120-4038401/0120-4038404:
To fly with pitch, Ltd, Basement, B-1, Near email: and
To merry with sound Sector-15 Metro Station,
Everything stops, yet in such
Sector-2, Noida, District
Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar
Rules and Regulations
n Please do not send painting bigger or smaller than 8x12 inches (1/4 size of a
It fills your eyes, the horizon. Pradesh-201301 or email to: cartridge sheet). Paintings not adhering to the standard size shall be disqualified.
And waves travel, of sound, n Please do not send us painting that are copied from greeting cards etc.
of remembrance, and hindustantimespace@ n Entries should have a title of painting, name, class and school of the
And how lost you are, participant.
So away, keen in coincidence

Calling all children to

articles, drawings, views
and reports.
Since climate change was dis- contributing to this problem
covered 30 years ago, things OUR SIMPLE ACTIONS the more we will realize what Your contributions will
have worsened at an unprece- LIKE BUYING AN we should do and we shouldn’t. be displayed on your
dented level. Over 1 million ani- The change is telling us platform, HT Expres-
mal species are under threat,
ELECTRIC CAR, that our planet’s end is not sions.
heatwaves are becoming severe SWITCHING TO A VEGAN very far and all we have got The page is EXCLUSIVELY
every day and storms are caus-
ing widespread devastations.
DIET CAN MAKE A HUGE is the present and no matter
how many times we look at it
for you and by you.
To mitigate this some have DIFFERENCE through a different spectrum, Any suggestions for this
started on vegan diet as it not none of the facts going to page?
only keeps one healthy but also ple refuse to believe that the change. Our simple actions like
reduces the amount of meth- climate is changing and it’s buying an electric car, switch- Send them to
ane in the atmosphere and thus for real. ing to a vegan diet or even as hindustantimespace
reducing global warming. We tend to overlook the simple as switching off excess
But there are several other fact that we are the ones who light bulbs can make a huge
ways humans are contributing have started this change. Just difference. delhipace98
to this dissenting global phe- because some of us are well-off What may now seem impos-
nomenon. For example a typical to tolerate the change it does sible to deal with will soon
passenger vehicle emits about not make us impervious to its become possible if together we
4.6 metric tons of carbon diox- effects. become a part of the solution.
ide a year. But has that stopped Climate change is happen-
us from using cars? ing and we are causing it. The ALISHA MEHRA, Class 10 C,
This is because some peo- more we learn about all that is Father Agnel School, Noida



06 htpotpourri NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, 0 6 AUGUST, 2019
hindustan times



1 Starting at the point as per the arrow
marked, and moving clockwise, find one
Contest No. 589 way by which, if you insert all the four
1. Name the Indian boxer arithmetical signs — two of them twice
who received a gold medal
at the President’s Cup in — in the blank squares and carry out all
Indonesia last week. the operations in sequence to obtain the
2. Name the wildlife show in answer given.
which PM Narendra Modi is
set to make an appearance.
3. What is the new estimate
of the number of tigers in
India according to the 2018
All India Tiger Estimation
1 3 4
4. Which Indian city was
recently ranked the best
student city in the country?
5. Where have scientists
found the fossils of the
smallest monkey?
3 = 1
Picture Questions
1 Identify the bird species
which is nearing extinc-
tion due to high voltage
power lines.
9 2 6
Identify the siblings
2 who recently won the Solution : 9 x 1 / 3 x 4 / 6 + 2 - 3 = 1
doubles title at the Start
Washington Open.

Answers of HT PACE Challenge no. 588 Winners of Enigma code

1. Miratowa and Someity Contest No. 588 Rules & Each colour in our code represents a letter.
are the two robots which First Prize
Regulations When you have cracked the code you will
1. The competition is open to
will play a key role in the Manav Gupta, Class 8, the students of Classes 4 to 12
be able to make up seven words. The clue
2020 Tokyo Olympics. Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan from PACE member schools,
during the academic year
to first word is given to help you get
2. The launch vehicle Mehta Vidyalaya, KG Marg 2019-20. started.
GSLV Mark-III carried Second Prize 2. Entries must be sent on a
Chandrayaan-2 on July 22. separate sheet of paper with The Clue: Paradise
Garima, Class 6, Ganga all questions answered and
3. The story of the Ashes International School, Sawda the slogan completed.
3. Each entry must clearly
began in the year 1882. Third Prize state the contest number,
Gyan Kaur, Class 12, your name, age, address,
4. South Korean footballer
Son Heung-Min has been
Picture story Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya, phone number, class, section,
school name and address.
Ramesh Nagar 4. All entries must reach the
called Asia’s Beckham. 1. The world’s smallest
address given in the box
rhinos can be found in below by August 9, 2019.
5. Priti Patel is the Consolation Prize
Sumatra, Indonesia. 5. Organisers shall not be res-
Indian origin woman Bhargavi Chakraborty,
ponsible for lost, damaged,
who has been appointed 2. Brown bears were seen Class 7, Kendriya illegible or mislaid entries.
United Kingdom’s home eating ice-covered fruits at Vidyalaya, 6. Proof of posting shall not
secretary. a Swiss zoo. Keshavpuram (Evening) be taken as proof of delivery
of an entry.
7. Organisers’ decision in
all matters regarding the
contest shall be final.
Slogan in not more than 10 words, Upcycling is... 8. Winners must carry a form
of identification at the time
of collecting prize from HT
PACE office.
9. The prize must be
collected within a month
of the result.

Send in your entries to

HT PACE, HT Media Ltd,
Basement, B-1, Near Sector-15
Metro Station, Sector-2, Noida,
District Gautam Budh Nagar,
Uttar Pradesh-201301,
or send an email to
Contact nos. 0120-4038401/
Answer the questions correctly, complete the slogan and win exciting prizes! 0120-4038404



hindustan times
htpotpourri 07



n The Plain of Jars, Laos serves as the most prominent evidence of the
Iron Age civilisation which made and used these jars. WIKIPEDIA


Located on the hill slopes and be between 500 BC and 500 AD,
spurs surrounding the central and possibly up to as late as 800
plateau in Laos, this megalithic AD. The jars and the associated
archaeological site gets its name archaeological features provide
from the more than 2,100 tubu- evidence of the ancient cultural
lar-shaped megalithic stone jars practices of this civilisation,
used for funerary practices in including the social hierarchies
the Iron Age. It contains 15 com- of the time.
ponents including large carved The Plain of Jars is located at
stone jars, stone discs (possibly an historical crossroads between
lids for the jars), secondary two major cultural systems of
burials, tombstones, quarries, Iron Age Southeast Asia – the
grave markers, and other funer- Mun-Mekong system and the Red
WHAT’S COOKING ary objects. River/Gulf of Tonkin system.
The jars are large, well-crafted, The area on which it is located
Do you like to cook tasty
and required technological skills facilitated movement throughout
recipes? If yes, send us
Crispy Corn Balls innovative, simple and easy- to produce and move from the
quarry locations to the funerary
the region, and enabled trade and
cultural exchange. The existence
to-make recipes that can be
INGREDIENTS ginger garlic paste, red chilli pow- n Meanwhile, take the dry mix-
made quickly. The best sites. Ranging from 3 to 10 feet in of similar jar clusters in other
n 1 cup boiled and mashed der and coriander. ture and divide it into equal por- entry will be featured in this height, these stone structures parts of Asia has led many
n Add cheese,cornstarch, salt, tions. Use your hands to roll the column every week. Hurry, are mostly made of sedimentary researchers to believe that the
n ½ tsp lemon juice pepper and lemon juice. Mix well mixture into small balls. send in your entry now, rocks and each can weigh up to jars were part of large overland
n ½ tsp ginger-garlic paste using two wooden spoons or n Dip corn balls into flour batter along with your full name, 12,700 kilograms. trade routes.The site was heavily
with your hands. and coat. Fry until golden brown. school’s name and address
n ½ tsp red chilli powder Many researchers have theo- bombed during the Secret War
n In a separate bowl, mix one n Take out and put on a plate
with a contact number.
n 2 tbsp grated mozzarella
Happy cooking! You can rised that the jars may have of 1960s, and several unexploded
n 1 tbsp crushed coriander spoon of water with covered with tissue paper, write to us at once served as funeral urns or bombs remain on the site till
n Salt and pepper to taste the flour. Keep which will soak the and for storing food. The property date, and have caused injuries
n ½ cup gram/wheat flour adding water, one extra oil. Serve myfirstnewspaper@gmail. serves as the most prominent evi- in the recent past.
1 tbsp cornstarch spoon at a time, with ketchup. com or HT School Times, dence of the Iron Age civilisation It received the Unesco World
n ½ cup water until you get a HT-PACE, Basement, B-1, which made and used these jars Heritage status last month, and
n Oil for frying desired consist- Near Sector-15 Metro and the associated elements until clearing the remaining bomb
Class 7 D, Station, Sector-2, Noida,
ency. Sneh International it disappeared around 500 AD. hazards is a top priority for the
n Heat oil in a
District Gautam Budh Nagar,
METHOD School, Preet Vihar, UP-201301. Contact No. 0120- Besides these jars, very little government of Laos, so that the
n In a bowl, take the sweet corn, pan. New Delhi 4038401/ 0120-4038404 is known about this civiliza- jars can be further studied and
tion. Historians date the site to developed for tourism.


8 Donkey, jackass or Bunny Envelope Carpe Diem

burrow (3)
Wrap up a greeting card or a rakhi for your sibling in this cute bunny-like envelope. The phrase, originally in Latin,
10 Organ of sight (3) means ‘seize the day’ when
12 ''Apollo 13,'' e.g. (9) What you need: translated to English. The literal
n Three A4 sized sheets in Pink, translation, however, comes out
14 Future stallion (4)
Black and White colours differently. The word 'Carpe'
15 Brown, white or black n Ruler literally means 'pluck', and has
animal (4) n Pencil and eraser, a particular reference to the
DOWN : n Gluestick/Fevicol plucking of fruit. Linguistic
2 "A" in IAF ? (3) n Scissors experts suggest that a more
4 Concur, correspond
(5) What you need to do: accurate rendition of the phrase
5 Fear, dread or wonder n Cut the pink sheet in half. On is, 'pluck the day when it is
(3) one half draw lines using the ripe'. The extended version of
6 ___ off : gets the race ruler to make the rectangle into a this phrase - 'carpe diem, quam
going ? (5) rhombus from the edges. minimum credula postero' –
7 ___ away : abolish n Using a ruler, mark a center of meeting point, leaving the top n For the moustache cut out six literally translates as 'pluck
ACROSS : swiftly ? (5)
1 Iraqi, e.g. (4) this rhombus and divide it into flap open. strips from the black sheet. the day, trusting as little as
9 ___ time : unimportant or
four equal triangles. If drawing, n On the remaining pink sheet n Cut out an oblong/round- possible in the future'. In Latin
3 Charles ___ : Elia, the essayist petty ? (5)
? (4) 11 Condensed moisture (3) use the pencil lightly so that the draw and cut out ears of the shaped nose from the pink sheet. literature, the first known use
13 A gardening implement (3) lines are not visible, bunny. Draw and cut out smaller n Glue the bunny parts onto the of the phrase is in the first book
6 Diwali sights and fun (9) of ‘Odes’, by the poet Horace.
n Fold the two side triangles bunny ears on the white sheet. envelope as shown in the picture.
and one bottom triangle on to Then glue the white ones onto n You can vary the size of the It was used for the first time in
Down: 2 Air, 4 Agree, 5 Awe, 6 Flags, 7 Sweep, 9 Small, 11 Dew, 13 Hoe. the center. This will give you the the pink ones. envelope based on your needs. English by the poet Lord Byron.
Across:1 Arab, 3 Lamb, 6 Fireworks, 8 Ass, 10 Eye, 12 Spaceship, 14 Colt, 15 Bear.
shape of your envelope. n Similarly, use the black and Your bunny envelope is now in his 1817 work 'Letters', which
n Glue the three triangles at their white sheets to cut out the eyes. ready to use! were published in 1830.



08 htspectrum NEW D ELHI, TUESDAY, 06 AUGUST, 2019
hindustan times


Birthday show
l A customised Citroen 2CV is seen during the event
devoted to Citroen’s iconic 2CV car which coincides
this year with the French car maker’s 100th birthday
in Samobor, Croatia, on Friday. REUTERS

Smartphone gaming better stress

reliever than fidget-spinner
l Digital games, like those
on smartphones, may help in
relieving stress after a day’s
work more effectively than
a fidget-spinner toy, a new
study suggests.
"Far from feeling guilty
about being absorbed by
their phone, people who play
such games after a stressful
day at work should know
n Glimpses of the annual they are likely to be gaining a
Cat Fashion Show held real benefit,” said Anna Cox,
at Algonquin Hotel in Professor at the University
Manhattan borough, of Bath in UK.
New York, on Thursday. In the study, 45 partici- were given a fidget-spinner
The event is held each pants aged between 19 and 36 toy. The researchers noted
year on the birthday of were given a 15-minute maths that the level of enjoyment in
the hotel’s feline test and then asked to either digital games was correlated
resident, Hamlet VIII. play a shape-fitting game with the amount of benefit it
The cats, who were or use a mindfulness app. offered in terms of post-work
dubbed ‘mewdels’, Those in the control group recovery. IANS
stuck to the multicultur-
al theme of the night:
‘It’s a Small World’. AFP


'CLEOPATRA' THE n Stranded whales lie on the beach in Snaefellsnes peninsula,

Iceland, on July 18 REUTERS FILE

DONKEY WINS Around 20 pilot whales die in

mysterious circustances in Iceland
BEAUTY PAGEANT l Some 20 pilot whales
have died stranded in mys-
emergency teams arrived.
“Around 90 volunteers
Agence France-Presse ner's 26-year-old owner. terious circumstances on worked all night to keep the
A farmer, he took home a prize the south-western coast of animals wet,” said David
B E N I A M M A R , M O R O CCO : of 2,500 dirhams ($260) and a Iceland, emergency services Mar Bjarnason, a spokesman
Wearing a crown of flowers, sack of barley, as the pageant said on Saturday, only two for the Icelandic research
“Cleopatra” the donkey delight- returned in late July after a five- weeks after a similarly unex- and rescue association.
ed villagers in central Morocco year break caused by funding plained mass stranding had By 0800 GMT the last
by bucking the trend to clinch difficulties. n The winner celebrates after winning the donkey race at the already killed dozens of the of the surviving whales
top prize in a beauty pageant. As well as a flower crown, festival named Festibaz in a village in Morocco AFP long-finned cetaceans. The were back in deep water.
Named after the ancient Cleopatra wore glamorous sun- dead whales, part of a group “We had to wait for high tide
Egyptian queen, she triumphed glasses and was dolled up to the The twelfth edition of the festi- from the village. of 50 stranded whales, were to get them back into the
at the Festibaz event — becoming end of her hooves for the nine val in Beni Ammar, some 120 kms “We want to rehabilitate the discovered late Friday near sea,” Bjarnason said. Pilot
the first female donkey ever to judges. west of the capital Rabat, was image of man's old companion, Gardur, some 50 kilometres whales are relatively plen-
win the contest, held in the vil- The panel included a vet and intended as a celebration. The victim of abuse and bad-mouth- from the capital Reykjavik. tiful, with their stock in the
lage of Beni Ammar. a philosophy professor, who donkey “plays an essential role ing,” added Belmou. According to Icelandic media, Atlantic estimated at between
“It’s a devoted and tireless closely examined the donkeys' in the life of village residents”, One competitor saw the con- locals began rescue efforts to 500,000 and 800,000 animals.
animal, but it must be looked appearance, health and bond said Mohamed Belmou, who test as a way to promote donkey's save the whales even before AFP
after,” said Abdeljalil, the win- with their owners. works in Rabat but is originally milk.



NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, AUGUST 06, 2019, 6 PAGES I Entertainment & Promotional Features


STOP PRESS Sidharth and Parineeti

indulge in a war for love

he audience will witness a Set against the backdrop of Sidharth’s character, Abhay,

T war of love between

Sidharth Malhotra and
Parineeti Chopra in their
pakadwa shaadis, the film
explores the highs and lows of
the romance between the lead
helms a gang that carries out
groom kidnapping and
supports jabariya shaadi,
upcoming film, Jabariya Jodi. pair. While Parineeti’s character, Babli, is
opposed to the idea of such


marriages. When the two fall

in love, it’s a clash of

The childhood
sweethearts’ romance sees
many twists and turns
before they finally bump
into each other again,
years later.
Director Prashant Singh,

ds to the SPIELBERG’S HALO says, “Pain is a strong

ha respon ngal’s poster

emotion that resonates with

k sh i S in A ctor Shabana Azmi has people. And the romance

Sona ission Ma
joined the cast of Halo, between Abhay and Babli is

r film , M to be produced by Steven unique and feisty. Sidharth

over he
Spielberg. The series will and Parineeti bring
talent away from me. I know amazing eclectic energy,
that is what’s going to get me begin production later this
year in Budapest, according especially in their romantic
work at the end of the day — sequences, and it was fun
Rishabh Suri not my connections with anyone, to Variety. “Asian actors
have been fighting for shooting with them.”
not whose daughter I am. It’s just The audience has got a
onakshi Sinha doesn’t how I’m on set, how I work with colour-neutral casting for

years. Finally it’s become a glimpse of their romantic
mince her words, and the people. journey in the film’s love
confidence she exudes reality,” Azmi said during an
event. She will play the role ballad — Dhoonde
when she speaks is the Mission Mangal is a story about a Akhiyaan. But what is
same that she flaunts in her film team of women scientists. But the of the head of the Office of
Naval Intelligence. The love without some pain,
choices. From shedding her face of the male protagonist, played right? This is captured in
glamorous image in Lootera by Akshay Kumar, being bigger than series is based on the video
game franchise of the same the heartwrenching song,
(2013), playing feisty women in anyone else on the film’s poster, Khwabfaroshi, which
films such as Akira (2016) and gave rise to a debate. What’s your name.
beautifully displays how
Noor (2017) and going back to the take on that? the characters go through
mainstream with the third film I also read this somewhere. a myriad of emotions.
in the franchise that kicked off For all of us, it was teamwork. Directed by Prashant
her career — Dabangg (2010) — Even while we were NOTE TO READERS: Some of the Singh, produced by
she’s had quite a ride. Sonakshi shooting, nobody was made coverage that appears on our pages
Shobha Kapoor, Ekta
has worked with the biggest stars to feel smaller than the is paid for by the concerned brands.
No sponsored content does or shall Kapoor, and Shaailesh
in Bollywood and been part of other person despite there R Singh, Jabariya Jodi
appear in any part of HT without it
quite a few ensemble films, but being so many people. And is all set to release on
being declared as such to our valued
she doesn’t seem to have any the truth of the matter is Akshay Kumar is readers. Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra August 9, 2019. HTC
worry about how much screen that Akshay Kumar is the
time she gets. Excerpts from a biggest star in the film! the biggest star

chat with the actor: Someone had told me this in the film!
very long back (smiles) and
You started off in films with masala the line has stuck in my Today, if you see
potboilers, but your recent films head — ‘Jo bikta hai, woh Akshay’s
and upcoming lineup that boasts dikhta hai’. Today, if you
Khandaani Shafakhana and Mission see Akshay’s collections, collections, he’s
Mangal, is not run-of-the-mill fare.
How did the shift come about?
I get to play different roles in
every film. Even if you see my
lineup, each one is different.
It’s been going on for the past
he’s the highest-selling
star in the entire film, that
is why (his face is bigger
on the poster).

Having worked with the

the highest-
selling star in the
entire film, that
is why (his face
few years. I really enjoy doing younger crop like Varun is bigger on the Sangeeta Yadav times before taking up such a
and watching those kind of films. Dhawan and Ranveer poster). negative role. Everybody asked
But it’s not like I’ll stop doing Singh and veteran stars ntagonists have their own me, ‘Are you sure?’ ”
(masala) films. I also want to do
that, and this. I want to be that
actor who you can imagine in any
like Salman Khan and
Akshay, do you find any
difference in how they
Ekta is like my family
and her helping me A charm and fan following,
but not all actors are okay
to take up negative roles — call
In fact, her mentor Ekta
Kapoor, and her husband were
the ones who encouraged her.
kind of film, any genre and they behave on the sets, their is not wrong. If it’s it the fear of impact it has on “Rohit told me it’s a great
can be as contrasting as Lootera prep process? considered nepotism, their image or the risk of opportunity. I was a little
and Rowdy Rathore (2012). Every actor has getting typecast. And those skeptical, but I’m glad that
a different process. I it is, but it’s not that female actors who have played Ekta forced me and said it’s
Kalank, earlier this year, and can’t compare I’m working any less the ‘adarsh bahu’ on TV are the something out of the box. It’s
Mission Mangal, up next, both are according to the ones who often worry the most! very real and relatable,” says
multi-starrers. How do you handle age, or how long
and not putting in So, when Anita Hassanandani, Anita, adding, “In TV people
professional rivalries that are said to they’ve been any effort. who became a household name would say, if you play a villain
crop up around how much screen in the industry. ANITA HASSANANDANI with the TV show or a bahu, you will get similar
time each actor will get? Salman has a ACTOR Kkavyanjali, played a grey characters. But, it’s about how
I, honestly, haven’t faced it at all. different character — the ex-wife of the you work, and make the
Why should I be insecure? I’m process, male lead in a popular prime character look different.”
very confident about my work, Akshay time show — she was Also, Anita is often labelled
what I’ve to offer as an actress, will have a different one, so will PHOTO: PRASAD NAIK bombarded with hate “Ekta Kapoor’s favourite”,
what I bring to the table and the Varun and Aditya (Roy Kapoor). messages on social media. but the actor rubbishes this
film. I work very hard, and It depends on the actor. “Never in my wildest perception. “I’ve always
nobody can take that and my n dream had I imagined that I auditioned, and got the part on
would get so many hate my credibility and not because
messages. People wrote nasty of favouritism. But whenever
PHOTOS: things on my social media people from the industry see
PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/ posts, which made me feel low me doing good work, they judge
INSTAGRAM/ THEANISHA and doubt my decision. But my by saying ‘Yeh toh Ekta ke door
husband, Rohit Reddy, said se aayi hai, isliye hit hai’,” she
that people are reacting says, adding, “Eventually, your
because I have been playing the success depends on your talent
part so convincingly,” says the and not the push you get. You
38-year-old. do a good job and give your
She feels glad to make 100% but everyone is like ‘She
her comeback on TV with this is successful because of Ekta’.
show, but adds that it wasn’t Ekta is like my family and her
easy. She explains, “Before helping me is not wrong. If it’s
signing it, I did think a lot considered nepotism, it is,
because it was for TV, and but it’s not that I’m working
the role of an ex-wife and till any less and not putting in
then I had played only lead any effort.”

B-Town men’s
roles. People would think 10 n

thumbs up to
Aamir Khan to lose close to 20kg to play young
Forrest Gump in Hindi remake
tonal dressing Pooja Sharma

amir Khan’s next project,

over. “The original makers
have heard good things about
Aamir Khan and his knack for
the character. The film is said
to roll in November this year.
“The actor follows a special
Akshay Kaushal

ave you tried wearing the

Clockwise from
top left:
A Lal Singh Chaddha,
the official remake of
the 1994 Robert Zemeckis
perfection in movie-making.
Despite good offers earlier, the
makers decided to give its
diet consisting of sabzi roti
and some protein intake.
He will also undergo the

H same colour from head to

toe? Sounds tricky? Not
for our Bollywood men. The
Rao, Meezaan,
Shahid Kapoor,
drama, Forrest Gump, was
announced on his birthday,
earlier this year. The actor
remake rights to the
production that brought
Aamir into the project,” adds
training for in his look after
September. As of now, Aamir
is involving himself in the
dapper celebs are acing the and Ajay Devgn will be seen playing the titular the source. overall creative aspects of the
tonal dressing trend and rock the tonal role, essayed originally by And when Aamir came to project,” the source said.
showing us more ways to look dressing trend Tom Hanks. The buzz is that know, he met the makers and n
chic and sophisticated. the makers of the Hollywood initiated the talk. “It took over
Sporting the same colour film got several enquiries five years to finalise the deal,”
from top to bottom has been a Calling it one of the chicest might enend up killing
ll the look if shoe colour as it from Hindi filmmakers for the a source informs. The actor is
runway favourite for a while trends, designer Nachiket you sport accessories in the may end up rights to the film. However, it leaving no stone unturned
now. And we are seeing this Barve says, “A part of same tone. looking a little seems the makers were keen in ensuring that this film
trend gain momentum, thanks gentlemen dressing, there is “This trend is equal parts OTT. You should on Aamir portraying the turns out to be one of
to the likes of actors Shahid something very sophisticated tricky and easy. The only rule rather go for neutral iconic role, says a source. his best. Aamir will
Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao, and about layering in tonal is to opt for multiple shades of shade shoes when you are Forrest Gump, which lose close to 20kg Aamir Khan plays the
Ajay Devgn sporting it with dressing. It has an Italian the same colour while you are going for tonal dressing,” won six Oscars, is one of Tom to play the Bollywood version of
elan. To decode what gets this Riviera vibe that’s subtle yet layering. The texture and suggests designer Jenjum Hanks’ best-loved and most younger Forrest Gump in Lal Singh
trend an instant liking, we modish.” fabric can be different. It is not Gadi. inspiring films, the world version of Chaddha PHOTO: PTI
spoke to style experts. A word of caution: You advised to opt for the same n




‘I AM LOOKING FORWARD Eshais‘verymuchsingle’,

Bobby Deol, who is making his debut in the digital space with a web film, says the medium
Shreya Mukherjee

here has been a lot of buzz
around actor Esha Gupta’s
relationship status. She
was rumoured to be dating a
Delhi-based businessman’s
son, then came reports of her

has provided a lot of scope to both filmmakers and actors to experiment with stories being romantically involved
with fashion designer Nikhil
Thampi, and most recently, she
Juhi Chakraborty notice shooting a feature and web opportunities. I’ve been was linked with cricketer
film? waiting and reading scripts for Hardik Pandya.
e has been around in Everything is like shooting a projects but I was looking for Refuting these as ‘baseless’

H Bollywood for over two

decades, doing mostly
romantic or thriller
films, but Bobby Deol is now
set to change that. At 50, the
film. I’m getting to work with a
lot of actors from theatre
who’ve never been on screen
before; people who have done
voice-overs and stuff.
the right kind of opportunity.

Will the superior content on web

force filmmakers to buck up?
People don’t like to take
rumours, Esha says that she is
“very much single”. However,
she is quick to add that she does
believe in love and would like
to have someone special in her
actor is venturing into the Everybody is so honest about chances in mainstream life, but she is yet to find the
digital space, a medium that their work. A movie set is all cinema. That’s not the issue on right person who she can spend
has changed fortunes of many glamour, but here, it’s about web. Many people say ‘we the rest of her life with.
actors. He is shooting his doing the job well. I’m just watched your film on TV and “Love is an important
debut web film, produced by lucky to be a part of this. loved it’ and I’d be like, emotion and life is incomplete
Shah Rukh Khan, and he calls ‘Aapne theatre mein kyun without it. I also want to have
it, “the best shooting How do you think this step will nahi dekhi, hit ho jaati’ someone special in my life but
experience ever”. Excerpts: impact your career? (laughs). So, TV in a way right now there is no one,” she
I’m enjoying this phase paved the way for content continues, “I think everything
What prompted you to foray into because for an actor like me, moving beyond halls. Web was happens at the right time and
the web space? it’s an opportunity to be a part bound to come up. my time isn’t here yet. I’d
There is liberty to be a part of of a subject that I haven’t done n rather focus on my work and
the script, which is not made before. You get typecast in let love happen when it has to
in mainstream cinema. As an films. I want to break that happen.”
actor, it’s a great opportunity image. Look at what Saif (Ali Asked about Hardik, who
especially because I haven’t Khan) achieved after Sacred was also linked with actors Elli
ever got roles which are so Games. Also, my friend Saqib AvrRam and Urvashi Rautela
exciting. I’m really looking Saleem did a very different recently, Esha chose to remain
forward to it and enjoying web series (Rangbaaz). tight-lipped. “There is no point
shooting every day. in reacting to everything. And
Will the inclination to do films whenever I’ve felt the need to
Is the web a fad or here to stay? fizzle out now? clarify things, I’ve always done
Web is the future. People are People who are starting that, and will continue doing
not going to the theatres that out will want to be seen so. I never shy away from
often now. Few films really on the big screen. speaking the truth. So, yes,
pull crowds. People now But so many there is no special man in my
prefer to watch content on actors are life right now,” adds the 33-
handheld devices, and the web getting year-old, last seen in the film
platforms play a very One Day: Justice Delivered.
important part in the PHOTO: SHIVAM SAXENA/HT
People who are We ask what she wants in
entertainment starting out will want her life partner. “It’s very
industry. to be seen on the big difficult to put such things in
words — you just know when
What differences did you screen. I’ve been you meet the right person.
sitting, waiting and Somewhere, something within
you tells you that ‘Yes, he is
reading scripts for the person I want to spend

What’s the mystery behind Varun

projects but I was rest of my life with’. And
once that happens, I
looking for the would happily settle Esha Gupta
right opportunity. down with two-three PHOTO:
BOBBY DEOL ACTOR babies, that’s the plan,” INSTAGRAM/
she laughs.

Sharma’s unusual screen names?


Shreya Mukherjee names “automatically come”

arun Sharma is one of the
best comic finds in the
recent times, and he so
effortlessly manages to tickle
to Varun, and he isn’t
complaining at all.
“Mujhe bahut log kehte
hain ki bhai tu hi jaake
director ko bolta hoga ki
Bahut mushkil se
gaana chalta hai:
your funny bone with the mujhe koi alag sa naam do.
characters he portrays on Par maine aisa kabhi nahi
screen, is something everyone kiya. But yes, I just love these
is aware of. But, there is names. Mujhe lagta hai ki
another aspect that sets him meri life mein kabhi koi Raj,

Toshi Sabri
apart from his co-actors — his Rahul ya Sudhir nahi aayega.
on-screen names right from Even the audience loves such
Choocha in his debut film names, and they instantly
Fukrey (2013). form a connect with these
“I love my names in all my names,” he adds.
films. Be it Choocha, Onida Varun reveals that only in
Singh in Arjun Patiala, the last two years people have
Bhooshith in Khandaani started calling him by his real Sangeeta Yadav
Shafakhana, Sexa in name. “They would mostly
Chhichhore or Lakiresh in call me Choocha or Fukra. he wave of cult songs
RoohiAfza. Apart from few
regular names here and there
like Sidhu in Dilwale (2015), I
Some, still do, and I enjoy it.
In fact, my mother is the
happiest when I’m called by
Toshi Sabri says
promotion has
T being recreated has
spread like wildfire in the
music industry, and singer-
mostly had crazy names to my these names,” the actor jokes become very composer Toshi Sabri finds
credit,” he says with a laugh. and adds, “Now, I’m important in today’s this trend quite empowering to
The 29-year-old shares that comfortable with such names. times be able to experiment with the
people have often suspected What will really get me PHOTO: FACEBOOK/ old songs. But the kind of
that he might be the brain thinking is if I don’t OFFICIALTOSHISABRI popularity that remakes are
behind such quirky names. get such names in my gaining, makes it challenging
But Varun says that he has upcoming films.” for the original singles to
never done that. In fact, such n become a hit.
“It’s the time of recreated
versions, and since people
PHOTO: FOTOCORP enjoy it the most and add them

It takes a lot of courage to replace

to their playlists, there is no
harm for singers to recreate
more and more classics. It’s
very difficult for the original
singles to work. Bahut
mushkil se gaana chalta hai

an actor: Rajeshwari Sachdev

Sangeeta Yadav who was playing the mother’s
because recreational songs
have a very strong recall
value,” says the singer, who
recently launched his new
single Dilla Ther Jaa.
Having worked in the
character, but had creative industry for over 13 years,
ctors being replaced on differences,” she says. Toshi has over 40 movie songs

A TV shows has become a

regular occurrence, and
even those who come on
Watching a new face
play the part leaves
Isn’t it tough to connect
with the audience that is used
to seeing an actor portray a
to his credit and adds that if
given a chance, he would want
to recreate his popular
board as a replacement for
the part don’t find it easy to
the audience part in a show? Rajeshwari
agrees, “Watching a new face
number Mahi Mahi from the
movie Raaz (2009). “It was my
immediately step into confused, and we do play the part leaves the first superhit song that gave
someone else’s shoes. look for audience audience confused, and we do me an identity in the industry,
However, Rajeshwari look for audience acceptance. and I would like to recreate the
Sachdev, who had replaced acceptance. Comparisons also happen. song,” he adds.
Anuja Sathe in Peshwa Comparisons also Though my role wasn’t the Toshi has also given voice to
Bajirao (2017) and Poonam lead, so it didn’t matter, but songs in upcoming films such
Dhillon in Dil Hi Toh Hai
happen. for actors such as as Hume Tumse Pyaar Kitna,
(2018), “didn’t feel the RAJESHWARI SACHDEV Shubhangi Atre who Aadat, and Bypass Road.
inhibition” in playing a ACTOR replaced Shilpa Shinda in a “Music has become pure
replacement. popular sitcom, it takes a lot business. When we had started
“As long as it’s ethical, of courage. Her replacement our career, it wasn’t the case.
there is no harm in replacing the need to replace the miffed a lot of fans, but If you’ve a good song, voice,
an actor,” says Rajeshwari, existing characters. “Anuja’s Shubhangi did a fabulous and lyrics, it was good enough
adding, “I took both those role, Radha Bai, had a job.” to make a hit song. But today,
parts because they weren’t contract for a limited period On why actors are quitting though we have social media
I just love these superficial. There was a lot of of time, till her children [on shows so frequently, she and streaming platforms, to
names. Mujhe lagta hai layering to them, and any the show] were young, after opines, “Everybody wants to reach a lot of audiences
script that allows me to play which it wasn’t relevant. But make their show a hit. But requires a lot of investment.
MEDICAL ki meri life mein kabhi characters with layers will since the makers needed the maybe, [when the show or Promotion has become very
koi Raj, Rahul ya always interest me.” part [to take the story their role] doesn’t shape the important. You have to fit in a
MINIMUM FEES CMS (Allopathy) / The 44-year-old further forward] they approached way they envision, or there certain budget and sometimes
CCH BAMS BUMS BHMS MBBS BNYS Sudhir nahi aayega. explains that there was a me. In another show, I are some personal issues, put in money from your pocket
ANM OT DMLT D.pharma CMO/council VARUN SHARMA ACTOR reason why the makers felt replaced Poonam Dhillon, they decide to leave.” as well,” he says.
Reg. Agent Welcome # 07042111699 n


Entertainment & Promotional Features
Anartisticeveningwithan Football frenzy in filmi town
abstracttouch,inthecity A
s rain made way for
some sunshine,
Bollywood celebrities
Armaan Jain
Kanchan Chander, made the most of this time.
Harshvardhan Sharma and Spotted practising at a
Adwaita Gadanayak football field in Mumbai
recently were actors
Abhishek Bachchan,
Arjun Kapoor and
Armaan Jain, and
filmmaker Bunty Walia.
These celebs are known
to indulge in friendly and
charity matches, and with
regular practice, they make
sure they stay at the top of
the game. HTC

Arjun Kapoor

he preview opening of the represented as an abstract

T exhibition, Tomorrow
Belongs To Me, took place
in the Capital, recently. Artist
expression. Spotted at the
event were Kathak dancer
Shovana Narayan, Swedish
Pallav Chander, through this ambassador to India Klas
show, has focused on the Molin, and director-general of
contemporary societal NGMA Adwaita Gadanayak,
psychology and behaviour, among others. HTC

Pallav Chander and Seema Bawa Klas Molin

Walia and

Ritu Sharma Shovana Narayan


Style, swag and S

tepping out for a business
meet or hanging out with
your besties? Here’s some
style inspo from Bollywood.

sparkling smiles For a trendy airport look,

actors Deepika Padukone
and Diana Penty went
all-black with their sartorial
choice, while actor Ananya
Panday wore a red polka-dot
Deepika Padukone dress for a luncheon at a
PHOTOS: VIRAL BHAYANI Mumbai restaurant. HTC




Ananya Panday





Starring: Catherine Reitman,
EXHIBITION Dani Kind, Juno Rinaldi
Synopsis: Four very different
working mothers and friends
try to balance their jobs, family
WORKIN’ MOMS life and love life in modern day
2017 | 16+ | 2 Seasons | Drama Toronto, Canada.

Starring: Ed O’Neill, Sofía

Vergara, Ty Burrell ,Julie Bowen Thor at 1420 EDITOR’S Avengers: Infinity War at 1745 Dhamaal at 2100
Synopsis: Three different but
related families face trials and
0849 Game PICK 1322 Champions 0829 Jigarwala No.1
Night 1546 Coco 1117 Andaaz
MODERN FAMILY tribulations in their own
uniquely comedic ways. 1037 I Am 1745 Avengers: Infinity War 1430 Haan Maine Bhi
2009 | 12+ |10 Seasons|Comedy Legend 2050 Rise Of The Planet Of The Pyaar Kiya
1215 Sherlock Holmes Apes 1812 Mohan Vadani
1420 Thor 2301 Undisputed II: Last Man 2100 Dhamaal
A photography exhibition that aims to portray the diverse Starring: Karl Urban, Jack Standing
1623 Clash Of The Titans
nature of Japan at Tenshin Okakura Gallery, The Japan Quaid, Antony Starr 1820 The Karate Kid
Foundation, 5A Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar IV. 11am to 5.30pm.
Synopsis: A group of 2100 Hellboy
On till August 17.
vigilantes set out to take down 2314 Edge Of Tomorrow
abuse their superpowers.
A group show of paintings SPECIES 2019 | 18+ | 1 Season | Comedy
at 1AQ, Qutab Minar A solo show of paintings
Roundabout, Mehrauli by Archana Jha at
Road. 11am to 7pm. On till Convention Centre Foyer, Starring: Sumeet Vyas, Kubbra
September 1. India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Sait, Anisha Victor
Road. 10am to 8pm. On till Synopsis: A coming-of-age
August 9. story about a group of
A group exhibition featuring
artworks that reference GLIMPSE INTO PAST REJCTX youngsters who form a rap
band to express their angst. The Dark Knight Rises 17 Again at 2303
several aspects of skin, from An exhibition of artworks 2019 | 13+ | 1 season | Thriller at 1319
personal to its larger socio- by Sarnjit Singh at 1040 The Lord Of The Rings:
0722 Sully The Return Of The King
political connotations at Convention Centre Foyer, Phir Hera Pheri at 2000
Gallery Threshold, C-221, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi 0926 Mr Bean’s Holiday 1359 The Ring
Starring: Tusshar Kapoor,
Sarvodaya Enclave. 11am to Road. 10am to 8pm. On till 0807 Money Hai Toh Honey 1104 American Made 1553 Brick Mansions
Mallika Sherawat
7pm. On till August 20. August 7. Hai 1319 The Dark Knight Rises 1719 Drunken Master II
Synopsis: A reunion turns
1105 Great Grand Masti 1644 Cliffhanger 1904 Passengers
hilariously dangerous when
1337 I
EAT LISTEN BOOO: SABKI PHATEGI they realise that their holiday
destination is in fact haunted. 1716 Bhai - Mera Big Brother
1900 Final Destination 3
2100 The Conjuring 2
2100 Same Kind Of Different
As Me
2019 | 18+ | 1 season | Comedy 2000 Phir Hera Pheri 2346 The Blind Side 2303 17 Again



Taste the flavours of COLLECTIVE
authentic Awadhi cuisine A live performance at The
festival at Seasonal tastes, Piano Man Jazz Club,
The Westin Gurgaon. 7pm B 6-7/22, Safdarjung Enclave
to 11.30pm. On till August 18. Market. 9pm.

Actor Jeetendra started his film
career as a body double for actor
Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and Sandhya in V Shantaram’s
each of the 9X9 squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9. Navrang (1959).
Solve the four anagrams and move one letter to each square to
form four ordinary words

With Manik Mahna at Screening of Telugu film ARWZDI
Summer House Cafe, 1st with English subtitles at The
Aurobindo Place Market, Sri Stein Auditorium, India SM IRCH
Aurobindo Marg, Hauz Khas. Habitat Centre. 7pm. Now arrange the letters marked with an asterisk (*) to form the
9pm. answer to the riddle or to fill in the missing words as indicated.
If I get ___________, I want to be very ____________
For any further queries, contact: 011-66561415 - Audrey Hepburn (7,..,7) (same word twice)
- Audrey Hepburn
Get your event listed in this section by mailing us ANSWER: If I get married, I want to be very married Place numbers into the puzzle cells so that each row and column contains each of the digits from 1 to 5. No number is to be repeated in any row or
complete details (pictures, date and venue details) SCRAMBLE SOLUTION: Adobe/abode, merry, wizard, chrism column. Each bold-outlined cells contain a hint of a number and one of the mathematical symbols + x - /. The number is the result of the operation
to represented by the symbol to the digits contained.

Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, Vera Farmiga: The actor, who is known for her
40532026 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs);
Mumbai: 09223376963 (Last week of every month)
films such as Down To The Bone, Nothing But the
Truth, Up in the Air and The Conjuring series,
turns 46 today.

Many more avenues for earning may open Something great is in store for you on the You are likely to put your heart and soul in On the professional front, you seem to be
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need to convince superiors regarding get you into conserving mode on the unexpected source is likely to improve Financially, you may take steps to make
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ARIES uncertainty, the domestic front shows TAURUS monotonous life. A vacation is on the GEMINI happiness back into their family life. A CANCER irritate family members. You are likely to
(MAR 21 - APR 20) signs of becoming stable. A tiring journey (APR 21 - MAY 20) cards for some and may take them to (MAY 21 - JUN 21) business trip appears a distant possibility (JUNE 22 - JULY 22) keep your social contacts alive by hitting
is foreseen for some. A property deal may be someplace exotic. A property dispute needs for some. Some of you can be stuck in a bad the road and looking up people. You may
clinched by some at a bargain price. You may to be settled without recourse to the legal real estate deal. Impressing those who matter not get lucky in the draw of a flat or a plot. A
not fare as well as you had expected in a competition. process. Outcome of your efforts on the academic front will be on the academic front is possible today. decision taken on the academic front is likely to turn your fortune.
Love Focus: Respect for partner’s feelings will bring strengthened positive. Love Focus: Those craving to meet the one they love will get the Love Focus: Love is in the air and you are likely to make the most of
bonds. Love Focus: Romance at this juncture may not be as rocking. opportunity soon. it today!
Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Coffee Lucky Number:4 Lucky Colour: Royal Blue Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Light Blue Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Cream

You will be able to keep the financial front Financial stability can be expected, as no Be clear of your objective on the You will find the right opportunity to strike
stable by spending sensibly. Your present major expenses are foreseen in the near professional front, so as not to get caught when the iron is hot on the professional
task may drain you both mentally and future. Your efforts on the professional on the wrong foot by higher ups. front! Your financial position may be
physically. Good news is in the offing front may not show immediate results. Financial negotiations may get stranded undermined by heavy expenses. Fitness
that can make homemakers happy. Meeting deadlines will not pose much over some issue. You are likely to may become your focus now and
Visiting places you have not seen in years LEO difficulty. Spending time with family is VIRGO participate in a celebration on the family LIBRA encourage you to join a gym. An item SCORPIO
is possible and will be lots of fun. Things (JULY 23 - AUG 23) indicated. A business trip may not prove (AUG 24 - SEPT 23) front. Plan may be afoot for a vacation or (SEPT 24 - OCT 23) you had been wanting for home is likely (OCT 24 - NOV 22)
start looking up for builders and real estate as fruitful as expected. This is the right time a pilgrimage, so expect it to materialise to be bought today. A change in travelling
agents. Students will succeed in cracking a to draw your will. You may need to keep track soon. A real estate transaction is likely to prove plans is indicated. Property may be acquired by
tough competition. of something important happening on the academic front. profitable. You fare well on the academic front. some. Remain alert on the academic front.
Love Focus: Some adjustments may need to be made in a Love Focus: Finding someone who shares your interests and Love Focus: Stagnation may start to creep into your love life, so do Love Focus: You may plan something exclusive on the romantic
relationship. thoughts will prove a blessing in disguise on the romantic front. something about it. front, as a surprise for beloved.
Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Colour: Bluish green Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Chocolate Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Colour: Pink

A better paying job may come your way Good earning is indicated. A task assigned Something nice is likely to happen on the Some of you are likely to start something
and tempt you to quit your present job. to you at work will be to your liking, but financial front. Extra time may need to be new on the professional front. Splurging
Some of you will need to rethink your you may get little time to complete it. spent on an ongoing project on the may make your financial position
investment options. A new line of Switching to healthy food options will professional front. Something that had unstable. You may remain a bit
treatment may be started by some. be a big plus for you on the health front. been putting mental strain on you is set concerned on the financial front. A
Meeting old friends over lunch or dinner Family remains supportive. An exciting to disappear. You can fail in your attempt family get-together will provide a
SAGITTARIUS may not be as exciting as anticipated. A CAPRICORN family trip overseas is on the cards for AQUARIUS to make the domestic environment serene PISCES welcome break from monotonous routine.
(NOV 23 - DEC 21) (DEC 22 - JAN 21) (JAN 22 - FEB 19) (FEB 20 - MAR 20)
journey seems possible. Acquisition of some. Some of you may add to your list of . Purchase or development of property is on A trip may get postponed. Buying or selling
property is in the pipeline for some. You are properties. Much more effort is required on the the cards for some. Some more efforts and hard property is indicated and will prove beneficial.
likely to remain favourably placed on the academic front. academic front, than you are putting in at present. work will see you come out with flying colours on the academic front. Favourable treatment is in store for some on the academic front.
Love Focus: At times you crave to spend time alone with lover and Love Focus: Your love life will need rekindling to bring spark back Love Focus: You are likely to swoon, as someone from the opposite Love Focus: Your suspicious nature may not allow you to remain at
today may be that day, so enjoy! into your relationship. camp exercises a strong pull on the romantic front! ease in a relationship. Why don’t you start curbing it?
Lucky Number: 2 Lucky Colour: Light Yellow Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: Parrot Green Lucky Number: 12 Lucky Colour: Electric Grey Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour: White



TUESDAY, AUGUST 0 6, 2019 LIFESTYLE htcity 05
A shine-on
Zuhair Murad
Gold edged ensemble
table pieces serves as
can enliven a a great
dining table reference

cushion covers
are safe bets
to infuse shine
in your living

cutlery could be
a décor winner

at any party

Experts suggest ways to incorporate metallic
pieces and sequinned elements in your private
space without going overboard
Manish Mishra stainless steel. Do a brass inlay
in your coffee table and end
aximalism has tables. Pick planters with brass
A pair of
iron vases with
M emerged to be one
of the key interiors
trends this year and
it’s hard to overlook the all-
pervading influence of
stands/legs, or vintage crystal
chandeliers are another great
addition. You can also do
crystal pendant lights or table
lamps. In order to not go wrong
sequinned décor pieces, with shimmer in your home
holographic elements and décor, try to incorporate it in
disco-inspired accessories. unconventional ways. For
And understandably so — example, anyone can do a
merely a touch of shimmering metallic vase or mirror. But
metal can instantly elevate the that’s just not creative or novel
visual appeal of a space. Too anymore. Instead, perhaps do
many metallic touches, on shimmer tassels on your
the other hand, could end up cushions or rug. Or do a
making your living room look shimmer piping for your
like a hall of mirrors. One could upholstered sofa.”
always start with a jewel-toned Upasana Virmani of
ceiling or a metallic wall and if Jaypore, recommends
you aren’t daring enough then incorporating zari festooned
start by investing in an antique cushions, flashes of gota — all
silver tea set or a metal sink for are a great way to incorporate
your powder room. some sparkle, but within
Anubha Gupta of The reason. “Playing with lights
Furniture Republic says, and shadows is also a great way
Damask silver “Lately, with the brass trend, to add some sparkle, the power
plated box a lot of shimmer is being of clever lighting can add a lot
incorporated by having the of shimmer without being
legs of coffee tables/chairs/ gaudy,” says Upasana.
sofas made in brass or polished n

relatively muted. For

Stick to the same THE SHIMMER GUIDE instance, clash jewel tones
family of colour n Soften it out: Play with with solid blacks and navy.
to create a myriad textures of the n Be a mixologist:
powerful metallic pieces and mirrors Incorporate the identical
tone-on-tone and use them in a single metal in different textures
visual impact space. Luxurious velvets or finishes.
and jewel-toned mohairs
n Embrace the classics: One
with metallic accents work
couldn’t go wrong with
brass, silver or gold leaf as
n Opt for a neutral palette: they’re all season-neutral.
Toy with hues that are

One couldn’t
possibly go
wrong with a

HEADBOARD OR A instantly lift the
table setting



TU ES DAY, AUGU ST 06, 201 9


‘CELLULITE,FAT KevinSpacey’s
ARE NORMAL AND poetrysession
ctor Kevin Spacey between the lines.

A read a poem about a
worn-out and dejected
boxer during an
Video clips published in
Italian media and The
Daily Beast show Spacey
unexpected performance at dramatically intoning the

Cabello a museum in Rome, weeks

after a criminal sexual
verses, including one
reading: “The more you are
misconduct case against wounded, the greater you

inger Camila Cabello “They’re constantly seeing forces her to go outside of her
fumed at him collapsed in
Massachusetts, USA.
are. And the more empty
you are. They used me for

S recently lashed out at

trolls who body-shamed
her. The 22-year-old star
explained that she was looking
for a picture to celebrate the
photoshopped, edited pictures
and thinking that’s reality and
everyone’s eyes get used to
seeing airbrushed skin, and
suddenly they think THAT’S
comfort zone and the other
that wants to stay in and do
“There’s little Camila that is
terrified of the unknown, is
and called
Spacey’s appearance at
the National Roman
Museum was not publicly
announced in advance. The
museum had posted a
their entertainment, fed on
shoddy stuff. Life was over
in a moment.”
Prosecutors in
Massachusetts last month
second anniversary of her hit
track Havana, but discovered
norm. It isn’t. It’s fake. AND
aware of all the ways
everything can go wrong, out how the cryptic notice on its
website saying a two-time
dropped an indecent
assault and battery charge
a troubling and negative NEW REAL. Girls, cellulite is (actually can picture them Oscar winner would be against Spacey. The actor
comment on her body.
The singer showed her
normal. Fat is normal. It’s
beautiful and natural.”
vividly lol), and thinks it’s
safer to stay home than to play
idea of fake, reading works by Italian
poet Gabriele Tinti — but
had been accused of getting
a man drunk and groping
frustration over the online
trolling on her Instagram
According to ENews, a few
weeks ago, she also opened up
ball. Then there’s the other
Camila.. knows what she edited didn’t name the person.
During the reading,
him when he was an 18-
year-old busboy at a
story and wrote, “I haven’t about her personal struggles wants out of life, is aware of Spacey stood next to an restaurant. Spacey is still
gone on social media AT ALL
with the conscious intention of
with anxiety. For the Senorita
singer, it’s all about finding
how little time I have to let
little Camila run the show..,
perfection ancient Greek bronze
statue of a battered fighter
being investigated in
London and Los Angeles
avoiding things that hurt my
feelings. My eyes accidentally
ways to cope with being
“incredibly nervous” and
and grabs young me by the
hand and forces her out the is becoming while reciting Tinti’s The
Boxer. The poem is about a
over several allegations
and faces a federal lawsuit
ran over a headline of people “socially anxious.” door saying ‘Let’s go. You’ll fighter left bleeding at alleging he assaulted a
body shaming me. But then I
was like... of course, there are
She explained that she has
two sides of her, one that
survive, and I’m not gonna
miss out on this’.” ANI
the norm ringside, cast aside despite
previous glory.
massage therapist. AP

bad pictures, of course, there Anyone familiar with

are bad angles, my body’s not the downward course of the
made off**king rock. But the former House of Cards
saddest part of young girls THE SINGER IS SADDENED BY THE FACT THAT YOUNG actor’s career after sexual
growing up in an airbrushed GIRLS ARE GROWING UP IN AN AIRBRUSHED WORLD misconduct allegations
world is they’re seeking were made against him in
perfection that’s not real.” AND SEEKING PERFECTION THAT’S NOT REAL 2017 would have an easy
Continuing, she wrote, time finding meaning

Ruby Rose wants young people to relate to

her portrayal of queer Batwoman in TV series
ender-fluid actor Ruby series to be headlined by an representation of them on

G Rose — who came out as a

lesbian at age 12 in her
native Australia — hopes her
out LGBTQ superhero.
Rose faced the slings and
arrows from schoolmates
television. At the same time,
Rose told a recent TV critics
gathering that social media is
role on the television series about being different before “terrifying”.
Batwoman lets queer viewers the rise of social media. The Rose says there’s “a lot of TELEVISION’S FIRST
know they are not alone. actor, who has earlier said she pressure” on kids today. and OUT OF THE CLOSET
The actor will play the role is bipolar, believes society has she wants young people to be
of Batwoman/Kate Kane, who come a long way in accepting able to identify and relate to LGBTQ SUPERHERO
is Jewish and lesbian, on the different groups. She says she characters they are watching
series. This will be the first TV is seeing greater on Batwoman. AP Kevin Spacey is under investigation for sexual assault cases

The Rookie star quits show after allegations of PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/ASAPROCKY

sexual harassment, discrimination go unheard ASAP

Actor Afton
he Rookie fame actor Afton
Williamson has quit the
show alleging sexual
harassment and racial
Williamson, who is African
American, was also highly
critical of how her claims were
handled by showrunner and
played the title discrimination against her executive producer Alexi
character’s during the show’s first season. Hawley. Williamson said, Ruby Rose
training officer, In an Instagram post, “After my initial report of is a
Talia Bishop Williamson wrote, “I sexual harassment, I was gender-
PHOTO: experienced racial assured that the actor would be fluid actor

SHUTTERSTOCK discrimination/racially fired. I was also asked to film PHOTO:
charged inappropriate with him the very next day as a INSTAGRAM/
comments from the hair courtesy to the script, even RUBYROSE
department [throughout the though we had not begun
filming of the show’s pilot].” filming the episode yet.”
Williamson wrote the Representatives for Hawley

treatment worsened when she didn’t respond to messages
was sexually harassed by a seeking clarity. Williamson
recurring guest star, bullied by co-starred in the Los Angeles-
executive producers and based drama. In the show,
ultimately was sexually Nathan Fillion stars as a rookie

assaulted by a crew member at police officer. AP
a wrap party.
The show’s broadcasting

Aaron ends year-long relationship

company responded later with
a statement, largely referring
to its production partners. “In
late June, eOne made us aware
and informed us that they
launched an investigation that
is ongoing. The safety of inger Aaron Carter has
working environments is a top
priority for us, and we take this
matter very seriously.”
S split from girlfriend Lina
Valentina after dating for
almost a year. “Lina and I have
The production house, in a decided to go our separate
statement of its own, said it ways,” he told US Weekly in a
takes Williamson’s claims statement on Sunday.
seriously. “We have initiated “I was really hoping this
an independent investigation would be the one that lasted
which is ongoing and as such, it forever. We had even talked
would be inappropriate to about having kids, but we merican rapper ASAP Saturday, TMZ reported.
comment at this time,” they
said in a statement.
Williamson’s representative
couldn’t seem to get past our
differences and the
relationship eventually turned
A Rocky has returned to his
home country after
spending nearly one month in
The 30-year-old was
released from Swedish
detention on Friday at the
didn’t respond to messages unhealthy, ” the singer said. jail in Sweden. Rocky was all conclusion of his trial, when
seeking further details on the He added, “I’ve been through smiles after stepping off a the judge ruled out at him of
claims, or whether the alleged so much the past few years and private jet at Los Angeles not being a flight risk, along
sexual assault was reported to am trying to learn from my International Airport on with his co-defendants Thoto
the police. mistakes. I don’t have any and Bladi.
regrets being with Lina, and I Prosecutors said that Rocky
definitely learned a lot about assaulted a 19-year-old man

myself. I think this decision ASAP ROCKY WAS with a bottle in Stockholm on
was the mature thing to do. I’m June 30, which the rapper
POST, AFTON going to keep focusing on my JAILED IN SWEDEN denies.

music, my tours, and my fans. FOR A MONTH AFTER According to The
Hopefully, my soulmate is out Hollywood Reporter, a pair of
SHE WAS SEXUALLY there somewhere and I’ll meet HE ALLEGEDLY eyewitnesses pleaded with the

her soon.” ASSAULTED A MAN prosecution that they did not
The couple had started see the rapper using any sort
CREW MEMBER AND dating in 2018 and announced WITH A BOTTLE IN of bottle as a weapon during

in November that they were STOCKHOLM. HE the argument.
expecting a child. Carter later A final verdict on his
DEPARTMENT Singer Aaron Carter and Russia-born artist Lina Valentina had gone revealed in December that they PLEADED NOT GUILTY assault case is expected to be
public with their relationship in September 2018, on Instagram were not anticipating a baby delivered by August 14.


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