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Mikey Steele Vs Hillsboro

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32 Jefferson County Leader Thursday, June 22, 2023

a s ar ery tea s s ne on nat ona sta e

illsboro High School archers
brought home two first-place tro- Outdoor
phies from the National Archery
in Schools Program (NASP) Eastern
National Tournament May 11-13 in Lou- John J.
isville. Representing nearly 700 schools, Winkelman
archers from throughout the eastern
United States submitted more than
20,000 scores, and the top team totals in Hillsboro High had an astonishing 18
both the bullseye and 3-D competitions shooters score 280 or higher. Scott
were posted by the Hawks. Hartenberger’s 294 ranked 16th out of
Before getting to the astonishing 2,510 high school shooters. Other top
individual numbers, grasp the magnitude Hawks included Autumn Watson (291),
of these. Sixty-eight Missouri schools Peyton Willeford (290), Blake Moore
participated among the 190 elementary (290), Richard Wiethop (289), Reese
schools, 240 middle schools and 253 Churchill (288), Natalie Jaeschke (287),
high school teams for a total of 14,079 John Winkelman photo
Leya Pogue (286), Briley Vontalge
archers in the bullseye competition. Members of the Hillsboro High archery team compete this season. The Hawks won
(286), Sam Pierce, Caleb Quigley, Alexis
The best team score among the national championships in two events.
Hahn and Shelby Kohler (all 284), Gavin
253 high schools was the 3,453 posted Formann (283), Trenton Fink (283), Semir Mujic, who shot 281. 278 out of 300.
by Hillsboro. The scores of the top 12 Adalynn Painter (282), Austin Morgan Top bullseye shooters from Hills- The top shooters from Guffey El-
archers on each team are combined for (280) and Colton Gronborg (280). boro Junior High were Rylan Luttrell ementary were Jaxon Throop (284),
a maximum possible score of 3,600. Seckman High posted the 69th (290), Nolan Hahn (284), Olivia Heine Olivia Joggerst (282), Reese Bruns
Hillsboro Junior High scored 3,325 best score among the 253 teams with a (282), Audrey Weber (282), and Logan (273), Grace Gilligan (272) and Melvin
to finish in eighth place in the middle 3,296. Dylan Pinson and Hannah Eskew Partney (280). Noah Medeiros had the Jackson (270). Lena Anderson, a fifth-
school division, and George Guffey El- were the top shooters for the Jaguars, highest score on his Ridgewood Middle grade student at Lonedell Elementary
ementary School in the Fox C-6 District both totaling 282 out of 300. School team at 284, which placed him School, had the highest score on her
was the fourth-best elementary school Windsor High finished 202nd, led at 69th of 2,787 archers in the division. team at 275, good for 18th out of 1,814
program with a score of 3,189. by freshman Owen Saeger’s 281. Fox The Seckman Junior High team placed archers in that division. Elise Watkins
In the bullseye contest, archers High (221st) featured ninth-grader 86th out of 240 teams, with Jackson from Meramec Heights Elementary
shoot for a maximum score of 300. Mason Cook with a 282 and sophomore Phillips and Sara Balding both shooting
See OUTDOORS, Page 33

o t er ta es atters nto o n ands
By Brandon Haynes on another throwing miscue and catcher we’ll see if it continues.”
For the Leader Tyler Lang’s RBI single. Good pitching can be contagious,
“We’ve been scrapping all year, too, as Steele posted Rock Memorial’s
Mikey Steele was tired of victory really battling from behind most of the first shutout of the season and the team
celebrations by opposing teams. time, and it’s nice to get out and jump on improved to 3-8. The righthander lowered
The Rock Memorial Legion Post 283 top of somebody,” Sigman said. “You his earned run average to 0.58.
righthander took matters into his own can see there’s a different energy in the Steele yielded his only hit in the sec-
hands June 13, propelling Post 283 to an dugout with it.” ond inning, a single by Marr, and walked
8-0 victory over the Hillsboro Prospects It was otherwise an efficient start three batters. He got stronger as the game
in Imperial and snapping a five-game by Brown in his first appearance for the went on, retiring the last 12 hitters in a
losing streak. Prospects this season. He scattered six row, half of them on strikeouts.
“It got kind of old watching every- hits and allowed only two earned runs “I established the zone with the
body do their high-five lines and us be over three innings while fanning six. fastball, and then threw them off with
on the other side, just watching them go Hillsboro’s Elliott Puhse and Adam Marr, off-speed pitches,” Steele said. “(I) hit the
through it,” said Steele, a recent Seckman the latter seeing his first action since re- same spot to make them think that it’s a
High graduate. “But it feels nice being on turning from the Festus state prep cham- fastball again, and it falls off the table. I
the other side.” pionship team, combined to allow one hit try to keep them on their toes at all times.”
Steele stifled a Hillsboro lineup Russell Korando photo and two runs over the final three innings. Baker said the Prospects needed to
searching for answers as the new club Rock Memorial head coach Dan Sigman “Brayden is really one of our guys take better at-bats. Hillsboro struck out
looked to avoid a second straight shutout. had confidence that Mikey Steele could in the rotation; we just haven’t gotten to looking five times and struggled to pro-
He held the Prospects to one hit over six be a starting pitcher this summer. him yet,” Baker said. “(Brown and Marr) duce in two-strike counts.
and 2/3 innings, striking out 10 batters. are new to what we’re doing here, but “We sit there (and) take too many
“I don’t think he was utilized as a Baker said. “With our pitching staff, as they’re definitely guys that we are going close pitches,” he said. “Obviously, with
starter during the high school season, and many strikes as we throw, we can’t sit to lean on.” two strikes, we have to move up on the
I talked to him (about) what he’s more back on the ball. Rock Memorial tacked on additional plate and put it in play at that point. We’re
comfortable with,” Rock Memorial head “No matter how many good pitches runs in the third and fourth innings as not doing that well.”
coach Dan Sigman said. your pitcher throws, if you don’t catch Braden Losekamp drove in Fleshman with The Prospects were set to take on
“He said he’s more comfortable as the ball behind them, it’s a moot point.” a single and an error scored another run. Festus Post 253 this week, after the
a starter, (and) he rewarded me tonight.” Infielder Nick Daugherty started Post 283’s offensive production, espe- Leader deadline, followed by a rematch
It was Rock’s first victory since June the Rock onslaught, slashing an RBI cially from the heart of the order, stood with Rock Memorial. Rock enjoyed a
3 and resulted from a healthy dose of run double into left-center field for the out to Sigman. Daugherty, Fleshman and break before facing De Soto, another
support, along with Steele’s pitching. first run of the game. He scored one Losekamp combined for four hits, five District 13 opponent, on Monday, past
The Post 283 offense broke out for its batter later when outfielder Parker RBIs and five runs scored. the Leader deadline.
second-highest run total of the season, Fleshman reached on an infield error. “They’re going to set the table,” Sig- “We cannot go until next Monday
capitalizing on five Hillsboro errors, three Hillsboro lefthander Brayden Brown man said. “Hopefully the other guys will without doing anything,” Sigman said. “I
in a four-run first inning. then induced a would-be double-play fall (in) behind and see what’s going on will be up here at 7 p.m. on Father’s Day,
“We weren’t being aggressive grounder, but a throwing error kept the and try to do what they can. we’ll bang out some batting practice and
enough,” Hillsboro head coach Wil inning alive and two more runs scored “They say hitting is contagious, so we’ll get a little rust off of us.”

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