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HSM 137 Assessment Brief

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Assessment Brief Template

Academic Year 2022-23

Semester 3

Module Number HSM137

Module Title Global Health

Assessment Method Essay

Deadline (time and date) 02.08.23

Assessment Dropbox in the Module Study Area in

Campus Moodle.

Word Limit
3000 words
(see Assessment Word Limit Statement)

Module Co-ordinator Shamini Omnes

What knowledge and/or skills will I develop by undertaking the assessment?

By undertaking the assessment students will have some knowledge and understanding of global

health and health transitions; global health ethics; principles of primary, secondary and tertiary

prevention; risk assessment and planning; health promoting capacity of healthcare systems. Skills

which can be developed will include data interpretation, literature review, alongside core skills such

as academic writing, critical thinking, analysis and writing. All of the above will be considered across

two countries to compare and contrast.

On successful completion of the assessment students will be able to achieve the following

Learning Outcomes:

1. Critically examine global health issues, patterns, transitions and the public health responses to


2. Discuss the principles of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention programmes and their

implications for health security

3. Critically appraise the methods for assessment and communication of risk, incident management,

emergency planning and legal responsibilities for public health

4. Critically evaluate the health promoting capacity of health care systems.

Date created: Aug 2022

Version: 2
What knowledge and/or skills will I develop by undertaking the assessment?
Please also refer to the Module Descriptor, available from the module Moodle study area.

What is expected of me in this assessment?

Task(s) – content
Public health issue 3,000 word essay

The final summative assessment will take the form of a 3000 word (maximum) essay. As part of your

essay you should choose a global public health issue. You will then explore this global public health

issue in relation to a national context you identify and another country of your choosing ensuring

that you:

• Critically discuss the public health issue in relation to global trends and global health

influences. This should include explorations of comparative or contrasting patterns of

incidence and management of the condition between your own national context and the

identified country (Learning Outcome 1)

• Critically analyse and evaluate the national and global public health measures relating to the

public health issue which are intended to improve health in the population of both

countries. Within this you should consider principles of primary, secondary and tertiary

prevention programmes and their implications for health security (Learning Outcome 2,3)

• Critically appraise work that has contributed to the assessment of risk, incident management,

emergency planning and/or legal and regulatory governance which may impact on the

chosen issue in these two countries (Learning outcome 2, 3)

• Critically evaluate the roles of the health promoting capacity within the healthcare systems of

both countries. This can include roles across the transnational bodies such as WHO, UN,

UNICEF and CDC (Learning Outcome 4).

• Based on the discussion and critical evaluation presented in the preceding sections of your

essay, you need to produce a justified case for system changes which could have a beneficial

impact on population health in your conclusion section. (Learning Outcome 4)

Additionally, to support towards a summative assignment you should:

• Research and read more on global health issues

• Engage in weekly discussion forums by contributing to pre-tutorial activities

• Contribute to formative task

Date created: Aug 2022

Version: 2
What is expected of me in this assessment?

Task(s) - format
You should complete and include a cover sheet. Start the essay with a title of essay. This should be

followed with an Introduction; headings and sub-headings aligned with the respective aspects from

the marking grid. Make sure you adhere to the RGU School of Sciences student style manual.

The essay should be no longer than 3000 words.

Summative Assessment Due Date and Requirements: Summative Assessment submissions are due

in the summative assessment drop-box HSM137 Global Health by 12.00 noon on Wednesday the

02nd of August 2023. You should upload one Microsoft word document to the drop-box which

includes the assessment front cover page and your essay including reference section.

Consider Moodle drop-box requirements, for HSM137 Global Health (See Digital Learning Standard).

How will I be graded?

A grade will be provided for each criterion on the feedback grid which is specific to the assessment.

The overall grade for the assessment will be calculated using the algorithm below.

2As, 1B and 1C in rows 1-4

2 Distinctions and 2 Passes in rows 5-8

2Bs, 1C and 1D in rows 1-4

1 Distinction and 3 Passes in rows 5-8

3Cs and 1D in rows 1-4

A minimum of 4 Passes in rows 5-8

D 3Ds and 1E in rows 1-4

3 Passes and 1 Fail in rows 5-8

4Es in rows 1-4

A minimum of 4 Fails in rows 5-8

F Fail to achieve the minimum requirements for an E but submit work

NS Non-submission.

Date created: Aug 2022

Version: 2
Feedback grid
CRITERIA Outstanding Meritorious Highly Competent Competent Fail
(WEIGHTING) Performance Performance Performance Performance
Evidence of robust and Evidence of a generally Evidence of critical Evidence of critical Mainly descriptive Fully descriptive account
CRITERION 1 balanced critical balanced critical discussion of discussion of a relevant discussion of a relevant account of a public health of a public health issue
Critical discussion of a relevant a relevant public health issue. public health issue but public health issue but issue and/or it is only that is only described in
discussion of public health issue. Compares and contrasts the discussion may be discussion may be relevant to one of the two relation to one country.
your chosen Consistently compares situation across the two imbalanced in places; or imbalanced and overly countries used in the
public health and contrasts the countries with generally only brief comparisons descriptive; or may focus essay. Little if any critical
issue in relation situation across the two appropriate consideration of are made across the two more on the impact of the discussion evident or it
to global trends countries with insightful incidence and management. countries; or may focus identified issue on only may be inaccurate.
and global consideration of incidence more on incidence or one of the two countries
health and management management rather than in the essay (no
influences. considerations. both, as appropriate (but comparison in the two
does this across both countries) or may focus
[Learning countries). more on incidence or
Outcome 1] management rather than
both; or may not
compare/ contrast this
across the two countries.

Evidence of robust and Evidence of a generally Evidence of critical Evidence of critical Limited critical analysis Descriptive account of
CRITERION 2 insightful critical analysis balanced critical analysis and analysis and evaluation of analysis and evaluation of and evaluation of the national and global public
and evaluation of the evaluation of the national and the national and global the national and global national and global public health measures which do
Critical analysis national and global public global public health measures public health measures public health measures health measures; or may not relate specifically to
and evaluation health measures relating relating to the identified relating to the identified relating to the identified not relate these the identified public
of the national to the identified public public health issue; addresses public health issue. But public health issue but specifically to the health issues; or minimal
and global public health issue. principles of primary, only a brief consideration may focus more on identified public health or inaccurate
health measures Comprehensively secondary or tertiary of national and global national or global issues; or little consideration of
related to the addresses principles of prevention programmes, and measures; or only briefly measures rather than consideration of principles of primary,

Date created: Aug 2022

Version: 2
CRITERIA Outstanding Meritorious Highly Competent Competent Fail
(WEIGHTING) Performance Performance Performance Performance
selected public primary, secondary or details their implications for addresses principles of being balanced across principles of primary, secondary or tertiary
health issues tertiary prevention health security. primary, secondary or both; or may not address secondary or tertiary prevention programmes
programmes and their tertiary prevention principles of primary, prevention programmes; but fails to specify their
[Learning implications for health programmes but may not secondary or tertiary or fails to specify their implications for health
Outcome 2, 3] security. always specify their prevention programmes; implications for health security.
implications for health or may not specify their security.
security. implications for health

Evidence of insightful Evidence of a generally Evidence of appropriate Evidence of appropriate Limited evaluation of No evaluation of relevant
CRITERION 3 critical appraisal of a wide balanced critical appraisal of a critical appraisal of a critical appraisal of a relevant risk assessment, risk assessment, incident
Critical appraisal range of work range of work contributing to range of work narrow range of work incident management, management, emergency
of work which contributing to the the assessment of risk contributing to the contributing to the emergency preparedness preparedness or
has contributed assessment of risk incident management assessment of risk assessment of risk and/or or governance in relation governance.
to the incident management emergency preparedness and incident management incident management to the chosen regions.
assessment of emergency preparedness governance in relation to the emergency preparedness and/or emergency
risk, incident and governance in chosen regions, which are and governance in preparedness and
management, relation to the chosen mainly linked to the impact on relation to the chosen governance in relation to
emergency regions with robust links the chosen issue. regions, but may not the chosen regions but
planning and/or to the impact on the consistently relate these may not relate these to
legal and chosen issue. to the chosen issue. the chosen issue; may be
regulatory overly descriptive in
governance in places.
these regions
which may
impact on the
chosen issue
Outcome 2, 3]


Evidence of robust and Evidence of a generally Evidence of appropriate Evidence of appropriate Mainly descriptive Descriptive and/or
CRITERION 4 insightful critical balanced critical evaluation of critical evaluation roles of critical evaluation roles of account of the roles of the inaccurate account of the

Date created: Aug 2022

Version: 2
CRITERIA Outstanding Meritorious Highly Competent Competent Fail
(WEIGHTING) Performance Performance Performance Performance
Critical evaluation roles of the the roles of the healthcare the healthcare and other the healthcare and healthcare and other roles of the healthcare
evaluation of healthcare and related and other systems of both systems of both countries related systems of both systems of both countries and related systems of
the role of the systems of both countries countries and their capacity and their capacity for countries and their and their capacity for one or both countries and
healthcare and and their capacity for for positively promoting positively promoting capacity for positively positively promoting their capacity for
related systems positively promoting health. health, but may focus promoting health, but health, but may only positively promoting
of both health. more on one country may focus more on one focus on one country. health.
countries and rather than being country rather than being
their capacity balanced. balanced; may be overly
for positively descriptive in places.
Outcome 4]


Coursework received late, without valid reason, will be regarded as a non-submission (NS) and one of your assessment opportunities will be lost.

Date created: Aug 2022

Version: 2
Grade Fail Pass Distinction

5. Conclusion: A Limited presentation of a case for A case for changes to systems is clearly The case is made for changes to systems that

justified case for changes to systems. presented, but consideration may lack is critically argued and justified.

system change balance.

(Learning Outcome 4)

6. Use of academic Inadequate range of source material Evidence of effective reading of a range of Effective and critical use of a wide range of

literature resources and poor selection of literature to source material with some relevant relevant seminal and current sources.

and publications support arguments made; may be literature to support the answer. Some

overly reliant on lay resources. older sources may be used.

7. Referencing Limited use of referencing and/or Satisfactory use of referencing, but may Very good use of accurate referencing

inaccuracies and inconsistencies have some inconsistencies and/or

evident. inaccuracies.

8. Presentation and Headings may be omitted or Appropriately presented with use of Very well presented with good attention to

style inappropriate. Language not always generally relevant headings. Language detail. Language fluent, grammar and spelling

fluent; grammar, spelling and style not mainly fluent, grammar and spelling accurate with no or only very occasional

at expected level. generally accurate. Evidence of satisfactory typing errors. Evidence of very good academic

academic writing style. writing style.

Date created: Aug 2022

Version: 2
What else is important to my assessment?
What is plagiarism?
“Plagiarism is the practice of presenting the thoughts, writings or other output of another or others as

original, without acknowledgement of their source(s) at the point of their use in the student’s work. All

materials including text, data, diagrams or other illustrations used to support a piece of work, whether

from a printed publication or from electronic media, should be appropriately identified and

referenced and should not normally be copied directly unless as an acknowledged quotation. Text,

opinions or ideas translated into the words of the individual student should in all cases acknowledge

the original source” (RGU 2022).

What is collusion?
“Collusion is defined as two or more people working together with the intention of deceiving another.

Within the academic environment this can occur when students work with others on an assignment,

or part of an assignment, that is intended to be completed separately“ (RGU 2022).

For further information please see Academic Integrity.

What is the Assessment Word Limit Statement?

It is important that you adhere to the Word Limit specified above. The Assessment Word Limit

Statement lists what is included and excluded from the word count, along with the penalty for

exceeding the upper limit.

What if I’m unable to submit?

• The University operates a Fit to Sit Policy which means that if you undertake an assessment then

you are declaring yourself well enough to do so.

• If you require an extension, you should complete and submit a Coursework Extension Form. This

form is available on the RGU Student and Applicant Forms page.

• Further support is available from your Course Leader.

Date created: Aug 2022

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What else is important to my assessment?
What additional support is available?
• RGU Study Skills provide advice and guidance on academic writing, study skills, maths and

statistics and basic IT.

• RGU Library guidance on referencing and citing.

• The Inclusion Centre: Disability & Dyslexia.

• Your Module Coordinator, Course Leader and designated Personal Tutor can also provide


What are the University rules on assessment?

The University Regulation ‘A4: Assessment and Recommendations of Assessment Boards‘ sets out

important information about assessment and how it is conducted across the University.

Date created: Aug 2022

Version: 2

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