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Competency Assessment Tier 1

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Competency Assessment

2021 Core Competencies for Public Health

Professionals: Tier 1

Adapted by the Public Health Foundation from an assessment developed by Janet Place, MPH,
University of North Carolina (now at the University of South Carolina). Provided by the Council
on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice. May be modified as needed.

Technical Note: This assessment was designed for use with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. Scoring
and other functions may not operate properly in other PDF viewers. To use the assessment,
download and save this PDF form before entering your scores.
Competency Assessment
2021 Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals: Tier 1


The Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (Core Competencies) are a consensus
set of foundational or crosscutting knowledge and skills for the broad practice of public health, as
defined by the 10 Essential Public Health Services. The Core Competencies contain 56
competency statements that apply across the public health workforce for those engaged in the
practice, education, and research of public health. Specific knowledge and skills related to these
competency statements differ based on the responsibilities of an individual within an
organization. The Core Competencies are organized into three tiers, which describe different
types of responsibilities within public health organizations. The tiers are used to organize
subcompetencies, which articulate more detailed knowledge and skills for individuals with
responsibilities related to each tier. The Core Competencies are also organized into eight skill
areas, or domains, that cut across public health disciplines. The purpose of this assessment is to
help you explore your level of competence within these eight domains.

This competency assessment focuses on Tier 1 of the Core Competencies, which is defined as:

Tier 1: Front Line and Program Support Responsibilities. These may include
responsibilities such as collecting and analyzing data, conducting restaurant inspections,
assessing environmental hazards, providing health education, building community
relationships, providing customer service, delivering services, coordinating meetings,
organizing records, supporting programs, and providing technical expertise.

This competency assessment is primarily designed as a self-assessment. However, once you

have completed the assessment, it may also be useful to discuss this information with a
supervisor, mentor, coach, or colleagues who can help to guide you in your professional
development. Results of the assessment may be useful in developing professional development
goals, choosing learning opportunities that will help you reach your goals or meet requirements
for your occupation or discipline, or developing a learning plan, among other activities.
Organizations may also wish to use this assessment with all staff and aggregate results to
inform workforce development activities within the organization.

By assessing your level of knowledge or skill for each competency statement described, you
will be able to prioritize your learning time to focus on those areas that are most important to
you and to concentrate where the need for training and learning may be greatest.

How to Complete This Competency Assessment

The competency assessment should take about 20 minutes to complete. It is divided into the
following eight domains:
• Data Analytics and Assessment Skills
• Policy Development and Program Planning Skills
• Communication Skills
• Health Equity Skills
• Community Partnership Skills
• Public Health Sciences Skills
• Management and Finance Skills
• Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills

1) Read each competency statement listed within a domain.

2) In each domain, and for each competency statement, think about the level at which you are
currently able to perform the skill. Then rate your level of proficiency on each competency
statement by selecting the number on the following continuum that best describes your
perceived level of expertise for that statement:

1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill

2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill

3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill

4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

Note: The competency statements listed in each domain should be interpreted as broadly as
possible to apply to your position and principal setting of employment. In the example below,
you would select “4” for “Proficient” if you think you are excelling at this competency or select
“1” for “None” if you feel you need a great deal of improvement. For each competency, rate
yourself with respect to the competency statement (shown in bold), taking into consideration
the subcompetencies below the competency statement.

To what degree are you able to effectively…describe factors that affect the health of a

1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill

2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill

3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill

4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

3) At the end of each domain, there is a place to write any comments you have. For example, if
you feel like an expert but may still want training or learning opportunities in a particular skill,
please enter those comments in the comments section. If you feel more confident about
some aspects of the skill and less confident about others, you could note that in the
comments. Additionally, if particular areas are highly relevant or less relevant for your job,
you may wish to note those. This information can help you in determining where to place
emphasis on building knowledge and skills. You may also want to share this assessment
with your supervisor, mentor, coach, colleagues, or others and ask them to add comments as
well. Their perspectives can help you identify areas where you may have underestimated or
overestimated your skills, as well as prioritize strategic areas for growth based on your job
responsibilities and the priorities of your organization. All of these comments may be helpful
to you and your supervisor in planning for your professional development.

4) After you have entered your responses for each domain, the sum of your scores will appear
in the column next to “Total Score.” Your average score will also appear in the column next
to “Average Score” and in the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section at the end of
the competency assessment.

5) Review your results and follow the guidance offered in the “Interpreting Your Results” section
to determine your next steps.

Domain 1: Data Analytics and Assessment Skills

1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill

2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill
3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill
4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

To what degree are you able to effectively…

1 Describe factors that affect the health of a community (e.g.,

income, education, laws, environment, climate change, resilience,
homelessness, food security, access to healthcare, racial equity,
distribution of resources and power, social and community 2
engagement, changing demographics)
• Identify factors affecting the health of a community
• Describe factors affecting the health of a community

2 Access existing quantitative and qualitative data (e.g., community

input, big data, vital statistics, electronic health records,
transportation patterns, employment statistics, environmental
monitoring, health equity impact assessments, revenue and
• Identify data needs (e.g., sub-county, real-time, trends, race and
ethnicity, social determinants of health, surrounding jurisdictions,
comparable jurisdictions for comparative purposes)
• Identify sources of existing data (e.g., what is available, what is
accessible, how to access) 2
• Analyze the quality of existing data (e.g., accuracy, bias,
completeness, validity, reliability, integrity, credibility, source,
relevance, timeliness, applicability, generalizability)
• Analyze the comparability of existing data (e.g., data being age-
adjusted to the same year, data variables across datasets having
similar definitions, trends over time, differences in data collection
• Select existing data
• Identify gaps in existing data

3 Collect quantitative and qualitative data

• Explain the importance of data collection for designing,
implementing, evaluating, and improving policies, programs, and
• Select methods and tools for collecting data
• Use methods and tools for collecting data (e.g., using information 3
technology, applying user experience principles, ensuring data
integrity, leveraging national data standards and existing data
systems, applying control techniques when handling data,
providing real-time surveillance data, ensuring sufficient
granularity to not hide disparities)

To what degree are you able to effectively…

4 Analyze quantitative and qualitative data

• Explain the importance of data analysis for designing,
implementing, evaluating, and improving policies, programs, and
• Prepare data for analysis (e.g., coding data, cleaning data,
structuring data, determining the quality of data, determining the
comparability of data, de-identifying data) 3
• Select methods and tools for analyzing data
• Use methods and tools for analyzing data (e.g., using information
technology, statistical software, Excel, qualitative data analysis
software, GIS, spatial analysis; ensuring data integrity; applying
control techniques when handling data; disaggregating data to
not hide disparities)

5 Manage quantitative and qualitative data

• Explain the importance of data management for designing,
implementing, evaluating, and improving policies, programs, and
• Contribute to development of data management plans
• Implement data management plans 3
• Ensure protection of data (e.g., knowing what data are
confidential, knowing what confidentiality entails, safeguarding
confidential data, ensuring data integrity)
• Ensure public availability of data (e.g., practicing FAIR principles,
de-identifying data, implementing open data standards)

6 Use quantitative and qualitative data

• Describe public health applications of data
• Consider limitations of data (e.g., accuracy, bias, completeness,
validity, reliability, integrity, credibility, source, relevance,
timeliness, applicability, generalizability)
• Recognize the context in which data were collected 3
• Interpret data
• Use data to determine the root causes of health disparities and
• Use data to inform plans and operations (e.g., strategic plan,
quality improvement plan, professional development)

7 Apply public health informatics in using data, information, and

• Explain the importance of public health informatics for designing,
implementing, evaluating, and improving policies, programs, and
services 2
• Select public health informatics methods and tools
• Use public health informatics methods and tools
• Contribute to assessment of public health data systems
• Recommend improvements to public health data systems

To what degree are you able to effectively…

8 Assess community health status

• Explain the importance of assessing community health status
• Assess factors affecting health in a community (e.g., root causes
of inequities; laws; access to affordable housing; access to
transportation; access to healthy food; public health hazards;
vulnerability and risks associated with climate change; quality,
availability, accessibility, and use of health services; lead in
housing; air and water quality; hazardous waste site location;
extreme weather patterns; community resilience)
• Identify health needs in a community (e.g., housing,
transportation, food, chronic disease, immunization rates,
tobacco use)
• Identify assets and resources for improving health in a
community (e.g., community coalitions, community-based 2
organizations, public libraries, hospitals, businesses, faith-based
organizations, community organizers, community development
financial institutions, civic groups, advocacy groups, academic
institutions, federal grants, fellowship programs, environmental
agencies and organizations)
• Identify public health programs and organizations with authority
to address specific community health needs (e.g., lead in
housing, water fluoridation, bike lanes, emergency preparedness,
infectious disease outbreaks)
• Identify laws that impact public health programs and
• Contribute to development of community health assessment

Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 20

Average Score (Divide the “Total Score” by 8 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section) 2.5


Domain 2: Policy Development and Program Planning Skills

1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill

2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill
3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill
4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

To what degree are you able to effectively…

1 Develop policies, programs, and services

• Contribute to development of options for policies, programs, and
• Contribute to assessment of the feasibility and implications (e.g.,
fiscal, social, political, environmental, legal, geographic) of
policies, programs, and services 3
• Contribute to assessment of the equity of policies, programs, and
• Contribute to development of the rationale for policies, programs,
and services

2 Implement policies, programs, and services (e.g., within the

organization, external to the organization, in collaboration with
• Identify individuals and organizations who can contribute to
implementation of policies, programs, and services
• Contribute to development of goals, measurable objectives,
targets, and timeframes for policies, programs, and services
• Contribute to development of strategies for implementing 3
policies, programs, and services
• Apply strategies for implementing policies, programs, and
• Connect individuals to programs and services (e.g., helping
individuals navigate systems, linking individuals to healthcare or
social services)
• Contribute to monitoring of goals, measurable objectives, targets,
and timeframes for policies, programs, and services

3 Evaluate policies, programs, services, and organizational

performance (e.g., outputs, outcomes, processes, procedures,
return on investment)
• Explain the importance of evaluation for improving policies, 2
programs, services, and organizational performance
• Select evaluation methods and tools
• Implement evaluation methods and tools

To what degree are you able to effectively…

4 Improve policies, programs, services, and organizational

• Use evaluation results to improve policies, programs, services,
and organizational performance
• Explain the importance of quality improvement for improving
policies, programs, services, and organizational performance
• Select quality improvement methods and tools (e.g., PDCA, Lean
Six Sigma) 2
• Implement quality improvement methods and tools to improve
policies, programs, services, and organizational performance
(e.g., identifying opportunities to apply quality improvement,
building a culture of quality, integrating quality improvement into
daily work, sustaining improvement)
• Engage in continuous improvement of policies, programs,
services, and organizational performance

5 Influence policies, programs, and services external to the

organization (e.g., zoning, transportation, housing, education)
• Identify opportunities to influence policies, programs, and
services external to the organization
• Contribute to determination of priorities for influencing policies,
programs, and services external to the organization 2
• Contribute to development of strategies to influence policies,
programs, and services external to the organization
• Contribute to implementation of strategies to influence policies,
programs, and services external to the organization

6 Engage in organizational strategic planning

• Contribute to development of organizational strategic plan
• Implement organizational strategic plan
• Monitor events and trends (e.g., health, fiscal, social, political,
environmental) impacting implementation of organizational 2
strategic plan
• Monitor impact of organizational strategic plan
• Contribute to adjustment of organizational strategic plan for
continuous improvement

7 Engage in community health improvement planning

• Contribute to development of community health improvement
• Implement community health improvement plan
• Monitor events and trends (e.g., health, fiscal, social, political,
environmental) impacting implementation of community health 2
improvement plan
• Monitor impact of community health improvement plan
• Contribute to adjustment of community health improvement plan
for continuous improvement

Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 16

Average Score (Divide the “Total Score” by 7 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section) 2.3


Domain 3: Communication Skills

1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill

2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill
3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill
4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

To what degree are you able to effectively…

1 Determine communication strategies

• Identify purposes and goals for disseminating public health data
and information
• Identify public health data and information that need to be
• Identify audiences for public health data and information
• Assess the literacy of internal and external audiences (e.g.,
reading level; ability to obtain, interpret, and use health and other
information; social media literacy; numeracy)
• Assess the communication needs and preferences of internal and
external audiences (e.g., language, culture, values and beliefs,
fears and concerns, previous experiences) 2
• Develop messaging for disseminating public health data and
• Suggest approaches for disseminating public health data and
information (e.g., email, letters, stories, press releases,
infographics, social media/networks, peer-to-peer networks, news
and entertainment outlets, newsletters, journals, town hall
meetings, neighborhood gatherings, websites, webinars, podcasts,
presentations, conferences, reports, data repositories)
• Suggest messengers for disseminating public health data and
information (e.g., public health professionals, scientists, healthcare
workers, journalists, social influencers, celebrities, faith leaders,
community health workers)

To what degree are you able to effectively…

2 Communicate with internal and external audiences (e.g., staff,

elected officials, students, volunteers, community-based
organizations, healthcare professionals, the public)
• Communicate with linguistic and cultural proficiency (e.g., tailoring
messages for different audiences, using age-appropriate materials,
incorporating images, using plain language, implementing CLAS
Standards, ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities,
engaging interpreters and translators)
• Engage in active listening
• Seek input from internal and external audiences (e.g., populations
served, coworkers, chambers of commerce, faith-based
organizations, schools, social services organizations, hospitals,
politicians, policymakers, government, community-based 2
organizations, environmental agencies and organizations,
• Communicate the impact of environmental factors, social factors,
and individual actions on health (e.g., climate change, air and
water quality, racism, smoking, littering, getting vaccinated,
poverty, homelessness)
• Engage in risk communication
• Communicate information to influence behavior and improve
health (e.g., promoting mask use, encouraging vaccinations,
preparing for emergencies, discouraging tobacco use)
• Communicate the roles and responsibilities of governmental public
health, healthcare, and other partners in improving the health of a

3 Respond to information, misinformation, and disinformation (e.g.,

through social media, town hall meetings, commentaries, letters to
the editor)
• Monitor information sources
• Identify opportunities for responding to information, misinformation,
and disinformation
• Suggest approaches for responding to information, misinformation,
and disinformation
• Suggest messengers for responding to information,
misinformation, and disinformation
• Develop messaging for responding to information, misinformation,
and disinformation
• Disseminate messages in response to information, misinformation,
and disinformation

To what degree are you able to effectively…

4 Facilitate communication among individuals, groups, and

• Identify opportunities to facilitate communication
• Foster communication (e.g., building trust, engaging in active 2
listening, conducting in-person and virtual meetings, considering
language and accessibility needs, being clear and transparent)

Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 9

Average Score (Divide the “Total Score” by 4 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)


Domain 4: Health Equity Skills

1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill

2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill
3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill
4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

To what degree are you able to effectively…

1 Apply principles of ethics, diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice

(e.g., Public Health Code of Ethics, Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act)
• Apply principles of ethics, diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in
designing, implementing, evaluating, and improving policies,
programs, and services (e.g., collecting data, managing programs,
ensuring transparency)
• Apply principles of ethics, diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in
designing, implementing, evaluating, and improving education and
training (e.g., designing curricula for MPH students, onboarding 3
• Apply principles of ethics, diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in
designing, implementing, evaluating, and improving research (e.g.,
ensuring patient confidentiality, protecting human subjects,
complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act)
• Demonstrate principles of ethics, diversity, equity, inclusion, and
justice in all interactions with individuals, organizations, and

2 Engage in continuous self-reflection about one’s biases (e.g.,

perceptions, assumptions, stereotypes)
• Identify one’s biases 3
• Identify how one’s biases influence policies, programs, and

3 Recognize the diversity of individuals and populations

• Describe the diversity of individuals and populations in a
community (e.g., language, culture, values, socioeconomic status,
geography, education, race, gender identity, age, ethnicity, sexual
orientation, profession, religious affiliation, mental and physical
abilities, historical experiences) 2
• Describe how diversity influences policies, programs, services, and
the health of a community
• Address the diversity of individuals and populations when
developing, implementing, evaluating, and improving policies,
programs, and services


To what degree are you able to effectively…

4 Reduce systemic and structural barriers that perpetuate health

inequities (e.g., racism, sexism, bigotry, poverty, gender
 Collaborate with the community to identify systemic and structural
barriers that perpetuate health inequities (e.g., discriminatory 3
policies and practices, lack of affordable housing or public
transportation, food deserts)
 Collaborate with the community to reduce systemic and structural
barriers that perpetuate health inequities (e.g., promoting human
rights, social justice, and environmental justice; eliminating racism)

5 Implement organizational policies, programs, and services to

achieve health equity and social and environmental justice
 Contribute to assessment of the impact of organizational policies,
programs, and services on health equity and social and
environmental justice
 Contribute to development of organizational policies, programs,
and services to achieve health equity and social and
environmental justice
 Contribute to implementation of organizational policies, programs,
and services to achieve health equity and social and
environmental justice

6 Contribute to achieving and sustaining a diverse, inclusive, and

competent public health workforce
 Identify opportunities for achieving and sustaining a diverse,
inclusive, and competent public health workforce
 Identify barriers to achieving and sustaining a diverse, inclusive,
and competent public health workforce 3
 Contribute to development of strategies for achieving and
sustaining a diverse, inclusive, and competent public health
 Contribute to implementation of strategies for achieving and
sustaining a diverse, inclusive, and competent public health

7 Advocate for health equity and social and environmental justice

(e.g., for reforming systems contributing to racism, advancing fair
housing practices, changing labor laws and policies, protecting
communities from environmental hazards) 2
 Identify opportunities to advocate for health equity and social and
environmental justice
 Engage in advocacy for health equity and social and
environmental justice


Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 18

Average Score (Divide the “Total Score” by 7 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)


It seems a majority of my scores are a 2 and if they are higher it is not due to
experience in health but similar aspects in other parts of my life such as jobs and
groups I take part in. Applying what I just said to this domain I believe I have just
started to build these attributes and would like to build on them much more. Based on
my scores in this domain it seems I specifically need to work on #7 Advocating, #5
Implementation of Policies, and #3 Recognizing Diversity. The plan I have for builing
these skills is to become involved in leadership roles when they open up to me.
Whether thats in a small group I have been a part of or a larger class even if it is not
specifically in the public health area I can build these strengths by being in a position
where I must think about and make decisions that will affect many people. I would like
to do so in music as I see fit and as people begin to respect me more however this is
definitely part of these areas is connecting and growing trust with the people you might
be making decisions for.

Domain 5: Community Partnership Skills

1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill

2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill
3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill
4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

To what degree are you able to effectively…

1 Describe conditions, systems, and policies affecting community

health and resilience (e.g., social and institutional inequities,
determinants of health, structural racism, historical trauma, gender
discrimination, power dynamics, natural disasters, poverty,
housing, trust, local politics, competition, redlining)
• Explain the importance of a healthy and resilient community
• Describe historical conditions, systems, and policies affecting 3
community health and resilience and contributing to health
disparities and inequities
• Describe current conditions, systems, and policies affecting
community health and resilience and contributing to health
disparities and inequities

2 Establish relationships to improve community health and resilience

(e.g., partnerships with organizations serving the same population,
health departments, healthcare institutions, academic institutions,
politicians and other policymakers, environmental agencies and
organizations, emergency response organizations, businesses,
financial institutions, housing authorities, public transit,
• Identify existing relationships affecting community health and 3
resilience (e.g., relationships among health departments,
hospitals, community health centers, primary care providers,
schools, community-based organizations, environmental agencies
and organizations, businesses, financial institutions, housing
authorities, and other types of organizations)
• Identify relationships that may be needed to improve community
health and resilience
• Build relationships to improve community health and resilience

3 Maintain relationships that improve community health and resilience

• Explain the impact relationships are having on community health
and resilience
• Suggest relationships that should be maintained to improve
community health and resilience 3
• Contribute to development of strategies for maintaining
relationships that improve community health and resilience
• Implement strategies for maintaining relationships that improve
community health and resilience

To what degree are you able to effectively…

4 Collaborate with community members and organizations

• Explain the importance of collaborating with community members
and organizations to identify and address community health and
resilience needs
• Collaborate with community members and organizations to
identify community health and resilience needs
• Collaborate with community members and organizations to
identify assets and resources for improving community health and
resilience (e.g., community coalitions, community-based
organizations, public libraries, hospitals, businesses, faith-based
organizations, community organizers, community development
financial institutions, civic groups, advocacy groups, academic
institutions, federal grants, fellowship programs, environmental
agencies and organizations)
• Collaborate with community members and organizations to 3
address community health and resilience needs (e.g., engaging
diverse groups in developing and implementing plans and
programs, engaging in asset-based community development,
making decisions with the community, engaging community
organizations in the delivery of services, coordinating emergency
response, valuing critical input)
• Collaborate with community members and organizations to
assess the impact of policies, programs, and services on
community health and resilience
• Collaborate with community members and organizations to
improve policies, programs, and services
• Ensure accountability to the community (e.g., being transparent
and inclusive, taking responsibility for decisions and their

5 Share power and ownership with community members and others

• Recognize the power and ownership that exist within a community
• Recognize the power structure and dynamics within a community 3
• Ensure power and ownership are shared with community
members and others

Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 15

Average Score (Divide the “Total Score” by 5 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)


In this catagory I have a majority of my 3s I believe however they might not be as

good as someones 3s who has actually worked in health I believe community
partnership skills to be where I would do better naturally than in other catagories. I
have had to do similar things on musch smaller scales in past jobs and I am led to
believe it would carry foreward jobs in this field. Although I believe I may be stronger
in this area I have so much room for improvement specifically I would say in the
subcatagories of #1 Describing conditions and #2 Establishing relationships. Since I
believe my personality allows me to to do better in this area I think I will continue to
grow as I move in to more and more advanced situations. This is again where
experience and research while in school will let me see all the factors in different
situations so I can find which relationship need building to improve health for a
community. Although my plan for this is long term I am working now in a leaership role
where I can work on finding weak connections and strengthening them in order to
resolve conflicts that will benefit my whole group.

Domain 6: Public Health Sciences Skills

1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill

2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill
3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill
4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

To what degree are you able to effectively…

1 Describe systems, policies, and events impacting public health (e.g.,

slavery, colonialism, John Snow and the London cholera outbreak,
smallpox eradication, development of vaccines, Tuskegee Syphilis
Study, fluoridation of drinking water, Jim Crow laws, establishment
of Medicare and Medicaid, Americans with Disabilities Act, seatbelt
legislation, banning tobacco in public buildings, death penalty, gun
violence, globalization, deforestation, climate change, COVID-19 2
• Describe historical systems, policies, and events impacting public
• Describe current systems, policies, and events impacting public

2 Apply public health sciences (e.g., biostatistics, epidemiology,

environmental health, health services administration, social and
behavioral sciences, and public health informatics) in delivering the
10 Essential Public Health Services
• Use public health sciences in delivering the 10 Essential Public
Health Services

3 Use evidence in developing, implementing, evaluating, and

improving policies, programs, and services
• Access evidence from print and electronic sources to support
decision making
• Interpret evidence to support decision making
• Determine limitations of evidence (e.g., validity, reliability, sample
size, bias, generalizability)
• Apply evidence in developing, implementing, evaluating, and
improving policies, programs, and services (e.g., translating 2
research for practice, considering public perspectives and
opinions, navigating power dynamics)
• Suggest partnerships that may increase use of evidence in public
health practice (e.g., between practice and academic
organizations, in cross-sector collaborations, with health sciences
• Maintain partnerships that increase use of evidence in public
health practice

To what degree are you able to effectively…

4 Contribute to the evidence base for improving health

• Engage in community-based participatory research
• Participate in partnerships to produce evidence for improving the
public’s health (e.g., Public Health Practice-Based Research
Networks, academic health department partnerships) 2
• Disseminate evidence for improving the public’s health (e.g.,
writing journal articles, reviewing manuscripts, making data
available to researchers, sharing research findings on social
media, telling stories)

Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 8

Average Score (Divide the “Total Score” by 4 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)


Domain 7: Management and Finance Skills

1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill

2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill
3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill
4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

To what degree are you able to effectively…

1 Describe factors that affect the health of an organization (e.g.,

equitable and fair treatment of employees, support from the governing
body and community, sustainability of funding, training of managers) 3
• Identify factors affecting the health of an organization
• Describe factors affecting the health of an organization

2 Secure human resources (e.g., staff, interns, consultants, volunteers)

• Contribute to determination of human resources needed for
organizational infrastructure, programs, and services
• Contribute to development of strategies to recruit a diverse, inclusive,
and competent workforce 3
• Contribute to implementation of strategies to recruit a diverse,
inclusive, and competent workforce
• Contribute to recruitment of a diverse, inclusive, and competent

3 Manage human resources

• Contribute to development of strategies to retain a diverse, inclusive,
and competent workforce
• Contribute to implementation of strategies to retain a diverse,
inclusive, and competent workforce
• Contribute to monitoring of workforce satisfaction
• Contribute to development of strategies to improve workforce
• Contribute to implementation of strategies to improve workforce 2
• Contribute to development of individual professional development
• Engage in continuous improvement of individual performance
• Foster a healthy work environment (e.g., prioritizing diversity,
inclusivity, and belonging; creating a safe space for diverse
perspectives; encouraging sharing of ideas; respecting different
points of view; motivating colleagues; resolving conflicts; supporting
colleague mental and physical health needs; addressing burnout)

To what degree are you able to effectively…

4 Engage in professional development (e.g., training, mentoring, peer

advising, coaching, drills, exercises)
• Recognize one’s own professional development needs (e.g.,
determining knowledge and skills needed for success in one’s job,
identifying gaps in desired knowledge and skills)
• Participate in professional development opportunities 3
• Collaborate with individuals and teams to determine professional
development needs
• Support individuals and teams in engaging in professional
development (e.g., promoting a culture of lifelong learning, identifying
training opportunities, encouraging peer-to-peer learning)

5 Secure financial resources

• Contribute to determination of financial resources needed for
organizational infrastructure, programs, and services
• Describe public health funding mechanisms (e.g., categorical grants,
fees, third-party reimbursement, tobacco taxes)
• Contribute to justification of programs for inclusion in organizational
budgets 2
• Contribute to development of program budgets
• Contribute to development of strategies to secure financial resources
(e.g., preparing proposals for funding, providing data, seeking input
from partners)
• Contribute to implementation of strategies to secure financial

6 Manage financial resources

• Contribute to determination of how financial resources are distributed
• Contribute to development of contracts and other agreements for 2
products and services
• Contribute to monitoring of program budgets

7 Implement organizational policies, programs, and services to achieve

diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice
• Contribute to assessment of the impact of organizational policies,
programs, and services on diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice
• Contribute to development of organizational policies, programs, and
services to achieve diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice
• Contribute to implementation of organizational policies, programs,
and services to achieve diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice

8 Manage programs and services

• Contribute to development of work plans
• Contribute to implementation of work plans
• Contribute to monitoring of work plans

To what degree are you able to effectively…

9 Engage in contingency planning (e.g., for emergencies, succession,

cross-training staff, continuity of operations, economic downturns)
• Contribute to development of contingency plans 3
• Contribute to implementation of contingency plans

10 Apply critical thinking in decision making

• Determine how data and information can be used in decision making
• Consider factors (e.g., fiscal, social, political, environmental, legal,
geographic) influencing decisions 3
• Consider potential unintended consequences of decisions
• Demonstrate the importance of using evidence in decision making
• Make evidence-informed decisions

11 Engage individuals and teams to achieve program and organizational

• Identify individuals with the expertise to achieve program and
organizational goals
• Engage individuals to achieve program and organizational goals
• Describe how diverse and inclusive teams help achieve program and
organizational goals 3
• Participate in teams to achieve program and organizational goals
(e.g., collaborating across departments)
• Engage teams to achieve program and organizational goals (e.g.,
identifying when to bring a team into a project, recognizing when to
lead and when to follow, leading a team)

12 Facilitate collaboration among individuals, groups, and organizations

• Identify opportunities for collaboration
• Foster collaboration (e.g., building trust, engaging in active listening,
convening interested parties)

13 Engage in performance management

• Explain the importance of performance management for program,
organizational, and community health improvement (e.g., achieving
performance objectives and targets, increasing efficiency, refining
processes, meeting Healthy People objectives, sustaining 2
accreditation, ensuring accountability, managing grants and
contracts, determining collective impact of community initiatives)
• Describe program performance standards and measures
• Implement performance management system

Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 34

Average Score (Divide the “Total Score” by 13 and enter the result here and
into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)

Management and Finance was another one of my "higher" domains as I have
managed many programs in the last few years and once I understand the workings of
the program I am able to run them as efficiently as can be without losing any quality of
outcome. I again have much to work on here though if I plan on doing this at higher
levels most likely under more stress. The subcatagories I would work most on here are
#7 Implementing Policies, #2 securing financial recources, and #6 managing financial
recources. As listed above the biggest area where I lack experienceis in finance and a
way I might work on this, at least in the near future is an internship. In the next summer
I plan on reaching out to a couple of family friends who have practices to attempt to
shadow or get an internship if possible. Through this I want to learn more about how
these people in private practice structure their business in order to be as high quality
and lucrative as possible. If I were to become an intern I believe I woul be able to help
in data entry and spreadsheets as I have experience doing these things for a local
accountant. Through this work I start to see trends that help companies and/or
individuals run efficiently as they attempt using their funds to keep up with changing
times. I believe this has been a big help in understanding the mess of work needed
when handeling and careing for money in a business.

Domain 8: Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills

1 = None I am unaware or have very little knowledge of the skill

2 = Aware I have heard of, but have limited knowledge or ability to apply the skill
3 = Knowledgeable I am comfortable with my knowledge or ability to apply the skill
4 = Proficient I am very comfortable, am an expert, or could teach this skill to others

To what degree are you able to effectively…

1 Create opportunities to achieve cross-sector alignment (e.g.,

community coalitions, academic health department partnerships)
• Explain the importance of public health, healthcare, and other
organizations working together to impact the health of a community
• Describe how governmental public health programs and
organizations are structured and function
• Describe the programs and services provided by governmental and
non-governmental organizations that impact the health of a 2
• Describe the ways public health, healthcare, and other
organizations can work together or individually to impact the health
of a community
• Describe public health as part of a larger inter-related system of
organizations that influence the health of populations at local,
national, and global levels

2 Implement a vision for a healthy community

• Collaborate with individuals and organizations to develop a vision
for a healthy community (e.g., emphasis on prevention, health
equity for all, excellence and innovation, building community 2
resilience after emergencies)
• Collaborate with individuals and organizations to implement a
vision for a healthy community

To what degree are you able to effectively…

3 Address facilitators and barriers impacting delivery of the 10

Essential Public Health Services
• Identify internal and external facilitators impacting delivery of the 10
Essential Public Health Services (e.g., conducting a SWOT
analysis, mind mapping, using root cause analysis, engaging in
problem solving)
• Identify internal and external barriers impacting delivery of the 10
Essential Public Health Services (e.g., conducting a SWOT
analysis, mind mapping, using root cause analysis, engaging in 2
problem solving)
• Contribute to development of strategies to enhance facilitators
impacting delivery of the 10 Essential Public Health Services
• Contribute to implementation of strategies to enhance facilitators
impacting delivery of the 10 Essential Public Health Services
• Contribute to development of strategies to reduce barriers
impacting delivery of the 10 Essential Public Health Services
• Contribute to implementation of strategies to reduce barriers
impacting delivery of the 10 Essential Public Health Services

4 Create opportunities for creativity and innovation

• Identify opportunities for creativity and innovation 2
• Foster creativity and innovation (e.g., inviting diverse perspectives,
challenging assumptions, learning from successes and failures)

5 Respond to emerging needs

• Identify emerging needs (e.g., using surveillance data, tracking
hospital admissions, listening to the community, monitoring social
media and Google Trends)
• Address emerging needs (e.g., identifying resources, adapting, 2
pivoting rapidly, being flexible, reducing disparities, collaborating
with the community, working with governmental agencies, taking
action with incomplete information, maintaining operations during
emergencies, supporting resilience and recovery)

6 Manage organizational change

• Explain the importance of organizational change
• Contribute to development of a shared vision
• Participate in the change process
• Identify changes needed to implement a shared vision 2
• Manage uncertainty (e.g., navigating challenges, addressing
concerns, displaying empathy, recognizing facilitators and barriers,
minimizing disruption)
• Contribute to implementation of a shared vision

To what degree are you able to effectively…

7 Engage politicians, policymakers, and the public to support public

health infrastructure (e.g., funding, workforce, legal authority,
facilities, data systems)
• Explain the importance of engaging with politicians, policymakers,
and the public to support public health infrastructure
• Demonstrate the essential role of governmental public health in
promoting and protecting health in a community
• Demonstrate the essential role of diversity, equity, inclusion, and 2
justice in promoting and protecting health in a community
• Build public confidence and trust in public health professionals and
messages (e.g., demonstrating empathy, validating fears and
concerns, acknowledging mistakes, framing messages for different
audiences, addressing misinformation and disinformation)
• Demonstrate how politicians, policymakers, and the public can
support public health infrastructure

8 Advocate for public health

• Explain the importance of engaging in advocacy
• Describe the differences between educating and lobbying
• Advocate for the role of public health (e.g., in providing population
health services, preparing for and responding to emergencies,
working with others to address determinants of health) 2
• Advocate for policies, programs, and services to improve
community health and resilience
• Advocate for a diverse, inclusive, and competent public health
• Advocate for flexible and sustainable resources for public health

Total Score (Add all scores and enter total here) 16

Average Score (Divide the “Total Score” by 8 and enter the result here
and into the corresponding row of the “Your Results” section)


This catagory is very low for me because when it comes to many ideas I have I have to
start working them out to explan them as well as find the problems/eliminate them
before I feel comfortable sharing them. In other words I am very bad at responding to
change quickly because I would like to see it through first. I have come to learn that
many things sort themselves out or need a temporary fix in order to fix a larger
problem. This is an area I need work on so I may be able to take care of problems well
enough at any given time without worrying about exhausting every problem that might
come from a quick temporary fix. The subcatagories that reflect this are my low scores
in #5 responding to emerging needs, #6 managing organizational change, and #1
addressing facilitators and barriers. My plan for this as with most of the domains I
score low in is simply following the pre-med tract at UI that I am currently on now. Most
likely I will not improve too much in the very near future but once I get experience uner
my belt working in hospitals and as I complete my schooling I will become more
confident and be able to better advocate for health interests I have.
Your Results

The average score from each domain should appear in the corresponding row below.

Domain Average Score

1: Data Analytics and Assessment Skills 2.5

2: Policy Development and Program Planning Skills 2.3

3: Communication Skills 2.3

4: Health Equity Skills 2.6

5: Community Partnership Skills 3.0

6: Public Health Sciences Skills 2.0

7: Management and Finance Skills 2.6

8: Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills 2.0

Interpreting Your Results

Based on the averages you have for each domain in the “Your Results” section above, you are
now ready to identify the strengths in your practice and the areas that you would like to improve
or strengthen.

For example, if you have scored a “1” in any domain that is highly relevant to your job
responsibilities, you will want to consider focusing your time and energy toward achieving the
competencies in that domain, followed by domains in which you scored a “2,” with a lower priority
given to domains in which you scored a “3” or higher.

Once you have identified your priorities, you can use this information to guide you in engaging in
a discussion with your supervisor, mentor, or coach; choosing learning opportunities that will
help you reach your goals and meet the requirements for continuing competence in your
occupation or discipline; and developing a learning plan with one or more personal professional
goals for the next year.

Engaging with your supervisor, mentor, or coach offers a valuable way to get feedback to round
out and interpret your assessment results. Their perspectives can help you identify areas where
you may have underestimated or overestimated your skills, as well as prioritize strategic areas
for growth based on your job responsibilities and the priorities of your organization. Competency
assessments are not meant to be punitive, but to help identify opportunities for professional
development to help you grow within your organization and achieve your career goals. Having an
open conversation with your supervisor can allow you to explore what opportunities are available
to you and determine steps for pursuing them.

Training offers a way to begin building knowledge and skills in the competency areas you have
identified as priorities. Relevant training may be provided by a variety of organizations such as
government agencies, academic institutions, public health training centers, and nonprofit
organizations. One resource for locating such training is the TRAIN Learning Network, which
offers training and other learning opportunities for public health, healthcare, behavioral health,
preparedness, and other health professionals from thousands of training providers. As you set
your professional development goals and develop a learning plan, you can incorporate these
courses and keep track of your progress over time.

Assistance with this assessment and the TRAIN Learning Network is available through the
Public Health Foundation (PHF). For assistance using this resource, please contact

For More Information

Additional information about the Core Competencies can be found at

Questions or requests for information may be sent to

Funding Acknowledgement

This project is supported by Cooperative Agreement Number NU38OT000311, funded by the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.


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