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An Integrated Anaerobic-Aerobic Bioreactor (IAAB) For The Treatment of Palm Oil Mill Ef Uent (POME) : Start-Up and Steady State Performance

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Process Biochemistry 47 (2012) 485–495

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An integrated anaerobic–aerobic bioreactor (IAAB) for the treatment of palm oil

mill effluent (POME): Start-up and steady state performance
Yi Jing Chan, Mei Fong Chong ∗ , Chung Lim Law
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Palm oil mill effluent (POME) with average chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen
Received 28 April 2011 demand (BOD) of 70,000 and 30,000 mg/L, respectively, can cause serious environmental hazards if dis-
Received in revised form 31 October 2011 charged untreated. There are conventional palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment systems that require
Accepted 12 December 2011
large footprint, long HRT and fail to meet the Malaysian Department of Environment (DOE) discharge
Available online 24 December 2011
limit. Hence, the current research is aimed to design a novel integrated anaerobic–aerobic bioreactor
(IAAB) for POME treatment in order to overcome these shortcomings of the conventional system. IAAB
is a new bioreactor configuration which integrates anaerobic and aerobic digestion in one reactor. The
Palm oil mill effluent (POME)
overall removal efficiencies in steady state condition in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD), bio-
Aerobic chemical oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS) were more than 99% at the organic
Wastewater loading rate (OLR) of 10.5 g COD/L day with methane yield of 0.24 L CH4 /g COD removed. The effluent
Start-up quality remained stable (BOD < 70 mg/L) and complied with the discharge limit (BOD < 100 mg/L). Over-
all, the IAAB system exhibited good stability and pH adjustment was unnecessary. The results show
that the IAAB achieves higher performance in terms of organic removal efficiency and methane yield at
higher OLR and shorter HRT as compared to the conventional system. Further evaluations of its long-term
performance are proposed for the subsequent study.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to the environment. In order to obviate these problems, improved

high-rate anaerobic bioreactors, which have higher treatment effi-
The palm oil industry in Malaysia has grown by leaps and ciency and smaller foot print have been tested in the treatment of
bounds over the last four decades. Malaysia currently accounts for POME. These include anaerobic filter and anaerobic fluidized bed
39% of world palm oil production and 44% of world exports [1]. bioreactor [4]; two stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB)
Due to this high production, a large quantity of polluted wastew- bioreactor [5]; modified anaerobic baffled bioreactor [6,7]; upflow
ater, commonly referred to as palm oil mill effluent (POME) is anaerobic filter [8] and up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket fixed film
generated. If the effluent is discharged untreated, it can cause (UASFF) bioreactor [9]. Experimental results indicate that these
significant environmental impact due to its high biochemical oxy- high rate anaerobic bioreactors give better treatment efficiencies at
gen demand (BOD) (25,000 mg/L), chemical oxygen demand (COD) shorter HRT compared to conventional practices. However, there is
(53,630 mg/L), oil and grease (O&G) (8370 mg/L), and total solids still lacking large scale implementation of such improved systems
(43,635 mg/L) [2]. Therefore, a cost-effective treatment of POME to because of their unsatisfactory performances and/or high operating
an acceptable level for discharge continues to be a big challenge to costs [10].
the industry. On the other hand, the aerobic treatment efficiency of POME
The most common POME treatment systems are ponding sys- was investigated by using: fungus Trichoderma viride in the fermen-
tem and open tank digester. More than 85% of palm oil mills use tation of POME [11]; a tropical marine yeast (Yarrowia lipolytica)
solely ponding systems due to their low costs [3]. Nonetheless, NCIM 3589 in the degradation of POME in a lagoon [12]; trick-
these methods for treatment of POME have several disadvantages ling filter [13]; rotating biological contactors [14]; and activated
such as long hydraulic retention time (HRT), large areas of lands or sludge process with a diffused aeration system [15]. Nevertheless,
digester are required and difficulty in collecting and utilizing the aerobic treatment system is not suitable for treating high organic
methane generated, which causes a detrimental greenhouse effect strength wastewater especially raw POME. This high organic
level makes aerobic treatment on its own difficult to achieve the
desired treatment performance technically and economically.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 3 8924 8347; fax: +60 3 8924 8017. Moreover, the raw POME’s BOD:N:P ratio of 100:3:0.8 is slightly
E-mail address: (M.F. Chong). nutrient deficient for aerobic treatment, as the minimum nutrient

1359-5113/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
486 Y.J. Chan et al. / Process Biochemistry 47 (2012) 485–495

requirement for aerobic growth in terms of BOD:N:P ratio is 100:5:1

Consequently, prior to aerobic treatment, anaerobic process
should be used to reduce the organic strength of POME. Some of the
palm oil mills have adopted open tank digester and extended aera-
tion systems in POME treatment. In this system, POME is treated in
a two phase anaerobic digestion process followed by extended aer-
ation in a pond which requires a HRT of about 40 days. If properly
operated and maintained, this treatment system is able to meet the
discharge limit [2]. Although these combined anaerobic–aerobic
systems show great potential in treating POME efficiently, the con-
straints lie on the availability of sufficient land for building the
ponds and the length of the HRT taken to treat the POME. Hence,
treating POME within a short period of time at reduced space utility
by using a high-rate integrated anaerobic–aerobic bioreactor may
offer a viable solution to the treatment problems.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the high-rate
integrated bioreactors which combine the aerobic and anaerobic
processes in a single reactor. It has been reported that a combi-
nation of aerobic and anaerobic degradation pathways in a single
reactor is capable of enhancing the overall degradation efficiency
of the system [17]. The integrated bioreactors are cost effective,
efficient and have smaller foot prints as compared to the aforemen-
tioned anaerobic–aerobic systems [17]. Nonetheless, the design,
operation and process development of integrated bioreactors are
still in its infancy and limited to a few studies. Thus, the objective
of the current study is to propose a novel bioreactor configuration
which is the integrated anaerobic–aerobic bioreactor (IAAB) that
operates as a single treatment unit. The IAAB is aimed to remove
organic matter from POME to produce effluent which is suitable
for discharge while producing methane gas as a source of renew-
able energy. The design, start-up and steady state performance of
this newly proposed bioreactor is addressed in detail in the present

2. Integrated anaerobic–aerobic bioreactor (IAAB)

2.1. Bioreactor configuration and setup

The basic configuration of the IAAB is depicted in Fig. 1. It is a sin-

gle bioreactor configuration with compartmentalization in which
the first, second and last compartment are designed for anaero-
bic process (23 L), aerobic process (24 L) and sedimentation (8 L),

2.2. Anaerobic system

The design of this anaerobic compartment incorporates the

technology of upflow anaerobic filter and UASB, which is a hybrid
anaerobic bioreactor, or known as UASFF bioreactor. The lower part
of the anaerobic compartment as shown in Fig. 1(a) is the UASB
portion where sludge bed is developed. The sludge is composed by
different microbial species responsible for the conversion of organic
matter into methane and carbon dioxide. The middle part serves
as a fixed film bioreactor and is randomly packed with ceramic
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram and (b) actual view of the IAAB system.
Bio-rings [18,19], functioning as biomass immobilizer to reduce
the loss of sludge. The top part of the anaerobic compartment is a
square pyramid which serves as a gas–liquid–solid separator (GLSS) bacterial cells with very little loss of bacteria from the bioreactor.
to allow separation of the biogas and washed out solids from the The use of packing media in the middle section mitigates chan-
liquid phase. In general, the sludge bed occupies 65% of the total neling problem and loss of biomass due to flotation associated
bioreactor volume, 20% of the total volume is provided for packing with the poor performance of UASB bioreactors. The immobilized
media and GLSS occupies remaining 15% of the total volume. biomass which forms biofilm in the packing media provides greater
Taking into consideration the slow growth rate of many biomass surface area to be in contact with the wastewater, play-
anaerobic microorganisms particularly methanogens, an efficient ing an important role in improving treatment efficiency. A study
anaerobic bioreactor must be designed to have high retention of by Najafpour et al. [9] showed that UASFF successfully achieved a
Y.J. Chan et al. / Process Biochemistry 47 (2012) 485–495 487

high COD removal of 89% in the treatment of high strength POME at Table 1
Characteristics of POME.
high OLR (23.15 g COD/L day) and short HRT (1.5 days). Apart from
this, the UASFF bioreactor has also been implemented successfully Parameter Units Average Range
for the treatment of other industrial wastewaters, such as slaugh- pH – 4.5 ± 0.10 4.18–4.7
terhouse, swine and starchy wastewater [9,20,21]. Hence, the use BOD mg/L 30,100 ± 10,391 19,100–46,700
of UASFF bioreactor is invariably a good strategy to retain high COD mg/L 70,000 ± 7612 65,900–85,300
biomass concentration and achieve high COD removal efficiency TSS mg/L 28,900 ± 3065 24,200–34,300
TN mg/L 980 ± 50 900–1050
in a short period of time. All these advantages offered by the UASFF
TP mg/L 608 ± 81 690–910
have prompted the adoption of this technology in the IAAB. VFA mg/L 470 ± 240 300–870
However, the UASFF may face clogging problems within the Oil and grease mg/L 10,540 ± 1000 8700–13,800
packing due to the continuous loading of organic matter and sus-
pended solids after a long operation [22]. As a result, the active
3.2. Operating procedure
volume of the bioreactor decreases and thus it limits the treatment
capacity of the process. Furthermore, part of the bioreactor volume The process flow diagram (PFD) of the POME treatment using IAAB system is
may then be operated as a “dead zone”, decreasing the retention shown in Fig. 2. From the 24 L feed tank (T101), POME as substrate was continu-
time of wastewater in the bioreactor as well as the degree of contact ously fed to the anaerobic compartment through the base using a peristaltic feed
between incoming substrates and the viable microbial populations. pump (P101) (Watson-Marlow, England). In order to achieve a homogeneous and
uniform distribution of substrate along the sludge bed, the wastewater was recircu-
This condition may even worsen as high TSS concentration in POME
lated from W1 to the bottom of the anaerobic compartment, R1 using a peristaltic
will provoke bed clogging. Gas clogging in the packing material has pump (P102) (Longer pump, China). The wastewater flowed upward and overflowed
also been reported [23]. To mitigate the clogging problems, mod- into the aerobic compartment for further aerobic biodegradation. Air was supplied
ification has been made on the packing section, where a hollow to the aerobic compartment through a membrane diffuser. The aerobically treated
wastewater entered the settling compartment for further separation of sludge. This
channel is structured vertically in the middle of the packing media
settling compartment was designed with a hopper at the bottom for settling process
as shown in Fig. 1(a). Hence, the biomass immobilization can still and subdivided into two parts by a baffle. The treated effluent from the aerobic com-
be achieved in the packing media with the hollow channel ensur- partment which contained high suspended solids flowed downwards as directed by
ing smooth flow of effluent out from the anaerobic compartment the baffle. The suspended solids then settled into the hopper section. A blanket was
as well as the biogas into the GLSS. formed in the deposition zone of the hopper due to the high solids concentration. A
clear separation interface existed between the solid phase and the liquid phase. The
Undoubtedly, the GLSS system is an imperative part of the
level of the interface moved downwards as a result of the sedimentation of the sludge
bioreactor design and construction. Proper design of this device is blanket. Because of the 45◦ turn out angle, the baffle caused the clarified effluent to
necessary to retain maximum sludge in the bioreactor to affirm rise to the discharge point. After the sludge blanket had formed, a portion of the set-
high solid retention time (SRT) and to facilitate treatment with tled sludge was wasted from the bottom of the settling column, W2. The remaining
portion was recycled to R2 in the aerobic compartment by using returned activated
short HRT. In this study, the GLSS system in the IAAB was designed
sludge pump (P103) (Watson-Marlow, England). Finally, the clarified wastewater
according to the guidelines given by Lettinga and Hulshoff which was discharged at the top of the settling tank. A gas sampling port was provided
has been proven to be efficient [9,24,25]. for the determination of biogas composition by using a biogas analyser (GFM 416
series, UK). The GLSS was connected to a water displacement system to measure the
volume of biogas produced. Seven sampling ports (SP1–SP7) were placed at suitable
2.3. Aerobic system and sedimentation distances along the height of the anaerobic compartment to facilitate sampling of
the sludge (Fig. 2). Besides, sludge samples in aerobic compartment were collected
for the analysis of MLVSS concentration and SVI through SP8. In case of a treatment
Aerobic biodegradation of the anaerobically digested POME system disorder, sludge samples will be collected from SP9 and SP10 for the MLVSS
takes place in the second compartment of the IAAB. In the aerobic concentration and SVI analysis in order to examine the quality and settleability of
compartment design, an activated sludge technology is employed. the activated sludge in the settling compartment.
The aerobic treatment system consists of the following three basic
3.3. Seed sludge
components: (i) an aerobic compartment in which the microorgan-
isms responsible for treatment are kept in suspension and aerated, The anaerobic compartment was inoculated with anaerobic sludge obtained
(ii) liquid–solids separation in the settling compartment, (iii) a from an anaerobic pond treating POME in Kajang, Malaysia. Meanwhile, the aerobic
returned activated sludge (RAS) system for returning solids that compartment was inoculated with the acclimatized activated sludge obtained from
are removed from the settling compartment back to the aerobic the laboratory scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treating anaerobically digested
POME. Both the anaerobic and aerobic sludge were preserved at temperature of
compartment. about 4 ◦ C in order to prevent the sludge from undergoing biodegradation. The char-
Returning the thickened sludge is an essential feature of the acteristics of anaerobic and aerobic sludge are presented in Table 2. VSS/TSS ratio
process as without the solids’ feedback, it would not be possi- is the volatile fraction which denotes the biologically active portion of the solids in
ble to maintain the desired biomass concentration in the aerobic the sludge.
compartment to achieve the desired degree of treatment. Another
3.4. Bioreactor parameters
important feature of the aerobic process in IAAB is the formation of
flocculent settleable solids that can be removed by gravity settling Main parameters monitored in this study and calculation methods are presented
in the settling compartment. in Table 3, where Qin is the influent flow rate (L/day), V is the volume of the bioreactor
(L), CODout,an is the COD concentration of anaerobically treated POME, MLVSSi is the
biomass concentration at sampling port i, Vi is the volume of section i, CODin is the
3. Materials and methods influent COD concentration (mg/L), CODout is the treated effluent COD concentration
(mg/L), BODin is the influent BOD concentration (mg/L), BODout is the treated effluent
3.1. Wastewater preparation BOD concentration (mg/L), TSSin is the influent TSS concentration (mg/L), TSSout is
the treated effluent TSS concentration (mg/L) and QCH4 is the methane production
POME was sourced from Seri Ulu Langat Palm Oil Mill, Dengkil, Malaysia and its rate (L/day). The CODin was measured prior to calculation of the correct Qin by using
characteristics are presented in Table 1. In order to prevent the wastewater from Eq. (10).
undergoing biodegradation due to microbial action, it was preserved at temperature
less than 4 ◦ C, but above its freezing point. The required volume was thawed to room 3.5. Bioreactor start-up
temperature (28 ◦ C) before feeding into the anaerobic compartment. The optimum
nutrient requirement for anaerobic growth in terms of BOD:N:P ratio is 100:0.5:0.1 3.5.1. Anaerobic process
[26]. Since the raw POME’s BOD:N:P ratio is 100:2.6:2.0, signifying that POME is The start-up strategy of the anaerobic compartment of the IAAB is presented in
suitable for anaerobic process without the additional cost of adding nutrients into Table 4. Basically, the start-up period was divided into four stages. At stage 1, the
the system. packing material was filled into the anaerobic compartment. It was then inoculated
488 Y.J. Chan et al. / Process Biochemistry 47 (2012) 485–495

Biogas Analyzer

To water displacement system

Legend Air

R 101 - Integrated anaerobic-aerobic bioreactor

T 101 - Feed tank (24L) Sampling valve
P 101 - Feed pump
SP 7
P 102 - Recirculation pump Effluent
P 103 - Returned activated sludge pump TI pH
SP - Sampling point
SP 6
R1 - Anaerobic recirculation inlet point
SP 5 Baffle
W1 - Anaerobic recirculation outlet point
R2 - Returned activated sludge inlet point
SP 4 SP 8
W2 - Returned activated sludge outlet point
SP 3 Anaerobic Aerobic Settling
Compartment Compartment Compartment

SP 2 SP 10

P 102
SP 1

R 101
Recirculation W2
To drain
Returned Waste activated sludge flow
LI sludge flow

T 101 P 103
P 101

Fig. 2. The process flow diagram (PFD) of the POME treatment using the IAAB system.

with 5 L of anaerobic sludge (which represents 20% of the effective volume 3.5.2. Aerobic process
of the anaerobic compartment). In order to replace the air inside the anaerobic In order to allow the activated sludge to adapt to the continuous operating mode
compartment, oxygen-free nitrogen gas was charged into the compartment from its as well as to this new bioreactor configuration, the OLRa was kept low during the
bottom. As shown in Table 4, no feed was added to the anaerobic sludge at stage 1. start-up period. As the IAAB system is operated with an anaerobic–aerobic arrange-
The sludge was left resting for 24 h in order to allow its gradual adaption to ambient ment, the effluent of the anaerobic compartment is directly used as the feed of the
temperature. At the same time, the recirculation pump (P102) as shown in Fig. 2 aerobic compartment. Consequently, the OLRa is determined by the COD removal
was initiated at a recirculation ratio, R of 15, which corresponds to the recirculation efficiency of the anaerobic compartment. For attaining a low OLRa which is in the
flow rate, Qr of 75 L/day in order to enhance the mixing in the anaerobic tank. range of 0.5–1.5 g COD/L day, COD removal efficiencies of 85–95% should be achieved
After the end of the rest period, the anaerobic compartment was fed with POME in the anaerobic compartment at the end of stage 4. Hence, the start-up of aerobic
at a series of dilution factors of 5.0, 2.0 and 1.0 at stage 2, 3 and 4, respectively; compartment would be initiated once this criterion has been fulfilled.
with the aim of reducing the organic load impact on anaerobic microorganisms. At Before the feeding was initiated, a total of 4 L activated sludge was transferred to
each loading condition, the IAAB was closely monitored with respect to COD and the aerobic compartment. The effluent from the anaerobic compartment was then
TSS removal efficiencies, rCH4 , methane yield, VFA concentration, TA, and VFA/TA directed toward the aerobic compartment at an initial flow rate of 3.5 L/day. It took
ratio. When the COD removal efficiency remained relatively constant within 5% approximately 6 days to reach the total aerobic compartment volume of 24 L and
for three consecutive days whereas the effluent VFA was less than 500 mg/L, the 3 days to reach the settling compartment volume of 8 L. As a conclusion, the final
OLR was increased by reducing the dilution factor from 5.0 to 2.0 and finally 1.0. treated effluent was ready to be collected after 9 days of operation. A portion of
Concurrently, the influent flow rate was adjusted to 5.0, 3.5 and 3.5 L/day in order the biological sludge was recycled to the aerobic tank at RAS ratio, RRAS of 0.75,
to attain the OLR of 3.0, 5.5 and 10.5 g COD/L day in stage 2, 3 and 4, respectively. which corresponded to the returned activated sludge flow rate, QRAS of 2.7 L/day to
The aerobic process was initiated once the anaerobic compartment has reached its maintain the desired MLVSS concentration of 4500 mg/L. The aeration was kept con-
steady state at stage 4 and achieved at least 85% COD removal efficiency. stant, with dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations close to 2 mg/L. During the start-up

Table 2
Characteristics of anaerobic and aerobic sludge.

Parameter Unit Anaerobic sludge Aerobic sludge

Average Range Average Range

TSS mg/L 93,110 ± 1880 92,000–94,500 24,034 ± 580 23,600–28,901

VSS mg/L 54,004 ± 1020 53,500–58,500 18,800 ± 1080 15,600–20,200
VSS/TSS – 0.58 ± 0.02 0.55–0.62 0.75 ± 0.02 0.63–0.88
SVI – 95 ± 13 85–165 50 ± 11 34–67
Y.J. Chan et al. / Process Biochemistry 47 (2012) 485–495 489

Table 3
Main parameters monitored in the present study.

No. Symbol Unit Description Equation

Qin × CODin
1 OLRan g COD/L day OLR for anaerobic process (1)
Qin .CODout,an
2 OLRa g COD/L day OLR for aerobic process (2)
(CODin − CODout ) × 100
3 %COD % Overall COD removal efficiency (3)
(BODin − BODout ) × 100
4 %BOD % Overall BOD removal efficiency (4)
(TSSin − TSSout ) × 100
5 %TSS % Overall TSS removal efficiency (5)
6 HRTan day HRT for anaerobic process (6)
7 HRTa day HRT for aerobic process (7)
8 R – Recirculation ratio (8)
9 RRAS – Returned activated sludge ratio (9)
OLR × Van
10 Qin L/day Influent flow rate (10)
11 MLVSSan mg/L Biomass concentration in the anaerobic compartment (11)
12 rCH4 L CH4 /L day Volumetric methane production rate (12)
13 YM L CH4 /g COD removed Methane yield (13)
Qin × (CODin − CODout, an)

period, the aerobic compartment of IAAB was closely monitored with respect to COD, total alkalinity (TA) at pH 4.3 as CaCO3 [28]. The measurement of VFA concentra-
BOD and TSS removal efficiencies as well as MLVSS concentration until a steady state tions was based on the HACH Method 8196 esterification for volatile acids. Biogas
condition was achieved. The start-up of aerobic compartment was considered com- production was measured by using water displacement method with a 2 L inverted
pleted once the effluent COD and TSS concentration reaching constant values with water-filled graduated cylinder for a collection period of 1 h, four times a day and
at least 85% COD removal efficiency, and the MLVSS concentration was gradually average value for the particular day was estimated [29]. The volumetric methane
increasing. production rate, rCH4 was determined by correcting the biogas gas production to
standard temperature and pressure (STP) using the ideal gas law and converting
this with the methane content present in the biogas and the effective volume of the
3.6. Analytical methods anaerobic compartment (Eq. (12)).

For anaerobic process, several monitoring parameters were evaluated during

the entire operation, including COD, TSS, VSS, TA and VFA concentrations of the
effluent, as well as pH, temperature, MLSSan , and MLVSSan of the anaerobic compart- 4. Results and discussion
ment together with rCH4 and methane composition. Whereas for aerobic process,
the COD, TSS, VSS concentration and pH of the treated effluent, as well as temper- 4.1. Bioreactor start-up
ature, DO, MLSSa , and MLVSSa of the aerobic compartment were analyzed. BOD3
was analyzed on samples incubated for 3 days at 30 ◦ C according to the EQA 1974.
COD was analyzed by using the colorimetric method with a HACH spectrophotome-
4.1.1. Anaerobic process
ter (DR2000, Loveland, CO). Analytical determinations of TSS, VSS, MLVSS and SVI The start-up is an important step for a smooth operation pro-
were carried out in accordance with the Standard Methods for the Examination cess of an anaerobic bioreactor. The purpose of the start-up of
of Water and Wastewater [27]. TSS and MLSS was determined by filtering a sam- high-rate anaerobic bioreactors is to grow, build up and retain a suf-
ple through a glass fiber filter (Whatman grade GF/A, 1.6 ␮m, UK) and the residue
ficient concentration of active and well balanced biomass [30,31].
retained on the filter was dried in an oven (Memmert, Germany) at 105 ◦ C whereas
VSS and MLVSS was determined by ashing the dry sample in a 550 ◦ C muffled fur- This period normally takes a long time and usually is very delicate
nace (Carbolite, UK) for 15 min. Analysis of O&G was determined according to USEPA in fixed film high-rate systems such as anaerobic filters (upflow
Method 1664, N-Hexane gravimetric method. SVI was analyzed by measuring the and downflow) as the attached biomass develops and accumulates
volume in millimeters occupied by 1 g of a suspension after 30 min of settling. pH quite slowly. Therefore, shortening the start-up period is a key
and temperature were measured by using a pH meter (HACH Sension1, Loveland,
CO) with temperature probe. Dissolved oxygen was measured by using a DO meter
point to increase the economical competitiveness of the anaero-
(YSI 5100, USA). The composition of biogas was measured using a biogas analyzer bic process. It has been reported that rapid start up of 26 days with
(GFM 416 series, UK). A titration method with sulphuric acid was used to determine 85% COD removal efficiency at OLR of 23 g COD/L day was achieved

Table 4
Start-up strategy of the anaerobic and aerobic compartment of the IAAB.

Operating mode Stage Time (d) Dilution factor Influent COD Anaerobic digestion Aerobic digestion Influent flow
of POME (mg/L) rate (L/day)

Average OLR HRT Average OLR HRT

(g COD/L day) (day) (g COD/L day) (day)

Start-up of anaerobic 1 1 No feed – – – – – –

compartment 2 2–9 5.0 13,700 3 4.6 – – 5
3 10–20 2.0 35,000 5.5 6.5 – – 3.5
4 21–30 1.0 68,550 10.5 6.5 – – 3.5

Start-up of aerobic 5 31–45 1.0 68,550 10.5 6.5 0.75 6.5 3.5
490 Y.J. Chan et al. / Process Biochemistry 47 (2012) 485–495

Table 5
General operating conditions of IAAB during the start-up period. a 90,000 100

concentration, mg/L
Process Parameter Unit Average Range 75,000

Influent COD

COD removal, %
(i) Anaerobic Temperature ◦
C 28 ± 1 27.0–29.0 60,000
Van L 23.0 23.0
OLR g COD/L day – 3.0–10.5 45,000 90
HRT day – 4.6–6.5
Qin L/day – 3.5–5.0 85
MLVSSan mg/L 39,150 ± 675 38,500–39,800 15,000
pH – 7.24 ± 0.15 6.71–7.45
Qr L/day 75 75 0 80

(ii) Aerobic Temperature ◦

C 28 ± 1 27.0–29.0 b 30,000 100

Va L 24.0 24.0 25,000

concentration, mg/L

TSS removal, %
OLR g COD/L day – 0.74–0.77 95

Influent TSS
HRT day – 6.5 20,000
MLVSSa mg/L – 3575–4600
15,000 90
pH – 8.46 ± 0.22 8.38–8.98
DO mg/L 2.8 ± 0.2 1.95–3.10 10,000
QRAS L/day 2.7 2.7 85

0 80
in the UASFF bioreactor treating POME [9]. The excellent perfor-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
mances were attributed to the minimum loss of sludge and good Time, day
hydraulic contact between the substrate and the sludge. I: Stage 1 II: Stage 2 III: Stage 3 IV: Stage 4
With the introduction of recirculation to the treatment of hyper-
saline composite complex chemical wastewater, Mohan et al. [32] Fig. 3. (a) Influent COD concentration and COD removal efficiency and (b) influent
observed a substantial enhancement in the substrate removal effi- TSS concentration and TSS removal efficiency during the start-up period.

ciency and biogas yield. The enhanced performance of the system

was attributed to the improvement in mass transfer between the was 3.0 g COD/L day with influent COD and TSS of 13,700 mg/L and
substrate present in the bulk liquid and the attached biofilm. The 6000 mg/L, respectively, corresponding to the normal loading rate
hydrodynamic behavior due to recirculation mode of operation applied to the anaerobic inoculums collected from the aforemen-
reduced the concentration gradient (substrate inhibition) of sub- tioned palm oil mill. The effluent started to emerge from the outlet
strate and reaction by-products (VFA) resulting in mixed flow of anaerobic compartment and being collected on day 5. After the
conditions [32]. first four days of feeding, satisfactory COD and TSS removals of 85%
Nevertheless, excessive recirculation might cause a reduced and 88% were achieved due to the good inoculum seed (MLVSS
COD removal efficiency in anaerobic digestion. Zhang et al. [33] of 54,000 mg/L) which resulted in good microbial growth. Toward
investigated the effect of hydraulic recirculation by operating the end of stage 2, the removal of COD and TSS were improved
the treatment system under various recirculation ratios of 8–28 and reached 87.2% and 90.5%, respectively. As the COD and TSS
(defined as the ratio of recirculation flow to feed flow, R). It was removal efficiency remained constant for three consecutive days
observed that the increase of R from 8 to 19 did not exert any coupled with the low effluent VFA concentration (Fig. 4), the influ-
effect on the COD removal until it further increased from 19 to ent COD concentration was then increased stepwise to 35,000 mg/L
28, showing a decline in COD removal. These results suggest that (OLR = 5.4 g COD/L day) in stage 3.
excessive hydraulic recirculation enhanced the mutual collisions Given that the HRT in stage 3 was 6.5 days, the effluent COD
among sludge granules, resulting in fracturing of the granular and TSS concentrations remained relatively constant during the
sludge. Besides, optimum R in the range of 15–18 was reported in first 6 days as it was yet to be affected by the sudden increment
the treatment of sieved piggery slurries [34]. In term of treatment of OLRan . However, on day 16, the effluent COD and TSS concen-
efficiency, R from 15 to 18 has shown no difference and thus, R of trations increased remarkably and were as high as 5680 mg/L and
15 was chosen. This is attributed to the fact that high R requires 2300 mg/L, respectively, due to the effect of the increased OLR. Nev-
higher pumping operation that regularly leads to frequent break- ertheless, the COD and TSS concentrations decreased and fluctuated
downs and system stand-stills. Besides, Najafpour et al. [9] reported between 3900 and 4000 mg/L and 1150 and 1160 mg/L, respectively
that the specific activity of bioreactor can be enhanced by increas- three days after. This is attributed to the self-regulation capability
ing its sludge concentration and thus, a high MLVSS concentration inherent in the biological system, making it possible for the micro-
of 41,500 mg/L was maintained. Hence, it is anticipated that the bial consortium to acclimate itself to the increased OLR. At the end
start-up period of the anaerobic compartment could be acceler- of stage 3, the removal efficiencies of COD and TSS reached 88.9%
ated by maintaining a high MLVSSan concentration (38,500 mg/L) and 92.0%.
and moderate R (15). During the end of the start-up, stage 4 (days 21–30), undiluted
The start-up was carried out following the procedure modified raw POME with COD and TSS concentration of 68,550 mg/L and
from Bull et al. [35], using stepped organic loading to produce most 28,900 mg/L, respectively was fed to the anaerobic compartment,
rapid biomass development. A summary of general operating con- corresponding to the OLRan of 10.5 g COD/L day. Similar to the stage
ditions applied to the IAAB is presented in Table 5. In order to 3, the effluent COD and TSS concentration experienced a sudden
evaluate the start-up performance, the IAAB was closely monitored increase and peaked at 10,050 mg/L and 3560 mg/L, respectively,
with respect to COD and TSS removal efficiencies, rCH4 , methane on day 26, which corresponded to the COD and TSS removal effi-
yield, VFA concentration, TA, VFA/TA ratio and MLVSS concentra- ciencies of 85.3% and 87.7%, respectively. However, the anaerobic
tion throughout the start-up period. compartment was stabilized two days after (day 28) and capable
of achieving COD and TSS removal efficiencies of 91.8% and 95.2%, COD and TSS removal efficiencies. The COD and TSS profile respectively. At the end of stage 4, COD and TSS removal efficiencies
of the start-up operation from day 1 to day 30 is shown in Fig. 3. of 92.1% and 95.3 were achieved at an OLRan of 10.5 g COD/L day.
During stage 2 (days 2–9), the OLR of the anaerobic compartment This result indicates satisfactory start-up of the bioreactor.
Y.J. Chan et al. / Process Biochemistry 47 (2012) 485–495 491

1,000 3500

Effluent VFA,mg acetic acid/L

I II III IV 3000

Total alkalinity, mg/L

700 2500
600 Minimum TA level
Maximum VFA 1500
400 level
300 1000
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Time, day
I: Stage 1 II: Stage 2 III: Stage 3 IV: Stage 4

Fig. 4. Effluent VFA and TA during the start-up period.

It is worth noting that this is a marked improvement over the During stage 3, the increase of OLR had resulted in an increase
studies on POME treatment using a UASB bioreactor [36] and a high in VFA concentration and reached a maximum level of 148 mg/L on
rate hybrid anaerobic bioreactor [37] wherein they achieved a COD day 16. This implies that the acidogenic bacteria produce more VFA
removal efficiency of 90% and 62% at a much lower OLRan , 1.27 that what can be utilized by the acetogenic and methanogenic bac-
and 5.2 g COD/L day, respectively. Moreover, the foaming and clog- teria. Besides, the increase of VFA concentration also coincided with
ging problems which are frequently faced by the UASB and fixed a decline of effluent TA to a concentration of 990 mg/L. This is due
film bioreactors are not encountered in this IAAB throughout the to the fact that some portion of the alkalinity was used to neutralize
start-up period. This indicates the newly designed hollow centered the increased VFA concentration for maintaining the pH within an
packed bed in the anaerobic compartment potentially achieved its acceptable level. As evidence, the observed pH was comparatively
objectives of minimizing the operational problems and retaining as stable at 7.2 throughout the stage 3 despite the increase of VFA con-
much active microorganisms simultaneously. Though, a long-term centration. On day 18, a new balance was obtained and the effluent
evaluation on the functionality of the hollow centered packed bed VFA started to decrease and reached a value of 50 mg/L at the end
would be required to verify this finding. of stage 3, which is slightly higher than the previous steady state
High O&G concentration in the POME poses a challenge for most value in stage 2. Similarly, an increasing trend was observed in the
palm oil mill as it tends to accumulate on the sludge surface and effluent TA and reached 2500 mg/L at the end of stage 3.
thus causing foaming and scum formation, eventually lowering the Further increment of OLR in stage 4 has also caused a progres-
digestion efficiency [38]. However, the results show that the anaer- sive increase in the effluent VFA concentration, in which the peak
obic microorganisms developed in the anaerobic compartment are concentration was 320 mg/L on day 26, and eventually subsided to
robust since they are able to biodegrade the O&G from the initial 60 mg/L at the end of stage 4. A sharp decrease of effluent TA to
influent concentration of 10,540 mg/L to a final value of 35 mg/L 2000 mg/L was also observed on day 26. However, when the sta-
through the process of hydrolysis [39]. This has successfully com- bility was regained, the effluent TA increased again until reaching
plied with Malaysian discharge standard for the O&G concentration a final value of 3020 mg/L and the resulting VFA/TA ratio was 0.02.
which is 50 mg/L. This may also contribute to the reasons of minimal It can be observed that the effluent VFA concentration obtained
foaming and scum formation problems in this IAAB. in the end of stage 4 (60 mg/L) was higher than the one obtained
Another observation made was the significantly higher treated in the end of stages 2 (40 mg/L) and 3 (50 mg/L). This is in agree-
effluent COD and TSS concentrations in stage 4 as compared to ment with the results obtained by Buyukkamachi and Filibeli [43]
stage 2 and 3. This is attributable to the higher influent COD and which showed that the increasing formation of VFA concentration
TSS concentrations being fed to the anaerobic compartment in was greatly influenced by the source of wastewater and by the
stage 4. Similar results have also been reported [9,40]. Though, increasing in COD concentration.
in terms of removal efficiency, the increase in influent COD from Throughout the start-up period, the effluent VFA concentration
13,300 to 68,550 mg/L had resulted an increment in the COD and was well below 500 mg/L. The results also show an increment in
TSS removal efficiencies; implying that the bacteria were accli- effluent alkalinity with the increase in OLR. Toward the end of start-
mated appropriately to the POME. This is mainly due to the usage up, the alkalinity level was distinctly above 2000 mg/L, which is the
of seed sludge from the same type of waste and high MLVSS lower limit for effective anaerobic digestion process (Fig. 4). In addi-
concentration (38,500 mg/L) in the anaerobic compartment and tion, the VFA/TA ratio is found to be virtually constant (0.01–0.02)
hence sustaining high microbial activity. Besides, hydraulic recir- and much lower than the failure limit value [41].
culation had enhanced the mass transfer between the substrate It is an interesting fact that a comparison between Figs. 3 and 4
and sludge; thereby allowing a rapid startup of 30 days in this shows a parallel increase in effluent COD and VFA concentrations.
study. This result concurs with the results obtained by Zhang et al. [44]
and Borja and Banks [4], which revealed that approximately two- VFA and TA. The stability of anaerobic compartment is val- thirds of the anaerobic effluent COD was caused by VFA. Hence, this
idated by the ratio of VFA/TA. For instance, when this value is less confirms that a positive correlation existed between the effluent
than 0.3–0.4, the process is considered to operate favorably [41]. COD and VFA concentrations.
The effluent VFA and TA during the start-up period are presented
in Fig. 4. Before an increase in OLR, intensive care was taken to Volumetric methane production rate, methane gas composi-
ensure that effluent VFA was less than 500 mg/L as acetic acid [42], tion and methane yield. The rCH4 and methane yield during the
pH was greater than 7.0 and VFA/alkalinity was less than 0.3. start-up period are presented in Fig. 5. Biogas production was
492 Y.J. Chan et al. / Process Biochemistry 47 (2012) 485–495

Methane yield, LCH4/g COD removed

2.5 0.3 their variation along the anaerobic compartment through the sam-
I II III IV pling ports of SP1–SP7 as shown in Fig. 2. The effluent pH from the
2.0 outlet of anaerobic compartment was also measured in addition
rCH4, LCH4/

to the seven sampling ports. Fig. 6 depicts the variation of sludge
1.5 pH and VFA along the anaerobic compartment and the values were
0.15 the averages of three days determination. As illustrated in Fig. 6,
1.0 the pH demonstrates an increasing trend throughout the anaero-
bic compartment from bottom to top and conversely, the VFA has
undergone an opposite trend to pH. The highest VFA concentra-
tion (450 mg/L) was detected at SP1, which is at the bottom of the
0.0 0 sludge bed section and the corresponding pH was at its lowest value
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 of 6.7. The occurrence of high VFA concentration and low pH at this
Time, day
point is reasonable as SP1 is located near to the POME feeding point.
I: Stage 1 II: Stage 2 III: Stage 3 IV: Stage 4
The pH and VFA of raw POME were 4.5 and 470 mg/L respectively
Fig. 5. Volumetric methane production rate and methane yield during the start-up
(Table 1). However, it might not be the major factor leading to the
period. aforementioned occurrence as the effect of low pH and high VFA in
POME was counteracted by the recirculated sludge flow which has
sufficient alkalinity with pH of 7.0 from W1 (Fig. 2).
detected on the 7th day with rCH4 of 0.19 L CH4 /L day and methane
Thus, it is postulated that the first two steps of anaerobic degra-
content of 25%. Toward the end of stage 2, the rCH4 and methane
dation, namely hydrolysis and acidogenesis prevailed in the sludge
content were improved to 0.33 L CH4 /L day and 40% with a methane
bed section, where complex organics in POME were first hydrolyzed
yield of 0.13 L CH4 /g COD removed.
by enzymes, forming sugars, amino acids and fatty acids which
During stage 3 and 4, the rCH4 , methane content and methane
were further degraded by acidogens and forming VFAs. Acidogens
yield increased proportionally with the OLR, as the increasing
were probably predominant at SP1 and SP2 as they grow relatively
readily available organic matter is converted to biomass. Similar
faster and are less sensitive to pH variation than acetogens and
observation was also reported by Kiely et al. [45]. At the end of
methanogens. At the sludge bed outlet (SP3), the VFA concentration
stage 4, the rCH4 reached approximately 2.35 L CH4 /L day, which
greatly reduced to 200 mg/L while the sludge pH increased to 7.0.
is equivalent to the methane yield of 0.24 L CH4 /gCOD removed.
It appears that acetogenesis took place at SP3 and most of the VFAs
The biogas was found to have 64% methane. The methane yield
were degraded by acetogens and forming acetate, carbon dioxide
achieved at this stage was close to the theoretical maximum that
and hydrogen. The sludge VFA concentration gradually reduced to
can be obtained when glucose is used as carbon source (0.35 L CH4
75 mg/L in the packing section (SP4 and SP5), reaching its lowest
(STP)/g COD removed) [46]. Moreover, this is higher than the yield
value (60 mg/L) at SP7 and effluent outlet. Accordingly, the sludge
generally obtained by conventional digesters operating at longer
pH experienced an increasing trend and reached the highest value
HRT [47,48]. On the other hand, the H2 S concentration was lower
at the effluent outlet point, which was 7.5. This result indicates
than 50 mg/L throughout the start-up period, making it unneces-
that methanogens were more active in the upper part of the anaer-
sary to post-treat the biogas and permitting it to be directly burnt,
obic compartment as most of the acetate and H2 /CO2 produced
with the consequent economic advantage [49]. This result again
from acetogenesis were converted to methane. Lower VFA forma-
indicates the satisfactory start-up of the anaerobic compartment.
tion in the packing section can be explained by the advantages of
immobilized microorganism culture. Immobilization provides high MLVSS concentration. The MLVSSan concentration was cell concentrations and provides favorable micro-environmental
determined at the beginning (day 7) and at the end of the start- conditions for methanogens [50].
up period (day 30). Only two estimations were carried out in
order to avoid reducing the biomass in the anaerobic compart- 4.1.2. Aerobic process
ment significantly. The anaerobic compartment was divided into Upon the steady state condition was achieved in the anaero-
seven sectional volumes each served with a sampling port (Fig. 2) bic compartment, the operation of the aerobic compartment was
and Eq. (11) (Table 3) was used [36] to estimate the total biomass immediately initiated. The general operating conditions of the
concentration in the anaerobic compartment. aerobic process are presented in Table 5. In order to evaluate
Initially, the MLVSSan concentration was 38,500 mg/L and it the start-up performance of the aerobic compartment, the COD,
increased slightly to 39,800 mg/L at the end of start-up period. In BOD and TSS removal efficiencies of final treated effluent as well
this study, the sludge was dense with low SVI of 60 and sludge as MLVSSa concentration were closely monitored throughout the
washout phenomena did not occur despite the increase of OLR. start-up period.
This is mainly due to the entrapment of bacteria on the support
structure in the packing section and the development of bacte- COD, BOD and TSS removal efficiencies. On the first day of
rial biofilm which safeguard the loss of bacterial population and operation, the influent COD of the aerobic compartment was about
hence enabling a high MLVSS concentration (39,800 mg/L) in the 5200 mg/L, corresponding to an OLRa of 0.76 g COD/L day and HRT
anaerobic compartment at the end of the start-up period. of 6.5 days. On day 39, settled aerobically treated effluent started to
emerge at the outlet of the settling compartment and was collected Variation of sludge pH and VFA concentration along the height for analysis. Fig. 7 illustrates the COD, BOD and TSS removals of
of anaerobic compartment. In this study alkalinity supplementary the aerobic treatment system during the start up period from day
was unnecessary for controlling the pH of the anaerobic compart- 31 to 45. Similar trend can be observed in the profiles of COD, BOD
ment as the effluent pH remained relatively constant (7.2–7.6) and TSS removals plotted against operation day. Satisfactory COD,
throughout the start-up period. This implies a balance in the pro- BOD and TSS removal efficiencies of 93.8%, 95.1% and 93.9% were
cess of hydrolysis, acidification of the organic matter and methane achieved on day 39, with effluent COD, BOD and TSS concentrations
formation. of 320 mg/L, 90 mg/L and 75 mg/L, respectively. By day 45th, the
Sludge pH and VFA were measured in the different height of the COD, BOD and TSS removal efficiencies were improved to 95.1%,
anaerobic compartment on day 28, 29 and 30 in order to observe 96.1% and 94.3% respectively. Remarkable performance of the
Y.J. Chan et al. / Process Biochemistry 47 (2012) 485–495 493

500 7.6

VFA concentration

250 VFA concentration 7
200 pH
0 6.4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Anaerobic
Sampling Ports outlet

Fig. 6. Sludge pH and VFA variation along the anaerobic compartment. The error bars were the standard deviation.

aerobic compartment is due to the usage of acclimatized activated compartment and the resulted MLVSSa of aerobic compartment
sludge obtained from the laboratory scale SBR treating the same was 3575 mg/L. The sludge pump was then initiated in order to
type of wastewater. The bacteria were robust and able to adapt to recycle the biological sludge to the aerobic compartment at a
the new operating mode and bioreactor in a relatively short period constant RAS flow of 2.7 L/day. The corresponding RRAS was 0.75,
(15 days). which is within the typical ratio recommended by Metcalf and
Eddy [16]. Thereafter, the MLVSSa demonstrated a steady rise MLVSS concentration. As shown in Fig. 8, the initial MLVSSa from 3575 to 4600 mg/L as shown in Fig. 8. It should be noted that
concentration on day 31 was 18,000 mg/L. As the feeding process there was neither any addition of activated sludge into the aerobic
continued at a constant flow rate of 3.5 L/day, the resulted MLVSSa compartment nor sludge wastage from the system after the aerobic
show a decreasing trend due to the increased anaerobically compartment was seeded. The increase in MLVSS concentration
digested POME volume at a constant amount of activated sludge reflects the active growth of bacteria which indicates the success
in the aerobic compartment. After nine days of feeding, the final of start-up. Besides, the sludge exhibited good settling properties
treated effluent started to emerge from the outlet of settling with average SVI of 65. The operating MLVSS range was considered
sufficient at this stage due to the low OLRa applied to the aerobic
compartment and the high COD, BOD and TSS removal efficiencies
a 6,000 100
being achieved. Thus, the increase of MLVSS concentration by
concentration, mg/L

5,800 95 increasing the RAS flow rate was not required.

Influent COD

COD removal, %

5,600 4.2. Overall steady-state performance of IAAB
Influent COD concentration, mg/L
COD removal
5,400 Stable anaerobic and aerobic processes were observed through-
out the start-up period, in which a consistent treated effluent
5,200 75 quality which is well below the Malaysian Department of Envi-
5,000 70 ronment (DOE) discharge limit was obtained. At the end of the
start-up period, the IAAB achieved high overall COD, BOD and TSS
b 2,600 100
removal efficiencies, which are exceeding 99% at high OLRan of
concentration, mg/L

2,200 95 10.5 g COD/L day. These results indicated that the start-up of the
BOD removal.%
Influent BOD

IAAB was accomplished successfully and had reached a steady state.

1,800 More significantly, the IAAB seems to be technically viable as an
85 efficient treatment system for POME based on these results. As
1,400 Influent BOD concentration compared to the conventional anaerobic–aerobic treatment such
BOD removal 80
as the open tank digester and extended aeration, the IAAB achieves
1,000 75 higher overall COD and TSS removal efficiencies (99% and 99% as
600 70 compared to 98% and 96%) at much higher OLR (10.5 as compared
Influent TSS concentration,

1,300 100

95 18,000
concentration, mg/L

TSS removal, %



1,200 85
Influent TSS concentration, mg/L 80
1,150 TSS removal
75 6,000

1,100 70 2,000
30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
Time, day Time, day

Fig. 7. (a) COD removal, (b) BOD removal and (c) TSS removal during the start up Fig. 8. MLVSS concentration during the start up period of the aerobic compartment
period and steady state condition of aerobic compartment. of the IAAB.
494 Y.J. Chan et al. / Process Biochemistry 47 (2012) 485–495

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