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Interlocutory Appeal For Ashlie O'Brien

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" Petitioner, Pro Se" " " " " " " v." " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Arlington County Court Guardian Ad Litem Karen Grane" " " Respondent" " " " " " " " " " " " " | | | | | |

INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL OF COURT ORDER THAT CONCEALS FRAUD BY OFFICER OF THE COURT GUARDIAN AD LITEM and ATTORNEY KAREN GRANE 1. On Tuesday, 25 January 2011, the day before a hearing in Arlington JDR Court, the les on the case of Ashlie Mae OBrien were reviewed by her designated Guardian by Order of Montgomery County Maryland Court, Delores OBrien Heffernan, also her grandmother. Signicant items were noted: a. A List of Attachments led by the Arlington JDR Court appointed Guardian Ad Litem was a Voucher of claimed reimbursements, a list that was padded, based on cross-comparison with Maryland Court Discovery of extensive Police Notes that itemize the actions of GAL Grane, so the voucher is fraud on the Court by the GAL. b. NO Order by any judge in the case up to that time had sealed the case le. c. Despite NO Order to close the le, the court clerk refused several requests to make a photocopy of the GAL Grane submitted list of attachments for reimbursement. 2. The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) Karen Grane is charging the Courts and Taxpayers over $5623 for her investigation in this case, in action far beyond any reasonable purview of authority, somewhat a witch-hunt. GAL Grane is billing the Court for meetings where she did not in Truth attend. Review with an investigative reporter appears that Karen Grane padded her list of charges for payment, that is to say, Ofcer of the Court Grane is attempting to commit Fraud upon the Court and the People. 3. At the Court Hearing on the next day, Wednesday, 26 January 2011, the judge in an action to aid and abet the fraud upon the Court by GAL Karen Grane, for the FIRST time in the case since July 2010, Sealed the le, and specically stated: Also the le and is not public - including GAL reports/vouchers.

ALSO Note the judge claims Motion to Remove/Change GAL is w/o merit and is denied. There have been several reports of Foster Family ABUSE of Ashlie Mae OBrien that have been ignored by the ever-so-irresponsible GAL Karen Grane, who also commits Fraud on the Court.

4. Maryland designated Guardian Delores OBrien Heffernan les an Interlocutory Appeal of this 26 January 2011 Order of the JDR Court judge that serves to retard rather than advance Justice in Virginia to the same Circuit Court of Arlington County where PRIOR to the 26 January 2011 hearing, Heffernan led a Citizen Petition for Special Grand Jury to investigate this fraud upon the Court by Ofcer of the Court Guardian Ad Litem Karen Grane, so the JDR Court judge was fully knowledgeable of the Petition for Grand Jury investigation. 5. The VERY NEXT DAY, Thursday, 27 January 2011, Ashlie Mae OBrien, since July 2010 forced to be a foster child, at a Visitation with her grandmother and guardian Delores OBrien Heffernan reported that the 14 year old son of the Arlington County selected Foster Parents Scott and Marci Burka PUNCHED IN THE MOUTH 11 year old Ashlie. This ASSAULT was reported to Arlington CPS Social Workers but no constructive action has been taken, by Arlington CPS, Arlington DHS, nor Arlington GAL Karen Grane. 6. Therefore, in addition to the Interlocutory Appeal on the one 26 January 2011 Order that serves to conceal, and thereby aid and abet the FRAUD of GAL Grane, Maryland Court designated Guardian Mrs. OBrien-Heffernan does Appeal the entire case to the Circuit Court of Arlington, so that fresh eyes and clear minds may now consider this case. 7. GAL Grane has been telling less than the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth, so help me God; and so has perpetrated factual Fraud upon the Courts, and the People of Virginia, as well as both Fraud and Injury to the People of my Family, Ashlie and me. 8. 1) Ashlie has been denied by Arlington County appointed Foster Parents to practice her Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) faith. 2) Ashlie has been denied by Arlington County appointed Foster Parents to speak with her Mormon Bishop, a well-respected former Chief of Staff to the Attorney General 3) Ashlie has been denied by Arlington County CPS and other Arlington County agents her Right to Freedom of association with family, and Right to privacy in freedom of speech with her Mom, her sister, or her birth mother. 4) Ashlie has been denied by Arlington County appointed Foster Parents basic clothing (photos show no bra under her shirt), and being forced to sleep on the oor when the Foster family took one of many non-pre-approved trips outside of Virginia. 5) Ashlie has been been led to believe by both Arlington County appointed Foster Parents and CPS that she will NOT be returned to her Mom, while banning any comment from Mom to Ashlie that gave her hope of being reunited with her Mom.


10. Without Court Order or Subpoena, and without Maryland Court designated Guardian permission, GAL Grane, Arlington CPS and Arlington County appointed Foster Parents colluded in the unauthorized, and thus illegal, Search and Seizure of Property of Ashlie, at least one of which was a memento ring previously worn by her Mom. 11. Without Court Order or Subpoena, and without Maryland Court designated Guardian permission, GAL Grane, Arlington CPS and Detective Scott, colluded in the unauthorized interrogation of Ashlie Mae OBrien. Ashlie Mae OBrien was NOT afforded any assistance of counsel (other than the nancially motivated, severely biased GAL Grane) to protect Ashlies Rights during this unauthorized interrogation. 12. Discovery in the Maryland case has obtained Police notes of Detective Scott that show an investigation going back as far as 43 years before, with that one instance of 43 years ago expunged, that reveals questionable investigation ethics by GAL Grane, at the expense of Virginia taxpayers. Also GAL Grane and Detective Scott coerced former landlord Constance Heckert to make a false charge for theft. While still awaiting a hearing, GAL Grane writes about this Maryland manufactured charge as if it were a a lifetime or series of thefts and frauds by Mom. Maybe GAL Grane is doing psychological transference of her own frauds and thefts from taxpayers onto the intended victim of Fraud, Delores OBrien Heffernan, Ashlies Mom. 13. Due to many and various ethical compromises by GAL Grane and the Arlington County selected Foster Family, some of which are mentioned above, and others revealed by Discovery from documents that came from the Montgomery County State Attorney case les, GAL Grane, Arlington County Foster parents Scott and Marci Burka are conicted to remain involved in the current Child Custody case. 14. Therefore, for the above good and sufcient reasons listed above, and more, Maryland Court designated Guardian of Ashlie Mae OBrien, namely her grandmother Delores OBrien Heffernan, moves the Arlington Circuit Court to remove this case from the lower court, the JDR Court of Arlington County, so to restore the Status Quo Ante, of full physical and legal custody of Ashlie Mae OBrien to Delores OBrien Heffernan, or in the alternative, transfer custody to LDS Bishop of the Crystal City-Alexandria Ward (Church) Kyle Sampson, a former Chief of Staff to the U.S. Attorney General for him to carefully place Ashlie with a Mormon family as temporary Foster Parents while the remaining legal questions are resolved over the course of the coming weeks. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Respectfully submitted, Delores OBrien Heffernan


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Delores OBrien Heffernan, hereby certify that everything contained in this Petition is true to the best of my knowledge, and that a copy of the original of this INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL RELATED TO FRAUD BY ARLINGTON GUARDIAN AD LITEM was mailed or delivered in person to the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Clerk of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Arlington County and copies of the original were mailed to individual Respondent below, this 1st day of February in the Year of Our Lord the 2011th.

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____________________________________ Delores OBrien Heffernan Date: 1 February 2011

Copies To Named Respondents: Karen Grane, Guardian Ad Litem NOTARY The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn before me by the undersigned aforesaid on this 1st day of February 2011, by Delores OBrien Heffernan. " " " " " " " "


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