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City of Winchester Police Incident # 10020296 of May 2010 FELONY alteration of Court Transcript of 5 October 1994 by LaNell Hockman

(Berger) and others. Complaint of Franklin Washington after December 2009 Dismissal by substitute Judge Kloch of Civil Complaint of Fraud Washington v. Hockman Berger led in 2008 where all the local judges were forced to recuse themselves. Side by Side Analysis of the Special Prosecutor Investigation Report
(Downloaded from Northern Virginia Daily)

of Special Prosecutor Diana Wheeler, Commonwealth Attorney of Orange County with the assistance of Virginia State Police Special Agent Eric Deel begun: 18 June 2010 ended: 31 January 2012 19 Months to complete 14 pages? Finally completed just over a month after a Petition for Special Grand Jury was led against Wheeler for Dereliction of Duty, wrongly dismissed by a local judge, friendly to Mrs. Wheeler Investigation At the Request of Alexander Iden Commonwealth Attorney of Winchester Approved and Ordered by Judge John E. Wetsel (one of the recused judges)
These three Virginia State Bar members, Wetsel, Iden & Thomson have over the past decade been involved with the ongoing Rape of Lady Justice by their Obstruction of Justice in the case of Commonwealth v. Jeffrey Franklin Washington, where the Mistress of Thomson, was the Court Reporter of the Preliminary Hearing of 5 Oct. 1994, and a key eye-witness was removed from the Court Transcript, proven by a second Transcript by an HONEST Court Reporter, ignored in the Deel or Wheeler report of investigation.

Days after Governor and Attorney General informed on 14 June 2010 about Wetsel, Iden & Thomson outrageous 9 June 2010 bargain in the Plea Deal for Immunity from Additional Charges of Adrian Ellis, Rapist of a High School Girl Analysis done by former Navy Special Duty Cryptology Ofcer LCDR James Renwick Manship 703-NRA-1776

28 February 2012 back in court yet on 9 June 2010, Judge Wetsel agreed to IMMUNITY for the above Rapist of a High School Girl, proposed by Defense Counsel Paul Thomson, and agreed to by Commonwealth Attorney Alex Iden, who proposed Diana Wheeler to Judge Wetsel to investigate Court Transcript corruption by LaNell Hockman, Mistress of Paul Thomson, and former employee of the Ofce of Commonwealth Attorney.

Report faxed after the close of the work day on the last day of the month of January, when earlier in the month, Diana Wheeler said she would complete the Investigation Report by the end of the month, after falsely saying she would complete the Investigation Report in a few weeks in September, October, and November. Finally, after 19 months, Special Prosecutor Diana Wheeler, elected public servant as the Commonwealth Attorney of Orange County, completed her 14 page report of investigation. Under what Code of Virginia section authority did Winchester Commonwealth Attorney Alex Iden task Diana Wheeler to conduct this investigation? Or for that matter, for Winchester Judge Jay Wetsel sign the Order? Certainly, both Iden and Wetsel were personally compromised due to their past involvement with the case, that is to say, both men had Conicts of Interest that barred them from conducting the investigation, but the Code of Virginia says the Special Grand Jury is the one non-political body to investigate wrongdoing by government agencies or ofcials, and LaNell Hockman was employed by Commonwealth Attorney Paul Thomson. While the 19 month long investigation by Deel or Wheeler, Special Agent and Special Prosecutor, respectively, did nd FELONY Misrepresentation, the investigation by these two government servants was seriously decient during those 19 months in failing to cross-check a second Court Transcript by a second, HONEST Court Reporting Agency of a Preliminary Hearing with the same witness, Amy Hoover, that proves a second FELONY, ALTERATION of the Transcript, recorded in Court by LaNell Hockman (Berger). FELONY criminal acts it should be noted, and in Virginia there is NO Statute of Limitations on Felony crimes. Either this letter is a true statement OR the Investigative Report is a true statement, but not both are true. On pages 11 and 12 of the Investigation, Wheeler writes that Hockman and Logan committed Misrepresentation, a Class 6 FELONY. Is it Prosecutorial Courtesy or a Cover-Up for Special Prosecutor Wheeler to NOT prosecute the secretary and mistress of prosecutor Thomson?

Here Wheeler says Alleged Violation of Law on her page one, yet on pages 6 and 7, Wheeler identies 3 FELONY crimes that were potentially committed, and on page 11 says that the Class 6 FELONY of Fraudulent Misrepresentation was committed, and that the alleged perpetrator, LaNell Hockman, and her employer, Linda Logan, were BOTH parties to the FELONY CRIME. Wheeler failed to do due diligence in reading the Court le to see another Preliminary Hearing on the two counts of abduction by an HONEST Court Reporter and company, that proves another FELONY - Forging Public Records in Hockmans (or company) removal of witness Amy Ruble - who provided the phone to the drug dealer. Wheelers statement here is DECEPTIVE by not telling the WHOLE TRUTH - in truth, there were THREE preliminary hearings (1) 29 August 1994, (2) 5 October 1994, and (3) 19 October 1994. At the rst Preliminary Hearing, 29 Aug., Investigator Bailous said he had NO Evidence and NO Witnesses against Jeff Washington. The second Preliminary Hearing has FELONY alterations of the Court Transcript. And Wheeler FAILS to report on or read the THIRD Preliminary Hearing transcript that proves FELONY ACTS on the Second Transcript, that Amy Hoover testies that Amy Ruble WAS at the murder scene of Carlos Marshall. This Franklin Washington allegation is proven TRUE by the Court Transcript of an HONEST Court Reporter in questioning of the SAME WITNESS, Amy Hoover, in the Preliminary Hearing of 19 October 1994. Anyone curious why the LaNell H. Berger Court Transcript of the 5 October 1994 hearing was not completed and signed until 12 January 1995, THREE MONTHS LATER, whereas the 19 October 1994 hearing was completed and led in the Clerks Ofce on 7 November 1994, three weeks later ? ONLY after Brady Violations by prosecutor Paul Thomson, and his Investigator James Bailous, falsely stating that a key alibi witness, Rusty Hayden, had ipped and was going to testify against Jeff Washington, and that the Gun Shot Residue Tests, when TWO tests showed Jeff did NOT re a gun, and pressure from his Defense Attorney John Prosser, did Jeff Washington reluctantly accept an Alford Plea. The proffer of the Commonwealths evidence included the 17 August 1994 police interview of Rudy Powell, an eye witness to the murder, who suggested the white gunman was Scott Jackson and the black gunman was John Doleman (rst cousin to the wife of Investigator James Bailous). No white gunman was ever arrested, and Bailous made his wifes cousin John Doleman to be a star witness for the prosecution by Paul Thomson.

The two abduction charges were discussed at the Preliminary Hearing of 19 October 1994, that Wheeler FAILS to mention in her report, yet which proves the FELONY alteration of the 5 October 1994 hearing. In December 1994, Wetsel writes a letter challenging the Abduction Charges, but Paul Thomson criticizes Wetsel in the Press, and Wetsel backs down, and allows the two abduction charges to be included in the ORIGINAL Alford Plea, but then has them later removed, but FAILS to allow Jeff Washington to withdraw his Alford Plea. Later on 3 April 1995, Wetsel compares Washington to Adolf Hitler and on 10 April 1995, sentences Washington to the maximum of 70 years.
Special Prosecutor Wheeler FAILS to report that ORIGINALLY all Four Co-Defendants stated that Jeff Washington had NOTHING to do with the murder of Carlos Marshall, but when Paul Thomson threatened the co-defendants with worse charges, they changed their stories to accuse Washington. The 17 August 1994 police interview of Rudy Powell, an eye witness to the murder, suggested the white gunman was Scott Jackson and the black gunman was John Doleman (rst cousin to the wife of Investigator James Bailous). No white gunman was ever arrested, and Bailous made John Doleman to be a star witness for the prosecution by Paul Thomson. Other eye witnesses stated there was a white gunman. A mask was found near the murder scene that had a white mans hair ber in the mask. There is NO evidence the Police ever conducted a DNA test on it. MANY of the charges relate to wearing a mask in committing a crime, yet there is NO evidence to connect Jeff Washington to wearing ANY mask. John Doleman, rst cousin to the wife of the primary Police Investigator James Bailous, tested POSITIVE on Gun Shot Residue, AND had purchased bullets the same day as the murder, yet was a Star Witness for Prosecutor Thomson and Police Investigator Bailous. Bailous had ethics conflicts to be involved with his case. Rudy Powells rst police interview suggested Doleman was a gunman, and that he went in the bedroom with murdered drug dealer Carlos Marshall; but Doleman claims he never entered the apartment. Washington tested NEGATIVE on the Gun Shot Residue Test, and had an alibi witness who saw him behind the apartment. Once again, NOT the WHOLE TRUTH by Special Prosecutor Wheeler, BOTH notes from so-called defense attorney John Prosser AND assistant Randy Bryant, and then there is that pesky 19 October 1994 Transcript with the same witness who says Amy Ruble.

In this paragraph, Wheeler analyzes the testimony of Amy Hoover to say that the allegation by Franklin Washington of Amy Ruble being present at the murder scene is likely true. Good for her but this took 19 months to arrive at this conclusion? Wheeler refers to Rudy Powell as just another codefendant, but FAILS to mention Powells critical Police Interview transcript of 17 August 1994, where eye-witness Powell suggests the black gunman was John Doleman and the white gunman was Scott Jackson, NOT JEFF WASHINGTON. Here, in this paragraph, Wheeler is again deceptive, FAILING to state that Police Interview Notes with murder victim Marshalls girlfriend Kristen Black on 23 August 1994 is one source of the $1600 amount for money Carlos owed Amy Ruble for cell phone use. Also the 2008 Sheriff Milholland letter & interview. Fellow Commonwealth Attorney Wheeler FAILS to mention that this behavior by former Commonwealth Attorney Paul Thomson is a Brady Violation and a form of Witness Tampering. As of June 2011, Paul Thomson is a FEDERAL CONVICT for Witness Tampering and Evidence Tampering in relation to a drug dealers cell phone use. Wheeler fails to obtain corroborating witnesses -- of which there were many in Winchester -- of the violation of Virginia law by Commonwealth Attorney Paul Thomson with his ongoing committing Adultery with LaNell Hockman Berger, the Court Reporter, who later 02-17-99 attempted suicide when dumped and a trusted informant stated to Sobonya and others:
Paul Thomson is skimming money from drug dealers.

An Alford Plea REQUIRES two criteria for a judge to accept it as valid on a Constitutional basis: (1) Evidence against the accused, and (2) Competent Counsel. The Paul Thomson case against Washington clearly shows NO Evidence against Washington. Given that truth, then Prosser was NOT Competent, as a defense counsel, but competent as a judge who would go whichever way the powerfully Politically Connected Prosecutor Paul Thomson wanted. Again, Wheeler fails to tell the WHOLE TRUTH about the surprise early retirement letter of 21 January 2011: She omits (1) Journalist for Justice Manships ling of a Petition for Special Grand Jury earlier the same day, (2) Manships Court Watching in Prossers courtroom for many hours the day before, 20 January 2011, (3) Her meeting with Franklin Washington, Scotti Fabrizio, and James Manship on 19 January 2011, where Prossers inept Defense counsel work was discussed.

<-- FELONY crime

<-- FELONY crime

Go to page 10 and 11 of Deel or Wheelers report here to see that TWO persons committed a FELONY crime, but also note that Deel or Wheeler in 19 months failed to do the investigation of the SECOND company Court Reporter of the same Amy Hoover as witness that proves LaNell Hockman Berger (and company) did the FELONY crimes of FORGING PUBLIC RECORDS and PERJURY. Wheeler fails to ask the question, or substantiate the MOTIVATION for these FELONY crimes. Berger was the mistress of Thomson, and later his Commonwealth Attorney ofce sexretary who <-- FELONY crime on Political Donation records gave a large contribution to the Democrat Party and listed her employer as Commonwealth Attorney of Winchester (Paul Thomson). Where is the simple yet CRITICAL work of obtaining from Linda Poe a SWORN AFFIDAVIT that she, not LaNell H. Berger, typed the (altered) transcript for the Preliminary Hearing of 5 October 1994? MISSING... Is it Competent Counsel or Collusion for John Prosser as Defense Counsel to hire Valley Reporting Agency when MANY people knew of the fact that LaNell Hockman Berger was the mistress to the Prosecutor Paul Thomson ? Compare the competence of Valley Reporting Agency with Verbatim court reporter agency that provides an honest transcript of the Preliminary Hearing testimony of Amy Hoover...

Wheelers own statements show an aberration in this Court Transcript of 5 October 1994 not being prepared until 3 months later, 12 January 1995. WHY the delay? Where is the simple yet CRITICAL work of obtaining from Linda Poe a SWORN AFFIDAVIT that she, not LaNell H. Berger, typed the (altered) transcript for the Preliminary Hearing of 5 October 1994? MISSING A Sworn Afdavit under penalty of PERJURY? Also, where is the Linda Logan SWORN AFFIDAVIT? If the investigation was broadened, then NARROWLY ! The materiality of removal of a key witness, Amy Ruble who provided the cell phone (from which could be obtained PHONE RECORDS that may show Prosecutor (and widely known drug user) Paul Thomson as one drug customer of murder victim Carlos Marshall. To remove Amy Ruble who drug dealer Marshall OWED $1600 for her Cell Phone conceals that critical phone record connection. If Special Agent Eric Deel had done Due Diligence in his investigation, he would have read the Testimony of Amy Hoover from the 19 October 1994 Preliminary Hearing by Verbatim Court Reporters that would show this current statement is PERJURY by Amy Hoover.

Important differentiation, for when she (Amy Hoover) arrived question establishes PERJURY by Amy Hoover in this current questioning by Special Agent Eric Deel. Why? Did someone (Paul Thomson) coach Amy Hoover, an action tantamount to Witness Tampering? A neighbor, Douglas Colvin, with no reason to hide the truth states to Police there were THREE (3) female subjects in the apartment that would be Brandy Helsley, Amy Hoover, and Amy Ruble. Why did Agent Deel FAIL to investigate the WHOLE truth?

The ONLY reason that the Commonwealth (Read: Mrs. Wheeler) is unable to establish denitively is due to FAILURE to read the case le. Mrs. Wheeler, is Fraudulent Misrepresentation (a FELONY) included in your denitions of best of my knowledge and ability so that you cut a break to these other three women, instead of doing your DUTY to prosecute FELONY crimes that promote Obstruction of Justice in Virginia? Mrs. Wheeler, what impact on your investigation is it that ORIGINALLY all the co-defendants stated that Jeff Washington had NOTHING to do with the murder, but only AFTER copping a Plea Deal with Paul Thomson did they accuse Jeff Washington, and yet TWO Gun Shot Residue Tests, on Skin AND Clothes (as ordered by Paul Thomson) showed Jeff had NOT red a gun, so how you say the gunman? Mrs. Wheeler, might Amy Ruble have a MOTIVE to MURDER Carlos Marshall, for he OWED her money? (By the way, not only men, women commit murder, too!) Remember the gunmen said Wheres the money? Mrs. Wheeler, might a COMPETENT Commonwealth Attorney serving as the Commonwealth simply read the case le to establish the falsity of the information of LaNell Berger in the Court Transcript? Both Amy Hoover and Amy Ruble have MOTIVE to NOT tell you or Special Agent Deel the whole truth. Yet IF DEEL or WHEELER read the case file of Police Notes with interviews of witnesses and neighbors, you could, if you wanted, DISCERN their less than the truth.

What an elaborate RUSE to cover up the FELONY alteration of the 5 October 1994 Preliminary Hearing in the Jeff Washington case, and in so doing, identifies a different FELONY action by two or three colleagues! WHERE is even ONE Sworn Affidavit by Linda Poe, Linda Logan or even LaNell to substantiate this RUSE? When I first heard from an FBI agent of this RUSE being foisted off on We the People by SA Deel, I could not believe YOU would really fall for it Sad! Mrs. Wheeler, Congratulations, here you write the TRUTH and that TRUTH of the importance of the RELIABILITY of a Court Transcript is WHY the Commonwealth MUST Prosecute ALL these Court Reporters.

Mrs. Wheeler, MORE IMPORTANT than the issue of FELONY MISREPRESENTATION by the mistress of prosecutor (Commonwealth Attorney) Paul Thomson is this instance as one of MANY instances of BRADY VIOLATIONS by Paul Thomson used to COERCE an Alford Plea from the innocent Army Veteran Washington, with the complicity of Defense Counsel John Prosser, and the Hitler-spouting uber-biased judge Wetsel who appointed you... At the 29 August 1994 Preliminary Hearing, Bailous said he had NO Evidence and NO Witnesses against Jeff Washington. (By the way, Bailous had a CONFLICT OF INTEREST even being involved at all with the case.) TWO Gun Shot Residue Tests, one in September from his skin, and a second in February ordered by Paul Thomson on Washingtons clothes, BOTH showed Washington did NOT re a gun. Bailous committed PERJURY saying that witnesses SAW Jeff Washington wash his hands to remove the Gun Shot Residue (HIGHLY unlikely to be ABLE to do) and NOT possible with the GSR test on his clothes.


in 19 MONTHS...
FAILED to review Preliminary hearing transcript of October 19, 1994 FAILED to evaluate the FALSE STATEMENTS of attorneys Alex Iden and Randy Bryant in their successful attempt to Obstruct Justice. FAILED to comment on the WHITE GUNMAN mentioned in MANY of the Police reports of interviews of eye witnesses to the murder. FAILED to compare the ORIGINAL statements of Co-defendants that stated Jeff Washington had NOTHING to do with the murder, versus the Post Paul Thomson Plea Deal (purchased perjury) statements... In short, this INFORMATION REVIEWED list is DECEPTIVE, for the so-called Review by either Deel or Wheeler FAILED to see the FALSE statements of Amy Hoover and Amy Ruble, Randy Bryant, and your colleague Alex Iden who selected you (as a patsy ???) knowing you were a team player not a principled public servant?

Very iffy testimony by Amy Ruble Beramus BOTH Rudy Powell here, and neighbor Doug Colvin say 3 females present...

Curious why Investigator Sobonya, who tampered with the rst Gun Shot Residue Tests a few weeks after these police notes, is contacting NOT the Prosecutor Paul Thomson but former Rudy Powell Defense Lawyer, now Jeff Washington lawyer, John Prosser? Self-incriminating testimony is often considered more reliable. Kristin Black, a girlfriend of Carlos Marshall, a week after the murder and aware the Police have FAILED to arrest the likely murder suspect implicates herself in a crime while giving key information on possible MOTIVE for a pre-meditated, not accidental, murder. John Doleman tested POSITIVE on the Gun Shot Residue Tests, AND Rudy Powell suggested John Doleman as the black gunman.

$1000 + 600 equals $1600 the amount Carlos owed Amy Ruble...

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