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Milk and Milk Products Processing Preser

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Amanuel Bekuma et al.

/ Scientific Journal of Animal Science (2018) 7(5) 504-510

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Amanuel Bekuma et al. / Scientific Journal of Animal Science (2018) 7(5) 504-510


Scientific Journal of Animal Science (2018) 7(5) 504-510
ISSN 2322-1704
doi: 10.14196/sjas.v7i5.2500

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Original article
Milk and milk products processing, preservation and utilization in Gimbi district,
West Wollega zone, Ethiopia
Amanuel Bekumaa,*, Tekalign Tadessea, Lemma Fitab, Ulfina Galmessab
Animal Sciences Department, College of Agriculture and Forestry, Mettu University, P.O. Box 318, Bedele, Ethiopia.
Animal Sciences Department, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, Ambo University, P.O. Box 19, Ambo,

*Corresponding author:


Article history, This study was conducted in Gimbi district, West Wollega
Received 13 April 2018 zone to understand the traditional handling, processing and
Accepted 14 May 2018 utilization of milk and milk products. 128 households were
Available online 21 May 2018 selected based on ownership of dairy cows, milk processing,
iThenticate screening 15 April 2018 handling, and utilization practice. Accordingly, Lantana trifolia
English editing 12 May 2018 (Kusaayee), Ocimum sanctum (Basoobilaa), Olea Africana
Quality control 19 May 2018 (Qoraasuma) and Deinboll (Dabaqqa) were the most commonly
cleaning and smoking plant species in the district. Yoghurt-like
Keywords, fermented/sour milk, traditional butter, traditional ghee, cottage
Milk and milk products cheese (Ayib), buttermilk and whey were the major milk products
Processing produced in the district. Women preserve butter by mixing with
Preservation spices such as Zingiber officinale (Jinjibila), Allium sativum
Consumption (Qulubbii adii), Ocimum (Siqaqibee) and Trigonella foenum
Gimbi (Sunqoo). Out of the total daily milk produced, most of it was
Ethiopia processed (70.5%), 8% was sold while the left was consumed
within the household (21.5%). Among milk and milk products
produced, only butter was supplied to local markets. Lack of
cooling facilities; low volume of milk production; unimproved milk
processing materials and limited knowledge on handling and
processing of milk and milk products were the major constraints.
Recognizing the importance milk and milk products to the
producing household nutrition, health and income, development

Amanuel Bekuma et al. / Scientific Journal of Animal Science (2018) 7(5) 504-510

interventions are required to boost production, improve the

quality of the products and efficiency of the traditional milk
processing equipment.

© 2018 Sjournals. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The small volume of milk produced by a large number of producers is marketable at low output in Ethiopia,
which possesses limits on the possibilities of exploiting distant but rewarding markets due to high transaction costs
arising from transportation and high opportunity costs of labor involved. As reported by Muriuki and Thorpe
(2001), the vast majority of milk produced outside urban centers in the country is processed into milk products at
household level using traditional technologies. In the region where environmental temperature is hot and humid,
unless it is cooled and treated with different preservation methods the raw milk easily spoiled. For example, in the
highlands of Ethiopia, most of the dairy producers use traditional technology to increase the storage stability of
milk and milk products either by converting the milk to its stable products like butter or by treating with traditional
preservatives, because of lack of cooling facilities (Lemma et al., 2004). Milk and milk products processing play a
great role in the improvement of the livelihood of the community in Gimbi district. However, so far reliable
information on milk processing, preservation and consumption is little known. Therefore, the main objective of the
current study was to explore the existing traditional dairy products processing, preservation and consumption
pattern and related constraints in the study area.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Description of the study area

Gimbi district is located at about 441 km away from Addis Ababa, the capital city of the country to the west.
Geographically the district is located 9°10°-9°17° North latitude and 35°44°-36°09° East longitudes; covering a land
area of 100,965 hectare (1009.65 km ). The area has one long rainy season extending from March to mid-October
with annual rainfall ranging from 1400-1800 ml. The mean minimum and maximum annual temperature ranges
between 10°C and 30°C and the elevation of the study area ranges from 1200m-2222m a.s.l. Mixed crop-livestock
agriculture is the main stay in the area. Like to many parts of Ethiopia, the study area is endowed with significant
number of domestic animals; 93,640 cattle, 46,115 sheep, 7,207 goats, 131 mules and 80,370 poultry (CSAGW,
2.2. Sampling procedure
A random sampling procedure was employed to select sample Kebeles and households for the study. The
district was first stratified as highland and midland agro-ecologies. Since about 83% of the study area has midland
agro-ecology (GDLEPO, 2016), which is equivalent to sub-t opi al li ate a d out of the dist i t s total Kebeles
(32), 27 Kebeles found in this agro ecology; and in view of the fact that this agro-ecology includes many Kebeles
having high potential and viability of dairy cattle production, milk products processing, handling and utilization in
the area. From a total of 27 Kebeles located in this agro ecology 4 Kebeles were purposively selected. A total of 32
households per kebele that own at least one milking cow of any breed were randomly selected. Thus, a total of 128
(32 household × 4 Kebeles) households were interviewed. A semi-structured pre-tested questionnaire was
employed to collect the required information on the handling, processing and utilization of milk and milk products
in the study area.
2.3. Data analysis
The data collected were recorded on specially designed formats. The data were then coded and entered to
computer Microsoft excel spread sheet then data collected from different sources were analyzed using the
procedure of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 20.0 computer programs. Descriptive
statistics such as means, frequency distribution, percentage and ranking were used to summarize the data.

Amanuel Bekuma et al. / Scientific Journal of Animal Science (2018) 7(5) 504-510

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Milking methods and hygienic practice

The milking system practiced was entirely hand milking and usually performed by women. Out of the total
sampled respondents only 10% of dairy producers wash the teats before milking (Table 1). Washing teats of local
cows were being paid attention only during contaminated with dirty comparing with crossbred cows. About 96.2%
of the respondents indicated that milking was carrying out two times a day: during morning and evening; low
attention was given about the regularity of milking. The left respondents (3.8%) decrease the milking frequency to
once in the dry season due to critical feed shortage (Table 1).

Table 1
Washing of teats and milking frequency in the study area.
Parameters Frequency % of Respondents
Teat washing
Yes 13 10
No 115 90
Milking frequency
Once 5 3.8
Twice 123 96.2

The quality of milk and milk products depends on the type and cleanness of the equipments used. All of the
espo de ts epo ted Qabee is t aditio al ade e uip e t fo ilki g pu pose, hile ottle gua d Abuubbii
or Ro oo i Afa O o o is exclusively milk vessel used for churning purpose.
3.1.1. Cleaning of milk equipments
Dairy producers in the Gimbi district practice smoking of milk and milk products equipments by using
varieties of plant species to get pleasant aroma of the product and for the purpose of improving the shelf life of
the products. Similarly, Helen and Eyasu (2007) indicated that the milk and milk products stored in smoked
containers produce low acids. Lantana trifolia (Kusaayee), Ocimum sanctum (Basoo ilaa , Kefoo sa aa
(unidentified), Ruta chalepensis (Cilaattama), Marga citaa (unidentified) and Stephaia abyssinica (Kalaalaa) were
plants/herbs mainly used milk equipments cleaning in the present study area (Table 2). However, cleaning plants
differ from place to place and even from household to household based upon preferences and availability of herbs.
However, the utilization of these plants/herbs varies based on the availability.

Table 2
Plants/herbs used for the washing of milking equipments in the study area.
Types of plants/herbs
Local name Scientific name Frequency % of Respondents
Kusaayee Lantana trifolia 51 39.23
Bsoobilaa Ocimum sanctum 29 22.31
Tenadam Ruta chalepensis 15 11.54
Marga citaa - 10 7.69
Kalaalaa Stephaia abyssinica 6 4.62
Kefoo sa aa - 19 14.61

3.1.2. Smoking of milk utensils

Based o thei a aila ility, Eje sa/Qo aasu a Olea Africana), Da a aa Deinboll kilimandshorica),
Gaa ii Syzygium guineense) a d Aga sa/Dhaga sa/ Carissa Edulis), respectively plant species used for

Amanuel Bekuma et al. / Scientific Journal of Animal Science (2018) 7(5) 504-510

Table 3
Major plant species used for the purpose of smoking milking equipments.
Plant species
Local name Scientific name Frequency % of Respondents
Ejersa/Qoraasuma Olea Africana 76 59.35
Dabaqqaa Deinboll kilimandshorica 21 16.4
Gaarrii Syzygium guineense 18 14
Agamsa/Dhagamsa - 13 10.25

3.2. Milk processing in the study area

Dairy producers in the study area fermented fresh whole milk into sour milk prior to churning. Out of the
total daily milk produced, most of it was processed (70.5%), 8% was sold while the left was consumed within the
household (21.5%). Even if it is difficult to estimate the amount of milk allowed for a calf per milking period, some
amount of milk is also used for calf feeding. In the study area, only traditional milking equipments were used for all
the processing activities of milk and milk products. The traditional milk processing is generally time consuming,
varieties of products was limited. Naturally fermented milk is the basis of diversified milk products such as butter,
ghee, yoghurt, Ayib, buttermilk and whey manufacturing.
3.3. Manufacturing of traditional dairy products
3.3.1. Fermented/sour milk (Itittuu)
Itittuu is produced from whole milk. Due to small volume of daily milk produced, producers keep milk
produced over 3 to 4 days until sufficient amount is accumulated, to process it into the aforementioned more shelf
stable products. Depending on the volume of milk and season of the year, the mean shelf life of fermented milk
was 1.56±0.47 days in dry season and 2.95±0.51 in wet seasons. Environmental temperature and seasons of the
year affects the duration of the fermentation. For example, during dry season, since the environmental
temperature is very hot, the fermentation process is fast.
3.3.2. Butter making and preservation
Fresh butter is processed and sold by adult females in the study area. Milk is collected and stored for 3-4 days
in milk equipments or Okolee for churning. Storing of milk for such days allow as the milk soured and make Itittuu
or naturally fermented milk. To make butter, Abuubbii/Ro oo is the only milk equipment used as a churner and
churning is completely done by adult females in the study area. When sufficient amount of milk is accumulated (7-
8 liters), it is transferred to Abuubbii/Ro oo (Lagenaria siceraria); and churning was done on the lap (leg) until
utte g a ules a e fo ed. A o di g to fa e s epo t the eakpoi t, i.e., the poi t he utte g ai s sta t to
form is detected by inserting a wooden plug and pulling out to release a few drops of milk and to check whether
butter granules have formed or not.
The average volume of fermented milk churned at a time in the study area was 7.25±0.84 liters and the
average churning interval was 3 to 4 days. Averagely, 16.02±1.56 volume of fresh whole milk required to produce
one kilogram of butter. According to the respondents, volume of fermented milk churned at a time depends upon
the number of milking cows, the amount of milk produced per day and the amount consumed by the family. This
value is relatively similar to the findings of Tola (2002); but in contrast to Kassa and Dekamo (2016) and Asrat et al.
(2013). Such variations might be due to the function of breed.
Zingiber officinale (Jinjibila), Allium sativum (Qulubbii adii), and Ocimum spp. (Siqaqibee) and Trigonella
foenum (Sunqoo) were spices used for preservation for butter in the study area. Butter made as such might be
stayed for about 3 months and either used for household consumption or sold for generating income. Some
smallholder dairy producers also preserve butter by salting.
3.3.3. Ghee (Dhadhaa Baqsaa) and its importance
Traditional ghee (clarified butter oil) is made by melting butter on a frying pan on an open fire. Butter is
placed in a clay pot and put on an open fire to melt. Heating and stirring continue until foam is formed and a clear
liquid is obtained. Along heating the butter, spices are added to impart good aroma and taste to the butter. Then
the pot is removed from the fire and allowed to cool. Finally, the liquid fat is filtered through sieve or a clean cloth

Amanuel Bekuma et al. / Scientific Journal of Animal Science (2018) 7(5) 504-510

into a container. Similar procedures have been reported by different authors in Ethiopia (Abebe et al., 2013;
Eyassu, 2014). Different species are used during ghee making, which varies from household to household
depending on availability. The spices used during ghee making in the study area are shown in Table 4.
In Western Oromia in general and in West Wollega in particular, traditional ghee/Dhadhaa Baqsaa is usually
used for flavoring and as condiment for different types of pulse, chicken and meat stews and sauces from different
species of domestic animals. In the study area, ghee is added to a variety of traditional dishes such as Kitifo
(minced raw beef), Foon waaddii (roasted meat), Ancootee (Anchote) and others. It is also used in mixture with
cottage type cheese and Qocqocaa and served with indigenous diets such as Cumboo, Cuukkoo, Caccabsaa,
Cororsaa and Porridge; serves as input for roasting coffee to make Buna Qalaa. As respondents pointed out
traditionally made ghee/Dhadhaa Baqsaa might be stored for more than a year. Due to cultural taboo, ghee is not
marketed in the study district. Similar result was reported by Alganesh and Yetenayet (2017).
3.3.4. Cottage cheese (Ayib) making and utilization
Dairy producers in the study area make Ayib from Arera/Amma Raasee. The Arera is placed on a clay pot and
heated on slow fire at approximately 30°C to 40°C for about 25-30 minutes. After cooling, the whey is drained off.
It was reported that about a kilogram of cottage cheese could be obtained from an estimated 10-12 litres of
buttermilk. This result is disagreeing with the findings of Berhanu (2012). Ayib made as such is not marketed but
used for home consumption. The whey obtained is either used for consumption by the family members or given to
calves, cats or dogs. According to the respondents, Ayib can be stayed for up to 3-4 days without spoiled, if well-
handled during processing.

Table 4
Spices used during manufacturing of butter (a), ghee (b) and Ayib (c) in study area.
Vernacular name
(Afan Oromo) Common name Scientific name Product used for
Qulubi Adi Garlic Allium sativum a, b, c
Jinjibila Ginger Zingiber officinale a, b, c
Oogiyoo Korerima Aframomum korerima a, b, c
Cilaattama Rue Ruta graveolence a, b, c
Basobila Basil Ocimum basilium a, b, c
Qimamii Gurraattii Black cumin Nigella sativa a, b, c
Irdii Turmeric Curcuma domestica a, b
Qulubi dima Shallot Allium cepa b, c
Senaficha Mustard Brasica nigra c
Sunqoo Fenugreek Trigonella foeniculum a, b
Siqaaqibee Basil Ocimum spp a, b, c
Qulubi dima Onion Allium cepa c

3.4. Constraints of milk and milk products processing

The absence of dairy cooperatives, private milk collecting and processing plants is the critical problems for
milk processing and collections. Besides this, the main constraints pertaining to milk and milk products processing
and consumption as reported by the respondents in the study area are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5
Major constraints of milk and milk products processing.
Parameters % Respondents Rank
Lack of cooling facilities 34.6 1
Low milk production 21.5 2
Unimproved milk processing materials 10 3
Limited knowledge 8.5 4
Lack of clean water 6.2 5

Amanuel Bekuma et al. / Scientific Journal of Animal Science (2018) 7(5) 504-510

4. Conclusion

Producing diversified milk products enables to furnish various social, nutritional and economic values.
Although milk and milk products are essential, the majority of the respondents did not practice recommended
hygienic practices (such as hand and udder washing) during milking and further processing, preservation and
marketing of milk and milk products. Producing milk and milk products of not only acceptable quality but also of
high quality are important from consumer health point of view and may also lead to amplified demand and income
to producers. Lack of cooling facilities, low milk production, unimproved milk processing materials for dairy
processing, and limited knowledge on the hygienic practice of milk and milk products are among the major
constraints hamper dairy processing reported according to their importance. Based on the above conclusion the
following recommendation is forwarded;
 Excellent hygienic practices should be taken at all stages of dairy products processing through various
channels of extension such as technology verification and demonstration, knowledge and skill enhancing training,
experience sharing visits and others to produce milk and milk products of superior quality and protect the health of
the consumers;
 Development interventions are required to boost the quality of dairy products processing through
enhancing the indigenous knowledge of farmers and establishing dairy cooperatives and private milk collecting and
processing plants in the study area.


We are kindly acknowledging Ambo University, Gimbi Livestock and Fishery Resources Development Office
and sample respondents for their facilitating this study.


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