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3 authors, including:

Michael Odewole Kehinde J. Falua

University of Ilorin University of Saskatchewan


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The Effect of Cold Storage on the Engineering and Nutritional Properties of Apple (Malus domestica) View project

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ISSN: 2449 - 0539



*Odewole, M.M.1, Sunmonu, M.O.2, Falua K.J.3 and Aina, S.O.4

Department of Food Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
Corresponding Author:

This study focused on the evaluation of the nutritional compositions of cheese produced from a developed
cheese-making machine. The electrically-powered cheese making machine was capable of reducing the
drudgery, extended time and unhygienic characteristics of the traditional/local method of cheese production
among medium and small scale cheese producers. The major components of the machine were the main
frame, cheese processing and compression chambers. The processing chamber consists of the heating
component, temperature regulator and a manually-driven stirrer. The compression chamber consists of a
stirring rod and a perforated screen made of stainless steel. The performance evaluation of the machine
was carried out using raw milk obtained from cow, and the lemon juice as coagulant. The results revealed
that after coagulation, the machine produced a soft cheese with an average cheese formation time of 7.19
minutes, whereas, the local method used to take up to 20 minutes. The nutritional values of the cheese were
analyzed and results showed an average value of fat (13.98%), crude protein (12.72%), carbohydrate
(22.82%), moisture (50.03%), ash (0.91%), calcium (43.20mg/100g) and potassium (55.43 mg/100g). The
nutritional values of the cheese produced with the machine and a locally produced cheese were compared
and the results showed that values of fat, protein and carbohydrate, potassium and calcium of the machine
produced cheese increased by 9.01%, 21.34%, 20.68%, 32.55% and 8.31% respectively. However, from
positive perspective, the moisture and ash contents decreased by 14.52% and 9.90% respectively. The test of
significance showed that there were significant differences in the values obtained at P<0.05 except for fat
(0.059) and ash (0.217).
Keywords: Milk; cheese; cheese making machine; coagulant; nutritional values.


Milk (the major raw material for making cheese) is calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and
one of the most consumed and highly nutritive magnesium (Vaclavik and Christian, 2008). Milk
food sources (Gemechu et al., 2015) and is obtained from different milking mammals with
considered as an indispensable food daily required species, breed, feed nutrients, milking frequency,
by human because it contains essential stage of lactation, number of lactations and season
requirements for growth. In others words, it could being some of the factors affecting milk
easily be described as an aqueous colloidal composition (Løvendahl and Chagunda, 2011).
suspension of proteins, fat and carbohydrates Moreover, animals such as cow, sheep, buffaloes,
having numerous vitamins and minerals such as camel, pig and goat have high tendency of milk

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ISSN: 2449 - 0539
secretion but cow milk is commonly utilized in factors dictating the cheese yield are the milk
various parts of the world (FAO, 2008). Plant- characteristics (contents of protein and fat, genetic
based source such as soy is another form through variants of proteins, somatic cells, cheese making
which raw milk could be obtained. Soymilk is a conditions), incorporation of whey proteins in the
high-quality source of soy protein that serves as an curd, homogenization of the fat, type of coagulant,
alternate to dairy animal milk and available in use of different starters, curd firmness, type of vat,
variety of forms, including plain, vanilla, chocolate treatment of the curd (Lucey and Kelly, 1994).
and it can be used to replace milk added to coffee,
tea or cereal (Hajirostamloo, 2009). Soymilk Coagulants are substances used for converting
contained a greater amount of iron (Fe) than cow liquid milk gel to curd. Traditionally, the coagulant
milk, an amount which is ten times more than the used for cheese making is rennet extract from the
iron (Fe) content in cow milk (Hajirostamloo, abomasa of 10 to 30-day old milk-fed calves
2009). Moreover, soymilk not only provides (Green, 1977) but recently, conducted researches
protein but it is also a source of carbohydrate, employed different plant sources which served as
lipid, vitamins and minerals (Chien and Synder, alternative to rennet because of its scarcity
1983). Soy milk is preferred also in milk (Roseiro et al., 2003). Plant sources such as sodom
processing because of perceived allergy or perhaps apple (Calotropis procera), pawpaw (Carica
choice of milk sources by people which led to milk papaya) and lemon (Citrus limon) juice have been
consumers preferring plant-based milk source such successfully utilized as alternative plant-sourced
as soymilk as an alternative to milk obtained from coagulants for cheese making.
animals. The derivatives of milk are butter,
yoghurt, and cheese obtained through processing Omotosho et al. (2011) investigated the effects of
of milk and they are vital food for human foods. local coagulants on the nutritive value in vitro
multienzyme protein digestibility and sensory
Cheese, commonly called wara among some properties of cheese. The researchers reported that
Nigerian natives, is a product of milk and serves as no significant difference (P<0.05) in the yield of
an excellent source of protein, fats, and minerals cheese (31.5-32.5%) from the different coagulants
such as calcium, iron and phosphorus, vitamins (sodom apple juice, steep waste water from pap, an
and essential amino acids (Oladipo and Jadesimi, aqueous solution of calcium chloride and an
2012). Although cheese production is not a major aqueous solution of alum). The protein (25.56%),
business in all parts of Nigeria, however, it is manganese (0.23mg/100g), and zinc (1.9mg/100g)
common among some Fulani pastoralists (Orhevba contents of calotropis procera coagulated cheese
and Taiwo, 2016). was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of other
Cheese making is the process of concentrating the coagulants but reported a low energy value (6.5 cal
milk components, in particular fat and protein g-1), potassium (26.04mg/100g), calcium
contents which are the determining factors of (22.5mg/100g) and sodium (16.98mg/100g).
cheese yield (Banks et al., 1981). The principle of Ogunlade et al. (2017) examined the percentage
cheese making is based on the coagulation of the yield and proximate composition of cheese
protein in milk, during which about 90% of the produced from sheep milk using different
milk fat is encapsulated (Rebouillat and Ortega- coagulants (calotropis procera leaves, carica
Requena, 2015). The coagulated mass is called papaya leaves, citrus limon juice and steep water
curd, and the remaining liquid is called whey. Curd from maize, millet and sorghum). The results
consists mainly of milk proteins (casein) and milk showed that calotropis procera coagulated milk
fat; while whey mainly contains water, milk sugar had the highest percentage yield of 25.60% while
(lactose), protein (serum proteins) and B-vitamins the cheese coagulated with steep water from maize
(Pauline and Karine, 2006). The curd obtained had the lowest percentage yield of 3.80%. Other
after coagulation of the milk is paramount and findings documented for local production of
forms one of the desired goals of a cheese maker cheese are in Ojedapo et al., (2014) and Adetunji
which in turn serves as a major determinant of et al. (2008). The aforementioned information
cheese yield. Cheese yield is the amount of cheese, showed that much quest have been triggered
expressed in kilograms, obtained from 100 kg of towards cheese making using milk from different
milk (Abd El-Gawad and Ahmed, 2011). The animals and also coagulants from various plant

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ISSN: 2449 - 0539
and/or animal sources. However, focus has not proper consistency, hardening could take up to 30-
been directed towards development of an adaptable 40 minutes. The traditional method of cheese
technology (especially suitable machine for local making is characterized with longer time of
cheese processors) for cheese making. The essence formation of cheese, drudgery on human and
of an adaptable technology is to help in solving unhygienic processing procedures. Therefore, the
longer time spent in local production of cheese. objectives of this study were to develop a cheese
Calandrelli (1997) observed that 1 ml of rennet can making machine and to carry out the nutritional
coagulate 10000 ml of milk at the temperature of analysis of the cheese produced.
35°C in 40 minutes while the curd reaches the


2.1 Description of the Machine

The machine consists of the frame (700 mm x 270
mm x 600 mm) made of mild steel angle iron (25
mm x 25 mm); the processing chamber (Ø160 x
380 mm) and the compression chamber (Ø130 x
170 mm) both of cylindrical cross sections and
internally made of stainless steel. The processing
chamber consists of the heating component (1000
W), the temperature regulator and a manually-
driven stirring rod. The compression chamber
consists of a compression screw which is driven
manually, a cylindrical mesh which holds the
cheese produced and base cylinder for collecting
expelled water from the cheese. The temperature
regulator is connected to the heat source which
monitors and controls the temperature within the
cheese processing machine to maintain the 90ºC
preset value. The machine is powered by
electricity. Figures 1 and 2 are the part list,
orthographic and isometric views of the machine.

Figure 1: Part List of the Machine

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(2014) for volume of a cylinder as expressed in
Equation (1)

= … (1)

Where; is the volume of the processing chamber

(7640000 mm3), h is the height (length) of the
processing chamber (380 mm), r is the radius of
the inner cylinder (80 mm).

2.4.2 Heat Transfer

Heat transfer through the walls of the processing
chamber (without the milk) and the actual heat
required for coagulation was calculated using
Equation (2a) as stated by Rajput (2006).
… (2a)

Where; is the heat required in the processing

chamber (without the milk) (7354.75 kJ), is
Figure 2: Isometric and Orthographic Views of the the mass of steel (58.838 kg), is the specific
Machine heat capacity of stainless steel (500 J/kgK) and
is the temperature of the processing chamber
2.2 Working Principle of the Machine
The basic working principles of the machine are
heat transfer (by conduction and convection) in the Heat required to raise the temperature to coagulate
processing chamber and application of the milk is given in Equation 2b as stated by
compressive force to dewater and harden the Rajput (2006).
cheese produced in the compression chamber. The
processing chamber makes use of electricity as its … (2b)
source of power and the milk is fed into the
processing chamber. The stirring rod is a stainless Where; is the heat required in the processing
steel shaft and was designed to ensure chamber to raise the temperature to coagulate the
homogenous mixture of the coagulant and the milk is (1912.246 kJ), is the mass of steel
milk. (58.838 kg), is the specific heat capacity of
stainless steel (500 J/kgK) and is the change in
2.3 Design Consideration
temperature (65°C) i.e. the difference between
The engineering properties of milk with respect
processing temperature (90°C) as suggested by Pal
nutritional analysis were considered. The
et al. (2008) and ambient temperature (25°C).
properties include milk quality and technology
involved in its collection. Other factors considered 2.4.3 Total Heat Required
relating to the developed machine were the Since the objective was to heat the content (the
strength of components, cost of construction, milk) to 90°C, therefore, the total heat requirement
safety of operation, ease of maintenance and of the cheese making machine is the
energy. Assumptions relating to the thermal summation of the heat energy required, is the
constituent of the milk were specific heat capacity
heat required in the processing chamber to raise
(3.93 kJ/kg.k) and thermal conductivity (0.550
the temperature to coagulate the milk is (1912.246
W/m.k) (ASHRAE, 2006).
2.4 Design Calculation kJ), is the heat loss through the wall of the
2.4.1 Processing Chamber structure The total heat required was calculated
The volume of the processing chamber is based on a modified formula by Bhatia (2013) as
calculated using the formula stated by Agidi et al. expressed in Equations (3) and (4)

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After the design, the machine was fabricated and
assembled according to designed specifications
.… (3) using workshop tools and machines, and standard

… (4) 2.6 Performance Evaluation of the Machine

Raw milk obtained from milking cow was
collected early in the morning from a Fulani
pastoralist in the outskirt of Ilorin, Kwara state,
Where; is the total heat required (1912.272 kJ), Nigeria. Lemon juice was used as the coagulant for
is the heat required in the processing chamber the performance evaluation experiment. The
to raise the temperature to coagulate the milk performance evaluation of the machine was done
(1912.246 kJ), is the heat loss through the by first switching on the machine followed by
wall of the structure (0.02584 kJ), is the weighing 250 ml of the raw milk using a beaker
thermal conductivity of insulating material (0.044 into the processing chamber. The milk was
w/mk), is the Insulation thickness (0.03 m), allowed to pasteurize at a temperature of 90°C
is the surface area of the processing chamber before adding 15 ml of the coagulant (lemon
(0.271 m2), is the change in temperature juice). The stirring rod was turned five times at
(65°C). five (3) minutes interval to ensure proper
homogenization. The cheese formed was
2.4.4 Stirring Rod (Shaft) transferred to the compressing chamber where the
Shaft design involves analysis of strength and cheese compression screw was used to separate
rigidity (Aremu and Ogunlade, 2016). For a solid curds from whey and harden the cheese produced.
shaft, torsional load could be obtained from ASME The test was replicated four (4) times with
equation as reported by Hall et al. (1980). For a experimental milk specimens of AC, DQ, BD, and
given solid shaft, the turning moment is given as AE. The performance index considered during the
expressed in Equation (5); cheese making process was time of cheese
formation. The time of cheese formation was
… (5) deduced by intermittent opening of the processing
chamber at two minutes interval. Also, nutritional
Where: T is the turning moment (16 Nm), F is the analysis of the cheese produced was analysed
force (100 N) (required by human for using AOAC (2012) standard method.
compression) as suggested by Reinhold (1986) and Furthermore, the data obtained was statistically
is the distance (diameter of the inner cylinder) at analysed using Microsoft Excel (2013 version) at
which the rod would be turned (0.16 m). 5% level of significance.
2.5. Machine Fabrication and Assembly


(22.82%), moisture (50.03%), ash (0.91%),
calcium (43.20mg/100g) and potassium (55.43
The results of the performance evaluation showed mg/100g) of the produced cheese. The values were
an average time of cheese formation of 7.10, 8.15, compared with nutritional compositions of fat
9.22, 7.15 minutes for cheese specimens of AC, (12.72%), protein (9.66%), carbohydrate (18.10%),
DQ, BD and AE respectively showing an average moisture content (58.53%), ash (1.01%), calcium
value of 7.91 minutes, a value lower than 10-40 (39.62mg/100g), and potassium (37.40mg/100g) of
minutes for cheese formation for locally produced a locally produced cheese. The result showed that
cheese (Calandrelli, 1997). The nutritional values only fat (0.059) and ash (0.217) were not
of the specimens showed an average value of fat significantly different at P<0.05. Fig. 4 showed
(13.98%), crude protein (12.72%), carbohydrate that the contents of fat, protein and carbohydrate

164 | P a g e
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increased by 9.01%, 21.34%, 20.68% respectively volume. Furthermore, the mineral compositions of
while moisture, ash contents of the produced calcium (43.20mg/100g) and potassium (55.43
cheese with the machine decreased by 14.52% and mg/100g) of the produced cheese with the
9.90% respectively by calculation. Furthermore, machined showed a higher value than the findings
the mineral compositions of potassium and of Omotosho et al. (2011) with a report of calcium
calcium increased by 32.55% and 8.31% (22.5mg/100g) and potassium (26.04mg/100g) for
respectively. The significant increase could be a cheese locally produced using cow milk and
attributed to processing conditions and techniques calotropis procera as coagulant. In summary,
such as pasteurization temperature, and milk- factors contributing to higher cheese yield, better
coagulant (Abd El-Gawad and Ahmed, 2011; proximate values could be as a result of volume of
Orhevba and Taiwo, 2016). Comparison of the coagulant added during production (Ogunlade et
obtained nutritional values revealed that depending al., 2017), quality of milk, type of milk used and
on volume of milk and coagulant used, processing other processing conditions such as heating
time and temperature, mechanical way of cheese temperature, environmental conditions (Omotosho
production offers positive contribution to fat, et al., 2011). From Table 1, it could be deduced
protein and carbohydrate contents but might cause that significant difference exists in the obtained
decrease in moisture and ash contents. However, proximate values at P<0.05 except for fat (0.059
the decrease in moisture content and ash contents compare with value on Table 1) and ash (0.217).
could be as a result of exposure of the milk to less Table 1 shows the summary of the statistical
production time during cheese making (Orheevba analysis of the nutritional values. Figure 3 shows
and Taiwo, 2016) Also, the result obtained is the comparison nutritional values of the cheese
approximately similar to the findings of Orhevba produced with the machine and the locally
and Taiwo (2016) in which it was reported that purchased cheese while Plate 1 shows the
1.00% of ash content was obtained for 50 ml milk developed cheesemaking machine.

Table 1: Summary of the Statistical Analysis of the Performance Evaluation

Composition Mean df t-stat t-critical sig
13.978 3 2.974 3.183 0.059NS
Fat (12.715)
12.275 3 11.766 3.183 0.001*
22.816 3 9.646 3.183 0.002*
50.028 3 -342.768 3.183 0.000*
Moisture Content
0.913 3 -1.557 3.183 0.217NS
43.195 3 6.680 3.183 0.001*
Calcium (39.620)
55.425 3 10.770 3.183 0.002*
Potassium (37.400)

Key: a = cheese produced with the machine, b = locally produced cheese, NS = not significant,* =
significant at 5%, Values in brackets are means of the locally produced cheese

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Figure 3: Proximate Analysis of the Locally Produced Cheese

Plate 1: Cheesemaking Machine

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The design, fabrication and performance and carbohydrate increased by 9.01%,
evaluation of a cheese machine was carried 21.34%, 20.68% respectively while
out. The machine produced a soft cheese and moisture, ash contents of the produced
quicker cheese formation time of 7.19 cheese decreased by 14.52% and 9.90%
minutes as compared with locally produced respectively. Furthermore, the mineral
cheese which usually take about 10-20 compositions of potassium and calcium
minutes. In comparison with locally increased by 32.55% and 8.31% respectively
produced cheese, results of nutritional when compared with locally produced
analysis showed the cheese produced with cheese.
the machine had the contents of fat, protein


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