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Vol. 5(6), pp.

91-98, December, 2013

DOI: 10.5897/JABSD2013.0206
Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and
ISSN 2141-2340 ©2013 Academic Journals Sustainable Development

Full Length Research Paper

Handling, processing and utilization of milk and milk

products in Ezha district of the Gurage zone, Southern
Abebe Bereda1*, Zelalem Yilma2 and Ajebu Nurfeta3
Department of Animal Science, Debre Berhan University P. O. Box 445, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia.
Heifer International, East Africa Dairy Development, Country Program Mobilization Coordination Office, Addis Ababa,
School of Animal and Range Sciences, College of Agriculture, Hawassa University, P. O. Box 5, Hawassa, Ethiopia.
Accepted 8 November, 2013

A survey study was conducted in Ezha district of Gurage zone to understand the hygienic practices
during production and further handling of milk and milk products; and their utilization. One hundred
and twenty households were selected based on ownership of dairy cows, milk processing practice and
willingness to participate in the study from two agro-ecologies (Dega and Woyna Dega) within the
district. None of the respondents washed udder before milking. The majority of women washed the
equipments (90.8%) and their hands (71.5%) before milking. Olea africana and Hygenia abyssinica plant
leaves were the most commonly smoking and cleaning plant species in the district. The average volume
of milk churned at a time was 6 L. Women preserve butter by mixing with spices such as Nigella sativa,
Aframomum angusti-folium, Trigonela fenum and Ocimum hardiense, while Ayib is preserved with
the use of O. hardiense. Out of the total monthly milk production (55 L), 13.5 L were consumed, whereas
the remaining was accumulated for further processing. Among milk and milk products produced, only
butter and Ayib were supplied to local markets. Lack of clean water for cleaning purpose; limited
knowledge on hygienic handling of milk and milk products; and unimproved milk processing materials
were the three major constraints reported by the respondents according to their importance.
Recognizing the importance milk and milk products to the producing household nutrition, health and
income, development interventions are required to boost production, improve the quality of the
products and efficiency of the traditional milk processing equipment.

Key words: Milk and milk products, hygiene, processing, utilization, Ezha, Ethiopia.


Ethiopia holds a substantial potential for dairy productivity of the livestock resources and the benefits
development mainly due to its large livestock population obtained from the sector does not commensurate with the
coupled with the relatively suitable environment for high livestock population. Given the considerable potential
livestock production (Mohammed et al., 2004). In 2011, for smallholder income and employment generation from
Ethiopia was home for an estimated 53.4 million cattle, high-value dairy products, development of the dairy sector
22.8 million goats, 25.5 million sheep, 49.3 million chicken in Ethiopia can contribute significantly to poverty alleviation
and 1.1 million camels (CSA, 2011). However, the and nutrition in the country (Mohammed et al., 2004).

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

92 J. Agric. Biotech. Sustain. Dev.

Smallholder farmers and pastoralists together produce Addis Ababa. The altitude of the district ranges from 1800 to 3098 m
and supply 98% of the total annual milk production of the above sea level and receives an annual rainfall of 900 to 1600 mm
with the mean minimum and maximum annual temperatures of 5 and
country (YONAD, 2009). 38°C, respectively.
According to CSA (2011), over 85% of the milk produced
by rural households is consumed within the producer
households with the proportion marketed being less than Sampling procedure
7%. The small amount of milk produced by a large number
of producers but the low marketable output in Ethiopia A random sampling procedure was employed to select sample
posses limitations on the possibilities of exploiting distant kebeles and households for the study. The district was first stratified as
but rewarding markets due to high transaction costs arising Dega and Woina Dega agro-ecologies. From a total of 28 Kebeles
from transportation and high opportunity costs of labor located in the district 2 Kebeles were randomly selected from each of
the two agro-ecologies. A total of 30 households per Kebele that own
involved. As reported by Muriuki and Thorpe (2001) the at least one local milking cow were randomly selected. Thus, a total of
vast majority `of milk produced outside urban centers in the 120 (30 households × 4 kebeles) households were interviewed. A
country is processed into milk products at household level semi-structured questionnaire was used to gather the required
using traditional technologies. information on the hygienic practices during handling and processing
In areas where the climate is hot and humid, the raw milk of milk and milk and milk products, and their utilization.
gets easily fermented and spoiled during storage unless it
is refrigerated or preserved. However, such storage Data analysis
facilities are not readily available in rural areas and cooling
systems are not feasible due to lack of the required dairy Both qualitative and quantitative data collected on hygienic practices
infrastructure and when available high cost of facilities such during milk production, processing and storage at household level
as refrigerator for resource poor smallholder producers were analyzed and summarized using both mean and frequency
(O’Mahony and Peters, 1987). In Ethiopia, in general and in procedures of SPSS statistical package for social science version 13.
the study areas in particular milk, milk products are
important for producer family consumption and as a source
of income through sale of products such as butter and Ayib RESULTS and DISCUSSION
(Ethiopian cottage cheese).
Due to small volume of daily milk produced, producers Handling practices during milking, milk processing and
keep milk produced over 3 to 4 days until sufficient amount storage
is accumulated to process into the aforementioned more
shelf stable products. In the study area, traditional milk Generally, proper sanitary milking practices were not
production, processing and handling is a typical feature. followed by the majority of the respondents in the study
Traditional milk products are generally reported to be of area. Although, most of the respondents reported to wash
substandard quality mainly due to inadequate dairy their hands and milk vessels before milking their cows,
infrastructure such as refrigeration facility and clean water washing of udders was not reported (Table 1). Moreover,
and limited knowledge o the hygienic handling of milk and milkers dip their fingers in the milking vessel and
milk products. This necessitates better understanding of the moistening teats of the cows with the intention of facilitating
traditional processes and handling of milk and milk by milking. However, such practice may cause microbial
products, which is a prerequisite for development. contamination of the milk from the milker’s hand. The
Although, milk production represents an important part of majority of the respondents (57.2%) had access to river
the livelihood of the community in Ezha district of the water followed by tap water (28%) and hand dug well water
Gurage zone, there is shortage of information with regard to (7.2%) (Table 1). However, the quality of both river and
milk processing, handling and utilization. hand dug well waters used for cleaning may not be of the
Understanding the prevailing traditional practices of milk required standard thus can attribute to the poor quality of
production, processing and storage is of paramount milk in the area. It is, therefore, important to heat treat water
importance to make future improvement interventions. The from river and hand dug wells intended for cleaning
objectives of the current study were therefore to assess the purpose.
hygienic conditions during handling and processing, and The interviewed households used different utensils for
utilization of milk and milk products in Ezha district of the milking, storage and processing. All of the respondents
Gurage zone. reported to use plastic jar for milking, while clay pot was the
only material used for churning (butter-making). As reported
by most of the respondents (92%), clay pot is also used for
storage of milk until the desired volume is collected for
processing. Wondu (2007) reported a similar result where
Study area 88% of small-scale producers in Southern Ethiopia used
traditional clay pot for fermentation and butter-making. As
The study was conducted between February and March 2010 in Ezha indicated by the respondents, clay pot keeps milk well at
district of the Gurage zone, which is located at 200 km South west of the prevailing high ambient temperature as compared to
Bereda et al. 93

Table 1. Handling practices during milking by households in the two agro-ecological zones.

Dega (n=60) Woina Dega (n=60)
Milk hygienic practice (%)
Wash udder before milking 0 0
Wash hand after milking 95.0 48.3
Wash milking utensil with hot water 80 95

Source of water for cleaning milk utensils (%)

Tap water 10 61
Hand dug well water 3.3 11
River water 86.7 28

Milk utensils used for milking (%)

Plastic jar 100 100
Nickel 10 0

Milk utensils used for storage (%)

Clay pot 88.3 96.7
Plastic jar 16.7 5

Milk utensil used for churning (%)

Clay pot 100 100
n= Number of observations.

plastic containers. Processing milk and shelf life of milk and milk
The production of milk of acceptable hygienic quality for products
consumers requires good hygienic practices. One of the
major factors affecting the quality of dairy products is As it is the case under smallholder setting in other rural
related to the practice of proper milking procedures and areas of Ethiopia, naturally fermented milk is the basis of
cleanness of the milking utensils (Almaz et al., 2001). About processing milk into more shelf stable fermented milk
30% of farmers reported to rub milk storage vessels with products in the present study area. The major milk products
leaves of shrubs such as 0 (Kosso in Amharic), Sida produced in the study area were Ergo (Ethiopian naturally
tenuicarpa Vollesen (Ojaja in the local language), Odaterk fermented milk), traditional butter (Kibe), traditional ghee
Conyza spinosa (Odaterk), Olea africana (Weira), and (Neter Kibe), cottage cheese (Ayib), sour defatted milk
Korekonda (maize cob) and wash with water before use. (Arrera), and whey (Aguat). According to most of the
Washing is commonly followed by drying and smoking the respondents, milk is fermented for the main reason that the
containers with embers of wood sprinters of plants daily production is small and to get the volume that justifies
specifically used for this purpose (Hygenia abyssinica, Sida processing (primarily churning for butter-making), the daily
tenuicarpa Vollesen, O. africana, maize cob, Thymus milk yield should be accumulated over a few days. In this
vulgaris, Enset fiber, Conyza spinosa and Thymus process, milk ferments naturally at the prevailing tropical
schimperi are the most commonly used). Procedures of ambient temperatures.
cleaning and disinfection of milking utensils prior to milk In the rural Ethiopia, in general and in the study area in
collection reported herein were similar to previous results particular, milk processing and other household activities
from Ethiopia (Sintayehu et al., 2008). are almost always the responsibility of women. In the
Reasons for smoking milk containers using different parts Woina Dega area, the majority of the women (70%)
of various plant species as reported by the respondents process the milk twice per week followed by once per week
were similar to earlier reports in Ethiopia (Lemma et al., (30%), while 53.4% the women around Dega area process
2004; Yitaye, 2008). Smoking is also reported to give a their milk twice per week, whereas the remaining 38 and
good flavor to the product and disinfect the vessels, thereby 8% of the respondents reported to process once per week
reducing the microbial load and therefore extending the and once fortnightly, respectively (Table 2).
shelf life of the product. As reported by Mogessie and Generally, high ambient temperature favors natural
Fekadu (1993), smoked containers tend to lower the fermentation and therefore, due to the relatively high
microbial load of milk as compared to unsmoked ambient temperature in the Woina Dega areas, producers
containers. in these areas processed milk at higher frequency as
94 J. Agric. Biotech. Sustain. Dev.

Table 2. Milk processing practices (%) in the two agro-ecological zones.

Dega (n=60) Woina Dega (n=60)
Processing of milk (%) 100 100

Processing frequency (%)

Twice/week 53.4 70
Once/week 38.3 30
Once/two week 8.3 0
a b
Volume of milk churned at a time (liter) 6.4+2.1 5.5+1.14

Reasons for processing of milk (%)

To generate more income 85 68.3
To increase shelf life 88.3 96.7
To purchase agricultural commodity 91.7 61.7
Cultural reluctance towards consumption of fresh milk 7 5
Consumer preference 3.3 13.3
n= Number of observation.

Table 3. Milk products processing practice in the study area.

Dega (n=60) Woina Dega (n=60)
Amount of butter recovered in a single churn (kg) 0.34+0.12 0.28+0.77
Amount of Ayib in single churn (kg) 1.07+0.11 0.97+0.05
Volume of milk used to produce kg of butter (lit) 21+1.6 23.07+1.2
Volume of defatted sour milk used to produce kg of Ayib 6+ 0.56 6.7+0.54

compared to those in the Dega areas. As observed in the L (Ayantu, 2006) and 1.97 L (Rahel, 2008) were reported in
present study, about 93% of the respondents process milk the Wolayta zone. The amount of butter obtained from a
to extend the shelf life of the product followed by generation single churn in the current study (0.25 kg) (Table 3) was
of income to purchase agricultural commodities (76.7%) higher than that reported in the Wolayta zone (0.13 kg)
and to fulfill other day to day necessities (76.7%) (Table 2). (Rahel, 2008) and (0.16 kg) (Ayantu, 2006), which is likely
Ayantu (2006) in her report in Delbo watershed area of the to be attributed to the difference in the volume of milk
Wolayta zone also indicated that milk is processed in order churned at a time.
to increase the family’s income, diversify the products for In the present study, the amount of milk required to
consumption and to increase the shelf life of the products. produce one kg of butter was 22.32 L (Table 3). This value
Kassahun (2008), however, reported that milk is primarily is comparable with that of earlier reports of 25 kg in Borena
processed whenever there is market constraint for fresh plateau (Coppock, 1994), 20 to 22 L in rural areas of
milk in the Ada’a district. Southern Ethiopia (Fekadu, 1994) and 21 L in the central
highlands of Ethiopia (Zelalem and Ledin, 1999). However,
lower values were also reported; 15 to 20 L in Awassa
Butter making (Wondu, 2007), 15.79 L in the Wolayta zone (Rahel, 2008),
16.7 L in East Wollega (Alganesh, 2002), and 17.1 L in
All of the respondents produced traditional butter from East Shewa zone (Lemma et al., 2004). Such variations are
naturally fermented whole milk. While churning, traditional likely attributed to the fat content of the milk used which in
churns are covered with materials such as dry Enset turn is a function of breed. Milk of local zebu cattle breeds
pseudo stem sheath and/or a piece of plastic material, has higher fat content as compared with that of pure exotic
which is stretched over the opening of the churn and and crossbred cows.
securely tied. The average milk churned at a time observed All of the interviewed farmers used different spices as
was about 6 L at household level though markedly (P<0.01) means of preservation for traditional butter. The major
varied between the two agro-ecologies (Table 3). Zelalem spices used for this purpose were Koserete (Ocimum
and Ledin (1999) also reported a similar value (6.4 L) in the hardiense), Korerima (Aframomum angusti-folium), Tikur
central highlands of Ethiopia. However, lower values of 2.1 azmud (Nigella sativa) and Abish (Trigonela fenum). As
Bereda et al. 95

Table 4. Production and consumption of milk and milk product in the two agro-ecological zones.

Dega (n=60) Woina Dega (n=60)
Product (%)
Milk 68.3 46.7
Butter 68.3 96.7
Ergo 3.3 5.0
Ayib 93.3 95
Whey 100 100

Average milk produced and consumed (lit) per month (+S.E)

Produced 57.6±3.6 52.2±3.2
a b
Consumed 18.73±2.9 8.37± 2.6
a b
Daily milk consumption 0.62±0.09 0.28±0.056

Average Ayib produced and consumed (kg) per month (+S.E)

Ayib produced 5.96±0.63 7.1±0.7
a b
Ayib consumed 3.37±0.35 4.95±0.51

Average butter produced and consumed (kg) per month (+S.E)

Butter produced 1.9±0.18 2.05±0.15
a b
Butter consumed 0.94±0.12 1.73±0.15
Row mean bearing with different superscripts letters are significantly different from each other (P<0.05). S.E = Standard error.

reported by the respondents, the traditional butter can be mainly butter and Ayib that have better shelf life and fetch
stored at ambient temperatures on average for about one better market price (Table 4). In the present study, about
year without losing its desired flavour and taste. 68.3 and 47% of the respondents in the Dega and Woina
Dega areas, respectively, used whole milk for consumption.
Contrary to this finding, consumption of raw milk in the
Ethiopian cottage cheese (Ayib) making Wolayta zone is not a usual practice rather in most cases
the small amount of milk produced daily is accumulated
The amount of Ayib obtained at a time in this finding was over a few days to manufacture the butter that fetches a
1.05 kg, which is comparable between the two agro- better price (Ayantu, 2006).
ecologies. On average, 6.5 L of milk was required to Butter of the Wolaita zone is one of the most preferred
produce one kg of Ayib in both agro-ecologies (Table 3). butter for its taste not only in the area of production but also
This value is in agreement with the 6 L reported by Zelalem all the way up to Addis Ababa. Out of the total butter
and Ledin (1999) in the central highlands of Ethiopia. production (1.9 kg) per household per month, about 1.33 kg
However, Rahel (2008) reported a higher value (8.69 L) in was used for consumption (Table 4). About 68.3 and 96.7%
Wolayta zone. The spices mainly used as a preservatives of the respondents in the Dega and Woina Dega areas,
to extend shelf life of Ayib were Koserete (O. hardiense), respectively, used butter for producer household
Tikure azmude (N. sativa), Korerima (A. angustifolium), consumption.
Tena Adam (Ruta chalepensis) and Abish (Trigonela Butter consumption in the Woina Dega area was 1.73
fenum) and in addition to these salt is also used to extend kg/month/household, which was significantly (P<0.01)
the shelf life of Ayib. higher than that consumed by households in the Dega area
(0.94 kg/month/household). This could be due to the
common practice of accompanied butter while consuming
Consumption and utilization of milk and milk products the homemade flat bread (Kocho) made from Enset
(Ensete ventricosum) in the Woina Dega area.
Like in most other rural areas of Ethiopia, the common milk The mean monthly production of Ayib per household in
products manufactured and consumed in the current study the district was 6.6 kg. Out of this total monthly production,
areas include fresh whole milk, whey (Aguate), butter, Ayib 2.16 kg is consumed within the household. The average
and ghee (Niter Kibe). Out of the total monthly milk monthly production per household observed in this study
production (55 L) per household, about 13.5 L was used for was much higher than 0.31 kg reported in the Ada’a
consumption within the producing households, the rest Woreda (Kassahun, 2008) and 1.2 kg in Wolayta zone
being left to be processed in to more value added products (Rahel, 2008).
96 J. Agric. Biotech. Sustain. Dev.

Table 5. Marketing of milk and milk products in the two agro-ecological zones.

Dega (n=60) Woina ega(n=60)
Average butter and Ayib sold per month in kg (+S.E)
a b
Butter 0.96±0.16 0.32±0.07
Ayib 2.54±0.38 2.23±0.44
Average price of butter and Ayib per kg (+S.E)
Butter price 57.8±10.5 44.42±1.08
a b
Ayib price 15.11±0.28 17.46±0.35
Selling practices (%)
Butter selling practice (%) 60 35
Ayib selling practice (%) 76.7 65
Milk selling practice (%) 0 0
Reasons for not selling milk (%)
Cultural restriction 60 46.7
Lack of market 28.4 11.7
Scarcity of milk 85 71.7
Row mean bearing with different superscripts letters are significantly different from each other (P<0.05). S.E= Standard

Marketing of milk and milk products 5). The price base of the product is subjective and depends
on weight estimation by the customers who estimate by
As observed during the current study, the sale of fresh putting them on their hands. The price of Ayib reported in
whole milk was not a common practice (Table 5). Among the current study is comparable with that (15 birr/kg)
different multiple reasons, inefficient milk production reported by Rahel (2008) and Zewide (2010) (16.5 birr/kg)
(78.3%) and cultural restrictions (taboos) toward selling in Sebeta. Kassahun (2008) and Zewdie (2010), however,
fresh whole milk (53.3%) followed by lack of market (20%) reported lower prices in urban areas of Lume (12 birr/kg)
are the most common reasons reported (Table 5). A similar and Zeway (13 birr/kg), respectively.
situation was reported in Eastern Wollega where about In Ethiopia, studies indicate that butter prices differ from
21.3 and 19% of the women did not sell fresh milk mainly place to place. Zewdie (2010) reported the price of butter in
due to scarcity and cultural reasons, respectively Sebeta, Ziway, Debre Berhan and Jimma to be 75, 66, 61
(Alganesh, 2002). On the other hand, about 60 and 35% of and 60 birr/kg, respectively, during the dry season. As
the respondents in the Dega area and Woina Dega area, indicated by Zelalem and Ledin (1999), such price
respectively, stated that they sold butter, while the rest of differences may arise from factors such as access to better
the respondents never sold, while 29% of the respondents market in urban areas as compared to rural areas in the
did not sell Ayib. central high lands of Ethiopia. In addition, Zewdie (2010)
In the study areas, Ayib is the most important marketed indicated that price of butter and Ayib differences may arise
product. Ayib sold per household per month was 2.4 kg due to season, highest price in the dry season than wet
(Table 5). This result is lower when comparable with results season. This could be due to the good supply of butter
(3.4 kg) of Rahel (2008). The average weight of the butter during the rainy season owing to better grass availability
sold per household per month in this district was 0.64 kg following the rain, which leads to high production of milk.
(Table 5). Significant difference (P<0.05) was observed
between the Dega and Woina Dega areas in average
monthly butter sold per household where households in the Constraints of handling, processing and utilization of
Dega area sold significantly high amount of butter. This milk and milk products
difference could be attributed to the lower consumption of
butter per household in the same (Table 5). The average The major constraints pertaining to milk handling,
butter sold per household per month in the current study is processing and utilization as reported by the respondents in
much less than the amount (7.2 kg) reported by Rahel the Ezha district of the Gurage zone are summarized in
(2008). Table 6. Close to 80% of the respondents reported lack of
The average prices of Ayib and butter were 16 birr and clean water for cleaning purpose, limited knowledge on the
52 birr/kg, respectively (Table 5). The mean price of Ayib in hygienic handling of milk and milk products and
the Woina Dega area was 17 birr, which is significantly unimproved milk processing materials to be the three major
higher (P<0.001) than that of the Dega area (14 birr) (Table constraints listed according to their importance.
Bereda et al. 97

Table 6. Major constraints to milk handling, processing and utilization

Variable % of total respondents Rank

Lack of clean water 37 1
Limited knowledge 24 2
Unimproved milk processing materials 17 3
Lack of access and high price of cooling facilities 11 4
Lack of electricity 7 5
Low milk production 4 6

Conclusion by Debre Berhan University under Ministry of Education,

Dairy production is an important and integral part of the
crop-livestock mixed production system in Ethiopia in
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