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Gen 005 Research Final

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An Undergraduate Research Presented to

Renefrid T. Tejero, J.D

College of Arts and Sciences-Social Department

University of Iloilo

In PartialFulfillment

of the Requirements for the Subject

Gen005- Contemporary World

Alarilla, Jessa Mae J.

Angelitud, Kaye Janamy A.

Antonio, Justine Gremond P.

Beso, Charlene E.

Da-anton, Kyle A.


April 2022
Chapter 1
Introduction of the study

Chapter one is made up of six parts: (1) Background of the Study, (2) Theoretical
Framework of the Study, (3) Statement of the Problem , (4) Definition of the Terms, (5)
Significance of the Study, and (6) Scope and Delimitation of the Study.
Part One, Background of the Study, presents the underlying reasons for conducting
the research and the framework that served as basis and support for the study.
Part Two, Theoretical Framework, present theories and the framework that served
as basis and support for the study.
Part Three, Statement of the Problem, states the general and specific problems as
well as the hypothesis tested.
Part Four, Significance of the Study, describes the stakeholders of the research
and the manner by which they may be able to benefit from the results.
Part Five, Definition of Terms, defines conceptually and operationally the important
terms and the key variables used in the study.
Part Six, Scope and Delimitation, sets the limit of the research in terms of the
respondents, research design, variables, and research instruments.

Background of the Study

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented disruptions in

the lives of people all over the world. It came unexpectedly where no one was ready
enough to brace its impact to society. The Philippines in particular, faced a critical
situation due to the rise of said health crisis. For higher education institutions, avoiding
and limiting the risks of infection of the academic community has become a primordial
concern. The conduct of classes needed to be immediately suspended (CHED,2020).

COVID-19 pandemic has resulted drastic changes in education. Part of it is the shift
from face to face classes to different learning modalities which include distance learning.
Since education is believed to continue despite the circumstances, teachers started to
prepare for modular and online distance learning (De Villa & Manalo, 2020). Most tertiary
institutions have adopted distance learning. The adoption of distance learning is not
without its limitations and challenges which includes limited network coverage and lack of
gadgets among the students (Gurajena, Mbunge & Fashoto, 2021).

Distance learning programs are generally designed to serve an offcampus populatio
n. These 
programs provide access to higher education for students who cannot attend traditional co
urses due to employment, marital status, family responsibilities, distance, and expenses in
curred with traditional education (Knezek et al, 2006) .These factors are represented in
the management of online courses that require a lot of time. In addition, the problems
cited with the use of technology, as well as the lack of communication between students
and remote instructors. According to De(2018), traditional classes are more suitable for
young children, teenagers, and young adolescents who are yet to join the workforce.
Regular attendance in classes helps them interact with other individuals of their own age,
be better disciplined, follow a regular schedule, and improve their physical fitness and
mental alertness. Also in traditional classroom, students can directly share their views and
clarify their own queries with the teacher, thus getting their questions answered right

In Iloilo, especially in the school of PHINMA University of Iloilo has also affected to
this pandemic and trying to cope up their education. And that is why the researchers want
to conduct their study since there are enough information to be gathered to support this
study. In official Facebook page of PHINMA-University of Iloilo. They state that are
also adopted the distance learning. Where they had Remote and Distance or RAD
Learning and Flex Learning that both of it is a completely home-based program. The
classes will not be conducted online but teacher support will be provided virtually via
mobile calls, texts or social media. And learning materials will be printed and distributed
at the start of classes. The RAD Learning will be available for students who live in far-
flung areas and need to travel for hours to get to school. While the Flex Learning,
students will be studying from home. Thus, there will be no face-to-face classes until it is
safe to do so, and the government allows students to leave their homes.
Theoretical Framework
One of the theories that relates to our study is the Walberg's Theory of Educational
Productivity of Herbert J. Walberg. Where his theory tackles about the influences on
learning that affects the academic performance of a student tackles about the influences
on learning that affects the academic performance of a student. It is an exploration of
academic achievement wherein Walberg used a variety of methods on how to identify the
factors that affects the academic performance of a student. In his theory, he classified 11
influential domains of variables, one of them that were affected by student-teacher
interactions. He explained that these variables have a certain effects that might cause
problems with the academic performance of students (Greenberg et al., 2003).
Researchers anchor their study on this theory to support the main objectives of this study
which is to know the academic performance of students to the traditional and distance
learning. Researchers aim to test if the theory coincides with the result of study, that if
there is interaction of students and teachers, the academic performance of students has a
greater chance to improve.

In the light of above mention theory, the researcher conducted the study to
compare if there is significant difference in academic performance of 1 st year PHINMA-UI
students in traditional and distance learning.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

 Distance Learning
 Academic Performance
 Traditional Learning

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm of study.

Figure 1 shows the two variables the study. These are the independent and
dependent variables. Under the independent variable are distance learning and
traditional learning; while under the dependent variable is academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

The objective of this study was to determine the academic performance of 1 st

year PHIMNA-UI students in distance learning and to the traditional learning. And what
learning is most suitable to them.

Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1. Academic performance of 1st year PHIMNA-UI students in distance learning?

2. Academic performance of 1st year PHIMNA-UI students in traditional learning?

3. Is there a significant difference in the academic performance of 1st year PHIMNA-UI

students among those different learning?

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity and precision, important terms that were used in this
study were conceptually and operationally defined:

Academic performance - is the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement
using classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests
(Ballotpedia, 2014).

In this study, it referred to the basis of researchers for their study, whether
students learn easily and improve their intellect performance in those different ways of

Distance Learning- form of education in which the main elements include physical
separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various
technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication (Berg,
In this study, it referred to the new way of learning which is applicable today and
that is because of the pandemic.

Traditional Learning- Is usually classroom instruction that includes an instructor and

students, characterized by interactive activities, socializing, writing lecture notes,
receiving homework, and taking exams (Yongo, 2022).

In this study, it referred to the old or the common way of learning where the
students and teachers interact personally or it is called the face-to-face learning.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to certain groups and sectors,

People in community. This study may give them information about, education is also
affected and trying to cope up in this pandemic. And this study may help them to
understand why education shifts their new way of learning.

Teachers. The result of this study may help them to understand that they are students
that has different level of academic performance in different ways of learning.

Learners. They may give them knowledge about their academic performance is also
based on the way of learning they prefer.

Researchers. The result of this study may give them new information about what
happens to the academic performance of students in the different ways of learning.

Future researchers. The result of this study may serve as their reference for their
future studies that related to this topic.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was limited only in comparing the academic performance of student in
different ways of learning. The study utilized a qualitative research method using
comparative approach. Researcher will collected the data from the 1 st year PHINMA-UI
students. And this study will tackle their experiences, struggles and actions that they do
in order to adopt the new way of learning and how it affects in their academic
performance. The researcher will interview the participants to know the academic
performance of students and how they learn in that different way of learning.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Related Literature

A sound research needs a literature review to give more background

information about the study. This chapter contains the review of related literature.
Literatures presented in this chapter are from research databases such as online
libraries to find credible scholarly books, online journals, websites, and others. It is
divided into several topics. These are (1) Academic performance, (2) Traditional
Learning, (3) Distance Learning, (4) Related Studies, and (5) Summary.

Part One, Academic Performance, sites its descriptions of academic

performance of student and its significance.

Part Two, Traditional Learning, cites the description and what level of academic
performance of students in this kind of learning.

Part Three, Distance Learning, discusses about its definition and what level of
academic performance of students in this kind of learning.

Part Four, Related Studies, introduces the related studies from local and foreign
that serves as the foundation of the study.

Part Five, Summary, sums up and reiterates the each concept in the review of
related literature.

Academic performance

Academic performance is affected by many factors including parents’ education

levels and income, teachers’ knowledge of the subject, truancy, textbooks availability
and accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory, meals provision and many other factors 
(Chinyoka, K. & Naidu, N.,2013).
There is no doubt that education is the only tool to become successful. It gives us
the opportunity to become a full-fledged member of a society we belong, by gaining all
the necessary abilities. Nowadays there are several options to get knowledge. Students
have the opportunity to attend traditional classroom classes or chose online learning.
Both models of learning are created for providing educational requirements in order to
obtain a college degree or diploma and both models are effective. The final decision is
up to students which type of learning is suitable and acceptable for them. Several factors
play an enormous role while making a decision, time management, communication,
costs, and convenience (Natalie et al., 2020).

Traditional Learning

Traditional classes give more than education. It gives the culture of

communication, interaction, friendship, collaboration, teaches relationships. Based on
practical examples we can conclude that students learn more interesting things in class
while listening to their classmates, rather than studying alone. In-class learning, there is
constant communication between students with each other and the teacher. In this case,
face to face communication develop many important skills for the students, such as
public speaking, social skills, and presentation abilities. It is proved that social
communication among the students creates many useful links, they can exchange with
their experiences, involvements, practices, and understandings. Online learning is
unable to develop these abilities, which are important for modern students in their future
activities and profession. Traditional schools offer any other facility rather than teaching
only academic subjects. There is all kind of interesting activities for students: sport,
amateur, dancing, charity, and various programs. Campuses answer the demands of all
types of students, which makes student life more interesting and attractive. So students
study not only academic subjects, they study how to use the knowledge in their future
career (Natalie et al., 2020).

Learning at school ensures students study efficiency. In other words, schools

create a learning atmosphere which can help students to concentrate on their study.
Besides, teachers can communicate with students and try to make sure each student can
understand what they said. Compared with learning at school, distance learning could
divert attention from learning for students to focus on computer games. In addition,
students’ teamwork spirit can be cultivated by schooling. It means students can share their
own opinions in group which can help them make a deeper impression of what they are
learning. Moreover, students will participate in some activities to learn how to cooperate
with each other (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018).

Distance Learning

Online learning students have to be more organized, disciplined and self-

demanding. These students have to reserve time to fulfil the requirements. Modern
technology connects students from all over the world. They have the advantage to get
accustomed to each other’s traditions and culture. The Internet gives huge possibilities
to save time, use search engines efficiently, have numerous online books and
researches on hand. But not all students have the possibility to attend online classes
due to no internet. In this case, they have no other option but to be friendly with books at
the library. Also, Students can save on transport, materials, and others. There are many
useful online courses for adults. It is very affordable for doing an additional degree or
some pieces of training. All these courses demand less money and time (Natalie et al.,

Related Studies

Local study. According to the study of Rosario et al., (2021), entitled “Students’
online learning challenges during the pandemic and how they cope with them: The case
of the Philippines” stated that the online learning challenges of college students varied in
terms of type and extent. Their greatest challenge was linked to their learning
environment at home, while their least challenge was technological literacy and
competency. Also, in this study revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had the greatest
impact on the quality of the learning experience and students’ mental health. In terms of
strategies employed by students, the most frequently used were resource management
and utilization, help-seeking, technical aptitude enhancement, time management, and
learning environment control.

Another study by Tria (2020), entitled “The COVID-19 Pandemic through the
Lens of Education in the Philippines: The New Normal” stated that during the pandemic
to continue the education process they will use distance learning. These are online
learning platforms such as Google, TV broadcasts, guidelines, resources, video lectures
and online channels were introduced (UNESCO, 2020). In the higher education
institutions, new normal would be virtual classrooms. The Commission on Higher
Education suggested to strengthen online platforms and blended learning such as
but not limited to Google classroom, messenger, zoom, Facebook and YouTube (CHED,
2020). In addition, both will adopt numerous learning delivery options such as but not
limited to face-to-face, blended learnings, distance learnings, and home-schooling and
other modes of delivery (CHED, 2020; DepEd, 2020).

Foreign Study. According to the study of Hina (2020), entitled “Relationship

between Self-Directed Learning (SDL) and Academic Achievement of University
Students: A Case of Online Distance Learning and Traditional Universities” stated that
Higher education also demands that students should aim at direct learning. Self-directed
learning (SDL) always appears beneficial for the students as they can work and study
simultaneously. Self-directed learning is a method which can measure students’ learning
desires, safeguard their appropriate learning, lead them towards deliberate actions and
measure their subsequent knowledge.

Another study by Elfaki et al., (2019), entitled “Impact of e-learning vs. traditional
learning on students' performance and attitude” stated E-learning or the distance
learning has become an essential method and new epitome that is widely used and
implemented by educational institutions across the globe. The main objective of the
current survey was to study the impact of E-learning on the students' academic
performance. The results showed that the mean of the students' overall satisfaction with
the traditional face-to-face lectures in the control group was 6.26, while the mean of the
students' overall satisfaction with E-learning in the experimental group was 8.74. The
key findings of the present study show a significant difference in learning outcomes
beside positive attitudes between online and traditional learners which can be a viable
alternative learning method for higher education.

In conclusion, as we see both different methods of learning have their

advantages and disadvantages. Both learning’s depend on individuals’ character and
abilities to cope up in this different method of learning. Some students may prefer human
interaction or face to face learning is their best solution. Others prefer individual learning
and choose online courses. So it is upon students’ decision what type of learning they
prefer to take and how they will learn in those different ways of learning.
Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Chapter 3 consists of two parts: (1) Research Design, and (2) Methodology.
Part One, Research Design, shows the research design employed in the conduct
of the study.
Part Two, Methodology, discusses the respondents of the study, the instruments of
the study, and the data collection procedure as well as the data analysis procedure.

Research Design

The principal purpose of the researchers was to know if there is a significant

difference in the academic performance of 1st year Phinma-UI students in distance
learning and traditional learning. This study utilized a quantitative research method using
comparative research method.
The comparative method of research was used in this study. Comparative
research is a type of study that the studies to demonstrate ability to examine, compare
and contrast subjects or ideas. Comparative study shows how two subjects are similar or
shows how two subjects are different (Bukhari, 2011). In this study the researchers
describe the comparison involved in the evaluation of experiences of vegetable vendors.
This study focused on the evaluation of students about their academic
performance in distance learning and in traditional learning.
The materials and equipment that will be used in this study are recorder,
cameras, paper, and pens. The information on academic performance of students will be
gathered through interviews and archival research, such as books and articles.

Respondents of the study

The respondents that researchers decided to take on the interview are 1st year
students that enrol in S.Y 2021-2022. The respondents studied in PHINMA University of
Iloilo. The respondents are in their adulthood which is typical for college students.
The researchers chose the respondent in a purposive sampling. It is a type of
sampling technique in which the researchers relies on his or her own judgment when
choosing members of population to participate in the study. The researchers identified
the characteristics for them to be qualified as their respondent. The researchers took a
little information about them by asking them about the research.


The interview protocol contains a guide to the respondents for them to answer
the interview questions properly. The researchers provided an input to the key research
questions in the protocol for the respondents. Prior to that, we also prepared probes to
follow the key questions and transition question for a good flow of interview. The
interview guide was built to conduct a qualitative interview in which highlights the known
experiences of students. The respondents may expose many things but by using the
instruction the researchers used on the experiences needed to explore. This is the way
to build a boundary around the research area. Moreover, it is very hard to record
everything in the interview therefore; the researchers used an electronic device for

Data Gathering Procedure

In data gathering, good rapport to the students of concerned in their academic

performance. The researchers explained the instructions to the respondents for
clarification. The researchers then informed the respondents and their responses will
be kept strictly confidential. The students were interviewed unstructured. Their
answered interviewed will recorded and gathered right after they gave their answers.
The information that gathered was used as a data to ascertain if there is a difference in
traditional learning and distant learning in their academic performance.

Data Analysis Procedure

Data will be analysed using comparative statistics such as a statement, an

interview, or a theme, and comparing it with others to identify similarities or differences.
Chi-squared test will be used to determine the difference of traditional learning and
distance learning to the level of academic performance of students.

Bukhari, S. (2011). “What is Comparative Study” Retrieved from

Chinyoka, K. and Naidu, N. (2013). “Uncaging the Caged: Exploring the Impact of
Poverty on the Academic Performance of Form Three Learners in
Zimbabwe. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 5, 271-281.

Del Rosario, L. et al., (2021). “Students’ online learning challenges during the pandemic
and how they cope with them: The case of the Philippines” Retrieved from

Elfaki, N. et al., (2019), “Impact of e-learning vs. traditional learning on students'

performance and attitude” Retrieved from

Greenberg et al., (2003). “Walberg's theory of educational productivity”. Retrieved from'stheoryofeducationalproductivity

Hina et at., (2020). “Relationship between Self-Directed Learning (SDL) and Academic
Achievement of University Students: A Case of Online Distance Learning
and Traditional Universities” Retrieved from

Kuh et al., 2006; York et al.,( 2015). “Academic Performance in Adolescent Students:
The Role of Parenting Styles and Socio-Demographic Factors – A Cross
Sectional Study From Peshawar, Pakistan” Retrieved from

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2018). “How People

Learn II: Learners, Contexts, and Cultures”. Washington, DC: The National
Academies Press. Retrieved From
Natalie, P. et al.,(2020). “Advantages and Disadvantages Traditional Learning and
Online Classes” Retrieved from

Tria, J. (2020). “The COVID-19 Pandemic through the Lens of Education in the
Philippines: The New Normal” Retrieved from

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