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The Relationship of Social Media To Time Management of Grade 12 Students in Enga

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The Relationship of Social Media to Time Management of Grade 12 Students

in Engaging to Distant Learning

Rompe, Arvin –

Talaga, Yuberly T.

Talaga, Ivy Claire

Tabernilla, Sharwen Jay

Placido, Lourlyn

A Research Paper Presented to

Mrs. Pearl Marie R. Magdaluyo, Makato Integrated School

In Partial Fulfillment for the Subject Practical Research 2 First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021

March 2020
Table of Contents



This chapter presents the introduction to the study under the following sub-headings:
Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework,
Significance of the Study, Scope and Delimitation, and Definition of Terms.

A. Background of the Study

Time management has always been a vital factor for achieving success in life (Qureshi,
A., Pathan, S., & Khuwaja P., 2016). It is the art of knowing what you want and what is
important to you, the ability to identify the key goals and specific tasks in the near- and long-
term future, and the willingness to prioritize one's tasks regularly, (White, S., 2020). In this way,
it is essential for students to manage their time properly to maintain their activities and daily
routine effectively which helps them achieve their goals, (Miqdadi, F., et. al, 2014) Effective
time management is associated with greater academic performance and lower levels of anxiety in
students (Adams, R., & Blair, E., 2019). Also, an effective time management allows students to
complete more in less time, because their attention is focused and they’re not wasting time on
distractions (such as social media, for example) (Auld, S., n.d.).

Many students may have time management problems (James, C., 2019) as they have
become addicted to the use of social media to the extent that they care little or nothing about
their studies. As a result of this, they practically spend their whole time using the social media
and it has affected them psychologically and in their studies so much that they perform poorly
(Echekwu, R., 2014). Also, on an article, How Social Media Affects Students Time Management
it says that, “Most of them (studies) agree that it (social media) steals a lot of precious time. The
time saved for the social media in our daily lives increases day by day (Karaaslan, 2015) and if
this is the case, the students affect their education negatively (Otrar and Argon 2014; Fuat and
Him 2013).

According to a recent local study, young people’s leisure activities are dominated by
indoor and technology linked activities. A significant proportion of young Filipinos own a
personal cellular phone (78%), have access to and use the Internet (59%) , and have social
networking accounts (53%). Some evidence also shows that there is an excessive preoccupation
of young people with the internet. A young Filipino spends an average of six hours in the internet
per week while 3.5 percent of the youth are logging in, at least 35 hours a week in the internet.
With the high penetration of smartphones in the Philippines, internet use including social media
is expected to rise (DOH, 2017). As of 2018, the Philippines has the highest social media usage
rate in the world, according to the 2018 Global Digital Report. That is a title the country has also
held for the last two years. Users in the Philippines spend an average of three hours and 57
minutes every day on social media. That is nearly one-third of the time they spend on the internet
daily (nine hours and 29 minutes), based on Digital Marketing Institute (2020).

With over 21 million elementary and high-school students affected by the COVID-19
pandemic, both the educators and students are pinning their hopes on a new normal type of
education involving distance learning. (Abbang, C., 2020). According to a study conducted by
Heffner, students who were able to utilize social media for educational purposes increased their
grades and GPAs. 38 percent of the surveyed students claimed that their GPA decreased, 25
percent declined to answer, and 38 percent said their GPA increased. Although social media is
sought to be a huge distraction for students, it also helps with their learning and adjustment to “
life.” Social media opens a whole new technological world for students, however students
choose to adapt to the new “world” is the ultimate decider of their academic success. Among the
various phases of life, student life needs proper time management to get good grades and
maintain social life (Qureshi, A., Pathan, S., & Khuwaja P., 2016).

B. Statement of the Problem

In recent times, social media have been a major stay in the minds of students and the
world at large because of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) pandemic, thereby causing
to spending a lot of time as being exposed to different social media sites. It is therefore of great
importance to explore some of the trending issues facing students’ academic performance a

result of social media and time management. Students at all levels of learning now have divided
attention to studies, as a result of available opportunities to be harnessed from social media.
Whether these opportunities promote studies is a question that needs to be answered. Thus, this
study will investigate the influence of social media networks and time management on the
academic performance of the Grade XII- Students of Makato Integrated School. Specifically, the
study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of students?

a. Gender;
b. Age;
2. What social media platforms do students use?
3. How frequent do students use social media?
4. Do students spend time in social media for educational purposes or just for an
entertainment purpose?
5. Does there’s a significant relationship between social media and time management as
students are engaging in distant learning?
6. Does time management and social media have a significant role in achieving good
academic performance of students?

C. Theoretical Framework

This study is being anchored on

D. Conceptual Framework

E. Significance of the Study

This research study will be significant to the following person groups:

Students. This research paper will be able to help students minimize the time they spend on
social media. Also, it will guide students to have a better time management as they are
engaging in distant learning.

Teachers. It is beneficial to teachers in the way that they will be aware to the extent of time
students spend on social media. In this way, they can be able to adjust their teaching
methods that will help students gain more information.

Parents/Guardian. Parents or guardians can have the idea of the issue that their child is going
through. They can be able to have the idea of the proper way of guiding their child so that
their child will not get addicted on social media which can ate their time and attention
instead of studies. In this way, they could also guide their child to manage their time

Future Researchers. This study can be a source of information for the future researchers.

F. Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted at Makato Integrated School. The respondents of this study
will be the Grade XII students of Makato Integrated School enrolled in the academic year 2020-

This study focuses only on the relationship of social media and time management to
academic performance of students of Makato Integrated School especially the Grade XII
students. This study will no longer discuss other matters of social media and time management
such as false information/ fake news, and household obligation/ chores, respectively.

G. Definition of Terms

This section provides the theoretical and conceptual definitions for clearer understanding
of the study. The following terms are defined:

Academic Performance. It is the measurement of student achievement across various academic
subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using
classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests (Ballotpedia,
2021). In this study, it refers to the results obtained by a student at end of a specific term
in all subject.

Distant Learning. It refers to teaching system consisting of video, audio, and written material
designed for a person to use in studying a subject at home (Collins English Dictionary –
Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition, 2014). In this study, it refers to a teaching
system implemented because of the rise of COVID-19 cases in which students study at
home thru different learning modalities such as modular, online learning, and blended

Social Media. These are forms of electronic communication (such as Web sites) through which
people create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, etc
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2021). In this study it refers to the sites such as but not
limited to, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in which people receive, create, or share
information, entertainment, advisories, and etc.

Student. One who studies: an attentive and systematic observer (Merriam-Webster Dictionary,
2021). In this operation, it refers to someone who studies in Makato Integrated School.

Time Management. It is the analysis of how working hours are spent and the prioritization of
tasks in order to maximize personal efficiency in the workplace, (Collins English
Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014). In this study, it refers to a
ability of a person (particularly student) to perform a task while managing



This chapter presents the review of related literature to the study under the following sub-
headings: Review of Related Literatures and Synthesis.

A. Review of Related Literatures

Social Media

B. Synthesis



This chapter describes the procedure that will be employed in the conduct of the study
which under the following sub-headings: Research Design, Locale of the Study, Respondents of
the Study, Research Instrument, Data Gathering Procedure, and Data Analysis.

A. Research Design

The research approach that will be followed for the purposes of this research is the deductive
one. It is concerned with “developing a hypothesis (or hypotheses) based on existing theory, and
then designing a research strategy to test the hypothesis,”(Wilson, J. (2010).

B. Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted in Makato Integrated School from October 2019 to April
2020. Makato Integrated School located at Jose B. Legaspi St., Poblacion, Makato, Aklan and

the Department of Education is the one who manages the school. It is a partially urban public
Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High School, and Senior High School Institution. The school
has over 1,000 pupils and students where 191 are Grade XI students where 191 and 56 of these
are taking Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS).

Fig. 2. Map to the Locale of the Study

C. Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 students of Makato Integrated School
enrolled in S.Y 2020-2021. They will be randomly selected based upon their willingness. The
method of stratified random sampling will be used to develop the sample of the research.

According to this method, which belongs to the category of probability sampling

techniques, stratified sampling is where the population is divided into strata (or subgroups) and
a random sample is taken from each subgroup. A subgroup is a natural set of items. Subgroups
might be based on company size, gender or occupation (to name but a few). Stratified sampling
is often used where there is a great deal of variation within a population. Its purpose is to ensure
that every stratum is adequately represented (Ackoff, 1953).

Slovins Formula will be used to determine the sample size. The computation and the
sample size from each subgroups are as follows:

Slovins Formula: n = N/(1+Ne²) wherein, n is the sample size; N is the population size;
and e is the desired margin of error.
N = 183
e = 5%

n = N/(1+Ne²)
n = 183/(1+(183)(5%)²
n = 183/(1+(183)(0.05)²
n = 183/(1+(183)(0.0025)
n = 183/(1+0.4575)
n = 183/(1.4575)
n = 125.55746140
n = 126

Therefore, 126 Grade-XII students will be the respondents of this study. To narrow it
down, the following illustrates the number of respondents from 7 sections of Grade- XII.

No. of
Section Sample Size
Edison and Thales (EIM/EPAS) 41 126÷183×41= 28
Maxwell (TVL) 29 126÷183×29= 20
Watson (TVL) 29 126÷183×29= 20
Curie (STEM) 25 126÷183×25= 17
Myrdal (HUMSS) 29 126÷183×29= 20
Marx (HUMSS) 30 126÷183×30= 21

Total 183 126

Therefore, of 126 total number of respondents, 28 will come from Edison and Thales, 21
from Marx, 20 from Maxwell, 20 from Watson, also, 20 will come from Myrdal, and the
remaining 17 will come from Curie.

D. Research Instrument

For the purposes of this research, survey questionnaire will be use as research instrument

E. Data Gathering Procedure

Data will be gathered through conducting survey questionnaires where will be provide by the
researcher after being granted with permission by the school official to carry out the study after
presentation of study proposal. The nature and purpose of the study will be explained to the
respondents by the researcher. The data to be obtained will be analyzed and interpreted.

F. Data Analysis

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