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Chemistry 9M Guess

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Beaconhouse School System


Q1. Write short answers of the following questions.

1.Give the scope of biochemistry?
2.Define atomic mass unit. Why is it needed?
3.What is meant by atomic mass?
4.Differentiate between homoatomic and heteroatomic molecules with examples.
5.What is the difference between cation and anion?
6.Define free radical and give an example.
7.Write down two differences between molecule and molecular ion.
8.What is meant by triatomic and polyatomic molecule?
9.Give three properties of positive rays.
10.An element has an atomic number 17. How many electrons are present in K, L, and M shells of
the atom?
11.What do you mean by groups and periods in the periodic table?
12.Why the size of atom does not decrease regularly in a period?
13.What is meant by atomic radius?
14.Describe at least two necessary conditions for the formation of a covalent bond.
15.What is the difference between polar and non-polar covalent bonds? Explain with example.
16.What is the relationship between electronegativity and polarity?
17.Why are the densities of gases lower than that of liquids?
18.What is the difference between evaporation and condensation?
19.What is meant by evaporation? What is the effect of temperature on evaporation?
20.What is the reason for the difference between solutions,
21.Whatand suspensions?
is meant by colloid? Give example.
22.What is meant by suspension? Give example.
23.What is tyndall effect? On what factors it depends?
24.What is the difference between solution and colloid?
25.Write the difference between suspension and colloid.
26.Write down two characteristics of colloids.
27.What solution is used as an electrolyte in Nelson’s cell?
28.How is electroplating on steel carried out?
29.Why are silver and gold least reactive?
30.Can pure gold be used for making ornaments? If not why?
31.Why is calcium more electro-positive than magnesium?
32.Why is ionization energy of Na less than Mg?
33.Write down two chemical properties of halogens.

Compiled by: Mr. Adil Yaqoob – 0322-8404747 Page 1 of 9

Beaconhouse School System
Q2. Write short answers of the following questions:
1.Define industrial chemistry and analytical chemistry.
2.Differentiate between organic and inorganic chemistry.
3.Differentiate between industrial chemistry and analytical chemistry.
4.Define nuclear chemistry.
5.Define environment chemistry.
6.How does homogeneous mixture differ from heterogeneous mixture?
7.What is the relative atomic mass? How is it related to gram?
8.Define empirical formula with an example.
9.State three reasons why air is a mixture and water a compound?
10.State the reasons: soft drink is a mixture and water is a compound.
11.Differentiate between molecular mass and formula mass.
12.What is meant by radical? Write some examples.
13.Define atomic mass unit (amu).
14.Define empirical formula and molecular formula.
15.Write two differences between compound and mixture.
16.Define valency and write an example.
17.Write the names of four elements from halogens group.
18.Write empirical formulas of benzene and hydrogen per oxide.
19.Write the empirical formula of glucose and benzene.
20.Define chemical formula and give examples.
21.Define gram atom and gram molecule.
22.Write down chemical formula of ammonia and sugar.
23.What is meant by Avogadro’s Number?
24.Define mole.
25.Give five characteristics of cathode rays.
26.What are the defects of Rutherford’s atomic model?
27.What is plum pudding theory? Who presented it?
28.Write down two characteristics of canal rays.
29.Why positive rays are also called canal rays?
30.Write down three characteristics of neutron particles.
35.Write down the observations of Rutherford’s experiment.
32.Write down two postulates of Bohr’s atomic model.
33.Write down two differences between Rutherford’s and Bohr’s
atomic theory.
34.What is meant by quantum?
35.Differentiate between shell and subshell with examples of each.
36.Write the electronic configuration of Al+3. How many electrons can valence shell
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Beaconhouse School System
37.Write the difference between shell and sub shell.
38.Define electronic configuration.
39.For what purpose U-235 is used?
40.A patient has goiter. How will it be detected?
41.Define isotopes.
42.What is meant by radio carbon dating?
43.What is meant by nuclear fission reaction?
44.Write the isotopes of hydrogen.
45.Write the use of isotopes in radiotherapy.
46.Which isotopes are used for the treatment of skin cancer?
47.Write down the use of iodine 131 and technetium.
48.Why are noble gases not reactive?
49.What is the difference between Mendeleev’s periodic law and
modern periodic law?
51.Define Mendeleev’s periodic law.
51.What is meant by periodic function?
52.Define Newland’s law of octaves.
53.What is meant by transition elements?
54.Why are the elements of group 13-18 called p-block elements?
55.Define modern periodic law.
56.What do you know about Dobereiner’s triads?
57.Define periodic law of Mosley.
58.Write down two characteristics of long form of periodic table.
59.Why do the elements called s and p block elements?
60.How many total blocks are there in periodic table? Write their names.
61.Write down the symbols of noble gases.
62.Give the trend of ionization energy in a period.
63.What is shielding effect?
64.What is the trend of shielding effect in a period?
65.Define ionization energy.
66.What is the trend of atomic size and atomic radius in periods and groups?
67.Describe the trend of ionization energy in group.
68.What is meant by first ionization energy?
69.What is meant by second ionization energy?
70.Why the second ionization energy is higher than the first ionization energy?
71.What is meant by electron affinity?
72.What is the trend of electron affinity in period?
73.What is meant by electro negativity?
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Beaconhouse School System
74.What is electro negativity? Write the electro negativity of chlorine.
75.Write down the trend of electro negativity in a group.
76.Atomic size increases from top to bottom in a group. Why?
77.The ionization energy of sodium is less than magnesium. Why?
78.What is meant by effective nuclear charge?
79.Write the trend of electro negativity in the periods.
80.Why do atoms react?
81.Why noble gases do not react?
82.What is the difference between duplet rule and octet rule?
83.Differentiate between lone pair and bond pair of electrons.
84.Why does a covalent bond become polar?
85.What is ionic bond? How it is formed?
86.Describe polar covalent bond with the help of an example.
87.Describe non polar covalent bond with the help of an example.
88.What is meant by co ordinate covalent bond? Give example.
89.What is metallic bond? How is it formed?
90.What is the difference between donor and acceptor?
91.Write down the relation between electro negativity and polarity
in covalent
92.Why bond.
polar covalent bond exists in water?
93.Define bonding electrons.
94.Why does ice float on water?
95.Define hydrogen bonding.
96.Why the boiling point of water is greater than alcohol?
97.Explain the formation of coordinate covalent bond in BF3 and NH3 .
98.Ionic compounds are solids. Justify?
99.Metals are good conductors of electricity. Why?
100.Give the characteristics properties of ionic compounds.
101.Write down two characteristics of covalent compounds.
102.Write down three characteristics of metals.
103.What is the difference between malleable and ductile?
104.Write down two characteristics of non polar compounds.
105.What is epoxy? Write its use.
106.Write down two characteristics of co ordinate covalent compounds.
107.Define ionic and covalent compounds.
108.What is the diffusion? Explain with an example.
109.Define standard atmospheric pressure. What are its units? How it is related to Pascal?
110.Define effusion. Give an example.
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Beaconhouse School System
111.Define pressure and write its unit.
112.Why does diffusion take place more rapidly in gases than liquids?
113.What is the difference between diffusion and effusion?
114.Define standard atmospheric pressure. Also write its unit.
115.Why diffusion increases as we increase temperature?
116.What is meant by mobility of gases?
117.What is pressure? Write its unit.
558.State Boyle’s law. Write its mathematical equation.
119.What is the difference between systolic and dia systolic
120.State Charles law.
121.What is absolute zero? Write its value.
122.Evaporation causes cooling. Explain.
123.Write down two characteristics of liquid state of matter.
124.What is the effect of surface area on evaporation?
125.Rain drops fall down. Explain the reason.
126.What is meant by dynamic equilibrium?
127.Kerosene oil floats over water while honey settles down in water. Give reason.
128.What is the difference between evaporation and boiling point?
129.Why liquids are mobile?
130.Write down two characteristics of solids.
131.Differentiate between amorphous and crystaline solid.
132.Define the term allotropy with examples.
133.What is meant by allotropy? Write the allotropes of oxygen.
134.Write down two causes of allotropy.
135.What is meant by transition temperature?
136.Write the names of allotropes of phosphorus and sulphur.
137.Write down the use of salt to preserve meat.
138.What is meant by solute? Give two examples.
139.Differentiate between solution and aqueous solution.
140.What is the difference between solute and solvent?
141.What is the difference between dilute and concentrated solutions?
142.What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated solution?
143.What type of solution are fog and brass?
144.What are alloy? Give examples.
145.What do you mean by volume/volume %?
146.What is meant by percentage volume/mass?
147.What is meant by percentage mass/volume?
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Beaconhouse School System
148.Define molarity?
149.What do you mean, like dissolves line? Explain with examples
150.Justify with an example that solubility of a salt increase with the increase in temperature.
151.What is meant by solubility?
152.What is endothermic process?
153.What is exothermic process?
154.Why do we stir paints thoroughly before using?
155.Define oxidation in terms of electrons. Give an example.
156.What is the difference between valency and oxidation state?
157.Write down the difference between spontaneous and non spontaneous reactions.
158.Define oxidation and reduction.
159.Define reduction according to electron.
160.Write down two rules of assigning oxidation number.
161.Find the oxidation number of manganese in KMno4 .
162.Differentiate between strong and weak electrolytes.
163.Differentiate between oxidizing and reducing agents.
164.Name the by-products produced in Nelson’s cell?
165.What are strong electrolytes? Give examples.
166.What are weak electrolytes? Give examples.
167.What is anode? What is the difference between anode and cathode?
168.What is galvanic cell? Give example.
169.What is salt bridge? What is its basic role?
170.What is electrolytic cell?
171.Write down two differences in characteristics of electrolytic cell and galvanic cell.
172.Write two characteristics of galvanic cells.
173.What is meant by metallic coating? In which industry it is used?
174.Describe shortly the procedure of tin coating.
175.What is alloy?
176.Find the oxidation number of NitrogenHNO2 in and AgNO3.
177.Why is an iron grill painted frequently?
178.Why is oxygen necessary for rusting?
179.Why is galvanizing carried out?
180.What is meant by galvanizing or zinc coating? How zinc
181.Whatis performed? Whatbetween
is the difference is its advantage?
corrosion and rusting?
182.What is the role of oxygen in the rusting of iron?
183.What is meant by electroplating?
184.What is meant by tin electroplating? Describe its procedure.
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Beaconhouse School System
185.Write down two methods of prevention from corrosion.
186.What is the difference between steel and stain less steel?
187.Why the second ionization energy of magnesium is higher than the first one?
188.Why is copper used for making electrical wires?
189.Why is magnesium harder than sodium?
190.Define metals and give two examples.
191.Write two chemical characteristics of metals.
192.What is meant by malleability?
193.Write down two uses of silver.
194.Writer down two uses of calcium.
195.Define electro positivity and give example.
196.Write physical properties of gold.
197.Write down uses of gold.
198.Why gold is used to make jewelry?
199.Why sodium is more reactive than magnesium?
200.Why platinum is used in motor vehicles as catalyst? What is the advantage of its use?
201.Define electro positivity. And give an example.
202.Write down the uses of sodium metal.
203.Write down the uses of magnesium.
204.Write three physical properties of silver.
205.Write the names of four most reactive metals.
206.Define electro positive character.
207.Write down two uses of platinum.
208.Why platinum is used to make jewelry?
209.Write down the names of two most ductile and malleable metals.
210.What is the trend of electro positivity in a period?
211.Why metallic character increases in a period? And why it decreases in a group?
212.Write down the occurrence of alkali and alkaline earth metals.
213.Write the names of noble metals.
214.Write down the names of two moderate metals.
215.Why fluorine is least non-metallic than chlorine?
216.What is meant by halogens? Write their names.
217.Write down two physical properties of non-metals.
218.Write down two chemical properties of non-metals.
219.Write down two uses of non-metals.
220.Write down the importance of non-metals.
221.Why nitrogen is necessary for the safety of life on Earth?
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Beaconhouse School System
222.How Cl2 andCH4react in dark sunlight?
223.How nitrogen plays essential role for the existence of life?
224.What is the importance of water for the existence of life?
225.Write the chemical reaction of H2 with Cl2 and I2 .
226.Why metallic character increases in a period? And why it decreases in a group?
227.Write the chemical reaction of water and bromine.
228.Write down the trend of non-metallic character in groups in periods in periodic table.
229.Why valency of chlorine is 1?

Q3. Write detailed answers of the following questions:

Write down the names of different branches of chemistry. Define each. Also write the importance of
each branch.
Write the uses of isotopes in various fields.
List five characteristics by which compounds can be distinguished from mixtures.
Write a comparison between Rutherford and Bohr’s atomic theories.
What is the difference between atomic number and mass number? Explain with examples.

Write Bohr’s atomic theory. Also write its postulates.

What is the difference between empirical formula and molecular formula? Explain with examples.
How neutron was discovered? Write the characteristics of neutron.
What is mixture? Write its five characteristics.
How did Rutherford discover that atom has a nucleus located at the center of the atom?
What is molecule? How it is formed? Explain different types of molecules with examples.
How are cathode rays produced? What are their five major characteristics?
Q4. Write detailed answers of the following questions.
What is a chemical bond and why do atoms form a chemical bond?
What is allotropy? Explain with the help of examples and also write its causes.
What is an ionic bond? Discuss the formation of ionic bond between sodium & chloride atoms?
How many types of solids are? Write down its properties.
Explain the types of covalent bonds with at least one example of each type.
Define boiling point. Explain it with the help of kinetic molecular model. Explain that how different factors affect
5.Define boiling point. Explain it with the help of kinetic molecular model. Also explain that how
boiling point?
different factors affect boiling point?
How is a coordinate covalent bond formed? Explain with examples?
How is a coordinate covalent bond formed? Explain with examples?
What is vapour pressure? On what factors the vapour pressure of a liquid depends?
What is vapour pressure? On what factors the vapour pressure of a liquid depends?
What is
is metallic
metallic bond?
bond? How
How isis it
it formed
formed in
in metals?
What is
is meant
meant by
by evaporation?
evaporation? Write
Write its
its properties.
properties. On
On what
what factors
factors it
it depends?
Define hydrogen bonding. Explain how these forces affect the physical properties of compounds.
Define hydrogen bonding. Explain how these forces affect the physical properties of compounds.
Define Charles law and explain it.
Define Charles law and explain it.
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7.What are covalent compounds? Also write the characteristics of covalent compounds.
Beaconhouse School System
What are covalent compounds? Also write the characteristics of covalent compounds.
State Boyle’s law. Also derive its mathematical form.
Q5. Write detailed answers of the following questions.
Differentiate between dilute and concentrated solutions with a common example.
Discuss the redox reaction taking place in the rusting of iron in detail.
What is meant by concentration? Explain four concentration units.
Describe the preparation of sodium metal from molten sodium chloride.
Explain the solute-solvent interactions for the preparation of solution.
What are electrolytes? Write its types.
What is general principle of solubility?
Compare the characteristics of electrolytic cell and galvanic cell.
What is meant by solubility? On what factors the solubility depends? Explain.
Discuss the electrolysis of water.
Give five characteristics of colloids?
What is oxidation number or state? Write down the rules for assigning it.
Make a comparison among solution, suspension and colloid.
Write a note on oxidation and reduction reactions according to the addition and removal of electrons. Explain
with examples.
What is the principle of electroplating? How is electroplating of chromium carried out?
Write down different methods to prevent corrosion.

Compiled by: Mr. Adil Yaqoob – 0322-8404747 Page 9 of 9

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