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Very Important Questions - 2013: Physics

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(I) VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Define the least count of screw gauge. What is acceleration due to gravity ? Why is the weight of a body not same at poles and the equator ? State Hookes Law. What do you mean by time of flight ? What is the principle of launching of satellite ? What is simple Harmonic motion ? What are its characteristics ? What is the reason of depletion of ozone layer in atmosphere ? What are the uses of hard and soft X-rays ? What is radiography ? Define or explain the phenomenon of resonance. What is resonating air column ? What is damped vibration ? Define diffraction. Expand LASER, ICBM, What is meant by magnetic moment ? Write the expressions of B for axial and equatorial axis. What is the difference between ohmic and non-ohmic conductors ? What is transformer ? On what principles does it work ? Distinguish between atomic mass and atomic number. Define the term Mass defect, Binding energy. Distinguish Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones. Give examples. What is half-life ? What is its expression ? Distinguish BIT and BYTE. What is doping ? What are intrinsic and extrinsic impurities ?

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.


(II) SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS :1. 2. 3. 4. What is the principle of screw gauge ? Write the differences between (a) mass and weight (b) Geo-centric an Helio-centric theories What are the factors that influence the value of g ? (a) What is the centrifuge ? How does it work ? (b) What is the working of laundry drier ? 5. What is banking of roads ? What is the necessity for the banking of roads ? 6. How is stationary wave formed? Distinguish between nods and anti-nodes. 7. What are the basic processes involved in the working of lasers ? 8. How do you distinguish laser light from an ordinary light in terms of the property of coherence ? 9. State and explain the inverse square law of magnetism. 10. Define the term (a) magnetic susceptibility (b) magnetic permeability (c) retentivity 11. Explain why ferromagnetic substance like iron rod is not a magnet by itself ? Explain on the basis of Domain theory. 12. State and explain Lenzs Law. 13. State the Laws of resistance. (or) State the laws of electrolysis. 14. State the process of electrotyping, electroplating. 15. Distinguish between natural and artificial radio-activity. What is artificial transmutation ? 16. What is moderator ? What is its function in a nuclear reactor ? Give an example. 17. Explain the process of - and -decay with an example. 18. Distinguish (a) Electron current and hole current (b) machine language High level language (c) hardware and software 19. What are the uses of junction transistor, diode. 20. Distinguish forward and reverse bias diodes. 21. What is binding energy ? How can you predict the stability of an atom using binding energy ?

22. What is the effect of temperature on the energy gap of a semi-conductor ?

23. How important is a computer in modern day life ? 24. Write the differences between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. (III) ESSAY QUESTIONS :-

1. Describe screw gauge. How do you determine the diameter of a wire using a screw gauge ? 2. What are positive and negative zero errors? How are they determined ? 3. Derive the relation between G and g. How do you determine the value of g at a place ? 4. How do you determine the value of unknown mass of a body using Hookes law ? 5. Distinguish between centripetal and centrifugal force. 6. Derive tan = v2 / rg. 7. Distinguish between progressive and stationary waves. 8. Describe a method to determine the velocity of sound in air using resonating air column. 9. Give comparison between Newton and Huygens wave theories. 10. Describe Ripple tank. How does it help in the understanding of reflection and refraction of light ? 11. What are the important applications of lasers in everyday life ? 12. What are the essential ideas of the Ewings molecular theory ? What are the reasons of its failure 13. Differentiate the dia, para and ferro magnetics. Compare the values of relative permeability and magnetic susceptibility. 14. State Ohms law and describe an experiment to verify it. 15. Derive R = l/A. Write their units. 16. Derive (a) R = R1 + R2 (b) 1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2 (C) Q = i2Rt / J (d) V1/V2 = i1/i2 for transformer. 17. Explain the working and construction of transformer. 18. Describe an experiment to verify the Faradays second law of electrolysis. 19. Describe Rutherfords gold foil experiment. Mention its main features. 20. What is a chain reaction ? How can it be controlled in a nuclear reactor ? (OR) What is the principle of nuclear reactor ? How is the chain reaction can be controlled ion a nuclear reactor ? 21. What are the uses of radioactive isotopes ? 22. Explain with the help of neat diagram the emissions of radiations from a radioactive substance ? 23. Explain the formation of p-type and n-type semi-conductors. 24. Explain the different stages of Radio- (or) TV- communication with a diagram. 25. How do you classify the solids electrically ? (IV) Diagrams :-

(A) 2-M Questions :- E-M wave; Stationary wave; simple electric circuit; n-p-n and p-n-p transistors (B) 5-M Questions :- Screw gauge; Ripple Tank; N-pole of a magnet facing geographic (a) N (b) S pole; Joules experimental setup; Transformer; Nuclear reactor; Gold foil experiment; -, -, - radiation emissions; Radio and TV communication; Computer


(I) VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. What is (a) Stationary orbit (b) Nodal plane (c) Atomic radius State (a) Hunds rule (b) Paulis exclusion principle (c) Aufbaus principle Write electronic configuration of (a) Ca (b) Cr (c) Cu (d) Na (e) P (f) Mg (g) Zn Write Plancks Constant and Plancks equation. Name the molecules having (a) pyramidal (b) tetrahedral shape. What is the difference between Oxidation and Reduction ? Mention their reagents. Explain the relationship between ionization energy and size of the molecule. How many water molecules are there in Epsom salt ? Give one example each for polar and non-polar solvents. Distinguish and acid and a base. What is an Arrhenius acid ? What is ionic product of water ? What is its value at 250 C ? Define pH. Calculate pH of (a) 0.001 M HCl (b) 0.01 M HCl (c) 0.002 M HCl Define Heat of Neutralization. What is (a) Allotropy (b) Catenation (c) Polymerization (d) Dry ice ? What is (a) Carbonation (b) sulphitation (c) zwitter ion (d) peptide linkage ? What is saponification ? Why do shaving soaps give slow drying lather ? What is (a) plastic (b) adhesive (c) pharmaceutical (d) primary and secondary nutrient ? Name any two auxochromes and chromophores. What is the use of adding cullet to the raw materials of glass ?

(II) SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Distinguish between (a) Orbit and Orbital (b) Ionization energy and Electron affinity The energy level of 3d is greater than 4s. Give reason. Explain the formation of sigma and pi bonds. Why do you add KCl and NaCl to MgCl2 during Mg extraction ? What are group IIA elements ? Write their electronic configuration. CuSO4 is soluble in water but not in kerosene. ( OR Like dissolves Like )Why ? Why does diamond act as a bad conductor of electricity ? Distinguish between alkanes and alkenes. Write the addition reactions of alkenes with H2 and Cl2. Mention the important steps involves in the extraction of sugar from sugar-cane. What is a protein ? How does a peptide bond formed ? Mention the important function of proteins How is glucose tested with (a) Tollens reagent (b) Benedicts reagent ? What are industrial uses of oils ? What are the different types of soaps according to ingredients ? Distinguish between a soap and a detergent. What is hydrogenation of oil ? What are its advantages ? Mention the methods of manufacture of cement ? What is (a) annealing (b) pyrometallurgy (c) cosmetics (d) pottery (e) earthen-ware ? What are the characteristics of a good quality face-powder ? What are the uses of cold cream ? Distinguish micro-macro fertilizers.

(III) ESSAY QUESTIONS :1. What are the important features of Rutherfords planetary model and its defects ? 2. State the postulates of Bohrs atomic model and write its drawbacks ? 3. Define Ionization energy. Mention the factors that influence it. 4. State and explain with examples the Hunds rule and Aufbau principle. 5. Explain the formation of multiple bonds. ( Double and Triple bonds ) 6. Explain the formation of co-ordinate covalent bond ( Dative bond ) 7. Explain the different overlaps possible with s and p orbitals. 8. How does the following vary in a period and in a group (a) Atomic radius (b) Oxidizing property (c) Reducing property (d) Electronegativity (e) Electropositivity (f) Ionization energy

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

What are transition and inner-transition elements ? What are inert gases? Why are they called rare gases ? Write their electronic configurations ? Write the reactions of group II A elements with (i) O2 (ii) Cl2 (iii) H2 (iv) H2O How is Mg extracted from MgCl2 through electrolytic reduction ? Define Molarity. How do you prepare 0.1M standard Na2CO3 solution ? State Arrhenius theory of Acids and bases. Write their limitations. Define the terms (a) Strong acid (b) strong base (c) Weak acid (d) weak base Compare the structures of Diamond and Graphite. What are alkanes ? Write the substitution and combustion reactions ? Describe the different steps involved in the manufacture of sugar. How is alcohol manufactured industrially ? What are the differences in the manufacturing of soap and detergent ? How do you test the quality of soap ? What is a drug ? How are they classified according to their therapeutic action ? What are the requisites of an ideal drug ? List out the sources of drugs. What is fractionation ? Describe the Petroleum fractionation and mention the products obtained. What are fertilizers ? Discuss their types with examples. What is Portland cement ? What are the methods of manufacture of cement ?

(IV) DIAGRAMS :* S P D Orbitals * Moeller diagram * PCl3 PCl5 NH3 CO2 Cl2 O2 N2 * Extraction of Mg * Glucose, Fructose * Sugar * Alcohol * Diamond * Graphite * Soap * Asprin * para-acetamol * Hydrogenation (V) PROBLEMS :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The W% of NaCl solution is 10. If the weight of the solution is 150gm, Calculate wt. of NaCl 10gm of Na2CO3 is present in 120 gm of its aqueous solution. Calculate weight percentage. 15ml of Hexane is mixed with 45ml of heptane. Calculate the V% of this solution. 20ml of alcohol is mixed with 160ml of water. Calculate the V% of this solution. Calculate the no. of moles of oxalic acid present in 400ml of its 0.025M solution. Calculate the no. of moles of NaOH present in 750ml of 0.4M solution. Calculate the amount of NaOH in 250ml of 0.5M NaOH. ( Mol.Wt = 40 ) Calculate the amount of Oxalic acid ( Mol. Wt = 126 ) in 500ml of 0.2M solution. 4gm of NaOH is dissolved in 16.2gm of water. Calculate their mole fractions. 2moles of Na2CO3 is dissolved in 3 moles of water. What are their mole fractions ? 2.12gm of Na2CO3 is present in 250ml of its solution. Calculate the Molarity of the solution. 12gm of Na2CO3 is dissolved in water to form 120gm of solution. What is the w% ? 4ml of alcohol is dissolved in 36ml of water. What is the V% of the solution ?

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