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Das 103 Chemistry QB

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Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbagh, Agra

Diploma in A/E/M/Eln/C/LT/Voc-IT/Voc-Auto/AA
Course No: DAS 103, First Semester
Course Title: Applied Chemistry
Session 2023-2024
Question Bank


1. Write the characteristics of electron, proton and neutron. Define isotopes and isobars.
The nucleus of an element consists of 92 protons and 146 neutrons. Calculate its atomic
number and mass number.
2. Explain Rutherford’s alpha scattering experiment and his nuclear model of an atom?
Indicate the weakness of Rutherford’s model of an atom.
3. Give Bohr’s model of an atom and its limitations.
4. Explain four quantum numbers needed to completely define the state of an electron in
an atom.
5. Give the number of electrons in the species H2+, O2+ and N2
An atomic orbital has n=3. What are the possible values of m and l.?
Which of the following orbitals are not possible and why
1p, 2s,2p and 3f.
6. Differentiate between orbit and orbital (any 5). Give the sequence of filling up of the
orbital. Draw the shapes of s, py and dxz orbital.
7. What do you mean by electronic configuration of elements and Aufbau’s principle?
Write electronic configuration of oxygen, sodium, chlorine, potassium, calcium, iron,
copper and zinc.
8. Explain the term valency, electro-valency and co-valency. Explain the difference
between ionic compound and covalent compound.
9. Discuss the type of bonding existing in the following on the basis of electronic
structure: (a) CH4; (b) MgO; (c) N2; (d) NH3 and (e) ammonium ion
10. What is hydrogen bond? Explain its types with examples. Also give the conditions for
its formation.
11. How will two elements having the atomic number 11 and 17 respectively combine to
form a compound? State the nature and formula of the compound formed. Explain how
covalent bond is formed.


12. What do you understand by temporary and permanent hardness of water? Why hard
water is unfit for domestic and industrial purposes? Explain.
13. How are scales and sludge formed in boilers? Discuss their disadvantages and removal
14. Discuss the different units of hardness. A water sample contains 200 mg of CaSO4 per
litre. Calculate the hardness in terms of CaCO3 equivalent in mg/l, ppm, °Cl, °Fr.
15. What is hardness of water? Explain Ion exchange method for removal of hardness
present in the water with the help of diagram.
16. Describe the method employed for purifying river water for domestic use.
17. What do you mean by sterilization of water? Describe various methods of sterilisation.
Explain breakdown chlorination.
18. Write the structural formula and name of EDTA. Give the principle of determination of
hardness of water using complexometric titration method using EDTA.
19. How many grams of MgCl2 dissolved in water will give hardness of 76 ppm.
A sample of water was found to contain calcium bicarbonate 16.2 mg/l, calcium
sulphate 6.8 mg/l and magnesium sulphate 3.6 mg/l. Calculate temporary and
permanent hardness in ppm.


20. What is corrosion? Discuss dry and wet corrosion. Give reactions involved.
21. Write short note on redox reactions. Calculate the oxidation number of
Oxygen in water, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen molecule, magnesium oxide, potassium
22. Discuss in detail the factors influencing rate of corrosion.
23. Explain acid theory and electrochemical theory of corrosion.
24. How do protective coatings prevent corrosion at surface of materials? Discuss the
different types of coatings.
21 Explain the rusting of iron on the basis of the electrochemical theory of corrosion.
Discuss the mechanism of hydrogen evolution and oxygen absorption.
25. Describe briefly the various methods adopted to control the corrosion of iron.


26. What is fuel? Define calorific value. Give a method for the determination of the
calorific value of coal.
27. What is fuel? How can they be classified? Give some characteristics of ideal fuel.
28. Explain the different varieties of coal. Give their composition, calorific value and uses.
29. Explain the manufacturing of coke with the help of coal.
30. What is petroleum? Describe briefly the process of petroleum refining and mention its
important products.
31. What is oil gas? How it is manufactured? Give the chemical reaction taking place.
32. What is coal gas? How it is manufactured? What are the byproducts of the process?
33. How will you prepare producer gas? Give the composition, calorific value and uses of
the gas.
34. Write short note on octane number and its relation to the chemical constitution of fuel.
35. How do you improve the anti-knocking characteristics of fuel like petrol and diesel oil?
36. Define lubricant. Suggest the different sources of lubricant. Give the industrial uses of
37. What are lubricants? Explain their following properties: (i) viscosity, (ii) flash and fire
points, and (iii) saponification value.
38. How are liquid lubricants classified? What are the various additives used to improve
the process?
39. Suggest suitable lubricants for (i) internal combustion engine, (ii) cutting tools, (iii)
steam turbine and (iv) gears.

40. Give the preparation of acetylene gas with the help of a neat labelled diagram. Write
three uses of ethyne.

41. Write short notes on

a) Hydrogenation of alkynes
b) Wurtz reaction,
c) Chlorination of methane,
d) characteristics of organic compounds

42. State any four physical properties and any six chemical properties of acetylene.

43. Define polymers. Draw the structure of monomers of terylene and nylon6,6.
How are polymers classified on the basis of structure, origin, molecular forces and
tacticity? Explain by giving examples.
44. What are addition and condensation polymers? Explain free radical mechanism of
45. What are plastics? Differentiate between thermoplastic polymer and thermosetting
polymer? Give the advantage of plastics over traditional materials.
46. Name the monomer of the following polymers.
Bakelite, polythene, PVC and nylon.
How are these polymers prepared and give their application.

47. What is rubber? Draw the structure of isoprene, natural rubber and vulcanised rubber.
Explain the vulcanization of natural rubber.
48. Write the preparation and uses of Thiokol rubber silicon rubber, butyl rubber.


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