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Book Analysis - Who Killed Karkare The Real Face of Terrorism in India

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1. Name of Book: Who Killed Karkare: The real face of terrorism in India

2. Name of Author: Shamsuddin Mushrif

3. Year of Publication: 2009 (First and Revised Edition)

4. Publisher Name: Pharos Media & Publishing Pvt Limited, New Delhi, India.

5. ISBN-10: 81-7221-036-1

6. Theme of the Book. To tell a truth in front of a tyrant ruler is the biggest crusade
in the sight of Lord. And perhaps, this saying sounds so true to Mr. S M Mushrif (retired
IPS officer – former IGP Maharashtra) when he wrote his book ‘Who killed Karkare?’
This book comes out with some startling facts and analysis to expose the real actors
behind the so called “Islamic Terrorism” in india whose greatest feat was to murder the
Maharashtra ATS chief Hermant Karkare who dared to expose these forces and paid

with his life.According to Mushrif, The Taj-Oberoy-Trident was completely different from
the one at Cama and Rangbhavan lanes. The terror attack could had been avoided if it
had been coordinated correctly and in an efficient way. The main players in this game
have been the Brahiminist – a very small section among Brahmins, the Brahminist
dominated IB and a part of media that is controlled by the media. The main agenda
which the writer tries to put forward is the ultimate control of the Brahiminists over Indian
society and they perceived Hermant Karkare to be a threat to be their design of gaining
hegemony over Indian society.


7. Details of Chapter

a. Number of chapters. The book contains 12 chapters.

b. Subject(s) dealt and brief of each chapter:

(1) Part I: Hindu – Muslim Riots

The author at first gives a brief history of communal violence in India.

Muslims ruled India for almost 700 years, but there is not a single example

in the history of Medieval India that Brahmins tried to “awaken” common

Hindus against the Muslim rulers instead they were helped in managing

their affairs. Even during the war of independence, common hindues,

Brahmins and muslims fought together, and it were them who declared

Mughal Emperor Bahadur Zafar as their king, but what led to the series of

communal riots since 1893, was the reformist movements in some areas

which made certain segment of those Brahminist a concern that they

might loose their control over common Hindus. So some Brahminist

leaders devised a strategy of creating a divide between Hindus and

Muslims, which was met with success, which later led to the formation of

RSS ie Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in 1925 for a more well planned

and well organized structure. To take the objective above, RSS decided to

take over two important institutions, Media and Intelligence. Media was

used to carry out the brahminist agenda that was hatred against muslims

to divert the attention of common hindus from reformist movements. IB


had been the premier intelligence agency of India, so at very beginning

brahminist started infiltrating into the organization. So when they had

controlled the important posts, it set out to implement the RSS agenda

and had been successful over the years. It kept the government in dark

about the communal activities of RSS and its front organization, and other

leftist and secular parties were dealt in a different way. They have been as

committed to the cause as before. There was not a single muslim officer in

the organization 1993. With these two powerful entities of the

government, RSS managed to spread its tentacles throughout the country.

RSS along with other violent and communal subsidiaries had pledged to

transform the country into a “Brahminist Rashtra”

(2) Part II: Switching Gears

The 2002 Gujarat riots, also known as the 2002 Gujarat violence and the

Gujarat pogrom was universally condemned all over the world. They

switched the gears from communal riots to Muslim terrorism .IB started

spreading such rumours to implicate that muslims are a real threat to the

country. Such news were circulated in the media which led to many fake

encounters and tightening of security at the vulnerable places. But there is

no proof or historical record of Muslim terrorism in india, its all been done

just to camouflage the real brahminist terrorism which includes the

activities of RSS, VHP, and Bajrang Dal. If IB had done its job, many

subsequent blasts could had been avaoided.


(3) Part III: Bomb Blast Investigations

. It’s been seen that every bomb blast case in the country during last few

years, there starts a theory among the intelligence to blame it on muslim

outfits like the LeT, HuJI, SIMI. IB takes over the investigation of every

bomb blast. With the amount of power and resources at its command, IB

is capable of creating or manipulating any evidence. For manipulating

evidence or for joining the important missing links in any blast, encounters

come in very handy for the IB. The safest place for an “encounter” is

Kashmir, which nobody can question. If the leads are likely to implicate

Brahminist terrorists, they are not followed meticulously or taken to their

logical end as happened in the case of Mumbai Train bomb blast of 2006,

Malegaon blasts of 2006, Samjhauta Express blasts of 2006 and

Hyderabad Mecca Masjid blast of 2007.

(a) Mumbai Train bomb blast case of 2006

IB in its very first report confirmed the involvement of SIMI. Police

suspected lashkar-e-Toiba and SIMI. IB took over the investigation.
ATS on the other hand claimed of solving the case. Kamal Ahmed
was arrested and sooner his contact was confirmed with the ISI. A
charge sheet was submitted by the ATS in which they also named
10 Pakistani absconders. Evidence they produced in the court was
so dubious that even the national security advisor, MK Narayanan
said that some pieces of puzzle are missing and I am hesitant to
say that evidence is clinching”.


(b) Malegaon bomb blast case of September 2006

The story is same as like Mumbai train blast insofar as the

interference of IB is confirmed. Initially the local police was
investigating on correct lines. They had kept their options opens of
the involvement of Bajrang Dal or lascar group. Three days later,
police had identified the shop from where the cycles were
purchased to carry the explosives. Sketches were distributed of the
suspected individuals, even their communication devices and
medium were being probed. Fives days later, 20 individuals were
detained from a hindu majority area. Things changed when ATS
took over the charge of the proceedings and instantly said that the
suspected individual belong to Jaish-e- Muhammad.

(c) Ahmedabad bomb blasts of 2008

The police see the hand of the “sleeper cell” of the SIMI in the
blasts that rocked the country. Firstly IB quoted that it was the work
of SIMI and later JeT accepted the responsibility. There were many
loop holes in the investigation of the case.

(d) Delhi Bomb Blast 2008:

Atleast 18 people were killed and 70 injured in five serial blasts.

Mumbai based SIMI operative has emerged as the key operative
behind these blasts. In that case Tauqeer was apprehended by the
police, but the writer is of the opinion that he was basically created

(e) Samjhauta Express Bomb Blast case 2007:

In the bomb blast, atleast 68 people were killed, and both the
countries started blaming each other for the tragedy. Haryana
Police claimed of solving the case, by hinting out the suitcases and
the shop from where they were bought. ATS stepped in, and after
the nacro-analysis test of Lt. Col. Purohit with connection of

Malegaon Bomb Blast, information started trickling in. 13 accused

in Samjhauta Express blast started appearing in. but as usual IB
intervened in the matter, and ATS Chief under their pressure said
that RDX that was used in the blast was actually stolen from Lt. col.
Purohit residence. It is thus clear that the IB doesnot want the ATS
to proceed any further as it would had proved the “Brahiminist
Terrorism”. The problem with the central government is that it had
allowed IB to grab so much power that writ of the state had gone

(4) Part IV : Nanded Bomb Blast:

The Nanded bomb blast case of April 2006 was a self detected case, in

which the terroris belong to the Brahminist organization. The case was

cracked down by ATS under the stewardship of Hermant Karkare. In a

short span of time, sufficient evidence against the whole network of

Bajrang dal and Sangh Parivar in their connection with terror network. The

accused who were apprehended startled revelations of their connection

with other bomb blasts, and creating an anti muslim atmosphere as they

were all hard core brahminists. The accused got training by the VHP and

Bajrang dal camp. But all the evidences were utilized properly, and the

leads were not taken to the logical end.


(5) Part VI: Who Killed Karkare

The writer here did not want to discuss who were behind the Mumbai
attack, but planned or executed it, the fact remains that Taj-Oberai trident
part was a reailty but the CST-CAMA Ranghabavan lane episode is
shrouded in a thick mystery. Following are some news report which would
help in making logical analysis

(a) IB and Naval Intelligence blocked the hot Intelligence

IB normally passes on the information which is very unspecific but

intentionally blocked the information to Mumbai Police and to the
western naval command. On 18th November U.S. alerted RAW that
an LeT ship was trying to infiltrate into Indian waters but that
information wasnot passed on to Mumbai police and Maharashtra
government to whom it mattered the most by IB. IB failed to monitor
those 35 mobile phones which were received by an authentic source
five days before the attack.

(b) 16 CCTVS at the CST were tempered

Security cameras installed at the station identified Azam Kasab and

Abu Dera Ismail Khan. It could have been well captured if 16
cameras installed at CST had not failed to capture that. At first,
initial reports ie published suggested that incident had been
recorded in a perfect way and CST had the clear images of the
terrorists but in the later days it was denied. The only logical
conclusion be either the planners did not foresee that before or it
might had been tempered intentionally as the perpetrators were to
pass from those gates. They did not wanted the images of the
actual terrorists to be made public.


(c) Kasab did not received any call from handlers in India:

During the 58 hours of the siege, gunmen received atleast 284 calls
but not a single call was received by Ajmal Kasab and Ismael Khan,
thus it reaffirmed that these were not the part of the group of
terrorist who came from Pakistan in a tawler and landed at Cuffe

(d) The terrorists spoke in fluent Marathi:

The terrorists who created havoc at CST-CAMA Hospital were not

foreigners but were Marathi speaking person and were not anti

(e) Muslims Killing:

The two terrosists at the CST cannot be jihadis as out of 46 people

who were killed that night, 22 were muslims

(f) Karkare was led to the trap:

The channels that telecasted the police wireless communication

made that clear that both the CP and Jt. CP Icrime) were not aware
of Hermant Karkare’s movement as they were both directing the
whole conversation. Wireless operator of Hermant Karkare told the
court that he had left with karkare along with 5 member team. On
reaching the decided spot near the Haj house at CST, He met with
senior officers which informed him that terrorists had now left from
the foot overbridge. Above incidents raised many question like from
where he was getting the instructions. On mobile phone? If so, from

(g) Ajmal Kasab was arrested from Nepal:

A lawyer C.M. Farooque claimed that the surviving accused was

arrested in Kathmandu in 2006 by Indian agencies with the help of


Nepalese forces. The theory that Ajmal Kasab was not among the
group of terrorist was further proven by the fact that one of area
residents ie Anita Rajendra Uddaiya had seen six people but
refused to identify Ajmal Kasab.

(h) Crime Branch Mumbai story loopholes:

There was not two terrorists in CST-CAMA_Ragbhavan lane

sector, as the IB and the crime branch India want us to believe but
there were six terrorists.

(i) Mystery of keeping a terrorist alive:

The real terrorists had left so many traces like the GPS devices and
satellite phones and the records of the calls made by them to their
handlers in Pakistan, so IB resort to manipulative evidence like
DNA samples and chance finger prints.

Following could be the logical sequence of the events:

i. As the ATS Maharashta, Hermant karkare had exposed the

Hindutva Terrorism.
ii. IB instead of alerting the Mumbai Police and western naval
Command about the input from US, they cautioned their
masters in Maharashtra.
iii. The brahminists selected 6 to 8 indiviuals for this purpose.
iv. Arrangements had been made to direct the ATS Chief towards
CAMA Hospital as soon as he arrives
v. After the signal about the successful completion, the group
members to leave the area immediately


(6) Part VII: The Investigation case of the Mumbai Attack:

(a) IB and FBI had serious stakes

The investigation had jointly by the IB and FBI. IB wanted to hide

something in respect of the the CST-CAMA Hospital lane accident,

the FBI did not want a part of the Taj-Oberai-Nariman- House

attack to be barred.

(b) The Charge sheet and the evidence:

The Mumbai crime branch filed the charge sheet on 25 February

2009. The 11,280 page charge sheet heavily relied on the evidence

of mobile phones, satellite phones, GPS devices, Email ID used by

the hackers.

(c) Ball is in the court’s court:

Now that ball was in the court, the question is what would the court

do. Brahimist forces have already announced the verdict for the

only surviving terrorist Ajmal kasab.

(d) Why they behaved as they did:

i. IB:

IB did that all just to cover the nationwide terror conspiracy

which aimed at establishing the “Hindu [ read Brahminist ]

Rashtra”. Secondly IB were confidant that even after such


Himalayan blunder, they would get away.

ii. The Crime Branch India:

The senior officers knew that IB could make or mar one’s

career, so just for that sake they were obeying their orders

(7) Part IX Dubious role of Maharashtrian Brahminists :

Careful analysis would indicate the invisible thread of Brahiminists forces role in
communal violence in india:

(a) The first preplanned Hindu Muslim riots was caused by Maharashtrian
Brahminists in 1893

(b) Brahminists organizations like RSS and Bajrang Dal were founded in

(c) The founder of Hindue Mahasabha is from Maharashtra and its

headquarters is in Pune.

(d) The founder and the first chief of RSS was Dr Hedgewar who belong to

(e) The conspiracy to assassinate Mahatama Gandhi was hatched in


(f) The conspiracy to destabilize the constitutionally established country had

been unearthed in the investigation Maegaon blast case, was hatched in


(8) Part X The Charge sheet against IB:

(a) IB kept the government in dark about the activities of the Brahminist
organizations like RSS.
(b) It projected RSS as a nationalist organization.
(c) It had a different policy for leftist and secular organizations.
(d) The IB connived as the assassination of the father of the nation.
(e) IB was not able to curb communal riots.
(f) IB had willfully maligned Muslim community.
(g) IB justifies extrajudicial killings as “encounters”.
(h) IB intentionally blocked the extremely important information about
Mumbai terror attack.
(i) IB has a suspicious role CST-CAMA-Rangabhavan lane part of the

8. Analysis

a. Analysis of the Author. Mushrif hails from Kagal in Kolhapur district,

which was a hotbed of ‘Anti-Brahmin movement’ in the late 19th century.
He was inducted into IPS with 1981 seniority He is a recipient of the
President’s Medal for Meritorious Service. Mushrif supervised
investigations into the multi-crore fake stamp case in 2002. Mushrif opted
for voluntary retirement in October 2005 and became an RTI activist. He is
known for his association with Anna Hazare. The writer also authored
26/11 probe- Why judiciary failed which smashed the IB and Police theory
regarding Mumbai terror attack case of 2008. The writer is a former IPS
officer so his credibility regarding thorough analysis cannot be denied.

b. Analysis of the Book. Karkare was not killed by terrorists from Pakistan
as this opinion was formed on the basis of systematic analysis of
newspaper reports media reports. But as these were just media reports,
there was not substantial evidence like some hard documents to prove the


analysis he derived from each segment of the event. The book covered
each aspect of the event in a systematic manner that the reader had no
difficulty in painting the picture of that event in his mind. Mushrif's book
was not banned is an evidence enough that its contents were too volcanic
for any agency or government to suppress.

9. Lessons Learnt for the Intelligence Community

a. Need of perfect coordination and communication among the major

departments related to security of the country.
b. In spite of instructions, sensitive information continues to publish so only a
couple of sufficiently senior officers may be authorized to brief the media.
c. Intelligence agencies should work under the ambit of constitution of the
country and should refrain themselves from interfering in other domain.
d. And last but not least, the activities of the retired officials of intelligence
aganecy should be kept under surveillance.


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