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Nine Ten - A 9/11 Play

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Cast of Characters Erica Molly Hafe American, full figure, 30s Female, English, thin, 30s Male, Ara!, 30s

"yno#sis $Tis the night !efore %&'', an( t)o )omen get a foretaste of the ma(ness to come****

+ale An(ersen ,--0, Cro)n .alley /0)y "uite ''1a(era 2anch, CA %,3%4 an(ersen*(ale5gmail*com

(At Rise: Living room in New Jersey, USA. 5:50pm per the clock on the w ll. A win!ow th t looks o"tsi!e to the # ck y r!. Sections o$ newsp per l y sc ttere! #o"t. A !ining t #le, some !ining ch irs, so$ , %&, co$$ee t #le, phone. An ice #"cket on t #le with sever l #ottles o$ #eer. A co t tree #y win!ow. A # ssinet ne r the t #le. A !oor le !ing to kitchen ' o"tsi!e. A !oor le !ing to h llw y, # throom ' #e!rooms. (R)*A in torn +e ns enters c rrying #owl o$ col! cere l. She ppro ches # ssinet, E2ICA6 (%o the # ssinet, hol!ing #owl over it, 1oo0 "an(ra, mommys going to eat corn fla0es* "ee7 Corn fla0es are ma(e from corn an( ha8e lots of energy* I eat them )ith sugar, !ut you can eat them )ith stra)!erries or #eaches* (Sits t t #le, 1isten to Mommy eating corn fla0es* (She sl"rps n! lets milk !ri##le, Isnt that funny7 Its o0ay to laugh* 9ut you ha8e to !e 8ery, 8ery :uiet )hen your Aunt Molly gets home* Aunt Molly )or0s 8ery har(* An( she nee(s lots of time to calm (o)n )hen she gets home* "o !e sure to !e 8ery 8ery goo( )hen she )al0s in the (oor* 9ut later, )e can ma0e lots of noise !ecause )ere going to )atch Mon(ay Night Foot!all* Its o0ay to !e noisy for foot!all* (Sings lo"!ly, Are you rea(y for some foot!all7; (L "ghs, 9e sure to hel# me root for the <iants* Its Ne) =or0 against +en8er tonight* +o you smell the chili7 Im ma0ing chili for the game* Its s#icy so you cant ha8e any* Its not goo( for you* 9a( for your stomach an( it ma0es you #oo# all the time* No* No, you cant ha8e any* "to# crying* "to# that* "to# crying or Ill #ut you in the closet )ith >inston* I mean it* Thats !etter* Mommys going to rea( the s#orts #age* "o hush*

((R)*A se rches $or sports section, $in!s it, re !s while e ting noisily. She !ri##les milk on t #le. -.LL/ enters thro"gh !oor $rom kitchen, h ir !ishevele!, her co t h nging o$$ her $ter # ! ! y t work. 0er !eme nor is one o$ r ge # rely "n!er control. She silently sets her tt che c se $l"sh g inst w ll, goes to the co t tree, t kes o$$ her co t, h ngs it. %hen she gives the co t tree k r te kick. %he co t tree cr shes to $loor. (R)*A st n!s, gr #s sw !!le! # #y $rom # ssinet n!, hol!ing it to hersel$, e1its in r"sh thr" !oor le !ing to h llw y, # throom ' #e!rooms. -.LL/ kicks the co t tree sever l more times, st res !own t it, t kes !eep #re th, !elivers yet nother cr"el kick. %hen, o"t o$ #re th, she stops n! st res t her h n!iwork, letting the r ge #"il! g in insi!e her. (R)*A reenters thr" s me !oor, E2ICA6 Im ma0ing chili* M?11=6 (%wo h r! kicks, Ta0e that, Hoffman; An( that; (%"rns, #linking, >hat7 >hats that you sai(7 Chili* Im ma0ing chili* E2ICA6 For the game tonight*

M?11=6 ?h, is that ho) American chili smells* ((R)*A silently goes to $ llen co t tree, st n!s it # ck "p, h ngs -.LL/2s co t ne tly on it. 0er movements re wkw r!. As (R)*A !oes this, -.LL/ silently goes to t #le, wipes "p (R)*A2s spille! milk n! rr nges newsp per in ne t st ck. 0er movements re nim#le. %hen -.LL/ sits n! (R)*A moves #ehin! her, m ss ging her temples n! #r"shing her h ir. %his is nightly rit" l, M?11=6 I ha( a call to(ay from 1on(on* From Cousin Cli8e* He )as calling a!out Aunt Fi* "eems she (i(nt get her !irth(ay tele#hone call* E2ICA6 ?h oh* M?11=6 >hat (o you mean7 ?h oh7

I guess*

E2ICA6 <uess I forgot to*

M?11=6 Forgot to gi8e me the message7 Cli8e sent a #ost a fortnight !ac0* It sai( (ont forget Aunt Fi on the ninth* Aunt Fiona )as ninety-nine years ol( yester(ay* =ester(ay )as "e#tem!er the ninth* "he )as ninety-nine on nine slant!ar nine* Thin0 of it* E2ICA6 I (ont 0no) her* M?11=6 Ninety-nine on nine slant!ar nine* Nine nine nine nine* Four nines* Ho) often (oes that ha##en7 E2ICA6 I cant remem!er e8erything* @ust* @ust call her an( tell her its still the ninth in Ne) @ersey* M?11=6 "he !ought my tic0et to come to America* to li8e on* I cant lie to her* E2ICA6 >hat are you going to (o7 M?11=6 >hat I shoul( (o is, ma0e you call her* I (ont 0no) her* E2ICA6 I )oul(nt 0no) )hat to say* "he ga8e me money

M?11=6 =oure no hel#* Ill call her tomorro) at )or0* Itll !e "e#tem!er the ele8enth, t)o (ays late* 9etter late than ne8er* Ill s)eet tal0 her* "hell forgi8e me* An( us* E2ICA6 +o you feel !etter no)7 =es* Than0 you* M?11=6 =ou (o that so )ell*

E2ICA6 =ou shoul( file a com#laint a!out Hoffman* ?h right* =ou shoul(* A grie8ance* M?11=6 He( li0e that*

E2ICA6 =ou shoul( (o it*

M?11=6 He( tell the staff, A=ou see7 I tol( you* "hes )ell (o(gy, that one*B Mar0 my )or(s* Hes lying in the grass )aiting to stri0e* Its his )ay* E2ICA6 =ou shoul( :uit* 2esign my #ost7 M?11=6 Are you (emente(7

E2ICA6 Its an hour an( a half ri(e in* Thats three hours a (ay !ac0 an( forth* E8ery(ay* The train to Ho!o0en, then the su!)ay to the >orl( Tra(e Center* >hy not fin( a Co! here7 In /arsi##any or Morristo)n or 9as0ing 2i(ge* =ou( !e ha##ier* An( thin0* No Hoffman* M?11=6 ?ut of the :uestion* E2ICA6 "o youre staying on to !e his #unching !ag* M?11=6 Im no ones !ag* E2ICA6 Then )hat7 M?11=6 Im li0e >inston Churchill* My !ac0s to the )all, my teeth !are(, my cla)s li0e ha)0 talons* As you =an0s say, A+ont trea( on me*B ?uch; E2ICA6 Dee# your hea( still* M?11=6 >hens this chili ste) going to !e rea(y7 E2ICA6 Its not a ste)* =ou ha8e to coo0 it slo)ly* there an( go !loo#, !loo#, !loo#* 9loo#, !loo#, !loo#* mean !loo(y soon* It has to sit

M?11=6 >ell* I (o ho#e its !loo#y soon*

E2ICA6 +i( you 0no) chili is from the (e8il7 "atanical chili7 M?11=6 >here( you get that7

E2ICA6 In the coo0!oo0* It ha( the history of chili* /eo#le use( to say chilis the (e8ils sou# !ecause of the s#ices* /riests )oul( tell #eo#le, (ont eat it, !ecause it ma0es you (o !a( things* M?11=6 No ones going to 0ill, fornicate or run amuc0 (ue to the ingestion of a s#icy slumgullion* "u((enly, Im 0een to try it* /lease get me a (rin0* Hoffman an( his nastiness ha8e #ut me in a (ee# fun0* E2ICA6 (Stops #r"shing, sets #r"sh !own, All right*



M?11=6 "ee ho) that chili is (oing )hile youre at it* ((R)*A e1its thr" !oor to kitchen, ?h, !y the )ay, I8e as0e( someone in tonight* ((R)*A inst ntly reenters vi E2ICA6 >hat7; M?11=6 I8e in8ite( a man in* A man7 E2ICA6 A mans coming here7 Tonight7 M?11=6 =es* (St n!s, Is something )rong7 s me !oor,

E2ICA6 (%"rns w y $rom -.LL/, No* Fh yes* No* >ell* Its Cust* Its* Im rea(y for a man yet* Hes not marrying you* M?11=6 Hes Cust 8isiting*

I (ont 0no) if

E2ICA6 I nee( to get my thoughts collecte(* A man* game tonight7 I )as going to )atch it*

>hat a!out the

M?11=6 =oull see the en(* Hell !e gone !y then* =ou nee( to get your #riorities right* Its time for you to get !ac0 into circulation* Time for you to go on out there an( gi8e it a !ash* Ha8e faith in yourself* I ha8e faith in you* (3ehin! her. 0 n! on (R)*A2s sho"l!er, +es#ite your situation* +es#ite all thats ha##ene(, I ha8e faith in - My situation; my situation; E2ICA6 =ou ha( to say it; =oure al)ays !ringing u#

((ric t"rns s"!!enly, removes -.LL/2s h n! $rom sho"l!er. %he $orce o$ her ction le ves scr tch m rks on -.LL/2s rm. -.LL/ cries o"t in p in, ?h <o(, Im sorry; ?h <o(; E2ICA6 I (i(nt mean it; M?11=6 =ou cut my arm;

1oo0 )hat you (i(;

Im sorry, Molly;

E2ICA6 Im so sorry*

M?11=6 ((yes sh"t tight, Am I !lee(ing7 Im sorry; Im sorry; E2ICA6 Im - M?11=6 AM I 91EE+IN<7; No* No, I (ont thin0 so* /lease chec0* =oure fine* E2ICA6 Im sorry, Molly*

/lease* =oure*

M?11=6 I cant a!i(e !loo(* E2ICA6 Im sorry* Im so sorry* Can I loo07

Are you sure7 =es*

M?11=6 Are you :uite sure7

=es, Im sure*

E2ICA6 =ou can loo0* Im so sorry*

M?11=6 (.pens eyes, ?))* Its ugly* An( #ainful* =ou see ho) fragile you are; ?ne thing off center, you lose control*

E2ICA6 Im sorry* M?11=6 No) #lease get me a (rin0* E2ICA6 =es* =es* All right* ((R)*A e1its to kitchen, looking # ck nervo"sly +"st #e$ore she !is ppe rs, M?11=6 An( see ho) the chilis getting on; (So"n! o$ gl sses, #ottles, ice c"#es, re$riger tor opening ' closing. -.LL/ st n!s, looks t scr tch on rm, winces, w lks to co t tree, st n!s there, looking o"t win!ow. 4hone rings, E2ICA" .?ICE6 <et the #hone; M?11=6 >hat7;7 <et the #hone; E2ICA" .?ICE6 I cant;

M?11=6 =oure )anting me to #ic0 u#7; E2ICA" .?ICE6 <et the #hone; =es* Hello* E2ICA" .?ICE6 ?h, for <o(s sa0e; The chilis !urnt, stuc0 to the #ot; M?11=6 Mister Hoffman* Its !urnt; =es* E2ICA" .?ICE6 All ruine(; M?11=6 All right* (4icks "p phone,


M?11=6 (.verl ps on $irst 5r"ine!6, 9e still; I cant hear; Im sorry, Mister Hoffman* my flatmate* =es, sir* (So"n! o$ pots # nging. 0 n! over mo"thpiece, Huiet out there; I cant hear into the #hone; Its !urnt; All !urnt; E2ICA" .?ICE6 +amn; <i8e me


M?11=6 >hat7 ?h no* /lease, sir* +ont say that* another chance, sir* Ill ma0e it right* (So"n! o$ w ter ?h (amn; =es* +amn it; n! o$

pot #eing scr pe!,

E2ICA" .?ICE6 Its all a )aste; I see*

I see*

M?11=6 I am sorry, sir* =es*

(So"n! o$ the g r# ge !ispos l, 9urnt; 2uine(; E2ICA" .?ICE6 No )ay aroun( it;

M?11=6 (0 ngs "p. 4eers o"t win!ow, Not right* Not fair* They fuc0 you, then they chuc0 you off the cliff* (R ps on p ne, >inston* >inston* ((R)*A enters in n pron st ine! with chili. She h s !rink in her h n!, E2ICA6 Heres your (rin0* 1ots of ice* The )ay you li0e it* #oure( the chili (o)n the gar!age* I ha( to* M?11=6 (Sips !rink, cr nes neck, Than0 you* Than0 you* I



E2ICA6 The chili )as ruine(* =ou can call that man*


M?11=6 (Not he ring. *ontin"es r pping, 9loo# !loo# !loo#* I8e an urge to mur(er* None of that ran(om running amuc0 )ith clu!s an( guns li0e you #eo#le (o* I( (o it English style* 1ace his (rin0 )ith #oison* Film the agony* .i(eo at ten* E2ICA6 Chilis ruine(* +ont say it* ?ne more snafu !y Erica* 9ut (ont )orry* >ell ha8e him o8er another night* M?11=6 The August month-en( num!ers )ere out to(ay* Hoffman )ith that oily @e) smile, saying )e eIcee(e( our :uota* "en(s the staff home early* He says, A"tay !ac0, Molly* >e nee( to chat*B E2ICA6 >hen you !urn chili, you ruin it* No sa8ing it*

M?11=6 9loo#* 9loo#* 9loo#* Feel so use(* "o cheate(* "o fuc0e( an( far from home* I feel* >hats that term you =an0s use7 Ta0en for a ri(e* =es* I8e !een ta0en for a !loo(y ri(e* Hoffman saying Im inca#a!le of closing a #ro#er account* Hoffman saying e8ery sale I ma0e !lo)s u# in my face* 1ies; All lies; Ha8e you e8er )ante( to smash something to o!li8ion7 Ha8e you e8er )ante( to )atch a thing !urn till its consume( to the core7 9loo#* 9loo#* 9loo#* (%"rns to (R)*A, >heres >inston7 I (ont see him out there* E2ICA6 ?h my <o(; M?11=6 >hats that loo07 >hat ha8e you (one )ith >inston7 E2ICA6 He* Hes fine* M?11=6 Where is he?!? Molly, listen* E2ICA6 I )as u#set* I* M?11=6 =ou tell me no), (amn you; E2ICA6 I #ut him out of my sight, is all* I )as u#set* I )as )orrie( a!out "an(ra* I (ont 0no) )hat I )as thin0ing, !ut I )as )orrie( >inston )oul( hurt her*


Fuc0 "an(ra; Hes o0ay*

M?11=6 >hat (i( you (o )ith >inston;7 E2ICA6 Hes in the closet* M?11=6 >hich closet;7 E2ICA6

?h my 1or( <o(; The green room*

M?11=6 =ou 0no) nothing; Are you a)are ho) cruel that is7 >instons a (og* +ogs are social !eings* Confining him )rea0s ha8oc on his #syche* He #oo#e( on the rug* E2ICA6 >hat )as I su##ose( to (o7

M?11=6 =ou coul( ha8e let him outsi(e in the yar(* E2ICA6 Then he #oo#s on the la)n an( (igs u# the flo)ers* M?11=6 I a!solutely gi8e u#* Tal0ing to you is )asting oIygen* Im coming, >inston; +ont )orry, >inston; Mollys coming; ?h, you horri(, horri( )oman; (-.LL/ e1its thro"gh !oor to h llw y, # throom ' #e!rooms. A long silence, then m"$$le! # rks, E2ICA6 (%o the "!ience, Its not li0e she ha( the (og fore8er* "he !ought it last )ee0* An( (o you thin0 she consulte( me7 "he (i( not* "he )al0e( in )ith this o(( mutt on a leash an( sai(, AThis is >inston* I nee( someone to tal0 to*B T)o (ays ago, I com#laine( a!out ha8ing to clean u# after >inston* "he sai(, A>hen you #ay half the rent, you can (iscuss my (og*B (St rts to weep, An( then, she !rought u# my situation* (7 !e to #l ck. Lights "p. 8:90pm per the clock on the w ll. -.LL/ sits t !ining t #le. She2s ch nge! into something chic n! she2s !one something sm rt with her h ir. 0er !eme nor t t #le is sti$$ yet eleg nt. (R)*A2s cere l #owl is gone. %here re sever l lighte! c n!les on the t #le. She re !s the p per n! sips her !rink. %he !oor to the h llw y is + r,


M?11=6 (Lo"!ly so (R)*A c n he r, ?h Erica; I ho#e you (ont min(, you ma(e such a mess of the #a#er, I )al0e( to the corner an( #urchase( a clean co#y* I too0 >inston along* E2ICAJ" .?ICE6 (Lo"!ly so -.LL/ c n he r, "oun(s li0e the )al0 (i( you goo(* M?11=6 The )al0 (i( me )ell, than0 you* (Silence. -.LL/ re !s. E2ICAJ" .?ICE6 Im sorry for u#setting you* M?11=6 Thin0 nothing of it* As much my fault as yours* E2ICAJ" .?ICE6 It )as )rong of me to loc0 >inston u#* M?11=6 <la( to hear you say it* (Silence. %hen::, The Ne) @ersey #a#ers )ere sol( out* All that )as left )as a single Ne) =or0 /ost* A ta!loi(* E2ICAJ" .?ICE6 At least the mo8ie ne)s is the same* The same mo8ies #lay in Ne) =or0, (ont they7 M?11=6 I8e no (ou!t* E2ICAJ" .?ICE6 I ne8er rea( Ne) =or0 #a#ers* Ne) =or0s li0e a foreign country, as far as Im concerne(* M?11=6 /lease lets not start on Ne) =or0* thoughts going !ac0 there tonight* I* I (ont )ant my %hen::,

E2ICAJ" .?ICE6 Its such a !a( #lace* No (ecent #erson li8es there* No )oman safe there* They are luc0y to ha8e you )or0ing there* M?11=6 (St ge whisper, >ere* They )ere luc0y* All #ast tense no)* (Lo"!er, Than0 you, Erica*


I ne8er go there* Erica; "to# it;

E2ICAJ" .?ICE6 If it !le) u#, I( not miss it* M?11=6 Ha8e (one*

(Silence. %hen:::, E2ICAJ" .?ICE6 The chili )as ruine(* =ou nee( to call that man* to come some other time* (% kes 9loo#, !loo#, !loo#* +i( you hear7 M?11=6 nother sip o$ her !rink, Tell him

E2ICAJ" .?ICE6 I #oure( it (o)n the (rain* ((R)*A enters thro"gh !oor $rom kitchen, still in torn cover lls ' st ine! pron,

E2ICA6 Are you going to cancel )ith that man7 M?11=6 Hes on his )ay* Hell !e here at eight shar#* E2ICA6 I thought you )oul( cancel* ?h, I see* >inston* Erica, youre thirty-three* you ha8ent !een out since* This is !ecause of

M?11=6 Thats getting u# there*


E2ICA6 ?h no; No; =oure not going to tell him* an( #ri8ate*

Thats #ersonal

M?11=6 Im not going to tell him* An( you nee( to sto# !roo(ing* =ou nee( to start loo0ing ahea(, not !ehin(* The !est )ay is, go #ic0 out a !lo0e at ran(om, chat him u#* No) go #ut on a nice (ress* I nee( to #re#are* thin0 of me7 E2ICA6 <et my thoughts in or(er* >hat )ill he


M?11=6 Hell thin0 youre a rea(y, )illing an( a!le female unless you (emonstrate to the contrary* Din(ly cease your !a!!ling* <o clean yourself* /lease* =ou ha8e t)enty minutes* E2ICA6 >ho is this man7 >hat (oes it matter7 >H? I" HE7;7 M?11=6 No nee( to shout* If you must 0no), hes the M*I*"* staff#erson at )or0* >hich means he 0ee#s the com#uters running ti#to#* Hes goo( )ith his han(s an( Cohnny-on-thes#ot* His name is Hafe * Hafe 7 E2ICA6 >hat 0in( of a name is Hafe 7 M?11=6 Hes a man* E2ICA6

M?11=6 "yrian, Ara!ian, or some such* Hes 8ery nice* Elo:uent s#ea0er* "#ea0s the Hueens English !eautifully* >e 8isit fre:uently* >e chat* He says he li0es to #ractice English )ith me* I sus#ect he )ants to flirt* Frightfully lonely, #oor man* Has a fiancKe )aiting !ac0 in* >ell, !ac0 )here8er he comes from* =ou are so trans#arent* +ont !e 8ulgar* E2ICA6 =ou ma0e it soun( li0e youre (oing a goo( (ee(* M?11=6 >hat if I am7 /lease* Tonight* E2ICA6 +ont mention my situation* E2ICA6 =ou Cust )ant a man to - M?11=6

M?11=6 (%o the A"!ience, Isnt it instructi8e7 >hat men call hell to #ay or the ra ors e(ge, )e )omen call a situation* I mean it, Molly* E2ICA6 +o not mention my situation*


?h, go on* I mean it*

M?11=6 <o ma0e yourself #retty* E2ICA6 ((R)*A e1its thro"gh !oor to h llw y, gl ring # ck t -.LL/. She le ves !oor S"!!enly, so"n! o$ !oor#ell, M?11=6

+ r.

Hes here; ((R)*A enters thr" s me !oor, !resse! s #e$ore, E2ICA6 =ou sai( eight; Fnusual for him* M?11=6 Hes ty#ically (ea( on the mar0* E2ICA6 He cant see me li0e this; +ont !e silly* M?11=6 Hes Cust a man* E2ICA6 He cant see me this )ay; (So"n! o$ !oor#ell g in, git te!,

M?11=6 Then go change* An( !e :uic0* Ill let him in an( he an( I can chat until you ma0e a gran( entrance* No) min( you, (ont go turning the telly on to )atch your #recious foot!all )hile hes here* (So"n! o$ !oor#ell M?11=6 <o; ((R)*A e1its thr" h llw y !oor closing !oor #ehin! her. -.LL/ w its "ntil she;s gone, then e1its thr" kitchen !oor. She gli!es like <"een, her gl ss hel! eleg ntly lo$t. She le ves the !oor + r. So"n! o$ -.LL/ h"mming merry t"ne. So"n! o$ !oor opening, so"n! o$ m n;s voice, so"n! o$ gl ss sm shing, thir! time,


?h my <o(;

M?11=J" .?ICE6 ?h my <o(; ?h no; No; ((R)*A enters thr" !oor $rom h llw y, in the mi!st o$ st"$$ing her #o!y into tight +e ns, low=neck top, n! 96 s n! ls. She lmost $ lls. So"n! o$ -.LL/ crying. 7 !e to #l ck. Lights "p. >:?0pm per w ll clock. 0A7(@ ' (R)*A sit on co"ch. 0A7(@ in ! rk sl cks, white shirt, tie. 0is co t h"ng on co t tree. An open li<"or #ottle on co$$ee t #le. (R)*A hol!s her !rink, sipping. She;s tipsy n! t lks too lo"!. 0A7(@2s !rink rests on co$$ee t #le h l$=empty. -.LL/ sits t t #le, rocking # ck ' $orth, her rms tight g inst her #o!y, the #loo!y corpse o$ her !og on the newsp per on the t #le, M?11=6

?h my <o(* HAFEL6 It )as una8oi(a!le* The #ooch ran un(er my car* ?h yes* +ogs (o that* E2ICA6 They li0e to !ite tires*

HAFEL6 I )as steering my 8ehicle into your car#ort* I )as #ointing the torch at the flat num!er* I )asnt )atching the (ri8e)ay* Im so sorry, Molly* E2ICA6 The light must !e out again* HAFEL6 =es, the lam# )as out* It )as (ar0 out there* shoul( ha8e !een careful* M?11=6 ?h my <o(* E2ICA6 =ou mustnt !lame yourself, Hafe * It )asnt your fault* Molly (oesnt !lame you, (o you, Molly7 M?11=6 ?h my <o(* 9ut still, I


HAFEL6 9lame me; 1et her !lame me* 9lame Hafe * Molly is my (ear frien(* An( a frien( is li0e a four leaf clo8er, har( to fin(, luc0y to ha8e* +o you 0no) Molly has a s#ecial coffee !re)er in her cu!icle7 "he !re)s coffee in the Tur0ish manner* Thic0 an( s)eet* @ust li0e my mother ma0es it in 1e!anon* Molly7 I (i(nt 0no)* E2ICA6 "he ne8er sai(*

To !e sure* ?h my <o(;

HAFEL6 =our cousin is :uite the gourmet* M?11=6

HAFEL6 Molly, #lease s#ea0 to us* /lease say something* Erica, I tell you this from my heart* I am only human* I see sorro)* I see loss* >hat can I (o7 I must em#athi e* I tell myself to feel Mollys #ain* If ye #ric0 me, (o I not !lee(7 Thats from the 9ar( himself* It is so sa(, is it not, )hen a (ear animal shuffles off this mortal coil7 E2ICA6 =eah* 2eally sa(* M?11=6 ?h my <o(; HAFEL6 EIactly* It is li0e losing a mem!er of the family* E2ICA6 Cousin >inston* HAFEL6 I !eg your #ar(on7 E2ICA6 The (ogs name )as >inston* Cousin >inston* Cousin Molly7 Cousin >inston7 =ou 0no)*

HAFEL6 =es eIactly; Cousins* An( >inston is logical, yes7 Molly is English, the (og name( after the great English lea(er* I ha8e nothing to offer !ut !loo( - M?11=6 ?h my <o(;


HAFEL6 ")eat an( tears* (St rting to s<"irm, Ah, eIcuse me, !ut it )as a long tri# from the Tra(e Center* I came straight here after (oing the net)or0 !ac0u#s* I really must 8isit the >C* E2ICA6 ?h yeah* "ure* "ure thing* Hey, )hen you gotta go, you gotta go* Ha ha* (St n!s, # l ncing prec rio"sly in heels. 4oints to !oor to h llw y, Through there* Its the first (oor on the right* HAFEL6 (Smiles, eyes on (R)*A, s l"tes, As <eneral MacArthur sai(, I shall return* ((R)*A l "ghs, comes to ttention, p"shes o"t chest, s"cks in t"mmy ' s l"tes # ck, s 0A7(@ e1its thro"gh the h llw y !oor. (R)*A $reeAes in pl ce "ntil she he rs the # throom !oor lock, M?11=6 ?h my <o(; E2ICA6 Thats fi8e times you8e sai( that* M?11=6 =ou 0ille( >inston* E2ICA6 =ou cant #ro8e it* M?11=6 Theres no nee( for #roof* I 0no) you (i( it* E2ICA6 =oure cra y* M?11=6 I7 Ma(7 =ou (are call me ma(7 =oure the ma( one* =ou shoul( !e ta0en out an( #u!licly shot an( they shoul( ha8e it on the telly at nine* E2ICA6 =ou #ut >inston in the yar(* If you ha( any i(ea that I )as a (anger, you shoul( ha8e staye( out there )ith him instea( of rea(ing the ne)s*

'% M?11=6 Not in my )il(est (elirium (i( I thin0 you( o#en the gate to the street* I thought, at minimum, you #ossesse( the instincts !asic to our s#ecies* E2ICA6 (0 r! $inger in -.LL/2s sho"l!er, I (i( not run >inston o8er; I )ent for a cigarette an( forgot to loc0 the gate; "o sue me; M?11=6 (Springs "p. 4"shes # ck t (R)*A, =ou orchestrate( the (ee( e8il; E2ICA6 wil! o$$=# l nce swing,

A(mit it;

(% kes =ou ta0e that !ac0;

M?11=6 (A!v nces on her. 4"shes her I #ray legions of canines tear you to !its*

g in,

E2ICA6 (%eetering on e!ge o$ $ lling over. Grabs hold of MOLLYs blouse) >hat the hell are you (oing7; M?11=6 (Br #s onto piece o$ (R)*A;s top, 2elease me, you loathsome slut; E2ICA6 ?)))); =ou !itch; (%hey coll pse on $loor, #iting, spitting, hissing, kicking, scr tching n! kneeing e ch other. 0A7(@ enters, sees them. An e1pression o$ str nge ro"s l crosses his $ ce. 7 !e to #l ck. Lights "p. ??pm per clock. Cog2s corpse on t #le. All re n ke! on the c rpet, 0A7(@ #etween (R)*A ' -.LL/. %hey re sleep. 0A7(@ snores. %orn clothing strewn #o"t. 0 l$=empty #ottles ' gl sses. A l rge, he vy shtr y on c rpet. -.LL/ w kens. She pokes n! sh kes 0A7(@, M?11=6 (A whisper so s not to Hafe ; Hafe ; Hafe ; ((R)*A gr"nts n! moves, w ken (R)*A,



E2ICA6 (.pens eyes, >hat time is it7 M?11=6

<o !ac0 to slee#* ?h gee* E2ICA6 Its ele8en alrea(y* M?11=6 <o !ac0 to slee#* E2ICA6 (Licks lips, scr tches, <iants an( 9roncos shoul( !e late in the thir( :uarter Cust a!out no)* M?11=6 =oure not turning on the telly* E2ICA6 I )asnt going to* A))* No) Cust loo0 at him* "lee#ing a)ay li0e a !a!y* He )or0e( so har(* =ou )or0e( so har(, (i(nt you7 =es, you (i(* (Silence. %hen she !r ws close to the sleeping 0A7(@, kisses him on his cheek, =ou sure li0e( me, (i(nt you7 =es, you (i(* M?11=6 (4"shes (R)*A w y, 1ea8e him !e* E2ICA6 "to# that* Hes my frien(* M?11=6 My only frien(*


E2ICA6 He )as a lot frien(lier )ith me* M?11=6 9ecause you )ere (resse( li0e a slut* E2ICA6 Those )ere not slut clothes* Those )ere rea(y, )illing an( a!le female clothes* (Silence. %hen:, 1ets )a0e him* He ought to !e reloa(e( !y no)* M?11=6 No no; 1ets not;


E2ICA6 >hats the matter7 M?11=6 Hes ha( too much to (rin0* Hes tire(* E2ICA6 (Sh kes 0A7(@, >ho e8er hear( of a man too tire( to7 Come on* 1ets as0 him* Hey, Hafe * Hey; Hey, Haffy* Come on; Time to #lay* (0A7(@ stops snoring, gro ns, moves, !oes not open his eyes, M?11=6 Hes ha( too much* He (oesnt hol( li:uor )ell* E2ICA6 >ell, thats no fun* =our o)n nee(s* M?11=6 Its all you e8er thin0 a!out*

E2ICA6 I (ont as0 for much* Ho) often (o I get to (o this7 There he is an( I )ant to fornicate right no)* I nee( to fornicate one more time* At least* Im in Cust the right frame of min(* An( there he is* ?ut li0e a* Its not fair* M?11=6 Erica* >hat7 I* M?11=6 I nee( to !e alone )ith him* (0A7(@ moves ?h* g in, Is that it7 /lease* E2ICA6

E2ICA6 "o Im to !e the o(( )oman out7 M?11=6 A 8ery !a( (ay*

I8e ha( a !a( (ay*

E2ICA6 >hat a!out me7 I !urnt the chili* #oo# off the car#et* M?11=6 I lost my Co!*

An( I ha( to clean (og


E2ICA6 An( you 0no), you ne8er really get all the #oo# out* Theres al)ays a resi(ue* Theres al)ays some little !its left in the 0nit* M?11=6 I8e ne8er lost a Co! !efore* Im thin0ing the most horri!le thoughts right no)* E2ICA6 An( Im thin0ing, he (i( me on the 8ery s#ot )here the (og )ent* I8e ha( a !a( (ay* M?11=6 A !a( (ay*

E2ICA6 =ou alrea(y sai( that* ?0ay* Fine* (Bets "p, g thers her clothes Tell him I )ent to loo0 after "an(ra* M?11=6 Than0 you* E2ICA6 =ou go to hell*

n! shoes,

((R)*A e1its thr" !oor to h llw y. 0A7(@ st rts to open his eyes, HAFEL6 Im 8ery sorry* M?11=6 =ou )ere listening* HAFEL6 It seems Im the source of this (iscontent* M?11=6 Its not you, Hafe * =ou8e nothing to (o )ith her or us* "hes her o)n )orst enemy* (Shows him key, 1oo0 )hat I ha8e here* The 0ey to the flat a!o8e* The girl there is gone for the )ee0* "he as0e( me to 0ee# an eye* 1ets go u# there* >e can forget Erica* Molly* HAFEL6 I thin0 I shoul( lea8e* M?11=6 ?h no, (ont go, #lease*

,3 HAFEL6 Hes )rong a!out you*

Im sorry a!out Hoffman*

M?11=6 /lease* I cant !e alone tonight* /lease stay )ith me* HAFEL6 This is turning out !a(ly* M?11=6 @ust stay )ith me an( hol( me* I !eg you* HAFEL6 I8e a !ig #roCect at the office* I must !e in early* M?11=6 ?h right, I see* This is ho) it is; =ou8e fuc0e( to your hearts (elight an( you8e s#ent your #enny an( youre lea8ing, than0 you 8ery much; 1oo0 at me* Im (e#resse(* Im self-(estructi8e* /lease* "tay )ith me tonight* /lease* If not as a lo8er, then as a frien(* HAFEL6 =es* All right* I )ill* M?11=6 Than0 you* Ill get you u# early* Ill ma0e sure you get to the Tra(e Center* If I ha8e to, Ill (ri8e you* Hurry no)* <et (resse(* +ont )orry a!out a!out Erica* Ill go fetch some #retty things from my !e(room an( )e can go u#stairs* Ill !e Cust a moment* >ait for me* (-.LL/ e1its thr" !oor to h llw y. 0A7(@ st n!s, !ons "n!erp nts. 0is # ck to !oor, he steps one leg into his tro"sers, s (R)*A, n ke!, silently enters. She picks "p #ottle s 0A7(@ t"rns. 0e2s o$$=# l nce. (R)*A strikes his he !. 0e $ lls. She st rts so##ing, kneels #y him, t kes shtr y, hits his he ! repe te!ly. She emits cry with e ch #low. -.LL/ enters in lingerie ' heels, g sps. (R)*A t"rns, sees her, l "ghs. %he l "gh t"rns to conv"lsive so#s. 7 !e to #l ck. Lights "p. ?D:?5 m per clock. 0A7(@ lies #loo!y on c rpet, shirtless, his tro"sers h l$=on, h l$= o$$. (R)*A;s still n ke!, #"t now she2s t the t #le. %he st ine! pron h ngs $rom ch ir. %he !og2s corpse is t the e!ge o$ the t #le. (R)*A sips $rom #ottle o$ #eer s she w tches the concl"sion o$ the -on! y Night 7oot# ll. -.LL/ is still !resse! in lingerie ' heels. She kneels #esi!e 0A7(@. %he #ottles, gl sses ' shtr y still l y on the c rpet,


M?11=6 ?h my <o(; E2ICA6 <iants are losing* M?11=6 ?h my <o(; E2ICA6 >e (ont ha8e a running game* M?11=6 ?h my <o(; 9ar!er fum!les* ?h my <o(; E2ICA6 /lease say something !esi(es, A?h my <o(*B M?11=6 +i( you 0no), he !rought >inston to the (oor7 Ha( him cra(le( in his arms li0e a !a!y* (So#s. C #s te r, He )as my frien(* My little chum* He may ha8e !een Cust a (og to you* 9ut he )as my (og* E2ICA6 =oull get another* ?h <o(, there )e go again; /unt* Cust cant sustain a (ri8e* M?11=6 It )ont !e the same* E2ICA6 =oull a(Cust* I a(Custe(* <et +ayne out of there; M?11=6 "u##ose youre right* (Silence. So"n! o$ %& commerci l. %hen:, E2ICA6 +i( you come7 M?11=6 >hat7 >e E2ICA6 +ayne cant hit the holes* M?11=6


>ith him*

E2ICA6 ()n!ic ting 0A7(@, +i( you come7

M?11=6 >hat 0in( of :uestion is that7 E2ICA6 =ou in8ite( him* =ou ma(e no !ones a!out )hat you )ante(* I Cust )on(ere( if* =ou got it* M?11=6 That is so col(* This )as a human, a #erson, an( shoul( !e accor(e( the (ignity of such* (Silence e1cept $or so"n! o$ g me, E2ICA6 I( thin0 he( )ant us to come* Men are li0e that* Its im#ortant to them* They al)ays as0 after)ar(s* A+i( you come7B (Sh kes $ist t television, +amn it, <arnes; =oure su##ose( to hit him; M?11=6 =our !rains in the muc0* =ou are !eyon( the #ale* E2ICA6 "o* =ou (i(nt* M?11=6 +i(nt )hat7 E2ICA6 +i(nt come* M?11=6 >hether I (i( or (i(nt is !esi(e the #oint* E2ICA6 I ne8er reali e( )hat a #ru(e you are* M?11=6 Im not a #ru(e* E2ICA6 =oure a8oi(ing the to#ic an( youre not a #ru(e7 "to# him; ?h (arn; M?11=6 Its ina##ro#riate to (iscuss it* ghoulish* Its sic0* "to# him;



E2ICA6 +arn; They score(* >ere (o)n !y fifteen* >e got no chance* I cant )atch this* (Aims remote. Switches o$$ %&, I Cust cant* M?11=6 >hat are )e to (o7 E2ICA6 +o7 >e nee( to cut +ayne an( get a !ac0 )ho can run* M?11=6 Are you e8en listening7 (-.LL/ st n!s, goes to (R)*A, grips her sho"l!ers, t"rns her "ntil they re eye# ll to eye# ll, >e say he attac0e( us* >ill they !elie8e us7 M?11=6 >e ha8e his s#un0* E2ICA6 "#un07 M?11=6 Sperm. ?h yeah, thats* E2ICA6 Thats right* M?11=6 >e (efen(e( oursel8es* E2ICA6

M?11=6 >e say it ha##ene( !ecause I )as terminate(* He came to cheer me, starte( out nice* >e ga8e him (rin0* He got !rutish, lost control* After he finishe( on you, he too0 me* >hile he )as rutting, you hit him till he sto##e(* E2ICA6 >hy (ont )e Cust #ut him in the car an( - M?11=6 No* Not that* Its the #erfect #lace* E2ICA6 No one )ill e8er - -


M?11=6 Im not going !ac0 to that #lace* 1et "an(ra rest in #eace* I shoul( ne8er ha8e gone along )ith you on that* 1oo0, )e ha8e to tell them* If hes re#orte( missing, theyll say at the office he an( I )ere close* Then theyll come here* An( if a neigh!or sa) him run o8er >inston, then - E2ICA6 ?0ay* He (i( me first* Then you* An( then I* (4icks "p sh tr y, !emonstr tes, 1i0e that* M?11=6 =es* E2ICA6 +oes he ha8e any relati8es7 No* ?h* He li8es alone* "o* M?11=6 I8e !een to his flat* E2ICA6 "o you an( he* M?11=6 >hat are you7 /olice7 =es, )e (i( the* The thing* E2ICA6 >hy coul(nt you fin( a man )ho )as more* =ou 0no)*

M?11=6 He )as nice* He li0e( my coffee* >hatJs the num!er7 Nine one one* E2ICA6 =ou (ial nine* Then one* Then one*

M?11=6 Ho) o((* @ust #ast mi(night* An( thats to(ays (ate* Ele8en "e#tem!er* Nine ele8en* E2ICA6 Itll !e on his tom!stone* Hafe * Fh, )hats his full name7 M?11=6 Hafe al something* E2ICA6 Al7 1i0e in Allen7 M?11=6 No* Its Cust al an( then an Ara! )or(*


E2ICA6 Here lies Hafe al something* 9orn )hene8er* slant!ar ele8en, ,00'*

+ie( nine

M?11=6 He (ie( more than an hour ago* It( !e nine ten* E2ICA6 Than0 you, smarty#ants* +ie( nine slant!ar ten* M?11=6 I( !est ma0e the call* E2ICA6 >ait* ((R)*A st n!s, t kes the st ine! pron, covers 0A7(@2 he ! with it. No!s, ?0ay* No)* (-.LL/ #egins !i ling. The En( 7 !e to #l ck,

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