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A Novel Method of Supporting the Laser Welding
Process with Mechanical Acoustic Vibrations
Arkadiusz Krajewski 1, * , Grzegorz Klekot 2 , Marcin Cybulak 1 and Paweł Kołodziejczak 1
1 Faculty of Production Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland; (M.C.); (P.K.)
2 Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology,
02-524 Warsaw, Poland;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +48-22-849-5811

Received: 14 July 2020; Accepted: 14 September 2020; Published: 20 September 2020 

Abstract: The research described in this article presents a new contactless method of introducing
mechanical vibrations into the base material during CO2 laser welding of low-carbon steel.
The experimental procedure boiled down to subjecting a P235GH steel pipe with a 60 mm diameter,
3.2 mm wall thickness and 500 mm length to acoustic signals with a resonant frequency during
the welding process. Acoustic vibrations with a frequency of 1385, 110 and 50 Hz were introduced
into the pipe along the axis and transversely from the outer surface. The obtained welds were then
subjected to structural tests and Vickers hardness measurements. The results of comparative tests
show the impact of such introduced vibrations on the granular structure of the welds, as well as on
their microhardness in specific areas, such as the face, penetration depth and the heat-affected zone.
The effectiveness of the proposed method of introducing vibrations in the scope of grain size and
shape as well as changes in the hardness distribution in the obtained welds is demonstrated.

Keywords: laser welding; mechanical acoustic vibrations; structure properties

1. Introduction
In recent years, increased interest among researchers in finding new ways of improving the
structure [1,2] and mechanical properties of welded joints or coatings [3] applied by welding methods [4–7],
as well as improving the quality of metal alloys [8,9], can be observed. The issue of improving the micro
and macro structural properties can generally be interpreted as improving metallurgical weldability,
which has often been a priority [10]. A careful observer of the literature on the subject will notice that
the majority of research in which the authors used mechanical vibrations focuses on the effects obtained,
which undoubtedly leads in many cases to the fragmentation of grains [11], changing their shape
into more equiaxial forms [12,13], improving mechanical properties such as strength, impact strength
or hardness [14–16]. Few of these studies attached significant importance to technical problems
associated with the effective introduction of vibrations and their form [2,17], and even more so with
other parameters such as frequency, amplitude or phase [1,2,12,18].
Some researchers, such as [1], investigated ultrasonic-assisted laser welding on stainless steel,
which was carried out to find out the effect of ultrasonic energy input on the microstructure and the
strength of the weld metal. It is well known that the energy of ultrasonic vibrations depends mainly on
the amplitude. It is also known that the effective transfer of vibration energy is not easy and depends
on the rigidity of the attachment of the vibration system to the welded object. In this case, however,
it would be difficult to expect a homogeneous distribution of energy, as shown by the laser vibrometer
used for measurements [1]. As could be expected, the energy value (amplitude) strongly depended on
the vibration phase in the object [2,18] and the obtained results were conditioned by the occurrence of

Materials 2020, 13, 4179; doi:10.3390/ma13184179

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an arrow or vibration node. Therefore, the use of such methods of introducing vibrations whose energy
varies with the distance of the source of vibrations from the liquid metal pool does not guarantee
repeatable conditions of the technological process [1,2,5,10,12,18].
On the other hand, full control of mechanical vibrations is only possible when they are introduced
by a well-tested and rigidly mounted vibrating system [2,9,13–15,18–20] or modulation of the electric
arc [21–23] or laser beam [3]. The improvement of structural features and mechanical properties
is obtained in various zones of welds or coatings, i.e., in the weld itself and in the heat-affected
zone. Nothdurft in [24] proves during welding dissimilar materials the width of the unmixed
zone between them was reduced due to the micro-turbulence formed near the fusion boundary
caused by the cavitation effect. With the use of ultrasonic laser excitation, the main crystallography
textures in the weld metal are shifted, and the ratio of misorientation was significantly improved.
Quality improvement is achieved in many ways. These may be actions aiming at the optimization of
technological parameters of the used welding methods or additional procedures using heat treatment,
hybrid methods and innovative ways of affecting the liquid metal pool with various physical factors,
such as an electromagnetic field or mechanical vibrations. Of these, it is worth paying attention to the
latter, despite the fact that they do not occur very often and do not unconditionally guarantee success
in every case of welding, surfacing or remelting. The use of mechanical vibrations carries a number of
problems and limitations, depending on how they are introduced into the basic material, and raises
some manufacturers’ fears, caused mostly by ignorance or lack of access to complicated vibration
generating devices, but also technical difficulties related to ensuring steady contact between the basic
material and the vibrating system [2,18]. All this means that the manufacturer of welded structures
may not decide to use mechanical vibrations as the factor that, when properly used, will allow them to
achieve the assumed quality improvement.
The application of mechanical vibrations during welding processes shows that satisfactory results
can be achieved without the need for direct and reliable attachment of the vibrating system to the base
material [2,12,18,25]. Vibrations can be introduced, for example, by means of laser beam pulses [3,17],
controlled modulation of the electric arc or impact methods using mass collision energy transfer [6,25].
An interesting technical solution was used by researchers [26] during TIG welding of aluminum
alloys. They used an ultrasonic waveguide in the form of a roller and by rotating it were able to
maintain a constant distance of the contact point from the molten metal pool. This resulted in an
increase in hardness of over 8%, and an increase in tensile strength by almost 30%. The contact
method of delivering ultrasonic vibrations in underwater welding in [27] also caused changes in
mechanical properties. (increase in average hardness, toughness and tensile strength, grain refinement
and reduction of the width of the boundaries between ferrite grains). This effect was achieved by the
solid contact of the waveguide with the welded material.
One of contactless methods is presented in this article. It is interesting because vibrations are
introduced by the acoustic route, meaning that, first of all, this process is contactless, and secondly,
it provides many possibilities of modification of the parameters characterizing mechanical vibrations,
such as frequency, amplitude or distance from the welding heat source. Among the research works,
there are various technical solutions with specific methods of introducing vibrations into objects
subjected to welding processes. These include vibrations generated by tables on which the base
material is mounted [7,16], or, during arc welding, vibrations that are carried by a consumable
electrode [5,13,22]. All methods of supplying vibrations to the base material are worth attention,
although not all of them can be used in any conditions of access to the material or when the distance
from the heat source is too close to allow it. There are some original technical solutions regarding the
introduction of vibrations by various methods, which are the subject of patent studies [6,17], but there
are no such ones that provide the possibility of introducing vibrations without providing direct contact
and fixing the vibrating system with the base material, which is a major impediment in industrial
conditions. The impact of vibrations through carriers not related to the basic material gives a chance to
avoid problems related to the proximity of the heat source and to simplify the technical process of
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Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 
introducing 3  of  19 
vibrations. Therefore, it is important to propose such a method of introducing vibrations
that does not require direct contact with the base material. One such method was used in the research
the research described in this article. It allows for easy application in industry and for the economical 
described in this article. It allows for easy application in industry and for the economical conditioning
conditioning of structures obtained in welding processes. 
of structures obtained in welding processes.
2. Materials and Methods 
2. Materials and Methods
The study used a P235GH steel pipe according to PN‐EN 10217‐2 with a diameter of 60 mm, wall 
The study used a P235GH steel pipe according to PN-EN 10217-2 with a diameter of 60 mm,
thickness 3.2 mm and length 500 mm (the composition and properties of this steel are listed in Table 1). 
wall thickness 3.2 mm and length 500 mm (the composition and properties of this steel are listed in
Table 1).
Table 1. Chemical composition and properties of P235GH steel according to PN‐EN 10204. 
Table 1. Chemical composition and properties of P235GH steel according to PN-EN 10204.
C [%]  Mn [%]  Si [%]  P [%]  S [%]  Cu [%]  Cr [%]  Ni [%]  Al [%]  Alsol [%] 
C [%] 0.42 
Mn [%] 0.016 
Si [%] 0.008 
P [%] 0.006 
S [%] Cu0.02 
[%] 0.02  Ni [%]
Cr [%] 0.01  Al 0.03 
[%] 0.025 
Alsol [%]
V [%]  0.42
Mo [%]  0.016
Nb [%]  0.008
Co [%]  0.006
Ti [%]  0.02
As [%]  0.02
N2 [%]  0.01 0.03
Ca [%]  Pb [%]  0.025
Sn [%] 
V [%] Mo [%] Nb [%] Co [%] Ti [%] As [%] N2 [%] Ca [%] Pb [%] Sn [%]
0.001 0.002 
0.002 ‐ - 0.002 
0.002 0.001 
0.001 0.001  0.007
0.001 0.007  0.0026
0.0026  0.001
0.001  0.001 
Zn [%] W [%] B [%] Zr [%] CEV C EV  Re [MPa]
[%] Re  Rm [MPa]
Rm  A5 [%]
O [%]  H22 [%] 
O [%] - H [%] - Zn [%] 
0.0012 W [%] 
0.001 B [%] 
0.0002 Zr [%]  0.19
0.0006 311 408 A5 [%] 
[%]  [MPa]    [MPa]    45.6
‐  ‐  0.0012  0.001  0.0002  0.0006  45.6 
0.19  311  408 
Before the welding tests were performed, the resonant frequency of the pipe was determined
Before the welding tests were performed, the resonant frequency of the pipe was determined 
along its axis (x) and in the transverse direction (y). During the measurement, the pipe was hung,
along its axis (x) and in the transverse direction (y). During the measurement, the pipe was hung, and 
and the measuring sensors were attached halfway along its length and at one of its ends. A hammer
the measuring sensors were attached halfway along its length and at one of its ends. A hammer drill, 
drill, three piezoelectric accelerometers, and PULSE analyzer environment with the Bruel and Kjaer
three piezoelectric accelerometers, and PULSE analyzer environment with the Bruel and Kjaer type 
type 3050-B-060 module (Bruel and Kjaer, Naerum, Denmark) were used for the tests (Figure 1).
3050‐B‐060 module (Bruel and Kjaer, Naerum, Denmark) were used for the tests (Figure 1). 

Figure 1. The measuring circuit used to determine the resonant frequency of the pipe: 1—pipe
Figure 1. The measuring circuit used to determine the resonant frequency of the pipe: 1—pipe (PM), 
(PM), 2—Bruel and Kjaer 3050-B-060 module, 3—Bruel and Kjaer PULSE Labshop, 4—hammer drill,
2—Bruel and Kjaer 3050‐B‐060 module, 3—Bruel and Kjaer PULSE Labshop, 4—hammer drill, 5–7—
5–7—vibration sensors, 8—two suspension ropes.
vibration sensors, 8—two suspension ropes. 

In order to test the natural frequency, the pipe was hung loosely on a thin rope, i.e., in conditions
In order to test the natural frequency, the pipe was hung loosely on a thin rope, i.e., in conditions 
of the minimum number of ties, in isolation from friction (Figure 1), and was stimulated by impulse
of the minimum number of ties, in isolation from friction (Figure 1), and was stimulated by impulse 
stroke. Then, the 
stroke.  Then,  the pipe 
pipe vibrations 
vibrations were 
were recorded 
recorded in in two
two  mutually
mutually  perpendicular directions in
perpendicular  directions  in  the
frequency range from 0 to 6 kHz. The methodology of vibration generation using the
frequency range from 0 to 6 kHz. The methodology of vibration generation using the acoustic method  acoustic method
and the
the devices, sensors
devices,  sensors and software
and  usedused 
software  are described in more
are  described  in detail
more indetail 
in  In order to
[28,29].  In eliminate
order  to 
the instability of most arc welding methods during vibration process, it was decided to use a laser
eliminate the instability of most arc welding methods during vibration process, it was decided to use 
source, which, by its nature, guarantees the stable and repeatable welding of the substrates in these
a laser source, which, by its nature, guarantees the stable and repeatable welding of the substrates in 
conditions. Welding
these  conditions.  tests were
Welding  carried
tests  were out in a flat
carried  out position parallel
in  a  flat  to the
position  pipe axis.
parallel  Weld
to  the  penetrations
pipe  axis.  Weld 
were obtained: Without the participation of mechanical vibrations, and with the participation
penetrations  were  obtained:  Without  the  participation  of  mechanical  vibrations,  and  with  the  of
participation of acoustically generated mechanical vibrations. A CO2 laser with fast longitudinal flow 
of VFA2500 type from Wegmann–Baasel (Aschheim, Germany) was used for welding. It can work in 
pulse or constant mode in the power range from 100 to 2500 W. The radiation wave generated by the 
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 4 of 18

acoustically generated mechanical vibrations. A CO2 laser with fast longitudinal flow of VFA2500 type
from Wegmann–Baasel (Aschheim, Germany) was used for welding. It can work in pulse or constant
mode in the power range from 100 to 2500 W. The radiation wave generated by the laser is 10.6 µm
long. A mixture of CO2 , N2 and He gases was used as protection. In the experiments, a helium blast in
the beam axis was used with a capacity of 10 L/min through a nozzle 4 mm in diameter spaced from
the parent material surface by 5 mm. A beam of coherent light was used, which was 1 mm in diameter
on the surface of the workpiece and in the TEM 10 mode. As the focus (d = 0.4 mm) of the beam fell
above the surface, it was impossible to obtain a steam channel. This was dictated by the desire to obtain
Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW  5  of  19 
a larger size of the metal pool, thus allowing for easier observation of changes in its structure after
crystallization. As a result,
Table  2.  Welding  linear and 
parameters  welds with a length
specification  of about
regarding  the 150 mm arranged
introduced  parallel
vibrations:  to the pipe
axis on its outer[Hz], 
frequency  surface were obtained:
P—power  Weld
of  the  laser  No.v—welding 
[W],  1, with vibrations at a frequency
speed  [m/min],  of 50
direction  of  Hz introduced
transversely to the axis and perpendicular
introduction according to Figure 2a–c.  to the surface of the pipe; weld No. 2, with vibrations at
a frequency of 50 Hz introduced along the pipe axis to its interior; weld No. 3, with vibrations at
a frequencyWeld No.  F [Hz] 
of 1385 Hz introduced P [W] the pipe
along V [m/min]  Direction of Vibration 
axis to its interior; weld No. 4, reached without
1  50  1150  0.5 
vibrations; and weld No. 5, with vibrations at a frequency of 110 Hz introduced transverse 
along the pipe axis to
2  50  1150  0.5  longitudinal 
its interior. Figures 3 and 4 show the two ways of introducing acoustic vibrations—transversely and
longitudinally—in 3  relation 1385 
to the pipe1150  0.5  Laser weldinglongitudinal 
axis, respectively. parameters and specifications
4  ‐  1150 
regarding the introduced vibrations are presented in Table 2. 0.5  ‐ 
5  110  1150  0.5  longitudinal 

(a)  (b) 


Figure 2. Introduction of acoustic vibrations transversely to the axis of the pipe, perpendicular to its 
Figure 2. Introduction of acoustic vibrations transversely to the axis of the pipe, perpendicular to its
surface (a), along the axis of the pipe, into its interior (b), area of welding (c): 1—pipe dimensions, 2—
surface (a), along the axis of the pipe, into its interior (b), area of welding (c): 1—pipe dimensions,
Bruel and Kjaer type 1023 harmonics generator, 3—the 2734 amplifier, 4—Bruel and Kjaer type 4295 
2—Bruel and Kjaer type 1023 harmonics generator, 3—the 2734 amplifier, 4—Bruel and Kjaer type 4295
sound source, 5—Bruel and Kjaer type 2236 m, 6—laser head. 
sound source, 5—Bruel and Kjaer type 2236 m, 6—laser head.

For  the
the generation
generation  of
of  acoustic
acoustic  vibrations,
vibrations,  the
the  Bruel
Bruel  and
and Kjaer
Kjaer type
type 1023
1023 harmonics
harmonics generator
with the 2734 amplifier (Bruel and Kjaer, Naerum, Denmark) was used, as well as the Bruel
with the 2734 amplifier (Bruel and Kjaer, Naerum, Denmark) was used, as well as the Bruel and Kjaer and Kjaer
type 4295 sound source. The Bruel and Kjaer type 2236 m was used to measure the sound pressure
type 4295 sound source. The Bruel and Kjaer type 2236 m was used to measure the sound pressure 
level. In welding tests, sound signals with a constant sound pressure level of approximately 100 dB
level. In welding tests, sound signals with a constant sound pressure level of approximately 100 dB 
(effective value of the acoustic pressure amplitude is about 2 Pa) were used.
(effective value of the acoustic pressure amplitude is about 2 Pa) were used. 
After  performing  experimental  welding  tests,  five  longitudinal  welds  were  obtained,  which 
were subjected to comparative metallographic tests and Vickers hardness measurements at a load of 
100 g. 
Metallographic  tests  of  the  samples  were  carried  out  with  an  OLYMPUS  BX51M  optical 
microscope  (Olympus  Optical  Co.,  Ltd.,  Tokyo,  Japan)  with  Stream  Essential  v.  2.3  software  (, 
Olympus Optical Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) and an electron microscope JEOL JSM‐7600F (JEOL Ltd., 
Tokyo, Japan) to obtain images on the cross‐section of welds and the surface distribution of elements. 
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 5 of 18

Table 2. Welding parameters and specification regarding the introduced vibrations: f —acoustic
frequency [Hz], P—power of the laser [W], v—welding speed [m/min], direction of vibrations
introduction according to Figure 2a–c.

Weld No. F [Hz] P [W] V [m/min] Direction of Vibration

1 50 1150 0.5 transverse
2 50 1150 0.5 longitudinal
3 1385 1150 0.5 longitudinal
4 - 1150 0.5 -
5 110 1150 0.5 longitudinal

After performing experimental welding tests, five longitudinal welds were obtained, which were
subjected to comparative metallographic tests and Vickers hardness measurements at a load of 100 g.
Metallographic tests of the samples were carried out with an OLYMPUS BX51M optical microscope
(Olympus Optical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) with Stream Essential v. 2.3 software (Olympus Optical Co.
Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) and an electron microscope JEOL JSM-7600F (JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) to obtain
images on the cross-section of welds and the surface distribution of elements.

3. Results
Materials of13,
2020, thex geometry, structure and properties of the obtained welds were preceded by determining
the resonance frequency of the welded object, which was the pipe. Then, optical and electron
and was
elemental performed, distribution
concentration and granular structure
were analysis,
examined. weld geometry
The results measurements
of these studies and
are presented
below. concentration distribution were examined. The results of these studies are presented below.

3.1. Resonance
3.1. Resonance Frequency
Frequency Determining
The first
The firstimportant
important research stepstep
research was to
wasdetermine the resonance
to determine frequencyfrequency
the resonance of the pipeof
the pipe
the welding process. Stimulation with vibrations in the resonance area results in a
undergoing the welding process. Stimulation with vibrations in the resonance area results in a highhigh amplitude of
vibrations, aofparticular
amplitude gainaoccurs
vibrations, whengain
particular the forced
when the is equal
forcedto frequency
the characteristic resonance
is equal to the
frequency of the object. In the case of welding, the effect of using vibrations with a resonant
characteristic resonance frequency of the object. In the case of welding, the effect of using vibrations frequency
may not
with give the best
a resonant result in
frequency terms
may notofgive
structure and result
the best mechanical properties.
in terms However,
of structure anddetermining
properties. However, determining the resonance frequency will be treated as a referenceresults
the resonance frequency will be treated as a reference point in these studies. The obtained of
point in
the experiment carried out to determine the natural vibrations are presented by the vibrations
these studies. The obtained results of the experiment carried out to determine the natural vibrations spectra
in Figure
are 3a, the vibrations spectra in Figure 3a,b.

(a) (b)

Figure 3. The spectrum of vibration acceleration: (a) x-axis and (b) y-axis depending on the frequency.
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 6 of 18

Analyzing the course of the graphs of the natural vibrations amplitude for the vibrations frequency
value, it can be clearly seen that the resonant frequency determined on the basis of vibrations in the x-
and y-axis is about 1385 Hz.

3.2. Shape Factors of Welds

Geometry parameters were performed on cross-sections of the obtained weld penetrations
in half of their length. A magnification of 200× was used to show significant differences in the
microstructure of individual joint penetration areas. Metallographic images of welds allowed us to
assess the width of the face B, depth of penetration H and allowed to calculate the shape factor B/H.
All listed geometrical features were determined based on three samples obtained with a specific set
of technological parameters and are presented in Table 2, while shape parameters are presented in
Table 3 and Figure 4. The results regarding the shape factors are the arithmetic mean of the three cross
sections. In the course of metallographic tests, the differences in the measured values were within the
range of +/− 10 µm

Table 3. Parameters during tests. f —vibrations frequency, P—power of the laser, Direction—direction
of vibrations introduction, B—face width, H—depth of penetration, B/H—weld shape factor.

Weld No. F [Hz] P [W] Direction B [µm] H [µm] B/H

Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW  7  of  19 
1 50 1150 transverse 619 201 3.08
2 50 1150 longitudinal 505 238 2.12
3 3 1385 
1385 1150 
1150 longitudinal 
longitudinal 603 
603 196 
196 3.08 
4 - 1150 - 762 162 4.70
4  ‐  1150  ‐  762  162  4.70 
5 110 1150 longitudinal 568 216 2.63
5  110  1150  longitudinal  568  216  2.63 

(a)  (b)  (c) 
Figure 4. Geometrical factors of five obtained welds: (a) width of face B, (b) depth of weld H, (c) shape 
Figure 4. Geometrical factors of five obtained welds: (a) width of face B, (b) depth of weld H, (c) shape
factor B/H. 
factor B/H.

It is noteworthy that in general, with the use of vibrations, the width of the face decreases in 
It is noteworthy that in general, with the use of vibrations, the width of the face decreases in
relation to welding attempts without the use of vibrations. This effect is most clearly visible in the 
relation to welding attempts without the use of vibrations. This effect is most clearly visible in the case
case of vibrations with a frequency of 50 Hz introduced along the axis of the pipe (weld No. 2). The 
of vibrations with a frequency of 50 Hz introduced along the axis of the pipe (weld No. 2). The depth
depth of penetration in this case increases the most. One can also observe a correlation with the B/H 
of penetration in this case increases the most. One can also observe a correlation with the B/H shape
factor, factor, which 
which reaches reaches  the  minimum 
the minimum in the testin 
No.the 2.test 
An No.  2.  An  interesting 
interesting observationobservation  is  that  the 
is that the introduction
introduction of vibrations with a frequency of 50 Hz transversely to the axis of the pipe, which took 
of vibrations with a frequency of 50 Hz transversely to the axis of the pipe, which took place in test
place in test No. 1, caused an increase in B and a decrease in H in relation to weld No. 2. This indicates 
No. 1, caused an increase in B and a decrease in H in relation to weld No. 2. This indicates a greater
a greater efficiency of vibrations introduced longitudinally to the welding direction. 
efficiency of vibrations introduced longitudinally to the welding direction.

3.3. Optical Microcopy, Grain Analyses and Hardness Distribution 
The structures of the obtained welds were compared at 200 × magnification, which allowed us 
to evaluate the specifics of the grain structure, their directivity and size in accordance with ASTM E 
112‐13. Figure 5a,c,e,g,i,k contain photos of representative structures of the basic material and those 
obtained after welding using a laser with the effect of acoustic vibrations of different frequencies and 
without the use of vibrations. As a result of using the Stream Essential v. 2.3 software, the distribution 
of grains of a given size was determined and the results are shown in Figure 5b,d,f,h,j,l. 
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3  1385  1150  longitudinal  603  196  3.08 

3.3. Optical Microcopy, Grain Analyses and Hardness Distribution
4  ‐  1150  ‐  762  162  4.70 
The structures of the obtained welds were compared at 200× magnification, which allowed us
5  110  1150  longitudinal  568  216  2.63 
to evaluate the specifics of the grain structure, their directivity and size in accordance with ASTM E
112-13. Figure 5a,c,e,g,i,k contain photos of representative structures of the basic material and those
obtained after welding using a laser with the effect of acoustic vibrations of different frequencies and
without the use of vibrations. As a result of using the Stream Essential v. 2.3 software, the distribution
of grains of a given size was determined and the results are shown in Figure 5b,d,f,h,j,l.
The grain size test was carried out near the face of the obtained joints in the area of a rectangle
with sides 105/90 µm, which was marked in the micrographs in Figure 5. The maximum of the grain
size curve in the case of weld No. 2 (obtained as a result of the impact of vibrations with a frequency of
50 Hz introduced (a) longitudinally into the inside of(b)  (c) 
the tube) is shifted towards the smaller grains, and
therefore the larger grain size number. The course of the remaining curves obtained for welds No. 1
Figure 4. Geometrical factors of five obtained welds: (a) width of face B, (b) depth of weld H, (c) shape 
and 5factor B/H. 
in Figure 5m is very similar and no major differences can be found.
Hardness was tested on the cross-sections of welds using the Vickers method at a load of 100 g and,
It is noteworthy that in general, with the use of vibrations, the width of the face decreases in 
as was the case with shape parameters before, one point on the graph was obtained as the arithmetic
relation to welding attempts without the use of vibrations. This effect is most clearly visible in the 
mean of three measurements. The results obtained are shown in Figure 6.
case of vibrations with a frequency of 50 Hz introduced along the axis of the pipe (weld No. 2). The 
In the case of weld No. 4 (Figure 6a) obtained without vibration support, a significant increase in
depth of penetration in this case increases the most. One can also observe a correlation with the B/H 
hardness can be observed in the area of the heat-affected zone at a depth of 50 µm (approximately
shape  factor, which  reaches  the  minimum  in  the  test  No.  2.  An  interesting  observation  is  that  the 
325HV0.1) and a slight increase in the axis of weld metal (250HV0.1). The results of the hardness
introduction of vibrations with a frequency of 50 Hz transversely to the axis of the pipe, which took 
measurement along the weld axis (Figure 6b) at a depth of about 100 µm showed a hardness of about
place in test No. 1, caused an increase in B and a decrease in H in relation to weld No. 2. This indicates 
a greater efficiency of vibrations introduced longitudinally to the welding direction. 
Weld No. 1 (Figure 6c), which was obtained with a vibration of 50 Hz that was introduced
transversely in the heat-affected zones at a depth of 50 µm, did not exceed 240HV0.1, and in the weld
3.3. Optical Microcopy, Grain Analyses and Hardness Distribution 
metal center, the hardness oscillates around the value of 200HV0.1. Measurements along the weld axis
The structures of the obtained welds were compared at 200 × magnification, which allowed us 
(Figure 6d) at a depth of approximately 200 µm show an increase to 350HV0.1.
to evaluate the specifics of the grain structure, their directivity and size in accordance with ASTM E 
Weld No. 2 (Figure 6e), obtained with the use of a 50 Hz vibration introduced longitudinally in
112‐13. Figure 5a,c,e,g,i,k contain photos of representative structures of the basic material and those 
the heat-affected zones at a depth of 50 µm, oscillates around 245HV0.1, and in the weld metal center,
obtained after welding using a laser with the effect of acoustic vibrations of different frequencies and 
the hardness does not exceed 270HV0.1. Measurements along the weld axis (Figure 6f) at a depth of
without the use of vibrations. As a result of using the Stream Essential v. 2.3 software, the distribution 
approximately 200 µm showed an increase to 350HV0.1.
of grains of a given size was determined and the results are shown in Figure 5b,d,f,h,j,l. 

(a)  (b) 
Figure 5. Cont.
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 8 of 18
Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW  8  of  19 

(c)  (d) 

(e)  (f) 

(g)  (h) 

(i)  (j) 

Figure 5. Cont.
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 9 of 18
Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW  9  of  19 

(k)  (l) 

Figure 5. Representative structure and percentage grain distribution of the rectangle area 05/90 µm of:
Figure 5. Representative structure and percentage grain distribution of the rectangle area 05/90 μm 
(a,b) parent material—average grain size 11.58, (c,d) face of weld No. 4 without vibration—average
of: (a,b) parent material—average grain size 11.58, (c,d) face of weld No. 4 without vibration—average 
grain size number 11.02, (e,f) face of weld No. 1 (50 Hz transverse)—average grain size 11.16, (g,h) face
grain size number 11.02, (e,f) face of weld No. 1 (50 Hz transverse)—average grain size 11.16, (g,h) 
of weld No. 2 (50 Hz longitudinal)—average grain size 11.26, (i,j) face of weld No. 3(1385 Hz
face of weld No. 2 (50 Hz longitudinal)—average grain size 11.26, (i,j) face of weld No. 3(1385 Hz 
longitudinal)—average grain size 11.12, (k,l) face of weld No. 5 (110 Hz longitudinal)—average grain
longitudinal)—average grain size 11.12, (k,l) face of weld No. 5 (110 Hz longitudinal)—average grain 
size 10.80, (m) summary chart.
size 10.80, (m) summary chart. 

Weld No. 3 (Figure 6g), obtained with the use of 1385 Hz vibrations introduced longitudinally
The grain size test was carried out near the face of the obtained joints in the area of a rectangle 
in the heat-affected zones at a depth of 50 µm, reached about 300HV0.1, while in the weld metal
with sides 105/90 μm, which was marked in the micrographs in Figure 5. The maximum of the grain 
center (Figure 6h), the hardness changed quite significantly from about 160HV0.1 at a depth of 50 µm
size curve in the case of weld No. 2 (obtained as a result of the impact of vibrations with a frequency 
to, at a distance of 120 µm from the face, approximately 110HV0.1, and then at 200 µm it reached
of 50 Hz introduced longitudinally into the inside of the tube) is shifted towards the smaller grains, 
approximately 245HV0.1.
and therefore the larger grain size number. The course of the remaining curves obtained for welds 
In the case of weld No. 5 (Figure 6i), obtained with the use of vibrations with a frequency of
No. 1 and 5 in Figure 5m is very similar and no major differences can be found. 
110 Hz introduced longitudinally in the heat-affected zones at a depth of 50 µm, it oscillated around
Hardness was tested on the cross‐sections of welds using the Vickers method at a load of 100 g 
and,  as  was while
the in thewith 
case  weldshape 
metal axis (Figure 6j),
parameters  the hardness
before,  fluctuated
one  point  quite significantly
on  the  graph  was  obtained from
as  the
value of about 200HV0.1 at a depth of 50 µm to approximately 110HV0.1 at
arithmetic mean of three measurements. The results obtained are shown in Figure 6.  a distance of 200 µm from
the face, and then to approximately 280HV0.1 at 200 µm.
In the case of the weld No. 1, which was obtained with the assistance of vibrations with a
frequency of 50 Hz supplied from the outside, perpendicular to the pipe surface, the highest hardness
value was recorded at a depth of 200 µm (350HV0.1). This may be the result of the direct impact of
cyclic changes in acoustic pressure on the molten metal pool. This process could increase the cooling
rate and affect the argon shield at the welding site.
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 10 of 18
Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW  10  of  19 

(a)  (b) 

(c)  (d) 

(e)  (f) 

(g)  (h) 

Figure 6. Cont.
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 11 of 18
Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW  11  of  19 

(i)  (j) 
Figure 6. Hardness distribution: Close to the weld face line (a,c,e,g,i, and in the center of weld at depth 
Figure 6. Hardness distribution: Close to the weld face line (a,c,e,g,i), and in the center of weld at
direction (b,d,f,h,j). 
depth direction (b,d,f,h,j).

3.4. SEM and EDX Examination

In the case of weld No. 4 (Figure 6a) obtained without vibration support, a significant increase 
in hardness can be observed in the area of the heat‐affected zone at a depth of 50 μm (approximately 
In an attempt to elucidate the changes in structure due to the impact of acoustic vibrations,
325HV0.1) and 
SEM and EDX tests a  slight 
wereincrease  the axis 
The mostof  interesting
weld metal results
(250HV0.1).  The  results 
are presented of  the 
in Figure 7. hardness 
measurement along the weld axis (Figure 6b) at a depth of about 100 μm showed a hardness of about 
Interesting changes in the structure were observed by SEM images taken of the face area of
the weld center (Figure 7). At a magnification of 2500 times, the biggest difference can be seen in
the face No.  1 
zone’s (Figure between
structure 6c),  which 
reachedwith  a  vibration 
within vibration of 
and 50 the
Hz corresponding
that  was  introduced 
area in
transversely in the heat‐affected zones at a depth of 50 μm, did not exceed 240HV0.1, and in the weld 
the welds obtained with the support of acoustic vibrations with a frequency of 1385 Hz introduced
metal center, the hardness oscillates around the value of 200HV0.1. Measurements along the weld 
axially. In other cases, the differences are less noticeable, although they do occur. It is clear here that a
axis (Figure 6d) at a depth of approximately 200 μm show an increase to 350HV0.1. 
distinctive area resembling an imbalanced structure was created that does not occur in other cases.
The SEMWeld No. 2 (Figure 6e), obtained with the use of a 50 Hz vibration introduced longitudinally in 
studies in Figure 7a,c,e,g,i show the structures in weld center areas, and those in the face
the heat‐affected zones at a depth of 50 μm, oscillates around 245HV0.1, and in the weld metal center, 
zone are shown in Figure 7b,d,f,h,j. It can be noticed here that when using acoustic vibrations with
the hardness does not exceed 270HV0.1. Measurements along the weld axis (Figure 6f) at a depth of 
a resonance frequency of 1385 Hz during welding, the crystallites are clearly arranged in different
approximately 200 μm showed an increase to 350HV0.1. 
directions. The same happens when using vibrations with a lower frequency of 50 Hz introduced
Weld No. 3 (Figure 6g), obtained with the use of 1385 Hz vibrations introduced longitudinally 
transversely and axially. When using of acoustic vibrations introduced axially with a frequency of
110 Hz, the change iszones 
the  heat‐affected  at  a  depth  of  50  μm,  reached  about  300HV0.1,  while  in  the  weld  metal 
less pronounced.
center (Figure 6h), the hardness changed quite significantly from about 160HV0.1 at a depth of 50 μm 
As a result of laser welding of the pipe, a thin layer of iron, silicon, aluminum and manganese,
to, at a distance of 120 μm from the face, approximately 110HV0.1, and then at 200 m it reached 
about 10 µm thick, forms on the surface. These are probably separations of alloy components of melted
approximately 245HV0.1. 
steel. In Figure 8, you can see a comparison of the structure of the obtained layers in different samples.
In the case of weld No. 5 (Figure 6i), obtained with the use of vibrations with a frequency of 110 
It is clear that the face of weld No. 4 (Figure 8a), reached with a vibration-free laser, is characterized
Hz  introduced  longitudinally 
by a lack of structure in  the 
orientation, heat‐affected 
unlike the otherzones  In
a  depth  of  50 
the case of μm, 
weldit No.
oscillated  around 
1 (Figure 8b),
250HV0.1, while in the weld metal axis (Figure 6j), the hardness fluctuated quite significantly from 
fused with vibration with a frequency of 50 Hz introduced transversely, and in the case of weld No. 5,
the value of about 200HV0.1 at a depth of 50 μm to approximately 110HV0.1 at a distance of 200 μm 
obtained with the longitudinal introduction of vibrations with a frequency of 110 Hz, a clear decrease in
from the face, and then to approximately 280HV0.1 at 200 μm. 
the silicon concentration in the face can be observed. The case of weld No. 2 obtained with a vibration
In  the  case  of  the  weld  No.  1,  which  was  obtained  with  the  assistance  of  vibrations  with  a 
of 50 Hz (Figure 8c) introduced longitudinally shows that we are dealing with a clear fragmentation
frequency of 50 Hz supplied from the outside, perpendicular to the pipe surface, the highest hardness 
of precipitates with a visible orientation here. This orientation of the precipitates perpendicular to
value was recorded at a depth of 200 μm (350HV0.1). This may be the result of the direct impact of 
the surface of the pipe is most apparent in the case of weld No. 3, obtained with the introduction of
cyclic changes in acoustic pressure on the molten metal pool. This process could increase the cooling 
vibrations with a resonance frequency of 1385 Hz (Figure 8e).
rate and affect the argon shield at the welding site. 

3.4. SEM and EDX Examination 
In an attempt to elucidate the changes in structure due to the impact of acoustic vibrations, SEM 
and EDX tests were conducted. The most interesting results are presented in Figure 7. 
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 12 of 18

10 μm 10 μm

(a) (b)

10 μm 10 μm
(c) (d)

10 μm 10 μm

(e) (f)

Figure 7. Cont.
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 13 of 18
Materials 2020, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW  13  of  19 

10 m 10 m
(g)  (h) 

10 m 10 m
(i)  (j) 
Figure 7. SEM images (2500 ×): in the face zone—(a) weld No. 4; (c) weld No. 1; (e) weld No. 2; (g) 
Figure 7. SEM images (2500 ×): in the face zone—(a) weld No. 4; (c) weld No. 1; (e) weld No. 2;
weld No. 3; (i) weld No. 5 and in the center of welds—(b) weld No. 4; (d) weld No. 1; (f) weld No. 2; 
(g) weld No. 3; (i) weld No. 5 and in the center of welds—(b) weld No. 4; (d) weld No. 1; (f) weld No.
(h) weld No. 3; (j) weld No. 5. 
2; (h) weld No. 3; (j) weld No. 5.

The results of the SEM and EDX examination of the surface layer of the obtained welds show
Interesting changes in the structure were observed by SEM images taken of the face area of the 
specific differences in the morphology of the joints fused with a laser and subjected to acoustic
weld center (Figure 7). At a magnification of 2500 times, the biggest difference can be seen in the face 
vibrations. This is shown in Figure 8.
zone’s structure between the weld reached within vibration and the corresponding area in the welds 
obtained with the support of acoustic vibrations with a frequency of 1385 Hz introduced axially. In 
other cases, the differences are less noticeable, although they do occur. It is clear here that a distinctive 
area resembling an imbalanced structure was created that does not occur in other cases. The SEM 
studies in Figure 7a,c,e,g,i show the structures in weld center areas, and those in the face zone are 
shown in Figure 7b,d,f,h,j. It can be noticed here that when using acoustic vibrations with a resonance 
frequency of 1385 Hz during welding, the crystallites are clearly arranged in different directions. The 
same happens when using vibrations with a lower frequency of 50 Hz introduced transversely and 
axially. When using of acoustic vibrations introduced axially with a frequency of 110 Hz, the change 
is less pronounced. 
As a result of laser welding of the pipe, a thin layer of iron, silicon, aluminum and manganese, 
about  10  m  thick,  forms  on  the  surface.  These  are  probably  separations  of  alloy  components  of 
melted steel. In Figure 8, you can see a comparison of the structure of the obtained layers in different 
samples.  It  is  clear  that  the  face  of  weld  No.  4  (Figure  8a),  reached  with  a  vibration‐free  laser,  is 
characterized  by  a  lack  of  structure  orientation,  unlike  the  other  cases.  In  the  case  of  weld  No.  1 
(Figure 8b), fused with vibration with a frequency of 50 Hz introduced transversely, and in the case 
of weld No. 5, obtained with the longitudinal introduction of vibrations with a frequency of 110 Hz, 
a  clear  decrease  in  the  silicon  concentration  in  the  face  can  be  observed.  The  case  of  weld  No.  2 
with  a  clear  fragmentation  of  precipitates  with  a  visible  orientation  here.  This  orientation  of  the 
precipitates  perpendicular  to  the  surface  of  the  pipe  is  most  apparent  in  the  case  of  weld  No.  3, 
obtained with the introduction of vibrations with a resonance frequency of 1385 Hz (Figure 8e). 
The results of the SEM and EDX examination of the surface layer of the obtained welds show 
specific 2020,
Materials differences 
13, 4179 in  the  morphology  of  the  joints  fused  with  a  laser  and  subjected  to  acoustic 
14 of 18
vibrations. This is shown in Figure 8. 

(a)  (b) 

(c)  (d) 


Figure 8. SEM and surface distribution of Si in the face of weld; (a) weld No. 4 made without acoustic 
Figure 8. SEM and surface distribution of Si in the face of weld; (a) weld No. 4 made without acoustic
vibration, (b) weld No. 1 (50 Hz with transverse propagation of acoustic vibration), (c) weld No. 2 (50 
vibration, (b) weld No. 1 (50 Hz with transverse propagation of acoustic vibration), (c) weld No. 2 (50
Hz with longitudinal propagation of acoustic vibration), (d) weld No. 3 (1385 Hz with longitudinal 
Hz with longitudinal propagation of acoustic vibration), (d) weld No. 3 (1385 Hz with longitudinal
propagation of acoustic vibration), (e) weld No. 5 (110 Hz with longitudinal propagation of acoustic 
propagation of acoustic vibration), (e) weld No. 5 (110 Hz with longitudinal propagation of acoustic

4. Discussion
4. Discussion 
The presented results show that the acoustic vibrations input can affect both the geometry of the
The presented results show that the acoustic vibrations input can affect both the geometry of the 
weld and its face’s microstructure. The scale of these changes is not comparable with effects reached in
weld and its face’s microstructure. The scale of these changes is not comparable with effects reached 
other methods that directly introduce vibrations [1,2,5,10,18,25], but they give the opportunity to reach
in other methods that directly introduce vibrations [1,2,5,10,18,25], but they give the opportunity to 
constant conditions in the welding place using contactless supplying vibration, as in [16,25].
reach constant conditions in the welding place using contactless supplying vibration, as in [16,25]. 
As a result of the conducted tests, the obtained welds did not clearly indicate any tendency.
As a result of the conducted tests, the obtained welds did not clearly indicate any tendency. Each 
Each one of them deserves attention. Therefore, the support with vibrations of 50 Hz supplied from
one of them deserves attention. Therefore, the support with vibrations of 50 Hz supplied from the 
the outside perpendicular to the pipe contributed to the achievement of the highest hardness in the
outside perpendicular to the pipe contributed to the achievement of the highest hardness in the weld 
weld No. 1. The reason could be increased cooling and interaction with the shielding gas.
No. 1. The reason could be increased cooling and interaction with the shielding gas. 
The maximum depth of penetration and, at the same time, the minimum width of the face were
obtained in the case of a weld treated to 50 Hz vibrations spreading axially inside the pipe (weld No. 2).
The reasons can be found in the transverse stresses generated by the cyclic change of the sound pressure
inside the pipe.
The grain size decreased the most when exposed to vibrations of 50 Hz, propagating along the
pipe axis (weld No. 2).
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 15 of 18

SEM tests, on the other hand, showed the greatest differences in the structure of the top layer for
a weld treated with vibrations of resonance frequency. Practically all vibration assisted welds differ
in this area from the vibration-free welds. It can be see the directional arrangement of crystallites
perpendicular to the surface.
It can be seen that the lower vibration frequency permits the higher weld penetration depth.
The direction of the vibrations introduction is important-when they are introduced transversely
to the axis of the weld or axially, a much lower penetration can be observed than in the case of a
longitudinal direction.
Supporting the laser welding method with the introduction of acoustic vibrations has a particularly
strong impact around the fusion line. Without vibrations, the fusion line is blurred, and it is difficult to
determine it clearly; there is also a wide heat-affected zone. With the support of vibrations, the fusion
line becomes clearly visible and the heat-affected zone decreases noticeably.
The grain size of the weld supported with vibrations is reduced. The smallest grains were
observed in the case of longitudinal introduction of acoustic vibrations with a frequency of 110 Hz.
Hardness measurements showed that the longitudinal introduction of acoustic vibrations generally
reduced the hardness value (by approximately 50HV0.1) in the heat-affected zone, regardless of the
vibration frequency used. At a resonance frequency of 1385 Hz, the decrease in hardness in relation to
the weld obtained without vibrations was small and amounted to about 25HV0.1. When transverse
acoustic vibrations were applied, the hardness also decreased by about 50HV0.1, but at 200 µm below
the face, it increased to 350HV0.1. This may indicate a shift deeper the in equipotential surface
associated with the heat-affected zone.
SEM investigations have shown significant differences between the structure of areas adjacent to
the weld face obtained with the support of acoustic vibrations with a resonance frequency of 1385 Hz
and that obtained with a non-vibration weld. The use of lower frequency vibrations led to these
significant differences no longer being observed. Acoustic vibrations with a resonant frequency seem to
bring about the largest changes in the structure obtained in the face area. Other deeper zones, such as
the center, fusing lines or heat-affected zone do not show any greater differences.
The fragmentation of the structure can be achieved by the longitudinal introduction of vibrations
inside the pipe, which explains the uniform transverse stresses in the basic pipe material.
The most pronounced directionality of the weld face crystal structure occurs when using vibrations
with a resonant frequency, where the direction of crystal growth is perpendicular to the axis of the pipe.
The relationship of the vibration amplitude on the position of the sample in relation to the
excitation source was not the subject of research here, although it may have an impact on the obtained
effects. However, taking into account the relatively low frequency of acoustic vibrations, their length
is many times greater than the distance between the source of vibrations and the welding site used
in the experiment. Only in the case of a resonance frequency of 1385 Hz, the wavelength estimated
from the simple c/f relationship in the air is approximately 0.24 m. Assuming that the wave leaves the
source (transducer, loudspeaker) with the maximum amplitude, it is at a distance of approximately
0.24 m from the source it has only a slightly lower amplitude due to the damping effect (0.07–4 dB/km).
Taking into account the much lower frequency of 50 and 110 Hz, we obtain a wavelength in the air of
6.7 and 3 m. It will be different, of course, when the vibrations penetrate into the metal (steel) because
the velocity of the longitudinal wave in this case is approximately 5200 m/s and the distances here are
key problem.
According to the authors of item [16], who used vibrations with a frequency of 150 to 300 Hz,
the main effect on the changes in mechanical properties is their frequency.
On the other hand, the problem of oscillation of the molten metal pool formed by laser welding is
undoubtedly very important. Due to the fact that the melt pool vibration tests were not carried out
in this case, it is definitely worth referring to what the available publications write on this subject.
In one of them [30], model experiments and their comparison with experience were carried out. It has
been shown that even very small fluctuations in laser power can lead to strong oscillations in the
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 16 of 18

molten metal pool which is dominated by the natural frequency response. Since the occurring dynamic
phenomena are non-linear, bifurcation effects can occur, which tend to expand the natural frequency
peaks in the vibration spectrum of the pool. The determined Fourier spectra are in good agreement
with the corresponding measurements in the ultraviolet and near infrared ranges during industrial
CO2 laser welding. The presented model is limited to low beam velocity rates, native materials
of low thickness and a small diameter laser beam. This fits well with the experimental conditions
used in our article. It can therefore be assumed that the radius of the molten metal pool is small
compared to the thickness of the workpiece, as is the case here. Due to the small damping factor
of the pool’s radial oscillations, slight laser power fluctuations like 1% at the resonance frequency
are sufficient to produce amplitudes large enough for the keyhole to collapse, which can result in a
welding imperfections. The main resonant regions of the pool in a 1 mm thick iron element are between
500 and 3500 Hz, depending on the radius of the laser beam and the absorbed laser power. Due to
non-linearity, resonance effects can be doubled, or more moderate, at half the natural frequency if the
amplitudes are large enough. In addition, each resonance area is extended even by several 100 Hz
due to the bifurcation phenomenon. In the case of the TM10 beam mode used, there is an oscillation
of the pool, which resembles an ellipse that extends along the beam’s feed direction and shrinks in
the perpendicular direction. Although in the quoted item there is no analysis for TEM 10, it can be
noticed that assuming the beam speed of 1 m/min, the oscillation frequency of the pool for TEM00 is
approximately 230 Hz and for TEM20 approximately 60 Hz.
In another publication [31], it is mentioned that the pool vibration frequency is greater than
1 kHz observed both during spot welding and during welding with a moving beam. In the case of
spot welding with a 20 ms laser pulse, oscillations of the weld pool with a frequency in the range of
200–500 Hz were observed, which remained in the first 5 ms after the laser pulse. In the time interval
starting at 25 ms and ending about 40 ms from the start of the laser pulse, the oscillation frequency
increased to 1.3 kHz. The clotting time was found to be approximately equal to the pulse duration for
the spot welding.
In the third position [32], the pool vibration frequency is also close to the value of 200 Hz. It is
also indicated that the evolution of the face hump is not a mass movement but a propagation of the
phase front which is determined by the alloy ejection towards the sides of the molten metal pool.
In our research, the values of acoustic frequencies of 50, 110 and 1385 Hz were used. Two of
them are close to the values quoted in the first and third publications, while one (1385 Hz), being the
resonant frequency of the entire laser remelted element, is closer to the value suggested in the second
publication. Certainly, it is worth trying to use more frequency values in the 50–2000 Hz range in
future research, it would be possible to obtain more complete research. It would be even better to
determine numerically, analytically or experimentally the natural frequency of the pool oscillation for
a specific TEM mode, power, velocity rate and beam diameter, taking into account other important
parameters such as gas flow, material factors, etc. However, this is an issue for a separate publication
and it is possible that such attempts will be made.
To sum up, the frequency values used in our research described in this article are in the area close
to what were suggested.
In the results obtained here, such dependencies can be noticed, although it is not easy to establish
an indisputable trend at this stage of the research. In the future, it is planned to perform research with
the use of a greater number of frequency values, so as to capture important relationships.

5. Conclusions
A new non-contact method was presented, introducing vibrations into the welded area.
Its significant advantages include ensuring constant and repeatable vibration conditions at the
welding site and there being no need to ensure a solid assembly of the vibrating system, as opposed to
other contact methods of vibration introduction.
Materials 2020, 13, 4179 17 of 18

SEM and EDX and metallographic testing showed the impact of vibration frequency and direction
of their introduction on structures obtained in the surface layer during laser processing. The largest
structure changes occurred in the face area of the welds.
The weld dimensions obtained in these experiments were relatively small. In the future,
greater beam power should be considered to make the observed changes clearer.
Based on the research, it is not yet possible to clearly determine which direction of vibration or
their frequency is the most favorable, because it depends on the expectations. However, we here have
a chance for easier application in industrial conditions.
Additional tests in the future in which the frequency and acoustic vibration input angle change
more often would allow us to determine the "welding window". However, based on the obtained
results, it can be concluded that the proper selection of the direction of vibration introduction and
their frequency enables control of the surface layer structure and distribution of alloying elements,
which directly affects the properties of the obtained surface layer produced by laser processing with
the participation of acoustic vibrations.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.K.; methodology, G.K. and P.K.; software, G.K.; validation, A.K.
G.K. and M.C.; formal analysis, A.K. and G.K.; investigation, A.K., G.K., M.C. and P.K.; resources, A.K.; data
curation, M.C.; writing–original draft preparation, A.K.; writing–review and editing, A.K.; visualization, M.C.
G.K.; supervision, P.K.; project administration, A.K.; funding acquisition, A.K. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to
publish the results.

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