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Ultrasonic welding of dissimilar materials: A review

Article · June 2015

DOI: 10.21533/pen.v3i1.44


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2 authors, including:

Ali Gursel
Duzce University


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ISSN 2303-4521


Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015)
Available online at:

Ultrasonic welding of dissimilar materials: A review

International University of Sarajevo
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


During the last few years ultrasonic welding has become significant attention regarding its
suitable applications in comparison to traditional welding techniques. Bonding of dissimilar
materials has always been a challenging task due to poor control on grain size and sensitive
mechanical properties that could have been made by joining with traditional welding
techniques. Moreover, joining dissimilar materials such as Aluminum/steel, metal/glass,
Aluminum/copper had not been achieved without the usage of ultrasonic welding technique.
This work presents a review of literature regarding the usage of ultrasonic welding technique
in many applications. Additionally, this paper provides different examples and applications of
ultrasonic welding technique and its application. Main advantages of this technique are,
clean and undamaged exterior parts of weld, power savings, stable and strong bond, time

Keywords: ultrasonic welding (USW), dissimilar materials

1. Introduction nowadays similar and dissimilar

materials are bonded ultrasonically is
Ultrasonic welding is a joining because it does not damage the base
process where high frequency vibrations material. Bonding occurs with melting
are produced and converted into energy but the melting is not that high to cause
that is applied on work pieces that are breakage of materials. USW is suitable
held together under pressure. Energy for non-ferrous soft metals and their
produced as a product of vibrations is alloys such as aluminum, copper, brass,
joining pieces of materials together but silver and gold. [1] However, it is also
without melting. Ultrasonic welding suitable technique for joining metals
provides high quality joint such as titanium, nickel and their
between similar and dissimilar dissimilar combinations such
materials. The joint is made in two ways as Aluminum/steel, metal/ceramic,
either materials are deformed or metal/glass, Aluminum/copper. [2]
diffused and deformed together in order This paper focuses mainly on the usage
to join them and produce high quality of the ultrasonic welding technique for
weld. Commonly, polymers are welded joining disimilar materials and it
with ultrasonic technique, however, applications regarding electronic,
dissimilar materials are welded with airspace, medical industry and
this technique too. Main reason why automotive industry.

melting and roll melthod that had to be
2. Theoretical background further joined by ultrasonic wleding. A
bulk metallic glass of dimension 15mm x
The ultrasonic welding process consists 15 mm x 1mm was joined by the by
of five major components: power supply sonotrode that exerts a normal pressure
(providing electrical energy at high of 80 N with the vibration time from 0.3
freuency), piezoelectric transducer (part s to 4.0 s under constant frequency of
that converts electrical energy into 20 kHz. Figure 1 shows the
mechanical vibrations), wedge that morphologies and microstrucure of
amplifies mechanical work, sonotrode work pieces with respect to different
(enchances the amplitude of mechanical vibration times. The cross-section of the
vibrations), and pneumatic cylinder that work piece of bulk metallic glass is
provides clamping pressure during described by upper plate morphology
welding. [3] In USW two system and interfacial morphology. The welded
configurations are used wedge reed and interface is discontinously welded after
lateral derive. Wedge reed system is 0.3 s, thus, the optimum time for
more useful for joining of sheets with welding the bulk metallic glass is 1.0 s
large thickness due to that anvil acts as for vibration frequency of 20 kHz and
vibrating part and resonates out of exerted normal pressure of 80N. The
phase to the reed. Lateral derive system thickness of upper bulk metallic glass
is simple and it gives good results for significantly decreased after 1.0 s, and
thin specimens due to its lower rigidity. more after 4.0 s. The exerted force has
Main parameters during USW process been set constant to be 80 N for all
dependant on each other are vibration pieces of bulk metallic glass. The
amplitude, clamping force, power, morphological change occured due to
frequency, energy and time. Mostly the change in mechanical properties of
euipment available for USW ranges from the bulk metallic glass workpiece. Heat
15-75kHz. Nowdays, commonly used is that was supplied and transferred
20 kHz since at this frequency very high during ultrasonic welding process
strain rates (of order of 103-105s-1) and increased the temperature and has been
strains can be developed in a fraction of transfered to the bulk materials through
a second during the shearing of micron- conduction. Increase in the heat
sized asperities between welded supplied with the respect to time came
samples. [4] as a result in increasing the temperature
in bulk metallic glass workpiece that
3. Applications and usage of lead to its crystalization temperature.
ultrasonic welding The experiment has proven that by
using normal pressure of 80N and time
3.1 Use of ultrasonic welding on duration of vibration of 1 s and
Cu54Zr22Ti18Ni6 bulk metallic glass frequency of 20kHz has been welded 1
mm thich without any evidence of
A Cu54Zr22Ti18Ni6 bulk metallic glass has crystalization. The molecular strucuture
been produced by two proceses by arc

Figure 1: Cross-sectional morphologies and microstructures of joining workpieces with respect to time:
(a) and (d) duration of vibration 0.3 s, (b) and (e) duration of vibration is 1.0 s, (c) and (f) is 4.0 s [6]

of the Cu54Zr22Ti18Ni6 bulk metallic

glass has not been changed nor
destroyed making it perfectly to be used
in terms of developing further
nanocomposites for electronic
applications. [5]

3.1.1 Use of ultrasonic welding of 3003

Aluminium with 304 Stainless steel alloy Figure 2: Schematic diagram for ultrasonic
welding process device [8]
The ultrasonic welding process has been
Figure 3(a) shows the microstructure of
applied between two dissimilar
3003 Aluminum. When the ultrasonic
materials 3003 Aluminium alloy of
process is applied the external side of
300 m and Stainless steel alloy foil
3003 Aluminum experiences shear
of 50 m with 2.4 kW ultrasonic device.
forces. In figure 3(b) the structure is
The experiment included welding tip of
similar to lower weld energy of 75 J. As
8x6 mm attached to sonotrode as shown
the energy increased the
in figure 2. The workpieces were cut in
recrystaliyation point emergend along
length paralle to dimension of 25 x 100
the external surface of the 3003
mm2 and welded using 25 mm
Aluminum as shown in 3(c) and 3(d).
overlapping. Amplitude of vibration
The recrystalization apperead due to
was 58 m. Power of the ultrasonic device
temperature differences.
was 2.4 kW and energy varied in range
of 75 to 200J under different To sum up, when the normal pressure of
pressures. [7] 30 psi was applied the strength of the
bond was supplied with energy of 150 J.
It has to be pointed out that as the
Figure 3: Micrograph showing mictrostructure with different energies during ultrasonic welding [9]

normal pressure increases the strength 6–8% for each 10% reduction in weight
of the weld can be sucessfully achieved [17]. Magnesium (Mg) alloy, as the
at lower energy in shorter time period. lightest structural metallic material with
Moreover, as the energy of welding a density of 30% less than aluminum
increases thus the microstrucutre and one fourth of steel, has been
dissaperead and the weld recrystalized increasingly used in the transportation
due to temperature differences. industry to reduce the weight of motor
Additionally, the welding process vehicles [11,12,18–22]. However, the
performed with 125 J and 150 J energy concerns about poor corrosion
shows the maximum tensile load and is resistance and low room-temperature
characterized as a good weld as shown formability of Mg alloys limit a
in. The good quality weld with widespread structural application in
maximum tensile strenght is achieved as transportation industry [13–23].
a result of corresponding bond density Recently, roll cladding has been
is achieved. [10] identified as a promising technique to
improve the corrosion resistance and
3.2 Ultrasonic welding of Al/Mg/Al tri
formability of Mg alloys [24–31]. In
layered clad sheets
particular, Al-clad Mg alloy sheet can
Lightweighting has been regarded as a combine the corrosion resistance and
key strategy in the automotive and formability of an Al alloy with the high
aerospace industries to improve fuel strength-to-weight ratio of Mg substrate.
efficiency and reduce anthropogenic Several studies have shown the
environment-damaging, climate- successful cladding of Al on Mg alloy
changing, human death-causing and sheet using hot and cold rolling, which
costly emissions. [11-16] It has been resulted in good surface corrosion
reported that the fuel efficiency of resistance and improved formability
passenger vehicles can be enhanced by [24,25,32].

Additionally, ultrasonic welding (USW) (USW) process when holding the
can be used to join Al/Mg/Al tri-layered welding parameters constant. The
clad sheets, in order to investigate following conclusions were drawn:
weldability and identifying failure mode
1. Due to the synergistic effects of the
in relation to the welding energy. It was
ultrasonic energy and resistance heat,
observed that the application of a low
the peak power of ultrasonic vibration
welding energy of 100 J was able to
and the peak temperature of the weld
achieve the optimal welding condition
interface are increased significantly in
during USW at a very short welding time
of 0.1 s for the tri-layered clad sheets.
The optimal lap shear failure load 2. A thin, uniform, and continuous IMC
obtained was equivalent to that of the layer was observed at the faying surface
as-received Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad when the DC reached 1100 A. The IMC
sheets. With increasing welding energy, layer increases rapidly with increasing
the lap shear failure load initially the DC values. As the DC increased to
increased and then decreased after 1500 A, evidence of a solidified
reaching a maximum value. At a welding microstructure was observed at the
energy of 25 J, failure occurred in the weld interface. Both the EDS and XRD
mode of interfacial failure along the results confirm that the IMC layer is
center Al/Al weld interface due to mainly composed of CuAl2.
insufficient bonding. At a welding
energy of 50 J, 75 J and 100 J, failure was 3. The intermetallic reaction layer
also characterized by the interfacial resulted in a good metallurgical bonding
failure mode, but it occurred along the and increased the mechanical properties
Al/Mg clad interface rather than the of the Al–Cu dissimilar joints. The lap
center Al/Al weld interface, suggesting shear load reached a maximum value of
stronger bonding of the Al/Al weld 550 N at the DC level of 1100 A, while
interface than that of the Al/Mg clad for USW the maximum lap shear load
interface. The overall weld strength of was much lower (about 300 N) .
the Al/Mg/Al tri-layered clad sheets was
Copper and aluminum, with their high
thus governed by the Al/Mg clad
electrical and thermal conductivity, are
interface strength. At a welding energy
preferred in the electronics industries
of 125 J and 150 J, thinning of weld
and battery electric vehicles. Hence, a
nugget and extensive deformation at the
significant amount of Al–Cu joining is
edge of welding tip caused failure at the
needed to transmit electricity.
edge of nugget region, leading to a lower
Unfortunately, joining of Al–Cu by
lap shear failure load.
conventional fusion welding methods is
All in all, the resistance heat assisted difficult due to poor weldability, high
ultrasonic welding technique (RUSW) levels of distortion and rapid formation
were used. RUSW of 6061 aluminum to of bulk intermetallic compound (IMC).
pure copper was investigated via Therefore, solid-state welding methods,
comparison with the ultrasonic welding such as ultrasonic welding (USW) has

received much attention as alternative To conclude, USW of 1.5-mm thick
joining techniques for Al–Cu.[33] SiCp/2009Al–O and SiCp/2009Al–T6
composites was successfully achieved.
3.3 Solid-state ultrasonic spot welding of
Both types of welded joints exhibited
SiCp/2009Al composite sheets
higher volume fractions of SiC particles
It has been challenging to join aluminum in WZ, creating a distinctive band-like
matrix composites (AMCs) using structure consisting of crushed fine SiC
conventional fusion welding processes particles uniformly embedded in the
due to the occurrence of segregation and aluminum matrix. This was mainly
deleterious reactions between the attributed to the squeeze-out effect of
reinforcement particles and liquid softer Al during USW due to the severe
aluminum in the fusion zone. shear strain rate caused by the high
Development of robust welding frequency vibration energy. The
processes to join AMCs thus holds the generation of h phase during the aging
key in advanced lightweighting process of parent metal was re-
structural applications in the confirmed by XRD. The peaks of XRD
transportation sectors. The purpose of showed that volume fraction of h phase
the study was to explore the weldability before and after welding remains same.
of AMCs via a solid-state welding The WZ of the joints had a much higher
technique – ultrasonic spot welding hardness than that of their respective
(USW). In this study 1.5 mm thick 17 base metal due to the presence of finer
vol.% SiCp/2009Al composite sheets in and denser crushed SiC particles. The
the annealing (O) and T6 conditions 2000 J welded samples experienced
were subjected to USW, respectively, higher hardness than that of 1000 J
with the aim to demonstrate the welding welded samples. This occurred because
feasibility of the composites. at higher welding energy, high
Microstructure, X-ray diffraction, frequency (20 kHz) ultrasonic vibration
microhardness and lap shear tensile applies to the samples for longer period
tests were performed to evaluate the of time leads higher temperature, thus
weld zone (WZ) characteristics in the more Al being squeezed off in 2000 J
USW joints. A characteristic band energy input sample. The lap shear
consisting of finer and denser crushed tensile fracture load increased as the
SiC particles that were uniformly welding energy increased, and the
embedded in the aluminum matrix was maximum lap shear tensile load of the
observed to occur in the WZ. The WZ of USWed 2009Al–O/SiC and 2009Al–
both types of joints had a much higher T6/SiC composites was obtained to be
hardness than that of their respective 3.1 and 4.5 kN, respectively, which
base metal. The lap shear tensile fulfilled the requirements of AWS D17.2
fracture load increased with increasing standard.
welding energy and satisfied the
4. Conclusion
requirement of AWS standard D17.2 for
spot welding. [34] All the studies have shown that USW
technique satisfies criteria for joining

dissimilar materials with different automotive devices can be reduced that
thicknesses and composition leads to the fuel efficinecy and less
strucutures. Moreover, the process environment pollution. Most improtant
ultrasonic welding is environmentally fact is that the joints between dissimilar
friendly since no flux material is materials have high economic and
required in order to join materials. In industrial advantage. Aluminum is a
addition, energy used in ultrasonic material that is slightly hard to weld due
welding is under 2000 watts and it is to its high thermal conducticity, and that
completed in less than a half second, is the reason why ultrasonic welding
meaning that it uses very little energy. technique produces solid state weld that
This process does not change the is achieveable. Since Aluminum is a light
internal structure of material and due to its softness it makes
materials. Moreover, the duration of it suitable and commonly used material
ultrasonic welding technique finishes for aerospace engines.
very rapid and in short time intervals. It
provides reliability in combining
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