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Study of The Effect of The Combination of Protective Gases On The

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5 Nº2 - 2023

Facultad de Ingeniería
en Ciencias Aplicadas

Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the

structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit

Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3

Universidad de Otavalo, Otavalo, Ecuador
Universidad Técnica del Norte, Facultad de Ingeniería en Ciencias Aplicadas, Ibarra, Ecuador
Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica, Quito, Ecuador

Fecha de envío, mayo 8/2023 - Fecha de aceptación, septiembre 14/2023 - Fecha de publicación, septiembre 28/2023

Abstract: A weld bead's geometry directly influences the welded joint's physical characteristics and mechanical
performance. The composition of the shielding gas directly affects the form of metal transfer during the welding process
and, therefore, modifies the geometry of the weld seam obtained. In addition, metal transfer methods also influence
the configuration of the weld bead profile. The objective is to analyze the geometry of the weld bead with different
combinations of shielding gases and metal transfer modes in the continuous wire electric arc welding process with gas
shielding (GMAW). To achieve this objective, a methodology is proposed to analyze the weld bead's penetration and
other geometric parameters. This is achieved by varying the percentages of the gas mixture between Ar and CO2 and by
employing different types of metal transfer, such as short circuit, pulsed, and PMC multi-control pulsed. Generally, when
using only CO2 as shielding gas, a wide, round weld bead is obtained. If Ar alone is used, the weld bead profile has a
very thin shape and deep penetration. With the mixture of Ar and CO2, a bead is obtained with good penetration and
sufficient width to cover the two test tubes without empty spaces between the base and filler materials. The macrographic
analysis of the chords with their respective measurements is presented, and the geometric parameters of the obtained
chords are tabulated. The penetration of the bead is directly proportional to the percentage of CO2 present in the
mixture. In a comparison between the three transfer modes used with the same gas composition, it is found that the
pulsed spray mode produces greater penetration.
Keywords: Shielding gas, pulsed arc, pulse multi-control, penetration.

Resumen: La geometría de un cordón de soldadura influye directamente en las características físicas de la junta soldada
y en su desempeño mecánico. La composición del gas protector afecta directamente a la forma de transferencia de metal
durante el proceso de soldadura, y, por lo tanto, modifica la geometría del cordón de soldadura obtenido. Además, Los
métodos de transferencia de metal también influyen en la configuración del perfil del cordón de soldadura. Se tiene como
objetivo analizar la geometría del cordón de soldadura con diferentes combinaciones de gases de protección y modos de
transferencia de metal en el proceso de soldadura por arco eléctrico con alambre continuo y protección gaseosa (GMAW).
Para lograr este objetivo, se propone una metodología para analizar la penetración y otros parámetros geométricos del
cordón de soldadura. Esto se logra al variar los porcentajes de la mezcla de gas entre Ar y CO2 y al emplear diferentes
tipos de transferencia de metal, tales como: cortocircuito, pulsado y pulsado multicontrol PMC. En general, cuando se
utiliza solo CO2 como gas de protección, se obtiene un cordón de soldadura redondo y muy ancho. Si se utiliza solo Ar,
el perfil del cordón de soldadura tiene una forma muy delgada y con profunda penetración. Con la mezcla de Ar y CO2
se obtiene un cordón con buena penetración y un ancho suficiente para cubrir las dos probetas sin espacios vacíos entre
material base y material de aporte. Se presenta el análisis macrográfico de los cordones con sus respectivas medidas y se
tabulan los parámetros geométricos de los cordones obtenidos. La penetración del cordón es directamente proporcional
al porcentaje de CO2 presente en la mezcla. En una comparación entre los tres modos de transferencia utilizados con la
misma composición del gas, se tiene que, el modo spray pulsado produce mayor penetración.
Palabras clave: Gas de protección, arco pulsado, pulsado multicontrol, penetración.

Autor de correspondencia:
Juan C. Segovia,
Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3

The GMAW process (gas metal arc welding), also called electric arc welding with shielding
gas, can be described as the union of metal parts produced by heating them, by means
of an electric arc established between a consumable solid metal electrode. and the work
piece [1]. The arc, the weld pool and the resulting seam need to be protected against
contamination from elements present in the atmosphere, which is done by a gas or mixture
of gases. The process is called MIG (metal inert gas), when the shielding gas used is inert,
for example, argon or helium. On the other hand, in the MAG (metal active gas) process,
the protection is carried out with the help of an active gas, such as O2 or CO2. [2].

The correct selection of the shielding gas is of vital importance to achieve better results
in the welding process. For this reason, the available range of shielding gas mixtures has
increased. Shielding gas selection is an important factor for welding process efficiency. The
ideal estimation of shielding gas cost is 5–7 % of the welding cost [3].

With a simple variation in the composition of the shielding gas, beads with different widths,
reinforcement heights, penetration, wetting and fusion angles, etc. can be obtained. In
addition, the metal transfer modes that can be obtained with the new welding machines
promise to provide better weld bead properties.

Weld bead width, reinforcement, and penetration measurements also depend on other
welding parameters such as voltage, wire feed speed, and welding speed. The higher the
voltage, the greater the width, reinforcement, and penetration. If the wire feed speed is
increased, the measurements also increase. On the contrary, if the welding speed increases,
the measurements of the bead decrease, since it has less metal transfer time the faster the
welding progresses. [4].

Therefore, this project aims to develop a methodology to perform the analysis of the
form and depth of penetration that is obtained with the GMAW process. For this analysis,
different compositions of the shielding gas mixture will be used: argon and carbon dioxide.
In addition, the same analysis will be carried out for conventional metal transfer modes with
respect to the most technological ones on the market. The results of this analysis can be
used to study the influence of the composition of the shielding gas and the different modes
of modern metal transfer to optimize the fusion characteristics of the weld.

In September 2016, Marconi [5] presented their investigation aimed to evaluate the effect
of two protection gases (Ar-20%CO2 and 100%CO2), of three working angles (30, 45 and
60º) and two displacements (45º by push and 60º by drag) on the dimensional aspects of
the bead and the mechanical resistance of the fillet joint of a high-strength microalloy steel,
welded by the process GMAW.

Chao li [6] studied the effects of shielding gases on the chemical composition, microstructure,
purity, and low-temperature impact toughness of weld metal. They used two different
shielding gases, which are Ar + CO2 and Ar + He + N2. It was found that N-containing
shielding gas can modify the solidification mode of deposited metal, shorten ferrite content
in the weld metal, and substantially enhance the low-temperature impact toughness of
deposited metal.

Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit

Kuang [7] proposed to determine the effects of pulse mode on microstructure and properties
of the material 2219 aluminium alloy using pulse MIG. With the inclusion of ultra-high
frequency pulse (UFP) current to traditional pulsed MIG could synchronously enhance the
strength and ductility of welded joints. Like conventional pulse MIG welding process (CP-
MIG), the columnar dendrites at the edge of UFP-MIG weld turned into narrow, fine, and
dispersed, and the number of columnar crystals declined progressively with the gain of
pulse frequency.

Castillo [8] presented the investigation related to the effect of the type of shielding gas in
the arc welding process on the microstructure of a weld bead deposited. The results show
that there is a significant effect of the type of shielding gas in the arc welding process has
on hardness and microstructure. The carbon content in the welding deposits increases
when the active CO2 gas percentage is higher in the Ar-CO2 mixture, this influences the
solidification structure.

Ulloa [9] concluded that the Ar+2%N2 mixture was the one that presented the best behaviour
in reference to mechanical properties (closer to those of the base material), ferrite-austenite
phase balance, chemical composition (higher number of PREN), and lower weight loss in
corrosion tests.

Thermal conductivity of the shielding gas

It is the ability of the gas to conduct heat through it. The thermal conductivity, like the
electrical conductivity of a gas at low pressure, increases with an increase in temperature.
This conductivity influences the heat loss from the centre to the periphery of the plasma
column, as well as the heat transfer between the plasma and liquid metal. While pure argon
has low thermal conductivity, helium, a mixture of argon with hydrogen and argon with
carbon dioxide, has high conductivity.

Figure 1 shows the arc column that is formed with the gases Ar and CO2. Because argon
has a low thermal conductivity, the heat is concentrated in the core of the arc. In contrast,
carbon dioxide has a broader arc column because it has a higher conductivity. For these
reasons, it is stated that thermal conductivity directly affects the profile of the bead and the
geometry of the penetration [9].

Fig. 1. Bead contour and penetration patterns for various shielding gases [9].
Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3

Properties provided by the shielding gas to the weld metal.

The shielding gas used in the welding process can directly influence the properties of the
weld metal such as strength, ductility, hardness, and corrosion resistance.

As explained above, the addition of a percentage of oxygen or carbon dioxide to the

shielding gas mixture increases its oxidation potential. Therefore, as the oxidation potential
of the gas increases, the strength and hardness of the weld decreases. This occurs because
the oxygen components increase the number of oxide inclusions and reduce the level of
magnesium and silicon in the material [10].

In addition, when using mixtures with percentages of carbon dioxide, a transfer of carbon
can be produced in the weld from the gas, and this can increase the concentration of
carbon in the material until reaching unacceptable levels of it.

Profile and weld quality

Although gas mixtures with low levels of oxygen or carbon dioxide provide high mechanical
properties to the weld bead, there may also be greater fusion defects than when using
gases with higher oxidation potentials. In addition, blends with low oxidation potentials
produce beads with a narrower profile in the shape of a wine glass. However, increasing
the percentage of carbon dioxide increases the width of the bead, its penetration and
roundness, reducing the risk of fusion defects.

Additionally, shielding gas can improve weld quality by decreasing the height of the bead
reinforcement. If this height is relatively large, it increases the stress concentrations in
the change of section between the base metal and the chord. The common method of
removing or reducing excess bead reinforcement is by grinding the bead, but this is both
costly and time consuming. Proper selection of the shielding gas mixture will reduce the
surface tension of the weld metal and allow the solidifying metal to sink and achieve lower

The use of pure carbon dioxide as a shielding gas for welding carbon steel can cause large
amounts of spatter. Removing the spatter after the welding process is not only expensive
but can also cause aesthetic problems [11].

Short circuit transfer mode

In this type of transfer, the filler metal is transferred when the electrode is in direct contact
with the weld pool and the electrode is fed at a constant speed. At this instant there is no
arc and the current increases by heating the electrode. At the same time the electrode wire
is deformed due to the electromagnetic Pinch force. As a result of the increase in current
and the Pinch Effect, a drop of metal is produced that is transferred to the welding pool.
After a new arc is generated, this occurs between 50 to 250 times per second.

In the short-circuit transfer mode, it is necessary to consider the welding technique and the
procedure to be carried out when welding materials of considerable thickness, because with
this mode there is a low heat input rate and a relatively shallow melt rate. The characteristics
of this type of low heat input transfer produce rapid cooling of the weld puddle, making it
an ideal process for welding in all positions [11].
Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit
Pulsed spray transfer mode

This type of transfer occurs with each of the pulses of the welding current in a controlled
manner without short circuits. To achieve this type of transfer, a power source is necessary
that provides two levels of energy: background current and pulse current. The background
current is too low in magnitude to produce the transfer, but it is necessary to maintain the
arc flash and heat input. On the other hand, the pulse current has a high energy level and is
what produces the formation of molten metal drops from the electrode. This current occurs
at controlled time intervals. Finally, there is a current that varies from high to low intensity
in hundreds of cycles per second.

Pulse transfer was developed for better control of spatter and the elimination of incomplete
fusion defects that appear in globular transfer and short circuiting. In addition, it is possible
to reduce the rate of heat input compared to the axial spray method, which results in lower
levels of material distortion due to heat. Like spray transfer, the shielding gas used must be
argon or argon mixtures. The transfer of the metal is carried out only at the peaks of the
pulse current, in this way a drop is transferred with each pulse. The frequency at which the
pulses occur increases proportionally to the wire feed speed [12].

Multi-Control Pulsed Arc (PMC)

PMC a process developed by the company Fronius. It is the conventional pulsed, but with
new functions and stabilizers.

Its main features are:

• Increased process stability through precise control.

• Optimized pulse characteristics and improved ignition.

• Better stability of reduced energy per unit length (welding speed and arc length).

• Penetration stabilization to make it more consistent.

• ncreased arc stability by means of an arc length stabilizer that helps the welder to set
the perfect welding parameter for each weld joint.

• Useful for making mechanized welds especially in tight areas and hard to reach
positions [12].


Base material

In the present analysis, the ASTM A36 material is used, which is one of the most used and
commercial steels in Ecuador for projects that do not require a high-strength material. It is a
ferritic-perlitic steel with low carbon content that has good weldability, which facilitates the
project. 8mm (5/16”) thick, 50mm (2”) wide and 400mm long plates are used.

Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3

Input material

For the welding process of the specimens, the AWS ER70S-6 electrode wire with a diameter
of 1.2mm is used, which is widely used in the Ecuadorian industry and has a high contribution
rate. It is a continuous low carbon steel electrode coated with a thin layer of copper. It
presents good weldability when CO2 or Ar/CO2 mixtures are used as shielding gas.

Shielding gases

The protection gases used in this project are Argon, Carbon Dioxide, and mixtures of both.
These have been selected for their high application in the GMAW process and their wide
commercialization in Ecuador. The two gases separately provide specific characteristics in
the appearance and process of forming the weld bead that have been specified in the
previous chapter. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to use mixtures of both
gases to observe the influence of each one in the different compositions and determine the
optimal composition in which the best geometric characteristics are obtained.

Welding of the specimens of short circuit probes

Keeping the type of short-circuit metal transfer and the welding advance rate constant,
two types of specimens are welded: one of the simple metal filler types and the other
of a T-joint, fillet weld. For each of the test tubes, the following protective gas mixture
compositions are used:

• 100% carbon dioxide

• Argon mixture to 10% carbon dioxide

• Argon mixture to 25% carbon dioxide

In total, 6 test tubes are welded, which consist of a filler cord and a T-joint for each type of
protective gas.

Conventional Pulsed and Pulsed Multi-control (PMC) Specimens

It is welded with two types of metal transfer, conventional pulsed and PMC pulsed, to make
the comparison, the welding advance speed is kept constant.

For each type of transfer, the same procedure mentioned above is carried out, that is, two
types of test tubes are welded: one with a simple contribution and the other with a T-joint.
For each one, the following protective gas mixture compositions are used:

• Argon mixture to 10% carbon dioxide

• Argon mixture to 15% carbon dioxide

• Argon mixture to 25% carbon dioxide

In total, 6 specimens are welded for the pulsed transfer and 6 for PMC.

Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit

Designation of the test pieces

Table 1. Designation of the test pieces to be welded [12]

Gas Type Simple Fillet
Bead Weld
100% CO2 x CDD
100% CO2

90%Ar- 10%CO2 x C10D

90%Ar- 10%CO2 x C10F

75%Ar- 25%CO2 x C25D
75%Ar- 25%CO2 x C25F
90%Ar- 10%CO2 x SP10D
90%Ar- 10%CO2 x SP10F

85%Ar- 15%CO2 x SP15D


85%Ar- 15%CO2 x SP15F

75%Ar- 25%CO2 x SP25D
75%Ar- 25%CO2 x SP25F
90%Ar- 10%CO2 x P10D
90%Ar- 10%CO2 x P10F

85%Ar- 15%CO2 x P15D

85%Ar- 15%CO2 x P15F
75%Ar- 25%CO2 x P25D
75%Ar- 25%CO2 x P25F

Procedure for obtaining macrographs: Cutting of the specimens.

It is proposed to obtain 2 macrographic specimens of each welded specimen to determine

if the penetration remains constant throughout the specimen. The recommended length
for each macrographic specimen is 1 inch or 25mm. This length is the one necessary to
have an easy handling of the specimen and security when the process of preparing the
macrographs is carried out. Figure 2 shows the position of the cuts that are made to each
test tube.

Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3

Fig. 2. Scheme for cutting welded joints [12]

Coarse roughing

The objective of this process is to obtain a completely flat surface free of marks produced
by the reciprocating saw. To obtain this surface, a canvas sandpaper number 100 is used.
Both for the coarse and fine grinding process, a cooling medium such as water must be

Fine roughing

It is a consecutive process in which the macrographic specimen is passed through increasingly

fine-grained sandpaper. These sandpapers must be on totally flat and hard surfaces, to
avoid scratches that interfere with the visualization of the macrographs. To obtain a better
surface finish, it is necessary to perform a fine grinding using 5 different sandpapers with
the following numbering: No. 240, 320, 400, 600, 1000.

Chemical attack

This procedure is carried out to demonstrate the structure or alloy of the material. The
reagent that is generally used to carry out the chemical attack on irons and carbon steels
is Nital. As can be seen in the table above, it is made up of 5% concentrated nitric acid in
ethyl alcohol.

Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit

Measurement of the geometric characteristics of the chord

In order to carry out a comparative analysis between the welded beads with different
composition of the protective gas and different transfer mode, it is proposed to carry out
the following measurements:

• Convexity or concavity
• Effective throat
• Real throat
• Theoretical throat
• Horizontal and vertical leg length
• Horizontal and vertical bead size
• Fusion depth
• Weld width

Below is a diagram with the measurements that will be made in the macrographs of the
weld deposits.

Fig. 3. Dimensions for weld deposit macrographs.


L1= Bead wide

L2= Weld Penetration

L3= Weld Reinforcement

Figures 4 and 5 show the measurements to be made on the macrographs of the T-joints

Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3

Fig. 4. Dimensions for macrographs of T-joints.


L1= Convexity or Concavity

L2= Effective Throat

L3= Theoretical Throat

L4= Actual Throat

Fig. 5. Other dimensions for macrographs of T-joints.

Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit


L1= Vertical fusion depth.

L2= Horizontal fusion depth.

L3= Width of the bead.

L4= Size of the vertical weld bead.

L5= Vertical leg length.

L6= Size of the horizontal weld seam.

L7= Horizontal leg length.

Weld data recording

It is important to emphasize that the selection of the welding parameters considers the
thickness of the base material and the type of joint to be made. Because the base material is 8
mm thick plates, and some manufacturers of welding machines such as Fronius recommend
choosing an amperage counting from 50 A for each mm of thickness. However, in the case
of thicker metal plates, this factor is reduced to 27.5 A per mm. So, the amperage value of
220 A is calculated. This section shows the main parameters used for each welding process.
Table 2 shows the welding parameters obtained by using the short-circuit transfer method.

Table 2. Welding parameters in short circuit method.

Shielding gas composition. 100% CO2 10% CO2 – 90%Ar 25% CO2 – 75%Ar

Voltage [V] 24 24 24
Amperage [A] 220 220 220
Feed speed [m/min] 7 7 7
Welding speed [cm/min] 40 40 40
Input head [KJ] 302.6 304.8 306.1

Table 3. Welding parameters in pulsed arc method.

Shielding gas composition. 10% CO2 – 90%Ar 15% CO2 – 85%Ar 25% CO2 – 75%Ar

Voltage [V] 24 24 24
Amperage [A] 220 220 220
Feed speed [m/min] 7 7 7
Welding speed [cm/min] 40 40 40
Input head [KJ] 315.8 298.3 322.3

Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3

Table 4. Welding parameters in pulsed arc PMC method.

Shielding gas composition. 10% CO2 – 90%Ar 15% CO2 – 85%Ar 25% CO2 – 75%Ar

Voltage [V] 24 24 24
Amperage [A] 220 220 220
Feed speed [m/min] 7 7 7
Welding speed [cm/min] 40 40 40
Input head [KJ] 346.7 337.9 348.8


Two macrographic specimens of each welded specimen are made to verify if the penetration
remained constant throughout the entire specimen. Table 3 shows the macrograph of a
specimen of each welded specimen.

Table 5. Macrographs obtained from welding [12]

Short circuit
Fillet weld Weld bead

CO2 –
90% Ar

CO2 –
90% Ar


Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit

Pulsed arc

CO2 –
90% Ar

CO2 –
85% Ar

CO2 –
75% Ar

Pulsed arc PMC

Fillet weld Weld bead

CO2 –
90% Ar

CO2 –
85% Ar

Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3

CO2 –
75% Ar

Results and discussion.

In this section, the welding defects identified in each macrograph are analyzed, as well as
the dimensions measured in the test tubes of the weld seams in flat position and of the
T-joints. In addition, the discussion of these results that serve as a reference for welding
work. Table 4 shows the visual inspection of the macrographs according to the criteria of
the AWS D1.1 standard.

Table 6. Detail of the visual inspection of the macrographs obtained [12]

Welded profiles with the short circuit method


Default: None Defect: Lack of root fusion Default: None

Acceptable welding profile Unacceptable welding profile Acceptable welding profile

Welded profiles with the pulsed method


Default: Non-uniform weld Flaw: Lack of fusion and bite Default: None

Unacceptable welding profile Unacceptable welding profile Acceptable welding profile

Welded profiles with the PMC pulsed method

Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit

P10F P15F P25F

Defect: Non-uniform weld Default: None Default: None
Acceptable welding profile Acceptable welding profile Acceptable welding profile

Through a visual inspection of the macrographs obtained of the T-type joints welded with
the short-circuit transfer method, it is observed that in the C25F specimen (25% CO2) there
is a lack of fusion that remains constant throughout the welded bead. This is due to the
semicircular shape of the weld profile, which has low penetration. These results can be seen
in Table 4.

According to the criteria mentioned in the methodology for the acceptance of macrographic
tests, the C25F specimen presents an unacceptable weld profile. On the contrary, the C10F
and CDF specimens present acceptable weld profiles. In the macrographs obtained from the
T-type joints welded with the pulsed arc method, it is observed that in the SP15F specimen
(15% CO2) a lack of fusion and a bite were found. The formation of bites is produced by
excess heat input. These results can be seen in table 4.

In addition, it is observed that the SP10F specimen (10% CO2) has a leg length of less than
5mm. This is considered an unacceptable weld profile because one of the weld legs does
not meet the minimum length required for thicknesses from 6 to 12mm. This type of profile
was formed due to the lack of precision in the inclination of the specimen.

In the macrographs obtained from the T-type joints welded with the multi-control pulsed
transfer method, it is observed that in the P10F specimen (10% CO2), the profile of the
bead has a non-uniform shape. The vertical side is longer than the horizontal side. This is
considered an unacceptable weld profile because one of the weld legs does not meet the
required minimum length of 5mm for thicknesses of 8mm.

Table 7. Measurement of the geometric characteristics of the T-Joints [12]

Macrograph – Leg thickness – Penetration Macrograph – Effective and theoretical throat


Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3


Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit

As can be seen in Figure 6, using the pulsed spray transfer mode, the greatest effective
throat length is obtained compared to short-circuit and multi-control pulsed. However,
due to the high heat input obtained with the pulsed spray mode, there is a tendency for
undercuts to occur in T-joints. The throat in fillet welds represents the penetration obtained.
In addition, it is observed that at 25% CO2 a considerable increase in penetration is obtained
compared to 10% CO2.

Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3


Short Circuit Pulsed Spray Pulsed (PMC)
10 % CO2 25 % CO2

Fig. 6. Analysis of the throat obtained with respect to the composition of the shielding gas.

Table 8 shows the images of the macrographs of the weld beads made on the plates
with their reinforcement, width and penetration dimensions. The shape of the weld bead
is evident, which has been influenced by the percentage of CO2 and Ar present in the
protective gas mixture. In addition, another factor that influences the shape and geometric
characteristics of the weld bead is the mode of metal transfer. When the short circuit mode is
used, lower penetrations were obtained, then with the Pulsed Spray mode, and the highest
penetrations are obtained with the PMC pulsed mode.

Table 8. Measurement of the geometric characteristics of the welded Beam

Measures of Welded Beam Types


Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit





Juan C. Segovia1; Carlos M. Segovia2; Tamara S. Monar3


Figure 7 shows the results of the filler beads made where a greater penetration is observed
when the multi-control pulsed transfer mode (PMC) is used, both in the 10% and 25%
CO2 composition. Besides, The higher the percentage of CO2 present in the mixture, the
greater the penetration obtained in the weld bead.


Short Circuit Pulsed Spray Pulsed (PMC)

10 % CO2 25 % CO2

Fig. 7. Analysis of the penetration with respect to the composition of the shielding gas

In the three metal transfer processes and with the different mixtures of shielding gases,
good weld seams were obtained for the fillet joint. Of the 9 welded joints, only 2 beads
had small welding defects.

The ASTM A36 steel used in this study is very versatile for the manufacture of welded and
bolted structures in industrial or civil construction works in Ecuador. For this reason, this
study provides a reference of what percentages to use in the mixture of protection gases in
order to obtain weld bead shapes according to the application that is required.
Study of the effect of the combination of protective gases on the structure of the weld bead for the GMAW process using pulsed arc
and short circuit

The best welded bead profile achieved is the one with a gas mixture of 10% CO2 -90%
Ar (test C10F) due to its well penetration and depth of fusion, slight concavity and does
not present welding defects. And the profile welded with 25% CO2 has a lack of root
penetration due to the semicircular shape of the profile.

It is observed that the pulsed spray mode produces greater penetration compared to the
other 2 metal transfer modes used with the same mixture of protective gas. This is because
this is the mode that produces the greatest heat input to the base metal. The PMC mode
produces less heat input since it controls the feed speed when there are differences in the
arc length.


A sincere thanks to the company "Commerce and Technology MIG-MAG Cía. Ltd.” and to
all the people who work in it, for their support in carrying out this project. In addition, we
thank you for allowing us to use your equipment and facilities for the development of the

1. Castellanos, O. M., Moreno-Uribe, A. M., Ramón-Ramón, S. A., & Jácome, J. L. (2021).
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