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The Daily Telegraph - 24 March, 2023

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Friday 24 March 2023 *** No 52,210 £3.


World Athletics bans trans women

Sharron Davies: Sport is about safety and fairness, then inclusion – in that
hat order Sport


Labour plots Harry makes history Ofsted could

scrap one-word
ratings after
tax raid on teacher’s death
By Louisa Clarence-Smith

savings and
eduCaTion ediTor
THE chief inspector of Ofsted has
opened the door to the scrapping of
one-word school ratings in the wake of
the suicide of a head teacher.
Amanda Spielman said that the

debate around reforming inspections to
remove grades was a “legitimate one”,
in her first public statement since the
schools watchdog was criticised by the
sister of Ruth Kelly.
The death of the primary school
leader has provoked a furious response
from head teachers, who have started to
wear black armbands during inspec-
Large rise in capital gains levy understood to tions and remove references to Ofsted
from their school websites.
be on table after Starmer refuses to rule it out Ms Kelly, head teacher at Caversham
Primary in Reading, Berks, took her
By Camilla Turner, Dominic Penna currently levied at 20 per cent on most own life in January after learning that
and Amy Gibbons assets, so it would have to be doubled to her school would be downgraded from
align it with the 40 per cent income tax “outstanding” to “inadequate”.
LABOUR’S deputy leader suggested rate. Head teachers have urged Ofsted to
yesterday that the party should raise tax The tax raised £15 billion last year drop its blunt ratings, which include
on savings and investments. and the annual haul is expected to hit “outstanding”, “go o d”, “re quires
Angela Rayner made the comments almost £18 billion by 2028.  improvement ” and “ inadequate”,
as she criticised Rishi Sunak for paying More than 300,000 individuals pay because they say the ratings can “hang
a lower rate of tax than most working capital gains tax, according to the latest heavy on the necks of professionals for
people. official figures, compared with fewer years on end”.
It is understood that a large increase than 200,000 in 2013.  In a statement, Ms Spielman said:
in capital gains tax is on the table if Sir A Labour Party spokesman said the “The broader debate about reforming
Keir Starmer wins the next election. party had no current plans to raise cap- inspections to remove grades is a legiti-
Sir Keir and Yvette Cooper, the ital gains tax but could not rule out a mate one, but it shouldn’t lose sight of
shadow home secretary, refused to rule change in future. how grades are currently used. They

out a rise in the levy after being publicly Yesterday, records released by give parents a simple and accessible
confronted about their plans yesterday. Labour revealed that Sir Keir paid summary of strengths and weaknesses.
A capital gains tax increase would £23,930 in capital gains tax last year, “Any changes to the current system
come on top of other raids on the mid- after earning £85,466 from his share of would have to meet the needs both of
dle classes planned by Labour, includ- the sale of a house he had bought for his parents and of government.”
ing reversing the Government’s plan to sister and her children. Labour has proposed scrapping
abolish the lifetime cap on tax-free pen- It comes after he was accused of Ofsted grades and replacing them with
sion savings and cancelling tax breaks hypocrisy after it emerged his pension a school report card showing what
for private schools. from his time as director of public pros- schools do well and what they need to
The latest debate on tax among sen- ecutions is exempt from the lifetime do to improve.
ior Labour figures is likely to cause savings allowance cap he plans to rein- Ms Spielman previously told digital
alarm among savers and may prompt a troduce. He has pledged to scrap the tax Harry Kane celebrates after slotting home a penalty – and becoming England’s all-time greatest goalscorer – in last night’s Euro newspaper Schools Week that Labour’s
sell-off of assets. benefits of his own pension. 2024 qualifier against Italy in Naples. Declan Rice also scored for Gareth Southgate’s side in a 2-1 victory Reports: Sport, Pages 1-5 policy could be a “logical evolution” of
The plans to reimpose the cap on tax- The IPPR think tank has been cam- how school performance is assessed.
free pension savings prompted warn- paigning for a rise in capital gains tax Prof Julia Waters, Ms Kelly’s sister,
ings that people would take early
retirement before the next election to
try to avoid the levy.
and said that Labour had “expressed an
interest” in the idea.
The think tank has previously sug-
Strikes threaten to cause Easter travel chaos has claimed that her death was “a direct
result of the pressure put on her by the
process and outcome of an Ofsted
That capital gains  tax could rise gested several policies that have later inspection at her school”.
under a Labour government emerged been adopted by the party, including a By Jack Simpson warn about potential problems during More than 1,500 security workers at Paul Whiteman, general secretary of
after records were published which windfall tax on the excess profits of TransporT CorrespondenT Easter, traditionally the busiest period Heathrow’s Terminal 5 are set to walk the school leaders’ union NAHT, said:
revealed that the Prime Minister earned energy firms and increasing public for overseas travel after the summer out from March 31 to April 9. British Air- “School leaders want to see tangible
nearly £5 million in three years but funding to achieve net zero. HOLIDAYMAKERS going abroad at holidays. ways passengers will be worst affected actions being taken to reduce the intol-
effectively paid a tax rate of 22 per cent. Labour’s “grey book”, which it pub- Easter could see their plans scuppered Julia Lo Bue-Said, chief executive of by the action as the terminal exclusively erable pressure that the current inspec-
Ms Rayner wrote on Twitter: “Rishi lished alongside its last manifesto in as strikes at home and on the Continent Advantage Travel Partnership, said serves flights from the airline. tion regime places on everyone in
Sunak’s much delayed return reveal a 2019 to explain how it would fund its cause travel chaos. strikes would affect travel and warned It is understood that a number of schools, and they want to see those
Tory tax system where the PM pays a far spending commitments, pledged to tax Heathrow has told airlines that they passengers to expect longer wait times. other Heathrow airlines are waiting for actions now.”
lower tax rate than working people – capital gains at the same level as income should stop selling tickets for the Easter Last week, research from travel asso- more information before making Geoff Barton, of the Association of
who face the highest tax burden in 70 tax.  The party is yet to announce which period because of strikes by security ciation ABTA showed that demand for changes to their ticketing policies. School and College Leaders, said: “The
years. His latest handout to the richest measures it will keep ahead of the next staff that look likely to cause major foreign holidays had recovered since The strikes could have knock-on chief inspector acknowledges that
one per cent shows you exactly who he election, but Sir Keir has already said he delays at the UK’s largest airport. the pandemic, with two-thirds of Brit- impacts on other terminals, with a large reforming inspections to remove blunt
puts first.” intends to pursue Jeremy Corbyn’s pol- It comes on top of more than 1,000 ons planning a foreign holiday in the part of the workforce being removed and reductive one-word or two-word
Following her remarks, Sir Keir icy of axing the financial benefits that members of the Public and Commercial next month. and Heathrow having to fill roles. judgments is a legitimate debate, but
declined to rule out a plan to bring lev- Continued on Page 2 Services union working in passport However, those looking to book last- It is feared that this could result in a there are no plans by Ofsted or the Gov-
ies on investment profits in line with offices going on strike between April 3 minute trips could be thwarted after repeat of the flight cancellations seen ernment to even consider this question
income tax if Labour wins the next gen- Reports: Page 4 and May 5, while industrial action in Heathrow told airlines to halt ticket last summer when staff shortages saw as far as we know. There must surely be
eral election. Capital gains duties are Editorial Comment: Page 15 France and Spain has led travel firms to sales for the 10-day Easter strike period. thousands of flights called off. some reflection following this tragedy.”


Johnson challenge on Rattle may boycott Ukrainian children Bank warns of further
Puzzles 16 partygate evidence Proms over BBC cuts beaten by Russians pain after rate increase
Obituaries 25 Boris Johnson has accused the
privileges committee of excluding
Sir Simon Rattle may boycott the
Proms in protest at the BBC’s choir
Russian authorities are beating
Ukrainian children in an attempt to
Andrew Bailey has signalled further
pain is on the way for households as
TV listings 27 name over partygate. The Daily
evidence he is relying on to clear his cuts. The conductor would ordinarily
play a role in the summer season of
“re-educate them”, according to a
teenager freed from a Moscow-run
the Bank of England raised interest
rates by a quarter of a percentage
Weather 28 Telegraph understands Mr Johnson’s concerts but he is understood to be
lawyers are writing to the seven-strong among a number of figures in the
youth facility after months of
negotiation. The parents of more than
point. Policymakers at the Bank upped
rates to 4.25pc yesterday, a near
group of MPs challenging its decision world of classical music to oppose a dozen children taken to a youth camp 15-year high and the 11th time rates
ISSN-0307-1235 not to make the documents publicly plans to disband the BBC Singers and in Russian-occupied Crimea last year have been raised in 15 months. It
available. A 110-page evidence bundle cut orchestra funding. Sources close to brought them home on Wednesday, comes after data showed that inflation

9 *ujöeöu#yxc by* ÊÁËÂ

published by the committee, which is Sir Simon said he was considering the charity that organised the grew unexpectedly last month. The
investigating whether he deliberately what action to take as the BBC braces ‘I’m drinking to forget evacuation said. Education authorities Governor said more proof of inflation
misled Parliament, did not feature for cancellations and disruption to its about inflation ... in the occupied Kherson and Kharkiv falling was needed to pause the fastest
papers he considers central to his case. programme. HOW MUCH?’ regions sent them to the camp. cycle of rate rises in three decades.
Page 2 Page 3 Page 12 Page 17
2 ** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph


Johnson fury over ‘excluded evidence’


Man charged over

mosque fire attacks
over lockdown gatherings in Downing Johnson, who strongly denies any delib- looks as though the committee have pleasure.” And asked whether his polit- A Sudanese man has appeared in court
Former PM’s lawyers ask Street, did not feature papers he consid- erate wrongdoing, said: “We will study already made up their minds,” he told ical career was “over”, Mr Clarke charged with attempting to murder
ers central to his case. the committee’s findings when they The Telegraph. Another MP, supportive replied: “It is never over for Boris.” two elderly men who were set alight in
that papers ‘central’ to his Mr Johnson’s camp also believes the bring them forward.” of Mr Johnson, added: “They have made Mr Johnson’s evidence did little to the street after they left mosques in
partygate defence be panel of MPs misunderstood some ele- It came as Conservative backbench- up their minds. They’re MPs, for God’s change the public’s view of whether he Birmingham and London.
made publicly available ments of Covid restrictions and con- ers loyal to the former prime minister sake, they’re not jurists… My view is knowingly misled Parliament through Mohammed Abbkr, 28, appeared at
fused guidance with lockdown rules claimed the committee, which insists it that if he gets [a punishment], I say ‘just his repeated denials over law-breaking, the Birmingham magistrates’ court
By Dominic Penna when it grilled him for three hours on is politically unbiased and has a Tory accept it’.” a YouGov poll suggested yesterday, yesterday. He is yet to make a plea.
and Christopher Hope Wednesday. majority, had already decided Mr John- Any sanction recommended by the with two thirds of voters (66 per cent) West Midlands police said he is
However, the committee pointed to son was guilty. committee will have to be confirmed by believing he lied to MPs. alleged to have sprayed a substance on
BORIS JOHNSON has accused the priv- comments made by its Labour chair- Nadine Dorries, his former culture a vote in the Commons. A spokesman for Mr Johnson said: two men and set it alight in separate
ileges committee of excluding evidence man Harriet Harman insisting the evi- secretary, told TalkTV: “I don’t think Simon Clarke, a former Cabinet min- “Boris Johnson was pleased to give oral incidents in Ealing, west London, on
he is relying on to clear his name over dence Mr Johnson wanted publishing there was ever a world in which this ister and a key ally of Mr Johnson, evidence to the privileges committee Feb 27 and in Birmingham on Monday.
partygate. would need to come with a fresh state- committee was going to find Boris admitted the attitude of the committee and will continue to help the Commit- Mohammed Rayaz, 70, was set on
The Daily Telegraph understands that ment of truth from the witnesses in innocent. was “bleak”, but said that “the wider tee with its work. fire as he walked home from Dudley
Mr Johnson’s lawyers are writing a let- question. “The committee have demonstrated country” would give him the benefit of “Mr Johnson did not knowingly or Road Mosque in the Edgbaston area of
ter to the seven-strong group of MPs A Commons spokesman said: “The very clearly that they have decided the doubt. recklessly mislead parliament. the city at about 7pm. He remains in
challenging its decision not to make the committee will make decisions on fur- early on to find him guilty.” Mr Clarke told the Chopper’s Politics “He continues to campaign on issues hospital with severe injuries.
documents publicly available. ther publication of evidence in due Sir James Duddridge, a former parlia- podcast that the reality of what hap- that matter to him including Brexit, lev-
A 110-page evidence bundle pub- course.” mentary private secretary to Mr John- pened in Downing Street “has been elling up and Ukraine, as well as in his
lished by the committee, which is inves- Appearing to confirm suspicions he son, labelled proceedings a “show trial”. stripped of all context” by the investiga- Uxbridge and South Ruislip constitu- D-day for court reprieve
tigating whether the former prime may not necessarily accept the findings “There didn’t seem to be any evi- tion, adding: “I don’t believe for a ency where he has announced he is
minister deliberately misled Parliament of the committee, a source close to Mr dence uncovered at the session but it moment that Boris did anything for standing at the next general election.”
over trees in Plymouth
The fight to give 110 stumps and 16
remaining trees in Plymouth a reprieve
Minister ‘wasn’t from the chop is to reach its final hours
at a High Court hearing today.
Campaigners are hoping for an
bothered’ about extension to an injunction secured last
week after the council had felled some
menopause talk, of the trees in a 1am operation. The
injunction would mean a stay of

says Vorderman execution for the remaining 16 trees

while a judicial review takes place.
If the High Court rules in the
council’s favour, cutting of the trees
could resume within hours. “We
By Lizzie Roberts would hope that the stumps get left as
HEALTH CORRESPONDENT well because we view them as living
trees still,” said Alice Goodenough, the
CAROL VORDERMAN has claimed that campaign lawyer.
a health minister “couldn’t be both-
ered” to show up to a menopause hear-
ing, as the two became embroiled in a E.coli in raw meat link to
public row.
Maria Caulfield, the women’s health
urinary tract infections
minister, reportedly refused to attend Urinary tract infections (UTIs) may be
the Women and Equalities hearing on driven by E.coli bacteria ingested after
Wednesday, prompting an angry reac- touching raw meat and people should
tion from campaigners. take extra care handling and preparing
Ms Vorderman, the TV presenter and food, scientists have warned.
menopause campaigner, said Ms Caul- A study by George Washington
field “couldn’t be bothered to turn up”. University in the US suggests around
She told MPs she had seen Ms Caul- one in 14 UTIs may be caused by
field “having a cup of tea” in Portcullis bacteria from meat, which live in the
House that day, adding “that’s not much gut before moving to the urinary tract.
of an example, is it?” Yesterday, she Researchers collected samples of
called on the minister to resign after E.coli infections from hospitals in
claiming she had not shown respect to Arizona and found that around eight
women by refusing to attend. per cent were strains found in poultry
Ms Caulfield tweeted that she was and pork.
“not a punch bag” and said anyone who Some 85 per cent of UTIs are caused
posted “misleading information” about by E.coli, and a significant number of
her would be blocked on the social those may come from meat.
media platform.
The former Countdown star then
posted a screenshot on Twitter indicat- Rev Coles ‘sad’ to leave
ing she had been blocked by the gov-
ernment minister, and wrote: “Maria,
BBC show after 12 years
show some respect & RESIGN.” The Rev Richard Coles has quit his
When challenged by another Twitter Radio 4 show after its production was
user about blocking Ms Vorderman, the relocated to Cardiff.
MP replied: “She hasn’t pointed out The clergyman and former pop star
facts. I couldn’t attend yesterday as I with The Communards has presented
was seeing women campaigners against Saturday Live for 12 years, and
painful hysteroscopy which had been in expressed his “sadness” at his time on
the diary for months. I have given alter- the show coming to an end.

native dates to the committee and they The Rev Coles said that he was
are the facts.” unable to maintain his role alongside
The committee said it had invited Ms co-host Nikki Bedi, as the BBC planned
Caulfield to discuss the Government’s to relocate the programme from
plans for action on menopause in the London to Cardiff. He said: “I’m
workplace “but the Minister refused the leaving because they’re moving the
invite”. It is understood the committee programme to Cardiff and I can’t make
received a response from the minister Feeling peckish A rose-ringed parakeet snacks on cherry blossom as spring appears to arrive in St James’ Park, central it fit with my schedule.”
on the dates she was available only after London. The birds – the UK’s most abundant naturalised parrot – are frequent visitors to the royal park.
the letter they wrote to her. Editorial Comment: Page 15

Junior doctors to hold four-day strike after Easter BBC puts brakes on Top
Gear after Flintoff crash
The BBC said the filming of Top Gear’s
latest series will not resume after the
By Laura Donnelly HEALTH EDITOR the walkouts and duration of them lot of members – the BMA’s strikes have is unreasonable. My door remains open to add new unacceptable preconditions corporation’s investigation into a crash
would ring “alarm bells” at every hospi- already gone further than those of any to constructive conversations, as I have to talks instead of getting on and trying that injured presenter Andrew
JUNIOR doctors are to walk out for four tal, which would already have pressures other union. had with other health unions.” to find a resolution.” “Freddie” Flintoff.
days after the Easter bank holiday, the “piled up” after the four-day weekend. The next round will see junior doc- However, Dr Vivek Trivedi and Dr Saffron Cordery, deputy chief execu- The 45-year-old was taken to
British Medical Association (BMA) has They said the plans pose “a real threat tors walk out of A&E, critical care, and Robert Laurenson, co-chairmen of the tive at NHS Providers, said: “The pros- hospital with facial injuries and broken
announced. to patient safety” and could see a quar- cancer services, as well as planned care, BMA junior doctors committee, said pect of a 96-hour strike by junior ribs after the accident at the Top Gear
It follows the breakdown of talks ter of a million operations and appoint- at a time when the NHS is under heavy they announced the latest strikes with doctors will ring alarm bells for trust test track at Dunsfold Aerodrome in
with Steve Barclay, the Health Secre- ments axed. Three days of walkouts last pressure as it tries to recover from a “disappointment and great frustration”. leaders up and down the country.” Surrey on Dec 13.
tary, after the doctors refused to budge week resulted in the cancellation of long weekend with limited access to “The Government has dragged its A Department of Health spokesman The corporation said: “(BBC Studios)
on the demand for a 35 per cent pay rise. more than 180,000 operations and GPs. Yesterday, Mr Barclay tweeted: “I feet at every opportunity,” they said. “It said: “Further strikes will risk patient have sincerely apologised to Freddie
A Whitehall source said the union was appointments – a greater impact than all met the BMA’s junior doctors commit- has not presented any credible offer and safety and cause further disruption. The and will continue to support him with
“intent on having a fight”, while BMA of the other NHS strikes combined. tee yesterday in the hope of beginning is refusing to accept that there is any BMA placed a pre-condition on these his recovery. We feel it would be
leaders said they were “disappointed” at While other health unions have constructive talks. case for pay restoration, describing our talks of a 35 per cent pay rise. That is inappropriate to resume series 34 of
having to embark on more strikes. agreed pay deals with the Government “They placed a pre-condition on central ask as ‘unrealistic’ and ‘unrea- unreasonable. Our door remains open Top Gear at this time. We understand
Healthcare leaders said the timing of – which will now be the subject of a bal- these talks of a 35 per cent pay rise. That sonable’. Even yesterday they continued to constructive conversations.” this will be disappointing for fans, but
it is the right thing to do.”

Grieving families’ Date night Civil Service ‘memo Any rise in capital Polio jab roll-out at
four-month wait Hugh leak’ case may gains tax is a ‘turn schools in London
Grant took
for probate replies his wife, be held in secret off’ for business Children aged one to 11 in London will
be offered polio vaccines as part of a
Anna catch-up campaign.
By Charlotte Gifford Elisabet By Steven Edginton Continued from Page 1 Health officials warned last year that
private schools derive from their chari- there had been “some transmission” of
CIVIL servants have been accused of
Eberstein, A LEGAL case against the Civil Service table status. the virus in the capital after detecting
refusing to speak to bereaved families to the UK may be held in a secret court as minis- Several Labour backbenchers are poliovirus in sewage samples.
about time-crucial probate applications premiere ters consider using national security pushing for an increase in capital gains A booster campaign was launched in
for four months, as courts grapple with of his latest powers to block the public from pro- tax, including Richard Burgeon MP, the summer to raise immunity among
a backlog of cases. ceedings. who has presented a petition to Parlia- children as quickly as possible.
Registries are telling families “not to movie, A former official from the Depart- ment on the issue. But vaccine rates in some London
call them” until 16 weeks have passed Dungeons ment of International Trade is suing the He said: “This is a campaign that we boroughs are still too low and a further
after they apply for a grant of probate, & Dragons: Civil Service in the High Court for mis- are pushing as backbenchers, there has campaign will take place to boost rates.
according to legal firms. Honor feasance in public office. been a lot of interest and a lot of support The latest data show 377,356
Alison Morison, a reader of The Daily Ministers are considering using pow- from labour MPs from different parts of children aged one to nine in London
Telegraph from East Sussex, said that 14 Among ers under the Justice and Security Act the country.” had a polio vaccination since Aug 10,
months after the death of her son in Jan- Thieves, 2013 to limit access to evidence from the Last night senior Tories warned that out of 900,000 who are eligible. Polio
uary 2022, she was granted probate. at public, press and the claimant. a raid on capital gains tax would stifle was eradicated in the UK in 2003.
However, in a letter to this newspaper, The civil servant, who was arrested enterprise and be “catastrophic” for
she said a spelling mistake by the regis-
Cineworld in connection with leaked memos from business.
try meant that the documents had to be Leicester Lord Darroch, the former British Sir John Redwood, a former Tory
sent back for amendment. “Unsurpris- Square in ambassador to the United States, is Cabinet minister, said: “Britain needs
ingly, these papers have still not been west suing the Foreign Office and the Depart- more enterprise, not less. It needs more is a member of the
returned,” she said. “But our solicitors ment for International Trade. people prepared to take risks, create Independent
have been told that they are not allowed
London, Although the civil servant was inves- jobs and make money and capital gains Press Standards
to call the registry any more, since the yesterday. tigated by the Counter Terrorism Com- tax is a big turn off.” Organisation (IPSO) and we subscribe
system has been centralised.” mand as part of Operation Asperite, no Lord Hammond, a former Conserva- to its Editors’ Code of Practice. If you
A number of law firms have reported charges were brought and the investi- tive chancellor, said: “Any uncertainty have a complaint about editorial
being told their inquiries cannot be gation was closed last year. around capital gains tax regime, par- content, please visit www.telegraph.

dealt with until four months have Paul Diamond, the civil servant’s law- ticularly for early stage businesses, or write to
passed. A HM Courts and Tribunals Ser- yer, said: “National security must not be would be catastrophic. ‘Editorial Complaints’ at our postal
vice spokesman said: “Applications are used as an excuse by the Government to “If Labour go into the next election address (see below). If you are not
processed in the order they are received conceal information and prevent public with anything like the policy they had at satisfied with our response, you may
and applicants can call for advice and scrutiny. If such an application is the last election, which is the equalisa- appeal to IPSO at
assistance at any point in the process.” authorised by a minister, my client will tion of rates, it would be completely cat-
challenge any such move at the High astrophic for the venture capital sector The Daily Telegraph, 111 Buckingham
Letters: Page 15 Court.” trying to innovate and grow.” Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 ** 3

Rattled 1980 
BBC proposed cutting five orchestras,
Sir Simon Rattle was interrupted by rape
The Proms had never been forced off air,
After a Black Lives Matter protest,
Moments of disharmony at including the BBC Scottish Symphony, to alarms sounding in the Royal Albert Hall but Prom 62 was disrupted by 30 rumours abounded that the patriotic fare
save £130 million, causing a Musicians’ and a shower of leaflets thrown by pro-Palestinian protesters, left, who of the Last Night, such as Rule Britannia,
the Royal Albert Hall Union strike that resulted in the loss of anonymous protestors complaining about chanted during the performance of the would be dropped due to concerns about
the first 20 concerts of the Prom season. the musical establishment. Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. their imperialist overtones.

Rattle could Sir Simon Rattle is understood to 

be concerned about the state of 
music funding in the UK

ng to fill. It has been susuggested
ity to function and ultimately have to be
disbanded. The planned cuts have been
met with outrage by the classical com-
munity, with figures like Sir Simon
understood to be privately concerned

boycott Proms son at the Royal Albert Ha

The potential for pro
that failure to find a repl
cancellations, and
could lead to cancellati
disrupt the summer concertcon

protests has
about the state of music funding in the
UK, and mass action has been threat-
The Musician’s Union representing
the BBC Singers and orchestras could

over cuts to emerged following b

executives’ March 7

announcement that they

would be sc scrapping
the 100 year old BBC
mobilise members to protest job losses
by boycotting King Charles’ Coronation
in May and refusing to play during cele-
bratory concerts, if the BBC does not
temper its plan.

BBC choir
Singers, an elite The Union has indicated that all and
choir w whose 20 any action may be considered in the dis-
professi pute with the corporation.
members are
memb Naomi Pohl, the union’s general sec-
facing com-
facin retary, has said it will not rule out “some
pulso form of collective action if the BBC
redu maintains its position on mass redun-
tor that Sir Simon mon may be A new dancies” and action might include hav-
Action by conductors willing to boycott ott the BBC classical
cla ing musicians pull out of ensembles set
Proms in protest att the corpora- strategy for
str to mark the Coronation.
may create a ‘poisoned tion’s cuts, and is currently
urrently con- the BBC It is unlikely that strike action will
chalice’ that others will not sidering what action ion he could also aims to
als directly affect the Proms, as many per-
want to fill, say insiders take. cut the formers are freelancers who are not in a
There are said d to be fears budgets of
bu position to break contacts or risk being
By Craig Simpson within the broadcaster
aster that sev- its Concert, excluded from future shows, it is under-
eral renowned female male conduc- Philhar-
Phil stood.
SIR SIMON RAT TLE may boycott tors may be willing g to take similar monic and
mon Insiders expect that a high-profile
Proms to protest the BBC’s choir cuts, action, and it is understood
nderstood that Symphony
Symp boycott from several prominent con-
The Daily Telegraph understands, as the British conductorr Alice Farnham Orchestras by
Orch ductors would be a more effective way
broadcaster braces for protests by clas- also strongly disapproves
approves of the 20 p per cent, to disrupt the concerts and to force the
sical music stars. planned cuts. raising inter-
raisin BBC to reconsider the cuts.
Britain’s preeminent conductor Insiders have indicated
ndicated that there is nal coconcerns A spokesman for the BBC said: “We
would ordinarily play a role in the nervousness within hin the BBC at the that these know this is a hugely tough time for
annual Proms, but he is understood to prospect of conductors
uctors pulling out of ensembles,
ensemb everyone impacted.
be among a number of high-profile fig- the Proms, particularly
ularly the Firstt already strug- “We will continue to do all we can to
ures to oppose broadcast executives’ and Last nights, and d leaving a gling post- support those affected by these changes
plans to disband the BBC Singers choir “poisoned chalice” Covid, will be and to engage with the industry, and we
and cut orchestra funding. It is under- vacancy which their ir col- weakened
weaken are in consultation with the Musicians’
stood from sources close to the conduc- leagues will be unwill-
will- beyond the abil- Union.”

BBC told to explain why it spends so much public money on US shows

By James Warrington increased its spending on American As a result, it can take more risks and acquired shows in “at-risk” genres, operating licence due to come into ability, requiring it to clearly explain its
imports in recent years. It pointed to doesn’t need the cushion of mainstream- including arts and music, religion, com- effect next month. Ofcom has given the plans before going ahead, as well as
OFCOM has asked the BBC to explain deals for blockbusters such as Marvel’s acquired content to do that,” ITV said. edy and children’s programming. It green light for the BBC to cut back its evaluating whether they work.”
why it spends taxpayer money on Avengers Assemble and Disney’s Frozen, “As a result, it is somewhat jarring to said: “We agree with stakeholders that regional and national TV news output A BBC spokesman said: “We welcome
Hollywood blockbusters rather than “at- as well as buying “first-look” rights to see the extent to which acquired con- there needs to be greater transparency as it looks to expand online. these changes which reflect the need
risk” arts and children’s programmes. shows including The People vs OJ Simp- tent drives the BBC’s content strategy.” from the BBC on its overall approach to Kevin Bakhurt of Ofcom said: “We’ve for the BBC’s regulation to evolve for
The broadcast regulator said the BBC son and American Crime Story. It added that the BBC’s acquisitions acquisitions.” been particularly disappointed by the the digital age so we can best serve all
must disclose how its acquisitions of US ITV said the trend “sits uncomforta- risked inflating the price of content for The BBC said its spend on acquisi- BBC’s lack of detail and clarity around audiences with impartial news and dis-
films and TV shows support its obliga- bly with its [the BBC’s] mission to be other broadcasters. tions was only a small proportion of its planned changes to its services, which tinctive UK content in a fast-changing
tions as a public service broadcaster, as distinctive and take creative risks”. While Ofcom said it did not think budget and that it was the UK’s largest has led to a lot of uncertainty for audi- global market. We are committed to
opposed to commissioning original UK “The BBC has guaranteed public acquisitions played too large a role in producer of originated programming. ences and industry. Our strict new transparency and will set out how we
programming. It comes after ITV com- funding and is therefore protected from the BBC’s output, it set out new require- The crackdown forms part of a wider reporting rules will ensure the BBC is plan to deliver for audiences in the year
plained that the BBC had “dramatically” the vicissitudes of market fluctuations. ments for the broadcaster to report on overhaul of BBC regulation under a new held to a higher level of public account- ahead in our upcoming Annual Plan.”

Star turn at 72 in an As You I skip dinner so I can look like

Like It with mature themes The Boss, says Coldplay star
By Craig Simpson Rosalind flees a scheming uncle to ulti- By Rozina Subur was usually “flank of buffalo with a ster-
mately find love with Orlando. oid sauce”.
THE Royal Shakespeare Company has The heroine has been played, in their CHRIS MARTIN has revealed he has Springsteen, who released his debut
cast its oldest ever Rosalind in a “grey” youth, by stars such as Dame Maggie given up on evening meals so he can album in 1973, has shown no signs of
reimagining of As You Like It, with the Smith, Dame Vanessa Redgrave, Dame look as good as Bruce Springsteen. slowing down. He released his 21st stu-
majority of the cast aged over 70. Helen Mirren and Helena Bonham The Coldplay frontman said he dio album, Only the Strong Survive last
Geraldine James, 72, has been cast as Carter. noticed 73-year-old Springsteen was in year and will be touring Europe from
the heroine of the comedy, which is The theme of old age will play a part better shape than him when they met next month.
usually presented as a tale of young in the latest production, which will up for lunch after they performed
love. The Royal Shakespeare Company open in June, with Mr Elerian saying together in Philadelphia last year.
(RSC) said that the majority of the cast that it will “explore our [relationship During the meal, Springsteen’s wife,
for the production will be of a similar with] love, freedom and the passing of Patti, said The Boss eats only one meal a
age and the version will explore the time”. He added: “To be able to draw on day to maintain his lean physique.
theme of “love in older age”. the talent, craft and experience of such Martin, 46, made the admission on
The casting policy will provide an exquisite performers such as Geraldine the Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend pod-
opportunity for older actors to appear James is a true privilege.” cast. Asked what advice he had been
in the play without creating jarring age Other cast members have not been given by fellow musicians over dinner, Chris Martin, left, is following in the 
imbalances on stage. announced, but it is understood that the he replied: “Funnily enough, I don’t footsteps of Springsteen with his diet
Omar Elerian, the production’s direc- eventual over-70s ensemble will actually have dinner any more. I stop
tor, said: “In my discussions with the include prominent figures who have a eating at 4pm, and I learnt that from
RSC about directing the play I was long association with the RSC. They will having lunch with Bruce Springsteen.” Martin’s diet provoked a backlash
really keen to explore it from a fresh and take to the stage on a set intended to Relating the anecdote, he said: “I was among some listeners, who called the
new perspective; I was also hoping to look like a “simple rehearsal room”. lucky enough to go over there to lunch singer’s intermittent fasting habits
work with actors who had a huge expe- Mr Elerian said that the actors would the day after we played Philadelphia last unhealthy.

rience, of both Shakespeare and life. be “forgotten throughout the produc- year. I was on a really strict diet anyway. Some drew a link with his ex-wife
“Much as the play is traditionally tion”, which will aim to provide an “eva- But I was like, ‘Bruce looks even more Gwyneth Paltrow, 50, who recently
associated with young love, I feel there’s sion from the relentlessness of our daily in shape than me’. stirred controversy over her own diet
something really powerful in rediscov- lives” and a “communal compassion for “And Patti said ‘Oh he’s only eating regimen.
ering the themes of freedom and love our shared humanity”. one meal a day’. So I was like, ‘Well, The actress turned wellness guru
from the perspective of older age. As You Like It will be staged at the there we go. That’s my next challenge’.” later hit back, telling Instagram follow-
“I’m therefore looking at casting the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, The father of two, who has been dat- ers her routine was based on “medical
play almost exclusively with performers Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwicks, from ing Dakota Johnson for six years, joked results and extensive testing” and not
who are past the age of 70.” In the play, June 17 to Aug 5. Geraldine James, 72, has been cast as Rosalind in Shakespeare’s As You Like It that Springsteen’s only meal of the day “meant to be advice for anyone else”.
4 *** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph


Starmer changes pension after hypocrisy outcry

break he was personally granted by the wealthiest one per cent,” he said. “Let made public by the Labour Party, reveal dwarfed by Mr Sunak’s. He earned £1.07 million were subject to a tax of 25
Sir Keir pledges to remove Government when he became Director me go further than that. that Sir Keir earned £85,466 last year almost £4.8 million in three years, pay- per cent when drawn as income later in
tax break granted to him as of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in 2008. “I don’t intend that to exclude me. from his share of the sale of a house he ing tax at an effective rate of 22 per cent. life. Labour says it would reintroduce
Sir Keir has faced accusations of And therefore, I haven’t taken advan- bought for his sister and her children to Sir Keir’s effective tax rate was 33 per the cap and described Mr Hunt’s deci-
DPP chief then follows PM hypocrisy from Conservative MPs after tage of this, there is no tax advantage, live in. He paid £23,930 in capital gains cent. Sir Keir’s pension scheme, of sion to scrap it as a “huge giveaway to
by releasing tax return The Daily Telegraph revealed his Crown and nor do I want one. So when I reverse tax on the sale of the property. which he was the only member, had tax some of the very wealthiest”.
Prosecution Service pension is exempt that change the Government put in law Over two financial years, Sir Keir benefits that were “broadly” in line with Sir Keir’s decision to scrap his own
By Tony Diver, Amy Gibbons from the lifetime tax free savings cap last week, I will be included within that, earned just over £250,000 as Leader of those offered to judges, according to the tax benefits comes after he was accused
and Robert Mendick that he plans to reintroduce. whatever change is needed within leg- the Opposition and a further £22,000 CPS’s annual reports. of hypocrisy by several Tory MPs.
Speaking to an audience in Stoke-on- islation or anything else. for legal work undertaken before that Ministers passed a statutory instru- Greg Hands, the Conservative party
SIR KEIR STARMER has pledged to Trent yesterday, Sir Keir said he would “I am very happy, want to be, and will appointment. He also earned £453 from ment in Parliament that mentioned Sir chairman, said: “When it comes to pen-
scrap the tax benefits of his own pen- change the law to remove the tax status be in the same position as everyone else royalties, having written a number of Keir by name when he retired in 2013 to sions for the better off, it’s literally one
sion after he was accused of hypocrisy on his pension pot and any advantage in this country.”   books. Sir Keir authorised the release of ensure his pension increased annually law for Sir Keir and a different law for
over the lifetime allowance. he received as a result. It comes as records released yester- his financial affairs a day after Rishi with inflation. everyone else.”
The Labour leader said that if his “I am absolutely committed to chang- day showed that Sir Keir paid £118,580 Sunak, the Prime Minister, had pub- Jeremy Hunt, the Chancellor, has Anthony Browne, the MP for South
party were to win the next election, he ing what the Government did last week, in tax over two years on income of lished details of his income and tax. abolished the allowance, which previ- Cambridgeshire, said the arrangement
would change the law to remove a tax which was to give a tax cut to the almost £360,000.  The information, The Labour leader’s earnings are ously meant any pension savings over was “truly shocking”.


Sir Keir Starmer responded yesterday to accusations from Conservative MPs that it was “one law for him and the rest for others” after revelations that he was benefiting from a tax break in a pension he received as the former Director of Public Prosecutions

Aligning taxes would stifle investment when Labour ‘climbdown’

growth in British economy is needed most over gender identity
Analysis especially given where we are in the By Dominic Penna government so we can introduce legis-
How CGT has changed How change would make UK economic cycle at the moment.” He lation and change society so that, who-
By Alexa Phillips added that increasing the current 20 ever you are, you can live a happy and
PERSONAL FINANCE REPORTER Number of taxpayers liable to Capital Gains Tax Capital gains tax rates in different countries per cent capital gains tax rate in line SIR KEIR STARMER has signalled a fulfilled life”. He added: “We are com-
with the 40 and 45 per cent tax bands climbdown on Labour’s transgender mitted to updating the GRA to intro-

ligning investment profit taxes France 19% of higher earners would effectively stance, as he said lessons have to be duce self-declaration for trans people.”
with income levies would make UK 20% create a “double taxation system”. learned from Scotland. Sir Keir initially remained silent on
Britain an outlier on the world 300k “You’re stealing from the future,” he Nicola Sturgeon resigned as First Ms Sturgeon’s proposals, but in Janu-
US 20%
stage and take rates to their highest in said. “You’re eating the seed corn and Minister last month after her radical ary, he revealed he thought 16-year-olds
decades, experts have warned. 200k Germany 26.4% you’re undermining growth. Capitalist approach to trans rights cost her the were too young to legally change their
Front-bench Labour MPs have UK* 40% economies depend on capital. They support of her SNP colleagues. gender.
suggested that the party could align 100k Chile 40% depend on people deferring their A law drawn up by Ms Sturgeon but While vowing to remove “indigni-
the rates of capital gains tax with consumption, for the sake of some blocked by Westminster would have ties” from the current system, he
income tax if Sir Keir Starmer takes Korea 45% greater good down the line. And taxing allowed anyone over the age of 16 to acknowledged that for “99.9 per cent of
power in the next election, and the 1990-01 95-96 00-01 05-06 10-11 15-16 20-21 *if rates realigned with higher-rate income tax capital gains as if it were ordinary self-identify their gender without a
Labour leader refused to rule the move under Labour income works against that.” medical certificate.
out when asked.
In November 2020, the Office of Tax Sir Keir previously pledged to reform
‘The lesson I take from the
Capital gains duties are levied at 20 Organisation for Economic Co- United States, for example, investment Simplification advised the the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) to SNP is that if you’re going
per cent currently on most assets. operation and Development (OECD), profits are taxed at a rate of up to 20 Government to consider aligning allow trans people to self-identify. How- to make reforms, you need
Aligning this with the 40 per cent only seven favour this approach: per cent on most assets held for longer capital gains tax rates more closely ever, he appeared to back away from the
income tax rate would result in the rate Australia, Denmark, Estonia, the Czech than a year. Germany levies a rate of with income tax rates. It caused an pledge yesterday when asked if he still to have the public with you’
doubling for higher earners. Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg and 26.4 per cent, while in France the uptick in tax receipts that year, as planned to press ahead with the
Such a move has been described as Norway, according to headline rate is 19 per cent. investors rushed to sell assets. changes during a press conference in women the issue is biological”.
“dangerous”, with experts saying it PricewaterhouseCoopers, an Tom Clougherty, head of tax at the Stuart Adam, a senior economist at Stoke-on-Trent. Labour has previously appeared to
would stifle investment and enterprise accountancy firm. Centre for Policy Studies think tank, the Institute for Fiscal Studies think Sir Keir told reporters: “I think that if come unstuck on transgender issues,
at a time when growth in the British In most countries, capital gains are warned against this policy change, tank, said: “The basic risk is that you we reflect on what’s happened in Scot- with a number of its figures giving dif-
economy is most needed. taxed at a lower rate than income tax saying it was “seductive” but wrong. just discourage people from saving and land, the lesson I take from that is that if ferent answers about what a woman is.
Critics said it would also make because governments want to “Britain would end up with the least investing. The Government’s been you’re going to make reforms, you have In May 2022, Sir Keir refused to say
Britain an economic outlier and encourage investment. Nations such as competitive personal tax system in the trying to strike a balance between on to carry the public with you. whether a woman could have a penis,
penalise ordinary middle-class families New Zealand and Singapore do not OECD,” he said. “Considering we’re the one hand wanting to tax all sources “I think that’s a very important mes- only to eventually go on to admit that
who are saving for the future and have even have capital gains tax. already towards the bottom of the rank of income and capital gains equally, sage, and I think that’s why it’s clear “biology matters”. Wes Streeting, the
already been paying a growing amount While it is difficult to compare for business taxes and property taxes, and minimising the scope for tax that in Scotland there should be a reset shadow health secretary, said last
of capital gains tax. Britain’s system to other countries it would leave us with a pretty avoidance and not discouraging of the situation.” spring “men have penises, women have
Just a handful of major economies because of domestic complexities in unappealing tax system from the savings and investment.” The change In a message to Pink News, an LGBT vaginas”, only for Emily Thornberry,
tax capital gains at the same rate as each region, it is broadly in line with perspective of a business or an would help rake in an extra £1.5 billion website, for Pride in 2021, Sir Keir had the shadow attorney general, to insist
income. Out of 38 countries in the other major world economies. In the investor. That’s bad for growth, from tax over the next five years. said his priority was “forming the next some women “will have penises”.

Families face huge rise in council tax as average bills top £2,000 for the first time
By Nick Gutteridge choice” as they fight rising inflation, but social care services, without holding a sis by the County Councils Network that residents are in the midst of a cost
low tax campaigners said they should local referendum. Areas with the highest (CCN) and Society of County Treasurers of living crisis, and many of us have
POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT council tax bill in 2023-24
“get a grip on waste” instead. Analysis of Government statistics found England’s largest councils will reluctantly proposed maximum council
THE average council tax bill is set to hit Families in Rutland face the biggest shows that 188 increased the basic rates Band D dwelling occupied by two adults still be cash-strapped. tax rises,” he said.
more than £2,000 for the first time this bills in the country of £2,422 followed they are charging families by 4.9 per Council Bill They calculated that authorities will “While councils will do all they can
year, in a cost of living blow for house- by Nottingham on £2,412 and then cent or more. Rutland £2,422
need to save £1 billion and spend next year to deliver these savings whilst
holds. Lewes in East Sussex on £2,388. Of the 153 major authorities just two £350 million in reserves to meet the protecting vital care services there is
Nottingham £2,412
Four in five local authorities have Despite the rises councils warned did not trigger the extra top up, which legal requirement to balance their already little fat to cut.”
Lewes £2,388
opted to effectively increase their rates they will have to make at least £1 billion adds an average of £30 to the typical books. The Taxpayers’ Alliance said: “Coun-
Dorset £2,388
by the maximum amount, adding £99 in savings to balance the books. Band D bill. That is because inflation is set to add cils have shown that when given an
to how much a typical household will They are set to make cuts to services Central Bedfordshire was the only Wealden £2,363 £1.6 billion to their costs at a time when inch they’ll take a mile, hitting house-
have to pay. including bus routes, street lighting, council in the country to announce that Newark & Sherwood £2,357 the cost of living crisis means demand holds with record rate rises during a
Rates will rise by an average of 5.1 per recycling centres and community it was completely freezing this year’s West Devon £2,347 for services is increasing. cost of living crisis.
cent across England from next month, health. rates for residents. Bristol UA £2,345 Carl Les, leader of North Yorkshire “Local authorities now need to focus
pushing the cost for a Band D property Town halls are allowed to raise their The precepts for the police and fire Oxford £2,332 council and the CCN’s finance spokes- funds on the frontline and demonstrate
up to £2,065. regular bills by three per cent, plus up services have also risen by more than Gateshead £2,332 man, said authorities had “little option” to residents that their hard-earned
Councils insisted they had “no to an optional extra two per cent for six per cent on average. Even so, analy- SOURCE: GOV.UK but to raise their rates. “We understand money won’t be wasted.”
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 ** 5


senator guilty
of UK plot to
harvest organ
Ekweremadu paid a health tourism
Politician went looking for company in the UK to facilitate the med-
ical arrangements.
replacement donor after However, during their first appoint-
London hospital grew ment a consultant at the Royal Free
suspicious and raised alarm came to suspect the man was unaware
he had agreed to donate a kidney.
By Patrick Sawer and Jack Hardy The specialist refused to proceed and
raised safety concerns about the donor,
A HIGH-RANKING Nigerian politician who was noted as being “visibly
convicted of plotting to exploit a young relieved” on being told the transplant
street trader for his kidney shopped would not go ahead.
around for a replacement donor after a The intended victim returned to the
British hospital raised the alarm, a court family’s address in Cricklewood, north-
heard yesterday. west London, where an earlier court
Ike Ekweremadu promised the vic- hearing heard that “he was treated like
tim up to £7,000 and a better life if he a slave by the defendants”.
came to Britain to donate his organ to At one stage he managed to escape
the politician’s 25-year-old daughter, and lived rough on the streets, before
Sonia, in an £80,000 private transplant eventually walking into Staines police
at the Royal Free Hospital, London. station in May last year and told officers
However, when their plot went about his ordeal.
wrong the family began to review other Mr Davies told the Old Bailey that Mr
donors for a potential transplant in Tur- and Mrs Ekweremadu were powerful
key, the court heard. figures in Nigerian society, but that
Their search was interrupted when their status could not guarantee the
Ekweremadu, his wife Beatrice, 56, and
Dr Obinna Obeta, 50, a medical “mid- ‘Relative to the medical
dleman”, were charged with conspiring
to exploit the donor for his body part. costs of the process, the
Yesterday all three were found guilty victim’s reward was to be a
of the organ harvesting conspiracy
under the 2015 Modern Slavery Act – small fraction of the whole’ Ike Edweremadu,
the first conviction of its type.
his wife Beatrice,
They were remanded into custody good health of their family. Ms Ekwer- above, and Obinna
and will be sentenced on May 5. emadu, who was studying for a masters Obeta, right, were
As part of the plot, “elaborate” steps degree at Newcastle University when convicted of an
were taken to create the false impres- she became ill, had a “significant and organ harvesting
sion that Sonia and the young man, deteriorating” kidney condition which plot after the
whose age was given as 21 on his pass- could be managed through dialysis, but unnamed victim
port, were cousins. was curable through a transplant. walked into a police
Under the agreement, the man, who She is still awaiting a transplant and station, left, to
report them
at the time was making a few pounds a wept and hugged her father yesterday
day selling telephone parts from a cart, as she was cleared of conspiracy
was to be paid a fee plus the promise of charges.
work and a trip to the UK. Mr Ekweremadu was appointed
But Hugh Davies KC told jurors: “Rel- visiting professor of corporate and
ative to the wider medical costs of the international linkages at the University
process – measured in tens of thousands of Lincoln in June 2022, describing
of pounds – which would have been the p osition as “a call to serve
done privately, his reward was to be a humanity”.
small fraction of the whole. To him – a He was one of Nigeria’s most senior
street trader from Lagos – these sums politicians and regarded as ally of for-

and rewards were significant.” mer president Dr Goodluck Jonathan.

Once the man was found to be a suit- He is now under investigation in
able match, he was transported to Lon- Nigeria for the misappropriation of
don in February 2022. Mr and Mrs public funds and money laundering.

Just a joke? Wolf whistle may Senior lawyers say they will not
earn admirers two years in jail prosecute climate activists
By Charles Hymas was a loophole in the proposals that streets without fear and I’m committed By Daily Telegraph Reporter disruption to vital public services and icised by some members of the legal
HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR would let offenders escape prosecution to ensuring that criminals who intimi- infrastructure in recent years, by block- profession who say it undermines the
by claiming they thought their behav- date and harass them face the conse- A GROUP of leading lawyers have ing traffic and printing presses, and notion that everyone is entitled to legal
MEN who wolf whistle or make sexual iour was welcome, even if any other quences. This is why we are backing the declared they will refuse to prosecute chaining themselves to oil refineries. representation, no matter the crime.
remarks to women will face prosecu- reasonable person felt it was not. Protection from Sex-Based Harassment climate activists. Potential signatories include Tim Robert Buckland, a Conservative MP
tion for harassment even if they believe Mrs Braverman has now accepted in Public Bill, and after carefully consid- Around 120 of Britain’s most eminent Crosland, a former barrister and direc- and the former justice secretary, told
it is a compliment or a joke, under legal their concerns and is backing an ering a range of views, we are support- lawyers are poised to sign a “Declaration tor of Plan B Earth, a group which the Daily Mail: “There are plenty of
changes announced by Suella Braver- amendment which will close the loop- ing an amendment that will require the of Conscience” stating that they will not people lawyers represent who are
man, the Home Secretary. hole by requiring a “reasonableness Government to produce statutory guid- prosecute eco-protesters brought before ‘When lawyers start deeply unpleasant and deeply unpopu-
Mrs Braverman is to toughen a pro- test” where it is accepted that a defend- ance for the police to help them enforce the courts. Lawyers such as Joylon lar, such as rapists and paedophiles.
posed new street harassment law so ant “ought to know” their behaviour the new offence.” Maugham KC and Sir Geoffrey Bindman picking and choosing, it “But they are entitled to a fair trial.
that potential offenders cannot escape amounted to harassment. The legislation has been piloted KC, and other members of the group undermines independence When lawyers start picking and choos-
prosecution by claiming they did not This means anyone who catcalls, wolf through the commons as a private “Lawyers are Responsible”, are among ing, in a way it undermines the inde-
realise their behaviour amounted to whistles, makes a pass or sexual com- member’s bill by former cabinet minis- the potential signatories, according to of the legal profession’ pendence of the legal profession.”
harassment. ment towards a woman which a “rea- ter Greg Clark, backed by the Govern- the Daily Mail. It comes as a survey called into doubt
The new Bill, which is due for its final sonable” person felt amounted to ment. He put forward the amendment Mr Maugham is an activist lawyer mounts legal challenges against govern- the efficacy of green protests in which
report stage in the Commons today, will harassment will no longer be able claim supported by former home secretary who has challenged the Government on ments that fall foul of climate pledges, activists blocked roads and threw soup
make it an offence to cause “intentional it was meant as a compliment or joke Priti Patel and Caroline Nokes, chair- issues such as Brexit and PPE contracts, and Prof Leslie Thomas KC, who special- over a Van Gogh artwork. The soup
harassment, alarm or distress” to a per- and will face prosecution. man of the Commons women and while Sir Geoffrey is a renowned human ises in claims against the police. stunt by Just Stop Oil activists, and
son in public based on their sex. Police will be issued with guidance so equalities committee. rights lawyer and member of the Labour Prof Thomas said that while he roadblocks of the M25 by Insulate Brit-
Offenders will face a maximum of they can enforce the law. Labour MP Stella Creasy, who also Campaign for Human Rights. intends to sign in a show of solidarity, ain, had more than 50 per cent disap-
two years in jail. Mrs Braverman said: “Women have played a key part in supporting the Bill, It comes as groups such as Extinction this does not mean he will refuse cases proval in a study of 3,000 people
However, campaigners said there the fundamental right to walk the welcomed the closure of the loophole. Rebellion and Just Stop Oil have caused he is assigned. The declaration was crit- conducted last year by Opinium.

It’s not racist to call someone Chapel to fill with mourners

a ‘dark horse’, tribunal rules for war hero they never knew
By Daily Telegraph Reporter scams department, helping vulnerable By Catherine Lough told the BBC. “He was always smiling.”
people at risk of online scams. After the hunt was taken up by The Sun,
CALLING someone a “dark horse” is not The phrase dark horse was said by Jo AN OV ERFLOW of mourners i s Rishi Sunak also praised Flt Sgt Brown
racist, a tribunal has ruled. Orsler, a service support manager, in expected at a Second World War veter- as an example of the “selfless contribu-
The ruling came after a black woman relation to a conversation about the for- an’s funeral after an appeal to attend led tion of all Commonwealth personnel
sued the Citizens Advice Bureau for mer Premier League footballer Didier to an overwhelming public response. who have served the RAF”.
race discrimination and race harass- Drogba, the court heard. Flt Sgt Peter Brown, who died aged Mr Sunak said: “We’ve arranged for
ment after she finished working for the Writing a complaint in June 2020, Ms 96 in Maida Vale, west London, last an RAF trumpeter to attend the funeral,
organisation. Mangwanya, said: “Today Sophie [her December, had never married and had alongside a senior RAF officer.”
Grace Mangwanya complained at colleague] mentioned that she knows no children, leading to a search for
work that her manager used the phrase Didier Drogba because he is from Ivory more distant relatives to attend his Flt Sgt Peter Brown
“dark horse” in front of her. funeral next Wednesday. travelled from
However, the support assistant had ‘The reference refers to The appeal was so successful that Jamaica to fight
“misunderstood” what the expression Westminster city council believes the against Nazism. His
meant when she took offence to it, someone who has kept number of guests will exceed the capac- funeral will be held
the tribunal heard. Ms Mangwanya, their talents hidden. It did ity of the crematorium hosting his on Wednesday
who was based in Leeds, west Yorks, memorial service, while funeral direc-
brought a “litany of allegations” against not violate her dignity’ tor W Sherry and Sons says it has also
Citizens Advice to the tribunal after she been inundated with requests.
lost her job. Coast and was a friend of her last boy- Born in 1926, Flt Sgt Brown, origi- A joint Westminster council and
Her claims – including the “dark friend who was from Ivory Coast. (sic) nally from Jamaica, was 17 when he Royal Air Forces Association statement
horse” allegation – were thrown out. “Jo then said ‘Sophie I did not know enlisted in the volunteer reserve in said: “The public response has been
The origin of the saying “dark horse” that you were a dark horse person’, 1943. It is thought that he travelled both heartwarming and overwhelming.
can be traced to the 19th century, with meaning she had a black boyfriend. across the Atlantic to fight against His story of valour and modesty has

its first known use in 1831 novel The “Sophie avoided answering this... I Nazism and he trained as a radio opera- touched many who rightly wish to pay
Young Duke, written by Benjamin Dis- am now very sure that she is not aware tor and air gunner before going on to fly their own tribute.
raeli, the former prime minister. that it offends others. As a black person Lancaster bombers. “From knowing so little about him at
The expression comes from the nov- some of the things she says are painful He left the Armed Forces in the 1950s. the start of this search, the information
el’s protagonist witnessing a horse race in our culture.” Later, he became a member of Maryle- gathered has led to an incredible out-
which had a surprise winner, a dark Dismissing her claims, Employment bone Cricket Club. pouring of support. Many people have
horse “which had never been thought Judge Jim Shepherd said: “Ms Man- Local residents began the search for asked to attend the service, which is
of ”. The Leeds Employment Tribunal gwanya misunderstood the reference
Cushty Katie Darragh and Mel Keepin, staff at Longleat funeral attendees as he was popular already well beyond the capacity of the
heard Ms Mangwanya was employed by which refers to someone who has kept House, Wilts, echo a comedy moment from Only Fools and with his neighbours. “Fiercely inde- chapel. We are exploring ways in which
Citizens Advice in September 2019 on a their talents hidden. It did not have the Horses when cleaning a 200-year-old chandelier. pendent, stubborn as hell, but a won- he can be honoured on a scale befitting
one-year fixed term contract in its purpose of violating her dignity.” derful guy,” his neighbour Julian Futter of his role.”
6 *** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph


Council fluffs its lines again with wobbly road markings

residents in January when it painted However, it appears to have removed markings were a “heart-breaking mess ness knows what the long white lines A spokesman for the local authority
Residents complain new curvy lines along a beachfront road in the lines and replaced them with a col- made of our once magnificent Victorian are for.” said: “We expect many more visitors to
instructions are worse Clevedon, Somerset, as part of a scheme oured design that has left residents seafront by [North Somerset council] Linda Rodriguez, from Essex, who come to Clevedon after the Pier to Pier
designed to slow traffic. equally aggrieved as they complained last night”. spent her childhood in Clevedon and Way opens later this year, which will
and make seafront look The one-way transformation that the buff-coloured markings now Others described them as an “eye- visits every year, condemned the bring more walkers and cyclists to the
like ‘Balamory from hell’ includes 400 yards of segregated cycle look like “something out of the The Wiz- sore” and suggested period dramas “unnecessary ridiculous graffiti on the area.
lane along the seafront. ard of Oz”, drawing comparisons to the could no longer be filmed in the area. seafront” that had “totally ruined the “The scheme has provided seven
By Catherine Lough Some residents said the designs made yellow brick road. One said they had “woken up to this”, amazing gem of Somerset”. new crossing points, improved pedes-
the historic Victorian area look like a Council workers, they said, removed adding that it had been difficult to sleep North Somerset council said the wig- trian and cycle user safety and will
RESIDENTS who criticised the painting children’s TV programme, with one the bendy lines and roundabout over- because of the noise. gly lines were intended to make the bring additional parking to the area.”
of confusing “wiggly lines” on a busy describing the lines as having an night on Wednesday, with contractors “It looks horrendous,” one resident road feel narrower and slow traffic. The buff-coloured surface had been
road are angry that they have been appearance like “Balamory from hell”. working noisily for eight hours before complained. Another said: “I can only The plan is to remove traffic from the chosen in consultation with conserva-
replaced with a surface that looks like “a The council also appeared to have painting the new markings. assume that the white bits across the seafront – and the cycleway will form tion officers and was “frequently used”
scene from The Wizard of Oz”. begun sketching out a roundabout that Cathy Hawkins, founder of the cam- road are zebra crossings, waiting for the part of the Pier to Pier link between in historic towns such as Oxford, Bath
North Somerset council provoked some dubbed an “alien landing pad”. paign group Save Our Seafront, said the black lines to be painted on them. Good- Weston-super-Mare and Clevedon. and London, they added.



Bemused residents have been questioning designs painted on a road that forms part of a controversial traffic scheme. They claim North Somerset Council has turned Clevedon’s historic seafront into something that resembles a scene from The Wizard of Oz

Ulez will ‘hit thousands more’ than mayor predicts The lure of a fake fly ups a daisy’s pollen count
By Jack Simpson zone will capture. According to traffic outer London whose vehicles don’t By Sarah Knapton sCienCe ediTor The Gorteria diffusa ments, changing the colour to a more
TransporT CorrespondenT data, the mayor expects 160,000 non- meet European emissions standards has repurposed its fly-like blue-green. The root hair genes
compliant cars travelling in outer Lon- will be forced to pay £12.50 for every A DAISY has repurposed its genes to genes to create a make hairs expand on the petal to give
NEARLY 700,000 cars face daily Ulez don. As of October 2022, there were on day they use their car within the Lon- grow a “fake female fly” on its petals to pattern that tricks texture while the third set of genes
charges when the scheme is expanded, average more than 50,000 non-compli- don boundary. attract males and help it to pollinate, male flies into trying make the fake flies appear in apparently
RAC data show, hitting thousands more ant cars travelling in inner London Most petrol vehicles under 16 years scientists have discovered. to mate, depositing random positions on the petals.
drivers than Sadiq Khan had estimated. every day. old and diesel vehicles under six years The Gorteria diffusa is the only daisy pollen on the flower Prof Beverley Glover, of the Univer-
Research from the RAC has found While not all of the 691,000 cars that old would usually comply with emis- known to make such a complex struc- sity of Cambridge, said in Current Biol-
that a total of 691,000 licensed cars in are registered in the zone will travel on sions standards. ture, which, with its hairy appearance ogy: “This daisy didn’t evolve a new
G re a t e r L o n d o n , i n c l u d i n g th e every given day, the figure given by the To get to its figure, the RAC analysed and eye-like dots, is lifelike enough to genes involved in building the fake fly. ‘make a fly’ gene. Instead, it did some-
expanded zone, were unlikely to hit the RAC is still far higher than the 210,000 DVLA data for all vehicles registered in trick male flies into trying to mate. Dur- One moves iron around, one makes root thing even cleverer – it brought
Ulez emissions standards. estimated by the mayor’s office. Greater London and then picked out ing the frantic wiggling that ensues, hairs grow, and one controls when flow- together existing genes, which already
This is far higher than the number of The Ulez zone will be expanded to every petrol car registered before 2006 pollen is deposited on to the flower. ers are made. do other things in different parts of the
non-compliant cars the mayor’s office cover all 32 London boroughs by the and diesel car registered before Sep- Scientists at the University of Cam- The “iron moving” genes add iron to plant, to make a complicated spot on the
estimates the newly expanded Ulez end of August. After that date, drivers in tember 2015. bridge have identified three sets of the petal’s normally reddish-purple pig- petals that deceives male flies.”
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 *** 7

Police rethink plans to withhold names of charged suspects
By Charles Hymas Home affairs eDitor open justice” or deny the public access been hammered out in a meeting with were adopted, the language would be strike a blow to the principle of open information commissioner’s office to try
to information in the public interest. the media and information commis- watered down, with forces advised they justice and could allow serial offenders and resolve its issues, and media organ-
POLICE chiefs are preparing to back It is understood the college had been sioner. “We understand the depth of “can” release the information if they to get away with crimes. isations to ensure journalists continue
down over secret justice plans that advised by the information commis- feeling on these issues and the public wish. The draft guidance told forces Last night, a spokesman for the col- to have access to the information they
would have allowed forces to withhold sioner’s office that its current guidance interest in getting any changes to the they “must consider their data protec- lege said: “We’ve listened to the feed- need to do their important job.”
the names of suspects charged with was potentially in breach of data protec- guidance right,” it said. tion obligations as well as the need for back on draft proposals around our In the wake of the Leveson Inquiry in
serious offences. tion legislation. The current guidance, issued to all open justice and transparency”. media relations guidance and we do not 2012, police forces stopped identifying
After a backlash over the plans, the In a letter to media organisations, the police chiefs, is that they “should” name Rape and sexual violence campaign- want to do anything that will undermine suspects when they were arrested. But
College of Policing said it did not want college said no decision would be taken a defendant when they are charged ers have expressed deep unease over open justice. We’ll take a common-sense they were still named once they were
to do anything that would “undermine on any changes until the issues had with an offence. But if the proposals the proposals with warnings it will approach, working closely with the charged.

RAF high flier Only 1pc of the

billions lost to
Covid fraud has
weeps in dock been recovered

as he is jailed By Amy Gibbons

Political corresPonDent
ONLY one per cent of the estimated £1.1
billion of taxpayer cash lost to fraud and

for sex attack error in Covid business handouts has

been clawed back, a report has found.
The Government has admitted a lack
of pre-payment checks at the start of the
pandemic led to higher levels of waste
as it rushed to get support to firms,
according to a new report from the
posed a risk of harm to women due to Whitehall spending watchdog.
Victim tried to take her the attitude shown in the wake of his Ninety per cent of the total losses
offence. arose during this first wave of grants,
own life after feeling ‘filthy The judge advocate added: “This was with the risk “greatly reduced” when
and disgusting’ in wake of a betrayal of the values and standards of checks and data improvements were
fellow officer’s assault the RAF and tarnishes the reputation of implemented for future iterations, the
the officer corps. You wear the insignia National Audit Office (NAO) said.
By Danielle Sheridan Defence eDitor on your sleeve for a reason, which is to But the watchdog said only a fraction
uphold the highest standards of integ- of the cash has so far been recovered –
AN RAF squadron leader will serve nine rity and to lead by example.” pointing out that councils tasked with
months in jail for a sex attack that drove In a personal statement read by the pursuing the money have had “no finan-
a fellow officer to attempt suicide. victim via video link, she said she was cial incentive” to go “beyond the mini-
Oliver Bayliss, 36, a recent leader of diagnosed with post-traumatic stress mum”, as the funds would be paid back
the elite Chinook helicopter display disorder and endured nightmares about to central government.
team, assaulted his victim at a social the attack. Attempts by the former Department
occasion in January last year. She said: “I felt like a burden to my for Business, Energy and Industrial
The military court at Catterick, North family and friends and due to the impact Strategy (BEIS) to identify losses were
Yorks, heard Bayliss, a married father, of the sexual assault I attempted suicide
and the woman were not known to each in June when I felt I could no longer
other when they met at a military base
where Bayliss was celebrating his pro-
She added: “The only glimmer of a sil-
ver lining is that I hope this has taught
The court heard that the assault took Oliver Bayliss that he cannot behave in Percentage of the total of £22.6billion
place as Bayliss’s victim tried to get that way.” paid to business during Covid which
away from him after she noticed his Bayliss had his sentence reduced was lost as a result of fraud and error
wedding ring. from two years to 18 months, which was
It was then that Bayliss is said to have
thrust his hands up her skirt and sexu- ‘This was a betrayal of the also delayed until at least a year after the
ally assaulted her. payments had been made.
She said the attack, which she values and standards of the The NAO said that just under five per
reported to the police the following day, RAF and tarnishes the cent of the £22.6 billion paid to busi-
left her feeling “filthy and disgusting”. nesses through Covid grant schemes
Bayliss denied the assault and was officer corps’s reputation’ between March 2020 and March 2022
said to have told a probation worker was lost as a result of fraud and error – a
that he had no need to assault his victim partly due to his distinguished career, total of £1.1billion. Only £11.4 million, or
as he was the more attractive of the two. which included active service in one per cent, had been clawed back by
The woman said the RAF had made Afghanistan, Iraq and West Africa. last month, nearly three years on from
her feel “ostracised” after she was He was told he would serve half his the first national lockdown.
ordered to work from home when she sentence, which will be carried out in a The report said officials attributed
raised concerns that their paths might civilian jail after being cleared through the greater losses in the initial iterations
cross, while her attacker was allowed to the military prison at Colchester, before to “the decision not to require pre-pay-
continue his duties as normal. he was eligible for release. ment checks on grant recipients and
Six months after the assault, she tried A tearful Bayliss, of Harrogate, North shortcomings in the data held by local
to take her own life. Yorks, shook his head as he was authorities”. Dame Meg Hillier, the
Assistant Judge Advocate General marched from the court after being dis- Labour chairman of the Public Accounts
Edward Legard said the board was trou- missed from the RAF in disgrace. Committee, said it is now up to the Gov-
bled by Bayliss’s “absence of remorse or Emma Norton, director and solicitor ernment to “act on the lessons from this
understanding”. with the Centre for Military Justice, said experience it has learnt so it can be on
“There has been an element of victim the victim’s feeling of being ostracised the front foot for the next crisis”.
blaming and minimisation of your by the RAF was not unusual for service- A government spokesman said: “This
actions and you have shown an unwar- women who report sexual assault in the report confirms that our Covid-19
ranted sense of entitlement,” he said. Armed Forces. business grant schemes helped to
Judge Advocate Legard added: “You She said: “The experiences of this secure millions of businesses and
said you would be able to get more woman after she reported an extremely livelihoods through the pandemic... no
girls than she could men, which dis- serious sexual assault seem to reflect amount of error and fraud is acceptable,
plays a worrying attitude towards those of all the servicewomen we are and we are continuing to work hard to
women in general.” The court found he supporting.” Oliver Bayliss, who led the elite Chinook display team, was handed an 18-month sentence for the sex attack on a fellow officer recover these funds where possible.”

Sex offences hit record 31 pc rise as fears of unreported crimes remain

By Gabriella Swerling research from the crime survey, police numbers remain well below the num- protect victims.” Her comments follow 163,244. The ONS said that the survey 275,000 men). Helen Ross, from the
social affairs eDitor figures, and victim services. ber of victims estimated by the survey, release of the Casey Report which provides the best measure of victimisa- ONS, said there was no significant
The research found there was an which equates to an estimated 1.1 mil- found that although the Met Police has tion and estimated that 2.3 per cent of change in the prevalence of sexual
SEX offences have increased by 31 per increase from 147,835 to 193,566 police- lion adults. said that violence against women is a adults (3.3 per cent women and 1.2 per assault compared with the period
cent – their biggest ever annual rise – recorded sexual offences compared Jamie Klingler, of Reclaim These “top priority”, the review said: “Those cent men) aged 16 years and over were before the pandemic.
government figures show. with the previous year. Streets (RTS), the social justice cam- close to the service tell a different victims of sexual assault (including But she added that the highest fig-
The Office for National Statistics The volume of sexual offences paign, said: “These numbers are all the story.” attempts) in the year ending March ures “could be driven, in part, by an
(ONS) has published data on sexual recorded by the police has been increas- more reason that every police force in The ONS said that in 2018, police 2022 survey. increased number of victims willing to
offences in England and Wales for the ing over the past decade. the nation needs to prioritise sexual recorded 152,741 sexual offences, in This equates to an estimated 1.1 mil- report both recent and historical inci-
year ending March 2022 based on However, the ONS warned that the violence and how we safeguard and 2019 there were 164,308 and in 2020 lion adults (798,000 women and dents”.

Taxman’s £1m win in dogged Red Wall ‘needs government

pursuit of paparazzi boss protection from junk food’
By Daily Telegraph Reporter attached, remained in the UK until By Laura Donnelly HealtH eDitor claimed parents were very keen for
some time after July 2012, although action to be taken to prevent childhood
A MILLIONAIRE former paparazzi work had commenced in December RED WALL voters are crying out for obesity. “People are actually slightly fed
boss has lost an appeal against paying a 2011 to identify what steps were needed restrictions to “protect them” from junk up with their children being marketed
capital gains tax bill after a judge ruled to transport Amber to Australia. food, the Government’s former food junk food,” he said.
his dog showed he was living in the UK. “None of the six-month process for tsar has said. “Advertising restrictions are very
Darryn Lyons, who ran Big Pictures, her shipping started until January 2012, Henry Dimbleby accused the Tories popular. So while on Twitter, you get a
a photo agency, and appeared on which was therefore consistent with Mr of “insane” inaction on obesity, suggest- small number of quite loud, free mar-
Celebrity Big Brother in 2011, went to Lyons moving to Australia after April 6 ing ministers were wrong to assume keteers actually people in general – and
court to fight a million-pound capital 2012 and not before. Steps were not nanny state measures would provoke a in those red wall seats in particular, like
gains tax bill. taken to relocate Amber, to whom he backlash and lose the Tories votes. rules – and they like rules that protect
The bill related to the sale of proper- was devoted, until January 2012.” Mr Dimbleby, who recently resigned,
ties he owned in the UK during the The judge added that Mr Lyons’s said polling conducted when officials ‘Ministers are wrong to
2012-13 tax year. Mr Lyons claimed he home in the UK remained the place to were drawing up a national food strat-
was not a resident in the UK during that which he returned on April 29 2012 and egy found strong support for restric- think that imposing salt
period and was not liable to pay the bill. where he had accumulated “so much” tions, particularly on the promotion of and sugar taxes would
Now mayor of Geelong in Victoria, of his personal possessions, as well as junk food. Ministers have repeatedly
Australia, Mr Lyons had been in the much of his archive material. delayed a proposed ban on such adverts cost them at the ballot box’
process of moving back to the country “He continued as chairman of Big online, and before 9pm on television,
in November 2011. But a tax tribunal Pictures Ltd and maintained invest- along with ending buy-one-get-one free them. They are quite happy for the Gov-
judge found that Mr Lyons’s dog, ments such as the partnership interest deals offered by supermarkets. ernment to restrict the way in which
Amber, was still in Britain during the and bank accounts in the UK, as well as Mr Dimbleby was appointed by the junk food is marketed at them.”
tax period in question. Judge Tracey those matters connected with day-to- Government to carry out a review of Polling was also “significantly posi-
Bowler found that the process for mov- day life in a place such as doctor and England’s food market and had called tive”, he added, about sugar and salt
ing Amber to Australia, which can take dentist registrations and registration on for an expansion of sugar taxes to cover taxes, suggesting that ministers were
around six months, had not started until the electoral role,” the judge added. foods, as well as drinks, and the intro- “wrong” to think such measures would
January 2012, pushing Mr Lyons’s resi- “His dog remained in the UK and his duction of a salt tax. Both ideas were cost them at the ballot box.
dency into the next tax year. girlfriend was living here. We conclude dismissed in the summer and ministers u  NHS watchdogs have backed the

Dismissing his appeal against the that while it is clear that Mr Lyons had published a watered-down strategy. drug Wegovy, which regulates appetite,
capital gains tax assessment, the judge set in motion steps to relocate to Aus- Mr Dimbleby, the son of David, the for obese people who have other health
said: “Mr Lyons had taken a large tralia in 2012, those steps had not broadcaster, and co-founder of Leon, a problems.
amount of jewellery to Australia and his reached the point of being a ‘substantial restaurant chain, said ministers’ views But health officials hope a drug com-
prized Ferrari was moved there in loosening of ties to the UK’ until after were out of kilter with the public, par- pany bidding war will drive down
November 2011. (But) Mr Lyons’s dog, April 6 2012. As a result, Mr Lyons was a ticularly of people in red wall seats that prices so the NHS can offer it to more of
Amber, to whom he was extremely UK tax resident during part of 2012-13.” Darryn Lyons must pay a capital gains tax bill totalling more than a million pounds have traditionally voted Labour. He Britain’s 12 million obese adults.
8 ** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph


I made mistakes, says

Sturgeon in her final
address as leader
office to govern for all Scots. Referring
First Minister on verge of to her repeated calls for another inde-
pendence referendum, he told MSPs:
tears as she tells Scottish “For some, too often, she used her posi-
Parliament she is proud of tion to further her party’s political
what she has achieved objectives rather than bring the country
together and govern in all of Scotland’s
By Simon Johnson interests.”
SCOTTISH POLITICAL EDITOR In a fractious First Minister’s Ques-
tions, he listed numerous policy areas in
NICOLA STURGEON has admitted she which her government had fallen short
made her “fair share of mistakes” after and concluded she had “failed in every
her record in office was savaged at the mission she set herself ”.
final First Minister’s Questions before Rowling row He said that “shameless political
she steps down as leader. Author takes spin” had been the hallmark of her ten-
In a valedictory speech at Holyrood aim at Yousaf ure and that this had continued to the
after more than eight years in office, Ms very end, with her husband, Peter Mur-
Sturgeon said that there were things rell, resigning as SNP chief executive
that she wished she had done “better or JK Rowling has over “lies” told to the press and public
differently”. attacked the about the party’s membership.
But, speaking on the third anniver- frontrunner to Mr Ross said the “house that Stur-
sary of imposing a lockdown in Scot- replace Nicola geon, [Alex] Salmond and Murrell built
land, she said “overall and Sturgeon, is collapsing”, with the three candidates
overwhelmingly, I am proud of what accusing him of to replace her lashing out at each other
has been achieved” and claimed her backing during the SNP leadership contest and
tenure would be defined by her leader- legislation that criticising her record.
ship through the pandemic. would have Speaking later to journalists, Ms Stur-
During an emotional conclusion, in allowed rapists in geon dismissed “hyperbolic” claims the
which she appeared on the verge of women’s prisons. SNP was disintegrating. Anas Sarwar,
tears, she addressed the Scottish peo- Humza Yousaf the Scottish Labour leader, said the
ple, saying: “Words will never convey posted a picture Nationalists would “not find a replace-
the gratitude and awe I hold in my heart of him holding a ment like her” and her absence would
for the opportunity I have had to serve pink heart with be “keenly” felt.
as your First Minister. It truly has been “Upholding The winner of the SNP’s leadership
the privilege of my lifetime.” Rights”, referring contest will be announced on Monday
Holyrood’s opposition party leaders to women. Ms afternoon, with Humza Yousaf, the
paid tribute to her staying power after Rowling replied: Health Secretary, Kate Forbes, Finance
35 years in politics and agreed she pro- “What a lovely Secretary, or Ash Regan, an outsider,

vided a leadership role model for pink heart. Now succeeding Ms Sturgeon.
women and girls. tell us why you An Ipsos Mori poll found 38 per cent
However, they lambasted her record voted down the of SNP voters have a favourable view of
on the NHS, education and record drugs amendment to Mr Yousaf compared to 37 per cent for
deaths, with Douglas Ross, the Scottish stop rapists being Ms Forbes. However, none of the three
Tory leader, accusing her of breaking a housed in candidates had a positive approval rat-
pledge she made on her first day in women’s jails.” ing with the Scottish public. Outgoing First Minister Nicola Sturgeon hugs her deputy John Swinney, who is also standing down, before leaving the main chamber in Holyrood

Any regrets? You wouldn’t think she had any as she bows out her way
reflection from Nicola Sturgeon. National Investment Bank” and even, heckling and cries of “shame”. out of quoting leadership contenders the value of kindness in politics and
Sketch Regrets? Her? Never! Or at least, too “The NHS” – founded 22 years before Sturgeon riposted in Orwellian style: on the state of their own country after being “opponents, not enemies”
few to elaborate on. On her final day as Ms Sturgeon was born. She’d worn one “The SNP remains the only mass years of SNP rule. Would the First contrasted vividly with the playground
Grand Krankie, she wasn’t going to let of her trademark powersuits; the sort membership party in this country.” Minister agree that “continuity, mud-slinging of seconds ago.
a little thing like magnanimity get in that made her look like a Bond Villain While this didn’t quite answer Ross’s mediocrity and incompetence won’t Douglas Ross managed to end his
her way and so floated placidly in on a on The Apprentice. question, the SNP MSPs clapped cut it?”, he asked. final follow-up on a magnanimous note
By Madeline Grant Great Lake of her own smuggery. The opening contest between anyway. In Sturgeon-land, everything The main questions over, Sturgeon with a tribute to Sturgeon’s lengthy
“Let’s look at my record,” she Sturgeon and Scots’ Tory leader is fine – even when it isn’t. launched into a final valedictory public service, her “formidable”

egrets, I’ve had a few,” crooned boasted, with all the self-reflection of Douglas Ross was a scrappy affair. In Buoyed by the applause, she kept speech which attempted to reassert campaigning abilities and with best
Frank Sinatra in My Way. Many an arsonist brandishing matches in testament to the genuine dislike they going. “Tories shouldn’t be lecturing the moral high ground. It included a wishes to her family. Amid a ripple of
people choose this as the final front of the charred shell of a building. have for one another, the pair brawled anyone about honesty and integrity.” gushing section on her strong female polite applause from some nationalist
music at a funeral. As MSPs gathered to She cited “institutions that didn’t even like two alleycats over a piece of Sturgeon’s MSPs loved this too, but by leadership and contribution to MSPs, there was not a single clap from
bury her political career – some SNP exist when I became First Minister: rotting pilchard. Ross accused the SNP that token, should the SNP be lecturing women’s rights; particularly galling the outgoing First Minister. Enemies,
representatives had even brought Revenue Scotland for example… Social of lying to the public and media over anyone about integrity? Anas Sarwar, given her ongoing inability to define not opponents, once again, it seemed.
tissues – there was no such self- Security Scotland… The Scottish its membership figures. This drew the Scottish Labour leader, got mileage what a woman is. Her final thrust on As ever, Nicola Sturgeon did it her way.

Ditch death penalty for gay acts,

Welby urges Ugandan president
By Gabriella Swerling the Bill as “profoundly disturbing and cies” are children of God and should be
SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS EDITOR utterly UnChristlike”. He also said welcomed by their churches. His com-
he  would be writing to the head of ments were backed by the Archbishop
THE Archbishop of Canterbury, the the Church of Uganda, the Most Rev of Canterbury and the Moderator of the
Most Rev Justin Welby, will write to the Stephen Kaziimba, who is in favour of Church of Scotland.
president of Uganda following protests the Bill, to express his concern. It came as a prominent leader of
at a Bill which will make homosexual The Anglican church in Uganda has Uganda’s LGBTQ community said yes-
acts punishable by death. been consistently against same-sex terday that he was worried about
All but two of the 389 Ugandan MPs marriage and is aligned to GAFCON, the becoming “homeless”, describing
voted in favour of the law which intro- conservative Anglican group. anguished calls by others like him who
duces death or life imprisonment for The Archbishop of Canterbury vis- are concerned for their safety after the
gay sex and “recruitment, promotion ited South Sudan on a historic trip along passing of the law.
and funding” of same-sex activities. with the Pope and the Moderator of the Frank Mugisha, head of the banned
A spokesman for Lambeth Palace Church of Scotland last month. During LGBTQ group Sexual Minorities
confirmed that the Archbishop will the visit, the three Christian leaders Uganda, said: “I am worried about being
write to Yoweri Museveni, the presi- denounced the criminalisation of evicted. I could become homeless.”
dent, in a private capacity following homosexuality. The Bill was introduced last month
the vote. Speaking to reporters after visiting by an opposition lawmaker who said his
The correspondence comes after his South Sudan, the Pope said such laws goal was to punish the “promotion,
counterpart, the Archbishop of Wales, were a sin and “an injustice”, adding recruitment and funding” of LGBTQ
the Most Rev Andrew John, described that people with “homosexual tenden- activities in the east African country.

Albanian prisoners
will be sent home to
finish jail sentences
ALL eligible Albanian criminals in UK
prisons are to be deported to complete
their sentences in their homeland
under a deal agreed between the coun-
tries’ two prime ministers yesterday.
In a statement after talks at Downing
Street, Rishi Sunak and Edi Rama said
the deportation of hundreds of prison-
ers would be fast-tracked after a joint
UK-Albanian team has ensured, by the
end of April, that Albania’s jails have the
capacity and appropriate conditions to
receive them.
There are more than 1,500 Albanians
convicted of offences in the UK who are
held in English and Welsh jails, making
them the largest group of foreign
nationals. Under the agreement, they
can be transferred up to 270 days before
their release date to serve the remain-
der of their sentence in Albania.
The two leaders also agreed to “take
forward” their “shared priority” to
tackle illegal migration and people
smuggling gangs after Mr Rama had
earlier criticised Britain for singling out

Albanian migrants for political pur-

poses. He said a “few rotten apples” did
not define a nation.
Speaking alongside Mr Sunak in
Downing Street before their talks, the
Albanian prime minister said he wanted
to shake off stereotypes that suggested
Rishi Sunak and Edi Rama meet at Downing Street before agreeing a deportation deal all Albanians were criminals.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 *** 9

Royals plunge Kick off shoes
into the public’s and walk like
bad books after King, abbey
Harry’s memoir visitors told
By Victoria Ward Royal EditoR By Victoria Ward Royal EditoR
THE Royal family’s approval rating has WESTMINSTER Abbey is to allow visi-
slumped to its lowest level for 12 months tors to walk over the exact spot on
following the publication of Prince Har- which the King will be crowned in
ry’s memoir, Spare. stockinged feet.
The latest Ipsos poll suggests that all The guided “barefoot tours” will
senior royals have been affected by the offer access to the Cosmati pavement
fallout. While the Prince of Wales where every English monarch has been
remains the most popular, his rating has crowned since the 13th century.
slipped 10 percentage points to 59 per The pavement, commissioned by
cent since December. Henry III, was hidden under a carpet
Prince Harry took particular aim at for 150 years until it was restored to its
his brother in his book, describing dec- former glory in 2010.
ades of simmering resentment and The guided Crown and Church visits
rivalry. will begin on May 15, a week after the
He accused Prince William of push- Coronation.
ing him to the floor and causing physi- Tourists – kept to small groups of 10 –
cal injuries, and of lunging at him after will be asked to remove their shoes and
the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral. walk in socks to help protect the mosaic
Prince William is closely followed in floor of marble, stone, glass and metal.
the ratings by his aunt, the Princess Rich in symbolism, the pavement is
Royal, and his wife, the Princess of said to depict the universe, with a
Wales. But both women have witnessed spherical globe at its centre, and fore-
a drop in popularity since December, by tells the end of the world.
seven and 11 points respectively. A spokesman for the abbey said: “It
Overall, the family’s approval rating will be the first time in living memory
has fallen to 47 per cent, down six points that the abbey has invited visitors to
since the start of the year, and the low- walk on the Cosmati pavement where
est figure recorded by Ipsos UK over the the Coronation chair will be placed for
past 12 months. the crowning of HM the King on Satur-
However, the institution still has a day May 6.”
positive net favourability rating of +21, Scott Craddock, the abbey’s head of
with 26 per cent of adults unfavourable visitor experience, said: “The Corona-
and 25 per cent neither favourable or tion will be a joyous and significant
unfavourable. moment for the nation, and for West-
This time last year, the family’s rating minster Abbey.
was +29. “ We hope that our special pro-
The Sussexes were not immune from gramme of events and digital resources
the plunge in public opinion following gives everyone an opportunity to join in
the book’s release and remain the least with the celebrations.”
popular members of the family, aside Other elements of the programme
from the Duke of York. include an exhibition in the Chapter

Kelly Beaver, chief executive of Ipsos House which will explain and illustrate
UK and Ireland, said: “Our latest polling the key elements of the Coronation ser-
shows the popularity of the Royal fam- vice and its artefacts.
ily and its most prominent members is The Crown and Church tours will run
still down from the levels of sympathy until July 29 and cost £15, plus an abbey
in the aftermath of the Queen’s funeral.” Howard Berry, a Westminster Abbey marshal, takes off his shoes to walk across the Cosmati pavement where the Coronation chair will be placed to crown the King admission fee of £27 for adults.

Secondary schools most oversubscribed in decade

number of over-capacity schools has forced to have bigger class sizes to ham. Other boroughs in the top 10 for a d d e d : “ L o c a l a u th o r i ti e s h ave four years. Demand for primary school
Rise in immigration and risen from a decade low of 477 – or 14 squeeze in excess pupils. being over capacity included Cheshire planned for the increases and provided places has started to fall in some areas.
per cent of secondary schools in 2013- Data released yesterday showed that East, Bath and North East Somerset and more than a million extra secondary The proportion of primary schools
a baby boom mean nearly 14. the local authorities with the highest Southampton. places in the past decade, but this has that were “at or above capacity” was 17
a quarter of institutions Geoff Barton, general secretary of the proportion of secondary schools “at or Prof Alan Smithers, of the Centre for now slowed down because they can see per cent in 2021-22, down from 20 per
are over capacity Association of School and College Lead- above capacity” included Kensington Education and Employment Research that the birth rate more recently has cent a decade ago.
ers, said: “The number of secondary- and Chelsea, Buckinghamshire, Wal- at the University of Buckingham, said: been falling.” In 2022, there were 569,000 unfilled
By Louisa Clarence-Smith school-age children has increased in sall, Bury, and Hammersmith and Ful- “Some local authorities, like Kensing- Families faced one of the most com- places in primary schools, an increase
and Ben Butcher recent years. ton and Chelsea and Buckinghamshire, petitive years on record for 11-year-olds of 2 per cent from 2021, and 24 per cent
“While school places have been have a high proportion of very popular seeking a place at their first-choice sec- more than in 2010.
SECONDARY schools in England are added to accommodate this increase,
Full Highest proportion of schools attracting many children from ondary school this year. Local authorities with the highest
more oversubscribed than at any time there is particular pressure on places at schools at or above capacity beyond their boundaries. This will lead Around 640,000 pupils are estimated proportion of unfilled primary places
in the past decade, new data shows. popular schools, generally those with to these authorities topping the rank- to have applied to start Year Seven in included Wandsworth and Lambeth, at
Kensington and Chelsea 48.6%
Almost a quarter of state secondaries ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ Ofsted ratings, ings for ‘at or above capacity’.” He September, up by around 40,000 in 27 per cent.
were over capacity last year, which which is probably why we see an Walsall 47.4
means they had enrolled more pupils increase in the number of secondaries Bury 46.2
than their reported number of available at or over capacity.” Hammersmith and Fulham 45.5
places, according to the Department for Pressure on places has been driven
Cheshire East 43.5
Education. by a surge in the 11-year-old population
Government figures showed that 755 due to a baby boom in the 2000s. A rise Bath and North East Somerset 42.9
– or 22 per cent – of secondary schools in immigration has also increased Southampton 41.7
of secondaries in England, were over demand for places. Southend-on-Sea 41.7
capacity in 2021-22. The secondary school population is
Newcastle upon Tyne 41.2
Around 37,000 pupils were in places expected to peak next year at 3.2 mil-
that exceeded their school’s capacity, lion, before gradually declining. Bristol 40.9
up from 35,000 a year earlier. The Schools that are over capacity may be SOURCE: DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION

Sexually unsure pupils told: ‘You’re queer’

By Daniel Sanderson entation is [male, female or intersex]”. guage guide” prepared for staff at
ScottiSh coRRESpondEnt However, one parent said: “We should another Scottish school tells staff not to
not be teaching children that ideologi- use terms such as mother, brother or
CHILDREN as young as 11 are being cal statements are fact or clearly sister to avoid upsetting pupils who
taught in school that they are “queer” if encouraging those who don’t know identify as trans.
they do not yet know their sexual orien- what they are yet to call themselves The documents relating to Wick
tation, it has emerged. queer. To say there are three biological High in Caithness, were obtained by
Teaching materials at a state school The Daily Telegraph amid growing con-
in Scotland claim that there are three ‘We should not teach cerns that disputed gender ideology
biological sexes and suggest controver- theories backed by the SNP are being
sial concepts around sex and gender are ideological statements as inappropriately promoted.
being taught as fact. fact. Nonsense to say there A spokesman for Highland Council,
A presentation is being reviewed fol- which runs Wick High, said: “Highland
lowing a backlash from parents at Bor- are three biological sexes’ schools follow national guidance
oughmuir high school in Edinburgh, regarding equality and diversity.”
who fear the lessons have been taking sexes is utter nonsense, to put it mildly.” Kate Forbes, one contender to
place without their knowledge for The school said the guidance was put become the next First Minister, has
years. It states that “queer” is a term together from “a number of different been inundated with complaints about
“many people use when they are not resources”. children as young as four who have
sure what their sexual or romantic ori- Meanwhile, a “gender neutral lan- been confused about gender classes.

Russian diplomat
makes dig at Prince
during Poland trip
By India McTaggart
and Nataliya Vasilyeva
RUSSIA’S top diplomat has taken aim at
the Prince of Wales’s visit to Poland,
expressing Russia’s concerns about
Britain’s support of Ukraine in the war.
Maria Zakharova, the spokesman of
the Russian foreign ministry, used the
trip to raise concerns about Britain’s
plans to supply Ukraine with depleted
uranium shells for Challenger 2 tanks.
“I wonder if William Charles-ovich
has brought depleted uranium ammu-
nition for his troops,” she said, coining a
patronymic for the Prince of Wales by
using his father’s first name.
Vladimir Putin earlier this week said
supplies would be tantamount to using
a “dirty” nuclear bomb.
Ms Zakharova made the comments
yesterday, on the second day of Prince
William’s surprise trip to Poland to
“personally thank” British and Polish
soldiers stationed 50 miles from the

Ukrainian-Polish border for “defending

our shared freedoms”.
Ms Zakharova is known for her
remarks that are often more radical
The Prince of Wales lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw than that of senior Kremlin officials.
10 ** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph

World News

King’s Versailles STRA SBOURG N ICE

banquet may be
scrapped as riots
pose safety risk
Versailles would entail a long motor-
‘Highlight’ of royal tour cade and could be at risk of disruption
b y p ro t e s t e r s wh o h a v e t a k e n
could be moved to avoid to descending on motorways to block
disruptive rallies opposing traffic.
Macron’s pension reforms The city of Paris has ordered all
employees in the public order and traf-
By Victoria Ward Royal EditoR fic department to work during the
and Vivian Song in Paris King’s visit.
Tram drivers have already promised
A BANQUET planned for the King dur- to refuse to take the Royal couple on a
ing next week’s state visit to France may short ride into the centre of Bordeaux,
be moved or cancelled as a result of planned for Tuesday.
safety fears prompted by protests. Trade unionists warned that they
The event is scheduled to take place would not provide the red carpets, fur-
on Monday evening at the Palace of Ver- nishings and flags required for the visit
sailles and has been billed as a “high- after staging a walkout over pay.
light” of the brief tour, which begins on However, Loic Turpin, a spokesman
Sunday. for the National Furniture Service, said
Reports suggest the event could be that only 24 members of staff out of 420
relocated, with the Elysée Palace in were on strike yesterday. A protester in Nice,
Paris a likely replacement. “The red carpet has been delivered
LYON right, wears a
mask depicting
A source close to Emmanuel Macron, Emmanuel Macron.
the French president, told the BFMTV ‘Mr King, listen, we Above, riot police
channel: “The dinner between Charles in Strasbourg, and
III and Emmanuel Macron, planned for have nothing against left, protesters in
Monday, may not be held at Versailles, you... but you should Lyon react to tear
as initially planned.” gas. Police say
The station added: “The information stay away from Versailles’ about one million
we received is that the dinner will likely
be moved to another location, possibly and the trade unions have assured us throughout the
to the Elysée, officially for reasons of that they will not block the work of non- country, whereas
security.” striking staff,” he said. unions say the
The King faces the prospect of being Meanwhile, Sandrine Rousseau, an figure was more
used as a political pawn by unions cam- MP for the Ecologist party, called for the like 3.5 million
paigning against Mr Macron’s plan to cancellation of the visit.
raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. “Unbelievable,” she said. “We are
More than 1,500 protests have going to have Emmanuel Macron, who
already taken place in cities including is going to welcome King Charles III in
Marseille, Lyon, Lille and Paris, with Versailles who is going to descend the
bins set alight, roads blockaded and Champs-Elysées and dine at Versailles
track invasions at railway stations. while the people are protesting.
Demonstrations have also been held “Of course he should cancel this visit.
outside refineries which have blocked Is the priority really to welcome Charles
deliveries of oil and energy workers III in Versailles?”
have cut power to some towns causing Jean-Luc Melenchon, leader of the
brief blackouts. Left-wing France Unbowed party, said:
Original plans for the Versailles ban- “Mr King, listen, we have nothing
quet, hosted by Mr Macron and his wife, against you here, but you’re the King of
Brigitte, was said to involve 200 guests, the English – that’s your business – but
a concert by the Royal Opera and a meal you should stay away from Versailles.”
served on Sevres porcelain and Bacca- A Buckingham Palace source said
rat crystal in the Hall of Mirrors. that it was “keeping a close eye” on
The hour-long drive the King and developments and admitted that there
Queen would have to take from Paris to may be an impact on logistics.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 S *** 11

Anarchy in France as
call for Macron’s head
reaches fever pitch
Clashes ensued as riot police moved “It is a right to demonstrate and make
About 3.5 million people in and drove back the anarchists with your disagreements known,” she said
tear gas and stun grenades, and fire- on Twitter, but added: “The violence
demonstrate as president fighters were forced to intervene after and destruction that we have seen today
reminded of grisly fate pallets and piles of uncollected rubbish are unacceptable.”
that befell Louis XVI were set ablaze. More than 250 protests were organ-
Nadia Belhoum, 48, a bus driver on ised across the country.
By Vivian Song in Paris the Paris march, said: “The president of Near Toulouse, in south-west France,
the Republic ... is not a king, and he plumes of smoke were seen rising from
EMMANUEL MACRON was warned he should listen to his people.” burning piles of debris blocking a high-
faced the same fate as the beheaded Mr Macron broke weeks of silence on way. Masked demonstrators dressed in
king Louis XVI yesterday, as fury over the new policy to say he would stand black set fire to bins and clashed with
the president ’s pension reforms firm and that the law would come into police in Rennes, with water cannon
brought France to a standstill. force by the end of the year, at one point being used to disperse them. Video
Hundreds of thousands of protesters comparing the protests to the 2021 shared on social media showed the
took to the streets across the country, storming of the US Capitol. town hall in Bordeaux burning after
clashing with police, disrupting travel Critics attacked Mr Macron for the apparently being set on fire by protest-
and blockading oil refineries, in the statement, describing the president as ers. Flames can be seen climbing up the
most chaotic day of unrest since demon- “self-satisfied” and “out of touch”. building’s front door while a crowd
strations against Mr Macron’s plan to Ahead of the protest in Paris, Philippe gathered to cheer.
raise the age of retirement from 62 to 64 Fabien Roussel, the leader of France’s
began earlier this year. Protests against Communist Party, which has joined the
Yesterday’s nationwide strikes were the pension reform protests, called on police to lay down
the first since the government survived March 23 their batons and “join the movement”.
a no-confidence motion and pushed the Paris Mr Macron, he said, had “bet on vio-
deeply unpopular reform through par- lence” at protests to turn public opinion
liament without a vote. Nantes against the demonstrators.
French unions claimed that 3.5 mil- Blockades at oil refineries and petrol
lion people had taken part in the dem- depots have exacerbated a fuel shortage
onstrations, while police said just over a across the country, with pumps at about
million people had participated. 15 per cent of service stations running
Large crowds marched in Paris, Biarritz dry. Airports have also warned of a crit-
where protesters carried placards Nice ical fuel shortage. Flight services will
depicting Mr Macron in the regalia of Marseille continue to be reduced at the weekend,
France’s executed leader, with mes- France’s civil aviation authority said.
sages warning: “Louis X VI – We Protests against the new law – which
beheaded him.” Martinez, CGT union head, said: “When also accelerates a planned increase in
Protesters stormed the city’s Charles there is such a conflict, the role of the the number of years one must work to
de Gaulle airport, blocking the motor- president of the republic is to calm draw a full pension – have drawn huge
way leading to it and forcing travellers things down. Yesterday, he threw a can crowds in rallies organised by unions
to reach it on foot. Crowds of demon- of gasoline on the fire.” since January.
strators blocked the tracks at the Gare In Marseille, where unions claimed A survey on Sunday showed that Mr
de Lyon train station, with the union 280,000 people turned out to protest, Macron’s personal approval rating had
member leading them calling for the Jean-Luc Mélenchon, France slumped to just 28 per cent, its lowest
president to be “overthrown” and for Unbowed’s Leftist leader, urged oppo- since the anti-government “Yellow
King Charles’s visit to Paris this week- nents of the reform not to be intimi- Vest” protest movement in 2018.
end to be targeted. “Let’s all go to Ver- dated. “Today, we must throw all our The French president on Wednesday
sailles and welcome him as we should,” forces into battle,” he said. said the pensions changes needed to
Fabien Villedieu, rail union representa- Meanwhile, in the town of Lorient, “come into force by the end of the year”.
tive, told BFMTV. demonstrators staged an elaborate Backtracking on earlier comments
Elsewhere in the capital, the Eiffel lynching in front of the police station, that the crowds demonstrating had “no
Tower, Palace of Versailles and the Arc hanging an effigy and setting it on fire. legitimacy”, he said organised protests
de Triomphe were closed. While most Several police officers were injured as were “legitimate”, but violence should
demonstrators were generally peaceful, they fought back protesters trying to be condemned and blockages should
smaller groups of “Black Bloc” anar- storm the station, which caught fire not impede normal activity.
c h i s t s s m a s h e d s h o p w i n d ow s , after being hit with flaming projectiles. Trade unions have called for more
destroyed street furniture and ran- Elisabeth Borne, the prime minister, nationwide protests on Tuesday to coin-
sacked a McDonald’s restaurant. said the violence was “unacceptable”. cide with the visit of King Charles.

Netanyahu forced to delay UK

visit after pilots refuse to fly him
By Gabriella Swerling risk of a mass walkout by Israeli military The internal crisis could lead to Mr
and James Rothwell in Jerusalem reservists over the proposed legal Netanyahu further delaying his UK
reforms could severely undermine visit, should he feel the need to remain
BENJAMIN NETANYAHU was forced to national security. in the country and hold his coalition
delay his visit to Britain last night after But late last night, Mr Netanyahu together.
a number of Israeli pilots refused to fly refused to back down on the reforms However, Israeli media reported he
him here amid mass protests over his and said parts of the programme would would be leaving for London at 4am
plans for legal reform. be put before the Israeli parliament for local time today in order to keep his
It is understood the Israeli govern- a vote next week. meeting with the prime minister.
ment was unable to find a pilot willing In a televised address, he said he was Israeli officials said the regional
to take him to London, forcing the threat posed by Iran is due to be at the
prime minister to delay his trip. Benjamin top of the agenda with Rishi Sunak.
A similar incident occurred during Netanyahu, Israel’s Mr Netanyahu is also to hold a meet-
the Israeli prime minister’s visit to prime minister, ing with Suella Braverman, the Home
Rome earlier this month. is due to meet Secretary, for a discussion on tackling
Critics of the reforms claim they will Rishi Sunak in “global terrorism”.
turn Israel into a “dictatorship” as they London today “Their meeting will focus on the
will weaken the supreme court and Iranian issue and the need to formulate
increase the government’s influence a united international front against
over the appointment of judges. Iran in order to stop its nuclear pro-
Mr Netanyahu, who is standing trial determined to proceed with “responsi- gramme,” a spokesman for the Israeli
on fraud and corruption charges that he ble judicial reforms”. government said.
strongly denies, maintains that the “We cannot allow any dispute to Yesterday it was reported Ronen Bar,
reforms will strip the courts of a Left- endanger our collective future,” he the director of Shin Bet, Israel’s internal
wing bias. added. “I will do everything to calm the security services, had warned Mr Net-
It came amid reports that Yoav Gal- situation and bring cohesion.” anyahu that the row over reforms was
lant, Mr Netanyahu’s defence minister, His insistence on pushing the taking the nation to a “dangerous place”.
was considering openly challenging the reforms through increases the likeli- Mr Bar is also said to have presented
prime minister to abandon the reforms. hood of intensified protests across Mr Netanyahu with a “very dark pic-
Mr Gallant is said to have warned Mr Israel, where tens of thousands of peo- ture” of the consequences of the contro-
Netanyahu in a private meeting that the ple have already taken to the streets. versial reforms.

Dutch warned farm buyouts Green activists tear

down autobahns’
essential to hit climate goal no-limit speed signs
By James Crisp EUROPE EDITOR farmers a perspective for the future.” By Jorg Luyken
The Dutch government says it must
BRUSSELS has warned furious Dutch reduce nitrogen emissions by 50 per SIGNS indicating “No Speed Limit”
farmers that compulsory farm buyouts cent by 2030 to meet EU targets. have been stripped from Germany’s
are the only way for the Netherlands to The BBB’s opposition to the climate autobahns by Extinction Rebellion pro-
meet its EU climate targets. commitment and the compulsory pur- testers.
Frans Timmermans, the EU’s climate chase of farms put it on a collision The climate activists claim to have
chief, said the European Commission course with the ruling four-party coali- taken down 250 of the black and white
would explain the green laws to Caro- tion and the EU. signs that inform motorists they can
line van der Plas, the leader of Farmers Mr Timmermans said that Ms van der clock up high speeds with impunity.
Citizen Movement (BBB). Plas was “very welcome” to visit Brus- Without them, they tend to assume they
The BBB triumphed in regional elec- will be prosecuted for speeding.
tions last week. It came from nowhere ‘The Netherlands can only “We are in the process of introducing
to become the largest party in all 12 speed limits across Germany in order to
provinces after months of tractor pro- achieve the targets by create more safety on our streets and as
tests that drew global attention and the buying out farmers and an immediate action against the climate
support of Donald Trump, the former crisis,” one activist said.
US president. greening agriculture’ Florian Zander, of Extinction Rebel-
Farmers oppose plans championed lion, said: “In times of climate and envi-
by Mark Rutte, the Netherlands prime sels after her landslide victory. He said: ronmental crises, there are no excuses
minister, to reduce livestock numbers “We will then do the same thing we for limit-free motorways.”
and buy up farms in order to cut nitro- have done before with officials, which is The transport ministry is controlled
gen emissions, which are caused by to explain what the European rules are.” by the liberal Free Democrats, which
manure and fertiliser. Mr Timmerman’s comments are insist speed limits are not an important
Mr Timmermans, the former Dutch likely to contribute to online conspiracy factor for cutting carbon emissions
foreign minister, said: “The Nether- theories that the nitrogen row is a glo- because cars will soon be primarily bat-
lands can only achieve the targets by balist pretext to steal farmers’ land. tery powered.
buying out farmers and greening agri- The BBB can use its 17 seats in the Germany’s environmental agency
culture.” Dutch senate to try to block farm expro- has calculated that a maximum auto-
The Commission vice-president told priations, which Mr Rutte says are bahn speed limit of 120 kilometres per
the NOS broadcaster: “Let’s invest a lot needed to lift a court-ordered stop on hour (74 mph) would achieve a sixth of
in that. Above all, we have to give young nitrogen-emitting construction. its emissions reductions target.
12 *** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph

World News

Russians tried to
Ukraine, that the head teacher of
their school in Kherson had assured
him that his children would be safe
when he sent the pair off to a youth
camp in Crimea. “We waited for

beat the Ukrainian six-and-a-half months – and now

they’re here,” he said.
Russia has defended what it calls
evacuating children to safety. But
those who returned to Ukraine have

out of us, say spoken about the attempts to re-

educate them. At some camps, they
were forced to learn by heart and sing
the Russian national anthem and
taught that Ukraine was part of Russia.

rescued children Some parents who willingly sent

their children to youth camps in
Crimea or Russia were hesitant to
admit their plight, fearing that they
would be perceived as having pro-
Russia sympathies. One family from
children were seen hugging and the Kharkiv region said they had
h kissing as they arrived in Kyiv. Some of agreed to send their daughter to a
the children were seeing their families summer camp in Krasnodar, in
for the first time in months.
One boy spoke of his mistreatment
during a television interview. He said he saw a bruise on
By Nataliya Vasilyeva in Istanbul The teenager, who was not the back of a girl that had
and Roland Oliphant identified, said children from Kherson
were punished for expressing pro- been caused by a stick used

ussian authorities are beating Ukrainian views. by an officer to beat them
Ukrainian children as they “We will take you to an orphanage,
attempt to “re-educate them”, you will sit there and understand
according to one of more than a dozen everything,” the boy said a security southern Russia, to keep her safe after
teenagers freed from Moscow-run officer had told him and other a shell hit a nearby house.

youth facilities after months of teenagers. To make matters worse, the

negotiation. He also said he saw a bruise on the collaborating official who organised
The parents of more than a dozen back of a teenage girl that had been the trip fled with the documentation
children transported to a youth camp caused by a stick used by the officer to and contact details of the camp in
on the Black Sea peninsula last year beat them. question, making it difficult to track
brought them back to Ukraine on The boy added that the camp’s her down. But in other cases, Russian
Wednesday, the charity that organised director had told him his parents had authorities had no such excuse.
the evacuation confirmed. given him up for adoption. Distraught, “All the mothers at the school signed
The children, mostly teenagers, he called his mother, who called camp up. Probably, I could have said no, but
were living in Russia-occupied area of officials to tell them she had done no the teachers kept saying that all kids
the Kherson and Kharkiv regions such thing. However, administrators are going, it is for free, and she will
when local education authorities allegedly told her: “You’re not going to Denys Zaporozhchenko hugs his children, Nikita, Yana and Dayana after a charity brought them and others back to Ukraine come back in two weeks,” Tetiana
suggested sending them to a summer take them anyway. They will be Vlaiko, 36-year-old from Kherson
camp in Crimea, which has been children of Russia.” allegations. Ms Lvova-Belova earlier children, aged four months to 17 repatriated on Wednesday, were told region told WhoWhatWhy, a not-for-
controlled by Russia since 2014. The repatriation was carried out less this week defended the “evacuation” of years. Some of their number have been they were going to summer camps in profit newsite, last month.
But those operating the camp than a week after the International Ukrainian children and claiming that sent to orphanages, put into foster Russia and Crimea for a few weeks but Her daughter, Lilia, should have
refused to send them back to their Criminal Court issued an arrest no parents had demanded the return of care, or offered for adoption, became trapped when the battle lines returned on October 21 – when
parents when their hometowns were warrant for Vladimir Putin and Maria their children. ostensibly after losing or becoming moved and their homes were liberated Kherson remained under Russian
liberated by Ukraine. Lvova-Belova, Russia’s children’s rights The Ukrainian government says separated from their parents during by Ukraine. control – but never arrived.
Save Ukraine, the charity that ombudsman, over the country’s more than 16,000 children have been the invasion. Denis, the father of a teenage girl Eventually, when the head teacher
organised the evacuation, said it suspected involvement in the unlawful deported to Russia from the occupied Ms Lvova-Belova last month said she and a young boy, told Ukraine’s Kanal 5 said that the children were not coming
helped some parents to travel to deportation of children from Ukraine’s territories, while a study by Yale herself had adopted a 15-year-old boy television station, which was formerly back, she “was full of guilt”, she told
Crimea, via Poland, Belarus and Russia occupied territories. University in the US has identified 43 from Mariupol. owned by businessman Petro the site, and “should never have told
to retrieve their children. Parents and Putin has not commented on the facilities that are holding some 6,000 Others, including most of those Poroshenko, the fifth president of her she could go”.

Stymied Wagner Group set to shift focus from Ukraine to Africa

By Joe Barnes nel. Western analysts believe Sergei prisons, during the assault. After failing taking Bakhmut at all costs, despite the Western officials have corroborated ing to serve in Africa, where Wagner
Shoigu, Russia’s defence minister, is to capture Bakhmut, Mr Prigozhin is losses of men and equipment. Very reports that the group has been forced has contracts to protect mines and offer
THE Wagner Group is preparing to trying to stifle Mr Prigozhin’s growing planning to shift focus back to Africa, soon we will take advantage of this to slow down after deliveries of artillery governments security services, were
refocus its efforts in Africa and away political influence. Bloomberg news agency reported. opportunity, as we did near Kyiv, by Russia’s defence ministry were told they would be placed on reserve.
from Ukraine amid a long-running dis- Wagner mercenaries have spear- The suggestion will likely prompt Kharkiv, Balakliya and Kupiansk,” Olek- halted and future prison recruitment In response to the press reports, Mr
pute with Moscow, it has been reported. headed Moscow’s eight-month attempt concerns in Moscow after a top Ukrain- sandr Syrskyi, commander of Ukraine’s drives blocked. Prigozhin denied Wagner was prepar-
Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the mer- to capture Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine. ian general said Kyiv’s armed forces ground forces, said. A recruitment notice earlier this ing a withdrawal from Ukraine.
cenary group, has repeatedly accused Mr Prigozhin’s private military has were ready to launch a counter-offen- Mr Prigozhin admitted earlier this week invited applicants to come for- “It seems that Bloomberg knows bet-
Russia’s defence ministry of stymying lost tens of thousands of men, mostly sive on Bakhmut. month that his Wagner forces would ward for a six-month stint in Ukraine or ter than we do what we are going to do,”
his supply of ammunition and person- former convicts recruited from Russian “The attacker has not lost hope of have to “reset and cut down its size”. up to 14 months in Africa. Those want- he wrote on Telegram.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 *** 13

World news

Trudeau MP ‘delayed release of Canadians in China’

Dong, who represents a district in charges – a move widely seen as retalia- their proxies worked to defeat Conserv- Mr Trudeau’s Office said on Wednesday nent” Canadian as a special rapporteur
Politician resigns after Toronto, allegedly told Beijing’s general tion for the earlier arrest of Meng Wan- ative politicians considered more hos- it became aware of the controversy only on the issue of election interference.
consul in early 2021 that their release of zhou, a Huawei executive, in Vancouver tile to Beijing during the 2021 election. when questioned by the newspaper and Mr Trudeau has said Beijing has
claims he told Beijing that the men should be delayed because on an extradition request from the US. Shanghai-born Mr Dong, who moved suggested Mr Dong was not acting on attempted to meddle in Canada’s elec-
freeing two men earlier freeing them earlier would benefit the Mr Meng, Mr Kovrig and Mr Spavor to Toronto aged 13, was named last behalf of the government and that he tions, but he insists that two reports by
would benefit opposition opposition Conservative Party before were released and allowed to return to month as one of the MPs helped by an was never used as a “back channel”. an intelligence task force set up to study
an election. their countries in September 2021. election interference network that Mr Trudeau has dismissed the claims such foreign influence has concluded
By Josie Ensor US CorreSpondent His resignation is the latest chapter in Mr Dong admitted that he had met intelligence agencies claim was run as racist and defended his caucus mem- the outcome of the 2019 and 2021 elec-
a growing scandal for Mr Trudeau, the the diplomat but disputed the way in from the Chinese Consulate in Toronto. ber, saying that Canadians of Chinese tions were not altered.
A MEMBER of Justin Trudeau’s ruling prime minister, over allegations of Chi- which of the conversation about the The case has heaped pressure on Mr origin should be encouraged to get In a tearful address to the House of
Liberal Party party has resigned amid nese meddling in Canada’s elections. men known as the “two Michaels” was Trudeau, threatening to bring down his involved in politics. Commons that received a standing ova-
allegations he urged Chinese officials to China detained Michael Kovrig, a for- depicted . fragile government as lawmakers say The prime minister has repeatedly tion on Wednesday, Mr Dong said he
delay the release of two imprisoned mer diplomat, and Michael Spavor, a Canada’s The Globe and Mail newspa- that he is either not taking the allega- resisted calls for a public inquiry and was stepping down from the Liberal
Canadians for political reasons. Han businessman, in 2018 on espionage per has claimed Chinese diplomats and tions seriously or is hiding something. announced he would appoint an “emi- Party and will sit as an independent.

Skier ‘has no Gandhi scion

proof’ crash jailed for claim
with Paltrow that ‘all thieves
caused injury are called Modi’
By Josie Ensor US CorreSpondent By Joe Wallen
SoUth ASiA CorreSpondent
THE skier suing Gwyneth Paltrow has
no medical proof his decline resulted RAHUL GANDHI, one of India’s leading
from a crash with the Hollywood opposition politicians, has been sen-
actress, a US court heard yesterday, as a tenced to two years in jail for defaming
doctor testifying on his behalf con- the prime minister.
ceded she only examined him after the The sentence was handed down to
accident. Gandhi, 52, by a court in Gujarat, the
Terry Sanderson, a retired optome- home state of Narendra Modi, the coun-
trist, is suing the Oscar-winning actress try’s increasingly authoritarian leader,
for $300,000 (£250,000) over the inci- and relates to a speech Gandhi made in
dent at the Deer Valley ski resort in 2019 when he alleged that all thieves
Utah in 2016, alleging she crashed into have the surname Modi.
him and caused severe and long-lasting Gandhi – son of the former prime
brain injuries. minister Rajiv Gandhi, who was assassi-
Day three of the civil case began with nated in 1991 – has been granted bail for
a video deposition from Dr Alina Fong, one month until the sentence starts.
a neuropsychologist, who said Mr The Congress Party, which he led from
Sanderson, 76, had presented “a myr- 2017 to 2019, has said it will challenge
iad” of symptoms indicative of having the verdict.
suffered a concussion nearly a year after Mallikarjun Kharge, the party presi-
the accident. However, during cross- dent, said: “The Modi government is a
examination, Paltrow’s attorney Ste- victim of political bankruptcy. We will
phen Owens pointed out that Dr Fong appeal in the higher court.”
never actually examined Mr Sander- The party added that the case
son’s prior medical records. brought against Gandhi came from
Dr Fong said that she diagnosed Mr India’s “cowardly and dictatorial” ruling
Sanderson with “post-concussive symp- Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) because he
toms” rather than other brain issues. was “exposing their dark deeds”.
She said she relied on his self-reporting The Congress Party is expected to
that he was not acting the same follow- provide the biggest challenge to Mr
ing the crash. Modi’s BJP in next year’s Indian general
During his opening statement on election, having surprisingly defeated
Tuesday, Mr Owens called Mr Sander- the BJP in November’s state election in
son’s claims “utter BS” and alleged that Himachal Pradesh.
he suffered from brain issues before the Gandhi, the scion of the Nehru-Gan-
collision with Paltrow, 50. Her legal dhi political dynasty, completed a 2,485-
team have said that Mr Sanderson’s mile “unity march” in January. The
decline followed a normal course of There’s a zebra crossing Motorists in South Korea’s capital Seoul were bemused to see a zebra wandering through the city five-month march is thought to have
ageing. They have also accused him of yesterday. It had escaped its zoo enclosure and was seen on an actual zebra crossing before being recaptured by authorities. galvanised public support for the Con-
suing to exploit their client’s wealth. gress Party across India.
14 *** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph


Sunak can still

bring the DUP
round to his
Protocol plans
arlene foster

uch of the analysis between GB and NI, and
around the therefore fulfilling Article 6
Democratic Unionist in a roundabout way. If this
Party’s (DUP) views on the is indeed his intention, it
Windsor Framework is might help if he sets it out
misleading at best. While clearly and outlines
the party did not vote for safeguards in law.
Rishi Sunak’s motion on Mr Sunak would also have
Wednesday, it is simply to find a way to diminish the
not true that it opposed his practical issues caused by
plans outright. The debate the bearing of EU
was after all on one element regulations on Northern
of the Framework: the Ireland’s manufacturers.
Stormont brake. While it is good progress
In truth, the DUP has been that people in Northern
open to Mr Sunak’s Ireland will, under the
proposals. As Sir Jeffrey Framework, be unimpeded
Donaldson indicated when in buying sausages from
the deal was first announced, other parts of the UK, it
significant progress has been remains the case that
made in certain areas. It was sausages made in Northern
therefore worthwhile for Mr Ireland, which is part of the
Sunak to seek to renegotiate UK, have to be made to EU
the Northern Ireland standards because EU law To order prints or signed copies of any Telegraph cartoon, go to or call 0191 603 0178 
Protocol and alleviate some applies to all of our
of the serious challenges manufactured goods. This
faced under its applies even if our sausages
The DUP’s outstanding
complaints need not torpedo
the Framework. They are
about the need for
are sold into the UK market,
as most of our products are.
Then there are the
concerns over the Stormont
brake. Analysis published
I’m beginning to see how the Tories
might win the next general election
clarification in some key this week by the European
areas. If these clarifications Research Group showed just
are made, either in UK law or how convoluted the process
through some other is, and how difficult it will be
domestic mechanism, then to use in practice. Since the
there is still a pathway for EU has already conceded
restoring Stormont. that the brake must be built
One example of the need on the principle of consent,
for clarification is how the this is an issue that London chance of winning next year’s “repatriation offensive” with a going to close off illegal routes then
Framework relates to the Act can address directly. It’s a long shot, but Sunak’s election, so needs to pull off the minister assigned to overseeing it. he needs to improve the legal ones. He
of Union. The first of seven As a member of the DUP’s seemingly impossible. The whole legal architecture of follow Fraser could pledge to settle one, even two,
DUP tests for Mr Sunak’s panel of eight consulting on
plan to stop the small boats His pledge to “stop the small boats” asylum law, governed by the 1951 Nelson on Twitter genuine asylum seekers in the UK for
deal is that it should fulfil the Windsor Framework, I may be more successful certainly fits that description. More Refugee Convention, is creaking. It @FraserNelson every Rwandan deportation.
Article 6 of the Act, which do not doubt that important than anyone now thinks than 40,000 people arrived on them was, once, feasible for countries to read more at The parents of Nadhim Zahawi
states that all parts of the practical steps have been last year and the rate shows no sign of accommodate anyone who arrived and Priti Patel both fled persecution,
United Kingdom shall have taken, and that trade will be slowing. “He won’t just fail, he’ll be with a “well-founded fear of opinion arriving here from Iraq and Uganda
the same allowances, easier with the Framework fraser nelson
lson humiliated,” says one former persecution”. Harder when respectively. How would they have
encouragements and than before. But now, to leadership contender. “We’ll end up 120 million are on the move and done so if they had to leave now?
draw-backs, and be under restore devolution in with even more arriving.” But if he far more can now afford the £5,000 This needs to be about how, not
the same prohibitions, Northern Ireland, the Prime succeeds, it could be a sword-from- to £15,000 typically charged by whether, Britain discharges its
restrictions and regulations Minister should know that it the-stone moment. It would underline people-smugglers. duty to the world’s persecuted and
of trade, and liable to the is eminently possible to meet his main election claim: to be the man And this – the sheer amount of displaced.
same customs, duties, the DUP’s remaining who gets things done. So Sunak ought to frame the

money – is the real game-changer.
imports and exports. concerns. This is not a di Rama, the prime minister of It’s hard to overstate public concern The United Nations reckons the debate in those terms: that he’s not
It is not yet clear to me zero-sum game – we all care Albania, is an unusually over small boats. It has been a visible human-trafficking industry is worth just dealing with small boats but
that No 10 is guaranteeing about the Union. important ally for Rishi Sunak. sign of Britain losing control of the $7 billion, all scraped together by creating a new asylum framework.
these obligations. The Not so long ago, about 1 per cent of borders, being outwitted by people- those fleeing either persecution or He ought not to be afraid to boast
Framework’s legal position Arlene Foster is a former first Albanian men were in Britain smugglers and overwhelmed by sheer poverty. All desperate enough to risk about how many refugees are already
claims to “respect” the Act minister of Northern Ireland applying for asylum, accounting for numbers. Some 166,000 are being death by going to criminal gangs if helped abroad by UK foreign aid –
of Union by protecting the and a non-affiliated peer almost half of all small-boat arrivals. (slowly) processed, of whom a third there are no legal routes – as is, all too and how the cost of helping one
economic rights of people Just before Christmas, a deal was are staying in 400 hotels at a cost of often, the case with Britain. person at home can help 30 overseas.
in Northern Ireland. Mr struck to have them flown back to £6 million per day. “My constituents So Sunak’s opponent is not really This is about stamping out
Sunak’s view seems to be Tirana to be assessed there. Once the are open-minded,” says one Cabinet refugees: Britain helps thousands at criminality, not asylum.
that, by dealing with follow Arlene Foster on planes started to take off, Albania’s member. “But when two local hotels home and far more abroad. The When Sunak took over, some
practical issues, he is Twitter @ArleneFosterUK small-boat arrivals collapsed – almost are booked up for a year by the Home opponent is a well-resourced criminal polls put the Tories 30 percentage
working towards a de facto read more at overnight. To Sunak, this was a Office for asylum seekers, most of network exploiting every weakness in points behind Labour. Now it’s closer
harmonisation of trade breakthrough moment: a sign of how them Albanian men, people start to the UK system. to 15 points. The Northern Ireland
quickly things can change. ask what’s going on.” And this is what makes Sunak agreement, the San Diego deal with
Rama was in London yesterday to The Home Office has recently been confident: if they’re a business, he Joe Biden over Aukus, the unexpected
strengthen the alliance – the first, making decent progress in its says, then he’ll break the business SNP implosion – all have given the
Sunak hopes, of many. Boris Johnson Rwandan deportation case, having model – as he did with Albanian Prime Minister a decent run of luck. If
struck a deal with Paul Kagame of won in the High Court, and is now arrivals. As things stand, non- The hope in it keeps going, it’s not impossible to
Rwanda to deport asylum seekers, but delayed only by appeals. The plan is Albanians arriving illegally in Britain envisage Labour’s lead narrowing to
his failure to make legal preparations to start the Rwanda deportations not face no realistic risk of deportation. No 10 is that single digits. After which, a fifth Tory
meant his plan was halted by the
European Court of Human Rights.
with new arrivals but the easiest But if that changes – and the world the first term starts to look feasible.
Earlier this month, Sunak spoke
cases: rejected applicants whose can see planes taking off for Rwanda
The ECHR tends to pick its battles case failed at every stage. And the – it’s no longer worth the huge cost flight for from a podium in No 10 with “stop
and not contradict specific laws made ECHR? It is, at heart, a political court. of transit. Rwanda the boats” written on top. The day
by member states, so Sunak is And one unlikely to resist once it The demand dries up, as it did for before, some 197 asylum seekers had
changing the law. The hope in No 10 becomes clear that there is a the old lorry-stowaway-passage takes off in disembarked from such boats. It’s
is that the first flight for Rwanda European consensus emerging on model after the introduction of proper summer not too much of an exaggeration to
takes off in summer – and that it will mass deportation. scanners. The hope in No 10 is that say that his entire re-election hopes
change everything. Norway has been doing this for a this would happen quickly: perhaps – and that it now hang on this very long shot.
It’s a gamble, but the whole Sunak while. Denmark reached its own deal even by the end of this year. Will he pull it off? It’s still unlikely.
premiership is a massive gamble. He with Rwanda shortly after Britain did, But there’s one major missing
will change But for the first time, I can see how
recognises that he has an eight-to-one and even Germany has now started a element to the Sunak strategy. If he’s everything it’s possible.

Putin’s shattered army will never recover

yesteryear, with trains spotted then they were largely destroyed in the trying to frame the rounds we are
Russia’s absurd decision carrying 1950s T-55 tanks to the front initial invasion last year. Once they donating as biohazards (made as they
line, hurriedly lifted out of storage. were gone, they were gone for good follow Hamish are with harmless depleted uranium).
to send ancient tanks to It is the latest sign of a serious, and impossible to replace. I said at the de Bretton-Gordon They know they will decimate their
the front line reeks of perhaps fatal, armour shortage among time it was hard to see how the on Twitter “new” tank battalions, which will not
desperation and delusion Putin’s forces. As a former tank Russians could ever truly recover; so it @HamishDBG be able to land a punch back.
commander, I cannot overstate the has proved. And far from giving the read more at At this vital moment, as certain
insanity of sending such outdated Russians any chance of victory, these Western countries equivocate about
hamish de heavy weaponry to the front – the relics will only hasten their defeat. opinion their continued support of Ukraine, it
don Russians must be truly desperate. Critics of my view will argue that is important we don’t buy into Putin’s
Either that or they have lost the plot. it’s quantity not quality that matters; propaganda that Russia is remobilising
In the 21st century, these old tanks that even these relics in large numbers so many men, munitions and materiel
are little more than steel coffins. A are a daunting prospect on the that it will be ultimately unstoppable.
modern rifle could pierce their battlefield. Nonsense. One need only It is simply not true. The core of the
armour; a drone or modern Western study the Battle of Kursk in 1943 – the Russian army is broken and

t was the 19th-century military tank could do far worse. To a “tankie” largest tank battle in history – to see unrecoverable. Its advanced tanks are
theorist Carl von Clausewitz who like me, it’s the equivalent of a First the folly of sending large numbers of wrecks and its men exhausted, unable
described war as “the realm of World War biplane taking on a new old tanks against superior models and to advance more than a few miles a
uncertainty”. In Ukraine, the fog of stealth fighter. If I was a Russian tank advanced anti-tank weaponry. The week in this new push.
war is thick, and growing ever thicker. commander – God forbid – and my Russians lost many hundreds of T-34s In short: it will take years for Russia
It’s impossible to gauge the true state commanding officer told me to fight in in that hideous battle, yet 80 years to rebuild – time it does not have as the
of the battles raging in the east of the one of these museum pieces, I would later they want to use outdated tanks new wave of Western weapons begins
country. For some, Ukraine’s heroic stand to attention, turn to the right, against even more modern technology. to arrive. If tanks designed many many
defence against the renewed Russian salute, and march home. It’s lunacy. decades ago are what Russia is
offensive marks a victory of sorts. For The problem is that the Russian When Britain’s Challenger 2s arrive resorting to, we should station guards
others, the high losses they are generals still believe their own in Ukraine, they will pick off T-55s as at the Tank Museum in Dorset in case
sustaining are indicative of Russia’s propaganda. They believe in the myth though in a fairground shooting the Russians try to steal them. They
ability to remobilise and regroup. of the indestructible Soviet tank rolling gallery. And even if these Soviet tanks would be better use than the ones
But if the latest information coming across Europe. Before the invasion, managed to hit a Challenger 2, it’s Putin is now bringing out of storage
out of Russia is to be believed, Putin Russia’s minister of defence, Sergei likely the crew wouldn’t even notice. A to relieve his beleaguered forces.
and his generals are in a worse state Shoigu, invested heavily in a fleet of British tank round would probably go
than many realise. In a bizarre twist, modern tanks when he reformed the through two or three of them before it Col Hamish de Bretton-Gordon is a
the Russian army appears to be armed forces. Their effectiveness was ran out of energy. It now makes former commander of the 1st Royal
morphing into the Red Army of impeded by corruption, however, and complete sense why the Russians are Tank Regiment
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 *** 15

Letters to the Editor

Boris Johnson still lives in a world where rules are for other people Brexit and sovereignty
sir – At Wednesday’s privileges any other in history. Yet despite all the beggars belief that anyone in sir – Wednesday’s vote in Parliament
committee hearing (report, March 23), evidence, Mr Johnson arrogantly Downing Street thought this to be on the Windsor Framework was not
Boris Johnson was asked about the maintains that lockdowns were appropriate. Indeed, in most about rebellion or the European
concerns raised by his former director necessary. That, more than anything, workplaces it results in disciplinary Research Group, but the principles of
of communications over the infamous makes him unfit for any future office. action or even instant dismissal. sovereignty and democracy (“Big
Downing Street garden party. Tim Coles Gail Young beasts do not strike fear into the back
He admitted it might be thought that Carlton, Bedfordshire Dundee benches as they once did”, Analysis,
ESTABLISHED 1855 “we were doing something other March 23).
people weren’t allowed to do … I can sir – The “trial” of Boris Johnson is sir – The rapid decline of Mr Johnson’s Disraeli wrote in his novel
see why people might have felt that absurd and should be terminated. political career is unprecedented. The Coningsby: “There was indeed a
way.” It is hard to imagine why anyone No 10 had to work through a crisis tragedy is that he generated so much considerable shouting about what they

Brexit now needs a wouldn’t – though it appears our

former prime minister managed it.
Tom Stubbs
and we should be grateful that it did so.
It was inevitable that there would be
achievements to recognise, as well as
support among the electorate, then
squandered it very quickly.
It is now obvious that the big
called Conservative principles; but the
awkward question naturally arose,
what will you conserve?”

new cheerleader Surbiton, Surrey

sir – Everyone seems to have missed

retirements and other circumstances
that would warrant gatherings.
By working together at that time,
problems were handled badly. Brexit
continues to cause divisions, and
Covid policy was shambolic. Future
Brexit answered this question, and
the answer was endorsed by the
massive Conservative majority in the
the most interesting thing that these people were taking risks and politicians will find it difficult to regain 2019 general election. The Northern

emerged from the privileges they deserve credit. A far greater public confidence. Ireland question remains unfinished
he narrative is by now tediously familiar. committee hearing, and it came right offence, in my view, was committed John Catchpole business, and the Protocol Bill, passed
Remainers unreconciled to leaving the EU at the beginning. by the civil servants who disappeared Beverley, East Yorkshire unamended by 74 votes in the
increasingly think that the public has turned In a comment about lockdowns, Mr when the chance arose and are yet to Commons, solved the problems, within
against Brexit. Any piece of bad news is Johnson stated that “whatever people return to their desks. sir – I note that Boris Johnson had a the guaranteed sovereignty of Section
immediately blamed on a decision they still believe may say about them now, [they] were Mick Ferrie haircut before facing the privileges 38 of the European Union (Withdrawal
was driven by ignorance and lies. Many are biding essential for public health”. Mawnan Smith, Cornwall committee. Agreement) Act 2020.
This was the policy that arguably So appearance matters now? Northern Ireland remains
their time, hoping that a Labour government will caused more damage to public health sir – Alcohol should not be consumed Dr Jeff Slater subjugated to the EU. Since Brexit,
present an opportunity to return to the EU’s orbit. – not to mention our economy – than in the workplace. End of story. It Kelso, Roxburghshire more than 650 EU laws have been
By targeting Boris Johnson, they intend that – as passed for Northern Ireland by the
his political star fades – Brexit will also look to be, We accept letters European Council of Ministers behind
to all intents and purposes, over. by post, fax and Dumbed-down NHS closed doors by majority vote without
Clearly, much of the heat has now come out of email only. Please even a transcript.
include name, sir – It is staggering that Richard This deal does not reflect a real
the debate, with this week’s rebellion on the address, work and Meddings, chairman of NHS England, Union. There is no such thing as
Windsor Framework smaller than many had home telephone thinks that one of the reasons we don’t Northern Ireland sovereignty, only
expected. But the forces that drove the numbers. have enough doctors is that they are constitutional Westminster
extraordinary referendum vote back in 2016 have overskilled, and we can afford to cut sovereignty – so why should two
not been quelled. Millions still live in frustration 111 Buckingham back their training and use more million Northern Ireland citizens
at an establishment incapable of reflecting their Palace Road, “assistants” (report, March 22). be treated differently from the rest
London Some years ago I examined a young of the United Kingdom?
values. Despite the lassitude of ministers and SW1W 0DT child with a mild respiratory infection. The abstentions demonstrate a
regulators, the British economy is gradually I was able to pick up an interesting wider concern in the Conservative
beginning to diverge from the EU. Anger at out-of- fax heart murmur. The child had a parliamentary party, which goes
control immigration reflects a basic consensus that 020 7931 2878 previously undiagnosed congenital to the heart of our sovereignty and
the UK should have control of its own borders. heart defect and needed surgery. I democracy.
The problem is that Brexit no longer has a email don’t believe anyone except a properly Sir Bill Cash MP (Con)
standard bearer, a politician able to champion the dtletters@ trained and fairly experienced doctor London SW1 would have made that discovery.
opportunities of life outside the EU and take on I would like to ask Mr Meddings
the miserablism of Rejoiners who still think Britain follow whether, if this child had been his, Bank errors
is incapable of governing itself. Telegraph Letters he would have preferred they were
Mr Johnson once held that role, but even when on Twitter seen by an “overskilled” doctor or sir – Philip Pilkington (“Threadneedle
he was prime minister his government did little @LettersDesk someone barely trained to know Street’s mad gamble on taming
to fully embrace Brexit, preferring instead to what it was all about. inflation has not paid off ”, Comment,
Where is the great overseas model March 23) omits a critical component
transform Britain into a European-style social that shows that this dumbing down in the Bank of England’s failure.
democracy. Perhaps he will again return to the works? Surely, when we go to the Pension funds were allowed to use
fight – inside Parliament, or out. But this week he doctor, we want the best possible their gilt holdings as collateral for

was not able to marshal more than a small number advice. The fact is that, certainly in leveraged strategies aimed at creating
of MPs in opposition to Rishi Sunak’s deal. general practice, the profession has some kind of return that was
Could, then, Mr Sunak be that cheerleader? Only allowed itself to be badly damaged, unavailable on the gilts themselves.
but that is no reason to adopt a Many built up their gearing to between
a year after he entered Parliament, he took a big second-class system with second- three and eight times net asset value
risk to come out in favour of Brexit, but has since class practitioners. Aphids? A Corner of the Rose Garden at Bagatelle (1912) by Henri Adolphe Laissement – insanely high levels. And yet their
made little of that advantage. In part, this reflects Simon Harper regulators at the Prudential Regulation
his general struggle to elucidate a clear political Truro, Cornwall Authority and the Bank not only failed
vision. But the Prime Minister has also developed
Gardens should grow in harmony with nature to detect this risk, but – at least in the
case of the Bank’s own pension fund –
a tendency towards caution, perhaps ill-suited to Unrecognisable rugby SIR – Like Mandy Gaved (Letters, SIR – When squashing a garden pest actually joined the party.
championing a project that by necessity is to some March 23), I was disappointed by under foot, a dear late friend and Add to the mix that sterling and
degree a leap of faith. sir – From the age of 13 until I retired, Bunny Guinness’s article on “garden animal lover would utter the words: gilts were already sagging at Governor
But if Mr Sunak is unwilling to take on that role, sane and in one piece, at 30, rugby was pests” (Weekend, March 18). “They are all God’s creatures, but Andrew Bailey’s announcement in July
someone else certainly will be. Brexit was never my life. I would go anywhere at any Why do we feel entitled to kill some are nicer than others.” 2022 that the Bank would be selling
just a problem to solve, or a process to follow. It is time for a game: Saturday for my club, anything that is slightly annoying, Barbara Smith £80 billion of gilts over a year, and
a generational project to remake Britain, bring which still plays in the Premiership; such as the grey squirrel, which we Stafford what would normally have been a
Sunday for the Commercial Casuals, introduced to this country in the weakening in government bond prices
government closer to the people, and end a a pub team in Brixton. Tuesdays and first place? SIR – Louise Meadows (Letters, at Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini-Budget
debilitating culture of national decline. Let us Thursdays were for club training, and As for putting bait down, where March 21) says we ought to be turned into a rout and the near collapse
hope the revolution is only just getting started. on Wednesdays I’d turn out for either do the mice and rats go after eating sanguine and accept that some of of the UK financial system. Other
the Public School Wanderers or the poison? Often somewhere another our favourite plants will be eaten by central bankers have learnt the lesson
Firkins. There were Easter and creature – such as a cat, fox or owl pests. But how would she react if and, unlike Andrew Bailey, are not

Labour wealth taxes summer tours. There was also rugby

netball on Clapham Common.
None of my playing friends from
– can find and consume them, causing
more suffering. No wonder we have
lost so much of our natural world.
they were all regularly eaten (as in
our case) by local free-roaming deer?
Would she simply give up?
leaping recklessly over the
quantitative-tightening cliff.
The risk in pension funds not

that time suffered head injuries Nikki Willey Frank Rooney having been identified, Liz Truss could
ir Keir Starmer has performed the wrong (Letters, March 22). This is a scourge Chorleywood, Hertfordshire Stocksfield, Northumberland not be warned about it. The rest is
U-turn. The Labour leader vowed to change of modern rugby, and was unknown history – and doubtless a large slice of
until the professional game began. our future.
the law if necessary, after The Daily Telegraph Players are now too big and fast. Giles Rowe
revealed he is the beneficiary of a unique deal from What did centres like Jeremy Guscott Is there anyone in charge at the probate office? London SW12
his time as Director of Public Prosecutions that weigh? Between 12 and 14 stone. Today
may allow him to enjoy a pension that breaches the centres weigh 17 or 18 stone. The whole sir – Nearly 14 months after the death for amendment. Unsurprisingly,
lifetime allowance without incurring a tax charge. team’s weight has gone up by four to of my disabled adult son in January these papers have still not been Talking shop
But the problem is not Sir Keir’s arrangements. It is five stone per man. 2022, and following the diligent efforts returned, but our solicitors have
I can’t watch modern rugby. To me, of the solicitors appointed to deal with been told that they are not allowed sir – I would much rather have
him enjoying them while opposing the scrapping it’s not rugby – it’s a mixture of sumo his uncomplicated estate (including to call the registry anymore, since products that tell me they were made
of the lifetime allowance for the rest of us, a move wrestling, the storming of the Bastille, issuing a formal complaint regarding the system has been centralised. with “excitement” or “love” (Letters,
that has thrown thousands of people’s retirement and kick tennis. Only the women’s the interminable delays at the probate To whom, exactly, is this March 23) than those with
planning into chaos. teams play real rugby. registry), probate was finally granted labyrinthine, closed, secretive, anthropomorphic messages saying
It may be only the beginning of Labour’s war Unless the powers-that-be address on February 3 this year. opaque and unhelpful registry “Keep me in the fridge”, “Careful, I’m
on wealth. Yesterday, Sir Keir refused to answer this issue, rugby will fade away However, a spelling mistake answerable? hot!” or “Don’t turn me upside down”.
John Armstrong by the registry meant that the Alison Morison Stephen Knight
questions on whether the party would tax wealth Peacehaven, East Sussex documents have had to be sent back Stonegate, East Sussex Barnet, Hertfordshire
at the same rate as income. The issue arose after
the Prime Minister released details of his tax
affairs. Capital gains are typically taxed at a lower
rate than income, and that is reflected in how
much tax Rishi Sunak pays. But this is perfectly
rational: capital gains tax is peculiarly destructive.
Raising the rate could slash revenues, as people
Long Lockdown has left Britain infantilised
stop buying or selling assets altogether.
What else could be in Labour’s firing line? It has determination to forbid most forms of with each other. The whole it inevitably leaves a mark. If we are
made no secret of its desire to increase public The UK cannot recover if normal human contact, the detailed insubstantial pageant has faded. It is being honest with ourselves, I think
provisions regulating every aspect of almost as if, collectively, we can’t bear we all have moments where a voice at
spending, but the state may be approaching the millions continue to feel human existence – they were all totally it, so we have agreed to pretend it the back of our mind asks “is that
upper bound of what it can bring in through they have no agency over unprecedented. We had no experience never happened and to move on, really allowed?” or “why does the
existing taxation. The temptation will be to go after in dealing with them. Individuals and leaving the grief, the trauma, the Government let people take that risk?”
assets – property, investments, even Isas – and this the course of their lives families were thrown back on their disruption to life plans to be dealt with We need to remind ourselves
will inevitably be justified on the basis that it will own resources and each of us had to privately. that, historically, this is extremely
target the rich. But there is a limit to how far the david frost
st find a way to manage the situation. But it left its scars all the same. unusual. For most of history, people
very wealthy can be squeezed before they flee for Some – and these are the saddest Political Long Covid is real. One of its have had to get on with their own
stories we are now hearing – simply symptoms is infantilisation. It began lives without help. Even in the early
less capricious jurisdictions. If the Labour Party cracked under the strain. Others, for during the pandemic, when the years of the welfare state, government
does indeed go down the dangerous route of whatever reason, perhaps fuelled by pro-lockdowners argued that the assistance was supposed to be a safety
wealth taxes, the middle classes are vanishingly the authorities’ deliberate promotion Government knew best and we should net. The active state wasn’t meant to
unlikely to escape. of fear, became cheerleaders for just accept that. Now it’s over, I see be there to watch over you through

t’s three years since Boris Johnson lockdown, fanatical mask-wearers, rather too many lockdown critics the normal vicissitudes of existence,
told us “you must stay at home”. The Warden Hodges-style guardians of claiming in a different way that we help you formulate your own life

Missing voices two years that followed saw the

most draconian constraints ever
imposed on human behaviour in a free
the regulations.
Others went in the opposite
direction, seething in frustration at the
can’t cope: that children are
irreversibly damaged, that the
educational, social and psychological
goals, or shield you from the
consequences of every failure and
every poor judgment.
society. Their consequences are still rules, critical of those who went along effects will inevitably go on for That’s why the most counter-

e’ll miss the Rev Richard Coles on Radio with us. with them, mistrustful of everything decades, and that we will never be able cultural political idea around
I find this a hard column to write. I that was said by the authorities. The to manage the economic costs. nowadays is that politics should get
4’s Saturday Live. He is an engaging, resigned from the Cabinet because I lack of normal interaction between I’m doubtful. Of course the costs out of large parts of our lives, and why
intelligent and slightly unpredictable could not support a prospective fourth people deprived us all of corrective exist and probably outweigh any the biggest political task we now face
broadcaster, who has made the role his own for lockdown, so even now I am often mechanisms: there was no one to say benefits of lockdown. But our societies is to make that happen. Unless we can
12 years. He lives in Sussex, but the BBC has moved asked what I think. Yet when I start a “are you sure about that?” or just have suffered many other traumas in do this, I fear that the malign forces of
the studio to Cardiff to meet box-ticking regional discussion, I find that the points I want “don’t be so silly”. We probably all the past – when they were poorer, too. lockdown will remain with us and
production quotas. This won’t help the Welsh, who to make somehow jar, land badly, are noticed minor disagreements getting People do recover from trauma and continue to poison our society.
not engaged with. It’s not that people out of hand in public – and, if we are rebuild – on one condition. It’s that The first step in facing this is to look
will hear it no louder. The programme’s quality disagree. It’s that they don’t want to back on the lockdown era as we should
honest, we probably all remember they believe they have agency, a
will, however, be compromised; fewer guests with have to think about it. difficulty at times in managing our project to which they are committed, – as a moment of governmental
tales to tell happen to live in Cardiff. It seems like I think there is a reason for that. It own emotions. the power to control their own lives. overreach and collective hysteria, a
another case of the BBC sacrificing its core task – seemed to me that the lockdowns I spell this out because it seems to That’s why it is so worrying that we monumental public policy error, and
good broadcasting – for unreal bolt-on targets. The released something malign into our me that society is trying to forget. have become such a collectivist one that should never happen again.
shedding of Richard Coles thus resembles the societies, some malfunction in the Those years of the rule of six, tiers 1-4, society, one where people are almost
normal way we do things, which even mask-wearing, shuffling into shops, taught that they can’t solve their
slaughter of the BBC Singers, who reliably excel at
now we instinctively shy away from. abandoning the office, the BLM riots, problems without outside help.
what they do. High-quality stability is ditched in Of course Brexit had been hugely the statue-toppling, the irrational Self-evidently the pandemic has follow David Frost on Twitter
favour of unstable agility: pop-up street food, as it divisive, but it was still normal politics. policing, all have taken on a curiously reinforced this. If every aspect of our @DavidGHFrost; read more
were, in place of the fine old village hostelry. Lockdown was different. The unreal quality. We hardly talk about it lives is regulated by government then at
16 *** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph

Puzzles, Mind Games & Telegraph Toughie

The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 ** 17

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Bank warns
of further
pain after
rate increase
prompt rate-setters to hold back on fur-
Bailey insists policymakers ther increases, the Bank said it was con-
fident lenders could handle rising
require more proof of borrowing costs. “The UK banking sys-
inflation falling to pause tem maintains robust capital and strong
current cycle of increases liquidity positions, and is well placed to
continue supporting the economy in a
By Eir Nolsøe wide range of economic scenarios,
including in a period of higher interest
ANDREW BAILEY has signalled further rates,” the Bank said.
pain is on the way for households as the It comes after the Federal Reserve in
Bank of England raised interest rates by the US lifted its target range by 0.25
a quarter of a percentage point. points to 4.75 to 5pc on Wednesday. The
Policymakers at the Bank of England European Central Bank opted for another
increased rates to 4.25pc yesterday, a outsized hike of 0.5 basis points last week
near 15-year high and the eleventh time and vowed to keep up its fight against
rates have been raised in 15 months. inflation despite the recent turmoil.
It comes after official data showed that The Bank said it was monitoring signs
inflation grew unexpectedly last month. of lenders tightening the purse strings in
The Governor said policymakers need response to fears over global banking.
to see more proof of inflation falling to Among the nine members of the MPC,
pause the fastest cycle of rate rises in two strayed from the consensus. Doves
three decades. He added: “There are Swati Dhingra and Silvana Tenreyro
signs of calming down and of course voted for rates to remain at 4pc, saying
that’s encouraging … but we need to see the full impact of previous rate rises was
this translated now into the big fall in still filtering through and warned that
inflation we expect.” over-tightening would speed up so recent
In a later interview with broadcasters, increases would need to be reversed.
Mr Bailey said that interest rates may not The Bank of England has raised rates
yet have peaked. by 4.15 percentage points since Decem-
The decision by the Bank’s Monetary ber 2021 in its fastest rate-hiking cycle in
Policy Committee (MPC) follows a sur- three decades. It judged that measures
prise increase in the Consumer Price announced by the Treasury in Jeremy

Index 10.4pc in February from 10.1pc the Hunt’s recent Budget would add 0.3pc to
previous month. It defied predictions of GDP in the coming years. It expects eco-
a fall to 9.9pc. The Retail Prices Index, of nomic growth to stagnate at the turn of
which a quarter of the Government’s the year but believes it will increase
debt is linked to, rose by 13.8pc, an slightly in the coming three months.
increase from 13.4pc in January. The rate increase means more than
Traders are now pricing in a two-in- 1.4m homeowners face yet another
three chance of another 0.25-point rate increase in their mortgage bills. The platform’s Shou Zi Chew speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington before a heated hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee yesterday
rise at the MPC’s next meeting in May. February’s inflation figure was driven
Even analysts who believe the Bank’s
job is done acknowledged there is
greater uncertainty after the 0.25-point
rise. Sanjay Raja of Deutsche Bank, said:
by food prices rising at the fastest pace in
more than 45 years. New figures from
the Office for National Statistics suggest
they have further to go, with 46pc of
TikTok data accessed in China, chief admits
“The bar for another hike is lower than food and accommodation businesses
we previously thought.” expecting to raise prices in April. This far By James Titcomb confrontational session, the TikTok Mr Chew, who is based in Singapore, move data to IT giant Oracle. The com-
Mr Bailey said he still expected price outstripped any other sector. chief failed to win over members of told members of Congress that he had pany has not made equivalent promises
rises to slow down “sharply” in early It comes amid warnings from the Fed- TIKTOK’S chief executive has admitted Congress, who are considering whether not spoken to a Chinese government about UK and European users’ data.
summer, but “we haven’t seen that yet”. eration of Small Businesses that 370,000 that users’ data can be accessed by its to give Joe Biden powers to ban the app. official since taking charge two years Washington has told TikTok that it
The extension of the Government’s small firms are at risk when the Govern- Chinese parent company as it battles a Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the Repub- ago, and that he had “no evidence” that will ban it in the US if it is not spun off
energy price guarantee and falling gas ment scales down energy support for potential ban in the United States. lican chairman, said: “Your platform TikTok users’ data had been accessed from its Chinese shareholders.
prices would help to bring inflation firms next week. Meanwhile, even as the In a bruising US Congress hearing, should be banned. TikTok is a weapon by the Chinese government. China threatened to block a forced
down, the MPC said. Threadneedle economic outlook has brightened con- Shou Zi Chew told the House Energy by the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] When asked if ByteDance, TikTok’s sale of the app, saying it would “firmly
Street also acknowledged there had sumer confidence remains firmly in the and Commerce Committee that staff in to spy on you, manipulate what you see parent company, has been able to spy oppose” the Biden administration’s plan
been “large and volatile moves in the doldrums. It only edged up slightly by 2 China currently have the ability to see and exploit future generations.” on staff, he said: “I don’t think that spy- to take the viral video app out of Chi-
global financial markets” after the col- points in March to -36, still far below the TikTok users’ information. Neal Dunn said: “We don’t find ing is the right way to describe it.” nese hands. The commerce ministry
lapse of Silicon Valley Bank in the US and pre-war level of -19. He said: “We rely on global interoper- you credible on these things,” prompt- Mr Chew said ByteDance employees said such a move would hit interna-
the rescue of Credit Suisse in Europe. ability, and we have employe es ing Mr Chew to complain: “You have in China will not have access to US tional investors’ confidence in the US.
While many commentators had ques- Analysis: Page 18 in China, so yes, the Chinese engineers given me no time to answer these ques- users’ data by the end of the year, when “If the news is true, China will firmly
tioned whether the turmoil would Ben Marlow: Page 21 do have access to global data.” In a tions; I reject these characterisations.” it will complete a $1.5bn (£1.2bn) plan to oppose it,” a spokesman said.

Fortnum & Mason no longer for super-rich as it tries to woo young

By Daniel Woolfson around Fortnum has been, for a while less attractive to our domestic customer ‘Younger customers inspiration for the refurbishment came the ethos that that’s given us and
now, to become more relevant to more base. Whereas if I focus on becoming after the retailer began hosting supper make it real.”
FORTNUM & Mason is attempting to people more often. It’s less about a sort of more relevant to our domestic custom- wanted to know where the clubs for customers. Mr Athron Fortnum & Mason was founded in 1707
shed its image as a grocer to the super- gross exclusivity or the mystique of for- ers, the tourists will come anyway.” carrots were grown and explained: “I just noticed that there was a by Hugh Mason and William Fortnum, a
rich and attract a wider audience with a midableness … but much more about In what Fortnum & Mason claimed different bunch of people coming to the footman to Queen Anne, to sell discarded
revamp of its flagship store. being warm and welcoming and inclu- was its biggest investment in the their impact on the soil’ supper clubs. candles from St James Palace. Over the
T h e 3 16 -ye a r- ol d re t a i l e r h a s sive and all of those things.” store in a decade, the renovated “They were younger, they were much centuries it has maintained a long-run-
reopened the third floor of its shop on Despite Fortnum & Mason’s reputation third floor will host cooking demonstra- books and ingredients such as oils, spices more interested in food … provenance, ning relationship with the Royal family,
Piccadilly in London’s West End as a as a destination for rich tourists, he said tions by international and in-house and seasonings. and sourcing, they wanted to understand and holds two royal warrants, for the late
“creative hub” focused on food and the revamp was aimed more at domestic chefs as well as a gin distillery, which Mr Athron added: “Not only did Covid where the carrots were grown, whether Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles.
drink. The floor previously housed a shoppers. He said: “I love our overseas will offer a low-alcohol version as well as give us the sort of time and space to really or not a fish was line caught, and the It is owned by the billionaire Weston
menswear department which was closed customers. They are an incredibly impor- full-strength. think about what we might want to do impact that vegetable growing was family through its holding company Wit-
during the pandemic. tant part of what we do. But if I was to The revamp will also include a hamper with the space, but it’s allowed us to having on the soil. tington Investments, which also owns a
Tom Athron, chief executive at Fort- design propositions that would just personalisation service and a “Cook think about what direction we want to “Those supper clubs then made majority stake in Primark’s parent com-
num & Mason, said: “The whole strategy appeal to tourists, I think that it would be Shop” which will sell kitchenware, cook take Fortnums in more broadly.” He said us think, well maybe we could take pany, Associated British Foods.

Ford to lose $3bn in electric gear shift

FORD expects its electric car Carmakers are under grow- Carlos Tavares, chief execu-
business to lose $3bn ing pressure to produce elec- tive of Vauxhall-owner Stel-
(£2.4bn) this year as it raises tric models of their vehicles lanti s, warne d that the
spending on new models and as part of a global push middle classes cannot afford
factories to build them. towards net zero emissions. electric cars. Motorists are
Its electric vehicle (EV) Market leader Tesla has losing interest as the cost of
business, known as Model e, driven prices down to corner power surges and petrol and
reported a $900m loss in the market, particularly in diesel prices continue to fall,
2021 which rose to $2.1bn in China where it hopes to see the AA has suggested.
2022 as it accelerated pro- off the likes of domestic pro- Ford said that plans to
duction of models such as the ducer Geely. build four new EV battery
Mustang Mach-E. Other carmakers are try- factories and a new vehicle
The unit has posted a ing to bring down prices as assembly plant, as well as
cumulative three-year loss demand for the raw materials spending heavily on raw
of $6bn from 2021 to 2023. to make them drives up costs. materials, will cost it billions.
18 *** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph


How the Bank

caused more
market chaos
wholesale funding than deposits,
Cumulative effect of 11 rate which means they are a little more
exposed to interest rate rises than
rises is only just starting, mainstream lenders, says Andrew
report Melissa Lawford Wishart, senior economist at Capital
and Rachel Mortimer Economics. But there is little sign of
weakness here yet.

ust hours after the Bank of England “They are passing through rate
announced a 0.25 percentage point increases on loans secured against
increase in the base rate, assets that have only dropped in price
Nationwide Building Society said it by 3pc or 4pc following an increase of
will cut some of its fixed-rate deals by about 20pc over the past two years.”
up to 0.45 percentage points. Instead, it is landlords themselves
As of today, the lender will offer a who pose a threat to their lenders. “If
five-year fixed rate at 3.94pc – the there is going to be an issue with
lowest on the market – for borrowers mortgage lenders it will stem from
remortgaging with a 40pc deposit. credit risk – mortgages going into
This is because lenders price arrears – and solvency rather than
fixed-rate deals based on expectations liquidity,” says Wishart.
of future borrowing costs: it is now The risk for the buy-to-let sector is
feasible that yesterday’s interest rate that landlords will see their profits
rise may have been the Bank’s last. The eroded by rate rises when they
UK is certainly close to a peak in rates. refinance, pushing them into mortgage
Recent turmoil in financial markets arrears or forcing them to sell up.
has also triggered a drop in swap rates, There are just over two million
another gauge for future borrowing outstanding buy-to-let mortgages,
costs. On the surface, this looks like according to UK Finance, a lender
good news for the housing market. But body. The vast majority of these are
its woes are only just beginning. interest-only, meaning borrowers have
“A lot of people will be thinking, ‘Oh, not been making capital repayments.
that’s it, the risks are kind of gone.’ But Since February 2022, the average
actually this is almost the most rate on a two-year, fixed-rate buy-to-let
dangerous part of the process,” says has jumped from 2.9pc to 5.81pc, says
Neal Hudson, of BuiltPlace analysts. Moneyfacts, a data company.
“Housing downturns start slowly, For a landlord remortgaging with a
and then speed up. The difficulty now £150,000 loan, this difference in rates ‘Now we are danger there is, we know this from the The jump in mortgage costs struck 1pc. For a borrower with a £200,000 ‘There are
is that we are kind of moving into the will cost them an extra £4,365 a year. financial crisis, if one loan in an an immediate hammer blow to buyer loan, the difference between paying
second stage of all of this, beyond the Changes to tax relief on buy-to-let in the investor’s portfolio goes bad it can demand, which is now filtering into 1pc and 4pc is £6,000 a year. always
point where it’s just about interest mortgages, which mean that landlords difficult bit, spread across their entire portfolio, house price falls. Yesterday’s rate High mortgage rates mean that a people
rates. Now we are in the difficult bit, who own properties in their own and to their primary residence. There increase will also immediately hit the buyer purchasing an average property
where things start to go wrong.” names can no longer offset all of their where is a risk of snowballing.” 1.4m homeowners on variable or with a two-year fix and a 25pc deposit who fall
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank interest costs against their tax bills, are These landlords could then be tracker rate mortgages, which move in will need to use 28pc of their
was the first signal of the slow, heavy magnifying the blow of higher rates.
things start pushed to sell, bringing a rush of line with the Bank Rate. household disposable income to cover
through the
toll of central bank rate rises. The Landlords still have to pay the same to go wrong’ supply in concentrated areas which are But the biggest strain will be for the their mortgage costs. From 2010 to cracks’
cumulative effect of the Bank of amount of tax even if their properties dominated by buy-to-let properties, millions of homeowners who have so 2019, the average was 20pc, according
England’s 11 consecutive rate rises are make a loss. Capital Economics namely city centre flat markets. far felt no effect whatsoever. to Pantheon Macroeconomics.
only just working their way through. estimates that 365,000 landlords will In these zones, there is a risk of Across 2023 and 2024, around 3.4m The Financial Conduct Authority,
“We’re starting to find out where the be in this boat by the end of 2023 as much bigger house price falls. “If we homeowners will come to the end of the City regulator, has issued guidance
fragility is in the domestic and global their fixed-rate deals expire. see average price falls of 10pc, you can fixed-rate deals, according to UK that lenders should allow struggling
economy, but knowing exactly where Partly in response to these tax easily see a scenario where in some Finance. The numbers are particularly homeowners to extend their mortgage
these things are can be tricky. The changes, the buy-to-let sector has been places prices could barely move high because the stamp duty holiday terms or make temporary switches to
danger is on the fringes of the financial becoming more corporate: smaller downwards and in others they will fall helped to drive a huge jump in interest-only payment structures
system relating to the housing market. landlords are selling up, and their double that,” adds Hudson. transactions during the pandemic. without the usual affordability checks.
There are loads and loads of pockets of properties have been bought by larger Even without the headache from the In 2023 alone, half a million of these “The worry is that whatever lenders’
risk,” adds Hudson. ones and held in company structures. buy-to-let sector, the toll of high rates are coming to the end of two-year fixes, best intentions are, there are always
The UK’s buy-to-let sector is number “The sector has become more will continue throughout the housing meaning they took out loans when it people who fall through the cracks,”
one. Buy-to-let lenders use more concentrated,” says Hudson. “The market for years. was possible to get deals at less than says Hudson.

Private pensions schemes’ value plummets as borrowing costs soar

By Melissa Lawford of September 2022, a drop of 30pc, deficit and are backed by financially vul- be those where the sponsoring employer government bonds – quantitative tight- value of UK government bonds. This
according to the Office for National Statis- nerable employers. is weak or where assets had to be sold ening – to tackle soaring inflation. period of market panic is now over, but
A RISE in borrowing costs wiped £545bn tics (ONS). The figure was exacerbated by Sir Steve Webb, former pensions min- off quickly during the market turmoil of The 10-year gilt yield, which rises gilt yields still stood at 3.73pc at the end
from the value of defined benefit private the fallout of the mini-Budget in Septem- ister and partner at consultancy LCP, said: last autumn.” when the value of bonds fall, jumped of December.
sector pensions in nine months. ber, but the ONS’s figures showed losses “Rising interest rates have cut the cost of The drop in asset values has been from 1.63pc at the end of March 2022 to Sir Steve said: “As long as the employer
The market value of private sector were rising before this. funding pensions, which means that most driven primarily by the falling value of 2.29pc at the end of June. is still trading, none of these numbers
defined benefit and hybrid pensions The losses pose a risk to hundreds of schemes are in a much better position government bonds. In December 2021, The fallout from Liz Truss’s mini- affect your pension. If your scheme had a
plunged from £1.8 trillion in December thousands of people with pensions in that the fall in assets would seem to sug- the Bank of England started raising Budget in September sent gilt yields soar- particularly bad time, your employer
2021 to just under £1.3 trillion at the end defined benefit schemes that are in gest. The schemes of most concern would interest rates and began a large sale of ing to 4.1pc as investors lost faith in the might just not be able to fill the gap.”

Lloyd’s of London’s bill for Ukraine war reaches £1.4bn

By Simon Foy bond investments. Lloyd’s reported a in Ukraine and political uncertainty”.
net investment loss of £3.1bn after Last year, major claims included
LLOYD’S of London’s bill for the war in market turbulence eroded values across losses arising from US hurricanes and
Ukraine has ballooned to £1.4bn as the its £86bn portfolio. It added that its Australian floods; as well as those
world’s largest insurance market bond losses would “reverse out over the incurred from the conflict in Ukraine.
slumped to a loss last year. next two to three years as the assets Lloyd’s is facing a “mega trial” from
The London market has set aside a reach maturity”. several claimants, including AerCap,
further £300m to cover Ukraine- These losses dampened a positive the world’s biggest aircraft leasing firm,
related claims on top of the £1.1bn hit it underwriting performance, with those over aircraft stuck in Russia following
estimated last year. profits jumping to £2.64bn in 2022 Putin’s invasion of Ukraine last year.
The claims are expected to relate to compared to £1.74bn a year earlier. More than 400 aircraft, worth almost
seized aircraft stolen by Vladimir Putin; Lloyd’s said 2022 was “an exception- $10bn (£8bn), have been stranded in the
supply chain issues as a result of the ally turbulent year for risk assets, country after the West imposed a series
conflict; and credit defaults. driven by rising interest rates, as central of sanctions against Russia.
It came as the insurance market banks have taken action to contain John Neal, chief executive of Lloyd’s,
swung to a £769m pre-tax loss last year John Neal, Lloyd’s of London the increasing levels of inflation caused received a 30pc pay jump to nearly
after rising interest rates hammered its chief, received a 30pc pay rise by supply chain disruption, the war £2.1m last year.

Sanctions stoke costs at

Russian metals giant EN+
By Matt Oliver putting further pressure on profits. Ris-
ing interest rates have also forced the
WESTERN sanctions imposed in the company to divert more cash towards
wake of the Ukraine war have sent managing its debts, said Vladimir Kiri-
production costs at Russian metals giant ukhin, EN+’s chief executive. He added:
EN+ soaring, halving its profits. “We are making every effort to maintain
The Moscow-based company, which is stable operational performance and effi-
part-owned by oligarch Oleg Deripaska cient operations of our facilities.”
and controls aluminium producer Rusal, Trading of the company’s shares on
said net profits had fallen from $3.5bn the London Stock Exchange has been
(£2.8bn) to $1.8bn in 2022. suspended since March 2022, after the
It came after a 31pc rise in costs, with UK and other governments hit key Rus-
EN+ saying it had been forced to overhaul sian firms with sanctions following the
supply chains due to the Ukraine war. invasion of Ukraine.

The company was forced to suspend The official UK sanctions list claims
production at its Nikolaev refinery near EN+ Group carries out business “in
the port of Mykolaiv, inside Ukraine, sectors of strategic significance to the
after the conflict erupted, while western government of Russia”.
sanctions stopped it from receiving ship- EN+ is chaired by Christopher Burn-
ments from its Australian joint venture. ham, an American businessman and
EN+ also said it had met its “social obli- Republican politician who served on
gations” and raised wages for workers in Donald Trump’s presidential transition
the inflation-struck economy following team in 2016.
edicts from President Vladimir Putin. He has held the role since March 2022,
The company reported sales of alu- when former Conservative minister
minium remained almost flat at 3,896 kil- Lord Barker resigned after colleagues,
otons, as it redirected supplies towards including Defence Secretary Ben Wal-
Watch it Zhou Dongyu, Eddie Redmayne and
Asian markets. EN+ also warned alumin- lace, criticised his apparent willingness Zoe Kravitz at the Omega Aqua Terra Shades
ium prices had started to fall in 2023 due to work with Russian oligarchs such launch at London’s Somerset House.
to global economic turmoil, however, as Deripaska.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 *** 19


Journalists accuse Arnault of ousting editor

articles that the shareholder might have aggression pact” agreeing not to pub- but now we have reached the climax.” great journalist to France’s number one
World’s richest man faces disliked,” the SDJ added. lish negative stories about each Journalists have launched a “byline business newspaper.”
Insiders are pointing to two recent other. Sources pointed to other strike” under which reporters’ names But the SDJ has argued that Mr Barré
strike threat at French articles published in Les Echos. examples of intervention in sto- are removed from stories online for 24 was forced out without the approval of
business newspaper over One was about LVMH, Mr Arnault’s ries sensitive to Mr Arnault, hours and in today’s paper. the oversight board, meaning the inde-
editorial independence luxury goods empire, being raided by whose luxury empire owns Insiders said the SDJ was not ruling pendence guarantees had been broken.
French tax authorities in 2019. brands including Louis Vuit- out a walkout. LVMH bought Les Echos It said that “no precise and solid reason”
By James Warrington A source said the story had “not gone ton, Dior, Tiffany and Moët from British publisher Pearson in 2007, had been given for the decision.
down very well”. While the report Hennessy. prompting a backlash from the SDJ, Insiders added that the fact Mr
JOURNALISTS at a French newspaper appeared online, it did not feature in the References to Mr Arnault which was set up to protect editorial Arnault had announced the departure
have accused its billionaire owner of newspaper. The other was a positive were sometimes removed independence at the newspaper. himself – the second such intervention
ousting the editor and threatening its review of a book that criticises Vincent f ro m c ove r a ge , wh i l e Under independence guarantees by the billionaire – was in itself a breach
independence. Bolloré, the billionaire owner of media reporters writing about drawn up at the time of the takeover, of editorial independence.
Staff at Les Echos, which is owned by group Vivendi. market capitalisation were any move to fire the editor must be Leïla de Comarmond, president of
Bernard Arnault, the world’s richest The Story of an Ogre by Erik Orsenna, told to emphasise LVMH’s approved by an oversight board, while the SDJ, said: “Our battle is clearly
man, have mounted a revolt over the the pen name of Érik Arnoult, a French dominance and downplay the editorial board also has a veto over important in relation to the freedom of
departure of Nicolas Barré, who is leav- politician and novelist, depicts an insa- the size of energy giant the choice of successor. The adminis- the press and its independence, so there
ing his role at the helm of the business tiable businessman devouring busi- Total, they claimed. trators of the oversight board are jointly is a democratic issue at stake.
daily after 10 years. nesses. While Mr Bolloré is not named, Staff also reported difficul- chosen by Mr Arnault and the SDJ. “But it is also important because Les
The Society of Journalists (SDJ) the fable has been linked to him. ties when writing about strikes Mr Arnault said Mr Barré had chosen Echos is the only French business daily
described Mr Barré’s departure as a Vivendi is in talks with rival media at Europe 1, a radio station to step down as editor and would take and its independence is an essential
“brutal eviction by the shareholder that group Lagadère, in which Mr Arnault is controlled by Lagadère. up a new role within the group. concern for the economic world.”
is inconsistent with independence a shareholder, about a takeover. The One insider said: “We He said: “Nicolas Barré has done a Mr Arnault’s control of media assets
guarantees”. two have reportedly signed a “non- regularly have prob- remarkable job over the years and the has sparked accusations he is trying to
“It is impossible not to wonder about lems that LVMH Groupe Les Echos-Le Parisien is happy buy political influence. LVMH also
the link between this departure and the Bernard Arnault owns French luxury is our that he will continue to bring his tal- owns daily Le Parisien, while Lagadère
publication in recent weeks of several goods group LVMH and Les Echos owner, ent as an editorial writer and controls gossip magazine Paris Match.

Dorsey’s company financial technology company previ-

ously known as Square, plunged by
20pc in early trading in New York, wip-
ing $8bn from its value, as investors
Nathan Anderson, claimed Block’s Cash
App had artificially inflated the number
of users it reported using the payments
service and accused it of being popular
It also cited hip-hop songs that associ-
ated the app with paying for illicit activ-
ities. 22Gz, a rapper behind a track
titled Cash App, was last year arrested
investors” and that it was “confident in
our products, reporting, compliance
programs and controls”.
Block, which was founded by Mr

‘misled investors’ were rocked by the allegations from

Hindenburg Research.
The attack comes weeks after the
short-selling company stripped $100bn
with criminals. The research house said
it had taken a short position against
Block, effectively betting that its share
price will fall.
and charged with murder.
A Block spokesman said it intended
to “work with the SEC and explore legal
action against Hindenburg Research
Dorsey in 2009 to disrupt the credit
card market. It previously said that Cash
App has more than 80m active users –
prompting investors to buy up shares in
By Matthew Field Dorsey has been accused of from the value of Gautam Adani’s busi- Hindenburg’s research referred to for this factually inaccurate and mis- the belief that the platform was growing
misleading investors and failing to stop ness empire after it accused India’s rich- multiple court filings where Cash App leading report”. rapidly – but Hindenburg claimed the
THE payments company launched by fraudulent accounts by a short seller. est man of stock manipulation and fraud. had been used to exchange the pro- The spokesman said the report was metrics were misleading due to the
Twitter’s billionaire founder Jack Shares in Block, the $44bn (£35.7bn) Hindenburg, founded by investor ceeds of drug deals or contract killings. “designed to deceive and confuse number of fake and duplicate accounts.

Building cartels fined for rigging bids

By Matt Oliver converted into a luxury hotel, between ‘The CMA ford Devlin (£423,615), DSM (£1.4m),
2013 and 2018. Directors at the firms Erith (£17.5m), JF Hunt (£5.6m),
THE UK competition watchdog has involved have also been disqualified, will not Keltbray (£16m), McGee (£3.77m),
fined 10 construction cartels £60m the CMA said. tolerate Scudder (£8.25m) and Squibb (£2m).
after they colluded to rig bids for con- The 10 companies illegally colluded Brown and Mason, Cantillon, Clifford
tracts and misled clients. to fix bids for demolition and asbestos unlawful Devlin, DSM, John F Hunt, Keltbray,
Selfridges and Oxford University removal contracts, the regulator’s McGee and Scudder were given
were among those affected. investigation found. This involved one
conduct reduced fines after admitting to their
The companies have been punished or more of the firms deliberately which involvement in the cartel activity.
for cartel-style agreements that related submitting bids that were priced to lose, The CMA’s Michael Grenfell said:
to more than 19 public and private sec- creating an illusion that the process had
weakens “Today’s significant fines show that the
tor contracts worth more than £150m. been competitive. The practice, known competition CMA continues to crack down on illegal
T h e C o m p e t i t i o n a n d M a rk e t s as cover bidding, can result in custom- cartel behaviour. It should serve as a
Authority (CMA) said the rigged bids ers paying over the odds or receiving and keeps clear warning: the CMA will not tolerate
were made on contracts which also lower quality services, the CMA said. prices up’ unlawful conduct which weakens com-
included Bow Street magistrates’ court The companies fined are: Brown and petition and keeps prices up at the
and police station, which is being Mason (£2.4m), Cantillon (£1.92m), Clif- expense of businesses and taxpayers.”

Hot potter Portmeirion, the Stoke-on-Trent-based china

maker known for its Botanic Garden range, has posted a
5pc rise in sales for 2022 to a record £111m.
20 *** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 *** 21

Business comment
Marlow The era of Swiss exceptionalism is
Bank made a dead following Credit Suisse crisis
historic error AMBROSE
legality. “They told the Swiss that all
their other investments in Switzerland
would be called into question if it
Suisse corpse leaves Switzerland with
a monopolistic monster: too big to fail,
carrying $1.7 trillion of liabilities that
will never
secrecy, wealth concealment,
anonymity and tax avoidance”.
One could extend the criticism to

that must not happened,” said the regulator.

It was an implicit threat to set off a
second and fatal round of deposit flight
stretch the firefighting capabilities of
the Swiss state itself. “It really worries
me: such a super-sized bank can get an
be the same
the larger nexus of Swiss banking. The
German car industry made a parallel
strategic error by clinging too long to

be forgotten
by the petropowers and Middle entire country into trouble,” Marcel fossil combustion, letting the
Eastern wealth funds. “It would have Fratzscher, head of the German
Bankers in Americans and the Chinese run away
Finance and neutrality, been the end of Switzerland’s banking Institute for Economic Research. Singapore with the electric future.
linchpins of Switzerland industry,” he said. “The best you can The enlarged UBS becomes the
are going to Switzerland remains a AAA
say now is that it is still standing. But West’s fourth biggest bank after JP economy (for now), with a broad base
for so many years, have left can the model survive?” Morgan, HSBC, and Citigroup, wildly be popping of life sciences, hi-tech and machine
Bailey may avert further turmoil it exposed like never before The Swiss backed down. They out of proportion to the state and
corks’ engineering. But it is not a AAA
expropriated $17bn (£13.8bn) from economy that underpins it in a crisis. Its member of the Western democratic

and curb inflation – yet he bears century of Swiss exceptionalism holders of Credit Suisse convertible liabilities are near 200pc of Swiss GDP. alliance. It has manoeuvred itself into a
responsibility for allowing prices is ending with shocking speed. AT1 bonds instead, risking contagion Switzerland is not Iceland. A diplomatic quagmire, and for the same
Everything is going wrong through Europe’s $270bn market for buccaneering trio of Icelandic banks, reason as its banking travails: out of
to spiral out of control at once. junior bank debt at a perilous moment. acting like hedge funds, took on so hubris and addiction to the old recipe.
The war in Ukraine is testing This is just as bad for Switzerland’s much leverage that they would have The war in Ukraine has rehabilitated

t’s probably no exaggeration to say that Switzerland’s armed neutrality to the credibility. bankrupted the Icelandic state in 2007 the British in the eyes of Europe – at
Andrew Bailey has arrived at the most pivotal point of destruction. They are “Switzerland will never be the same had Reykjavik not repudiated the least among those in defence and
moment in his chequered reign as central surrounded on all sides by EU states again. The reputation of Swiss banking losses, leaving London, Amsterdam, foreign policy circles – because the UK
Bank Governor. Yesterday’s interest rate decision yet their relationship with the EU has has been damaged forever. Bankers in and New York to clean up the mess. has been a rock solid at a time of great
was about as finely balanced as it gets for the broken down and seems stuck in Singapore are going to be popping However, the Swiss central bank has peril for European civilisation. Rishi
UK economy. permanent crisis. This has led to the corks,” said Prof Arturo Bris from IMD, limits and has already exhausted the Sunak and the Windsor Framework
There are no two ways about it: a quarter punitive expulsion of Swiss scientists the Swiss business school. political patience of the irascible have iced the cake.
percentage point rise in interest rates to 4.25pc from the Horizon Europe programme. The legal theft of $17bn required cantons. It recently disclosed that it The war has had the opposite effect
– the 11th straight rise since monetary tightening And now Credit Suisse no longer invoking emergency powers from the lost a quarter of Swiss GDP last year on for the Swiss, exposing the threadbare
began in December 2021 – may have been what exists. Switzerland’s business model as Second World War and was executed its QE portfolio, using up all of its loss moral claims of their armed neutrality.
the majority of economists were expecting, but it banker for the global elites crashed without an accounting justification. It provisioning set aside. A few more bad The country has a substantial weapons
is still a huge gamble and could easily backfire. and burnt over four stormy days from inverts the market hierarchy for loss months and it will have to go cap in industry. It sells arms to the Middle
True, Bailey and his central bank counterparts Thursday to Sunday night. absorption. Bondholders would hand to Swiss taxpayers for a bailout. East. SIG Sauer assault rifles sold to the
are now walking a tightrope after the banking The Neue Zürcher Zeitung reports normally hope to recoup half or more The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is not Saudis have been used against Houthi
disarray of the last week. Pause rate rises too soon that the finance minister did not even from a bank resolution. Aggrieved alone in suffering a hangover from the rebels in Yemen.
and inflation could run away and become more have an adviser to help as the Swiss funds are already preparing for years great QE experiment. The Dutch Yet it stands on piety as Vladimir
embedded; on the other hand, going too quickly financial world crumbled around her. of litigation. Swiss authorities will rue central bank says it may need Putin tries to expunge a democratic
could pour further petrol on the bonfire and tip This is astounding given that she used the day they picked this fight. recapitalisation, and so does the European state. It refuses to let Berlin
more banks over the edge while triggering a to be a translator, with no experience Britain’s pensions fiasco last mighty Bundesbank. What is unique is transfer Swiss-made shells for German
credit crunch that could completely destroy the in finance before her appointment in September was scarcely better. The the scale. The SNB’s balance sheet has Gepard tanks to Ukrainian forces on
seeds of economic recovery. January. difference is that the Bank of England reached 144pc of GDP. the grounds that they will be used in
Legal and General’s investment chief thinks “It is as amateurish as it gets,” said a managed the affair with supreme skill, The fast-shrinking capital base of conflict. There comes a point when
further bank failures are inevitable. “Over 70 veteran European regulator with winning plaudits from across the the SNB did not stop it extending a this crosses into complicity.
years and every hiking cycle we have seen in that intimate knowledge of the events. world. The British political leaders $100bn liquidity line to UBS to enable “I have to say clearly: I cannot
period, we have never seen a hiking cycle that has “How can this happen in a civilised responsible were decapitated instantly. the shotgun marriage. Yet it is understand why Switzerland does not
not led either to a recession – which is 80pc of the economy?” No relevant actor in Switzerland has legitimate to ask how Swiss leaders provide Gepard ammunition,” said
cases – or a financial crisis, or both,” Sonja Laud He said the country’s banking been removed from harm’s way. might react if the elephantine mega- Robert Habeck, Germany’s vice-
told BBC Radio 4’s Today. industry – 9pc of GDP – was close to a Mark Dowding from BlueBay Asset bank comes to grief. There may not be chancellor. Polls show that at least half
The Bank of England’s job has been made systemic meltdown over the weekend. Management said investors must now technical constraints on the SNB’s the Swiss population agrees with him.
doubly tough after inflation unexpectedly The debacle nearly escalated into a contend with the novel concept of ability to stem a major crisis, but after The Swiss are formidably well-
increased to 10.4pc last month, driven by food bank run on Switzerland itself. Swiss political risk. “They used to be the antics of last weekend there are educated and a resourceful people.
prices rising at their highest rate in nearly half a Saudi Arabia and Qatar were the safest of safe havens, but we may most-assuredly political constraints. They will overcome this enveloping
century. enraged by moves to wipe out Credit now start seeing a [risk] premium Simon Brady, of risk specialists national crisis just as we in Britain will
If Bailey missteps, there can be no coming back Suisse stockholders without a vote by attached to Swiss assets. Trust is 1LoD, says Credit Suisse went into overcome ours. But first they will have
for a Governor that has repeatedly got the big calls the board, in violation of shareholder everything in banking,” he said. terminal decline because it clung too to shed a lot of 20th century Swiss
wrong. But if he somehow pulls off this delicate rights, and at the outer boundaries of The UBS takeover of the Credit long to the old Swiss recipe of “bank shibboleths.
balancing act – by avoiding further turmoil and
taming the worst inflationary era for a generation
– the Bank cannot expect us all to suddenly forget
how culpable it is for this crisis in the first place. Watch this space
Put simply, Bailey and his colleagues have Relativity Space has
spectacularly dropped the ball on inflation and
have been desperately trying to find it ever since.
launched what it
It was a grave, historic mistake that all of us are described as
now paying for dearly in multiple ways. “world’s first
Household bills have gone through the roof, 3D-printed rocket”
mortgages are brutally expensive, banks are
going bust, the housing towards space. The
‘It is the market has come to a 110ft tall Terran 1
standstill, corporate credit launch vehicle is
collective is tightening and national designed to haul
debt is ballooning.
failure of a All of this is a direct result lightweight
complacent, of spiking borrowing costs, satellites into orbit.
which have been necessary Powered by super-
arrogant to fight inflation after central
Bank of banks misunderstood and
chilled methane
underestimated the severity and oxygen, it lifted
England’ of it, before they completely off from Cape
lost control of the situation. Canaveral in
It is the collective failure of a complacent, and
at times arrogant, Bank of England that thought – Florida, but failed
and should have known – better, but didn’t. And to reach orbit after
while the Monetary Policy Committee might like a malfunction on
it if everyone moved on and focused on the future, the test flight’s
that simply isn’t possible given the myriad
struggles that everyone is grappling with now as a second stage. It was
result of such incompetence. not carrying a
Nor would it be fair. In the same way that Boris client’s satellite.
Johnson has been forced to answer for his many
mistakes, and the Federal Reserve will come
under serious scrutiny for falling short in its role
as a supervisor and regulator of the US banking
system, the people tasked with safeguarding our

economy must face their own reckoning.

The comedy double act of Liz Truss and Kwasi
Kwarteng (remember them?) can’t escape fault for
torching bond prices with their mini-Budget
fiasco, which then caused some serious ripples in
the mortgage market.
But Bailey himself has said that the event’s
biggest implications for monetary policy have
come and gone.
The majority of the blame must rest with a
central bank that repeatedly insisted that the
initial inflationary pressures on the British
economy were transitory, despite a plethora of
Nobody wants to accept that the state pension is bust
signs warning the contrary.
Bailey said it time and time again, but if he and Unfortunately we don’t have the wage growth or 2.5pc, whichever is taxpayer born in 1996 will get, on
colleagues had acted earlier, and been less KATE luxury of waiting for the political higher). Even if we were to factor in a average, less than half the net welfare
complacent, there is every chance that we might ANDREWS weather to change to get serious about decent level of economic growth over that someone born in 1956 will receive
not be fretting about a second banking meltdown. pension reform. No one, especially the this time frame (and that’s a big if), the (of which the state pension is the biggest
It’s easy to forget just how long it took the Bank Government, wants to admit that the cost of pensions is only going up. cost, expected to make up more than
to respond to spiralling prices. The writing was on state pension is on a pathway to going One of the most frustrating aspects of 40pc of welfare spending this fiscal
the wall as far back as April 2021, when inflation bust. But the longer we hold out this debate is that, behind closed doors, year). One argument for stalling on the
more than doubled to 1.5pc. discussing how fragile the system is, the there is widespread acknowledgement pensions age change this time around is
Yet it wasn’t until a full eight months later with The UK must implement worse the problem, and our finances, are in the Tory party that the triple lock is Economic that the pandemic saw life expectancy
the headline rate at 5.1pc – its highest for more real reform without delay likely to become. not just unsustainable, but unfair. And Intelligence fall by one year for women, and just over
than a decade and two and a half times above the Perhaps the crux of the issue is that there was a time not too long ago when one year for men.
2pc target – that the Bank finally relented, lifting before our financial the state pension is built on a dangerous there was serious talk of abandoning it.
For unique insight
This sad fact has little to do with the
rates to just 0.25pc. It has been playing catch-up problems get even worse lie: that today’s pension payments are In autumn 2020, then-chancellor
into the world’s pension age and is being used as an
ever since, to the great detriment of all our living paid for out of contributions over many Rishi Sunak tried to muster up some economic issues, excuse not to address the problem.

standards. hen your party has been in decades of work. Workers pay into the political will within the Cabinet to tackle sign up to our Evidence continues to mount, showing
Truss’s disastrous tenure shut down talk of power for over a decade and system and it’s wholly reasonable that the triple lock. The argument made was Economic that people are better able to work into
reforming the Bank of England but that debate the tent is caving in, there is they expect to see something for those lockdown intensified intergenerational Intelligence their 60s and 70s, and also that doing so
still must happen. There are justifiable concerns one rule that applies before all else: don’t contributions once they reach unfairness in the UK: younger workers newsletter, has health benefits. Perhaps most
about how the MPC operates, including whether upset your voter base. So it’s not retirement age. But these contributions had been cooped up in small, rented importantly, life expectancy remains far
it is blighted by groupthink and distracted by surprising that Chancellor Jeremy Hunt have not been hypothecated, despite the flats and shared accommodation, were
by Ambrose above the retirement age.
woke issues, whether its data and surveys are still is expected to kick the decision to raise claims behind National Insurance. NI is placed on furlough, and lost out on job Evans-Pritchard We are in a vicious circle where an
up to scratch or if it is out of touch with the real the pension age into the long grass. nothing more than a second income tax. opportunities. If there were ever a time and Jeremy ever-growing number of retirees
world. A review of its mandate may also be The pension age is set to rise to 68 Those contributions are spent. to address the financial unfairness of the Warner receiving pension pay-outs will lead to
necessary. after 2044 but Hunt reportedly wanted The state pension is instead a “pay as triple lock, this was it. an ever-rising proportion of public
In the meantime, like a gang of regretful to want to move faster, bringing forward you go” scheme, funded by general tax. Unfortunately then-prime minister ei-newsletter spending going on pensioner costs. It’s
arsonists, the world’s inept central bankers are the rise into the late 2030s – following As demographics swing towards more Boris Johnson squashed the plans, along generous so long as it lasts, but its price
scurrying around trying to put out fires that they on from advice given to the government retirees and fewer workers to contribute similar lines being used now: it wouldn’t tag risks making less available in the
themselves started. through an independent report back in to the income tax base, the system be popular with the Tory-voting base. future, especially for the pensioners
2017. But such a move risks ruffling the becomes increasingly fragile. According But it also won’t be popular when the who really need the support.
feathers of voters in their 50s, 49pc of to the Office for Budget Responsibility’s system starts falling apart, and change is Refusing to tackle the retirement age
whom voted Tory in the 2019 general latest calculations produced for the required in a much shorter time frame. risks a de facto deprioritising of other
election (compared to the 28pc that Budget last week, pension spending will If the triple lock remains untouchable, things, not to mention preventing
voted Labour). No such move is come to £125.2bn for this fiscal year – a the point will come when we have to serious personal or business tax cuts.
expected now until after an election. total that starts to rival what we spend radically reduce who is eligible to Continue on this path and you get a
To get hawkish on the state pension is on the National Health Service. By receive it. This could mean an age hike single-purpose economy: current
Business Briefing unpopular at the best of times. It’s the 2027-28, this jumps to £160.4bn. higher than 68, with far less time to workers propping up pensions and the
Sign up for our free daily kind of thing Conservatives like to talk This is where the “triple lock” on the prepare. Already we are putting in more NHS, hoping the next generation will be
business round-up about when they’re under zero pressure state pension takes us (which sees the and getting out less. A report from the willing to do the same when their turn to implement change. state pension go up by inflation, average Resolution Foundation found that a comes around.
22 ** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph

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131.83 124.42 Treas 4¼% 36 107.72 +1.16 3.95 3.50 6824 5400 Reckitt Benck 5984 -38 3.1 36.0 900 731¾ Finsbury Gwth ● 878 -1 2.1 927 1095½ 713 WPP 945¾ -7¾ 4.2 15.2 101⅝ 59¾ Lookers 81⅝ -⅜ 4.3 5.2 108⅞ 80¼ Raytheon Tech $ 96½ -¼ 2.3 1.6
Electricity +0.62% AIM +0.87%
144.69 96.52 Treas 4¾% 38 113.01 +1.28 4.20 3.65 163 122 Glbl Small Co Trust ● 142 -¼ 1.3 162 168¾ 91½ Marks & Spen ● 156¾ +2⅛ — 10.0 309⅜ 190⅛ Rockwell $ 280⅞ +3¼ 1.7 2.0
Information technology +0.55% Mining -0.22%
Index Linked Securities 845⅞ 467¼ Drax Group ● 593½ -8½ 3.5 27.9 78¾ 56¼ Hend Div Inc Tst 67⅞* +¼ 6.5 71 13 6 Mothercare 8½ — — 5.3 34 20 Afentra 20¾ -¼ — -11.1 196¼ 120⅝ Trane Tech $ 183⅝ +2 1.6 2.5
390.60 357.55 Treas 2½% IL 24 374.82 +2.14 0.67 0.86 1271½ 844¼ Nat Grid 1056 +9 4.9 16.1 431⅛ 289⅜ Aptitude Sftwre 371 +8 1.5 82.4 181 137¼ Hend High Inc 169½ -1 6.0 169 4292½ 2437½ Anglo Amer 2586½* -17½ 6.2 8.6 7082 4306 Next 6804 -16 2.8 30.5 1050 625 Arbuthnot 917½ — 4.3 20.3 160¾ 117¼ Wal Mart Strs $ 140¾ +1¼ 1.6 1.9
387.96 299.91 Treas 4⅛% IL 30 346.38 +2.25 1.19 0.00 1935½ 1405 SSE 1737 +6½ 5.1 6.0 823 587¼ Sage Gp 749 +5⅜ 2.5 29.4 185 153 Hend Intl Inc 173¼ -2¾ 4.3 183 1837½ 971¼ Antofagasta 1557 +20½ 3.1 12.3 1249½ 380¼ Ocado 447⅜ +12¼ — -7.6 2660 1665 BrooksMacdonald 1780* +20 4.1 11.9 144½ 84⅛ Walt Disney $ 96⅜ +1½ — —
304.96 205.34 Treas 2% IL 35 251.01 +2.22 0.80 0.15 294 160¼ Spirent ● 174¾* -1¾ 3.6 13.1 1020 674⅜ Hend Smaller Co ● 822 +8 2.9 904 3040 1998⅝ BHP Group 2361½* -10 9.1 4.8 29 16¼ Pendragon 16½ +¼ — 5.0 ½ ¼ Cambria Africa # ¼ — — 11.3 21 11¾ Xerox Hldgs $ 14¾ -⅛ 6.8 2.1
Engineering / Industrial +0.23%
10-year Government Bonds 1290 942½ Hend Opp 1015 -27½ 3.4 1192 127⅝ 74⅛ Centamin ● 104 +4⅛ 3.9 20.4 268¼ 71⅛ Saga 130 -⅝ — -1.9 299 204 Central Asia Met 255 +1 8.6 6.6
Insurance -0.96% Europeans -0.27%
380 270 Castings 330 -15 5.0 16.8 1966 1540 Herald Inv ● 1780 +20 — 2074 81 81 Evraz # 81 +⅛ — 0.5 272¼ 168¾ Sainsbury J 262⅝ -1⅝ 5.3 8.8 843¼ 296 Ceres Power 354 -1 — -30.7
Spread vs Spread vs
Yield% Bunds T-Bonds 82⅜ 50¼ Coats Group ● 75¾ -⅜ 2.6 -95.2 237 131 abrdn 208⅝ -⅜ 7.0 7.8 457½ 310 HgCapital ● 337 -6 2.1 454 996¾ 637¼ Fresnillo 735 +8 1.8 24.5 1728⅞ 1110 Smith WH ● 1444 -26½ 0.6 -23.1 1600 1020 Churchill China 1255 -10 2.2 33.2 85⅛ 55 AkzoNobel € 67¾ -1 2.9 2.3
France 2.71 +0.56 -0.76 1300 575 Cropper J 615 -20 1.5 43.3 2646⅝ 1691½ Admiral 2010 +15 7.8 6.0 185 138⅞ HICL Infrastructure ●153⅜* -⅜ 5.4 166 584½ 395⅜ Glencore 451⅝ +1½ 7.9 4.2 307¼ 194⅜ Tesco 253¾ -5¼ 4.6 13.1 596 332¼ CML Micro 540 — 1.9 72.5 103¾ 68½ BMW € 98⅞ +⅝ 5.9 3.2
Germany 2.15 - -1.32 3980 2350 Goodwin 3630 -110 3.0 21.5 606⅝ 341⅞ Aviva 416 -4¾ 7.5 6.3 298 216 Highbridge Tactical 282 +1 — 264 148½ 50⅜ Hochschild Mng 77 +3⅞ 4.6 6.8 574⅝ 384 Cohort 467 +2½ 2.7 20.7 21⅜ 13⅞ Carrefour € 17¾ -¼ 2.9 2.4
Support services -0.89%
Japan 0.30 -1.85 -3.17 1641 1069 IMI ● 1495 -3 1.7 20.3 735⅞ 385⅜ Beazley 557* +7½ 2.4 26.4 1223¾ 928 ICG Enterprise Tst ● 1016 — 3.0 1855 533 367⅛ Kenmare Res 462 +1½ 9.5 4.8 1⅜ ¾ Deltex Medical 1⅛ — — -6.8 79¼ 44¼ Continental AG € 66⅜ -½ 2.3 0.2
Great Britain 3.22 +1.07 -0.25 169¼ 94⅞ Melrose Ind 159⅞* +5¾ 1.5 -21.9 282⅝ 143 DirectLineIns ● 144 -3½ 5.3 -33.5 376 279 Invesco Asia Trust 340 — 4.4 379 409¾ 122 Polymetal 215 -7½ 17.0 -4.3 6012 3269 Ashtead Gp 5000 -104 1.4 32.1 105 62 Eleco 76 — 0.8 23.0 75⅞ 50¼ Daimler € 70¾ -½ 7.4 4.1
United States 3.47 +1.32 - 1719 1244½ Mondi 1301 -7 4.8 6.0 1152½ 789¼ Hiscox 1066½ -3 2.7 — 546 373½ InvesPerpUK Sm Co 435 -5 5.2 487 6406 4424½ Rio Tinto 5288* -31 7.7 8.5 3249 2542 Bunzl 3047 -7 2.1 21.5 107 65 Finsbury Food 94 — 2.7 11.2 58⅛ 46¾ Danone € 56⅛ -⅛ 3.6 0.7
The share prices, price-earnings ratios and dividend yields 75½ 46⅝ Severfield 61 -¾ 5.2 12.0 670 360⅜ Lancashire Hldg ● 539 -9 2.3 -664.1 738 624 JPM Claverh’se 668 -2 4.9 697 44⅞ 20 Capita 37⅝ -¾ — 8.4 58 24⅛ Futura Medical 42¾ … — -23.4 46½ 29⅝ Deutsche Post € 42⅝ +½ 4.3 2.4
below are supplied by Interactive Data (Europe) Ltd. The Oil & Gas -1.69%
yields are calculated using historic dividend payments 1807 1352½ Smiths Gp 1715½ +2½ 2.3 6.4 311⅛ 201⅜ Legal & General 228⅞ -6⅝ 8.5 6.0 97¾ 73⅜ JPM Eur G&I 92¼* -⅝ 4.3 103 20¾ 12½ Carillion # 14¼ — — 0.5 37 23 Hornby 24½ — — 27.5 22⅛ 16½ Deutsche Tele € 21⅞ … 3.2 1.2
divided by the closing share price multiplied by 100.
369⅛ 238⅛ Smith (DS) 310⅞ +1 5.2 15.2 690⅜ 501 Phoenix 557⅝ -11 9.1 -3.0 528⅞ 408½ JPM Japanese ● 463½ +1½ 1.3 504 570⅝ 359¼ BP 498¾* -5¾ 3.9 16.4 6508 3986 DCC 4358 -6 4.1 13.8 256¾ 165½ James Halstead 187 +6¾ 4.1 19.3 99⅜ 78¼ Heineken € 97⅝ -¼ 1.8 2.7
3798⅝ 2415 Smurfit Kappa 2920 -35 4.2 9.0 1381½ 782⅜ Prudential 1066 -8 1.4 -16.9 384 301 JPM Jpn SmCp G&I 324 +11 4.5 356 263¼ 191⅜ Capricorn Ener ● 233¼ -2¾ — 1.6 118¾ 50⅝ De La Rue 53¾ +¼ — 4.9 1394½ 637⅜ Jet2 1278½ +9½ 0.2 -8.7 830¾ 535 LVMH € 820¾ +5⅞ 1.5 2.3
Aerospace & defence +0.64%
52 week 13140 9008 Spirax 11325 +65 1.3 37.1 1520 904⅝ St. James’s Place 1191 — 4.4 16.0 1130 735 JPM Mid Cap 873* -7 3.4 1016 37⅜ 16⅛ EnQuest 18⅛ +¼ — -0.6 336 165 Essentra ● 179⅜* +1⅝ 3.5 20.2 103¼ 62¼ LifeScienceREIT 62¼ -⅜ 6.4 104 59½ 39¼ LafargeHolcim SFr 57⅝ -1⅛ 4.3 2.2
High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E 1556 800 Videndum ● 840 +7 4.8 11.8 812¾ 459¼ Land Secs 583¾* -6⅝ 6.8 — 356½ 185⅜ Hunting ● 238 +4 3.1 -2.0 3160 2242 Experian 2638 -21 1.7 25.5 534 210 Mpac Group 255 — — -115.9 11⅛ 5¼ Lufthansa € 9⅞ … — —
Investment trusts +0.20%
371⅜ 262¼ Babcock Intl ● 307 -6¾ — 9.4 2072 1312 Weir 1800 -12 1.8 18.1 52 week 136½ 99 Lowland Inv 122½ -2 5.0 133 161¼ 54 Petrofac 54 -3⅞ — -1.3 12460 8602 Ferguson 10690* -105 3.5 19.5 746⅝ 255 MS Intl 515 — 1.8 16.7 5¼ 4⅛ Nokia OYJ € 4⅜ … 1.8 9.4
High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld NAV
978⅜ 698¼ BAE Systems 975 +17 2.8 19.1 220¼ 156¾ Majedie 212 +2 4.1 245 2613½ 1908⅝ Shell 2272* -45½ 3.7 10.8 5368 3485 Intertek Group 4002 -37 2.6 22.3 298¼ 170 Numis 216½ +1½ 6.2 17.5 30⅝ 22 Michelin € 27⅝ -⅛ 4.5 2.2
Food producers -0.70%
396¼ 292 QinetiQ ● 328⅜ -4⅜ 2.3 20.9 1685 1042 3i 1583½ +14½ 3.2 1626 358 272⅛ Mtn Currie Port 332 -2 1.3 334 255 102 Wood Grp (John) ● 206¾ +2¼ — -12.4 283⅝ 111¼ IWG ● 150¾ -8½ — -13.5 156 84¾ Premier Miton 100½ -1 10.0 15.4 206½ 166⅝ Pernod Ricard € 206⅜ -⅛ 2.0 1.5
160 64½ Rolls–Royce 147⅜ -1⅞ — -9.7 2076 1223 Ass Brit Fds 1955 -10 2.2 22.1 368½ 281½ 3i Infrastructure ● 311½ — 3.5 320 226 158⅜ Mercantile InvTr ● 192¾ — 3.6 229 126¼ 69 Johnson Serv 121 +¾ 2.0 18.6 55 23⅝ SRT Marine Sys 43¾ +5¾ — -12.4 29 12⅛ Philips (Kon) € 15¼ -⅛ — —
Pharmaceuticals +0.13%
178 111 Senior ● 150⅝ -⅝ 0.9 31.0 2201 1496 Coca–Cola HBC 2171 -23 2.9 21.7 103 81 Aberdeen Diversified 83⅛* -½ 6.8 115 606 480 Merchants Tst ● 557 -5 4.9 554 87¾ 49⅛ MITIE Gp ● 81¼ -1¼ 2.6 22.6 96 36¼ Tribal Gp 37⅝ +¾ 3.5 11.1 152¼ 93⅝ Siemens € 145⅛ +¼ 2.9 1.1
3768 2548 Cranswick ● 2970 +20 2.6 16.8 614 497 Aberdeen New India 506 -2 0.2 632 183 145 MomentumM-A V 156* — 4.6 156 11886 9399 AstraZeneca 10998* +22 2.2 63.9 565⅜ 441¼ Rentokil 564 +3¾ 1.3 48.7 53¾ 20⅜ Union Jack Oil 24¾ +¼ — -29.8 28⅜ 19 Societe Gen € 21¼ -½ 8.0 1.0
Banks -2.46%
1257 495⅜ Hilton Food ● 697 +5 4.1 15.5 1054 876 Alliance Trust ● 965* -6 2.5 1017 1138 875 Monks ● 946½ -5½ 0.2 1065 4310 2473⅜ Dechra Pharma ● 2578* +16 1.8 48.0 596 325 Ricardo Gp 546* -8 2.0 39.6 7 1¼ Xtract Resources 1⅜ … — -3.4 17¾ 11⅛ Stellantis € 16¼ … — —
198⅞ 128⅛ Barclays 139¾* -2⅞ 5.2 4.5 208 95¼ REA Hldgs 99¾ — — -36.1 287 199⅜ Allianz Tech Trust ● 223 +½ — 254 903½ 715 Murray Income ● 840 -5 4.3 900 3364 2186 Genus ● 2942* +30 1.1 47.1 750 418⅛ Robt Walters 481 -19 4.9 8.6 1490 863 Young & Co – A 1066 +26 1.9 18.1 135⅝ 108⅛ Thales € 136⅜ +1⅛ 2.2 2.2
1259 843 Close Bros ● 893 -30 7.4 8.1 4868⅝ 3351⅝ Unilever 4172½ -30 3.5 15.7 461 345 Asia Dragon Trust 399 +1 1.6 460 1376 1128 Murray Intl ● 1318 +4 4.2 1311 3408⅛ 1280⅞ GSK 1437¾* -⅜ 3.9 3.9 44⅞ 27 SIG 41⅝ +⅛ — 32.0 830 535 Young & Co – N/V 702 -27 2.9 17.8 60⅞ 44 Total € 53⅜ -1 5.3 2.8
653¾ 434¾ HSBC 548¼* -16⅜ 4.7 9.0 348 204½ Baillie Giff China 265 +6 2.7 289 63 52 Northern 2 VCT 54½ — 6.6 59 2137 1174½ Hikma ● 1673 -32½ 2.7 24.6 199 136½ Serco Group ● 153¾ -1⅛ 1.9 11.8 The Alternative Investment Market is for young and growing 20⅞ 13⅞ UBS AG SFr 17⅞ -¾ 2.8 3.6
Gas & Water +1.20% companies. Shares may carry higher risks than those with a
54⅜ 38½ Lloyds Bk Gp 46⅞ -⅞ 5.1 6.4 111¼ 73½ Baillie Giff Euro Gwth 93⅝ +⅜ 0.7 108 95¼ 82 Northern 3 VCT 84½ — 5.9 92 2020 1320⅜ Indivior ● 1414 +8 — -45.8 1357½ 707¾ Travis P ● 950 -7 4.1 10.5 full quotation, and may be difficult to sell. 29⅞ 18⅞ Veolia Environ € 26⅞ -¼ 4.2 0.6
313⅛ 210⅞ NatWest Group 268⅛* -1⅛ 5.0 7.9 108⅛ 65¾ Centrica 104¾ +1½ 2.9 -7.9 124¼ 68½ Balanced Comm Prp ●81½* +¼ 5.9 118 66½ 55 Nthn Venture 57½ — 7.0 62 240 144⅜ Volkswagen € 154¾ -2 4.8 3.9
Property +0.16% Telecommunications -0.78%
343½ 193⅜ Santander 294 -8⅛ 2.9 16.6 1124 735 Pennon Gp ● 861* +4 4.6 — 110¼ 90⅞ Bankers Invstmt Tst ● 99¼ -¾ 2.4 109 384 303 Pacific Assets 356 — 0.5 379
Americans +0.92% Recent issues
799⅜ 478⅝ Standard Ch 632⅜* -19⅝ 2.3 9.1 3228 2167⅜ Severn Trent 2833 +37 3.7 -80.5 1048 722⅜ Biotech Growth 784 -11 — 852 325 229¼ Pantheon ● 236½ -2½ — 460 20⅛ 12 Alina Hldgs 12¾ — — 26 196⅝ 110½ BT Group 139⅝ -1⅜ 5.5 10.8 52 week 52 week
High Low Stock Price +/- GrsYd Cvr High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E
1186⅞ 813¼ Utd Utilities 1052½ +11½ 4.2 -126.8 151 95 BlackRockEnrgy&Res 124 -1 3.5 127 202 132½ PremierMitonGlb 137½* — 5.1 166 72⅜ 46⅞ Assura ● 49½* +⅜ 6.3 — 2530 1470 Telecom Plus ● 1898 -22 3.4 42.1
Beverages -1.14%
144½ 116½ BlckRock FroInv 131 -¾ 4.3 139 2610 1792 RIT Cap Ptnrs ● 1888 -4 2.0 2432 1572 938½ Big Yellow Gp ● 1138 +12 3.8 — 132¼ 83¼ Vodafone 90¾ -⅝ 8.5 14.3 98⅛ 33½ Alcoa $ 40⅝ +⅝ 1.0 1.7 1¼ ¾ Celsius Resc ⅞ — — -4.5
General financial +0.15%
4067 3363 Diageo 3563* -41 2.2 25.4 568 396 BlckRck Grt Euro 520 +10 1.3 550 329 283 Ruffer Inv Pref ● 304 +½ 0.9 298 546¾ 317¾ Brit Land 367¾ -7¼ 6.3 — 194 130⅝ Amer Express $ 163⅝ +⅞ 1.5 4.1 329½ 275 Dar Global 300¼ -2¼ — —
Tobaccos -4.86%
286⅜ 177¾ Ashmore ● 240⅜* -3⅜ 7.0 17.9 206 164 BlckRck Inc&Grth 185 -2½ 3.9 204 470 366½ Schroder Asian TR 426 +1½ 2.6 447 231 127¾ CLS Hldgs ● 130¼ -3 6.1 -6.4 44⅜ 27⅝ BankAmerica $ 27¼ -⅜ 3.2 3.6 19 17 Fulcrum Metals 17¾ — — —
Chemicals +0.60%
378¾ 166¼ Bridgepoint Grp ● 205¼ -1 3.9 13.7 457 330 BlackRock Latin 339 -8 6.3 381 536⅝ 434 Scot American ● 496* -1 2.8 510 67 42¾ Cap&Regional 57⅞ — 9.1 — 3645 2823½ Brit Am Tob 2823½ -165½ 8.2 9.6 221⅜ 113 Boeing $ 196⅞ +¾ — —
8082 5862 Croda Intl 6464 +62 1.7 13.9 1065 735⅝ Hargreaves L 805¼* +5⅜ 5.0 12.9 215 183 BlckRckSustAmInc 183½ -¾ 4.4 193 1081⅞ 643¼ Scot Mortgage 670 +14¼ 0.5 817 3325 1783 Derwent Ldn ● 2262 -42 3.5 — 2185 1579½ Imp Brands 1875½* -44 7.5 11.3 266 160⅝ Caterpillar $ 220¾ +⅞ 2.2 2.6
2536 1755 Johnson Mat 1955 +4½ 3.9 18.4 851 646¾ IG Group ● 712 +5½ 6.2 6.0 1694¾ 1162 BlackRock Small ● 1298 +12 2.8 1497 242 205 Sec Tst of Scot 213 -1 2.9 213 739 388⅛ Gt Portland Est ● 489⅜ -7⅝ 2.6 — 189⅝ 132½ Chevron $ 155⅛ -⅞ 3.9 3.0
Transport -0.53%
1953⅛ 1522 Victrex ● 1667 -12 3.6 19.0 1867 937 IntermediateCp ● 1215½ -12½ 6.8 6.5 767 478 BlkRk Throg Tst ● 570* -2 1.9 604 178¼ 92⅞ Shaftesbury Capital ● 113 -⅝ 3.1 33.2 315 202¾ Grainger ● 228⅜ +1¾ 2.6 7.4 57⅝ 41¾ Coca–Cola Euro $ 57 +¼ 3.0 1.1
556¼ 336¼ Investec ● 447¼ -3½ 6.1 8.6 805 524 BlackRock Wld M ● 650* +5 6.2 634 1666 1120 Smithson Inv Tst ● 1354 +20 — 1466 35 17 Hammerson ● 22⅝ -⅜ 1.8 — 374¾ 173⅝ Int’l Dist Service ● 229⅜ -¾ 8.7 3.7 83¾ 67⅞ Colgate Palm $ 72¼ +⅛ 2.7 1.1
Construction -1.10%
97⅛ 51¾ IP Group ● 57 -⅜ 2.2 -1.7 1115 888 Brunner 1055* -10 2.0 1166 487½ 263 TR Property ● 282 -1½ 5.3 313 454¾ 292¼ Helical 297½ -13 3.8 4.1 442½ 276½ Redde Northgate ● 348 -6 6.5 8.4 79 49½ DuPontDeNemrs $ 68½ +⅜ 2.1 1.4
377⅜ 232⅝ Balfour Beatty ● 372⅜ +7⅝ 2.8 17.5 1348 692 Liontrust ● 1062 +8 6.8 10.9 4065 3015 Caledonia ● 3440 +10 1.9 4993 166 128⅝ Tmpletn Em Mt ● 149¾ +1⅝ 3.2 171 1423 744½ Safestore ● 923½* +6½ 3.2 — 426½ 187 Wincanton 205½ +2½ 6.0 5.3 126½ 79¼ Exxon Mobil $ 104 -⅝ 3.5 3.6
564¼ 313 Barratt Dev 444¾ +4¾ 8.1 8.8 39⅝ 32¼ Lon. Fin. & Inv. 37 — 3.1 -26.4 432 366½ City of Lon ● 406½ -3½ 4.9 399 78 64⅜ Troy Inc & Gr 70½ +⅞ 2.8 72 1204 750 Savills ● 947½ +8 3.8 10.9 47¼ 23⅞ Foot Locker $ 38½ -½ 4.2 2.8
Travel & Leisure -0.45%
2865 1572 Bellway ● 2035 -14 6.9 10.3 8612 6710 Lon Stock Ex 7780 +98 1.4 33.3 232⅛ 147½ CQS Nat Res G & I 170½ -1 3.3 204 126¼ 115 UIL Fin ZDP 2024 123½ — — 128 1408 669¼ Segro 737¾* +11¾ 3.6 — 95⅛ 59⅞ Gen Electric $ 91⅝ +2 0.3 1.7
4505 3120 Berkeley Grp 4034* -26 2.2 9.7 229⅞ 159¼ M&G 182* -4¼ 10.8 -2.8 270 214 CT Glbl Mgd G 226 -1 — 227 117⅝ 104 UIL Fin ZDP 2026 114 — — 127 182⅜ 123½ Town Centre 139 -5 3.6 — 1460½ 482⅞ Carnival ● 669⅝ +1¾ — -1.6 347¼ 264½ Home Depot $ 283 +⅜ 3.0 2.0 Bold FTSE100 Stocks ● FTSE250 Stocks
* Ex-dividend † Ex-scrip ‡ Ex-all
349 215 Boot H 225 +3 3.0 10.6 293¾ 202⅞ Man Group ● 242 +1⅝ 5.3 6.3 140 112 CT Glbl Mgd I 118* -½ 5.7 117 227½ 197½ Utilico Emerg 206* -2 4.0 238 251⅜ 120⅛ Tritax Big Box ● 135½* +¾ 5.2 190 604¼ 276⅞ easyJet ● 477 -7⅞ — -21.3 221 166⅝ Honeywell $ 187¾ +⅝ 2.2 1.8 § Ex-rights # Suspended
56⅞ 32⅛ Costain 55⅜ -⅛ — 5.9 177⅝ 79 Quilter ● 85⅞ +1 5.2 7.0 506 375½ CT Priv Eq Ord 440 -9 5.6 710 237½ 199¾ Witan ● 221 -1 2.6 243 178 94½ Warehouse REIT ● 95⅜* +⅜ 6.9 152 1702½ 994⅝ Entain 1204* -11 1.4 — 41½ 24⅛ HP $ 28 +⅛ 3.8 2.5 Cover relates to the previous year’s dividend.
Yields are net of basic rate tax.
4412 2736½ CRH 4048* -81 2.5 9.8 2245 1553¼ Rathbones Grp ● 1882 -2 4.5 14.1 101 60¾ CT Property Trust 62* +¼ 6.5 95 3500 2820 Worldw HealthTr ● 3050 -15 0.9 3346 735⅝ 335¼ Workspace Gp ● 453⅝ +1¼ 5.0 — 145⅝ 89½ FirstGroup ● 102¼ -2 2.6 1.7 153¼ 115½ IBM $ 124 … 5.3 0.3
Data is provided for information purposes only and is not
1054 621⅞ Grafton Gp ● 859 -6½ 3.8 9.6 2520 1900 S & U 2360 +85 5.5 7.5 326 256 CT UK Cap & Inc 288* -2 4.1 300 Net Asset Values © 2023 Morningstar Estimated at previous 14370 7340 Flutter Entrtmt 14205 +85 — -83.2 52½ 24⅝ Intel $ 28¾ +⅝ 1.7 3.9 intended for trading purposes. Speak with a financial
advisor before using any data to make transactions.
day’s close see

Winners and losers (pc) Major price changes FTSE 100 World market indices Exchange rates £ > € Rate 1.1315 Change -0.19¢ £ > $ Rate 1.2322 Change +0.91¢
Ç Gas & Water 1.20 Risers 36 Volume Close Change Fallers 63 Volume Close Change Index Change
Ç Melrose Ind 15.83m 159⅞ 3.70pc È Brit Amer Tob 7.53m 2823½ -5.54pc È Australia All Ordinaries 7148.60 -52.10 -0.72pc Tourist £1 = Sterling £1 = 1 Euro = 1 Dollar =
Ç AIM 0.87 Ç Endeavour Mg 0.32m 1843 2.90pc È Schroders 1.34m 445⅜ -3.88pc È Brazil Bovespa 97926.34 -2294.29 -2.29pc Australia Aus $ 1.7331 1.8338 1.6207 1.4883
Ç Ocado Group 4.05m 447⅜ 2.83pc È Standard Chart 9.09m 632⅜ -3.01pc Ç China Shanghai Composite 3286.65 +20.90 +0.64pc Canada Can $ 1.6040 1.6830 1.4874 1.3659
Ç Aerospace & defence 0.64
Ç Scot Mort Inv Tst 6.15m 670 2.17pc È HSBC 116.15m 548¼ -2.90pc Ç France CAC General 7139.25 +8.13 +0.11pc Denmark Krone 8.0038 8.4291 7.4498 6.8410
Ç BAE Systems 17.09m 975 1.77pc È Legal&Gen 21.90m 228⅞ -2.80pc È Germany DAX 15210.39 -5.80 -0.04pc Euro € 1.0779 1.1315 … 0.9183
Ç Electricity 0.62
Ç Segro 5.22m 737¾ 1.63pc È Kingfisher 7.74m 263¾ -2.77pc Ç Hong Kong Hang Seng 20049.64 +458.21 +2.34pc Hong Kong HK $ 9.1744 9.6720 8.5483 7.8497
Ç Chemicals 0.60 Ç Centrica 21.97m 104¾ 1.50pc È Informa 6.51m 674 -2.71pc È India BSE S&P SENSEX 57925.28 -289.31 -0.50pc India Rupee 89.2400 101.3628 89.5866 82.2650
Ç Beazley 3.87m 557 1.36pc È Imp Brands 1.90m 1875½ -2.29pc È Japan Nikkei 27419.61 -47.00 -0.17pc Israel Shekels 4.0107 4.3692 3.8616 3.5460
Ç Electricals 0.55 Ç Unite Group 0.67m 898 1.35pc È M&G 7.64m 182 -2.28pc È Singapore Straits Times 3219.00 -1.98 -0.06pc Japan Yen 153.5000 161.4055 142.6535 130.9950
Ç Antofagasta 1.89m 1557 1.33pc È Smith&Neph 4.78m 1152 -2.17pc È Spain Madrid SE 892.11 -4.23 -0.47pc Kuwait Dinar … 0.3770 0.3332 0.3059
Ç Information technology 0.55 Ç Auto Trader Grp 2.82m 607⅝ 1.33pc È Convatec 3.80m 219 -2.06pc È Switzerland SMI Index 10718.54 -63.74 -0.59pc New Zealand NZ $ 1.8243 1.9612 1.7333 1.5917
Ç Severn Trent 1.44m 2833 1.32pc È Ashtead Group 0.71m 5000 -2.04pc Ç USA Dow Jones 32105.25 +75.14 +0.23pc Norway Krone 12.2100 12.6779 11.2050 10.2892
Ç Engineering / Industrial 0.23
Ç Lon Stock Ex 0.82m 7780 1.28pc È Barclays 75.88m 139¾ -2.02pc Ç USA Nasdaq 11787.40 +117.44 +1.01pc Pakistan Rupee 327.9500 348.5445 308.0509 282.8750
Ç Fresnillo 0.54m 735 1.10pc È Tesco 16.65m 253¾ -2.01pc Saudi Arabia Riyal 4.3245 4.6287 4.0909 3.7566
Ç Investment trusts 0.20
Ç Utd. Utilities 1.55m 1052½ 1.10pc È CRH 0.99m 4048 -1.96pc Singapore $ 1.5234 1.6320 1.4424 1.3245
È Support services -0.89 Ç Barratt Dev 10.37m 444¾ 1.09pc È Shell 11.39m 2272 -1.96pc Commodities summary South Africa Rand 21.0100 22.2326 19.6497 18.0437
Ç Haleon 39.65m 332½ 1.06pc È Phoenix 3.88m 557⅝ -1.93pc Sweden Krona 12.0400 12.6434 11.1745 10.2613
È Retailers -0.92 Ç Rightmove 2.29m 564 1.04pc È British Land 6.59m 367¾ -1.92pc Price Change Switzerland Franc 1.0755 1.1269 0.9960 0.9146
Ç Croda Intl 0.65m 6464 0.97pc È Lloyds Bk Gp 235.48m 46⅞ -1.92pc Ç Gold per troy oz $1992.60 +23.20 +1.18pc Thailand Baht 37.5700 41.9793 37.1022 34.0700
Ç 3i 3.54m 1583½ 0.92pc È B&MEurValRtl 2.35m 474¾ -1.43pc È Silver per troy oz £18.75 -0.03 -0.18pc UAE Dirham 4.2436 4.5252 3.9994 3.6726
È Insurance -0.96
Ç Natl Grid 6.33m 1056 0.86pc È Whitbread 0.71m 2889 -1.40pc Ç Krugerrand £1636.58 +15.29 +0.94pc UK £ … … 0.8839 0.8116
Ç Admiral 1.56m 2010 0.75pc È Rolls Royce 37.70m 147⅜ -1.26pc Ç New Sovereign £372.50 +2.13 +0.58pc USA $ 1.1760 1.2322 1.0890 …
È Construction -1.10
Ç Maples £1633.28 +16.80 +1.04pc Tourist rates for indication use only.
È Beverages -1.14
Results Roundup È Platinum per oz £801.78 -0.28 -0.04pc
Company Turnover(£) Pre - tax(£) EPS(p) DIV(p) Pay Day XD È Palladium per oz £1157.69 -25.78 -2.18pc Money & Rates
Audioboom Group $ Fin 74.9m (60.3m) -429k (1.7m) -4.700 (45.000) 8.000 (0.000) tba tba È Copper† grade A £7295.08 -4.81 -0.07pc
È Healthcare -1.51
Carr’s Group Fin 124.2m (120.3m) 7.6m (7.5m) 6.400 (6.200) 2.850 (2.650) May 12 Apr 13 Ç Tin† high grade £19720.82 +425.59 +2.21pc RPI (1987=100) Feb 364.50 +1.2pc +13.8pc
Energean $ Fin 737.1m (497.0m) 107.0m (-90.7m) 10.000 (-52.000) 0.000 (0.000) - - È Lead† £1720.09 -12.39 -0.72pc RPIX (Target 2.5pc) Feb 363.60 +3.8 +12.9pc
È Oil & Gas -1.69
Gulf Keystone Petroleum $ Fin 460.1m (301.4m) 265.8m (163.7m) 123.520 (77.140) tba (11.561) Jul 21 Jul 06 È Zinc† special high grade £2349.86 -2.36 -0.10pc CPI (2015=100 target 2pc) Feb 127.90 +1.1pc +10.4pc

È Banks -2.46 Inchcape Fin 8.1bn (6.9bn) 333.1m (148.8m) -3.000 (30.000) 21.300 (16.100) June 2023 tba Ç Aluminium† high grade £1887.68 +19.48 +1.04pc Halifax house price index Feb 492.30 +1.10pc +2.1pc
JPMorgan UK Smaller IT Int – (–) 2.2m (2.9m) 2.800 (3.650) 0.000 (0.000) - - È Nickel† £18288.43 -324.11 -1.74pc

È Tobaccos -4.86 Playtech € Fin 1.6bn (1.2bn) 95.6m (605.0m) 29.200 (226.300) n/a (n/a) - - Ç Baltic Dry Index* 1484.00 +28.00 +1.92pc Bank Rate 4.25pc Nationwide Base Mortgage Rate 6.00pc
Pollen Street Fin – (–) 26.9m (31.8m) 62.400 (90.200) 16.000 (20.000) Mar 31 Mar 02 Æ Wheat per tonne £191.00 unch unch 1 month 4.18pc US Fed Funds 4.75-5.00pc
Symphony International $ Fin 14.7m (182.2m) 7.6m (122.5m) 1.480 (23.860) 0.000 (0.000) - - È Brent Crude May settlement $75.91 -0.78 -1.02pc 3 months 4.37pc US Long Bonds Yld 3.72pc
Wickes Group Fin 1.6bn (1.5bn) 40.3m (65.4m) 12.600 (23.300) 7.300 (8.800) Jun 07 Apr 20 6 months 4.66pc European base rate 3.50pc
*Copyright Baltic Exchange Information Services Ltd. †Data provided by the London Metal Exchange.

Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change

Name Init chge Sell Buy on day
Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day
Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day
Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day

Inflation-Linked Corp Bd 0% 108.57 +0.23 Inst UK IDX Opp Tr – 113.1001 … Jupiter Multi Asst Inc L Acc – *98.24 +0.2743 Eqty Inv Chrties GBP Inc – 1452.94 …
Long-Term Global Equity 0% 302.8 -3.56 Multi-Mgr Abs Ret A Acc 5.00 161.6 … Jupiter Multi Asst Inc L Inc – *50.1 +0.1399 Eqty Inv Chrties GBP Acc – 28864.66 …
Asian Income 0% 127.45 +0.56 Fundsmith LLP Multi-Mgr Active A Acc† 5.00 252.5 -0.6 Jupiter Multi Asst I & G L Inc – 96.14 -0.0833 †CAR - Net Income reinvested.
PO Box 10846, Chelmsford, Essex, CM99 2BW.
AXA Investment Managers UK Continental European 0% 218.92 +0.27 0330 123 1815 Multi-Mgr Distbn A Inc 5.25 124.4 … Jupiter Responsible Inc L Acc – 125.4 -0.4155
Limited Natwest Investment Funds
7 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7NX
BNY Mellon Fund Managers Global Dynamic Bd 0% 84.67 +0.22 Multi-Mgr Divrsfd A Acc – 87.02 … Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Ltd Jupiter Responsible Inc L Inc – 67.23 -0.2228 (RBS Collective Investment Funds Ltd) Cust Svs: 0845 777 5511 Investors: 0800 614330 Brokers: 08085 660000 Global High Yield Bd 0% 73.61 +0.23 Fundsmith Equity T Acc – 602.53 -3.14 Multi-Mgr Inc&Gwth A Acc 5.00 186.6 … The Zig Zag Building, 70 Victoria Street, London, Jupiter Strategic Bond L Acc – *96.25 +0.5171 PO Box 249, York YO90 1ZY, SW1E 6SQ 0117 940 3848
Amer Gwth Acc – 1119 -22.00 Global Opportunities 0% 267.96 -2.15 Fundsmith Equity T Inc – 549.13 -2.86 Multi-Mgr Inc&Gwth A Inc 5.25 145.2 … 020 3817 1000 Jupiter Strategic Bond L Inc – *54.66 +0.2936
BNY Mellon Investment Funds (ICVC)
Biotech Acc – 237.8 -4.70 International Bd 0% 103.94 +0.64 Multi-Mgr Mangd A Acc† 5.00 310.7 -0.4 Jupiter Abslt Rtn L Acc – 32.02 +0.1530 Jupiter UK Growth L Inc – 251.39 -0.1561 Global Bond Fund Inc – 84.04 …
Sterling Income Shares
Clean Economy R Acc – 1032 -10.00 Multi-Asset Bal 0% 158.9 -0.46 Multi-Mgr Mangd A Inc† 5.00 300 -0.3 Jupiter Asian Inc L Acc – 186.14 +0.3928 Jupiter UK Smaller Cos Eq L Acc– *332.71 +0.8033 Mangd Eqty Grwth Fnd Acc – 120.80 …
Emerg Mkts Acc – 262.3 +2.80 Global Income 0% 250.42 -2.25 Mult-Asset Div Return 0% 134.31 -0.10 Sterling Bond Acc† 4.25 205.9 … Jupiter Asian Inc L Inc – 142.38 +0.3006 Jupiter UK Special Sits L Inc – 207.35 -2.2386 Mangd Grwth Fund Inc – 110.94 …
FinTech R Acc – 745.4 -14.40 Corporate Bond 0% 81.06 +0.44 Mult-Asset Growth 0% 233.19 -0.83 Sterling Bond Inc† 4.25 56.24 … Jupiter China L Acc – *101.33 +1.8121 Jupiter US Sm&Md Inst I Acc – 80.99 … Mangd Grwth Fund Acc – 115.90 …
Global Tech – 202.0 -3.50 Equity Inc 0% 149.45 -0.90 Oriental 0% 186.59 +2.12
Guinness Global Investors Strategic Bond A Inc 4.00 105.2 … Jupiter China L Inc – *94.31 +1.6867 Jupiter US Sm&Md Cap Ret Acc – 74.46 … UK Eqty Fund Acc – 117.62 …
18 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HZ
Global Thematics R GBP Acc – 2019 -27.00 Equity Inc Booster 0% 94.04 -0.56 Real Return A 0% 103.33 … UK Absolute Return A Acc 5.00 167.7 … Jupiter Corp Bond L Inc – *51.02 +0.3065 UK Eqty Fund Inc – 103.02 …
+44(0)20 7222 5703 Marks & Spencer Unit Trust
Health Acc – 2865 -35.00 Glob Abs Ret 0% 108.02 -0.03 UK Equity Fund 0% 141.77 -0.41 UK Alpha A Acc† 5.25 135.5 … Jupiter Eco L Inc – 540.87 -4.5433
Management Ltd Yealand Fund Services Limited
Japan R GBP Acc – 578.9 +5.10 Glob Multi-Strat 0% 113.95 -0.15 UK Income 0% 140.04 -0.85 Sustainable Energy Acc† – 24.1005 … UK Smaller Cos A ACC 5.00 791.3 … Jupiter European L Inc – 2904.73 -1.8433 Kings Meadow, Chester, CH99 9UT Admin: Stuart House, St John's St,
0870 333 1835
Managed Balanced Acc – 459.9 -1.40 Inflation-Linked Corp Bd 0% 108.43 +0.22 UK Opportunities 0% 156.24 -0.21 Global Innovators Acc† – 26.4626 … UK Equity Income A Inc 5.00 508.2 … Jupiter Euro Inc L Acc – 85.016292 … Peterborough PE1 5DD
Dealing & Enquiries: 0345 850 0255
Managed Income Acc – 178.4 +0.20 Long-Term Global Equity 0% 399.76 -4.72 US Opportunities 0% 290.74 -5.31 Global Equity Inc† – 18.4477 … UK Index Opps Tst A Acc – 112.4201 … Jupiter Euro Inc L Inc – 49.786986 … High Income Inc – *86.16 86.16 …
Managed Income Incf – 92.34 +0.09 Asian Income 0% 207.29 … Emerging Income 0% 97.69 … †Available as an ISA US Growth A Acc 5.00 1680 … Jupiter Euro Special Sits L Acc – *458 +1.1590 High Income Acc – *241 241 … Generation Fd 5.00 865.9 …
Monthly Inc Inc – 220.3 -0.50 European Opps 0% 330.72 +0.41 Global Dynamic Bd Inc 0% 0.8795 … †Available as an ISA Jupiter Fin Opp L Inc – 676.96 -16.0755 UK Select Port Inc – 336.1 336.1 … FENIX Balanced Inc 5.00 *171.6 …
Monthly Inc Acc – 676.5 -1.80 Global Dynamic Bd 0% 87.8 +0.23 Global Emerging Mkts 0% 200.4 +1.87 Jupiter Fund Of Inv Tsts L Inc – 282.86 -0.1896 UK Selection Port – 695.5 695.5 …
UK Growth Acc – 321.0 -0.40 Global High Yield Bd 0% 46.36 +0.15 Global Equity Fund 0% 262.34 -2.11 Jupiter Global Emg Mkts L Acc – 61.87 +0.2191 UK 100 Co's Fund Inc – *222.4 222.4 …
UK Select Opps R Inc – 1852 … Global Opportunities 0% 407.5 -3.28 Multi Asset Inc 0% 120.14 -0.35 Janus Henderson Investors Jupiter Global Finl Innov L Acc – 91.3 -2.3935 UK 100 Co's Fund Acc – *452.7 452.7 …
UK Select Opps R Acc – 3558 +1.00 International Bd 0% 226.5 +1.39 PO Box 9023 Chelmsford, CM99 2WB Jupiter Growth & Inc L Inc – 92.67 -0.1518 W'wide Man Inc – 541.9 …
Consistent Unit Trust Enquiries: 0800 832 832
UK Smllr Cos Acc – 266.5 +0.60 Multi-Asset Bal 0% 240.88 -0.69
Management Co Ltd Website: J.P. Morgan Asset Management Jupiter Income Trust L Inc – 503.43 -5.5808 W'wide Man Acc – 926.4 …
AXA IM Funds 60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP *138.21
Mult-Asset Div Return 0% 173.38 … Admin: Stuart House, St John's St, Jupiter India L Acc – -0.5623
Peterborough PE1 5DD Clients:0800 204020.Brokerline 0800 727770
Mult-Asset Growth 0% 1163.53 -4.17 Asia Pac Cap Gwth A Acc 5.00 1136 … Jupiter Japan Inc L Acc – *141.21 +1.4331
Dealing & Client Services 0345 850 8818
Oriental 0% 916.33 +10.43 Asian Dividend Income Inc 5.00 78.64 … JPM Ems C Net Dis – *160.8000 +0.8000 Jupiter Japan Inc L Inc – *98.34 +0.9979
Real Return A 0% 116.1 +0.39 Opportunities Unit Tst Inc 0% 59.78 … Cautious Managed A Acc 5.00 285.2 … JPM Japan C Net Acc – *298.1000 +1.9000 Jupiter Merlin Bal Prtfo L Acc – 229.12 -1.2797
UK Equity Fund 0% 838.05 -2.46 Opportunities Unit Tst Acc 0% 162.4 … Cautious Managed A Inc 5.00 140.7 … JPM Natural Res C Net ACC – *986.5000 -11.2000 Jupiter Merlin Bal Prtfo L Inc – 144.07 -0.8046
M&G Securities Ltd
Blue Whale Capital UK Income 0% 70.29 -0.43 Practical Invest Inc 5.00 233.6 233.6 -0.6 China Opps A Acc 5.00 1192 … JPM UK Equity Core E Acc – *432.8000 -1.7000 Jupiter Merlin Con Port L Acc – *61.89 +0.1932 PO Box 9039, Chelmsford, CM99 2XG
0345 307 3439 *62.5800 *47.21 Enq: 0800 390 390. UT Deal: 0800 328 3196
UK Opportunities 0% 312.63 -0.42 Practical Invest Acc 5.00 1488 1488 -3 Emerg Mkts Opps A Acc 5.00 192.5 … JPM UK Equity Core E Inc – -0.2500 Jupiter Merlin Con Port L Inc – +0.1474
US Opportunities 0% 317.49 -5.81 European Growth A Acc† 5.25 296.8 … JPM US Eq Inc C Net – *392.1000 -8.6000 Jupiter Merlin Grth Prtfo L Acc – *527.68 -5.2911 Charibond Chrties Fxd Int Acc – 3953.1 …
B Shares Discretionary Unit Fund *414.3000 *512.83
Blue Whale Growth R Acc – 164.92 -1.63 No 1, Poultry, London EC2R 8JR. 020 7415 4130 European Sel Opps A Acc 5.00 2241 … JPM US Eq Inc C Net Dis – -9.1000 Jupiter Merlin Grth Prtfo L Inc – -5.1423 Charibond Chrties Fxd Int Dis – 110.04 …
Global Income 0% 203.51 … Fixed Int Mthly Inc A Inc 4.25 17.61 … JPM US Select C Net Acc – *752.6000 -14.5000 Jupiter Merlin Inc Prtfo L Acc – 339.79 -0.0790 Charity Multi Asset Acc – 10622.78 …
Corporate Bond 0% 98.21 +0.53 Maitland Discretionary Inc 3.00 1602 +0.06 Global Care Growth A Inc 4.50 466.1 … JPM US Sm Cos Gwth C Net Ac – 865.8000 -27.4000 Jupiter Merlin Inc Prtfo L Inc – 135.68 -0.0316 Charity Multi Asset Dis – 88.13 …
Equity Inc 0% 111.77 -0.67 Global Equity Inc A Inc† 5.25 64.72 … Jupiter Merlin WW Prtfo L Inc – 371.73 -4.1639
Equity Inc Booster 0% 73.94 -0.44 Global Growth Acc 4.25 4161 … Jupiter Merlin WW Prtfo L Acc – 371.72 -4.1637 Initial charge:

Global Strategic Cap Acc† *122.98 This charge in percentage terms is included in the purchase
Glob Abs Ret 0% 108.56 -0.03 5.00 304.1 … Jupiter Monthly Alt Inc L Acc – -0.5351 price of the units. It is levied by the unit trust manager to cover
administrative costs and commissions.
Glob Multi-Strat 0% 114.63 -0.15 Global Technology A Acc 5.00 2919 … Jupiter Monthly Alt Inc L Inc – *25.91 -0.1127
* Denotes Ex-dividend ‡ Denotes Suspended
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 *** 23


Taking a longer-term view, Baronsmead Venture Trust

Close: 56.5p Key
 Market value:

these two venture capital trusts 85

 Year of listing:
 Discount: 5pc
 Ave discount

remain worthwhile holdings 75

over past year:
 Yield (Sept
2022): 10.2pc
 Most recent
70 year’s dividend:

apidly rising living costs could Baronsmead geographical diversification or balance  Gearing: nil
PHENS prompt some income investors to Venture Trust sheet strength of larger businesses,  Annual charge
QUESTOR seek ever-higher dividend yields. VCTs can be relatively illiquid.
(Sept 2022):
INCOME PORTFOLIO While their investment portfolio may
They also tend to pay “lumpy” 2.06pc
have provided a satisfactory income While they can be dividends due to their payouts being at
a little erratic as 60
over previous years, rampant inflation least partly dependent on company
and a challenging economic outlook regards payouts, this realisations that can be somewhat
fund and Northern
may mean there is now a disparity erratic. As a result, they may not provide
While they may between their income and outgoings.
Venture Trust are
worth holding onto a stable income on which to rely. 55
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
However, in Questor’s view, high- Of course, in some cases the rewards
not provide a stable yielding investments should come with offered by high-yielding investments are
a health warning. In the vast majority of worth the risks. Having held both VCTs equate to 57pc of the original purchase ‘Ultimately valuations and investor sentiment are
income on which cases, they have significant risks to be in our income portfolio since October price. And since this column takes a
the raison
extremely likely to dramatically improve
carefully considered before purchase. 2016, this column feels they are an long-term view and has a diverse in the coming years.
you could rely, For example, a high-yielding stock
may be struggling in today’s low-growth
appropriate means of generating a high,
yet fluctuating, dividend that is not
portfolio of investments, the non-
uniform payment of dividends is not a
d’etre of Separately, the two trusts provide
welcome diversification benefits in an
VCTs can generate economic environment and could cut its
dividend to a level that makes it far less
currently subject to tax.
Clearly, their share price performance
major concern.
Neither is a tough economic outlook
VCTs is era where some mainstream
investments, notably bonds, have
to buy
a high, if fluctuating, attractive from an income perspective.
Or, as in the case of our income
has been highly disappointing over
recent years. Since our notional
that has prompted a “flight to safety”
among investors and caused particularly companies
become relatively unappealing. And
with Baronsmead and Northern having
tax-free dividend portfolio’s two venture capital trusts
(VCTs), it may be exposed to smaller
purchase in October 2016, for instance,
Baronsmead’s shares are down 30pc and
weak sentiment towards listed small-cap
stocks and unquoted companies. While
at low strong track records of realising a variety
of holdings at sizeable multiples to their
companies that are less likely to survive the capital loss on Northern stands at they could remain unpopular in the prices and original outlay, they continue to offer
an economic slowdown. 20pc. In their latest results to September short run, and may suffer considerably long-term investment appeal.
Indeed, Baronsmead Venture Trust 2022, the former reported a 19pc annual as rising interest rates put pressure on a sell them Indeed, their generous dividend
and Northern Venture Trust currently decline in net asset value (NAV) while wide range of sectors, low company at a much payments over recent years highlights
have historical dividend yields of 10pc the latter’s NAV fell by 14pc as the valuations present Baronsmead and their capacity to generate an attractive
and 7pc, respectively. Both figures are valuations of growth-focused holdings Northern with relatively attractive higher income stream over the long run. They
far greater than the FTSE 100’s 3.7pc came under severe pressure in an era of long-term buying opportunities. price’ undoubtedly carry greater risk than
dividend yield, and therefore extremely rapidly rising interest rates. Ultimately, the raison d’etre of VCTs is many other investments, which could
attractive to income investors in the It is worth remembering, though, that to buy companies at low prices and deter some income seekers from buying
current climate, but come with Baronsmead has paid dividends of subsequently sell them at much higher them. But since this column takes a
significantly higher risks than an 39.25p per share since our notional prices. Although the next period of long-term view and has other sources of
Read Questor’s rules of investment before investment in the large-cap index. purchase. This amounts to around 47pc sustained economic growth may feel income in its portfolio, they remain
you follow our tips: As well as their focus on investing in of the original purchase price. Northern, extremely distant at the moment, the worthwhile holdings that have the
questorrules; unquoted and Aim-listed smaller meanwhile, has paid dividends per share track record of the UK economy potential to deliver improving total
companies that do not have the of 40p since our notional purchase that suggests company performance, market returns as the economy recovers.

Glencore boss gets Sales heat up for Brokers FinnCap Offices less than Inchcape shares Accenture to cut
$4.2m bonuses Wickes as public and Cenkos form 30pc full because tumble despite 19,000 jobs in drive
fuelled by sales targets energy bills investment bank of transport strikes profit growth to reduce costs
Glencore’s boss has collected $4.2m Sales rose to a record high at City stockbrokers FinnCap and Train and Tube strikes have pushed Shares in car dealer Inchcape sank by Accenture plans to cut 19,000 jobs
(£3.4m) in bonuses after the mining Wickes as customers stocked up on Cenkos have agreed to a £43m merger, office occupancy levels to below 30pc more than a tenth after its broker over the next 18 months, becoming the
giant reported record annual profits. fuel-efficient products and insulation after the former’s takeover talks with for the first time this year. issued a warning over the company’s latest consultancy giant to drastically
Gary Nagle, who succeeded Ivan amid surging energy prices. Panmure Gordon broke down late Last week the number dropped to earnings for the year. cut costs amid economic headwinds.
Glasenberg in July 2021, received David Wood, chief executive, said: last year. 29.9pc and to 26.5pc in London, the JP Morgan cut their expectations of The New York-listed company faces
$6.1m in total last year, according to a “We’ve seen dramatic increases in the The all-share deal will create an lowest in the capital this year since the company’s profits for 2023 by 4pc $1.2bn (£980m) in staff severance and
newly published annual report. sales of loft insulation, loft boards, investment bank with 230 employees the first week of January, according to £468m, in a note to clients. personnel costs, and will spend $300m
It also included a $1.8m salary, draught excluders, heating controls, and combined revenues of more than to Remit Consulting. Pre-pandemic Inchcape distributes cars around the consolidating office space.
$42,000 in pension contributions and thermostats and so forth.” £50m. The merger will be followed by properties were closer to 60pc full. world as well as selling them to drivers Accenture also lowered its annual
$18,000 worth of benefits such as a Revenues rose 1.8pc to £1.5bn in cost reductions in “areas of duplicative Lorna Landells of Remit through its dealership network. forecasts, reducing maximum revenue
lunch card for his company’s staff 2022. However, the company’s or inefficient spending”, the London- Consulting said: “Since the end of Slimmer margins from North and growth from 11pc to 10pc.
canteen in Baar, Switzerland. statutory operating profits fell by listed firms said in a joint statement. lockdown in May 2021 ... for much of South America could be on the “We are also taking steps to lower
The award comes after Glencore 30pc to £67.1m. “The FinnCap board and the Cenkos that time, the West End has horizon, JP Morgan said, adding: our costs in fiscal year 2024 and
posted a record-breaking $34bn profit, Wickes is planning to open 20 board are mindful of the market outperformed all other areas of the “Inchcape did not provide a detailed beyond, while continuing to invest in
partly thanks to sales of coal rocketing new stores over the next five years, challenges faced by the broking sector capital but since the end of last year [2023] outlook, which might be seen our business and people to capture the
during the energy crisis. largely in retail parks near big towns, in recent years and that as this highly the Docklands market has been negatively at this point in the year.” growth opportunities ahead,” said
Mr Nagle’s pay package is the Mr Wood said. fragmented market is becoming consistently stronger, possibly due to Profit before tax last year rose by chief executive Julie Sweet.
biggest handed to a Glencore chief “There are around probably 30 to 40 increasingly competitive, scale is ... banks and other financial 50pc to £373m. The shares fell 13pc to Last month McKinsey announced
executive since the £57bn miner listed areas of white space that I think really becoming increasingly important,” the institutions encouraging staff back to end at 758p yesterday, valuing the plans to axe 2,000 jobs and KPMG has
on the London Stock Exchange in 2013. deserve a Wickes in the UK,” he added. companies said. their desks.” company at £3.1bn. cut 700 roles from its US operations.
24 *** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph

Court & Social Announcements

Telephone: 0800 072 32 32 or +44 1634 88 7587 Fax: 020 7931 3370
Email: Book online:

Court viewing an art exhibition of

paintings from Ukraine and joining
Warsaw. The Prince of Wales
afterwards called upon The
this evening attended the
Rededication Service of Queen Births
HAZELL.—Mary Christine
(née Shwalbe), at Meresworth Care
REDMAN.—Jeremy David of
Lulworth Cove, writer and poet.
WOOD.—Martin John of Starbotton,
died on 12th March 2023, at Airedale

Circular a Meeting with the Board of

Directors on green transition.
President of the Republic of
Poland at the President’s
Victoria’s Rifles’ Book of
Remembrance at the Parish ARCHIBALD.—On 27th February 2023,
Home, Rickmansworth on
27th February. Widow of Frank (Richard)
Hazell, citizen and haberdasher.
Died on 7th March 2023. Son of the late
Lt Gen Sir Harold and Lady Redman
(née Wharton), brother of Felicity
Hospital, aged 72 years. Funeral Service
will be held at St Michael and All Angels
Church, Hubberholme, Skipton on
Mrs Derek Cross was later Chancellery, Warsaw. Church of St George, Hanover at QMC Nottingham, to Sophie Service of Remembrance at St Mary the  and Sally, uncle and great-uncle. Friday 31st March 2023 at 11.30 a.m.
received by The King upon His Royal Highness this Square, London W1. (née Wallace) and Alexander, a son, Virgin, Rickmansworth on 27th April Enquiries: Family flowers only, donations to
relinquishing her appointment afternoon met Ukrainian refugees Ruairidh Alexander Scott, a brother at 11.30 a.m. No flowers but donations to Tel: 01202 630111. Blood Cancer UK, either at the service,
as The late Queen’s Diary who are settled in the Polish for Iona. The Peace Hospice, Watford would be or c/o Howcrofts Funeral Services,
Online ref: 619300
Secretary. community at Hala Koszyki, Online ref: 619154 appreciated and may be sent to Duckett St, Skipton BD23 2EJ.
Koszykowa 63, Warsaw. Peace Hospice Care, Peace Drive,
The King was represented by Online ref: 619288
The Duke of Kent at the Service of The Prince of Wales Today’s birthdays AREVALO.—On 17th March 2023,
to Rebecca (née Kent) and José,
Watford, WD17 3PH. Tel: 01923 335363.
Online ref: 619252
BUCKINGHAM PALACE Thanksgiving for Field Marshal the subsequently met Ukrainian staff a daughter, Rosanna Violet. ROBERTSON.—Jane Carolyn
March 22nd Lord Inge, KG (formerly Chief of at Hala Koszyki who have been Dame Mary Berry, food writer Online ref: 619186 (née Aucott) died peacefully at home
President Hamid Karzai (former the Defence Staff), which was held displaced from the British and television presenter, is 88; HOLDSWORTH.—Juliet. With great on Sunday 19th March 2023, aged 73. 
President of the Islamic Republic at St Margaret’s Church, Embassy in Kyiv. Earl Cadogan 86; Mr Benjamin sadness, we announce the death of Beloved wife of Nicolas, much loved and Memorial services
of Afghanistan) visited The King Westminster Abbey, today. The His Royal Highness later Luxon, baritone, 86; Air Chief Deaths Juliet Holdsworth, previously
Sutton-Scott-Tucker, on 18th March.
devoted mother of Harriet and Charlie,
mother-in-law of Giles and Laura, and
this morning. Queen Consort was represented by arrived at Royal Air Force Northolt Marshal Sir John Allison, Juliet was our dearly loved wife, mother, grandmother of Katinka, Luella, Eliza
Gen Sir Patrick Sanders. from Poland. AOC-in-C RAF Strike Command, BIRCH.—Christine Margaret (née Cole). grandmother and matriarch. She will be and Freddie. A Service of Thanksgiving DE LA MORINIERE.—Hervé.
Mr Jean-Christophe Gray, Mr Wife of the late Michael Edwin Birch will be held at 12.30 p.m. on Monday A Memorial Service will be held on
March 23rd 1997-99, 80; Sir David Eady, a greatly missed by all her family and
Monday 19th June 2023 at 11 a.m. at
His Excellency Mr Yannis KENSINGTON PALACE Lee Thompson and Commander former High Court Judge, 80; died peacefully on Friday 24th February many friends. Private family funeral, 3rd April at St Osmund's Church, Barnes,
2023, aged 92. Adored mother to with a memorial service to be arranged. SW13 9RT. No flowers please, but St Paul's Knightsbridge, London
Tsaousis was received in audience March 22nd Robert Dixon, RN, were in Lord Ouseley, Chairman, Elizabeth, Henry and Charles and SW1X 8SH. To give us an idea of
Enquiries to Hallett & Perring. donations, if desired, to Pancreatic
by The King today and presented The Prince of Wales this morning attendance. Commission for Racial Equality, beloved grandmother to Fiona, Tel: 01803 862417. Cancer UK. Enquiries to T.H. Sanders. numbers please e-mail
the Letters of Recall of his departed from Royal Air Force 1993-2000, 78; Lord Sugar, Amanda, Anya and Olivia. The Funeral Tel: 020 8876 5255. if you
Online ref: 619313 would like to attend.
predecessor and his own Letters Northolt for Poland and was ST JAMES’S PALACE Executive Chairman, Amstrad, Service will be held at St Nicholas’s Online ref: 619280
of Credence as Ambassador from received this afternoon upon March 23rd 1997-2008, 76; Prof Sir Eric Church, Codsall, Staffordshire on Friday Online ref: 619202
the Hellenic Republic to the Court arrival at Rzeszow-Jasionka The Duke of Edinburgh, Patron, Thomas, Vice-Chancellor of the 31st March 2023, at 2.30 p.m. Donations HONEYWELL.—Richard John. Died
to: The Royal Wolverhampton School peacefully in Spring�eld Nursing Home,
of St James’s. International Airport by His The Duke of Edinburgh’s University of Bristol, 2001-15, 70; Foundation. Enquiries to Jennings. Emsworth on February 26th aged 99.
His Excellency Mr Koray Ertas Majesty’s Ambassador to the International Award Foundation, Ms Jo Shapcott, poet, 70; Dr Tel: 01902 845770.  Retired RAF WW2. Son of Richard ROYLE.—Capt Peter died peacefully on
was received in audience by The Republic of Poland (Her this morning chaired a Trustees’ Jude Kelly, Artistic Director, The Honeywell and Mabel (née Husband). 13th March 2023, aged 103. Beloved
King and presented the Letters of Excellency Ms Anna Clunes). Meeting at 7 More London Southbank Centre, 2005-18, 69;
Online ref: 619290
Brother of Brenda Norell. Husband of husband of the late Jo, dear brother of Thanksgiving services
Recall of his predecessor and his His Royal Highness then met Riverside, London SE1. Sir Grayson Perry, artist in BURROWS.—Robert William Reginald Antonia (née Henle). Father of Jane, the late Vernon, Godfrey and Adrian,
(Bob). We are sad to announce that Bob Christopher, Josephine, Martin, Susan and adored uncle. He will be greatly
own Letters of Credence as British troops at the Airport. ceramics, print and textiles, 63; missed by those who knew him. 
The Prince of Wales later ST JAMES’S PALACE died peacefully on 1st March 2023,  and Thomas (RIP), grandfather and BLAIR.—John Woodman (Johnnie).
Ambassador from the Republic of Mr Michael McLintock, Private family cremation followed by a A Service of Thanksgiving will be held
aged 83. Beloved husband of Leigh, great-grandfather. Funeral on April 17th
Turkey to the Court of St James’s. visited a Polish Military Base in March 23rd Chairman, Associated British devoted father of Charlotte and at 1 p.m. at St Mary's Church, Bitton, Service of Thanksgiving at Town Thorns on Friday 21st April at 12 noon at
Mrs Ertas was also received by Rzeszow. The Princess Royal this morning Foods, 62; Mr Neil Smith, former Elizabeth, wonderful stepfather and Bristol BS30 6LJ. Followed by committal Care Home, Easenhall at 12.30 p.m. on Stenton Parish Church, EH42 1TE.
His Majesty. His Royal Highness afterwards visited Viridor Waste World Rackets Champion, 60; the proud grandfather. Bob was a sports at Haycombe Crematorium. Family 13th April. Family flowers only.
Donations, if desired, to ABF The Online ref: 619132
Sir Philip Barton (Permanent visited British troops providing Management’s Dunbar Energy Hon Victoria Prentis, KC, MP, journalist for the Daily Telegraph and flowers only. Donations if desired to
RAF Benevolent Fund. Arrangements by Soldiers' Charity. 
Under-Secretary of State for support to Poland and Ukraine. Recovery Facility in Oxwellmains, Attorney General, 52; Mr Graeme latterly Head of Sport and Outside
Foreign, Commonwealth and The Prince of Wales this Dunbar, and was received by His Swann, former England cricketer, Broadcasts at BBC Radio and ITV.  Co-op Funeralcare Keynsham, Bristol. Online ref: 619296
Funeral Service on Monday 3rd April at Online ref: 619206
Development Affairs) was present. evening met Ukrainian refugees Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of East now broadcaster, 44; Mr Dylan Taibach Wesley Methodist Church,
The King this afternoon living in temporary Lothian (Mr Roderick Urquhart). Hartley, former England rugby Port Talbot at 1 p.m. All enquiries to In memoriam their
officially opened the new London accommodation in Warsaw. Her Royal Highness, President, union captain and player, 37; Ms Mr Craig Perfect, Baglan Funeral Home. MACKENZIE.—Ian Douglas. Died name liveth for evermore
THOMPSON.—Penelope Margaret Jane,
Headquarters of the European Mr Jean-Christophe Gray, Mr Scotch Chef ’s Club, today visited Libby Clegg, sprinter; two time Tel: 01639 790333. peacefully at home on 20th March 2023.
died peacefully on 10th March. Much
Bank for Reconstruction and Lee Thompson and Commander the Monitor Farm Scotland Paralympic gold medallist, Rio Online ref: 619225 Beloved husband of Anne, married for
63 years. Much loved father and loved wife of the late Peter, mother to CARTWRIGHT.—In memory of Peter
Development at Five Bank Street, Robert Dixon, RN, are in Programme at J.R.B. Wilson and 2016; Paralympic silver medallist, Michael and Tim, grandmother to Kate, B S Cartwright, RSF attached to 22 SAS,
CORTIS.—Harry John (Haj) of Twywell grandpa. Funeral to take place at 3 p.m.
London E14, and was received by attendance. Sons, Cowbog Farm, Morebattle, London 2012, 33; and Ms Zoe on Tuesday 4th April 2023 at Mortonhall Sophie, Guy, Matthew and Olivia, died in Malaysia 1953. Greater love hath
near Kettering, died peacefully after no man than this.
Colonel Jane Davis (Vice Kelso, Roxburghshire, and was Newson, powerlifter; Paralympic a short illness on 14th March at Crematorium, Edinburgh.  great-grandmother to Harley and Laila.
Lord-Lieutenant of Greater March 23rd received by Mr John Jeffery bronze medallist, women’s -40kg, Northampton General Hospital, Online ref: 619311 Online ref: 619204 Online ref: 619301
London), the President of the Bank The Prince of Wales today (Deputy Lieutenant of Roxburgh, London 2012, 31. aged 94 years. Treasured husband of the
(Mrs Odile Renaud-Basso) and Mr undertook the following Ettrick and Lauderdale). late Moon, loving father of Kate and
MALCOLMSON.—Colin died peacefully
Peter Curwen (the Board Director engagements in Poland. Today is the anniversary of the Mark, dear father-in-law of Martin and
at home on 13th March 2023. A loving
representing the United Kingdom). His Royal Highness this morning KENSINGTON PALACE union of the English and Scottish Anna. Beloved grandfather of Sam,
James, Emma and her husband Luke and husband to Judy, father to James, Louise
His Majesty toured the Bank, laid a wreath at the Tomb of the March 23rd Crowns in 1603. It is also the great grandfather to Lottie and Oscar. and Angus and grandfather, he will be Text for the day
escorted by the President, and met Unknown Soldier at Plac The Duchess of Gloucester, Royal anniversary of the death of E.H. Funeral Service to be held at St Nicholas greatly missed by all. A Thanksgiving Messages
Ukrainian and Turkish staff before Marszalka Józefa Pilsudskiego, Colonel, 7th Battalion The Rifles, Shepard in 1976. Church, Twywell on Wednesday Service will be held at St Bartholomew’s
29th March at 11.30 a.m. Family flowers Church, Nettlebed on Friday 21st April NOW AFTER that John was put in
only please but donations for The Royal at 11.30 a.m. Family flowers only. prison, Jesus came into Galilee,
ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO Donations, if desired, will be given to preaching the gospel of the kingdom of
Forthcoming Naval Benevolent Trust may be made via
the Jack Warwick Funeral Service Sue Ryder sent c/o Tomalin & Son, God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, GRATEFUL THANKS  to St Jude for
38 Reading Road, Henley on Thames
marriage website. Jack Warwick Family Funeral
Service, 2a Wallis Road, Kettering, RG9 1AG. 
and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the gospel.
prayers answered. CH. 
Online ref: 619322
Northants NN15 6NX. Tel: 01536 485635. Online ref: 619167 Mark 1.14-15
Mr T.C.D. Onslow and
Miss E.C.L. Marshall LONDON, SATURDAY MARCH 24, 1923 Online ref: 619228 MILLMAN.—Glenda (née Chambers), General personal
The engagement is announced CROME.—Geoff. Beloved husband
formerly of East Cowton, passed
two. Gallant Sergeant Murphy was in the lead and
between Thomas, son of the
Hon Richard Onslow and the late THRILLING showing the others how simple the fences were to
of Janet and father of Sue and Tim,
late of York and Cambridge, died on
away peacefully at Middleton Hall on
12th March aged 94 years. Beloved wife
of the late Harold, and a much loved
Mrs Onslow, of Tarrant Gunville, a veteran with rich experience behind him.
Dorset, and Emma, daughter of “NATIONAL.” At the Canal turn, with its acute bend towards
11th March at St Leonard's Hospice, York,
at the age of 93. For funeral details
please contact J G Fielder & Son.
mother, mother-in-law, grandmother
and great-grandmother. All enquiries
Mr and Mrs Richard Marshall, please to John Blenkiron & Sons.
of Richmond, Surrey. home. Sergeant Murphy landed clear of Tel: 01904 654460. No flowers or Tel: 01748 850033.
Drifter, followed by Pencoed, going very well mourning attire.
Online ref: 619284 What occurred yesterday before the eyes of the Online ref: 619197
indeed, and practically all the rest. It was Online ref: 619219
Prince of Wales and the thousands in the neigh-
Dinner bourhood was of almost bewildering rapidity, wonderful to see them from an elevated posi- ELDERS.—Dorothy died peacefully on NEMETH.—Lucille (née Foux) died
movements being reeled off before the eye and tion almost overhanging the fence race at 11th March 2023, aged 95. Dear wife of aged 90 on 21st March 2023. Loving
the late Frank Elders, loving mother of wife of the late Dr Cyril and mother
Royal London Yacht Club mind could fairly take them in. We could just Valentine’s, with its deep, narrow ditch on the Susan, Christopher, Judith, Peter and of Richard and the late Gillian.
The Commodore of the Royal make out the third fence in front of Becher’s. landing side. Sergeant Murphy was still going Padraig, and devoted grandmother of An indefatigable charitable fundraiser,
London Yacht Club, Mrs Shelagh Beyond that was lost in complete obscurity. Bech- magnificently, and was easily first over in Rachel and Rebecca. Dorothy will be a former Deputy Lieutenant of the City
Jones, welcomed members and sadly missed by all her family and of Westminster and a formidable and
er’s was easily distinguishable across our front, front of Drifter and Max, with Forewarned friends. A Service of Thanksgiving will
guests to the Club's annual fun-loving lady who will be mourned
the Canal turn was less than fifty yards on our left, not travelling too well. When we picked them be held at St Nicholas' Church, Thames and missed by all who knew her.
Arundel Dinner held last night at up again as they made for Becher’s Sergeant Ditton on 13th April 2023 at 2 p.m.
the Army and Navy Club. The and Valentine’s under our eyes. As they went away Online ref: 619298
Family flowers only, but donations,
event celebrates the formation of from us there was first a plain fence and then an Murphy had regained the lead, and Pencoed, if desired, to
the Club on the River Thames in open ditch with a formidable drop. In the mists Conjuror II., Punt Gun, Shaun Spadah, and Enquiries to Lodge Brothers, 37 High PATTINSON.—Robert John,
1838, known then as the Arundel beyond Becher’s we could faintly make out the Drifter were among the survivors. The Street, Thames Ditton KT7 0SD. Farmer and Countryman of
Yacht Club. colours of the fast-moving horses as they emerged favourite, Forewarned, we saw disappear at Online ref: 619307 Bedfordshire and Bishops Castle,
Shropshire, died suddenly but
like ghosts out of the grey background. Duettiste the fence just in front of Becher’s. GRIFFITHS.—Geoffrey Reis died peacefully on Friday 10th March 2023
Service dinner and Taffytus were missing. They must have come Thus did the honours go at last to a right gallant peacefully at home on 5th March 2023. aged 74 years. Dearly loved and devoted
Beloved husband of Margaret, father of husband of Christine (Tina) and much
to grief soon after getting over the first fence or and courageous old horse, Sergeant Murphy. Tracey, Stewart and Debbie, grandfather loved father of Alistair and daughter in
RAF College Cranwell
of Jamie, Freya, Angus and Nicole. law Hannah. Just the best Gaa ever to
Members of 1Ω1 Entry (the �nal A Funeral Service will be held at St Giles granddaughter Charlotte. Kind and
flight cadet entry at RAF College Church, Codicote, Hertfordshire on caring friend to so many. Service of
Cranwell) held their quinquennial In memoriam 28th March 2023 at 10 a.m. and a Burial
at Binham Priory, Binham, Norfolk at
Thanksgiving on Monday 3rd April,
2.30 p.m. at St Peter’s Church, More,
dinner last night at The Petwood
Hotel, Woodhall Spa, Regiment, led by Colour Sergeant 1.15 p.m. on 29th March 2023. Donations Bishops Castle. Family flowers only.
Field Marshal Lord Inge Bathurst, Adml Sir Jock and Lady Slater,
to either Cancer Research UK or Donations, if desired, to St Peter’s
to commemorate the 50th Keith Marsden, played during the Adml Sir Mark Stanhope, Gen Sir Adrian Blood Cancer UK. Enquiries to Church, More or Shropshire Rural
anniversary of their graduation. The King was represented by the service and Musician Adam Finch Bradshaw, Governor, Royal Hospital J.J. Burgess & Son, Funeral Directors. Support. All enquiries to Linda Dawson
Sqn Ldr Richard Cullingworth Duke of Kent at a service of played Last Post and Reveille. Chelsea, and Lady Bradshaw, Gen Sir Tel: 01438 815656. Funeral Director. Tel: 01588 673250.
presided. thanksgiving for the life of Field Adml Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of Timothy Granville-Chapman, Gen Sir Online ref: 619224 Online ref: 619142
Marshal Lord Inge held yesterday the Defence Staff was present. Mike and Lady Jackson, Gen Sir John and
at St Margaret’s Church, The Lady Usher of the Black Rod Lady Waters, Air Chief Marshal Sir
Bridge news Westminster Abbey. attended. Michael and Lady Graydon, Lt Gen Sir
The Queen Consort was The Lord Mayor of Westminster, Ben Bathurst, UK Military Representative
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight represented by Gen Sir Patrick Councillor Hamza Taouzzale, was to Nato and EU, Lt Gen Sir Roderick and
Contract Bridge Association held Sanders, Chief of the General Staff. also present. Lady Cordy-Simpson, Lt Gen Sir Peter
one day Swiss Pairs and Swiss The Princess Royal was Sir John Major also attended. and Lady Duffell, Lt Gen Sir Hew and
Teams events, writes Julian represented by Marshal of the RAF The Ambassadors of Norway and Lady Pike, Lt Gen Sir William Rollo, Lt
Pottage, Bridge Correspondent. Lord Stirrup. Jordan were also present and the Gen Sir Barney and Lady White-Spunner,
The former took place at The Duke and Duchess of Ambassador of Bahrain was Lt Gen Sir Michael Willcocks, Maj Gen Sir
Otterbourne Village Hall, near Gloucester were represented by represented by Brig-Gen Ahmed Evelyn and the Hon Lady Webb-Carter,
Winchester, and the latter online Viscount Brookeborough and Hamad S. Alrowiaie, Defence Lady Bagnall, Dame Glynne Evans, Sir
on RealBridge. Princess Alexandra by the Duke of Attaché. Among others in the large Claude Hankes, Lady Kenny,
Abercorn. congregation were: Lt Gen Andrew Figgures, Maj Gen
Winners are as follows: The Rt Rev Anthony Ball, Canon Mr and Mrs Jonnie Barnes Yallowley David Burden, Maj Gen Michael
Pairs: 1st Stephen Lee and John in Residence, officiated.During the (son-in-law and daughter), Miss Verity Charlton-Weedy, Maj Gen Andrew
England, 92 VPs; 2nd Stuart Procession of Achievements, Inge (daughter) and other members of the Cumming, Maj Gen Arthur Denaro,
Strachan and Eleanor Rice, 77 VPs; former aides-de-camp carried the family. Maj Gen and Mrs Andrew Farquhar, Maj
and 3rd= Ian Swanson and David Crest and Banner, Field Marshal’s The Earl and Countess of Airlie, Earl Gen David Jenkins, Maj Gen and Mrs
Norman and Clare and Ian Fearon, Baton and medals, the Insignia of Attlee, the Lord Chamberlain and Lamont Kirkland, Maj Gen Zac Stenning,
75 VPs. the Order of the Bath and the Order Countess Peel, Viscountess Maj Gen and Mrs Tim Sulivan, Brig
Teams: 1st Gilda Pender and of the Garter the Altar. Brookeborough, Field Marshal Lord Andrew Jackson, Governor, HM Tower of
Rebecca Brown, Kathleen Mr Toby Barnes Yallowley and Guthrie of Craigiebank, Field Marshal London, Brig James Ellery, Brig Allan
Vaughan and Noreen Pender, 82 Mr Charlie Barnes Yallowley Lord and Lady Walker of Aldringham, Mallinson, Brig and Mrs John Powell, Lt
VPs; 2nd Lilias Lamont and (grandsons) read If by Rudyard Marshal of the RAF Lord Craig of Radley, Col David O’Kelly, Regimental Secretary,
Andrew Doye, James Clark and Kipling. Gen Lord Houghton of Gen Lord and Lady Richards of The Yorkshire Regiment, and Mrs
Stephen Lee, 81 VPs; and 3rd Aida Richmond and Mr Max Barnes Herstmonceux, Lord and Lady Astor of O’Kelly, Lt Col Stephen Segrave, Ms Alixe
Aris and Mark Roderick, Peter Yallowley (grandson), read the Hever, Lady Brittan of Spennithorne, Buckerfield de la Roche, Mrs David
Kaufmann and Paddy Murphy, 77 lessons. Lord Butler of Brockwell, Lord Colthup, Mr Patric Dickinson, Secretary,
VPs. Gen Lord Dannatt paid tribute to Crathorne, representing the Lord- Order of the Garter, Mr Denis Doble, Ms
A one day Swiss Pairs also took Lord Inge and the Bishop of Lieutenant for North Yorkshire, Lady Diana Eccles; Dr Charles Goodson-
place at The Cotils in Saint Peter Worcester and Lord High Almoner Dannatt, Baroness Eccles of Moulton, Wickes, Mr James Gray, MP, Mr
Port, Guernsey. Winners are as gave an address. Baroness Garden of Frognal, Lord Christopher Marchant Smith, Ms Eve
follows: The Rev Ralph Godsall, Priest Glenarthur, Lady Houghton of Milne and other representatives from The
1st Daniel McIntosh and Tim Vicar, led the prayers, assisted by Richmond, Lord Morris of Aberavon, KC, Yorkshire Regiment, together with
Gauld, 100 VPs; 2nd Margaret Brig David Colthup and the Rev Lord Soames of Fletching, Lady Stirrup, Yeoman Warders and members of the
Allen and Jill Morgan, 80 VPs; and Tom Ringland, Vicar of the Penhill Vice-Adml the Hon Sir Nicholas Royal Military Police and Royal Army
3rd Chris Hill and Jane Knight, 79 churches. Hill-Norton. Physical Training Corps, many other
VPs. The Band of The Yorkshire Admiral of the Fleet Sir Benjamin former colleagues and friends.
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 *** 25


Alexander Cameron Seymour Fortescue

Head of Barclaycard who also
Outstanding Silk at the criminal Bar who was David Cameron’s older brother and role model raised standards in banking

from cancer aged 59, was one of the who has died aged 80,
finest advocates at the criminal Bar was chief executive of
and the elder brother of the former prime Barclaycard before
minister David Cameron. becoming a regulator in the
A popular and fun-loving figure – financial sector and the
“everyone loved him, almost instantly,” a drinks industry.
friend said – he was described in legal A high-flyer in Barclays
reference books as “a commanding Bank in his early career,
advocate”, “completely unflappable” and “a Fortescue was a natural
strong, strategic thinker”. enthusiast and
He appeared in the first televised case communicator, well-liked
from the Court of Appeal since cameras by colleagues, who led the
were banned in 1925; in October 2013 bank’s marketing
viewers saw him applying for leave to department before taking Fast-tracked for promotion
appeal on behalf of Kevin Fisher, who was charge of its fast-growing
serving seven years for his role in a plot to Barclaycard operations. Hill in Devon, the
produce £1.5 million of counterfeit £1 coins. His tenure in that role, Fortescues were 18th-
David Cameron, who watched 1980-85, coincided with the century courtiers and MPs
proceedings on an iPhone while on a train dawn of a new era of whose earldom was created
to Wolverhampton, reflected on how consumerism and travel; the for Hugh, 3rd Baron
different the quiet, deliberative atmosphere merits of a credit card Fortescue, son-in-law of the
of the Court of Appeal was to the fast-talking acceptable in more than Whig prime minister
point-scoring of Prime Minister’s Questions: three million outlets were George Grenville.
“I said to my brother, perhaps he would like glossily promoted in ads Seymour was educated at
to do a job swap for a day.” featuring, among others, the Eton, and Trinity College,
Alex Cameron’s cases ranged from insider broadcaster Alan Whicker Cambridge, and was one of
dealing to fraud, robbery and murder. As a surrounded by poolside the first intake of the
junior he played a pivotal role in the Blue beauties. London Graduate School of
Arrow corporate bank fraud case and as a Fortescue went on to be Business Studies, later
young barrister he fought the extradition of Barclays’ director for the UK London Business School. He
General Pinochet. He defended Jonathan Cameron: ‘such fun to do a case with’, he was personal sector until 1991, joined Barclays in 1964 on a
Aitken and Jeffrey Archer, both of whom prodigiously talented. Above, at school he when he moved into the “special list” of well-
were convicted of perjury and perverting the excelled at games as well as acting, pursuits he charity sector to work for the connected young men
course of justice in their respective trials. continued into adult life Imperial Cancer Research fast-tracked for promotion:
In 2011 he defended the Pakistani Fund, and from there to be having served as an assistant
cricketer Mohammad Asif against allegations chief executive of the Health to the bank’s chairman,
of match fixing; a year later he represented in 1986, took Silk in 2003 and in 2010 was Education Authority, a Fortescue bypassed branch
Hans Kristian Rausing, the Tetra Pak elected head of chambers at Three promotional agency of the management to become a
billionaire who hid the body of his wife Eva Raymond Buildings. He retired through ill Department of Health. local director in
after her death, when he pleaded guilty to health in November 2020. Next, in 1999, he took on Birmingham and Luton
charges of delaying burial of her body. Alex Cameron, whose own political the task of establishing the before finding his niche on
Away from court Alex Cameron was a ambitions were confined to chairing the Banking Code Standards the marketing side.
tower of strength to his brother during local parish council, stood tall and imposing Board, a self-regulatory body His last jobs were as
David’s time at No 10 from 2010 to 2016. Alex at 6ft 3in, but as an advocate he had a light that set new codes of practice chairman of the Short-term
had encouraged his sibling to stand for the touch. His gift, a colleague recalled, was that for personal and business Lending Compliance Board,
Conservative Party leadership in 2005 and “he was incredibly grounded and incredibly banking. From 2006-09 he set up to raise standards in
as David Cameron noted in his memoir, For empathetic – coupled with a real intellect.” chaired the UK Remittances the mushrooming “payday
the Record (2019): “This meant a lot.” He had an unnerving insight into Taskforce, addressing issues lending” sector, and as a
In 2014, however, Alex Cameron, who unexpected questions that might bother a related to access for migrants consultant to the World
took on a significant amount of pro bono jury and, faced with a hostile judge, he stood to banking and payments Bank – for which he
work, acted on a pro bono basis in a his ground – with impeccable courtesy but services. travelled extensively, again
successful application on behalf of five August 27 1963, the eldest of four children of kissing girls,” he said, adding that he not giving an inch. He got on easily with Fortescue’s varied career addressing issues relating to
defendants to have a complex multi-million Ian Cameron, a stockbroker with Panmure sometimes worried “that I was never going people from all walks of life, minded deeply path endowed him with an migrant remittances.
pound fraud case against them halted on the Gordon, and his wife Mary (née Mount), a to break out of my brother’s shadow”. Even about doing the best he could for his client, unusual range of contacts in He was a governor of
grounds that cuts to legal aid imposed by his magistrate; his siblings were Tania, David after his brother had become prime and retained his commitment to the case to the City, Whitehall, the Oundle School, a member of
brother’s government meant that they could and Clare. He was six when the family minister, Alex Cameron never stopped the very end – he was not like those media and the regulatory the council of London
not find barristers of “sufficient moved to the Old Rectory at Peasemore in being a role model for him. barristers whose interest wanes once they arena. In 2009 he became University, chairman of
competence” to defend them. Berkshire, which in 2006 became his family In July 1981 Alexander, David and Tania have given their final speech. the first person from outside BookPower (a charity
The case brought headlines such as “PM home when their parents moved into an slept on ground opposite Buckingham “Al was my star pupil,” his pupil master the drinks industry to chair providing textbooks for
Cameron’s brother in victory against adjacent house. Palace to have a prime spot to see the royal Sir John Nutting KC recalled. “He had a the Portman Group, the tertiary students in poorer
government”. There was a vigorous He played cricket for the First XI at carriages heading to St Paul’s Cathedral for royal straight flush in talent: he had body funded by drinks countries), treasurer of the
brotherly disagreement on the matter, but Heatherdown prep school, where he was a the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady judgment, industry, determination, brains, manufacturers which leprosy charity Lepra, and a
no ill feelings, as all the Cameron siblings friend of Prince Edward (now the Duke of Diana Spencer. Four years later the looks and talent.” And there was always a regulates alcohol labelling past master of the Grocers’
had been brought up to argue and debate Edinburgh). They appeared in a school Cameron brothers held a joint 21st/18th lighter side: “He was such fun to do a case and promotion in the UK – Company.
round the kitchen table. production of Toad of Toad Hall, with birthday party on the day of Bob Geldof ’s with – endless jokes.” declaring his belief that Seymour Fortescue loved
Alex showed characteristic loyalty, Cameron as Ratty and Edward as Mole; the Live Aid concert at Wembley. Cameron continued playing football and “self-regulation based on a tennis, adventurous
moreover, in 2016 when leaked documents audience of parents included the Queen and At Eton, Alex Cameron was a member of cricket in adult life, was a member of MCC, tough code of practice” was long-distance walks, and
from the Panamanian law firm Mossack the Duke of Edinburgh. He was also invited Pop. He then read Law at Bristol and studied and travelled widely, with a liking for the best way of addressing gardening at his homes in
Fonseca appeared to implicate the Cameron to sleepovers at Windsor Castle, where he acting and mime at the Jacques Lecoq school unusual corners of inland Spain. “the adverse aspects of our Herefordshire and Provence.
family in tax avoidance, persuading his once had breakfast on the Queen’s bed. in Paris, acquiring skills that would serve He married, in 1990, Sarah Fearnley- drinking culture”. He married first, in 1966,
brother that every accusation needed to be In Cameron on Cameron: Conversations him well both in the courtroom and on visits Whittingstall, a lawyer and cousin of the Seymour Henry Fortescue Julia, daughter of Sir John
rebutted, and gathering expert advice. “For with Dylan Jones (2008), David discussed to the Edinburgh Fringe. One memorable television chef Hugh. She survives him with was born on May 28 1942, the Pilcher, who was British
once I saw my brother the QC close-up, living in the shadow of an older brother. performance was with a school their daughter, Imogen, and son, Angus. third son of the 6th Earl ambassador to Austria and
using his forensic skills and getting the job “They go to a school, you start going to contemporary, Jay Jopling (future founder of Fortescue, a decorated Japan. The marriage was
done. It was impressive,” David wrote. school, they start playing football, you start the White Cube gallery), in Waiting for Godot. Alexander Cameron KC, born August 27 soldier who fought in both dissolved in 1990 and that
Allan Alexander Cameron was born on playing football, they kiss girls, you start He was called to the Bar by Inner Temple 1963, died March 21 2023 world wars. Seymour was the year he married Jennifer
only child of the earl’s second Simon, who survives him

Robert Hébras
marriage to Sybil, daughter with their daughter, and his
of the 3rd Viscount Hardinge son and daughter from his
of Lahore, who counted two first marriage.
governor-generals of India
among her antecedents. Seymour Fortescue, born
Seated at Ebrington in May 28 1942, died March 14
Last survivor of a notorious massacre by the SS of civilians in the French village of Oradour Gloucestershire and Castle 2023

OBERT HEBRAS, who has died aged “national reconciliation”. By 1958 all those
97, was the last of only six survivors of convicted had been amnestied.
the worst Nazi massacre of civilians The news was greeted as “a second
carried out on French soil – at Oradour-sur- martyrdom” for Oradour, and survivors
Glane, a small village in the Limousin region gave back decorations bestowed after the
of south-west-central France, then under war. Years of protest followed in which they
the control of the Vichy regime. refused to place the ashes of their dead in a
Born in the village on June 29 1925, government-built crypt and displayed
Hébras could recall the sights and sounds of contemptuous posters with the names of
pre-war Oradour: ox-drawn carts; church politicians who had approved the amnesty.
bells; the clanging of the blacksmith’s anvil. Later, in 1983, Heinz Barth, a senior
Normally he worked at a garage in member of the SS Das Reich, was put on trial
Limoges, but on June 10 1944, a few days in East Germany and given a life sentence
after the D-Day landings, he was in Oradour. (though he was released in 1997). Other
At 2pm that day trucks containing between suspects living in East Germany were never
120 and 200 soldiers of the 2nd Waffen SS pursued, however, allegedly because officials
Panzer Division – known as “Das Reich” – working for the communist secret police, the
rolled into the village and began rounding Stasi, used such information to blackmail
people up in what appeared to be a routine war criminals into serving their interests.
search-and-identification operation. In 2010, a historian working in East
Though few had met a German before, German archives discovered evidence that
most were unconcerned. There had been no there were six men still at large, all in their
Resistance activity in Oradour, so no reason

late 80s, who had been involved in the

to suppose that anything more sinister was massacre. An investigation was re-opened
afoot. The villagers were made to gather on by German prosecutors and in 2013 an
the central green. “It was all done in a very 88-year-old from Cologne was charged with
calm and orderly fashion. I wasn’t at all the murder of 25 people committed by a
scared,” Hébras recalled. “Why should I group, and other offences at Oradour. But
have been? I hadn’t done anything wrong.” the following year the case was thrown out
The men of the village were then split on the grounds that there was not enough
into groups and herded into barns, stables corroborative evidence to bring him to trial.
and garages, where they found machine “I heard the news without surprise,”
guns in position. Even then, most believed Hébras, centre, returns to Oradour in 1952: ‘It’s important to keep telling the story,’ he once said Hébras said. “... it was obvious that it was
they would soon be released. “I was talking impossible, even for us survivors, to identify
with my friends about our football team’s at the back of his barn when the shooting Settled in neighbouring Saint-Junien, formally this gentleman as having been
upcoming game,” Hébras recalled. began and, though wounded in the leg and Hébras established his own garage business present.” But, he went on, “What was he
As the killings started the SS soldiers fired burnt in the flames, he was protected by the and devoted the rest of his life to preserving doing there? That’s what I would have liked
low, and within minutes almost the entire bodies of others. He and four other men the memory of the massacre and to know.”
adult male population of Oradour lay dead, managed to escape and hide in another barn, campaigning for justice for those who died. In September 2013, after almost six
dying or wounded. The soldiers piled them which the Das Reich soldiers also set alight: But it was a frustrating business, as decades, President Joachim Gauck became
with kindling, straw and logs, then, after a “We were able to crawl out of the back of the Oradour came to represent not just the the first German leader to visit Oradour,
break to drink champagne, sprayed them barn as it was engulfed by fire. I hid in the atrocities committed by the Nazis but also a touring the ruins with his French
with flammable powder and set them alight. woods with burnt hair and a burnt left arm post-war failure to punish the perpetrators, counterpart François Hollande and two of
The SS Das Reich then turned their until I thought it was safe.” by Germany but also by France. only three living survivors of the massacre,
attention to the church, into which they had Hébras eventually took shelter with a The highest-ranking German soldier at including Hébras, in a gesture of
crammed around 450 women and children, relative who lived six miles away. There he Oradour, SS-Sturmbannführer Adolf reconciliation. When Hébras asked Gauck, a
some of them mothers with babies in prams. was reunited with his father, an electrician, Diekmann, was killed in Normandy weeks former pastor and anti-Communist activist
They filled the church with a suffocating who had been away from the village on the after the massacre. Then, when 21 of the in East Germany, to tell him why he thought
black smoke. As some, in panic, tried to fateful day. “My father and I returned to perpetrators finally went on trial in France Oradour had been singled out the German
escape through doors and windows or fled to Oradour a few days later,” he recalled. in 1953, it turned out that 14 of them had leader, like everybody else, had no answer.
the sacristy, the soldiers shot at the survivors “There were still piles of bodies in the been from the French province of Alsace, “They just did,” he replied.
and threw incendiary grenades, which church. They had not managed to burn the which had been annexed by Germany in “It’s always difficult for me to come here,”
created a furnace beneath the sacristy. As the evidence properly.” 1940. Alsatians were deemed to have been Hébras said. “But it’s important to preserve
floorboards gave way, those inside fell into Hébras lost his mother Marie and two forced to join the German army, even these ruins and keep telling the story so it
the fire below. Only one woman survived. sisters, aged nine and 22, in the carnage. though some clearly enlisted voluntarily. can continue to be passed down when we’re
By the end of the day 643 inhabitants of The charred remains of Oradour-sur- From Oradour survivors came calls for no longer here.”
Oradour-sur-Glane, were dead, 260 of them Glane were left untouched and still standing the death penalty, from Alsace, pleas for Hébras was married with one son.
minors and 68 under the age of six. The after President de Gaulle ordered that they clemency. France’s government, fearing a
village lay in ruins. should forever bear witness; a new village of separatist backlash, immediately granted Robert Hébras, born June 29 1925, died
The 19-year-old Hébras had been standing Oradour was subsequently built nearby. the Alsatians amnesty in the name of February 11 2023
26 *** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph

Television & Radio

Last night on television Anita Singh What to watch

Lord Sugar’s Apprentice

THE CLEANER Drift: Partners in Crime
BBC One, 9.30pm Sky Atlantic, 9pm & 10pm
This slick German thriller
is an action-packed treat.
It follows ballsy detective

U-turn is one big swindle

Ali (Ken Duken), whose
reputation is ruined when
a prisoner transport goes
wrong. To clear his name,
he teams up with his
estranged brother, Leo
(Fabian Busch), a fellow cop.

annibalism soundtracked by It premieres tonight with
Tori Amos: it’s the return of two episodes of cinematic
Yellowjackets (Paramount+), shoot-outs and car chases
a US show that became a cult hit when that are sure to lure you in
the first series launched in 2021. It’s and keep you gripped.
about a bunch of teenage girls fighting
for survival after their plane crashes in FACTUAL
the snowy wilderness. We know that
some of them survive because we flit Gardeners’ World
between their ordeal in the 1990s and BBC Two, 8pm
now, where they are attempting to live The clocks spring forward
normal lives but failing spectacularly. this weekend, so it’s time to
This is not one of those shows that make the most of brighter,
you can pick up at series two if you’ve sunnier evenings. In this
never seen it before. There is too much
going on, all of which will seem fairly
insane. In 1996, teenage Shauna is
conversing with the corpse of her
former friend before deciding to eat
her ear (to be fair, it had fallen off). In Greg Davies returns for another series of the delightfully dark comedy, with guest Harriet Walter
the present, Shauna (Melanie Lynskey)
is trying to cover up the fact that she he second series of Greg gory mess. If it wasn’t for with landlady Lisa (Harriet
murdered a man with whom she was
having an affair, believing he was
T Davies’s The Cleaner is
just as delightfully dark
his promise to his new
girlfriend to lay off the
Walter), a cynic who has lost
her young lover in the fight,
Marnie Swindells and Rochelle Raye Anthony made the final two in The Apprentice blackmailing her, only to find out that and playful as the first. booze, it would be his ideal are as softly touching as they
the blackmailer was her own husband. Based on German comedy office. Still, there’s a are hilarious – a highlight

nd so to the most boring episode “based on a feeling, not fitness”) Across town, the state senator has Der Tatortreiniger, it stars jukebox, and a severed ear being Wicky’s tongue tying
of The Apprentice (BBC One) – and Team Rochelle (a chain of hair a secret shrine in her basement Davies as Paul “Wicky” to use as a microphone. itself in knots while he The hellebore has its time in
the final. It’s always dull as salons, although her previous plan featuring a decapitated dog’s head. Wickstead, a droll crime- For a man so physically tries to guess Lisa’s age. the sun on Gardeners’ World
ditchwater because the things that to open one in Mayfair had quietly The show can be very dark – scene cleaner who imposing (weaponised to There is also the comically
make this show entertaining – disappeared). Marnie already had figuratively and literally – but it’s specialises in getting blood great effect in shows such terrifying Cuddles (Charlie second episode of the new
hissy fits, dunderheaded decisions, a vision for her branding, her ad lightened by performances from 1990s out of carpets. In this as Taskmaster and The Rawes), a brawny barman series, Monty Don has tips
gibbering in the boardroom – are campaign and the layout of her gyms. screen queens Christina Ricci and hilarious opening episode, Inbetweeners), there is who talks with the deep, for sowing vegetables, Nick
absent. We’re supposed to wipe our When you think about it, all of the Juliette Lewis. As Natalie, the most he is called to the aftermath a gentleness to the 6ft 8in menacing voice of a Bailey creates a container
memories of the series in general, and contestants should have this stuff in anarchic member of the crew, Lewis of a grisly pub brawl, where Davies that makes him Rottweiler. The whole series garden – ideal for those who
last week’s episode in particular (when their heads if they’re serious about brings the energy that drives the show. one man stabbed another, a perpetually endearing is available as a boxset on may be moving house and
the business plans of finalists Marnie their big business idea rather than In the first two episodes of this series, leaving behind a right ol’ performer. His scenes here iPlayer. Stephen Kelly reluctant to invest in
Swindells and Rochelle Raye Anthony using the show as a route to fame. she rescues herself from kidnappers perennial planting – and
were torn apart by Claude Littner and Rochelle’s ideas were more vague with judicious use of a fork and then DOCUMENTARY murderer extraterrestrial? Rachel de Thame champions
co), and pretend that these are two of – pink for the colour scheme, but not reunites with fellow survivor Lottie, And why the Dickens does the hardy, low maintenance
Britain’s finest business brains, aided bright pink, but also brown, and the who received psychiatric treatment Locked Away: Our Autism the victim have a page of yet majestic hellebore.
by some very efficient colleagues. It’s palest nude, and maybe some more after their rescue and now presides Scandal – Dispatches Great Expectations in his
so divorced from previous episodes pink? She put Avi and Joe in charge over a creepy wellness retreat. “Last Channel 4, 7.30pm sock? The truth is out Amazing Railway
that even Lord Sugar and Karren Brady of bringing her “classy” salon to life in I heard, you were finger-painting in Richard Butchins explores there… somewhere. Adventures with
come across as perfectly nice. the metaverse (The Apprentice’s one the loony bin and now you’re running what life is like for autistic Nick Knowles
We started, for no reason at all, concession to modernity), which was a cult,” Natalie tells her. “It’s not a cult,” people within the UK’s Redemption Channel 5, 9pm
in Freemasons’ Hall in London. “For not her best decision. “What is a very says Lottie, straight-faced. “It’s an healthcare system. Secretly ITV1, 9pm This week Nick Knowles’s
centuries, freemasons have been feminine object? A flamingo or intentional community.” recorded videos from The latest in ITV1’s long line thoroughly entertaining
proud to practise their shared values of something?” mused Avi. “That The novelty of Yellowjackets has inpatients reveal mental- of crime dramas continues railway journey across the
integrity, friendship and respect, and definitely ticks off ‘class’,” agreed Joe. worn off for me – the parallel timelines health units that are unfit for to burn slow, but Paula world takes him to Vietnam.
at the end of this process I would like Avi’s “outside-the-box idea” was to have become annoying, as has Ricci’s purpose, while Butchins Malcomson’s steely He starts in the striking
a business partner that shares those have a blimp hovering above the salon. sociopathic busybody of a character. himself describes how he Drift: Partners in Crime – an performance as detective misty mountains of Sapa,
same values,” said Lord Sugar. And It was obvious who was going to In that American more-is-more way, avoided medical help for action-packed German treat Colette keeps it ticking before heading south by
who can begrudge them this positive win, long before we got to the pitches. the writers are planning three further fear of being locked up. along. Tonight she heads to train to the colourful,
PR, when sightings of Freemasons on It’s been obvious for weeks, hasn’t it? series. But the show has an army of discovered dead in a the hospital where her late bustling capital of Hanoi.
television are usually restricted to Marnie has brains, a strong backstory, devoted fans who gather online to DRAMA mysterious crop circle on a daughter Stacey worked to Expect some light, cheesy
weird handshakes and dodgy coppers and a sound business idea. Rochelle share theories. If you’re one of them, local farm, with reports of find out more about why she puns: when Knowles tries to
(The Gold being a recent example). wanted to open a hairdressing salon I’m sure this series won’t disappoint. Beyond Paradise strange lights in the sky the was suspended. Meanwhile, cross a street buzzing with
Former contestants were then that sounded exactly like every other BBC One, 8pm night before. Kris Marshall’s she must also solve the grim speeding scooters, he
welcomed back to help out Team hairdressing salon. Apart from the The Apprentice ★★ Finally, a murder down in detective can barely contain case of a teenage boy who deplores: “It is slightly
Marnie (launching a boxing gym that is blimp. And maybe the flamingo. Yellowjackets ★★★ Cornwall! A man has been his excitement. Was the has been stabbed. Han-noying.” SK

Radio choice Charlotte Runcie

Breaking Mississippi 1960s. Meredith became The Battle for Liberal liberal democracies and
Radio 4, 9.45am the first African-American Democracy autocracies over the last
student to be admitted to Radio 4, 11am century. This morning
Across 10 episodes, the the racially segregated the focus is on opportunity,
American public radio University of Mississippi, The second episode of a and Fletcher specifically
journalist Jenn White has sparking an angry backlash. three-part series from Tom considers the contest
led this series focusing on But now, in the final Fletcher, a former diplomat, between liberal
the writer and civil rights episode, White turns the exploring the future of democracies and their
activist James Meredith, spotlight to today, 60 years democracy and some of the enemies to ask which
and how he came to be at the on, and discovers that the biggest questions facing system offers the best
centre of one of the most university is engaged in governments across the opportunities – economic
shocking moments in US a new struggle over its world, including the and otherwise – for the
civil rights history in the problematic history. successes and failures of people living under it.

RADIO 1 Bizet 1.00pm Radio 3 Lunchtime RADIO 5 LIVE Real Story 1.00 News 1.06 Business
FM 97.6-99.8MHZ Concert 2.00 Afternoon Concert 4.30 MW 693 & 909KHZ Matters 2.00 The Newsroom 2.30
The Listening Service 5.00 In Tune Digital Planet 3.00 News 3.06 The
6.33am Radio 1’s Best New Pop 6.57 7.00 Classical Mixtape 7.30 Radio 3 in 6.00am 5 Live Breakfast 9.00 Nicky Fifth Floor 3.50 Witness History 4.00
Newsbeat 7.00 Radio 1 Breakfast with Concert 10.00 The Verb 10.45 The Campbell 11.00 Chiles on Friday News 4.06 The Real Story 5.00 The
Greg James 10.00 Radio 1 Anthems Essay: Thinking Black 11.00 Late 1.00pm The Footballers’ Football Newsroom 5.30 Dear Daughter 5.50 -
10.30 Newsbeat 10.32 Radio 1 Anthems Junction 1.00am Composed with Podcast 1.30 Kammy & Ben’s Proper 6.00am More or Less
11.02 Katie Thistleton 12.45pm Devonté Hynes 2.00 Piano Flow with Football Podcast 2.00 Elis James and
Newsbeat 1.00 Matt and Mollie 3.00 Tokio Myers 3.00 - 7.00am Through John Robins 4.00 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 RADIO 4 EXTRA
Radio 1’s Party Anthems 4.00 The the Night Live Sport: The Friday Football Social DIGITAL ONLY
Official Chart on Radio 1 with Jack 9.00 Rugby Union 10.00 Stephen
Saunders 5.45 Newsbeat 6.00 Radio 1’s RADIO 4 Nolan 1.00am Laura McGhie 5.00 - 6.00am Paul Temple and the Geneva
Dance Party with Danny Howard 8.00 FM 92.4-94.6MHZ; LW 198KHZ 6.00am 5 Live Boxing Mystery 6.30 Lord of Misrule 7.00
Radio 1’s Future Dance with Sarah Story Sweet Sorrow 7.15 A Woman on the
10.00 Pete Tong 12.00 Radio 1’s 6.00am Today 8.31 LW: Yesterday in CLASSIC FM Edge of Time 7.30 The Wilsons Save the
Essential Mix 2.00am Radio 1 Dance Parliament 9.00 Desert Island Discs FM 99.9-101.9MHZ World 8.00 Steptoe and Son 8.30
Presents 3.00 Danny Howard 4.00 9.45 Breaking Mississippi See Radio Babblewick Hall 9.00 Act Your Age
Radio 1’s Wind Down Presents 5.00 - choice 9.45 LW: Daily Service 10.00 6.00am More Music Breakfast 9.00 9.30 Trevor’s World of Sport 10.00 All
6.00am Radio 1 Relax Woman’s Hour 11.00 The Battle for Alexander Armstrong 12.00 Anne-Marie Things Betray Thee 11.00 Paul Temple
Liberal Democracy See Radio choice Minhall 4.00pm John Brunning 7.00 and the Geneva Mystery 11.30 Lord of
RADIO 2 11.30 Lemn Sissay Is the One and Only Smooth Classics at Seven 10.00 Misrule 12.00 Sweet Sorrow 12.15pm
FM 88-90.2MHZ 12.00 News 12.01pm LW: Shipping Smooth Classics 1.00am Katie A Woman on the Edge of Time 12.30
Forecast 12.04 AntiSocial 12.57 Breathwick 4.00 - 7.00am Sam Pittis The Wilsons Save the World 1.00
6.30am The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show Weather 1.00 The World at One 1.45 Steptoe and Son 1.30 Babblewick Hall
9.30 Gary Davies 12.00 Jeremy Vine Shock and War: Iraq 20 Years On 2.00 WORLD SERVICE 2.00 Act Your Age 2.30 Trevor’s World
2.00pm Scott Mills 3.30 Scott Mills’ The Archers 2.15 Drama: Who Killed DIGITAL ONLY of Sport 3.00 All Things Betray Thee
Wonder Years 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00 Aldrich Kemp? 2.45 Understand: The 4.00 Paul Temple and the Geneva
Michelle Visage 8.30 Michelle Visage’s Economy 3.00 Gardeners’ Question 8.00am News 8.06 HARDtalk 8.30 Mystery 4.30 Lord of Misrule 5.00
Handbag Hits 9.00 The Good Groove Time 3.45 Sunil Patel: An Idiot’s Guide Business Daily 8.50 Witness History Sweet Sorrow 5.15 A Woman on the
with DJ Spoony 11.00 The Rock Show to Cryptocurrency 4.00 Last Word 9.00 The Newsroom 9.30 Tech Tent Edge of Time 5.30 The Wilsons Save the
with Johnnie Walker 12.00 Romesh 4.30 Feedback 5.00 PM 5.54 LW: 10.00 News 10.06 The Real Story World 6.00 Steptoe and Son 6.30
Ranganathan: For the Love of Hip-Hop Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 11.00 The Newsroom 11.30 World Babblewick Hall 7.00 Act Your Age 7.30
1.00am Zoe Ball Meets Pedro Pascal Six O’Clock News 6.30 The Now Show Football 12.00 News 12.06pm The Trevor’s World of Sport 8.00 The School
1.30 Zoe Ball Meets Idris Elba 2.00 U2’s 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Add to Playlist. A Fifth Floor 12.50 Witness History 1.00 Is Full of Noises 8.30 That Reminds Me
Bono and The Edge – A Radio 2 Piano musical journey of discovery 8.00 Any The Newsroom 1.30 Science in Action 9.00 The Curious Cases of Rutherford
Room Special 3.00 C2C Live – Jordan Questions? 8.50 A Point of View 9.00 2.00 Newshour 3.00 News 3.06 & Fry 9.30 Lennox 10.00 Comedy Club
Davis 3.15 C2C Live – Lainey Wilson National Health Stories – Omnibus HARDtalk 3.30 World Business Report 12.00 Doctor Who: The War Doctor
3.45 C2C Live – Matt Stell 4.00 Sophie 9.59 Weather 10.00 The World Tonight 4.00 BBC OS 6.00 News 6.06 The 12.35am The New Accelerator 1.00 All
Ellis-Bextor’s Kitchen Disco 5.00 - 10.45 Book at Bedtime: Old God’s Time Fifth Floor 6.50 Witness History 7.00 Things Betray Thee 2.00 Paul Temple
6.00am Radio 2 in Concert: James Blunt 11.00 Americast 11.30 Today in The Newsroom 7.30 Sport Today 8.00 and the Geneva Mystery 2.30 Lord of
Parliament 12.00 News and Weather News 8.06 Tech Tent 8.30 Misrule 3.00 Sweet Sorrow 3.15 A
RADIO 3 12.30am Breaking Mississippi 12.48 CrowdScience 9.00 Newshour 10.00 Woman on the Edge of Time 3.30 The
FM 90.2-92.4MHZ Shipping Forecast 1.00 As World The Newsroom 10.20 Sports News Wilsons Save the World 4.00 Steptoe
Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast 5.30 10.30 World Business Report 11.00 and Son 4.30 Babblewick Hall 5.00 Act
6.30am Breakfast 9.00 Essential News Briefing 5.43 Prayer for the Day News 11.06 HARDtalk 11.30 World Your Age 5.30 - 6.00am Trevor’s World
Classics 12.00 Composer of the Week: 5.45 - 6.00am Lent Talks Football 12.00 News 12.06am The of Sport
The Daily Telegraph Friday 24 March 2023 *** 27

Today’s television

FV Freeview FS Freesat (AD) Audio description (R) Repeat (S) Subtitles (SL) In-vision signing
Main channels Film choice
BBC One BBC Two ITV1 Channel 4 Channel 5
6.00 am Breakfast (S) 9.15 Morning Live 6.30 am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites (R) 6.00 am Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 6.10 am Countdown (R) (S) 6.50 3rd 6.00 am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (S)
(S) 10.00 Crimewatch Live (S) 10.45 (S) 8.00 Sign Zone: Gardeners’ Lorraine (S) 10.00 This Morning (S) Rock from the Sun (AD) (R) (S) 7.15 1.45 pm Home and Away (AD) (R) (S)
Critical Incident (S) 11.15 Homes World (R) (S) (SL) 9.00 News (S) 12.30 pm Loose Women (S) 3rd Rock from the Sun (AD) (R) (S) 2.15 FILM: Tracking a Killer (2021, TVM)
Under the Hammer (AD) (R) (S) 10.00 News (S) 1.30 News; Weather (S) 7.40 The King of Queens (AD) (R) (S) Drama starring Laurie Fortier (S)
12.15 pm Bargain Hunt (AD) (R) (S) 12.15 pm Politics UK (S) 1.55 Regional News; Weather (S) 8.05 The King of Queens (AD) (R) (S) 4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun (R)
1.00 BBC News at One; Weather (S) 1.00 Impossible (R) (S) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal (AD) (R) (S) 8.30 The King of Queens (AD) (R) (S) (S)
1.30 Regional News; Weather (S) 1.45 Eggheads (R) (S) 3.00 Lingo (R) (S) 9.00 Frasier (AD) (R) (S) 9.30 Frasier 5.00 5 News at 5 (S)
1.45 Hope Street (AD) (R) (S) 2.15 Eggheads (R) (S) 4.00 Tipping Point (R) (S) (AD) (R) (S) 10.00 Frasier (AD) (R) 6.00 Cash in the Attic (S) Shakespeare in Love (1998)
2.30 The Repair Shop (AD) (S) 2.45 Hairy Bikers’ Best of British (R) (S) 5.00 The Chase (R) (S) (S) 10.30 Celebrity Undercover Boss 6.30 Eggheads (R) (S) BBC One, 10.40pm; Wales, 11.10pm;
3.00 Escape to the Country (AD) (R) (S) 3.15 Eat Well for Less? (AD) (R) (S) 6.00 Regional News; Weather (S) USA (R) (S) 11.25 Channel 4 News 6.55 5 News Update (S) not NI ★★★★★
3.45 Antiques Road Trip (R) (S) 4.15 The World’s Most Extraordinary 6.30 News; Weather (S) (S) 11.30 Emergency Helicopter
4.30 Bridge of Lies (R) (S) Homes (AD) (R) (S) Medics (AD) (S) Joseph Fiennes and Gwyneth Paltrow
5.15 Pointless (R) (S) 5.15 Flog It! (R) (S) 12.30 pm Steph’s Packed Lunch (S) make a handsome couple in this John
6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather (S) 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 2.10 Countdown (S) Madden-directed, Oscar-snaffling
6.30 Regional News; Weather (S) (R) (S) 3.00 Tool Club (S) reimagining of the Bard’s life when
6.30 Coast to Coast Food Festival (S) 4.00 A New Life in the Sun (R) (S) he was writing Romeo and Juliet.
5.00 Four in a Bed (S) Packed with amusing theories about
5.30 Come Dine with Me (R) (S) Shakespeare’s personal life, along with
6.00 Hollyoaks (AD) (R) (S) much of the Nineties’s British acting
6.30 Hollyoaks (AD) (R) (S) scene, this is a merry yarn. Judi Dench,
Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth co-star.

Identity Thief (2013)

ITV1, 10.45pm ★★

Beyond Paradise Cunk on Britain Redemption Highclere: Behind the Scenes Amazing Railway Adventures Melissa McCarthy started out in TV’s
Gilmore Girls, but hit the bigtime in
Bridesmaids. She’s now a comedy
7.00 The One Show Live magazine show, 7.00 Your Home Made Perfect Laura 7.00 Channel 4 News (S) 7.00 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s mainstay, and beneath her self-
hosted by Alex Jones (S) Jane Clark and Will Foster compete to Speeders A van wheel spins off and deprecating shtick, she’s a shrewd
remodel a home in Belfast (R) (S) 7.30 Locked Away: Our Autism Scandal – strikes an oncoming car (R) (S) actor. But this isn’t the right showcase.
7.30 Question of Sport Steve Harmison, 7.30 Emmerdale Dawn is aghast that Dispatches Autistic patients, housed McCarthy is deployed as Diana,
Stephen Warnock, Aimee Fuller and Naomi has fallen for Alex (AD) (S) within mental health units, tell their a conniving nutcase up to her neck in
Maggie Alphonsi (S) stories See What to watch (S) 7.55 5 News Update (S) credit-card fraud; Jason Bateman is
her latest victim, who must chase her
8.00 Beyond Paradise A man is found 8.00 Gardeners’ World How to make 8.00 Coronation Street Paul makes a 8.00 Highclere: Behind the Scenes The 8.00 Motorway: Hell on the Highway A across the US to rectify the crime.
dead in the middle of a crop circle the most of herbaceous perennials worrying discovery about his injury ITV show Lorraine broadcasts live van takes to the air when it misjudges
See What to watch (AD) (S) See What to watch (S) (AD) (S) from the castle’s grand saloon (AD) a roundabout near Great Yarmouth
(R) (S) (S)

9.00 Would I Lie to You? With Stephen 9.00 Becoming Frida Kahlo Dangerous 9.00 Redemption Colette visits the 9.00 Gogglebox The armchair critics 9.00 Amazing Railway Adventures
Bailey, Asim Chaudhry, Gemma politics and turbulent love shock hospital where Stacey worked appraise the latest shows (S) with Nick Knowles The
Collins and Sally Lindsay (S) the painter’s world. Last in the series See What to watch (AD) (S) presenter explores Vietnam
(AD) (S) See What to watch (S)
9.30 The Cleaner See What to watch
(AD) (S) Eaten by Lions (2013)
BBC Two, 11.35pm ★★★★
10.00 BBC News at Ten (S) 10.00 Cunk on Britain Philomena Cunk 10.00 News; Weather (S) 10.00 Rise and Fall One of the Grafters has 10.00 Live: World Championship Boxing:
10.30 Regional News; Weather (S) investigates the origins of the universe 10.30 Regional News; Weather (S) the chance to rise to the Penthouse Arthur v Suarez Lyndon Arthur v Jason Wingard’s sprightly comedy
10.40 FILM: Shakespeare in Love (1998) (AD) (R) (S) 10.45 FILM: Identity Thief (2013) Comedy and become a Ruler (S) Braian Nahuel Suarez (S) drama stars Antonio Aakeel (Three
Period romantic comedy starring 10.30 Newsnight (S) with Jason Bateman and Melissa 11.05 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown Girls) as a teenage boy on a mission
Joseph Fiennes and Gwyneth Paltrow McCarthy See Film choice (AD) (S) 12.05am Father Ted 12.35 Father to find his biological father,
See Film choice (AD) (S) 11.05 MOTDx 11.35 FILM: Eaten by Lions Ted 1.05 Father Ted 1.30 Father Ted 12.05 am FILM: Creed (2015) Boxing drama accompanied by his half-brother,
(2018) Comedy See Film choice 2.00 Father Ted 2.25 Father Ted starring Michael B Jordan 2.20 played by Jack Carroll. Their exotic
1.05am Dave 1.40 Sign Zone: 2.55 Father Ted 3.20 Father Ted Entertainment News on 5 2.30 The destination? Blackpool – a deliciously
Panorama: Surviving the Pay Squeeze 12.35 am Shop: Ideal World 3.00 The 3.50 Couples Come Dine with Me LeoVegas Live Casino Show 4.30 seedy vision of seaside decline
2.10 Sign Zone: Parole 3.10 Sign Jonathan Ross Show 3.55 Unwind 4.40 Location, Location, Location Parking Hell 4.55 Parking Hell 5.15 inhabited by tarot readers, mouthy
12.35 am Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel Zone: Our Flag Means Death 3.45 - with ITV 5.05 - 6.00am Ainsley’s 5.30 - 6.20am Best of Britain by the Friends 5.45 - 6.00am cabbies and Johnny Vegas in a wig.
1.35 - 6.00am News 6.35am This Is BBC Two Fantastic Flavours Sea Entertainment News on 5 It’s a likeable, multicultural delight.

FV Freeview FS Freesat (AD) Audio description (R) Repeat (S) Subtitles (SL) In-vision signing
Freeview, satellite and cable Variations
BBC Four ITV3 ITV4 Sky Max Sky Atlantic Film4 Drama Northern Ireland
FV 9 FS 173 SKY 116 VIRGIN 107 FV 10 FS 115 SKY 119 VIRGIN 117 FV 26 FS 117 SKY 120 VIRGIN 118 SKY 113 VIRGIN 122 SKY 108 FV 14 FS 300 SKY 313 VIRGIN 428 FV 20 FS 158 SKY 143 VIRGIN 130 BBC One: 6.55 - 7.00pm Party Political
Broadcast 7.30 - 8.00 Farm to Feast:
7.00 pm Top of the Pops 11.15 am Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11.25 am Dempsey and Makepeace Noon NCIS: Los Angeles 11.10 am Gomorrah 11.00 am The Holly and the Ivy 11.40 am The Bill Best Menu Wins 10.40 Keepin’ ’Er
7.30 Top of the Pops 12.25 pm Heartbeat 12.30 pm Robin of Sherwood 1.00 pm Hawaii Five-0 12.15 pm Game of Thrones (1952, b/w) Drama starring 12.40 pm Classic EastEnders Country: On the Road Again 11.10
8.00 Top of the Pops 1.25 Classic Emmerdale 1.40 Extreme Salvage Squad 2.00 S.W.A.T. 1.20 Fortitude Ralph Richardson 1.20 Classic EastEnders Question of Sport 11.40 Jerk 12.05am
8.30 Top of the Pops 2.00 Classic Emmerdale 2.40 Magnum, PI 3.00 Quantum Leap 2.25 Fortitude 12.40 pm Detective Story (1951, 2.00 Howards’ Way Jerk 12.30 - 12.35am Barra on the Foyle
9.00 Dolly Parton at the BBC 2.35 Classic Coronation Street 3.40 The Sweeney 4.00 DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 3.25 Gomorrah b/w) Police drama starring 3.10 Lovejoy BBC Two: No variations
10.00 Dolly Parton: Here I Am 3.10 Classic Coronation Street 4.50 Minder 5.00 Supergirl 4.25 Succession Kirk Douglas 4.10 Peak Practice UTV: 6.20 - 6.30pm Party Political
11.30 Dolly Parton at Glastonbury 3.40 Midsomer Murders 5.50 Made in Britain 6.00 Stargate SG-1 5.35 Succession 2.45 Pimpernel Smith (1941, b/w) 5.20 The Brittas Empire Broadcast 7.00 - 7.30pm UTV Life
2014 5.55 Downton Abbey 6.55 Made in Britain 7.00 Stargate SG-1 6.50 Yellowjackets Second World War adventure 6.00 Keeping Up Appearances
12.40 am Country Queens at the 7.00 Heartbeat 7.55 The Chase Celebrity Special 8.00 Strike Back: Shadow Warfare 7.55 Game of Thrones starring Leslie Howard 6.40 Last of the Summer Wine Scotland
BBC 8.00 Doc Martin 9.00 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 9.00 A League of Their Own Road 9.00 Drift – Partners in Crime 5.15 Hangman’s Knot (1952) 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine BBC One: 12.35am A View from the
1.40 Top of the Pops 9.00 Doc Martin 11.05 pm FILM: Speed 2: Cruise Trip: Southeast Asia See What to Watch Western starring Randolph 8.00 Father Brown Terrace 1.35 Michael McIntyre’s The
2.10 Top of the Pops 10.00 Blue Murder Control (1997) Action thriller 10.00 Peacemaker 10.00 Drift – Partners in Crime Scott 9.00 Father Brown Wheel 2.35 - 6.00am BBC News
2.40 - 3.10am Top of the Pops 11.30 Wycliffe sequel starring Sandra 11.00 Banshee See What to Watch 6.50 I, Robot (2004) Sci-fi thriller 10.00 New Tricks BBC Scotland: 7.30pm Sportscene:
12.40 am Where the Heart Is Bullock 12.10 am SEAL Team 11.00 Billions starring Will Smith 11.20 Cutting It Championship Live 10.00 Still Game
1.45 Man About the House 1.30 am Auto Mundial 1.05 Road Wars 12.10 am Christian 9.00 A Vigilante (2019) Drama 12.35 am Bad Girls 10.30 A View from the Terrace 11.30
2.20 Unwind with ITV 2.00 Motorsport Mundial 2.00 The Force: North-East 1.20 The Plot Against America starring Olivia Wilde 2.20 Classic Holby City Growing Up Scottish midnight Close
STV: 7.00 - 7.30pm What’s on Scotland
2.30 - 6.00am Teleshopping 2.30 The Protectors 3.00 - 4.00am Hawaii Five-0 2.30 Game of Thrones 10.50 The Hunt (2019) Premiere. 3.15 - 4.00am Birds of a Feather
3.55 - 5.05am Night Vision
3.00 - 6.00am Teleshopping 3.40 - 4.10am In Treatment 12.35 am Free Fire (2016)
2.20 - 4.00am In Fear (2013)
BBC One: 7.30 - 8.00pm Truckers: Life
ITV2 12.10am 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Highlanders v Fijian Drua (kick-off ahead to Marlon Vera v Cory Sky Cinema Premiere Talking Pictures TV Up Appearances 6.00 Hi-de-Hi! on the Road 9.00 - 9.30 Legends of
Countdown 2.10 24 Hours in A&E 3.35am) Sandhagen 11.30 Ariel Helwani Meets 6.40 Dad’s Army 8.00 The Vicar of Welsh Sport: Gareth Bale 10.40 Would I
Noon Love Bites 1.00pm Dress to 24 hours, including at: 24 hours, including at:
3.15-3.45am Food Unwrapped 12.00 Live: WWE Friday Night Dibley 9.20 The Young Ones Lie to You? 11.10 FILM: Shakespeare in
Impress 2.00 Supermarket Sweep 10.00am Where the Crawdads Sing 10.55am FILM: The Lost Moment
3.05 Chuck 4.00 One Tree Hill 5.00
Sky Sports Premier SmackDown. Wrestling coverage
(2022) Drama starring Daisy Edgar- (1947, b/w) Romantic drama starring
10.55 Murder, They Hope 11.55 The Love (1998) 1.05 - 6.00am BBC News
Dave League 2.00-4.00am AFL
Jones 12.10pm The Black Phone Susan Hayward and Robert Cummings
Vicar of Dibley 1.10am The Young BBC Two: 7.00pm Scrum V Live 9.05
The O.C 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase Ones 2.40-4.00am Billy Connolly Becoming Frida Kahlo 10.05 - 10.30pm
7.00 The Masked Singer US 8.00 Noon Rick Stein’s Road to Mexico Noon Gary Neville’s Soccerbox (2021) Premiere. Horror starring 12.40pm FILM: Bedelia (1946, b/w) Coast
1.00pm Cops on the Rock 2.00 Top 1.00pm Premier League Years 3.00 Sky History Mason Thames and Ethan Hawke 2.00 Drama starring Margaret Lockwood
ITV1 Wales: 7.00 - 7.30pm Coast &
Superstore 9.00 Loaded in Paradise
10.00 Family Guy 11.30 American Gear 4.00 Australian Ninja Warrior PL Greatest Games 4.00 Best PL Noon Swamp People: Serpent Invasion Tad the Lost Explorer and the Curse of 2.30 Crown Court 3.00 FILM: The Country
5.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours in Goals 2018/19 5.00 Premier League 1.00pm Craig Charles: UFO the Mummy (2022) Animated Perfect Woman (1949, b/w) Comedy
Dad! 12.30am Superstore 1.30
CelebAbility 2.15 Totally Bonkers Amsterdam 6.00 Taskmaster 7.00 100 Club 6.00 Premier League Conspiracies 2.00 Curse of Skinwalker adventure, featuring the voice of starring Stanley Holloway 4.40 FILM: Noon Great British Railway Journeys ITV1 Regions
Guinness World Records 2.45 Unwind Richard Osman’s House of Games Legends 7.00 Premier League – The Ranch 3.00 Medieval Dead 4.00 Trevor White 3.40 Call Jane (2022) Train of Events (1949, b/w) Comedy Goes to Ireland 1.00pm Great British
No variations
with ITV 3.00-6.00am Teleshopping 8.20 Would I Lie to You? 9.00 Mel Big Interview 7.30 Premier League Strangest Things 5.00 Pawn Stars Drama starring Elizabeth Banks 5.50 drama anthology starring Jack Warner Railway Journeys 2.00 Bangers and
Giedroyc: Unforgivable 10.00 QI XL Stories 8.00 Gary Neville’s Soccerbox 6.00 American Pickers 7.00 Forged in Where the Crawdads Sing (2022) 6.25 FILM: Sewers of Gold (1979) Cash 4.00 War Factories 5.00 The
11.00 Taskmaster 12.05am Would I 9.00 Premier League – The Big Fire 8.00 Salvage Kings 9.00 World at War 6.00 Great British
E4 Drama starring Daisy Edgar-Jones Crime thriller starring Ian McShane
Lie to You? 12.45 QI 1.25 Interview 9.30 Premier League History’s Greatest Mysteries 11.00 8.00 The Black Phone (2021) 8.30 Dial 999 9.00 Cellar Club with Railway Journeys 7.00 Joanna 6.00am Cyw 12.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
Noon Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.00pm The Hypothetical 2.30 Comedians Giving Stories 10.00 Premier League Icons The Proof Is Out There 12.00 The Premiere. Horror starring Mason Caroline Munro 9.05 FILM: The Devil Lumley’s Japan 8.00 Train Truckers Tywydd 12.05pm Caru Siopa 12.30
Big Bang Theory 3.00 Modern Family Lectures 3.00-4.00am Mel Giedroyc: 10.30 PL Retro 12.30am Premier Witches of Salem 1.00am Salvage Thames and Ethan Hawke 9.50 Rides Out (1968) Hammer horror 10.00 Bangers and Cash 11.00 Heno 1.00 Richard Holt: Yr Academi
4.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5.00 The Big Unforgivable League Icons 1.00 Premier League Kings 2.00 Storage Wars 3.00- Marlowe (2023) Crime thriller starring starring Christopher Lee 11.00 Cellar Abandoned Engineering 12.00 Great Felys 1.30 Pobl a’u Gerddi 2.00
Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 The Years 3.00-4.00am PL Greatest 4.00am Strangest Things British Railway Journeys Goes to Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05
Liam Neeson and Diane Kruger 11.45 Club with Caroline Munro 11.05 FILM:
Farmer Wants a Wife: Australia 9.00 Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
Sky Sports Main Event Games To Leslie (2022) Drama starring He Walked By Night (1948, b/w) Ireland 1.00am Forbidden History Tywydd 3.05 Gareth Jones: Nofio Adre
FILM: John Wick: Chapter 3 – Sky Arts Andrea Riseborough 1.50-4.00am Thriller starring Richard Basehart 3.00-6.00am Teleshopping
Noon Sky Sports News 1.00pm Sky 4.00 Awr Fawr: Shwshaswyn 4.10 Awr
Parabellum (2019) Action thriller BT Sport 1 Call Jane (2022) Drama starring 12.45am Cellar Club with Caroline Fawr: Caru Canu a Stori 4.20 Awr Fawr:
starring Keanu Reeves 11.35 Naked Sports News 2.00 Live WPL. Mumbai Noon National Treasures: The Art of
Indians v UP Warriorz 6.00 Live World 11.30am The Rugby’s On 12.30pm Collecting 1.00pm Tales of the
Elizabeth Banks Munro 12.50 FILM: Knock on Any Discovery Nico Nôg 4.30 Awr Fawr: Pablo 4.45
Attraction 1.45am Gogglebox 2.45- Door (1949, b/w) Drama starring Awr Fawr: Ahoi! 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00
4.00am The Farmer Wants a Wife: Golf Championships. The WGC-Dell Premier League Stories 1.00 Premier Unexpected 2.00 My Greatest Shot: Noon Plane Reclaimers 1.00pm Gold Nyrsys 6.30 Adre 6.57 Newyddion S4C
Technologies Match Play 7.00 Live League Reload 1.15 Serie A – Full Travel 2.30 My Greatest Shot: Food
PBS America Humphrey Bogart 2.55-4.30am
Rush 3.00 Building Off the Grid 4.00
Australia FILM: Gaslight Follies (1945, b/w) 7.00 Heno 7.30 Newyddion S4C a’r
WSL. Everton v Liverpool (kick-off Impact 1.45 Badminton Unlimited 3.00 Landscape Artist of the Year 11.05am Stalin: Inside the Homestead Rescue: Raney Ranch 5.00 Tywydd 8.00 Chris a’r Afal Mawr 8.55
Documentary, featuring clips from
7.30pm). Live coverage of the 2.00 WWE NXT 3.45 International 4.00 Discovering: Hugh Grant 5.00 Terror 1.00pm Burning Sky 2.05 Wheeler Dealers 6.00 Plane Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 9.00 Sgwrs
More4 cinema’s golden age Dan y Lloer 10.00 Sgorio Rhyngwladol:
Merseyside derby in the women’s top Football 4.45 Premier League Reload Tales of the Unexpected 6.00 Alfred Hemingway 3.15 The History of the Reclaimers 7.00 Kindig Customs
11.05am Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.10pm flight, held at Goodison Park 10.00 5.00 ESPN FC 5.30 Rugby Stories Hitchcock Presents 7.00 Johnny Cash: Red Army 4.30 Stalin: Inside the 8.00 Gold Rush 9.00 Mystery at Blind Uefa Euro 2024 10.30 Y Stiwdio
Heir Hunters 2.10 Four in a Bed 4.50 Live World Golf Championships. The 6.00 The Rugby’s On 7.00 Live A Legend in Concert 7.50 Fleetwood Terror 6.25 Hemingway 7.35 The
GOLD Frog Ranch 10.00 Aircrash Grefftau 11.30 - 12.05am Gwely a
Brecwast Maggi Noggi
Location, Location, Location 5.55 WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play. Gallagher Premiership Rugby Union. Mac: Live in Boston 9.00 Daryl Hall History of the Red Army 8.50 Noon Keeping Up Appearances Confidential 11.00 Naked and Afraid
Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It 6.55 Further live coverage of the third day’s Newcastle Falcons v Gloucester (kick- and John Oates: Live in Dublin 2014 Stalin: Inside the Terror 10.50 The 12.40pm Outnumbered 1.20 Dad’s 12.00 Expedition Bigfoot 1.00am
Escape to the Chateau: DIY 7.55 play at Austin Country Club in Texas off 7.45pm) 10.00 Uefa Champions 11.10 Toto: 40 Tours Around the Sun History of the Red Army 12.00 Stalin: Army 2.00 Only Fools and Horses 2.40 Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch 2.00
Grand Designs 9.00 The Wall: Cover 12.00 Sky Sports News 3.30- League Magazine 10.30 UFC Fight 2.10-4.30am The Moody Blues: Days Inside the Terror 2.00-6.00am Hi-de-Hi! 3.20 Last of the Summer Aircrash Confidential 3.00-4.00am
Your Tracks 10.00 24 Hours in A&E 5.30am Live Super Rugby. Camp 11.00 Live: UFC Live. A look of Future Passed Teleshopping Wine 4.40 Dad’s Army 5.20 Keeping Gold Rush
28 *** Friday 24 March 2023 The Daily Telegraph

Weather & Crosswords

Nature notes

Whiff of intrigue
in hedgehog den
A skunk has been filmed sniffing
about inside a hedgehog house in
Skunks are not native to the UK,
so it is believed the raider may have
escaped from a private collection
and was foraging for food.
Clive Wraight said he was amazed
to see it running across his lawn in
Earley, near Reading.
His motion-activated nature
cameras showed that the skunk –
which emits a foul smell when it feels
threatened – spent more than six hours
in one of his empty hedgehog houses.
Inquiries on social media suggested
it had been spotted previously but the
owner could not be traced.
Marwell Zoo in Hampshire said the
footage appeared to show a striped
skunk, a species which is native to
North America. A spokesman said:
“There has been talk of skunks living
in the wild and it is thought they may
originate from accidental escapes.”*

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