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Synergy Group Newsle�er


Synergy Marine Pte Ltd. Follow us on
1 Kim Seng Promenade, VIETNAMESE
synergymarinegroup SynergyGroup06
#10-11/12 Great World City West Tower, SEAFARERS JOIN
Singapore 237994. Phone: +65-6278-8233 Synergy Marine Group SynergyMarineGroup
Message from CEO......................................................................... 4 16CHENNAI
Safety First.................................................................................... 6 SEMINAR FROM HOME

The 2020 Conundrum................................................................... 8

FAQ’s - future SOx compliance....................................................... 10

Teamwork makes the dream work............................................... 12

Lubrica�on enemy no. 1 - Par�culates......................................... 14

Glimpses from Chennai Seminar.................................................... 16

List of promo�ons......................................................................... 18

10 28
Nave Quasar creates history........................................................ 19
Meet the team............................................................................... 20 MAKES THE
Proud to be Synergian.................................................................. 22 SYNERGY AWARDED
Advoca�ng the pursuit of knowledge........................................... 24 COMPANY’

Synergy Group lauded for being

an equal opportunity employer.................................................... 25

Home away from……….Home........................................................ 26

Seafarers mental health: The elephant in the room..................... 28

Spreading the light of wisdom ..................................................... 30

Synergy through diversity............................................................. 31
We want to hear from you!
The game of life............................................................................ 33
Fog Horn is an ini�a�ve to bring together all members of the Synergy Family – our seafarers, shore
Naviga�ng �me - the curious placement of staff, family members as well as the stakeholders. We would love to hear from you and have your
SS Warrimoo................................................................................. 34 contribu�ons in forthcoming issues as well as for the website. You may share a write up on an inspiring
event or your own experience onboard or ashore, a joyous occasion in your family, stories about life,
health, fitness or photographs, sketches, poems, get together's or just jokes! Write to us at
Puzzles............................................................................................. 35

failure. Who will ever pardon the Costa Concordia’s

Master, who deliberately navigated the vessel
through restricted waters close to the shore?

For most of human history our major problem was

grappling with ignorance, but it is different in
modern �mes. We have accumulated enough
knowledge about what we are capable of, but we
face challenges in leveraging it. Inep�tude is when
knowledge exists, but an individual or a group of
individuals fail to apply it correctly. Inep�tude is our
struggle in modern �mes.

The sizes, types and sophis�ca�on of the ships we

build now is unbelievable. Time and �me again our
ambi�ons have created sophis�cated equipment
that have far exceeded the individual capability of
professionals put in charge of opera�ng it.

On 15 Jan 2009, Capt Chesley Sullenberger and first

officer Jeff Skiles were working together for the first
�me on the US Airways 1549. They had never
experienced an engine failure, and may have even
re�red without encountering one. The pilots
consulted the checklist before the flight took off
from the runway and when the engines failed a�er a
bird hit, they did the checklist quickly as they glided
the aircra� safely into the Hudson River and saved
155 lives. When people talk to Capt. Sully, he does
not a�ribute the success to his gliding experience
from Airforce academy or his vast flying experience.
He says it was adherence to procedures and

We are professional mariners, but we must

remember that we are all fallible, flawed decision
makers with unreliable memories. Expec�ng the
Beyond experience and training, it unexpected, and having effec�ve plans to deal with
is the checklist which guides us to it has to be in our character. Beyond experience and
training, it is the checklist which guides us to well
well thought out procedures. thought out procedures.
Dear Team,
Let us work together to create a Safety Culture, in

which compliance with procedures and discipline to
t has been 20 years since ISM code ushered in checklist. Philosophers point out that there are two �me, but was not equipped with a radar, there was
use a checklist is second nature to us.
formal Safety Management into Shipping. The sources of failure in anything that we set out to do no organized Ice Patrol and the ship did not have
checklist has since become part of our life on board. - Ignorance and Inep�tude. Ignorance is when enough lifeboats.
Stay Safe, Stay Blessed.
knowledge does not exist, or science has not filled
Old �me experts who believed that they were all the gaps. Capt. Edward Smith’s epitaph reads – “A brave life
Capt. Rajesh Unni
trained hard so that they do not need a checklist and a heroic death, "Be Bri�sh". History is kind when
and that checklists would take away the joy at work, The Titanic sank on 15 April 1912, killing over 1500 it judges failures that happen in ignorance, but the
have slowly but surely embraced the idea of the people. The Titanic was considered a marvel of its sen�ments are infuria�ng when inep�tude causes

4 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 5



T he safety and health of our staff onboard is

our paramount safety objec�ve. Whereas the
industry has achieved significant progress to
in as a result of stress. During such situa�ons, the
senior management team plays a vital role in
mo�va�ng the team and in crea�ng an inclusive
2. Tea Breaks: Tea breaks if used efficiently can
work wonders towards enhancing “team effort.”
Efforts should be made to get all crew members
5. Arranging events/sports days: It is necessary to
organize recrea�onal ac�vi�es, which require crew
members to par�cipate as teams. This is a great way
improve marine safety equipment and processes, work culture. together during tea breaks to discuss the work in to promote the importance of team spirit and build
human error remains a persistent causal factor in progress and other things that they feel are camaraderie amongs crew members.
The Master and senior officers have an important necessary.
mari�me accidents. The factors that cons�tute
role in fostering interpersonal rela�onships 6. Par�es and Gets-together: Everyone likes to party
the human element are intangible and can be
onboard. Leaders should walk an extra mile to and unwind once in a while, they also help create
broadly described as – the individual’s
competence to do a job, the organiza�on of the
understand the cultural background, preferences, Working on ships is a “team stronger bonds between people. Fes�val
knowledge, and skill set of the crew members effort.” A “one-man-show” cannot celebra�ons are also a great way to enhance
team and their work culture. Onboard a ship, the
onboard. A winning team is one which understands interpersonal rela�onships between people
value of each seafarer’s contribu�on and the
importance of engaging them in developing a safe
the goal and communicates effec�vely with each run the whole vessel. onboard.
other. A good rapport between the crew members
work culture cannot be overstated. Team Work is
onboard is essen�al for success. Onboard a ship
the key to prevent human errors that cause harm. 3. Onboard training sessions: Onboard training Do’s
there are different formal and informal interac�ons
that provide opportuni�es for building rapport, sessions are yet another opportunity to get crew Alert team members to poten�al problems
It needs no research to tell us that the most
bridging gaps and cemen�ng trust. members together to impart crucial working Help team members
important factor which could help prevent
knowledge or conduct safety commi�ee mee�ngs. Discuss issues with team members
human error is Team Work! Working on ships is a
1. Toolbox mee�ngs: The Toolbox mee�ng is done Captain and chief engineer should arrange the Work with colleagues to overcome language or
“team effort.” A “one-man-show” cannot run the
by the team of seafarers who are assigned a task. mee�ng in such a way that maximum crew other communica�on barriers
whole vessel.
This is done at the site of work, prior commencing members can par�cipate. Be inclusive and encourage everyone to par�cipate
As the number of people onboard ships is limited, the task. This mee�ng is best u�lized to explain the in all shipboard ac�vi�es
scope of work and delegate the responsibili�es to 4. Spending free �me together: It is o�en seen that
there are high chances of ego clashes and
all team members. It is necessary that crew post working-hours, officers and crew members are
dissa�sfac�on among crew members. The Dont’s
members talk to each other during such mee�ngs confined to their cabins, while ideally, they should
importance of the interpersonal rela�onship Assume everyone will act or behave in the same
and discuss their views and opinions. Each member be ge�ng together in the officer or crew lounge.
between the staff onboard to ensure safe and way
smooth opera�ons cannot be emphasized should be given an opportunity to come up with Watching movies and playing indoor sport, during Assume everyone has the same skill and knowledge
enough. sugges�ons regarding improvement of the work leisure �me is a great way to get to know each other Ignore problems
process and safety precau�ons to be taken. This and build strong rela�onships both on and off work.
Working on ships is not an easy task, ac�vity promotes a sense of responsibility and
dissa�sfac�on and demo�va�on can easily seep ownership.

6 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 7



today. While most shipowners are choosing to wait
for the availability of the low-Sulphur fuel, few
have opted for EGCS installa�ons. There are 1000+
may include seawater, chemically
treated fresh water or dry
substances, with the goal of
(B) Hybrid Type
 Suitable for both long and short voyages
Adop�ng greener prac�ces in the mari�me industry  Uses open loop mode at sea and closed loop
globally trading ships, where scrubbers have removing most of the SOx from the mode in ECA Zones and in ports
as IMO confirms 0.5% limit for Sulphur by 2020. More �me in ECA Zones
already been fi�ed or ordered , as a step towards exhaust and reducing PM. A�er

 More structural modifica�ons needed Higher (A) Open Loop
future. passing through the scrubber installa�on �me and cost  Suitable for long voyages
Anyone even remotely involved with the mari�me  Requires proper containment for strong Comparison between Short stay at ports
system, the compliant exhaust is chemicals the two popular

industry by now grasps the importance of January 1,  Less �me in ECA Zones
In the diversified Marine industry, right to breathe released into the atmosphere. While  Can use HSFO all the �meLower power types of exhaust gas  Restricted installa�on space
2020 — the date environmental restric�ons on consump�on in closed loop mode scrubbers  Lower installa�on �me and cost
clean air and have a be�er climate to live in, has scrubbers offer the poten�al for  Lower power consump�on in closed loop mode Normally no chemicals are required
sulfur content in bunker fuel comes into effect.

unified Governments and the Private sector lower opera�ng costs by permi�ng  Will need to use LSMGO in ECA Zones or
in ports where water alkalinity is low
beyond boundaries. A study on the human health the use of less expensive high-sulfur  High power consump�on
In recent months, IMO 2020 rule has increasingly
impacts of SOx emissions from ships, submi�ed to fuels, capital costs, installa�on cost
become a talking point among those so far
IMO’s Marine Environment Protec�on Commi�ee and opera�onal costs associated
unconcerned with the bunker and shipping industry,
(MEPC) in 2016 by Finland, es�mated that by not with scrubbers must be considered
and with that, there is a panic over what this rule Challenging �mes ahead
reducing the SOx limit for ships from 2020, the air on a vessel-specific basis.
would mean. This might trigger the global review of More than half of the world’s popula�on lives
pollu�on from ships would contribute to more
new regula�on, but in my view, there is no turning within 60 km of the shoreline, with many of the
than 570,000 addi�onal premature deaths These costs should be assessed against the
back. world’s economically weaker sec�ons crowded
worldwide between 2020-2025. alterna�ves of opera�ng a ship on low-sulfur fuel
or an alterna�ve low-sulfur fuel. Fuel switching, an into coastal areas and dependent on the marine
In response to the predicted impact the opera�onal prac�ce in which higher sulfur fuel is resources.
Interna�onal Mari�me Organiza�on (IMO), used where permi�ed and lower sulfur fuel is used
through its Marine Environment Protec�on where mandated, has its own complica�ons and The pressure is moun�ng for every industry, every
Commi�ee (MEPC), introduced a new global cap. risks, but should also be considered during poten�al polluter, every user of energy and every
From 2020, Ships are mandated to use marine fuels evalua�on of fuel compliance op�ons. contributor towards environmental degrada�on,
with a Sulphur content of no more than 0.5% S climate change or biodiversity loss, to both clean-
against the current limit of 3.5%S to reduce There are various op�ons like Open-loop wet up their act and adopt greener prac�ces. Shipping
greenhouse gas emissions. The Emission Control scrubbers, Closed-loop wet scrubbers and Hybrid is no different and, therefore, it is �me for the
Areas (ECAs) remains at the 2015 standard of scrubbers to choose from. In recent past, open industry to eliminate, or reduce to the barest
0.1%S. In parallel with Annex VI, several regional, loop and hybrid ready are the systems which are minimum, all adverse environmental impacts from
na�onal , and local regulators have also most popular amongst shipowners. A detailed ships.
introduced their regulatory controls for emission engineering evalua�on and feasibility study is
controls. required before choosing any of the scrubber It is �me to make concerted efforts to develop and
Even while the new rule looms ever so closer, the adopt measures to protect the environment from
technologies since retrofi�ng of these
implementa�on of this regula�on is s�ll the subject pollu�on by ships. There remains, however, work
Challenges and uncertain�es over Low Sulphur installa�ons on exis�ng ships come with high
of much debate and analysis. Some believe its to be done to ensure full implementa�on and
Fuel op�on capital expenditure and with a down�me of 1 to 3
implementa�on may be postponed by one to two enforcement of standards. Ul�mately, all the stake
Ul�mately, compliance with the global Sulphur cap weeks.
years, while others think it maybe re-evaluated to holders in the shipping industry must work
under MARPOL Annex VI through use of low
become more ac�ve and finally, there are others together towards the Organiza�on’s vision to
who firmly believe that this solu�on is not feasible.
Sulphur fuels may seem like the simplest solu�on It is �me to make concerted efforts ensure that shipping fulfils its role as the facilitator
however, it is not without its difficul�es – both
However, IMO has repeatedly indicated its
steadfast determina�on to enforce these new
commercially and technically. to develop and adopt measures to of global trade, to eliminate all adverse
environmental impacts from ships and,
With so much uncertainty s�ll surrounding the
protect the environment from accordingly, promote sustainable development.
While vessels have several choices for compliance
availability and quality of low Sulphur fuels pollu�on by ships.
globally, not to men�on the vola�le price
including Mr. Mathavan S, Head - Technical Team
differen�al between these fuels and HFO, The deployment of SOx scrubbers to treat
alterna�ve technologies such as scrubbers may emissions from the diesel engines on large
• Use of low-sulfur marine fuels such as LSMGO in Mr. Mathavan S, heads the Technical Dept. of
offer compara�vely stable compliance solu�ons. ocean-going vessels is currently limited to a
exis�ng machinery Synergy Group. As a maritime professional with an
Indeed, it is certainly worth inves�ga�ng the costs handful of ships. However, some successful trials
• Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (VLSFO) blends engineering background, he has
and payback periods of various op�ons available and recent advancement in use of this technology
• Installa�on of new machinery (or conversion of a lifelong passion for both
for compliance. on board ships have promised a viable solu�on to
exis�ng machinery where possible) designed to troubleshooting as well as
shipowners. The use of SOx scrubbers in
operate on a low- sulfur alterna�ve fuel, such as applied creativity. He is
Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) or Scrubber a combina�on with high sulfur residual oil and diesel
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or Biofuels. passionate about advancements
viable solu�on. fuels may become economically beneficial in SECAs
• Installa�on of an Exhaust Gas Cleaning System in technology, and its impact on
A scrubber is a device installed in the exhaust and worldwide; therefore, large number of vessels
(EGCS) like scrubbers as an a�er-treatment device the maritime industry in myriad
system a�er the engine or boiler that treats may begin using scrubbers.
and con�nuing to burn the same HSFO they do ways.
exhaust gas with a variety of substances, which

8 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 9



I n con�nua�on from Vol 15, reference Page 12

1. Briefly men�on Scheme A & B? The use of EGR, a primary NOx

The type and extent of monitoring depends on the emission reduc�on technique,
cer�fica�on Scheme (A or B) of Resolu�on
MEPC.184(59). In both the cases Scheme A or along with a scrubber is possible
Scheme B, the wash-water must be con�nuously
monitored for pH, Polycyclic aroma�c hydrocarbons
and would not be in conflict.
[PAH] and turbidity {10.1 of Resolu�on

Scheme A - MEPC.184(59) recommends, where a

con�nuous exhaust monitoring system is not fi�ed, A de-plume exhaust gas re-heater can be used to
a daily spot check of exhaust emissions along with prevent both pluming and acidic gas condensa�on.
con�nuous monitoring of certain parameters. If Re-heaters may have to be used for condensa�on
con�nuous monitoring is fi�ed, then spot checks of reduc�on.
the prescribed parameters is recommended.
Scheme B - requires con�nuous monitoring of
exhaust emissions, using an approved monitoring 9. Are there any residue disposal restric�ons in
system together with daily spot checks of certain place?
prescribed parameters. The residues from the exhaust scrubbing processes
cannot be incinerated on board. It must be
disposed of ashore, as per MARPOL Annex VI
2. How will Port State Control [PSC] verify scrubber Regula�on 16, Paragraph 2.6.
cleaning rate?
Guidelines for PSC are provided in IMO Res.
MEPC.181(59). PSC inspector should examine the 10. Will 3.5 % Sulphur residual fuel con�nue to be
“approved documenta�on rela�ng to any installed Image courtesy: DNV GL available a�er 2020? If "yes" does it make sense to
exhaust gas cleaning systems, [or] equivalent use this fuel with an exhaust gas cleaning system
means, to reduce SOx emissions (Reg. VI/4).” As per 5. What are the considera�ons that may be Revision of the damage stability will need to be (scrubber)? & 5.3.2 of the Annex to Resolu�on required to address (lightship changes), the effect considered on a case-by-case basis. If the designer Yes, high Sulphur fuel will be available, but this fuel

MEPC.184(59); EGC units and their monitoring on stability and tonnage? can prove that the effect on the damage stability can only be used with approved exhaust gas
systems may also be subject to inspec�on. Sec�on The tonnage cer�ficate needs revision. The effect can be easily confirmed by comparison with the cleaning system. Availability and price, a�er 2020
7.5 requires a copy of the recorded data and on the lightship characteris�cs should be original damage stability, it may not be necessary remains the subject of much debate, depends on
reports, made available as requested. determined a�er scrubber installa�on. If a change to run the damage stability analysis again. supply.
of about 2 percent or more in the ship’s
lightweight, or a change in the longitudinal center
3. Are SOx scrubbers compa�ble with selec�ve of gravity of 1 percent or more of the ship’s length; 7. Do scrubber systems require modifica�ons to 11. Any requirements on par�culate ma�er (PM)
cataly�c reduc�on (SCR) systems for NOx removal, then a full inclining experiment should again be exis�ng exhaust gas piping? monitoring by the IMO ?
considering post-2016 Tier III requirements? carried out. Modifica�ons will be required to the exis�ng IMO does not specifically limit PM
Vessels built a�er 1 January 2016 will need exhaust piping. A demister unit might be required
arrangements meet both NOx and SOx If the change is expected to be less than these a�er the scrubber. Usually velocity of the exhaust
requirements. SCR systems need high exhaust inlet limits, then a lightweight survey should be carried plume is slowed in the scrubber, then exhaust 12. Can scrubbers be posi�oned as a subs�tute for
temperatures to work and SCR must be deployed out on comple�on of the work, to confirm the velocity may need to be accelerated by specific exhaust silencers?
upstream of the scrubber. The use of an SCR in effect of the changes. design of exhaust pipe outlet, to je�son the Scrubbers do have a sound damping effect and
addi�on to a scrubber, will increase back pressure. exhaust plume away from the ship. Some scrubber they can eliminate the silencer’s need.
Further, based on this weight increase, a system designs may also accelerate the flow, by
deadweight survey may be required to confirm the installa�on of auxiliary fans to reduce the
4. Can scrubber be combined with NOx reduc�on revised lightship weight & ver�cal center of gravity. backpressure. Dr. Sairam Krishnamurthy,
technique, Exhaust Gas Recircula�on system [EGR]? As applicable a revised data is to be reflected on Technical Superintendent, MOL-Synergy, Sairam
The use of EGR, a primary NOx emission reduc�on the exis�ng trim-stability booklet, loading manual was a sailing Chief Engineer and has completed his
technique, along with a scrubber is possible and and loading computer program. 8. How can the system ensure that sulfuric acid PhD in Fuels.
would not be in conflict. For marine applica�ons, mist and condensa�on genera�ng an undesired
the use of EGR will necessitate the integra�on of plume will not cause corrosion in the exhaust
some form of scrubber, within the EGR system. 6. Is a new damage stability calcula�on needed? pipes?

10 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 11



E ver wondered, what goes behind the successful

take over of a vessel from a yard? Ever wondered
how our teams do it with clinical precision, week
Mr. Manoj Kumar - CE Southern Rouse
“It was indeed a joyous moment to take over this
significant hindrance in comple�ng our daily tasks,
our team took it as a challenge and went on with
their assigned jobs. We are grateful to the
upon week? As we are well into the second half of beau�ful vessel. Right from the �me of Sea trial to company to have chosen us for this cri�cal
2018, here is a fact which will boggle you - our the date of final delivery, it was a great experience assignment. Food was a concern, but we all
technical and marine teams have on an average, to see the transforma�on of a steel structure into enjoyed the Japanese cuisine during our stay in the
taken over one ship, every week in the last eight a magnificent lady that the Southern Rouse is yard. Overall it was a smooth take over with
months and the fact that they have achieved this, today! It was heartening to see the coordina�on valuable support from the office, a�ending
going unno�ced by the other teams within the and togetherness of all ship staff. The support and superintendent and IT team.”
organiza�on, make this feat even more commend- guidance by Mr. Abhishek Kumar in keeping
able. everything in order within such a strict �me frame
was amazing. In Japan, where it is a bit difficult to Our teams on an average, have
Our Editorial team, got in touch with one such team, get Indian food, he managed to provide ship staff
which has the unique dis�nc�on of taking over 12 with some Indian food too. Last, but not the least, taken over one ship, every week in
ships since the beginning of the year! the support by the yard staff and maker’s the last eight months
representa�ves was memorable. They deligh�ully
Mr. Abhishek Kumar - Assistant Fleet Manager from the Tsuneshi yards recently.” presented everything, clearing all the doubts very
“It’s not only a ma�er of pride but also of great pa�ently and calmly.”
delight to welcome a new member into our family. Capt. Sachin Bagga - Marine Superintendent
The prepara�on starts several weeks before the “In my sailing days, as a Master Mariner, I have Captain Kishore Kumar - Master Southern Rouse
actual takeover of the vessel. been a part of the team which took over a vessel “Taking over a ship from the yard is a challenge as
from a yard. Taking over the vessel as a superinten- the system and equipment onboard are new to all
There are challenges, a few seen, a few unseen – dent now, makes you see things from a different crew members. Right from the day of our arrival at
but when the en�re team is as focused and perspec�ve. It is all about immaculate planning the yard, all staff got busy in shi�ing and arranging
passionate, things fall into place almost magically and execu�on and learning to take challenges in the stores & spares. We were lucky to have
and so was the case with Southern Reverence and your stride. The fact that both vessels cleared their courteous shipyard personnel who were always
Southern Rouse, the two lovely ladies we took-over first SIRE inspec�ons with flying colors was the willing to offer their help within the set working
cherry on the cake!.” hours for us to be onboard. Familiariza�on and
training of the equipment & machinery went on
Mr. Rakesh Katariya - CE Southern Reverence simultaneously, as per plan delivered to us on the
“With a sense of great pride, I would like to thank day of arrival. Although weather played a
the owners Nissen Kaiun and managers Synergy
Group for entrus�ng our team for taking the yard
delivery of Southern Reverence, which is a perfect
example of modern technology fi�ed with
Japanese equiment and excellent design. Being my
first yard delivery, it was a great experience
working with Abhishek San and the en�re team.
The opportunity to meet owners and to have
experienced the hospitality shown by Katsuya San
during yard delivery will be cherished forever.”

Capt. Charanpal Singh - Master Southern

“On behalf of team Southern Reverence and
Synergy group, I am thankful to Nissen Kaiun for
giving us the opportunity for taking over the
Southern Reverence and also hope that I get to be
a part of many such takeovers for our Synergy
family. It sounded challenging, but only �ll we
arrived yard for taking over, the moment we
arrived, the support from the Synergy technical
and opera�ons teams was unbelievable – it made
the en�re takeover process so easy. A special
men�on here for Synergy’s safety standards – they
are to be experienced to be believed.”

12 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 13



For cri�cal hydraulic fluids, using a portable transfer cart fi�ed with a high
efficiency filter should be considered.

T here are four primary sources for solid contami-

na�on to enter a lubricant or hydraulic fluid.
builder, an off-load period of “running-in” should
be regarded as essen�al for any new or rebuilt
hydraulic or lubrica�on system.
They are: contaminated new oil, built-in contamina-
�on, ingressed contamina�on and internally-gener- 3. Ingressed Contamina�on
ated contamina�on.
Contamina�on from the immediate surroundings
1. Contaminated New Oil can enter into the fluid power or lubrica�on
system. The key is to severely limit the access
Although hydraulic and lubrica�on fluids are refined environmental contamina�on has, to enter the
and blended under rela�vely clean condi�ons, the hydraulic or lubrica�on system. Sources of
fluid travels through many hoses, pipes & tanks ingressed Contamina�on
before it is stored in drums or in a bulk tank at the a) Tank vents: These allow air exchange into and
user’s site. At this point, the fluid is no longer clean out of the reservoir to compensate for changes in
as the fluid lines it has traveled through have fluid level caused primarily by cycling cylinders and
contributed metal and rubber par�cles, and the thermal expansion and contrac�on of the fluid.
tanks & drums have added flakes of metal or scale.
Storage tanks are a real problem because water (b) Maintenance: Whenever a system is opened for
condenses in them causing rust par�cles. Contami- maintenance, there is an opportunity for
na�on from the atmosphere can also find its way environmental contamina�on to enter the system.
into the tank unless sa�sfactory air breathers are All possible care should be taken to ensure that
fi�ed. If the fluid is stored under reasonable open ports are kept covered or plugged, and
condi�ons, the principal contaminants on delivery component disassembly and rework is done in an
to the machine will be metal, silica and fibers. area that is protected from excessive airborne dirt a small amount of par�cles during rou�ne turbocharger lubrica�on. Maintaining ME System
Super-cleaned new oil could be of cleanliness code and contamina�on. Lint free rags and oil absorbent opera�on. In a system where these par�cles are cleanliness in such engines has become increasing-

18/16/14* but new oils are o�en 22/20/18 or materials in “socks” (rather than in loose form) not quickly captured, the elevated contamina�on ly important. Common reasons for inadequate
dir�er. Fluids should be filtered into the system should be used for component wiping and area levels will cause the number of addi�onal contamina�on control is lack of apprecia�on of the
before the contamina�on enters and damages the clean up. Tank cover sealing should be restored on generated par�cles to increase at an accelerated tremendous impact of contaminants on safe &
components in the system. For cri�cal hydraulic comple�on of work. rate! The best way to prevent contamina�on economic opera�ons, & lack of understanding of
fluids, using a portable transfer cart fi�ed with a genera�on within a system is to start with a clean contamina�on control technology (filters,
(c) Cylinder seals: Rod seals are rarely 100%
high efficiency filter should be considered. (fully flushed) system and keep the system fluid breathers, seals).
effec�ve in removing the thin oil film and the fine
2. Built-in Contamina�on contamina�on from the cylinder rod. Environmen-
tal dirt that s�cks to an extended rod is drawn back Conclusion Mr. Sanjiv Wazir,
New machinery always contains a certain amount of into the cylinder and gets washed into the system
built-in contamina�on. Care in system assembly and The level of fluid contamina�on in the system is the Mr. Sanjiv graduated in Mechanical Engineering
fluid. Every effort should be made during machine
in new component flushing reduces this but never result of mul�ple factors that interact, such as: the from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
design to avoid dirt or other contaminants from
eliminates it. Typical built-in contaminants are landing directly on extended cylinder rods. When rate of contaminant entry, rate of wear debris (IIT-Bombay) in 1981. After sailing as a marine
burrs, chips, dirt, dust, flash, fiber, flushing solu�on, this is unavoidable, the filters should be posi�oned produc�on, filtra�on characteris�cs, system duty engineer for over 10 years, he became involved in
moisture, pipe sealant, pipe coa�ng, paint, sand, and sized to capture the dirt. cycle, design of reservoir, rate of fluid loss & ship-repairing. His vast experience in operation,
and weld spla�er. The amount of contamina�on replacement, contamina�on tolerance of system maintenance, and repair of diesel engines,
removed during the system flush depends not only 4. Generated Contamina�on components, etc. hydraulic systems, turbines, compressors,
on the effec�veness of the filters used, but also the gearboxes, refrigeration plants & other industrial
The most dangerous contamina�on to a system is Control of contamina�on is especially important in
temperature, viscosity, velocity and “turbulence” of equipment is complemented with over 15 years’ of
the contamina�on generated by the system itself. hydraulic & control systems. It is es�mated that
the flushing fluid. experience in the field of lubrication, representing
These par�cles are “work hardened” to a greater more than 70% of hydraulic system down�mes are
Unless high veloci�es and turbulence are a�ained, hardness than the surface from which they came, a�ributable to damage or opera�onal malfunc�on Chevron, and thereafter BP Marine Lubricants in
much of the contamina�on will not be dislodged and are very aggressive in causing further wear in caused by the presence of contamina�on. The India. Mr. Wazir is now Technical Advisor to LUKOIL
un�l the system is in opera�on, with catastrophic the system. In a system running on properly crankcase system oils used in many of the latest marine lubricants. He has been a guest faculty (on
component failure a possible result. Irrespec�ve of cleaned fluid very few par�cles are generated, 2-Stroke Slow Speed Main Engines on vessels, are Tribology & Lubrication) at several institutes since
the standard of flushing executed by the machine although all components (especially pumps) create also used as servo oils/hydraulic oils and for 1999.
14 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 15


H ere is a pictorial glimpse of the senior officers’ seminar, held in Chennai on 25 and 26 July. A series
of such seminars will be held every year across India and the Philippines to promote QHSE excellence
amongst senior staff, who are on leave. Synergy thrives on a ‘no blame’
The seminar was centered around ‘iSteer Synergy’ — which encompasses the seven core values of the group. culture where the staff are
encouraged to speak-up about
mistakes and errors and also discuss
the problems faced. The highlight of
the seminar was undoubtedly the
transparency, with which the
incidents onboard group vessels were
dissected with clinical precision and
the cause analysis discussed

16 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 17



Congratula�ons and best wishes to the following sailing staff who have recently promoted.
I t was a ma�er of pride for the crew onboard and
the larger Synergy family that the Nave Quasar
became the largest tanker ever to enter the busy
NAME RANK Houston Ship Channel recently.
Hundreds of people, including mari�me, industrial
and casual observers gathered to observe the Nave
Capt. Amrit Prakash Purty Master Quasar, a 2 million barrel-carrying supertanker,
Capt. Ananth Fernando Reni Fernando Master arrive at the Port of Texas City.
The 330 meter long and 60 meter wide crude carrier
Capt. Rahulkumar Panchal Master
was on a test run to see whether a Port of Texas City
Capt. Sundeep Dhanker Master Terminal could accommodate VLCC's.

Capt. Zahir Husain Ameer Husain Basha Master The arrival of our vessel also saw extensive
mainstream and mari�me media coverage.
Mr. Annamalai Parthiban Chief Engineer
Nave Quasar was brought into Enterprise Products
Mr. Jeyakumar Kalichamy Chief Engineer Partners LP’s Texas City Terminal to determine
measurements for future VLCC loadings, of par�al
Mr. Manoj Prabhakar Surulivel Jeyapragasam Chief Engineer cargoes at least. The site’s water depth, also known
as the dra�, needs to be increased to about 76 feet
Mr. Mario Nilton Gracias Chief Engineer from 45 feet to enable supertankers to load fully.
Mr. Sivakumar Bakthan Chief Engineer In a statement to Reuters, an Enterprise spokesper-
son confirmed that "the arrival of the Nave Quasar Hundreds of people, including
Mr. Suresh Vinayagamoorthy Chief Engineer at our Texas City dock is part of a test run to confirm
that the facility can accommodate a VLCC." He
mari�me, industrial and casual
Mr. Venkateswaran Kara�upalayam Palanisamy Chief Engineer
added that the results would lead to "possible VLCC observers gathered to observe the
loadings in the future."
Mr. Aswath Bharadwaj Ashok Chief Officer Nave Quasar
Mr. Gaurav Seth Chief Officer Hear�est congratula�ons to the en�re crew of the
Nave Quasar for the comple�on of such a
Mr. Gowrishankar Swaminathan Chief Officer challenging exercise, with utmost safety and
Mr. Jagan Muthumani Chief Officer
Mr. Sagar Dimri Chief Officer
Mr. Amarneet Singh Second Engineer
Mr. Hamanul Huq Allah Pitchai Jafar Second Engineer
Mr. Karimulla Ameer Basha Second Engineer

S ynergy was recently presented with the ‘Best

Ship Management Company’ award.
The ceremony took place at the Seafarers Club,
Chennai, on the Day of the Seafarer, 25 June, 2018.
The award was presented by Honorable Governor of
Tamil Nadu Mr. Banwarilal Purohit. and prominent
members of the mari�me community a�ended the

18 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 19




Bookkeeper Vessel Accounts Assistant


Accounts Assistant General Accountant


Accounts Assistant Accounts Manager


Finance Controller Disbursement Officer–Vessel
Head of Finance & Accounts
MICHELLE D. DE LEMOS Vessel Accounts Assistant
Disbursement Officer-Corporate
REMELIN C. ILAGAN Vessel Accounts Officer
Vessel Accounts Assistant

Vessel Accounts Assistant



W e are delighted to announce the opening of

Synergy's office in Seoul, South Korea – the
heart of a growing mari�me community.

Our adherence to the Quality Management System

INTEGRITY. TRANSPARENCY. means that we con�nually evaluate and priori�ze
the long-term interests of our clients and provide
GROWTH. TEAMWORK. FUN personalized Ship Management Services. The
opening of our Seoul office brought the total Mr. Ha Dong-Hun Capt. Jo

T hese are the KEY founda�ons by which the SGO

Accounts Team lives by. While we always give
our best in our services to the Management and to
Our Department’s mission extends beyond just the
accuracy of rou�nary debits and credits of
transac�ons etc. We are commi�ed to con�nually
number of global Synergy Group loca�ons to six,
ensuring that we are ideally placed to service the
needs of our esteemed clients worldwide.
two decades he mostly sailed on product/chemical
tankers. He moved ashore in 2004 and held various
our seafarers, we equally give our best to support seek growth by innova�on, competence and key shore-based posi�ons, in Singapore and Korea,
each other at work. apprecia�on of each individual’s contribu�on not We also see this as an opportunity to grow our before joining Synergy.
only to the company but to each other’s lives as business further globally and are excited to have
It is not uncommon for a working Accounts person well. We are enforcers of the company’s Capt. Jo and Mr. Ha Dong-Hun join the Synergy Mr.Ha is a marine engineer and graduated from the
to spend more hours in office (and outside) than at compliance procedures and we are one with the team to lead our efforts in Korea. Korea Mari�me University in 1991, a�er close to a
home especially in the Philippines. We compensate management. decade of sailing on various types of vessels, he
this by crea�ng an honest and friendly working Capt. Jo is a Master Mariner with an Engineering went on to do his MBA from Southampton Business
environment for everyone. The team has basically The Finance & Accounts Dept. in Manila is a background, a formidable combina�on indeed. School (UK) in 2004. He then joined CIDO shipping
become our second family. And everyone ma�ers. dynamic team which is not just “number people”. A�er a brief s�nt in the Korean Navy, he went on to Hong Kong, where he was Director (Planning)
We serve with a smile (always) and we care. join the mercan�le marine, where over the next before joining Synergy.

20 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 21



Name: M Adil Hashmi Name: Gaurav Singh

Rank: Master Designa�on: Sr. System Engineer
Vessel: Occitan Key No. of Years: 12
Loca�on: Chennai
My journey with Synergy started in 2012 as chief officer. A�er visi�ng
the office, I was very impressed with the way Synergy treated its I joined Synergy in 2006, it will be 12 years in a few months and boy,
seagoing staff. I had never experienced the warmth and respect that what a wonderous journey has it been. I have indeed been lucky to have
even a trainee receives here. I had sailed with various ship managers in witnessed the phenomenal growth the company has seen , at the same
the past, but the work culture and ethics indeed set Synergy apart. �me it is also heartening to see the same set of values being adhered to.
It is the friendly mentoring atmosphere which helped me grow profes-
I am proud to be a part of the Synergy Family! sionally, I am lucky when it’s come to my job profile which allows me to
travel around the world and visit places as a Ship’s IT Engineer. A special
men�on for the senior management, for being as accessible as they
were 12 years ago.

Name: Ranjith Kumar Name: Santhosh K Nair

Rank: Chief Cook Designa�on – Purchase Manager
Vessel: Shinyo Ocean No of Years – 7
Loca�on – Cochin
“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”
I joined Synergy seven years ago, considering my professional and
At Synergy we genuinely believe in this. A healthy diet is included as part academic background, I was a fresher in this field. However, the
of the company’s QHSE Policy, the provisions are in abundance, and the mo�va�on and support received from each member of this family made
quality supplied is excellent, this kind of consistency I have never seen in my transi�on to the industry a seamless process. As I look back at the
any of my previous organiza�ons. The pleasure of being a reason to last seven years, I can vouch for the fact that this has been the most
bring a smile to the face of crew members is priceless, and I feel frui�ul period in my life/career. One of the factors that make Synergy
fortunate that I get to do this every day. stand out is its management style, where every employee is treated with
respect and empathy, and the senior team is always accessible. I eagerly
Proud to be a seafarer and genuinely pleased to be Synergian, at that! look forward to Synergy reaching greater heights. I am proud to be a

Name: Geofrey Jun C. Sabas Name: Sarah Jane Molina

Rank: Master Designa�on: Admin Assistant
Vessel: Lady Maria Ocean No. of Years: 2
Loca�on: Manila
I am proud to be a SYNERGYian
Dreaming what you become is not enough to pursue one’s dream, you
Synergy has taught me to strive for excellence in all ac�vi�es, by being need to work for it. It has been two years since I started working with
commi�ed and by giving priority to health, safety, and environment. I Synergy Group and it has been a great experience, so far for me to be
shall con�nue to endeavor to take every reasonable and realis�c step to part of this growing team. Working with great people and atmosphere is
prevent and eliminate the risk of injuries, health hazards and damage to what inspires me to give my best to my daily tasks. I believe that having
proper�es. persistence, pa�ence and passion are the keys to achieve my goal and I
will con�nue to work with it proudly here as a SYNERGIAN
I shall also take proac�ve steps towards the conserva�on and
preserva�on of the marine environment by ensuring that all ships staffs,
facili�es, and services operate in accordance with appropriate legal
requirements, industry standards and with best prac�ces, keeping in
mind that safety is always top priority in whatever we do

22 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 23




Synergy Philorg Group Corp, our

state-of-the-art training center in Manila,
celebrated its first founding anniversary on
the 8th of August.

I t was indeed a dis�nct pleasure to have Mr. Yasuhiro Kazama

Managing Director- President and Mr. Chinmoy Ghose, General
Manager, OMC Shipping Pte. Ltd. grace the occasion.


More than 1400 Trainee M ore than 1400 Trainee Marine Engineers and
700 Deck Cadets appeared for our entrance
exams, which were held simultaneously across
Marine Engineers and 700
M r. Narendra Kumar, an Oiler, onboard the several ci�es on 29 June and 18 July 2018. The
transparency with which the examina�ons were
Pacific Endeavor has developed a unique hob- Deck Cadets appeared for our conducted, has been a silver lining for these young
by of crea�ng miniatures or 5D models of the
vessels he sailed on or is interested in. In an email to entrance exams boys and girls, in an otherwise dismal job market
the editorial team, he proudly shared “From a very for fresh TME’s and Deck Cadets. This unique
young age, I have always been inclined towards the ini�a�ve, created quite a buzz on social media too,
arts and cra�s and now when at leisure, instead of with several comments lauding Synergy Group for
whiling away �me and ge�ng stressed over pe�y being an equal opportuni�es employer. Here is
issues, I decided to revive my childhood hobby.” wishing all the selected Cadets and TME’s fair
winds and following seas in their careers.
Another highlight is that, he has come up with an
indigenous way of 'upcycling' discarded material
onboard ships like twines, toothpicks, cancelled
charts and wooden pallets. We would urge all
seafarers to develop some hobbies to beat the
stress at sea. A�er all, as wisemen say, “A hobby a
day keeps the doldrums away.”

24 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 25



Transi�ng the Gulf of Mexico, gazing through clear forget the star-studded full moon nights,
star-studded nights during evening walks, we picturesque sunrise/sunsets including migratory
finally arrived Cristobal for the much awaited and birds & dolphins around the ship which made it an
talked about Panama Canal transit. This was one experience people on land crave for but in most
experience I waited for with bated breath. In the cases, even money can't buy.
wee hours of the morning, I was on the bridge to
witness the experience of a life�me. We started by The adage "the family that eats together stays
entering the Atlan�c locks of Agua Clara, passing together" holds good for the family onboard too.
the beau�ful Gatun Lake with amazing lush green The dining �me talks to catch up with each other
tropical rainforests on either side. I s�ll recall the was one thing I always looked forward to. It
beau�ful patch of lilac flowers which le� me undoubtedly refreshed and rejuvenated all to
spellbound before arriving Cocolli locks. Panama con�nue with this challenging life. If I men�on
Canal is one of the most adventurous man-made names, I would be par�al as everybody onboard
crea�on connec�ng 2 gigan�c oceans. The 12-hour was proac�ve in making the atmosphere cordial
transit is exhaus�ve but an adventurous and congenial.
experience for everyone, including me. The chief cook gets a special men�on as he cooked
Kudos to the 2nd officer for his passage planning, mouthwatering delicacies. He was innova�ve
which ensured fair weather and favoring winds enough not to repeat any dish during the en�re
during en�re Trans-Pacific Ocean passage for week and always had a smile on his face.
which I thank him endlessly. Few moments worth re-living included Captain
The long voyage to Japan was nice and smooth, making efforts to go to the gym to bond with his
and myself along with everyone else had ample officers and Chief Engineer si�ng with his
�me on hand. My husband kept me busy by giving engineers in the evening for movie screenings.
me small tasks for helping him and others. Not to Open sea par�es had Dumb charades, dance
compe��ons, guitar and song sessions, on some
weekends, we also had Casino sessions organized
by Captain for officers and Crew.
All these efforts by ship's management-team
created a very open and warm atmosphere
onboard which resulted in an excellent working
On one of the shore-leaves, we teamed up for a

A s the �me is nearing to say goodbye to Birch,

which has been more like a home for 5 months,
I thought of penning down the memoirs of my stay
sailing is helping me quench my thirst by exploring
the unknown.
visit to Disneyland in Japan which was a deligh�ul
experience for us.
From the very beginning, I was excited about the Before I conclude, I would like to men�on the
fact that the beau�ful lady “BW Birch” shall be signing-on of a lady 4th engineer, which really
Though I have had the privilege of sailing with my soon transi�ng the Neo-Panama Canal which shall made me feel proud that we women have captured
husband (CAPT.VIDHIT SOOD) onboard vessels on be the last leg of comple�ng the trip around the one of the final all-male bas�ons. Promo�ng
earlier occasions, the urge to write about this trip world, through the vast blue oceans. gender diversity is another one of Synergy’s effort,
comes from the cherishing experience I had which is worth loud applause and a very posi�ve
The journey began with a long hec�c flight, and a
onboard. step for shipping fraternity.
�ring taxi ride, but the minute I saw the majes�c
Every supernumerary's experience will be different beauty welcoming me to be its guest for the Sailing on board Synergy vessels has been a
and exclusive in its own way varying from staff on coming months, I knew the journey was deligh�ul experience for me and my sincere thanks
board, the trading pa�erns of the vessel and the worthwhile. As we climbed up the gangway, I could to SYNERGY and the staff onboard for having
fantas�c shore leaves, which help us meet people sense the hustle bustle of port ac�vi�es keeping Promo�ng gender diversity is another one etched some indelible impressions to remember
from different spectrums, trying exo�c cuisines and staff busy and full of energy seeing new faces a�er fondly.
learning about their cultures which leaves us with a long ocean passage. of Synergy’s effort, which is worth loud
new perspec�ve to look at the world. My job profile
First few days passed by in ge�ng to know applause and a very posi�ve step for
as a cabin crew in the avia�on industry also ignited Mrs. Aashima Singh Sood
the love of traveling and mee�ng new people and
everyone around but was not long enough before I
became part of the newly found microcosm.
shipping fraternity. W/O Capt. Vidhit Sood

26 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 27




H ow many of us are aware that seafaring is the

2nd most “at risk profession” for suicides? Even
those in seafaring or in shore-based roles in the
controlled internet access; adequate shore leave;
encouragement of onboard social life; sensi�za�on
to cultural factors; communal space and ac�vi�es;
prac�ced similar tests , whether he is answering
truthfully and so on.
family, criminaliza�on, and lack of support from
shore/seniors. Leading stressors for dry cargo ships
were found to be financial issues and work
mari�me industry rarely appreciate the seriousness mentoring on board; pastoral and spiritual care; But surely, Psychometry is an immensely useful pressure. The study threw up some interes�ng
of this problem. daily news bulle�ns; con�nuity of employment; enabling tool, when administered properly by findings as different stressors peaked at various
flexibility in length of contract etc. trained personnel in standard se�ngs. Besides, stages of tenure on board! Like stress due to the
A report by a credible organiza�on suggests that a�er psychometric assessments, if training or
Some have proposed radio counselling for those on distance from family peaked at 2-4 months.
5.9% of all death at sea is a�ributable to proven counselling can address iden�fied gaps, like, say,
suicides. If the suspicious cases of probable suicides the verge of a psychological breakdown or those lack of asser�veness, then it can be further useful. Mentoring/counselling by seniors on board has its
(missing at sea) are considered, then this figure who are suicidal. challenges since besides lack of training in
jumps to 18.3% which means almost one in five Allevia�ng stressors counselling, the senior crew are o�en
So, what are the challenges?
deaths at sea is a suicide! Compare this to deaths Another challenge that comes to the fore from overburdened with work /other stressors making
ashore, where only 1% of deaths is a�ributable to Psychometry research is that one size does not fit all i.e. if we them not so ideally suitable to act as counsellors or
suicides. address a specific stressor on priority, there is no mentors.
The first thing that comes to mind is iden�fying the
So, there can be no dispute over the fact that we right people for the job. Many companies take help guarantee that it will alleviate symptoms across So, in conclusion, while accep�ng that we have a
have a genuine problem here. All studies on of psychometric evalua�ons to recognize alarming the board. Different na�onali�es react differently real problem at hand and asking the right
psychological health of seafarers reveal that a large signs. There are several arguments in favour of to various stressors. ques�ons, we need to concentrate on proven
sec�on of seafarers suffer from obvious manifesta- Psychometric Assessments. If used as an One research has shown that while the Indian allevia�ng factors. Like controlled access to
�ons of impaired psychological wellbeing like social evalua�on tool, and administered by a trained seafarer is most affected by distance from family, internet has been proven to be a definite
isola�on/ anxiety, generalized/ free-floa�ng anxiety psychologist, it can be a bias-free way of screening. the Filipino seafarer by fa�gue/ long work hours allevia�ng factor. Then, a 24X7 counselling radio
and depression. We do not have the element of subjec�vity here and the Chinese by inspec�ons! Similarly, while helpline can be a good op�on.
as, say, in case of competency-based interviews Junior officers were most affected by distance from
Many ques�ons are bound to haunt the curious The challenges as discussed are plenty, but then
where different interviewers would have different family, senior officers were most affected by work
mind a�er being exposed to such data. What are the affairs of seafarers have never been easy!
ways of judging, many �mes not en�rely unbiased pressure/inspec�ons /regulatory burdens.
stressors? Has MLC made any difference? Are things
or prejudice free.
improving or are they deteriora�ng? What can ship Again, department-wise analysis revealed that
managers/owners, P &I clubs, and other Another argument in favour of psychometry is that Deck crew/officers were most affected by
stakeholders do to address this grave issue? it can iden�fy the right personality traits required Mr. Debabrata: Competency Manager,
criminaliza�on, inspec�ons, and lack of
for leaders on board, who, with fast-paced changes senior/shore support. Engine officers/crew were Loves to contribute towards building transparent
Accep�ng that there is a problem, realizing the
in the mari�me industry, are needed to be good most affected by distance from family and galley systems/processes and to social causes. Strongly
gravity of the problem and understanding its nature
team builders /mentors for staff onboard, besides staff were most affected by financial issues and believes in empathy, integrity, transparency,
are as crucial as asking the right ques�ons.
being able to work as a team with shore-based fa�gue. Analysis by vessel type revealed leading bonhomie and respect as core workplace values.
However, are we asking the right ques�ons? Let us management! With increased decision making stressors for tanker crew being the distance from
ask the most straigh�orward ones first. What are ashore, more communica�on avenues like internet
the stressors that are affec�ng the mental wellbeing and more aware/educated crew members, we
of seafarers? Can they be eliminated? If not, then would no more need autocra�c leadership on
what are the right control measures? board as we have had tradi�onally!
When we look at stressors, they are easy to spot for But then some argue against relying too much on
those who are/ were seafarers or those who deal psychometric evalua�ons. They say that the
with them regularly. Distance from family, moment the candidate steps on a ship, he is There are several arguments in
fa�gue/long working hours, health issues, financial exposed to an en�rely different set of stress-
issues, increased responsibili�es and paperwork, triggers as compared to when he was ashore. But favor of Psychometric Assessments.
reduced crewing levels, faster turnaround �mes, well researched tests can possibly take care of this.
reduced shore leave, language / cultural barriers,
Other arguments are that responses to such tests
more inspec�ons and tougher regulatory regime,
and hence interpreta�ons vary depending on when
lack of communal ea�ng and recrea�on, increased
they are administered (�me of the day), whether
isola�on within ships due to effect of social media ,
administered online or in office se�ng ,stressors
�me pressure, rough seas , lack of nutri�ous food,
ac�ve during the test (whether the candidate is
and so on! They are quite a bagful!
anxious regarding his employment , any short term
So, what’s the way out? stressor like personal issues etc.), whether test is
administered by a trained psychologist who can
Research reveals that some measures that can calm the candidate or just an execu�ve who is
reduce low mood/depression on board are eager to finish the formali�es, whether he has

28 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 29




B ala (19) grins, embarrassed but proud, as his

teacher in the night school commends him for
an assignment he completed, the kind of praise
chairs, school bags, books and other necessary
sta�onery for the students.
When asked about the ini�a�ve, Kavirajan, who
reserved for a favorite student. However, a few
helps run the Trust, informed us that, “The only
months ago, the teacher would not have been so
�me these students get some a�en�on is when the
effusive. "Bala had taken to a few vices, much to the
Class 10 results are declared and the topper from
anguish of his parents and well-wishing employer, a
the night school category announced. But we
middle-aged man who runs a roadside shack,"
would like the students to be a�ended to round
looking at Bala affec�onately the teacher says, "It is
the year and therefore they are taught all the
in the last one year that we have been able to drive
subjects. The sessions are conducted for 2 hours
some sense into him!"
every night by a teacher who is paid an honorarium
Each of the 63 students at the night-school, being by MS Swaminathan Research Founda�on. We are
run jointly by Synergy Educa�onal and Charitable now looking for volunteers to teach the students.”
Trust and MS Swaminathan Research Founda�on,
For the Trust, this would be a model for suppor�ng
has a similar story. The school is a stone's throw
many more night schools and spreading the light of
away from our Chennai office, at the fishermen’s
wisdom among young boys and girls who work to
village at Ko�vakkam Kuppam.
support themselves and their families during the
The classroom of this night school comprises a day. Meanwhile, the Trust has started working
bunch of errand boys, canteen and hotel workers, with another night school in Velacherry in Chennai.
young boys learning the ropes by going out to sea as
fishermen, aspiring ‘so�ware engineers’ and even
a 39 year old taxi driver who immersed himself in
studies a�er his wife passed away. All the 63 have
one thing in common: the will to be ‘Metric / Class Let us remember what Nobel
X pass’. Laureate Malala Yousafzai said “One
A room in government building near to the beach book, one pen, one child and one
has been renovated and is being used as a
classroom, to provide a school-like feel. Our Trust teacher can change the world.”
was able to facilitate/sponsor several laptops,
The respect and friendliness with which they first
T he crew onboard the Bulk Asia, was obviously a
bit apprehensive when we were first informed
about the change of management of our good
interacted with the crew helped break the ice in a
few moments. Over the next few days, they
explained Synergy’s Safety Management System
vessel. Each company has its own systems and and prac�ces in detail and the fact that they
prac�ces and adjus�ng to an en�rely new set-up reiterated that safety is a faceless en�ty and the
seemed to be a daun�ng task to say the least! smallest a�empt by any individual to bypass it, can
All our apprehensions were laid to rest the minute, poten�ally harm everyone onboard, gave us an
Marine Superintendent, Capt. Gurusher Bahadur idea that the safety and health of Synergy’s
Singh and Technical Superintendent, Mr. Anand P.K. seagoing staff is their top-priority - the shore based
arrived onboard. support ever since has been exemplary!
On behalf of Team Bulk Asia, we are grateful for
the opportunity and the trust placed in us and also
for welcoming us into the Synergy family with open
The respect and friendliness with arms.
which they first interacted with
Capt. Dinh Vuon Truong and C/E Le Trong Vo
the crew helped break the ice in a
few moments

30 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 31



Part-3 (Last part of the trilogy) They were certainly not a deprived lot earlier, overriding measures of the worthiness of one’s life, A FATHERS PRIDE - MIDSHIPMAN
when too they had much more than others to then one must have more of them than others to

M ahatma Gandhi was inspired by the story of

Jesus. He referred to the Bible and to the
Bhagavada Gita throughout his life. Inspired by
sa�sfy their needs.

If ‘fairness’ cannot provide a moral jus�fica�on for

be successful, no ma�er how well one lives once’s
life. With such markers, it is the quan�ty of one’s
having, rather than the quality of one’s being, that
“It's heartwarming to know that in spite of my
Mahatma Gandhi, I too read the Gita. The lines in the sharp increases in the propor�on of fruit determine the games one will play with one’s life. absence from home for long periods, he valued
the Second chapter, which I have men�oned before, claimed by those at the top of the tree, ‘adequacy’ Who our role models are will shape what we want my hard earnings, and it was truly the proudest
con�nue to haunt me. of compensa�on is an even weaker jus�fica�on. to be and how we will live our lives. Are our role moment of my life to see him graduate with top
For those who earn ten crores of rupees a year to models those who have achieved the most wealth honors. The fact that he won several awards and
‘You only have a right to the work, and not to the even suggest that they ‘need’ another few crores and the most popularity? Or are they those who accolades like the Dean’s lister, Academic
fruits thereof’, they say. Great leaders, even those seems obscene. It is also insul�ng to those who live strive on, with evidently no personal gain, towards excellence award, top honors in Simulator and
as great as Gandhi and Jesus, cannot produce the quite happily on a few lakhs a year. goals that are in their own minds, and progress the award for the best thesis, has truly le� all my
change they aspire for in their own life�mes. towards which cannot be mechanically measured prayers answered”
Because the world is complex and many forces must Choosing the Game, we want to play. by society’s conven�onal score-cards?
interact to change the world. If the only reason to Great leaders believe they have a right to the work Mr. Brando A Ador , Chief Cook, M.V. Benfica
do the work is to enjoy its fruits, there would be no and not to the fruits thereof. Their goal in life is not The young, high achievers by conven�onal
mo�va�on for them to undertake missions that to make more wealth and fame for themselves. It is score-cards who tell me they are missing
cannot be completed in their own life�mes. Yet they to increase well-being in society. something in their lives are searching for another
persist. type of game to play, which has different goals.
They must ‘drop out’ of the mass race (the
There is further wisdom in those words in the Gita. Even Mahatma Gandhi and Jesus ‘rat-race’?), with its public drum-beats egging on
Because complex changes and their fruits are the compe��on. They must march to a different
produced by many forces coming together, no Christ are only a part of a larger drum, the beats of which only they may hear. The
markers of progress to their goals will not be visible
single ac�on, nor any one person, can claim to be
the sole producer of the fruit. Even Mahatma
process. to those who do not know the goals of the journey
Gandhi and Jesus Christ are only a part of a larger they are on. Only they will know when they have
process. There is history before them. And there is a�ained the standards they have set for
history a�er them too. In the portals of the Military Academy in Dehra themselves. Such journeys can be lonely. But they
Dun, from which Indian Army officers, who will are very worthwhile. They can be deeply sa�sfying
When I sit by the water lead men even to give up their own lives in service for the traveller. And they can help to make the
The waves pass unremembered, of their country, pass out, is a sign. It says, “When world be�er for everyone.
The ripples unno�ced the one great scorer comes to write against your
Like my momentary existence. name, He will not ask whether you won or lost, but P.S. A�er wri�ng these reflec�ons, I took another
how well you played the game”. walk. I walked up to the tea-stall, and even beyond
We must be humble suggests the Gita. Should we be it—just for the heck of it.
fortunate to be at the helm of affairs—at the top of We can choose the sort of game we want to play
the tree as it were—when the fruit ripens, we must with our lives and the types of rewards we want.
not claim the most fruit. We must be humble, Long-distance running and the World Wrestling
because the fruit was produced by the efforts of Federa�on’s contests are different types of games.
many. With different goals, different rules, and different
ways of keeping score.
The Gita’s lesson of the right to the work and not its
fruits, and of the humility that must come with it, Many successful people I meet say that they want
has been lost in the present mad increases in CEO to improve their ‘work-life’ balance. I o�en think
compensa�on. Now CEOs earn many hundreds of there is an imbalance in their ‘end-means’ Synergy family wishes Dominic a gli�ering career
�mes more than the average salaries of people in equa�on. There is too much focus on achievement ahead.
their own organiza�ons, whereas, thirty years ago, of ends (wealth, size, fame) that society measures
CEOs used to earn only dozens of �mes more. The and applauds. And too li�le a�en�on to the
jus�fica�on given by CEOs (and execu�ve search means. Companies burn up the environment to
firms—who too are beneficiaries when levels of create more profits and shareholder value. And
execu�ve compensa�on rise), is that those who people burn out, to stay ahead of others in the rat Arun Maira is the Chairman of HelpAge
produce the results must be given a ‘fair’ share of race. Interna�onal and Chancellor of the Central
the results so that they are mo�vated to do their University of HP. A member of India’s Planning
best. However, ‘fairness’ cannot jus�fy paying CEOs Wealth and popularity are visible markers of Commission, he has worked for 25 years in the Tata
so much more than they were being paid before. success in the game of life. If these become group and was the Chair of BCG (India)

32 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 33



You need to cross a river, from the north shore to One programmer draws on a sheet of paper
the south shore, via a series of 13 bridges and six several circles in a line, represen�ng coins, and
islands, which you can see in the diagram below. puts his thumb on the first circle, covering the rest
However, as you approach the water, a hurricane with his hand. Then he asks another programmer
passes and destroys some (possibly none/all) of the to guess how many different head-tail combina-
bridges. If the probability that each bridge gets �ons are possible if someone flips all the (imagi-
destroyed is 50%, independently of the others, what
is the chance that you will be able to cross the river nary) coins on the paper. The second programmer,
a�er all? without knowing the number of circles, takes the
pen and writes down a number. Then the first
programmer li�s his hand and sees that the correct
answer is wri�en on the paper. How did the
second programmer manage to do this?
�ons in binary system.
is exactly the number of possible head-tail combina-
li�ed his hand, he saw the number "10...00", which
of the first circle. When the second programmer
The second programmer wrote down "1" in front

T he passenger steamer SS Warrimoo was quietly

knifing its way through the waters of the
mid-Pacific on its way from Vancouver to Australia.
naviga�onal freak of a life�me.
He called his navigators to the bridge to check and
fore both probabili�es are equal to 50%
double check the ship's posi�on. He changed the probability that he sails West-East, and there-
The navigator had just finished working out a star fix course slightly so as to bear directly on his mark. probability that you cross North-South is equal to When I’m first said,
and brought the result to the Master, Captain John I’m quite mysterious,
Then he adjusted the engine speed - the calm
diagram by 90 degrees, you can also see that the
Phillips. But when I’m explained,
weather and clear night worked in his favour.
not able to cross the river. However, if you rotate the
that he will be able to do this if and only if you are I’m nothing serious.
At midnight the SS Warrimoo lay on the Equator at sail through the river from West to East. You can see What am I?
exactly the point where it crosses the Interna�onal Imagine there is a captain on a ship, who wants to
Date Line. Answer:

The consequences of this bizarre

posi�on were several.

The bow of the ship was in the Southern

Hemisphere and in the middle of summer. The Find four consecu�ve le�ers in the alphabet I have keys without key locks. I have space
The Warrimoo's posi�on was LAT. 0 degrees 31' N stern was in the Northern Hemisphere and in the which can be rearranged to spell a common without rooms. You can enter but you cannot
and LON. 179 degrees 30'W. middle of winter. word. go outside. What am I?
The date was 30 December 1899. First Mate Payton The date in the a� part of the ship was 31 Answer: Answer:
broke in "You know what this means.....we're only a December 1899. Forward it was .1 January 1900. "RUST". KEYBOARD
few miles from the intersec�on of the Equator and
This ship was therefore not only in two different The le�ers R, S, T, U can be rearranged to spell
the Interna�onal Date Line."
days, two different months, two different years
Captain Phillips was prankish enough to take full and, two different seasons, but in two different
advantage of the opportunity for achieving this centuries, all at the same �me!!!!

34 SYNERGY GROUP Fog Horn SEP 2018 35

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