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Emotional Wellness Checklist 2022 7

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Emotional Wellness Checklist

Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt
to change and difficult times. Here are tips for improving your emotional health:

BUILD RESILIENCE To build resilience: :

People who are emotionally well, o Develop healthy physical habits.
experts say, have fewer negative o  Take time for yourself each day.
emotions and are able to bounce back o Look at problems from different angles.
from difficulties faster. This quality is Learn from your mistakes.
called resilience. Learning healthy ways o Practice gratitude.
to cope and how to draw from resources o Explore your beliefs about the meaning
in your community can help you build and purpose of life.
resilience. o  Tap into social connections and

REDUCE STRESS To help manage your stress:

Everyone feels stressed from time to o Get enough sleep.
time. Stress can give you a rush of energy o Exercise regularly.
when it’s needed most. But if stress o Build a social support network.
lasts a long time—a condition known as o Set priorities.
chronic stress—those “high alert” changes o Show compassion for yourself.
become harmful rather than helpful. o  Try relaxation methods.
Learning healthy ways to cope with o Seek help.
stress can also boost your resilience.

GET QUALITY SLEEP To get better quality sleep:

To fit in everything we want to do in our o  Go to bed and get up each day at
day, we often sacrifice sleep. But sleep the same time.
affects both mental and physical health. o Sleep in a dark, quiet place.
It’s vital to your well-being. When you’re o Exercise daily.
tired, you can’t function at your best. Sleep o Limit the use of electronics.
helps you think more clearly, have quicker o Relax before bedtime.
reflexes and focus better. Take steps o  Avoid alcohol before bedtime and
to make sure you regularly get a good stimulants like caffeine or nicotine.
night’s sleep. o  Consult a health care professional if
you have ongoing sleep problems.

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BE MINDFUL To be more mindful:

The concept of mindfulness is simple. o Take some deep breaths in through
This ancient practice is about being your nose to a count of 4, hold for 1
completely aware of what’s happening in second and then exhale through the
the present—of all that’s going on inside mouth to a count of 5. Repeat often.
and all that’s happening around you. It o Enjoy a stroll, notice the sights around you.
means not living your life on “autopilot.” o Practice mindful eating. Be aware of each
Becoming a more mindful person bite and when you’re full.
requires commitment and practice. Here o Be aware of your body. Do a mental scan,
are some tips to help you get started. bring your attention to how each part feels.
o Find mindfulness resources, including
online programs.

COPE WITH LOSS To help cope with loss:

When someone you love dies, your world o  Take care of yourself.
changes. There is no right or wrong way o  Talk to a caring friend.
to mourn. Although the death of a loved o  Try not to make any major
one can feel overwhelming, most people changes right away.
can make it through the grieving process o  Join a grief support group.
with the support of family and friends. o  Consider professional support.
Learn healthy ways to help you through o  Talk to your doctor if you’re having
difficult times. trouble with everyday activities.
o Be patient. Mourning takes time.

STRENGTHEN SOCIAL CONNECTIONS To build healthy support systems:

Social connections might help protect o Build strong relationships with your kids.
health and lengthen life. Scientists are o Get active and share good habits with
finding that our links to others can have family and friends.
powerful effects on our health—both o If you’re a family caregiver, ask for help
emotionally and physically. Whether from others.
with romantic partners, family, friends, o  Join a group focused on a favorite hobby,
neighbors, or others, social connections such as reading, hiking, or painting.
can influence our biology and well-being. o  Take a class to learn something new.
o  Volunteer for things you care about in
your community, like a community garden,
school, library, or place of worship.
o  Travel to different places and meet
new people.

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