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Personal Development

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Developing the Whole Person
Big Question: What is the relationship of the different aspects ofdevelopment with your
thoughts, feelings and actions in dealing
with life situations? -life situations are situations you encounter on your daily life. in order to
develop your thoughts feelings and actions try to be nice to others. eat healthy foods and
exercise and share your thoughts to others. avoid stress explanation.

8. Spiritual Self or Life Force: I am a spiritual person

but not religious. I like connecting to nature as a
part of connecting to the Lord. I meditate and pray
every day to communicate with a higher order.

7. Contextual Self: I don’t like 1. Physical Self:

very bright places when in a city. Medium height of
2. Intellectual Self:
But when going to lakes or about 4 foot and 1
An IQ of 110, Verbal-
beaches, I like the bright sun. I inch, round face,
linguistic intelligence,
hate noises. ectomorphic body
type, small slanted
6. Nutritional Self: I like vegetables intelligence, and
eyes, small neck,
because you get all the nutrients you visually intelligence
broad chest, and
need. I occasionally eat meat but I long legs
mostly eat fish because they are 3. Emotional Self:
healthier than meat but tastes like it. energetic, hopeful,
sometimes pessimistic
5. Interactional self: I love my
family but sometimes they
annoy me. I trust my friends 4. Sensual Self: My sense of
and I like them very much. My taste is sensitive as it is very
strengths are I am sweet to picky with tastes, my ears are
them and my weaknesses are for music, and I love the smell
I am jealous when I am not of nature
their priority
Portfolio Output No. 3: Personal Assessment of Aspects of Development with Plan of action

In terms of physical self, I am Christleen fate content with my own face and body. However, I would also
like to grow taller and have a bigger build in the future. A face with less to no pimples would also be a
welcome change.

I am also happy with what I have achieved in terms of my intellectual self. These attributes help me do
good in school and in daily life, though there is always room for improvement. As I age and experience
new things in my life in the future, my knowledge of the world and wisdom will also continue to expand
and grow.

I have a quite unstable emotionally. There are still personal issues, such as the lack self-esteem, that
need to be solved. I also need to keep my temper in check and try to be more mature. I am quite
disadvantaged when it comes to my emotional self, though as with everything else, time will take its
course and hopefully, I will also improve in this regard as well.

My sensual self is highly inconsistent as well. One moment, I can effectively use all of my senses to
perform sound judgments, the other, I make hasty decisions before I even have enough information to
work with. Again, this is something that I try to act upon and hope to remedy in the future years.

With regards to my interactional self, as an introvert, I am only fully comfortable alone and with my
family. While I do have close friends, I still prefer to be with people of the same bloodline. I know I need
to evolve and be more open to people in the future, and now, I am on my way to that.

I never grew up eating loads of fruits and vegetables, as my parents somewhat spoiled me in my youth.
Due tot his, I have carried this bad habit over to my adolescent self. Perhaps I should start eating
healthily from now on and take care of my nutritional self, as I do have a weak immune system and I also
get sick easily.

Living in the Philippines, for the hot and humid climate makes me feel really uncomfortable. I would like
to live in a quieter area, and one that is cool and dry in order to satisfy the needs of my contextual self.

I believe in God. However, religion is something that does not ring positive bells for me. I hold the
opinion that one should be free to discover his or her own spiritual self through individual experience,
not through the doctrines of any church. Spiritual health is important to me as it relieves me and keeps
me sane.
Portfolio Output No. 4: Personal Recipe for Success with Reflection



1 pint of eagerness 1 pound of confidence

2 quarts of positivity 2 gallons of determination

4 pints of patience 3 cups of hard work

2 gallons of responsibility

Recipe for academic success

1 cup ` Time-Management 1 spoonful Imagination
3 cups Creativity 5 cups Responsibility 1 teaspoon
8 spoonfuls Optimism 10 spoonfuls Intelligence
1/4 kg. Determination


Mix Time-Management, Imagination, Creativity,

Responsibility, Discipline, Optimism and Intelligence. Follow
the right amount.

Add Determination, Perseverance, and Hard-work together

with Patience and Kindness.

To finally achieve SUCCESS, add Talents and Skills with



Activity: Analyze this … THREE SUCCESS STORIES

Processing Questions:

1. Can you identify with any of the characters mentioned – Manny, Pia and Dr. Rose? In what way?
Manny Pacquiao had incredible talent, Pia Wurtzbach had amazing talent and Dr. Rose was incredibly
passionate of her work. Their receipe of success was more efforts, more kindness, communication,
determination, honesty and a pinch of fairness.

2. What lessons can you learn from the character you have chosen?

I learned that being a happy person is not easy. choosing to show your smile to everyone is not easy.
Is not easy to be a happy person when problems always stick by your side,But, I also learned that you
don't need to be so problematic all you have to do is to think positive, take it slow, and don't let your
problem bring you down.

3. How would you like your life story to be told ?

I want to be my life story to be told as in young age I was helping hand of others like superheroes.


Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence

Big Question: How can you as an adolescent be prepared for adult life by accomplishing various
developmental tasks according to developmental stages? -There are many ways in which an adolescent
can be prepared for adult life. One of those is doing developmental tasks. This means that an adolescent
slowly takes on more responsibility and tasks that an adult usually does. Among the tasks that can be
delegated are paying bills, computing taxes, making decisions for the food of the household, and taking
care of siblings. In doing these tasks, the adolescent is prepared to the challenges of an adult life. But
the reality is, we are often thrown into adult life without that much training, so we usually end up


Portfolio Output No. 5: My Personal Timeline with Reflection

1.Is there a ‘center’ or a central theme in your timeline and life? If you will give a title for your timeline
what would it be and why? Yes, there's a 'center' or a central theme in my timeline and life. If I were to
give at title for it, I will call it "The Roller Coaster Life". I feel that among all the other titles available
and the hundreds of thousands of words that can be found in a dictionary, this would be the most

2. Identify the turning points in your timeline. What were the thoughts, feelings and actions that you
experienced? Our turning points are points at which a significant change occurs or a time when an
important change happens. These are moments of truth wherein a human overcome his
milestones.The turning points in my own timeline are the ones that made me realize I could do
something and I am not nobody. First, are those people who believe in my own capacities and
abilities. My friends and my boyfriend that encouraged me, my Family and loved ones who supported
me by giving advice. These people made me what I am now.That moment of my experience, I thought
that life would be worthless if I think more of the regrets, I felt great courage to change, I had faith in
myself and the confidence to be whatever I want. I build trust with other people specially trust with
myself. My actions turn to a precious gold and the decision I made is the best that I would be so much
thankful until now.

3. Who are/were the most significant people in your life? How did they influence you? My boyfriend,my
Friends, God and family. Because they are the one motivate me in every single steps i've made in
every challenges that i faced they are always at my side, and the reason if why i am still living, my
greatest inspiration.

4. What would you change or add, if you could? How would each of these changes or additions affect
your life, or even change its present course? None because if I were to change a part of my life it won't
be right for either you make a mistake or do something well it always ends as a lesson and an

5. Where do you want to be in a year, 5 years, and 10 years? What do you expect your future timeline
will be? In year... maybe i would be at room doing my homework.In 5 years..... maybe i would be at
my bed sleeping ,or crying from stress and depression.In 10 years.... maybe i would have graduated...
if not.. then... do household chores, and if i do then i maybe be finding some jobs , or a course to
learn.or die from a disease .( i dont really expect that much for my future , i only expect for me to
follow orders / rules and hanging out with my friends and family)
*In a positive perspective*i expect that my future in a year would be me chatting with my friends ,
studying. I want to be alone with my room.In 5 years i expect that im a matured person than me
today.In 10 year,i expect to be with my family chilling at the living room. or traveling.


What are the expected What are the expected

What are the expected tasks you have partially tasks you have not
tasks you have accomplished? accomplished?
-I successfully accomplished The The expected tasks I have -I haven’t expected tasks that
actvites and homework That partally accomplished for now not accomplished because the
given to us fromweek 1 and half is our 6-week physical tasks given to us, I finish it
of week 3 on our Online Class. education tabata work out. immediately to reduce the
-I accomplished the expected -The tasks that I have partally stress and piles of work.
tasks under the past stages of accomplished are: -The task that I have not
my life prior to adolescence achieving mature relations to accomplished yet are;preparing
including infancy and middle both sexes, accepting my own for and family life asan
childhood, with the given physique, achieving emotional adolescent ,starting an
summary table as basis. I cannot independence, preparing for an occupation and assuming civic
fully say that I have economic career, being able to responsibility.
accomplished tasks under the acquire values and an ethical
current stage with the fact that system to guide behavior and
you can still improve them along having the desire to achieve
the way. social responsibility-Becoming
more self-suffient.

Processing Question.

1. Being in Grade 11 is a period of life in which you have to explore the different aspects of life
such as home, family, school, work, and one’s role. The development tasks that are expected of
me are; adjust to the physical changes, I should have build confidence and acceptance to my
physical appearance already, adapt sexually and established my sexual identity, at this period, it
is important to establish relatonships and establish the values of sexual behavior. I must have
developed the sense of responsibility since weare startng to be independent and must continue
to have a connecton to our parents.And finally, I must realize my commitment to my family,
community and citizenship.
2. As young adults, we are all faced with a lot of decision making since we must all be prepared to
confront reality in the near future. And I believe that for the majority of us, our turning point is a
vital point in our lives where significant decisions can lead to big changes, both at work and in
life. Making decisions on our own is unpleasant, confusing, and demanding, and it can lead to
overthinking. So, instead of allowing stress to devour you, give yourself some time to reflect
about your goals and their potential.
3. Yes, i can handle responsibilities and situations even it's hard or not, if i failed it doesn't mean i
need to stop facing problems. It means i need to focus more and try my best every time and one
day if i do what i can or cannot with effort, i will be successful.


1. _/_T_/_H_/_I_/_N_/_K
2. _X_T_X_H_X_I_X_N_X_K
3. _/_T_/_H_/_I_/_N_/_K
4. _X_T_X_H_X_I_X_N_X_K
5. _/_T_/_H_/_I_/_N_/_K
6. _/_T_/_H_/_I_/_N_/_K
7. _X_T_X_H_X_I_X_N_X_K
8. _/_T_/_H_/_I_/_N_/_K
9. _X_T_X_H_X_I_X_N_X_K
10. _/_T_/_H_/_I_/_N_/_K

Portfolio Output No. 6: Mindfulness with Reflection

1. Has someone ever asked you a question that you really didn’t want to answer? How did you

Yes, I said to her that I am not yet ready to answer her question. Whenever I encounter a question that I
don’t really want to answer, I often switch the topic immediately or simply ignore the question or
pretend that I did not hear it.

2. Have you ever gotten (or given) a “compliment” that really wasn’t a compliment? How did you
feel afterwards?

Yes, I already gotten but I don’t remember giving one to anyone. I felt offended because I thought that
they were just complementing me so that I would not feel ‘awkward’ or in other words they just did it as

3. Did you ever do something to be helpful that turned out badly? What happened? How do you
wish had happened?

Yes, I felt disappointed to those people who tuned me down even though my intention was to help
them solve the problem. It was like they were making me feel an “extra” to the situation. I tried to
understand them but I think what they did is still wrong. I wish that my help wasn’t turned down
because it would’ve been a big help.

4. Have you ever caught someone cheating (either on a test or on a boyfriend/girlfriend)? Did
you say anything? Why or why not?

Yes, I complained and I told myself about it. I was angry that I couldn’t keep it in myself. It was like I
wanted the whole world to know that the people they least expected to cheat would do it. However, I
did not want to ruin my friendship with them. So, I did not tel the teacher about it. And up to this point,
it remains as a secret between me and my friends.

5. Have you ever gotten into trouble because someone caught you cheating (or thought you
were cheating)? What happened? What do you wish had happened?

Sort of, because me and my classmates got the same score and same mistake, as well during a short
quiz. However, we did not really cheat that time. It was just a coincidence that all of us did not know the
answer for that item. But, because we were seating together and got the same score, the teacher got
the wrong idea that we cheated. The teacher indirectly reminded us but, we know in ourselves that we
did not cheat. I wish that the teacher gave us the chance to explain our side.

6. In what situations have you seen someone T.H.I.N.K. (or not) before speaking? What
*Talking to PWD’s– T.H.I.N.K. is applied when talking to PWD’s so that the will not feel different. Talking
to them requires more sensitivity to avoid hurting their feelings.

*Defending myself to my parents when I get scolded- Whenever I defend myself to my mom when I get
scolded, I always make sure to apply T.H.I.N.K. so that I will not be considered as ‘rude’ and also to not
hurt my mom’s feelings. I always make sure to defend myself in a good way- with respect and
carefulness in choosing words. In this way, I am always able to explain my side well without getting


The Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescence

Big Question: How can you, as an adolescent, balance the expectations of significant people in your
life and your personal aspirations? -We may explore and develop a sense of self. those who remain
unsure of their beliefs and desires will feel insecure and confused about themselves and the future.

Portfolio Output No. 7: Role Play on Challenges of Middle Adolescence

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