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Ailments of Disappointed Love An Attempt To Differen

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British HomoeopathicJournal

July 1987. Vol. 76. pp. 136-140

Ailments of disappointed love

A n attempt to differentiate s o m e o f the main drugs in this rubric in the repertories o f
J. T. Kent and Barthel


Ignatia alike, but Natrum muriaticum is not so Changea-

Very changeablepeopte, quick to react and quick ble, the grief is never totally gone, they are more
to change. They are unpredictable in their .stable, more cool, less emotional, not so quick to
moods; one moment they are nice, the next react but wiser; the cause of the grief is usually
moment they could kill you in anger. more dramatic than in Ignatia, they suffer less
In general they try to control themselves and apparently. Natrum muriaticum is more
especially their reactions, because they do not revengeful. In Ignatia one can find a sort of ideal-
want to appear silly, well brought up as they are! ism in everything they do and undertake (work,
This differentiates them from Lachesis which study, arts, education, society), and the same
is much more demonstrative. In order to avoid a thing holds true for their love affairs. That is why
scene they try to remain calm and serene. Once they can be sick and almost mad from disap-
they are alone they weep and are unable to stop. pointed love.
In this they are very much like Natrum
muriaticum, but they are more changeable Lachesis
whereas Natrum muriaticum dwells on unplea- Lachesis is YOT a woman's remedy! The psoric
sant facts. Another difference from Natrum Lachesis feels weak and helpless without the
muriaticum is that they are unable to master presence and support of others. Fears abandon-
their reactions for a long time; after a while they ment, lacks self-confidence, feels forsaken. He
will burst out in hysterical attacks of anger, weep- or she wants to be understood, has need of con-
ing, cramps, lump sensations, illogical symp- tact; love is a question of life and death.
toms and thinking. The typical Lachesis reaction consists in show-
If one tried to console her in those moments it ing that need to communicate very clearly in her
would get even worse, because this would make sycotic symptoms:
her realize her incapacity to control her
Lognacity, especially when she/he is suffering from
passions. Ignatia thus has silent grief, like Phos-
repressed sex.
phoric acid, but not for long, and not out of Wants to make a good impression and is therefore
complete indifference but out of pride. During a helpful, social, communicative,sympathetic.
crisis they are irresolute, they reproach them- Very busy, undertakes many thingsbut perseveres in
selves, but at the same time are easily offended if none of them, ambitious, animated, but always in a
reproached; they feel alone, but consolation chaotic way, without structure, goingfrom one subject
makes this worse. It is totally illogical. to another, impractical, hurried, rush of ideas, over-
They have a feeling of a lump or oppression enthusiastic, excited, vividand livelyimagination(fan-
and therefore swallow and sigh a lot. They can- cies), that due to psoric fears may lead to jealousy and
not eat any more because there is a lump in the suspicionwithout cause.
throat, but solid food goes down more easily It is when the sycosis can no longer be
than liquids! restrained that real problems occur. The fear of
They have palpitations from unrequited affec- being alone and left to oneself has led to sycotic
tions. They think they will go mad, are afraid to over-activity, a side effect of this is an over-active
go to sleep; they fear suffocation, feara stomach imagination coloured by jealousy. This jealousy
ulcer. Many symptoms are reminiscent of will lead to conflict whether or not it is reason-
Natrum muriaticum. They are in fact very much able; the imagination will take the lead over
Based on a lecture delivered at the Scottish Homceopathic When such a condition has arisen in Lachesis,
Congress, April 1986. the way to syphilitic reaction is wide open; she
Volume 76, Number3, July 1987 137

will isolate herself totally by it, and it will kill her out of consideration for their feelings; they will
due to her psoric theme. not fight back, but not from cowardice like
The basis is paranoia; she thinks people are Lycopodium who refuses to take responsibility.
whispering about her, people want to lock her up Thus they are used to hide their feelings and to
in an asylum, they want to poison her, to hurt swallow their pride, not to protect themselves,
her. like Natrum muriaticum and Ignatia, but out of
One of the first and most important patterns consideration for others.
followed by Lachesis is haughtiness, arrogance, This way of reacting makes them submissive.
contempt, misanthropy like Platina. But it can yielding, powerless, not assertive, almost like a
easily go as far as cruelty, like Anacardium; Pulsatilla, except that a Pulsatilla will weep in
destructiveness, like Stramonium; revenge and order to obtain kindness from others. Staphi-
hatred, like Natrum muriaticum, Nitric acid and sagria will try to conceal his grief, anger or
Anacardium; or deceitfulness, like Mercurius. wounded self-esteem, because he does not want
Their love has degenerated into lascivious- to bother others with his problems.
ness, obscenity, nymphomania, amativeness, It is exactly due to this lack of reaction that a
like Platina, Lycopodium, Lilium tigrinum and Staphisagria gets his physical problems like pal-
Origanum, superficial and perverse. pitations, trembling, hypertension, diarrhoea,
Even life functions like eating and drinking pain in the stomach, sleeplessness, etc.
become syphilitic; they refuse to eat, and they They suffer a lot from injustice, mortification,
drink too much (alcoholism). indignation, rudeness, reprimands, scorn; as
The mind is affected by the idea that she is situations that require a response they confront
another person, is under a powerful influence him with his weakness and make him tremble
('that is the reason why I am different now and and vomit because the response is blocked.
then'). Once in a while there is a reaction and then he
The most difficult time for Lachesis is after goes really wild; he then has an inclination to
sleep or in the morning, and there are two rea- throw things at people.
sons for this: One possible outlet that usually stays open is
During sleep, instinct takes over and the mind sex. A Staphisagria is usually a person with defi-
loses control. nite sexual drive, the desire is intense. This is
In the morning they are confronted with the one of the reasons why they masturbate a lot.
cold reality. Eventually this reaction leads to Another reason is the difficulty in making con-
depression, because a Lachesis cannot persist in tact with a possible partner; they are too soft and
isolating herself from her surroundings and their submissive to conquer the partner they want.
love and affection. To summarize: The psora of Staphisagria con-
She suffers from religious melancholia: sists in their weakness, their vulnerability. Also
despair of religious salvation, delusion she is in the fact of suppressing their feelings out of
doomed, will go to hell. sensitivity and consideration, which is a weak-
She fears all kinds of diseases, but especially ness, too.
heart disease. They usually start to have physical problems
She fears to go mad. because of the syphilitic blockage of suppressing
She becomes apathetic, slow, lazy, indisposed their emotions.
to talk, feels helpless, forsaken. Phosphoric acid The only possible outlet is sycotic and consists
is apathetic, too, but he does not suffer from in sexuality or in throwing things.
loneliness; in fact he looks for it. They will suffer from disappointed love for
Finally she is tired of living, wants to die, is different reasons--their pride is wounded, their
discontented with everything, has suicidal romantic vision has gone, their sexuality is
thoughts, despairs of recovery--and dies! suppressed.
They will react to it in a submissive way, not
Staphisagria with hatred or revenge like Natrum muriaticum
They are easily aroused in their emotions, like a or Causticum, not expressively like Pulsatilla or
young Causticum, and this makes them equally Phosphorus, but suffering in silence like Ignatia,
vulnerable. So they easily fall in love, they are though from consideration rather than introver-
romantic, and easily hurt by remarks. sion. After some time there may be indurations
What makes them rather special is the fact found in different places, but the keynote in the
that they avoid situations that may upset others, eyelids are styes.
138 British Homceopathic Journal

Causticum about someone out of revenge; they rarely

W h e n they are inexperienced and young they laugh, and when they do so it is in a spasmodic
are extremely sensitive to their surroundings; way or hysterically (immoderately, over serious
this is a vulnerability like Staphisagria and a matters). They are not sociable, their hobbies
young Sepia: are knitting, sewing, reading books, watching
Full of cares about others, sympathetic, mild, sentimen- television, solving puzzles ( a n d they therefore
tal, mcntal symptoms during thunderstorms, homesick- get sore eyes, like Ruta).
ness, children weep at the least worry. Because of her reserved behaviour and cool
mind, others will ask her advice and she can be
Everything makes a big impression on them,
very helpful because she does not get involved
and when they feel something it is a big deal; it but listens to them and helps (which is why she is
goes deep into their system: in the rubric Sympathetic).
Ailments from excessive joy, from emotional excite- Their main fears are of being ridiculed,
ment; weakness from grief, disappointed love, amorous laughed at or rejected. W h e n s o m e o n e hurts her
disposition, from death of children and friends; easily feelings it goes deep into her system. To avoid
offended, angry over trifles. this she is cautious, serious, reserved, more or
At first they are communicative, like Phosphorus:
Desire to talk to someone, expressive, easily excited, less isolated, rational, never impulsive, never
makes friends easily, affectionate. flirts--except out of hatred and after drinking
too much. That is the reason why she dreams of
But after a few experiences of life they have to losing her teeth, appears ridiculous without
protect themselves in o r d e r to survive, and so them and is defenceless. It is also why she cannot
they b e c o m e inhibited and in other words psoric: urinate in public toilets when others are present
Suspicion, fear of strangers, takes everything in bad (the sound of urinating might be funny).
part, anxiously cautious, censorious, secretive, timid, It happens that they had a m o t h e r or a father
aversion to certain (unknown) persons. who was rather cool in his or her affections and
They get the feeling that something bad is going to even ridiculed her in front of others in order to
happen to them, or think they are haunted by unplea- get her to work harder or to harden her for life.
sant subjects--not clairvoyance, like Phosphorus, but All their grown-up life they will be looking for
rather mental insecurity about the future; like Calcarea,
Bryonia, Lycopodium. their dream prince. H e will make up the lack of
affection they suffered. It will be a perfect rela-
Should there be a m a j o r disappointment or loss, tionship, preferably with an older and wiser man
and should it lead to loss of equilibrium, a who has a lot of experience of life. W h e n they
Causticum may react in either of two patterns: have found a suitable partner they will be perfect
1 in a sycotic way, by acting it out and becoming revolu- housewives but much afraid of losing him and
tionary-~lictatorial, defiant, disobedient, fanatic, therefore jealous. That is why they dream of
harsh, abusive, anarchist, inclined to contradict, indif- robbers (who will steal their love). The poor boy
ferent to dictates of conscience, demanding his rights. will never be able to satisfy her demands and she
The same pattcrn is followed in his sex life--adultery, will be disappointed and frustrated.
libertinism, amative, lascivious, obscene, desires anal Love can easily turn to hatred after a quarrel
intercourse; eventually totally out of control: drugs, or an occasional adventure. In fact they can
alcoholism, gluttony, crime, etc.
b e c o m e so easily offended that they take every-
2 in a syphilitic way, which one sees more often because
sycotics do not complain of their situation, whereas thing in bad part.
those around them do! This reaction leads to paralysis A f t e r a severe disappointment or after deep
of the mind as well as the emotions--forgets purchases, mortification they b e c o m e depressed; but they
unobservant, absent-minded, constantly feels that he will suffer silently inside. They do not want to
has forgotten something, unable to concentrate; talk about it because they easily get the impres-
neglectful, frigid, impotent, failure to reach orgasm, no sion that you are pitying them. That is why they
taste in clothes, indifferent to the music she used to are worse when consoled. They do not want to
love. be looked at because it makes t h e m cry. When
they see themselves in a mirror they feel they
Natrum muriaticum look wretched. Inside they continually dwell on
Introverted people who need and love privacy, what happened, they persistently think about it;
in fact they resent intruders such as unexpected it torments them but they cannot drop it.
visitors. T h e y are loners, like Sepia. The may h a v e the same physical symptoms as
T h e y are reserved and serious, will only j o k e Ignatia, but also m o r e typical ones such as
Volume 76, Number3, July 1987 139

h e r p e s labialis, e c z e m a , c o n s t i p a t i o n , torticollis, Like Natrum muriaticum they do not like

hayfever. consolation.
T h e i r m i n d b e c o m e s dull, d r e a m y , a b s e n t ,
u n a b l e to c o n c e n t r a t e ; they t h i n k for a l o n g time
Sepia b e f o r e t h e y answer; they sit and close t h e i r eyes
O n the o n e h a n d t h e r e is the y o u n g - h e a r t e d , like Argentum nitricum; t h e y are averse to busi-
i n e x p e r i e n c e d Sepia, e.g. the Sepia child. ness b e c a u s e mentally u n a b l e .

They are loners and easily hurt like Natrummuriaticum, T h e b o d y shows s t a s i s - - p r o l a p s e of pelvic
but they do not want to be alone, they want somebody organs, varices, o e d e m a , flabby muscles, atony.
near them, though without deep contact, in a way like a She feels b e t t e r from v i o l e n t e x e r t i o n , danc-
Lycopodium, but for different reasons: Lycopodium ing, music, t h u n d e r s t o r m s , evenings, s e a s h o r e ,
hates responsibility out of a lack of self-confidence that occupation.
he tries to hide; Sepia feels safer when there is no
personal contact.
They are really talented in dancing, ballet, music, like Differential diagnosis
Careinosin. S o m e drugs in the rubric ' D i s a p p o i n t e d love'
Usually they are very busy, cannot rest when things t h a t m i g h t b e confused with the a b o v e are
are not in their proper place, like Nux vomica.
They have a fear of ghosts and can be very nervous
and excited, like Phosphorus, but they are not sympa- Kalium carbonicum
thetic, they are not worse when alone and do not seek T h e s e are p e o p l e w h o p r o j e c t t h e i r e m o t i o n a l
company the way Phosphorus does. life in t h e region of t h e s t o m a c h or t h e solar
This c a n c h a n g e into t h e s e c o n d k i n d of Sepia plexus:
d u e to o n e of t h e following causes: Fear arising from stomach, apprehension in stomach.
--Hormonal imbalance due to pregnancy, abortion, anxiety and aggravation from hunger, excited when
suppressed lactation, possibly use of the con- hungry, anxiety after breakfast, morose after eating.
traceptive pill. T h e y are extremely sensitive to t o u c h a n d
--Use of conventional drugs such as tranquillizers; noise:
Kent even quotes the overuse of homceopathic drugs.
--Modern mass-psychotherapy, where detachment, Fear and frightened from touch and trifles, sensitive to
loss of ego, giving up of sexuality, introspection are noise and voices, starting easily and from noise or
taught to unbalanced and immature people. It then touch, ticklishness (Barthel).
does not lead to freedom and heightened awareness
T h e y a r e also very sensitive to b e i n g ' t o u c h e d '
but to dullness and apathy. This is very dangerous for
Sepia because she already has such a tendency in her. inside:
--Bad emotional experiences, financial loss, noisy chil- Weeps after admonition, when remonstrated with, at
dren, too much pressure for sex by her partner. sad thoughts, when talking about her illness; ailments
from disappointed love, from bad ncws.
This o t h e r Sepia has a n a v e r s i o n for the o n e s
she loves m o s t , she could b e a t h e r c h i l d r e n , like T h e y h a v e a strange kind of a n t a g o n i s m inside
Nux vomica, likes h e r h u s b a n d m o s t w h e n he is t h e m s e l v e s a b o u t showing t h e i r e m o t i o n s to
away, is a v e r s e to sex a n d can n o l o n g e r achieve others:
o r g a s m ; very sarcastic in her r e m a r k s ; they Desire for company, yet treats them outrageously;
b e c o m e i n t r o v e r t e d a n d t a c i t u r n like Natrum desire for company but consolation aggravates and
muriaticum, n o t antisocial like Mercurius a n d indifferent in society; fears to bc ahme but fears crowds
Causticum; n o t i n d i f f e r e n t like Phosphoric acid; and fears people; desires to be carried but is averse to
no hysterical variability a n d o u t b u r s t s of passion being touched and very ticklish: she has delusions that
like Ignatia. she is calling someone (for help): shc has changeable
I n s e c u r e a b o u t t h e i r h e a l t h , w h e n riding, opinions and alternating moods: anger at absent per-
about money. sons, weeping without cause or without knowing why
(that is what they tell you!)
D o things t h a t are o p p o s e d to t h e i r i n t e n t i o n s .
N o l o n g e r h a v e positive feelings like joy, love, T h e y do show their e m o t i o n s in t h e i r sub-
p l e a s u r e , b e a u t y , c o m p a s s i o n , arts, orgasm. conscious, w h e n they d r e a m , a n d t h a t is why
T h e i r positive e m o t i o n s are as d e a d as t h o s e of t h e i r sleep is u n r e f r e s h i n g ; they d o not fall asleep
Phosphoric acid, b u t t h e i r n e g a t i v e e m o t i o n s are easily a n d generally have a n a g g r a v a t i o n at 2 or
n o t yet d e a d . T h e y can b e afraid, they can h a t e , 3 a.m. T h a t is also the r e a s o n for m a n y aggrava-
destroy, b e angry, sad, suicidal. tions in t h e m o r n i n g :
140 British Homoeopathic Journal

On waking anger, irritability, sadness, dullness, start- Hyoscyamus

ing, anxiety, rage. Here we are confronted with progressive
insanity, first showing itself in suspicion and jeal-
It is curious that the target organs of Kalium ousy totally without meaning and directed not at
carbonicum are excretory: lungs (asthma, bron- one person but progressively at all the world.
chitis, pneumonia) and kidneys (oedema). The early dementia can lead to paranoiac schizo-
phrenia when more and more hallucinations
Antimonium crudum occur and the grip on reality is totally lost. The
They are extremely sentimental people who are jealousy can be violent and lead to crime. When
affected by moonlight; after emotional hurts dementia is established exhibitionism may
they turn sulky; absolutely intolerant of contra- Occur.
diction; averse to being touched; cannot bear to
be looked at; irritable at trifles; indisposed to Nux moschata
talk about it. T h e y are inclined to grow fat (they They have fainting fits after emotions, like Igna-
eat their misery). tia, and their moods are even more changeable
than Ignatia (laughing alternates with weeping).
Cactus But they are easily differentiated by their typical
Sadness and melancholy lead to constrictive confusion; they lose their way in familiar streets;
heart symptoms and sometimes exophthalmic they feel as if in a dream; they have the delusion
goitre. of being double. Their memory has grown very
weak. They suffer from an overpowering sleepi-
Rana bufo ness. They get constipated with soft stools, like
Feebleminded persons with sexual derange- Alumina. They suffer from flatulent dyspepsia
ments make us think of Bufo, especially if there like Argentum nitricum. They have a grasping
is a history of convulsions. They have a tendency sensation in the heart, like Lilium tigrinum and
to bite objects. Prone to become alcoholics. Do Cactus.
not like strangers.
Helleborus Much more indicated in symptoms resulting
This is the situation after severe mental shock; from sudden pleasurable impressions like joy,
they seem to be unconscious, although they falling in love, surprises, beauty. Their physical
answer questions correctly. ~It is mental insen- senses are extremely acute--vision, hearing,
sibility, stupor. A lot of automatic motions like feeling pain, touch, taste, smell. They are agi-
grinding of teeth, chewing, picking at bed- tated and very nervous people, hypersensitive to
clothes, picking lips, rubbing the nose, rolling the least suffering. Quick, excitable, irritable.
the head, boring the head into the pillow. They They have a flow of ideas, it even makes them
sigh involuntarily, and lower jaw drops. sleepless. Excessive hunger. Increased diuresis.

Addressfor correspondence
Dr Guy Kokelenberg
Brugsken 221
2700 St Niklaas

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