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146 Dragons Are Wizards

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Dragons are Wizards' Best Friends

Some unfamiliar familiars for deserving mages

by David E. Cates

This article describes five unusual relatives of the faerie dragon. They
were created in my campaign to be "greater familiars," the familiars of
spell-casters of high levels who would find a normal familiar to be a
handicap rather than a benefit. However, I found myself planning adventures
and encounters with these creatures that had nothing to do with their being
familiars. My adventuring group was soon surrounded by quicklings wielding
lances and riding demon drakes, and later a group of shadow drakes set out
to prove which one was the greatest prankster - at the PCs' expense.

These familiars are intended for wizards and illusionists of at least

12th level. Since the spell find familiar is not among those first-level
wizard spells available to illusionists, some means must be found to let
illusionists acquire these familiars, such as the use of wish rings.
Deities might grant a favored cleric or druid an animal companion that is,
to all intents and purposes, a familiar. Certain spell-casting dragons in
my campaign world have used their own version of the find familiar spell,
and they acquire these lesser dragons as their own familiars!

Care must be taken with these familiars. They should not be allowed in
the game unless the wizards they bond with are able to protect and care for
them. They are not intended to be mobile spell-casting devices for each
spell-caster's pleasure, but they are generally powerful enough to survive
battles where high-level magic is being tossed around. If lower-level
wizards want such familiars, the familiars should be young, very young, or
perhaps even in egg form when acquired. It should be very rare for a very
old or ancient lesser dragon to become a familiar, as such dragons are the
patriarchs of their dragon-tribes and are necessary for the defense of their

In all cases, these lesser dragons have the same age categories as do
dragons, as given in the Monster Manual, page 29, but otherwise share none
of the usual characteristics of dragons unless so noted. Hit dice are
rerolled at each age level, rather than increasing the number of hit points
per hit die.

Crystal Drake

FREQUENCY: Very rare

MOVE: 9"/18" (MC: A)
HIT DICE: See Table 1
% IN LAIR: 20%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite and 2 claws
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Minor breath weapon, up to major spell use
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Spell immunities, magic resistance, high intelligence,
ethereal travel, special minor powers from eating gems, up to major spell use
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
SIZE: S (see Table 1)
CHANCE OF: Speaking: 90%
Magic use: 50%
Sleeping: 30%
LEVEL/XP VALUE: Up to VI/775 + 6 per hit point (maximum age and abilities)

This nomadic offshoot of the faerie dragon prefers caves and caverns in
uncivilized deserts for its lairs, but lone wanderers may be found in any
clime, especially near gem deposits. Some clans led by ancient crystal
drakes have found their ways into the plane of elemental Earth, where they
seek gems.

Crystal drakes are noted for their scintillating, crystal-like hides, and
some unscrupulous hunters trap and kill these wondrous creatures to gain
their skins. Crystal drake hides are popular in many lands and make
beautiful leather apparel that flashes and sparkles in the light. Even
lands that have outlawed the sale of crystal drake hides usually have buyers
for these illegal goods. An unmarred hide from a mature, adult crystal
drake brings as much as 1,000 gp. The crystal drake's hide is the prime
component of a robe of scintillating colors, but such hides must be
specially gathered and treated to be used for this purpose. The same hide
that causes these miniature dragons to be hunted also gives them an
unusually low armor class and immunity to many spells.

Though crystal drakes enjoy a good joke, they play their tricks only when
they will not bring attention to their lairs. They often spy upon a passing
group of intelligent creatures known to be carrying gems; if they satisfy
themselves that the creatures are safe to trade with, these drakes might
offer to trade gold and other items for jewels. This trading always, takes
place some distance from their lairs, as crystal drakes have learned to be
very wary of travelers - even friendly ones.

Crystal drakes can spit acid four times a day. They expel this acid with
great force and accuracy (gaining a + 4 to hit). This acid does double
damage against creatures or objects composed of earth, stone, or crystal
(see Table 1).

All ancient crystal drakes are known to have the ability to go ethereal
once per week, and they have the ability to transport up to four of their
clan members with them. These ancient drakes often use this ability to
travel to and forage on the plane of elemental Earth, as well as to escape
capture or worse.

Because of the nature of crystal-drake hides and their inherent magical

abilities, some spells behave in an odd manner when used against such a
creature. Color spray, energy drain, hypnotic pattern, lightning and other
electrical attacks like shocking grasp, and sunray spells are instantly
reflected back upon the caster. Magic missiles are reflected back to the
caster only if the drake makes a saving throw vs. wands, harming the drake
if the saving throw is failed. Eyebite, prismatic sphere, prismatic spray,
prismatic wall, and rainbow pattern spells have no effect on the drakes.
Light and continual light spells cannot blind them - however, these latter
two spells, if successfully cast on a crystal drake, blind anyone within 20'
who fails a saving throw vs. spells. This blindness lasts 2-12 rounds.

Only 50% of all crystal drakes have the ability to cast spells throughout
their lives. Fully 50% of these spell-casters choose to cast wizard spells;
20% become shamans of their lairs and have both cleric and illusionist
spells, like a multi-classed character. Another 15% cast only illusionist
spells, and 15% cast only druid spells. As they progress in age, their
spellcasting abilities increase, as shown in Table 2. Old crystal drakes
that have no previous spell-casting talents always develop the ability to
cast cleric spells as a 1st-level cleric. They gain one additional level of
spell-casting ability with each following age level, becoming 3rd-level
clerics at ancient age. Most spell-casting powers are taught by the elders
of each group of crystal drakes, through a teaching process that involves no
writing or spell books. Cleric and druid spells, however, appear to be
granted by an unknown power perhaps a demigod.

Crystal drakes are very fond of jewels, gems, and crystals. They each
have two cheek pouches, much like hamsters, in which they can store up to
four gems. Their senses of smell and taste are very keen, and they can
actually sense the presence of precious stones within 10'. Indeed,
crystals, gems, and jewels are a necessary part of a crystal drake's diet.
Each drake must consume at least 5 gp of gems per week, or its hide loses
its crystalline sheen and the powers associated with it. A crystal drake
loses one point of armor class per week without the diet of gems, down to a
minimum of AC 5. Once its proper diet is reestablished, it gains its armor
class back at the same rate. For each week without a gem diet, there is a
cumulative 25% chance that its spell-reflecting power will not function.
After one month without eating the required amount of gemstones, the crystal
drake's immunity to the spells given above is lost, and its hide becomes a
dull gray. Even if the specific spell immunity is lost, the crystal drake
still retains its natural resistance to magic.

Ingesting certain gemstones has strange effects upon crystal drakes.

They are aware of these effects and often carry some of these gems in their
mouth pouches for emergencies. For a gemstone to affect a crystal drake, a
minimum amount of that particular gem must be consumed. These gems and
effects are given in Table 3. Only one of these gem effects can be in
effect at one time. If a new gem is ingested before the effects of the last
gem is over, the prior effects are lost.

Crystal drakes speak their own language, their alignment tongue, and 1-4
other languages, as chosen by the DM.

Table 1
Crystal Drakes' Statistics

Crystal drake Hit Bite Claw Breath Base

age Length dice damage damage weapon AC
Very young 1' 1/2 1 0 0 7
Young 1'6" 1 1-2 0 1 6
Sub-adult 1'9" 1+3 1-3 0 1-2 5
Young adult 2' 2 1-4 1 1-3 4
Adult 2'3" 3 1-6 1 1-4 3
Old 2'6" 4 1-6 1-2 1-6 2
Very old 2'6" 5 2-8 1-3 2-8 1
Ancient 2'6" 5+ 3 2-8 1-4 2-8 0

Table 2
Crystal Drakes' Spell Abilities

Crystal drake Magic Wizard Cleric Druid Illusionist

age resistance level level level level
Very young 5% 0 0 0 0
Young 10% * ** *** ****
Sub-adult 12% 1 1 1 1
Young adult 15% 2 2 2 2
Adult 20% 3 3 3 3
Old 25% 4 4 4 4
Very old 30% 5 5 5 5
Ancient 35% 6 6 6 6

* At this age, the crystal drake may use four magic-user (wizard) cantrips,
as per Unearthed Arcana.

** At this age, the crystal drake may use four clerics' orisons, as per
DRAGON(R) issue #108, "Cantrips for Clerics."

*** At this age, the crystal drake may use four druidical orisons, as per
DRAGON issue # 108, "Cantrips for Clerics;'and issue #119, "Cantrips for

**** At this age, the crystal drake may use four illusionist cantrips, as
per Unearthed Arcana.

Note: All crystal drakes of sub-adult age or older are able to substitute
four cantrips or orisons in place of a first-level spell.

Table 3
Crystal Drakes' Special Gem Powers
Gemstone Min. gp value
type consumed Effect and duration
Alexandrite 100 Adds + 2 to saving throws for one turn
Amber 100 Grants immunity to disease for 3 rounds., or
cures same
Amethyst 100 Grants immunity to paralysis and poison for 1
turn, or cures same
Beryl 100 Improves armor class by two steps for 1 turn
Carbuncle 100 Allows use of polymorph self into dragon form
10x larger in size, once per week
Chrysoprase 100 Grants improved invisibility (as per the
Illusionist Spell) for 2-8 rounds
Coral 100 Grants immunity to insanity for 10 turns, or
cures same
Hematite 10 Heals 1-4 hp damage, up to four times per day
Jacinth 250 Grants a + 1 on all saving throws and armor
class for 2-8 hours
Jasper 50 Grants + 4 to saving throws vs. poison for 1
turn, or allows for a new saving throw at + 4
if consumed after eater was poisoned
Lapis lazuli 50 Adds + 1 to to-hit scores for 1 turn
Peridot 250 Adds +4 to all saving throws for 1 turn
Ruby 100 Adds + 2 to saving throws, and acts as a luck
stone, for 1 turn
Sapphire 250 Allows the casting of known spells only as if
one level higher, only once per day
Topaz 250 Creates a minor globe of invulnerability
around the eater for 1 turn

Note: See the lst Edition Dungeon Masters Guide, pages 26-27, for the
possible effects of other consumed gems.

Demon Drake
FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 9"/24" (MC: A)
HIT DICE: See Table 4
% IN LAIR: 25%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws and either 1 head butt or 1 bite
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon, up to major spell use
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Invisibility, fire resistance, magic resistance, high
up to major spell use
INTELLIGENCE: Average to high
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral, chaotic evil
SIZE: S (1-3' long)
Speaking: 90%
Magic use: 80%
Sleeping: 30%
LEVEL/XP VALUE: Up to V/400 + 5 per hit point (maximum age and abilities)

Demon drakes appear to be miniature red dragons with sharp, devilish

horns on the tops of their heads and fixed, evil grins. Females have orange
underbellies; males are red all over.

Demon drakes usually live near or in volcanic vents, but they can also be
found in caverns and many barren landscapes. Small groups of demon drakes
often associate with salamanders and lair nearby. Quicklings are known to
form alliances with demon drakes and ride them into battle.

Demon drakes are naturally resistant to fires, as per rings of fire

resistance. They can also use improved invisibility on themselves twice per
day, being able to attack and cast spells without turning visible.

The demon drake has two forms of cone-shaped fiery breath weapons. The
cone shape of the major attack form is 1/4" in diameter at the drake's
mouth, and it spreads out until it is 3' wide at its far end. The cone of
flame is 8' long; see Table 4 for damage statistics, which are based on age
(half damage is taken if the victim makes a saving throw vs. breath
weapons). This attack form may be made only four times per day. Demon
drakes may also breath a lesser amount of fire an unlimited number of times
per day. This minor breath weapon is only 4' long and 2' across at the far
end. Demon drakes are immune to other demon drakes' breath weapons.

Demon drakes are not really vicious in nature, but they defend their
lairs with great single-mindedness. In such cases, they attack as if they
had two additional hit dice, and their breath weapons do an additional 1-4
hp damage. Like the faerie dragons, demon drakes are infamous for their
practical jokes and go out of their ways to plan and execute them. However,
their practical jokes go beyond what might be considered funny or safe,
sometimes resulting in real harm to the victims.

Demon drakes able to use spells will employ illusionist spells, but as
they grow older, they gain a small selection of wizard and cleric spells.
Unlike their cousins, their spells are not selected only on the basis of
their mischief potential. Spellcasting demon drakes gain spells at the same
rate that illusionists do, each hit die equaling a level. One in 24
magic-using demon drakes is a lair shaman and gains both cleric and
illusionist spells at the same time, like a multi-classed character.
Spell-casting demon drakes also gain one first-level wizard spell at old,
very old, and ancient ages each. All demon drakes (even those that do not
normally use spells) gain a first-level cleric spell at ancient age,
including lair shamans, who have that spell in addition to their others.
Most spells are taught by the elders of the demon drake group, except for
the cleric spells, which appear to be gained from an unknown source.

Demon drakes also have unique spells that the elders of their race pass
on to deserving youths who manage to prepare and execute what are referred
to as "grandmaster" practical jokes. These practical jokes must be fairly
subtle and affect at least a small community of creatures or a single
creature whose innate power is such that the joke deserves merit. Creating
an illusion of human women bathing in cool water, tempting a hunter to wade
into lava, is a basic practical joke not worthy of grandmaster status. If
the "women" were actually female goblins, encountered on multiple occasions
by an elite patrol, the joke might be worth consideration.

Demon drakes sometimes kidnap and ransom elven, half-elven, halfling,

human, brownie, leprechaun, pixie, quickling, and sprite maidens. During
their time of capture, these maids are treated like princesses by the entire
tribe. The ransom demand might be a minor quest to benefit the tribe or the
payment of some valuable item the tribe desires. However, depending upon
their infatuation with their new "princess," the demon drakes might gift her
with treasures worth double the ransom they demand. It is an honor to be
kidnapped by demon drakes - at least, in the eyes of the kidnappers. They
allow the maid to leave after six months even if no ransom is paid. It is
considered an insult if they return the maiden prematurely.

Demon drake clans are located near some source of sulfur, hence their
preoccupation with lairing in or near volcanic vents. They must consume a
few ounces of sulfur every week, or their fiery breath weakens. After
several weeks without sulfur, the damage from their breath is reduced by
half (round fractions down).

Demon drakes speak a variant of the faerie-dragon language as well as

their alignment tongue. Most also speak salamander, quickling, elven,
leprechaun, or pixie. They have 120' infravision and excellent night sight.

The following are three unique demon drake spells. A young-adult demon
drake has usually earned at least one unique first-level spell, while an old
demon drake might have all three spells that follow, as well as others the
DM might create.

Pretty-Oops! (Illusion/Alteration)
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
Range: 0 CT: 1 round
Duration: Special ST: Negates
Area of Effect: 1/2 cubic foot
Explanation/Description: This spell may be cast upon small living
creatures or small inanimate obiects. If cast upon a living creature, the
creature is allowed a saving throw vs. paralysis, or it is paralyzed for 5-8
hours. Each hour after the fourth hour, the creature is entitled to another
saving throw. If the saving throw succeeds, the creature immediately
recovers. If still paralyzed at the end of eight hours, the creature
automatically recovers. A piece of wool, bird down, or similar item is
required for casting the spell.

When the spell is cast, the demon drake concentrates upon the illusory
form it wishes the object or victim to take. The form should be of the same
approximate shape and size of the object or creature upon which the spell is
cast. A poisonous snake might be transformed into a bejewelled dagger, a
hornet's nest into a sealed container, and a cockatrice into a sleeping lap

Should a creature or object with pretty-oops! be touched or take damage,

it automatically transforms into its original form. Detect illusion spells
reveal this magical disguise for what it is.

Slither-Hiss! (Illusion/Evocation)
Level: 2 Components: V,S,M
Range: 30' CT: 1 round
Duration: 24 hours ST: Negates
Area of Effect: 10'diameter sphere
Explanation/Description: Demon drakes use this spell to guard their
caverns from intruders. The spell is closely related to magic mouth but
with a twist. The material component of this spell is a lizard skin or
snake skin. The spell is able to discern between different creatures as
does the magic mouth spell, and can be programmed to activate against a
specific type of intruder.

When the spell is activated by an intruding creature, a rustling,

slithering sound is heard, seeming to come from farther inside the cave or
in the direction the intruder is traveling. This sound is discernible
whether the intruder is noisy or quiet. The sound is obviously that of
something large and serpentine. Each intruding creature is allowed a saving
throw vs. spells; those that fail to save become uneasy and catch glimpses
of something huge and foreboding in most every shadow and crevice. These
victims each fall prey to a spook spell 1-4 rounds later, if they remain
within the spell's area of effect.

Pretty-Boom! (Illusion/Evocation/Alteration)
Level: 3 Components: V,S,M
Range: 0 CT: 1 round
Duration: 24 hours ST: 1/2
Area of Effect: 10' sphere
Explanation/Description:The material component for this spell is a gem of
at least 1 gp value. When cast, the gem takes on the appearance of a gem of
10-100 times its real value. This enchantment lasts exactly 24 hours. At
the end of this time, the gem explodes with great force, doing 3-12 hp
damage to anyone within 5'. Those within 10' are allowed a saving throw vs.
wands; if successful, they take half damage. The explosion is based upon
force, not fire. The burst produces shrapnel-like shards capable of turning
a backpack, bag, or pouch into shreds while still doing damage to the bearer
of the item. If the gem explodes in a bag of holding or portable hole, the
item is destroyed, but the bearer of the bag or hole takes no damage.

The caster of the spell may dispel this spell before it explodes simply
by speaking a command word within 10' of the gem. Only the caster can so
deactivate the pretty-boom! gem, even if another spell-caster knows the
command word. Dispel magic works normally against this spell.

Alternately, the demon drake may choose not to have the gem explode.
Instead, the gem might evaporate into a stinking cloud, as per the wizard
spell, or might explode with a great noise but doing only 1 hp damage and
creating a 20'-diameter cloud of sulfurous smoke lasting one turn.

Table 4
Demon Drakes' Statistics

Demon Breath Breath

drake Magic Hit Claw Butt damage damage
age resistance dice Length damage damage* (major) (minor)
Very young 12% 1/2 1' - 1 1-4 1
Young 18% 1 1'6" 1 1-2 1-4 1
Sub-adult 24% 1+3 2' 1 1-3 1-6 1-2
Young adult 30% 2 2'3" 1 1-4 1-6 1-3
Adult 36% 2+3 2'6" 1 1-4 1-8 1-4
Old 42% 3 2'9" 1-2 1-6 2-8 1-4
Very old 48% 4 3' 1-2 1-6 1-10 1-6
Ancient 54% 5 3'3" 1-3 2-8 1-10 1-6

*Damage from biting is equal to the butt-damage value minus 1 hp, with a
minimum value of 1 hp damage.

Faerie Drake

FREQUENCY: Very rare

MOVE: 6"/24"/19" (MC: A)
HIT DICE: See Table 5
% IN LAIR: 25%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 claws and 1 bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2/1-2/1-4
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Minor breath weapon, minor spell use
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Magic resistance, invisibility, minor defensive powers,
minor spell use, spell immunities
INTELLIGENCE: Low to average
ALIGNMENT: Neutral, chaotic neutral
SIZE: S (1 1/2-2' long)
Speaking: 80%
Magic use: 100%
Sleeping: 30%
LEVEL/XP VALUE: Up to V/365 + 5 per hit point (maximum age and abilities)

The faerie drake is a close relative of the faerie dragon. It is

slightly larger than its cousin but has its own distinctive appearance and
abilities. Faerie drakes look like miniature dragons with striped or
spotted wings, prehensile tails, and a metallic sheen to their wings and
scales. Females have wing tips with a shade of color lighter than their
body color. Males have wing tips darker than their body color and also have
a stronger metallic sheen than females. The underbelly scale color denotes
a faerie dragon's age (see Table 5).

Faerie drakes have innate spell abilities that slowly increase as they
grow older. Only drakes of young adult and older ages have offensive
spells. Most prefer spells useful in their everyday lives (as selected by
the DM); such spells are taught by the older members of a faerie drake
group. Faerie drakes have been known to associate with and spy upon wizards
and druids, especially while the latter learn and cast their spells. It is
conjectured that watching such activities enables faerie drakes to learn
spells other than those they acquire early in life.

A faerie drake's body color reveals what sort of breath weapon and attack
immunity it possesses (see Table 6). The bronze faerie drake's repulsion
gas causes opponents to move away from the faerie drake for six rounds
unless they successfully make saving throws vs. dragon breath. The copper
faerie drake's slow venom causes victims to move and attack at one-half
normal unless they make their saving throw vs. dragon breath; this effect
lasts for six rounds. All other attacks do damage equal to the drake's hit
points, or half that if a save vs. dragon breath is successfully made.

The color of a faerie dragon's wing markings is related to its innate

magical defense, as shown in Table 7. These magical defenses often mimic
wizard or druid spells, but they come into effect at will.

Like faerie dragons, faerie drakes can become invisible at will. They
also have 120' infravision and very keen senses of smell. These drakes are
very fond of swimming, diving, and fishing; one can stay submerged and
active for up to three turns, or twice that if inactive. While submerged,
they move through the water with great speed and maneuverability. They are
even more at home in the air, being able to hover and dart about. Faerie
drakes are omnivores and enjoy fish, berries, and small-animal meat. They
usually mate for life. If encountered in a lair, there is a 10% chance that
1-4 faerie drake eggs are concealed in the nest.

Table 5
Faerie Dragons' Ages and Spells

Belly Magic Hit Mage spells Druid spells

color resistance Age dice C 1 2 3 C 1 2 3
Red 0% Very young 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Red-orange 25% Young 2+2 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Orange 30% Sub-adult 2+4 4 0 0 0 4 1 0 0
Yellow 35% Young adult 3 4 1 0 0 4 2 1 0
Green 40% Adult 3+2 4 2 0 0 4 3 2 0
Blue-green 45% Old 3+4 4 3 1 0 5 4 2 0
Blue 55% Very old 4 5 4 2 0 5 5 3 0
Violet 60% Ancient 5 5 5 2 1 5 5 4 1

Table 6
Faerie Drakes' Attacks and Immunities

Breath weapon's Breath weapon's Attack type

Body color type and frequency shape and dimensions immunity
Black Acid, 3x/day Line shaped, 1/2" x 40' Acid
Blue Electric bolt, 3x/day Line shaped, l" x 30' Electricity
Brass Fear gas, 4x/day Cloud shaped, see below Poison
Bronze Repulsion gas, 5x/day Cloud shaped, see below Electricity
Copper Slow venom, 5x/day Line shaped, 1/2" x 40' Acid
Gold Fire or chlorine gas, 3x/day Cone shaped, see below Fire and
Green Chlorine gas, 3x/day Cone shaped, see below Poison
Red Fire, 3x/day Cone shaped, see below Fire
Silver Frost cone, 3x/day Cone shaped, see below Cold
White Paralyzing gas, 3x/day Cloud shaped, see below Cold

Breath weapon notes:

Line shaped: This breath weapon starts at the creature's mouth and
stretches out toward the target in a straight line. Each type of
this breath weapon has its own diameter and range as shown.
Diameters are given in real inches.
Cloud shaped: This breath weapon billows forth from the drake's mouth
to form a 5' x 5' cloud, 2' high, around its target.
Cone shaped: This breath weapon begins at the drake's mouth (here,
the cloud is 1/4" in diameter) and spreads out to 3' wide at its end.
The cone-shaped cloud is 8' long.

Table 7
Faerie Drakes' Innate Defenses

markings Special powers Duration or level of abilities
Black Obscurement, 3x/day As per druid spell at 5th level of
Blue Blink, 3x/day As per mage spell at 5th level of
Brass Mirror image, 3x/day As per mage spell at 5th level of
Bronze Scare 3x/day As per mage spell at 5th level of
Copper Entangle, 4x/day As per druid spell at 5th level of
Gold Polymorph self, 2x/day As per mage spell at 7th level of
Green Regeneration, perm. 1 hp/six turns
Red Haste, 1x/day As per mage spell at 7th level of
Silver Gaseous form, 2x/day As per potion, with a duration equal
to the faerie dragons' hit dice in
White Control temperature, 3x/day As per druid spell at 6th level of

Shadow Drake

FREQUENCY: Very rare

MOVE: 9"/24" (MC: A)
HIT DICE: See Table 8
% IN LAIR: 25%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Major spell use, major darkness/shadow powers,
surprise bonus in darkness
SPECIAL DEFENSES: High intelligence, create darkness, astral travel,
magic resistance, major spell use, major darkness/shadow powers
INTELLIGENCE: Average to high
ALIGNMENT: Neutral, chaotic neutral
SIZE: S (See Table 8)
Speaking: 90%
Magic use: 30%
Sleeping: 40%
LEVEL/XP VALUE: Up to VI/750 + 6 per hit dice (maximum age and abilities)

The shadow drake enjoys dark caves and heavily shadowed, peaceful
forests. Sometimes one lairs near a group of pixies or brownies. Unlike
other lesser dragons, they do not avoid civilized areas, sometimes creeping
into cities at night. Their statistics are in Table 8.

A shadow drake has an unusual innate power. In darkness or heavy

shadows, it seems to merge with the shadows, becoming invisible even to
ultravision and infravision. This drake enjoys stealth and is almost
noiseless in flight, surprising foes five in six times if the area is in
shadow or darkness. This drake can attack from shadows or darkness without
becoming visible to prey. Its tiny talons are retractable and very sharp.
Shadow drakes have no breath weapons.

All shadow drakes have the innate ability to create darkness twice per
day as per the illusionist spell, except that such darkness lasts for 24
hours. They can also create a smaller area of darkness, as per the spell
except that it lasts only five minutes and is 10' across; this power may be
used at will. If cast upon a creature that does not make its saving throw
vs. spells, this spell blinds the victim for the spell's duration.

Once a shadow drake has access to an area of magical darkness (even

self-created), it can enter that darkness, wherein it can utilize other
innate abilities.

The first ability is to create a shadow duplicate of itself. This power

is like the illusionist spell shades, except that the type of shadow monster
created is an illusionary duplicate of the shadow drake without magical
ability. This shadow duplicate cannot be told from the original, as per the
illusionist spell mirror image. This power can be used but once per day.

The second ability is to duplicate the effects of the illusionist spell

demi-shadow monsters. There are no restrictions to this spell-like ability,
and any creature the shadow drake can imagine can be created. This spell is
always cleverly used to create a monster to cause the most disruption
possible. This power may be used twice per day.

The third ability available to shadow drakes while in magical darkness is

rope trick, as per the illusionist spell. The shadow drake can hide in this
extradimensional space for the duration of the spell, even if the magical
darkness is dispelled. This power can be used twice per day.

The shadow drake is a shy creature and often uses a shadow duplicate to
lure creatures away from its lair. Some shadow drakes have magical
abilities, having learned to cast illusionist spells from elder members of
their species (though some learn spells from gnome or human illusionists in
the vicinity). These spells are mostly defensive in nature but never
include spells such as color spray, dancing lights, and other spells that
create or involve light. See Table 8 for details.

Shadow drakes love beautiful jewels and go to any length to secure them.
They eat fruits and honey but often supplement their diets with small
rodents and insects. Shadow drakes look like small dragons of an ash-gray
color. While shy, they are also very curious and have been known to form
temporary relationships with gnome, elven, and human spell-casters. They
are particularly fond of illusionists.
Ancient shadow drakes gain the power to shift to the Astral plane and
back once per month. They can take no other shadow drakes with them.
Shadow drakes of very old and ancient ages are known to have one further
power, that of being able to dimension door from one area of magical shadow
to another within a one-mile radius.

Table 8
Shadow Drakes' Ages and Spells

Shadow drake Hit Magic llusionist spells (levels)

age dice Size resistance C 1 2 3 4
Very young 2 6" 10% 0 0 0 0 0
Young 3 1' 15% 1 0 0 0 0
Sub-adult 3+3 1'6" 20% 3 1 0 0 0
Young adult 4 1'9" 25% 4 2 0 0 0
Adult 4+3 2' 30% 4 2 1 0 0
Old 5 2'3" 35% 4 3 2 0 0
Very old 5+2 2'6" 40% 4 4 3 1 0
Ancient 5+4 2'9" 50% 5 4 4 2 1

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