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Iscovered Ore: N, W, R & M

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Discovered Lore



ta l e n t s

a nd


Warrior, Rogue & Mage

B y A nd r e w M o d r o
~ Supplement #4 ~


Andrew Modro
Michael Wolf
The Forge Studios, Pawel Dobosz and Maciej Zagorski. Used
with permission.

Discovered Lore is 2010 Andrew Modro. Some rights reserved.

All contents of this document (aside from the artwork) have been licensed under a Creative Commons BY~NC~SA 3.0 Germany license.

For more information check out and

Warrior, Rogue & Mage is Michael Wolf

Please note: this whole book may be freely copied and shared for personal use!

Catlings are bipedal felines the size of small

children. They are the result of a magical accident which transformed the feline familiars of
a group of wizards engaged in a ritual. Bright
and quick, catlings retain many of the personality traits of their four-footed forebears, including
mercurial affections, an independent streak, a
love for hunting and a seemingly inexhaustible
supply of good luck. Their natural claws and
teeth make them dangerous.

in thought, they record their history with ancient runes carved into stone.
Talents: Exceptional Attribute (Warrior),
Tough as Nails, No Talent for Magic

Simians are a race of intelligent primates who

reside deep within warm forests. They have
a strong tribal culture that relies primarily on
oral history, with their tales and ways encoded
Talents: Feline Weapons, Lucky Devil, Weak in chants and songs. Though smaller than humans, simians are incredibly nimble and quite
strong, able to move through the dense forests
by swinging from vines and branches and
The merfolk are a race adapted to living un- make use of their dexterous tails as additional
derwater. They resemble humans with gill- limbs. Simians are also very curious about anyslits on their necks, smooth greenish or bluish thing new, often dropping everything to invesskin, weedy hair and webbed fingers and toes. tigate some mystery.
Though capable of coming onto dry land for
days at a time, they must return to water every Talents: Exceptional Attribute (Rogue), Curiso often. Their beautiful cities are grown from ous, Prehensile Tail
coral reefs and surrounded by waving gardens
of exotic sea-life.
Talents: Breathe Water, Fish Swim, Dehydration

Sorcerors are members of an ancient bloodline

of mages who intermingled with eldritch nonhuman entities to gain some of their power. At
first glance sorcerors appear human, but they
are all marked in subtle ways -- odd hair colLegends tell of a band of mountain-dwelling ors, strange eyes, witch marks, fangs and small
humans who bonded so tightly with the mighty tails are just some of the many possible telling
peaks that they took on some attributes of the signs -- that make others uneasy and fearful
Earth itself. These eight-foot-tall giants have around them. Their inate talent for chanelling
the shape of humans, but are completely bald raw magical force makes them both useful and
and have skin the color of granite. They are dangerous to adventuring groups.
heavy, muscular and solid. Though they have
no magic to speak of, they are mighty warriors Talents: Blood Mage, Channeller, Outcast
capable of enduring any hardship. Deliberate

Deep in the wild exists a storied race of men and

women who run with wolves through the dark
of night. Whether by some ancient magic, quirk
of fate or dictate of the gods, werewolves have
the power to change into the shape of a powerful
wolf at will. The light of the full moon afflicts
them with an almost irresistable urge to adopt
their lupine shapes and run free.
Talents: Hunter, Moonbound, Wolfchange

Breathe Water: You can breathe underwater weapons; if you wish to use other weapons
with no hindrance.
you must take Dual Wielding for them first before you can take Double Attack for them).
Curious: When confronted with an object you
have never seen before, you must make a Chal- Fish Swim: You may move underwater at your
lenging (DL 9) Mage roll or spend at least the full normal speed without having to make rolls,
next minute investigating it. If you are attacked and you gain a +2 bonus to any rolls for swimor otherwise endangered while fascinated, you ming in difficult conditions.
may make an Easy (DL 5) roll to s nap out of it.
Moonbound: You must make a Challenging
Dehydration: You may spend a number of (DL 9) Mage roll when the full moon rises (three
days up to your Warrior score on dry land. Af- days out of every lunar cycle) or wolfchange
ter this time is up you must spend at least eight until the moon sets.
hours fully submerged in clean water (fresh or
salt water). If you do not submerge yourself, Prehensile Tail: You may use your tail as a fifth
you take 1d6 damage per extra day out of water limb. Though you may not make attacks with
that does not heal until you submerge.
your tail, you may use it to grasp and lift objects and to hold your weight from a limb, vine
Feline Weapons: Your claws and bite both do or other hanging surface.
1d6-2 damage. You do not receive any more
attacks than normal, but you may develop the Wolfchange: You may shapechange into the
Double Attack talent as if you had the Dual form of a large wolf at will. While in this form
Wielding talent already (only for your natural you gain a +2 bonus to all Mage rolls involving

your senses, but suffer a -2 penalty to all other

rolls involving the Mage attribute. You gain a
bite attack that does 1d6 damage. Any armor,
clothing or equipment do not change with you
and must be dropped. All other stats (including
HP and base Defense) remain the same.

Breath Pearl: A beautiful ocean pearl that,

when swallowed, allows the user to breathe
underwater (as the Breathe Water talent) for
three days. Once the pearl is swallowed, it is

per hour that cannot be healed until the mask is

taken off. The mask cannot be used by anyone
abnormally large or small (such as a mountain
giant, or a halfling or simian) unless it was specially crafted for a user of that size, and even
then it will not hide the users abnormal size.

Catfoot Amulet: A silver or gold chain anklet

with small charm in the shape of a cat. When Stoneskin Rune: A polished semi-precious stone
worn, it grants the wearer a +2 bonus on all marked with a rune of endurance. When inRogue rolls to move without being heard.
voked, it grants the user the Tough as Nails talent (damage taken from each individual attack
Mask of Thorns: This plain white porcelain is reduced by 2) for one hour. Once invoked,
mask is lined on the inside with small, sharp the rune shatters and cannot be used again. If
thorns. When worn, the thorns dig into the invoked by a character with the Tough as Nails
flesh of the wearer. While the mask is being talent, it has no effect, but still shatters.
worn, the wearer can appear to others as a
nondescript human of the same sex and build, Talestick: A two- to three-foot long stick an
hiding any obvious distinguishing features. inch thick, peeled of bark and rubbed smooth.
This means that while the mask is worn, if the When activated, this stick stores perfect recall of
user has the Outcast negative talent, the mask one story or set of information of similar length.
suppresses the penalty. However, while the Symbols and pictures appear on the stick related
mask is worn, the user suffers 1d6-2 damage to the information it is storing. Once the infor-

mation is retrieved, the symbols disappear and

the stick is e mpty, ready to be used again. Only
one story or set of information can be stored at
any given time.

tishes. When put on, it transforms the user into

a wolf as per the Wolfchange talent; the belt
shifts with the user. The user can change back
at will, in which case the belt falls off, ready
to be put on again. Werewolves will attempt
Wolf Belt: A belt constructed from the hides to kill anyone using a wolf belt, stopping at
of slain werewolves, decorated with bone fe- nothing.

These are example characters built as starting

PCs. They are given trappings appropriate to
their concepts, but have not generally spent
all their starting SP. These characters may be
advanced as the GM wishes to provide more
experienced NPCs.

Tough as Nails, No Talent for Magic

Trappings: two-handed warhammer, backpack

Attributes: Warrior 3, Rogue 3, Mage 4

HP: 9, Mana: 8
Defense: 7
Skills: Acrobatics, Herbalism, Lore
Talents: Exceptional Attribute (Rogue), Curious, Prehensile Tail
Trappings: carved stick hung with baubles and

Attributes: Warrior 1, Rogue 6, Mage 3

HP: 4, Mana: 6
Defense: 7 (+2 for leather armor)
Skills: Acrobatics, Awareness, Thievery
Talents: Feline Weapons, Lucky Devil, Weak
Trappings: dark leather clothing, belt and
pouches, tools
Attributes: Warrior 1, Rogue 3, Mage 6
HP: 7, Mana: 12
Defense: 6 (+1 for padded cloth robes)
Attributes: Warrior 3, Rogue 4, Mage 3
Skills: Alchemy, Daggers, Lore
HP: 9, Mana: 6
Talents: Blood Mage, Channeller, Outcast
Defense: 7 (+1 for shell chestplate)
Spells: Frostburn, Sense Magic, Magic Armor
Skills: Awareness, Lore, Polearms
Trappings: staff, dagger, scroll case with map
Talents: Breathe Water, Fish Swim, Dehydra- fragments
Trappings: short trident
Attributes: Warrior 5, Rogue 4, Mage 1
HP: 11, Mana: 2
Attributes: Warrior 6, Rogue 2, Mage 2
Defense: 8 (+2 for leather armor)
HP: 12, Mana: 4
Skills: Awareness, Bows, Herbalism
Defense: 8 (+5 for chain armor)
Talents: Hunter, Moonbound, Wolfchange
Skills: Athletics, Blunt, Unarmed
Trappings: Bow and quiver, belt and pouches or
Talents: Exceptional Attribute (Warrior), backpack, bedroll

contains six new playable races for your Warrior, Rogue & Mage
campaign. Smash your foes as a hulking Mountain Giant or explore the depths of
the oceans as a member of the ancient merfolk. In addition to that this book provides
you with new magic items and a set of sample characters that can be used as starting
player characters or as NPCs.

is a simple, lightweight roleplaying game that allows a group of players and

a game master to experience epic adventures in a fantasy world filled with wondrous
magic. This book contains the complete game rules, including character creation, combat, magic, equipment and monsters, as well as a complete fantasy setting, the Fallen
Imperium of Vaneria.


Roleplaying System

in phi
lanthropy we trust

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