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Republic of the Philippines


Basic Education
Catbalogan City, Samar
School Year 2020-2021

DLP No. Learning Grade Quarter Duration Date

Area Level
21 English 9 9 Fourth March 21-25, March 25,2021

Learning - Revising, editing, proofreading and publishing.

Competencies EN4WC-IVf-i-39-42
Key Concept/
Understanding to be - Revising, Editing, Proofreading, and publishing
Values - Truthfulness, Creativity, Reliability
Content - Revising, Editing, Proofreading, and publishing
Learning Resources - English 9 Self Learning Module,,
Learning Materials - Power point presentation, videos

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Good afternoon class! Before we proceed to
our new topic, let us first we will have an
activity. So, are you familiar with the game “Yes ma’am!”
called “4 pics 1 word?”

That’s good, because we will be playing that

game. So, I will be showing you the pictures
then you will guess the word that the picture
says. Now, let’s begin…
(The Student will answer)
(The teacher will show the first picture)

“Okay, before we proceed, let us first recall (The student will answer)
the topic we discussed last meeting. Anyone?
(Student will answer)
“What are Aphorisms?”
(Student answer may vary)
“What are some examples of aphorisms?”
“Okay, I am glad you still remember our last
lesson. Closer to our new lesson, lets us first
watch a video, take note of the information
that you will be seeing and we will discuss it
after watching the video. Is that clear?” “Yes Ma’am!”
(The teacher will play a video, taken from
YouTube, the video is about Revising and

“Okay so, we are now going to discuss our
new topic and it is related to the video that
you have watched earlier. So our topic for (The student will read the topic)
today is about, Yes _______...”

“Thank you! Our new topic is about

Revising, Editing, Proofreading and
Publishing…”(The teacher will ask question (Students answer may vary)
if the students have background knowledge
about the topic) (The student will read and give example)
“Let us first start with Revising, anyone
please read the definition and give example. (Student answer may vary)
Yes _______”

“Have you experience revising the essay that

you have written?”
(Student answer may vary)
“Based on what ____ have read, what are
then changes we can do during the revising
stage?” Yes ______”

“Here is an example of a revised draft”

(The teacher will present the example) (Student will answer)
“Who can cite the difference between the
two? “Anyone?”

“Yes that is correct”

(The teacher will add some example and
explain some of the examples)

“Here are some checklist for revising your (Students will answer)
essay”(The teacher will view the checklist
and let the students read it)

“So, do you understand Revising now?” (Student will read and answer)

“Let’s go to the next one, which is the

Editing, _______please read and share your
(The teacher will elaborate and cite some (The student will read)

“Next are the checklist for editing your

(Student answer may vary)
essay” please read _________”
(The teacher will discuss the checklist)
‘”Here is an example of edited essay, Anyone (The student will read)
please tell us what you observe?”
(Student answer may vary)
“The next one is Proofreading, ______ please
“What did you understand about
(The student will read)
“Okay, very well! (The teacher will discuss
(The student will read)
“We also have here some checklist for
proofreading your essay, kindly read

“Thank you,’’(The teacher will explain and

ask some examples from the students
regarding the checklist) (Student answer may vary)

“We have here, the symbols that are used

when you proofread”
(The teacher will present the symbols and
explain each of its use)
“Are you familiar with this symbols?” (The students will answer)
“Where did you encounter these symbols?”

“The last one is Publishing, anyone kindly

(The teacher will explain further, on what is

“After the discussion, I can notice that you
have already ideas on how to do the steps on
writing. So to test it, let us first have an
activity. Are you ready?”

A. Rewrite the sentences using correct

grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

1. I was desperate to Have this film

2. my gradfather commanded an entire
battalion during the war
3. It's a truism but 19th-century English
prosi is almost all good.
B. Choose and encircle the answer that
is a complete and correctly written

4. a. Destiny and Kaitlyn takes ballet

lessons on Wednesday.
b. When talking about your family,
it are wise to be discreet.
c. Earlier he spent 12 years in prison,
much of it in solitary confinement.
d. For Janice, revenge were sweetly.
5. a. The mammoth was larger than an
b. When you do you're homework,
omit questions 11, 15 and 19.
c. My dad had to get a permit from
the City of Dallas to builds a shed
in our backyard.
d. It was very interested listening to
the elderly man recount his
experiences during the war
C. Circle the word that best complete
each sentence.

6. Although you have disrupted the

class in the (passed, past), I will give
you another chance.
7. The rustlers were camped over the
(raise, rise).
8. Andy was not certain who (passed,
past) the football, but he guessed it to
be Frank.
9. The sailor used the sheave to (raise,
rise) the cargo.
10.In times (passed, past) many young
men ran away from home by going to
sea on whaling ships or

“Now for application, Identify the mistakes
in this document. Use the proofreading
symbols to correct the mistakes.

with the invention of the personal

computer and the Internet, a new age in
communications begins. now People could
communicate fastest and more easily than
ever before. Writing, editing, and storing
information became quick and easy. It was no
longest necessary to write draft after draft
when changes could be made so easily using
a word Processor program. Messages, could
now be sent in no time to anywhere in the
world, without addressing envelopes or
licking stamps

Century most early, around the year 1450

a similar revolution in communications had
occurred in Germany. this happened when
Johannes gutenberg invented the printing
press. gutenberg was not the first person to
use printing to copy a peace of writing.
printing was already being invented in China,
where they used clay to printoriental
characters. Small items, such as posters and
flyers, were already being printed in Europe
too, using the woodblock method of printing.
Books and other largest works, however,
were still being copied by hand… At this
time, books were usually produced only in
latin, and only the most educated people read
them. Gutenbergs' printing press was about to
change all of this.

“Now for your assessment, answer the
following questions.

1. Identify the sentence that uses

capitalization correctly.
a. Paul O’Neill and Bono toured
b. Paul o’Niell and Bono toured
c. Paul O’niell and Bono toured Africa
d. Paul O’Niell and Bono toured
2. Which of the following sentences is
punctuated correctly?
a. Happily we all ate, ice cream.
b. Happily we all ate ice cream.
c. Happily, we all ate ice cream.
d. Happily we, all ate ice cream.
3. Which of the following sentences is
punctuated correctly?
a. I am meeting Mr. Gordon on Tues
at 9:15 A.M.
b. I am meeting Mr Gordon on Tues.
at 9:15 A.M.
c. I am meeting Mr. Gordon on Tues
at 9:15 A.M.
d. I am meeting Mr. Gordon on Tues.
at 9:15 A.M.
4. Identify the correct verb for the blank
in the following sentence.
Pete Krebs and his band ____for their
tour of Europe later today.
a. Leaves
b. Leave
5. Identify the pronoun for the blank in
the following sentence.
Everyone should be able to fix ___
own car.
a. His or her
b. Their
6. Choose the best conjunction to
combine this sentence pair.
We can fly to Orlando. We can drive.
a. And
b. But
c. Or
d. Because
7. Identify the correct word for the blank
in the following sentence.
Irina made the job look so______
a. Easy
b. Easily
8. Identify the sentence that uses
capitalization correctly.
a. We went to Albany, New York to
speak to governor Pataki.
b. We went to Albany, new york to
speak to governor Pataki.
c. We went to albany, New York to
speak to Governor Pataki.
d. We went to Albany, New York to
speak to Governor Pataki.
9. Which of the following sentence is a
complete sentence?
a. Tuned the guitar.
b. Spoke at a rally.
c. Vic cooked rice.
d. Because the invitation was lost.
10.Which of the following sentences is
punctuated correctly?
a. When the sun reflects off the water,
it shines in my eyes, too.
b. When the sun reflects off the water
it shines in my eyes, too.
c. When the son reflects off the water,
it shines in my eyes too.
d. When the sun, reflects off the water,
it shines in my eyes, too.
11.Which of the underlined words in the
following sentences could be edited
without changing the meaning?
My friend thinks love is a basic and
fundamental human need.
a. My
b. Thinks
c. Basic and
d. Human
12.Which of the following sentence uses
active voice?
a. It was suggested that we adjourn the
b. Pedro was told not to worry about
making mistakes in his first draft.
c. The champagne for the anniversary
party was provided by the
d. Terry bough a very thoughtful gift.
13.Identify the correct word for the blank
in the following sentence.
His hand was _____ burned.
a. Bad
b. Badly
14.Identify the correct contraction for the
blank in the following sentence.
____ Maria have a car?
a. Don’t
b. Doesn’t
15.Which of the following sentences is
correctly punctuated?
a. Over the bridge. The wind is
b. The apple pie tasted good, so we
each ordered a second piece.
c. The television show, starred Erik
d. Green. My favorite color.

Prepared by:
Abegail O. Carpio
Student Teacher

Submitted to:
Francis Louis G. Froilan, LPT
Cooperating Teacher

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