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CMP With Reflection

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Module 2

Classroom Management Plan

Philosophical Statement

I am committed to making my classroom a safe and challenging environment that may engage
my students through the curriculum as well as getting to know them and interacting with them.
I believe that meeting the needs of my students is a very crucial part of my classroom. I want
them to be comfortable with the other students, as well as me, so that there can be meaningful
discussions and interactions. Talking will be commonplace in my classroom, along with group
work. I want to encourage all students to participate in class so that they can learn from each
other as well as me. I want to have a democratic and equitable classroom so that students can
learn. I want to be a fair as I can be, so the students trust me.

I feel that I have a very patient and calm attitude with my class. I ask students about their life
outside of class and feel that they respond in class even more, knowing that someone is paying
attention to them. I want them to feel comfortable asking questions of me. I think my attitude
towards the students is not overbearing or authoritative. I do not believe in forcing the students
to do anything. I want to work with them in all circumstances so that we can achieve together,
and they don’t feel like I am spoon-feeding them information. I want students to be a part of their
learning. I want to motivate students to learn and keep their interest by using engaging
curriculum. I want to involve students in rules about the classroom as well as what curriculum
they would like to study. I believe if students feel they are involved in the workings of the
classroom, they will be more motivated to engage in the class and in turn, learn.

Classroom Procedures

I want to be consistent with my students in terms of Classroom Procedures. I always want to have
the lesson objectives on the board so they can copy it down in their notebook everyday as they
walk in. On some days I hope to have a free-writing assignment so I can take role and they can
be engaged and working on their writing. I will use interactive notebooks so students can do all
homework assignments in the notebook as well as take class notes in the notebook and staple in
any handouts. The purpose of this notebook is to keep all class materials in one place so when
they go to study for a test, they are not looking all over for loose papers. In these notebooks,
students can show their creativity in designing a cover page for each unit as well as doing free-
writes or reflections to the lessons and central questions right in the notebook. I will go around
the room and stamp the homework each day it is due and will collect the notebooks every two or
three weeks to grade. Even if the student did not get the homework done, they may lose a point
because they did not have a stamp, but still has time to get the assignment done by collection
time. By stamping the homework and not grading it, it adds consistency to the classroom but
does not lead to negative feelings every day of having the homework graded.
I am still debating my thoughts on homework. I keep coming back to a philosophy of my
professor at Stanford who said that homework is a distinction between the "haves" and "have
nots." I believe this is the case because there is a clear line in my classes who does their homework
every night, who doesn’t and who even has a tutor to help with essays. I don’t believe in giving
homework for homework’s sake. I believe in giving out 2-3 nights a week of homework that
enhances what we are discussing in class. I will give my students the homework assignment at
least every week so that they can plan their weeks in advance. I want to give my students advance
notice to help them with time management.

In terms of wrapping up, I want to also have an essential question that the lesson is revolving
around. I believe the students will understand where we are going, and it leads to an effective
wrap-up at the end of class. I want to make sure I leave at least five minutes to wrap up the lesson
and reiterate the important points brought up that day. I will use different forms of assessment
to make sure students understand the information. Whether by passing out a half-sheet and
asking for "three points they learned today" to having a discussion around the main points. I may
give out an unannounced quiz but not have it graded so I can find out where students are at. I
would like to grade more on final essays that have drafts attached rather than standard tests. I
want to make sure my students understand the material as well as using higher-order thinking
skills to analyze, interpret or evaluate the material. I believe essays are more equipped to let the
students express their learning. I would also like to give out assignments where the students can
choose a medium to demonstrate their knowledge of a given subject or unit. By letting them
choose their way of showing competence, the students have another way to express their learning
and it will allow students that aren’t a high level of reading or writing a chance to use other
methods of creativity.

Room Arrangement

Walking through the door, students are hit with positive and comfortable classroom atmosphere
where they would feel safe in expressing their thoughts and ideas in their own way of expression.
I believe the set-up of a classroom has a big effect on student learning and I hope that my
classroom will be an environment that will engage my students in critical thinking, discussions,
and reflection.

No one will be left behind; the class enjoys the contact and expressions of everyone as they share
ideas. Students can "create knowledge, not simply absorb it from higher authorities," in the
classroom where personal experiences are shared and learned. I believe the circle of tables
encourages discussion and in turn, students learn from each other.

Misbehavior Interventions

Instead of focusing solely on the misbehavior of my students inside the class, I want to focus and
make emphasis on the good behavior and attitudes that they would exhibit. Encourage them and
guide them in cultivating positive attitudes and values then this misbehavior will surely be
lessened. On the other hand, I will see to it that positive reinforcement on the troubles my learners
may face that causes them in committing mistakes will be given.

I do not believe in giving punishments since for me improvement and active involvement will
always come with mistakes.

Classroom Safety

My ultimate goal is to establish and maintain a classroom atmosphere that is positive and
supportive so that my learners will feel safe and welcome. I want to create one with positive
student-teacher relationships. In diverse classrooms where many students come from different
backgrounds, my classroom environment will be the one where students can feel fairness and
equality. This I think will ultimately be a classroom where we respect differences and learn from
each other.

Classroom Management Plan Reflection

Classroom management is crucial for every teacher to have in a successful learning environment.
I believe that students need to be supervised and disciplined; students at this age need to be
guided in the right path. They are capable of self-discipline but need to be shown what the rules
of the classroom are and what is the expectation of the teacher. I believe that students are basically
good but that the environment around them influences them tremendously. If they maintain to
be engaged with instruction, then they will not have time to be disruptive and they need to be
led to behave appropriately. Students should feel that they are in a safe, nurturing and supporting
environment where they can learn. The rules in the classroom with its directives should be clear
for all the learners so that they will know and be guided accordingly.
Respecting one another will be an expectation in my classroom and there will be an emphasis on
this so that there will be no tolerance for being disrespectful. I view students as equals because
they are at school to gain an education and just like I expect them to listen and respect me I will
do the same for them. They will learn better and listen if I demonstrate that I care for their best
interest in learning. I do not believe that establishing a democratic classroom and giving students
responsibility is letting them take over the classroom because students will have their own
opinion, they are all unique individuals who not only learn differently but have a different way
of thinking and allowing them to have a say in their own learning is not letting them control the
classroom. It is the teacher’s responsibility to set rules and expectations in the classroom and
monitor students’ behavior.
Aside from the ensuring that the learning would take place in my class, giving emphasis on the
development of good attitude and proper values is also a must. Then, I also wanted to allow the
learners to grow and enhance their capabilities as an individual and as a group of varied
teenagers working together in a society to enhance their skills that would be beneficial for their
future paths. Living in a classroom should be a representation of living in a small community.
Hence, I would like also to make learning for my students more fun and lesser stress for them.
Making sure that having classes would not give them anxiety instead it is something for them to
look forward to most especially on the current trends of happenings on our teens now adays
where depression and mental illness is very rampant. I want them to be more at ease in being
inside the class with the whole class.
The goal of my classroom management is not to manage control of the class but to ensure that
everyone meets my expectations in order for them to learn in an effective and supportive
environment but to teach students self-discipline and to understand the rules and consequences
of my classroom by acting accordingly.

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