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My Classroom Management Plan

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Module 2 Assignment Part III


Classroom management plays an important role in ensuring quality education to learners.
With a well-planned classroom setting, everything will be organized and conducive to quality
learning. As a 21st century classroom teacher, I believe that careful planning will be an effective
way to meet the demands of the modern trends in education. Effective classroom management
will also make the learners more productive and enthusiastic in every classroom learning

As a teacher, my primary concern is to make my learners feel that they are well-loved
and respected in the classroom. I want them to feel that as their second home, the school will
provide them the love and attention they need. I will make them feel that they are all treated with
equal opportunities to learn and improve themselves, that they are involved in the workings of
the classroom so that they will be motivated to be engaged in the class. With this goal in mind, I
will make sure that the classroom will be a safe and supporting environment where they can also
develop their innate potentialities and abilities. My goal as a teacher is to develop learners who
possess the core values as envisioned by the Department of Education, MakaDiyos,
Makakalikasan, Makatao, and Makabansa. I also have a vision of developing learners who are
globally competitive, efficient, risk-takers, responsible, and accountable. To make everything
clear in the classroom, I will establish the rules and regulations to be followed by my students. I
will guide them so that they will always abide by these rules and they will develop discipline
among themselves.


When students have developed discipline among themselves, it will be easier for the
teacher to facilitate learning. But developing discipline among the learners is not easy for they
have different personalities, attitudes, and beliefs. To develop discipline, the classroom school
rules and regulations must be clear at the first week of the classes. I will involve my students in
making their own rules. With this, they will be more obliged to obey the rules they have made
for themselves. Formulating the rules is of course, with my guidance. I will see to it that the rules
formulated will be fair and not discriminating. Once the rules have been established and agreed
upon, I will post it in the classroom where my students can easily see it. I will also provide a
copy for the parents and have them sign the rules. I believe involving the parents in classroom
rules will be an effective way of initiating discipline among their children. When they know the
rules, they will be able to remind their children to abide by those rules. And when their children
disobey or misbehave, I will send letters to inform them about their children’s behavior.
Some of the rules I wish to implement, with the collaboration from my students include
being respectful not only to themselves and their peers but also in school properties. I want them
to observe punctuality in coming to school, in participating in different activities, and in
submitting requirements. I want them to be organized and systematic in classroom matters like
passing the papers, in going out of the classroom, and others. Also, it is also important that they
know how to avoid unnecessary noise especially during class discussions.

I will address misbehaviour problems as early as possible so that students will not feel
that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing because they are not reprimanded by the
teacher. I will use appropriate actions and language so they will not feel condemned and
discriminated. I will make them realize their wrongdoings, and remind them of the good things
they are doing in the class. This way, they will be enlightened that it is better to participate
actively in activities with good cause instead of getting involved in vices and other misbehaviour
problems. I want them to feel their worth as a student.

I would like to have a monthly conference with my students so that we may discuss some
issues and concerns within the classroom. This will give opportunities to my students where they
can voice out their ideas and suggestions to further improve the classroom settings.


Classroom arrangement must not hinder learning activities. It must have a positive effect
on the students’ interest in learning. I want to have a classroom that is well-organized,
comfortable, safe and stimulating learning.

I may not have an inclination to arts but I will make it sure that the classroom structure
and decorations are pleasing to the eyes of my students and onlookers. Posts in the classroom
may be simple yet informative. I will include posters for every subject area. These may include
vocabulary words, famous personalities, places and events, different maps, literary pieces,
numerals, different tools, musical instruments and others. I will see to it that the bits of
information I have there will be very useful in everyday learning activities of my students.

I will arrange classroom in a way that I will have an easier access to my students, and
they have easier access to the different learning materials we have in the classroom like books,
magazines, calculators, meter sticks, dictionaries and other references. I will always update my
bulletin boards with division memos, school activities, students’ achievements, and some
reminders. There will also a corner for ICT as we promote 21st century learning.
I will make the classroom conducive to learning by providing proper ventilation and
lighting and with functional facilities.


There will always be misbehaving students in the class and we teachers must know how
to deal with this effectively. Misbehaviour interventions must be done so that misbehaviour
problems will not lead to greater disruptions in the class. I will develop positive attitude in
dealing with these problems so my students will not feel that they are discriminated. As it is said,
“Condemn the sin, not the sinner.”
In implementing misbehaviour interventions, there must be an effective communication
between the teacher and the student. If there will be misbehaviour problem in class, I will
initially ask my student to talk to me after the class. I will not yell at him at the front of the class
for I know it is quite humiliating. As we talk, I will encourage him to open up and tell me about
the causes of his behaviour. I will make him feel as if I am his mother who is very much willing
to help him. I will make him realize the consequences of the interference he is doing in the class
and motivate him not to do it again. I will also ask him to sign an agreement and once he violates
it, I will call the attention of his parents.

On the other hand, I believe I can lessen or eliminate students’ misbehaviour in class. I
will teach them appropriate behaviour inside the classroom for they are there to learn and not for
anything else. I will emphasize the importance of knowing how to control one’s emotions or
temper and the possible consequences of not learning it. I will also designate them to some
classroom assignments. In this way, they will be inclined and focused in fulfilling their tasks and
there will be no possible opportunity for misbehaviour. By designating, I will also develop
among them the sense of responsibility and leadership. I will provide a classroom atmosphere
that is stress-free and not discriminating. I will also be consistent in imposing classroom rules
and routines. The most important is, as their teacher, I will be the model of good behaviour and
attitude among them.


As a teacher, my responsibility is not only to provide an environment that is conducive to

learning, but is safe as well. Students must feel that they are safe and secured so they may be
productive, enthusiastic, and engaged learners.

To develop a safe learning environment, I will see to it that my classroom is clean,

organized, and orderly in everything. I will develop it as a place which is free from distractions
and possible harm. As I have stated in my Room arrangement, I should have easier access to my
students. It must be easier for them to move around the classroom as their chairs were arranged
for easier movement and facilitating the lessons. The arrangement must also make it easier for
me to move around when supervising their works. It will also help me in the classroom control.

I will remove whatever may cause harm to my students, like broken legs of chairs, unsafe
electrical wirings, and others. I will post signs and warnings whenever needed.

I will also encourage my students not to be intimidated in participating in classroom

discussions and other activities. I will respond positively to their answers and express
appreciation so they will not be hesitant to participate. They will be active learners for sure.


The best part of being a student is being well-recognized for exemplary performance in
class. One they felt appreciated, they are more motivated to engage in active learning. As
teachers, we must know how to show appreciation even for the small things they do because it
means a lot to them. Appreciation and recognition may be expressed not only for good
performance in academic and co-curricular activities, but also for portraying effective leadership.
I will reinforce their positive behaviour and performance in class. I will give incentives so the
others will also be motivated to work hard.

I have included in my classroom arrangement a section or a part in my bulletin board

where I can post my students’ significant achievements and recognitions. These may include the
best cleaners, best in assigned area, perfect attendance, or any rewarding act that they have done
like returning a wallet they have found, helping a sick classmate, and others. It will include also
their accomplishments in school activities like having won first place in the essay writing, or
similar activities. I will give rewards to my students and their parents will also be recognized.

To boost their moral and be inspired more, I will announce their achievements,
accomplishments, or good deeds in front of the class. They will serve as models and inspiration
among their classmates.

Prepared by:

Flexible Learner, GURO 21 Batch 6

Noted by:


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