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The Modified Carbapenem Inactivation Method (mCIM) A Highly Sensitive and Specific Tool To Assess Carbapenemase-Producing and Non-Producing in Gram-Negative Bacilli

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Artículo de Investigación

Hechos Microbiol. 2022;13(2).

DOI: 10.17533/

The Modified Carbapenem Inactivation Method (mCIM): a highly

sensitive and specific tool to assess carbapenemase-producing and
non-producing in Gram-negative bacilli

Marlon A. Gallego , Lorena Salazar-Ospina , J. Natalia Jiménez

Introducción: Los bacilos Gram negativos productores de
carbapenemasas representan un problema de salud pública mundial,
debido a que el mecanismo de resistencia, en su mayoría, se encuentra
codificado en plásmidos, por lo que son fácilmente transmisibles en el
ambiente hospitalario. Se han propuesto muchos métodos para detectar
dicha resistencia, pero la detección sigue siendo un desafío. Recientemente,
el método de inactivación de carbapenémicos modificado (mCIM) ha
mostrado resultados prometedores; sin embargo, se necesitan realizar
más estudios. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, en este estudio se propuso
evaluar el rendimiento del mCIM en asilados de Enterobacterias y bacilos
Gram negativos no fermentadores resistentes a carbapenémemicos.
Materiales y métodos: A partir de una colección de aislados, previamente
caracterizados para la detección molecular de genes que codificaban para
carbapenemasas, se seleccionaron 100 aislados de bacilos Gram negativos,
52 no productores de carbapenemasas y 48 productores de carbapenemasas.
El mCIM se realizó de acuerdo con las directrices del CLSI. Para evaluar
el rendimiento del método se calcularon la sensibilidad y la especificidad.
Resultados: La sensibilidad del mCIM observada en este estudio fue del
96 % (46/48) y la especificidad del 96,2 % (50/52). La mayoría de los bacilos
Línea de Epidemiología Molecular y resistencia Gram negativos productores de carbapenemasas fueron positivos para el
Bacteriana, Grupo de investigación en
Microbiología Básica y Aplicada (MICROBA).
mCIM; adicionalmente, en los aislados resistentes a carbapenémicos no
Escuela de Microbiología. Universidad de productores de carbapenemasas (Enterobacterias y no fermentadores), los
Correo de correspondencia:
resultados de mCIM fueron negativos. Conclusión: En general, el mCIM proporciona una buena alternativa para la detección de bacilos Gram
negativos productores de carbapenemasas. Nuestros hallazgos destacan
Recepción: 10/07/2022. Aceptación: 22/09/2022 que el mCIM es un método sensible y específico para evaluar la producción
de carbapenemasas en bacilos Gram negativos no fermentadores y
Cómo citar este artículo: Gallego, M.,
Salazar-Ospina, L., Jiménez, JN. The Modified Enterobacterias como Enterobacter cloacae. Palabras claves: Resistencia a
Carbapenem Inactivation Method (mCIM): Highly
sensitive and specific tool to assess carbapenemase-
Carbapenémicos, Bacilos Gram negativos productores de carbapenemasas,
producing and non-producing in Gram-negative método de inactivación de carbapenémicos modificado, Enterobacterias, no
bacilli. Hechos Microbiol. 2022;13(2). DOI:
10.17533/ fermentadores productores de carbapenemasas, E. cloacae, P. aeruginosa

Gallego, M., Salazar-Ospina, L., Jiménez, JN.

ABSTRACT that are considered a last resort for treating infections

caused by Gram-negative bacilli [1]. Carbapenem re-
Introduction: Carbapenemase-producing Gram- sistance may occur through different mechanisms: the
negative bacilli are a worldwide problem, which re- production of hydrolytic enzymes such as carbapene-
present a health concern because most of their re- mases, and others like the overexpression of efflux
sistance mechanisms are encoded by plasmids and pumps, AmpC, and porin loss [2]. The carbapenema-
therefore easily transmissible in hospital settings. se-mediating resistance is a major problem because it
Many methods have been proposed to detect such re- is plasmid-encoded, and therefore easily transmissible
sistance, but screening is still challenging. Recently, the among bacteria in hospital settings [3]. Thus, the de-
modified carbapenem inactivation method has shown tection of such pathogens and the distinction between
promising results; however, more studies need to be carbapenemase-mediating resistance and resistance
performed. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the mediated by other mechanisms are critical for rapid
performance of the mCIM in carbapenem-resistant infection prevention and control measures [4]. Howe-
Enterobacteriaceae and nonfermenting Gram-negati- ver, distinction and screening are still challenging.
ve bacilli isolates. Materials and methods: From a Many phenotypic methods have been proposed
microbial collection with molecular characterization for the detection of carbapenemase production, inclu-
of carbapenemase genes previously conducted, 100 ding the modified Hodge test (disused), disk diffusion
Gram-negative bacilli isolates were selected: fifty-two methods such as the synergy test, biochemical tests like
non-carbapenemase-producing and 48 carbapene- RAPIDEC® CARBA NP, and lateral flow immunoas-
mase-producing isolates. The mCIM was performed says; however, each has its limitations and differences in
according to the CLSI guidelines, and to assess the performance related to sensitivity and specificity. RA-
performance of the method, sensitivity and specifi- PIDEC® CARBA NP has been recommended by the
city were calculated. Results: The sensitivity of the CLSI as a capture method; however, the preparation of
mCIM observed in this study was 96% (46/48), and the reagents required for this test is complicated, and
the specificity was 96,2% (50/52). Most of the Gram- the solutions cannot be stored for extended periods.
negative bacilli carrying a carbapenemase gene were On the other hand, although immunoassay is easy to
mCIM-positive. Moreover, in carbapenem-resistant perform and results are fast, it is expensive, and the de-
isolates that do not produce a carbapenemase (En- tection of carbapenemases is limited to the variants spe-
terobacteriaceae and non-fermenters), the results of cified by the manufacturer. One of the most commonly
the mCIM were negative. Conclusion: Overall, the used methods is disk diffusion, which is easy to use in
mCIM provides a good alternative for the screening the clinical laboratory and does not present higher costs;
of carbapenemase-producing Gram-negative bacilli. however, it has limitations with the detection of carba-
Our findings highlight that mCIM is a sensitive and penemases in non-fermenting Gram-negative bacilli,
specific method to assess carbapenemase production due to the presence of false positives in non-carbapene-
in non-fermenting Gram-negative bacilli and Ente- mase producer resistant strains [5–6]. Finally, molecular
robacteriaceae such as Enterobacter cloacae. Keywords: methods like PCR, also employed to detect carbapene-
Carbapenem-resistant, Gram-negative Bacilli. Carba- mases, face some problems because they can only detect
penemase-producing, Modified carbapenem inacti- known encoding genes, but these are increasing rapidly.
vation method, Enterobacteriaceae, Carbapenemase- Also, it could be more expensive as a daily clinical routi-
producing non-fermenters, E. cloacae, P. aeruginosa. ne test, especially in low-income countries [7].
Based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of a merope-
nem disk after the exposure to a carbapenemase-pro-
INTRODUCTION ducing stain and its consequent inactivation, the carba-
penem inactivation method (CIM) described in 2015
Carbapenem-resistant bacteria have become a world- [8] and its subsequent published reports have shown
wide problem, representing a major public health promising results detecting carbapenemase-mediated
concern due to their ability to inactivate antibiotics resistance [9,10]. On April 2017, the modified car-

Hechos Microbiol. 2022;13(2):21-27

bapenem inactivation method (mCIM) was published turbidity equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland standard was
showing greater sensitivity compared with the CIM, prepared and the surface of an MHA plate (BD BBL™
and is now recommended by the CLSI for the detec- Mueller-Hinton Agar or RemelTM Mueller-Hinton
tion of carbapenemase activity in Enterobacteriaceae. [11] Agar) was inoculated using the procedure for standard
However, more studies on non-fermenting bacteria disk diffusion susceptibility testing. The MEM disk
such as Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonas spp., and on was then removed from the TSB bacterial suspension
carbapenemase non-producing isolates still need to be using a 10µL inoculating loop. The loop was dragged
performed [12]. Therefore, the aim of this study was along the edge of the tube during the procedure to re-
to evaluate the performance of the mCIM in Entero- move excess liquid, and the disk was placed into the
bacteriaceae and non-fermenters. inoculated MHA plate, which was then incubated in an
inverted position for 18–24 hours at 37°C in ambient
MATERIALS AND METHODS. air. Regarding carbapenemase positive, negative, or in-
determinate mCIM results were interpreted according
to the CLSI 2017 guides [15].
Bacterial isolates and study population: To as-
Controls: The positive and negative quality con-
sess the performance of the mCIM, bacterial isola-
trol (QC) strains used in this study were K. pneumoniae
tes were selected from a microbial collection from
ATCC BAA-1705 (bla-KPC-positive by PCR) and K.
a previous study conducted at several tertiary care
pneumoniae ATCC BAA-1706, respectively. The MEM
hospitals located in Medellín from 2014 to 2016, in
disk control was also performed according to de CLSI
which bacterial identification and susceptibility tes-
ting were performed as well as carbapenemase de-
Statistical analysis: Sensitivity, specificity, positi-
tection by conventional and multiplex PCR using
ve predictive value, negative predictive value, and ac-
previously described protocols. [13,14]. A total of
curacy were calculated to assess the performance of
100 isolates were tested in this study; 48 carbape-
the mCIM results versus the gold standard PCR by
nemase-producing isolates including Acinetobacter
medCalc available online (
baumannii (bla-OXA-23-51; n = 12), Pseudomonas aeruginosa
(bla-KPC or bla-VIM; n = 12), and Enterobacteriaceae
(n = 24) such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca,
and Enterobacter cloacae producer of bla-KPC, bla-OXA-48,
bla-NDM-1, and bla-VIM carbapenemases. Fifty-two non-
carbapenemase producing isolates, including P. aeru-
ginosa (n = 20), A. baumannii (n = 3), E. cloacae (n = Carbapenemase-producing isolates
20; 16 of them HMT), K. pneumoniae (n = 4), E. coli Out of the 48 Carbapenemase-producing isolates, the
ATCC25922 (n = 1), E. coli-bla-CTX-M-G1 (n = 1), K. mCIM showed positive results in 46 isolates that were
pneumoniae-bla-TEM (n = 1),and E. coli bla-AmpC (n = 2). previously characterized with carbapenemase enco-
Modified Carbapenem Inhibition Method ding genes. The two mCIM-negative isolates were
(mCIM): From frozen (-80°C) stock, each isolate was K. pneumoniae and E. cloacae carrying bla-KPC-2/VIM and
subcultured twice on Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI). bla-KPC-3, respectively, for which the carbapenem MICs
Using a sterile inoculation loop, 1µL of the stain to be were low (IMP 2, MEM 4; IMP 2, MEM, 0,25 mg/mL).
tested was added into a tube containing 2mL of tryptic Moreover, all non-fermenters carrying a previously
soy broth (TSB; BD BBL™ Tryptic Soy Broth); the carbapenemase gene were mCIM-positive.
suspension was vortexed immediately for 15 seconds. The A. baumannii isolates inhibition zone was up
After, a 10 µg Meropenem disk (MEM BD BBL™ to 18 mm and almost all presented multiple small bac-
Sensi-Disc™ Susceptibility Test Disc) was placed into terial colonies growing within the zone of inhibition.
the suspension. The tube was then incubated for four P. aeruginosa was evaluated with inoculation loops of
hours at 37°C. Fifteen minutes before the four-hour 1µL and 10µL but no significant difference was ob-
incubation, a suspension of the indicator organism (E. served, overall non-fermenters showed an excellent
coli ATCC 25922, a carbapenem-susceptible strain) with performance (Table 1).

Gallego, M., Salazar-Ospina, L., Jiménez, JN.

Table I. mCIM results for carbapenemase producing isolates.

MICS mCIM (dia- MICS mCIM (dia-


Species ug, mL meter, mm) PCR Resistance genes ug, mL meter, mm)
PCR Resistance genes Strain N°
Strain N°
IMP MEM Meropenem IMP MEM Meropenem
Non-fermenters (n=24) Enterobacteriaceae (n=24)
Acinetobacter baumannii Klebsiella pneumoniae
AC1 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 15 + KL15 KPC-3 16 16 6 +
AH1 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 16 + KP58 KPC-3 16 16 6 +
AH4 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 18* + KH10 KPC-3 8 2 6 +
AP5 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 18* + KP24 KPC-2 4 2 6 +
AL1 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 16* + KH43 KPC-2 16 16 6 +
AL4 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 17* + KL49 KPC-2 16 16 6 +
AL9 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 6 + KP4 KPC-2 2 4 19 -
AH10 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 15* + KC4 KPC-2 8 4 6 +
AH6 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 16* + KC8 KPC-3 16 16 6 +
AP2 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 16* + KH7 KPC-2 2 1 6 +
AR2 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 16* + KH8 KPC-2 16 16 6 +
AR3 OXA-23, OXA-51 (ISAba1) 16 16 16* + CAR119 NDM-1 16 16 6 +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Klebsiella oxytoca
PH90 VIM 16 16 6 + CAR118 NDM-1 8 16 6 +
PP9 VIM, KPC 16 16 6 + CAR105 OXA-48 16 16 15 +
PC8 VIM 16 16 6 + Enterobacter cloacae
PR35 VIM 16 16 16 + ER2 KPC-2 4 1 6 +
PH15 VIM 16 4 10 + EH15 VIM, KPC-3 2 0.25 19 -
PL35 VIM, KPC 16 16 10 + EP5 VIM, KPC-3 1 0.5 17* +
PC16 KPC 16 16 6 + EP8 VIM, KPC-3 8 16 6 +
PH29 KPC 16 16 6 + EC3 KPC-2 16 16 6 +
PH67 KPC 16 16 6 + EH19 KPC-2 16 16 6 +
PL5 KPC 16 16 6 + EP9 KPC-2 16 16 6 +
PL25 KPC 16 16 10 + EL10 KPC-2 16 16 6 +
PR2 KPC 16 16 8 + EL38 KPC-2 16 16 6 +
ER14 KPC-2 16 8 6 +
(+) = positive; (-) = negative *presence of colonies within a 16–18 mm zone

Non- Carbapenemase-producing isolates isolates but non-carbapenemase producing yield an

Of the 52 isolates characterized as not carrying a car- mCIM negative result. (Table 2)
bapenemase gene, 50 were mCIM-negative. Almost
all non-fermenters that were non-carbapenemase Sensitivity and Specificity
producing isolates were mCIM negatives except for a The sensitivity of the mCIM observed in this stu-
false positive isolate belonging to P. aeruginosa. Regar- dy was 96% (46/48), and the specificity was 96,3%
ding E. cloacae, 15 out of 16 previously HTM Positive (50/52) for non-carbapenemase-producing isolates
(Table 3).

Hechos Microbiol. 2022;13(2):21-27

Table II. mCIM results for non-carbapenemase producing isolates. lates in the present study showed them to be very effi-
cient in the recognition of carbapenemase-producing

mCIM (%)

mCIM (%)
isolates, regardless of the initial inoculum. Likewise,

Non-Carbapenemase Molecular
Producer (n= 52) characteristic the present results also evidenced a good performan-
ce of the mCIM in isolates with different types of
P. aeruginosa (20) 1(5) 19 (95) carbapenemases, which may differ in their hydrolytic
A. baumannii (3) 0 (0) 3 (100) profile. We suggest that mCIM can be used routinely
E. cloacae (4) 0 (0) 4 (100) in the laboratory for the detection of carbapenem-
producing non-fermenter isolates.
E. cloacae HMT positive (16) 1 (6.3) Our study included isolates of Enterobacter spp.
K. pneumoniae (4) 0 (0) 4 (100) with MHT positive results and P. aeruginosa, both non-
E. coli (ATCC 25922) 0 (0) 1 (100)
carbapenemase producers. Our findings highlight that
mCIM is an excellent method with greater specificity
E. coli (HD13) CTX-M-G1 0 (0) 1 (100)
compared to previously used methodologies due to its
K. pneumoniae (HD13) TEM 0 (0) 1 (100) ability to differentiate true negative results. The use of
E. coli (BAE11) AmpC LAT-1 0 (0) 1 (100) more sensitive and specific methods in the clinical la-
E. coli (BEE25) AmpC MOX-1 0 (0) 1 (100) boratory allows for a better selection of the antibiotic
treatment since the presence of carbapenemases di-
Table III. Performance of the mCIM results versus the gold rectly influences the administration of the type of an-
standard PCR
tibiotic and dosage. In this sense, mCIM offers great
Statitistic value 95% CI advantages in microorganisms such as P. aeruginosa,
Sensitivity 96.00% 86.29% to 99.51%
which may present resistance to carbapenems due to
the presence of carbapenemases or by non-enzymatic
Specificity 96.30% 87.25% to 99,55%
mechanisms that include decreased permeability [25].
Positive Predictive Value 96.00% 86,02% to 98,94%
Many methods to identify carbapenemase-produ-
Negative Predictive Value 96.30% 86,98% to 99.20% cing bacteria have been proposed. The modified Hod-
Accuracy 96.15 90.44% to 98.94% ge test was recommended by the CLSI in 2009 as a
*Confidence intervals for sensitivity, specificity and accuracy are screening method for carbapenemases, but regardless
“exact” Clopper-Pearson confidence intervals.
of its advantages like being easy to perform and that
it does not need special equipment [16], this procedu-
re has false-negative results with mucoid colonies and
DISCUSSION problems detecting low carbapenemase expression,
especially difficulties with oxacilinase and metalobeta-
The results of the mCIM in this study show that it is lactamase-producing isolates [17]. Furthermore, it has
capable of detecting carbapenemase production not many detractors due to the disagreements observed
only in Enterobacteriaceae but to a greater extent, it is with some stains showing false-positive results with
an excellent tool to identify carbapenemase in non- hyperproduction of AmpC, porin loss, andbla-CTX-M
fermenters showing high concordance 92% (22/24) producing bacteria, especially Enterobacteriaceae isolates
for Enterobacteriaceae and 100% (24/24) for non- (mostly Enterobacter spp) [18]. Some variations of the
fermenters. Overall, the mCIM results display a sen- test have been proposed, especially for non-fermen-
sitivity of 96%. These results are in accordance with ters like P. aeruginosa, but none of them have shown
other studies evaluating mCIM, which showed low promising results [19].
false-negative results with a sensitivity up to 98.8% The Carba NP test was developed by Nordmann
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Despite the fact that other articles focus on Entero- tion (≤ 2 h). However, this method has a high cost in
bacteriaceae [23,24], the results of non-fermenting iso- contrast to other phenotypic methods [9]. The same

Gallego, M., Salazar-Ospina, L., Jiménez, JN.

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