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84847-Crypt of Crimson Stars 5e Conversion

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Designer: Mike Sixel

Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
Cover Illustrator: Unknown, all art from DMSGUILD.
Interior Illustrators: Unknown, all art from DMSGUILD.
Special Thanks: Keith Baker and whomever decided there
should be a contest for a new world back in the day.

Disclaimer: The designer of this template did not come up with a clever disclaimer, but felt obligated to format this template with it nonetheless.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the drag on ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Sixel Publishing and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Credits .................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents.................................................................. 2
Introduction .......................................................................... 2
What You Need to Play: ......................................................... 2
Two Versions of the Halfling Camp .................................... 3
Why two versions? ........................................................................3
On Balance and the Encounters ........................................... 3
On the Overall Plot ................................................................ 3
Encounters ............................................................................ 4
Encounter 0: Gatherhold ............................................................ 4
Skill Challenge: Gather Information About the Crypt .... 4
Encounter 0.5 Avoiding the Halflings on the Way In ........... 5
Using the Lake: ........................................................................ 5
Sneaking Around the Halflings ........................................... 5
Encounter 1: Halflings ................................................................. 6
Talking Their Way In ............................................................. 6
Original Version of Halfling Encounter ............................. 6
Optoinal Version of Halfling Encounter ............................ 6
Optoinal Version of Halfling Encounter 1.5 – We Caught
Up ............................................................................................... 6
Encounter 2: Halfling Campsite ................................................ 7
Original Version of Halfling Campsite Encounter........... 7
Optional Version of Halfling Campsite Encounter .......... 7
Encounter 3: Chamber of Monsters ......................................... 7
Encounter4: The Crimson Crypt ............................................... 8
Encounter 5: Keeper of the Shard ............................................. 9
Monsters ..............................................................................10
Monsters from the Basic Rules: ...............................................10
Monsters from Eberron: Rising From the Last War: ...........10
New Monsters: .............................................................................10
Art Gallery ............................................................................ 12

Crypt of Crimson Stars is a short adventure you can find in
Dungeon magazine issue 123. It can be played as a stand-
alone adventure, or as part one of a three-part series. I’ve
included two versions of the halfling camp, one based on
the original description, and one based on the art found at
the beginning of the adventure.

If you plan to run this as part of the trilogy, I suggest

reading all three to understand the overall plot. However,
that isn’t really necessary.


To use this conversion, you’ll need a copy of the original
adventure from Dungeon 123, June 2005.

You also need the Basic Rules, Monster Manual, and

Eberron: Rising from the Last War (Eberron Rising) for
statblocks not found in this book.

TWO VERSIONS OF THE In part two, Tophran sends the party to Xen’Drik to find
another dragonshard. In part three, the PCs use that to

HALFLING CAMP stop the villain from destroying Sharn (or at least part of
Sharn). If you aren’t interested in using those two plots,
I’d just run this as a stand-alone adventure.

WHY TWO VERSIONS? I don’t think much needs to change in the encounters /
discussions with Tophran, so I don’t supply any changes or
I have issues with the original version of the camp: suggestions for that part of this adventure.
• The map isn’t clear and is boring.
• I see no way to fight the scouts, and not have the camp There are three new encounters:
see it happen.
• The art at the beginning of the adventure is evocative. • Your players can gather information in Gatherhold to

In any event, I’ve included two versions of the halfling learn about the crypt.
• Your players can avoid the halflings by sneaking around
encounters. The first is what is found in the adventure. The
second gives the players more options and allows you to them.
use the picture at the beginning of the game to show your • Your players can pursue one of the halfling scouts if you

players what the lay of the land is. are using the optional version of the halfling encounters.

The key changes to the optional camp are: If you’d like, I have a conversion of Riding the Rails on
• The first encounter takes place further from the camp, DMsGuild, and you could use that as an adventure on the
so pursuit is possible. way to Gatherhold.
• The camp is laid out differently.


In the original adventure, the encounters with the
halflings are very dangerous. The write-up acknowledges
this, but I want to reiterate it. If the players end up fighting
both the scouts and the camp (even without the T-rex),
they are likely over matched. If the players fight just the
camp with the T-rex, they are likely over matched.

To counteract this, I offer a few options for your players to

avoid the halflings. Also, remember, if they find the secret
stairs, they can exit the crypt in an area the halflings are
unaware of, so they can avoid them on the way out.

In the trap area, I’ve set all the traps as setbacks, except
for the lightning bolt trap. See the Dungeon Master’s Guide
for trap rules if you’d like to make them more challenging.
I also offer some advice on running traps that the DM may
or may not find helpful.

In this conversion, we offer encounter options for two

levels of characters. Assume a party of five players.
Encounters are balanced for levels 5 and 7.


The adventure is part one of a three-part series. One of the
people hiring the party is bent on destroying Sharn.
Frankly, I don’t see any way that happens, given all the
power in Sharn. So, in the third conversion, I talk about
more “realistic” consequences if the party fails in their

It seems likely a party will try to gather information about
the crypt at some point.

You may want to have Tophran supply them with a map of

the area and let them decide their route. I have supplied a
rough map in the map downloads.

They may spend time in Gatherhold trying to get

information about the crypt (trying anywhere else yields
no results).


To successfully gather information about the crypt, the
players will need to spend at least two days and 150 gold
pieces on bribes and whatnot. Let your players use all their
skills and be creative in role playing this. Maybe they
investigate. Maybe persuade or intimidate? In any event,
each player must use a different skill each day, and roll 1
skill check per day. The DC to succeed is 14, 13 if the player
is a halfling, 10 if the player is a Talenta halfling. The table
below lays out what they learn:


Successes What They Learn
1-3 They fail and learn that the crypt is guarded
only by a few skeletons and that the safest
approach is form the south, as the lake is very
4-6 Mild success. They learn it is probably safer to
approach from the lake but are warned that
there is no safe route to the lake. Also, they
learn that their employer sent another group of
adventurers a few weeks ago, but that they
never returned.
7-9 Success: The players get a map to get to the
lake, though they still have no boat. In addition
to learning about the adventurers, they learn
that most crypts in this area have traps.
10+ Wow: In addition to what they learn from the
mild success or better, the party learns that
there is a halfling tribe in the area. They are told
where to find a hidden boat on shore. They are
told that at some point, the tribe will move on,
but the person they learn that from is not sure
how long that would take. The halflings
consider the area holy.

As discussed in the original, your players can avoid the To sneak around the scouts, the party must successfully
halflings if they approach from the lake. They can also move several hundred feet without being seen. Assuming
sneak around the halflings. they are trying to sneak, this should take 10+ rounds.
Describe the scouts as actively riding around, but not
looking super closely all the time. The area is filled with
USING THE LAKE tall grass and occasional shrubs and rocky areas, so the
party can crawl at points.
If the party approaches from the lake and has no boat….I’m
not sure how that works. How would they get close to the Have the players describe how they are using their skills.
cave without a boat? If you want to give that option, I leave Use of magic increases the likelihood of success
that to you. One option is that they hire someone to get (invisibility, making noises or light someplace else to
them to and onto a boat. That should cost at least 100gp if distract the guards…..). Each party member must use two
there are no halflings in the group. It’s up to you if the different skills, rolling once for each.
guide can be trusted or not.
One example of a skill other than stealth:
If the party got 10 successes on the first skill challenge, If the players use nature or perception, they can find a
then they have a boat, and they should be able to get to the rocky outcropping to hide behind.
cave undetected.
All DCs are 12 for this challenge.


Successes What They Learn
The party can sneak around the scouts and get to the lake if
1-5 They fail and the scouts see them.
you are using the original version of the map/encounters
and they are approaching from the South. They can then
use the lake as cover to get to the cave. 6-7 Mild success. One scout sees them and
investigates. If the players try to stay still and
Or, the party can sneak past the scouts and head to the hide, have each of them roll a Stealth check.
right and get to the cave from the right side if you are Oppose that with a Perception check by the
using the optional version of the map. scout. If all but one player succeeds, the party
stays hidden.
Either way, use this skill challenge. It is not easy to succeed
on this challenge because there are scouts actively 8-9 Success: The players get around the scouts
scouting. If the players wait, and attempt to move at night, without being seen.
reduce the DC to 10. Remember that the players need to be 10+ In addition to getting around the scouts, they
able to see in the dark to move. successfully cover their tracks if the players
think of that.

ENCOUNTER 1: HALFLINGS Passive Perception of 14 or more to see them. Otherwise,
they start the combat in hiding.

TALKING THEIR WAY IN The biggest difference is the map. That, and it takes place
further away from the camp than the original. It takes the
fleeing halfling 10 rounds to get to the camp, a round to
Instead of fighting, the party can talk its way in. As the convince everyone to come, and 10 rounds to get back. If
original explains, they won’t succeed if they mention they the PCs pursue the halfling that attempts to go to camp,
are looking for the Crypt. The players can talk their way to use the “We Caught Up” map for the encounter.
the camp with a DC 15 Persuasion check. Of course, getting
to the camp without a fight means they will face 11
halflings, 4-5 clawfoot, and a T-rex if a fight breaks out. DEVELOPMENT:
If the PCs don’t stop the fleeing halfling, the ranger and
ORIGINAL VERSION OF HALFLING three more halflings arrive after round 21 (no way the
ENCOUNTER battle goes that long). More likely, the ranger and three
halflings find the party on their way to the area and
confront them there.
This version of the encounter uses the “Original Halfling
Map” from the set of maps. Frankly, I have no idea how the
If the PCs stop the fleeing halfling and defeat the others,
other halflings don’t see any battle that takes place
they can try to sneak around the camp. If they go left, the
between the halfling scouts and the PCs, which is one
T-rex spots them. If they go right, everyone in the party
reason why I offer the optional version of this entire area
needs to succeed on a DC 13 stealth check.
of both this and the camp encounter.

I would not change the tactics of the halflings in this

encounter at all.

Level 5: 4 scouts from the Basic Rules and 5 Clawfoot from

Eberron Rising. Have the extra clawfoot come in from off The clawfoot can carry the halfling at 80 feet per round.
the map in round 2. The halfling can shoot its bow back at any pursuit but has
disadvantage due to the speed and shooting back. It keeps
Level 7: 4 spies from the Basic Rules and 4 Clawfoot. riding unless a party member is adjacent to it. In that case,
it engages in combat.
Use the “We Caught Up” map for this encounter. If the
If the PCs don’t stop the fleeing halfling, the entire camp party does not stop the fleeing halfling within 7 rounds of
arrives in 3 rounds. first being spotted, the camp sees the battle take place
between the party and the fleeing halfling, unless it takes
If the PCs stop the fleeing halfling and defeat the rest of place at night. In that case, the party has 1 additional round
the scouts, there is a 60% chance the camp sees the end of to stop the halfling before the camp sees it.
the fight, and they arrive in 3 rounds, or meets the party
someplace else on the map. They will be hostile if they saw
the party kill their friends.
If the camp does not see the fight, the PCs still need to
If the PCs stop the fleeing halfling and defeat the others,
sneak to the cave. If they go to the lake allow the two most
they can try to sneak around the camp. If they go left, the
trained to attempt DC 15 Stealth checks. On a success, the
T-rex spots them. If they go right, everyone in the party
party makes it to the cave unseen. If they do not go to the
needs to succeed on a DC 13 stealth check.
lake, there is no way to sneak to the cave.


Again, I would not change the tactics of this encounter. I
also would not change the halflings and clawfoots.

You come upon a group of halflings riding some kind of

dangerous looking reptile. They appear to be looking
around, scouting for someone or something.

Two of the scouts are hidden as they move through the

area. Unless the PCs are actively looking, they need a

ENCOUNTER 2: HALFLING As you come into the valley, you see cliffs on both the left

and the right side of the river, which is really a creek at this
point. The cliffs rise to over twenty feet above the creek at
some points. Tents appear on both the left and right bluffs,
As the adventure mentions, this encounter is not balanced. with two also in the valley. There is a huge sharptooth on
It is quite deadly. the left bluff. It looks like it could swallow two or three of
you at a time. If your map is correct, the crypt entrance
In theory the party could run for the crypt while fighting, should be near the lake on the right. Deep forest fills the
or before fighting breaks out. If they make it, the halflings land as far as you can see to the left and right of the small
will wait for them to come back out. valley.

If the party got here by talking and are escorted by a scout, The only change from the original version is the map. Of
use the DCs mentioned in the adventure. Remember, they course, this means that the party can’t sneak past the
are only allowed to stay for a few hours……If the party camp on the left, as the T-rex spots them. They may
leaves and says they aren’t coming back, the halflings attempt to sneak by on the right. As stated above, everyone
follow them for one mile before believing the party is not in the party must succeed on a DC 13 Stealth check to
coming back. However, the camp and scouts will be on succeed.
alert, and the DCs for sneaking past the scouts and camp

all rise by 2. The party will NOT be able to talk their way
back a second time.
In theory the party could run for the crypt while fighting,
If the party got here by violence, and are not escorted, they or before fighting breaks out. If they make it, the halflings
need to first succeed on a DC 15 Bluff to convince the will wait for them to come back out.
ranger they didn’t see or kill the scouts. Then they need to
succeed as above. If the party stays for more than 1 hour,
the ranger no longer believes they got there without
violence, because the scouts have not checked in.

If the party snuck by the scouts, and were spotted by the

camp, it is likely the camp won’t believe any story they tell. I’d change the DC for finding the tracks to 15. The only
Set the DC to 20 for Bluff, and then use the two paragraphs other thing to consider is to have there be a trap that was
above. not re-set somewhere in this chamber. Maybe add a
description of a sword jammed in a trap on one of the
If the party makes it to the cave without anyone in the columns. While the lightning scorching should be a good
camp seeing them, they must have made an effort to clue, I’d offer another that, “here be traps”.
conceal their tracks, or the ranger and the camp will set an
ambush for them when they exit. To succeed on concealing Level 5:
their tracks, the party must succeed on a DC 20 Stealth or
Nature check. One manticore from the Basic Rules and two gricks from
the Basic RSules is high medium, adding another grick
pushes it to hard.

This version of the encounter uses the “Original Halfling First option: use 2 manticores and three gricks.
Map” from the set of maps. Second option: use 1 red dragon wyrmling from the Basic
Rules and three gricks
Level 5: 6 scouts from the Basic Rules, a T-rex from the
Basic Rules, and the Ranger NPC found in the Appendix.

Level 7: Change the scouts to spies.

In theory the party could run for the crypt while fighting,
or before fighting breaks out. If they make it, the halflings
will wait for them to come back out.


This version of the encounter uses the “New Halfling
Campsite Map” from the set of maps.

ENCOUNTER4: THE CRIMSON Trap C: Trap C is set off any time Trap B is set off. Magical

blades appear in the marked squares.

DC 15 to find the lock on trap B.

The effect of deeper darkness on the room: Disable: Dispel Magic cast anywhere in the room, or fully
disabling Trap B.
The entire room is in shadow. The only light is from the Effect: Magical blades appear in the air and attack anyone
stars in the ceiling. No other light, magical or natural, in a marked square. +7 for 11 slashing damage. Rolling or
seems to affect the illumination here. jumping to another square reduces damage to 5.
Even creatures that can normally see in darkness
experience a shadowy room. PCs must make a Perception Trap D:
roll (DC 10) every time they attack. On a failure, the attack
has disadvantage. All Perception checks to notice the traps If a character somehow falls into the pit, it takes 11
suffer a 2-point penalty due to the shadowy nature of the damage.
Trap E: Trap E can be avoided by moving through the
Traps can be tedious at times. Here are some ways to make middle square (see DM map in adventure). I’d change this
them more interesting: to a pressure plate.

Allow the players to find the traps more easily. But, DC 12 to notice the depressed plate in the safe square.
make it harder to completely disable them, and have them DC 15 to notice the pressure plates in the other four
most often be partly disabled. squares.
Allow the players to hear a “click” just after they set off Disable: DC 20; partially disable:15
the trap and allow them to take an action to move/avoid Effect: DC 13 Wisdom save. Affected creatures are subject
the trap. They have to do something instantaneous, like to a Phantasmal Killer spell (duration 1 round, found in the
jump or roll or drop prone or raise a shield. Adjudicate the BasicRules). There is no way to avoid this by reacting to the
results depending on what they do. For example, diving to click.
the side might help with the lightning, whereas you are
better off raising a shield against Trap B or C (which would Trap F: A nearly imperceptible light beam crosses the
not help against Trap A). I would have them take less dangerous squares. There is a beam just above the floor,
damage if they choose (by luck mostly) correctly. and another three feet off the floor. PCs can go between the
layers of light on a successful DC 15 Acrobatics check.
Trap C is not well described. I’d say that blades appear in
the air, and attack anyone in those squares. Trap C can be DC 15 to see the light beams. DC 15 to see the source of the
turned off with a Dispel Magic spellS cast anywhere in the beams to disable them.
room. It is also disabled if Trap B is disabled. Disable: DC 20; partially disabled:15
Effect: Attack any square adjacent to the statue. +7 for 11
Characters can avoid Trap E by only using the middle slashing damage. Partially disabled traps do half damage.
square (see the GM version of the map for the square It is up to you how they can best avoid flying spears for
without an “E” in that row).Same with F….if they don’t half damage (or zero damage if it was partially disabled).
stand to the side of the door, they are safe.
Trap G:
Trap A: If the players even suspect a trap, I’d let them
notice a glimmer of magic in the trapped area. Other than DC 15 to notice the poison
Dispel Magic, disabling the device requires them to notice Disable: DC 20; partially disabled:15
something. Maybe there is a faint line from the arch to Effect: 11 poison damage. 5 poison if they partially disable
each pillar. Damaging that line disables the trap. the trap.
Remember, this trap is deadlier than the others..
Use the Cursed Spirts statblock in the Appendix for the
DC 20 Perception to find the lines. creatures. Keep the number at three. I think they goad
Disable DC: 24, partially disabled: 20. players by moving so the party needs to get into a trapped
Effect: 22 (4d10) lightning damage. DC 16 reflex for half square to get adjacent to them.
damage. If you allow them to react to the click and they do
something that makes sense, give them advantage on the Treasure: The corpses of the dead adventurers each have
save, and success results in only 5 damage. one magic item your party would find useful.

Trap B: Trap C is set off any time Trap B is set off.

DC 15 to find the lock.

Disable: DC 20; partially disabled:15
Effect: Attack any square adjacent to the statue. +7 for 11
slashing damage. Raising a shield or dropping to the floor
reduces damage by half.

Change the DC to find the secret door to 15. Keep the other
two DC levels the same as in the adventure.

Add a description of paintings on the walls. These

paintings are of a mummy and skeletal servants.
Destroying the paintings requires 25 points of damage to
each picture. Doing so eliminates the servants (if you use
that option for creatures). If creatures appear, they appear
between the party and the stone trap, and will get crushed
before the party.

The trap can be disabled by holding or wearing the

dragonshard and commanding it to stop. I suggest the
mummy’s eyes flare red and the shard glows brightly at
the end of round 1 to simulate the mummy activating the

Or, the trap may be deactivated by searching in the

sarcophagus (DC15) to find a switch. DC 20 Dexterity check
to deactivate the trap.

For the final monster, you can either use the statblocks in
the Appendix, or use a standard mummy and add more
monsters. If you do that, the undead come from the
paintings, and swarms drop from the ceiling onto the
players. I find it more interesting to have multiple
enemies, but the trap might make that a bad idea.

Level 5:
Option 1: 1 mummy from the Basic Rules, 2 swarms of
insects from the Basic Rules and 2 undying soldiers from
Eberron Rising. Change the alignment to evil and give
them a different description. These are NOT undying
soldiers, just something with the same stats. Remove the
extra damage to undead or fiends.

Option 2: 1 legendary mummy 5 from the Appendix and 1

swarm of insects.

Level 7:
Option 1: 1 mummy, 2 swarms of insects, 4 specters from
the Basic Rules.

Option 2: 1 legendary mummy 7 from the Appendix and

one swarm of insects.

As for treasure? Pick items appropriate to your party’s

makeup. Remember that the previous room now also had



Follow the links to DnDBeyond for the stats.

• Grick
• Manticore
• Mummy
• Red Dragon Wyrmling
• Scout
• Specter
• Spy
• Swarm of Insects (beetles)
• Tyrannosaurus Rex


• Clawfoot (page 289)
• Undying Soldier (page 311) (remember, these aren’

• Cursed Spirit
• Legendary Mummy 5
• Legendary Mummy 7
• Ranger NPC

Medium Humanoid, Halfling

Armor Class 14 Longbow+1. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, one target. Hit: 8
Hit Points 25 (3d8) (1d8+4) damage.
Speed 25 ft.
Shortsword Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, one target, 6 (1d6+3)
slashing damage.
12 (+1) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
Horde Breaker On its turn, the ranger can make another
Senses Passive Perception 12 shortsword attack against a different creature within 5 ft. of the
Languages Any language it knew in life original target if the creature is within 5 ft. of the ranger.
Equipment Longbow +1
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Hunter’s Mark. Once per short rest the ranger may mystically mark
an enemy as a bonus action. The ranger does 1d6 additional
damage to its mark with any weapon attack.

Medium undead, any evil alignment
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 11 (3d8)
Speed 30 ft.


7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (+-1)

Damage Resistances Acid, Fire, Lightning, Thunder: Bludgeoning,

Piercing and Slashing damage from non-magical sources
Damage Immunities Cold, Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened,
Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained
Senses darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Any language it knew in life
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move through other

creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5
(1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Cursed Aura. Enemy creatures within 5 ft. of the spirit suffer a -2
penalty to saving throws and skill checks.

Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) damage.

The mummy lord can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Medium undead, lawful evil options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
Armor Class 17 time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The mummy
Hit Points 67 (9d8+27) lord regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Speed 20 ft.

Attack. The mummy lord makes one attack with its rotting fist or
uses its Dreadful Glare.
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+4)

Damage Vulnerabilities Fire BLINDING DUST

Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Blinding dust and sand swirls magically around the mummy lord.
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks Each creature within 5 feet of the mummy lord must succeed on a
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of the
Paralyzed, Poisoned creature's next turn.

Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 14

Languages The languages it knew in life BLASPHEMOUS WORD (COSTS 2 ACTIONS)
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) The mummy lord utters a blasphemous word. Each enemy creature
within 10 feet of the mummy lord that can hear the magical
Magic Resistance. The mummy lord has advantage on saving utterance must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be
throws against spells and other magical effects. stunned until the end of the mummy lord's next turn.

Control Swarms (Costs 2 Actions). Ally swarms of the mummy

Multiattack. The mummy can use its Dreadful Glare and makes lord may make an attack against any enemy sharing a space with
one attack with its rotting fist. the swarm.

Rotting Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution
saving throw or be cursed with mummy rot. The cursed target can't
regain hit points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10 (3d6)
for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target's hit
point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body turns to dust. The
curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic.

DREADFUL GLARE The mummy lord targets one creature it can see
within 60 feet of it. If the target can see the mummy lord, it must
succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or
become frightened until the end of the mummy's next turn. If the
target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also paralyzed for the
same duration. A target that succeeds on the saving throw is
immune to the Dreadful Glare of all mummies and mummy lords for
the next 24 hours.

For the Level 7 Mummy, increase the hit points to 79.

Increase its rotting fist attack to +7 to hit, and add 4
bludgeoning damage, and 3 necrotic damage. Increase the
DC on saving throws against its abilities by 1.

A few pictures you can use, or not.


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