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Du'a For Studying

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Du'a before studying Allahumma infa'nii bimaa 'alamtaanii wa'allimnii ma yanfa unii O Allah!

Make useful for me what you taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me

Allahumma inii as'aluka fahmal-nabiyyan wa hifthal mursaleen al-muqarrabeen O Allah! I ask you for the understanding of the prophets and the memory of the messengers, and those nearest to you.

Allahumma ijal leesaanee 'amiran bi thikrika wa qalbi bi khashyatika O Allah! Make my tongue full of your remembrance, and my heart with consciousness of you.

Allahumma Oltuf bi fi taysiri kulli aseer, fainna taysirra kuuli aseerin alaika yasser O Allah! Make easy for me every difficult thing, with Your special favor and Kindness, for it is easy for You to make every difficult thing easy

Allahumma inni asaluka Ilman naafian, wa rizqan tayyiban, wa amalan mutaqabbalan O Allah! I ask You for knowledge that is of benefit, a good provision and deeds that will be accepted.

Innaka 'ala ma-tasha'-u qadeer wa anta hasbun-allahu wa na'mal wakeel (O Allah!) You do whatever you wish, and you are my Availer and Protector and the best of aid.

Al-hamdu_llilahi rabb_il_lamn wa sallahu ala saydin Muhamamdin wa al lihi wa sahbihi wa sallam. Nawaytu altaalluma wa talma wat_tadhakkara wa-tadhkr wa_ nafa wa_l_intif wal-ifdah wal_istifdah wa_l-hath ala_tamassuki bi kitbillahi wa sunnati_ruslihi wa_du il_al-hud wa_dallata ala_l_khayri wabtighha waj_hillhi wa mardtihi wa qurbihi wa thawbihi subhnahu wa tala

All praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. And salutations and greetings upon our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions. I intend to study and teach, take and give a reminder, take and give benefit, take and give advantage, to encourage the holding fast to the book of Allah and the way of his messenger, and calling to guidance and directing towards good hoping for the countenance of Allah and His pleasure, proximity and reward, transcendent is He.

Among the supplications that we have been taught to improve our understanding and aid us in our study is:

Ya Fatth, ya Alm iftah lan fathan qarban O Opener, O knowledgeable One, open up for us an opening soon.

Du'a after studying Allahumma inii astaodeeuka ma qara'tu wama hafaz tu. Faradduhu 'allaya inda hagati elayhi. Innaka 'ala ma-tasha'-u qadeer wa anta hasbeeya wa na'mal wakeel. O Allah! I entrust you with what I have read and I have studied. (O Allah!) bring it back to me when I am in need of it. (O Allah!) You do whatever you wish and you are my availer and protector and the best of aid.

Rabbi yassir wala tuassir wa tammim bil khair. O my Lord! make things easier, do not make things difficult. And let our affairs end with goodness

Dua's for difficulty/anxiety/distress Allahumma la sahla illama ja-'altahu sahla wa anta taj 'alu hazana etha shi'ta sahla O Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have made easy. If you wish, you can make the difficult easy.

Allahumma inni a'oodhoo bika minal-hammi' walhuzni, wal-'ajzi wal-kasali wal-bukhli wal-jubni, wa dal'id-dayni wa ghalabati-rajaal O Allah! I seek refuge in you from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being oppressed by men.

Allahumma rahmatika arjoo falaa takilnee ilaa nafsee tarfata 'aynin wa aslih-lee sha'nee kullahu, la ilaha illa anta. O Allah! It is your mercy that I hope for so do not leave me in charge of my affairs even for a blink of an eye and rectify for me all of my affairs. None has the right to be worshipped except you.

Hasbiyallahu la ilaaha illa huwa; alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul arshil azeem.

Allah is sufficient for me, there is no god but He; in Him do I put my complete trust, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne

Rabbi inni limaa anzalta ilayya min khairin-faqeer O my Lord! I am indeed needy of whatever good You may send to me

Rabbi Zidni 'ilman war zuqni fahman O my Lord! Advance me in knowledge and true understanding.

Ya hayyu Ya Qayyumu, bi-rahmatika astaghithu O Ever Living, O Sustainer, by Your mercy I seek help

Rabi ishrah lee sadri wa'ya sir lee amri wah-lul uqtadam mil-li saani, yaf qahu qawli O my Lord! Expand me my breast, Ease my task for me; And remove the impediment from my speech, so they may understand what I say

Alam nashrah laka sadrak, wawadaana anka wizrak, alladhee anqada thahrak, warafana laka dhikrak. fa inna ma al yusri yusra, inna ma al yusri yusra, fa-idha faraghta fa-insab, wa-ila rabbika fa-irghab "Have We not opened your heart, and relieved you of the burden which weighed down heavily on your back, and raised your voice? So, with every difficulty there is relief; indeed, with every difficulty there is relief. Therefore, when your task is over, prepare yourself and seek your Lord with all fervour."

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