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Dawat Al Ja'Ala by Ghous Ul Azam Qs

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Litany of the Invocation of Sublime Majesty

by Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir (sanctified be his innermost being).

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.
Bismi'llahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Rahim.

Note: After the recitation, you should pronounce the following solemn vow of

For the presence of the Supreme Helper and the venerated Cardinal Pole,
li-hadrati 'l-Ghawthi 'l-A'Dami wa 'l-Qutbi 'l-mu'aDDami 'sh-Shaikhi

Shaikh Muhyi 'd-Din 'Abd al-Qadir al- Gilani.

Muhyi 'd-Dini 'Abdi 'l-Qadiri 'l-Gilani.

May Allah sanctify his innermost being,

qaddasa 'llahu sirra-hu

and may He illuminate his mausoleum,

wa nawwira dariha-hu

and may He be well pleased with him.

wa radiya 'an-hu

May He grant us the blessed benefits of his many forms of knowledge,

wa nafa'-na bi-barakati 'ulumi-hi

and may He support us with his noble means of support,

wa amadda-na bi-imdadati-hi 'sh-sharifati

together with all the loving and beloved seekers.

ma'a jami'i 'l-muridina 'l-muhibbina 'l-mahbubin.


The litany reads as follows:

In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.
Bismi'llahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Rahim.

O Allah, I beseech You by the upright letter Alif,

Allahumma inni as'alu-ka bi'l-Alifi 'l-qa'imi 'lladhi

which has none preceding it,

laisa qabla-hu sabiqun

and by the two Lams, with which You have erased the secrets,
wa bi'l-Lamaini 'llataini tamasta bi-hima 'l-asrara

and the pair of which you have placed between the mind and the spirit,
wa ja'alta-huma baina 'l-'aqli wa 'r-ruhi

and have imposed upon them the sure covenant.

wa akhadhta 'alai-hima 'l-'ahda 'l-wathiq.

[I also beseech You] by the letter Ha', which encompasses

wa bi'l-Ha'i 'l-muhitati

the sciences of inanimate and moving objects,

bi'l-'ulumi 'l-jawamidi wa 'l-mutaharrikati

and of speechless beings and those endowed with speech.

wa 's-sawamiti wa 'n-nawatiq.

I also implore You, O Allah, by Your Supremely Splendid Name, which is:
wa as'alu-ka Allahumma bi'smi-ka 'l-'aDimi 'l-a'Dam:

He is Allah; there is no god but He.

Huwa 'llahu 'lladhi la ilaha illa Hu:

[He is] the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate,

ar-Rahmanu 'r-Rahim.

{He is] the King, the Holy One, [the Source of] Peace,
al-Maliku 'l-Quddusu 's-Salamu 'l-

the Safekeeper, the Guardian, the All-Splendid,

Mu'minu 'l-Muhaiminu 'l-'Azizu 'l-

the All-Compelling, the All-Sublime.

Jabbaru 'l-Mutakabbir. (59:22,23)
[He is] the Light, the Guide, the Originator, the All-Powerful,
an-Nuru 'l-Hadi 'l-Badi'u 'l-Qadiru 'l-

the All-Compelling, the One who radiated and so transcended,

Qahiru 'lladhi tasha'sha'a fa-'rtafa'a

and subjugated and so prevailed, and cast a glance at the mountain,

wa qahara fa-sada'a wa naDara naDratan li'l-jabali

so that it split asunder and Moses fell stunned by the shock.

fa-taqatta'a wa kharra Musa sa'iqan mina 'l-faza'.

You are Allah, the God Most Generous, Eternal and Everlasting,
Anta 'llahu 'l-Ilahu 'l-Akramu 'l-Azaliyyu 's-Sarmadiyyu 'lladhi

the One who never changes, and by whom our minds are perplexed.
la yahulu tad'hashu min-hu 'l-'uqul.

O Allah, I beseech You, by the secret of the secret,

Allahumma inni as'alu-ka bi-sirri sirri 'lladhi

which You have promised to the hearts of the people of remembrance,

huwa Anta wa'adta bi-hi quluba ahli 'dh-dhikri

in the hidden circuit of Your intimate knowledge,

bi-khafiyyi jawalani ma'rifati-ka

immerse me through contemplation, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,

bi'l-fikri 'ghmis-ni ya Allahu ya Allahu ya Allahu

in the ocean of Your lights, and fill my heart

fi bahri anwari-ka wa 'mla' qalbi

with Your secrets, and establish me in You and because of You.

min asrari-ka wa makkin-ni fi-ka wa min-k.

I implore You to grant access to the secret

wa as'alu-ka 'l-wusula bi's-sirri 'lladhi

by which our minds are perplexed, for one is baffled by its nearness.
tad'hashu min-hu 'l-'uqulu fa-huwa min qurbi-hi dhahil.

Atinukh Ba', Amlukh Ba'AlifYa',

Atinukhin Ba' Amlukhin Ba'AlifYa'

and Amn AlifYa' and Amn Mihyash

wa Amnin AlifYa' wa Amnin Mihyashini 'lladhi

of the One who owns the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth.
la-hu mulku 's-samawati wa 'l-ard.

O Allah, my hearing and my sight,

Allahumma inna sam'i wa basari

my private and my public self, my inner and my outer being,

wa sirri wa jahri wa batini wa Dahiri

all bear witness to Your Singularity,

yashhadu la-ka bi'l-Wahdaniyyati 'j'al-ni

so grant me direct vision of the Radiant Power.

ushahidu 'l-Qudrata 'n-Nuraniyya:

O Allah, He!
ya Allahu Hu.

At this point, you should appeal for whatever you wish to receive, [before
going on to recite]:

O He to Whom the appeal for help is made,

ya Man yustaghathu bi-hi

when there is no ordinary helper to be found,

idha 'udima 'l-mughithu

and to Whom the appeal for support is made,

wa yustansaru bi-hi

when there is no ordinary supporter to be found,

idha 'udima 'n-nasiru

and of Whom we avail ourselves,

wa yunfa'u bi-hi

when the doors of the dumbfounded kings are locked,

idha ghulliqat abwabu 'l-muluki 'l-murtajati

and the heedless hearts conceal Him.

wa hajabat-hu 'l-qulubu 'l-ghafila.

Tahfalush. It is pointless to hope for anything, except from You.

Tahfalushini 'nqata'a 'r-raja'u illa min-ka

The roads are all blocked, except those that lead to You.
wa suddati 't-turuqu illa ilai-ka

All expectations are disappointed, except those that depend on You.

wa khabati 'l-amalu illa fi-k.

O Helper, make haste! O Helper, make haste!

wa-Ghawth-ahu 'l-'ajal: wa-Ghawth-ahu 'l-'ajal.

[I am lost] if You do not answer my plea!

illa ajabta da'wati

And satisfy my need, and remove the veil from my sight!

wa 'qdi hajati wa 'kshif 'an basirati.

Three times.

There is no power nor any strength

wa la hawla wa la quwwata

except with Allah, the All-High, the Almighty.

illa bi'llahi 'l-'Aliyyi 'l-'ADim.

May Allah bless our master Muhammad and his family

wa salla 'llahu 'ala sayyidi-na Muhammadin wa 'ala ali-hi

and his Companions, and may He grant them peace

wa ashabi-hi wa sallama tasliman

until the Day of Reckoning.

ila Yawmi 'd-Din.
And praise be to Allah, the Lord of All the Worlds.
wa 'l-hamdu li'llahi Rabbi 'l-'alamin.


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