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Trends Cause Consequence

Online Shopping The SARS pandemic in late 2020 When shopping online, customers may
sparked a massive increase in both encounter difficulties with product
business-to business and delivery. There is a chance that the
business-to-consumer online products will be detoured, lost, or
marketplace platforms in destroyed. It could even arrive at the
Philippines. A reliable logistics system incorrect address.
is required to support online shopping.
Viruses are not immune to in-person
delivery. In the many delivery
companies and restaurants are
contactless delivery services, in which
things are picked up and dropped off at
a designated location rather than from
or into the hands of a person.

Distance Learning 191 countries had declared or Students are losing their education, their
implemented school or university mental health is failing, and we are losing
closures as of mid-April, affecting 1.57 the majority of our opportunities for social
billion students. To guarantee that interaction and progress.
education was not hampered by
quarantine restrictions, many
educational institutions began providing
courses online.

Vlogging Despite the fact that quarantine Some have accused the internet of
restrictions have considerably reduced promoting obsessions with unimportant
in person encounters, innovation has things like bad television...
taken the party online. Cloud parties
and internet concert streaming are
gaining popularity around the world.

Work from home The movement of employees working from Working from home has had a
home rather than in offices was one of the negative influence on our physical
most noticeable changes throughout the and emotional health, as well as
coronavirus period. This has ushered in a increased work
new era for businesses that have realized expectations and distractions, fewer
they can operate without having a physical communication with coworkers, and
location. lost productivity.

Telehealth While providing vital primary care, The following are the most likely: a
telehealth can be an efficient strategy to breakdown in the relationship between a
prevent the

development of COVID-19. Wearable IoT health professional and a patient; a

devices can monitor vital indicators. breakdown in the relationship
Patients can use chatbots to make initial between health professionals;
diagnoses based on their symptoms. concerns with the quality of health
information; and
organizational and bureaucratic challenges.

Eating healthily "Over 400,000 individuals have died Healthy eating also helps balance the
worldwide as a result of the Covid-19 hunger hormones, improves insulin
pandemic, the majority of whom had sensitivity, and maintains normal thyroid
'background diseases.' People have begun function, which aids weight loss and
to recognize how crucial it is to pay helps you live a healthy life.
attention to day-to-day health." "It all
starts with eating in a systematic and
healthy manner," says the author.
Vaccines Vaccines must be flexible in effort to fight Typical side effects include pain
future pandemics, so that each virus does at the injection site, fever, fatigue,
not have to be generated from scratch. To headache, muscle pain, chills and
prevent contagion, they require expedited diarrhoea
timelines. They also need to be more

Robotics and Drones COVID-19 offered a powerful push to People become unemployed and poor as
expand the use of robots and robotics a result of this. The price is very high. Not
research. Robots have been deployed to only do robots have a high upfront cost,
disinfect facilities and distribute food to but they also have a hefty maintenance
those in quarantine in recent weeks. expense.
Drones have been used to walk pets and
deliver packages.

Face Mask Face masks, such as surgical masks and Wearing a face mask may give people a
fabric masks, were used as a public and false sense of security, leading to a
personal health control tool against the decline in compliance with other infection
transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during the control measures such as social distance
COVID-19 and hand washing.

Face Shield A face shield is a piece of personal Face shields, on the other hand, might be
protection equipment (PPE) that is uncomfortable. Those who dislike masks
designed to screen the wearer's complete and are looking for a solution may be
face (or a portion of it) from risks such as dismayed to hear that face shields have
flying objects and road their own set of
debris, chemical splashes (in laboratories issues. To begin with, they can be
or in industry), and potentially cumbersome to wear, as Bearman points
contagious materials. out, particularly the shields that wrap
around the sides of your face to provide
maximum protection.

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